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THE EVENING NEWS — ■ - ALT. DOTC9. ■■■—«■« Miter. VKIBAI. : : HOTIMIlt «. 1^ •riLLaoas. As prognoatioaUd in yeatwday'a Sm Coll Dmbi'i Uipttta, bit thraaooacaalad bonanza* ia the Comatock amount lo nothing ia tha «r»j of a naw ravalation. la taia laotura laat «racing ha told aothing naw and ravaalad so aacrat. Ha bad bo aacrat to ravaal and all bla information vaa baaad upon so axclutiva knowladga, bat pabllo and prirata nun or. Soma montba ago, vhaa Daana m«da bis famona spaach bafora tba Bullion Club in Naw York, annaanciog his knowladga ol thoaa thraa hlddan bonanxaa, tha News loeatad than for him whara ha now •a/a lb ay ara, ona at tba north and, oa« on tha 2200 lar»l of Halo 4 Jiorcroaa and tha otharin Tallow Jackvt At that tlma tha north and bonaoxa wu alrtady baing opanad and vaa axpactad to astand antiraly tbroagh Union and Mitioao iuto Opbir. Daring tha put foar yrara, wbila Hala k Nor oroaa baa b*an fluodad, rnmora bar# baaa pravalaat of a raal bouanx* having baas cot into on both tha 2100 and 9800 ltvala of that asina joat bafora tha flood from tha Saraga ao aomplataly anbmargad it. Tna ora body or vain oa tha 2100 waa aaid to ba only • faw fast iu width, bat it waa aaid to b> maob riohtr and mora aitaaaiva oa tha 2200, tba loaraat laval rracbrd. Sinoa tha mlna haa onoa mora baan fraad tram watar tba oroaaont waat oa tba 2100 laral haa paaaad tbroajb a fiaa vaia of •soallaat ora taa faat ia width, and tba S200 la yat to ba haard from. Parhapa Col. Fair'a "baby" bonanxa "biggar than ita dadJy" may ba foaad tbara. Ytilow Jacktt, bow.rtr, ia what tpptan to hart along and irritated Daana mora than anything alaa, and ha aaama moat ia tba dark regarding it. Haaayaiftba aaaagtmtnt would oroaacat whtra ha ma taU than to they woald ran Into on, bat ha doaa not kaap hia promlaa of rataaling jatt whtra that importoat boaania point might ha. Parhapa ha alludaa to thoaa neb atraaka of on found two or tbraa yeara ago about tha *000 laval in drifting away aaat, whan tha atoek jnoapad to $53 on a Saturday, •ad parhapa Daana bad tha look to •aeura a goodly quantity ot tha atock •a that partiouUr oceaaion ao well •ad aorrowfully rtmambarad by •mral baaidaa Daana. Thoaa atraaka •I ora may ba found to laad to •onothing aitansiva at aoaa futura day, when that portion of tha mina can ba praatiaally and advantagaoutly worked through tha naw abaft. Tha wbola tenth of tba matter apparently ia that Daaaa baa loat hia own fortuna in •nd got bia wifa into tha aama boat, aoaatquaatly faala aourad and aora ovar it. Ha hia broodad ortr hia loaaaa 1,111 hia brain ia war pad and ha thlaha ha aould run tha Tallow Jaaket or noy othar mina on tha Comatock batter than anybody alaa. It Boat oartaialy ia to ba hoped for tha baneflt of avrry body and tba oountry gvntraily that Daana ia all oorrrct in this matter, for amybody wiabea h«"-n mu of tha ricbaat kiod to b, developed right whara ba haa looated them, alto at numtroua othar poiuU along tha Com •took. Bonaosu art aadly naadtd at tbt prtttnt tima, and thty cannot ba developed too aoon. O** 'oaaa, at Silvtr City, hia Jtw in anoring altar daylight laat Saturday morning. Dr. Burgi aat it and laabad it ao flrmly in poaition that Sun day night tha upper J.w wu dialocatad. Thia being .lao raplacad and atcurcd. Monday night tha back of hia nack blaw •®t. Tha doctor ia afraid to auppma thia laat iaaut, leat tha akuU abould ■ploda nut. Uka tha piaton htad of a locomotive blowing out. Tha primary aauaa of thla temporary troubla waa tba ••torrh, which plaga up Jonaa' aoaa and woniea him a«vere)y in anoring at thia •mon of tha yaar. Jonaa altapa ia a chair now with tha back of hia aack •tuck out of tha window, and ia i.n.. "looroop," or "•quawwatd " ta. for hia aatarrh. * J** 8anator Chandler aaya thai tha Senator often tsprttaed a Iuk f « M 60 dW> "JJenly and wltboat iuff> no#. Ha bad tnrb a atronjr oouTlaUoo thatieach would ba hia and tba" ba did not btaitala to txpreaa hia belief tha c 'g*U *° e°m' 10 Lim M •thief Coavictiona nod afroag Jmprfaaiooa •ra not alwaya thui ftllcitoualy oon «rmad. W.lklnaoa, tha Hoateaa pbiJ ••cpher whoaa lift long conviction waa that ha abould dla in a field cf roaaa and hia aom) ba wafted upward ia a cloud oi ptrfofflf. waa convicted of horaa ataalias •ad alaratad with a ropa. | Tha Sccrstary of tha California Ba publican But* C.atrmi Committ**, natter inatruotioa* from tha Commit!