Newspaper Page Text
TrfE EVENING NEWS HUNT, : : DBCB1BKB S, 187». ■mi nrwiT. UR IVKSIXO. 140 Raymond A Ely. 90r 1U Enreka Con.. If* ISO Belmont. HOe. Mc 1300 Oila. 30c. 23c Northern Bell*. A. «'•'* 100 Metallic. H0o 160 Omul Prix*. TOe 1410 Argent*. 90c. 93c 830 Na»aJo. 33c 300 Endowment, Wo. Wo 110 Independence. C5c '-•00 tftar. 30c. 13c «33 Belle Ule, 1 90. 1 SO. I\ 830 Dev. 1 10.1 05 110 Hiualde, 1 10 100 Reel del Monte. 3 800 Albion. 30c 300 Walee, 3 06.3 10 MU Diablo. 13 H 1430 North Belle late. JOo 130 Bodle. 8%, 8% 333 Beehtel. It •10 MeCltnton. 43c. 40c. 43c. 30a 130 Tioga. 110. 3 30, 3% 33 dammit, 80c 400 Syndicate, 3 10. 3 OS 100 Qoodahaw, 13c 3393 Belvldere, 1.1 OS. 1 10. 1 II 630 Champion. 33e. 30u 000 South Bodle. ISo 430 Booker Con.. 60a 100 Qaeen Bee, 30u 260 Mono 4 380 Unlvereity, So 400 Duto Mine. 1 IS 330 Jupiter. U 800 Month Bnlwer. 35o , 1260 Addenda. 33c. 60o 333 Noonday. 3 60. 3 30 SO Mammoth, 6"a 30 Boeton Con.. 1 40 S03 Martin White. 00c. tU«. itlo 100 Hough'and Ready. 40a *»AUaa. 33c 343 Tiptop. l\ 740 Caledonia (Black UUUi.3H.3 70 Tin Moaxwo. 940 (Jphlr, m. HI. J**. 34S. 33 S 333 Meiicaa, WH. 31. 30* cio Qoold A Carry, 6 V 0%. «S MO Beet A Balcher. 13 H. 1>S •43 Cultural*. 3 SO. 3S 445 Sarage. 7S. 7S. S 1015 Cob. Virginia. 3 S3. 4 440 Chollar. 6S. OS <40 Potoal, 4. 4 1)3 1303 Hala* NorcroM. »S.»S.«. »S <03 Crowa Point. 1 70. I 00 M3 Tallow Jacket. 10. »V «S. »S N3 Imperial, COc. »3c 100 Keatock. 3% 80 Alpha. 3* 410 Belcher. 3. 1 #0 <3 Confidence. 0 379 Slam Narad*. 34 V 34. 34 W 343 Utah. 13H. 13S. 13 333 Bullion, 4 03. 4 60 MO Exchequer. 4. 3 OS. 3 10 10 Bag. Balcber. 13 A3 0 far a an, 5S 400 Jaatioe. 1 70. 1 03. 1 00 1003 Caioo Coa.. 33. SiS. 33%. 33 <% 780 Alia. 3 10. 3. 3 93 443 Julia. IS. 1 40, 1%. 1 35 433 Caladonla. 1 03. 1 603 ttllrar Hill. 1. 93c 710 Challenge. IS. t So 700 New York. 33c 30 Ooeidantal, 1 •W0 Wood rill*. 13c 373 Lady Waahlngtou Coa.. Uw 430 Aadaa. 60c. 33* <S30 Ward. 1S 330 koorpioa, 3 90. J* <30 Levi Alb ad. 25c 2370 Beaton Coa.. IS. 1 40. 1 30. l\. 1 10. 1 30 333 Ooldan Oate. 2 M0 Coo. Dorado. 1 313 Flowary. 33c 110 North Bonanza, 60c 1400 Hacka;, lOo 430 Moan tain Via*. 3 80. 3 60. 3 H iOOO Mouth Utah. 10c, 3c 133 Lady Bryan, 33c Arrtaaaa Mia laraUf. j P Smith. J Bahoock. A M Wicka. J W Varaay, Got J H Klakaad, 3 C Fogua. A Turner. 7 Otanara. 8 L Aoatla. Dr I Mott Smith. C B Stougbtou. E A Smith. E B Bingham, J C Latty, Mr* J M La* and child ran, W Carrar, J W Wilaos. May Wilaon. P CoblaaU. S Roaaaar, J Fried iaadar and *l(i, M D Uowall. Hugh Ma lion, Miaa K Mahou, Mia* A Mahoa. Mia* it H Kinney, Mr* Coat*. C C E Roaa. Paparaara* Las* K»aia(. M B Barnhart. P Kelly. Mr* C T Brad toy. H Prank, M Connor, M C Daffy, J C'hapia, A B Jaekaon. J MoMahon. Kate Mahoa. Joa Martalla, Mr* J Baldwin. Mr* A MoPheraon. W Laity. Mm M Flaalgaa, l.ouie Dearborn. D C Danala. MOW TO MAT If HO.XKt, Imum of going to a doctor for • praaartp Uaa. U yoa kin Br gbt't DImm, DUbaUa, ►ala 1a Ua Bad aod Loin*. Saartlag, lotaa iiiatlon. Oak all. BickJuil Dapoait, or any uoobla of Ua Kldaay* or Bladjar. bu j a boUk of DR MI-tTim NlPHKaTICC*. Ua graat §mA" CWv«»a«l. Jl 1* Ua moat vuadrifnl yraaorlpuou »r»r coapuaodaJ lor tbaaa lioaMa*. Bwart, Abrawa » Carroll. wbolanala JruilMi «a» ' " If< rt^trj XtplntUrum at iM but Kldnn 0*4 bUd4tr H">uk/f U M* MtfU " Woodward, Iraul'l. Purtiaaid. Ota tan. ail: " Krarybody apaaka tlgkly of U '* c'Allda, druggut. Portland. Oraguo. «aja: "Mold Ma m ll; U alwar* doaa Ua work Maar Ufa bars (ami of obatlpata kidney oompliloia altar tua doctor* bara giroo tbaa Bp. For aala by all dnMutata. F. lea $1 ta. HCICIOB. A olatloguiabad aciaallat oaca aald t " No in4a wtu a atroag aad baaltby aloaaob arrr voaalttad aalclda." add fat sua; ara aoflartng (M tertuaa of Ua d«mna»l with Djrpapala wbaa a alagla bottle at UK MIMTir * Kngllah Daadalloa, Lleer aad Ujr>p>|wla PUIa will glee rallaf. and 1/ paralaud la, will cara Ua want mm at Ula diatiaaalag uoabla. Thla pill caraa 1 otnid Lleae and Bltioaaoaaa, rrgula'.a* Ua Bowel*. rtama Piaplea froa Iba Faea. cuiaa Ballnw Gumplail o. Foal BraaU, Sick UaaoacA*. Maanbar*. Pain In Ua sidea and Back, la augarcoated and Ul'AKANTKKl) to ba I-DilKLY •EUKTaHLk. It aetadlraatljr upoo Ua coating al ua Stoaaeb aod oa Ua Llrer; naa ba takaa la ut climate- w*t or dry wiatUr. Bawaraof MMM Iba Ummhu aaa aa ecgr»riag of a lloaon Ua oaiatda w rao ym. Frtaa H casta. For aala by all dragguta. Taaag bara twaa mora caraa of arataaj -tr tn ut sarrooi debility aad parelyate made •7 ibo woadarfol lagliu remedy. Wr A.Uey Caapar'e VlHl Baatorailra. Uaa by all oUar rraadlaa ct>aM»»l. W6jr will yoa nftrf Seal to A. C. *u>ue. M- D., tam atraat. Baa Franclaoo. I» U* W«raU»^«»d ba cored. Prtoe. II per loartlae*itbe <4iatUlty. |1*. Try a bottla. aUVlJ WHY WILL VOL' Allow a cold to advance la yoar ayatcm aad Uaa aacooraga noraaailcaa miladle*. aaeb aa Faaaanala. lieaorrbagea aad Uiag trooblaa •baa aa laaedlMa ralwf cao baas readll? at talaad. BatcKm t German S^rup baa galaad Ua targaat aala