Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS MONDAY. : : : : JANUAIIY19.1880 ■TtoB irnnT. this xoasixa. SMOpfclr. 19. 18%. 181« 6a Mexican. 18%. 18H. 18*,. 19 4(0 Ootid * Curry, 7. <i\ 2tO Beat A Belabor, 14. 13% MO California. 4 V. 4 20 410 Savage, 7 8. 7% IMS Cm. Virginia. 4 30. 4 %, 4 20. 4 10. 4 OS. 4 13 70# Chollar, 9, 9%. 9*4. 9% 623 Potoei, 4%. »%.»% 330 Hal* A N'oror»»», 3% 199# Crewn Point. 6%• • MO Tallow Jiekit, 13. 13*1, 13% 1900 Imperial, 1,1 03 313 Kantock. 4 80. 4 15 200 Alpha. II. 10%. 10S. 10H 4490 Beleher. 12S. 12%. US. 13. 13%. 12%, 12* 96 Confidence, 9, 8% W3 Siarra Sevada. 22. 21. 24%, 2»% 193 Utah. 14, 14%. 14% 343 Bullion. •%, 6% 280 ■leheqner, 4 13. 4 10, 4 03. 4 70 Sa(. Balabar. 24. 33% 400 Overman. 10. 9%,9«i 1073 J nation. S. 3 10. 3%. 3 40. 3 30 703 Union Con.. 43, 41% 400 Alta, 5%, 3%.5\ 1670 Lady Bryan. IV. 1 80. 1 83. 1 63. I 70 1936 Julia. 2 90. «. 2 93. 3 13. 3 20.3% 933 Catatonia. 2. 2 20. 2%. 2 30. 2 40. 2%. 2 33. 2%. 2 60 333 Silver Hill. 1%. 1 60 770 Challenge, 2 20 230 Dardanrllea, 1 1210 New York. 70c. 60c. 33c. 63o 130 Occidental, 1 90 3410 Lady Waabington Cos.. 1 10. i 13 1260 Andre. 1 30. 1 S. 1 33. 1% 1720 Ward. 3 63. 3 70 l>3. 3 85. 3 80. 3 70, 3% 1100 Welle-Fargo, 15c 1090 keorpion. 3%. 3 60. 3 90, 3%. 3 93. S 80 1300 Coamopolitan. 50c. 55o >50 Leviathan, 50c 16U0 Trojan. 5o 930 Denton Con.. 3 10. 3 IS. 3 20. 3% 300 Solid Silver. 30c 420 Ooldeo Gate. 2 80. 3 83 180 Con. Dorado. 3 3320 Flowery. 60c. 35c. 50c 1930 North bonanza. 1%. 1 20. 1 10. 1 2690 Mackay. 20c. 13o ifUriMa I a formal IfMloa. ■ax Fbascisco, Jan. 19—2:30 p. 10 Ophir 181*. 1M do 18. 20 do IS; 100 Balcher 12. 150 do IIH.100 do 11H, 100 do 11V 820 do 11. 300 do 10*. 723 do 10l«.:i0dol0't.8dol0H.100 do 10*»; 690 Bodie 7H; 33 Utah 14 H; 10 do UH. 60 da 14'a; 313 Best A Belcher 13; 83 Mexican 18, 10 do 17*. & do 17*; 1100 Crawn Point 6, 663 do 5*; 30 Confidence SH; 10 Alpha 11; W3 Lady llrrau lift; MO do IS. 210 do 1H; 200 Crown Point 6. 30do8«»; M0 Mono 71,; 530 Ward 2 63; 700 North Bonanza 1, 100 do 93c; 173 Lady Bryan 1«4; 470 Bullion IV 220 do fiHi 183 Yellow Jacket 12S. 63 do 12H, 3 do 12S; 740 Sierra N«fada 20. 20 do 19*. >3 do 20; 100 South Bulwer 1 40, !200 do It; 20Oaledodia 1 90. 310 do 2. 30 do 1 98. 10 do 2 OS; 110 Bullion 5',; 80 Scor pion 3 H. 80 do 3 <0. 100 do 3*; 200 Bodio IHt SO Scorpion 3 53; 300 Tioga 3 13; 730 Flowery 5«c; 800 Mackay 20c; 60 Oould A Carry 8*t; 70 do IS* SO do6H; 100 Mono 74; 10 Mexican 17H; 30 Ophir 18; 70 Belcher 11; 270 do 10%, ilUrMM »«ml ■•pori. Sin Faaxciaco, January 19—3 p.m.— Union. 421* bid; Crown Point, bid. 6 ■alt; Ophir, 17H bid. 18 aaked; Sierra Ne vada. 20 bid. 20% aaked; Lady Bryan, 4So bid. 10a aaked; Overman, 9H bid; Yellow Jacket, 12H bid; Benton. S 03 bid; Jue tlx. 3 aalea. 3 10 bid; Silver Hill. 1H bid; Bclcber. 11 bid. 11S aaked, II1* sale; Ex chequer. 4 aaked; Potoai, 5l. bid, 5"» aaked, SS aalee; North Bonanxa. 1 aaked; California. 4 bid; Union, 42H bid; Sierra Nevada. 20* aalee; Mexican. 17% aaked; Crown Point, 5'« aaked; Alia. SS aaked; Mexican, 17 aaked; California. 4 20 bid; Lady Bryan. 2 aalee; 1 90 bid. 2 aaked; Belcher, 10% bid. 11 aaked. 10'« sales. Arrival* (Ilia ■sralaf. J as Oribble, W M Little, N Masse. O W Stewart. D M Cole. 4 w Dillon. Julia Deck, Jas Steele, Mrs L Deck, Geo K At kinson. M C Tilden. Agnes McKinnon, 11 McKinnon. Mrs Barton, A McQuaid, W 3 Magee and son. Arrivals Tnlerdar Msralai. Hon Oeo £ Teaaland, W W Mason. Geo Tonkin, James Lowrn, D L Hanifln. J Nobis, M Butler, O I Ives. J Smith. J J Bhanghnessy, W U French, P Hogan, E C O'Donahue, W Cain, W llanscom. Mrs T A Le« and family. Miss A O'Hsra; John Oillig, Mra Jos R Ryan. R N Qravea, Miaa Augnaline, Mra J O Fair, Mra Fredericka, Mra Seaman. T B Kelly, Mra Nye. II Don Bally, It F Morrow, R W Warren, tieorga F.mmvtt. V Lemery, C II Boynton. W A Law eon, Miss B Finlayson. Depansrw I was Kv*als(. R Oaines, W A Lawaon, C U Boynton, M Shawhan, J C King, L Ford, W Cain, Mra J M Neuman, M Requa, Oeo Curnow. Dspartarss Ralsnlaj Evealac. C A Hudson. D Tooster, M O'Sbea, S S Hopper, C C Pandegast, Mrs B J Toll, E Peyser, J W Adams. Mrs A J Tyrrell. W P Leonard, Joa Meyer. T M Dougherty, wife •on and maid, Dr H Blade. A XEDIl'IMI MIIOl'LD NOT BK actcKO By th* mUnstn aod vtnlenc* of lit eff«l*. Helf evident it thl* proposition would M*m. Um in tnioy fouilah p«MU who in cob Wat only with i niiHttjr which *cta abroptly. The pill tod other Dovlram vendor* who trad* opoo the credulity of thl* cl*** And their -beel bolt." *a poor Artemua Wud t»rm»d II. In <h« Ml* *f violent parmilvM. So loaf M Iher wr«och tho bowel* tf their dipm >aR>cl*ntlr. Itoy *r* pcH'jr mi* of a certain ufaiinotiM mm. 11 lukM of each prrnlcloa* rabbl«b. Hoftattar'* Mornach Bltt*r* U need, the remit* are widely different. The bowel* are relieved, but alwaja polif. by ihi* pleaaaat lai*tiv*. which don dm weahaa bat mx^faiee them, aod eadowe the ce operative orcane of direc tion aad hilloue **cr*l«>n with *ctivlty aod refalartty. *tr*a»th«n* the ronatltutloa aod yhyttqa*. aad wbll* It la late la ita cooautu aata. la aaffl.lently prompt la oparaUoa. A BKAGKAXT BKK.tTII ABO PIABLY TEETH are eailly obtained by elM—l»c yoor teeth dally with ihu |o*tlv popular dentifrice. 80Z000MT. Compaeed of rara aattaeptlc her ha. a Impart* wbiteaew M the teeth, a dalle low* )mu to th* h.