Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL 1 VOL. XXXIII. GOLD HILL, STOREY CO.. NEVADA AILY NEWS. : FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 31. 1879. NO. 4913. THE EVENING NEWfci rvblUbad vnn <Uj <»ond»y« •ze«p(«ll, TUB »«l ri'BUIUISitl CO. «-«»• N«r, ty Mall or Ixprwa 9* 00 ■Is Month*. SOU Tt>r«« MoatH......... • «0 P«llv««4 la ssvjnss^ dllTw Otlj Ohm, Dayton, Bntro. itc.. X TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER WEEK, PijriDU to Uo Clinm. our adyfrtIiwqTqenti. 0. W. OBiSI i ; Bam 10, Safe Dapoali OAOWIlf* AlLimT : : : : Cinoa City I W. M. Li.N'i. s . Empir* Cit) S. M. J&MI90X, B*oc 0. OHEJiOWETH. : : : Winn.mucc NRW TOU. 8. X. Prnwint A Co.,: t: 97 Park Bo» Oao. P. Row , •. A Co..: :: 41 Park Boa jped-aboUlderru old man, fci ld .« by a do>j which neemed to bate luted lor a year put, entered a Wood wd avenue butcber shop lbe other d*y, and the man made aouie inquiries ab <ut the price ot stocked hams. The butcher M* the dog, ol courae, and who ever m a batcher who didn't want to know •11 about • dog? "Is that a good coon dag? asked tbe butcher, aa he patted tha aby canine en the head. " Ob, no; be'a a trick dog," answered the owner. " la be? What can he do?" " Ob, a duen or two. He baa one Yery popular trick, though. Would you like to aee htm do it?" " I would that. Wh*t i« it?" Tbe man directed the butcher to put a pound ol nice beefsteak on a sheet ol clean, brown paper and place tbe whole on tbe dooratep. lie tbun said to hi* dog, which had watched matters very keenly: " Now, Cato, I am about to call upon 70a to perform a trick. You have ueerr gone back on me yet, aud I have perfect confidence in you. Cato, do yuu see that meat?" Cato aaw it. lie walked over to it, seized it in hia moutb, aud aa be went np the atreet it was bard to tell dog froiu dual. "Hum; yea!" muttered the butcher. "Do you call that a trick?" "I do," confidently replied tbe man. " Well it'a a blaated uitan one!" "Joat so, just so," said the man, "You couldn't expect such a looking dog aa that to be around playing trick* on a guitar or a jewabarp, could yuu? I'll Me yon later about tbe bams." fKOrriMOXit CARDS. I. A. IREWSTIR. M. 0., DENTIST, I Late of Hereon, Nevada), Has opened a* one* is vinonrtA City. An; one wt.htug euiwilor I eolal operation* ca t leet imim of obtaining Ibi aante at tile utBee. Waulecrowue of leriti bul.i •p eoyetiere in the u.oalh and xu.rantexl to eland tbe ie»t of time. I rn -gutem i-« correckd aod al! kinde uf plate wo<* eiecatcd la Uie very lateel and beet etyle. Mei ■ NO. 1 WITH C *T., VIltUINIA. (Oat. C and Colon ttreeu, near tatMoattonal.) J. U. HALL M. 0.. PHYSICIAN AND 8UNOION. nmoi AND RMDENCB — OPPOSITE V toe Maws office. Mala .treet, Oold U1U. SWni OR. A. CHAPMAN. IUROKON'OINTISTi IpROM MIV AO A cm. OtUFOR-MB JP ate Permanently located at Vir-®^^ flats City. Offlee. ISO SOUTH 0 itTHKKT. latlafacttna seanntewt. eeSO a NOTICI OF FORFEITURE. Town or Hold Hill. Ooaaty of Morey. • wte m Nevada. neptemher liih isT9. To S. K. Taoiirrox. Tmu WiluiI known or ankauwn own te : To* HO hereby thai I baee eipended Toar Mandiad 1>- I *r- In V. a. cold ran In labrr u4 InpruTvBMOto auon the II >Due OBICT cronod. op-'" "he tun>i» lode. lu tiio iy Id Utll M aine Dlat.lct la iba couly of Morey afo'aeaid. caring tbe yeare 1*11, l«7. lffi and tr». and r o>w particular!) deaenhe . M follow# town: ComawocliiK at tb<i eouth •nttUlof tb«»nro|a Mining Company ami runalna t'00( lb* lloo of the lode adtataara or 1M0 to a tub* and a eaaa^nt. toolbar wltb too tm t oo each aid - of lb« dla an e lo ratad. Tba bouodariea of tbla I. ca l a are aal oat aad lay aa foiu.wa: Momneaclait at tba abova-naaad auk-, tm uedta e y »«•' of the rallrvad track, aad rannlbi; from tbeaca o bl. b cropping* oa tba bill, aad from thaecaaloorf tba led* on a Una wltb the heavy bunch o» cropplat* oo th- brow of tba bill aooih of oar ■aatbwa boandary llaa. In ordar lo bold aa d audar tba pr>.»ia|..n« of H-ctlon UM ■lillad Btatutee of tba Untied Stataa. ol *bl.b yoar proportion, aa oan*r. of aa aadlvi<iad ooa-'ourtamtb later**! Id and lo aaid pram taaa. amounta to Twanty efcbl D. Ilara and nity-alaa Orate. aad If witbla nmriy dtya after tbla no1 ire by |abl|calloB <ou fall or re faaa to eoatrtbol* your propo rtion of aocb axpanditaret. aa co ow are. your lalaraat In aaM rlalaa will baroiaa >ba p-cperty of the aabarrlbar. under aaid »act on »i«. BtaNBTT H1MOX8. U T. O. addreae. (told Bill Na.ada. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. rpAxruiB* or ths town or gold A U LL— i aka Noll a.-That I ha»e received from tba Collector of Taxaa. and ba«a now In ■T banda, tha Dallaqaeat Liat. lor W7». 01 per aon* aad pr»par<r owiok tun In and lo aaid Town of OoH Bill: tba' at iba aiplr«tlon «.f tea da)a from the Aral publication ol tbla no Um. action will ba commenced In tba proper Court for I be anlorcemeM of tba collection of aaid dallnqaaat taiea aad tha t-n per cenlua and Iba 00.1 of adeertlaia* added therein. H. riTZ KIMMOKII. Town Attorney Town of Gold mil. Oold BUI. Oet bae It. turf n ■a Oaa make moaay taav-r at work for u* uiaa ■ at anytbln* alaa. Capital ao» required; wa will Kart yow. $11 par day at home made by mUMM. Km. Maa. boy. and rtrU htM. Maw la tba GK0CKBIK8, PB0Y1S10X8, KtC. V. LEMERY, mad ■•tall Oaalac to GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOWER OOLD HILL. LWATS ON HARD A IKLBOT AS SO AT i at Groceries and Provisions winbb ud Liqcou. TOBACCO u4 CIBABB, FLOOR tad CRAM. ■AKDWAKI mm4 CBOCBKBT. BBT BOOBB * TANK.KB NOTION* Faralahtaf Qooaa. ate. Alto rraob Oooda: PtUtt P«U flu, tolUwiu* rrraob Uooda: rvtlu rata nat, » ■ 1'tlall* llartoota Tarta, OUtm Parclaa, ipttfaoaa. >actoU fiw TraAaa. nnltaai talk . u.