Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS MONDAY, : : DECEMBER 22. 1879 ITtCK lir«IT. no noaxwo. 870 Ophlr. 15H 1090 Maxican. 14H. UH. " 755 Ooald A Carry. 3H.3 80 435 Baal t Balah.r. 7S. 7H. 7H 190California IN „ MO Imp. 3 90. 3 95. S 85 M0C<»7TtrglDU.3«S.3<0.aS5 100 CbolUr. 4 00. 4H 000 Potoai. a»*. 2 60 850 Hal* A Norcroaa. 5. 5H. 5H 70S Crown Point. 1H. 1 40 650 Yellow Jackal, OH. OH, OH 1130 Imperial, 30c, 25o 90Kentack.2 05.2H 150 Alpha. OH. 0 * 500 Belcher. 1 00.1 55,1H 110 Confldenoa, OH. 0 970 Blarra Nevada. 17H. 17H. 17H. 17 355 Utah. 0. OH. OH. OH 090 Bolllon, JH. 2H. 2 45 040 Ixehaqnar. 2. 1 90.1 80.1 83 MO Overman. 2H. 2H. 3 410 Jutioc. 65c. 60o 1115 Onto* Con.. 34. 33H. 33. 32H. 32H L 800 Alia, 1 80.1 90.1 95. 2 590 Jalla. 1 20. 1 10. 1 15 230 Caladoala, 75c, 70o 1110 Silver BUI. 40c. 35c 1330 ChaU*n«e. 1 »0. 1 95. 2 1350 Now York. lOo 150 Dardanella*. 75o 220 Ooeldantal, 50o, 25q 335 Lady Waahlogtoa Con., 30c 35 Andaa, 25a 000 Ward. 70o 700 Soorploo. 2 20. 2H. 2 30.2 45.2 40 1040 Leviathan, 20c. 25c 040 Ban ton Coo.. 05c. 95c. 90c 200 Ooldaa Oata. 1 05 350 Cob. Dorado. 95c 1700 Flowery, 20c. 25c 1390 North Bonania, 30c, 35c 500 Mackay, 10c 100 Mountain Vlaw, 1 AfUrMM I■ formal ■wm, Bui Fiaxctaoo, Dm. 39—2:30 r. MO Union. 33*. 330 do 34. HO do 33*. 90 do 39*. 30 do 39*; 80 Poloei. 3*. 100 do *88; 80 Stem Nevada. 18*. 10 do 18*. 340 do II. 180 do 14*. 63 do It*; 323 Mexioan, 13*. 380 do 13*. 143 do 13*. 10 do 13* b3; 10 Sierra Nevada. 16; 10 Union Con.. 33*; 70 Choilar. 4 83; 333 Opblr, 13. 110 do 14*; 210 Hale A Nor croM, 4*. 40 do 4 90. 10 do B; 303 Beet A Belcher. 7. 300 do 6*; 173 Ballion. 3 33. 133 do 3 30. 30 do 3 40; 30 Mexican. 13*; 300 Coo. Virginia, 3 40. 300 do 3 33. 30 do 930; 180 Yellow Jacket, 8*. 173 do 8*. 107 do 8*. 80 do 8*; 300 Con. Virginia. 3 U; 313 Jttetioe, 80c, 33 do 83c; 30 Utah. 8. 90 do 8*. 40 do 8. 10 do 8*; 430 Belch •r. 1 *, 8 do 1 88; 263 Overman, 3; 90 Sav age. 3*; 180 Sierra Nevada, 17; 98 Crown Point, 1 40.140do 1 43. 180 do 1*; 160 Julia. 1 30, 170 do 1 13; 130 Benton Con., H3e, 80 do 90c, 10 do 90o. 30 do 93c; 20 Northern Belle, 8*; 173 Imperial. 30c; 90 Beorpion, 3*. 70 do 3 30. 70 do 3 13. 100 do 3*; 90 Oonld A Carry. 3 40; 30 Cali fornia. 3 70. 13 do 3 60. 100 do 3*; 100 Union Cos.. 34. 100 do 33*; 130 Exche quer. 1 90; 90 Mexioan. 13*; 180 Mam moth, 3*; 30 Beet A Belcher, 7. 80 do 7; 10 Bullion. 3 40; 30 Ophir. 13; 80 Hale * Noreroee, 4 90; 33 J mlice. 60c; 30 Sierra Nevada, 14*, 30 do, 16, 30 do. 16; 300 Beorpion, 3 18. illeraeea linel ■•perl. Ban Fnaxciaco, December 22 —3 r. Caioa. 31 * ealee, 33 ealee, 32 bid; Beet A Belcher. 7 bid; Polnei.3* aaked; Mexican. 19 bid. 19* aaked; Sierra Nevada, 14* bid; Union, 39 aale; Sierra Nevada. 14* bid, 18 aaked, 14* ealee; Mexican, 13* eaJae, 19* ealee. 19* bid. 19* aak«l; Boorpion, 3 bid, 3 10 aaked; Chollar, 4 88 bid; Ophir. 14* bid. 13 Mked; Imperial. 23c bid. 90o aiked; Sierra Nevada. 13 ealee; Mala A Nercroee, 4 90 aeked; Union. 32 ** •alee. 92* bid; Sierra Nevada. 13 bid; Lady Waahington, 30c ealee; Beet A Bel abor. 7* bid; Con. Virginia, 3* ealee; Mala A Noreroee, 4 90 bid, 3 aaked. 4 90 ■alee; Bullion, 3 33 bid; Sierra Nevada, II* bid; Potoai. 3 33 bid; California, 3 30 ML trrtfeli Hi la lerelaf. Felix Moran, L. Rider, J. O. Looper, M. C. Kinney, Emma Brown, Mre. A. Feaey, Ooeele Mabeim, Mre. N. Coleman, Mre. Martin, Her. E. Qraham and family, A. B. Dickey. W. M. Stocker, J. A. MoNanghton, F. D. Niotol, A. H. Oreenberg, M. Larkry, Jaa. H. Kinkaad, R. H. Wright. Mra. F. & Baa. W. Horan. S. Davie. Miae E. Ramanu. Arrival! TwMHajr Mtralai. J. A. Marshall and wile, Miu C. Hmirt. E. P. Devine. Qeo. Hpring, Thoe. Cars aaugb, B. Dudley, £. Chielovich. A. X. Walker, B. Herman, E. B. Smith, J. F. Lewie. T. A. Lee. M. Falk. B. H. Wright, O. P. Wttilaore, X. Frielltaan. W. C. Devey. C. C. Wheeler, O. Lonkej, Mrs. O. B. Swift, L. D. Botce. Kite Blackburn, ■. Davis, Jaa. H. Klakead, Miss X. Steele. Misa A. Oreer, W. Hatch, Mra. Sanft and childreo. Miss Winterbauer, A. H. Hayss. Mra. D. L. Beaa. Chris. James, Mrs. E. Fowler. ins IsisNaj Imlai. Jaa. Boyle, C. Brown, Jaa. Orvely, I). J. Salliraa, J. Sullivan. Oco. Taylor, J. M. Yoang, B. Crow, J. Marigold, A. Abra has, A. Cosgrove. P. Hogan, Mrs. J. Oagaoa. t. Harper. E. Beaoer, Mrs. Halle, Mrs. A. Tonl. W. J. MeOee and wife. Mrs. E. Peters. Miss M. Hooley. J. T. Moon, Mies E. MeMeaa. St. Joan's Scmut Scbool.