Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS TUBBDAT, : : JANUABT «. 1880 QUI LIVE BUSINESS MEN. wu»a twin *DTwroai WHO TMMIVB TttUUT. A4f*r<MNT a CfMlW »—I m>m -Crau whI fmniini ft Itw-rui M Ik* IiHfiMW •! All WIm Man rn«l lb AKU8BMBNT8. Piper*' Opara Hoaae, Tirfilai* City. BAXKBB8. AffMoy Nindi Buk of Saa Franciaoo, 0 a treat, Virginia City. Buk of Virginia, 74 lontk 0 atreet, Virginia City. BBOKBBS. It. P. Drexlar A Co.. offloe ia Odd fel lowi' Building, Virginia City. L. B. Frankel A Co., Main street, (told Bill. T. H. Balaton, Main • treat, Ooid Hill, T. B. MoQurn, 108 South 0 a treat, Vir iinia City. Doogiaaa A Thompson, S3 South 0 •treat. Vicuna City. W. H. Clarke A Oo., Si 8o«th 0 street ▼irginia City. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. 9. Aroaaoa. Mala (tteet, Oold Hill. Banaer Broe., Corner 0 and Taylor ilmfe. Virginia. Blob Brothera, M Booth 0 (tree!, Vir ginia. CIOABS AND TOBACCO. 0. H. 0*11 a p. in Mayaard Block, Mala (treat. Oold Hill. D. Tborbam, oppoelta Neva offloa. Mala atraat, Oold Hill. DENTIST. A. Chapman, 190 Soath 0 atraat, Ylr gtale City. FANCY 000DS. D. Thorbnrn, Kaln ■ tract, Oold Hill. 1. W. Cbnbbaok. Poetoffloe Deokatoro, Mala a treat, Oold Hill. FOUNDRIES. Oold Hill Foandry, Lower Oold Hill, Saorga Emmet, proprietor. Falloa Foundry, on tba Divide, W. B. Eckbart, Superintendent. Virginia FoouJry, on Bailroad. near Jalia mine, Virginia City, Fraaar A Cam ■lags, proprietor*. FBEIOHT DELIVERY. Thomaa Oallag bar, office a ear railroad depot. Oold Hill. FURNITURE. B. W. Grant, 190 Main (treat, Oold Hill. OBOCERIES. PROVISIONS, ETO. T. Lemery, Maia itract. Lower Oold Bill. V. W. Folaom, Mala ■ treat. Oold Mill. Biohard Mercer, Maia (treat, Oold ■til. J. A J. B. Mallon, 0 (treat, Virginia Oily. HOTELS AND BESTAUBANTB. Oold Hill Bakery and Beetaarant. Mala (treat, GoU Hill; J. P. Decker, Pro prietor. City Bakery, 27 North 0 (tract, Virginia City; Fitameiar A Arm brad, Propria* HARDWARE. Oalletln A Foladm, Mala (treat. Oold Rill. W. h. Hall A Co., Mala atraat, Gold HilL IJEWELBT AND 81LVEB WARE. W. Meaning, Booth C (tieet, Virginia. LAUNDBY. Pioneer Leaadry, north of Virginia City; O. W. Hall, Proprietor. MABKETB. L. T. Fox, Mala atraat. Oold HilL Mark Btronac, Central Market, Virginia. NKWB DEPOT. D. Thorbaru, oppoelta New* offloa, Maia (treet, Gold Hill. PHYSICIANS. Dr. J. D. Hall. Maia (treat, Oold Hill. BAILROAD. Virginia aad Trnckee, from Virginia aad Oold Mill to Caraoa aad Reno. SALOONS. CoBMtoek Exehaage, oppoelta the ,Y«ra offloa, T. E. Fineb, Agent. Faahlon, Mala (treet, Oold Hill; Cbria. Weidemaan, proprietor. Capital, Main atraat, Oold Hill; C. Knot. DioDrielor. Bank Exchange, Main (treat, Oold Mill; E. F. MeEeunoy, proprietor. Oibaoa'a, Maia (treet, Oold Hill; W. D. 0. Oibaon. proprietor. Seaate, Maia atraat. Gold Hill; Bam Sontbworth, proprietor. RHAVINO AND HAIR DBESSINO. Pioaeer Bbariag and Hair Dreeaiog Bar looa; C. Puhl, Proprietor, Mala (tract, Oold H»i WOOD AND COAL. Thomaa Oallagher, a ear railroad depot, Oold HU1. H1SCELLAN KOl'H, THB PIONEER SHAV1N0 A HAIR0RESSIN8 SALOON O. POHL, PROPRIETOR. MAIN NTKKKT. OOLU U1LL, Oppoeite Oibaoa'a Saloon. pLIAH TOWKLK AND BHARP RAZORS. \J qalrk. toaoetb. Neat, Fliet-ctaaa Wort, ■air Cattiac and Dreaelac dune la tba moat art la tie, aaltahle and aatlaftctory atjle. The old Ifoaearttaloueielbe place, aad doal yoo foraat II. tS aa DIVIDENDJ10TICE. /"VPHCR OP CALIFORNIA MININO 00 M V PANT. IS Navada Block. Ma Pnaclaco, Dtcrmbtr IX 1*T».-At • mcctlnr of the Board of Director* of tb* *buy».o*jned Company. beld tula day. a dltldeod (So. SI)of Pi ly Cent* per akara wa* declared, payable MONDAY, Daceo ber n UT7t. Truster book* cloaed unul SSd '"dUtt* O. P. OOIDON. ftecreterr. DIVIDEND NOTICE* 0I71CI OP CONSOLIDATED VI HQ INI A MIMINU COMPANY. Koom M. Nevada Black, Prancleco, Decern her IS. 18T1.—At a nrittii ef Ua Board of Director* of the aboea» aaaed Cooipane, held tbt* day. a dividend (No. CI) of fifty tW* pet abare waa declared. Iiayable oa TUESDAY, December IS, 1IT». Traa*f*r book* cloaed until Mtb laawat. dalT A. W. IIAVKNH, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING. 3'BR ARNCAL MRRTINO OP TBS •tockholder* of the Con»olldatad Vlrftola aln« Company *UI be bald at tba office of tbe C >mp*ny, Koom* SB and ST. Nevada Block, •aa Fr*, California, oa TBCRSDAT. tba altfbtb (Mb) day or Janoary. 1880. for tba alee tloa of a board of Tmatea* to Mrea foe tb* **» ealo* year, and tba traoaactton of aach other ba*l*»*e a* auy properly i <tua before tba meet tag. Tranafer 6 «.H. will cloaa on Saturday, De cember STtb, 1ST*. *i u o'clock, noon, and rem*In cJoeed until *ft*c tbe maatlac A. W. havens. Secretary. Baa Pnaclaeo, December SS. 1STS. M ANNUAL MEETIWQ. IT)BR ANBVAf. MCRT1NQ OP THE STOCK X bolder* of tba Laelatkaa M lain* Company will be held at the Company* office, Koom i. Mo. SO Plna Uieet, faa Praocl»co, California, •a MoNDAl, J canary ink M, at tba boar of • o'cloak r. *. Tr*n»f«r boek* win cloaa ua Wedacaday, Jaaoarv Ttk. I MO. JSt p. A- PBIMUB, Secretary. TO THE PMIUC* IDRSIRR TO I* FORM MT PRUCRD8 OR Ua Oanitock that 1 Mill ooatlau* to copy Mi amlanw portrait* In lak. water color* or ere too. nor* old or ruled plctnrea. My Madia la at Ba. SM Kearny itreet, Saa Pnaclaeo. wtara l have atao tilrty ckflutlv tantabcd »*—ttatl wlUM by the day.week or —U. "rmma oiiZaTicTii. •m • TOWS OKBimCBS. ORDINANCE MO 109. U •RDIUICI •• rii »■< «MIm« • Uiiimi Tu ll|W« (fertala Tn4m and Baaalaaaa Wllklaa Ik* fwiMNU Ualutfih*Ttn wf MUI. [rawed VarchlT, im.l mil board or TBOBTtsa or gold X HI ldoordatai Baerna I. m p ron or nervon*. firm, aa aoctauun. or corporailon ekall witi.ln mm cor porate limit* of lh« Town of Gold Hill carry oo ur puraue ai.y MM or baaina • haralnafier oxiiikhI omll be. the. the/. or U tar* paid f..r and uken oat a llc*ate Mlibntlufbrpi* vided; tod for »"7 violation of thle ordlaaoce lb* i any titadlM *fc*U. 00 eo«vlcilon, be 1.~d la mi ««■ not exceedla« i w< boo Ired dollar*, be. Idee la* eo.u of um acuoo; *od In d< fault of payaaal thereof ahall b* imyrieoned la tb* Town Jail at tta rata of oo* day for *T*ry two dollar* of aaeh fiaeand coda. Sac. t. All Iieiain. except aa hereinafter provided, ataU be paid quarterly la advance, tba quartera to commence on tta Aral daya or Pebrury, Hay, Aagaat aod November la each year; aad la caea any paraoa or peraoaa. firm, aaeoclalloa, or corporation required to lake oat lleane* ehall fall to lake out aaeh llcenae fur tta current quarter, prior to the fifteenth daya of February. Hay, Aarnat aad November of each year. be. ata, they, or It •abject to pay aa adanioo of lea per cent, over aad above tta aaaaat herein preacrlbed far aaeh lloaoae, aad la addition to tta penalty da re rl bed la taction one of thia ordlaaaoe a civil action a hall be commeaced la tta name or "TheTown of Oold Hill" for tta recovery of Ike aaaoanl ef *ocb licence and p»rcenta«e. together with coeU. lncludlac the fee of ike Town Attorney, to be taxed at lAa*a dollar* la each rare. »»V. U. A U* awiiMi ruwi »w u uia vuivv opao, ud bo preaent thereat, between the hoar* of two o'clock r. ■. tad Mr o'clock r. a. of inch d»7 (Sundaja and holiday* except ed). during tb« ttrvt fiftaea (tori of eachquar lac, to laaao llcanae*. and M (bail bo tba doty of ataq peraoo from whan a llcea** uz It daa and owing to pay the HUat Mid office Juriug tha time ha U it required to keep hi* offlca open, and do paraonal demand or notice by the Marahal to neb paraoo aball b; nrcc**ory to render rack person llabla to the panilliea pre •at bed la tactloaa one ud two of UU etdi. DM. 4. All per*oa* harlot taken oat a Ucaoaa under thu ordinance are hereby required to exhibit tbaaama Id *otna oonaplcuou* part of Ibelr Ultra of bualaeee, aiut to pruduoe the eame when applying to the Maiabal (of a new Ucaaaa. 