-fiitlM wUbiac to boy ta Iota to talc. i raah oa dallrarj, mar lad It to ttair ad aotad* to call la, aiamlaa Ik* fOOda tad la jolra of prtoaa. Uouda dailvand (M of chart*. — T.UMOT. F. W. F0L80M, ••la llml Bald Hill, (Saocaaaor to Boblaaoa k PolaomJ Wholcaala ud Bat all Oaalar la unwwBniEOi PROVISIONS, Bte. SOLI AQEXT IN OOLD HILL POK MRS. MILLS* CHAMPAGNE BAKING POWDKRf rpilK BUST Cf TO* MARKET-ONLT nqulrw half tho quatl 1/ of asy other kind. ^LL PARTIES IS9EBTED TO TBI LATE arm of ROBINSON A FUL80M in requested to CALL AND SETTLE ^IBEIR ACCOUNTS WITBOCT DEL AT. •nil »«v* coou. * GROCERY STORE RICHARD MERCER, FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON BAND AND FOB BALE CHEAP FOB CAaH. A Lvtt* A**ortn>cnt ol GROCERIES AND PKOVIbioNS dlrvct from th« OklifurtiU Kir k«U, euuprtnUif U> put: TEA*. HlUAR-S COFFEE, HPICE8, CAN KIt HIT. DMIBD FML'IT ■sYMlT-s OYMTKUM. KICK J-'l.tH'M, MI1'*! CAN DLIH, BUTT KM. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEST OF WINES AND LIOUORS AT WH jLESALI AND RETAIL. VEGETABLES AND FRUITBi IVOood* D«llT*r«d flM of Charg*. 1 m RICHARD MZRCER. FAMILY STORE. ALF. CAHEN, MAIN NT MEET, GOLD HILL, Opposite u* Mayaart Boaa*. Groceries, Provisions, Etc., wuolkhalb and met ail. BAULKY. BAT. OATH AND BRAN FO* HALE. FLOUR AND MEAL, CROCKERY AMP GLASSWARE. Th« Toy riant anoda of IMPORTED WINB8 A LIQUORS. WHISKIES, BRANDIES. ALE. ETC. CIGARS AND-TOBACCO. FRESH FISHAMO POULTRY, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables or ALL DKKK1PTIUH8 IT ALWAYS OR HAND. Knrriklac «l U«mI Cuk All arim filled promptly, aad poll dall» *r*.l fr®» at eharf*. 10 m A. OAHKN. J. 4 J. B. HALLOA, 0 Street, next to the teak of Call* (brala Bulldlar, VI KG IMA CITY, NEVADA, yyaOLUALS AND BiTiiL DIALZB8 Groceries and Provisions, CMkm ii4 WiUnwtw, Cfctaa Rmi m4 Frtatk Cat Olaa*, OU u4 CuIIn. rtoar u4 W—4, WINKS AND LIOUORS OCA* int «mUtr mIt. ■BAIVT, NIT iW lUIklT WIN* MISCELLANEOUS. GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT un amir. gold mix. Opposite VU'i Mm! llirlut MATT. M. BILLEIPIL PROPRIETOR. HAVMQ PURCHASED PROM O W. BALI * CO. all ibalr right. title aad UtaMt l> ud to tha abort ealebluhmtDt. 1 ahall ooutlniu lbs buflaaaa, and aolldt a lair ahato o( public AOENOT Or TU SAX 7RAXC18CO "Call" aid " Examiner.*' ALL TU LATEST EASTERN PERIODICALS, MABAZINES ETC*. To(«Oer vttfc a Laifa Variety of GENERAL READING MATTER, Novsurms, ETC, oo—tantly it hand tof d*llT«nd dally to an part* o< Gold Hill and UUrt City, Um <> akarx*. BT-8H1ET MU8IC. AO 15OT or TBI OOLO HILL DAILY NEW! Babecrlben received and the papar pronpt'T nred wbarmrdMtnd. Ulr# mea«all Mm* MATT. M. UlLLhSPIS. GOLD HILL MARKET Nul 4Mr la th*{N«wa Ofle* L. T. POX. - • • PBOPRHTOW At this market cam tlwtj* b« foond TBI OHOIOMT MUTTON. „„ """'VIAL AND MCNAOKN. Oar animals, bern* selected from the best OatHe Ranches la Nevada and California, an aluan healthy. PHJVATB FAMILIES AMD HOTELS wll. And It to their adraotac* to patronize thli Market, when they will always be snpnlled with t bo baal meet* the ooontrj can effort. RENDERED TALLOW, for mill and mlnln# porpoeee, constantly on hand. lira L. T. POT. TO FAMILIES, HOTELS, RFSTAURANTS AND THE COMMUNITY GENERALLY: T HI UNDERSIGNED BKQH LEAVE TO . notify tba peop e that from tbl* data for. ward he will eeli THE VERY BEST MEATS At the very lowest possible Agar* FvR CASH. To responsible peril's the nensl credit will ho extended at com spondtne prices, bat OAHli OUST MB US can bat ibelr Meats st 'be CENTRAL MARKET At lower prices than anywhere on the coast. MARK 8TROUBB, 14 Proprietor Central Market, Virginia. GOLD HILL BAKERY RE8TAURANT HAINSTRRKT OOL.D II ILL, Opposite the Eclipse Livery lublee, J. P. BICIIE. Proprietor. PUSH BBEAD. PIES, CAKES, AND BUI Rolls every day, delivered at the rwl dances of castomsrs. BREAD AT REDUCED PRICES. |W Pies and Oakee at rednced prices. Fancy or assorted Cakes made to order al short notice. The Haetaorant Department la the finest It the Mute. All kinds of Game, Poaltn eoti Freeh Flah and also Uyitore received and served no dally. a m THE CITY BAKERY, RESTAURANT. Coafsctloienr aid Candy Depot, Ne. JIT Nerth C Street, Vlrelale, OFFERS AN ELEGANT A8HORTM'NT Ol W HOLIDAY GOuDrt Tore. Oandlee, Orna. meota for Table. Ornamental, Frueted and Plain Ctkee of all kind*. d»*eriptloos and de sine, and at prices io salt everybody. A* we Import all ou goods direct from tlx ■ait, we can offer them auprlcee the eame e» I eharited In New fork, and at lesa than ear 1 Francisco ratea. %T Ornaments for Oskee a ip<dalty. FI1IMKUR • aBMBHI'ST, Proprietor 01U Bakery. Ho. IT North 0 street, Virginia. Nevada. U lm WOOD AND COAL DEPOT! -Mxrr pink. wtanoi una split pikx I A" ud other TerleUee of Wood, aud a full | eupplj of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL, On hand ud for aala it the LOWEST CASH I PK1CKH. 1 FULL WEIOIIT AND IHUtURl UUAKANTKKD. Wood tewed at ibort n"tloe ud it low nUt. OPPIOK-Mow K»tlro*<l Depot. Oold Bill. tSo TB >MA* OALLAOI1XK. I860. 1879. PIONEER LAUNDKY, NORTH OF VIRGINIA. 6. W. HALL, > • Proprietor. 01HI8 OLD-ESTABLISH KO AMD KKLL X »ble Lenudry !