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THE EVENING NEWS 81TCI1AT, ; ?fOTKMBf1It. lWf« rti.tTixc. GOLD KILL "DAILY NEWS" NKWSPAPKIt • • >AJ®, in JOB PRINTING ■8TABLI8HMINT. Mala Street, Gold [Hill NEVADA Books,' Pamphlcti, Beceipl Books, BUI Bead*, Letter Beads, Legal Blanks, Brokers Blanks,, Election Tickets, AU Kinds of Card Work, ■11(11 STOCI CERTIFICATES. ELECTION OS THEATRICAL Dodgem, FIjers, Programme*. Oironlara, Ball Tioketa, Wedding Cards, Business Cards, Labels, Tagi, Eto. Printing, in Colorsi Printing, Plain or Fancy; Printing in All Styles. PRINTING JDONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH • • VMM TH« •• • MOST REASONABLE TERMS ...miT m.... T CASH RATK8. x h;e Quid nil! Daily News, (MTABLUBD « MO), It jabBabad •vary araelax «xc«pt floaday. aad m circulation b«la« T*ry c«aaraJaiMt MnatT* aaoa* mlolct and mmmm jC», ruoiuW, •ta., aakaa H TBI BMT A.tD irnciBtT aiDiin MINIM. BUSINESS, AND ALL OTHER ADVIRTItlNO. •U9INC8S IWftN. PROrilSIONAL MtN. PRACTICAL MBN, \m ia^aoMbMy Uvttad to a aarafU tad c/ludaa of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. THE GOLD ffn.T. NEWS, a.... riMST-OLASS oailt paper, U ttoiouhlr ldaotl&ad with tba baat la laaaau of tba coaatry, ana aW elmai oI Ua B«ojl» fVoa tba MINSK, or Ua MKtUNIG, to ua MKR oh wt or Ua BaNKSH U «1»aa Ua LATKMT Siws. taiatfrapblr aad otbarwlaa from all parta of ua Wuf'd. aad EVERYBOOY READS IT. OUR Weekly Siloing Summary ramahad rucy Wadwaadayla tba aaaafelly praparad frwa Ua voav tm» P*1!"* «»d otbarwtaa, cm Mm dar W pabUeatloa, raployior as abla aad aOrfaat ct^Tof rrportara. It ka aairaraally Navntaad MoOcial, tad Ua ■oat NHtcT aad ■« ■»»«■ ... Mat or Ua ceadltiaB of iba nlaaa ol Ua OOJMTOWI or "Waaaoi" aactluo. «V» Ua lataat alalH UtonaaUoa utMHMla tram oUar pana ol Uo aoaatry THE ttold Hill Daily Newt la daUvaMd by carrlara tbroacboat «Md BUI. Ttogftbla Cllr> Caraon. SUbar City, Daytoo. aad aoatlfaoaalooattUaa, aad la aaat by Bull toallpanaof Ua r aadUaworld. Xooaatelfcllr i,ar M *• Ua A8SIS8XIXTB LITIID. SNBU4TID BDIOPi MUIN Oompaay -Location of principal place ot baalncee. »4i> Franeleco. California. Location of work*, atony coaaty, Biata of lliwrt. It otic# u hereby (lno. that at a meeting of the Board of Omcwr*. Md on tha OS day of Aarll. 1ST*, aa inn—I rNo. 1) oi Tw*o«y. #*a OaM par thai* vaa larlad open tha capital atock ot the corporation, payable Immediately. Ill Cnltad Sutaa told cola, to tba Secretary, at tho ofltoo of tba Company, lata U, Bo. MB Montgomery iUeat. *ea rranalaco. California. Any cloak upon whlek tkla aaaeeemeat «u0 remain unpaid oa tka Bk day of May. urn. wilt be delinquent, and adranlaed tor ■ale at pabtlo aaciloa. and onlaaa paj mast la made be/ore will bo eoid oa TUlsDAI, tha Ilia day of May, 1ST*, to pay tba delinquent emint, uvetbar with coeta of adntttatnc and exp^nHi of iale. tly order of the Board of Director*. RICHaAD B MOTKB, Secretary. OBa Boom IS, Mo MO Maalgomery • treat. Baa traaclaco, California. »td rowroNUiNT. At a meXlag of tha Director* of the above Oompea/. held oa the tlh day of May, lilB, tha data of deeming at- ck de.iaqaent for aamm meat No. 1 was poetponed io aATUIUAY, MAS TWUfTT-BwUhTH. im. and the day af aala to Monday. Jaaa B. 1MB. By ecdar of Um Board of Director*. Md KiOSalU) B. hOYB* " At a meat lac of the director* of tha abore oompaar. held oa tha twaaty-toaith day ol May. l(tt. iha data ol daaaiac Mock delta qaaat tor aeaaeameal No. 1. waa fanner poet peaed to WBOBhBOAX. J ana eleven h, lft. aad tha day af aala lo BaTUMOAT, Jaaa twaaty-eWhih. 1IM By order of tha Board af Dlreoton. tf MIOUAKO B. NOUS. PttNkBKIT. At a meetlat of tha Board of Dlreetor* of the above Oomptai bald oa tha llth day of Jaaa. Wtt, lha daM of deeming aioeh dalinqaent for a iaaim«at Me. 1 waa fartoer poetponed io FBI OAT, Jai>e twaaty eeT>atb. Int. aad tha day af aala la MO * OAT, Jaly toarteen tb, 1ST*. By order of taa Board of ulruetura. U UlCHAKU B. MtlTBBf Baonlary. POMTPOoKM K>T. At a maattag of the Board of Olreotora of the abore Company raid oa tb* MA day of Jaaa. UIB. tba dan of daemlag atock daUnqarai fot aaeaaameaiNo I waapoetpoaed toTUBtDAV, iha afleeath dty of Jaly, 1MB atd tba data ot Ma to BATUBOaY. tha aaooad day of Aafaat. in* My order of tha Bard ot D tree tor*. 1 M.OMAM J B. BOTKB, baeratary. POnTPOMBHKMT. At a meeting tha Board of Director* of the abore Company, bald oa the Mlh day of Jaly, int. the date of deeming atock delloqamt for II--- — No. 1 waa poetpoaed to TUUKtt »Ai. tba thirty ii* day of Jaly, 1MB, aad the da> of eala to MUMUAT, the eighteenth day of *a«a< !><*• bj ordar of tha Board of Dlreotor*. Jyl7 U BIUHAKO B. horn. Secretary. MBW TOBKIIIHS CViriHV. LI Location of principal place of bualneae, dan Kraaclsco. California. Locatloo of works. Oold >111 Dlatrtct, Stony eouir, N«tkU. Notleo I* hereby firm. Oat at a m»ettnf of the Board of D-fectore, bald oa the tw-nty eecoud iti) day of Oetob-r. 1979, aa asaeea dni (No. Mi of Thirty C«oU (»«) par share vu larlad jpoii the capital atock of the eorpo. ration, payable Immediately, la Untbd Statee (Old cola, to the secretary, at tba office of the Company, Boon No. U, *9 Bash itreat, ■aa Francisco, California. Lay stock apoo which this aamamant shall remain unpaid on the twenty fourth (Mth) day of November, lfl>, w*ll ba delinquent, and advertlaed for sale at public aactton. and aalaaa payment Is made before will be sold on TUBsDAT, tba aU'eratb ilSth) day of Decem ber, 1ST*, to pay tba delinquent assessment, together with ooeta ol adverUalne and expenses of sale. By order or tba Hoard of Director*. 0. L. THOMAS. Secretary. Office— loom It, No. tu3 luab etreei, Ooamo. poll.aa Hotel BuJdlng, ttaa Francisco. Callfor- J BCLLIO.I ■!■!*« coat* A NT. Locailoa of principal plaaa of baalaees, frtacUoo. OilKuiuli. Location of works. Oold Bill Mlnla< District, Storey eoaaty. Nevada. Notice la hereby (tree, that at a meotlna of tba Board of Director*, bald aa tba tret (let) day at November. 