8«c. 8. It aball ba tba doty of tba Manual to report to tka Town Attorney on tba fifteenth daye of February, May. Augutt aad November of each yaw. tba name* of all poiaooe who hare Dot paid for and takeo oat llceuaee, aa itqmred ty tale ordinance, fbr the correut quarter, to gether with Iba amooata for which aucb per •one are aererally liable: and It ehall be tba djtyof the Town Attorney forthwith to InatU tate actioaa for tha recovery of each amoante. •sc. 6 It aball ba the doty of the Marehal to keep la hU offlca a book atyled and marked •• Marehal'e Llcanae Booh," wherein ke ah all eiter the oaiaea of all pereone, Ilriaa. aaaocla tlona. and corporal lone to whom llceaara hare been leeued. the character of their burlueee, the tliae for which tba llceuaee ,were granted, Ui* cat* and time of expiration thereof, and the amount of mosey received In each caae. and to ruruleh the Hoard of Troeteaa at their Drat regu lar meeting in the uouthe beginning each quar ter an abe tract of tha una for tba qaarter J oat Hac. 1. Tba Tc wn Clark aball keep aa accu rate account. In a book entitled •• Clerk'* U canaa book." of all llceuaee delivered to tha Marahal, tha qaarter for which leaned, and tba amount thereof. The Marahal aball oo tba tret Mondaya of February, May, Auguatand Noreni her of each year, return to the Town Clerk all libeaaee leeued for the preceding quarter re mainlag oaaold, and the Town Clerk ehall then balance and cleee tha licence account with tha Marahal for tha preceding qaarter, and eubrnlt a detailed report of tha aaire to tba Hoard of Truataea at their tret regular meeting in tha ■nontha beginning each qaarter. Mac.0. All llceuaee leaned under and by vir tue of thle ordinance ehall ba printed in blank Ioral, expreeilng tha claaa and the amount to be paid Utarelbr; ehall be elgned by the Freel dent of the Hoard of Troaieee and tha Town Clark, and eoualeraigoed by tba Marahal. and aball aet forth tba name of Iba party to whom tba Ucenee la granted, tha nature of tba trade or buaineaa to be pureued, the Una for which granted and tba data of laeue. Hso. t. All llceuaea aball ba paid for la gald cola of tha United Btatea. Amun 8 so. 10. Every part on, lira, aaaoclatlon. or corporation engaged la carrying on bualneee aa carpeuter, builder, blacksmith, wagon uiaitrr or wlualwrtghl, guoamlth, watch or Jewelry maker or repairer, gaa Utter or plomber, tin ner. pointer, eaddia or harnoeo mak> r, ahall pay quarterly for a llcanae to carry on the eame, according to hie or their average month ly aalea or rtoelple, aa la tba following Flrat CUaa—Monthly aalea or receipt*, eight hundred dollara or .over, quarter.'y lloeuac, fifteen dollara. Second Claaa—Monthly aaleel or receipt* under eight hundred dollara, quarterly HMO**, tea do liar*. tee. 11. Every pereon or Urn engaged In tba baalneee of beeping a daguerrean or photo graphic gallery, or In painting portraile or mlalature*. ehall pay. quarterly, for a lice nee to carry on tha eame, according to hi*, her, or their average montb.y ealae or reoeipu, aa la the following acbaduie: Firat Claaa Monthly aalea or receipt* eight hundred dollara or over, quarterly llcanac, ton dollar*. Mocood Claaa—Monthly aalea or receipt* under eight buadrrl dollara, quarterly liceaae, fiva dollar*. 8xe. 11. Every pereon, arm, aaaoclatlon. or corporation engaged la carrying oa tba buai neaa of aaaaytag ore* or prectoua metale (ball pay, qatrtarly, for a Ucenee to carry on tba eame, oooordiag to hi* or their average monthly boelneea or receipt*, a In the following mVQBWe Flrat Claw Monthly bullae** or receipt* flva hundred dollara or over, quarterly IIccom, thirty dollara. ttoooad Claaa—Monthly baetnea* or receipt* two bunded aad fifty dollar* or over and under Ave hundred dollar*, quarterly Ucaaac, tweutv dollaia. Third Claaa—Monthly baalnaa* or racelpU under two band red aad fifty dollar*, quartarly dollar*. Aocminsaa. 8*o. 13. Every pecton. Bra or aaaoclatlon waged IB tba baelueea of *elllog real eeti m _ _ tat* or pereooal property by auctloa or publtc out cry. ahall pay for a llcanae to oarry on the fame, accordlag to hi* or their average *alra or re oeipu. aa in the following echednle: Fire* Claaa—Monthly aalea or receipt* two thoaaaad dollara or over, quarterly Ueenaa, twenty-five dollar*. Second Claaa—Monthly aalea or receipt* under two thauaaad dollar*, qaartorly licence, fifuan dollirt. Third 0U*o—I>*lly *al*a or recelpU fiva hun dred dollar* or over, Ucaaaa for oae day, ten dollar*. Fourth Claaa—Dully *al*a or reeelpU nnder five handred dollar*, llcanae for one day, five 8ac. M. Kvary person. flna or a**ociailon ■pnit la carrying on boalaa** u a baker of bind. plea aad cake, or either of there art iclee. •hill pay. qaartarly. or a Ucom lo carry on the ii— aa la lb* following acbedule: Vint Clare—Men Ihly ulw or reoelpta ht« hundred aod but dollara or orer, qaanarty Itceare, twenty dollar*. ttecond Plan Monthly aaiaa or rerelpta fire hundred dollar* or oeer aad under wren bun and fifty dollar*, quaitatly license, fifteen lata. Third CIm* Moathly *alca or rc«*lpta under five bandied dollar*, quarterly ltcaaae, tan dol lar*. Sao. IS. Every person, firm, aaeoclatloa or rorpontloa hartag a placa of trainees In tbe Town of Uold Bill, aod therein engaged la Iba bu«lB*ea of banking, U*nlng muoey, bajtog an<l 'ailing exchange, or recelrlag oa depoett bul lion or ooln, or any or all »acb transactions, •ball pay, quarterly. for a Horn** to carry 00 1, according to hi*, their or It* arer parcbaae* and sales of exchange, ana, or dapo*II of bullion o.