Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS F&IDAY, : s JANUABY #. 1»° ■T»C1 UIT ITMTKO. 170 Raymond A Ely. Mo. 73« 171 Eortka Con. 17 (10.17 V 1050 IWlmoot. 73c 430 Leopard. 10c M K K Coo.. 4V MO Oila. lOo 73 North*ra Belle. 8 V M M*nb»ttan. 1 M 4JQ Metallic. 7Jo. 70o M0 Orand Priw. 1 M. 1 3J »M Argenta, IV. 1 *4 270 Naeajo. 40c. 33o 900 Eadowmeat. Mc 100 Hur. 10c 100 Toecarom. 30c 160 Bella hla. IV 5M) Independence, 1. IV. 1 SO 330 Day, eso M0 Hillalde. IV 1730 Paradiee. 1. Wo •joe Reel del Mont*. 1 40. 1 »9 M0 Albion. 33o 1M Walee. 3 10. 3 M WML Diablo, MS. 13 330 North Belle hie. 33c CM Bodio, t t^S Beehtel, IV. 1 70 73 McCUnton, Uo 300 Tioga, a 43. 3V 300 ttummit. 1 300 Balwer, »V S'«n Kyadioete. 1 «0. 1 «* 700 G<xvUfc*», Wo, 40o 1330 May belle, lie £20 Oriental. I. tto rfM UiitdT*. 90o too Blaekbewi. He. «0c '.'00 Son lb Bodie, J0o 310 Meeker Coo.. 90c. 96c UM Uueen Bee. 20c, 3V auO Champion. 3Uo !ltt Moao. !»*». 6\. C 1M tea Paciflo. S >0U I mrtraity, 13c |®ir«j l)«y, 73o 340 Jup.ier, IV, IV 107»> Noath Balwer. 79c 7'»0 Adutuca, 33c. 40c 6:0 Noeoda*. 3, 4 80 iM North S iouJay, 3 60. 3 70 400 Orient. 33c, 39c, 90c CM Mammoth. 3. 3 93 100 Hue tea Con.. 1 39 U»3 Martin White. 73c, 70o. «9c. 60c 400 Sooth Noonday, 1V 900 Le*d«, 40c. 90o 400 Atlae. 5 1943 Tiptop. 3. 3 13 twi» auaaiau. 490 Opbir. 19 H. 19'4. 19* 439 Mixican. 19H. laS. 19*, 180 Goal J A Carry, iV.St Hi Beat* Beieher. 13*». 13S. 13>% 733 California. 4 40. 4 90 2S0 8aTafe, CS. 6S, 1250 Can. Ylntmia, 4%. 4 SO 183 Cbollar, 7*% 30 Potoei. 4 ISO Bala A Norcrow. 8%, »', 630 Crown Point, 3 60. 3 65 83 Tallow Jaokat, 11.11H 870 Imparial, 63c 30 Kentaak.S 30 33 Alpha. 10 1033 Belabor. 3\». i\ 133 Sierra Nevada. W» 130 L'Uh. 11* 390 Ballion, 4H 370 Bxabe^aer. 3 10, 3 16 13 Haf. Balebar, 16 100 O Tars an, 7*. 7»,, 7S 630 J attic*. 2. 3 03. 3 10 603 Union Can.. 43*. 46. 46*. 46* 63 A1U. 4 10. 4 03 3230 Lad y Bryan. 40c, 43c 393 J alia. 2 *. 2 30 70 Caledonia, 1 60. 1 63 333 Silver Hill. 80c, 73c 73 Challenge. 3 200 l>ar Janallaa. 80c, 83c 280 New Tork. 40c. 36c 73 Oceidantal, 1*. 1 60 180 Lady Waahington Cos.. 70o. 66c 110 Andaa. SOo 130 Ward, 1 43. 1 40 113 Scorpion. 3l» H60 Leviathan. Sic. 30c 130 Benton Con., 3*. 3 43 630 Ooldao<Gate. 2*. 2 S3 600 Con. Dorado. 1 60. 1 63 130 Flowery, 33c, 30c 1170 North Bonanza, 70o, G3c 1000 Fairfax, 70c 100 Mackey, 10c AIMraaaa lakraaal Iftalaa Tbaxcuco, Jan. 9—3:30 r. 00 ltaat .1 Balebar 13H. 110 do IS"*. 10 do 13*, 73 do 13; 108 Potoai 4; 80 Mt. Diablo ISc; 443 Northern Ball*. 9*4, 100 do 9* •10.300 do 9*; 130 Mexican 30. 30 do j9*; 43 Opblr 19 *, 30 Jo 19 ; 30 Oonld A Carry 3%; Alpha 10 bid. 10* aakad; 390 Belckcr 3 . 463 do t; 363 Crown Point S 83. 60 do 8 63; 73 Caledonia 1 60; 60 Balcber 3H; 100 Silver Uill Tic. 70 Cnion. 46*. 173 Jo 46*. 107 do 46*. 30 do 48, 10 do 43*. 40 do 45*; 120 Con. Virginia, 4 40. 60 do 4*4; 80 Yellow Jaaket. 10S. W do 10',; 3 California, 4*. 100 do « 33. 33 do 4 30; 23 Mexican. 30; 10 Ken tack. 8 36; 80 Bod if, 8*; 200 I'nion, 46. 80 do 46*. 10 do 46*. Arrival* IkM ■•ral««. U W Bragg. J T Moou»r, 8 Hojl. 0 A llrayg. E C RufTntr, M Wimrmiii, U 8 Porter, Him A Cameron, II Ballon, T JUynolds, J Park*. L \V Lm, K liuckUy. IXMrUrw UM RfMIK. t B Shaw, A Arthur, J F Smith. W Wil •ou md wif«, p Dickson, Mr* T Jackson, J Walker, II D Blasdcl. Mn F M ttmith, Geo Pepe, J Huun, M Cllsptn, J Oliver. O Salon. F M Smith. Mix Uavis. Thomaa Gallagher continues to deliver freight. It ooata bat Uttle to get kirn to bring you a iIndi engine or a paper par — ml the packagr marked •• Care T. G., O'olW Hill." and take your ease ; that package wt<V/v*pie to band on time. He* advertieement in tjnotber column. The cauae of tbe Are alarm about C o'clock laat evening an'O of tbe bright ueea which illuminated ttta ahjr so beau tifully waa the burning of the barn attached to Waleh'a slaughter houee on American Flat. Aa no one1 occupied the premiaea tbe fir* waa of courae the work at as inoendiary. It ia reported that Superintendent Yarington baa raoeived inatructiona to coameoce work immediately on tba Bodie railroad. Tba preliminary work vill be oommeneed at once, but no grad ing will be dona for two or three months. Charles Carleaon baa applied for a divorce from Maggie, on the ground, aa npreaeed in the oomplaint, of habitual, gtoaa drnnkennaaa. Robert Raahut, barber, baa applied to «ba Diatrict Court to bo relieved from $1643 47 of indebUdneea. No aueta pot exempt. Tba weather ia moderating aomewhat today aad the enow ia malting a little. <Xba wind oontinnea strong. There waa no quorum preaent laat a«aning at tba meeting of tba Paciflo Coaat Pioneers. Tba Porim Club will give their anal venary maaquerade ball on tba 25th of yatesary. Tba axpraaa train waa an boor lata <~u» aa aaaeont of tba atoras la tba COUNTY COMMISSION!!!. An iiroiTA»T asmaa un KVINIiia. Til* Trne UwnnliNi or ftrtali li»*rua( — Bills—la iurMN-Kle. The Board of County Commiaaionera met laat evening, all the members being preeent. Tbe minolM of laat meeting wera r»ad and approved. Farther time wee granted aaveral oom mitteea In whioh to report. Tha