1ST*, aa a nssaeat (Mo. Hi of riity i>k , Ceuta oar abara waa levied apoo tba saptul stock of tba Company, payable immediately, la United Statee (old cola, to tba Hecetary. at tbe eOoe of tba Oompaay, Koom I, Hale Lepoelt Uullilag, M Montgomery atrial, dan Pranciero. Oailfcrnia. Aa* atock npoa wblcb this snaaament shall remain unpaid oa Wednesday, tba third |3di day of December, Iffi, will ba dellaqaent. and <ul*ertlaed lor sale at pabUe anction. and an leee paymaat la made (Wore, will be -old on WtDNBftDAT. tbe TWKNTa-POCRfB (Mtbi jay oi DECBNB'R, lt7t. to pay tbedallLqaent ■seinmint. together with tba coat of advaitla taa sad azpeaaaa of sale. By order of tba Board of Dlrrctora. J M: BitAZKLL. xacreury. Office— Room I. Safe Depoelt Balldlof. J2» Montgomery eireet, Baa PrucUao, California. ltd no rot i mining r Location of ptlneipal place of boalaew, San rrmndsco, California; location of worka, Vlrflala Minlnf District, Storey county, Nt tad*. Notice la herebv (iveo that at a maatiac of the Board of Directors, bald on tba foarta (tth) day of NorrmSer, 1ST*, aa asssasmsat (No. ti ol Fifty (Jo) Ceats per share waa levied upon tbe capital atock of the corporation. payable im mediately, la Called Statee (old cola, to tbe Secretary, at tba office of tba Onaipauy, Koom A ho. 'JUS tinsh aueet. Baa Praadeco, can. torn la. Aay stock apoo whleh this assessment shall remain unpaid on tba nlaib (»tb) day of De cember. lsTI, will ba delinquent. aid adrer tlsed for sala at pabtlc auction, and aalese paymaat la made before, will ba eoldoa TU»S DAT. tba thirtieth (SOtb) day of December, tan, to pay the delinquent asaaesment, together with ooeta of ad remain* aad eipeneee of sale. By enter of tbe Board of Director*. W. B. DBAN, Hecretary. OSoa—Room t, No. M Uasn street, Han Praaeiaco, California. 11 QIHRMATBB BULCHEB MIMIMS •9 COM*AS*. Location or principal plaaa of builueaa, Bu Praacleoo. California. LovaUoa of worka, Gold Uill. Btoray count/, Ritrft. Notloe U hereby flees, that il a meeting of Ma Board of Director*, bald oa Ua thirty, flrat day of Octobcr, 1«79. aa MM—I No. Mi of Tniee Dollara per abara via levied apon lb* capital aloe* of Ua corporation, payable Immediately, la United autaa gold ootn, to Ik* Secretary. at Ua offlca of Ua Company, No. tit Cal.fornla etraet, San Francisco. Uail fbrnU. Any stock apon wktck tkla mm—ttt tkall tiaula so paid on Ua tftt day of l>e eember, UTS, will ba delinquent, and ad yertleed for Mtott public auction, ud unlet* payment la made before will be told on r Hi DAT. Ua twentr eiith day of December, UfT», to par Ua dellnquaat aeeeeameut, to gether w'tb coata of edrertlflnt aad expenree of aala. By onW of tba B *rd of Dtractora. UKO D EDW4KD8. Secretary. OSca -1*0. tit California atraat. Baa Frau claco. Callfbraia. nltd SIALEDOMIA BILTM ■■NINO V OOMPANT—Location of principal place <>f builaoee. Ban rrauctaeu. California. Location ot workt, aterey county. Nerada Notice U hereby given, Uat at a in aa line of Ua Board of Dtraetara, bald oa Ua tantb (10(b) day of November, lJTf, aa aaeeeeaeat (So. J») of ►lfly (10) Oaata par ahara wee levied apoo Ua capital etock of Ua corporation, payable Immediately, la United Btataa fold oola. to Ua Hecraiary, at Ua offlca of tba Onmaaay, tit California atraat. Ban Francleco, California. Any (lock apoa which Ula aaaaeamaat thai) remain on paid on tba eUteeaU ll#'h) day of December. W7», will ba dellnooent. and adver tlatd for Mk at pabtic anctlon, and anlaaa pay ment la nude before. will bo sold oa TUES DAY. Ua BiXTB (Mb) day of JiNCaKY. U«0. to pay Ua dallnqoaat taeoeenent. to piker wub coata of a>**«ftl»'ac and ezpeneei of aala. B. WBOINBft. Secretary. IX" aa m Oattforala atraat. Baa Franclaoo California. II CMLUI IHM« COM r AWT. Location of prUclpal place of baslnrea. Baa Fraacleco, Oallforma; location of worka, Tlrftala Mlalac District, Storey county, Botica la hereby given. that at a meeting el tka Board a< Dtractora, b»ld on ua fourth («th) day of Noveabar, M1», aa mint Bona B. Mo 10B Baak atraat. Saa Francisco, California. Any Mock apoa which Ula aaaaaaaent shall feeaili unpaid oa Ua alaU (Mb) day of Da camber, iftt. will ba daUaqMBt. aad advar tlaed tor aala at public aacttoo. ud anlaaa it to aada baton, wlB ba add — MuNuAT. tba twanty-alaU (1Kb) dav of Da o>abar, UK, to pay Ibe delinquent aeeceement. "I * ni "f ulmllaBg anil iirinrr of aala. By orda* of the Board of Direct on _ W. B. DBAN. Bacratary. Oto*e Bootaf, Xa. XB Baak atraat. Ban Ftaileiu. California. I ICC A week ta jan awa town. »» outfit aakagaat pay all Ua taa. tharwo*. wma DILIXQUIIY BA1I8. SurOH AMD MC4DY MIIN COM PAN I.—Location or priaelptl puce oalaoaa, tea PranelKo CalltonU. Location of work*. Gold Dili HIb1o« District, Storey county N.rada. Motif* bar* an d.Unqoeot span tb. foU loving d«acrlb«d atock. on aoooant of aam meat (No. J) tartod on the 10th day of Boatoa bar, in. the aartral amounU aat oppoaita tb* camea of tb. raepaetlra ikarabnldaw. a* lollowa: Stinea. Ho. Oartlf. Bha. Ant. C H DaLaad, TnutM U...J0..4* .. Q U Dt'Lind dO »«aa»»«U«a«aBMna»J| ,, 0 H DeLaad do |T1... .100 • .. OH DaLaod do 1T1....I00 • .. C H DeLind do ! " 0 H Da Land do IT*....100 ■ .. OH DeLaad do OB DaUad do IT....100 J.. CH D«L*nd do *! •• OH DvUod do Ilia...100 i a. 0 H DeLftod do ••••••tl4.o*»100aa«, ,§ • C H DeLaad do "» » •» O H DeLaad do JJJ J[ .JJ OH DaLaad do JJJ OH DaLaod do ••••••US. .,... .1 ■ OH DaLaad do MJ JJ 1JJ OH DaLaad do ♦}•....jlJ J10 CU DaLaad do ili**** 2S CH DaLaad do JO JJO CH DaLaad do JJ J JO CH DaLaad do JJ1 00 a JO CH D.Laod do JJJ JJ JJJ OH DaLaad do J«. •••£••••£ JJ O H DaLaad da KH..llBW...yW 40 OH DaLaad do SS C H DaLaod do OH DaLaad do .JJJ .IJJ1J. ..JJJ JO C H DaLaod do H!" aSf^SS C H D Laiid do ••••••®JJ".J®JJ,"JJJ JJ OrtDoland do JJJ."«5JJ'"1*J JO I! H DaLaod do C H DaLaad do ••••••JM...IJJJ»..MJJJ OH DaLaod 40 ju... 604....JO JO CHD'Land do JJJ 'JJJ O H DaLaod da WJ. .J*|...*JJJ OHDoiaad do .Mi...Mil... I1JH k Pacbaeo. Traataaa. ..M JO J JO Hal. b Paebeeo do ...