-aaih. aad wwme* Intact, from youth to old mm. la* t**th. Acidity ot th* alomach will Mm th* •iron**.! Mb anlM* 1U *MI M* eoo*U**ct*d with SOZUDONT. aad thl* par* tooth-wa»h proie-u th* denial aar'acM by waoflu every Imparity that ad b*ree to th***. A*k yoor drugftat lor UUZO HOST. It A CARD. To *11 who are nftrUi frota th* erron and liiimmlna* if r~rh "in—itTiitnni nrlr tear. taM at manhood, eto , 1 will aeod a re cipe thai will car* yoo, FKKB UP OflABOK. Thl*(r**t raaedj <1* dl*cuT*red by aml*alon ■n la Soalh Anerlc * mad a **il«ddn**«d mulon ia tk* Mar. Jo*ir> T. laaaa. Iiatlon f,Srw T** city. jaMly OFF'IIAL MINING LETTERS. The following letter*, undor the date* given. hire been *cnt from the Comitock to tho priucipal offloes of tho various com pan it-< in San FrancUco: OHIf. Viroimu Crrr, January 17,1880.—C. L. Wtllrr, AwMnl: Work has uot yet been resumed in the bottom of our main inelino. The work of cutting out the tank station at that point ia making good prog rem. On our 231". level tho work of excavating the ore am! waito etiutes ia progressing well. Aa »oon u these are completed work will bo resumed in the caat drift. The main north drift has been advanced 18 feet through a favorable-looking vein matter, carrying streak* of quartz, and ia now in 1U feet from the nation. On our 2300 level the joint Mexican wnt crosscut on our northern boundary has been extended It* feet through a soft vein porphyry, re quiring careful timbering, making a total length of 208 feet from the mam north drift. We shall this week resume work in the main eut drift from the incline. On our MOO level the south drift on the Hardy vein ia in 10 feet and is showing low grade ore in the face. We have also started a drift north in the Hardy vein. This drift will follow the vein in that direction and thoroughly explore the gronnd under the development made in the north end of the level above. It ia now in eight feet and shows fair grade ore in the face. On our 2100 level the north drift in the Hardy vein has been advanoed 11 feet through a heavy vein formation, making the total length from crosscut No. 1, 330 feet. The progress in this drift has been interrupted during the week by the work of laying the sills in the ore passed through preparatory to sloping out the same. We are putting in the pump column and rods fer our 2300 station pump and expect to start the pump within two weeks. Our ore s to pes are yielding the usual amount of good milling ote and our machinery is working well. W. H. Patton, Bupt. CmmIMbM. Ymoi.iu ClTYi Jan. 17, 1840.- ftoUri Skrrw-*nl, PrrtiJml: On our 2000 level the joint Mexican wwt croaacut on our aouth ern boundary hu been uliuml 12 feet through a win formation and ia now in 473 fif t froui tbe main north drift. The joint Mexican winze bu been tank and timbered 1] feet throngh a aoft birdaeyo porphyry. making a total depth of 285 feet. Work will l>« discontinued in thil winze today from conaiderationa of aafety and the connection made from the aouth drift on tbe 2300 level. On our 2300 level the main aouth drift baa been advanced 49 feet through a birdacye porphyry, making a total distance from the Union ahaft of 492 feet and leaving 34 feet to be run before connecting with tbe joint winze aunk from the 2000 level. The work of cularging and retimbering the main drift aouth from tbe Sierra Xejada winze la completed and we have atarted an eaat croaacnt from that point. The track ia laid through our north drift to tbe ore atopta on thla level and we are carrying our aill door south from tbe end of tbe Sierra Nevada atopea. On our 2400 level the eaat drift haa been extended 30 feet and ia now in 205 foet from the main abaft, paaaing throngh oro giving good aanaya (or a distance of nine feet, when low-grade ore waa encountered, which continue* to tho face. There ia no chango to note in our ore atopea. They are yielding tbe uiual quantity of good mill ing ore. Tbe work in and about the Uuion shaft ia making good progress. W. II. PATTOil, bupt. California. Yitotxn Citt, Jan. 17, 1880.—ft P. GorH.m, Srrrthiri: During tbo put week 1132 ton* o( ore have been extracted. On our HjO 1" v 11 the work of enlarging and retimbering the Joint WMt croaacut from tb« Conaolidated (haft i* now completed. Work haa been rtaumed in the nortb drift, wbicb i* now in 183 fwet, paaaing through • heavy clay formation. On our 1300 level we bare commenced to reopen and retim ber tbe nortbweet drift. It will be reopened a diatauce of ISO feet and a wcat orueacut run to open and thoroughly explore tbe ground to tbe eaat of tbo old (tope*. On tbe 1730 level tbe nortb ore body below the (ill door continue* to yield fair grade ore. Tbe raiie from croeecut No. 3 ia con nected with the 1830 level. TbU opening forme a permanent air way and improvee the ventilation in thie part of tbe mine. On our '2230 level the nortb drift haa been extended 23 feet and ia now 260 feel north from tbe C. A C. (haft, and continue* in vein formation carrying *om* quartz. On onr 2330 level w* arc making preparation to run a north drift, which will he con tinued to our northern boundary. On our 2130 level the main (outb lateral drift from tbe Opbtr baa been extended 27 feet through hard, blaating porphyry with atreaka of clay. Tb* machinery at tb* C. A C. *baft ia all working aatiafactorlly. W. II. Parrox, Bupt. laaMlldaM Virilaia. Yiroixu Citt, Jan. 17. 1880.—A. IT. //n(YNi. .Vrrrr/iirv .