Diatriet Attorney aaked for Vol* nine XII., Nevada Beporta, and the Clerk wae instructed to (end lor it. Judge Flanningham wanted the aame and Hawley'a Digeat; aama inatrnotion giren. Chairman Hazeltine aaked and waa granted farther lima in which to report on employing experta on the extenaion of the tax roll and opening tha Auditor's new booka. Bef erred bill* were allowed as foil owe: J. A. Brumaey, insurance, $180 32; T. H. Balaton, aame, $60; Edwards k Mar tin, aame, $103 GO; J. K. Brown, Conrt Commissioner feea, #10; C. Williamson, guard of prisoners while working, $28; Dr. Van Zandt, poet mortem, $26; Wm. Kranae, grooeriee, poor, $37 25; George Vlaladou. taking patienta to hoapitsl, etc.. #6; Derby Sl Garhart, livery, $5; A. Bamalli, k: oceriea, poor, $31; E. Chaulain. reputing clock, $3; E. Koaa inan, lodglnit, |«or, $12; Wm. Wolvin an.t wile, indite nt appropriation, $50. A statement ut L. B. Haatinga aa to work done by liim in experting nnder appoiutment by the Grand Jury was pre sented. aa follo«-a: On County Audi tor'a and Becorder's booka, 25 daye; Virginia School Diatriet, 3 daya; Jus tice's aud Couatable'a office, Township No. 3, 2 days; on Grand Jury report, G'-i daya. Total, 34J{ daya. at $7 50 per day. aa per bill preeanted, $258 75. Z. S. Eldridge'a bill of particulara of like aervicee waa aa followa : Clerk'a office, 3 daya ; Sheriff*a office, 2 daya ; Diatriet Attorney's office, 1 day ; Coro ner and Public Administrator'a office, 1% daya; Justice and Constable's office, 7 daya ; Assessor'* office, x/t day ; Audi tor'a office, 10% daya; Hospital, 3 daya; School Truateea' office, 1% daya; on re port, il/t daya. Total, 3V/t daya, at $7 50 per day aa bill preaenttd, $258 75. Mr. LUlriUge WU swuru lull bum mm to the services rendered m expert. The (our and a half days charged lor making the report wee (or writing the reporta (or tbe committoea at their raqueet; it took tb«> (oar and a hal( dsysss charged; be bad done tbe earns the year be(ore; wm employed to examiae the hooka, vouchera, accoanta, (eee and charges o( tbe various officers named in the item* ix»-d account; spent no time at anything elae that haa t>< < u charged (or; eipertcd on the County Uospilal laat year ; thin year examined the law in regard to my work ; understood I waa to be paid $7 SO per day. but the Urand Jury recommended $7; cannot tell bow much I apent looking np tho law; did ao when ever I had occaaioo to do ao; cannot ap proximate to the time apent in that way; it waa not a day in all; consulted the District Attorney once or twice ; it did not take me long to tlnd the statntee and read them; did not make the report that Judge Flanningbow had charged $1 (or a committment where he ehould only have charged fifty centa ; Mr. Haatinga reported that; 1 reported verbally and presented my minulea ; waa not under oath at all; the (our and a bal( daya charged (or making the report includes time o( consulting with the committees; the reports I presented were incorpora ted in the Grand Jury report; my report waa not made under oath ; I might as well have made their report, aa the com mittees signed the report I msde and the Urand Jury adopted it ; think eight hours' expertiug is a day'a work. Commissioner Csnavan said that there waa no alatute authorizing tbe Board to (>ay these billa (or experting; still, aa a matter o( equity and iu the protection of tbs interests o( ths county, ha was ready to pay what was right (or anch aervices where experts had been employed In mattera in which they were competent to serve. In regard to other matters, legal searchers, etc., bo waa not willing to allow (or that, aa it did not appear that the experta were competent (or anch services. It tbe Board wsre in (avor of allowing (or such semens hs should vote againat the report o( tbe committee and against tbe allowance. lie ahould vote against allowing tbe bill nnlesa Mr. El dridge could tell how long he waa en gaged in searcbea, eto. Further time was given tbe committee in which to report on the billa o( the •xperla. i'Dl wOUrt-DODR* LODU1IIIN >UU VIW (riot Attorney reported the following policies of maurauce on the county pro perty in Joe form, and they were, on motion, accepted and ordered filed: State Investment and Insurance Com pany, San Francisco, $1000 on Court house. Qlena Faila, New York, $2000 on Court-bouse. Commercial of California, San Fran cisco, $1000 on Court-bona*. British America Assurance Company, Toronto, Canada, $2500 on Conrt-bonae. Firemen's Fund of San Franciaoo, $5000 on Conrt boos*. Uartford, Uurtlord,Connecticut, $5000 on Court-house. Inaurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, $5000 on Court-boua*. St. Paul Fir* and Marin*, St. Paul, Minnesota. $2500 on Court-boua*. Mutual Insurance Company of Cali fornia. $1500 on Court-boua*. Scottish Commercial of (tlaagow $5000, on Court-boua*. U*rard of Philadelphia $1000, on Court-house. California Insuranc* Company of San Francisco $2500, ou County Uoapiul building. Same, $750, on Peatbouae. On motion, it waa ordered that lbs delinquent tax roll for 1879 be turned over to