•«?] JJ • •••JJO Hale b Paebrco do ....Ml.... 00 JJO Hal. b Paoaeoo do JO JJJ Ha)e*Pecb<oo do ....«0.... JO ....JJO Hale b Pecnaco do ••••til 80 1J0 Hale b Pacbaco do ....Itt JO JJJ Hale b Paebeeo do ....fM * JJO »ala k Pacbaeo do ,...JT4 JO JJO Ha . A Paebeeo do ....JJJ J® J JO HtlaA Paebaoo do ....tTf » JJO Hal. k Paebaoo do ....£» JO J Jo H«la k Paebaoo do ,...»T» JO l oo Hal*It Paebaoo da ....M» JO JJO Hal. k Pacbaeo do ....•• ■> J8° Hal. k Paeheco do ....M....100 J.. Hal. b Paebaoo do ....W4....IM J.. Hale b Paebaoo do ....8M....1J0 J.. Hal. b Paobaco do • .. Hal. b Paebaoo do ....•II....}'® J.. Hale b Paebaoo do ...100 ....J .. Uala * Paebeeo do ....MT ...IM • .. Hale b Paebaoo do ....IU....100 J.. Hale b Paebaoo do ....SM....1U0 J.. Hale a Paebeou do ....Ml....100 J.. Hale A Paebrco Oo ....Ml....100 Hal. b Paebeoo d. ....MJ ...ljg • b Paeb-eo do 100 J.. Hale b Paobeoo do ....J4T....W •» H .1.a Paebaoo do ....MO 10 1J0 Hal. b Paebeeo do ....«• » JJO Hal-b Pacbaeo do ....«• JJ JJJ HUglua A Coakllnc, Tnuts..41 M 110 UmilMb Ooaklln*. do .lua H dw> K C R<4»n. TtO*t** M....1UU I . John M>cpher*on,Tnit**...l83 1 S John Mtcphereon do ..3.18 W 118 John «tcpb*r*on da ..1M.. .60 >10 John Macpb*r*on do ..431 SO 1(0 John wtrpbcnon do ..4JB 10 >80 John Mwphinon do ..417 >0 1 .. John Mecpb* eon do ..418 10 to John Macpberaon do ..471 IS 1 M D M Bo*n*r k Co, Tnut*...888....1U0 8.. UVUixucrkCo do ..410....100 B.. k W WhIU. Trust** tit. ...>00....10 .. OluteA Loveltnd, Tru«teei.lB4...1H) ....5 .. Clute k LoeiUna do ..38*....100 ....# .. CM* k Lonland da ..111 10 M K Oabill k Co. Trade** » 40 > .. KCahlllAOo do ....184 >0 1.. K Cshlll k Oo do ....UT 10 >10 CrowUjr * Uoodman, Traitl.tIS 10 110 Crowlejr * Uoodman do ..HI 40 > .. Coffln. eandanon k Cook. TruaUe* J38 10 110 T Whlteljr A Oo, Trust***.. .Ml 10 110 J L *rtnnroog, Tnut** M4 B0 1 B0 M Mantel, Tnilt** 141. ...M 110 MM*nt*l do 44* B0.„. 110 J** rattenon, Tniitoe HT....100 1.. nil) k Klifoar,Trattn* .. .841 10 Ill Breckinridge A To*t, Tru* t***.......................m<... too....*i.. Br.cklnrldtf* * Yo*t, Truj ifWi.....................*n> io Brockinild** k Yo*t, Trus tees. ......................SIB....*>0.....1.. BrecMarldf* A Yost, Tru*. *## •**•••** * 800 * * * • 80 k Q Harnett, Truito* MS 10 80 Crocker A Saydim, Traitl, .389 SO 1 . Uro r Mirjr* * Son. Trait*.KM »> 1.. « A hlrbardaoo, Tnut**... .Ml.... 1U0 S . Birriti k W«iker. T.uit***..l*8 40 S10 turrets k Wnkir da MM 10 110 II U noolt AOo, Truit**i...M4 SO 110 BUHcoit ACo. Trait***... 4M 10 1 .. Woodi A >r**bora, Tru*. tee* Ml ....40 S .. 0*o U Root, Trait**. 881 SO S .. G>o U Hoot do 414. ....10 10 T Dixon. ira»U* S4B 40 S. H B Noble A Oo. Trait***...Ml ....80 180 HHNobteAOo do ..Sit 10 1.. 11 U .Noble A Oo do ..171 10 80 It tl Nnhle * Co oo ..111 M >10 Ureenebtam, H*lbtnf A Oo, Truit*** 87# ...100 1 .. Qi*rn biam, lidblng A Oo, Trait***. SSO 1* lM OreeuebMtB, Bulbing A Oo, Traitee*..................401....100.....0 .• Randolph, Mackintosh A Oo. Trait***...................171.»..100....IS .. K*od >l|>b. Mackintosh A Co, Truit*** .................879 ...300....10 .. Rid Jul ph. Mackintosh A Oo, Triu 801. ..100 ....S.. Randolph, Mackintosh A Oo, Tru t*** 817 . ..100 S .. Randolph, Mackintosh A Co. • .. Randolpn, Mackintosh k Oo, TfU'lMi,« .«..«, ........ 407,,,,100,,...I it Randolph, Mtcklntoih A Oo, Tru>t***408 ,,..40..«..3 ,, Randolph, Mackintosh * 0*. Tru»to*i 411 40 1.. Rudolph, Mackintosh k Oo, Trutle.* 416 (It I.. Randolph. Mackintosh k Oo, . Tra»teea 4T4 W 160 P ■ K»r. Trait** Ml II TS P 8 Fay do M II 1 75 PHFay do « .. P8 K.jr do 4TT....300....10 ., Mirk*. Bhelnhardt * Co, Truitee* 401....30U....10.. Uirkf, Rhilnhirdt k Oo, TraitM* 410,...MO.,..10 .. Mirk*. BteUterdt * Co. Trnitei* 411 10.... .110 J A Itoulon, Tro»lM 414... lou I.. JADoa>oa do 4M IM John Hiybo*. Tract**. «ll lu • .. W B Murray, Tract** 4«4...,100 1 .. Qh> B Chili, Tniitoe 4*1 10 60 1 Glailec. Tra*te* «St 10 1 BO WJ M.U*r, Tract** 433... .10 110 Atkl<» oa.Doud k Co, TnilU.UI »0 1 0"P* k Davli, Tnut*** 414 10... .1.. Wm tt**hr, Tract** 410 M. ...IB0 J kl nbot«*ll. Traato* 493 M 110 P K L*wl«, Truite* 4M....M0....M .. F R, Trait** 495....U0....II.. And In aoearaana* vllh lav. and aa order of tba Board of Director*. mad* on tb* thirtieth (Wtb) day of September, 1ST!, to many ibana of each parcel of *och itoek a* may b* neoeeaary will b* Mid at public aaciloo, at tb* offlc* o! tb* C impany. Room 10, No. 830 Banioue ctreet, nan Praaetaeo, Cailforala. oo MONDAY, tba FIRST (lit) day of DCOKMBER Ml. at tba boor of tiro (1) o'clock p. m. of aa'd day, to pay Mid delinquent aaeeaament thenoo, to. (ether with Mala of adnrtlclnf and *xp*c*** of tb* wl* C. H. I)iLARD, B*ct*tary. Offlc*—Room 10, SO Banaom* ctr**i, 8ai Franclaco, California. II NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Town or 0«u> Hat. Ooaaty of atony, cut* of N.reda, September lttk, 1ST*. To 8. K. Taonrrox, Taoaaa Wallaob, known or ankaowa own-r*: Ton ir» herebynoil fled that I kin tipaadad Four Hand rod Dollar* la O. V. cold cola In labor aad laurot—aata apon tba MoDOO CHIEF (TMBd, apon tk* Knropa lod*. la Ik* (Kid Hill MlalDI Dlitrlet, la ib* coaaty of Mor»y ifor**ald, dartac tb* year* 1»75.1ITT, UTR and 1(7*. aad mora particularly deaertbea a* follow*, to wit: Oemn*oclnf at tb* nik. •ra *tak* of tb* Karopa Mlnln* Company aad rannlna alsnx tte 11a* of tte lod* a dfctano* of IIoo f«t to a Mate and moaamaat, ta#*tb«r with 100 tort oo **ch aid* of tb* dlataar* lo cated. Tk* boondariM of tkl* loeailoa an *at oat aad lay aa follow*: Ooamcactac at tb* aboT* aim id Mate. Immediately ww of tb* railroad track, and rnnnla* trom these* to klak cropplnf* oa tb* kill, aad from tkanc* along tb* Tod* oa a Ha* with tk* teeey boack of cropplnca oa tte brow or tb* bill *oatk of oar aoathwn bocndiryllo*. In order to bold **;d prvmlMo nnder tte pro.litooi of Section UM BaVleed Stataua of tte United Stela*. or wbtch year pnpwtlon, a* owner* of aa aodlvldod ooe-fonrteealk lnlerwt la aad to *ald pw Im*. amoaata to Tw*cty ctekt Dollar* and Flfty-oiae Grata. Aid U wltkln alnaty day* altar UU nolle* by pabUcatloa yea fill or i» Mm to ooatrtbot* your pcoportloa of cash expenditure*. aa coowaer*. your later** la •aid claim will two* tte property of tte | Mber/lber, under add (taction BUMTT SIMONS. II F. O. addr***. Q*ld Mill. Bwaja. *|*A A «IU |ll a day at homo a«*Uy I 3/1 mad*. Ooitly outfit ft**. AddmaTara 5co„t - 1 DILIIQUIJfT Bills. □OUD HLTU GOLD AMD alio O «BB M1NINO COMPANY Location of C*H?orDU.Pt4°* 01 bwtMas* 8451 ]rnacl*co> Location of work*, Tlrflnla Minis* Diltelct, Storey oocnty, Nmdt. Notice -Tom art delinquent upon the fol lowing daocrlhad lock,os aoooontof ra«ot (No. I) Uvled on lb* 8U> day of October, ltro. tie eeraral amonnta aet oppoilte the aamaaof tba reepectlr* thtraboldan, a* fol low*: Mama*. No. Oertif. Sba. list Applegata J J. Trnatoe .,g8....88....