ta tba world lor tba cara of Coo aba, Ootda aad tba aareraat Laag D1 aaa aaa It It lit. Boeebee'e faaoaa Uaraaa praacrlptloa. aad la praparad wlU Ua gnalaat cara. aad ao Mar aaad b. aatartaload la adalalalartag II to Ua yoaagMt Ulld. aa par dtraatlaaa. Tba aala ul tala BMadlrlua U IBuracodanlart. Slaea Int lalradacad tbara ha* Waa a coaataat lacnaa •ag daaiacd aad wlUoat a atogla report of a tallara to do Ita work la aay caaa A>k yoar Pragglat aa to Ua traU of tbaaa raoarka. ijuga alia 71 caota. Tr» It aad ba ooartaaad. O. U. UAI.Lfr. u. 04IAW. ovpoatu Ua Baak of Oalifor. aia, Oold Hill, baapa nnataaUy oa baad an faractta braada of laporud Ogara, cboloa bit all klad* of cAawlog tobaoea. raaar i plpaa, Kbool baoAa aad ataMnaaq at of all klada. (1411 mr PROFITS IN M BAY*. What |1Q did U Wall itraat oa Iba aatoal n|t. paapblcu ai plaining araryUlag, trnatwoaaarrUM ralaa for aacoaaa. Mat fna, ^ lTall>aita of Ua coamtry ua MWa MM VVf Bxaraoa A 00., d*J>S CORONER'S INQUEST. VBBDICT ABO UOtMUDi tios or rmm joky. CMUutitM *r ik* iifiMiwi la Ik* l*u*r*r Ik* DiIm Rkalt AmMhMbimumu*h i» int er Mr. VmIIm, Ik* laitaMr. At 4 o'clock laat waning the inqueet u to the death o( T. 0. MoCsrty m reenmed end continued till 11 o'olook, when an adjoarnmaot till 8 A. M. today «m takan to enable tha jory to viait tha Union abaft and a*e how things ara managed than. The testimony takan laat night vaa very (nil. It was devoted very particularly to Using the qaaatioa o( blama, for blame there moat be when 18 men are ran into the aheevee. Tha manner of tha aootfent hat bean iaffluently related. £. H. Jefta, an en gineer at tha shaft, testified that tha ateam ariaing from the north oompart ment of the ahaft that morning waa not bad; from the position ooenpied ha oonld ee* the taga all tha time by hoiating oau tionaly; daring atorms, when the at moaph*re ia heavy, tha ateam la worst; ths position hs left waa taken by Mr. Corliee; gave tha engine over to him in good rendition, tage in osnal place; from the poaition osonpiad by witness there was nothing to (ally obstrnot his view of the shaft; thsrs wss n timber aboat a foot aquare in front of it, bnt nothing to obetraot a man'a Tie w of ths esbls; that alight obstruction, in oonjanotion with tbe ateam, would not materially obetraot hie vision. Mr. Jefta waa aabjeeted to n aevere cross-examination by Mr. Stone, attor ney for the Union Company and by Mr. Corliae. He aaid he ran through the ehitt ahead of that of the accident with out trouble. Hia direct evidenoe snded as followa : Q.—You can alwaya aee tha tags? A.—By running alowly. Q.—Your orders wore to ran elowly when there were men on board and near the aurfeoe? A.—Ws were ordered to alwaya ran alow with men on board. Q.—At all times? A.—At all times. Q.—Didn't yon hoist men daring tboee two ehUta at the aauel alow rat* of ap«*d? A.—Yea, air. Q.—Waa there any difficulty in aeeing thee* eoblea with the taga on at tha time Mr. Corltaa relieved you that morningT A.—1 found none. Q.—Did yon hear Mr. Brophy's testi mony last evening? A.—I heard part of it. Q.— Did you hear that part in relation to his ability to a** thaae taga upon tha cablee? A.—Yea, air. Q.—And relative to the ability of the engineer to atop the sage after it left the month of the ahaft before it reached tbe eheavee, it running at the proper rate of *p«*d with men aboard? A.—Tee, sir. Q.—Was not his Isstimony in regard to thee* maltera correct? A.—I think it Mr. Corliu attempted to ihov by the witness that h« (witness) had objected to handling man on that cage without the indicator. Following vu hi* teetl rnony in that respect: Q.—Did yon consider it parfeotly uli to ran witboat &n indicator? A.—I did, it I ran carefully. Q.—Do you thick it inersMis the hazard o( running to no without an indicator? A.—I told tha brakstnan to ran vary alow, and I thought It wonld go all right. That waa whan wo atartad to go down tha first trip. Q.—Did you avar aaa tha ataam at tha abaft so danaa that it waa inposaibla to aaa tha ropa at all aa it waa going down tha abaft? A.—I have, but it waa not lataly. Q —Do you not think it waa poaaibla in a gust of ataam that tha taga might paaa an engineer watching ever so oloaa? A.—I mada twenty or thirty tripa with tha aama oaga and alwaya aaw them. Mr. Corliss—I mada thirty or forty tripa myaalf, and alwaya aaw tham bat that tima. I ahould Ilka to hare you answer tha qaaation. Qaaation repeated. A.—I think there could b* such a thing. Hia teatimony ooncludad aa foliowa : y. - - With your aoquaintanoa with tha machinery there la it not your judgment that aucb an aooident moat be either the reeult of caraleaaneeaor absence of mind on tha part of tha engineer? A.—I think It waa from abaenoe of mind. John Mable testified. Hia statement aa to the epeed at which the saga and skip shot out of tha ahaft haa already appeared in theae columna. Charlea Hojt, engineer at tha pump boiet and on duty that morning, teatl fled. Ua had bo trouble aaalng that morning. William Wieka, offloe boy, waa (worn. Hia teetimooy, aaide from the manner of the accident, waa not important. P. W. Hickey, brakeman on the ahift when the accident occurred, gate ex tended teatimony. Ha waa at hia brake and ready to aat it whan tha aooident occurred. Following la in point; Q.