Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS ALT. MTU. ImmIm MiMr. TUESDAY. : : : : JASt'ABY 27. 1880 ■OT A C*JII»IB*K A telegram from tlio Ewt, sitting that ths Mrnli of Grant will ahortly make public the authoritative announcement that he will not be a candidate for the Republican Preaidential nominal ion, (alia with peculiar eadneaa upon tba bopm of tba Damocracj. They acout tba very idea and conaider it an outrage. For a year or ao paat, and eapecially ainca bia ratarn from bia foreign tour, they bare moat aeduloualy inaiatod tbat he waa art fully and indnatrioualy laying tba wirea for bia election to a third term in the Presidential chair. In every ovation ha baa received, every apeecb he haa made, and every pnblio dinner be baa partaken of they have eeen unmietakable con firmation of bia cbronic aapirationa. They have gloated over thia " third tarm" idea and howled about it for many montha and now to hava him go baek on them thia way ia ridieaionaiy demoralizing. He virtaally aaya that ho haa not even wiahed or eared for thia third Preaidential term, tbat ha had rather attend to hia own buaineaa and let everybody alaa do tba aame; that he haa not bees in the field, ia not, and will not be. The aggravated Democracy declare that they don't believe a word of it. They don't want to; they had rather continue to hug the fond de lusion to their aoal and have tba third term still for a war cry. Democracy without the "nigger" or tbe "third tarm " aauat become atale, flat and de spondent. They will hava to rake up the Chinaman again. HOODLK iOl'P. Ths Entrryrii* of ibis morning con tain* a wry illiberal, mean and disgrace ful editorial artioU headed, "The Tom femalery Troupe," reflecting npon the Woman'* Suffrage Convention in Wash ington. The would-be (acetioua writer ■train* himself a* follows: Tb*"*tar" i* Su«anbanthony;soobrette, Cady Hianton; b.a«j villain. Dr. Mary brewbeewalker; comedian. Pbobe Cox aeaa. The play ia founded on tbe Stamp Act. wbich the mother country ladled out to tbe eolonite, and which made Pat lleniy exclaim. "We mutt tight." 11* cannot claim even merit (or orig inality in the peculiar styl* of spelling, and hi* pnerile effort* to thu* bring th*M women and their work into ridicule and diarepute merely recoil with palpable force npon his own poor, shallow little pate. 11* diabe* up about half a column of Ihi* noodle soup in the *am* ■train, bigoUd, narrow minded and mean, da void of either wit or wisdom. Either of the women of whom he thu* flippantly writes forgot more than he ever knew, long ago. W* regret to thu* have to reprove onr aristocratic contemporary, bat he deserves it. During tbe past year or *o tbe £'>Urrprijt ba* contained seversl vary fooliah, illiberal editorials, exhibit lux petty •'Clonal spilea and proclivi ties, slurring somebody or recklessly and needlessly tramping upon somebody's right* or peculiarities, but this is the ailliest of all. Verily, the good old 2.'* Urprim haa fallen into a season of de cline, disrepute and mismanagement. Arrsxctvnvx Gold Hillibs.—An old timer on the Comsnx-k iuforme a Chromitt* reporter that in 1S&1 be was prrsi-nt at a theatrical performance in Quid Hill when Lawrence Barrett and Edwin Booth both appeared, and tbe sndirncv numbered just twenty peraon*.— ViTyiaia VknmirU. Five years afterward Bsrrett bur lesqued Richard III to an immense audience in*the same theater; John Mc Cullongh helped him. Barrett would succeed quite well even in Virginia at the present tim* with the aaaiaUnce of MoCullongh and a Oold Hill audience. The RmUU **y* : John Dennis, of ths Tnscarora Tunes-Rtviiu, happening in San Francisco during ths Lady Bryan stock excitement, although averse to gambling in atocks, was induced by a friend, who had a point, to invest all his eoin in Lady Bryan, ami it is unneces aary to stats ths resnlt. Us is now lan guishing at the What Cheer llouae, anxionsly looking for money from Tus earora thai he msy settle his hotel bill and leave for home. Th* New York Slail says that tb* theory that the mystic emblems