tb* District Attorney on tb* 13th of February and b* be authorized to bring anit for th* aeveral amounta. Adjourned till Monday, tb* 12th inat., at 7:30 r. *. MssHsnry Ussnl IIhUh. At • meeting of th* Montgomery Guard, held laat evening, Major W. H. Smith, Chairman, th* following officer* wer* elected: Captain, Thomaa Moa*a; First Lieutenant, John Henderson; Sec ond Lieutenant, Richard Hennessy; Third I.ieuenant, Kiobard Quinn; First Sergeant. M. J. Darke; Second Ser geant, Timothy Demp**y; Third 8*r geant, P. J. Morrell; Fourth SergMnt, J. M. Legg; Quartermaster Sergeant, M. O'Hara; Secretary, MaU McDonougb; Treasurer, Bart Colgan. Th* Cooper Hall property haa been aolfl by Sheriff Williamaon to J. C. Hampton for $16,410 80. It la hop*d that tb* walla and ceiling of th* uppar hall will now b* painted white, ao that tb* pervading gloom of tb* plao* may, to ft ewtain extent, be diap*ll*d. BOLD HILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS. rntpmrt *r rrlBflliMl *•■«» tm Ih» TrniMn, mi! Kail of Hoi»r, KIKKtKKKKKKKKXK B e •• i SSSSftSS&SJtfdSSS He. d»jr» tbMDl • 2tEgS8.8S3o.SSS No times tardj »SS8SaS8B8Sa32S Ho-boy.enroll -ssas assaaarsa #J »o. g.ri. sfsS*S*8tS88SS2S|TSifl nrol'c Dumbei enrolled. Avrr*«o No. toast s'SS28£S2SSS;SS S5SSSSJSSS2S2SS 5S8SSS8SSSS283S Avenge diij attendance. Percentage ol attendance. No. new pnpllt Mo. iwlUiweS ■cot nor Urdjr -S2SS8SSS8S8SS2 .Sh.S No. of r1«llor*. BOLL or BONOS. Central School—High School Depart ment— Libbie Salkeld, Teacher : John McNeil, 100; Maggie Gillespie, 99.0; Fannie West, 99.6; Lee Gaston, 99; John McDonald, 98.5; Nellie Green wait, 98.C; Wni Likins, 97.6; Wo, Met son, 97; ltosa Swaney, 97; Carrie Low man, 96.8 ; Annie Mudd, 96 ; Nellie Sharp, 96; Edw Luby, 96; Liule Mudd, 96; Daniel Greenwalt, 96; Cora Moore, 95.5; John Chegwidden, 95; Wm Flana gan. 95; Joais Mndd, 95; Patsy Me Griflin, 95. Csnlrsl School—A Grammar Depart ment—N'. A. Everitt, Teacher: Willie Phelsn 99, Mary Lloyd 98, Minnie Hanb 98, Mabel Williams 97, Thomaa O'Donnell 97, Nancy Greenwood 96, Agnes Gillespie 96, Annie Mowley 96, Lanrs Oliver, 95, Millie Dotsn 95, Fan nio Brown 95, Nettie Ryno 95. Central School—R and C Grammar Department—Msry McDonnell.Toacher: Mary Fenton, Mary Cook, Willie Davis, Lnoy Stone, James McCsnn, Marguerite Jacob, Jane MoNeill. Central School—A Primary Depart ment—Nellie R. Lynch, Teacher: John Grciner. Central Scdooi—u miliary uepari uient—Cussie Henderson, Tescher: Julia Kelly. Alice Mngce, Nellie MrN'smars, Ignatiaa Fox, Bertie Horsford, Garvey Logan, Davy Reese, Harry Maxwell, Frank O'Learey. Central School—C Primary Depart ment— Georgie Wright, Teacher: John Loyd, Fred Likens, Willie Mnllena, Ada Pezet, Tommy Marka, Maggie Want, Annie Gillespie. Central School—D Primary Depart meat, A Claaa—Ella Bntierfield, Teach er: Lizzie McNeil, Alio* Pierce, Lillie Yoang, IUginia Jacob*, Kate Hail, Al fred graze, Thomu Bennett!, Daniel Dorm, Henry Dehn, Jamee Kenny, Harry Lee. Willi* McTigne. Willie O'Brien, Willie Schweiaa, Joseph Wyckoff, Frank Wyckofl, Andrew Jaooba, Willi* Laun der. Central School -D Primary Depart ment, B Clans—Ida M. Lynch, Teacher: Willie Plorn, George Haakell, Jamea Benney, George Noel, Johnny Leary, Robert Madd, Walter Hand, Libbie Cowan, Mary Ennis, Emma Noble, Belle Croes, Lotta Booth, Fred Davis, Conny Meagher, Willie Reese, Francia Gray, Jennie Cameron, Mary Weetlake, Helen Weetlake, Katie Pbelan, May Gallagher, Mamie Maxwell, Mary Hart, Daisy Moore, Grade Long, Tereea Mo Namara, Lona Rolfe, Mannel Wilson, Albert Reid, Charlie Johnson, Johnny Wade. Divide School--A and B Grammar Department—A. B. C. Davis. Teaoher: Ella Woole.r, Jas. Gavin, John Rogers, Mike Canty, Lizzi* Adams, J. D. Kelly, E. Thomas. Divide School—C and D Grammar Department—Marie L. Gaaton, Teaoher: George Frock, Frank Petrie, Willie Gavin, Louise Trembly, Caledonia Matbewaon, Willi* Gr**nwalt, James McCon*, Sasie McCone, Laura Coralsh, Lizzie Tobner, Gracey Webb, Vincent Gaston. Divide School—A and B Primary De partment — M. F. Hnrley, Teaoher : Sophie Tobener, Mamy Kelly, Katie Frock. Minnie Martin, Lotti* Bowen, Joaie Uernon, Thomas McCoy, Harry Burke, Arthur Connelly. Divide School—C and D Primary De partment—Gertie E. Flanagan, Teacher: Charley Adama, Bertie Dowling, Dan Woolley, Charley Fielda, Willi* Kevlin, Ida Lazier, Yirginia Trembley, Mary Kevlin. Lower Gold Hill School—Mixed Grade Department—W. W. Boober, Teacher: John Hayden, Martin Quinn, Jamei Brown, Thomas Brown, Patsy Hanilan, Michael Welch. To entitle a scholar to have bis nam« appear npon the roll of honor hia aver age atanding must b* at least 95 in studi**, attendance and deportment. The North End. The advuucemeut of the north branch of the Sulro tunnel toward the bonanza mioea and the rioh or* development* of the Ophir, Union, Sierra Nevada and other mine* of the new bonanza group at the north end of the Comstock, it assuming more and greater importance aa the work progreeaes. I (a recently effected connection with the Gould i Curry and Beat Jfc Belcher croascut eaat on the 1700 level, ahowa the rapid rata of