Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS 8ATTJBDAT, : : FEBBUABY 7. 1880 BlFVBTt LAST SYK*IXO. •0 Ennki Con.. 16H *10 15 Jackson, 9 300 Gila. So )U Northern Boll#. 14.13V 14 320 Manhattan. 1 70. 1 60 SOOMotaliio. 1 tiO. 1 43, 1H 20 Grand PrUo. 1 30 1770 Argonta. 1.1 0* 1700 Kodowmont. 40c 150 lndopondonco. 1 440 Bur. 23c MS Boll* bio, 80c, "So jOo D*t. 55o 100 Boal dol Hon to, 1H 180 WalM. 3 370 ML Diablo, 30 320 ML Potest. 3 775 Eaat Ml. Diablo, 1* 50 Bodio, 10 V. 101* 410 Booh tel. 3 10. 3 15 300 MoOUnton. GOo 335 Tioga. 3 15 100 Summit, I 15,1 20 150 Bnlwor, 10 V 100 Syadlcoto, 1 70 750 Ooodahaw, 4 Jo, 40o •50 Maybollo. 35o. 30c 1150 Oriental, 50c 400 Bolvldoro, 1 % 620 Champion, 63c. 70o 325 Blaohhawk, 90c, 83 *10 330 Mono. 9 50 Com. Paoiflo, 4 1050 Jopiter. Ik. 1 20 710 Booth Bnlvor, 1 M, 110 I**) 1'idfDdi. Mc, COo 150 Double Standard, 40c II Noonday. 4 'iOG Vortex. 15c 535 Maamoth, 3, 3 blS 50 Bottea Con., 1 30 450 Or*. 70c, 7Sc 230 Martin White, 1 ' 175 Tiptop, 4 350 Caledonia (B. H.>. 3 350 Hillaido, SOc t*u noun*. 90 Opkir, 17.171* SSOMaxicaa, 15%. 15S •10 Ootid AC arry.SS, 0 110 Baal A Balahrr. IDS 230 Calif oral*. )U,IU 315 Savaga, 6S. 6S. 6 800 Cob. Virginia, 3 60. 3 02 145 Cboilar, 7S 320 Potoai. 4 SO 293 Bala* Nororou. OS. 6S 2503 Crawa Point. 5S. 5. 5«* 130 Tallow Jackal. 10 100 Imparial, 60c 25 Xaatuek. 3% 50 Alpha, 9 <4 1200 Balahar, IIS. US. 11* b5 733 Blarra Xavada. 23S. 21. 23S 305 Utah. 13S.13S.14 1150 Daney, 40c, 35c 145 Bullion, IS 12S licha^uar, 3 170 Ovarman. 7S. 7S. 7S 1M Jaatica, 2 10. 2 30 90 Union Con.. »7S.37. 30* 403 Alia. 4 40. 4 45. 4 % 200 Lady Bryan. 40o 200 Jalia. 2. 1 93 50 Caladonia. 1 15 150 BUvar Hill. 1 45 ISO Challanga. 1 70 250 Naw Tork. 50o 435 Lady Washington Can.. 90c 300 Andaa. 95o 550 Walla-Fargo. 10o 15 Ward. 1 GO 100 Saarpion, 3 30 200 Leviathan, 35c. 30c 435 Ban ton Cos.. 2 30. 2%. 2 35 *0 Solid Silrar. 30c 000 81. Loaia. 15c ISO Ooldan Oata 2 55 450 Com. Dorado. 2 05 150 Flowary. 25« 250 Narth Bonanza, 60c, 55c 100 Fairfax. 70o •00 Xaekay, lio. 90o 220 Raymond A Ely. 75c, SSo 300 Jackaoa, 15c 275 Northarn Balla. 13S. 13S 10 Manhattan. 1 03 310 Ifatallic, 1 55. 1H 500 Orand PrUa. 1 35 2025 Arganta, 120. IS. 130 150 Endowment, 40c 1M> Independence. 90c >0 Balla lale. «*o 150 Day. S3e. 4Co 200 HUlaWa. 1 150 haal dal M> nta, 1 40 SOS Album. Me US Jit. Diablo 30 •0 Ml. Poiuai. ! 85 550 Eaai Mt. Diablo, 1 90 350 Modoc. 30c 35 Bodie Con., 10S 143 Bacbtal Con.. 2 000 McClintan, 50c. 50 alO 100 Tiofa, 3 15 250 Summit. 1 15. 1 10 220 Syndicate. 1 SO. 1 70 12S Bnlwrr, 10 S 155 Ooodahaw. 40o 235 Kay balla, 35o 1075 Oriantal, 50c 450 Balridar, 110.1 alO. I 400 Champion. 60c 70 Blacknawk, 90 *10, 90 350 Son lb Bodia, 40c 190 Mono, 9. OS, 8% 140 Con Paciflo, 4 Mmt K*p«rL til hutciico, February C— t r. V*Icb*r. im bid. US aaked. US m1«; Crown Poinl. i bid. 3% aak*d, 8 tale; Biim Nevada, Ui( bid. U>t aaked, 93*% Ml*; Bodie. 10% bid. 10* aaked; Califor nia, 3 S3 bid; Jutic«, 3 20 wk*d; North •ro Belle, 13% bid. 13% uk*d; Union Coo., 30% bid; Noonday, 4 bid; Oonld A Carry, 8% bid. • aaked; Jalia, 1 93 aaked; Mexican, 13 Si aaked; Con. Virginia, 3 S3 aai*, 3 70 bid, 3% aak*d; California, Jk bid; Utah. 13% bid. It aaked; B**t A B*l*h*r. 10 bid; And**. »3o bid. 1 aakcd; Hal* A Nareroee. 8% bid; Bcicbar. 11% 8tlr*r Bill. 1 40 bid. 1 43 aaked; Imperial, COo bid; Con Dorado, 1 bid; Oonld A Car ry. 8 H aal*; Mexican, 13 bid. 13 aal*; Sierra 93 aal*; Opbir, IT% bid; Union Con., 36% bid. 37 aakad, 30% aal*; Crown Poinl. 4 90 bid. 4 93 aakad. 4 93 ■al*; Mexican, 18% bid. 13% aak*d. US aal*; Tallow Jackal 10 aak*d; Bontb Bui war, 110 bid; Alia, 4 33 bid. 4 40 aakcd; B*leb*r. US bid. 11% aakad; California. S 80 bid; Oram an, 7S bid; Crown Point. « 90 aal*. 4 10 bid. 4 33 aakad. ArritaM una laralac. H Cohan. B C Foatar, C Oanond. B Stew art. A Bon, Mr* Carlton, J Bierabach, B C Adam* and wif*. lliahop Whitaker and wif*. Mr* J B Warren and children. V M Mat. 3 Bnrrall. J A Ora*n. W C Oml*j, D Frad*nbi*ch. J Montgomery. L Vann. J L Bright, J H Kattall, T W Fitxgerald. D Hammond. Bar. Father Dal ton. Miaa Fan too, Mr* C F Patrick, B M Bonbam, Mr* W J J***up, B*t E Qraham, S Taylor, M L Tag*r. J B Co wen. Chria Jama*. M Boaflich, B Buckler. Thar* wtU b* Dtrtoa eerrk* al Ik* Metkodlet ptacopal Church. Oold HIil, tomorrow at 7:14 fa^lteT- *r. Or. ham offlcUllna. Mo monlageerrtca. Suadaj acbooi at > JO. St. Jaha'a ChorcO. Gold OIlL-br. balMa mlatotar lB-cbarg*. Brrrlcee oa*u da, al II a. a. Tb* aeat* ai* frr* and all ar* cwdlalty tarlled. Smiia/ achool at 1:10. Tkww wit b* diTtn* arrtc* n 04. Paall ^^Vjjteja CTt^towrow alUa.H, *Tb*r* wUl hadlTte* aerrtce al One* Ojarah. Hirer Ctt*. tomorrow at ttO