- coin. or any or aU of *ucb transactions. aa tba 1 may be. aa la tba following acbadnle: IM OtaM—Moalbly traaaaeuoaa one baa Jred and fifty thousand dollar* or over, quar tarty lloaaaa. ooa baadrod dollar*. tteeood Clsae-Monthly traaaactloa* under ana buadrad and fifty thousand dollar*, fifty Mkn> Bsc. II. Brery p*r*oa or fina ranged la Iba baslnees of carrying oa a barter ihop shall pay. qaartarly, for a Uorase to cany oa tba aaa, according ta bl* oetheir average monthly txaleeea it reoelpta, aa la tba following cbedale: ytmONaa M—tblybalnea*orracalpHfir* land red dalkn or or*r, quarterly Ucana*, tan lollar*. feeoad Class-Moathly baMawi or r*c*tp«» Hum hundred aad fifty dollar* or <rr*r aad mdsr fie* buadrad doUan, qaartarly lloraa*, Its dollar*. Third Clsae—Monthly ta*fn*a* or rooalpu ma hundred aad fifty dollar* or ortraod aaaar ibrea buadrad aad fifty dollar*, qaartarly •kanse. kmr dollar*. Fourth Otaaa—Montblr betlnee* or receipts ss^h^dXr1 flrt7 dolton' . .. C. a BTBTBN80B, President of tka Beard of TrottM* of the Tovaol Gold Hill. Au^: V. O. Utd«, Oark of tba Board. Oa ■atkm Ordlaaaee I0» waa paaaad by the "ojSiJJ 1ST n ' Uold Bill. March It, UTI. a ASSESSMENTS IEYIED. I; AST WtHHUUTOSI CO HOI J. - J DaTCD OjMPaM— Location of prin cipal pUo« of butlae** Baa tiudaeo. Oul> fu.nia. Ucatloo of work*, Ooid H1U HlalOf DUtrtct. w t»y Oo-in'y, Navull. Notice w lareby trlven, that it a BKtlv of th* Board of Director*. bald on th* tweuty »*coad (tod) day 01 Dveember. KTt.aa aw mant (No. 1) of rweoty 1X1 OmjU par u waa levied upon tba capital etock of corporation, pajabla Immediately, la United Stat** gold com. to the ttecratanr, at the nflca of Um Com pan r. Bootn I .id 5, No. 101 Boot aomrry atreat. ran Franclaco. OkUlTula Any atock upon wklcb Una aaaeaamanl aball remain unpaid on MuNO «». tba t««aty-*lxlh (Mm) day of January, 1880, will bo delta quent. aad advertlaad for aala at pabUc auction, and an lea* oarment la Bade before, will be told em aaTUBoAT, ta* toerveal (Ittb) d*> of February, 18*0. to pay the delin quent mailment, tottetner with coat* ol adver tiling; and ezpenree of aala. Byordoof the board of Director*. WM. H. WiTSOM, Secretory. Office—Rooma land •, No. 80* Montfomery itreet. Baa rraaelaco, California. M TVMTICB HIIIRfl COMPANY.— (I Location of principal place of bmlaeea, Baa Kranclaco, Oallfornia. Location of worka. Gold HU1, Storey county, Nevada. Nolle* I* hereby given, that at a mealing of the Board of Director*, held on the twenty ninth da* ol November, 1ST*, aa aaaeaamaat (No. JO) of I Ifty Oenta per (hare waa levied apoo to* capital atock of tae corporation, payable Immediately, la United Btotee fold cola, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, Boom 1. Hayward'* Building, Ne. *19 Oallforml* atreat. Baa Franolaoo, Call f orn la. Any atock upon wnicb thla aaa***m*nt a hall remain on paid ou the third (3d) day of Jan uary, 1880, will b* delinquent, aad adrer tlaed lor aal* at public auction. and uaieaa pay ment la mad* before, will be aokl on BATUB DAY. th* tweniy-fcorth (Mth) day of January, 188U. to pay the delinquent lineament, to gether with coet or advertlatag and ezpenae* of talc. By order of th* Board o( Director*. B. K. KKLLY. Secretary. Offloe— Room *. Bayward'a Building, lit California atreat. Baa Praadeeo, Oallfornia. 1 OBIUML MOLD HILL SOLD AMD B1LVIH MIMNU COMPANY.— Location of principal place of boiliMH, Has Praucleco, California. Location of work., OoW Hill Mlnlflf District, Storey Monty, Nevada. Notice la hereby (riven, that at a meeting e( tba Board or Director*, bald on Ik* twentieth (luUi) day of 1> cam bar, I87t, an aaaaaamant (No. HI of Fifteen (IS) Canto par share wis levied upon tba capital stock of Um corporation, pay able Immediately, In United Stotoa gold coin, to Mia Secretary, at tba office of tba Compear, Kooms 3 and t. aacood flour. Mo. 80* California •treat, Han Francisco, California, Any atock upon which tbla aire lament a ball remain unpaid on the twenty, sixth (:«th) day ofJanoary, 1HS0, will be delinquent, and adver tised for »alo at public auction, and unless oay mailt Is made before, will be eold on BATUM. DAY, tba fourteentb (14th) day of FSbraary, MO, to pay tba delinquent aiMHntnt, to gether with costs of adTsrtls'ng and ezpenaae of sale. By order or tbs Board of Directors. J. M. BUPF1NOI ON. Secretary. Offlca— Booms S and 4. second floor, 30V Call fornla street, Han Francisco, California. M nONNULlDATKD IHPBIIAL HIM l_V 1NG COMPANY.—Location of principal place of business, San Kranclaco, Call fornla. Location of works, Oold Bill, storey county, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on tba tenth (tOtb) day of Oecsmbrr, ISTt, an aaaeaament (No. 10> of Twenty Cento (toe) par abare was levied upon tbs capital atock of tba corpo ration, payable Immediately, In Cnltod Stotoa void coin, to tbe Secretary, at tba of&ce of the Company, Boom a. No. *« Basil street, San Francisco, California. Any atock npon whlob thla aaaessment shall remain unpaid on tba FOURTEENTH day of JANUARY, INK), will be delinquent, and advertised for sale at pob'uo suction, and unless payment la made before will be eold on WKDNKSDAY.tbe FOUKTil (Itb)darof FEB KUAUY, IIMO, to pay thadalluqueutasscssment. tcyetber wltb costs ot advertising and expense* of aale. By order of tbe Board of Directors. W. K DEAN, Secretory. Office—Room B, No. M Buab street. Han Francisco, California. 11 YKLLUW JACKET aiLYCK 1NU COUPAJiY.-Location of worka, Oold Bill, Storey county. State of Nevada. Principal place of bualneaa, Oold Bill, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, tbat at a meeting of tbe Board of Trustees of said Company, bald on tbe nineteenth (IMb)day ot December, A. I*. ItfiV, an assessment (No. 34) of Ons Dollar (|t) per share waa levied upon each and every share of the capital atook ol aald Company, payable Immediately, tn United States cold coin, to tbe Secretary, at tbe office of the Company, at tbe new shall, or to Jamee Newlanda, Transfer Secretory, Boom 10, No. 30it Mush street. Ban Kraueleco, California. Auy stock upon whlob thla aaaeaament aball remain unpaid on Friday, tbe twentythlrd (lid) day of Jauuary, lSsO aball be deemed delin quent and will be duly advertlecd tor aale at public auction, and nnlaaa payment aball be made before, will be aold on MONDAY, tba twenty-third (13d) day of February, Ifflu. at I o'clock r. a., In frontof tbe office of the Com pany, to pay the delinquent asseasment, together with coats of advertlalng and expenses of sale. By order of tbe Board of Trnatose. MKRCKK OTKY, Secretary. Oold Bill. Nsvada, December I*, 1KT». W WARD HOLD AND IILVH MININO COMPANY.--Location of prin cipal place ot borlnsee, Han Prenclaco, Cali fornia. Location of worka, Oold Hill, Storey county, Ntvidi, Nolle* la hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, bald on tbe tenth (1Mb) day of December, 1»7», an aaaeaament iMo. 31 of Fortv (10) Cento per share waa levied upon tbs capital atock of tbe corporation, payable Immediately, In Dnltad Htaiaa goM coin, to Ua Secretary, at tbe offiee of tbe Company, Koom M, No. II* California street, San Fran clicOa OtllfornU. Any atock npon which thla aa*e*ament shall remain unpaid on tba alxtssnth (l(th) day of January, 1M0, will be delinquent, and ad vertised for sals at public auction, and unless payment la made before will be sold on THURSDAY, tbe fifth (Mb) day of February, I two. to pay the delinquent aaaessment, to wether with costs ol advertising and expensee of aale. By order of tba Board of Directors. JACOB HTADTFILD, J*„ Secretary. Offlra— ltoom M. No. 419 California street, San Francisco. California. dell Ahden hilvkk hininu com. PAN Y.