—If that oaga bad been going alow, aa required by the ralaa when men are aboard, wouldn't your brake, when you did put it on, have stopped it before it struck the abeavaa? A.—It wonld; yea, air. E. D. Town, Chief Enginaar, tea tilled to tha following general ordera to hia engineera and brakaaman: Their ordera are. when hoisting men Is tha ahaft, to move slowly enough for men in the ehaft to ring balla If they cbooae; to alwaya go aafaly; not to move when they are in doubt abont tha signals; to alwaya atop whenever they are la doubt ■boat what they ere doing, ana 10 dc •ure they an right; then, there la an* other order, that if thai* la anything wrong with tha machinery to report it to ma aa aoon aa poealble; I threatened to diacharge Sir. Brophy l( he did not ran alower; I have eaatlooed them at timea that they were running too (aet for men, and they aaid bo, that men on the cage oould ring at that apeed; cau tioned Mr. Jefta; tha datiea of the brakemen are to anawer alt tha belle when the cage ia going down the ahaft, ran hia brake and noelatch when he get* to the top if he la at liberty; when going down he takee care of the down trip and the engineer of the ap trip. Mr. Town tee tilled alee to the follow* ing ooavereetion with Corliaa: After we fonnd the indicator was broken, I told him we would have to pat tage on the rope and he would bare to go a little alow, ao aa to be aafe; after fee had ran about an hour, I gueee, I aaked him how he wae making it; he aaid, "Ftrat rate," and that he oould make pretty nearly aa good time aa with the Indicator, and he thought cloaar landing* in the ahaft; I told him to be aerefal. to go alow, and hia anawer wae, "ill right;" at that time I alao told blm to paee the word to the man who relieved bim> 1b caae I did not aee him. Mr. Coriiaa told the manner of the ac cident. Be wae looking for the waraiac teg, and it mnat have paaeed ia • oloud of eteem. He concluded hie direct etete meat aa follow*: "I aaw tha Ugbta on the eege above the abaft; I abut ay throttle-valve and act the foot We at the aeme motion and Inetantly, oa aee iag the light oa the cage, ao aa (aet a* the oage ra going it coold not hare mora than reached the akipdump before the brake *u down and the throttle cloeed; my next motion waa to raven* tha engine.and it waa all dona aa quickly, I think, aa any man oonld do it with perfect preeence ot mlud; tha cage want oa np to tha timbari, nndar tha eheave, and I aaw tha man falling or jamping from tha wrack, and alao aaw tba rope fall, and it fall qnietly down lika a atring that waa aerated and ramainad there, tha angina baiag at perfect raat; tba an gina moat hare atoppad at about tba aame time that tba cage atrnok tba tim bare; I ateppad down off my platform and bare never bean on it ainca." Following ia important. Q —Yon bare heard tha taatiinony of aeveral witneaaaa here to tha effeot that yon were running that cage on tba ooca aion of that aoddent at tliraa or four timaa ita usual apaad when men are aboard. Their teatimony, aa I under at and you, la untrue? A.—I aay, moat ampbatioally, It ia. Q.—You are aura, than, that tha bell man on tha cage oould hara pulled the bell rope ao aa to warn you at any point in tha a haft? A.—I feel very poeitive that be oould. Q.— Do you think it eafe to run an engine without an indioator? A.—Well, a person muat run very alowly to run aafe. Mr. Stone-Waan't tbia oage and cable with the tage aa guidea or warn inga sufficiently aafa to holat men if run quite alowly? A.—Ordinarily, yea; had I aean the taga it would hare been all right to land by. Q.—Were you not inatruoted by the chief engineer to run quite alowly? A. —Yea, air. At 8 a. K. the jury went to the Union abaft and aaw men holated at tba uaual rate of apeed and took a look at tba ait nation. They fonnd that ordinarily whan hoiaiing men the engineer oould atop the oage in a very few feet—from Ave to ten when the algnal waa given and that the taga on the rope were plainly viaibla when they came out of tha abaft. After oarefully examining the aitua tioo they returnedv to the Coroner'a office and agreed upon the following verdiot: "That the deceaaed, T. C. MoCertby, waa a native of Ireland, aged 26, and that he came to hia death by the run ning of the oage at the Onion abaft into the ebeava ; that aaid aoeidant occurred during a momentary abeent-mindedoeea on tha part of the engineer. And the juiy further find that the Indicator attached to tba apftlne waa ont of order and not in uae, but that taga had been plaoed on the cable and tha engineer inatructed to run bia engine by theee taga ; that the engineer waa running bia engine at an unwarranted and unuaual rate of apeed while hoieting man, con trary to the expreaa inatructiona and cautiona of