advancement of the tunnel north ward. It ia pnablng steadily ahead and will aoon be paaaing through the old bonanza ground of the Consolidated Virginia and California to the new bonan zaa beyond. The direction it takea car riee it aufficisntly eaat to anticipate and intereect the moat easterly workings of tboee minea. It will, in fact, paaa directly through the heart of the Qolden Gate ground, which adjoint tho Cali fornia, Mexican, Ophir and Union on the eaat, aid must of necessity abare the fortune* of tboae mines. Al that depth below the aurfar* it ought to de velop good paying ore, and perhape a veritable bonanza; bat whether it doe* or not, the fact that tho bullion pro ducing material does exist at no great distance deeper is already fully demon atrated in tha valuable developments made and being made in Sierra Nevada and Union, and which evidently extend into Golden Gate. The tunnel will give efficient drainage to all thee* mines, and also form a new baae for deeper work ings down among the hidden treasurea. Its progress ia becoming • matter of rapidly increasing importance to all in terested in tha mines and stocks of the north and. lira Charlotte M. Brewster of Canon hal brought suit for divoro* against her husband, Edward A. Brewster, a resi dent of Virginia. Adultery is allsgad as the cauao. KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION. l«k« W. Mair IHa II* TlellM farlleaUra of tke UdImIm U««NI. Daring the tearing at the Ophlr y« terday alternoon at 9 o'olook of an old boiler which had bran prrparad (or a oompressedsir reoeiver, an explosion occurred which proved fatal to John W. Somereuin and eerionely injured James Brown, chief engineer at the mine, and Thomaa Wooley of the Gold Hill Boiler Worke, on the Divide. The boiler had been in uae at the Gould k Curry and «u 36 feet long and 43 iochee in diameter. The tabee bad bren taken out of it and new beada pot in. It waa plaoed on enpporting blocks, and lay in the yard, on tha Booth aide of the boletlog worka. A steam gauge waa pnt into tbe boiler, and water turned into it from a hydrant, through a piece of boee an inoh and a half in diam eter. It waa obeerved that tbe gauge ebowed a preeeure of 120 pounde to the equare inob a abort time before the ex plosion occurred. Tbe boiler bad stood a pressure of ICO pounda of ateam, aa waa known, and no one thought of dan ger at the time the exploaion occurred. Aa tbe preeeure waa increased the weet end blew out, and aa it did ao tbe whole boiler waa pitohed some twenty feet to the eaatward, rising olear of tbe bloeka plaoed under it as aupporta. Somereteia was standing to the eaat ward of tbe boiler and the end of it struok him about the region of tbe etomach, throwing him backward to the ground, when tbe end came down upon hia right leg, which waa orushed to atoma and tbe flesh torn and laid open in a horrible manner. He waa si so badly hurt about tbe back and breast. He died at 7 o'clock laat evening. James Brown, tbe Chief Engineer, who waa atanding near tbe weet end of the boiler at tbe time of the exploaion, waa cut over tbe right eye and about tbe head, but hia injurica are not of a seri ous nature. Thomaa Wooley, tbe boiler maker, waa cut about tbe ecalp, and bad hie left leg badly bruiaed. He reoeived hie burte from dying piecee of planka from a abed atanding aigainat tbe aouth aide of tbe worka, and which waa partially demolished, or from piecee of boarda on the blocka eupporting tbe boiler. Several other persons were in the vicinity at the time of tbe exploeion, but only tbe three named were hurt. Coroner lirodrk will hold an inquest upon the body of Someratcin this eve ning. DISTRICT COURT. liapsiMil Cm* TrM la M Saaoada. Following will illustrate tha manner in which business ii tranaacted in the Diitriot Court: Judge Rising, entering from hi* cham beta—" Sheriff, open ooart." Takes hi* seat. "Any motion* today T" No aniwer. "Fiurschutz agaimt the Scorpion la aet for trial today ; Lindsay Jt Diokaon for the plaintiff; Belknap for the de fendant. Are yon ready for trial ?" Diokaon—Heady. Belknap—lUady. Conrt—Proceed. , Dickaon—This ia an action on a money judgment of thie Conrt, entered in 1805. I offer the papers in the case in evidence and aak for judgment for $876 and ooats. Belknap—I objeet to this paper writ ing—it ia not aigned. Court—Tbia auit ia on a money judg ment ? Dickson—It is. Court—It is not neoessary that it should be aigned. Dickaon—This is our caae. Court- Defendant any testimony T Belknap—None, yonr Honor. Court—Clerk, enter judgment for the plaintiff, as prayed for. Sheriff, ad journ conrt till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Time: 3G seconds. Hal fuaauely Insane. Mrs. Agnes Oulley of Virginia reoently swore tbat her huiband was inaana and bad a oommiasion in lunacy to ezaaine him. Thsy pronounced bim sane. The wife thought bim crazy because he would not allow her to bake bread and wash diabes and do tha dirty work of the house. It was pretty strong «ti* dence of inaanity, bnt the doctors thought it wouldn't do to send him to Stockton on account of it. In that