**, haa talagraphad to lb* Pr*aid*at and Secre tary of the National Republican Com latitat, aakiog that the placa of Oaorga 0. Qorham ia tha National Commit!**, aa tha rspr***otalW* of Calibrate, ba toalarad vaoaat oa aeeoont of hia action dariag tha r*c«nt Stat* caapaiga. Thte day ia tha final oa* a*t by tha Advaatlais for tha world to coma to aa •ad. With thte via* tha Nrwa goaa to pssaa at tha nasal boor, and all paraona Indebted an r*qa*stad to a*ttla without d*tey. Lady Bryan bonds and a big baoh foil ol othar dubious **coriti*a for aate ehaap, with Crown Poiat, Btlcbar and Coa. Virglaia stock thrown la by way of ohroaoa. frank Sohalatta, tha aaa triad la tha United Btataa Circuit Court, at Carson, •a tha aharga of oolaiog aouatarfait half daltera la Humboldt coaaty, waa ao* qalttod by tha jury yesterday. Tha papsn la tha Parklaaoa saw at CUM an Mac prepared oa appeal ta , IbafapaaaOawt. J Mi* Amy Hoe tetter. the dang hter of the 4eeier la the bitters which bMr bit um waa married it Pittabarg. Pa., on the 13th iaeHnt, to Mr. Herbert Dopuy of Phila delphia. The preeenta from tbe brlde'e father alone were worth more than 1100, 000, and be la aald to have itiren ber be* •tdeea a marriage portion f1,000,000 In United Btatee bondt. The fortnnate bridegroom U related to the oelebrated French brandy Arm of Otard, Dopuy & Co. All old aoakera agree that HoetetUr'e nnd brandy make a • vary palatable and satisfactory mix tare. The ooneucaers of Hoatetter'a bit tan, however, do not always realise the richeet reenlts, yet they can have the aatiaf action of knowing that they have all helped make old Hoatetter thna able to eet np the diamonda nnd bonda in good atyle when hia daughter geU mar ried. Mile. Sarmh Bernhardt, it la reported, will bring to America an exoellent oom pany, aa abe doee not approve of the "star " eyetem. She aaye that the will not play the claaeloal repertory, adding: " Even we French get bored by It, for nat one in twenty of qi can understand it I wo aid play Ophelia and Borneo, bat in my own langaege. I woald eooner play in Rood French than in En gliah with a French accent. The ad vantage of playing Sbakeepeare la obvi ous. Everybody is well acquaint#d with the playe, and ooald follow them, even if they did not understand French." John McCullough it report ad by tho Cleveland Lndtr u saying that ha baa baao trying to forget what ha baa eeen in otbar aotora and ia learning to draw bia inapiration from tba book of Xatnre. " I bf lieTe," ba aaya, '• I am beginning to nnderatand better than ever before tba humanity and tba many aidta of Sbakaapeare. It U my intention to da vote my tima aaaiduoualy to tba study of tbia groat maatar, and if I am apartd taa yaara longer I bopa to make greater progrtaa lb an I bare mada In tba laat twenty yaara." It ia argued by Demooratio oraclea in Waabingtoa that tba way for their party to ancoeed next year la to conoentrateall their money and lofluenoo upon New York and Indiana, tinea tbeao Statea, with the Solid Sooth, will elect a Preal dent. They believe tba South ia anre anyaay, whioh aeema to ba a aafa oon oltuion. WASHINQTOM LETTER. rieperalleaa hr Ike WlaUr Ma> •ea-iUraad Irawrlal rafMal -relilMal Imn — Mr. liMea VuU a ra|Mr la Naiklailea. [Oonaapoodmoa of tha Oold BIU Dally *ewe.) W amino ton. Not. 12, 1879. Wo are now la tba midat of prepara tion for tho event of tha year, the open* log of tba Congreaaiooal aeeaiou. Waahington ia cleaning hoato, or, to apeak aocarately, cleaning boarding houae with a hurry and oonfuaion that betraya too little acquaintance with cleaning proceaaoa, and a reek of dnat and amelle that proclaims