■ prrpervd to turn oat tnj quantity of Hei oveted and OImd Uo«d wiift oat betD« dwiiiMd oy auipnlattoa or ty chemical application. Packa«ee punctually called hr and re (•PPICKS-Tboodor* Wolfl'i Clotbln* Store, oppnelte International Hotel, O itreat, VIf ■Tote, ud Veeey Boom. Hold It'll. I tn THE PIONEER SHAVINQ A HAIRDRESSINQ SALOON ] O. POHL. PROPRIETOR. MAIN ITBirr, IMI.U HILL, Oppoalte Otboon'a Saloon. pLIilt TOWXLH AND «HARP BAZ0B8. \J M4 Smooth, NmU, liiewclaee Work. Hair Cutting ud Dreeetnc done tn lb* moat arttattc, agitable ud aatUfkctor; etjle. The old rtoceartUlooa la the place, ud deal '« Ul ■ BRICK! BRICK! mHOMAS GAlXAQdU 18 PRXPAHAD X to furmlah FIR8T-CLA88 BRICK, la M§ to nil. at low ratea. lard—OpfMlU Jill* llae, Tliflala. AB8ES8MIHT8 LITIID. Nubth M uurius luiaii coa. PaftY—L-catlaa or principal d1»o« ul baalnsM, Du Kr»ucuco California. Location of works. Virginia, won; const;, Mm<l Motico 1* horoby girtm. that at • m**tlng ot Um Bo.rd ot DirMtor*. hold oa tbs *l*r*atb (tub) tar Aiuoi'. lira, aa Mimaiat (Mo. 1) or Th (toi Omu par than ma lartad upon th* capital (tuck of tha corporation, l*rabl» lmmedlatatr, la United Vtataa gold coin, to tha ttaeraiary. at tha oflca of th* Ooapaar. 111 Plaa •mat. Ban rrandsco, Call tarsi*. An* itock upon which this snsssmsat shall r*tnslo unpaid on th* tw*ati*th <*xb) day of Stpumtur, um, wtU l»* Mleooant. and adrar tlx d for salt at paollc taction, and no last par mast Is msds bafor*. wlli b* sold oa f B OAT. lb* TBMTH (10th) day or OO.OB«n.lf», to pajr th* (Ullixiasat isiitoi, togathw with coats of s^rorUfn* and sxpsass* ot aaM. By ordar of US Board or Oincturt. T. B LDD.Om, a**r*lary. PtSTPOMJIBMT. Th* dajon whl.h a>a«*»ia»ut Wo. 1 on tha stock of said aompaur *kall baroma dslln q taut »as bj*n ponp iu*d t ■ WBDNKSDaY otoukk riri *»TH um, u4 th* day of sals has b**n p> slpoosd la TUUtUlDAY, MO V.MUItrt a.XiU. 18TB. Or ordsr oi th* Board ot DltMtoia. 0. M. QlLUtrr. SMtatarr. OOos-m Hanaoia* afcaat, Hwi • aad f, , California. lltd POSTPONE tIKNT. Th*darof dalloqaeucr of th« abor* namad iioik is barab/ postponed a alt KuMOaT, lb*third ,U| BSJ't >o»rmb*r, X8T» sad th* d*r »f sal* anf I WSO.NBiuAr. tbs twaolltth tBUtbl dsr oi NoTcmbsr, 1871. Br orJsr of ths tKwrd of Ulrac.ora. C. B. 01LLBTT. Srcraary. OfBc*—Booms • and 7. »o. 1U Hansoms sumi, dan riancloo, oalliornla. 1( New yobk hiking company. LocaLou of principal place of business, mi Francisco. California. Locatluu ol works, Uold Hill Dldrlat, atony oouuty, iitvsd*. Notice I* noreby given. that u a meeting of U>* Board ot Doctors. bald 01 Um l« my. wkouU it J) day 01 Ociob r, int. umnm ment (No. 30, of Thirty Cents (JOe) per share wu levied upoti the capital stock of tbe corpo ration, pajabl • Immediately, In Dnit d States «old coin, to tbe Secretary, at the office or tbe Oumpaai, Koora No. II. Buab street, Ban Francisco, Oallfurnla. lay aiock upon wblcb tblt avveevment vhall remaiu unpaid on the twenty fuarth il4th) da> of November, 187», w'il be delinquent, and advertised for sale at imbue aoction. and unlove varment Iv made beiore will be eold on TUK.-DAY, tbe alz eintb .Ktti) day of Deeem b. r. Ih7e, to pay the delinquent aaeeeemcnt, together with ooetv ot advertising and ezpenaee of vale. By order oi the Beard of Director*. O. L. THOMAS. Secretary# Office—Bnom It, Nu. *4 Bush street, txwm'» Ilotel Building, ban Franclaoo, Oallfor ula. 24-id TJLU MINIM* COMPvNT. — LOCATION of principal plats of bualnees, dan Fran cisco, Ca liorula. Location of woikv, Virginia Mining District, rtorey Cuuny, Nevad*. Nutloe le hereby given, that at • meeting of tbe Board ol Dlrectors.brldoa the twenty-four b day of beptauiber. lsTO. an a>sev«uw>nt (No. J) of Teu Cents per si>are was levied opon tbe cupltal stock or toe corporation, payable tuuueuiaiely. in United Blaise gutd com, to me Sw relar>, at the office of tbe Company. Hooni 4. No 403 California atreet, Han franclaoo, Cal ifornia. Any stock opon wHcb this assessment shall re mtlu unpaid on the t went).sev, nib day of Oc tober. lint, will be delinquent, and advertised (or sale at nubllo auction, and no see i«yment la madn before, will be sold on WBDNksDaY, tbe 1'Jib da) of N vember, 1KT9, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and exeonsee oi aale. By order of tbe Board of Directors. W. W baUhMaN, Secretary. Office-Koom 4, No. 409 California >tieet. San treacled i, California. M U Gkomi douola« HININO CO*. PA**.—Locaitjooirrliielpal juaoe of baa mesa San Piauclsoo, Oalliornla. Location of works. /lrgtnlA Mining District, Storey county, Nevada. ftotice la bereb ■ gi >eu tbai at a meeting of tbe Board of Director*,held on the iweuiyfunrth day ol Brpwmber, lHTV, an assessment (No. I) ol Ten Oenls per vbare was levied upon the cap llal stock of the corporation, payable mi ni ed lately. In United Btatee void coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Oompany, Room 4. No. 400 California atreet, San Francisco, California. Any stock npoa which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the twenty eevenih day of Ootober, ItfW, will be delinquent, atd adver tised for sale at pnbllc aoction, and nnlese payment Is mads befbre.wtil be sold oa TUUhS DAY. the thirteenth day of November. 1ST9, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with ooetv of adtertislng and expenses of sale. By of tbe B.ard of Directors. W W. BaIIbMaN, secretary. Office—Room 4. No. 400 Oallfornla aireet, San Franvlaco. Calltornla. 34 Id Mount hood imir« com. PaNT.—Location of principal place ol bualntes, San Prancisco. California. Location or works. Virginia Mining Dlatrict, itorev county. State ol Nevada. Notice Is here y given, that at a meeting ol tbe Hoard oi Directors, held on the twenty fourth day of September, 1ST», an avseeement (No. S> ot Ten Cente per share wsa levied upon the capital stuck of the corporation, payable Immediately, la United St.tee gold coin, to tbe secretary, at the <ffica ol the Company, Koutu 4, No <09 California (treat. Baa Fran cisco. California. Any stock upon which this asvevsment shall remain unpaid on tbe iw.nty sevsnh day of October, lim, will bo delinquent, and adver tised lor sale at pnbllc auction, and nnlees payment Is made before, will be sold on TUUnSi'AT, tni thirteenth da. of November, 117V. to pay the delinquent aseeesment, logeth er with costs of advertlaing and expenree of sale. By ordar of the soani of Directors. W. W. BAUSMAN, Secretary. Office -Room 4. No 4l9 Oallfornla street, San Francisco. California. 