Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS TiriSliT. : S0VI1UK «. !«»• LAiT 100 Itaymond A Ely. 1 4i» 20 Jackaon. 4 676 Belmont, 73c 40 K. K. Con., a 620 Leopard. JOc. «6o. 30c 500 OiU. 30o 330 Northern B*U*. 5* « 100 Uum*t. 10c 20 Manhattan. 2H 700 Metallic, tH)e 120 Orand l'riao. 2 10 600 Argenta. 96c ISO Naeajo, 66c, 60c 1600 Endowment. 60c 310 Independence, 1 40. 1 \ 76 8tar. 40c 2446 Tmearora, 1 866 Bell* I(l«. 3 93. 4 1386 Day, 1 16. U. U W. 1 20 176 Hill.ide. 1S.146 200 Paradl**. 1 300 Albion. 16o. 20c 466 Mt. Diablo. 121 3143 North Belle lal*. 30c 140 Bodi*. 13«t.l3S 790 Bocbtel. 1 CO. 1 66. U 100 MeCUnton. 40c 10 Tioga. 3 36 200 Summit, 1 *4 270 Bolwer. 11* 370 Syndicate. 5*. 6* 130 Qoodibaw, 36c 346 Ileal del Mont*. 3*. 3. 4. 3\ tOO May ball*, too 360 Oriental. 26o 100 Balrldere, 70c 900 Champion, 16c, 20c 200 Blaekhawk. 60c 300 Booker Con.. 86* 60 Bichar, 16c 1100 <ju**B Ba*. COo 110 Mono. 7% 100 Con. Pacific, 7 V 7», 326 UaiTMrity. 'JJo, 20o 240 Jopitar. 1 90 413 South Bulwer. 40c 330 Addenda. 41c 360 Nuoodav, ft '226 North Noonday. 4. 4 03. 4 60 Defiano*. 50c 160 VorUk, 46o, 60c 260 Orient. 30c 123 Bo*toa Con.. 1 33.1 40 I960 Martin While. U. 1 *u 1000 Oro, 13o 40 Alia*. 26c 60 Tiptop, 1 30 310 Oolden Terra. 12 10 Mammoth, 7 too Dadley, I 30. 1* Tula MoaxiJo. CO Ophir, 32 S MO Masican. 33S. 33S 340 Gould A Carry. 11V US. lit. US b5 70S Beit Jk Belcher. 31. 21S. 21S. 21S. XI bo 223 California. 5S 160 Savage. 13S. 13S 310 Con. Virginia. &'«. SS 430 Chullar. US. US 290 Potoai, 3S. OS 333 Hale 1 Xorcroaa. 17 S 130 Crown Point, 4.3 Hi WO Yellow Jacket. 16S. US. 16S. 16H 180 Imperial, 1 03.1 10 80 Kentnck. 4 20 30 Alpha, 14 S 330 Beicber, 3 83. 3 90. 3 10 193 Confidence, 11. US alO. US. US 83 Sierra NeeaJa. 37. 37 S 180 Exchequer. 4 90, 4 83 80 Cub. HO*. 30*. 30s bs 30 Jaatlce, 3 93. 3 90 100 Overman. 9S 705 Union Con., 83S. 83S. 83. S2S. 82 90 Alia. 5S.SS 100 Lady Bryan. 60c 433 Julia, SH. 3 43 80 Caledonia. 3S 330 Silver HiU. IS 100 Challenge, 3 373 New York. 33c 160 Occidental. 3 30. 3 40. 3 33 390 Phil. Sheridan, 33c. 40o 673 Lady Waabington Con., 1 03 1 10 300 Koaautb, 13c 3(0 Andaa. 1 30. 1 IS <00 Welle-Fargo, 10c 300 North Caraon, l(ic 800 Trojan. 15o 330 Ward, 2S. 3 40 303 Scorpion. 4 90. 4 S3. 4S 333 Banton Con., 3 63. 8 70 960 Ooldan Oata, 3 1830 Con. Dorado. 3. 3S 323 Flowery. 45c 193 North Bonanza. 1 13, 1 10 630 Mackay. 30o 630 Fairfax. 80c 300 Mountain View, 3S. 3, 3 30 30 Plntua. 3S Areltaw Ulla larala|. Mr* O W Harriaon. Mra J SierlinK, J Ward. W W Cnrno. U H Hogan. F Van Hewit. George Hoagland, T Nugent, Mra Murphy, Mra Ooroan, Ker E Graham. L B Davie. Mr* J Boeaa, S Ogf, W 8 Bailin, M Hill. H X Maeon, U Block and wifa. Daparlare* I Ml gveaiag. L Siebenbaoer, C O McDuffy. M Drg uan. C X Uinton. J Mullen. B T Brodck, J F Clark, A N Camminga. J Enigb, B Airman, B P Fraaar, Monte Cbaaa, Cbaa Kelly, T Ooaaa and wifa. J T McDougall. J 3 Kanoeu, Mra Scott. J Ivancovicb, S Koaaner, Judge Cola, Captain Howard, H Boaanar. Miaa Spragne, Charlee Quran. Pattaraon Matthew. Misa Murpliey. J F Aleianda, J Hanna. A Mclntoeb. Tba annual shooting of the Washing ton Guard took place today at their •booting rang*, and tonight tbs prizes, which ir« numerous and valuable. wilt U distributtd at Cooper's Uall. Alter th* distribution there will U> a social dance. Members of all military compa nies arc invited to participate la the •zeroise* and feetivitlee of the occasion. The weather, which for a day or two Ium been very threatening, haa calmed up and the enn has been today summer iab in ita ardency. Still there are indi cations in the heavens o( a change. John Mullen and M. Dagnon, more familiarly known as "Pacific Mike," two insane men, were last evening sent to Stockton, baring been declared in aane. Tomorrow evening a grand ball will b« given by the Volonteer fir* Depart ment of Satro, at the school-boose. Tickets, admitting a gentleman and ladiea, 91 SO. Virginia's dratnmer ordinanc* is being tested. R. Nathan is the teeter and the United S la tea Court, Carson, ia to decide the matter on writ of habeas corpus. The second anniversary ball of the Exempt Firemen'* Association will be given at National Ouard 11*11, on Thanksgiving night, November '27. Coroner Brodek left for San Francisco leal night. Daring his sbeence Justice Moeee will attend to the buaine*a of hi* office for him. W. S. Symond* haa tll*d affidavit that at least $200 worth of work haa been done upon the Con. Waahoe claim for th* year 1879. Lonkey & Smith hav* filed a lien gainst th* Eaat Bonanza for $399 01 lor lumbar furnished aa original con tractors. Clarence King ha* gone Eaat. H* ■will not return to agin hi* work on th* Ca—took Won next Spring. RED cynoN mines. Kick Ml^Utk tmmmA Tbtr*-Tk« Xtiki/Ud« DlMtt*rMl-B«uM rM /uuaew ftM Tlrflala. A lufe number o( Virginian* are in terested io mining operation* in Bed Canyon, which liea soma 35 milea in a direct line taut of south of thia place, and eoms 45 milea by road. The oamp U not a new one, bnt some recent "finds" h*To been made there which are lilting it into importance, and next Spring there promises to be quite a immigration to that section. On the table before the writer la a specimen of gold rock from on* of the new finds whioh, I* fabulously