fonnd unJer the obelisk ara Mssonio doe* not reoeiva th* conntensnco of thinking and rsading Maaous. Still, it would not be surprising if there were soma connection between the ancient Egyptian secret *oci*ty, to which they seemed to have belonged, and modern Masonry. Mrs. Oor»y wu b»riug • quiet little "oop-up of b«r own in Wiiahiagton « • »h<» Indian -'aiel, until the 'ly • .uuemaccacainem witn buckikin leggings and eagle ■ot. Mrs. Ouray imme Q#r big scalp-skia aacque, chignon and ran S»lly Day, Charley Oekel of 11 i*iin off for Ifty y»»ti og but straight whisky, punch, cocktail and beer •»y*U out with him, and he uore of it exoept occasion f variety. A man haa to ;•* somttiuea. Pritchard, the murderer truiona, came up before art at Carton y»attrday, jed owing to the eickneea ■y, unlit the full bench ia ( a delay of a week or 4, who kilted i*. lu ir»Ter ■»ria on the 6th iaatant, «u ^ jnUrdny at Bakertfltld, Cal., ^uJ ShrnH Ogg, of Eanuralda, baa goo* to bring bio^om*. Tba Bnn Bivrr HtvtUU adrocatra tba •Uinta of Aoatin aa tba plaoa (or bold log tba naxi Bapobiican Stata Coaran tion. EASTERN DISPATCHES. 'MOUl TO TU •OLD BILL VAtLT H»l| Collipit of Kcenc'a Wheat Ring. N'rw Yoiix, January 27.—Tha Html J, toomeutitig on a motion in the Produce Exchange to bold a meeting of grain merchants, protesting againat the course »r wheat specuUtnra, and to diaenss the iiivutroua officii ot the grain blockade, thinks that sach a meeting is unneces* »ary. The Koene cliqne will break iown, becanso it has miscalculated. It has (ailed in forecaating the atate ol the markets, and must suffer the conse quences. The foreign market baa proved dull when they expected it to be brisk and eager. They were misled by the wondertul activity of the foreign grain trade in the early autumn months, and made a mistake in auppoaing that tha great amount of wheat ahipped to Europe during autumn repreeentad the demand for immediate consumption, when in fact it waa a mere precaution againat a great rise in American pricee, looking to the future, and intended to secure the profits of the winter and apring trade for Europe inatead of American speculators. Another great miecalculation made by the Keene syn dicate wae ita undereatimete of other soureea of aupply than America. The Iltroll thinka that the Chicago "oorner" will neceesarily break, and it is now a queation not of weeks, but ot days merely. Sparking DUcoiiragementa. St. Lora, Jubvj 37.—A tragedy oc curred recently on the banka of the Wichita river, twenty mile* veet of Hen rietta, Tezaa. A young man named Harris, from Iowa, who had been em ploy* d on a stock ranch, had been court ing Mia* Adah, the young daughter o( a farmer named Templeton, but hi* visit* were diataateful to young Templeton, her brother, who forbade Harris again to come to the bouse. Miss Templeton reseated this, and addressed a note to bim to call and aha wonld give him ber band and heart. He did so, and both, mounting horses, set out to be married at Henrietta. They wsrs overtaken by Miss Templeton'a brotbsr, armed with a gun. Harris, seeing he meant bnsineas, dismounted, drew a Winchester rifle, and fired the first ahot. Templeton shouted to his sister to get out of the way, or he would kill her, but ah* threw herself in frout of her lover. Notwith standing, Templeton got a chance and fired, the ball striking the wonld-be bridegroom in the neck, aud instantly killing him. The murderer escaped. At Stony creek, in Carter county, Tcnn., two young men named Bowers, cousin*, had been to church and re turned. One of them seeing th* other talking to bia sister seemed to have been inflamed at th* aight, and deliberately shot bim deed with a musket, so that his sister saw ber lover and cousin fall a bloody corpse at her side. He was ar retted and is in jail. Th* real cause of the murder ia a deep mystery. Th« affair causes intense excitement. Siolrn Child Beeorered. Catcioo, January 25.