Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS SfOHDAY, : : JASCABY 3. 1830 Tin Mounio. MS Opklr,». 31H 64ft Kalioaa. lit •10 Qo«ld A Curry. 7. 6H.6H 733 BMt A Belabor. 19%. II. lit. 14H. HVUS. 180 California. 4 40. 4 SO. 4t 360 8ara»a. 7S. 7H.7S 110 Con/Yirtloia. 4 80, 4t 410 Cbollar. 7S. 7 V S7> Potoai. 4<». 4 14 440 Hal* A Noreroaa. ». »t 675 Crawa Point. 4. 4 06 903 Tallaw Jaokat. 11H. lit. US 1156 I tap* rial. 60c. 66o. So 70 Ken took. 4 M Alpha. 11*4 345 Utah. lit. lit 17 6 Ba]ohar..3t. St. 6, BH ' 2 35 Confldaoo*. 8. 8*4. 8W 695 il*ra ScTada. 25. 34*4. Sit 1045 Bullion, 6. 4 #0. 4 45. 440 Sxebtqnar. 3 V 3 70, 3 6ft, 3 60 420 Ovarman. 8H. 8%. 8*», 8 sso jo* tie*, a <0. an 6J0 Union C*n„ 46t. 46. 43t. 45t 76S Alto. 4. 4 10. 4t. 4t. 4 40 4 40 600 Lady Bryan, 2ftc, 15c. aOo mo Julia, a so. a ss. a«t SIS Catatonia. 1 60. 1 55 795 3ilw Hill. 80o. «5o 1530 Chaltong*. 3. 2 10. 3 06 150 Dardaa*llM. SOo 3040 Naw York. 40c. 45c. 50o 370 Occid*atal. 1%. 130.1 16 ■'* j*li Waabingtoa Cun.,75o, 80c, 85o 914 Audc*. 1. 90c. 9io 100 Walla-Fargo, llto SO Ward. 1 Jo 1043 S*orpion, St. 4. 4 15, 4 10, 3 90. S 80 100 UviithftD. 30o 1550 Benton Coo.. 2 90. 3 80. 3t. 3 83 1100 Qoldan Oat*. It. 3 1140 Nartb Bonanza, 7 Sc. 80o 1800 Cob. Dorado. 11,1 80,1 10 1S80 Nowary. «0o I 300 Xackay. 10c AlUnw Uhrwl MmIm. Sam Fiaacuco, Jan. S—2:30 r. •M Siarra Nevada 23%, 130 do 33. 60 do 32%. 100do23%. 30do 33%. 310 do 33. •3 do 31%; 100 Union 44%. 1113 do 43. 100 do 44%, 10 do 44%; 3C0 Con. Virginia 4 70; 190 Maiican 31. 110 do 30%. 310 do 20%, 70 do 30't; 40 Coofldanc* 8. 10 do 7%; 3(0 Ophir 31, It do 30%, SO do 30%, 00 do 30; 103 Yallow Jackal 11. 100 do 11%; 70 Siarra Nerada 33%; 60 Utah 13; M Bullion 5, 330 do 4 90. 80 do 4 93; 700 Con. Dorado 1 40, C00 do 1 %; 30 Mexican 30%; 190 Totoal 4, 60 do 3 90; 40 Califor nia «%, SO do 4 30. 830 do 4%, 10 do 4%; 10 Hala k Norcroaa 8%, 300do 8%, 100 do 8%; 100 Oonld £ Curry, 6%, 60 do 6%, 30 do 6%; 310 Omoian 8; 800 Imparial 55c. 170 do Wo. 300 do 60c; 363 Boat A Belcher 13%, 100dc 14, SO do 13%, 30 do 13%; SO Op fair 30; 430 Cbollar 7%( S3 Crown Point 3 75, 80 do 3 63. 10 do 3 70; 130 Scorpion 3%, M do 3 30. 30 do 3 3S; 30 Baat A Belcher 13%; 180 Caladooia 1 60, 130 do 1 S3; 10 Sierra Nevada 33. 80 do 22%, lOdo 33%, 180 do 33; 90 Exchequer 5 80. 30 do 3 90, 130 do 4; 303 Balcbar 3%, 1SS do SS. 110 do 3%, 300 do 6%; 100 Mexican 30%; 170 Alia 4%, 3 do 4 33, 10 do 4 68. 33 do 4%, 30 do 4 78; 433 Mam moth 3%; 340 Savage 7%, SO do 7%; 50 Banton 3 80, 140 do 3. SO do 3 13, SO do 3 05, SO do 3 OS; 100 Union 45; 350 North am Balla 6%. 70 do 6%; 480 Walea 3 30, ISO do 3 10; 630 Chilian (a 3; 30 Ophlr 30; 70 Balcbar 5%; 10 Tallow JackM 11%, 10 do 11; 100 Bullion, 4 90; 40 Hala A Nor uoaa 8%; ISO California, 4%. iltwaaaa llrttl l*aart _____ • Saa Taaftctaco, January 5— 3 r. Maiican, 30% aakad; Union Con., 44 bid, 44% aakad; Masiaan. 20 bid, 31% aalaa; rt. . A Nor.tom. 8 bid. 8% bi<; Cbollar, 7 Ud. 7% bid; Siarra Nevada. 20% bid. 21% aalaa, 31% mIm, Banlou. 3 aalaa; Joatlca, 3% Ud. * 40 bid; Utah. 19 bid; Siarra Na Tada. 21% aaktd; Julia, 1 40 bid, 3 43 aakad. 2 4S aalaa: Ophlr. la % bid, 30 aakad; Baat 4 Balahar, 13% bid. U% aakad; Alta. 4% aakad; Savage, 7% bid, 7% aalaa; Yal low Jackal, 11% bid. 11% aakad, 11% aalaa; Ovarman, 8 bid; Joatioa, 3 40 bid; Crown Point, 3 73 bid; Scorpion. 3% bid; SiarraNevada. 21 aakad. 30%, 30%. 30% aalaa; Crown Point. 3% aalaa; Masican, 30 hid. 20% aakad. «mmM IHM J J Hoiibm, J B Hill. H Lofkio. J L Bright, H Churlicb. C L Mstcalf, E Mc U*rr»y, T Smith. Mia* J Maban, Mr* L Williams. H 0 Parktr. N H A Masoo, I Co*. Mrs M C Ewing. J K.lly, Miss J Mad igaa, Miaa Daffy, Mary Larkin, Mrs Mar phi. F May. Arrivals TssMNay Nsralac. W 8 Wood, J Mackay. F Frtdsricks. S Frame, R Brown, E B 8haw, E A May flsld, D H Birdasll, Jaa Doffey and wifs, L Bisbsnhaasr. W F West. W A Harris. J A Jonas, A 0 Powsrs, Mrs PotUr. M Pat terson. Bct H W ll?ad and wifs, C E Wbit* aey, M Qraham. Mrs Tost, Thos Flannsry and wifs, O C Mundsll. Miss K Connelly. e m hZs#Tj7itef^! CSg, j o Powsrs, J J Rolmss, K Reed. F Winslow, Coa Ogg. Jaa Daffy and wifs. P Shsridao, C O SlsTsnson, T Tarnsr, Mrs O Pops Md child. Mrs 0 C Marphy, C B Orsgory and wifs, F J Jsssap, Miaa E Ersrstt, J B Day Is. Jaa W Orndorff and wifs, L E Saw ysr and wife, 8 A Chapman, Mrs Hows. Miaa Sargsnt, Miss 8 A Harris, Mam is Powsrs, Emma Connslly, J C Lsmmon. Ospartsrss asiarSay Ersalu. . Billy Chsnowsth, D P Define, George Spring. C Van Dorn. Oeo I Lamm on, E Mahaony, W Qm, I Sullivan, Sam Eads. I Midlsa, J. B Hill, H Davis, J W HU1, B • .MagIs. T Conroy, A Yoaog, I King. Mrs Palmer, J Ivaneoncb, 8 H Day and wifs, Mrs 8 Bar tall, Mrs H B Bordsn. J QilUg. J T Foalka. Ths I'hollar wssl drift on ths MOO Isrsl Ucm ths C.-N.-S. shaft ia jnstly ■nutted to ths appellation of "Lightning Drift." It mads 3'H test in 28 daya, an average of 11 yt fsst per day. Two mills ars now ranning on Union Consolidated ors—the Brunswick and (hs Morgan. Thsy will soon begin ■ to ping oat ors od ths 2200 Isvsl of the nine. Ths Dsosmbsr payrolls of ths Ophir, Msxicnn and Union Consolidated amounted to $C0.983 25; of ths Alta, Bsnton and Lady Washing ton to $10, 440. Ths 10th Instant is ths last day for paying Virginia texas withost costs. After that date psisoatioa will begin. Ia ths Bslohsr thsy an now following cp ths drill hols ia ths east crosscut oa j*|7«01mL OFFICIAL MINIM LETTERS. The following letter*, under the dates given, h*rt been eent from the Co mi took to tlie principal offloe* of the various com panies In Ban Francboo: I'alM OmwIMMM. Yi*oixu Cm. Jan. 3, 1M0.