—Tbs chdldrsa and teachers of St. John's San day School will oalebrate Christmas this year at the Bectory. on Cbrietmaa Ere, at 7 o'clock. They are requested to be pressat promptly upon ths hour. Ths Nevada Bank of San Franoisco baa established ths following as ths bad* of loans apoa tbs mining stocks •aaaed: Ophir, $10 par share; Sierra Wrrsdsk $l6; Daloa Coaaolidatad, $90; Ths atom of Saturday hss continued till today, and has bsen particularly ssfsrs ia thews pans, although ths addi tional fall of snow has aot bsen great. Lists of oflcsrs bare recently bsen Sled scoordlnf to law by the Hale k Moraroas, Ophir, Mexican aad Gould ± Carry. of tsacbsrs by ths Board Tiaatsis of Vlrgiaia has bean aatil next Saturday, Jewell vlU aot allow Chief of yoMaa Aflaa of Flsgiaia to be his dsputy Lady Waabiagtoa baa levied an aa OFFICIAL MINIM LETTERS. The following letter*, under the datea given, have been aent from the Comitock to the principal oflleee of the varioo* com panic* in Han Franclaco: Dalea ceaielltaM. Tiioru Cm, Dee. 20, 1879—Robert Prmidnt: On OUT 1000 level the Klnt Mexican wlnxe on our aouthern undary ha* been aunk and timbered 11 feet—patting through a vein formation carrying clay and qnarte. which bow oov era the whole bottom of the wlna*—mak ing a total depth of 340 feet. The joint Mexican eroeecut ha* bean extended 37 feet and ie now in 407 feet from the main north drift. The material paaaed through ia a hard Tain porphyry. On our 2300 level (Sierra Nevada 2300) the main eoutb drift haa been extended 37 feet, making a total dialanc* of 330 feet aonth of the Union ahaft, paaatng through a vein por phyry allowing aome water and having a dlatance of 17t! feet to run befor* connect ing with the joint Mexican winaa being anok on our aouthern boundary from the 2000 level. The drift north from the Union ahaft haa been extended 13 feat, paaalng through a fair grade of ore, and tte total length la now 43 feet We hav* been oblixod to diaeonttnue work in the face of thia drift for the purpoae of timber ing It aacurvly. On our 3400 level w* are atlll extending our aill floor to the eouth and rut, and work baa not yet lx*n rvaumed in the eaat drift. Owing to the iuoenie amount of work being done in the Union ahaft on the varloua bob and tank atallona we have not a* yet been able to materially inoreaae oar oatpat of ore. We hava extracted 889 tona during the week and ahipped 983 tona to the mill, leaving 260 tona in our ore hoaae. Our aecond ahlpment of bnlllon, amounting to about $30,000. wlU be mad* tonight The work in the Union ahaft la making good progreea and alao the placing In petition of the large pumping engine on the aur face. W. H. Pattos, Bupt OMlr. Yimuxia Crrt, Dee. 20, 1879.—C. L. Wrlltr, /V«iJmi: During the put week our main incline haa been sank Mid tim bered 20 feet, and la now 92 (eel on tAe ■lop* below the 2500 a tat ion. The material paM«d through coidiuuca a farorable-look log vein formation having an easterly dip. Wo a hall thia coming weak commenoe ex cavating the tank atatioo (or a plunger pomp. On onr 2600 Ural the main north drill baa been advanced 23 feet through a vain porphyry, making a total length of 33 f««t from the main incline. On Wednes day next we ahall a tart a drift eaat from the atatiun. Thia will form the main eaat drift of tbia level and explore oar groand in that direction. On onr '2400 level the weal croaacut haa been extended 28 feet, continuing in a vein formation abowing aome water. On onr 2300 level the aouth drift baa been extended 31 feet, and U now in 208 feel from the main eaat drift, pass ing through a bard, blasting porphyry, ahowing aome clay aeama. The Joint Mexi can weal oroeaoul on onr northern bound ary Hue baa been advanced 23 feel through a vein porphyry, abowing more quarts than at dale of mv last report, making a total length from the main north drift of 219 feet. On our 2200 level the southeast drift baa been extended 27 feet—total length. 97 feet— aud continues in a vein porphyry. On our 2100 level the north drift in the Hardy vein baa been advanced 17 feet, and is now in 277 feel from croaa cut No. 1, the face atlll showing milling ore. We have extracted the uanal amount of ore from oar slopes. Our pnmping ma chinery ia working well, and we shall bars our 2300 level pump connected and run ning in about three days. W. H. Pattox, 8upt. Hsxlsaa. YiBotxu Cm, Dec. 20, 1879.—C. L. WtlUr. hrniitm: On our 2300 level the main north drift has been advanced 84 feet, passing through a birdseya porphyry with clay streaks, and baa reached a point 214 feet from oar south line. The joint Opbir weet croaacut on our aoutbern boundary has been extended 23 feet through a vein porphyry, showing more quart* than at date of my last letter, making a total length from the main north drift of 219 feet. On onr 2000 level the joint Union Consolidated weet croascnt on onr north boundary line has been extended 27 feet, and is now in 407 foet from the main north drift, the material passed through being a bard vein porphyry. The joint Union Consolidated winxe has been aunk and timbered 11 feet, making a total depth of 240 feet. The vein formation, carrying clay and quarts, now extends over the whole bottom of the winze. W. H. Pattox, Supt. CSaaelMaM Tlrctsls. YinotxtA Cm, Dec. 20. 1879.—>4. IT. Harm. .Wretne* i Daring the past week week we have hoisted 1440 tons of ore. On onr 1330 level the repair* to the east drift are completed, and we are extracting some ore lying to tne east of the old ore slopes on our 1730 level. The west drift is con nect d with old winae No. 1, and we are now repairing this winxe to enable us to carry ou our explorations in that direction. On our 2130 level we are still engaged in timbering and enlarging the connections made in the south drift with the Beat A Belcher mine, preparatory to starting the joint Best Jt Belcher eaat crosscut. At the C. A C. shaft the pumpa and other machin ery continue to work well. W. H. Pattox,'Hupt. rat literal a. Vinoixu Cm, Dec. 20. 