—The names ol tbs parties conoerned in a very sad do mestic difficulty, which baa led finally tc the abduction of a child, are withheld by the Police Department on the ground that the exposure would butgiv* pain to a number of highly respectable people, who are moving in the upper cirolea of New York society, without being of any benefit to the public. The story, as told by Detective Simmons, is a* follows: The lady in the ca*« waa married while yet a achool girl, and only 1G year* old, to a young man of wealth and good standing in society. They did not live hsppily together, and after their first child—a littl* girl—waa born, they prac tically separated, although their friend* were uuaware of th* fact. Th* father frequently viiited th* child until last May, when one day he requested to take lb* girl to a dinner party. Th* mother consented upon hi* promising to bring the child buck. Not returning at tbe promised tim*, sh* at one* surmised thst the child bsd been stolen, and, with ber brother, began her long search. Sb* came to the Central Station, Chicago, and obtsined the asaistsnce of tbe In company with Detective Simmons, she proceeded to a village about 150 miles from the city, and there fonnd the father and child. At first be threatened to kill himaeif and tbe child befor* be would let th* mother have it, but finally, through the gentle peranasion of tbe de tective, h* gav* up the littl* girl to the overjoyed mother. Sh* returned this morning and i* now staying with friends in Chicago. Tbe child, like it* mother, ia remarkably handaome and iut*llig*nt. Appreciative. Niw You, January 27.—A London specisl h*t«: American affairs bar# been much discuaaed daring the week. The announcement of Lowell's appointment aa Minuter to England gains general ap plauiip. Moat of the English papers, (be Ti'nt.t excepted, btartily welcome him. There ia much intelligent cow* ment on Lowell's literary distinction, accepting him aa a worthy auccssaor of Motley. Among other odd errors, how. ever, ons paper described Lowell aa the anthor of " Thanatopais." Several leading provincial papers abow better knowledge of his career and works tbsn those in London. I hear privately nu meroua expreaaiona of rejoicing that the United Statea, after auch a long delay, will be ao admirably represented. Lu«ell ia personally well kno»u in London. The Titr-c, Muictt is silent on the enb jret, is now frequently indifferent to the news most Interesting to its readers. (ml aid the Presidency. N*w You, January 27.—A lltrald's Waahington special says: It is reported bare, on what is believed to be trust worthy authority, that personal friends at ex-President Grant in Philadelphia, who are Dearest to him, state to peraona intereeted that before the meeting of the Penuaylvania convention, 10 daja hence, an authoritative declaration will !» made in behalf of the ex-Presideot, xtncluaivaly taking him from the field ia a candidate for the Preeidential nom nation. It ia given ont by persons in ;he ex-President's confidence that he jruposea to engage in an important busi leaa enterprise, which be prrlers to any Utempt to re-enter political life. A Chinaman Marries a Squaw. The Red Bluff StnlM of the 19th in itant ia responsible for the following: A Chinaman presented bimaelf at the County Clerk'e office this morning to obtain a license to marry an Indian iquaw. The Chinaman claims to be 38 fears old, while the dusky maiden's age ia 23. It baa long boen claimed by eci tntists that tho Indian is a descendant »f the Chinee*, and the coming together >f these two might be productive of treat results. The Chinaman, wa under itand, lives ia the neighborhood of Dtoney Creek, where the maiden reaidea. We believe tbia ia tbe first instance of ba kind that baa happened since the Striata* have invaded the eoast. j FOREIGN DISPATCHES. (■raauL to m onu> nu duly nrwi.] Persecutions of a German Mission arj. CosgTijmnoMjt, January 27.