— Roh*rt Sh*rmn4. Pr—id»»t: On onr 1000 level ibe Joint Mexlran eroeeeot on onr eootbern boundary bu been extended IT feet- total length, 413 foot from the main north drift —end continues in • eoft vein matter. The Joint Union Consolidated winse haa been aank and timbered 13 feet, through a eoft birdeeye porphyry with clay aeama, mak ing a total d< pth of 363 fret, and letting 33 feet to sink bt-fore reaching our 3100 level and eoooeeting with the drift being ran eouth from the Colon abaft on that level by oureelvre and the drift being run north from the Ophlr incline by the Ophir and Mexican companies. On our 2300 level (Sierra Nevada 3300) onr main eouth drift haa been advanced 33 feet, making a total diitanoe of 4M feet eoalh of the Union (haft, and leaving 13 feet to ran be fore connecting with the Joint Mexican winse being run from the 2000 level. The material paeeed through la a aoft binlaeyo porphyry, carrying eome quarts giving low aaeaya. On oar 3400 level we are ex tending our aill floor* to the eoath and ea*t and te the Sierra Nevada line on the north. We expect to reeume work in the eaat drift by ttedneeday next. Tbia drift will be continued on a couree 10 degreee eoath of eaat to a point 230 feet eaat of the Union abaft, and from thence a winse will be etarted down to oar 3300 level. The ventilation in all parte of our mine !■ ex cellent, and we are extracting the miual amount of good milling ore from onr 2400 atopee, which look well, and making pre paration* to oemmence the extraction of ore from oar 2300 (topee. The Brunawlck and Morgan mill* are engaged In reducing the ore. Work la the Union akaft on the eeveral bob and tank atationa la progrtae ing well, and also the work of placing the large pumping engine in position on the eurface. W. H. Patio.*, bupt. •Mir. Yibmxia Cm. Jan. 3. 1830.— C. I. Wtllrr, HrttiiUml t The work of »ICAY*ting oar tank station at tbe 2500 level U making good progress, and we sxpect to bare oar 2540 ttalion pump in position witbiu three wet ki. Work baa not yet bean returned in the bottom of the incline. On our '2500 level the main eaat drift ie in 35 feet from the incline. We ahall daring tbe week commence excavating for tlie ore and waste cbntea of thia level. The main north drift baa been advanced 21 feet through a heavy vein formation carrying quarta giving low arnys, and it 73 fret from the incline. 0* our 3400 level work in the weet crosscut haa been discontinued, tbe face abowing strong indication* of water. On onr 2300 level tbe south drift haa been advanced 35 feet; total length M feet, and continuea in a bard-blaiting porphyry. We shall daring tbe coming week reach oar south ern boundary and paaa into California ground, from which point that company will run tbe drift to aconuection with tbe 0. & C. abaft. Tbe Joint Mexican west croeecut on onr northern boundary baa been extended 20 feet throagh a soft vein porphyry carrying a low-grade quartz and some water, making a total length of 2til fret from tbe main north drift. On our 22UO level the southeast drift baa been ex tended 24 feet—total length 145 feet—and continuea in a vein matter ahowing some quart*. On our 21M) level tbe north drift m tbe Hardy vein has been advanced 2U feet—total length, 310 feet from croeacut No. 1. On Monday laat we cut into vein porphyry carrying some low-grade ore and the face now shows the same material. We are extracting the asaal quantity of good milling ore from tbe stopee. Our 2300 station pump is now running and all oar machinery ia working well. W. H. Pattox, Supt. ■esleaa. ViaociiA Crrr, January 3, 1880.—C. L. WtlUr. /VeeiWnx: Ou our 2300 level the main north drift haa been advanced 42 feet, making a total distance of 321 feet from oar south line. The fsce of this drift is now in qaarta giving low aaaays. Tbe joint Ophir weat crosscut on our southern boundary haa been extended 20 feet, through a soft vein porphyry carrying low Krade quarts and some water, and is now 2C1 feet from tbo main north drift. On our 2000 level the Joint Union Consolidated west crosscut on our northern boundary has been advanced 17 feat—total length, 445 feet from tbe main north drift—and continuea in aoft vain matter. The Joint Cnion Consolidated wins* has been sunk ud timbered 12 feet—total depth, 2C5 feet —the material passed tbroaga being soft birdseye porphyry, with clay warns. We have now 35 feel to sink before reaching our 2300 level, at which point conneotion will be made with the drift being run south from tbe Union shaft by the Union Con solidated Company and the drift being ran north from the Ophir incline by the Ophlr Company and oureelves. W. H. Pattox, 8upt. Tflltw iMkti. Gold Hill, Jan. 3, 1880.—Qtoryt Hof tact, IVcf /•>./•'.;. During the week •nil ing today the north Inter*! drift on tbe 3700 level bu be«n extended 38 feet to a point US feet north of tbe crowcut from tbe north wiuze, leaving 90 feet to retch our north line. No work bu been don* in the loath drift lince my lut. The face of thii ii 110 feet from oar aouth line. A winze bit been *Urted at a point 10 feet eaat of the north lateral drift in the aait croiicut from the north wlnte, and ii bow down 12 feel below the 2700 level. A don key engine i* being Ml op at the top of thii winze, which will be ready for work early nest week. The (bait Ii timbered to a point 90 feet below the 2700 l*v*l. In con eminence of not baviag a ipere rope con stant delayt occur in linking, u work mait be impended to make repair* on the ropei when needed. Tbe rope* bar* been iplit ting. and at tbi* time linking U impeuded and will not be reaumed-tlll Monday next. One of oar new rope* i* da*, after th* ar rival of which further delay* will be avoid ed. Tank* No*. 