1879.—C. P. GurJuH, Stcrt/ttry ; Daring the put week we have hoiated 1.290 lone of ore. On tbe 1750 level tbe work of atoping oat ore from the bottom of tbe north winze it being con tinued. Tbe Nil croeecnt from the main north drift is now In 12 feet and continnea in a favorable vain formation, abowinf quartz giving low aaaaya. Tbe ralae from croeecnt No. 3 la now np 92 feet from tbe a tope. On our 2230 level the north drift from the C. A C. abaft baa bean attended 22 feet and wa have cut a vein formation abowing low grade ore. At the 0. A O. abaft tbe pumpe and other machinery con tinue to work well. W. H. Pattox, 8npt Rlerra Nevada. VtBOixu CtTT. Dec. 20. 1879.- W. ir. Siritom, Serrrtary: The north drift on the 2200 level from the eaat abaft baa been advanoed daring the week 19 feet; total dittance, 199 feet Thia drift atlll eon tinnee in a aoft and kindly formation, re quiring cloee and anbelantial timbering. Tbe eaat drift on tbe 2900 level la now In a diatance of 110 feet The face of thia drift ia in • mixture of birdaeye porphyry and ■labe of clay, carrying atringera of quarts giving low aeeaye. Tbe main north lateral drift on thia level la now in a diatance of 39 fret from tbe atation. The face of thia drift alao abowa a fine vein formation. We have commenced an excavation under tbe incline on tbe 2900 level and in tbe weal or* body, preparatory to bnildlng in cline cbntaa. Thia work, when completed, will very materially leeaea tbe expenae of handling the rock from tbe 9M0 level. The ore at thia point is of a very good grade. Tbe flow ot water ia all parta of the mine remaiaa about tbe aaaae. i"« O. XcKxxus. Rapt <a«ll«i->oreroee lavage Ibaii YiaotKiA Cm, Dee. 90, 1879.—A. A". P. PntUUal: The Cbollar weat drift. 2100 level, haa been ran 73 feet dar ing tbe paet week, making the total dia tance weat of tbe abaft 202 fret. The faoe of the drift ia in vary bard, tousb ground that dote not blaat oat wall. The ground Cied through haa be»a vela porphyry, t night a atream of very hot water broke through tbe top of the drift near tbe faee and eanaed aome delay la taking Unp. It is rapidly draiaing out Wa have atarted a branch atation oa the north aide of oar 3400 atation for the nee of the Savage Company la running their drift All oar machinery ia in axoellant order and rnnning ameothly. Isaac L. fisqea, 8upt Taonru Crrr, Dm. 90. lVtt^-Jaeob StadtMd. Jr., SecrMary • Th# work 0< re moving the stationary water tanks—three in number—hM been effected, tod on* of which ha« beta placed withia 43 feet of th« bottom of our shaft, or 183S feet from Um larfMe. Wooden boxe* hare also been plMed ia from the 800 level down to the •bore-mentioned water tank, not only to oonduot the water which flow* from the 800 level, bnl al»o the living water whloh existi between the two points, a diitenoe of 1035 feet. As Umm three stationary tank* stood la Um pump compartment ■haft and above Um point of Jail* oonneo tion, they formed an obetrnotion to Um vwUlation. Blnoe their removal the ven tilation hM so Improved that it bM not only earned a free clronlaUon of air in the •haft, bnt hM wonderfully Improved the circulation through Um Jalia mine. We have alio raited the pump shaft 18 feet above the floor of the main building, for the porpoM of croaUag a stronger draft The result hM been a suocess. Sinking the shaft wm returned this morning under favorable clroomstaaoM. Th* oompany's hoisting mMhinery remains in uosllent running condition. Hxxit Bawdix, Hopt. Vaiea Iksft. Crrr, Deo. 30, 1879.—O*org* C. Pratt. Sfrttan : The balanoe bob for ■utlon N'o. 1 is being plaoed In poelUon. The excavation of bob station No. 3, and the work of timbering bob stations Nos. 3 and 4 will be oompleted daring the com ing week. The work on bob station No. S is making good progress, and the balanoe bob has been lowered and placed in poel Uon in bob staUon No. 8. The work of escavating bob stations Nos. 4 and S ia progressingVsll. We have found It necM sary to ease the Umbers ia the shaft, below the 3000 level, Um ground pressing m heavily as te crowd the shaft out of lsvel. The large bsam of the pumping engine is lowered Into the beam pit, and we are now engaged in plMlng the sole plates for the fly wheel and our pump engine in poeiUon. A portion of the large oylinder is on the ground, and other large pieces of ths pumping engine are arriving daily. Thomas II. Roomy, Sapt. Jail* CmmIKUUnL Viboixu Cm, Dm. 30,1879.—//mp* A. CknrUt, Strrrtary | Til* repti r« OD Our 3000 ler.'l, eoath drill, are making good head way. A a the drill wu fouod In a good atate o 1 preeerratlon—alter being flooded —the repair* are of a light obaraeter. Oar ventilation baa greatly improved within tbe put few daye, making the entire level comfortably cool to what it baa been heretofore. Onr winzs, 1800 level, baa been eonk and timbered 13 feet for tbe week ending tbia date; total deptb, 190 feet. Tbe flow of water conlinoe* light, and aa depth i« attained a promitlng character of veto quartz 1* being devel oped, giving low aaeave. Machinery and pampi are in good order. Hzkbt Bawdbx, flupt. Ttllew Jacket. Gold Hill, Deo. 30,1879.