—Location of principal plaee of business, Han Pranelteo, California. Location of Worka, Virginia Mining District, Storey county, Nevada. Notice i* hereby glven.that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on tbe eighteenth (18th) day of December, 1819, an assessment (No. II) ol Twenty-five Oento per share waa tloo, payable Immediately. In Uolted Statee vufcl eutn, to the Secretary, at the offlce of the Company, Kub *, Nevada Block, M Mont gomery ilnet. Ban Kranclaoo. California. Any atock upon which Uli aeeeMment ihall remain unpaid on the twenty-third (ISd) day of January. 18B0. will be dellnqnent, and adverllaed for aale at public auction, and unleee payment li made before will be told on MONDAY, the elxteenth (l(tb| day or February, pay the delinquent mi eiament. together with eoeia of adv*rtUing and expeneee of aale. By order of the Board of Director*. BUT1.KK BUHHIS, Secretary. . Offlce-Room I, Nevada Block, KM Montgom-1 try atreet. Han Franclaco. California. » SMMSATID KL'BOFA UHM« Company. -Location or principal place of butlneaa, San Prancleco. California. Location of worke, Uold 111U, Storey county, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board or Director*, bald on the thlrty.flnt (.<let> day of December, im, an aa*eeameal(Xo. llot Fifteen (IS) Oeata per ihar* waa levied upon the capital atoek of the corporation, payable Immediately. In United Stale* gold coin, to the Secretary, at the offlce or the Company, No. MO Montgomery atrcat. Room* 3 and 4, San Franclaco. California. Any atock opcm which thl* aaeeaiment thall remain jnpald on the aeventh (1th) day of Feb ruary, lHO, will be delinquent, and advertised foraaieat public auction, and unle*a payment la made belbra will be eold on WKDNKSOAY, tbe tenth (10th) day of March. 1M0, to pay th* delinquent aeeettment, together with coela of adrertlalng and expenaea of eale. By order of the Hoard of Director*. J. L. FIELDS, fccretary. Offlce—No HO Montgomery ttreet, Boom* I and t. Ban Fraaciaoo. California. ltd LT* HLfH minims COM. I'ANY.-Location of Principal place of baelaeea. San Franclaoo, California. Location of worka.Oold Hill MiningDlttrlcL Gold Mill, Storey county. Nevada. Notioe I* hereby given, that at • meeting of th* Board of Director*, bald on th* eighteenth (lath) day of December, 1»T», an (No. 16) of fifty (JO) Oenta per (bar* waa levied upon tbe capiul atock of th* corporation, payable Immediately, In United state* gold com. to the Secretary, at th* offlce oflb* saeassssarifiiff' Any (took upon which thl* aaaewmcnt ibaj remain id paid on THURSDAY, th* twenty. Mcond («M) day of Januarv, ino, will be d*Unqaent, and idvntM for aaleat pubUc auction, and an]*** Pjment la meda before, win b* aoM on TUPDAY. lb* tenth (10th) day *f February. KM, to pay th* de linquent aaeeeement, together with mm ci ailvertlalng and expeoaea of Ml*. Byordar Of th* Board of Director*. WtL M. WATSON, Secretary, pan la Pi* I ■*!..»*. MS HonlgeaiM] ■trvat, San FiaadMO, Callftwnla, l»*d ASBiMium unn. WKLu-rtiao hivimu cox PANT-Loc«Uu« of pnuet,al placa of 9mum>, 8*. PrueUoo, 0 It oralt. cSSntr *mLn* ®1*lrict' M"MM^'haraby «ifaa. that at a martlac of •h* Board of Dtractora, bald oa tba aarfniaaetb <W ot Nuravoar. l(Tt, u a aaaamaa (Mo. >1} of Tao (i0) Unn par tUn m mtIm upociba oapiia< »iock of tb« corpoiMloo, !«>• •ol.> Uamadiataly. U United SUM. «old ootn, to th» attentat?. at tba offl. a ol tha Uioipauy. Koom 1J. Mo M Baah >M (Ouamoyolliao Hou.),mo Pr*nc »co, call arnla. Any atoek upon which thia aaasaamaot ahali {•■Ua unpaid on tba tw -my arcond day o Dcc-mbar, Uftt, will ba dcllnqoent, and ao*ar Uaad lor <ala « public auction, and aalaaa |>»» aant la mada batora. will ba aold oa FBIoa*. tba ninth day ol Jangary, 18»>, to pay to* delinquent laaaaamant, together with ooaU 4dvanlatac and axpaaaaa of aaia. By urdar m tha Board of Dtractora. __ U. L. TB 'MAa, bacratary. OSoa—Boom 1J, !*o. MS Baah ttraat (C <aojo polltan Hotali, Ban Franciaco, California. OBcaramorad to Koom'iVtfo. 10 Laldaadorff •treat, Baa rnacUco, California. W A OULbUHN, Baaratary. POSTPONEMENT. Tha day upon which tha abora aaoaaunant ahall ba dallnqaant la haraby postponed until January M aad tba day of aala until WKDN18 DAT,/anoaiy flat. 1M0. By ordar of tha Board ot Olrectora. M A. OOLBDRN, Secretary. POSTPONEMENT. Tha day at dallaqoancy of tha abora aaaeaa mant la haraby poatponad nntll Jabttarr 13th, 11*0. and tha day of aala antll PKIDAT, January JOth, HMO, at tha aarna hoar and placa. By ordar of tha Board of Truataaa. » A. OOLBUKN, Secretary, ii) oi t wenty-nve (*o) v levied apon the capital etoc parable Immediately, la cob, to the Secretary, »t U rilRIMAI MININU 4MIMPANT •— I Location of principal plaoo of business, HI Franclaco, California. Location of works. Gold Bill, Storey oounty, Mmdi. Nolle* If henby given tkM it a meeting of the Board of Dlreeton, bald on the twenty-third (38d)day ol December. asaeeameut (No. il) of Twenty-flve (M) Cents per ibara «u Ital *tock of Us corporation, "a United States cold tba offlcaof tbe Com pany. 318 Montgomery etrsst, Boom 31, Han JTranclaco, California. Anr stock upon which thli assessment (hall remain unpaid on tke twenty-tilth (**tb) dajr of Jaanary, IMO, will ba delinquent, and adver tised for sals at public auction, and unleaa payment Is made before, will ba sold on MON DAY, the alxteentb (l«th) day or Kebruary, 1880, to pay tbe delinquent aseeeiment, together with costs or advertising and expenses of sale. By order of tbe Board of Directors. DAVID WlLDKIt, becretary. Offlca—*38 Montgomery street, Koom 21, Has Francisco. Oallfornla. 34 VVBOPA MININU COM FA NT. — J-1 Location or principal place ot bualuaas, ■an Fnnclaro, California. Location or works, Uold Bill, Storey county, Rereads. Notloe Is hereby given, that at a meeting ol tba Board or Directors, be Id on tbe thirtieth (SOth) day or December, 1(79, an aaeeesmcnt (No. I) of Ten Uenla (10o) per a hare waa levied upon tbe capital etock of tbe corporation, pay able Immediately, In United Btatea (old coin, to toe Secretary, at tbe office or tbe Company, Kooms 3 and 4, No. MO Montgomery street, Ban Francisco. California. Any stock upon which this isaessmsBt shal rs main unpaid on tbe third (id) day or February, law, will be delinquent, and advertised tor sals at publlo auction, and unless payment la made before, will be sold on SATURDAY, the six lb (Sib) day of March, 1880, to pay tbe delinquent assessment, together with ooets of advertlelng and expensse of sals. By order of the Board of Directors. J. L. FIELDS, Secretary. Offlre— No. 340 Montgomery street, Rooms 3 and 4, Ban Francisco. (Jallfornla. deal S1LTBM III LI. MININU COMPA NY.