cast too many men might " atoop to con quer." Having been so basely deceived aAd dealt witb by hia wife, Onlley now advertiae* to warn all people not to trust bar—and no wonder. Cm. Vlrclala InUii. At the annual meetiag of the Conioll dated Virginia Mining Company yeater day afternoon 430,753 share* were repre sented. The old Board of Direotora was re-eUoted with the exorption of George R. Walls, resignsd, and B. H. Follis was elected in bis place, The officers re main as heretofore. Tbe Secretary's rsport showed receipts daring the year of $2,903,617 07, of which $2,481,358 83 was the grots yield of the mine for 1879. The balance on hand at present is $67, 751 85. A resolution wss passed in dorsing the acts of the Board of Directors daring the put yesr. ■pirllaal Manifestations. Ths nams of Henry Slade is known ths world over in oonnection with spirit asl msnifsststions. He Is s wondsrfnl medium and haa plsased and astonnded more people than almost any other mediam of the world. He is now at ths Iuternstional Hotel, Virginia, and will girs sittings for physical manifestations and medical szaminationa and treatment for a day or two longer. See hia edrer tisement in snothsr oolumn. Last Micks. Last night was ons of ths wildest, stormiest, moat blustering and diaagrse abls nights ever seen on the Comstock. While it was clear overhead tbe wind blew a perfect blast. Its blows were like those of a stuffed dab. Tbe snow from ths moontaia and all of the last fall seemed in an active atate of unreet and determined that all who were oangbt oat shoald be in a like condition. At times it was impossible to look ten feet ahead. Tbe wind waa colder than usual, sven for a winter'a wind hers. Crystal I sed Ceeleeaa. Ths Virginia A Oold Hill Water Con pany harvested and boussd 1500 tons of excellent ioe daring the late oold "snap." The big resorvoir on ths Opbir grade furnished 1100 tons, and the reservoir on the Divids 600 tons. Ths ios mads at ths tims whan ths thsrmomster ranged from 10 to 20 degrees below tsro in this city was about (en Inches thlsk and very olear and Aim, A DEEO OF DARKNESS. Aa Attempt I* Bim Ont Jailer Haaka-Tfea Fir* «u vtwjMI| ■fattaM. At 9 JO o'clock this morning on* of the darkest and mott damnable deed* «u done hi Virginia whioh waa ever perpe trated under ooter of night. At that boor soma parson, oat of revenge prob ably, set Are to the raaidtnoa of jailer Hank* and oama near burning op his wife, ohildrtn and father. Fortunately the fire waa dieooverrd in time not only to rteooa the inmates of the bnruing bnilding, bat also to eave all eiospt a •mall proportion of both building and oon tenia. Tba building ocoupled by Mr. Hanks is situated west of A atrset and north of Mill, Virginia. It oonsista of tba prim itiro Ophir office—a stone structure—to wbioh have been attaohed a large up right part, two stories high, and an ell back for a kitchen, storehouse, wood shed, etc. It waa to thia latter part of tba house that tba inoendiary applied hia torch. The night waa well ohoaen for the desperate purpose, aa one of the highest galoa of thia mountain region waa blowiug. Ur. Hanka was at the time at the jail. Mrs. Hanka had been suffering from an attaek of pneumonic, and after an ap plication of audorific* waa sleeping quietly till aroused by the suffocating smoks whioh filled the room. Her first thongbt waa of her two children, and, eeizing these, she rushed, barefooted, bareheaded and in her night clothes, into tbs snow snd storm of tbs night. Sbs then returned, and with difficulty aucoeeded In rousing Mr. Hsnka' fstbsr, an old gentleman, apendlng the winter with hia son. The alarm of flre brought ont the fire men promptly and Chief Rush managed things so admirably that only the wood abed and storsroom and a portion of tbs kitchen were destroyed. Mr. Hanka lost his wintsr's wood and considerable extra furniture stored away. Mrs. Hsnks is now his chief concern, as her exposure of last nigbt is likely to eggra Tate her aicknees. He feels tbanklul to ths firemen who saved bis bouse, to the poiioe for their assistance and to the neighbora for a tboussnd kindnesses. Miuluff Loeaiiou. Noticoi of mining locations havo been filed with the County Recorder, u fol lows: By William Bobinaon, 1500 feet, Gold Hill Diatrict, a northerly extension of the Hartford, called the Favorite. By D. W. Juhanuisu, 1600 feat, Flow ery Diatriot, oalled the Sonoma. Back abe cornea. It ia anowing again, and wa take back a?ery oomforting word and aeaaonable reflection concerning "tha beantifnl." Thare'a too much of tbe darned atuff—too much for tha beauty of tba heavena, making them lead-colored and oommonplaoe, and too much for tba earth, making it cold and naaty and diaagreeable. There! We'd like to aaa any darned weather olark dodge this iaana of tha Ntws. lira. Eittia Wbyland, of tba firm of Perrin k Wbyland, millinara and dreea makera, 142 South 0 atreet, waa robbed on C a Met at a quarter paat 8 o'clock on Wedneaday evening. Tba robber anatobed her pnraa containing f 12 CO and ran. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. [araouL to vaa uold bill »ult aawa.) Irelind'i Troobles. Dublin, January 9.