$0 35 Applegata J J do 10....00....18 00 applrgate J 1 do 74....bO....13 80 Applegata i t do int....00....18 SO AppUgatei J do'3 Hi Applegata J J do 118....3S ... .a 3a applegata J 3 do 4I0....10 08O Applaga** J' do 431....10 3 80 Applegata J J do 480...100....00 .. App'asate J J do 474. .13 80 Applegata J J do 479....80....18 80 Applegata J J do 888....SO t 80 Applegata J J do 1OM...1UO....O0 .. Applegata J t do 1004...100... SO .. App'egata / i do ll»4...10Q....38 .. Stklnaon, Doad ft Co, Trne toee 418.... 10 1(0 Atkmaon. Bond ft Oo, Traa eeaeeeeeeeeeoaaaeeaoeeae 80*.. ..10 IN Atklnaon, Doad A Oo, Traa taoa JOS...100....M.. Atklnaon, Doad ft Oo, Tr*» taae .......... ....••.....•804...100-...00 .. Atklnaon, Doad ft Oo, Tim teoe .871.. .100.. ■ .08 .» Atklnaon, Doud 4 Oo, Tra* taaa (II..,100... 00,, Atklnaon, Daod ft Oo, True taaa .......................070...100....00 .. Atklnaon, Dood ft Oo, Tnu toaa 0TT.. .MO....00 .. Atklnaoa, Doad ft Oo, Traa taea........................0T0*..100....00 .. Atklnaon, Doad ft Oo, Ttmo teee . ...,........748...000....00 .. Atklnaoo, Dood ft Oo,Tnta teea h*.• .,10.»• • .0 T5 Atklnaon, Do«d ft Oo, Tree toaa....... Y00«..100....08 •• Atklnaon, Doad ft Oo, Tree Mae 000...100... 38 .. Atkmaon. Doad ft Oo, Trsi tae. ....801...100....00.. Atklnaon, Dood ft Oo, Tree toaa 000...100....00 .. Atklnaon. Doad ft Oo, Traa taaa 004...100....08 .. Atklnaon, bond ft Oo. Traa (00...100....13 .. Atklnaon, Doad ft Oo, Traa UN 0(1. .100....00 .. Atklnaon, Doad ft Oo, Traa teoe........... ........ ..000...100....00 .. Atklnaon, Hood ft Oo.Trna tea*....... ................000..,100....00 .. AUlnaon, Bond ft Oo, Traa. taea UM...OOO....CO .. Barrett fc Walker. Treeue*.. .WT.. .100... 18.. Blow A W ft Oo. Trueteee... 10/4 ..000....80 .. Ooi InaCbarloa J 0...1T0... 41(1) OotBa ft Paga, Traatora 001....10 0 80 Oopo ft Devia,Trneteea 038 ...80... 10 80 Oopeft Davte do Oil....00....1080 Oopa • Darla do Oil...MB....08 .. Oope ft Darla do 014...100....08 .. uw SSftSlTi1 2° Jo uo... 100.... 14 .. <£»•*'>*»!• i° *1....SO....Ill Oope * Darli do HI....10....11 to uopoftDarli do I* ...1180 P°°* * !*tU *° Ti»...luo....ll. CopeaDerU do Til... 100...,H , Oop« k 0»?li do •••••• TO...100 ...|» ' Copeft Uana do 7||.. 100....M . Oop» ft Davit do m...100....II. °°°« { <«[{• T11...100....M, Oope k D.tI. do 774.. ..» lis OopaftDiTla do 111...100....u , Cop# k Ua»U do 114...100 ...II. 0?P»*D»Tll Ml...100....11. Cope k Dtrl. do It*.. .100....21 . J*paftDa»1« do MT...1I0....IB , Oopa k L)a»U do«... It. CopeADaTta do M0...100....M , do Ml...100....U .. I Oope ft Dart* do IM.. .100....M. I Oopt * OATlt do •••••a mu...ioo..,!m CopaftDaTla do HI...100....II . O 'pa a Uavla do Ml ..110....» 0op* * 5"'* Ml.. .100.. ..It . OopeftDarla do Ml...100....II , Cope * Ua»U do UM...100....M . Oaliachan, Ljncb k Co. True UM........ n....Tl....llTI I NTI...100....M £?!£ 2*° B- Tr5*u* *"• • ■■" •M Child Ueo it do IM I....1IS Olate ft Lorelaad, Truieea.. 7M. .100....II.. J*o*ker*llq7da«B,Troa»eee.. MM.... to.... 11 to Orocker k Bnjdim do ..70u.. M lift Oroekar k BojiUm do ..MT....I0 1.. C^Ui ft ft Co. Traaloaa Ml.........II.. Danoan W L.Tra-ta* 4S1....10 1.. Klllotl T K d Oo, Traateee ...1TO...IOO....M .. Uurnett A O k Oo, Tnateea..41I....M T 10 Qarnett A O a Oo do ..110....10....II10 'ttroott A U a Co do ..UK. .10....II to Ourottl iOlOo do ..MM... to 1110 lireeoebeanj, BeIMm ft Co. Traateee I10....40....10 .. Oreaoebeam, Belblog ft Co, TriuUaa 7M....X T to Orrenebaum, Helblug ft Oo, Tnutraa 10n 1 1 St Oreaoebeam, Balbla* * Oo. InKaai..................11^1..,100, ,.15 , Oraanbaom L A Oo. Trneteee .4M....10 1. Ur*l»lo|rr R, Tiontaa. JM....1I. . .lit Oratalo«ar R do MT ...M I it ^Wman ll lVaMaa 10M...100....II.. Ball ft Obarlee, Tiooaaa 111...100....10 .. Hlfgiua ft Ooakliaf, Trn»U..llO....MI....ll 10 I utuiDi*OoouDg d« m Hnn» ft Ooaiae, Truitaaa. 1M...100....M Baal*OuaUa do 1M...100....I5 . Butchinaon John,Traataa. .4M....I0... ,710 Hubbard ft Oo, Tnat»a Ml....10 1.. Hubbard ft Oo do IM....10 1 to lloancr O U ft Oo. Trattoae..M1....10....11lu Beraharg !• Troalee JM... 10 110 Her*bar* I do Mt....10....II to Hlckoi^oBft Oo, Tra.U...*•!!* nckoxOeoOftOo do ..M1...100....M . Ulekoz Ooo O ft )lo do ..Ml.. .100....M Ulckoi Oeo C ft Oo do ..Ml.. .101....M Hlckox Oeo O ft «o da ..7M....I0....11 so Hlckoi Oao 0 A Co do ..1M....10 1. Ulckoi Oao O k Oo do ..IIS....10 110 Hlckux UeeOft Co do ..III...100,...31 H.ckox OaoO ft Co do ..Ill..,li0....1l " Htckoi Ueo 0 ft Oo do ,.M0. .100....M !' Hlckoi uaoO ft Co do ..m...lM....M Herman B, Truatae MT....i| J to - — " * — ><*• u <• r- 1 Horn bs Q. Trail* Ml... .10 IH Hoitt Ira U do Ml...100....18 .. Hoitt Ira O do W...100....15 .. HoittIrt O do •* Hoitt In U do AM...100....IS .. Hoitt In O do 6#6 ..100....88 .. lloltt It* G do M7...100. ...M . Hoitt in Q do M...M....U , Hoitt In O do 1040....10....1110 I Hoitt In U ao 1049....90 ..1180 Hawk* B D. Trait** ra...ioo....». Hawka HD do ST*...100....10 .. Hawk*B D do too I HawkaH D do MI....* • .. f HawklHD do 1UT...K0....H.. Hawka BD do H49...100....M . Burner B 1IA1. .100....T! . Iglaoor H. Trait** 411.. ..a *1*1 Jackaoo M A. Treat* UK...100...IS .. 