—Jlrrrtr Oiey, Strreuiry: We are making good progreaa in ainking tbe abaft, which ii today 3783 feet deep, having made 33 feet during the put week. On onr 3700 level the north lateral drift baa been advanoed 10 feel ■luce uiy laal report, and la now 441 feet from the abaft. Tbe eonth lateral drift baa been advanoed daring the week 44 feet, and la now 330 feel from th* abaft. The ground in the faoe of both drift* remain* tbe *ame. Daring the week work wa* commenced in foar tank itatlon*. a* fol low*: Tank No. 4, at tbe 87S abaft level; No. 8, at tbe 1800; No. 8. at tbe 1838, and No. 9, at tba 3030. I. E. Jams*, Bupt. Utah. Yiroijua Crrr, Dec. 30, 1879.—(Inrg* C. Pratt, Strrtlnry: Tlio btlanoo bob in tbe main abaft ha* been aet np and con nected with tb* pomp rod. Tho bottom pnmp in tbe incline naa been ilniehed and oar whole line of pnmp* from tbe top to tbe bottom are doing tbeir work. The bottom of the incline I* now completely drained. The work of patting in atation aeta at tbe 1780 level baa been aomewbat retarded dnring the paat week, bat will toon be completed. All work in connec tion with tbe mine 1* going on utUfao torily, and the maohinery i* working wall. W. B. Bhutebu, Bnp'U •avace. Vinrnsu Crrr, Dec. 33, 1879.—K. It. llflmei. Srcrttary: Daring the nut week have retimbered and repaired drift lead ing from the 10th itation to the Hale A Norcroe* line, a dialanoe of 30 feet; total distance repaired and retimbered 300 feet. We are now engaged in plaeing boxes on the 3300 aoulo und part of the water to tbe Hale A Norcroee. Will (tart a drift from tbo 3400 of the Combination Shaft for onr Incline aa *oon aa the Combina tion flniah the elation they are now outting oat for u*. Maohinery in good order and working well. Join P. Killy, Hnpt. Hal* * Nororoaa. ViaotxiA Crrr, Deo. 33, 1879—Jo*l F. Livktmrr, Srrrtturv; Winze elation ou oar aouth line, 3300 level, 8x13x37 feet In the clear will be completed thi* week. Will begin linking the wins* whloh la 8x9 feet In the clear today. Have cat drain 80 feet for boxea to oonanot the Savage water to onr main pnmp and will bo ready to receive tbe water and pamp by tomorrow. Have overhauled oar pamplng engine. Eight acta of timber* have been placed in crooocnt No. 1 on tbe 3100 level. Puurr Dhouhxiiux, flupt HI Ivor lllll. Milvkii Hill Mink. Dm. 20. 1879— W. E. />«m, Secretary i Daring the peat five days our eut croeacnt, 1300 level, bu been ■ dvanci>1 u>d timbered 30 feet; whole dis tance from the lnollne, 842 feet. Faoe la dry blrdeeys porphyry. Oar air ia not aa good aa it ahoald be to do good work. We are building a partition in the incline, and hope to improve the air aa mnoh aa poeal ble without a blower on tbe anrfaoe. Ev erything about the worka in good order. X. 0. Hilltxb, Unpt. CaatalMaM Imperial. Oold Hill, Dec. 21, 1879.-^4. A*. P. Harmon, Prtritirnt .• For the week eadlng thia date we have made the following pro greea at the mine: Onr aoath wlnie baa been annk and timbered 24 feet, making total length of aame to date 309 feet on tbe alope below the 2600 level. The drift north in Alpha, 2600 level, baa been ex tended 33 feet, making total length of aame to date 206 feet. Everything in and aboot the mine is moving along aatlafao torily. A. 0. Hamilton, Bup't. Balllea. Oold Hill, Deo. 20, 1879.—J. M. Bra —II, Stcrttar*: Daring tbe peat week our incline winio baa been aunk and timbered a diatance of Of teen feet, making tbe total depth on the alope 303 feat from tbe 2130 level. The material paaaed through bu been porphyry, with atreaka of qaarts, which increase aa wo obtain depth. Everything la and about tbe Bins ia in good working order. E. A. Bonus, Bupt. BesM * carry. Vooriu Cm. Dee. 21, 1879—A. JT. Durirmr, StertiaryFor the peat week tbe joint eaat drift on our 1700 level baa been extended 41 feet; total length from main lateral drift, 1793 feet. Tbe face ia In turd, bleating porphyry. The joint abaft waa sunk and timoered 22 feet, mak ing total depth 804 feet. B. H. Pnoru.Rupt. Oold Hill, Dm. SO, 1879—Gtvry, w. Btaur, Prttidnt: Daring the peat week tbe north drift has been extended 4S feet. At Forman shaft we are making good progress with all ths work. Tbs pomp hoist is nearly ready for use, and ws are BUing the pumping engine togsthsr rap j. Oau. Fouux, Rapt. B*M«r. Gold Hill, Dm. 90, 1879.—Jam* JVtw laud*. Prmidnt: The work at opening the 3000 station ta progressing favorably. II U now in 18 feet. Tbe eaat croaecut from Um main (onth drift baa attained a length of S3 feet. Tba faoe atlll oontlonea In a mixta re of quarts and porphyry. A chuto bu been bnllt and a blower pnt up at the 3000 atatlon. The pumpa are all working wall, and ererything oonneoted with tba mine la going on aatlsfaotorily. w. H. mm, flnpu OaleMaia. Ools Hill, Deo. 30, 1879.