long diauatude of aoap aud water. AU tbia meana that Congreaa ia expected, though to waab anything for Congreaa aeema Ilka a work of aoperirrlgation. Congreaa ia coming with Ita immenae elltnUU, ita nonde acript retinue of heralds, follower!, at tendanta, dependents, plaintiff*, de fandanta, lobbyiata, bobbyiate, Jobists, aooblata—in abort, inch a pot pourri of tba beau-monde, demi-monde and baa mo ado aa outoropa. In ao limited an area, nowhere elae on thia bamiapbere. It ia expected that tba dty will reoeivo lu complement of vial tore earlier than naual tbia Winter. It ia already rapidly filling up, and tba approaching reunion of tha Army of tha Cumberland and the Thomaa memorial aervioee, it ia thought, will briog 25,000 people to Waahington. Local committeee are hard at work par* lecting arrangements for a groat pageaut, and if tha weather ahall be favorable, tha nnveillng of Oan. Tbomaa' atatue will doubtleaa bo attended with groat eclat. Tba ball which la to follow tba White Houae reception will bo a very grand affair. A largo number of tha army and navy offlcera will be preaent in fall dreee uniform. Ex volonteer of fioero will eleo attend in uniform, and tbeoe, with the attendance of Membere of Congrree, Cabinet offlcers, and distin guished men from all parte of the ooon try, will lend unuaual attraction to tbe event. An immenoe tent, with capacity for aeatiag ten thouaand persona baa been secured for the use of the Society of the Army of tbe Cumberland aud ia being erected today. It will bo fitted witb flooring and arrangements for illu mination with gas. A resolution waa adopted that reaervrd aeata witb anitable facilities bo reeerved for i«ntlemen of tbe preaa. Tbe atatue of Oeo. Tbomss arrived today and waa tranaported to the Fourteenth a tree t circle, where derricke, guys, etc., are in readineaa for mount ing it ia poaition. Tho material for an immenae amphitheatre of aeata baa been transported to tho circle, sod aocommo datioaa for anting tsa thouaand person• are bains prepared. Si DO* lb* NMOl •iMtiom poIltioltDI aa*m 10 ba T»ry rnacb at m. Tba Baj ard tod ib« 8«ymoar boom* in miso log formidable proportion*, vbilt on tba Bapobhcan aid* there moi to be a gtoeral fevliog (bat it Will Dot be indn pantabla to nominate tbflr airoogeet man, bat tbat lb»y cao alrct tba nomi dm, 10 matUr who ba may be. Tba atar of Ttldaa baa declinrd ontil it aearcely appear* a bora tba horizon ; it may aria* again, bat at preaent thara aecma to ba littl* proapeot for tbat ex oaadingly unlocky aaao. Tba D*mo cratio organ ban, wbicb, up to tba Una of tba N*w York alaetioo vaa ona of hia aUnnobaat aapporWra, baa now oonapio oooaly abandonad him. Tb*r* ia a ru mor tbat lfr. Tildan will aatabliab a naw D«mocrati* pa par in Waablogton, and that Htnry WaUaraon and Moni»omary Blair will ba tba aditora. Mr. Tildan. wboaa motto, in apita of hia look, ia nU duprrandym, aaaa Uta importance of having a journal of hia own plaoad daily in tba has da of tba Damooratio mem here of Congraaa. Ha, donbdeaa, baa tba maana, if ba ia dlapoaad to amploy tbam, of foanding n pa par bar* that wooid aoon a wallow np tba diaefftoted organ. Tba aditorlal combination propoaad ia qoaar. Tba brilliant, yoang Weetern joornaliat and tba old Cabinat offlcer will maka a fmUm Unit yoka tbat would appear highly incompatible. Mr. Blair writaa ia tba atyia of tba paat ago, with eaabraoa Jobneoniaa rbatoric. Only riaiara if nallmttad Maw* aan gat th«Mgbhl« hidin —. WESTERN DISPATCHES. [crSMAl to «a hu ntx uiu wnrv] STILLBORN. Coll Deane'a Triplets—HI* Three Concealed Btuniu Confessed In Public—Kearney Show* the Only Exeltemeat — The Public Apa thetic. Sax Fnxciaco, Norember 31.