rich in free gold. It waa taken from a large specimen in Virginia, which i* better than the piece secured. It is so fine a specimen of gold quarts that it U uaeless to aaaay it. It waa aent in by Bob Morrison, and waa taken from an un named extension of the Heater Holbrook claim. It cams from a ledge three feet in width of milling rock. Of thia width, alx inchea next Uie hanging wall are of the rioh rock shown. Free gold is found in large quantities all through the vein. In the immediate vicinity of the new find are the Ursy & Carter and the Qolden Belt claims, which with the Hester Holbrook are the principal loca tions of the section. The portion of Brd canyon in which these minea are located bsa plenty of water to run milla, and reduciug machinery and one arastra is now running on Gray & Carter rock, but baa not yet cleaned up. The mine from which the specimens were sent ia being developed by a few men on their own account. If there is as much rock there of the quality before oa aa ia re ported, they will have all the money they want Persons who are inquiring the route there may be iutereated in the following, which will be found to be tolerably cor rect. From Dayton the road leads up Eldorado canyon about elsven milea to the signboard. Here the fork leading up Pine Nut valley is taken to the head of that valley, about aevsn miles. At this point the Isft fork of the road ia followed some eleven milea to the Win ters mine. Thia ia the beginning of the miuing section. Thus it will be seen that the camp liea about on the line run out by "Old Man " Oould, in the early days of the Comatock, aa the trend of the mineral bearing belt bsre encoun tered. The section rearbui u aoove is rougo enough (or tb* delight of *11 prospect or*. From the Winters mine one road takre up to tba top o( the ridge—the bigheet ia tba aection—and leads to tba center fork o( Red cauyon. Another road k»cp» up tba principal ravine and aome aiz milea farther on are found the group of miuea which inclndaa tba new tiii 1. They li* at tb* head of tba can yon and near them oomea In tha road from Carson. A littla further aaat ia the ailver mine of Gray k Carter. Tba aec tion ia alao vary readily reached by tba Priaon road from Canon. Bad canyon ia a aort of paaa acroaa tba ridge and after reaobing up toward* tba top bend* to the east and rnna down toward Wel lington^ aUtion. Bat the mioea above mentioned lia weat of the aarnmit and on tha weatern water-ahed. Jaat at preaent tha excitement is over the gold rock of tba aection. Tbera are, however, aome cool beada in that aec tion who have baen aearchiog for some thing farther. N. B. Daniela of Vir ginia ia one of tbeae, and be and R. M. Ballard, foreman of tba Opbir, think they have fonnd tba mother lode, a ail ver-baaring vein aome fonr milea fur ther along, on the eaatern elope and near tba aummit of tba make of land. Tbia lode ia, on tha anrfaca, 100 feat in width. A sbalt baa bean aunk on it 3l) feet and it baa been found to be well defined and the ore aaaaya from #40 to $300. Locationa bava baen made and holding work done, and now they are waiting lor another aaaaon in which to more lolly proepect their elaimi. Ceaeljr Couantlaaloaer*. There waa a apecial meeting of tha Board of County Coinmieaionera at 7:30 laat evening, to look over tba bida for furnishing certain hospital suppliea and award tha contraot— preaent. Chairman Hazeltine and a full board. Tha oom mittee to whom bad been referred the bida reported them to be aa follow*: Joaepb Demling, 91, 736 58 ; Hatch Broa., $ 1.7*0 21; Rich ard Mercer, $1,806 ; Stewart <fe Co., $1,827 63 ; Win. Krauae, 91,855 45; E. Dickman, 91.788 42. The contract waa awarded to Joeepb Demling, ha being the lowest bidder. Bills were allowed as follows : O. Scboenetnan, interpreting, 95 ; Virginia Ice Company, ice for boapital, 912 50 ; XI. O'Connell, milk, indigent, 91 35 ; Stephen Wilkin, 491 75; (tbia bill waa allowed aa above at tba meeting Tnea day, and wrongly reported at 9795 85 ;) Joeepb Frederick*, slasa, etc., for roof of court-house, $65 75; Qold 11111 News, $16. Adjourned till 7:30 r. x., Friday, No vember 14th. A Urukru Maf. I,*»t evening there appeared before the Board of County Commiaeionere a man from Tybo who had fallen down a abaft at that camp and been literally broken op. Hia U(t hip projected a foot and hia leg waa drawn np ao that bia toot wait about at the knee of the other leg. He went with a cratch and cane. He waa otherwiee pbjhically healthy, but belpltea. When hurt he bad eome money, bat had apent it all. He wanted aaaiatanoe to get food, etc. Not being a reeident of Storey county, the public funda conld not be diverted to hie u»e; but the Commiaaionera and Clerk w«ut down into tbeir pocketa and dunatrd enough to feed the pour fellow and help him on bia way to SneanviUe, wbera he can find frienda and aubeiat ance. He waa an intelligent man, and no dead beat He aaid hia injured leg waa apparently dead, and waa oontinu aUj drawiug np toward the body. I* Lack. Mention waa made in the Nnm % few daya ago of a beautiful gold nngget found by Dr. Holdaworth in hia hlna lead gravel claim at Milton, Sierra county. California, which weighed over a pound and a quarter. Dr. Holda worth'a claim adjoina