* We have boiated 1287 ton* of ore during tbe pm*t week. On our 830 level the work of enlarging and re pairing tbe joint weal croaacut from the Conaolidated abaft ia completed and we (ball riaurne work in croaacut No. 2, which wia diacoutinued on account of water appearing in tbe facelaat November, it having drained ont aince that time. Oa our 1330 level wo continue to find and extract aome ore lying to tbo eaat of tbe old atopea. On our 1730 level we continue to extract eorne low grade ore from No. 1 winze. On our 2130 level tbe work of enlarging and retimbering our main aouth drift ia completed, and tbe joint Beat A Itelcher croaacut will l>e atarted the coming week. On our 2330 level we are making preparation to atart a main aouth drift from tbe C. A C. (haft, which'will bo con tinued to our aouthern boundary and con nected with the joint Beat A Belcher winze to be aunk from the 2130 level. All the machinery at the C. A C. abaft la working aatiafactorily. W. II. Parrox, Bupt. ■ •XlCM. Viaiiixn Crrr, Jan. 17, 1880.—C. IYtlUr. f'miileui: On our 2300 level tbe main north drift baa been advanced 33 feet through a heavy formation of quartz giviug l«w a**ay* and i* now in 39ti feet from our *outh lino. Tbo joint Onhir we*t croaacut on our aouthern boundary haa been extended 19 feet through a *oft vein porphyry which require* careful tim bering. making a total length of 298 f*et from tbe main north drift. On our 2000 level tbe joint I'nion Consolidated winze on our northern boundary line baa been ■unk and timbered 12 feet through a *oft bird (eye porphyry, making a total depth of 283 feet. Work will bo ducontinued in tbi( winze today, from condderationa of (afety. and the connection mule from tbo Union (baft by the Union Conaolidated Company. On the 2300 level tbo joint I'nion Conaolidated weat croiacut baa been extended 12 fe«.t through vein matter, and i* now in 473 feet from tbe main north drift. W. II. Parrox, bupt. MtMr. Gold Hill. Ju. 17. 1880.—J.imn Xtw f >.m,It ml: The (Ml drift from 3000 etation hu reached a diatance of 127 fret, having brrn ran ?■) f»«t la At* dayt. The face of the drift it in a kindly formation of birdiey* porphyry. About 20 feet mora will bring ut up to the outaide eaainga of tbe ledge. Tbtt main tooth drift on thli level 1* now in 72 fc«t, having been ran 47 fret daring tbe week. Tbt face ihowa sign* of porphyry. It will take u* about six week* to reach, with thia drift, a point oppoeite to that whera we atrnck the era ttrtak on the 2760 level, and then we will have to ran a croeacat about 120 feet before we will come nuder the ore atreak above. The 2780 «outh drift on the ore atreak ia in 40 feet. and the north drift on the tame ore ttreak ia in 10 feet. The faoe of both theee drifta ahow ore, quarts and por* pbyry. The buttoma of theee two drifta, on the ore atreak for ita entire length, ahow np the beet. The aataya ran from $1A to S120. We have not been able to do moch work on thia ore atreak daring tbe week, on account of being obliged to tim* ber up the ground, u it bad already com menced to cave in many plaeea. Tbla tim Luring it now completed and work on tbe ore atreak ia again returned. All other work in and about the mine ia going on aatiafactorily and our machinery ia in good order. W. H. ttsixth, Bupi. ■hi * Beleber. Vinoisu Cmr, Jan. 18,1880.— W. Witlii, Sfmury: On our 1700 lerel the joint cut drift ha* been extended SI feet during tbe paat week; total length from main lateral drift, 1921 feet. The north header of the Sutro tunnel baa penetrated tbe Company') ground a diitanoe of 300 feet and ia being rapidly drivou through a formation that require* no timbering. Our croeacut from the bottom of the winze on our north line (2190 of the Con. Virginia) will be atarted on Tueaday next. Tbla croeacut will be run jointly with tbe Con. Virginia Company and the work oonducted through the Con. Virginia mine and the C. A C. ■haft. At tbe O. A C. and O. A B. joint abaft no ainking haa been don* ainoe Mon day. Tbe influx of water wu ao great that it wu thought adviaable to atop tbe work for a abort time and allow tbe water to drain out. During the week our force of abaft meu baa been engaged to good advan tage on tbe bob pit Hinking will be re aumed the flrat of tbe week. H. H. Pexoykb, Mupt lima IltTMa. Virginia Cm, Jan. 17, 1880.—Jl'. IT. Sir Srcrtiary: The north drift on tbe 2200 level baa been advanced during tbe week 41 feet; total dlatanoe, 352 feet. The faee of thia drift atill continue* in the eamo formation deecribed in my laat let ter. The north drift on tbe 2900 level baa been advanced 39 feet; total dlatanoe, 207 feet Tbe faee ia now puaing through a very excellent formation, carrying atring era of onartx giving low aaaaya, and allow ing a alight aeepage of water. We have found it neceaaary during tbe week to tim ber the northweat drift, tbe ground being too aoft to atand without it. Thia work la nearly completed. We have alao run a drift eaat from tbe atatlon on tbla level a diatancc of 40 feet. Tbia drift haa paaaed through what would aeem to be on eaatern ore Ixxlr giving aome fair aaaaya for a die tauce of 20 feel. The flow of water from all parta of the mine romaiua about the eame. Alex. O. McKkxxk, 8upt I'nloa Nbaft. VrnoiNiA Crrr, Jan. 17,1880 Oeorj* C. Pnill, S'rrrhint: UtllDM bob No. 4 1( in poeltiou, and bob station No. S and tank itation No. 4 are being timbered. Tbe work of retimbering the drain tnnnel that rota ink) tlio abaft 173 feet below the sur face ia completed, and we are patting in a tank at that point for the use of tbe con densing pomp of our pnmplng engine. We shall commence tbia coming week the work of putting in the foundations for the pumps at tank station No. I. A large force of men is still necessary to relieve tbe shaft below the 3000 level and keep it in condition for work. We are pushing the work of erecting our large pumping engine with all poasible energy. All the machinery is on the ground, and many of tho large pieces are in place. The work on oar machine shop is progressing well; the large latbo is running and the other tools will be in position daring the com ing week. Thomas H. Booxki, Bupt. Jail* CoaeolldatMl. Yiboixia Citt, Jan. 17, 1880.