the chief engineer and ia in thia reapeot blamable. And the jury would reapecttully reoommend to mining oompaniee generally the uae of eome apptiauoe to prevent over-winding of the cable and the oonaequent racarrenoe of acoidenta of tbia kind." CtrtMilM. The Ward shaft has now an upcast, the rash o( air from th« Satro tunnel through the Jalia having changed the current, which was in an opposite direc tion whan the connection waa mad* be tween tha Jnlia and Ward. Tha foregoing originally appeared in the Nrwri, It has been oopied bjr many exobangea, without credit, and thua this paper has seoaped having ita error mul tipliod on its own bead. The correction appeared in laat Wednesdsy's report of the Jnlia mine, aa follows: By partitions Kirly placed, the Ward shaft bu changed to an apcast. In Uie Jnlia a partition ia now to be placed between the pnmp and middle oompartmeuta ol the shaft to nake • flue of the pnmp oompartinent at the 1600 level, whsre the air from the Sntro tnnnel comes in, and force that air down to the 1800 and 3000 levels. This will still fnrtbsr cool off the mine and ventilate it thoroughly. The Fair mt she PlesHts. There waa lota of fnn and frolio at the Pioneers' fair last evening and mnsio and dancing to the satisfaction of all. The big fnn will oome in tonight and to morrow night. The masauerade this evening ia what many have been waiting and preparing. There will be costumes rich and rare, and maidens fair will be there, and all aorta of queer obaraotere will be impersonsted. Csrson purposes to eclipee the Oomstock in the matter of unique and eoatly coetumes. If so the ball will be a amaaber. Remember that tomorrow night Bill Oibeon and his sister, lira. Doane, will give a tight* rope performance and be aeaieted by Mre. Cadge. ■|aen> fislea Sail. The membera of the llinera' Union of Oold Hill viU celebrate their thirteenth annivsriary by a grand ball at tbair ball next Monday evening. Tba namea of the various oommltteee will be found in another oolomn. Three gentlemen bare bean aotive in preparing everything for tba occaeion. They expect thair frienda to ba praaent, and are ready to enter tain them with moaio and danolng and mncb good ehaar. There will ba a large attandanoa on tba ooouion, for people aet much atora by three annual renniona of the minora, and are looking forward to tba ball with much anticipation. laleiaelleael Ifarkel. Tba International Market, No. S Booth 0 etreet, Virginia, la now running two delivery wagona in Oold Hill, and aalla meats for oaah at aatoniahingly low prioaa. Meata by the quarter sold to famlliea at very reaaonabla ratee. This market ia behind none in facilitiea lor getting the beat animala in the oocntry, and alwaya baa a full anpply of tba oboloeat cnta on band. See advertise ment of Morris Delphin In another col umn. _ Tbe Welhlai lauk. The walking match at Pipar'a Opera Houee affords usual amuaamant which culminatra each evening. The attend* auoa oontinusa to ba good. The score at 11 a. m. today stood. Kennedy, 838 ntilea, 18 lapa; Wilcox, g8) milaa and 23 lapa; Cbenoweth, 190 mllea, 6 tape; Murphy, 173 mllea. Then will ba mora a port thja evening. Tba work of patting* in the big pump* lag machinery at the Union abaft baa baas commenced. Tba aole platee, on whioh will reat tba bearinga of the big pomp beam, are in. and the other parte are being aet np. The big beam ltaelf will aoon be put la. It weighs about ninety tona. J. P. Martin, of tba California Bank, writaa that ha (a beginning to feel some rttualag Ufa in hla lower limbe, and hopaa to tnally raaovar thair use, though hia pbyakiaa says it will bo eoma time before be can hope for raak recovery. | YELLOW JACKET. TlwChiaitla ihiOMlttltai Umm (Ctmnt-I«w OlNit ClMMd frtptMd PlM«rup«rilliM Mr tli* ratal*. Robert N. Orarta and WilUam S. Lyle representing tb« new oontrol of the Yellow Jacket mine arrived on tha Comitook yesterdsy morning, and in tha afternoon a meeting of the Trustee* of the Company waa held, at vhieh the following change* among the offloera were made : George A. King, D. B. Lyman and J. M. Taylor, Trnateea, re signed, and in their plaoea were eleoted A. II. Cole, B. C. Whitman and I. E. Jamee. F. A. Tritle waa eleoted Free* Ideot and the other offloera remain aa before. The following reoolutlon waa unani mouely adopted: Heaoivtd, With a Tiew of leeaening ex peneee, and a more eoonomloal manage ment of thia and adjaoent propertiee, that a oommlttee of three be appointed for the pnrpoeo of oonfering with the offloera of the Bullion, Exchequer, Alpha, Imperial Oonfldenoe, Kentuek, Crown Point and Beleher Mining Com peniea, eeeking oontraota for the pnr poeo of doing all mining work and pumping water through the Yellow Jacket abaft, and by meana of eneh con solidation leeaen expeneea heretofore entailed. Mesara. B. N, Graree, W. 8. Lyle and Qeortfo Wallace were appointed such committee on the part of the Yellow,, Jacket Company. The Beloher Company •re already driftlog north on their 3800 level, and have now bat aboat 