that of the Con* eolidated 0ravel Mining Company, owned by Pbil. Smith, O. F. Kellogg and other* here in Gold Hill and in Cal ifornia. They feel that they are in lack to be ao near to where there ia eome thing good. Jamee Pruut waa buried today by the Odd Fellowa and Mine re' Union of Vir ginia. The funeral waa largely attended by the brethren of the fraternltiea, and the citisena generally teetiied their re gard for the deceaeed by a general at tendance. LETTER FROM CDMO. ■NirrNtlM—Ik* Old ri*f 0»« X*n-e*ld Hill Bar* l« Camo Prtwil nad miure riMpMU, El*. Como, Palmtba Dibtbict, Net., I November 4, 1879. f Kuitoh Gold Hill New*: I vu not Im* pleased than inrpriied the other day oo reaching the summit of the bill just eait of Como to see the atari and •tripes proudly waving over the Jaoket ahaft. It waa the first time the beauti ful dag had been aeen in Como ainoe oar old friend Croea need to nnfnrl it to the breeze from the top of the Inter national every time that Biebmond fell. Of conrae I rode oat to wee and inter* vi*w the man who first raited tbe Ameri can flag in reaarrected Como. And who do you think it wai ? Why, none other than Matt. Bowe of Gold Hill. That ia where the aarpriee comes in. for Mitt., yoa know, ii as Carniih as Corn wall itaelf, and ai English an tbe balanoe of the iiland. Bat then Matt haa be come wonderfully Amerioanized. At the time I ipeak of, Matt, and hia pard, Tom Bell, were slseping under tbe junipers, though tbe win.i waa blowing and tbe snow snowing—well, just like it used to in " said Isng syne." Mstt. and Tom are comfortably boated now and sre sinking on tbs Jaoket, snd bsve as fair prospects as they can reaaonably aak. Tbe Eureka bova are building a large house, to oovrr both abaft and black aaiith ibop. They have already some thing over 300 tona of good milling ore on tbe dump, and will eoon put on an other shift, so as to give " Adam " all the rock hia mill can crush, which, by the way, will a tart on tbe 25tb of tbe present month. Tbe West Bspidan boys will aoon have a donkey engine on the incline of the old Bappahannook, and then we ahall have auotber mill, and probably aball gat it in tbe 8pring. Tbe North Bapidan, formerly tbe Orizaba No. 2, haa just atarted. It waa considered in tbe olden time one of the best mines in tbe distriot. Tbe rook from it slmoit paid fifteen years ago, and oar tainly it ought to pay now and leave a little anrplaa. Tbe May Day, tbe old Qoliah, ie a very promiaing mine, and will doubtless be worked all Winter. The Chieftain Company are putting up a whim on their ahait, and will aoon be taking out ore. Tbe old and once famoua Whitman is now again being marked with flattering prospects. Tbe town, of oonrse, keeps step with tbe working mines, and for every mine that ia boing worked, at least one bouse goee up. There are now twelve comfortable bouees, and lumber on the ground for aeveral more. Poxy. The II. JtkK'i i'taurcli fair. The attendance at the (air laat night *u a aliU increaaing on*, and there waa an iucreaie of intareat. Tha ladiea are doing all in their power to contribute to tha enjoymeut of thoie present and to make the fair th» success it oaght to prove. There ia little aoliciting done, aa indeed ought to be the eaae, each via. itor being allowed the privilege of decid ing for himself, freed from over nrgmt demand* upon hia purse and good na ture. The tabiea are well furniihed and well aerved, and the little onea, aa well aa tha big onea, hava their individual atatea and intereata gratified. Tonight the entertainment will be varied by read ing, recitation and mneic. Mra. Brown De Foreat and Miaa Lampbrey of Vir ginia, with othera, having kindly con sented to give their aervicea lor that purpoae. Bear in mind that ladira are admitted free, and you are at liberty to bring all your aiatera and your cousins and your aunta, provided they are all ladiea. You will find plenty ol good thinga to feaat upon at reaaonsbla ratee, lota of pleaaing noveltira to gaze upon, and the beat looking ladies will do the agreeable and make you feel ae though you were at a social family party. The extra attractiona tonight will draw a large crowd. Tha Orphans' Fair. Tha fair for the benefit of ths Or phans, nndsr cars of ths Sisters of Charity, Virginia, and wbioh la being held at National Guard Hall, la being wall patronized, u it abould be. There should szlst no cscessity to plesd the csuse of these helpless ones. Every dollar give.) ths Sisters for their main tenance will aavs the tsxpayera many times the amount, and instead of thee* children being houaeleas and homelraa In tbia world and ninning into all kinda of iniquities, to becoms criminsls at laat as w«ll aa paupers, they are now edu cated and raiaed to be good moral citi zens. It pays to help the Sisters feed ths hungry and clothe the naked, even as a timely inveatment; but the greatest reward will come with tho " Inasmuch aa ys hava dona it nnto tha leaat of theae," etc. FiraMr Fair. Yesterday afternoon the ladies eu gaged in getting up the (air and festival (or tha Pionaara mat at Pioneer Hall, Virginia. Everything ia moving along eatiafactorily, and tba ladlea are deter mined to do something hand soma (or tba "Old Boye." All wbo wiab to contribute anything