39 id 8*HI.1K NIXIN« COMl*ANY.—Loca tluo of principal place of bnelaeaa, San Pranclocu, California. Location uf work*. Virginia Mining District. Bt rey c. utity. Nevada. Noi Ira I* barb; given. tbat at a meetlnt of the Board or Dlree<ora, bald on the twaUy. lourtb da; or 8 piember. I87», an aaaeeement (No. <) ofTen Oente par tbare wa* larlad npon tha capital (lock of tba corporation, payable Immediately, In United Suttee void coin, to tbe -•ere tar j, at tbaofflceol tbe Com pan/, Knom 4, No. MJ« California stmt. ten r, Oal link Any atock npon which thla aaaeaament (ball remain nntiald ou tba twenty-oeventh day or October, 1ST*. wlU he delinquent, and adver Heed lor aala at pabllc auction, »nd unleaa pay ment le made before, will be told on WgD*IS DAY. tba i welltb day ot ho*a. bar. 11(1*, to pa; tbe delinquent aeeeeement, together with co«t» of advertising and expeneei ol aala. By ordet of tba Board <>l Direct ora, W W B U8M*N Breraury. Ofllce—"notn 4. No. 40V California atiaat, San Krarclacu. (Ullfunila. M Id M AI'HKT «»LO AND IILTH iii Ml -tnir Omnpany— catlc n of rnnclpai pike of bualn ea Han Krmncl e ■, California Location of worka, Vint tula Mining Dis trict. Storey ronnty, >evade. Notice I* hereby given, that at a meetlnr of the Bnard of Dlroctort. bald on the tad day of September, 187». an aaaeeement (No. 1) of Tea Oeuie oar ebar* waa lened npon the capital atock of tba corpora, tloo, payable Immedlataly, la United Mate* ?>ild coin, u> tba Secretary, at tbe offlca of tba Company, Ho m* II aad.4. eeoind door, ho .KM Oailtornle »ti*a«, Baa ►imnotao", Odlfornla Any atock npon which thla aaaeeement ahtU remain unpaid on the fftk day of Octo ber, 1879, will be dallooaetit. aao advertlaed lor Ml* at pabllc auction, tad onleaa pay ment I* made before, will ba *old on StTUBDAT. tba 1Kb dar of November, ins, to pay the dellnonent aaaeeement, together with coat* of ad*ertfeln» and expanse* or Mia. By order of the Bnarti of Director*. J. M. BCFTING> 01*. Secretary. Ofllea—Hoom> t and 4 aaoood floor, M Call* forsla Meet, MB franclsco. California. 14 td POATPONS HINT. The day on wblrb aees»«nsnt (No. 1) on tba atock of tba above ta.ued Company *ba>l be come delinquent la* been poet poor d to Wed. needay, November Mb, IKTI. and tbe day of aala ha* bean poetpooed to TUBkDAY, tba tweaiy. fifth (1Mb) (lay >'l November, lg7». By order of tba Board ef Director. 11 J. M. BUITINOTON, Bearetary. tCC A weak tn/ow own town, fll on tat 4>UO free. Nafhk. Reader, If yoa wast a baajaeai at whlab paiiai of aft bar an can SSSSJR."1 C"" ™" UW 1 IIITTTT I fn nnliil Mi A88I88MIIT8 1IY1ID. <NBNATID BUMOPA MIMIHW O Company -Location of principal place ot bails au Franclaco. (klUbnli. Location of worka, a to ray county, State of Nevada. Nonce la hereby (lrto. that at a meeting ol tba Board of Dinctort, bald on tbettb day ol April, law, aa aeeeaemtni 'No. 1) M Twmty. At* Omu par (ban waa Urtad apoa tba capital •lock ol tba corponuloo, payable Immartlilaly. in United dtatee (old ootn. to tba BeareUty, ai tba oOca of tba rmiipaij boom It, bo. Mu Montgomery abaa*. a>a Kmodeoo. MftH, Aay atoeb upon wblcb tbla aaeeaeaent auall remain unpaid OB tba Kb da; of Ma;, unv, will be ddlnqatnt, and adrartlaad lot eaiaal pabUo auction. and anlaaa pajniai la atada before will ba aoid on TUaMUAX. tba ITU day of May, WTO, to pay tba delinquent aaeeeameni, toolbar wllb ooeta of adreruaiag miH IXpfQIM of Hit, By order of iba B-«rd.of Director*. KIOHaKU B kuTKd, Baoratary. Offlce—Room II, Mo MO Mllliliaij itraet, baa iraaaaoo, Oailtomla. ltd POSTPONEMENT. At a maatlna of tba Dlractora of tba abort I 00B(IU>,. held on tba Bib day or May. MTV, Iba oata ot dtamlnx tt ok da.tnqneni for i meal Mo. 1 *aa poetponod io aATUK. AT, I MA V TWKNTI-r- .UhTM, 1»T», and tba da/ ol •ala to Monday. June t. un. By order of iba Board of Dlractora. ltd KiOlAlil) U. boYB* ~ POUT PON KMBNT. At a meating of iba directum of tba abort oompanr. bald on tba twanty-loaitb day ol May, 1179. 'ba data ot deeming atock delia qaant for amatamant No. 1. wa« furtn-r boat, ponad to WAOMbbOAir, Jona alaran b, WW. and iba day of »ale to •aTUmOAT, J ana twanty-altfblb, 1871. By otdar of tba Board of Dlrootora. it HIOUaUD B. NOXBB, I' At * meeting of lb* Board of Direct on of lb* above Oompaut held •>□ the 11th a»j of Jane 11T1, the dale or deeming nock delinquent lor a ««««m-ot No. 1 ra farther poe(p»ned <o FBIDAY, Jan* twenty fev.ntb. Ult. ud the dayof aalelo MO«uat, July fourteenth, lSTt. By aider of tbe B«rl uf i.iruciore. M BICdABu B. NjYIU, ttearetary. POSTPOnBJIBNT. At a meeting of tbr Board of Director* of tbt above Com pan; ■ aid oo tba *1 b day i f Jane. 1*19. the data of deeming dock de>inqn>ni lot ummmmt no J »>■ potipontd ta i l e-im*. lb* fifteenth diy of Jul), IH» aid tlx data of •ale to MATUttUAY, ibc eacond da/ of Augoat, MB iiy order of tbe B lard of Dlractori. 