460 feet to go to reach the Yellow Jaokat abaft. The dlatanoe to tba north line of the Kentnok la bat 140 feet, and to the north line of tbo Confldenoe la only 197 feet. The 3700 of the Yellow Jacket abaft oor reeponda to the 3800 of the Kentuok, Confidence, Imperial, et el., bat the 2800 drilt coming from the Beloher will alio be the 3800 level of the Yellow Jacket. The ahaft oan be aunk to oon nect with the drift iii a very abort Ume. By boiatlng and pamplng through the Yellow Jacket ahalt, the oompaniea named above may make* vaataavlng. By the preaent method of working, one of the oompanlee levlea an aaeeaamant and ralaee $100,000, and in about two inontha the money ia exhausted, whereaa, by the propoaed plan, it would laat four or five mouths. The pumping apparatus at the Yellow Jaokat abaft la eutficlently powerful to take all the water from the range of minee lying adjaoeut, a* the pumpe at the C. <fc C. ahalt are taking that of the range of minea lying tojhe northward. Preeldent TrlUe at an Interview this morning eaya that efforta will be made at once by the Yellow Jacket Company to facilitate the advanoe of the south lateral branch of the Sutro Tunnel to the abaft of the Company. If poeeible they hope to get headera running both waya from the Ward abaft and to atart a bender from the Yellow Jacket ahaft •o aa to have the work going on at four different plaoea. He aaya tbia ia very deelrable aa people are getting tired of paying aaaeeamenta to carry on work at •nob diatancea from the ahafta of many of the mlnlog oompaniea. The expenae will be unneceaaary aa Boon aa oonneo lion oan be made with the 8atro Tunnel from the Yellow Jacket ahaft and the pumpe there put in poeitlon and ready to raiae the water to the tunnel level. Then the whole aeotlon of eountry around the ahaft will be under oontrol of that ahaft both aa to water and ventila tion. The Bullion, Exchequer, Alpha and Con. Imperial on the north and the Crown Point and Beloher on the eoutb are doing work at arma length and at unneoeaaary coat aa it appeara to him and eoonomy would auggeet the uae of the Yellow Jacket ebaft aa aoon aa it ia prepared for nee. The mining oompa niea are all now looking to more eoonomical methods of conducting oper ation and he believea the Yellow Jacket ahaft oan be prepared and then used by the oompaniee above mentioned at a great eavlng in running expeneee. Of courae, when the Forman ahaft reecbee the requisite depth—and U will aoon be pushed rapidly on down—the Crown Point and Belcher will uae it, but it will be eome time before that eau be done to advantage. Am OI4 Her Id. And now an Eogliab geologiat makea tbe world about COO,000,000 yeara old, •ad it it a pretty good-looking world yet, if it la old. It dreeeee ehebblly, tbongb, in plaoee, probably on aoeonnt of bablta acquired in ita youth. It cer tainly n.Ter acquired ita babite of Ban nar Brotbera, tba graat and faablonable olotbiara wbo do buiioeaa at tba ooroar of C and Taylor atreeta, Virginia, or it wonld abow ita aga leu tban it doea. Old aa it la, it ia aometimea wonderfully xreen, and it wonld generally be more faablonable and appear to mticb better advantage to get ita garmanta of Banner Brotbara, for tbelr aaaortmant would allow it to bare mora tban tonr obangea a year, and go cold and naked bait tba tine at that. It nay be anggaatad, tbongb, tbat this earth ia tba dnaky mother of na all and doaa not need olotbiog and genla' fnrniabing good*. Tbat may be trae, bat every ootber'a aon of na see da tbem mora or leu, If not now, at leaat aometimea, and wo oan all gat tbem at Banner Brotbera and be in atyla and good fellowa and noticed among men and woman too, for tbat matter. Sea tba big adrerUaement of tba firm eleewbere. " Cbrleiaaa Ceaalaf" Tba bolidaya are only a eoore of daya away from na now and people are begin ning to tbink about Ghriatmaa preeanta and Naw Yean glfta and all anob; and it ia about tlma tbat tba nice tbinga on tba Comatook ware overhauled to maka ae lectlona. In doing tbia tba jewelry etora of Wn. Manning, South O atreet, Virginia, will be tbe flrat plaoa to bo vialted, for be baa 180,000 worth of aboloa holiday artiolaa, aeleoted on pur poae tor anob an ooeaelon. Ha doea not pnrpoae to bate people ontdo bim any where, and hence offera the wbola lot for 90 daya at ooet. Ha will therefore eaorifloe profile to maka people happy. Ho invitea all to call and aee blm, aa will bo aeon by raferenoo to hla adver tiaement in another oolnmn. The Mall*? |Ia?aee» Tba Coroner oommenoad bia inqneat upon the body of H. B. Malloy at 1 F. M. today. A* ba ia the aeoond viotim of the Union aoddent, tbe attending anr geon only waa called and than the evidenoe taken in MeCarty'a oaae waa anbmltted to tba jnry. Tbelr verdlot waa the aame aa that found in the oaae ol MoCarty, azoept tba reoommendation in regard to the appliance for tbe pre vention of over-winding. The inqueat wu held ia Gold HllL Joaeph N. Hall baa oommeaaed pro ceadlng* agaisit bia ereditora. Hia debta ezoeed hla aaaata