—Location of principal place of hoal nsss, Ban rranclsco, California. Location of works, (told Mill, Storey county, Neveda. Notice 1s hereby given, that at a meeting ol the Board of Director*, held on the ssoond i3d) day ol January, 1888, an assessment (No. Viol Fifty (fci) Cent* per ebare waa levied upon tbe capital atock of the corporation, payable Itu mediately In cold coin, to the Herniary, at the office of tbe Company, Boom 8, Mo. 203 Bosh street. Ban Franclaco, California. Any slock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on tbe firth (Mb) day of February, lt)80, will be delinquent, and adver tised lor sals at public auction, and unless pavment Is mads before, will ba told on THURSDAY. the TWKNTx-SIXTH (Mth) day of FBBBUAMY, 1S80, to pay the delinquent asseeemenl, together with tbe cool of advertis ing and expenses of sals. By order of the Board of Directors. W. 1. DKAN, Becretary. Office—Room 8, No. 10* hush street. Ban Franelsoo, California. 8 APPLICATIONS FOB PATENT. APPLICATION FOB A PATENT. M-OTIOB NO. 411. D. 8 MINERAL SURVEY A' No. 118. 0. B. Land Urricx. Carson City, Nevada. December tl 187*. Notice le hereby given, that the Culver Consolidated Uold and Oliver Mlulng Company, a corporation organ lsed under the laws of the State or Hsvsda by Holomon D. Baker, Ita attorney In fact, whose P. O. add rasa Is Virginia. Nevada, has this day mad» aod Bled In this office lie application for a patent for 1,000 linear feet of the " Culver Uold snd Silver Mining Oompsny" vein or lode bearing mineral, with eurtace ground six hun dred leet In width, situated In Uold Bill Mining District. Storey county. Nevada. and described by the plats and Bald notes on Bis In my office as follows, to wltt "Beginning at a poet narked No. 1, D, B. Survey No. 118, the same being Identical with the 8. W. comer of tbe Kast Kef low Jacket claim, and also roet No. 1, of Lot No. 118 and 143 Culver Addition, and nun In# thence from said Poet No. 1, Bret course south 1 degree 8 minutes W 1000 leet to post No. 1, U. 8. Hurvey Ho. 118. Identical with poet Mo. 1, Lots No*. 118 and 143, whence bears the quarter section corner on south 11ns or Beclioa 83. Township 11 north. Rang* 31 east, ML Diablo Meridian, south 7* degreee 30 minutes weet 8*4 teet; thence rrom post No. 1. sscond coarse, routh MM degrees east at *00 feet cross lode line, 800 feet to post No. 8, Lot No. 118; thence, third coarse, north 1 degree 8 minute* east 1000 feet to poet No. 8, Lot Mo. 118; thence, fourth course, north MH degrees west at 80o feet croee lode line 800 feet to plsoe of begin ning, containing 18 <8-100 scree, courses trne, msgnstlo variation 1*M degreee rasl." Tbis claim le bounded on tbe north by tbe Bast Ysl low Jseket claim. Tba location of this claim Is recorded In Book "B" of Locations, ot Storey county Kseords, pags 1U. Any and all perrons claiming adversely any Sirtloa or said claim or mining ground as here before described, are required to Ble their advene clalma with the Msglster ot th* |U. B Land Office at Carson, Nevada,1 during the sixty da ye' period ot pablleatloo hereof, or they will be barred by vlrtaa of tbe provlaiona of the Btiloti, del* 0. M. HARRIS. Register. APPLICATION FOB A PATENT. H0TICRN0.4U. D. 8. MINERAL 8URT1Y Mo. Ill aad 141. 0. 8. Lino orncs, ion 0tt7, Merad*. Utnmbci It, in*. Notice la hereby given, that tke Culver Ooaaolldalad Gold and Hllrtr Mining Com. May, a corporation organised under the lawe ol the BUt« of Nevada, baa thin day made tad filed In tbla offlo* it* application for > patent for 1800 linear feet of the Culver Addition, vein or lode bearing mineral, with aarface ground from two to elx band red feet la wldtb, eltuated In Oold lllli Mining Dlatrlct, Htorey eoontj, Nevada, aad described by tbe plat aad fleld notea on 01* la tbla office aa fot> Iowa, to wit: "Beginning at a poet marked No. 1, U. 8. Surrey Mo. 11* and ltl. tbe earn* being Identical wltb tbe 8. W. eoraer of tbe Kaat YeT low Jackal claim, aad alao poet No. 1 of Lot No. 1TB, and rennlog tbaaoa from aald pott No. 1, Brat oonrae, math 10 degrees weet, at SI fret eroaa cropping* aad lode Hue, 23S feet to poet Mo. 1 oa tbe eart Una of U. 8. Hnrrey Mo. 1M and lot, and 449 feet from tbe aortbeaat corner thereof; tbance, teoond courev, aoath III de gree* weal, as» feet to paet Mo. 9, Lot No. 119 aad 141: tbeaea, third couree, aoath 10 degree* I east, 9M feel to poet Mo. 4. Lot Mo. 119 and 1*}; thence, fourth conr**, north IS degree* eaet, at. 800 leet eroee lode llaa.900 feet to poet No. 1.Lot No. 119 and lit: thence, Ofth couree, north 10 »*ee weet. 110 feet to poal Mo. 0, Lot No. 119 141, oa tbe aoath llae or tbe Calver Ooneol Mated Oold aad Silver Mining Company's U. 8. Surrey No. lift tbeaea, alith couree, eouth Mb degreea weet,171 feel to poet No. 1,tbe eame be ing Identical with the eoothweet corner of U. 8. Barrry Ho. lis, aad wbenoe bear* the ooarter taction corner oa aoath Uoe of Sectloo 31. Town* eblp 11 north, Bang* 91 eaat, Ml. Diablo Martd laa, aoath 19 degree* K mtnntee weal, 994 feet; tbecoe irom poal No. 1, aertatb couree, north 1 degree 9 minute* eaat, 10U> hat to the place of beginning, containing 11 11-100 acre*, bear. Inge true, magnetic variation 14J4 degreea eaat" Tbla claim la bounded on tbe eaat partly by C. B.Barray Mo. 119 and on the weal partly by U. 8. Inrrey Mo. 116 aad lift. Any and all pataoaa claiming adrereely any porUoa of aald claim or mlalag around oa here In before deecrtbed an required to 01a l*ielr adveree claim with the Regular of tbe United State* Laad Office at Oar*on. Nerrda, daring Ike alzty day*' period of publication hereof, or Lbey will be baited by rlrtoe or tbe prorlaloa* of tbe State la, 94 C. M. HARRIS. Btglater. llmmns IM 90 DATS ON 8100 I — Official report* (Vm. r |io to Wight kOo,, Baakar* mm? MLUtrosr BiUS. SjTBMAV IILTIk ■■■■■• 'COMPANY.—Location of principal pllet buiinMi, ten VtucImo, OUUoniU. Location of work*. Oold Hill, otutr y ooonty. NmiU. Nolle*.-Th*r* irt d*1lnqnrat upon lk« fol lowing d**cr.brd stock, on mqmi of mm h meat (No. 4I> krlod on Um iw*nt)-a tk |MU< daj of HoT»mb*r, lflT*. tk* H?ml am' an * mi i'ppo-lt* tk* nioN of tk* r«*p*ctlT* ibai* boMm a* follow*: Name*. Ifo.Cartlf. Bk*. Am'L A<kin«on, D*od ft Co, Trna too* 10...$J0„ Aiklnioa, DoaiftCu, Tru* t*** SSKIiMitOatxlO •• A'k mod, uoad ft Co, Tre» um Ml I....10.. Bmkliiridg* ft To*t Tru tUM»*»* ••*•••••••••••••••, Br* ki rtjR* ft To*t. Troa t**■ m «....10. Blaroaulh.l A. Treat-* *»1«7 . .100... 100 , Bruok* A L«*. Trnat***... *MM.. .10....«0 . Bairvtt ft W*lk*r,Traat««.XM01....10....10 .. Barrett ft Walker do MMM....M....I0.. Barling Fred, Treat** MM....10...100 .. Barling Fred do *U3T....M...100 .. Barling Fred do Uttt....«>...100.. Hurling Fred do M8»... .60...Ih0 .. Btyley U B, Trurte* MIM...100...*00 .. Ha.'teffl B do 1MM....M....W .. Bay lei Q D do *3117 (....10.. BsylcyUB do »*N....M....(0 .. Bayley O B do MS»....... .100 .. Coyle <lw*o B 18181 1....10 .. Olnt* ft Loveland. Tract*** WH1I.........40 ., Olat* ft Lov*laod do ..1WS....10....