1 Kwumj A 0|wr(Treat***.. .MM...100....M .. Kmumj A Dj- do MM...100... ill.. Knur t D)*t do 9UT..I00....94 .. inwjrkD^r do MM....80....116O H*nn*jAD<*r do 909....90....11 lu I K«DM? A Dr*r do ....1071...100....18 . K*od*7 A Djir do ....1099 K«so*7 A l>j*r do ....1100...*«....60. g.nm-j A i>y*r do ....110J...800....40 .. K*sd*7 A Djm do ....11II...800....T6 , K*od*j A Dy*r do ....1111...BOO...IIS . KcniirT A l-y«r do ....111...100.. .00. Kata Q M A Oo, Treat***... 1IM....DO .. 1110 Knowk* 0 1 1077...loo....10 ,, Logan H 0.Tmat** 140.. ir0....M. Login H 0 do 146. ..100....15 . Logan BC do 147...100 ...M . Logan HO do 1*1....60....11 M Latuam A King, TraiM**....4M....80....X>.. Latham A King do ....M....M . ..IN Laagiand H F. Treat** 1086....8u....1110 UvcrtnU 0 A Oo, Tniat***. .918... .10.... II60 Lroo*ock* P V. Treat** 1D19....I0 • . Lo.a*ek*PY do 1041... 100. ...96. La'onrett*3 R Tnnt**....10M...100....14 ,. laToontt* 1 H do ....II40...100....18 . Llibarmao Tbeo, Trmtc*. ,llM....I0....ia 80 M<at*l K.Toat** 188....10 1.. VtbUlk do 951....fO ManltlM do 6M....IO....M80 | Mtiki A B*iahardt,Traat***.46?....M 8 . Mark* A B*inh»rdt do .718... .M> 110 Marka A lUinbardt do .Ml....10 780 | Knmf W B Treat** 850....90 1.. Hacpbcrfon John, Tn»t**... <*>....*) • .. Micpbuton Jnbs do ...TM...100....U.. Murphr K P. Trail** M9....M) • .. McO Birty J W.Trnit** 88K...100....M . MeOaffartj J W do 8M...100....18 . MrOafhrty J W do 841... 100.... 18 .. McCflartriW do 844.. 100....18 .. McOaffirtr J W do IOO....14 . MeOaffartj J W do 881 ..100....18 .. MeO^ffkrtjJW do 884....80....11 80 McOaffrtjJW do 168....80,...II80 McCaffvt) J W do SIT....80....II80 McOeffarty J W do 870 .. 80....1110 MeOaStfiyJW d* 8T1....80....1180 MeOaffartj J W d> 890....80....II10 MoOaftttjrJW do ......MT...100....M.. MtOaflarijJ" do 949...100....38.. KeOaMrtj J W do 1011...100....80 „ MrOaftertJ J W do 1087....80....118B MU*<iBM A Oo.Treat***... 11U....80....1110 Kacpbwaoa * ablmo. Tree «•** 10T1....18 Ill 1148,..100....18 .. Job}* ■ H * Oo. TiwMm*. . .M0... 108... ,M .. Sobl* H H A Oo do ..18T...100....M.. J>W* BJ AOo do . 169...100....18 .. Bobl* B H A Co do ..M6....40....10 .. Norwood W X. Treat** 8M. ..1T8....U 78 O'Brien! A A Oo. Trm*t***.184*....1140 £*«JU D, Trait** .688. ..800... 118 .. O'IMll Ojo D do 8M. ..100....: M....H 80 B A. Treat* 1M...M0....M..' , MaoklntotA A Oo, »VV........ ...77..IM....M 8M '.4I8....M 8.. • |m* 9lW«4»lPf9 lllHtniT 8iLI8. ■•lid Ulm-CMUI Namea. No. Ortlf. Bba. Aat. RtrkaBB.Tnu«»a BorkeBB do Si lS""!!" unrkl B B dO .1 Beott H ■ * Oo, Tnu*aaa....TW....4O....10 .. Booti H H k Oo do J ►oottBHfcCo do " Bask*; 0 A, Truata. ?!•' Banker C A do !iS""S"' 25 SankayOA do " M BuIut01 do ••••••• Banker 0 A do 52"'i2""2" guka; 0 A do " tUnk-T 0 A do 25 "uv!""aa " dankeyOA do !S'"!m""J! " Banker 0 A do S2'"1S""S" Batik it 0 A do 8*ak«f OA do MI...'00....» .. Sank*/ 0 A do SS'"ino""2" S.ukty C A do •• rtuikey 0 A do •»•...100. Backer 0 A do ««. ..«»••.•» •• ttankejCA do .. Banker 0 A do WT...I00....® •• Banker OA do •*... 100 ••••»* •• Hankey 0 A do " SankerOA do .. B.nkey C A do ranker OA do Hai.kdt fl A dO «8|I.iii80i*«i1" B0 OA Snkey. Treat* 8t0....«0....1«»0 0 A Bliikft? do 0 •• CAS*uk«r do C A Bank'jr do 0 A Bu-ker do —2S ** 0 Atellkf/ do ..»W.*» .. O ABftikll do i.MiieeHI . IOOmmW .. 0 A lukar do 9TI...100....H •« OA Banker do 10 4...100... * cAhSkv do ijh—15—2" Stcln Niti Timtw tgj.o|00»ml| • 8taln Mat do 8Um W K, Traetaa loeWK do BblaeOaorfa 1MB.. ftcott 1145. ...40. ...10 .. rXrHToi.TiMoaa....U»....tO «» Wltkioi W B . «aa o •••..•••»•• • »• «»5 M". Wakefield 8 B k Co. XrBal'a..fll.• .. Wakefield B B k Co dJ ,IW....I0m.. T JO Wehafleld 8 « * Oo do 10N....TI....18T1 WakeBetd BBAOj do IMS..JOB....80.. Wakefield ■ B * Oo do •••?* iA W.kofi'M 8 B k Oo do I1IT....W....1JJ0 Wocda k P(o»born,Traetoee..l00. Wooda k VtMbon do ...M« *'oode A Pmborn do .U)Jt...l0U....M •• Wllaou * Uatahlneoo. Trma .,403....> I ■ Wlleon k Htttchlneoo, Trna Wi.aon* UaiflblnaoB,Tr«a. t^OI ••• . a . aTllooo eWaa . »• •• Wliaoo A Hateblnaon. Trua la* j ZlOBI U f| TnHtfl»«»»m»a»We«a 80oooallW Aad la aoo >rdaaoa with lav. aad an ofdar of id. Board of Dlneuxa. made oa tka 8th day if October, Utt. oo naat ahaiaa of aaeh pare. of each .took aa mar ba n.tnaaary irtll be eold at pobtlo MeUoa. at the ortoe of Th<*aa» J. Poulterer. Boom It. Merchant.1 lie "an fa. Baa rrtnelaoo, OaliforuU, om MONDAY the • h dar of t/acamber, 1«1». at tU kowufll o'olook a. *. of aaid dar, to par add daUaqaaot uanaout themoo, Mptbar witt ooau of ad eartUUd awl ipaaaaa of the aala. J. J APPLkOaTl. Sacratary. OIBco—WO «aaao»o atreat. Room M, Ban Praaoleco, OaUfunia. 10 WELLM-rAKUO HUflHU COM PANT—Location of princltial pUoa ul buelnean, Ban Frtnclaco, 0.1li«raU. Location of worki, /Inrlnia Mining DUIrlct Storey county, Nevada. Notice to nereby given, llut it • ma*line of the Board of Dtraciora, h«M oo the eerecstaeolb day ot November, 1171, u (Ho. II) of Tin (10) Canto per iUn «u levied upon the oapttai Hock of tb* corporation, paj »bl« Immediately, la Unltad State. gold ootn, to tb* Secretary, It lb* offlce of the Company. Boom 13, Mo 301 Both etreet (Ooamopolltan Hotoi), Baa Francisco, Call ornU. Any stock upon whloh this UMiimnt shall remain unpala on tba tw-ntyeecond dar o< Ueo-mber, IK9, will be delloquent, and adver tlaad for Mia at public aactlon, and anltM pay mint la mada betore, will bo aold on FRIDAY, the Dlntb day ol January. lwu, to pay tba dallnqaant aassesmsnt, tomtbat wltb ooau advertlflng and ex pan Ma of Hie. By order oi tba Board of Directors. D. L. TH'IMAB, Secretary. Offloa— Borm ]], So. Ul Baab atreet (Cjamo polltan liutalj. Ban Franciaco, California. UFMOVAIs, Office removed to lioow II, No. 10 Laldaadorlf etreat, Ban Franciaco, Calif mla. 30 A. CuLBURIf. Secretary. rjVBTIN CONMLIDATCD v lug Company.