—0*017* If. Beaver, Prttidm: Daring the paet weak tba aontb drift bu been extended M feet. At Forman abaft we are patting thepump lng angina together rapidly and making good prograaa with tba other work. Oias. Foaxut, Bnpt. The Llfklelef Express. The Central Paoiflo had intended to haul off the lightning train between Be* no and San Francisoo on the 28th in atant, when the trains over that road will oommenoe rnnning via Benids, and aaving 65 miles in diatanee. A petition was circulated on the Cometock, and re* calved the algnaturee of many of the leading citisens, snd of all to whom It waa presenb-d, showing that if this train was taken off, the neoeaalty to tbe peo ple here of taking tbe overland train wonld oanae them to spend three days and fonr nights in making a trip to Ban Franoisoo which oan now be made in one day and two nights, and aaking aa an ee pedal aooommodatlon to wee tern Ne vada that the lightning express be re tained. To thla petition tbe Oentral Pa oiflo have returned a favorable answer, and aak for a dne appredation from preaa and people of tbe favor whlob is now granted. The train will be ooutinned. After tbe 38th tbe overland will leave ban Franoiaoo at 11 a. m., making the paaaage o( the 8ierra Nevada mountains in the daytime inatead of at night, as has been dons ever dnoe the oonstrno* tion of ths road. ■Insular DMlk. James Carter, of Virginia, died very suddenly and very singularly yesterday morning. He bad been down aome 10 dsys with pneumonia, bat vu improv ing till Friday, when ba unnecessarily expoaed himself. About C o'clock Han day morning ba told bia naraa tbat ba waa bangry. Tba man want down atalra to gat aoma taa and toaat and whan ba came back notloed ona of Cartar'a legs oat of bad. Tba nana aakad him wbat ba waa aboat, and began aoolding him for again ezpoalng blmaalf. Aa no at tention waa paid to tbeee admonltlona tba nnraa approacbtd tba bed and fonnd Carter dead. He waa tba man wbo abot a Corniabman for prowling aroand bia lodging plaoe on Nortb B atrial, oppo alta Charley Legata'a. jaat after the big Are. Of late, however, Carter baa been an boneet miner. He waa oommonly known among tba boya aa Brigham Yonng. ■iffTuaiii. In the Diatriot Court today Oeorge Wllaon, who Uvea north of Virginia, waa convicted of having maintained a nui sance and aentenoed to pay a fine of 920 and the coata incurred in the caaa or go to jail ona day for every f 3 of the egg'** gate amount. Aa tba caaa baa been pending on appeal from tba court below the ooata now amooot to a good round anm. Tbla la tba man who laat aummer bred maggota for food for hla oblokene and boiled up dead boraee for them ao tbat tbey might be nioe and fat and ten der for market, and ao that the bena might lay plenty of fraah egga for Wll aon'a caatomera. In abort ba ran a mill for oonverting carrion and worma into food for hia frienda. lufarlU IlNllea. At a meeting of the Traatoea of the Margarita Oold and 8ilver Mining Com pany, held at tba offloe of the oompany, 45 South C atreet, Virginia, Daoember 15, the following offloeia were eleoted for the ensuing year: Maroo Madia. A. WUliama, B. O. Worawiok, of Virginia, H. W. Hunt and George T. Marye, of San Franclaoo, Trnateaa. The Board organised by electing Maroo Medin Praaldent; A. Williams, Secretary; H. W. Hunt, Vice Preaident, and William Letta Oliver of San Franclaoo, Tranafer Secretary. ■ar* Christmas. Something nice for a Chriatmaa pres ent ia what all woman want and what many man will ba glad to find. They oan do ao at the great fat depot of D. k M. Windmlller, 4 Nortb 0 atreet, oppo site the International Hotel. Thoae seal - akin bata and eapa are beantlea, and the cloeka are ao nioe and comfortable for aucb atormy daya aa tbeae. The Wind millers have many fine things, bat the ladies declare tbat the dolmana there are " perfectly aplendld." Any of tbeaa goodaoan ba bought cheap now. Saa advartlaeaent elsewhere. Wsrailh sa4 UaifcrL Tha wood and ooal trade 1a briak now and Thomaa Gallagher, wbo keepaall Oold Hill and mora too warm, ia bnay. Still he baa enough for all and to apara, and ia not obliged to take off a few feet in meaaoremeut, aa aom> do, to maka hia wood go roand. It takee 2000 pounds to maka a ton of coal with him too. Hia offloa ia atill naar tha depot and hia advertieement will ba fonnd in another oolumn. All l*r |it9W,*M. J. P. Metiger baa deeded to the Weet Ophir Oold and 8ilrer Mining Com* paoy, in oonalderatlon of $1,000,000, tha Weet Opbir claim, aitnatad in Vir ginia City and partly in tha enbarbe of Mid city: 360 feet; located by Tbomaa Woodliff, Angoat 31, 1876. Tha following donatlona to tha Uiners' Union Library, Virginia, have b«an made: From W. Meadow*, 12 volamea of Talnabla work*; from B. O'Nail, "State of Labor In Europe, 1878;" from Lambert, Moliineviile k Co., "Ear*La and ita Baaonroaa;" from B. 11. Dag gett, pnblio docamanta; from J. White, Upbam'a "ManUl Philoaopby." Average aaaaya of tha rook in tha Hardy vain, Opbir, 2100 level, are aa Jer the two following aamplaa: No. 1, 74 80; No. 2, 990 20. Tbeaa aamplea were u near the preaent average aa eonld be obtained. That la. tha information received waa to that ftffeot. Tbomaa Daley ■ wears to having worked 30 cUya and mora on the New Welle-Fargo mining olaim daring Sep tember, Ootober and November, 1879. Edward Lynch