—Tba relief fund of tha Ducbea of Marlborough now amounta to £14,300. Tha Government baa made an impor tant change in their policy in reapect to tha condition of Ireland. Tbeyreaolved to grant loana for tha conatruotion of drainage worka in tha diatreaaed die tricta, which ara now on tha acbedule aunezed to tbe cireular of tha Board ot Worka, or which may be acbeduled from time to time. Theae loena ara to be made npon mora liberal terma than any heretofore propoaed, namely to be repayable in thirty-five yean or perbapa a longer time. The number of yeara before tba repayment aball begin ia to be extended and tba governmenta ara to bear the preliminary expenaee of aucb worka tbemaelvea. They alao offered inereaaed inducementa to tba Boarda of Guardians for the execution of aanitary worka. It theaa meaaurea be found in adequate to meet the exigency, tbe gov ernment will apply to Parliament to aanction an appropriation of £2,500,000 out ot tbe church aurplua. Miscellaneous. London, January 9.—A. dlapaloh from Berlin uja: It ia the general im pruMion bar* that tha recent etaUmenta in ragard to the concentration of Baaaian troope in Poland are greatly exaggerated. No anxiety ia felt hare on the eobject. Pau*, January 9.—Tha aubacriptiona for tba memorial to tha Prinoe Imperial bare cloted. Tba amount anbacribed ia 200,000 franca. Tha Memorial Commit tee propoae to erect a chapel on an ela ▼ated point batwaen tha Arc da Triompba and the Hotel dea Invalidea. It ia ataUd in medioal circlaa that tha health o( the Queen of Spain haa re* celred a aavere abock owing to tha at tempted aaaaaaination of Allonao. She baa been attacked with apUaptio flta, to wbiob ahe waa not previonaly aubjtctcd. Dcdun, January 9.—Tha frith Units atatea that tba government baa deter mined to naa £'250,000 of tba ebureh aurplna aa a fund, to be loanad at an ex ceptionally low rata of intareat to land lorda and to local bodiea, for expendi ture in tha oonatraotion of permanent worka, in order to provide labor for un* akilled workmen; aaid loana to be repaid in thirty-fire year*. Vienna, January 9.—Baaaia haa aakad the Pruaaian government to grant tba extradition of thirty-aiz deaertera from tha Buaaian army who recently croaaad tha frontier into Germany, bat no atepa have aa yat been taken to oomply with tha raquaat. St. Pimano, January 9.—Tba local Bed Croee Society of Kharkoff, in viaw of the terrible diatreaa prevailing in tha province, through the ravages of tha diphtheria, have formed their medical and aanitary detaebmenta to aaaiat tha government to combat tha epidemis. Calcutta, January 9.—Tha •Indian Government haa decided that the rulee raapecting war correspondenta ahould no longer be enforoed, but military com manders will be allowed to irnpoaa such restrictions as may be deemed necessary. Havana. January 9.—It is offloially announced that the inaurgsnt Colonel Coombert, surrendered with sixtasn of ficers, twenty-seven men, twenty-six ran away alavss sad twelve stand of arms and a quantity of munitions of war. BUphen Longfellow, nspbsw of ths poet, has been held for trial for forging ths name of the latter to ashsokfor WOO. eastern oispatches. [incut to tu ML# mux luttt raw* | Maine'! Political Plracj. Auoosta, January 0.—Doth brancbea of the L»gielatu«e assembled qnietly at 10 o'clook a. X. yesterday. There *u do oompsrison between lbs crowd tod thst of the day before. Sentinels were stationed at the doors, the polio* foree continuing uuder tbe oootrol of the Sheriff and Mayor. Immediately on opening tbe 8matf, 8*nator Hobeon o( LiqooIq offered the following: "Ordered that a joint eelect commltUe of three on ■ be part of tbe Senate with each com mittee aa tbe Houae may Join, be ap pointed by tbe obair to investigate ttie obargee of bribery and Intimidation, alleged to bare been attempted on mem ber* of the Legialatnre since they re* oeived their oerti flea tea, with power to send for pereone and papera, and tbe oommlttee be inetruoted to commenoe their inveatlgation today on adjourn ment of thia aeasion, and report as soon aa maybe." This order was opposed by Senators Locke, Harris, Bsrry and other Repnblioana on tbe gronnd that there was not even a street minor for the charge of bribery on the part of the Senate. If so, they woald gladly ap Cint it. If members of tbe Honse had in bribed or intimidated, then inves tigation should begin tbsre. The order passed. On the opening of tbe Hoaae tbe 8peaker invoked good order, and inti mated that the scsnes enacted. Wednes day by outsiders should not be repeated. He had scarcely floiahed apeaking when the doors opened and the windowa were thrown up, and an impatient crowd rnshsd in. After people entered, quiet waa again reatorod, but at one time trouble seemed imminent. The reoords of Wedneaday were read, and abowed the faot that not more than 7- votes wsrs thrown. Boston, January 9.