—Union Hall «h crowded to snffooation lut evening on the occasion of the me*ting annonnoed bj Coll Deane, a prominent •lock operator, for tho pnrpoee of tell ing the pabllo the looation ot three new bonanxaa which he claim* exist on the Comatock, and of denouncing the man agemtnt of the mines oontrolled by J. C. Flood and hie partners. Denis Kear ney, who baa for several days announoed bia intention ot breaking np the meet ing, was preeent with a large oonoonise of bia followers from the aand lot, and befora the meeting was oalled to ordtr, rose in ths body ot the bouss and mads an attsmpt to organlis ths meeting. Coofnaion enintd and Kearney was ar rveted and tak*n to the atation boose on the charge ot dlainrbing a meeting. Mr. Diane In the opeoing ref.rrsd to bit epoech hoi mootba wo befor* tha Bullion Clob o( New York, In which ha •Uted that ha vonld aaka known tha whereabouts of Ihraa bonansaa unlesa tha management speedily uncovered them. Ha deplored tba ni-oe salty 0f oar. rying oat hit threat tod of oensaring a man who bad tbaopportamtlea fordoing good—J. 0. Flood, tba aril ganina of tha Bonaoufirn. Ho then dilated at con •idarable length oo tha alleged unacru pnlone course of Flood and hia partntre, and afier defending bimielf from the charge of being inepired by ainUter mo tivee, proceeded to looate the three bo D«°* The flrat ha aaaerted to be In the Opbir, extending into the Mexioan, probably ioto tba Uoion and perbapa into the Sierra Nevada. Ha advised no one to buy on bit aay ao, aa Flood wonld inflate the stocks, and after nnloadlng 'Teak them down and pnnleb thoaa fol lowing the upeaker'a advloe. He aaaerted that the rxitUnoe of tbia bonanza on tha 22U0 level of the Mexican waa known to tht Bonanza firm two jiiti ago, but that the development in tba Sierra Ne vada waa a surprise to tbeni. Tbe »»cond bonanza, bo aaaerted, waa in the 2200 level ol the Hale and Nor oroaa. He did not know that it waa a large one. and had apoken of it baforo tba Bullion Club aa simply "good pros pecia." He denouooed the failure of Superintendent Deidesheimsr of the Hale & Nororoaa to inform tha stock holdera, in hia official letter, of tbe reoent air ike on the 2100 level of the mine. Tbe existence of this bonanza, be claimed, waa known fonr years ago to the Bonanza Arm. The tbird bonanza he looated in tba Yellow Jacket, bat not atating iia wbareaboota definitely. He then alluded to Kearney'* tbreata to break op tbe meeting, and claimed that he (Kearn-y) waa acting in the interest of J. 0. Flood, calling attention to tbe fact that in all Kearney'a denunciations of brokers, mining operators, sto., he had scrupulously avoided attacking ths Bonanza firm. Beferring to ths Yellow Jsoket bo nanza, he aaid his statements wonld bo lolly borne oat by an ezploratioo of tbe mine, and that It was a groat mine. As for proof of his assertion, bs oould not betray the oonfldenoo of t>is informants, bat wonld stats as an earnest of his belief, that his wife had mortgaged her homestead to carry that stock. He said: " Let tbe management mako crosecnte where I will direct and if they fall lo uncover ore bodies, I will bo oovered with confasion and looo evsry dollar I posseaa in the world. 8bouid they ro las* to mako sach crosscuts, it will then devolve on the stockboidsrs to take strong meikures to obtain jastios." He then proceed to denoauoe Flood in strong terms, citing insunoes of tbe manner in which ho had doped hia friends and the publio by giving falee information regarding th* oonditlon and proapeota of tbe mine nnder hie oontrol, tbua ruii iog thousands. He intimated that tbe Bonanza firm waa th* agoney that earned the failure of tbo Bank of California, and compared Balaton and Flood to the dieadvantage of the latter. " The rapacity of tbeao men," he oon tinnsd, "ehoald be no longer saffered. Tbs press, pulpit and publio opinion should band together to obeok their law lea* career." He advooatod the forma tion of a combination powerful enough to fight the bonanza firm In tbe market, and nrge operators to enroll their names for that purpoae. He then gave Kearney a sevsrs scor ing for his action in tbs premises, and concluded by appeala to tbe publio to throw off tbe bondage of the Bonanza firm. At tbe coneiuaion of Deane'a ad dreae resolution* were road by Mr. Fay denouncing the manner in wbiob, by the aecr.t use of the diamood drill, the