8. 6, 9. and 4 are aboal completed. Work on No*. 1, 3, 3 and 8 will be commenced ear It In th* coming week. I. K. Jmu, Bapt. Jail* I^hmIMiM. Via inua Cm, Jan. >. 1880.—Htm A. CktfUt, Strrti.try: The new balance bob for th* 1300 level wai in place and completed laat Sunday night. Daring th* pa*t week i*v*ral of the balance bob connectiooi at th* other itation* hav* had a thoroagh overhauling and pot in exc*U*nt condi tion. Yeaterday at S p. x. the main pomp returned working. At no tim* ha* it ran ■moother or performed better work than at preeent. Oar aoathwe*t cro**cat ba* been cleaned and repaired to within a tew feet of the face. The beat at thla point I* oppre**ive bat gradually cooling down, and th* flow of water from tb* face baa •lightly decreased. Renumption of opera tion* ia th* winae look place laat adght. and today we are bailing th* accumulated water, which 1a found lo be U feet in depth on the alope. Tbe donkey pu**p* and machinery are all in a fair rauning condition, and a heavy current of air pa**** through th* 1800 l*v*l from tb* Jaiia to the Ward ihaft. IIcxbt BawDKX, Bapt. OHMlMaM Tligtala. •Ytaoisu Cm. Jan. 3, 1880.—A. W. Hart,,. Sterrtiint; Since date of laat re port we have hoiited U70 ton* of ore. Wa are making preparation* to raaama work on th* 880 level. On oar 1S30 level wo (till continue to extract or* lying to the east of the old atop**. On th* 1780 level the work of repairing No. 1 wins* ia com pleted. and we have oommanoed to extract ore at that point. On tbe 3180 level tbe work of enlarging the connection with tbe Beat A Belcher winae will he flniahed by Wedneeday next, when we ihall eommano* an aaat croeacut Jointly with the B*at A Belcher Compear, from the bottom of th* winae. At the C. A 0. *haft th* maahia *ry oontlnn** to work wall. W. ■. rams, lift. Hlarrm RtfM*. Vuoiwu Cm. Jan. 3, 1880.—«JT. TT A»tooi», Strtiarf: Tb« north drift oo the 2200 level hu bun advanoed 40 fert daring the wMk; toUl dlatanoe, 284 feet. The face of thia drift U now in a rery ei oelient formation of clay and porphyry, interlaoed with HUM Of quartz giving low aaaay*. The north drift on th* 2800 level hu baao advanced daring th* we*k 42 feet; total diatane* from th* inolin* eta Uon. 133 f**t. Th* faoe of thi* drift alao ahowa a very fine formation. The eieava tiona for th* incline chotee on thl* level are progreeeing well. Thla work ia bring don* in th* or* body, which ahow* a wry floe grade of or* at thia point. Daring the put week th* wafer hu been allowed to ralu in th* inoline to a point aboat SO f*et below the 2300 level. We And it much more economical to handle the water from thla point than from th* 2400, not having a anmcienoy of oompreeaed air power to handle the water and do the hoiating from that level. Alxx. O. McKxxzix, Sapt. Valea Rhin. Yiboixu Cm, Jan. 3.1880 Qtorq, C. Pruti, .VM-rvinry I The timbering of bob atatlon No. I ia oompleted, and the bob will be placed in poaition dnrlng the oom ing week. The work of ezoavatlng bob atation No. S and tank atationa Noa. 4 and 3 ia making good progreu. We are en gaged in enlarging and retlmWing the drain tanne! which out* oar abaft at a point 175 feet below the aurface. Thla tunnel will be naed to auiat in the venti lation of the abaft and to oonvey the con densing water from the oooling pond to the condenur of the pamping engine. We atill neoeeaary to keep a large foroe of mcu employed to eaao the abaft below the 2000 level. The whole of the large pamping engine ia now on the groand, and the work of patting iu poaition la pro greulng rapidly. Tioxa* H. Rooxcr, Bapt. (1»«llar-Xerfn--t»Ta«« Hkalt. Yiboixu Cm, Jan. 3.1880.—^4. K. liar*ion, PrtnJtMt: Daring th* week end ing thi* date drift wut on the 2400 level hu been advanced 101 feet, making the total length from ahaft 363 feet. Twenty eight dayaago we began work on thia drift and ainee then 322 feet have been made, giving an average of IU feet per day. The nze of the drift la nine feet wide by eight feet alx incbe* high, affording ample room for doable tracka and abundant apace for ventilation when connection ia made with the Nororou winze, which that company ia now ainkiag to me*t thia drift. The material paaaed through hu been por phyry. Scarcely any water encountered. At thia writing the face of the drift ia dry. There remain 400 feet to ran to anite a* with th* winie from th* Norcrou and about that diatano* to interuct th* or* Mctian. Isaac L. Bcqia, Bapt. Maid * carry. Virginia Citt, Jan. 4, 1880.— A. K. Durbm», Secretary: The Joint eut drift OQ oar 1700 level hu been advanced 27 fe«t through Teiu porphyrr. Nothing bubeen dona In thie drift line* Wedneeday, u, owing to the n*ar approach of tbe nortb header of tbe Bntro tunnel, it wai deemed unaafe to continue th© work until after tbe drift* wen connected. The connec tion wu made at noon to-day at a point 1W0 feet eut of tba Bonner abaft. There ia a etrong onrrent of bot air through our drift, which, however, will not Interfere with tba work. We are making tome re pair* in tbe aouth abaft from the eeventh itetion down. Tbe Joint O. <k C. and B. A B. abaft waa annk and timbered 20 feet during tba week; total depth, 844 feat. Good progreaa ia made in excavating tbe bob pit. All machinery at tbe abaft ia in good condition and working well. H. H. Pknoyu, Bnpt. Utah. ViBonm Cm, Jan. 3,1879.