—finny A, CkmHf, StrrHmrfi: The south lateral drift, 3000 level, is making fair progress. Htrlng ers of oro are encountered, giving fair as says. The temperature is very much les sened since tho balkbead was placed in, confining tbe heat and steam at or near the faco of the crosscut, and escaping through the snb-drain. Tbe winze on the 1800 level has attained a depth of 310 feet. A heavy horse baa been encountered, which has ttirowu Uio ijuartz body to the east, with the horse resting in the well defined west wall. The temperature throughout the 1800 and 3000 levels is lower than at any previous time. A strong curriut oi air continually tlows through to the Ward shaft. Tho flow of water on oar bottom level is being handled with ease. Tne machinery and pampa are ranning at a moderate speed. Hurt Bawdex, Bupt. ■avace. Yiboixia Citt, Jan. 19, 1880.— E. B. Ifnlm't, Sterrtnry: During the past week wo have repaired and timbered the drift leading from the 10th station to tbe Hale Jt Norcross G5 feet; total distanoe repaired and retimbered 383 feet. Have put 300 feet of new guides in sooth shaft; total in aaid shaft 1300 feet, and in north shaft 330 feet of new guides. Have pumped water from and repaired incline below the 3300 level 61 feet; total distance pumped and repaired 160 feet. Wilt commence sinking incline today. Drift from Com bination shaft tor inclins bss been ex tended 80 feet; total distance of drift, in cluding station, 133 feet. Machinery iu good order. Join P. Killet, bupt. Uoulil dk Curry. Vmoixia Citt, Jan. 18, 1880.—A. K. brute, Strrttary: Tbe east drift on our 1700 level, joint with the Beat & Belcher Company, has been advanoed 31 feet through hard, dry porphyry; total length from main lateral drift 1931 feet. Ws have 43 feet yet to ran to reach tbe perpen dicular of the new shaft. At the new Joint shaft, owiug to an unusual heavy flow of water, we were obliged to discontinue sinking, and since Monday all hands have been employed on tbe bob pit. The water in the shaft ia being held at a tax to tho immp of about 11H strokes per minnte. Will resuniu sinking on Tuesday next. H. H. PiNorxa, Bupt. Yellow Jacket. Gulp Hill, Jan. 17, 1880.—Gtoryt tin/. Ism, ! ■'<•» I'ruidmi: Daring tho week tbe abaft has been sunk 38 feet, and is now 3336 feet deep. Station timbers have been placed at the 3836 level, on tbe same level with the Belcher 3760 station. The north drift has been extended 33 feet to a point 313 feet north of the east crosscut from the north winze. The north winze has been sunk to a depth of 38 feet on the slope. All of tbe tank pits, except No. 13, will be completed the coming week, and work on the bob pits will be commenced. One of our new ropct has arrived and is being placed on the aonth reel. I. E. Jaxcs, 8upt. Ward. Yianisu Cmr, Jan. 17. 1880 JWroi SiaiUl'tlil, Jr., Sttntary: Tho com pany'» •haft h»« been »unk and timbered 23 feet (or the week rtidiotc Uiii date; total depth, 1972 feet. Indication* preeent tbcmielve* Tery itronRly that harder ground iiahortly to be encountered, bnt the flow of water •how* no increaae from previoui week*. The repair* on the (oath drift connected with the Jalia progreia slowly, in con*e auence of the heat pa**ing through from that mine. One (hfft, of two ineu ouly, i* employed on the repair*. Hexbt Bawd km, Hupt. ■liver lllll. Bilth Hill Mixx. Jan. 17, 1880.— H'. Or Srrrtiary: During the paat week the 1300 eait crowcut hu boen extended and timl>ered 40 feet throngh quartz and porphyry carrying a large quantity of iron and giving low aaaay*. Thii morning the top ef the drift ihowa a regular clay, ■landing atraightar than the formation paued throngh. Onr blower work* vary well, giving a good anpply of freeh air. Machinery la in good working order. M. C. Hiu.ii*, bupt. Gold Hill, Jan. 17, 1880.—Gtory IT. Bnrtr, Prfidrnt: Since laat report the north croeacot baa bean extended 64 feet; total length, 114 fact. About 75 feet la through a very fine formation of quarts and porphyry giving fair aaaaya. At For man ahaft have made good progreia with all the work. Have placed all the pumpe in ahaft and will ba ready to reeume link ing a* itxjn a* pump engine it ready to (tart np, which will be In about ten dayt. Cia*. FoUUV, Bopt. run. VimorwiA Cm, Jan. 17,1879.