purpoeely breaking of the pumping gear, tbe flooding of the mines, the pn£ tlog out of laleo Information, and gen eral diabonret management and manipu lation, tbe community bad been plun dered: protecting against ths abuae of delegated power in the management of miuiog propertiea, and urging, in the ev*nt of no r*form being inaugurated, tbat a general movement bo organised to overthrow tbs oligarchy of tbs Nevada Bank. Bejoou &rarn*y a propoeai to organ Is* lb* mretiDit tber* «u do ettempt tt interference. Tbe remarka of the ipeeker war* freqoemly interraptrd by applause, bat it *u evident that than waaa atrong parly preeent io opposition to tboaa who called the meeting. Tbia waa evinovd on aaTrral occanioni, notably on tha vote callrd for by Daaoa aa to whether Flood bad poraned tba ooure* of ao honest aod publio epirited man. It woald be difficult to determine wbatbar tba opposition to any extent oonaiated of tha aolid men praaaot, or vbathar it waa mainly confined to Kearney'a oo horta. A iMUrly Piaea ef llfMteli. Another oorraapondant git aa hie opin ion of Coll Deaoa'a lector* aa followa: I hate liatejad to many publio ad drwaea, bat to Ooil Done I award tba palm for (be moat maaterly piece of rig marole that an adooated man oould nttar. Be com man pad by laying dowo aoma general rnlea concerning the datiaa of the oitixen, «nd pot it to tba meeting * he tber Jem re 0. Flood, tha Bonansa King, had fulfilled hia dati*a. Tbaayaa and nees were rather avanly divided ; rat bar. It woald aaam, to tba chagrin of tba laotnrar. Next Mr. Daaaa entered Into a pcraonal explanation, or, rather, d*ni*l ol certain accaaationa brought againat hlmaalf in connection with Block matter*, wbiob explanation did not ex cite mnch Interest. Bis addraao waa on foolacap and afidantly badly rehearsed, aa ha had to go back and back to reach a felling point, something altar tha style of Artemns Ward Informing the audi ence, "This la where the laagh *°ST rtaetaaUf ease to theiukjeet, "The Three Bonanza* Conoealed on the Comttock," bat ultimately, with tn apology, pronounoed tbem Mezioen, Hals k Nororoaa and Yellow Jackal, bat waa afraid tbat Jemee 0. Flood voald Kat ap a job on hi* fritnda if they ought any of three atoeka. Ha waa Krticnlarly aetere on lieeare. Flood and lr, and complimented Mr. Mackay. I have elzteen pegea of notaa of what ba did aay, bnt it ii nothing bat both and tba verleet twaddle. In my view bo la a pigmy George Francil Train. Idaho Boid !(«■(■. Boxtc Cm, November !J1.—The oral land atage waa atopped by two maakad man at Pilgrim Springa Station, 85 mllaa aaat of hare, on Taeaday night aboat 10 o'olock. The robbers bad aecnrad tba hoatlar, tied and blindfolded him. Qna paaaeoger waa on board—E. Blewitt, a •attla man. Tbay tied and blindfolded him and took all tba monay ba had, 990; then tied and blindfolded the driver and took all ho bad, fl, and broke open Welle, Fargo k Co'e treaaore bos, bat got nothing. They did not diatnrb the mail aaoka. They did their work very deliberately, and atayed at the atatlon and oookad and got their tapper. BOW TO HAVI BIONBY. Iaataad or (olac to a doctor for a prwerlp Uoa. If yoo bate Br ght'i Ulmit, Dlab.Ua, Palo la Uit Back and Loins, Satrtiof« Inlia ■Alios, Oalealt, B tekdaat Dcpoail, or ur trooba of the Kldoay* or Bladder. boy a bottla or DB XtnTira NlPBBaTICU*. Iba g.aat BucAu Compound It U tba moat wonderful praaorlpuon trar comp^unda t lor tbata trouble*. Kmart, jtbrufca « Carroll. wholesale dnw»l«* m» : •• 1ft rtganl SqArtticwn at Ma tmt JCWMy and £Uuldtr■ Btmtdy U Uu ■mmrttf Woodward,'draggl-l, ruruaid. Ora ■oa, *aya : •• If.rybody apnaka highly or U " Chllda, drugjfirt, Portland OrefJO, **>* "Bold i«te 01 It; Tt aiwaja oo«a th> work " Mur bara barn eared of nbatlnata kidney oomplainta attar tba doctor* have giroa than Bp. Tor aaia by all draagUU. P. lea ft tt. ■UictnK. ▲ dlrtlagalahed •daotlat oooa aald ■ •• Mo man with a atrong aad ha.ltbj atooaaoh arar oommlttad aslclda," aad yat man? ara (Uflarlag tha tortorai or tba damned with Djrpapala