for tha (air can do ao by banding their eontribu tiona to Mr*. W. Hy Doane of Qold Hill or to Mr*. Shield* of Virginia. laqaeet. Laat evening Judge Moses, in the abaence of Coroner Urodek, held an in qneat aa to tba death of Jamea Pront, killed yeaterday at tba Cbollar-Norcroaa Savage abaft. Tha teatimony waa not cumulative, and tha circnmatancea o( tha oaaa ware (ally detailed in yaaterday'a report in tha Niws. Tba jury returned a verdict of aooidantal death and found oo blame attaching to any one, aa the (all o( the plank waa purely a fortuitous occurrence. The gap on North C atreet, Virginia, joat north of the Coemopolitan billiard aaloon, which baa existed em since the big fire, ia now about to be filled. Titua Jepaon baa juat commenced the erection of a building on the lot eo long vacant, which will be 25x70 feet in aixe and two storiea in hight. The lower story will be let aa a store, and the upper will be fitted up (or lodging rooma. One o( the big epar wheels with V shsped cogs was taken from the Fulton Foundry to-day over to the Chollar Morcross-Savaga shsft, to be placed in a pert of the gearing o( the hoisting en gine. The Chollar and the Potosi mines hare levied assessment* of fifty cents each. Both will be delinquent December 9th. See advertisements In anether oolomn. PI par's Unra Hnm. People art beginning to diaoover now wherein Miaa Ad* Cavendiah bu ao quired aaoh a high reputation m an actress. Her imperaonation of Miaa Gwilt laat evening «ai certainly the moat flnlabad production of tha aeaaon, although bj no maana ao daep, atrong and lntanaa aa aome of her other rendi tiona. " Miaa Owilt" ia more of a aoci ety play and cornea better home to the people and toochea mora nearly tbalr every day livea than doea " Lady Clan oarty" or "Jana 8hore." In it Miaa Owilt awinga through a variety of phaaea of Ufa and mora are hinted at aa having pravionaly oocurred. She appeara auooeaaively aa a plain and nnpratentioua governess, a happy wife, the dupe of deoeitfnl Dr. Downward, who, for a time, gaina perfeot control over her and benda bar to bla every purpoae for aobemlng againat othara, till aba reacbea atolid deapair. Then oomes a reaction wherein aha rises superior to the doctor, but aba baa alienated bar huaband. loat bar only object in life, and diaa. Here ia a field for fine acting and ao well did Miaa Cavendiah occupy it laat evening that aba waa twice oalled before the curtain. Tba next obaraotar on tba atage at the Opera Houae laat evening waa Dr. Downward aa imper aonated by B. P. Cook. Had Mr. Cook been born a aly, peraevering and plot ting villain, ba oould not have played the part better. Tha other parta ware well auatainad and the piece ran evenly throughout. Tonight " Borneo and Juliet." The caat ia obvioua. The deeire to aee Miaa Oavendiab aa Juliet, after the imperaonation given of that cbaraoter by Modjeaka, ia uuiveraal. Tomorrow evening benefit of Miaa Oav eodiab and tba "New Magdalen," with Miaa Oavendiab aa Meroy Merrick, one of bar beat creationa. Matinee Satur day " Lady of Lyona." Saturday night "Jane Shore " and oloae of tba angage meat. AcclUeut at lh* Balcbar. Ad accident ocourred at the Belcher at 3 p. 11. today, by which Martin O'Sbea, abift boia at the Crown Point, obtained a badly diaiocated ankla and laoerated foot. Ha wu at tbe 850 level, tha foot ot tha perpendicular abaft, and bad takan tha giraffe (or tha 1000 level. The aignal waa given and inataad o( lowering tha giraffe railed, running itintotheabeave. O'Sbea and one Jim Qrady wrre ait ting on tbe (ront of tba giraffa. Qrady, areing what waa likely to occar by the upward motion of tha giraffe, jumped over among tha othar men and pulled O'Sbea with him. Thia kind aot eared O'Sbea'a lift, for tbe giraffe atruok exactly wbera tba lat* ter est. Ilia foot waa however caught and hurt aa above deecribad. Tba injuriea received are both painfnl and aeriou*. Dr. Auderaon waa oalled, and when tha reporter left waa at tha Belcher offloe, rendering timely aid to tha aufferer. llapplaaaa at C'oai. Feople can ba happy right here in Oold Hill; tbera ia no doubt about that. S. Aroneon baa fine clothea enough to make everybody ao, and heaelle tbem at eucb prioea aa to make tbem all happier •till. There ia no mietaka about tbia, aa will ba aeen by pricea let oppoeita ar ticle* in hie auvtrtiaement in another column. Hia aaaortmenta are complete, and full linea in all departmenta will ba found at hia etora, 198 Main atraat. Ha got hia gooda at a bargain and la giving tbe benefit ot it to Lia enstomera. All are Invited to call and examine hia clock, whether they want to purobaae or not. Tbe beat of winea, liquora and cigara can ba still fonnd at Qibson'a saloon— tba tame quality, in fact, which waa paeaed over tha bar when it waa a two* bit saloon. The plaoe waa never more popular, never better kept or better ap> prrciated. Gibaon flinga to tbe publio bis invitation to call and aea bim through hia advertieament in another oolamn. HOW TO SATS MONEY. Ioataad of going to a doctor for a pretcrlp tlon, If jroo have Br'gbt'e Dta*a»e, Dlabetae, Palo la lb* Back and Lolae, Smarting, Inflam mation, Oalcuii, Bickdoat Deposit, or any trouble of the Kldneya or Bladder, boy a bottle of t)R MtNTIBH NiPHKnTICOK, the (peat BucAu Compound It la tbe moat wonderful prescription «ver romputindel for tbaea •mublet. Meaara, Abraiu* « Carroll, wholesale dnunteta ««r : " Wi rtgard XipArtHcum at Uu but Kldnty and Bladdtr RtmmSy U Vu markit " Woodward, drunKl-i, Puriiaud. Ore (uu, ear*: "Everybody apeaka fclgbly of U." Cbllda, dragglM, Portland. Oregon, aaje: "Sold i u oi la; It atwaja doea tba work" Many bave barn cored of nbatlnata kidney oomplalnta after toe doctora bar* ctviia tbem op. For aale by all droaglate. Pilce $1 18. BOICIDB. A dlftlogalabad iclentlit one* Mid t " No man with a itroog ud htilthy itomach erer oommllted taicldt," ud y*t mur >n auflering th* tortaiM of tb* damned with D;«peptla whan a tingle bottlt of UR MINTIE'H Ksgllth Dandelion. Llvor tad Dytpcpalt Pill* will (Its relief, and If perflated la, will ear* lbs wont cue of thlt dlatitatlng uoablt. Ttala pill cure* I orpld Ltver Mid Bllioaimeft, rrgulate. tba Bowele. rrraoree Pimplee from tba Kaca. cm** Mallow Oomplaxl'io, Foal iireatb, Hick Ilealacbe, Hrartburn, Pain Id tba Hide* and Back. I* Hagar coated and UUARANTKKD to b* PUttBLY o'KUETaBLIC. It acta directly upon ib* coatloi 01 tbe Stomach and oo tb* Ur*r; can be tak*a In anr climate-wet or dry weather. Beware of Imitation*. 1 ba (Jmvlnt baa an enjrravion or a ll'inon tbe ootalde wrap per. Prioe 90 can la. for aal* by alt druggfata. Tnu hare oeen mora rare* of Mmlnal wcakn***, nerroat dabUlty and ptralrtli mad* by the wonderful fuglUh remedy, Sir Attley Coot er'e Vital lie* torn Ire. tban by all otb«r remedlet combined. Why will yon eaffer? Send to A. E. Mlnti*. X. D., Ko. 11 Kearny •treet, Ban PrandKo, for tb* tUMoratlv*, and b* cared. Price. 13 per bottle; four tin** tb* quantity. >10. Try I battle. mbtl ly A BLOCHA uK THAT SHOULD BB KAJNBD. Tb* *gree* from tb* ay>tem of waat* material through tb* nataral channalt iboald b* ren dered frr*. wltboat lot* of tlm*, when a black* ade la produced by an attack of conatlpatlon, a ulaorder which If It beoomee cbr >ulc, la pro ductive of eerloae bodl'y mlechlef. Jaundice, terere headacbea. naaaea, dyapepala, tbe naaai concomitant* r>r tbe maladr man'lonrd. all la dlcar* that th* bodily functlona are materially luierfrr.d with. Uo*t*tt*r* Bitten 1* particu larly rOcaciiiat la caeee of thla tort, aad rea dm the habit of body perteotly molar. It lea medlcln* greatly to D* prer.rred to drattlc oatbartlc*. which ar* wall calculated to drench, bat aobapplly aiao to weaken the loteaUntt. We eay anhapDllyi*lne* inch medicine* are tb* farorite reeoorce or many 111 adilied peraona, who reeort to lh*m npon tb* mo*t trlTial occa aioa, and greatly to tbeir dlaoomiort and lajary. O. M. BALLIIf. O. B. Qaimt. oppoalte th* Bank of Oallfo*. ola, Gold Bill, k**p* ootuianUy on hand all brail* brand* of Imported Cigan, cholo* bit dgan, all kind* ot chewing tobacco, niter acbaum pip**, tchool booka and tutlootry oi all daacriptiona. On* oatlery. end toy* eon taacty good* of all Made. epM ■ ■ 1.375 07 PROFIT* IN 30 OATH. What 110 aid In Wall a treet on tb* mataal nf.ty plan. Pamphlet* explaining everything, with two nnerrtng rulea fur ruece-a, a*nt fre*. Onr caa omen la all parte of tb* coantn an r>allxlng large proBU every month. Bend for Pamphlet. Addreee Hz*r*oa A Oo., « Bl change Place, New tork. 4-ta HYKUP O* FIOS. Carta Bllloam***. Cjnatlpatlon, ate. It cltanm tb* »ytt*m and ptullM tb* blood. U U a prompt pvptlvo, and U Ttry pltaatst to tht tatt*. for Ml* bj tU a EASTERN DISPATCHES. [inOUL TO TO MLB BILL DA1LT IBWIJ THE REPUBLICAN VICTORY. Conflnaatlon of tbe Great Trlnnpk —filorj Inoogh for One Daj— Latest Betarni. ITew Turk. N«w You, Noramber 6.—Tbe Timet ■ays: Cornell carried forty-aii oat of sixty ooanties in tbe Bute and bis Tote will exceed Governor Bobinaon's by from 40,000 to 45,000. Kelly'* rote, eeema to ban been larger in tbe State than waa at flrat eappoeed, bat a* it baa not been reported by all tbe ooantiee it ie difficult to say wbat tbe total will be. It is probable tbat it will not fall mncb abort of 70,000, inoluding New York and Kings ooaoties. Tbe Legielatnre is etrongly marked, Tbe next Senate will oonaiat of twenty>foar Bepablloana and a hi Democrata, with the Eighth die :t doubtful, tbe election being claimed by both tbe B'pablican and Demooratio candldatee. In the Aeeembly there will b« ninety-two Bepoblicana end thirty* eix Drmocrate, giving a BepubUoan ma jority of flfty.eix end etouring • B*pob> lican majority of aeventy-two on joint ballot. The World monrna the defeat of Bob. inaon, but thinka the end of Tammany Hall baa oome. Kelly baa auooeeded in defeating Bobineoo, with the aid of better men, and haa annihilated himeelf. Tbe TribuM eaye: It ia a victory throughout. The future belonge to the Brpublioan party. The N»w York elec tion diepoeee af Tilden'e effort to kill off John Kelly. He ia a bigger power today m tbe Democratic party of New York than on any previous day of bis political life. The defeat haa pat an end to Tilden. Minnesota. St. Paul, November C.