of Ban Frandaoo waa today, on motion of Attorney Graham, admitted to practioe aa an Attorney b* for* the Diatriot Court, CALIFORNIA!!! IN OUR COURTS. Tka Dm FrtitlM* ul»kM|«N After the Old CMrl JarladlclUa AilMkamt Laws. ThU morning there iu an interesting oaae np before th« Dlttrlot Court. The rait wm brought by the San Francieoo Exehangt against tha old Wslle-Fargo Mining Company, an attach ment iaraad and a levy mads on oartain fond* In tha SharifTa hands, deposited by TrsadvsU, aa agant (or the old Walls* Fargo mine, to redeem tha property of tha mina sold nndar execution in aoit of D. £. McCarthy. Mr. Lynoh of San Francisco entered a epeoial appearanoe for the porpoee of moving the Conrt to^dlsmies the oaae for want of juriediodon, and that tha attach ment be releaaed. Ooanaelor Deal, in behalf of the Ex ehangt, objected to this special appear anoe on the ground that it was lnadmle* aible under onr lavs and practioe. If a defendant wanted an attachment releaaed be mnat appear in the oaae. The plaint iff in tbla action waa very anzione to get an appearanoe of the defendant in the enit. The oourt decided that the motion to diamiaa could be made by a special ap pearanoe anoh aa made by Mr. Lynoh. If the oonrthad no jnriidiotion of conree the attaohment would fall with the enit. After more eperrinjt between the At torniee Mr. Lynoh atated hie grounde of objeetion to the juriedlotion of the oourt in the oaae. The complaint ehowed both partiea to be California in corporations. Neither domiciled in Ne vada nor reeided here. The contraote on whioh auit waa brought for 9879 were made in San Franoiaeo. It did not appear from any of the prooeedinge that the de fendant bad any property in Nevada. There waa not an averrment of a eingle fact which would give the oourt jurisdic tion where it had not been aoquirad by peraonal eervlce of the eammone. Thia had not been done in tbla caae aa the re turne ehowed that tha defendant bad been aerved by mail. It must either ap pear that the plaintiff was s reeident of Nevada or that the defendant had pro perty here. At thia time Mr. Lynoh referred to the effldavit for attachment, and waa in atantly etopped by Mr. Deal, who in aleted that he maet appear in the caae fully before the matter of the attach ment could be argued. As to ths juris diction of the Court, it waa given by the Gonatitutioo. The amonnt of the olalm was over 9300, and tbs Constitution said espreeely: "The District Courts in the eeveral JudiolalDietrioteof thie State ehall have original juriediotion in all easts in equity; aleo, all caaea at law whioh involve the title or right of pos eeeelon of real property or mining olaime," eto. The Court intimated that it would heer no motion to discharge the ettaoh ment unleaa Mr. Lynoh fully appeared for the defendant in the oaae. Mr. Lynoh oonlinued hie argument: The State bad juriadiction over its own dUzene, both in its own territory and without it; but it oould not acquire jurisdiction over citizens of other 8tatee unleee it appeared affirmatively that euch citizens had property within this State. Thie did not eppear of record in tbla caae and if it did, they oould only acquire jurieillction to use that property to satisfy • demand of a citizen of Ne J. 'The Court here a.ked how it would to if on* Callfornian owed another CaU forniao, and the former had no prop erty in California but had in Nevada? Mr. Lynoh thought enpplemental pro oeedinga the remedy. and an ord.r of tba Court to apply tha prooeadi of th aala of that property to the payment of '^The Court aaked Mr. Lynch if ha thought tha Courta of Callforn a would ha*, any juriadicUon orer really in N« T*Xhe queetion waa not anawered. Mr. Lvnch'a iaat point waa that citi tana of anotbar State bad no right to uaa tha attachment lawa of thi» Btata egainat citizen* of anothar Stata. Tha Court did not cara to bear Mr. Daal anrue the oppoaiUaide of thaquea Uon Mr. Lynch waa informad that II he wlehed to Ml -Id. tha atUch».nt for lrra«ularity ha muat appear in the owe end mak. another motion. Lynch-But that muat follow, if tha Court haa no juriadiction in tba caee. Court—I cannot diamiaa it for irregu laritiea on tbia motibn. The motion to diamiaa waa denied. Tba Court aaid, howeter, that it would enter judgment in tha caaa ualnat tba defendant waa quiU another natur, which waa not pawed upon at all Th. remedy of auitora by attach ment waa etatutory and tha Conrtwaa ready to .ntartaln . motion to diamiaa for Irregular!tlea if tha defendant wlehed to enter auoh a motion. No auoh motion waa made, aa it would bar. intoWad tha eppearanoaoUhajdefandanHn tha caaa. The Maine Mcanne»». Bamoob, Ma.. December 42.