whan • ilngl* bottla of DB MIMTir t Bogllih Dandelion, LI Tar and Dyapapala P.II* will (Ira rallaf. aad If pariUiad la, will enra tb* wurat aaaa or tbla dUtraeatag trouble Tbla pill earae lorpld Ltvar aod Blnoiuoaaa, ngulate* tba Bowala. rrraorva Pimplee from tha Paoa, oataa Hallow Oomplazl id, Pool Braatb, Bick Hra lacba, B-artbura, Pain to tba nidee aod Back, ta feagareo<ted aad Oil ABANTBKD to ba PUuBLY *KQITaBLK. It acta dlreotly upon iba coating 01 toe Stomach aod oa tba Liver i aaa ba takea la aay cllmata-wn or dry waatbar. Beware or Imitation*. lha Owiwfci* hu aa engraving or a llna on tba ontaida wrap par. Prioa H oast*. For *ala by alt dragglita. Tnaa bara bam mora car** of aemlnAJ waaknaee, nerrou* debility aad paralyaU made by tba wonderful Jttglleh ramady, air Aatley Ooofar'* Vital Haatoratlra, tbaa try all otbar rtmadlaa combined. Why will yon *off*rr Band to A. K. Mtatia, X D., Mo. U Kearov •traat, Baa Prandaoo, for tba Btatoratlve, aod bo cved. Prloa. t> par bottlaf lour tlnaa tba qtuttlijr, $10. Try a b..ttla. mbtt ly WUY WILL YOU Allow a oold to adraaca la yoar ayitam and tha* eoeonrage mora aatloa* maltdlaa, aaeh aa Paaomonla. Hemorrhage* And Long troabia* whan aa lmmadt\ta ral af can ba ao readily at tained. Batch* i (krman Syrup b «a gained tba largaat lata lu tua war d lor the enra of CjQ, ba, Ooid* aad tba eoTereat Lnag Dla*e«e* It ta 11 r. Boaeboa'a famoaa Uermta pre«orlptlon, and la prepared with tha gr«ata«t eare.and no laar need b« a.nrrtalnad la adminUiarlng It to tha yoaag«*t child, aa par direction*. Tua tala of tula madiclua I* aaprao dantad. Slaea flrat latrodacad th»r» ba- baaa a conaUnt luer«aa iag damard and wlthoat a alngle rrport of a fallnra to do It* work In any cat* A*k yoar Dragglat a* to tb* tioth or tb**a remark*. Large *lx* Tt caali. Trr It and ba oonTlnjatl. It/TAKHOOD lYl RESTORED Prescription Fr««. Fnrthatjoadj Cnr»Of Stmiul W«»«nt« Lo« of Mtntaood. and all dia» ofdanbroaaht on br Indtwnilon nr ticMti. Abj BORN la Oold Bill, M'Trmtw it, to lb* wilt ot Jacob Nlcbo.U, ■ M. In Vitjlula, MoTtBbw 11, to tb* wlf* Of Jam** T •toot, a *oa. In Gold Bill. KoT. mbtf 9, to tfc* wlf* of Bob wt M«v*u», a dan* b*r. lu Aoailo. Notombar IB, to Ul* wlf* of J. B. Famll. a daugbtar. OICO. la VUilala, Novaabrr vt P<unek u'Mmtii, a natlv* of Oaaoty WaUrferd, Italaad, ipd ii 7*aia la Canoa 0 tj. Hownbor 10. Mr*, •piatt, w1i*«f M. a, Mpratt, »<td Mjmh. lu BrUict, «o»to,bar is, Miebaal lira**, l|id m jfftri. In Moom, Xoroabtr II, Loal* 0 as dual, («ldU)lM. NEW TODAY, LIST OF UNCLAIMED LITTERS niKitlf'NO IN TBI POSIO-FIOI AT IV uold Hill, ■'orajr* ant;, hrrada, Korrm bar II, 181*. If not cailrd for with la oat mootb tbtjr will bo a*el to U» Doad Laltar ufflco at Waabiuton. D. 0.: Barrow* WUlita Bart I* John Bur Julia T Bndlaj WlllUm roalitr J K Dana Kim LIlll* ramil M ehMi Cturlrt LniMMa J X Levy Jena LtT'dea CtuU l.«wr«uo« buaatl Millies i bo'um M.rUold HF Martin /Ul; Folk McKiyWB McOobto DanUl P.urtou P"«r & Rtniolpb > (* Ntotrd Ctpl W I Ko§« Jobs Hotrtr* Jot hnllWan Mix NtUte 8b»y m>« Abbr Bmllh 1 B i r#ai*jn« iim TiM»p« a Ctuu Wbli* Jobs W iImb Utorp ■ . W OBOBBUU&. r. M. FUR8I FUR8! FURS! D. & M. WINDMILLEB, The Wtll'Uuuwu Furrlera, Hit* conatantiy en haod • ltrr* aacortaeat of arary d»-crlptlon of FANCY FURS, »t tli* lowoat prlcee. MINE AND BBALSElN SAQDBS mid* to orler, baitheaed a*4 ra paind at tHMUtit rata*. Arrival of New Stylee of ■ealaklo U>u a ad t'latk Cloak*. We BBtt Mil. *T«N AT A LOSS, tad lOTlte the pa t>Ue to look at oar «nodaat.d bo oonvlaced. D. k K. WINDMILLEB, farrier*. No. 4 North u >trMt. oppoMte to* lnbraatloaal Hotel. Virginia. War 11 «. B. GU1U, t. I. Htm. W. H. CLARKE 6 CO., • TOOK BROKERS, no. si aoora o itkikt, VIRGINIA OITY. N IV AD A. 84a rraaelaao ooneepoadaat, B. B. WAKE riBLD k 00. t Md-B JULIA CONNO LI DATED ■INIJIS 00 arAXY.