—The l'orta bM addressed a note to Sir Anatin Lajard, British Embeaaador, is reply to the letter's ultimatam on the subject of the prosecution of Ooelsr, a German missionary, for distributing religious tracts. The Porte arguee that the pro* ceedings of Koeler justified the eeizure of his papers, which were only returned out of regard for England; that Ahmed Tewfik, a Mohammedan prieat, deaervee the punishment awarded him in con formity with the religioue lawa of the country, and that he waa liberated only by the clemency of the Gonral. In con cluaion, the Porte expressee satisfaction at the resumption of ofDcial reletione with the British Embaaaador. Sir Ana tin Layard will reply to the note, declar ing that ha doea not accept the principle that a foreigner may be arreeted pro vided bis Embassador be notified within twenty-four hours. He will refute the argumenta of the Porte that the reli gion! a»pect of the caae ia contrary to Article GG of the Treaty of Berlin. Ger man end Austrian Embaaaadora have aaked their respective Governmenta for inatructiona in the matter. Mill*. Waihi*oton, January 20.—On motion of Ferry, Wednesday of thia vnk was Mt apart for eulogies on the Ufa and character of Senator Chandler. The Vice President laid before the Senate a communication from ths Secre tary of the Navy in aniwerto the Senate reeolution stating that the interests of the country and naval eeienoe required the Pensacola Navy Yard to be pnt in a atate <>f efficiency, at an estimated cost of $676,901, $86,790 of the amount being neceemtry for rebuilding the marine bar* racks destroyed during the war. A bill to ioeate and purchase a new site for the United States Naval Obser vatory waa passed. Carpenter oailed up the bill to provide for punishing persona who steal horsee, mules or other property from the Indi ana. [It provides that auoh persona shall be guilty of felony and may be impria oned not longer than five years, in the discretion of the Court, where oom mitted.] leaie. The Clerk presented the credentials of J. F. Phillips, Representative elect from the Seventh Congressional Diatrict of Missouri, snd Phillips took ths iron-clad oath. Garfield oalled attention to the fact that the certificate of election was signed by the Secretary of State and not by the Governor of Misaouri. Consideration of Fernando Wood's Refunding bill waa postponed till Mon dsy next. The morning hour having expired, the question recurred on auspmdiug the rnli s and adopting the reeolution offered last Monday by Kelly of Pennsylvania, declaring that negotiation by the Presi dent ol a commercial treaty fixing the rates of duty is in violation of the Con atitution. The vote resulted—yeas 159, naya 62. The rnles were auspended and the reeolution adopted. MR. NASBY DELIGHTED. ll« OtM I* and la r*ap«||Hi t* •rktt»wlnl(> Ik* (Superiority •r Ik* "KsrCflon PUl" OT*r NIi»I(uh« aad BrlNr/. AcausTA, ) (Wich is in the State ut Maine,) > January 6, 1680. ) We be? (tot 'em. Tber ain't no doubt ut it. For neetnia nr idee and facility ut «i eoooshen, the Maine plan lays all onr the Noo York reptetiu noaban, and is ez much sooperior to tba Miaaiaaippi idee iz day lit* to darknia. Maine ia to Miaaiaaippi ez a piano ia to a jew's-barp. Iletween tba Maine plan and tba Noo York plan ut repeetin there ain't so more compariaon than there ia between the Noo York Central Railroad and a Kentucky corduroy. Tbe trouble ataut the Miaaiaaippi plan ut carryin the State (or tbe Democ rmy ia, yoo be* to waate a good deal of money in powder and shot, and there ia authiu not altogether pleaaant in ahootin a Radikel. Hia wife and dawtera alluz make a fuss that is onpleasant, onless tbe bystanders are sufflshently fall to be entirely oblivious, wicb, in the rery ns cher ur things, can't be, for a man full enough of sodcorn whisky not to feel sum sort nv piiy for a woman, coodent bare the nerve to shoot her huaband at all. A alobbvrio woman ian't a agreea ble object, evrn to a citizen ut Yazoo. The Noo York plan bt carrying an cleckshuu ia open to the objecksbun uv ezpense. Tbe aTerage Democrat will heT ao much likker and so much money for every time ha repeats, and his leeder bez got to be aeen, and he must heT his wbnek with tbe rest. To kerry a Dime kratick majority in tbe city ut Noo York suffinhf-ut to drown out