*).. Oop*. UkUrft Oo. Traat*e*..9MI... IS... 60 .. Oop* ft Oavti, Treat*** . .14*10 *....10.. Oop* ft Davit do ....1B100....10....30.. Oop* ft Davit do ...91101...110...100 .. Crowley ft Ooodman. Tret UM 13416....10....40 .. Ooffln, Bsoderson A Oook, Trustee* MB89. .,90....40. Crockar ft HoTdam.TruBteM 19887 ...10... ». Crocker * tfnydam do 18B70....10....10 .. Coffin Jinn,TniftM 14713....10....30 . Oaffln Janus do 1S847....10 ...» . Ooffln JamM do 18481 «... 10 . Ooffln June* do 19901...300...eoo . Ooffln Jamca do 140*44....10.... 40 . Cahlll E ft Oo, TrneteM. ...18883 1 ...10. Oahlll Ik Oo do ....ltUS....40. Cahlll BftOo do ....73153....M,...40 . Cahlll B ft Co do ....941T9 S....10. Cahlll K ft Oo do B....10 C*billS* Oo do ....MOOT..., 10....30 . Duncan W T, TniftM 23279 B....10 . Dunlay Bdward 141(0....10. ..30. Dels* intone. 1B3M...1B0.. .300 . Dnncan W L.TnutM 98488....10....80 . KppiUtn <t Oo. TnutOM.. 33MB....10....30 . Eppateln k Co do ....34418.... 10....30 . Bppsteln k Oo do ....34B03 ...10....30 . Iwlwirdi Geortn D.TnutM.13731.. .S....1U .. Bdwardi Oeorgo D do 94381....10....40.. Kdwirda (i«orm V do 94478....40....80 . Prtnkel L B, TrnetM...... .30077....10....30 .■ < Knater A W, TrnatM 19033....10....30 .. Prledcrtch a, TnutM W6W....35....B0 . Kay P B,TnutM 23868....20...40 . r>;PH do J48H....10....S0.. Fox O W, TrnitM 3180(1....10....20 .. Uautblrr K 4kCo, TrnitM*.34149 8....10.. Ureene X Oo, TrnitM* 18207....IS....DO . UrlMlngrr K. TruitM 1*328 B. . 10. Oardlner k Hooker. Trait*.1SM4....10....80 . Unrnitt A<44kOo,Troit*«J30lM....30....40 . attract! A Q ft Oo do 941(1 .........10 . anion JamM.Tnute* 34331....30..,.40 , Ulllon Jtmei do 343.11...,30....40 .. I Ullloa JamM do 34910.... 10 .. 30 Urwuob*utn, Helblng k Oo, TniilMi■...,t.i*(.»„,.»0M.,..9O... 40 ■ OneiMMam, Halblng k Oo, Trustee* 33313...MO..1000 .. | Oreenabeam, Hclbtng k Ou, Ttoiim* 88810... .10.. .100 . QrMoebenm, Hslblng k Oo, Troitee* 34383...100. ..100 . QreMMbum, Halblnf k Oo. TrnaUM „7 48I1B.... 18,.. .80 . "^•''♦OO.TrertM* ...11798....10....30 . OU*lMl£Co do ...1880S, ...B....10 . d0 • ...30....40 . UlaaerlftOo do ...84108....80.. .100 U ar .r k Co do ...34848 B....10 . do •..84741....10....10 , «Meri?°° do ...HIM....90....40, GaiWlftOo do ...2M38....10....90., d0 ...88198....60...100 , SN* ?£: 18888.... 10....30 .. I Bate ft hcbtco TrniteM. 8«I8....30..,.40 .. Hawkln* J J_Bft Co,Trait* 24738.. .100...900.. S"rV'IrRl\Tr1£!?? 17481... 10....10 .. Hunt k OoetM, Trn*te*e....l83A4.. ..10....30 .. Hookir H 0 TnutM 30881.... 10....30 .. y*WJ4 5 R' TruetM 38800.... 10....30 .. 5»»k* HD do 38347....30....40 .. jioiuier UMt Oo, Trnal*. .31080....10....80 .. llo*m*r DMkCo do 33874 10 30 Uocbatadter X * Oo. Trtu. " U^EUdt^B kiZ Tin'?011 •",,r -' 80 " IIucn'udu'r i'k Oo,' Trnih*',T60 • tw*....... 31088.. ..10.. ..30.. Hocliatadter B * Oo, Trni Itt!*,.,.,33491....10,.,.30 .. Bochitadter B k Oo, Tnu Uv* 838(7 38. . 80 HocbiUdter K * Oo, True. „«M* 83781....80... 40 HocbitadUr B k Oo. Trna tM« 31808....30... 40 Bochatadter B k Co, Trn* Boctatadter "i* A*Oo,' Tni?"'' " uX'^Vb iraZtx?*'-l0-K .. Uocbatadter B * Oo. Trn* i 8S341....J0 ...80 .. Jack'on, Trniteo 33087 . ..8....10 .. Jackaon H A, TrnitM* 33983 8....10 .. Jackaon MA do 333B4...300...400.. do 34880.. ..10.. . 30.. Boti U M k Oo. TrnitM*..*8080...800...800 .. Keunay k Dy*r, TrnitM*.. .34113....30....40 .. Kenney k Dyer do ..34408...100...300 .. Kenney k Dyer do ..36884....80....80 .. kennry k Dyer do ..3S837....30....40 . Loogheal John 34220... 10...100 UlBreLT.Tra.tM 1(088....80. ..40 Uiw 0 p. TrnitM. . 84884....18... 80.. f 5 J)"*. Trn*tM*.. 14948 8... 10.. do ..81818....10....30.. "•"•jWm 1B874....B0.. .100 .. "•"•r 186TB....80....80.. Mirk* Joe. Tnutee 188T8....10....80 .. Mnrph/B P. TrnitM 88887 8....10.. JJorrv W B. TriUtM 11888....10....» . MnrrayWB oo 18010....10 10 JJvk.A Kelnhardt, I r.aa.'.'.'.M " Mecpberton 'obn, Trn*4ee.l8888....l0....10.. Mecpbenoo John do 11T88....10....80 .. Mary* ()*o T k Hon do 17(01 8. ...10 d0 •—•lo .' Marye Ueo T«Bon do 1831T....30 to Marye Heo T * Boa do S33I8 . .8 10 " MaryetieoT4kBod do 84883....10...,80 .. MaryeUeoTBBon do 34884 8....10 Mary* Geo T k Bon do 84301 ...10... » " N*al CbaaB*0o.Tni*teM.36236 ....8....10 Nwutatler I TnutM 181T8...(00.. 1000 .. Norwood W K, Trn*lee....808J0....l8....30.. Norwood W B do ....88188,...80....40 Noble U II ft Oo. Tnutee... Jb3::::io: 80 * O, TnutM 848T3....10....80 !. 81714 ..10....M .. Boontree ft LAnclaod, Trn*. 18384...80....40 .. Hoot Oeo B, Tnutee 38T88....1U....M .. IUndolpb, Macktntocb ft 0o, TnutM* 13810.,,.10 80 Randolph. UMklntoeh w •• Oo, Tnutee* 24678 ...JO....10 .. R cbardaooB A, TnutM... 17834 8....10 .. H chardionBA do ..11049.........40 .. " B A do ..31848....10...,90 .. Klrbardaon B A do .J8Blt....B0...100 .. 8UT*n.oii K fl. Afrat, b*l.m8fll....ia... 80 .. Sedgwick John. TruatM .. .14884....10....... Bpeyer Broe, Tnutee* .. Biwyer Broa do 14B31....18....80 .. Ml«naa H. TrnitM 18T18....80....40 2. j"h*"n'a +JnUto* 34414....10....BO.! 2 1B88T....80 ...40 .. HUln Nai. TroslM ..M714 5... 10 .. o TrnitM. 3W0..:: d0 11)98... 10.. .80 .. HchralltOA do 11308, ...18 80 Bchmitt o a do ::::::s«:::;io :S" Bchtnitt 0 A do 83323 .100 400 " HchalUOA do M78 90 48 Bcbmledell, Bocb*tadter ft 18088...100...900 .. Bcbmledell, Boebitadtrr ft Co, TrniteM. 101(0.... 8 10 Uoch.tadur * " , 90801 #....10 .. UcbmlMlill, Hochatadter ft u ...91181....JO....40 .. ttrhmledell, Hochatadter ft C"' I™''*" 11888.... 10.... 10 TnutM*...18888....90., .40 tS0' d0, -1M»....»....40 .. J® -MOT—.10 *Oo- do .18081....10....80.. wS £ a ^ 18878....10...,90 .. 81878....80. .40.. Wotfr.Tnrt* 84490....10....90 .. ; go. TrtMta9188T....90....40.. WakeBeld B B ft Oo do 88481....10....80 . Wakiflrld 8 R ft Co do 84988... .80.. 40 w.k,fleidBB*oo do iiw.::.ii .»:: *Uion ft Hntcblnno.Tnu w0^'i Trwrti.*??*'.!!ila.!!!» Wooda ft PrMbora do 11880....10. 80 1® 1,7,0 *••••10 V, Woodlft Fre*born do 91118....10... 90 Wooda ft Pn*born do 21748 • .. 10 .1 Wooda ft Pnebora do B0 Woodajk-Pyboni do 94*47,...98..'."80 2adl«*We411 do ...98484....90. ..80 .. And In accordance with law aad an order of the Board of Directors, mad* oa the twaoty Oithdayof Borsnber, 1879, so many shatse of each parcel of sadi stock as may be nnresssrj •IB b* sold at public anetlon, at th* oOe* of lb* Coapwy, Ho. 418 OalllbrsU atra^Baa rwndseo, California, on WBDHBSDAT, th* twenty ttrst day of Janotry, 1880, at tbabov »*U of adT*rtl*ki« aad *xp*bm* at th* Mle. om~r*2£• • , numiiT mil. U ouUPANT.-LeeMlo* at prlodpAl pUo* of boloMe, hi tabctaoo, OalikniU. Lo«Attoo >4 works, «to»n eou« frrjd* Notice.—Thero an delinquent spot thsfaj lowlny-deecrlbed stock. on •ceooBI of MM OMBt (SO. ») l*Tl*d 00 thO l»»lfc d«J Of «0 TafBber, int. UM MVOflU amoonte Ml oppo elta tb* dum of iko roMMCttro shareholder* a* follow#; A mum. No. Oerttf. She. An'L Atklnaon. Ljroo * Oo, Tni» *00 .TiTl,. I BO • • Jlw 0 0 Atkinson, Ljon fc Oo, Tree tool ■ ,.,»*,«..«* ........ 10331. ...iln...t * Atkliuoo, Doodfc Oo, Trne. •• Atkinson. bond fc Co, Tins ItWa i.*....