r. ■**. a«l' MINDAWAKENINB. Bom«lMaff ol lb* War »■ whlrk Tblnss Ml rrMIMljr TMfkl IN Our MkMU A man never gets an idea ot bov (ait lb* world moves till hs gats out or Via jwn sphere into aome other. Iu order to see how great progreaa haa beer. made in teaching, ha moat gat into a r-odern ichool room where the teacher baa kept progreaa with the age of improvements in the methods o( imparting inatrnction. In the Gold Hill acboola every (acuity of the pupil ia awakened and shsrpened. Even Ubli-a of weights and measures in lha primary claaaea are taogbt aa object leaaona. They have the aoales and the weights and tba meaanrea right there, and the scholar* see that it take* sixteen ounces to make one pound and two gllla to make a pint, etc., up to the gallon. The result ia that little children from seven to nine years old will foot up poundaand ounce* and even fractions of ouncea and give the correct total with a facility which is surprising. The asms la true of measures, including quarts, pints, sills, etc. But this ia not all. They an taught to form oorrect eatimataa ot the weighta of objecta. They are handed a book or something of tba kind and then esti mates of its weight are taken. Ona of the scholars then weighs the objsct and snnoanoes the mult. The importance of this kind of praoticein estimating the propel ties of things will becoms appar ent one of tbeee days when euooees In life may depend on accuracies of judg ment. The above ia cited only as ons of many wsys of sharpening the perceptive faculties of the children. It teaches thsm to think, and that ia, after all, as good a definition aa can ba given of real education. Aud then to teach the little ones geog raphy they are set to world building on a small scale. They are furnished with a suitable meaaure of loam in a fitting rrceptacle, furnished with implements, snd construct rsnges of mountaiaa and hills and valleys and plains and cauyonx aud ravines, snd to form all ths phsses presented by the solid part of ths earth. Then tbey go to work and run mines. 1'heir shafts nevar get very deep nor their tunnels long belore a cave occurs; but ths theory is exemplified and thor oughly understood. Suob lessons are nsver forgotten. Another phsse of geography baa been aa one might aay practically taught of late. too. The meltiog snows have made a puddle of water in tba back yard and that ia taken aa an ooean, and the dry plicsa in it serve for continents and islands and the like. The little stresms of wster running in are taken to illus trate the formations of rivere and oreeks. Ths smaller puddles of water do nicely for lakes, and ao the little ones get a reedy idsa of lha big world on which tbey live from the little world aronnd. There is not a map in the world like thst back yard, nor a play ground equal in attractions to thsir school room. CONQUERORS)COMQUEREO. k Bald mt llcbMlaii'ai Caplar* >«Uou»l (Juint-A luuUMIoual liirnaiitr. Laat *vening the lady teacher* of Vir |ioia leap-beared tb« National Oaard at ts armory. Aa at leaat one of the mem Mr* o( the compauy «aa taken com pletely by surprise by the petticoat raid, in unconditional surrender of mniketa ind ooat battona was the reaolt. The rictorioas ladies then made the following declaration of ancient rights: Albeit, aa olten as leap* yearre oc curre, the woman boldeth prerogative over the msnae in all matters of amuse ments, aa dsnsslng and the lyke; ao that when the ladye iuviutb the manns, it shall not be lawful for him to say her nae, bnt ah *11 entertain her pro pose all in all gude conrteeie. Following were the orders of the evening: 1. Gentlemen are requested to con duct themselves with the most ladylike propriety. Therefore it is expecb-d that no gentleman will promenade alone or leave bia seat unless escorted by a lady. 3. Gentlemen will pleas* be kindly oonsiderate. remembering the natural diffidence of their admirers. 3. No gentlemen shall invite a lady to danoe. 4. Ladies will await the presence of tbs gvutlenieu st the door of the dress ing-room. in order to escort them to the dancing hall. 6. Ladies will pleas* ksep their «n gsgemmts promptly. C. Ladies will endeavor to avoid leav log their partners standing alone in the center of tb* room on account of the awkwardness of the situstion. Haviog gained this complet* ascend ency over their captives the conquering heroines degraded them to th* level of partner* for a danc* and tortursd them in that wsy nearly all night. rilMr'a Optra II One might wander far and look loog for amnaementa end not find aa good of tha kind aa that given at tha Optra House laht evening by tha Star Specialty Combination. Every objectionable fea ture of the opening night disappeared. The Davenea tirnt gave