by ahant ft0,000. J \ To* death of thia wall known mid^ng man, aa annonnoed in the Nrwa and othar papara of yeaterday, vaa a matter of attrpriee to even hia moat intimate frlende. Hia dlaeaae aa atated waa in* flammatioD of the tonaila and glanda of tba throat, prooeediog from a oold coa traoted while ooming over the mountain* from Califoroia a few daya ago, bat be ing a strong, robaat man, in vigorona health, hia oondition oauaed oo epeoiai alarm nntil a abort time previona to hia death, the immediate oaoae of wbioh waa the oloeing of the throat from tba awelling of the tooaila and gland*. Mr. Lamaon waa a native of Boaton, Mam., abont fifty year* of age. He oama to the Paoiflo coaat at an early date, aod haa beenoonnected with mining intereeta of thia 8tata from the firat of the allrer workloga down to the preeent time. He waa ona of tba moat ezperienoed and fX tenaife proepeotora, and bad mora und» ▼eloped minea loeated, eapaoially in Sto rey and Lyon oountiea, tban aoy other man. Moreover, he oontrivel to perform tba nrceeaary work to bold them and took meaaurea toward their praotioal de Tflopmeot. Ha aneoeeded in grttlog Eaetern oapltai intereetrd in hia miaee, and even now aome 115,000 worth of machinery haa jait arrived, oonaigned to hia oare, for the Draxel mine, Lyon ooanty, ooe of Lamaon'a location*. Mr. Lemton wu a good aocial member of ■ooiety aa well aa an anargatie bnilneaa man, and very many warm frienda re* gret hia untimely taking off. ^here ota be no doubt that Her man, who ia to appear at Piper'* Opera Hooaa Monday night, la tba greateet magician of the age. Heoan work more diablerie than any of them. Still he doee not depend on hlmielf for • whole evening'* entertainment, althoagh the feot that he Area hla wife, EnglUb-Sepoy faahlon, from a oannon, would be aatie faotion enough for moet married men. He haa aeveral other attraotlona for the evening and among them thoee long, limber, flap-toed danoera that awing their feet into the fliea of the etage and aaltate a la the Megiltona and more too. All thia Monday night. Oat reeerved aeata. Will Beal.BUMdla. W. D. Oibeon and hla alater, Mra. Doane, have aeoured a big Oon. Virginia oahle for tomorrow nlgbt and he deolaree that ha will not only walk it, but that he and Mra. Doane and Mra. Gedge will, with a email atove already prepared, eook alapjaoka for the crowd and ahow them bow the toeeand flip and turn over ia done and all the time the per formera will be on the tight rope. In other worde, Bill deolaree he will do more than Blondin did over Niagara Fall* or anywhere elee. JMalice. It having been atated that the Juatioe mine haa been abut down antll farther ordere, we etate upon the authority of the management that the etoppage ia merely for e day or two in order to meke oertaln neceeeary repair* to the boiler and other arrangement*. Work will be reaumed a* aaaal day after tomorrow. Q. A. B. Elmtior.—The election of offloere of Phil. Kearney Poet, No. 10, O. A. B., took plaoe laat evening, with the following reeult: Poet Commander, A. H. W. Crelgb; S. W. 0., C. L. Met calf; F. V. C., Tbomaa Moeee; Surgeon, E. B. Harris; Chaplain, J. W. Burke; Offloer of the Day, George Elaton; Of ficer of the Guard, 0. A. Wood; Quar termaeter, George L. Schwab; Delegate to Department Encampment, Tbomaa Moeee. The funeral of T. C. McCarty, victim of the Union ebaft accident, took place yeeterday afternoon, and waa very large ly attended. Thtprooetaion waa headed by the Miner*' Union, followed by the Emmet Guard, of which company he waa a member, and delegation* of the variooa other militery organix*tloua of Storey connty. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Hub Extension Oold and tillver Mining Company, held Toesdsy, the following gentlemen were elected Direc tor* of aaid oompany for the eninlng year : Benjamin Holladty, Prealdent: George S. Montgomery, Vice President; Victor Beaaayre, Secretary ; Paoiflo Bank, Traaanrar. A Litxlt Back.—'Tomorrow evening, by way of variety, there will ba • seven* mile running raoe at Piper'a Opera House between Bicbarda, Paacoa, Bboadas and Cnmminga, to commence «t 8 o'clock preoiaely. Soma particu larly lively mooing msy bs looked lor, aa the boya mean buaineea, and blood will tsU. Laat night waa abont the gnstiest of tha season. Waahoe ispbyrs howled all night and mad* a terrible olattering among everything of the unstable kind. Tha temperatura of tha atmosphera moderated decidedly, and a thaw ia on thia portion of tha country. Bill Qibaon will appear at tha Plo> naer'a maaquerada at National Quard Hall, Virginia, ai tba Wild Camanoba of tha Plalna, and will do U without horae, aaddla or bridle. People attending tba Pioneers' fair (maaquerada tonight) can gat tba 'bua down after It ia over. Tba 'bua, in othi r worda, rnna to Gold Hill after tha fun la over. Tha atreeta of Oold Hill are getting to be dry and good, but in Virginia mud abounda. Bivera of it oouraa down tha cross streets in plaoea. Cacno*.