the rest ut the State is an tzpeusive and troublesome thing. But the kerryin ut Maine for the Dimocrisy agin a llepublikin majority wuz no trouble at all, and no ezpense or bother. All Got. Qsrcelon did woe to let tbe people Tote. He did not shoot llepublikina ei we do in Miswisaippy, or boy Irish ez we do in Noo York. Ther wuz uo interference with the freedom ut the poles—eTery man Totid wich ha had a rite to. Nuthin cood be fairer than tbe tleckahun, ez everybody will admit. The Ilepublikins went to bed the aita ut eleckehun feelin that they bed kerried the State, and the aTerage Democrat conseedsd it. Hout ut em lcnode lb* akeem tbat waa revoltin in the mind ut Garoelon, the Napoleon ut the Northeast. The Republikin electid to the Legialacher (onnd a few daya after tbat ha wasn't electid at all. In the return* was found t'a that hadn't been oroaaed and i'a tbat bedn't been dottid, and ho was tbrowad out beooz the return* was defective. There wux no error* in the Demekratio deeatrika. It bed bin fixed tbat the t'a abood all U> crowed and tba i'a all dot tid; but wo the Kepublikin deeatrika where tbia important matter had bin kerlialy attandid to. We her the Legia lacber and tba next Senator, and tha controle ut the State. Diniekrata ut Noo York, atop bajin TOtre—there la a shorter way to Tiotory. Dimekrata ut Miaaiaaippl, throw away your ahotgnns and atop bay in powder and aluga. A Yankee Dimocrat hex ■bowed yoo a batter war of beatin a ma jority. Violence and bribery ia played ont—Oaroelon hex pinted out a better way and a cheaper. Will w* atand firm? The man which san concaiTs aich a thing ought to bar the etamina to kerry it oat. I know be will. I beT been with him fonr daya, and ef ha don't I am do judge of hoaan lucher—ut bis kind. Halleloojy! I m i lite. It br.&ks in the East. 1 h«T an addishnel proof ut the trooth ut tha Boriptures, for la it not written that the wiee men cum from the Eaat? It should hrr bin addid alao, that a great many ut tha reoklia one* oum from the aame aeckahun. PxTBOLKtm V. Nasbt. Jubilant. o. H. CAUPF. 0. a. Qallof, oppoeite the Beak of Osllfot. nla, Gold H11J, keepe oooatanUj on band all fkroclte brands of Imported Ctfan, eholoe bit cigars, all Mods of cbewlng tobacco, meer school books and stationery ol #»• cat lory, and toj ■ and tancj ■ortU of all klDda. toSSn BORN. »• to the wlfcTfW, U Plambof]** m"d*D<U'7 "•to «*• of William iSSS t5'toU- * WUltem w ">• wife of Jane, to the wlib of Frsd. DIED. In Virginia, Jannary >9. Thomas Lathy, s na Uts of Ooant/ Kfirj, Ireland, aged II /sere. In Kareka. Jaaoaijr U, Chart** J., Infant son of W. B. and Hetty k. Bess. la Boreka, January 14, William WlttsoaUln. aged 4 Tears. NEW TODAY W. It. OLAUB. i. I. I KITH. W. H. CLARES & CO., STOCK BROKERS, NO. SI SOUTH 0 STREET, VIRGINIA PITY. NEVADA. Bab rnneiMO corrasposdsnt, B. B. WAKX riKLO * CO. 1 nad-iB YWw»St"KS25i.i3S No » -Location of work*. Uold Hill. Htor.y W&8pSV^#Tofdbn.ln.-> - *s o(Bc« st tbsfol lowini deacribcd ttock. on acoouni of sssms muni (No. S» l«Tlod oa tlx DliiStSMlh (11th) r, or DwmW, 1871. ths ss*si*i amounts Ml opposite tha uunM of ths r»p»ctlT. »b*r» h%ar,OUOW,! No.Csrtlf. Bh». Am'l Alnudrr W. TrattM " BoydfcB»tU.Tni»U«i.... •• b«belo*rJfcB.Trwu...»40l ^ ^ BUa^iWH.Trn.U.^.lUM MM MM 315* 11647 furl....n...<n.. earnseMB' 11571 11174 11118 moo liS54 8SM7..M40..MW .. B4rrrttfcW»lk#r.Tr«.u#.lsm.... Block* B»riih»rd.Tm»U*JlM5..•• Cops.UhlsrkOo. .. Oafin Jtmw. Trus...11*41 1"-™ " ' 11047 1M78 1U045 *1047 10101 10111 10141 10144 »i48 101U MM m«7...l70...«0 .. Cbsrdins A. Tro.tss 14517....M....50 .. Cofflo. Mmdorton k Oook. TruitM< 17505....TO 0 .. Cops ft D«tI», Tim..11157 "***••••*>-•"£ •• U'Oj!/N. Trusiss $SS1,"22""S " Dixon T U. Trusts# J2it""2""lO " Unm X K, Tro.tS* 19M7....10....10 . KdwIrJi A Irrins, Treats..15411 1«j51 .80 .. Pranks! L B, Troslss.,1884 lj» " Par I* B, Treats. ..* *W»...1W...:100 .. SBrrsrf,Trestss..........J0444....50....l» .. OUsisr 1 * Oo, TiuiU.U 17 14518 uiui.r - Itttl 17060 1911# llJSl 19354 I9<95 1*717 30*rJ 11®) 31W1 11501 lilW...405...405 .. OlSSDShSUB. HslbiBf fc 0 >, .1&484 17VS7 17540 »<455 10711...110...110 .. Qrofstts Q.Trostss 17893 • SEK7.,«r.r. Hlil k KlUoar,Trusts** .. 