their very wel come tintlnabalationa then left the atage to the dancer*. These leg-and-arm art lata and the mnaical manipulatora came nearer getting their movementa together than at their first trial. Tha troable ia that the mnaicianaare too conacientiona. They think they rnnat play every note aet before them and they are bonnd to do it and, if th« dancers do not give them time enoagh lor that, they take it. Too much praiae cannot be beatowed upon the "American Four," nor on the Davenee. Both are unexcelled and, in faith, it may be aaid, nnequaled in their reepeotive lines. The Four make yon laugh till you can't get breath, and the Davenea, when they take to the awinga, make you hold your breath in wonder at their strength, skill and daring. There will ba a change of programme again tonight and laat performance tomorrow night. Atfaetf Ilia reel. Yesterday afternoon, L. L. Monohan, smployed at tha Union abaft, atrack an adze into the hollow of hia left foot, sev ering an artery. He loat a good deal of blood before reaching a surgeon. After tha artery was taken up, in attempting to get into a wagon, tha ligatures gava way and all waa to do over. In all ha loat eo much blood as to greatly weaken and aicken him. I1 reacts Beetaaraat. Tha French restaurant of George Du prey ia run in tha beat of style, and the beet the market afforda, including flah, game, etc., ia served there to tha satis faction of all ita patrons. This reetaur sat ia new in all of ita furniture, etc., but old in tha favor of tha people ol Gold Hill and tbs country round about. The advertisement of Mr. Da prey will be found ia another oolcunn. EUROPA. Wwk IkMt to b» *• •nnid-Tk* Tel lew iMkW M«w •ball Ife* lull of Operations. Work is about to bs commenced through the Ysllow Jacket nsw shaft far the porposs o( prospec'.it' the Eoropa groans, lying north of t Jacket and south o( the Ward. It is three years sinco anything has been done in the Europa. At the time the oompany shot down, tkeir prospects (or opening a val uable property were very flittering. Thsy hsd sank a shaft 650 feet in depth, and at 300 feet they ran a orossrat west under the eaperintendenoy of John Lam bert, and oat a well defined vein of qaartx CO feet in width, giving assays ranging from $4 U $26. At this point therein (as per survey of B. H. Stretch) had a pitch of 36 degrees to the east. They then continued sinking with the expectation o( catting their ledge in the shaft at aboat 800 feet, the shaft being some distanoe east of their ledge, bat aboat the time they bad proeecated the work to a depth of 650 feet the unfortu nate death of H. 0. Kibbe, who held the controlling interest in the stock of the oompany, put a stop to operations. The present management, after surveying the field, concluded to await the progress of the south lateral branch of the Sutro tunnel, which will pass through the Europa ground, intersecting it at the northeast corner, at the Ward lint, and croeeing disgonally to the Jsoket shaft, near the southwest corner of the Segre gated Europe, at a depth of 1560 feet. It baa been a matter of earprise to the mining people of the Comstock Ibat the management of thia valuable property should have allowed it to lie dormant so long, bat their policy of iosctiun hss evidently been to the interrets of the stockholders, as on the northeaat of the property the Ward abaft has now at tained a depth of 2000 feet, and on the eoathraat ia the new abaft of the Yellow Jacket, now down about 2800 feet, from which it is proposed to drift north to meet the Sutro tunnel. With tbesa fa cilities the Europa Company can pros pect their property, or have it pros pected for them more fully, without cost to them, than they oould have done at a oost of $250,000 by continuing their own shsft, as they would hsve been com pelled to put in expensive machinery. The Segregated Europa, whioh adjoins on the eoutb, as well as ths Europs, are both very valaable properties, and a proeperoua future ia in etore for the stockholders as soon aa they can reach their groand from either direction, which they will undoubtedly be able to do from the south lateral branch of the Sutro tunnel, on the north end of the Europa, in about 90 days, and a drift of about 350 feet from the Jscket shaft will reach the Segregated Europa on the eouth end. MINING NOTES. lnuit mt laicmt All AlMf lb* Wonder if people ever atop to think what a wonderful development ia being mftde in Union! On the 2400 level 250 feet of ore and fine vein material carry ing string* re of rich ore, and no tnd to Uu thing yW in tilkir direction—for to the weat the ore haa never been traced to a wall or even a border. Here la a ohanoe, surely, to eclipee the 280 feet of