—ff«ory« C. Pratt. Secretary: During tbe paat week all work about tba mine bu made fair pro greaa. Tbe main incline baa attained a depth of 100 feet below tba 17S0 level, on the dope, it having been aunk and Um bered IS feat eince date of laat report. Owing to aome repair* to machinery be coming neceuary kinking waa itopped for two dava. There ia no material change in Ibe bottom lince laat report, except that wa have a little mora quartx than uaual. Tbe atation at tba 1710 level baa been com pleted, and wa have commenced excavat ing for a cbute, which will be flniabed by Tueiday next, when a aouth lateral drift will bo atarted. We expect alto to a tart a croeacut at tbla point aoon. W. B. Vurruo, Bnpt. Calllkraia. VmorwiA Cm, Jan. I, 1880.—C. P. Ounloo, Secretary During the paat week we bava extracted 1223 ton* of ore. On tba 1730 level we are itill engaged in ■toping out ore from tbe north ore body, The raiaa from croeacut No. 8 ia now up 114 feet on tba alope. Tbla ralae will b« connected with tba 16M level aome time during the coming week. Tbia will form adlrect connection with tbe Conaolidated Virginia abaft and materially improve tbe ventilation of tbia portion of tbe mine. On tbe 2250 level tba north drift hu been extended 23 feet and contlnuea in a vein formation carrying quart! giving low aaaay*. At tbe C. A C. abaft all machinery continuea to work well, W. H. Pattox, Bnpt. ■•Idler. Gold Hill, Jan. 3, 1880.—Jnmn A'«c lamU, Prniitmt; The cut drift from 3000 ■Utioo la now io a distance of 80 feat, hav ing bran ran 44 feat daring tha week. The face of tbia drift ia In very bard birdseye porphyry. Tba lut croaacnt from aouth drift on 3760 level ia in 133 feat, 30 faat bating bean made daring tba waak. There la no changa in the appearanoa of tba face of tbia oroaacnt. It la atill in a mixture of qnarU and porphyry. All other work about the mina is going on satisfactorily and oar machinery ia in good order. W. II. Hxiti, Sapt. ■liver Hill. Silvu Hill Mix*. Jan. 3, 1880.— IF. S. Oram, Strrtiary : Daring the past weak tba 1300 east crosscut baa been extended 40 feat tbroagb birdseye porphyry and Una ledga matter. We have ordered a Da kar blower, which will be here about the 10th of neit month. Tba Opbir Compa ny hare a naw oua, nat in aaa, which they let as have immediately and take onrs when it oomea. Tbia accommodation will give us a good supply of freeh air In a few day*. M. O. Hillyer, bupt. PsaselMaM Imperial. Oold Hill, Jan. 4, 1880.—A. K. P. Harmon, Pmidt*i: For the week ending this date we have made the following pro grees at the mine: Oar soatb wlnae baa been sank and timbered 37 feel, making total length of same to date 33ft feet on the slop> below the 3600 level. Oar north drift. Alpha 3600 level, baa been extended 33 feet, making total length of same to date 333 feet. Everything in and abont the mine ia moving along satisfactorily. A. O. Hamilton, Bup'i. Hals * Hcnnn. Virqixu Cm, Jan. 8, 1880.— Jo*l F. Liuktitrr, Sttntam: On the 3300 level the aenth winie baa been sank and timbered 34 feat; total depth. 47 faat The donkey hoist worka well and the skeat for aama will be ready tbia week. Tbe air oonneo tion from 3100 to 3300 levels tbroagb north winse has been made and tbe venti lation mneh Improved. Oar pampe are working splendidly, making over 10,000 strokes per day. Paiurr Dmaiuin, Sapt. CalMsala. Gold Hill, Jan. 8, 1879.—Otoryt if. Btanr, /Vwtrfiat.- Daring tbe paal week we have eat a drain to carry tbe water from aoath drift to Overman wtnie and have oxtended aoath drift 39 feet; face of drift in vein porphyry. Good progreas baa been mad* at the Forman abaft with the pit work and placing pumping engine. No work ia being done ia the abaft except upon tbe pit work. Cua. f oVUM, Rapt. ▼nonriA Cm, Jan. 5, ISM K. B. Holm—, Strwlnry: Daring the put week we h»T» repaired tod re timbered tbe drift leading from the 10th ttttion to tbt Bait A Norcrott lint, a dlitanoe of 99 fttt; tottl dlitaoot repaired tad retlmbered, 195 fttt; hart oonneoted oar ntia tnd donkey pampt with tank drift and eommtnetd lowerini tht water in tha Inollnt from tbt 9900 to the 9300 level. Tht flow of wtler Into the inelint it light, much lett tbao we expeeted ; have plaoed new rildee in the eonth ehaft tram the BOO to the 1300 level, end on Friday laat t tar ltd drift from 0.-N.-8. thaft, 9400 lave!, for oar Incline tod hare extended the etatioo etarted by tht Combination people for taid drift tbe foil tile adiatanotof It fttt; total length of atatlon. 96 fttt. Xaohioery io good working order. Join P. Kiuit, Bupt. Wart. Viboixia Cm, Jan. 8, 1880 Jacob Staillfthl, Jr., Stmlnrn: For week todiog thie date tht abaft baa bttn took tod tim btred 93 feet—total depth, 1990 feet— aad everything connected therewith le in ex oelltot oondltion to the very bottom. Tbt flow of water remaina ai atated in onr laat report, 135,000 gallone per M boura, 3000 of which it cangbt op by tbe itatlonary tank, from thanoe holatad to the aarfaoe, iu no way interfering with tht mioert at work oo tbe bottom. The prteeot forma tion rtmtioa farorablt for rapid aloklng. In ooaatqatoot of tho great beat eecaping from the Jnlia, repaira on the oorth drift adraooe tlowly. Hunt Bawdkx, Bopt. Nertk Beaatia at< riewerr. Yiboinia Cm, Jao. 3, 1830.