*.. llttlf. f il l* AtkU'oa, Doad * Oo, Tru •••• • . 1IJJ4.• • K....U *• Aiklcis .a, Uoai fc Oo, Tnu •••••• IWIm.JI ...Ui. Abbott B A. Tntstoe..bal..l4IM....T7.».l»fO Abbots K A do .bsl..l4M... Abbott! A do .b»l..lU#4....77.«H«0 Boyd k Da* Is. Trustees 7141....10 • .. Boars* J B. TnutM fu Beyley 0 B,TrwtM 1TM4...J08...1W .. Bay ley 0B do 17441...100....*0 .. BsyleyGB do HMJ .I00....M.. Bajley U B do 17844...100....M . BayUyGD do 11444...100....60 .. Bayley U B do 1T8M.. .I0....M . BtjlMOB do 17794....10....11.. mekundge ft fori, Trus tees 149U...IOO...UO .. Barrett ft Walker. TrnsUes.l7M)7....10....10 .. Crocker ft Unroeit,'fraetee«..4M....I0 • .. Crocker fc unrnett do ,.WT 6 1H Crocker fcUarnett do ,SM • IN C>o«k*r fc Guroett do .WIT....10 • .. '..rocker fc Burdam.Trnsteee 11AM....10 ».. Crocker fc Baydam do «1 Crmndall Geo B, Trustee...1740^,.100...JO .. Crandall Geo B do ..1T404....» ...1II0 Orandall Geo B do ..]TM0....M....a».. Ooffln James, Trust, e 1M7...100....M .. Oefflo Jamea do MTI... J8....UW ComnJamre do WM...1U0....B0.. Ooffln Jam* do .... W49...100 ...00 .. Ooffln Jamea do b*U«ltt....U tfiu Ooffln Jamee do ,...lMM....t»....M M Ooffln. Bandareon ft Cook, Dope, Uhlar k Oo, TrnaUae.lM0....30....|0 .. Oop*, Uhter k Oo do ..ll#....#'"'!®" Cope k DaTla, Treat*** ....14040.... Oouc k Uftvil do ,,..1T18JI,••.£)••• .10 •• OopekDavla do ....17806... 70....B6 .. Oop*kl>avla do ••••"£*"»£>"••!* •• Cop* <fc U*t1» do ....170B....60....BJ.. Oopt t Dm* do ....17867....10.....8 .. OIdU k LonlutdjTnU—.iUli. ■■ 40....10.. Cook * Walcott. Tni»U*.. 1MW...y*— *> Chardlu* A. Trait* Wg..•"J—1® •• OalbCArt k B, Treat** 177*....W—.» .. Caatle H, Tro*a* "•?£■" "5i*" IMxonT H, Truit** 16030....60....36 .. idion T B do •» Lirrilcr L P k Oo,Tnilt6H..WI»**«®»»MW •• Drexler L P * Co do " Utui. BlowkCo,TruaU8*13Si3B....B0....10 .. Dnncau W L. Trait**. 13471... .. ••> » Duucau W L do 17843....3*....13 JO UowIIdk 43W....16....18 80 Dow 11 UK ...10 a .. Kdwarosk lrnna.Traataa*.143«l....lO I.. KdwirOi W, Trail** ;;!?•• •IS""*!2 " KdwardaW do 17680....80....38 .. KpuaUIn k Oo.Trait**... 1MW....10....J .. Kppaleln k Oo do 1,i.lT7tt...iW.n.H •• Hilton Kit 0*i Treat**a.lu78U....3J....18 fry,Ne*lkOo.TnuU«*...U71»....BO....J# .. ful O W, Trail** 13*87....60....3B .. Fo*ctf do 11*39. ..100. ...SO .. Krukik Ony, Treat***.. .16846.... 10 • .. Fay 1* H, Tniataa 1M0B....30....10 .. Kim 0 J.Tra»t*a 17M1...IS .. Frankal LB, Traatoa MU1....10 B.. Frtudrdcb U, Trael**.b*l. .11010 7 • B0 ll»k Aea, Trail** MM...110....71.. Utllon J, Trail** J8B33 * 3 80 Ormrei W W. Trail** 1CB46....80....1B .. Ulaiiarl k Co,Trail**! tilt... 100....SO.. Uiuivr 1 4 t'a CO ....60I3....60....36.. Qlialer 1 A Oo do . . .71tS,.. .SO... .86 .. . aiuler 1 k Co do ....83»1 • 3SIH uii«i«ri*oo do ...nnw....*) .. UlaalerlkOo do ...11803....10... .0 .. Uliiltr 1 k Oo do ,..11MT t #0 (iluier 1 k Co do ...IBM# • 3 8o| Olaatar 1 k Co do ...16003...180....60 .. Ulaaler I k Oo do ...18W7....60....BB.. UlAiierikOo do ...16887....3*....13 60 | Ululir I k Co do ...168W....10 B .. Ulaaier I k Oo do ...17774.. .300...10B .. Uurnett AOS Oo, Trail*** 16100....10.....0 .. liuruett A O A Co do 18876....60, ...30 0aalller K k Co, Trail***..3674....10 B ,. Ur**n*baaui, Beiblog k Co, Trail*** SB40....10 f .. Ur**nel»am, i.alblnf k Oo, TrOkteei (****.*•••••••••* 14360* • • »M» • • •* Or**urUam, Beiblog k 0o, Traitc** 1&&33....30....10.. Ure*u«baiun, llelblng k Co. Trait*** 10408...100....60.. (Jrttuebeam, Helblng k Oo. . Trait*** 17160....B8....13 80 | Urwuebiuiu. Uelblna k Oo, TniMen 17713.. 1000...BOO ■ Uresnabaam, Beiblog k Co, . Trait*** 17717....IB 7 00 | Urscubaum L k Co, Trat,..lMUB...lWI....S0 .. I lir**nh*am LkOo uo 10880....JO....10 . OrlMlaurr 11. Trait** 1SU1....10 6 . Oolly k Obi, Trait*** 18880....10....10 . Uulijr k Ubl do 17070....00....10 .. BoemerDMkOo,Traita*al07us....80....10.. lloamer 1) If k Co do 16<«S ...36....1360 [ Boomer 1> M k Oo do 17407....80....16 .. Boamar D M k Oo do I7W0...1OO....M . Ulll U*o B, CaehUf.Treala* 143*0... .10 B .. BIU Alfred B,Trait** 17BUB...100....B0 .. Hawka H V, Trail** 17001....BO....IB . Bawkl II 1) do 11478...100... 80 .. Bawke U D do 17418...100....80 .. IlltklUO do 17477....80....SB .. Booter B O. Trait** 1380*....10 8 . BocbatadUr K k Oo, Tree led 14348....SO....10 .. HocbiUdtar K k Oo, Tree U-w 14B3B...I00....B0 ., | BochiUdtrr K k Oo, Tru» 18013....10 1, Boebit*dl*r K k Oo, Tra*. . BocbitAdler I A Oo. Trui- __ UN 15883...100....80 .. HocbiUdUr M k Oo, Trui tM* 16344.... 10 B . Bocbat*dl*r K k Oo, Tra» 17107....10 S„ llocbitAdl*r M k Oo, Tru» tact 17JB1....J0....10 ., | BocbitAdlw K k Oo. Trm» tell 17483....30. . 16 .. BaII k Obirl**, Trait**...11**.... 10 B . UtllkObulM do ...1B3BI.........10 . Bill k ObArl** do . .14803.........10 . Ulckot 0*o C k Oo, Tnist. 14747... 100....60 . Blgftos k Oookllng, Tra». uSi. Ul .Tr. HU4.....T.....«»| Johnson 0*o L 17847...100....60 .. Kcdmt k Dr*r, Tiuil***..17770...300...100 .. King Jo* Lk Co, Tnil*M.147M...100....60 .. Kant K F, Truite* 14MB....«0.... 10 .. Kiroin Jobn O, TnuU*....18»38....S0....36 .. Kaufman 8 k Oo, Traat**a.lB141....10 B .. Urkln Mlebaal 17IM8...100....80 .. Litbimk King, TrarUea.. 18411.. .100....80 .. UtbamkKloc do ..14333...100....BO .. Lalbim k King do ..14331...100....30 . Latham k King do ..14388...300...100 . Latham a King do ..16I3B...100...100 .. Lai bam k King do ..16840....36....47 6® | Latham k King do .. 18136....60,...36 . Lathamk King do ..16866...100....60 . Latham k King do ..17046...S00...100 .. Lalng CD. Trail**, bal....lS3B6,...;7.....»B0 Marka k Ma»nbardl1Traa»s.l6lM....60....1B .. Maopbaf»oo John, Trtul**..7J1B...100....80 .. | MftepkenoDJohn do *.796ft*.• *10**•*10 *• Haepbaraon John do 143SB...100....80.. Macpbrraon John do 1*366..60 Bacphcr*on Jobn do 16360....76 ...17 60 Martin B W, Treats* 17047 B 3 60 | Harya OnT k Boo, TniaU. J101....10 6 „ Mary* OaoT k Bon do 7104....£.....«»| Mary. U*oT k Hoa do B1B4....80....10 .. M.T7. U*o T k Don do MJB....10....JB .. Marya U«o Tk Hon do 13073...100....60 .. MaryaOaoT k Bob do jHN....M..,..l„ Ifirya Geo T k Hon do 1(713....BB.. .16 .. | Hane Oao T k Hon do 16010.... 10....^B .. Matt* Oao Tk Bon do 13B34. ...40....W .. kliry* Cko T k Boo do 1T12J***.®..*.10 . ktiry*OaoT kBoo do 17440....60....3B • Hint Q*o T k Hoa do 17406....30....10 .. K&rScoo k CO. 1^...1712..1B0....60 . Heater, Bacon k Co do ..17186...100,...60 , "aaitadur L Treata. 13744....30....10.. Heaatatter I do ......13031....10.....B ^ Nobl* B Bk Oo, Tniata.. .16331....36....13 80 | Sohla BRkOo do ...IB1BB....M»....:» . KoblaBBkOo do ...1B304....3B....10. Sobie B B k Oo do ...10813.........10 .. Norwood W K. Troitaa 18008....60....» .. Pat«r«on Jaa, TroaU* '*303-" Palaraon Jaa do " x^taraon Jaa do " l alaraonJaa do 17JI3.,,300...100 .. Piatt 10, Treat " Pllttl 0 do ® •• fanona H B, Treata* JISSS"**'!2—S " aich O, Treata* " Uehardaon K A.Treata*....*0>7....B0....tB •• ilchardfon E A do ....7043....60....3* .. itlebardaoDkk do •••Jgg—JS—*5 " llchardion K A do " UohardaonIIA do ...14S1J...W0... BO^. loot Uao B, Treat**. 