14417....30....10 .. 15570 18910 1«M 16011 15552 17017 UN 11105 11151 1M55 ur* lint 1953*1 IWU# mis inn 10314 10m Ultl .40M Hlgclnt * Conkllog, Tra*..14*41 UM7 lWiJ....«0...,40 .. Rile * P»ch*eo.'Tr*.mU WSV....16....16 .. Iloemer 1) M ft Co. Trot.. .1*W*.... 10....10 .. Hill Alfred B. Troitee U**>. lla«k. H D. Traetee 116*6... .10.... 10 Jonueun J, Trnitai 1M96....10....10 Kenney * Dyer, Traile*#. .17*46 81036 mi...600. ..600 Kaofmin B A Co. Trnitt...10*70....W , Lalbim ft King, Trueteee..17147 10)06 ..110...110 Mamy W B. TroiU* 14776....W....W Macpbereoa Joha,Trn»t**.1661* 16411 16711 16647..,110...190 , Marpby K F, TriUlM "164 1*30 30496....36....V Mirk* k Rhelnbirdt, Trni.17117!.. !iW....*U i klirye Woo T A Boa. Trnl. 16616 11(11....10....80 Mile* KM* Co, Trai'Mi.iOlM MJM....80....M . Killer ft Van Wyck, TnuUJOWl 24)00....80....30 « Mlnzeebelraer Cbn ft Co. Tra.te** 8P686 1C867....60....60 .. Macpiirreon ft 8hlnn.Trnt.lllI1....10....10 .. MorkJH. Truit** JJ411....16...16 .. Newlande Ju. Trail*# 16947 19348 16*16 11646 11646...813...*16 Norwood W I. Traetee 1*716....*0.... 10 O'NetlUeo D, Traitoe 1*687....10....10 Pilereon Jimte MTU!....10.,..20 Bandolph. Mclntoeh A Co, Trade** 11646 16664....66....46 Rl.'on, Bill ft Co, Tnieteee 1*664,,..>0.... 10 , Kemlck Albert.Tnitee....1MM... 100... 1U0 Honntr** * Laoglaud.TnilStUl 6 6 , Schmieden, UoobJUdter ft Oo, Traitee* .'....M47....10....10 , Bcbmltt C A, Truete* 16614 H1W ...60....60 . Pcott B B ft Co. Tnietere.. 16*76 6 6 . BellfminH, Traetee 1*17* ...10....10 . BtalaMat, Traitee 10400...100...1*0 . Sbotwell J M. Trait** *i7J8 XW71....30....M . Satxbeeber J,Traetee.... H948...300...600 , Woodi ft Freeborn, Traa4#.U868 17*0 m«....80....60 . WH,htWBAOo.Tra-..^ ^ ^ wa-^.B*oo,TjS..S.|Mi(0 Wilton ft Hntchlaeoa.Trae.lKll 16*66 16*66 MS06....60....60 . Wrbeter ft DIiod, Tratt*..174T1....10....10 . White B K. TraiUe 60117....80....60 . Wrektff UeoH,Tra*tee...*U*lT....*0....60 . Wbltely T ft Ve. Tnutee.. .11*18... .10... .10 . Whitney i D, Traetee 18466 6 6 . Toet DZ 8 Co, Truiteee. J0TTS 11*77.. .80....80 . Zidli ft Weill. Traitee*.... 1»*88 16180 11160....88....66 . And la aceordaae* with law and aa order of tbe board ofTraeteee. mad* oa the nineteenth (|*tb) dty of December, 187*, io many ibaree of each parcel of racb flock u mv beaicmiry will b* iold atpttblle auction, in front ef tbe offlr* of th* Compear. »tto*«fd *t th* new ■baft, oa MONDAk, tbe twenty third (18d) day of Pebnury, 188*. at 4 o'clock r. M„ to pay d*. lloqacnt UMMoait tbtrtoo. tofttlitr wltii cott» of Advertising and txpcnsw of mm, on 'VoMirS'^'Lrd of Traits 7 MKRCKR OTKY, S*cntary. Gold Hill, Nerada, Jianary 17. iHQ- *7 — T0 THE PUBUC. md ^MnTfadtd rrasclico. rSlS*" JS%S3nSlS?2!t to nit* or tiaxl*, AM18EMK5TB. NATIONAL GUARD BALL. 1863. 1880. THZ 8EVJWTKENTH ANNUAL MILITARY AND CIVIC & BALL & —Of Tttl— NATIONAL GUARD, N. IN., Will be held at their 1U1I fBIDAT ITI'8, FEBRUARY 10,1880 CmbIiih «f Arranceaeau. Otpt J. A. Robertton, Lt. W. B. Bos, Corp. P. Moore, Corp H J. OotM, Private k. Banner, Private T. K. Bingham. Private W. Gorne, Private F. H. Urabner, Private 0. A. Marfan. Rteoilu CmalltN.' Lt. W. B. Box. Corp. B. Hablcbt. Oorp. 8. BrffelSnaar, Private A. Franilol, Private B. Kieupftr, Private J. 0. Young. Floor Manser*. Lt. A. ▼. Comitock, Hergt. F. Mojar, Bergt. A. Tonlnl, Ooru. H. J. Ooeee, Oorp P. Moore, Private F. W. Boeh, Private W. Coyne, Private F. B. Urabner, Floor Dl roc tor. CAPTAIN J. A. BUBBBT80X. TICKKTM.................. —••US 00 To bo obtained of the Committee of Arrange, mente. A number of new featnree will be In troduced In the Urand March, Mutlc, Decora lloni, etc. Every attention will be paid to alteadanta at tbe ball. JalMd W. N. HALL A CO., MAIN BTRRBT*............ GOLD HILL, —WBOUMAUI AH® MITAZL BliLIM Dl— HARDWARE, Of erery description. Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware OAS PIP! AND PITTINOS. POWDER, FUSE, ROPE AND BLOCKS, ■HOVELS. PICKS. HANDLKS, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplies. An estaaalr* and eaperlor aa*ortment of MECHANICS' TOOLS, Of all kind*. GALVANIZED IRON PIPING. Or all ilui, mad* to order atTibort notice. 18 W. W. HALL » CO. O.i. •ALLiTtJI. L.D.POUOM, GALLATIN & FOLSOM. GOLD HILL. NEVADA. ....IUUII M.... HARDWARE. Iron, Steel, Coal, ^Stoves, Tin Ware, JjJJ* FUSE. POWDER. ROPE. BLOCKS. IQAM PIPE AMD FITTINGS, Shovel*, Plcki, Handle*, Falls, Milling and MlaUf Goods GALVANIZED INON' PIPE IHADB TO OKDBit. AGRNTfl FOR Albany If tcbln* Oil and Lnbrleattnf Oompoand 10 m JOHN A. ROEBLINQ'S SONS' CO., Traalaa. Now J.rirj, HOISTING CABLES IImiI Mud n>l Wlro Rom, N wed Mi nod Chornool AiimIo4 Wire, Mirand for Repairing ltopoi, Nlcaal Card aad Clap Ilopro Conatantl? on hand. Particular attention paid to order* for all kind* of Wire Oood*. M. T. MOON It Y, A seat, Vlralala. Waretaouie -Near the Hal* A Morcroaa Bin*, deft) J. U. HALL M. 0.. PHYSICIAN AND 8UROKON {Xmcn AND RESIDENCE — OPPOgiTI ^ the New* offlot, Main iM, Gold QUI. Mni DR. GKO. C. MATHEWS, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN A AOCOUCHKUR. (of Dnblln and Edinburgh) Has removed ma orrio* to main •tret, (told Hill, to A. B. HUwirt k Co '• Drng Store. Calls it Undid promptly, day and night. Offlce huun: 10 a. u. to 11 a.; «to»r. m. 11_ DR. A. ANDERSON, OfBc In Dr. Ooaw.U'a Bolldlac, MAIN OTUEKTi ... GOLD BILL Prnfeeetonal calli promptly attended to d«y or Bight. 1«_ REQUE8T MOST URGENT! A1 M' LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO 1(1 WILL pleaae eat tie at onoe, aa I an much In need of money. IL OAL1.LAWP. AMJCOOD RESTORED rnurlytlm Frw. F"r lh> ap.*dr Cnt* of Reimnal W«ka»». Ix>« of .Munbood. and .11 di» nrd.nbroaahtftnkrinillMTetlonor.icwML An* DrareM h.«th. Inrrcdlenl«. Addrw. DAVIMOX A CO., »» Nunlit, W.T. ~ W«2 .SPMJFflS?.! unqaeetlanehly no other reined r to ear. tain In It. eflittte. ASTHMA, WINTER 30USH. BHONOUITM and CI80BDIH8 OP I"HE THROAT allka yield to Ita inlnence. n>. hlebeet medical teetlmony atatea no better rare for tbeee complaint. .slate (now proved >7 over half . century', experience). They xmlaln no oplai*. morphia <>r anyrlolrnt drug. IEI rlNO'8 OOUtiH LOZICKUK*. prepared >y THOMAS MATINS. Loodua. Britain, an ola by all drngriata. Ami* for the Paella Joaat, HKDINOTON k 00. and CHAS. UNO Jlf k 00.. Ban Pnmetecn. norUm-la NOTICE. r|N AMD AfTlft JANUARY 1, IMS, the 0. ^ S vtage Oompeny'e etavae will laa*« Vlr L'nla City three tlmee per week for Kuao*B 'alley, Aaron, Bodle, Ben too. Oandeiarta. tallerllle and all potato aoatb. fertlee deelr «e of fotsc rla Oaraon an obliged to here Mrflnla the day prenone to the d.pan or. of 'anon ataga. *• OLUOOAdB. k|L J. 8. PbaFHU). Ami, OSat-ll booth 0 (treat, VTiftala. IMw I FIRE INSURANCE. THE ONLY GENERAL AND ADJUSTING AGENCY IN NEVADA. The following popular and substantial Companies represented: Hone Mutual In*. Co., or San Franciico, Cal., American Central Ins. Co., of St. Lonla, Mo., btandard Insurance Co., of Dinedli, Hew Zealand, Western Assurance Co., of Toronto, Canada, Commonwealth Ins. Co., or Boston, Mass., Scottish Commercial Ins. Co., or Glasgow, Scotland, •London A Lancashire Ins. Co., or Liverpool, England, Phcrnlx Assurance Co., or London* Knglanu. COMBINID CAPITAL AND AMKT8 OVKR $30,000,000. Affording the most reliable Indemnity. The snperrlston of tbo business of the abors Companies In Nevada being in mj bands, patrons can rely upon the most careful per sonal attention to tbe correct writing of Polic'ea and THE PROMPT AND EQUITA BLE ADJUSTMENT AND PAYMENT OF LOSS EM. J. A. BRUM8EY, * Local Agency. [jaio] General Agent, 45 South C St, TlrglnU. PROPERTY OWNERS To insure good material, stipulate in all your Contracts for Painting that nothing shall be used except C. T. Reynolds & Co's Pure Paints and Oils. p@~ Painters who use C. T. Raynolds & Co's Paints and Oils do the BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK, hecaoso PURE MATERIAL GOES FURTHER, LOOKS BETTER, and LASTS LONGER than any other. _ OC79 CLOTHING B018K8. BANNER BROS, Jolt rtcelred, tb« Lateat tod Beet Style* of PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, GeaU' Furnlsblor floods, CHINCHILLA, BKAVKB, DIAGONAL OVKltCOATrt AMD UUjTBKH, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER COODI, Hal a, Cap*, BnIi and Mm*, Blaa kaia, Trnaka, Tallaaa. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! All Oooda Marked Down X Per Cent. Lover than any Othar liouae la the btata M BANNER BROTHERS, Caraer C and Tartar Streete, VIBQIMA, . . NEVADA J«» MINERS' MECHANICS^ STORE I H0LIDAL600DS! HO, FOR BARGAINS! ■taeka *r» Low, rnrnH a* ara Clatklag •ad rorMlakla* dtoda. a T TOE IflNKRV AND VBCHANIC8' J\ Store, CI Sooth U itrtxt, Virginia. I* to b« found ttM largeet and b»«t aeloeled atock ol Gent's and Boys' Clothing And Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC.. Ever ahowa In Virginia. Tble ImmaoM ttoek waa purchased In anllct patloo of dnah tlmee, and aa all ara dlaap pololrd, we are compelled to eacrtdce Ibemat almoat aar price. In order to reallae meney. we uffi-r for the next 30 daya our whole atock a' ■ucb prleea aa mart lntnr* epeedy ealee la addition to our regular atock we bare on band a large aaaortmtnt of CHRISTMAS GOODS! Which will A Sold Equally Cheap —at m MINERS' AND MECHANICS' STORE RICH BROS., PropR'S. 04 Booth 0 Street, Virginia, 5er. nl BANKRUPT 8ALB I THE BTO0K OP CLOTHING —A*D— FURNISHING GOODS —or— 8. ARONSON. £fA VINO BOUGHT AT RHERlFFg SAM L tb# tbore Mock. I now offer Um moo to public rrgtrdleee ot root, lor Um Mm* tu to bo told within THUTT DATS. Hiring purcbtttd the book toooaaU. til per. ■om Indebted will plcttt ctU and MttU, tad tberebj ttrt trouble. It» FRANK BMKOW1TZ. GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND BLACHINK WORK*. Mmtm HimIi Lawn- «*M Hill, In. IRON AND BRASH CASTINGS: Of mrj TtrMr nude to order. T RAVI JUST ADDED TO KT OLD I —Hbllthed Htchlae Worta tbeLiROEfll 8LZKD LATHI, PLANER tad BTBAM BAM HI K, tU of tb* Ittort tod moet laprortd oootinctloo, tad tm now prepared to Mate tad Btptlr tU klade tad all tlateof MILL A MINING MACHINERY At tbe iborteal notice tad — Um wort miot tblt Kraifl. IBB QIOIOI IMMIT, Proprietor. DR. A. CHAPMAN. • UNO KON-DCNTiaT, TJfBOM NIVADA OTTT. OMJTOH-mmm B alt Permutet>7 loo»t*d tt Vlr-fl^R ■kit aty. oiiot, ib south o rinf. hltefmetw SALOONS. FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIOEMANN; PROPRIETOR. Mill Street, - . . • Sold llll« Oppoolto tb* Im oOc*. OIHIB OLD-ESTABLISH ED ABD POPOLAB A raaort U anil tb* farorlta. Comfort *a4 •port eombmad. Tk* patron* of lk« kooa* will ilwkjt Ond Iki beat brands at BtANDY, WHISKY, ALE, POHTIR, LAGBB, WINKS OV AI.L KINDS, TOBACCO, CIOAKS. ETC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. u GIBSON'S saloon; SAIN STRBBT GOLD BILL, ptflE WMI, LIQUORS, BTO, BTO OTARD BRANDY. OLD BOURBON. OHAMPAONt, PORT AND WHITS WINKB" AND OTHER QEVUIBB LIQUORS. — W.P.C. GIBSON. Pnwl,Uf. COM STOCK EXCHANGE, MAIN BTKKKT.i i GOLD HILL, (Oppoalt* Liberty Eo(1d* Boom.) At this popular place or resobt CAB tM found t MlMt I lock ol cbolo* Wines, Liquors, Ale, Porter AND OlOARt. Alao. the only BILLIARD TABLE! In Iowa fit 10 pity on. Call im procpoct. _nl T. E. PIWOH. Agmu BANK EXCHANGE, In Ibyurd't Block, MAIN BTW1IT • • GOLD HILL. A FIRST-CLASS 8AL00B IB EVBRT raapact, u wall M (m.ral raaort lor knrt* THE BAR li Hocked with tb* ba«t brandi of WIMU, UQUOBS AMU CUIABS. ts K. P. IfeKBNNKT, Pr*»rief*r. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN STREET, AOLD HILL. - DEALZli IX— BLANK HOOKS, STA1I0NKKY, JIWIUT, SCHOOL BOOKS. CL'TLIRTf TOTS, BW. A|*ol for th* 8«n PrudMo Dally OHROMICLI, BULLETIN. ALTA. KASTKRN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —ABO— VARIKTY 8TORI, MtIN STKBBT, GOLD HUX. Oppoalu Fox'i Mm Kirku D. THORBURN, *• «• tiuiim. AO INT FOB TBI QOLO HILL DAILY NIWN ! Ana Bu rimliet "CbIIi" w ixBBiser " Ml m fut.t Eastern Periodicals LATBBT bbadibu ■attbb. CI6ABS AND TOBACCOS, •hist musio. •MOW-OASI QOODSt STATION I NY. SOHOOL NOOKS. TOYS. ITO.