—IT. IT. SumN, Xttrtturv: During tha ptat week the naaal work baa beeo done on tbe 400 aod 600 levela, the 400 ahowing quite tn improvement. Oo 600 tbe croeacnt bat bat Jnat reached the eaat tlty. Uloot the flrat of tbe mootb the working forot hat beeo greatly redaoed, tod ootil tbt tlmee improve only t enffleient forot of men will be kept on to ran tbe pnmpe, tnd two or thrtt clrifta on tht 600 ltvtl. O. H. Jaouox, Sapt. Oold Hill, Jan. 3, 1830.—O«ory« W. Beaetr, PruiiUat: Blnot laat rtport we have repaired the north drift, 1900 level, aod i tar ted a croeacat 565 feet oorth of wioxe. Crottcut hu beta rao 90 fttt, and work io it eaapeoded for a few dayi, while we are catting drain to carry water oa thie level through to tbe Beleber. At Formao abaft we are makloggtod progreea putting pnmplng engine in place and with the pit work. Caaa. Fobmar, Bopt. ■alllM. Gold Hill, Jan. 3, 1680.—J. U. Bra till, Stcrtinrt: The incline wine* hu been tank and timbered a diiUno* of 14 feet daring the put weak, making the total depth from the 2150 laral 893 (aat. The formation conilita of tba lama favorabla vein matter ai beratofora mentioned. £. A. Serous, Bupt. K. mf P. laaullailaa. At « regular meeting of Triumph Lodge, No. 11, Knight* of Pytbiu, held on Saturday evening laat, Diatriot Dep uty Orand Cbanoeilor Wm. P. Bawden, aaaiated by the Orand Offioera, installed the following efflcere in their reepeotiTe cbaira for the enaoing year : Paat Chan cellor, W. M.N. Jobnaon; Chancellor Commander, H. M. Monk; Vice-Chan cellor, Allen McSweyn; Prelate, J. II. McFarland; Matter of Exchequer, liar abal Hatch; Maatar of Finanoe, Benj. Drummond; Keeper of Heoorda and Seals, P. H. Muloaby; Muter at Ana a, F. E. Frelaing: Inner Onard, H. Beagle hole; Oater Guard, 0. C. Davie. rm lb la Marataf. The realdence of Joaeph Tickell and wife on the American Flat grade, aboal oppoalte the Segregated Belcher worka, wm entirely deatroyed by fire about 1 o'clock thia morning. Tba burating of a lamp la aaaigned aa the oauae. In aurance $300. Very little of the furni ture eared except the key. The key hole waa entirely deatroyed. The houae waa • one-atory, fire-room wooden building, and paaaed away rapidly be fore water oould be effectively applied. Our Fire Department boya ware actively on hand u uaual, however, and not withatanding the atate of the atreeta had their boae carriagea at the fire and took » squirt at it. ■lal»C LeeiUtM. Noticee of mining looationa have been filed with the County Recorder, aa fol Iowa: By W. W. Coryell and Thoa. Qraoey, 1500 feet, ft relocation of the Badge (Badger?), Nevada Mining Diatriot, Storey county, and all water that may flow therefrom, the eame having been looated aa the Silver Starr Lodge (Ledge?), January 1, 1876; to be now known aa the Qretoben Lode and New Savage. By A. M. Boeeel, 1660 on the Monte Crieto ledge, Virginia Diatriot, and called the Lut Cbance. The Silver BUI Md bit Werk. The Silver Hill purposes to do ssstern proa peeling on iU own hook. The oroes cut «ut on the 1300 level is nov in 912 feet from the foot o( the inoline. It ie propoeed to oontinue thle croeecut till the eut country rock if enooantered and then eink a winze or an underground eut ahaft from whioh to carry on ex plorationa. Thie ahaft can be eaallj oonnected with the aurface by an upraiae end will then become an additional eaat ahaft for proa pec ling purpoeea. Saturday night the California lfining Company ahlpped bullion to the value of $105,483 39; tha Union Consolidated $43,435 21; the Ophir Company $27, C84 21, and the Coneolidated Virginia Company $27,386 67, making a total of $203,989 38. Thie ia beginning to look a little like old timea. At the laat regular meeting of Olive Branch, Mo. 12,1, 0. O. F., the follow ing offlcera were elected lor the new term commencing January 1: 0. 0. Am bur, N. 0.; Jamee 8. Tiadale, N. O.; W. H. Tirden, Recording Secretary; Henry F. Chrichton, Treaaurer. Uilla Van Wagenen, formerly of Gold Hill but more recently of 8ilver City, New Uezieo, was Saturday evening cho aen Principal of the Silver City sohools, and left laat evening for Lyon ooanty to enter upon the dieoharge of his dutise. It aim oat paya for soma people to b« unfortunate. The miners of the Ophir, Saturday, contributed nearly $500 for the aaaiatanoe of Billy Feraueon, pomp man of that mine, who bad hie leg bro ken a abort time ainee while ooaating. The Silver Hill baa levied as assess* ment of 60 oente per ahare, delinquent February 6. Bee advertisement in an other column. Mark Brows, Jr., plsaded sot guilty to the charge of jail breaking today aad the oaae was set for trial February 2. For oonseetios bet wees Sutro tsssei aad Oosld k Carry see letter. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. riMT asm no or tiib boaid worn JAIUBT. TMrkira* Iaslltme-Ijraa C•■■ly Poll Br> (Mirta «f ODwra-i iprrta mm Ik* Caaaijr Aa4llti*i IMoki -Bills AIUwmI-KM. . Vhere vu ft fall attendee oe of the Board of Connty Commlealonew at 11 a. k. today. The mlnuUa of tba laat two meetinga vera read and epproved. OOMMffirUUTXOM. Superintendent Yonog preeentfd ft eomaannloetlon and aald $100 bad bean allowed for ft Teachare' Inatltata aaob year. Two years ago 9100 waa given to the State Inatitae. He wanted to hold one thla term. While in California re cently he invited Jam fa T. Blade, Chair man of the Qaincy Board, a thorough and praotioal tesoher, to oome np and 1 tot ore before a Teaohera' Institute, and wantad to pay bia azpanaea while here, hotel billa, eto. Diitrict Attorney Harria aaid that in hi a opinion the Board mnat authorise the Institute flrst and thea the Hnperin tended eoald draw for azpanaea up to 9100. The Superintendent eannot get any money from the oounty nnleaa tba Ioatitute is first authorized by the Com missioners. The communication waa filed and authority for the Inatitute waa given. Chairman Haseltine presented ft re oeipt of the' Treaenrer for 9644 60 col lected of Lyon oounty for pay patlenta. Notice waa given that on January 30th 96000 insurauoe on Hoepital would ex pire and 93760 on paet houae and hoe pital. Mis. Sullivsn wanted pay for keeping lira. Bover two and ft hftlf months. Re ferred to Commissioner Nye. The report o( the Coroner of fees for the year, amounting to $1871 45, «u read and filed. Of tbii $656 were paid bis dark. Judge Flanninghsm reported fact for the quarter ending December 31, $7'jG. Filed. D. D. Donovan reported Constabla's feee at $629 75. Stephen Wilkin, Auditor, reported feee at $1148 25. 0. L. Metcalf, Conatabla'a fee*, $1654. J, E. McDonald paid docket tax $284. J. E. McDonald reported feet reoeired at $3190. Jaa. Jewell, Conatable'e feeap$2181 81. Tbomea Moaee, Juilice'a feee, $2000. John Knox, Jmtioe's feee, $1488 25. HOSPITAL EXPO IT. The monthly report of Dr. Kirby is u followe: In Hoepital December 1, 52; admitted in Dsoember, 33; treated, 85; dicharged, 26; died, 3; aoooanted for, 29; on band January 1, 56, of wbom three are femalea and 63 males; daily average for the month, 61; dne from Lyon oounty, $220 60; dne from Elko county, $460. Billa war* ordered ssnt to theee oounties. Dr. Kitby also presented an annual report, which is too long for publication today. Bsfsrrsd to Hoepital Committee. AtTDlTOk's BXPOBT. Ths County Auditor prsssntsd his re port for tks quarter ending Deoember 31, 1879, whioh was ordsred filed. It Is as follows: JltttiftU. ▲mount on band Oct. 1,1879 . $52,940 38 Hospital aooonnt, pay patients. 11 8S Docket tax 298 00 Sundry licensee 7,142 83 Insurance lioeneee, State 564 00 Oaming licenses 3,149 00 Assessment roll, 1879 174,674 21 Finss and forfeitures, Justioes' Courts 625 25 Dslinqusnt roll, 1878 81 65 Poll tax aooount, 1679 1,661 60 Nst prooeeds of minss, quarter snding September SO 14,169 87 Delinquent roll, 1879 2,047 SI Toll roads 19 36 Justioss' fees, rebate 10 25 Commission aooount, rsbats . 40 Total $256,786 86 Diihurtrntnli. Stationery and furnlturs ac count $ 264 50 Jail aooount 1,678 19 Wood aooount 835 20 Bent account. 75 00 Judges' salary aooount. 1,760 00 Oontlngsnt aooount. 6,669 61 Hoepital aeoount 6,482 76 Indigent account 2,182 50 General sohool aooonnt 20 00 Jury fsss 2,041 30 Justioss' fsss 2,687 50 Constablss' feee 8,160 80 Salary aooount 2,167 60 Treasursr's salary 750 00 Sheriffs fsee 1,231 80 Coroner's feee 664 85 District Attorney's fsss and ealary 1,840 41 Clerk's fsee and ealary 1,804 92 Printing and adrertieing 806 75 Virginia School District 48,716 91 Gold Hill School District 9,916 3S To and for ths State 53,801 63 Total $147,041 98 uaiancc on a ana Jan. 1, 1884 $109,744 88 In (nod* u follows— 8Ut* Fond $3,250 63 | Common 8obool Fund.... 3,254 53 Virginia School Fond 10,088 60 Oold Hill School Fond. . 1»0 10 Treasurer'* 8alary Fnad.. 750 00 Qeneral Find 90,035 38 1 Guurt-houee Bond Fond.. 3,185 00 ToUl $199,744 88 | Beipectfnlly submitted, BtXMXJC WlUUK, Audi lor. For O. D. McDcrrix, Depot?. COUNT! TlUICUl'l MPOBT. The Connty Treasurer's rs port for the month of Dcocnbar, 1879, vu prs*snt*d and ordered filed. It 1* as follow*; Jfaeeipte. On hand Deoember 1, 1879....$164,107 94 Poll tax, 1879 1,551 60 Delinquent taz, 1879 — 213 93 Bebato oommlulon on poll tax. 40 Liceniee 8,922 16 Net prooeed* of mine* 14,169 87 Virginia and Dayton toll road. 19 86 Finee In Joatioe*' Court* 213 00 Bebato of orercharged fee*.... 10 25 Delinquent tax, 1879 1,814 38 Delinquent poll tax, 1879 20 00 Tetal $166,941 53 IHlburitmmti. State Food $52,644 69 Virginia School Dia* triot Fund 9,916 64 OoldBUI School Die trlct Fnnd 2,887 76 Dlatriot Jodge*' Sal ary Fnnd 683 84 Beneral Fond 10,266 $>-76,296 65 Balanoe on hand Jan. 1,1880. .$109,744 66 Apportioned a* follow*— Btato Fund S3 360 62 Common Schoor Fund"!! 2,264 63 Virginia School Fnnd..... 10,M8 60 Oold Hill School Fnnd... IN 16 Treaaurer'e Salary Fnnd.. 760 00 Oeoeral Fnnd 90,036 28 Court-hons* Bond Fnnd.. $.186 69 rotal $19r7i4 $$ Bcepeetfnlly submitted! B. H. Cannes, Omir Insnranoe poliolea were preaentaJ, referred le tba Diitriot Attorney and tba Gourt-bouea oommitiee. uroir or Kxram ov auditob's books. Tba ezparts appointed by tha County Commiailonara to rxsmioe tha Auditor's booka raportad that tha booka vara In • ▼try unsatisfactory condition. There ara no booka prior to 1867, and from tbat data tba nook* ha»e been kept without tba allgbteet regard to ordar or atmpllfloatlon. Tba early Auditor*, it would appear, bad but little faith io tba parmanaucy of tba ooonty, and tbi>nght in tba near futura no buoka would b* needed. Tba booka abow dbi'e in exceaa of credit* to thaamouotnf f481, 645 30. Tbeaa booka oannot be bal aooad in thair prearnt