—Later ad ▼iota sud mora careful compilation in creaM the probable Bepubllcan majority to 14,000. The retnrni from nearly 200 eleotion preclncte, outing half the vote of the State, give Pillebury, for Oor ernor, 16,825; Bio*, 14,827; Oilman, for Lieutenant Governor, 10,826; Bar nam, 13,141; Yon Baamaok, Secretary of State, 17,544; Borer, 13,940. Tbeae retnrna are from larger towni. Thoee to oome from the raral diatricta, where the Bepnblican preponderance la greater, will, it ia eatlmated, increaae Pillabury'a majority to at leaat 12,000. Thia ia •boat 2,000 behind the reet of the ticket. Nebruki. Omasa, November C.—The retnrna •how that the Bepnblicana have elected Cobb Supreme Judge by 15,000 majority over Wakaley, the Democratic oandi date. Cobb carriea Douglaaa county, Wakeley'a home, by 500 majority. The ▼ote on the State ticket ahowa from 600 to 600 Bepublioan majority in Douglaaa county. The Greenback vote through out the Slate was trifling. It ia now doubtful whether that party carriea a aingle oounty or electa • single county offloer. Maryland. Baltimois, Norember 6.—The Dem ocratic majority in thia city will be about 10,000. Bat few of the counties have been heard from, but there ia no ques tion of the election of the Democratic State ticket and • Democratio Legiela* ture. Hamilton, Democratic, for Gov ernor, haa • majority of 11,102—the re mainder of the Stste ticket about the ••me. MhiUilppl. Jacison, November 6. — Fourteen oonntles hssrd from. Of thsss eleven elected ths straight Democrstio tickst with a msjority of 6,600. Hinds snd Msdison require an official count. The eleotion passed off qaietly. A smell vots wss polled. There was bat littls entbneiaam, ezoept in oonntles where the whites were about equally divided. Michigan. Dnaorr, November 0.—The rssalt of ths manioipsl eleotion shows a Bepubli can gain of 3,000, ths Bepublioans elect ing tbei» candidate for Mayor (W. G. Thom 10d) by a majority of 1,800, and the entire oity tioket, with the exception of City Clerk and one Juetice of the Peaos. They alao elect nins oat of ths thirteen Aldermen. MwucbuietU. Bottom, November 6.—Return* from all bat eight towne git* the following vote: Long, 131,716; Butler, 108,507; Adama, 9,734; Eddy, 1,473. Donohae, Independent and Democrat, baa a plu rality In thia county for Secretary of Bute of 8,999. The 8rnata will a tend 31 Republican* and 8 Bailer Democrat*. Illinois. Chicaoo, November 6.—Complete fig ure* for Treaaarer in Chicago, give Jobnaon, Rep., 33,044; Oaerin, D*m., 18,987; Allpeter, Socialiat, 3,013. John* eon'e plurality ia 1,037. In the oounty vote Jobnaon baa 39,380; Ouerio, 31,. 379; Allpeter, 4,030. Johnaon'a plural ltiy, 1,108; majority, 4,000. PenDijIvanlft. Pbiladklpbu, November 0. — Eati mated aod official retarni from 61 ooun* ties oat of 67 in Pennaylvania give But* ler, Rep., for State Treaaurer, 61,778; Barr, Dem., 14,346; Batler'a majority, 47,633. The indication* are that Bat* ler will have 63,000 majority. TliflnU. Richmond, November 6. — Leading Readjuatir* atate that the returna ao far are favorable. They claim 35 oat of 40 Senator* and 58 oat of 100 Drlegatee. The indication* are that the Readjaatera will have a majority in both Honaea. WlMoniln. Milwaukee, November 6.—Tha indl* cationa are now that tha Republican Stale tloket ia elected by at leaat 35,000 majority. Grant at Home. Oaudu, November 6.—General Grant and party reached here at 3 JO o'clock yeeterday afternoon. The reception here at hla old homo waa ona to be long re membered, aa the greateat good will and affeotion characterised the meeting. Every building waa laviably decorated, and elaborate archee were erected in aeveral street*. Tha proocaaion made a circuit of tha town, and the ecbool children anng "America" in front of Grant'a family cbnroh. Finally the pro ceaaion atopped at a platform, where a formal greeting waa extended by State Senator UoClellan, to which the Gene ral replied aa followa: "Ladiea and Gentlemen, Oitiseaa of Galea*: It ia with aome embarraaament that I reply to yoar weloome, which ia exaeediagiy gratifying to me. Bat it la dUSault for me to reply W what I have just heard and to what I hart it en. Sinoe I lint laft hare, eighteen yeara ago, it baa always been tba greeteat pleaanre for ma to return to Galena, and now, after an abaanoa of two and a half yeara from yottr city, daring wbieb time I have Tiaited almoat every ooontry in tba world, it ia a pleaanre to be greeted in thia manner oy yon. Daring my travail I reoeived princely honora, bat they war* all due to thia ooantry and to yoo, aa citizeua and aa aovereigna of ao great a ooaotry. While I aaw, daring my abaenoe, aapaoially in tha far Eaat, how hard tha inbabitanta had to toil even for a maintenanoa I realized mora than ever the greatneaa of oar country, where wan) ia scarcely ever known and where the qneetion of aaateoance ia not daily oonaiaered. I will only add that I thank yon again for your reoeption." After a crowded and entbaaiaatio re oeption at tha Da Soto Hoaae, which laated till 6 o'olock in the eveoing. General Grant and hla family dined very qaietly at their reeidenoe, which they found very nioely fitted up for them. From 8 JO till 10 o'olook there waa a continual atreem of people on foot aod in oarriagea, all bent on paying their re apeota to General and lira. Grant, who reoeived them all in a moat hoapitable manner. . The faneral of Hooker. Kkw You, November 0. — General Hooker'e faneral took plaoe yeeterdey from the City