width of the big bonansa in Con. Virginia. The rapid approach of the Sntro tun *nel'a north header toward* the north end ia an important fact for the minea in that direction. It, oomblned with the increased facilitiea at the mine*—heavy machinery and the like—will soon pnt the north end minea la much better condition for deep mining than they ever have been. They commence thia evening putting the punipa in at the Union ahaft. They now keep 30 men at work easing the timbere in the Union ebaft. Every day a careful inepeotion ia made of the ahalt from top to bottom and every guide atick ia examined, ai d every bolt looked to, leat somethiu* nhould get out of place and wreck Uvea a* well as mat ter. The Ophir pomps are today running to the *i5U0 level. Thia will allow of • resumption of ainking in the bottom of the main incline eoon. Parties who are now working the Dayton gravel mine claim to Ijave dis covered that by ainking a anmp in the bed-rock and then drifting along the rock in the gravel, the water runa to the aump and escapee through the bed rock, and that they will be able to work their claima at little expense. The pieton rod of the new pumping engine at the Union ahaft ia a foot in diameter. The pump rode are Oregon pine 16 by 10 incbea and CO feet long. They are to be atrapped together with iron platee firmly bolted. District Ceerl. The following businesa was trans acted in the District Court this morning: Snow vs. His Creditors—Petitioner discharged from all hie liabilities. Liebes vs. Fullmsn—Plaintiff ordered to show cnuse why alUohment ahould not be aet aaide. • . Stone & Hilee substituted as sttorneys of record for Sierra Nevada in all caaea where thai company ia party to an aotion. Royce va. Hampton et al. — Till Wedueaday given in which to tile findinga. Charlee Carlson vs. Maggie Carleon— Divorce granted on ground of habitual drnnkenneaa; custody of children given to plaintiff. Adjourned till Monday at 10 a. m. CMltT CMMlHltlin. The Board of County Commiaaionera met at 1 r. x. today—too 1st* (or tb* News to b« represented at the meeting. It was understood that tb* meeting waa principally to hear the report of the Committee of tb* Whole upon plana and specificationa for atrengtbening the jail, as per report already published in the News. The experta vera expected to report on tha extension of the tax roll and opening tha new booka in tb* Aaditor'a offioe, both of which worka have been aooomplished. Tb* booka bav* been balanced, and the errors in tb* extension of tb* tax roll abow a loaa to tb* ooanty of 94 34. Tke Mli InA Tb* rout* to Dayton to b* followed by tb* proposed new railroad, says tb* Lyon County Times, has been definitely agreed upon. It ia that down Dasey Canyon to tb* wood flata at Dayton, a distaoc* of aix miles from tb* Mouod Hons*. Tba road baa alraady been located aa far aa Main street. In Dayton, and tb* grad* stskes set. Tb* railroad will paaa along aide of County Commissioner Skaw'a lumbar yard, in tba vary heart of town. Tbar* ar* nine man employed in tb* aurvty, which ia in ohaiga of a civil M(ln**r. EASTERN DISPATCHES. [incut to tn eou> uu »ao.t nwi| The Meeker Vie Business. Chicaoo, February 7.—The Times says that Wo, Bjers, of Denver, an intimata friend of the lata agant Meeker of tha White River reaerration, informed the Houee Committee on Indian Affaire day before yeeterday that, in hia opinion, the main oanaa of the recent Ute oat break waa the attempt of Ueeker to con pel the aavagea to oonform atrictly to the cuatoma of the wbitea. Lake Crrr, Col., February 7.—The following diepatoh baa been reoeived from Los Pinoe Agency: General Adama and party have arrived. Captain Jaok and Sowerwiok left immediately for Oread river, at which point it ia reported Douglass and the White River Ctea are encamped. Jack made no promieee, and refuaed to aet a time for hia return. " I wilt do my beat to effeot the surren der of the prieonera," were hia parting worda to Qeneral Adama. Douglaaa haa not been to the agency aince he made hie demand for rations, on tha 17th ult., and waa refuaed. All is quiet. All the Indiana are extremely anxious over the pending negotiations at Washington. De Toonc Arter Kalloch. ' Lbavenwobth, Kanaai, February 6.— The myetvrioue movements of a man who arrived here within the lut three or four daya have attracted muoh atten tion. He haa been aotively " bussing " among all depertmenta of Leavenworth aooitty, but e*p«cially among the reli gion* and aporting fraternitiea. The myatery which hung about hia move mente haa been at laat dispelled by tha diacovery that he ia Cbarlea De Young, of the San Frandaoo CbvnicU, who at tempted to immolate Iaaao—Rev. Itaae Kalloob—in that city laat fall. He ie euppoaed to be collating material tor a new biography of Mr. Kalloob, and the eearcb for antbentio arobivee leada him into all eorta of plaota—the tabernacle, the two-forty track, and placea too num eroua and loo otherwise to mention. Dectoloni In a Replevin bait. Cuicaoo, February 7.