—Location of, principal pUoe of bae>Doaa, Sao riaaetaon, California. Location or work*. Virginia klnlat DUtriet, Storey eoanty, Nevada. Node* la haraby ct**a, that at a bmUbcoI the Board of Diraetora, bald oa tha alaeteoath day af Kortabar, int. an acmiMcnt (No. Ill of oaa Dollar (|i> par chare waa tailed opon the capital nock of tb* corporatloa, payable immediately, la United Statea cold cola, to the »acrau»7. at the oOca of the Ocopaay, Room 11. No. (II OalUaraU etroet. Baa rreaeleoo, Oe'iioraia. Any atoch ima which thle ccuccBcnt ahall remain id paid oa the tweaty-lbaith day of oe oeab r. im, win ba drUoqaeat, and adrertlaed MV MM tt pahUe aactleo, and oalaaa pay neat la sad* bete* will be cold oa FalUAT, the alsieeaih day of Jasaary. 1MB, to pay the delloqoemt aaaa aweat. Mother with ooetaor adrertMBf aad ezpeneee of caia. Sy orde* ef the Hoard of Dtreetore. Ofloe—(It dkmewmf* BAMEU BROTHERS Just Received, the Latest and Best Styles of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Chinchilla, Beaver, Diagonal Overcoats and Ulsters, Boys' Clothing, Rubber Goods, Blankets, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Tronks, Valises. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE8 ! All Goods Harked Down 25 Per Cent Lower H"" any other House in the State at BANNER BROTHERS, Corner C and Taylor Streets, Virginia, Nevada. » AMPSBMIVTS. MECHANICS' ONION 4 BALL! £ THE SIOOND GRAND ANNUAL NAft.1 —am tn MEOHANIOS' UNION , Offtmr Chmji Nmiii WUlb*(tTM«l NATIONAL QUARD HALL VIRMNIA, ] nriONKIDiT ITt'O DEC. II. OMBlttM *r AmilMMati. B. HwTonr, BUpban Wilkin. A. B. McKay. * T. PUnk, Walla Drury, K. P. KcKaoiU, Jacob Tooo*, Jr. P. B. Jadga, Sam B. CoDaor. IlTlMtlM CwtWl, trary Biabn of U« Calm. SmoUm I Haa D»»r, Bay Chnrebaaa, John MacklDooD, J. K. Ooaltar, Willuua Lloyd. B. P. BaaalUaa, Mloaaal Wbalcn, Daalal Bally, ButOolfta. Plaar Huatirii rteorj* T. Parklna, ■ L. OoMIdi, J. 0. Barlow. D. B. Prmaar, Joaapb Braanan, Alas Boi oaald, Tbomaa HamlU, J. w. Plant, Tkaouora B. Wood worth. Plaar Dlraatar. FitSIDC?T A. P. BAOKAY. iaaliHal Vlaar Dlraatara. Tloa Praaldaota W. B. Tboa>paaa aad Prad, A. BaUtb. Pi*f. i. W. Taraa/'a ((aadrllla Umm4 Baa baaa ahfuad for Ua oocaalsa. BarranU vfll ba la attaadaaea and than will ba ao axira ebarga. TICBBT8(admHUacnoUaaaa aad Udtaa)S3 1849! . 1879, FESTIVAL -ABO SOCIAL KEOHIOH PACIFIC MUST PIONEERS NATIONAL GUARD Hill, VIRGINIA CITY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER Id, And MBUaalac lbio«afclb* *•»*• tickets m chu, u THE THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY A A —or to Sold Hill Miners* Union -TO MO KM U MINERS'UNION HALL, QOLD HILL, » Muday I?Deecahcr «» Hit. CMaltw* «f AmauMMU. OhiriM D*b«rtr. DmW MorMnaa. WIUIm f. foltard, J. A. Mwta, aS&tTiSS(Y'.. fiSSftSfc lirludM A.U Mtm ot tfct Mam' Calotu. D. XtOulkj, M. O OtbWM. D. A. Obitm, . Mwitoliid, I WUtl. JSKS?-^ Jihi I<ni|r. WilltoaVollHi, MajLOwM. Dtn TlaOlrlM. PROPERTY OWNERS To insure good, material, stipulate in all your Contracts for Painting that nothing shall be used except C. T. Raynolds & Co's Pure Paints and Oils. Painters who use C. T. Rapids t Co's Paints and Oils do the BEST UNO CHEAPEST WORK, beoausa PORE MATERIAL GOES FURTHER, LOOKS BETTER, and LASTS LONGER than any other. OCM fLOTllM IQtBtt ufER8' MECHANICS^ STORE I BICH BROS., Proprietors, til IMMENSE RUSH* OF IOIMESII n*INO TO ODB OOBBTAXTLT WCBIAB w tan baolnooo *• won twptllid to procaro » loqtor otoro Uot wo mlttt wm tiyimodiU oar cusilutij Incroaola* potroooco. FAIR dTa LINO, Uniform tad low price*, U Uw oocrot of oar mom, Wo loriu oil oar old pttrone and tho general public to ooll oad ooo ao it oar bow ploao, wboro wo h>To oa exblb.tioa one cf Uo lorteot olockoof Men's and Boys' Clothing And Furnishing Goods, BOOTS 1KB SHOES, HITS AND CAPS, TRUNKS. VALiait, IT©.. Brer off. rod la VlrgUU. Oar Mr. I ltd or Bleb rooldoo at Uo tool of oapplloo ord lo olweje oa tbo lookoat for bor. (•loo. wblcb okkbloo ao to tiro Indocomeote la prtooo sot lo bo equaled la uo Bute of HotoJo. oomi onk7~comc ALL. IfOMi— oar lnmusoo oiock oad low prtooo, oad Jadfo for roaroelre i. MINERS' AND MECHANICS' STORE RICH BROS., PROPR'B. M Sooth 0 Street. Tlrflnl*. Her. 8RE&T BARGAINS -Aim NEW YORK