oonditioo and to baianoa tbam would require r(•journal ising and repoatiog than, and tba reault would not juatify tha ooat. Inatanoaa ot irregular antriaa ara cited in tha roport from 1867 to 1878. All tba foregoing appliaa to tha Auditor's booka in gen eref. Tba books as kept by tba praaent Auditor, with tha exoeptlon that ha haa forced no balancee and that all direct entriea hare bean properly kept, oan no mora be balanced than tha old onea, and no mora than tha latter ahow npon thair face tha exact Inaneial oondition of tha oonnty or tba a tale ot ita varioua funda and oomparatir aaaata. In extenuation of the praaent i. nditor it ahonld be taken into oonaideration that ba baa followed tha footatapaof bia predeoeaaora and haa made neither innorations nor improre ments; but bia books an correct to tba extent of tba work in bia band and all obargca are properly entered. In neat naaa they ara not inferior to thoae of hia predeoeaaora. Iu-regard to tha charge of entering voucbera to tha wroog account, tba exports report all theaa are to be paid out of tha general fnnd and it ia optional with tha Auditor whether he keepa auch accounts or not, and it can not make any difference with (ha oonnty to what particular account they are charged. The report auggeats a new set of booka with a thorough ayatem of double entry, and to open aooounts with each fnnd. Final balances ara aubmitted and re capitulation* in the report. In concla aion tha report states tbat tba Auditor is hedged by atatutory proviaiona and forma, ao that tba oounty cannot be de frauded unleea by oollusion with all oounty officials. The ooonty record* are in good order. Omissions in indexing have been recti fied. Beport ordered filed. BILL*. Bill* wers allowed as follow*: Regular Bill*—B. F. Hacelline, ssl ary and mileage, $142; Tboa. Gallagher, eaiae, $141 20; D. H. Fraser, aame, 9120; M. Canavan, aame, $138 80; £. Nye, $124 40; Montgomery Guard, rent, 976; Waabington Guard, rent, 976 ; Sarsfleld Guard, rent, 976; Nevada Ar tillery, rent, 9100; National Guard, rent, 976; Emmet Guard, rent, 976; York Fel mente, janitor, 972 60; E. Hyami, rent County Surrey or, 926; B. H. Carriole, aalary, 9760; O. 8. Yonng, aalary, 9100; Obaa. Williamson, board of prisoners, 9374 26; same, jailer, 9160; John Har ris, salary, eto., 9296 CO ; O. D. Bab cock, watchman, |15; Water Company, 9106; Gas Company, 9172 80. Hospital Aooounta—Dr. P. T, Kirby, salary, 9300; E. A. Gamble, ate ward, $100; P. Magnire, cook, 900; V. A. Fryer, nnrse, 960; Mrs. Bacbel Jones, waitress, 930; Mrs. E. Hurley, nurse, 926; Wm. Beiley, dishwasher, 926; W. Leonard, ontaide man, 926; meats, 9107 18; 8. Sobweiss, beer, 920; Mary Oonlan, milk, 980; J. Demling, grocer ies, 9136 07; G. W. Hall. washing, 960; J, Morris, dry goods, 9136 66; Simon Ogg, taking patients, 927; H. B. Fay, asms, 94; George Maledoo, sams, 92; M. Foley, same, 94; J. Maledoo, sams, 94; T. McGinnis, same, 92; E. H. Lapodair, aame, 92; T. Hanbridge, repairs, 9121 GO; Mrs. L. H. Torp, bay, 946; T. Taylor k Co., liquors, 9297 13; D. Block k Co., dry goods, 9276. Fees—Jobn Kee, interpreting, 95; Tim Foung, same, 95; Alsz. Coutiere, same, 96; J. E. McDonald, salary and fees, 9216 60; Stephen Wilkin, fees, 9133 16; Charles Williamson, Sheriff's fees, 9266 00. indigent Account*— t. >i. oiearue, rent, 910; B. H. Carrick, money ad vanced on orders, f>116; A. II. Cole, drag*, 954 28; B. Noce, grooeriee, 99 19; J. A. Conboie, burial*, 995; Banner Broa., clothing, 933; J. Mallon, grocer iei, 926 44; 0. H. Wilber, rent, 910; 0. M. Brown, bariala, 942; B. Howard, groceries, 947 67; UoMillan Jt Bro., aame, 948 01; Fonlks <k Frank, wood, 929 60; H. A. Nye, meats, 910 79; Jos. Demling, groceries, 9110 60; J. O. Hampton, sams, 962 78; P. H. Ford, same, 913 27; T. B. McQurn, same, 974 72; Whitney & Crosby, fuel, 962; V. Lemery, groceries, 9108 26; Blobard Mercer, same, 962 87; B. I. Tarman, aame, 9127 60; William Kraase, aame, 937 26; 8. Peqaigney, wood, 939; F. Dickman, groceries, 942; Stewart 1 Co., groceries, 959 39; 11. O'Connell, same, 93 25; M. Finlen, fuel, 964 ; 8, D. Baker, grooeriea, 931 63; O. E. Bow land, grooeries, 949 76; B. Oalland, dry goods, 923 25; F. W. Folsom, gro oeries, 986 38; Dentils Nevis, same, 95 Misoeilsneoas Bills—W. Oilrooney, scaTeuger, 96 60; W. Sutherland, print ing, 995; N. B. Parsons, Daily News, 96 50; Wheeler. Hall * Co.,. hardware, 962 50; Enttrprlte, advertising, 97; G. L. Jackson, repsirs, 95 26; Z. Squires, same, 96 62; D. W. James, labor, 924; Foollight, letter heads, 96; J. L. Durant, EnUrprist, 913; Fred Bocgle, stationery, 920 76; O. P. Bibcock, palls, 96; H. P. Cohen, eipertlng, 977; 0. B. Sessions, same, 977; A. L. Banoroft A Co., atat ntes, 937; A. Peaslcy, repairs, 9U 60; Gold Hill Kbws, advertising, 96; F. W. Conn, examining in lunacy, 920; Dr. Packer, same, 920; Orob & Welsh, repairs, 920; Shsriff o( Washoe county, fees, 913 60; Hatch Bros, soap, sto., (or Jail, 96. Becess till 2 JO. There were 140 marriages In tbli oounty during 1879. John Gallaghsr haa license to wsd Hattie F. Brady. A RBVBLATION BURST Dpoo the pabllo preee and medical profession, wkea. orar lwnlr-in jaara a«o, that rrasd (•salt of medical raeaaroh and ajathetlc aklll. UoeteWar's atomaok Bitten, was (Ivaa to U» world. Beoa after It Sad been surted on Its curatlre ml»aloa II wsa dlscorarad that Its botanic propcrtlee far surpassed tfeoee of the apprsred mineral