— Judge Rodgers, in the replevin auit of Clark vs. The Michigan Central Railroad Company, haa decided a nioe point in the law of stoppage in transitu. A Boaton Arm had aold goods to a Han Fraociaoo firm and delivered them to a partner of that firm in Boeton, who ebipped them to their destination. After the abipment, the San Francisco firm went into bankrupt cy, and the gooda were replevined in Chicago. The Court held that, although the gooda were delivered to the partner in Boaton at hia "tore, it waa only for abipment to tbe final deetinatlon, and that wben they had once been ahipped toward that point, it all conatituted aim ply one traneit. The right to etop gooda and revoke the aale waa not loet, the parchaaere having beon ahown to be in aolvent at the time. Indian imenlllet. Washington, February 7.—Ths Hons* Committee on Iudisn Affairs hu igrxd upon • bill to provids for the punish went of crimea committed upon the vari oaa Indian reservations. It provides that the law* of tha respective Stataa and Territories (In which are located Indian reservations) relating to the eriuiee of mnrder, manalaaghter, araon, rape, burglary and robbery, shall be deemed the law and In foroe within snch reservstions, and the United Statee Die triot and Territorial Courta within the respective districts and Territories in whioh reservations msy be located shall have original juriediction over all anch offenaee which may be committed within saoh reservations. Sherman's Maneuvering. Washington, February 7. — The charges that Secretary Sheraisn Is nsing the patronsge of the Treasury Depart* ment to farther bia oandidsoy for the Freeidenoy, have attracted a good deal of attention and caused no little com mint among tha Senatora. One of the most prominent Western Bepublicsn Senators ssid that he bad gone to con siderable trouble to get at tha troth ol tbess stories, and he ie forced reluctantly to admit that they are well founded. He thought it was a remarkable speotacle .that three of the most prominent offi cials in the Treasury Department ware engaged at this time trying to use tha influence of the department to aid them in their straggle to secnre higher offloea. The Isthmian Canal. Wasuinoion. February 7.—The Select Committee ol the Honse on Inter-Ocesnio Ship Canal met yesterdsy, and laid tha foundation for critical examination of the subject. A resolution wsa adopted calling on the President for all oorre* epondence hetwrn this Government and foreign countries relative to the ship ca nal; also, a resolution providing for the collection of all possible ststistics and dsta showing the present amount of com merce passing around Cape Horn with a view of ascertaining approximately bow valuable to the commercial interests of this country an inter-ooeenio canal would be. Another Railroad. St. Loom, February 7.—A diapatch from Dallas, Tezaa, Bays reliable advices bare been received there to tke effect tbat Jay Ooold and Tbomaa Scott, ss representing the Tezaa Paciflo and Mis ■ouri, Kausaa and Tezaa Bailroada, have purchased all tba outatanding bonds and aecuritlee of the Dallaa and Wichita Railroad, which ahall be extended ao aa to connect with the Dennlaon and Paciflo eztenaion of tha Miaaoori, Kanaas and Tezaa, and making tba latter a compel* ing Una with tba Tezaa Centra). Should be InTMllfitrt* Acousta, lie., February 7.—Gov. Da vis concludes his inaagnral meaaaga aa follows: "Thara can b« bo half-way ground in regard to thia great pnblio wrong, which ahonld receive tha con demnation of every honeat citizen. Tbat it may aerva aa a warning in tha fntara to thosa who, under a Ire* government, may attempt to trample upon tha righta of tba people, I would recommend an inveetigation of tba whole aubjeot of ar ranging, tabulating and oouuting tha returns, aod tbat tba facts ascertained be made public." Domestic Cremation. Columbia, B.C., February 7.—A negro cabin on tba plantation of Captain Wm. Stack, thirteen miles north of Colombia, was burned on Tuesdsy night. Two men, a woman and lix children perished in the flamea. The fir* waa diaoovered by a colored woman who ran to tha burning building and pulled off a board, when aha beard one of tha children attempting to awaken its father, but without suoosss. Before other assist anoe arrived tha boos* and all in it was burned. FtUob Horron. Louutizxk, February 7.