—People are cautioned by D. Ancoll not to negotiate oertain aharee of Margarita stock. Sea advartlaement in another column. Governor Kinkead came up this morning to see about tbinga. "Ia that your friend, Mma. 8., who ia danelnii there 7" " Yea." " That's a frightfully ill-made dreaa aha has on." "Tea; but if itwaaa't it wouldn't At bar." There Mama tob« i good deal of Ute HMtjr—If we may be allowed to epeek in parable*—among the Indians in Col orado. MAHilUttU XiESTOHED iwdtn bwutt oo >»r laOaataUow K a«aaa». *>f ~rw.*• t. $66* MMeae a lew wwn. g»oat«t gg£»yEtLLTTT a 00. ronui. Ha. A weeft in tow oin warn. »»ou«n freeze m wfclefe mmm *+****_* WESTERN DISPATCHES. [mOUL TO TBI SOLD BIIJ. DAILY H*W(.| Prlieeti Sally Again. Sax Fmoicaco, December 4.—At Platt'a Hall lut evening Prinoeta Sarah, daughter of Chief Winnemocea, chief ol tb« Piute Indiana, delirered her aeoond leoture on the wronga dona her people, and tha ontragea perpetrated on them by unprincipled and nnaornpuloua white agente, to a large and anlhuaiaatlo audi enoe, made up largely of the moat Intel llgant oitlsena of Ban Franoiaoo. The leolnrer waa warmly applauded through out her eloquent addreaa. The epeaker cloaed her etory with a tonohiog appeal to the andienoe for aid in gaining a res ervation for her people in Nevada, where they oonld quietly aettla and re aume their leaaona in tha waya of ciwili ration, that ware ao auddenly broken into by the appearanoe of Beinbardt on tha former reeervation. Nacbee, Sarah'a brother, waa then introduced and made a few rem»rk» in hia own tongue, Sarah aotiog aa interpreter. Both he and Sarah in their apeeobee referred to the preaenoe of the Ohlneae on thia coaat, and ezpreaaed their deep diiguat and hatred of the raoe. At the cooolu alon of Nachea' addreaa, a aong, exprea aire of tha variout emotion* of a warrior who haa been aubjected to aoma deep indignity, waa eung by Nachea and hia two coualna, Jerry Long and Charley Thateher. H»n Francisco Items. Sax Faaxcxaco, December 6.—This Is sixth week of ths oablnetmakera' striks, tha longsst known in California. The idle workmen deoltre that their oanse is stronger than ever, snd that tha aaaiat anoa whioh they hare reoeired from their fellow workmen in othar ormfta haa been so far amply suffloisnt to kaep tbam In good atead. Ona of tha em ployer*, raqniring tha eervioee of tan men, haa expreeaed hla williogoaaa to give tha advanced wagea aaked for. Tha oonntry jonrneymen who have been oalied in reoently hava, aa a rule, joinad tha atrika. At tba reoent meeting of tha Irish Benevolent Sooiaty the Preeident, after depicting tha mlefortnnea of Ireland, told of tha mlaaion of Hon. Obarlaa S. Parnell to America, to oollaot flnaneial aid for that lamina dlstreaaad oonntry, and adviaed aaoh member to act aa • oommittaa of ona in aolioitiog oontribn* tlona. Tba members of the Society have already secured $1,000 for thia worthy objeot. Lite adrloea from Mexioo atata that the excitement oonoarning tha 8isrra Mojada mioaa in tba City of Mexloo haa oompleUly died ont. Tha ratnrn of aev eral raaponsible partiea from a visit to the minaa and their reports of the oon> dition of thinga generally haa dtatroyed all faith in the matter. An Amerioan named Major John Willett ia alleged to be at the bottom of the movement, and the furore on tha Bio Grande and in Texaa ia aald to be owing to hie reports of the fabnlone riebneee of the mlnea. AN OLD LANDMARK. Tli* riinieff aa Mark Twela'e Old Cabin Takes Uewa by Bab Haw. lead, who will CeaverS Is lata Cauts far Ilia Frlaada. Emtralda Htrald, Nov. 39. Id the jfNTi agone, when this etmp iu Id its flush and pride, two genlueee made their home la a cabin down tbe galob near where the China garden now ia. One o( them bu made himself • world-wide reputstion as ft writer, wit and humorist, and tbe other, although never having a stayed anything in Iba litersrj Una, ii u jolly and hearty aa hia partner, and today bla round, loll langb la pleaaant to haar and reminda ona of tba deep mnalo o( a baaao qnartette. Theaa two bappy obapa wera Mark Twain and Bob Howiand. For yeara tba for mer haa been in tba Eait and on tba oontinent. bat tba latter still olinga to bla gods, and oan every now and again be beard of at remote plaoea where atrikee are reported. Not long alnoe he tarriad in Aurora for a few daya, and while looking over the old ground where, in the war daya, ha waa City Marahal, be eepird the flagstaff on hie and Mark'a old oabln. Tbe thought flashed acroas his brain that it would make handaome eanea and as tbe old cabin baa beoome historical be determined to have it. Tbe flag-pole w«a about twenty feet in blgbt and lltbe end_ tapering, of tbe toughest tamaracK. nowiaua applied 10 a. a. Stewarteon, the preeent owner of the oibio, and from him sot permiaaion to take th* pole down. When it waa down and aawed Into aaitable langtba Bob elated that ha would bava It mad* into oanee and preeent tbam to bia frleode. Ona ba woald bava handeomely moontrd aod stnt to Hark and a mat* to it would k*ep aa an heirloom lor