—Location of principal place of bO'lneee, Ban Franclaoo, O.Ufnrula. Location of worka, Uold BUI, Storey county, Nevada. Notlca la bareby given, tbat it ■ meeting of tbe Board of Directors, bald oo tba Hal day of Noy-mber. tm, an aeeeeamrut (Mo. 3) ot Fire (I) Canta par abara waa larlao upon tba capital atock of tbe corporation, pa-able Immediately In Unlttd Btoto< gold coin, to tba Secretary, at tba uffloe of tba Com pany. No. 419 California atraat, Booms I end T, Bad Franclaoo, California. Atlf Block a DOB which thll HiMimtDt ibill remain on paid on tba twantyfonrtb day ol December, |gl», will be deliuqoest and ad rartlaad for sale at public auctloa; ami us leea payment la mada be bra. will be aold on rHIUAi, tb* twelfth day of January, WO to pay tba delinquent laaaaamatit, tofstbai with eoata ol advertulng tad expansea of aala. By order of tba Board of Dlract<«. B B. BTONB. Secretary, Offloa— Rooma I and T, No. 411 California atraat Ban Franciaco. Oallfornla. 31 nUMAS llim HMNfl I \ JOOMPANY.—Locatloa of principal plact of business, Baa Prancltco, OalUornla, Location of works, Oold Bill, atowyoounty Nevada. Notloe is hereby glveo, tbtt it a meettne of tbe B< »rd of Dlrectori. bald on the twralj nrth day nf November, lfJ», aa a***»sm*at (No. 41) of Two Dol srs par tbara wu levied upon tbe cao'.ial stock of tba corporation, payable immediately, la Dal tad Btataa cold oo>b, to tha Secretary, at tba offloa of tba Company. No. 414 Oallfornia stisst, Baa Francisco, Oal If on la. Aay stock upon wblcb thl» miwdim ah remain anpatd oa tba lb rty Irit day of Da c- mb«r, Mil, will be delloqaeot. aad adver tlsrd for eala at pabllo taction, aad galeae par meat la made before, will be eoM on WKDNB8 DAT, the twenty-flrrt day of January, 1M0, to pay tha dellnqvnt M*sssm«at, together with ooets of sdverttslng aad expeoaea of s*J*. Dy order of tbe Board of Diiwtore. OKU. D. 1UWARDS, Baeretary, Offloa—No. 414 California street, Baa Fraa California M JULIA COM NO LI DATED Hllilfl OOBPAKY.—Locailoa of principal plac* of bat>aaee. Baa Praadeeo, Callfernla. Location of works, Virginia Mining District, Storey county, Nevada. RoOce le hereby *1 rea. that at aneetlacef Uie Board of Director*, held oa the nineteenth day *f November, 1VTI, aa aaaeaemeat tNo. 101 >1 una Dollar (|1) par ibara was levied upon tha capital stock of tbe oorporatloa, payable immediately, la Called Btataa gold cola, to tha BacretaiT, at the office of th* Company, Room 11, No. 419 OalUbral* street, Ban rraadsco, California. Aa; stock at»*> which this saoeeemeat shall r*mala unpaid oa tha tweaty-foarth day of Da cemb r. itTO, will be dellaqaeat, aad adv*rtl**d tor eaie at pablle anctloa, aad aaleee pay meat la amd* bafbre will be sold oa PttiUAT, the sixteenth day of January, 1880, to pay the delinquent ****>em*nt. together with costs oi ulrartuing aad ezpeaeee of sale. By order of the Board of Director*. H. a. OHARLAB, Necretvy, I Offloa—411 Call lorn la stmt, Koom n. Baa Praneleoo, Oalltorala. aoU A LPHA CONSOLIDATED MIXING » COMPANY - Location of works, Oold Hill, Btorey county, mats of Nevada. Location of prlacipal place of btislneee, Baa Praarl^co, Oallfornu. Notice Is hereby given, that at a meeting ot be Director*, held oa tha twenty sixth day or of November, UTB, aa *eat**a*a> (No. Ill of Ore Dollar (|1) per share was isrlsd apoo Um capital stock or tha corporation, payable Immediately, In United States told coin, to the Secretary, at th* office of th* Company, Room Mo. V, Nevada Block. No. KB Montgomery street, Ban Francisco, California. An ■ stock apoo which thle iseenmsat shall raaiala unpalif on TrESDAY. th* THIRTIETH (DOth) day of DtOEMBaR. 18T». will be della. qaeat, aadsdvertl*ed fur «ale tf public auction, aad nalees payment Is BMrie before, will be sold oa TUKSDAY. the TWKaTIETH (Dth) day of pa* th* delinquent sssmmsat together with co*u of adverUMng ftttd IXMOIN Ot Mil, WILLIAM WILLIS Secretary. , Offlc*-Room Mo, ». Nevada Block, Mo. MB Montgomery str**4, fruMfntncleco, (allfornla. [ HO PATENT, !I0 PATel PATKNT8 nWiniD FOB M1CH4NI0AL DKTI018, V/ —dical or other eoaipoaada. oraamaaul designs, trad* mark* sod Ubata. Caveats. Aa signmsnta, Iatartoreaee*, lafrtageaecu aad all auttsn relating to Pauau prowipUy (Maad ed to W* safe* pnllmtnaty axamlaaUoaa *ad furnish opinion* I* to pstsnUbdlty, be* of chart*, aad all who an lauieetad la a*w lav*» tloas sad Pataats si* lavlted to *ead for a < uons aad ra tents si* lavlted to mm for a copy of oar "Oold* for Obtalalag Patents," which is **at be* to *ay *ddr**a, aad contala* oam pMa Instructions how to obtain Pali oth*r valaanl* mat tar. Dartag th* year* we hare obtained aearlv thi** pateata for AMrlcaa and torstga lam o*a rtv* **il*faceory mmeaee* tm ilmsal nwj aojAgtatScSS. 1 ' LOTtB BAOOEm * 00. I *ir-1 VIUTfUIHT 8iU8» Sutu aiunaiN MIPA BW*eiel5»e2ee,<£l5nnffl *<*°* ^ bm*1 Looatioc of work*, Oold BUI, 8 torn eoutf Otata of Narada. » Nottea.—Tbera an dellnqaent upon tbe/ol lowlog-deecrlbed (lock, oa aoooant of mm nent(*o.») lerted oa tk* Mx Matk (ldtk) da< of Octobar. 1ST?, the lerer*] emcronU utoppo elte the namee of the reepeetire ehirehoMere u followt: Name*. ifo. Cartlf. Bh(. Amt itklaaoo, Doudk Oc.Trae 1 1 N Atktnaoa, Dood * Co, True teea. .«•*.*.. • ••MOO*••,,! SSI atklBfon, Dood k Oo. Traa taea ....■■•.T119..3000.,1000 .< Atklnaw, Doad * Oo, Traa> taaa T1M....W....M., irmatronr J L. Trnatae MIT... .10 • ., Breckinridge M Toat, Trie taaa MM....10.. .M Breckinridge 4 Toat,Tnu taaa. MT»...100....«0.. Breckinridge k Toat, Troa HM H04...100....M ., BairattkWalkar.TrMtaaa.JOM...100....00.. Blow A W k Oo. Traataao ..0aU....M....» .. Barling Kr»d. Traetaa. bal. MM... II 0 .. Barrjmen F IT Troitae 11M... 10 • .. OottaJamaa. Tnataa I00...U0....M .. J tinea do ••••»,».OfiO....JO««..iO ■ < do 10M ...10... CuttoJamaa do MOT..10 .. Coffln Jamae do MM....M....M .. Ooffln Jamee do 00M....M....M .. OoOaJamaa do ..b*1..0Tl,. .0 1., OuAaJeaaa do Mil ..U0....M .. UufBaJtmta do MM...1M....M.. OoAaJaaaa do 041I...100...M.. Cuffla Jaoea do 04M...100....M .. Ooffln Jamee do MM....0O....M .. Ooffln Jttaae do .......dMO...M»...100 .. Oa«a Jaaaee do ..kai..MM..