1413B.... toot Oao B do I4JJ4....30....M.. toot (l*oB do IBJ"--1"'-*"" I toot Geo B do JS5S—S—ii ** toot liaoB do rasa... toot Oao B do JJJJJ-—"""}® •• loot 0*oB do Uadolph. MAeklntoah k 0* TPBIiMS. i.iiii,m***«'™,,,,w,,,,'w ts tandolpb, iiaoklntoah k Oo TraMAM •• I landolph.Macklntoah k Oo. ,13Mim..10 1,, XfQltM0 *••• *••• *••••••• *IWW*.a .00* •• *9 s* W4.tph, BackUtodi k Oo, TrilUifl**s *44*si**lMM.s*al0,,,,JI 0* nSolpb.MacklAtoahk Oo, _ TfBlwMS*** •*••*••••••••• * 1B0S8* a* *10* •• *M •• ehmMdaU, Bochatadur k Oo,Trasl#tl.*••••*.••••• *44^0*•**10**•• •• DtetodMlo ******* * ttttOBttBHttlVNBIldVtd*!*' I BILIVtriVT B1LKI. fllMlllt—CnUiii4. BochtUdUr* 2"1"* ^ •tow i**, mL-a— .t to •Ml" Na do ..bii"ij?J5""JJ J «!•«■ am d» :!?>»:;• ^ Jii #«J •KuanS.TraM— iu'""*ia bl«btoL u r Lm J44!d * ii " J!#* ^bTi^'iwL' N EhSLSl'1*!"" feaamCA do * *Ji of jo °cii«iUCA do ...... iitii m till t4ni pQtlr, T-Bllft *?«■ K 0, Timn... " aSS' *2""2 " tt5g £ .....v.iSw::;;JJ:;;:fS:: BStt £ :::::::S::5::::Jib <? ;; J» im»....w... if " 3? J«Jf «... in •° i«as s.... lao J®,. 5? btl ••Hwt....« tm s? «»....ii.:::.r ®» ,t H| J° »«*»....»■■■■» w do 1TMI... 10 X *> it5t*::*S:::;lo; «to ..^mu-.u:::!?« .«« ..H.. wouaa « rwoon, Tra*:.^, , im 1I0M....10 ».. WotU * Fraebora, **»_ . Whlu A W. TrulM * " WblUAW do 1U44....10.....4 •• While AW ao '!25""!5"""m " WoU P. Trust**. 17876 ....... .1« Webb A U. Trueto*..b*l..1U0M... Wek.fl.ld IIA Oo,Trm*U.l«Sll....®0—« .. Wak*B*ld HBtt'ii do .WW....«>••••»» .. Wak.fl.ld a b * Oo do •• Young WalUr, TruiUe •• Tort UZt Oo,TroaU**...lT4i4...100,,,*J? •• Zadlg & W*ll, TruiUe*....10140....*>....IS .. And In accordance with Uw, and mi ofd*r ot th* Hoard of Directors, mad* oa th* tenth (loth) day of Noranbcr. 1*79, to many lUM of *a*h parcel of inch stock a* may b* aeca*. MTT will l>* (Old At POMMAMtlM*A» Ilb*'»•«* of tb* Uobdui, Mo. 414 California itrnl, Man Krandaoo. California, on TUEHDAY, tbi B1XTU («lb) day of JANUARY, (JW, At tba boar of oa* O'clock r. of aald day, to pay •aid delinquent aaioc«me»)tthor*oc. together wltli coeU of Oat* 114 OaMfornla atmi. Han Vrawaaeo OAlUonrta. i£_ of bunlneaa, Han Krauclaoo, CellfornU. Location of worka, Uotd Mil, Btor*y county, -Tbara Artd*llnqu*nt ipoo Uw tol k>wlng-d**crtb*d atock, on aceoant of aimi nant (No. 3) lay lad on lb* iweatyOral day of NotmbUt. 187V, Uw sereralamounls alt* M»* nam** of lb* reipectlre aharaholdcre. follows 2 i«» a_a Name*. WaOcrl. Bhs. Ami. J B Mlddl«mlas,Traet*e....ll*)....100 » •• J K Mtddleiutie do ....101....1W • ■ Baan*y kDye»,TrueU*a....8iT ...UU....U « U«o U fdwarda, Ti usue... .MO....100 » .• W 8 Kdaards J* • *• MMuldaon.... »> • JJ J H Mld41eoUH m.M • * W H kdwards, Trust** • • H H Bloue, Tiuat** " HBBton* do 2m""S J" t utllon,Traat— •• J R Mlddlaulaa,Truete*....3«4...10M>....»0 .. Q K Pianey......... 'it.i.-.l M W It Edwards, TrueUe. MB....HO....10.. W11 Bdwarda do W...M0....UJ0 11 Insraluun *71 # * J M Bufflnglon ft* • * i M Nougue* J ulllon, TruaU* J74...WOO.. .110 Jobn Naata, Truat** m H B Bton*,Tru.U* «44..iMM..»ll "»• UHHton* do «44...10uu....J0 .. U H Bton* do H7...10U0....40 .. UHHton* do Hi. .1U10.. UHHton* do M0...I0W....W .. BBBtoo* do «4..1M00. llBBt'UO do 1TI..1H0O...7IO .. And In accordant* with Uw, And an ordar of lb* Board of Directors, mad* on tb* Twenty. 11 rat (Hat) day of Nor*mb*r, UT». ao many a barn, of *ncb parc*l of eocb atock aa May M n*c**aary will b* aoid at pablle auction, at in* office of lh. Company, No. 41» California aUe*t. Boom* # and 7. on MONDAY, tbe twelfth (1Mb) day of January, leeo, at tbe bonr of IJ u»slock v., of aald day, to p*y Mid delinquent aeeeeam*nt tbereon, tog*th*r with co*U of adTertlalns and azpena** of tb* aale. * ^ ^ HTONK B*freUry. Offlce—No. 411 CalltornU eireet, Mootue • and T, Ban Krandeco. Oallfonila. ** A LPHA CONBOL1DATED ■!>!■« O. COMPANY. -LocaUon of principal plac* of boalneea, Ban Frandaeo^OellxonilA. Location of work*. Gold BUI, Storey eoanty. Hut* at MmdA. ., Notlo..-Tb«* art delinquent upon the fol. l^nTfNo!*UM.rUdon th* tw*nty alAth(*«h) aafoUowa i Xa. Oertlf. Ike. Am'U I Olaaler k Co,Traataaa " a B Mob I* * Oo. Trmataea.. JOJJ....10.... 10 .. 0 Ht*T*n», Trusta* •• LB mnkel.Tnute* fT4l.,..10....10 .. Atklnaon, Lyon * Co, True la** 10141....10 ...... Atklnaon, Lyon k Co, Trtu toss .ltiW....50.**.9« •• RCHookar.TnflM *. H UrtMlAftsr.TrutUo I4DI.•••»*••*» •• D U BoeaMr k Oo, Tniau..l4jju.... B Iflaner, TrneUe.. 14W0....M....W .. Olnt**I/>rela»d,Trnat*ea.l47»T....I0....40.. Bd* drearer, Tru.U* - •• Jusm Cofflu, Tiwln*.»4tWW**i*ll...eJJ •• H U Bcott k Oo, Trustees..161W—*[....W .. U D Bawke. Truat** 141W......... 1 Qlailer k Oo. Trnate** — 1IB4....40....M •• B Mochatadur * Oo, True 14ia....l0 ...w .. E * Mmrpby.Truiu* 1447»....«0....» .. J L Armatroni, Truata*....144M ............ B D Bawka, frmet** 1B6M....10....10 Benney k Dyer, TnatM«..lM41....IO....M .. Jama* fatenon, Tmal—...WTI... K Cahlllk Co, Tn*U*«....H1»T.........10 .. M A Jackaoa, Traat** 14SI0....40... 10.. B BKloikOo, Trueleee...l4071....30....10 .. And to accordance with law and an order of th* Board of Director*, mad* so th* traatr* ilxih (tub) day of NoreeoWr, in*, ao many •harea of each parcel of anch atock aa may o* necieiary win be aold at pontic auction, at tha taction hone* of John Mlddleton * Boa, Wo. 419 Pin* atre*t, lu PnnclKo, CaltfoniU, on TUIBDAY, th* tw*atl*th (®tb) day of Ui ary, UW, at th* boor of 1 o'clock r. m. of aald day, to pay aald delinquent aeeieament thereon. tO|r*th«r with ooaU of adTwtlilngand «xpoa*a of tha aale. WILUAV WIUJ8, HeertUry. Otto*—Room Mo. M, Nereda Klock, Bo. M Montgomery atrort, Ban Pranclaco, C alitornU. ltd ORDINANCE WO. Mi. AN OKDINANCK M ulkwlw Ik* I*. ■■■Be* mi B»m4m far lb* PirNN *f toearla* tlmmn I* iM Cka> ••I Bm4i No. m, M, N, 01 «T Ik* Tawa afGald Dill. [Ptaatd Bowabrr Id, imi (TBI BOARD Of TBUftTUI 0» OOLD 1 Bill do ordain: too. 1. Tb* rmidrat and Clark of Ik* Board »f Tru»te***f tb* Town of Oold HOI in b*ra Dj anthorliad ud regolrad to Uni Bond* of £? Tbw!^'..GoW,"iu !■ tb* ram Of Th «oM ootn. too.J. Tb*M»d Boada abajl b* la nek f*m latb* Pnaldaat and Gtok of Mid Board m*r RWlb*. "d eh*11 b* to tk* rfiwt that tb* rora of OoM B1U li bound tod boldaa u>d will pay to tk* kotdar of Mid Boada ika mm of ■mct BUMd tb*rala an tha bit day of lo wmtor, A. D. IMO. wttk lataraat tkarroa at r,u of °M P«r cm I. jm matt. UnlUd UatM told cola. Intaraat pajrtbl* qimrtnlj. too. 1. Tk* montj r*nlT*d from tk* Ml* *f Kid Bond* atoll b* and for tb* paipora of r*. Mo. m, m, *0. ti of tk* Tvwmot tUo. 4. TbU Ordinaire* to tak* atoet aad to a fore* from ud afl*r it* pmmm tmd oa* nrk'l pabilcaUoa la tk* Gold fiat. Biol ,in L. T. rox. PnridMt of tto B*«« £ T*mi«m of tto Tow* of Oold Bill. Attrati W. •. ■*»«. Ctok of tk* Board. Oa motion Ordlaaa** Ho. Ill, u rrad. va* Ducky tad Praal. AbMto-TtaM** Wool>*T tad ftallwl hi \n )*jMd by tb* followlatwto! AIM TiMtill t pro* ua*