1 B.OBAN j B. hOYaB, aecratarj. PlMTPONB 1K.NT. At a mtatlng tba Board of Director* of the abova Oompao), bald oo the Mth day of Jaly. I(11, tba data of deeming mock delinquent lor aa»ee»u.eni No. 1 waa poelpuned ta rUURa i A i. tba thirty Srat day of July, 1*19. and tba da) of rale lo MuNjjai, tba eighteenth day of augu-t. lalt. by order of tba Board ofDIrectora. jylT td AlUiUttD B. AOYBa, Becratary. w1 KNT COatTOCK GOLD ARB f , BILVEti MINING COMPANY. Location of principal placa of builnaaa, Saa Prandaoo. California. IsYailon or Worka, Oold Bill and Virginia Oliy Mlnli.g Dl»irlcl« Notice la hereby given. that at a meeting of tba Board of Director., bald on tba Utb day of heptember, 1171, an a»»aaement (bo. It of Ten Centa txrr abara waa levied upon tba aapltal atock of tba co porailon, payaola tnina* dlalaly, to United BIAtee K< <ld coin, to tba Becie tary. it tba < fflce of tba Company, Bona M. 00 Montgomery atnat, Han Franctaco, Oailfcr ma. Anr atock upon wblcb tbla aaaaaamaat aball remain nnpald on tba Twentieth day of Oco bar, 1ST*, will be dallnqnant, and advertleed lor aala at public anctlou. and nnleaa payment la mada Dcfora. will ba told on MONDAY, tba lOtb day oi November, pay tba dells> qnant aaaaaamrnt, u>g*tbar wttb coata of ad vertlalng and axpanaaa of aala. My order of Iba Board of Directora. J. 0 B'ATI'Y, Hfcratary. (ifll^a— Room M, no Monlgootery atnat. Han Francisco, California. XI td 1 POWTPONRMENT. Tha day of tba delinquency of the above namxd Uock la bareby poetponrd until October 27 1 879, and dayoi .ale until MONDAY. tba eev nteenb day of November, lbTI, at tba tame time and placa. J. 0. BBATTY, Secretary. Office—Boom 34, ho. 3JU Montgomery a treat. Ban Franctaco, Cal. 31 id ROrOH AMD RCtDY MIMING OOMPANt.—Location of principal placa of buainaaa. Ban ► rancl^o Call lorn la. Location of worka. Oold UUI Mining Dlatrlct, Storejr county Nevada. Notice l» nerabi given, that at a meeting ol tba Board of Dlrictora, bald on tba 30tb day 01 Baptember, lalt an aaareemaai (No. 3) of Ilea (5) c.nle par abara waa levied upon tba capital atock of the corporation, payable Immediately. In United Ptalee gold coin, lo tbe BecietarT. at tba offlca of tba Company, Boom 10, IM Sanaome atreet. Baa Frauclaco, Cali fornia. An> atock npon wblcb tbla aaaeeament aball remain nnpald on MONDAY, tbe TB1BD day of NOVKMBtB. IHT9, will be delinquent, and ad ▼ertlaed lor aala at publio auction, and unlaae payment la made befoia will be aold oo MON DAY, tbe BkVBbTKKATH day of NOVkM BKK, int. to pa* tbe delinquent aaaaeiment logeiber will coata or adeeriMnir a> d expetaaa I of aaia. By order o> tbe Board of Dlrectora. 1 0 U. DiLAND. Secretary. Offlca—Room 10, SJU Banaoma atieai, Baa I Franclaco. California. S □OLID HILYEB «OLD AID Ilk Q KK II.NINO COMPANY.-Location of principal place of bmlutw, Ban Kraacl*co, Geiliornla. Location of work*. Virginia Hlnlnc DUtrtct, Storey county. Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a marline of tha Board of Dtraetora, held od tha tilth (0(b) day ot < o obar. IBTI. an a-*e*emen> (Mo. l) of Twenty-live Cente (tk) per * bar* waa levied upon iba capua' rlock or tlia corporation, pa;, nole Immediately, In United State. gold cola, to tbe Secretary. at the oOre of tha Compel.?, Koom M. No 110 Baneome atreet, Ban Fran ciifo, oil orolii An? atock npon which thla aaeeeoment fhall remain unpaid on tha tenth (lOih day oi November, 1879, will be delinquent, and adver Uead lor <ala at public auction, and nnleee pay ment la made beiore, will ba eold on VUMiit, tha eighth (8th) day of Deoember. 187*. to pay the delinquent aaeeeement, toeetbet with coat* of advertl»lng and upeneaa of eaia. By urdaroi tha Board or Director*. J. J APPi.»0*Tk. Secretary. Offlce—MO Paaaoma atreet, Koom M, «ai PranclKO. California. • LA BAH A AND HUMBOLDT Consolidated Mining Company. Location or principal place of ba>ineee, nan Franclsou, California. Location of worka, 8ll*er Stat lllnlng Dla trt. t, Storey Ooanty. Nevada. Notl-a i* hervby given, that at a meeting or tha Board or Director*, bald on tha ninth iVih) day of octoher. 1171, an »*ee<mrnl (No. !> ot Tea (10) Ceo* per abare waa larlad upon tha capital atock of th» corporation, pa) able Immediately la United State* g-ld coin, to the Secretary, at the uttoe o< tha Com pany, No. 101 Koatgomary a treat. Boom* • aid I, Baa Francieco, California. Any atock npoa which thla aaeaaamaat (ball raaiain an paid oc the thirteenth (Uth) day November, Iff!, will ba dalluqnaat aad a ▼aetlaad foe tale at pobllc aocttuai aad an left paymaoi la made before, wtll ba eold on TI'B'DAY, tha *ecoo<t Id) day of Daoamber, lilt, to pay tha dollnqneat mmminl, together with aoata of advertising «ad expaaaaaof Mia. By order ol tha Board of Dtraetora. WM. U. WATSON, Secretary. O«oa—No. m Montgomery ilreat, Boom* 5 I and Baa Fr»ncl*co California >0 td SILT SB HILL MINIMS COIPA> NT.—txatloo of principal plaoa ot boat naaa. Baa ftanalaeo, California. Location of worka, Oold Kill, Storey cooaty, ftata of Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of tha Board of Director*, held on tha alxteoelh (1Mb i day of October, ItTI, u HUH—I (Mo. I o* Fifty O*ota (90e) par than ww tovtad apoa tha oapiial stock at tbe rorpoutloa, payable Immediately, la United State* gold coin, to tha Secretary, at the offlce of tha Company, Room B, No. W Baeh atreet, Baa Francisco, California. Any ftock apoa which thli aaeaeemant ifcaO remain unpaid on *BDN£*DAT, the alna taenth (1Kb) da* of November, l«7f, will ba dsllnqaent, ana advertleed foraalaat pablla aactlun, and anlaea payment 1* made be tore, wiD be eold on TBUBSDAT, tha alev>nth tilth) day of DeOMaber, lBTt. to pay the de Unqneot asssfamrnt, to#*th*r wfth coau of adrertlalar aad etpeoaea of Mia. Byordse or I^ Ne. MS Saw strai^ ba TOW* OBDIHAKCB8. ORDINANCE NO 109. AS OBOlliICK «• riz aad MINI • UWM* Til Vhi »«•!