—0«om C, Pratt, Strrttarn: During the put week wi have made fair progress with all work in and about the mlnu. Th£ main incllni haa attained a depth of 128 feet below th< 1790 level, msasuring on the dope. Thi rock paaaed through daring tho week hai been Tory bard, bat now looks u If it would aoon get softer. The flow of watci at the bottom continaea about tho aame u at lait report. At the 1790 level the sooth lateral drift, which waa atarted a little over a week ago, ia now in SO feet, with the face iu vein porphyry and clay with stringers of quarts. An eaat croeacut haa been atarted at thia point and ia now in lfi feet. The pnmpe are handling the water with caie. W. B. Bam-ruo, Bupk ClMllMP. YI ho ima Cm, Jan. 17, 1880—A. K. P. Harmon, PrrnJtnt: The reanlt of opera* tioua daring the week ending thia date givea 77 feet added to the length of the main drift weat on the 3(00 level, making the total diatance from the ahaft 120 feet. Blnoe the laat writing the material through which the drift waa driven haa been por phyry, with ooeaiioaal small olay itreaki. Thia morning a atringer of quarts waa cat through. The rock la the faoe of the drift aeema to be getting aofter, and ia quite free from water. All the machinery at the ■haft la working aatlafaotorily. Isaao L. Bxqva, Supt. ■alllea. Gold Hill, Jan. 19,1880.—J. if. Bra. itil, Xttrtiani: During tho past week we have sunk the incline wlnse 20 feet, mak ing a total of 293 feet from the 2150 level on the slope. By the end of the week we will have reached the 2890 level, where a station will be opened and prospecting commenced in this section of the mine. The winic shows a marked improvement as we approach this level. Everything in and about the mine ia In good working order. The Butro tunnel is now in our ground 28H feet. P. Auo. Huxbeut, Bupt. Caledonia. Ooi.d Hill, Jan. 17, 1880.—Otorot W. Uturtr, I'rttiiltKi: Daring the week end ing tbli day the soath drift hu been ex truded 55 tnii; total length, 440 feet. Faoe of drift iu toft rein porphyry with seams of quartz. The main pumps have been ran au avorage of 12 Lour* a day. The water from oar 1900 level 1* being pumped by the Belohsr Company. At Forman abaft have lowered the pump* into place in ihaft and will be ready to resume (inking ae soon aa tbe pomp en> gine i* completed and plaocd. Cham. Fob***, Supt. CeaielldaM Imperial. Oold Hill, Jan. 18, 1880.—A. JC. P. //umiuN, Prfidmt: We are catting oat for • etation and sinking for a lump at foot of aouth wince on our 3800 level. It will require about ten day* to complete thia work. We will then atari a drift on thia level south to connect with a drift from Yellow Jacket running north on their 2700 level, whioh correspond* to oar 2800 level. We are making oar oiual progress with work in the mine, and ev erything is moving along satiifaotorlly. A. 0. Hamilton, Uup't. Hal* * Narcreaa. Yiaoixu Cm, Jan. 10, 1880.—Jotl F. Liqki*tr, Stcrttiiry: On the 2200 level the north croMCut hu been advanoed 32 feet in vein porphyry. We strnek hot water in oar eouth winze on tbe 10th Instant and were obliged to pat in a donkey pamp. Will cut out for a small tank today. Tbe winse has been sank US feet sine* last report and Is now 104 fe.t in depth. Oar machinery is all in good order and work ing well. PfliLrrr Pmmnan, flupt. SUTRO TUNNEL Tb« Karlh Lateral a "OriMtd MxtUalac" Drift—HiunrtoaaU, KM. Surveyor Hoffman bu returned from his trip to the 8utro tonne! and brings meaaurements. January 17 tha north header waa 1771 (act from the ocnter of the tnnnal and 234.78 feat into Beat k Belcher gronnd. Daring the last three day* 70 feet were made, an amonnt of work wholly unnp proached in all the history of running ezcaTatioua under ground. The gronnd in the first plaee worka wall and reqniree no timbering. Then each of the bosses ia allowed to obooae bia own men and there ia a atrife between tha abifta aa to which will do the moat work and a laud able emulation on the part of all em ployed to make a bigger record than baa yet been made. Tho apeed with which the north header ia being aent through the 638 feat of Beat & Belcher ground entitlea it to be designated aa the " greaaed-ligbtning " drift. The south header waa yeeterrtay in G73.5G feet and had penetrated Bullion gronnd 28*{ feet. It ia now in good working gronnd. The prospecting drift* have been dis continued for the preaent for the pur poae of repairing the tunnel, keeping the grade good through the awaiting ground and cutting out a atation near etation No. 2]for an air receiver. The north lateral branch of the tun nel doca not run equarely acroaa the Savage or Oonld & Curry. In paaaing through Savage the 771 feet were length ened to 883 feet; Oould 4 Curry, 014 feet to G18 feet. It ia now running nearly due north. Fire I aauranN. We deairo to call attention to the well eatabliabed and popular Are inaurance agency of J. A. Brnmaey, 45 South C atreet, Virginia, where contracta are made and polieiee iaaued in California, Eastern and foreign companiea without delay or reference to remote officee. Mr. Urumsey is the only general and ad justing agsnt in Nevada—knowa bow to write a policy to proteot hia patrona, and givea personal attention to bia boai neaa. Look at bia New Year'a liat of oompaniea in another oq)nmn. Ken inch. The north drift on the 2700 level of the Crown Point baa entered Kentuck ground. It is now to be oontinued on to the Yellow Jaoket line, a distance of 100 feet, and then the gronnd peaaed through will be thoroughly prospected by croeecuta. The workinga in thia part of the vein partake of the Yellow Jaoket, Crown Point and Belcher interest. Tha Bedle Ballread. Yesterday a corps of engineers want down to the Mound Hons* (ally •quipped for making the sunrsy of the brsooh railroad from that point to Bodie. There is bnt one point on the whole route