„ll IM OaWll B k Oo, Traalaaa MM....Id 0 .. Ik Og do ....Mil....11 TM ---- »■ <a an Cahlfi B*Oo dg. Crockar* •"•jda*. lVaataaa.lM4....l0 • 'Yooltrk BardAB do „pllaa»#ll.aia«l w Olata k Lovtlaod, Trwteea.Mll... Clan k Loralaad. TrnUeea bslince V V W Olata k Lovalaod. TraHaaa.MM... " Cope M Davta. TrUM WTI....M....10 .. Oookk WairoU, Troataea.. .4TTI....M....M .. OJok k Waioott, Iraataee belenoe.... IM • Dean WB. Traetaa Daig'l do IIM....M ...«• .. dSSwB do MU OeanWB do wa....K....M.. Dean W 1 do M0T....00....W ■■ rUafl V 1 do MtaiaaaHiiMiWaMaW .. DetnWK do in Dean W B da " ueaaWB do IMT....M....11I0 Dean W B do MM....M ...ltM [WM w I do M»*«aaall ae Dean W B do tie?" "la"** j " iiaanWB do Kf" ! a an Dean W B do DHOf I dO aaaa.aaaJtli.aalJO.a.aJJ • Deac W■ do .MM...-»-" Dean W R do TOM I • JO Daaa W ■ do £ D-au W K do IS"* I2""2 dbbcuj W L, Traataa- JIM....W....M •• Dunrtn W L do • a. DoneaaWL do UM....J.....I W Duncan W L do »• DUO040 W L dO 10. eaaH aa DoafflMt k Thompson, Do««U* * Thompm. ~Tra»t«ea IBM....BS... II BO floajlaaa ft Thoapaoa, Ttn»UM 4M1....1B 8.. Oouglus * Thompson, 4 JM.... 10 1.. Doa.tus * Thompson, MM I.„ .1 SO raxlar LP* Co, Tnutaaa.lOtl..10 .. DmlirLPkOa da 10M....B0....W. urcilarLPftOo do 17S1....10....10.. DrtxIarLPftCo do IT8I....U • Drexler L P ft Uo do MM... JO... .11.. Daly L t 14*...100....10 .. Kpprtelufc Oo, Tnutaaa....ISIO....10 B.. Par PH, Treataa bal..MT» • ID PS do 4*4....10 •.. PayPB do OOIT....10 i rijfPD .. M ., ray PS do AMI.... 10 1.. KajrPB do MM... 80....IB . rutlOJ, Truitoa 4044....10... 10.. PlattOJ do ....* 4X4. ...10 Foatar A W.Tnutee <14.. .100....SO .. to*Mr A W do BBS....B0....10 .. Pr*ok «, Treataa 4401....10 • .. Pry, Heal ft Oo. Tnutaaa.. .4141....M....M .. Graaoobaqm, Halblaf * Oo. Truit*M aaaa•••••••• •••••« 4101...100....B0 .. Graaoabaum, H«lbinf ft Oo, T^Wdi..........•.......4417... .B0....10 . Oreantbaom. Baibm« ft Oa, TiDttaaa.......... ........(Ill,> .100....M .. iraamb.ttM. BalbU< ft Oo, HhIm........... ......4401....M....BC.. Oraanabaam, Halblaf ft Oo, Tnutaaa..................7044... 100...■ 80 ,. Qrlaalnor B. Tnulea..bal. 4UB I B40 UriaalnfarB do IBM B B40 • nr»lD«»r K do HS7B....B0....10 .. OrtaalogarB do TOM....10....10 ., oardlutr Ba'dwlo.Tnulca. 4117...100....40 .. ardlotr Baldwin do ..4ITB....10 1.. OardlDar Baldwin do . 4044,...90....10 .. Gardlt a» Bald via da ..444*....SO....10 .. Gorertt A «ftOo,Treaiaaa. M40....10....10 .. Uarsrtt A 0 ft Oo do 4*40 ...BO....10 .. Qaro'tt A G AOo do 4B01....1O I.. GUloa J, Treataa B8M....B0....IB .. OlllonJ do MM....40....IB . Graraa W W, Tnutra 4BM....10 • .. Graaobaum L ft Oo,Treat*.BSBB...100....40.. Graanbaom Lft Co do ,.7U7t. .IBB....10 .. Oraai IM, Tnutaa.... bat..4BM... .BB... .1410 •rentBR do ... M..BM1... S4....U.. Grant BR do ,...M. BBM....BB....11 B0 Giaiit BR do ....bal..BBM....M....1140 Grant k K do ....b*t..4BM....BB....ll BU Great EH do ...,bal..4B47....B0....M.. Grant M R do 4401....40....14 .. <*«ll| ft Ubl, Truitaaa 4010....BB....M .. Golly ft Ubl do BBM...100....B0 .. Gaatblar K ft Oo. Treat aM..0BlB..... Oreenaft Oo, Tnutaaa 4B74....*)....10 .. GraanaftOo do BB7B....10...;.B.. (Jlaalarlft Oo.Tnutaaa... .BJM ...B9....1B.. '•aorga R H, Treataa 7004.. .400...BOO .. Hocbatadtar B ft Oo, Trea tOM* *aa*aaaaaaaa*«aaaa«aa. B814....B0....7B .. Hocbatadtar B ft Oo, Trua Uaa.......................4BM....10.....B .. Hocbatadtar B ft Oo, Trea tare 4BSB....40....IB .. Hocbatadtar I ft Oo, Trea Bochitodxr ■ * Oo, Tn,»*iltl><..B....>» , tSSZim»■ Boohotadlor I k. H^^ur 'B 'i' ^. T«« rnT ........ 10 . Hocbiuduir B k Oo. ia ...M. ^ 4i%B...100....«°.. g::S b g' T^:::::r:«m:::ioa:::,.jo: uolti Ira w. ! BotohtMon JofcB,Tr««Ut...JJ»l. ...*».•• • HoubiMMjob. d» Hutchlnooo John do »0l/.... «!.•■■« Hatebloooa John do 5J2* * * * io"** I B *. {uSfcfaelwoOjTrMtooo. ifMJna RrM BiniM k Oockn*. Tnws.U"...!®-—1® •• Hubbeid * 04, T.MIW.—22—-' Co. Trait—..MM.".;* J10 I KimJo*LAOo 4h "S!""i!i""ii" KaobniD 6 kOo, " utb«m*ua« •■ 5225"■ ?n—■ " BnllorW 1, TraMoo 'ill" 2""«0 " Bailor W J do UBiwWj do s!i—!?••■ «" Bailor W t do Bailor* J do Bailor WI do MS—'m*" • Bailor W i do BolUr W J do Bailor W J do «g*f—in""». Bailor W J do i"i—fi" 2 Bailor W J do i?&" t 101 Bailor W J do 2J2"*ido"Ijb. Bailor W J do "•J--1* ...5 ' $XVi £ Bam ot* B^Tiwjooa. *»■••• j*-;;;;, ;; BifyaOooTfcBoa do •■Si'-joS'...!#. ' Mono Goo T ftHon do ■2I"'!2" S Huh | i$«; SmaooTdtoa do | fi£o«ooT«»oa do wtrr* Ooo T k 000 do •!2""«n""2 s§b2«*Tr-«"»""S"| SStTB-S'-fl" T1M....M nj^^i r, Tiaon.. .to. .M i" ■£••••}§ »*. rvSv1! «• voimWih«19 ## DELIJQUIIT SILlft. ■liver Hill—CoBilHn«d. Mubm. Re. Cert If. Bha. Amt. Blchardaon I A, TraaUa...1446...I00....40 .. Blohardaoa K 4 do bal.J440....30....14 .. UichirdioD B A do ...8M....80....48 .. Richtxrlfoa B A do ...44(0... 10. ..16 .. Randolph, Kacklntoebk Co. TlUWIH 4TW...100....M .. Ban lolpk. Mackintosh * Co, TlltaUM 4740...100.. .10.. Baadolpb.Macklntoah k Oo, TrartrM 4781...100....40 .. Bandolpb, Mackintosh k 0«. Traauaa. ........8807...100....00 .. Budolpb, Mackintosh * Oo, Tras.Ma 0841...100....60.. Baadoiph. Mackln o«b k Oo. fta*t*M M0...100....10 .. Haodolpb, Mackintosh A Oo, TfliaUM 6186....60....16 .. Budolpb,M*cllou>sti hOo, TraatMS 81M a Sto Boot Geo B. TraatM 4188...100...60 .. Hoot uto I do 4840....88....40 .. Bout Ooo B do 6180... 80. ..10.. Boot OsoB do 4083... .. Rlchardaoc, Hill 41 Oo.Traa tasa M70.. ..80.... 10.. Bleb D, TraatM 6164....10 • .. Btch O, to 8041......... 10 .. Schmltdtll, HoohiUdtir Ji Oo, TnulM 8M....10 ....... Bt»in Nat, TraatM .. stela Nu to 3444 , luo... 40 .. Htfln *«l to 84*7....10 1,. Bttla Nat do 4047....40....44 .. •tola Ml do SM...1UU....I0 .. Main Nat to MM...UO....0O.. Main Mat to InU 87.1....80....16.. Btala Nat to 8M....B0....1I.. •sou H H k Oo, TraeteM...6TlB....10 8.. «CottH>«00 do ...8111....80....88.. Ihotwall t M. TrasUo .41*4... 40....18 .. abotwsll 1 M do ....8487... 108 ..80.. 8 too# k Dow hot. Trnatwa..4717.. 