Hall. Crowda of people took a laat look at the remaina while lying in atate. Soon after noon the cof fin wu cloaed, enveloped in the Ameri can flag and plaoed in a bearae. A pro oeeeion wu then formed, the following gentlemen acting aa pall bearera: Major General Hancock, Generala Newton, Caaey, Buiterfield, Donbleday. Mott, Graham, Sbarpe, Crawford and Kidder; Vioe Admiral Bowen, Bear Admiral Frencharr*. John Jacob Aator, Dr. T. 11. Marker, Charlaa L. Tiffany and J. H. Gautier. A oolnmn waa formed of Troop A, Third Cavalry; the Seventh Regiment of Infantry, a battery of ligbt artillery, Ifajor General Sbaler and ataff mounted, many ofBoera of the army and navy, veterana of the Mexican war and poeta of tha Grand Army of the Bepnblic. The prooeeaion marched np Broadway to Waverly place, throagh Fifth avenne and Twenty-third atreet to Bev. D. D. Adams' oharoh on Madiaon avenae. Daring the movement of the proceaaion minate gana were flred, the flage on the publio buildioga and abipping were placrd at half maat, and the etreete throagh which tbe prooeeaion paaeed were crowded with people. Minate gone were firing in tbe harbor alio at Boob eater. Tbe Aa»ociate California Pio neera aent floral offeringa, with the le gend, "California Pioneere: We Will Meet Over tbe Divide." About a dozen Pioneere attended the charoh in a body. Chandler*! Funeral obieqnles. Drraorr, November 6.—Aa luminal throng of people took a lut look at tbe remain* of Senator Chandler tbia morn ing at the City Hall. Aa they paaaed into tha aoutb oorridor they wara eepa rated into paira, and aa tba caakrt waa reached tba paira vara aeparated and a oontinnoaa lino of humanity paaaed on each aide, every peraon bmding and looking at tba face of tbe deceaaed. Tbe oaaket waa of black walnnt lined with white aatin, tba exterior covered with blaok ailk velvet, relieved with a dra Cry of groa grain ailk. At tba ad or tba ooffln waa a white floral oroaa, and tbe crown and beae of evergreena, whioh tea ted on a oolumn draped with erape. On either aide waa • center croaa of red, formed of aoarlet double giranluma. At tbe foot of tbe oaaket waa another oolumn draped in black, on whieb waa plao*d a abeaf of wheat, with a white floral aickle, form ing a beautiful and touching aymboliam of tha ripe uaefulnaaa of tba depaited before being out down by tba great reaper Death. Tbe atream of people wbloh flowed through tbe building in contlnuoua linea laated from 8:16 a. u. to i f. x. Tha body waa removed to tbe Fort-itreet manaion ahortly after 1 v. m., where r«ligioui ezerciaea were oonducted by Bar. Dr. Pearaon. Ha paid • warm tribute to the deoeaeed. lev Ocean Cable. EiUtkX, November 6.—Tha cable ateamer Faraday baa laid tba telegraph oablefor the new French company be tween Breat and St. Pierre and la now leying a cable between tbe latter place and Cape Cod. Tbe ebip waa in tbe heavy gale of laat week, but kept eteed lly at work. Tha cable wee buoyed 200 mllea from Cape Cod on Sunday night. Tbe Faraday arrived here yaeterday. The reoent gale waa one of the moat violent ever experienced et Megdallne Ialanda. Veeeela were driven aehore, atock drowned and dwelltnga wrecktd. At White Haven a dozen veeaele weat aahore. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. [tnotu. to m bold atu, daily mm.) Mlicelltneooi. London, November 6.—The German admiralty bu extended to the end o( the year tbe oon tract time for raising tb* Ironolad OrocMr Karfant, jack by.. • collision with tb* Koenig Wilbelm off Sandwich, on tb* 31«t of May, 1878. Tb* l**k being oompletely stopped, tb* oontractors will attempt to rail* bcr bj tb* middle of November. Sir Stafford MortbooU, Chancellor of tb* £zob*qn*r, in an*waring * letter oalliog bi* attention to tb* popnltr die tr*** in SontbwNt Ireland, and suggest log imm*diat* action by tb* Government in providing work for tb* people, My* be sympathises with tb* people, but ean only r*l«r tb*m to tb* Irish Executive He add* that direct int*rpo*ition by tb* Government wonld b* open to great •base. ▲ Constantinople dlapetob announce* tbst • b*nd of Greek bn«and», who have been robbing and murdering in all the villagee surrounding Tricala, bav* been oompletely annihilated by a company of soldiers. Twenty-five brigands were killed and several wounded. Heavy snows have fallen in Aberdeen ahlre. The barveet in many of the neigh* boring district* has not been completed. U YOUR UMB WORTH TIM CENTS f Bleks*** prevails everywhere, and everybody complaint of aoaae dlee*** daring taetr lit*. When *tek. th* oldest to to get well; bow te ear plainly that no p*r*on la (bu world that to aoSariM with Uyapepeta, Liver Oooptalat aad u» effecta, aaoh se ladiftrsttoe, Coetlve naaa, lick Haadsah*. Boor atoaaeb. Heart Bam, Pelultatioa of the Heart, P*pt**»d Hplrlta. Blllonane**, Me., can tak* unaa'l Acacar Furna wltksti (aula* relief aad can. It too doaM thte, go to jotr dracitot aad get a saapto bottl* for 10 e*et* aad try It. Recator else, H c*aU. Two do*e* will relieve yea. W FRttORirriON VRU. V far the spssdy Cue of tialist WSahmSi **• ^ZyISSoh ifoSITw xsssn n., a. i. WESTERN DISPATCHES. [maUL TO m "OLD BIX BJJU nwi.| 8m Tranclico Item. Sim Fbamcmco, November 5.