where they will be so far from • house that it will be necessary to resort to tent life. The party will have their headquarters at Dsyton for about a week. BaUiea MIimmmu. The California Mining Company Sat urday night ahippad bullion to the value of 956,340 60; the Consolidated Virginia Company ahipped 944,464 11; the Union Consolidated, 926.312 03, and the Ophir Company, 916,996 60, making • total of 9144,102 33. MURDEROUS ASSAULT MADE on TOM CLARK, THE USISBU. •track Over ibi Head Willi a Su rip* — Ma la Tfeu JanMd On *«d KltkMl-Hli Kr-cne la. JarlM- Ttoa Mreli talea' Uulon Waiaad ror II. Jut before the departure of tbe light ning express from Virginia laat evening a murderous and cowardly assault waa made on Tom Clark, the .nglnser of the train, by one of three men who stepped np behind him as be was pawing down Union street and crossing D and gave him a terrible blow orer the hsad with a piece of gaa pipe, knocking him down. The three men then jumped on him and oommenced kicking and atamning him while down. He wonld undoubtedly bare been killed then and there but for the ready aaaUtanoeof Charley Hoff and P. H. Judge, who, seeing the Interfered, picked Tom up and helped him away down to the depot. Hun, howevsr, for his partlcipetr0n in the rescue wea prodded in the abdomen with a ecratch awl, but fortunately this dan geroua weapon waa not dri»en deep enough to reach the inner oavlty. There wea an unusually large crowd of people on Union etreet at the time, lured there, as was supposed, by the pleaeent weether and to eee the train atart and who went away on it. Of course there wss a grand rush as soon u ths assault waa made. After the attack waa orer Charley Huff pointed to om man in the crowd and said : Th"». that's the man who aUuck Clark , that man thare with a csp on. The indl vidual pointed out skulked round among the crowd and eecaped. No streets were msde. Both Huff and Clark say, however, that they are able to identify ^The prevailing opinion le that the at tack on Clark last efenlng was a renewal of the dlfBoultlee between him aud the Uecbanica' Union of Storey county. Still several membera of the Union and those high in authority deny it. Of course it is at preeent impossible t o ss certain the facta in the caes. There have been several changea in engineer* since the difficulty between Clark and the Union last summer, and the euppoeltlon is thst all men in the employ of ths rail road company who were friendly to or acted with the Union at that time have been let out and their "V"** by new men. The report tbst Clark ran in his engine for the first time yesterday la not troe. He hae been running hie eosine for eome time baek. A polioe man in Virginia told the N«ws rspreeen tative that tbe Union men eaid yester day that Clark abould not run bis engine out last svsning. Whether this be true or not, there osrtainly was a lsrge num bar of Union men on hand immediately after tbe aassult last evening. It is doubtful, however, if the gathering waa diatinctlvely of Union men or if the pro portion waa larger than might be ex acted when tbe day and weather are oonsidi red. Still the Union haa to take tbe blame of tbe assault and no ouUldsr can aay unjustly eo. Clark waa helped, after the aaaault was over, to the depot, and a surgeon sent for. The blow on his head waa found to have cut bla ear open and reached the skull. The wound waa haatily dreeeed and he took a paaaenger car for Cereon. _ A N*wa representative called on Dr. p. W. Conn, who dreeaed Clark a wound, and he eaid the blow wee given from behind and in a dangeroue portion of tbe brain, and if it had been received an inch higher would have probublv re sultsd fatally. Clark said ha wss bsdly kicked and atamped and braised about tbe breaat, but aa the train and mail were wailing he would go to Caraon be fore having those injuries looked to. Ths train waa delayed three-quarters or an hour. Another engineer, named Clark, came up with the train today. $ riper-a Opera Bee* Ths Nellie Boyd Dramatio Combina tion will cloae its abort aeason at Piper's Opera Houss tomorrow niRbt. This even ing, the "Octoroon." wlihMiss Boyd aa Zoe. Leet evening "Fancbon" waa given and in the main quite acceptably. Tbe Fanchon of Miaa Boyd ia the beet impersonation yet given na by that lady and in it she compares favorably with other actreesea of more extended reputa tion. She ainga delightfully and dances well. Her shsdow danoe waa moat ad mirably done. If the lady would oorreot a bad habit (nothingelse) of putting her right arm and band over her head too frequently her Fancbon wonld be much improved. IHlHil Unerd Ball. By reference to an advertisement in another column it will be aeen that the National Guard of Virginia will give its eeventeenth annual ball at National Ouard Hall, Friday evening, February 20. The namee of tbe varioua commit tees, wbieh will be found in foil else where, are a guarantee that this ball will fully sustain ths enviable reputation pot see ted by the Natlonala of being aec ond to no organization when it comea to devoting an hour or two to pleaaure and to the entertainment of friends. "Sagebrush Leavea." The Csrson Apptal says: The Apptal has received several inqairies o( lata re garding "Sagebrush Leaves." Several parties to whom the books were sent weeks and in aome inalsnces months ago have failed to receive them. Agente of the book, appointed by tbe regular committee, who