—The Legis lative Committee now investigating the Stata Priaon report it* eondition u abamafully bad. It ia overcrowded, tha aewerage ia bad, tha dlat ia improper. Scurry prevaila among tha priaonara to a fearful aztant. At ona time over 200 were in the hoapital with it. There waa a total of oaaea daring the veer ol 775 oat ol 1000 inmatee. The aole cause haa bean improper food and treatment, and ia wholly inexeuaable. Tha mortality haa nearly doabled over preoeding years and yet the number of priaonara ia not much, if any, greater. Flogging priaon ara ia carried on to cruel extremea. The clothing ia inaaCBcient, aa are the beda. Montana. Helcna, February 7.—The Board of Trade ananimoaaly adopted a reeolution protesting againat tha paaaage by Con greaa of the bill withdrawing from pre emption and homeatead entry the public landa lying weat of the 100th meridian, and declare* that the report of the com mittee, which aaantn*B that all the land lying weat of that meridian ia not tangi ble, ia untrue ao far aa ooneerna Mon tana, which hu 15,000,000 aorea of the moat productive landa in Amerioa, de claring that the change in the lawa which put the landa into the handa of non-res ident s pec a la to rn ia a pernicious one, and will abut off immigration from Mon tana, which will otherwise be ona of the greatest States in the Union. Tie fmntjlvanla Convention. N«w Tou, February 7.—A correspon dent of the TrUmn* writes from Harria burg that nine-tentha of the delegatea to tha convention ware opposed to the nomination of Qrant for Preaident, and that the ezpoaure of the weaknraa of tha Qrant movement waa due to Cam eron'a determination to secure the paaa age of a reeolution of inetruotione. In terviews with aevaral Republican and Democratic Congressmen are given. Many of the Republican members think Orant'a prospects were injured by the aotion of the convention. The Knight* of Momm. New Oulcaks, February 7.—The pro caasion of the Kuighta of Momua lut night bad for a aubject "Tha Fair Wo men of Hietory; the Women whoae Portraits Adorn tha Oreat Piolure Gal lery of the Past." "ADream of Fair Women," a tableau, appeared on band aomely deoorated cars, and the proces aioo waa greeted with applauae all along the route. The prooeaaion dosed with grand tableaux and a ball at the Opera House. Miscellaneous. Washkoton, February 7.—The Sen ate Committee will recommend the paa aage of Baroside'a bill, wbiob provide* that tbe net proceed* of aalea of publio landa and tbe net receipt* of tbe Patent Office aball hereafter be devoted to tba eatabliabment of an educational fond, to be apportioned annually among tbe aev eral State* and Territoriea and Diatriet of Colombia. Prealdent Hayea la reported to ba net tled at the rejection of Morton, and aaya he doea not intend to yield bia oonvio tion to what ia termed "Senatorial cour tesy." It la eaid that Morton will be nominated for another good offloe. Barrow, Ohio, February 6 Julia* Badke waa arreated laat evening charged with the death of hia child, an infant of four muntba. Ha went borne under tbe Influence of liquor, and aeixing tbe ohild daabed it to the floor and than kicked it acrona tbe room, cruahing ita akull. An other ohild, ais yeara old, waa in tbe room and teati&ee to tbe crime. Snucuai, February 0.—A meeting of all the promiaent men of both facliuna of tha Democratic party waa bald laat night for the purpoae of harmonising difference*. Win. 0. Bnger waa made chairman. It waa resolved to aink per aonal prejudices and preferenoea and unite the party. WESTERN DISPATCHES. [aracui. to TO eou> mux dailt nnra.1 Bin Francisco Items. Sax Faanctaco, February 7.— Tbe Supreme Court baa deolded in tbe oaae of John W. Dent va. B F. Holbrook, that an unauthorised sal* by a atock broker of certiflcataa of ahare* of atock in a mining corporation, on which tbe broker baa a lien for payment of a part of the porch*** money, i* a oonveraion for which the owner of tbe oertifloatea ia entitled to recover aa damage (be bigbeat market value of tli« atock at any time between the oonvetewn and the verdiot without interest. Diepatchea reotived from all the prln cipal placca in tba inti nor of tbe State, giving interviewa with leaiing Bepubli cana regarding their preferenoea for tba Preaidentlal candidate, abow, with three or fonr exceptiona, an overwhelming majority for Blaina, Qrant second, and Waahburne, Sherman, etc., reoeiving acattering votee. Io tbe caee of tbe United Statea agninat E. J. Baldwin, charged with de frauding the revenue, In oooneotion with hta diatillery at Loe Angelea, the jury laat aveniug brought ia a verdict of not guilty. • H(w Talifitpb Vmpmmj. Today articlta of incorporation were filed la the office of the County Clark by the Nevada 4 California Telegraph Com