■ TrriM aa* BmImm Wllkla lbs OMftnM LlalU »f T»«a ml SMHIII. [?mW March IT, 1JT9.1 • fpn board op TAcrrns or oold X HI'l da ordain i lioim I. »• r r»cra ar Mnou, Bra, m weUttoa, or corporation tball wituln to* oor pormta limit* of tkaTownof Oold Hill Miry MwpinMHflnMor tattoo * baratnaftar ■Mttoaxd. 01 ul ha, «6a, tkar, or U bar* paid foraadukaeoatallcaoaa mutifr«in*ft«rpro vtdad; aodforany vlolMloaof thU ordlnaoca Iho \*x\j uAodlo« shall, •• eo.iTicUon, br load la ai? ana But aicaadltx iw" kaa Irrd dollar*. b*> Ida* Ua oo.u of tba act too; aod In dttanlt of papnaat tbaraof itaOl ba tmprtaonad la It* Town 'ail at tba rata of oaa day for arary Iw doilara of »aeh Am tad cotta. Sao. 1 All llcakm. asoapt aa baralaafter pruridad, aball ba paid quartarlj la adraa a. tn« q artara 10 romtnanoa oa tka fl'itd«j»nf Ftbrawy. May, Aajraat *ud NOTnabar In aacb jaai; aad la caaa a; paraoo or mr>Mi. Arm aaaocla'loo, or corporation r*qalrad to lata oat lleanaa aball f til to taka oat anch lloaoaa fur tka atrraat qaarxar, prlur u tka Aftaabtk A ■ j • of Miurr. Mar. Aacaat aod aorambarol aacb yatr. ba, aba. tbai, or It akall ba aabjact to pay aa adil loo f tea par CMit. orar aad abora tka amooal batvln pr«*crlb*d for aacb I larva, aad ik addlUoa to tba paaaltr a •odbad la taction oua of tbta i Mloaaoa a clrtl action aball ba commrocad la tba nam - of " Tka Toara of Oold Bill" tor tba racoTrry oi tka amooot of lock HcaaM aod p roanUM, tooatarr with C'-ata, locludinf tiia faa of tka Town Aitoruay, to ba uxad at OfUaa doliara lit aach raaa. open, and ba preaent thereat, f>et<e«en ibe bour* of two o'clock r, u. and loar o'clock r. «. of eacbdey (tfondeye and bolldtyi eicept ed), daring th* dot filteen daye of each qua • Ur. to Urn* Usmeea. and it anali ba tbe duty of mf) penon from wbom * llcenee fu |. due tod owing to pay the Mm* itud oOce durluK the time he m required !• keep hi- office open. »'id no peional demand or notice by Urn Marahalto aacb pereon aball b? n tmmtf to IN')* task per»>n liable to the p-naltee p»e ecri b* d In eectlooa one and two of tnUuidt* hbo. 4. All pmona hiring takao oat a lioeoee BBdar tbli ordinate* art bemhr required to exhibit the eome In auoM eonepltnoue partoi ibrlr place of boelaaaa, and to prodnea the aauia when applying to tM If tubal for a n< dee nee, 8bo. S. It aball bo tba doty of tba Manna! to report to tba Town Attorney on tba daya of Kabruirj, Hay, Augaet and Noremlx-r of aacb year, tba namee of all peiaon* who have not paid for and taken out licaneee, aa irquirrd by tola ordlnaooa. for tba curreut quarter, to act bar with tua amoonta for which *uch per aona in aererally llabla i and It enall ba tba daty of the Tovn At orner fonherltb tolnrli tuta artlona for tie recorery of tucb amount*. ■bo. • It aball ba iba duly of tba Manbai to kaap la bU offloa a book atylad and maiked MarrhaTa Moeaae Book," «bare in ba aball a tar tba namaa or all peraone, trot, aaaocla tlona, and corporaltooa to vbum ilcenaee tfa-e bam Iwn-d, tbe character of their bueli.eee, tba tlma for wbleb Iba Ileaua a were granted. iba data and tlnia of axpiraUon tbenof, and Ua amount of money raoilvad In aacb taaa, and to inrnlab tba uoard of Truataaa at tbalr llrat regu lar meeting in tb> montna beg1 nnlng aacb qnar It ran abatraciof iba aaom fur the quarter juet I bxc. T. Tba Town Clark aball kaap an accu rate aoconnt, In a book entitled *' t'lerk'e L oanaa Book," of ail llcanaea dWIrerau lo tba Manbai. tba quarter tor wnlcb leaned, and tne amount tbe root. Tba Marabai aball uu tba flr»t Mondaye of February, May, augaetaOd NoTem bar of aacb year, return to toe Town Clerk all Moenaee laaued fur tba preceding quart*r r« mainlag uaaold, and tbe Town 0 ara at.all tben balanoe and oioee tba lloanaa aoooont witb tba Maren.l for tbe preoeoliur quarter, and aubuilt a detailed report oi UM Mai M tlW Board of True tail at tbalr Orel regular meeting m to* mouthi beginning each quarter. bu. ». Ail Uoauaet leaned under aad by rlr taa of Ihla ordinance aball ba printed 1* blank ions, expneelng the cia*e aad tba amount to ba paid tnerelor; aball be elgued by Ibe Freel* dent of tbe »oard of Ttweteae a..d the To*u Cierk, and oounterelgned by tbe Maiebal, »d aball eel fortb tba lume of Iba party to wbom tbe l.ceuee la granted, tbe nature »f ibe trade or bualneei to be pareaed, tba Ume for wbleb gran led, and tba dale oi laaue. bbo. V. All Ikeuaea aball ba paid lor In gold ooIn of tba United »a aa. umua. •bo. 10. leery penon. Arm, aaaoclatlon, or corporation engaged in carrying on baemeee aa carpenter, builder, black.mitu. wauou maker or wheelwright. gunanulu, watch or Jaweiry maker or repairer, gaa 6lt»r or pluu.ber, tin ner, painter, aaddie or harneee m.k. r, aball pay quarterly lor a lice nee to carry on tbe aeae, according io hla or their a range month* ly aalea or ncelpla, aa la .be following aobilgli: rim Uaaa-Monthly aalee or raceipta. eight handred dollar* or orar, quarter:y lloanaa, fifteen do I lan. tteooad 01 aa—Monthly aalea or ncelpla I under elabt hundred dollara, quarterly lloanaa, tea dollar*. •to. 11. Srarp penon or firm engaged In tba Imatneee of a daguarrean or pboto gnphlo gallery, or in pain lug peruana or minlatnree, ebtll pay, quartet ly, for a 1 leaner o cairy oo tne aama, aooordlng to hie, ber, or tbair average month.! aalee or recoipw, aa In tba following ecbadule: rim daee—Monthly aalea or ncelpla tight handled dollan or orar, quarterly llcenae, tan dollan. recond Clan-Monthly aalee or receipt! nnxer eight bunorad dollar*, quarterly licenae, are douare. uuma. MO. 12. STcry par.oo, una, a**ociauou. or corporation angtdln tarrying oa tb* db»i dhi ol nw;iC( or** ur prvclua* dm<Ii shall pay. quarterly. tot a liceiia* to carry on the mm according 10 LU or tbalr araia** mobtltl) buiin*.