hia obildr*n. The otbara woald ba dletribated aa (anoj dictated. In oooneotion with (bat old eabin ara many witty atorlaa. On* time, when Bob and llark wara living on abort rationa, it waa tba enatom o( th* eamp to aat a great daal of caun> d gooda, frnit, oyetere, Jelliee, ata. Th* empty cana woald b* thrown careleeely fromtb* door of *acb oablo, and in moat i'netenoea Ereaenud quit* an array of different randa, atylea and klnde. By tba nam* ber of oana thus diapoead of ona ooaid Judge bow the oooapanta of any on* cabin wera living. Ona nigbt Mark oam* homo with Ave or ais doaen empty oana in a gunny aaok and emptied tbem ont in front of tha door. When Bob aaked him what be waa about he replied that the paaaeraby ehould not know bat they were living jaet aa well aa anybody if tba namber of empty cana counted for anything. Bob alio telle that when the oabin waa being moved from down tba gnloh to where it now atanda fifteen or twenty of tba boya etood in to help. When they got eo far with it aa the Exohange aaloon tbey pnt it down to go in and get a drink. Aa they renged np to the bar Bob and llark were awfal Jolly and happy to think how eaaily and quickly they were getting their eabin moved. Bat aa the crowd began to poor in, each man ahowing how and where he had blietered bia handa while aaalating to move the oabin, it dawned npon them that at two bita a drink it woald have been almoat aa oheap to bay • new one with a manaard tool and obiarvatory. Two hundred and fifty men, at leaat, drank on that mov ing, and Bob aaya if ha had not pnt in a demurrer they woald have been drinking nntil now. Thoea were the daya when it waa not neoeeaary to ring a bell or blow • bora to oolleet a crowd in Aarora. THK PIONUR SHAVINQ A HAIRDRUtiRO SALOON I O. POHL. PROPItHTOB. ■AIM «TB*rr. MLS BILL, I Oppotlu Olbaoa'a Mocn. rXLMIX TOW1L1 AID HUBP IUOH yttstti. nltilth iM n'tfmty nv|>, Tteatf wtmm Mm to Ik* pto«,wa «mf* rmtatfrtU. lia ■ UVKbUMVIIIh W. N. HALL J CO., MAIN STRRBT — GOLD RILJL, -waouniLi ug utin. Mum ■ HARDWARE, Of trwj description. Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware OAS PIPt AND FITTINGS. POWOIRi PUSS. ROPE AND BLOCKS, ♦ SHOVELS. PICKS. HANDLES, NAILS* Mill and Mining Supplies, An ud MVMtor UMftowt * MK0HANIC8' TOOLS, Of all kind*. QUVANIZEO IKON WIIL or *U liMI, Btd* to ortw U W.N. HALL* 0«i i.i.iuuta. uo.rouam* 8ALLATIN & FOLSOM. OOLD HILL. NEVADA. HARDWARE, (ran, Steel, Coil, Stores, Tin Ware, FUSE. POWDER. ROPE. BLOCKS. out Firs AND nTMNOIh Bkovela, Pleki, Hailles, Tails* MllllBf U< Millie 6«Mb GALVANIZED INON'*lPIPE Of AO* TO OUU. AGRNTM VOK ▲lbanj Mtoblot Oil and LobrlctlUf Ooepnei lo IB GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —A*D VARIETY 8TORI| OKA IN STK.RKT, GOLD RUL. Oppotit* Fax'* Kat KirM. D. THORBURN, MR* M. GILLESPIE. AOKKT FOE Til COLD HILL DAILY NEWS And Bio FimsdM* "C*1J," "Kxaalaer" ul «r*U" Eastern Periodicals AKD LATUT 1KADIIU IATTH. ClfiABS AID TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC. SHOW-OASE GOODS. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOORS. TOYS. ITO. PnatUNl mad litlilktUry D«al l.f OHMIlNt. t GOLD HILL BAKERY RE8TAURANT MAIN ITKUT COLD MIX, Opporit* tlM lellpa* llnij »«bl—, J. r. MOKIB Proprietor. TJTBZ8B BB1AD, PISS, OAKBS, AMD 00* " BolU mrj itj, dollvand at tka aaafc* dio— of ou»tem*r*. noia. ar pu* aad Oakaa at radaead prieaa. Vkaoy or aaaortod Oakaa aada to ■ abort aoUoa. TtM Koutrul Department la tho ImM la tha Butt. All Mud* of Uimi, Foaltn lW rraak nik tod ftlio oy»tor* racalrad lU IWd BP duly. »■ THE CITY BAKERY, RE8T AU RANT. Confectioner! aid Caadj Depot. No. ar North O Stroot, TlnMm nrriRi an it joint aaaoBrxtNT o» w HOLIDAY QOuDrt Tor*. Oaadlaa, Oroo. m*ou for Tabla, Ornamratal, Fratod *od PUln o*kw of *11 klcd*. d»*crlpttoa« Md do ries*. aad *t price* to nil orwybody. A* w* Import *U oat Rood* dtfoo* trom Ibo But, «• ou offer than ttpriow tbo a*mm m ekanod la Now fork, aad at Ua* than aaa PrmncUoo rata*. %M~ OroasMBta for Otkaa a *s**t*My. rixaxauK * ABinftoaT, Proprietor City Bakary, Bo, fTBortkO(treat, Tbstaia. Mini*. U !■ GOLD HILL MARKET run iw m im;n«wi mni i. t. rox. - • - wopunoi AT THIS MARX1T OAK, always b« found TBI CHOIOWT AND MWtOM. Oar animal*. b*ug aalaetad hw tfca baat Oattie Hancbaa U Rmdi and OalUorala, an Unn healthy. PRTVAT1 PAXILUM and BOTHJ win Had It to tbatr adraatam to DtfitalM Ma aaar-r, RBVDIBXD TALLOW, tor alll aadalatac panoaaa,coaataaUy oa hand. " ® L. T. FOX* TO FAMILIES, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND THf COMMUNITY QENIRALLVI ______ / TW UNDIMtONZD BBOH LtATl TO 1 notify ua paop'a that htm tela data tot. vara ha will Mil tmi vbry but mkatd At the wrj low Ml paaalbla Ifaia FOB OAM. To nasoaalbla partl'a Ua Mai cwdlt wUI b. rxtaodadat earnapoadlacvrtoaa. bat OAM CtJSTulUBS eao bar tMrlfaaU at tba CENTRAL MARKET At lowar prtoaa U- aafwbara oa tba ooaat. MARK •TROUM. M Praprtatot Qaatral KartH. Vlr^ila (Minn H*TC»!»« I* 10 DiTd ohJmh WalHtraaC N T. ofrTf ftfa A WBSS. tlla«v likoMJtMr ********