—An in dignation meatlng held her. Saturday evening to expreaa diaapproral of tba reoent aoUon of tha Ooternor and Conn oil in oounting out oertain Senatore an Repreeentatlvea. waa OTarflowingly at tended. and tba moat radical of thaapaakera war. rwalted withthun dera of applauaa. On. aj*aker aaid. If this grtat wrong b« allowed to go on will reanlt In bloodahed." Senator Ham Un in hla *peech aaid: "Thia graa crowd haa aaaemblad to .ay that they will not aubmlt to thlaattemptedau veralon of their rigbU. The duty of the altiaena of Main, la to ebon •*•[7 0D# of thoM men at you would a peatilenoe. Make Sen ona of tb.m an outcaet and f wandering Jaw. Point tha flngar of Lore at them; .bun them aa moral t»n«ra who are oorered with aoraa from bead to foot. Mak. tb.m fe.1 th*t they are execrated by an outr^ed and inde republio but mockery and fraud? If our p£pla ria. up In their majeaty and d. mutd their right, th. dare to wfua. th.m. Tbm iaJ* power In tba fmm.n ol Main, befor. which raacaUty wllU^l- .. Aoonm, Dumber aO.-The lndl^ natioa meeting Satu'day nlght waa attended by an immeme crowd. Dele. gationa from rarioua parti of th. But. ware an impoalng faatura of tha demon atration. Oranit. Hall. whar. tha meet ing waa fc.ld. could not aooommodaU th. multUod.. Ex-Ooternor Connor crMided. Beaolntlona wer. adopted denouncing tha action of the OoTenwr end Council, and Senator Blalnethen madeanaddwaa r^iawingtheriturtkm in detail, whloh waa reoalr.4 with gwat enthuiiaam. ' Thtrt U •omtthing pM«ing atniiga kbont human utsn I( • bu baa to upport hi. UmilybypUyin* billlwdi at ta a day ht'd aomplaln that ha ha* (e work awful hard (or * Uriag. EASTERN DISPATCHES. [traotAL to m mu> box dailv im| The Ute Com bIiiIod. Dnrvxa, December 22.—Gen. Charles Adams, of the Ute Commission, srrirw} here Saturday owning. Hs has little doubt that tbs twslve Indians designs led by tbs Commission will go to Fort LssTsnwortb, and belisvss that snffl eisnt evidenos will bs secured to oonviot several, if not all, of lb em. Ttaoss oonrioted will bs bang. Hs doesn't know that tbs trial will take plaos at Fort Lsavsnwortb, bnt they will bs taksn there first. Mrs. Price, Miss Meeker, and Captains Payne and Cbsr> ry, will probably ippear befors tbs Mili tary Commission ss witnsssss. Tbs Osnsral thinks tbs Indisns hive by tbis time startsd north with Osnsral Hatch. Osnsral Hatch cannot leave until each Indian dssignstsd joins bim, as tbis is bi* military order. Tbs Indian prisonsrs will proossd via Santa Fs to Fort Lsavsnwortb, with a guard of tsn soldier*; and Oensrsl Hatch and Cbisf Ouray will ooms to Denver, wbers tbsy ars szpsotsd to arrive between Christmas and New Yesrs. It hss been bopsd tbst tbs Commission wonld bold s ssssion in Denver snd take tbs svi denoe of Csptain Peyne snd Lieutsnant Cherry, but Csptutn Payne is still suffsr> ing from bis wuuuda, and the Commis sion msy be i bilged to proeesd to Fort Russsll, near Cheyenne, and take the teetlmony wanted. Alter the evidence of tbess two oifioers is seoured, Osnsral Adams, General Hatoh and Onray will prooeed to Washington. More Hories for Stanford. Omaha, December 22.—Two car-loads of thoroughbrsd horses, recently pur chased for Lelsnd Btsnford, of Ssn Frsncisco, at a cost of about $45,000, Isft this city Saturday, after a day'a reat, for San Francisoo on tbs regular express train. Tbsy will be reeted a day or two at Ogden. The borate were bought for Stanford by hla private agent, Col. H. R. Covey, in Lexington, Kentucky, snd Nashvills, Tennessee. Biz cems from tbs latter plaoe and thirteen from the former plaoe. The late ownsre were H. P. MoOratb and Messrs. Ssnford, Cad walsder and Tracy & Wilson, tbs most sxtensive breeders of thoroughbrsd horses in tbs two States. Tbey ars all running horsss snd tborongbbrsds. Three are by "Lexington," four by "Orinnell," two by "Virgil," and ssv srsl by importsd "Bngdsn." Ons of tbs latter ia the famous running mare "Fannie Lewie," concerning wblob a quarrel last fall bstween President Lswis Clsrk and Captain Moors, bsr owner, reeulted in the fatal abooting of the former. 8ome are retired turf horsss, which aft bought for breeding purposes, snd otbsrs will go on tbs turf in California nsxt spring. General Grant's Movement!. Philadelphia, December 22.—Gen. Grant tu given a reception, Saturday Afternoon, by the children of the public sohools. About 3000 boys formed in open order at Walnut and Broad atreeta, and the General reviewed tbem aa be waa driven to the Academy of Moaio, wbere about 3000 girle from tbe normal, grammar and aecondary acboola were seated in tbe auditorium. Tbe General and Mrs. Grant lunched with George W. Obilda. Tbe publlo reception of tbe General waa given in tbe Aoedemy of Fine Arte, and laited from C to 0. When the doors were cloeed there waa a line of people four deep extending four blocka. At tbe oloee of the reoeption the Gen eral waa driven to Bt. George's Hall, where the city gave a banquet in bis honor, Mayor Stokoley preaiding. There were 6000 people present. Tbe Genersl remsined only about ten minutes, re gretting that he had a preaaing engage ment which he waa obliged to keep. 1 Murderous Thief. Nrw Yon*, December 22.—During the temporary absence Saturday morning of Frederick P. Werner, of Long Ialand City, bia hired man, Max Hesse, entered the house and, approaching Mr*.Werner, told her he would murder if she did not give up the keys of tbe buresu. She refused and the servant knocked ber down. He tben sprang upon her and, drawing a large sbeatb knife, plunged It into her throat several. tim»e. After that be took from ber pooket tbe keys and ranaacked the bouae. A quantity of wearing apparel and $230 in oaab were tbe plunder obtained. The polloe of this city and Brooklyn are looking for Hesse. Tbe Mining Cattle Dealer. Fsokia, Deoember 22.