ClOTHINft STORE, NO. 100 MAIN STREET, DR. HALL'S BOtLOUlO, Oppoelte Sowo odtoo, GOLD HILL. 8. ARONSON, rrun xjuonto OLoratm or uolo A Bill, boo, darUf bU loa« ouj la Boa Froadooo, bod tbo opportaalty of bayta* •90,000 worth or GooAb »t Sherirs Sale I lad bo to aow roodr to dlopooeof Ueaet tho oorno prloo fee wblob Uoj won pareboood: Hbo Dlofoaol, Oooolmoro tad Beaver Mob'o Ball* Tram fT 10 «p Uoloa Ooeolmereo " 0 00 ap Xob'o OToroooto,oil klodo... •• IN tp Hoa'o Uloloro. oil Uado M • 00 ap Froaota OoaolNOot* hiU - B «0 ap loathe' oad Mojt' DUfoaol oad Booror Nalto. * BO ap Toatko' oad Bojre' Onion Oee * — " «» ap olBJMfO • OOOHIIMOOO.... Biz palro gnj oad wblto Bha kit Bocko. 1 00 flood OX ton Bocko, por doooa Me Mlal ■Bkooo,OM«aoUtr... <00 Koa'eBoou, Brat tool it/.... " • 00 op Boyo'Boou, «rot qaoJltj .... " J OB op ■oa o rtao Bolo...*. " 100 ap Boro'fiao loto » llo ap Flrot qoollty Ororollo. Mo All other Qoodo ot tbo LOWBBT PBICBf. Ooll Ofcd OTOIBlBO »r lane otaofc. • ALIX. COHN, dsalib n DRT GOODS, LADIES', MI88E8' — AID— CHILDREN'S SHOES! run ouaroKxis will warn it to V tMradTMttar by ataaUalaf my Umii •fee* of f* da Wort pwckNtoiittntaN^ lU|f|M<IMbOi|k( fOC CHt, M4 I ULL THE* QMMATMM than imj oUat atoa, FOB OAM OMLY. A MX. CORN. 1 OdiFHtow«'»olMlo«.OoMm. TIN DOlUlt REWABO WILL B1 MID FOB TBI UTUUT OF a yautlag katfar tffctoh atnjad froa ifca Dowlaa alii oa UalO'k of October laat. MM raarliac «aa of rood alia, red asd wklte ipat M,aaik«ia alaaa ct kaltlacropeMiliiW **lat >Lglt kara kad keen Irate, ail WMjaiKlg»i SALOON. SENATE SALOON. MAIM ITKIBT QOL.D HILL. OiinIi* Uktrtr laid* Bmmi •AM. «OUTHMrOIITN.-.rMHt«tar. the cuoiourr WINE8. LIQUORS, ALK8 AMP PORTIR TBS BUT BRAND* OB CIOAKS, Kla. mBIS NIW AND BLBQANT SALOON 1 U Stud gp U i la»l»h upNM. wllh •piaadld work* of art •doraln« tba walii, aad m tka iaar aw two of (to lataat-atyia IRECIAM-CURVE BILLIARD TABLES, Tka ONLT NIW OHUUittnormrvw* In tta town. Thu Saloon U lh« flntal ud moit commodloa. In Gold HUL er Fail LUNCH OAILT. Opm at alt boon,day and sight. OaU aad proapaet. FASHIONJALOON. CHRIS. WEIDEMANN PROPRIETOR. Mala Street Sold Hill. Oppoalta tka NlwaoOo*. rpHM OLD- BflTiB LIBB KD AND FOFCLAK A rwort 1* MU1 th. farorlla. Oomlart ud •port combined. Tb« patrona ef tka kaaaa wtil alwaja Bad tka bait brand* of BrfANDT, WHISHT. ALB. rOKTIK, UOBI, WINKS OB ALL KINO*, TOBACCO, CI OARS, KTC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. BANK EXCHANGE, to Marnard'* Black, MAIN »T1I11T - » GOLD HILL. AFIBBT-CLUS SALOON Ol SY1BY raapact, aa wall aa tmmtl naort tar baat ■waw. AoootorcabM aad qaldt RKADINO ROOM At tka raar ot Uta Saloon, aappllad wtu tka jMMpal nawapapara aad pariartlaila of •• TBB BIB U atoekad with tba baat braada of WIMkS, LlQUuB* ABu C1U.BS. B. B. <HaB BNNBT, Fraariaw. CAPITAL BILLIARD 8ALOON, MAIM STRUT, GOLD HILL Jut ibm tb« Tmv Mo—, C. HOB Projrletor. ^mobst worn, uquom. aun, iM. Ott. Two eeetoruble 01ab-Koo«j. Plaoot aad Boct popular kalooa la Oold Bill. Call mi laopoct tko bwUlallUaa. x— CUMSTOCK EXCHANGE, No.BuO Mala Btroot, Cold UlU, (Oppotiu iu im oOm) At tbu populae place or bbsobt MS b* found a Mloot (LOCK Of CfcoiM Wines, Liqaorsi Ale, Porter AND OIOARS. AUo. tko oolr BILLLA&D TABLBS la leva at to play 00. Oall aad j> rot poet. al T.M.TltOM.Attu. GIBSON'S SALOON, IAU WUW —SOLD BILL. pun worn, liquors, ira, bio WHITI WINIC ABO OTBBB QBBUIBB LIQUOBB. — W.P.C.onMQN.rrwifr. THANKSQIVIRO PROCLAMATION. rlLLOWINO TUB CUSTOM OP OCK Foivfatbtn u< la craUfnl iKOfslltoc at bloMtag* of ptaco, boaltb isd ftoml battaoM pro«p«rit* Tnacbwftd to *a4 wjoyod br U>< poop la of ttuttt'o dnrni tko ;Mr bow mwI; mM, I booby dMlfnato TkirWir, Ik* BTtk Day of Ntroaktr, A. D. 18TB, At • do* oT TkaaWtvlaf tod Prawn tad I do ■araootly roeoamoed to m iMIow^olitawa iktf with boanloit aad cordial aalty, oa that lap. w rnidor bom««o tad tbaaka to tko Alalgkty KuiorftKblABaay i la tootiaooy wbrtonf I ba«o kormato art ay Uod tad eaaaod tko Qraai ktal at tko Km t* bSlAlSde lMN(kmOr*r,*mdA,tU»Mk dayot JOB* X. BI5IBAS. tfBmia.