—Dispstches re ceived here from Augusta, relating to the affidavits published, declaring that money waa paid Democratic members of tbs Leglslsture to prevent a quorum ap pearing, aasert that the affidavits thus far are entirely unsupported by evidenoe, and Republicans challenge tbe opposi* tion to produce names. Sherman Boom Cropping*. Chicioo, January 9.—The Initr Oman Washington special aaya : Mr. Fraxier, of Philadelphia, an active worker (or Secretary Sherman vu here yesterday, and atatea that the feeling in favor of Sherman ia growing very rapidly in Pennaylvania, and that the feeling for Grant, whioh waa almoat nnanimooa at one time, haa subsided a great deal, and that when the State Convention meeta, delegateawill not be inatrncted for Orant. *Tbe Bepablioana in the larger German conntiee report tbat it wonld not be eafe to nominate Orant, aa the Ger man* will not vote for him, and be doubta if Grant conld oarry that State. The people are, aa a mass, for Blaino first, Sherman eecond, and Grant third. Fraxior thinke the Peunaylvanla delega tion will vote, aa a matter of oompliment for Cameron, aa in the last convention for Hartranft. He tbiuka the Grant entbasiaam will die ont by the time the Cbioago Convention meeta, and that the Pennaylvania delegation will then, after caatiog one vote for Cameron, caat a aolid vote for Sherman. Senator Cam eron langha at tbla prediction, and aaya tbat aa long aa Grant ia in the field, the Pennaylvania delegation will vote for him. The Panama Canal Project. Niw Yon*, January 9.—The World aaya of the Panama canal project: It mutt not be forgotten that European in fluanoea greatly preponderate, an# have for aome time paat greatly preponder ated over American inflaencee, not only at Panama, bat on the Paciflo coaat gen erally, and for the matter of tbat throughout New Granada, Venezuela and Ecnador. Tbla ia no doubt mainly onr own fault, but that ie no reaaon why American atateamen ahould accept aa fit and tolerable the oondition of tbinge. Still leea ia thia a reaaon why tbey abould acquiesce aupinely In the devel opment of new conditiona, which, unleaa tbey are met and modified by prompt and vigoroua reaasertion of the polloy in accordance with the viewa of the Amerioan people, muat inevitably tend to make tbla a moat noflt and intolerable condition of thinga permanent. The whole oountry ie deeply concerned in the prompt and vlgorona reaaaertion of aucb a pcilioy, but no part of thia coun try ia ao vitally ooncerned in it aa the great valley of the Mieaieaippi and the tatea of the Northweat and of the Golf. About Senatorial Pay. Washixoton, January 9. — Secretary Burch of the Senate baa decided to teat tba queatioa whether a Senator can ■pend by far tba largeat portion of bia time at borne and atill draw (nil pay upon appearing ut Waebington. Sharon eame unexpectedly to Waebington yea terday, bat whether on a vieit or legiela tive baeineee ie not yet known. He waa engaged in (bowing friendi aboat tba city. Bnrcb aaye that in oaee tba Sena tor appUea for bia back pay be will de cline to let him bar* it until be can have a formal opinion in regard to tbe legal ity of each payment from tbe Firet Con troller of tbe Treaanry and probably from tbe Senate Committee on Judi ciary. Tba law la very explicit on tbia subject, thongh through cnetom it baa in fact been allowed to become a dead letter. It la made tba duty of tba Sec retary of tba Senate to deduct from tbe pay of Senatora for every day they are abeent from other oanee than aickneaa. It baa beeome tba practice to ovorlook tbe law in caaee of abeenteea of reaaon abla length, bat no other each oaee aa that of Sharon'a haa been preeented of lata yeara. Opposing Morton'i Confirmation. Wasbixotoh, January 9. — Senator Booth and Farley, and Repreeentatiree Davie, Page, Pacheco and Berry yeeter day nnitedly aigned a written communi cation, addreeaed to tbe Senate Finance Committee, reoommending "that the nomination of John Morton aa Collector of Internal Revenue for tbe Firat Cali fornia Dletriot. be reported adveraely." They baae their reoueet upon two grounda : Firat, that Morton, by raaaon of bia yontb and inexpcrienoe, la not competent to flU tbia important poaltion properly; and aeeond, that ba ia not identified with California, and therefore abould not be given an offloe whlob her people have a right to expect to be filled by one of tbemaelvM. Tbia document waa handed to the Chairman (Bayard) by Senator Farley, and ba and Senator Booth have followed it up by pereonal oonveraationa with all mem bora of tbe oommittee, both Damoorata and Bepub licana. Tba oommittee will bald 1U sex* regular ataUsg oextTwaday. Tfea Chinese QoeMlon. W&MIKOTCK, J«nnary 9.—Cox's bill to .vgulste Iramlgiation, when rep: r led to tbe Hookii of B prcMQUtivM from the Foreign Affairs Cuoimittae, *u aeut to thu Committee of the Whole oa i polot of ord r. TbU io«nr.i 4D oppor tunity for offering an xticDduient, tod P*ge fll*J at tbe C! rk'e de»k, to bo printed with the bill, a atria* of n.nend uiroia, tba t ff.