* or raca.pte, 11 11 it) following tcbtdaic Kir>t 01***—Monthly boilnttt or r*e*lpt* Bra buuored dollar* or or or, quarterly Uceit*e, thlny dollar*. Hecoou Ola**—Monthly bualne** or recall tf two bULded ted fl ty doll* * or ortr tod under It* bundrad dolLra, quarterly iloen*«, twcutT dolia.*. 1 bird UU i-Monthly btuln*** or r*c*lpt* und.r two b«o ired and flflj dollar*, quarurl> Uoum, faii dollar*. AtTOTSOKXtM. 8to. II. Irery p*r>oo. aria or a**oclatlon engaged la tb* bailor** or **IUa( real «*ut* or personal property by anotfun or publ.c out cry. (ball pay lor a lioru*. to oa> ry on tbe *au.r, according to bl* or tb*lr a<*r*«* »ala* or r*. o*lpu, a» la tb* foOawlag icMgli: > I rat 01*#*—Monthly *a.*a or r*c*lpt* two iboaaaad dolia * or orw, quarterly twenty-fir* dollar*. Second Ola.*— Monthly *al*a or recelpte under two tftotaaad dodan, quarterly Ucttao, fifuen dollir*. Third 01a>»—Dt'Iy ralae or rro*lpt* St* bun dr*d dollar* or or*r, llcanaa lor tu day, kn dollar*. Fourth Olta*—Dally Ml** or receipt* nndrr At* hundred dolor*, lloan** for oa* day, »T* dollar*. ■ao. It. Xr*ry P*T*oc. Ira or aatocUtloD »ng*g*d la carrylog oa hurt**** a* a bak*r of br*ad, pla- and cab*, or elthtr < t tb*** art clt*. •b ' II pay. qo»rt»rlT, or a llc«n»a to carry i aM, a* la tb* foilowiD* *ch*dal*: Kim Ola**—Monthly Ml** or receipt* nt*b band red and UtT dollar* or or*r, quarterly llcaar*. twenty dollar*. Second Ola**—Mootbly *al«* or r*r*ioU St* hnndred dollar* or orw and ucdar aerae baa drrd aad fifty dollar*, quartet ly Ucetuo, fifteen dollar*. Third On* Monthly ■*!•* or rcetlpu under Bt* bundled dollar*, quarterly llcan**, ten dot Un. Sao. 15. Xnrr pmoo, fine, wroelatloa or corporation havtaa a plac* of baala*** ta the Town of Gold BUI, aad therein enca*d la th» htutae** of baahlag, loaning m<-a*y, baying aad •elllng exchange, o* recelnng oa depot It bal Uoa or cola, or *ay or all each trauaactloa*, •hall pay, quarterly. for a lloenr* to carry oa raid baaiaea*, according to bla, tbelr or IU ar*r *ga monthl< porch**** and *aW of *xeb*ag*, amount of loaaa, or d*po*lt of bullion or cola, or any or all of *ach traaaacUoo*. a* tb* cum may 6*. a* la tb* following *cb*dul*: Flm 01*m—Moathly tranaacoon* on* bi_ dr*d tad fifty thousand dollar* or orar, attar Mrly llerna*. oa* hundred dollar*. leeood Ctaaa—Monthly traaaactloo* aadar I oa* hundred aad lAy iboaaaad dollar*, fifty dollar*. *1 M. lT*ry p*r*oa or flna *ag*g*d la tb* i*** of earning oa a bar bar ibop *ball pay. quarterly, for a Itorg** to tarry oa *b* mm, according to hi* ortb*lr *rer*g* mootbly b*ali>«*a or raodptt, a* la tb* following Kbadal*: Vim Glsf*—Moathly ba*ta*** oa hundred daUui or *r*r, quarterly Monthly butlnee* or r*o*lpte Are UtM, Ml TOWS ORDIHAXCIB. Ibiaa .baadnd ud flfry doli-n or mr tod nndcr At* bnudred dollar*, quarwrly lio*n**, •li dollar*. 1 bird Clia* Monthly tmalo*** or neripia on* bond'*d aod fifty d< lion or OTTTud ■od*r tbre* bnnli*d and Bit. doilan, quarterly UeaOM, lour d .liar*. Fonrib 0>*«*— Mootbl> Mm* or raratpta under ob* budrad ud O/ly dollan, qautao; lio*na*. Uum doi lan. 8BO. IT. tr»rj por*o*i or Ira mf^d In tb* bono*** of k*> plot • blllUrd ubi* or Millard ubi*« ior pabUa mo or M*a (tail pay qu«. -rly, for • 11o>om thar*f..r. aoeordinc to Lu or tb*lr iT«nf< noaibly nc*lpta, a* la tb* Inl luwlaa acnmml*: *im OU*—Koatblr r*c*lpt» two baadrad dollan or or*r, quarterly Unatl. Mitt dol lar*. -*eood Olaaa- Moatbly no'pu oaa bardnd dollan • r and ai.d«r >wo baudnd dollar*, qoarirrlr lie*dm. Uu do Ur* Tblra claw U - ibiy r*r*lpt* nndrr oaa baudnd*. qa-noily <tr*u**. Or* dollar*. mi »■ (nun, Peo. is I»»ry pntuo. fe u. uwdatiM. or Cwporallua ra« god lu tb* m.klM or repairing of M**ai b.ll«r# (ball p«y. quartary. l-r a Horn** to carry on I'* Muk, according to bla, tbrlr, orlta »rr«* aoaibly barlaaaa or M> Orlpu. a* IB tbo f-liowlng *cb*dul*: Flr»t 0 a**-H oib y burin-** or ralpta lr* ib. a«od do> art ur o»*r. quarterly U **■•«. itaaiy !<■ dollar* M. oobd 0 a»— Mnaibly borln*** or I ml Ha iMIMM d do lata r o*or and asdor Ira ibooaaau doluu*. qu*it*rly ilcae**. > Watty doi lilt, Tblrd Cta«a—Honiblr bo*1aa*a or r*e*lp»* two tbo i*aud dollan »r or*r an i ai>d«r Una tbouaasd dollan qua.urly il««aa*, dol lar-. Fourth clan—Xootblt baiiDM* or rretipM ■<td*r two Uwutaud dullara, licoaaa, u o dollar.. BO 4 A-D ■ OIKACIB* An CONUM. S o It. Kerry imtm.ii ur l.rtn *i g««*d la tb* buaiue** of b ot or »ho u ak ng. r-palrl *, or e bbila*. latll par quartet ty ior atc*u**lo e rry < o ib-- hdd, acco dlug iu hi* or tb*if ar r*M m»n h'jr *al**or rtotlpu. a* la tb* fcl I «Ibc *cb duli«: Flrat Ola**-Moathly •*!** or r*e*lpt* thi** ban I rod dollar* or o»*r, quarterly licut**, i*a dollar*. Brcoad CI *>•—Monthly Ml* or rawlpti wi der thro baadrad dollar*, qturteily llcen**, It* dollm. bowlib* Aiuti. no 30. Irerj pereoa or brio wwd la tb* ba»la**a of kr* U s a oo »ling a.ii-r or bowling alitya lor publis b»* or hir* (ball pay.qoar Mru. lor a iIucom thcrafor, according to bia or ibelr average in mini/ i*c*ipte, a* ia tb« toi lowldc rcb*iu)«: Flrat ulaa*—MoMhly rwolpta oa* baadrad and 1 fir dollar* or or«r, quaiu-rly llcaaaa, a*n dollar* ttocoi d Cla»a—Monthly r*c-lpt* nad«r om boudrad and OA/ do.lar*. quarterly lloeaea, tfare« doll ft* BaOBgB* FAOTOM A*B OIXtBAL AOIBT*. bao. * aval J p«r*ou. Or u, *a*<«leUoa, Of corporation anga^ed in b* bulla*-*o buying and • ill g ivai «tit> or p raoaal property of aoy d* c Iptioo wbaUTcr (*ice|t wlninx or oibir *toca*i or outlaitM r«*uu, a* tb* e.eoi, factor, o< broker of another, aball pay qua < car I jr. for a IImuh to carry oa tb* *aiu* according t b «. ibelr or lu aea >«• m.mbl, *al«* or !»