—Tha Ion by (bs fire in Chinatown last night foots op $20,000 on the building and oontenta. Fonr firemen were injured, though not aeriouely, by the (ailing ot a floor. Dudley Haakell, who waa indioted for manslaughter by th« Grand Jury, waa admitted to bail by Judge Wright of tha County Court this forenoon, on tha ap plication of W. H L. Borne*. Tha amount of bail la fixed at 910.000. Tha auretiea on the bond for Hukell'a ap pearance are Dudley H. Haakell and Bobert Robinson. Each qualified for $10,000. bolclde. Mkbcbd, November 5.—A French nam named Mareota, a former reaident of this town, ahot himself through tha baad yealerday at Indian Onloh, Mari poaa oonnly. Drath anaued iuatantly. Ha waa a cabinet maker and carried oo • ahop in thia town three or fonr jaara. Llrelj Ballroad Balldlof. PotTUXD, November. 6.—Iron for tha 31 milea of track on the North era Pacific Ballroad la now on tha way from Portland to Ainawortb City, and tha ■hip Tecumaeh, with eighteen mllaa of track, la now at Astoria, and will ba lightered and brought up to Portland thia week. Hi-r cargo will ba forwardad im mediately to Ainawortb. Track laying will oommenoe next week, and It la in tended to hara 25 miUa laid before tha Columbia cloeea. Central Spragut, who la now at Taooma, will go up the river next week to personally push the work. Over eight milee ol r md hat already been graded bryood Ainawortb oity. Tba grading on the road exo-eds ona mile a day now, and when the water la obtained tba foroe will be increaaad so that two or three milea a day will ba graded. They now ara ainking three wella, two over ninety feet in depth. About CO wbita men are employed, and about 400 Cbineee. Two Suicide* In Arliona. Phiz nix, A. T„ NoT*mb-r 6.—V. F. Gaialer auicided bar* on Monday night by abootiog himaalf. Tba bod/ waa fonud yaatarday morning, noith o( town. leaning ag«iti(t a fane* in aaitting poatnr*. Deoeaaed wa* wall knows la Viatlia and waa lately in bnainraa in Al< amedit. wbrr* ba leavaa a family. A Herald Tncaon aprclal aajra that Ed> ward Janninga, • nati** of Brooklyn, N. Y., aaicided at tbat olty on Monday. He procared a Wincbeatar rifla, took off bia boou and look*, triad • airing to tba trigger and ona of bla to**, r*ated tba muzzle againat bia eb**k and firrd. MIBCKLLiNICOta. .» a ■■ ■ ■ ■■■ The wonderfBI mo* OH I HYB?a*ra Induced a mat many to ad » art la* tbrlr wortbleaa preparatlona for DAPI/V" D All lm I will l" aaUMMM m* reputation. Do not rlik your health by mlnf tw or the** Inlurtoia preparation!, but try it once Hl'NT'M itKJl. BUIi which h<iUoodthe teat for30veari. • .«TK II >1 • TK-T< •■»>>. 1» Weatmtnater 8».. Pi irtDMCt, R. I.. Oct. ML lm.-w*. K. CL»iIl-0*«r Sir: t have aulfered ;<tt much with i.j Kid. ejr« and Ll*»r tor rnn. In January. 1979,1 arew worie, bloating fearfully. Mr phyaUian, one o' the h.«t in pioeldence. wlahod raa tu try HUNl'« BCMEDt .aaaaafe and raOabto compound, aa bf bad known It to cart Kidney Dit etaea whan all other mellclnea bad railed. 1 did a*, and la twenty-four hour* I paaae i four or fl»e fal looa or water, lb* bloat waa nmo»rt. and tbe (Teat relief mad* me fw-l a well man. War* It not tbc ItU »T'S KK>IKDT I would n»t be all** today. M. K. SUKfAHD-uS. L>T' ■ MK t ■ » la prepared ULVBUiSLY tor tba Dltoaaaa of Iba IIIIII TIC ^ HUNT S bb the Kidnoya . and Incontinence and UMB m m Retention of Crtne. RCUEnY^^ nCIHCBlr"'^ MM. K. CLAllKt, PaoriBtyea, K. I. •OLD MY • • I. llUUV.OIrT*. lUeodlr • 8MITH'8 AMERICAN PIANOS AND 0R6ANSI NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAND YOUR CLIMATE THE BEST ! , WARRANTKD FOR TIN YKARS AID SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICKS I So Agents, Ho Drummer*, Ho Self-Styled Profwion, Or Half-Waj Xulcbuu, —EMPLOYED TO EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PUIUC. Smith's Pianos and Organs abb indorsed bt ibb bcst mo. aiOUIft UPON in LIB M KBITS. Brad aad tea watt tboM Mr who km SMITH*. m.\0. la i oar mid I on thla CoMfc Kara toar montj aad bu/ai f 1»8T I«NH, Du*l ba humt)ug<-d, bat >eua for Ostalafaa tad pArtlC'llar* »ud JOOTMlVM of lha (rath of ni M«arnon. Any ttrla of FUNO or OROAN mat on PlrTKBli DAVB TEST laraJahlag Btmir'a Bxpna* or nallroad Comp<mj'( Mr. tllcM of fur *010001 Alao BHBET MCttl 0 «t uaa-half HUM prtH JAMES 8. SMITH, (Muafkctanrt' fUprmotAUr*), M Market Street, rtm BAIf FRAWOIHOO. OIL. MO PATEXT^O PA*. PATENTS OVTAIKBD FOB IUOBaNIOAL DBVIOSS. v-' nodical or cxbar compuauda, omMbl d*4«M. trad* mark* and Ut»H. Caroata A*, unanu, tnlrrfbrwcM. Infno««n>»uU and all mattara ralatlaf to Palaota promptly attaod *d to W< maka prdlmlnatjr axamloailoM aad fornlah oplnlooa u to paiaatabllUr, Om of cbarga.aod all who an latanatad la oaw larao tloaa aad Pataati tra larttod to aaad for • oopr of oar "Gold* for UbUtalaa Patwia," which la Mat fM toaa; addraaa. aad CMtalaa ooco plata laMraetloD* how to obtain Patanta. aad othar raloaola oattar. Dartac tba pMt Bra yaan wa hara obtataad aaarlr thna thooaaod potaata for Aiaarleaa and foreign Icnoton.aod caa flra Milafactory tafsraaoM la aliaoat amy oooaty la tha Ualoa. L0U1B BAQOSB * 00 BolkHtora of Faianta aad AUornaja at Law, La Droit BolkUaj. WaahJaatoa, D. a trl» fCC Awaaaiajroar u«i utmu. aaouMl JOb tTM. Na r(ik. Kaadar, If jovwmi a oaauaM at whtoh paraoaa of althar mz caa MUM* ■.BALLVTTaOO.I