-ct of which, If adopted, will b» to ixtcnd it* ptuviiioua concern ing tbe r<ui»;.ry and ncliuion of erim iuala and pauper* tj all p r«ons who ara dsnlrd the rig'it of natural....tloa under existing laws. vxoept tbat iu ri-gard to tba latter cliaa, n number not exceeding fifteen miy bi admitted by any ona Tea* Ml. Page also introdaoed for re'irrnoe to the Committee on Education and Labor, and as a means of bringing tbe Chinee* question again to the attention of the committee, a copy of the original Sar> gent bill providing that not more tbaa ten Mongolians aball be admitted by any one Teasel. Railroad Accidents. Galksbubo, 111., January 7.—A ter rible collision occurred at Gale's Hollow last night on the Bnrlington branoh of the Chioago, Bnrlington and Qalncy Railroad. One stock train ran into an* other going in the eame direction, and canaed a general wreek. Two etock men are known to be killed, and others are poaaibly in tbe ruins. Tbe responsi bility of tbe affair cannot now bo located. Elizabeth, N. J. January 7.—Four teen oars wero burued yeeterday, to gether with the drawbridge. Loss, 940, 000. The acoident was ooossloned by tbe bridgeman mistaking tbe time of the train, and by the incorrectneaa ot alg nala. Tbe Fret* on flareelon. Chicago, Jsnuary 9.—The Tunes pub. lisbee two oolamns of fine print of edi torial extracts from 10 Democratic pa pers, representing tbe principal citiee in the oountry, respecting the situation ia Maine. Only three, tbe St. Louia 1 it publican, the Cincinnati Enqulrtr and tbe Boston Oloht (Butler'e organ) approTeot Garcelon'a course. All tbe rest denounoe it in more or lese etalwart terms. The Timet itself haa been throughout oon aiatantly and bitterly hoetile to the whole proceeding. Mlicellaneooi. ■ Wabbixoton, January 0.—A joint m ololion w»» introduced by Bepresento tive Belford yeiterday, which author izes tba Secretory of the Interior to pay out of the Indian Annuity Fund to Mrs. N. 0. Meeker the sum of $5,000, to the heir of Frank Dresser $5,000, to the widow of William Post $1,000, and to Mamie J. Elliott $5,000, for injuries sustained by them at the hands of ths Ute Iudians In Colorado. New Yobs, January 0.—The Denver and Bio Qrande Bail way Company closed 'a contract on Saturday for 150 box, CO stock, 100 coal and 250 flat cara for ita Albuquerque and San Jnan extension*, making, with the 550 freight can now being completed, a total ol 1,410 oara, coaling about $600,000. A contract waa also made for 10 Pnllman aleeping ooachea. Two trains on the Elevated ltailway came in oolliaion on Wednesday at the corner of Ninth avsnns and Sixteenth atreet. The engines and one oar wers smashed, but no paasengera or train handa were hurt. The guards prevented the trains from tumbling into the street. Boston, January 0.—The Legislator* organized on Wednesday. Senator B. B. Bishop was nnanimouly chosen President of ths Senate and C. J. Noyes (Bepubliean), on fonrth ballot. Speaker of the House. While five children were amusing themaelvea on Cotton mill pond at Bead viile, day before yesterday, the Ice gave way and two wers drowned. Habttobd, January 0.—Ths message of Governor Andrews shows a reduotion in the State income. Extension of the right of voting to womsn is reoommended, at least, in all mat ters affecting taxes ; more string ent divorce lews are urged; the property of married women, it is suggested, be taxed in the name of the woman herself, instead of that of her hnsband. Senator Booth's dinner to Genera Orant at Saoramento bad a merry sar prise in the midst of it. Forty-five gen tlemen sat down to table, and dinnsr waa nearly finished, when suddsnly the folding doors st ons end of the room which ths table nearly toaehed wers thrown open and, behold 1 there was another room of ths sams size as ths first, and down lU length extended a ta ble at whioh were seated forty-five ladies with Mrs. Orant, all of whom hod been dining comfortably the while. The gen tlemen arose, applatded, and waved handkerchiefs ; tho ladies rstnrned oor dial greetings, and ths evening most pleasantly proceeded. ■ I i ■ Leo XIII apeaka very little English, snd converses generally in either French or Italian. He listens attentively to ev ery introduction, makes a stately cour tesy, and then offers his hsnd, on whioh gleama ths pontifical ring. Ths visitor, who at the time ie reverently kneeling, gently takes the Pope's hand and oar* riee ths ring to his lips, ths Pope gently sways his body back, disoloalng his foot, and a kiss is likswist imprinted on his instep, where a cross resplendtntly shines. _ Child, three years old, is looking wistfnlly at a diminutive pio, when its mother says: "Now, Meta, I want you to aave your nice pis so your papa oan nee it when he comes home." Child (looking still mors wistfully): "I sink I could tell peps ezacly how it looks." * VIBCILLilKOUB. 'm GOLD HILL MARKET Nwn *—r to lk«:N«wi OBm, •> L. T. FOX. • - - PBQPRirrow' At this ma rut can m choicmt •■IF. «UTTO». POBlt *VBAL* AND MAUHAQBS. Ow Mlnl«. baui* aalactad from tha baat OttUa Buun la Narada and CalJtornla, *ra _ ?5JvATIhfA*IUW AND BOT1L0 will tad It to tbalr adraaUca to patralM tht* Market, whan Uwy will H«V« ba aspellad with tha beat moau thaeooa trj can aCacd. KIXDIBZD TALLOW, for Bill and miotic LT yor J. U. HALL M. Om ^ . 'i. * . w " ..