mediae of Us day. Rot •ks least amuog tbe good coaseqseaoes of :ta • MI.J. MQini ON hu bMi lo dtaafcuM Binds of many sbaard medical fallacies, and lo dtmooftrsts the sopsrlorlty el vsgetaMersn. odles. It coofoers sad prsvsats malarial f« rtra, d/spepsis, chronic coaatlpatlon, a ten dency lo ktdosy sod bladder allsseats sad rbsuautism, sad Is of tbs (Mates! value to eeeee of bodllj treabls aristae from weakasss. Old people are greatly aided by tt, sad It Is hiffrlyaawlfeabls to eoavileoeoalssad lsdtsa la dslleste bealtb. It Is. moreorer, a aaefal medicine to take with oae on loaf loarnere, aod counteract* tbs affects of SMatal ezhaas ■I 87 mo FIT/1 IN 30 DAYH. Wkst 110 414 la Wall street on the mutual tatty plaa. Pamphlets explaining everything, with two uasrrtac raise for saecaea, seat ties. Oar sastsasew la all parte e( the i ftaea, New lesfe. Ma HOW TO I4TI MONET. laataed of *otnf to a doctor for a._ tloa, If 7»o bin Br«bf* DtMM, DtabatM. Pain la tk» Bark tod Lola*. Smart In*, liiM< ■mi to a, OakaJl. B lekdaat Depoalt, or a*y troob • of the Kidney* or Bladder. boy a bottle or DR MlsTlID NtFHBlTICC*. Ua free! Duck* Compound. It U tba m®*t veadfftl prescription »ref uompjnndel for UMM 'rouble i. M»»»«. Abr«<ui * Carroll. wl>ol**ala dnu«i«u. mt : •• Hi r»parrf A'tpknilaam m UU but JCldM* and Binddrr Htnudf l» IM» marktl." Wood ward, drnortt, 1'^riiu.d. <J(* pu, rin i •• r.r.n body apeak* lliklf *f U." Chlldi. driMtrUt. Piwtlaad Urrrn. M)K I' M <m It; It a.war* ooaa th» wo»k " Xaar bare be.o cored of nbetlaat*kidney oomplalota after tba dociora bar* clron than up. For bv all drii«(lata. Prioa, |1 a botUa, or tlx b.tliaa lor|S. suTcTni. A dl'tlogatabal a-taatlat none aaldi " 5a man with a atrooc aad be*ltby utomeeh rrar oomul tied aalclda." aad yet maa y an aadarta* tba tortaraa of tba damned with Dyipepala whoa a *la«le botUa of OB. MINTiri fagUafc Dandelion, Llrer and Dyapopria Pilla will fire relief. aad. If perflated In, will car* tba wont oaaa ot tbla dlatiaoelnf troabla. Tbla pill ca*e Torpid Llrar and BHIonJoaaa, rrcaUua tba Bowel*. re mora* I'imple* from tba Faoa, cat** Hallow Oomplexlon, Foal Urea lb, nick Headache, Ilaartbura, Pain in tba Hide* and [Uck.lii *—i.uuojii»»mi/iii« FOKJU.T <sa o« iuea id aay c 11 mat#— wat or Art waatber. Heware of Imitation*. Tha OMIM ha* as engraving of a lion on tba oatalda wrap par. Prtoa SO cent*. For aala by all diagglttt* Tnu bara been mora can* of weakneee, nerroue debility aad paralrala ■■■ by tba wonderful Eoftieb ramadjr, Ur AaUar Cooper'* Vital Kaalorallra. than by all otfcer maedlee combined. Why will 7°* md*rt Sand to A. K. M In tie, M. D., Mo. U Kearay •treat, Baa Fraacl*oo, for tba ttaetormtlre, and be cured. P.lea $3 par bottle; foar tlaaee tbe qaaatlty, $10. Try a bottle. O. n. UALLCT. O. H. Oiuxr, oppoelte the Baak of Oallfor ala,Oold Hill, kaapa oooataaUy on band all IhTortte braad* of Imported Clear*, abolee Mt clear*, all ktada of cbewlax tobacco, mecr rnaom pipe*, ccbool beoka aad (tattooaryot all deaciiptluaa, ttae oatlery, aad toy* aad taacy pood* of all kind*. apMaa VISCKLLAHIOl'B. W. N. HALL & CO., MAIN STREET GOLD. BILL* —VaOUHALS AND MI AH. DliLIU a— HARDWARE, Of •▼try description, Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tlnwtre OAS PIPE AND FITTINGS. POWDER. FUSK. ROPE AND BLOCK*, •HOVELS. PICKS. + HANDLES, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplies, An ,iUnilr» tnd ,*p«rlor MtertaMt at MKCHANIC8' TOOLS, Of all kind,. GALVANIZED IRON PIPINQ. Or ill iIim, iMd* to onUr at »bwt notlc*. 1» W. U. HAHAW. Sat. •ALLAYtX. kD.I«UM| 8ALLATIN i FOLSOM. OOLD HILL. NEVADA. ....811I.W* n.H. HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Coal, Stoves, Tin Waw,J^ 6 FUSE. POWDER, ROPE. BLOCKS. (GAM PIPE AND FITTINGS* Bkoieli. Picks, Em«1m, Halls. MUllas tad IlilitfiNli GALVANIZED IRON (PIPE at auk to oaoss. AO(NTS for: Albany Ktchla* oil and Lubricating Oompaond 10 ■ Valuable Mining Properly FOR 8ALB. QN ACCOUNT OF TBI OOHTKMPLATXD nUttDMsi of tha principal mumtm at tba nOBESTKAD, OOLDKN STAN DA ED lU WBULIK MINKS. Mining 0>pluluu an ipaelally lnrlud to a thorough lnapactlon at tboaald proparty, with a rlaw to lia ml martt and pnrcbaaa. Thaaa thno mlnaa, antocotpo. ratad, onancombarad, aggragatlng 4,011 Unaar M, together with TataabU lnproraaaota tbtraoo, lying aajaoaat to aaoh othar, aaat ot and parallal with the original Cometock Lode, in ettoated la tha Town of Oold BUI, Btoaaf • toonty, Herada. for further particular* apply to Z. LTFORD, Ageet. OOoa-Ro. I Bomaataad Bnlldlng, Oold BUI, Warada. M aa GOLD HILL MARKET Nasi door la tholNowa omo*> L. T. FOX. - - » mOPBIlTOW 1 T THIS MA RAIT CAM A. alwtya ba foond TBI OBOIOBT "BBF* MUTTON. "VIAL AND BACTAOBB. Oar anlmalr, being aelocted from tha baal Oattia Bancbaa la Narad* and California, ara *'?Mvati Families and botkls wiu lid U to their advantage to patronlaa ihla Market, wbera thoy will alwaya bo enrolled with tha boat meau tho coontry can atfbrf. BBNDBBBD TALLOW, forailll and artning P«yoooo,conaUntly on hand. ^ T TOy. . TO FAMILIBsi HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND THE COMMUNITY QEHERAM.Y A ""tHB VIIIY BUT MIATI At tha T«r7 lowaat poaalbto dgare FOB OAf B. To faapoaalbla partita tho aanai credit wfll baaataodad atoonaapoodlagBrtcaa. bat 0A8B OCBTOMKBH can bay thafrluaU at tha CENTRAL MARKET At lowar pricaa thaa anywbara em tho cea*«, MARK STROUSI. U Frefrtote* Oeatral Market, Ttaflsta