pany; objeota, the building, maintaining and operating of a telegraph line between Virginia and San Francleco, through Bodie; Traateea, J. H. Douglau, W. H. Smith, Chaa. Forman, J. 8. Young, John H. Harria; oapitai, 960,000, at 91 per ahare. Tha County Feat-houie baa been robbed of ita bedeteadi, oh aire, etovee, mattreeaea and every movable artiole, even to the baiting on the inaide of the walla. Pity the man who did tbia peat iferooa pilfering had not taken theamill Kz and been marked by it. It look* e Celeatial cuuedneaa. George B. Foard baa handed in hla resignation aa Secretary of tha Sierra Nevada mine, to take effect on tha 16tb inaUnt. Hla auoceaaor haa been already appointed. At tha Uma of receiving their money for January work, the miners at tha Alt* donated 9218 60 to Mr. Keith, who waa hurt in the incline aome time ago. John C. Conner, brother of H. P. Coarser, and well known on the Com atock, died in Santa Boca, Cal., of oon aumptlon January 23, aged 31. Setting hasy again, ond looka aa though Gentle Annie woald have to leave soon. If shs don't, tha trees will. The January pay rolls of tha AlU, Benton and Lady WaakiagUw amounted to 110,600. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. [wnrn. ro Til SOU) HILL DULY HTTB.' Ireland In Parliament. London, February 7.—In the Hoax of Commoni yesterday Sir Stafford Northcote Mid be found no fault with the Irish members for taking tbla early opportunity for drawing attention to ac important a matter, bat they would be going beelde tbe queation of diatreat by oooupying the membera with aucb pointa aa those dealt with in tba amendment. Ha dlatJuctly denied that the govern ment bad allowed tba matter to aleep. The report of tbe R»glstrar-G»ntral for the paat year, juat reeelved, discloeed a very nnaatiafsetory atata of thinga. Tha extent of laud under erope in Ireland waa laaa than during any preceding ten years. The total value of tbe principal crops for 1879 is estimated at £23,000,• 000 aa against £33,400,000 tha prid ing year. The potato orop of 1878 *waa estimated at SO,600,000 cwt., where it ia expected that the yield for 1879 will be only 32,000.000 cwt., a most alarming decrease. Toward the end of last Octo ber the Irish Oovsrnasnt forwarded to tha Cabioet information whioh the government took into serious con sideration, inviting tha Lord Lieu tenant and othera to attend in London. The government found that there was considerable apprehension of a famine in soma parta ol Irsland. They therefore took tha precautions necessary until ths meeting of Parliament. Tba Cbanoellor aaid in a bill whioh be in tended at a later period to Introduce there would b« provisiona authorising the local Oovarnment Board to authorise the Boarda of Guardians to issus food and fuel by way of out-door relief. It would alao'be proposed to allow the Boarda of Ooardiana to borrow money in exceptional oaaea. Tha question of stimulsting tbe employment of labor waa ona foil of difficulty, but tba government waa deairoua of doing aometbing in that direction, and thought it beat to give tome enoouragament to peraona to bor row money to be us«d in improving their land. Therefore tbev propoee to advance loana on exceedingly easy terms to tba landlorda to be used for tbst purpose. Tha Baronial Seaaions would also be aeked to maka presentments. O'Donoghue (Liberal) aaid tba proper oourae waa to lend the money to the farmers, not to the landlords. IxecallODi In Cabal. London, February 7.—Oeneral Rob erts sends tba following from Cabul : Before November 12,1879, about 73 men were executed—vix: Tha City KotwaJ, a magistrate and aix othera, couvicted ol diationoring tbe bodiea of offloert of tbe British Embaasy. Seventeen wera oon vioted for attacking eeoorta to tha em baaay and having tba property of the embaasy in thsir possession, and 49 for proved murdera of camp followers and iuiplicatiou in tba attack on the British residency. Since November 12th nine wore executed on oouviction for attack ing tbe reaidenoy, and fifteen mora have been sentenced to death for killing wouuded soldiers and implication in4the attack on tha reaidenoy. IIOW TO HATH MONK*. Initeed at going to a doctor fur a preacrlp tloa, If yon bat* Bright'* Dlaaae*, Dlabetea, Pain la tba Back and Lolni, Smarting, inflam mation, OaJcaJt. Brlcklort Lkpoell. or any trouble of tli* Kidney* or Bladder, boy a bottle of I)K. MINTIB'S NKPBIUTICUif. tb* gr*at Budtu Cbmpovnd. It I* the moat wonderful prescription *T*r compounded for theee trouble*. Measra, Abraaia a Carroll, wholesale dragileta. aay : " Wt ngard Stphrtticum at thi but Kldnty and Bladder Ktmtdy In Mr marktt." Woodward, dragglit, Portland. Ore gou, <ay* i " Kverybody apeak* Mghly of