108....80 .. Tittle t A k 0 *, Trmauaa M...10J, .80.. TrlUe KAt Oo, to ...M....I8 ....8 .. TrlUe FA* Co, to ...M....1S 8.. Tobln it 0, TraaUe 4087....88....88 .. ToblaBO oo 4481.........10.. Tobln BO to 70*1...luo....*•• .. Taylor W B. TraatM 6*80....10.... 8 .. Talbot W a 1687...400...800.. Wooda * PrMborn, Traa Uaa 8418....80..,.18 .. Wooda k rraabora. Traa 4aaa......................,4814., .40....88.. Wakefleld 8 B A Oo, TraaU,.S7M...I60....60 .. ftakeflrid - H • Oo to ,8i18....«0,...l0 .. White A W, TraatM 8070 .10U....40 .. Sf'UAW to 4M....10. .. J .. Wilson* Hatchlnaoa, Traa WUmd fc kVtebiajoa,' Trae-'*"'" ' " mm...... |0i8....88,.• .88 .. Wolf F L.TroiUe 4M0....M....86 .. WolrrL to 4«7U... 80....18 .. A H TraatM 8168....80....10 .. lartoaJaowa. TraatM....8187.... 10 4.. Whattoa JaoM do ....(ltd....10 8. Wkltelj Tk Oo, TruatM*. M77....40....M . Wright W H, TraatM 1M... 80... 84 .. Wrlfbi W H no II00....S0....14 .. t««Df AOo. Trustees.... <w74... 10 ....8 .. Zadlg k Wat J. TraaMM 0847....18 8 .. Zlaaa <J T, TraatM MI...180....48 .. And la aoooroaace with Uw.aad anordarol tha Board of Olractora, mada on tba 16th tor ot Octobar, 1878, ao maajr ahana ot each parcel ofaach atoca u atj fts nacaiaary will baaoid at pobtle aaetion, at tha offlos of tha eompanj, Kna 4, M Ifcuh airx4, Ooaaopolltao Haul. 8an Pranolaco, Ualiferala, on Till'BSD AY, toe BLBVKATU dajr uf Moaobw, U7V, at tha boar of 1 o'clock r. «. of Mid da/, to najr aeld dalmqaaat s^satmaat tharaoa. togsth.r with ooata ot adrartlaliia aad eipoaeM of tha aale. W. B. DBAM, Secretary. 8. No. M Baab a mat. dot mopolltan Botal, Baa fraaoiaoo, OalUerala. ta Alabama and hviiulpi Cooeolldatad Miniuk CompaaJ.- Location of prlacipal place ol bi.ia—», mui rrabolaca, 0411 form*. Location of work*, 811tw Star Mlalof Ola trlct, tttorty Count jr. Nevada. NoUoe. -There are delinquent upon the fol • towing-deecrlbed alack, on account of aaeee*. oaaiNo. I. levied on tbe ttfe oay ol Octobar, l*n, Mia aereral amoanta aat oppoelu tba naaea of tb* reapaattra ikantooUer*. a* follow*: Name*. Ho. Oert. Ska. Ami. Coryell WW 160 in . W XI tkowMjr J A.Tmtaa 1M U0....U .. UdOB. Truaiea M 300 Myfatt Milton « 1U0....10 .. Myfatt MUioa 4 100....10 .. Mjfatt Mil to a 1 100... .10 .. Myfatt MtlluO • 100....10 .. Mjgatt Milton 10 .. Mjfatt Ml I too II M. . .1 .. •jiatt Milton u u ihi Mifait Miltoa.....•.....•••IS...*.iMi...dBO Mjrga t M loo 16 M tKl M/gatt Miltoa IT M IN Mjfau Milton ....Ill .Ifi IfO Mjgatt Mil on It 31 ICO Myf»tt Mtitoa ao aa a ao Mjfatt Miltoa 33....10U0...100 .. m fait m> ton aa iuo.,.ioo.. Mjgatt Mil ton 183 SO Mjfatt Miltoa 1*4 SO... .6. Mjiatt Milioq••*.••••••.. .18* 10.... .0 .. Mjfatt Mlllou 1*0 low....10 .. Mjfait Mdioa 1TD 100....10 .. Mjfatt MUt n IT* 6 0.. .10 .. no bin eoa » H. ai na....M au Hobuieoa ■ U 34 «!....T43U noblaioa J 0 300 1U0....10 .. Koblueoo J O at'l low....10 .. Taj tor Tkoa u las. ...loo....10 .. TaylorTkoa 0 1*4 100....10 .. Taylor 1 bo* (J 1*4 (00....4Q .. Taj lar Tkoa U lit.... 4UI ...*0.. Taylor Tkoa O 1*6 100.... 10 . TajlurTboa O.... 16* I0U....10 . Taylor Tkoa O IN 100....10 .. TajlurTboa U 1*0... .1UJ....10.. Taylor Tana 0 Ifl M taw Tutor Tboa O, Treataa lor Oh (Mdiaf iat...„ WataoD C d *T 100....10 .. Wintame A at ao • .. Wllllame A 8* to B .. Wliltame A 40 *0 • .. William* A .41 to I .. William* A 43 10 1.. *11 lam* A 41 SO Wllitame A 44 10 S .. wuiieii'a a ................ .43..... .to. ....t.. William* A 43 10 Willlama A 47 30 1. WiMaaa A « IT in And la accordance wltk lav, and aa order or tka Hoard of Director*, mad* o* the alatu ittb) day oT October, 1*73, ao many akaraa of Mob parcel of cock itock a* may ba Dec** **ry will ba eold at pablle aaotloo. at tba oac« or tka Company, Mo. lot Moatfuarrj etreet, Booaa I and 6, Baa Fraaclaco. C.lUoiola, oa TUB8DAT. tka BSC. MO (Id) day or DK OIMHSR, 13T», at tka boar or two o'cWk r. m. or *ald day. to pay aald delinquent Mini meat tkeraoa toartker wltk coat* of advertlaina and iipman of ibi mIi, By ord*r ol tka Board or Director*. WK. H. WaTttON, Becrataif. 0«aa—Bo. 103 Moatfooiary tin**, koomeS aad 3, Baa Praaalaoo. California 13 STOCKHOLDERS'MEETINB. XTIVADA GOLD > ND SILVER B'NtNU JLl Company.—Location, UoM Bill, Sloray cuaaty. W«T«o*.-Not.o» I* bar*b> (tt»ao, that la aaaordaaoa with tba prnvlaloea tf Paction 110 o( UiOItU Od aol lb* Bta • af California, and a Ball In vrlilofa4*ra»«d to ma (m pro aldad lot U Mid Mctloo 110) d tl«0M by niockboldara holding over I* -thlrda u Us* 0«ptial Stork of ib« Narada Gold and Slim Mining Ooaipaay. mm ad and oatataodlag, a Bracial U>at B|or Iba atockk"ldera of iba V*. ▼ada Qold and rl.var Blolog Oonpary will bo bald M tba offlaa of tba Oonp.ny, tl» dall'oroU atraat, Boom m, C1t» and Ooaa> y of 8.o Fraa claoo, oa FBTDaT. tba iwmty* Igktb djj of Notambar. A D. tbaboer 01 t»oo'clock r. u 01 aaid day, to ramoTa from cBca tko praaaat Board at Dtractora aod to alect In naw Dliactora to aarra la tfeatr atrad. aad to traoaact Neb otbar ba>ln*aa aa m»j Uwlally aoma bafora aaid maat log JAOOB STaDTFELD, Ja.. 1M Saamary Barada O k S. M.Co. ANNUAMMEEIINQ. mat RXOCLA* A WW UAL MXBTTBO OF X tba atoakboidar* of iba Kaaiacb Bit lag Compos? will ba bald at iba oSct of tba aoo paaj, Hoom 11. Bo MO »in*iMraat.Saa Fian elaco. Oaiir»rala, aa WBVBKSDAT. tba taaa ty-alBtb C*tb) ««7 botombar, ISTt. at tba boar of oa* o aloes r. u. Traoafar booka will aloaa as Saturday, tba ll'k la.taot, at U o'cloak ■. j. W. FEW, Sacrotary. posrroNBnBNT. Tba axeaal maatlngo' tha abora namad Om. paay la baaabr poataooad bbUI BaTCHDA*. , •baiwaaty alatb'S«i)dvof Woram bar/in*. ' at tba aana boar and piaca _* J. W. WW. Btratanr. ANNUAL MEETINQ. ' rpBB BIOVLkB ABMJAl KVBTI5Q Of JL Iba ataakboMara af tba Maaoalo Ball Aa. analailOB af Gold Bill, Varada, for 'ha "laeuon of a Board of Tniauaa, » D ba bald at Maaonlc Ball oa lb* rraalrg of WaDBBaDAT, Dccam bar 101k, ISTt. at T o'clock. "acaaa b°ok» wlll ba cloaad aa Baada* imiof, Daoawba* Stb, at 7 o'elock. aaBSM » W. CBPBfl' QE. Becratary. TIN DOllAKt REWARD /