have not received tbeir book*, will oommonicate with tbia office at onoe as there are less tbsn 100 vol nmss left. State papers will oonfer a favor by copying tbia notice. Hi■ era' Oalaa lltMlaa. Lut Friday evening the remaining offioers of ths Virginia Miner's Union were cboeen : Treasurer, Dennis Nevin (reelected); Condnctor, John Young; Warden, R. 0. Woods. Finance Com mittee—Thoa. P. Roberts, W. W. Dunn and Richard Arnold. Library Directors —H. Abraham, W. R. Richards, Mark Feeny, D. J. Kellsher and R. W. Hen derson. A dispatch received yesterday by S. V. Mooney from the Savage plaoer mine says that everything u all right there onoe more and work will be resumed in the tnnnel today. The anow elide only took away two cabins. Evsrything else was uninjured. Ths aevsnth annual ball of the Vir ginia City Caledonia Club, at National Guard Hall, Friday evening, will be a grand affair as wall as an enjoyable on*. For Urns of departure of Bodie atages from Virginia, aee advertisement in an other oolumn. Then will be • meeting of the Tows Trustees this evening. EASTERN DISPATCHES. [■raciAL 10 m sold mill oult »s»f | Grant Inloned lo South Carolina. Chicago, January 19. — The Inter Ocean's cptcitl oorrespondenoe from 8trother, South Carolina, nyi : At a meeting of the old soldiera and planter! at Mount Pleaaant, January 10th, an organization was effected and resolu tiam unanimously adopted expressing the desire for a cordial fraternal anion in the country, and passed tbe following: Nttolvtd, That to effect this earnest deeire we nominate General U. S. Grant and Senator Tbomaa Bayard as our standard-bearers for President and Vice Presidsnt in tbe epproaebing Presiden tial election. Jiaoiitd, Ws aend greeting! of peaoe and good will to all tbe land, and invite tbem to rally and organize themselves into " solid Union" clubs, and nomi nate Grant, and let ua become one peo ple, Indivisible. Gathering of California Pioneer*. New You, January 19.—Tbe flftb annual banquet of tbe "Associated Pio neer! of tbe Territorial Daya of Cali fornia " will take plaee tonight at the Sturtevant Houae in tbia city. It will be a social gathering of the aurvivora of the army and navy on the coast of Cali fornia during tbe Mezican war. Among tboae to bs present are lUar-Admlral Emmans, Commodore Gard, General Cbarlea K. Graham, Captain Blake, Bear-Admiral Stanley and General Soutbera. General Sutter haa arrived from Waahington and will preaide. Fanatics In Council at Jftw Tork. Naw Vobk, January 17.—A larga pub lio meeting «u held last night at Chick •ring Hall to demand protection of law (or Indiana. " Bright Eyee," " Stand ing Bear," and other delegation! of Ponca Indiana were preaent. On the platform were Bev. Jo. Cook of Boaton, Chief Juatioa Davii, T. H. Tibblea of Omaha and otheri. Bar. B. S. 8torra preaided. A aeriea of reaolationa were adopted expreaaive of Borrow and ahame at the deplorable and anjaat treatment to whieh Indiana bare been aubjected by onr government, and that the qnea tion raited by Judge Dandy, of Ne braaka, that an Indian ia a person, and that tbe Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution gives to any person, under tbe jurisdiction of the United States, protection of onr lawa, abonld ba deter mined by the Snprema Court. Ad dreaeea were made by Bev. Dr. Stores, Mr. Tibblea, Mr. Seth Low, and Ber. Mr. Cook, of Boston. The Vte Negotiations. WisHisoTox, January 19.—Ouray had a atoond interview with Sobnrz Satur day, It baa been about determined to aend Ouray, Jack and other chiefa back to Colorado in oharge of an agent, for the purpose of bringing, if possible, tbe twelve Uta murderers, or aa many of them aa can ba induoed to oome. It is believed by thoaa who ara informed in Indian mattera that it ia the intention to play npon the fears of tha Indiana, with a view of aettling on aa good terms aa poesible. Onray has per aiated from the first that ba haa no power to bring in theaa Indiana. He aaaores the Secretary that ha cannot oompal them nnleaa ba oaa kill them first, whioh ha ia peraonally willing to undertake. It ia nnderatood that Gen eral Hatch ia already on the way, or about to a tart from tha Indian country with a aecond delegation of Southern Utee, who will coma here in a few days. It ia not likely they will ba allowed to go home nntll they have come to aome agreement whioh will be aatiafactory to the government. HOW TO MATE MONEY. ImtMd of going to a doctor for a prt#crlp Uon, If yon hit* Bright'# Din*#«, Dfabate*, Pain la th< Back and Loin#, Smarting, Inflacn* nation, Oalcull, BrlckJuat Depoelt, or any trouble of tbe Klduev# or Bladder, boy a bottle ut UK Ml.tTIKtt HtPUKiTICOH. the gleet ButAu Compound. It is the moat wonderful prescription evor compounded for tbeee trouble!. Mee#r*. Abeam* « Carroll, wholesale dnuuleta. eav: " !»'