—Nothing haa yet been heard of Thomas Neill, tbe missing sattle dealer, exoept that a per son answering to his description, who said ho waa a cattle dealer from Peoria, 111., waa aeen laat Wednesday on the east-bound train on tbs Canada Southern Railroad. Hie liabilitlee are eetimated now at $350,000. Tbe largest creditors say tbey are amply aeoured, and emaller creditor* are appearing every day, but tbey have no aecurity. Lawsuits are threatened on oattle fattening in distil leries, on which Neill gave bille of sale and Warebouae receipt*, but wbiob are claimed by others, who say that Neill never owoed tbem. Waihlngton Itemi. Washington, Deoember 22.—Daggett, of Nevada, la gathering and arranging facte aa the baaia of a -apeech on the railroad transportation question. It will be very sevsre on the Centra] Padflo managsment in Nevada. Soott, the Oregon member of the National Committee, left for borne Sat urday. He speaka with confldsnoe of the proepeot of Republican auooesa in that State, and, alluding to past disssn elone, declares it to be bis desire to aid in preventing their continuaooe. Soott Lord, formerly a member of Congress from Nsw York, and a man of sminsnoe in tbe Dsmooratlo party, ex presses tbe opinion thstTildsn's friends in tbs National Gonvsntion will bolt if be is not nominated. "What'e tan*?" yelled an ezolt«d ora tor. " What'a fame! tbatgbpetol am billon I Wbat'a hooor?" And a weak mlndfd man in the o.owd said ha anp poaad aba bad elotbaa on bar, aa any other darned fool ongbt to know. Jonra ia tha moat conaldarata man va ever knew. Ha ia kind and lander to everything. Wa believe, even, he would be tender lo a looomotive. Harah wordi an like hailatonaa in Bnamar, which, if malted, won Id fertil ise tha tender plaata they battel1 down. Don't Judge a man br hit fall are In life, (or many a man faUa beoanse to ia too honeat to anooaad, I • . • - WEStEBli DISPATCHER [•nam, *o «n mu bu mm ml Im FriDCtoeo Item. Sax Fiixcnco, December 22.—To- ■ morrow *760102, it Dutatiy Hill, Strmh, daughter of Winnemuooa, Chial of the Plutea, will deUver a tumII eddreee at the reqneet of promlaMt oW» ztn*. She will apeak chiefly of the r^„ laUona auatained by tba UoiUd Stalaa army toward tba Indiana, with a litth daaoripUon of aome of tba onatoma of ber tribe. A Mr. Stephenaon, aa In gliib gentleman of culture traveling lor pleaanre, became ao late reeled while here in tba oanaa pleaded by Sarah, thai after listening to her lecture be viaitad bar and tha otber membara of tha trib* in the city and convened with then for aoma Una through tba mrdlam of an interpreter. Ha baa now arrived at hia homo near Brighton, Eogland, and write* to tbia city that dnring hi* atay ia Waabington ha bad long oonvaraationa with both Praaident Hayaa and Carl Scbnrs, Secretary of tha Interior. Tb*y Uatened with muoh interact to hia aooonnt of the Indian Prinoeaa, and ibeir eympatblea became ao atrongly enlisted in btr behalf that Carl Scbnrs bu aent on a cordial invitation for Sarah, her brother Nachaa and Jerry Long to come on ;o Waabington and bav* a friendly and intelligent talk apon the enbject* m whioh th*y art intereated. At a recent cancua of the membara of the Board of Eduoatlon It waa decided by a vote of 7 to 6, after a atormy da bate, to materially ndnoe the aalariea of the poblio acbool teachera. Tha redao tion will be from 3 to 17 per oent. on all aalariea over $80. The teacher* in tha primary gradea are to receive $46 60, regardlraa of any dlfferenoa In tba gradea of their certificate. It i* claimed that the rednctione will aava, in tha aggregate, $26,000. per annom. Tba time for tha opening of tha saw. route from tbia oily Eaat via Beoioia ia now dtflnitely Used for the 28th lnatant. Tha ovtrland train will leave thie olty at 11 a. x„ making the paaaagaof tha Sier ra Nevada monntaina in daytime inataad of at night, aa haa been dona ever alnce the construction of the road. Tba new ronte *bort*o* tba diatanc* 66 milee ; i* lb* moel direot and preotioa bla, and will remain the eatabliahed Una of overland travel. CIO TO THE CITY BAKERY Na.117 North 0 Htr—i• Tlrglulm, —VOA— Christmas & Holiday floods TOYS. CANDIKB« Plata aad Oraaaaatal Cikti, IMh Ku. ~ *•<•ORTMtHT 01 - ««• JJUUTIfUL PATTIHSI .OF BODY BRUBtKLt, TAPKWtllt. TMHtf-PtY, AND INORAIN CARPITt. ■■n. Kau, WIM*w4Mn, 1Mb, Jait nctlrtd. « W. ORAHT. T 1M Main (tntf. Gold Hill. A QUI AT INVINTION. The Overwinding Safety. 0. W. L1HI, Inreitor and Owier. **W0« C8*D TO 00 WW EOT TBI ~ lntaodrd lo pra Mb I* frklnr. . __ niabad oo application to IIOOLK m KLLtotT, Ipala, At tha Bodla Jtoning S'nct Offlea, Bodia, Cal. dalO-lMO J. U. HALL M. Dm PHY1I0IAN AND SUNOKOM. DR. A. CHAPMAi. (UROION'OINTIITi pro* nkvada orrr. o alitor-mm " aU Ptnuoutlr looatad at (lnu OilJ. lb BOOTH 0 vnllf. tUWiotlna ■MfMlaxtd. MM ■ PIANOS AND OMARS TO REIT rrm bsht ruwoa 1 oroanb mi oflwed tbrflEBHIuv | g W" M ^ piMAM ^^gavasKwr?*:".