• e*lp>*, a* la to* fi.lowing »cl* ul*: Flr»» Oi*m—MoBtb y .aiea or rec*<pta ten thouaaod doilar* or or*r, qoartarly lie****, ibl ty dollar*. Hacoud Ola**—Monthly ral** or rtttlpt* It* tbuo«aod dollar* or oTer and uodir Uo ihoo eaud dollar*, quarkrly llcm**. tweaty-flr* dot* lar*. ■ bird Cl*»»-Moa bly ial*i or recatpt* tweniy-fl»* hundred dollar* or or*r and auder a** toouuud J >lutr* quarterly IIomim, tw.nty dollar* Fourth Cla**-M»ntb'y *al** or r*e«<pU it t**a baadrad dollar* or or*r aad uod*r twenty a*, baadrad dollar*, quarterly IU*»**, flltaea dollar*. Fiitu Ola**—Monthly *al«* or r*o*lp<i oad«r Bft* a kaodrad dollar*, quarterly Iieenae, tea dollar*. CIBCV*. CABATAH OB KSVAQKBIB. Sao X* '111* proprietor or tuaaegw of *B«b clrcua, caravan, oi aieaagi-rle abali pay allMMa tor tach day'* perioru.too*, a* la to* fuiloaiof tcbMul*: A circa*, aecoaip«Bl*d by b Mtaraa or bm> aagerl-e, ahull cotatllBte tb* flr*i el*»*. aad •bad pat a dally lio«o*« of twmty-BT* d. liar*. A cltcu*, unaotoiupanleo Willi a caraTaa or mai.agt I*, *uall he of tb* aecond CIS**, *ad >ball pay a d>i > ilcaaa* ol iireat> d liar*. A caraTaa o. ateoaaeri*. unaccompanied with „ tclrcof, *hai| b* oi ib» third oa**, aao aball pay a dal.y lleeLC of tea dollar-. COBBlMIOli BlBCBAkT*. 8«o. H kTaiy p*r*oo or Biui ta.ajrad la tba •elllng oi g iodr, w*i*a, and mtrcnandl** upon>*loo, aba I pay, qa*rt*ny, lor a llccna* to cairj OB tbe a.m , aco-r<ling lo bia or their atarag* nioatbly >ate* or r*ceip.a, a* la tb* tal lo«|iif icbv .Bii: Hr.t ciaa* — Mna'bly *a'«* or rrcalpts two ibouiautl dollar* or i.T*r, qoartarly llc*a*«, Iwcaiy Bred liar* rtcoi.d CIam—Monthly *ala* or r*c> tpte Better two thou a*, d doi»*r*. qoartarly IWeBee, flf u*a dollar*. C0NCBBT* A»D OTaxB BXBlBtTIO**. BIO. U 1 be Bialiairer o iiaeeo o CO€B paay of oooc it alLg r* or **i*otd*rt, or aay other wblbltloB. except tbaalir* aBd Bi» d* B*. a ball pay a lioeo,* for aacii p>rtonaaica, •ooordlaa to bia dauy raoalpU, *e la tbe lollow Ing acbrdale i Fir*. Cia.*—Ree- Ipia for om r*rfora>aae* two hood red and Ally doiiar. or orar. Of ueu dollar* ur nacb uaifurtnmiiCfl bee bo via**— Modft* for oa* perforiaaac* aaaer iwo Luu .re and fllty doiian, imj dollar*. dabob aoiiia IAU.OM t.a c. llabb. bio. is. '1 b* oti>pr.*wr, i< »*■ * • r Biaiugar of any bona*, aalooo room or iellar wb* e Wit.**, mall or aplniooua llqaor* are *ol. by tbe bottte, giaa* or drink, wbara oaa^lag la oarrted oa tproeldad that tbl* >*cilou .hall ootaipl> la a yih*Bi*ror B * od*oa>. *h*li | ay. qaartarly, for a lioen>* Io cair> on tb* tarn*, acowd Bg to bia Booth y *aa* or r.C>lpte. a* In a* ioilow> lac tcirtdBi*: rim uiaaa—aooiaiy run or rcccipia uto hundred dul. vi o OT«r, quarter!; llotaaa, CM hundred dollara tteooud CIm—Momhl y Mix or receipt! ander fl»e hundred uol in quirteily Uouue, i«Tiulf ttvi ooilvi. iirum akd iBiiear connnu >xo. m. iter) p-iMS. flru., aieocutloo *r coi ix.rmlloa ingagid lu ih«- idi>m« it ni mltui k letter* «r taber yd* ' toraardlug and cirrylun gold dan, I bill «, c»lb or It igbl lor bin, iruu ti«Tu»i of li Id Uili to uy outr olac*. or tn>m v, y < th r p ate lu lb. Tu»* of uold Hill, Mid *bv> i >, • |>Uo. of buiurie or ■urncj iii mIu to. u. ibali p»j qaa>ier J. lot a IIcvum to CUT) uu tb* iugt. according to ble, their or It* troLlbi) ncelpte. m In lb* it*, if• ollow>ngrciHda.*i ■ flrit Ul»r—Monthly rralpti fl>* ttoiMii d< livi or ever, qavteny lie iim, tblrt) doilvi. ■Hood Claw—MMN9 'tc«'P<r uiiutr In ibutmitd aollaf*. qu»n«rl) 1Ic«iim, tw«btj dot. In*. mmiBUca. 8*o. V. *rrry pcimiu dm, aieoctatloa or<D tigtgtd in tbi loundrj builnti* •bvl p»j. qu*r.. ii>, tur • llcei** l» ca.ry oa tba mum, accvrdli.« to bli, iu« r or tte mootb y rite* o» ikI^.u la UmihIIuiIii eckedak: nmt\a#a--Mon'kly ialt* or receipt* twenty tbuuivid dollai*or cur.qiiaiitr.y Hernia, loriy ItoliUI ■ocood CU'»—koottl; iale»orr clpte IPrea tb' ui.nd doilvi or o>i and ukdtr tvtnty Uoaaaad dollaxi. qaarieal) iJccni, thirty dot tar*. 'I bird Clai*-Monthly lalee or receipt* to* tbooaaad Milan or ortr ud under II hi thoa iu.d dollar*. qturtari) lu*a«* iwiaiy-t»e dot Uil. toortb 0I_«—Monthly *al** or d»r ten ihoaiibd doilvi, qiwu/ljr llman, twenty dollar*. •AMIS*. fio. J*. I»rry prrtoo engaged la tbaboii. nm of dealing, play ng, or cvrjing on any giiD* of fro. aw at*. loaktle, lan-qarcat, roage*t noi', rondo, ktoo. fibtaa, oiana, or chink a-lnck, or*ay b>. king »*w». ptajed wttb card*, die*, or any oib«r dtvic*. abutter tb* >im»b» plajid lor money, cb>cki, cndlt.or aiTotber vaisabla tl log or ltpi«*ail*Uv* of *>la>, tball po. qair trly. (or * ilcai ** 10 carry on Um u». arcordisg to bla atang* aioatbly runt ti. a* li Iba IcJIowtg rrb*d*ia: Kliat 0 tm— Koatbly malpte tbraa tboataad dollar* or w*r, qaartaily iicaaaa, »«»»ny fir* dollan. ttecond Ctaa^lfoBtbly rtcHpU twotbo«a*»d dollvi or OTar aod uud«> ti.ra* tbooaaad dol lar*. quartarly llraoar, illy dolw. Sao M. back lleroa* land-kail too tain a parlcolir d>rcrlption of lb* rooai la *bbh tba Ueaaier dralgaa to (irrj < n 'b* iubi dnlgna. trd, md tb« aiaia of tba gim» to Ea oprard and played; and ao lto*aa .ball ba i aoad prmlU ting my i*cb gin* to • * r,"'*d ®* room la wblcb arth gaowa v» by aay «i|M M of tb* L> »ri»lat«ra of tb* ctitaof >iT»da k». bldika to ba opt aid. pii:»d_ofMrr1ad oa. 0.0 BiKVKKBON. rr**ld«at of iba Board of Tmte** if tb* T*«a of "okl HU1. ittaatt W. U lima. Olark of Ik* Bwrd. On notion Ordlnanaa 10* m pa*Md by tb* lollo*l.*Tt«a> Am-lra*t*M Fog, Wattay, Popalard aad Pra^dnt MaTaaaogu I bawl ^Balld oSd *111, Kink It, IIT». «|