# ngard .VinhrtIleum at t/u tut Kldiuy ami IUaddtr Rtmnly in Iht marktt." Woodward, droggM, Portland. Ore ran, #ay# I " Everybody apeak* highly of It." Child#, dragglrt, Portland, Ureg >n, ##»#: "Bold lute ot It; It alway# doee the work " Many hare been cored of nbitlnale kidney complalnta aftsr tbe doctor# bare given them up. For •ale by all dratgliu. Price, tt a bottle, or llz bvttlea for $S. huiciok. A distinguished ecleatlet one* ##ld t " Mo man with a atroog and ha.llby itomacb #v#r oomrnl tied enlclde," and yet many are ■ altering the tort are# of tbe damned with Dyvpepela wbea a (lag)# bottle of DR. MIHTICri Bogllab Dandelion, Liter and Dyipepala Pill# will give . relief, and. If p*r#leted to, will core the woret oaao of tbl# dlitieeelng troable. Tbl# pill care# Torpid Liver and Billoainee*, rrgolate* tbe Bowel#, remove# Pimple# from tbe Pace, cniee Hallow Complexion, Koul Breath, Sick Headache, Baartbarn, Pain In the Hlda# and Back. I# Bngarcoated and OUARANTKBD to be PUKBLY vKQETABLK. It actedirectly upon ike coating ol tba Btomach and on the Liver; can be takes In any climate- wet or dry weather. Beware of Imitation#. Tbe 0#Mvin« ha# an engraving of • lion on the oatatda wrap per. Price SO cent#. For #ale by all dioggltta. Tnu have been more cure# of aetata*! weakneee, oervoa# debility aad paralvris made by the wonderful Kcgllah remedy, air Aatley Cooper'# Vital Heetoratlve, thaa by all other remedlea combined. Why will ytm (offer t Send to A. B. M In tie, X. D., No. 11 Ksarov atreet, Baa Praaclaoo^fbr the Restorative, aad be cared. Pilce $S par bottle; four time# tbe quantity, glO. Try a bottle. mhJ9.]y WHY WILL YOU Allow t oold to advance la your tyitem aad thai encoarage more aertoo# maltdlee, tnch a* Paeamonla, Ilemorrhagee and Lang troable# when aa Immediate relief can be eo readllv at tallied. BatcKm't Otrman Syrup ha# galn#d tbe largeet aale iu tbe world tor the con of Gout ha, Oolda aad tbe eevereet Lang DIm#**s. It la Dr. Boechoe'e famou* German prescription, and 1# prepared with the greatest care, aod ao tear need be entertained la admlaUterlng It to the yoangeet child, as per directions. Tas sale of tbl# medicine la oaprecedeated. Since first introduced there ha* Men a coaitaat Increas ing demard aad without a (Ingle report of a failure to do Its work la say case. Aak year Drugglat as to th# truth of tbeee remark#. Large else tt coats. Try It sod be couvlaoed. W O. U. GALLUP. 0. B. Gallup, opposite the Bask of Califor nia, Oold Bill, keep* coaitaatly on hand an Cavorlte brand# of Imported Cigar#, choloe bit cigars, all ktads of chawing tobaoco. meer ■oUaam pipes, acbool books aad atatlonary ot all deecrtpMoaa, fiae oatlery, aad toye aad taaoy goods of all klada. —— MISOKLUNMU*. * GIBSON'S SALOON, UIR IT It KIT HOLD UILL. pui worn. LIQUOB8, rra. rra OLD ■OURBOVIf OHAMPAONI, ' PORT AND WHITI WINM* AMD OTHIB QKBUm LXQUOHS. tm W. D. 0. dlMONt FrnrUtmr. ' BAitlM UP BB0IIK8. THE NEVADA BANK 8AM niXOUOO GAUTOBNIA AiM II Capital •3,90«,00*-0«I4 lM*m (17.8. Baa4«).... S.300A00-C»UI DIRECTORS! LOUIS HoLlSB, Prtddant ...TlcePwaid—I l. rSboo, lit. ...K. W. Otmf Vice Prealdaa* jAUKa Q. IaIH. Cuhier. Afealf at Vlntlnia, ■•▼•di... J Sluuir " Imri axeban«* al cualomaij ——■ Tkk luk baa IMIIUNftf DnllU la BalllMu IXCHANOI a tfc* principal cIUm tkroaffcoat tfc* CalUd BUIm, Karo|M, Jtpan, Obloa tad tfc* KM India*, tn* Au»lr»li*o Oolanle* and New St* land, tad oa lioaalala (Hawaii). Raw You Rircaa*—Tk* Dank ot N*w To**. K. II. A-; timrittn Kxckaa«* N*tloaal Bank. bMSM luini-KiMn. Mmltfc, Fayaa A imllln; tlx L'aloa Bank ot Loudon. ill BANK OF VIRGINIA. 0. H. J A OK SON C. UAMUtU* • ••• « OilKBI rnnia bank docs ao«bbal baxuxo. A BUXk tint KxcbAOC* ItuiliM*. llNtalM|klM4l*Mu4 0ariM m Llktral MwiIm, KZOBANUI for Mi* Mill lb principal oIUm of Swop* tad Um Orlect. «tf A. W. WHITS, Wll^l T. U. KALSTON, COMMISSION STOCK BROKEN. MAIN ITKItT, GOLD U1LL STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLO —un>— ClillUP OS ■AMIS. MOXrr ADYABCBD OB AOTIVB AOOOOTRR MTKIOTL.Y OOainiMION BDIINM. *)■ •ao. i. sua. b. r. Duuaa L. P. DREXLER ft CO., STOCK BROKERS. OFFICE l OM F»lUw»» Ball Alia, 0 BTBBKT —VIRGINIA GIST •teafca Bnikii Ml ial CinM m Birilia. ^Ctorrayoadwita la Baa ftaaaiaea, LATpAS V. a. (MMM. I, M. MIM1M, 00U0LASS A THOMPSON. STOCK AND MONBT BROSKNS omcKi ft) MOV TO O HTKEST. VIHQ1N1 U Stocks bought and bold on ook ■Woo ud carried oa aaqriaa. OorTMpoodMito, HOMER a. UNO, A 00. Bu Pnocttoo. 8ILVXH BOUOHT AST) BOLD. IB t. k. mm, STOCK AND MONEY BROKER. 106 loatt C 81., TlrflnU, Tjrrnx BUT UTD BILL BTOCKS ON 00II TV mlMlno oo tb« moat farorabl* tanM I will atoo otrj Stock* oa Itoifta tad ■•■•7 Uun all Caad larktMU •trarlUM. GOLD MD'.ULTU BOUCIUT AND * ■ MOLD. L. B. FRANKEL, omCt-Mili urtMi Gold BillJlM •k«»» lb* luk •ICtllbrtk. WOCKI DODGHT, BOLD AND CAB* KIND ON MABGIN*. BU corraeponaeata la San Franclaco ut I. OLAZIBK * 00., Xante* of the lu PrMdaco Stock ud Iiibtn(i Board. 1 ■ J. U, HALL M. Om PMYSIOIAN AND SUROKON. nmci AND KX8IDBN0K — OPPOSITB w Iti* Km oOo*. Main atroet, Gold Hill. DR. CKO. C. MATHEWS, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN A AOOOUOHKUR. (of Dublin tad Bdlnbnrfh) 0A8 REMOVED HIS OFT I OB TO MAIN Oold Hill. Mil to A. B. Stewart k 0o.'» Dm* Store. Uelle attanded promptly, day and Bight. Offloa boon: lo a. n. to 11 a ; itosr. a. u DR. A. CHAPMAN. • URQION'DRNTISTIi 0KOM NIVADA 01TT. 0ALITOR-JMA * a la Permanently loeatadet Vlr^flB ff}{afi?IKi*B °n**'iy »OUTH 0 'TBjttr. KWU nnqneatlonahly no other remedy ao oaf. tala to Ita aCaela. ASTHMA. WINTBB OOOOH. BROROUITIS and DISORDBBB OF THB THROAT allka yl.ld to lu lnSoaace. Tba bis beat medical tenlmony atolaa aa bat tar cwa (or tbaaa consulate exleta (bow peered bj orar half a ctniorj'. experience). Thar coo tain ao opium, morphia or aay vtoleat dnt. ABATING* OOUuH LOBBKOBB. prrpand by THOMAS BBATING, London. Brtuln, era oold by all drncgeta. Afiata for tbo PaclBe Ooaet, HBDLNUTON *00. and CBAS. LAN a. LIT « 00, Bu Pwaeteoo, bot«I»H J