it." Child*, drugglet, Portland, Oregon. *•>•: "Hold Iota ol It; Tt alway* doe* tbe work " Many hare barn cor*d of nbetlnate kidney oomplalnU if tar tba dot > jra bar* given them op. for Mia by all drargUta. I'rlon, f 1 a bottle, or tlx bvttl** for |i. suhTub, A dUtlngulibed *ol*atl*t one* Hid t " No man with a atrong and baalthy atomach rear committed wield*," aad y*t many art amSarlng tba torture# of tba damned with Dy*p«oala whao a alagle bottle of DR. KMTiri Bngllab Dandelion, Liver and Dyap*p*la Pill* will glra relief, and. If peraleted In, will cor* tba wont caaa of thl* dliti***lng tronble. Thl* pill cur** torpid Unr and Bllloaua**, rrgulater tb* Bowel*. rrroovee Ptmpla* from tb* Pace, cute* balluW Complexion, Foal Breath, Hick llraaacb*. Heartburn, Pain In the Hide* and Back. U Hogar-co*t«d tad UUARANTKKD to b* PUUBLYvKUKTAHLK. It act* directly upon ■ h* coating o( ti.e Htomach aud on the Liver; can be takea in any climate- wet or dry weather. Beware or Imitation*. Tb* Omvint ha* aa engraving of a I loo on th* oatftd* wrap par. Price M cent*. For *ale by all dragglita. • Taiaa bare mm more core* of aemlnai wcakoee*. nerrou* debility aad paralyal* made by the Bogllah remedy. Sir Aatlay Cooper'* Vital Heitoratlv*. than by all other rrmedlee coublood. Why will yon raffert Send to A. B. Mlntla, X. D., Mo. 11 Kearny atre*t. Baa Fraoclaeo, for tba lUetoratlve, and be cured. P.lce $3 per bottle; four tliuaa the quantity, $10. Try a bottle. ml»» ly A KUIWOUK 1-OlM. A lot* of bo Illy ttaeuc, greatly la exe*«* of tb* natural dally wmU wbleb tak** place In tb*i bealthleet phyilcal aad mantal (tractor*, aad bat for which waei* llf* aad you'b mlgbt be ladallnltcly prolocgrd, I* totalled upon tboe« whoae vital power* ar* w*ak and uervoo* rya t«m frajtle. To arrrit tbla rnlnnai lo*e gad brae* tb* *y*tem a oourse of Uo*t*ttcr'* riom acb Bitter* la the p oper ajent. Tone to the nerve*. rigor and r. gulertty to tba d'g**tive rrgaae aad ll«*r are among the hooae conferred upuu tbe debilitated aud eick of both «•»* by thla tneatlmahle medlclae, wblcb mora than aav known tonic tenda to check the prourcea of nnnatoral aad prematura decay Ul-ep, re newel rallah for iood. are both obtained by the nervon* aad dyepepllo thioogb H* o*e, wblcb 1* a *o tba mean* of Inarlag tb* ayttea to eti counltr Mfaly malarloua atmoephertc lnflu *nc«*. T1IB DBATH RATK OF Oar ooantry la getting to be fearfully alarming, Um of )Lf« b«luf leeaeaed every year, without lagr rtaaooable cum, death reoulUag generally from the bmi lnetgnlOcant or I fin At thli eeaeon of the iter eepeclally, * cold ii each * common thing IBM In the harry of everj day life we are apt to overlook the danger# at t»t dim it and of-en find too ute. that a ferei or Lone trouole ha* already eet in ' Thooaandi 1'iee their Uvee In thle way every winter, whlli had Otrman Syrup bees taken, a care woold hare reetilled, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. Kor all dtecaeae of Um Throat and Lunge, Botehm't German Syrup ba< proven Iteelf to M the greateet discovery of lu kind la medicine. Every Drugrl'i fa IhU country will tell yea ol Ite wooderfni effect. Over *50,000 bolt lee told laet yew without i tingle failure known. W A FRAGRANT BRZATII UTO PAARLT TIKTH are eaaUy ebtalaed by eleanalng your teeth dally with that |aeih popular dentifrice, BOZODONT. Oompoeed of rare antleeptlc berbe. U I la parte wbttenee* to the teeth, a delldoue an ma to the breath and prwvrvee Intact, from youth to old age, the teeth. Acidity of the ttomich will deetroy the ttroogeet Uetb u >lria lu eCrcte are eenateracted with toZ IDONT. and thli pare toolh-waeh protecte Ibe dental enr<acee by removing every Impurity hat ad. heree to thea. Aak your dragglet lor UOZO DO XT. _ It A CARD. To aU who are aafferlng from the error* and lndlecretlone of you h, nervosa weakaeee, early decay, lore of manhood, ate , I will aend a tr» calpe that will cure yon. FBIB UP GHABQK Thle greet remedy wae dlacovared by amleaion ary la Booth America, Send a eelf-eddreaeed envelope to tba HIT. Joan* T. but, Station O, Mew Tork city. jail ly RKMOTAU • The Oomatock Bxchanga hae baen removed to Um building formerly occupied by the Sea nsr-""— •^xvxsu FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIDHMM PROPBIETO*. Halo Street, • - • • 8«ld 1U1* OppoatU Um Maw* oOm. • man old-istablubbd arc popular X retort u (till tb« farorlta. Comfort aad •port combined. Tin ftltou of Um boo** Will •Twaji And lb* best brands ot B.cANDY, WIIINKY, ALP, POBTKK, UOIKt WINK* or AIJ. KINDS, TOBACCO, CIGAM. ETC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. COMSTOGK EXCHAR6B, MAIN MTBBBT.i I GOLD HILL, (Oppoalla Liberty XnflM Boom.) At this popular place op bbsobt eta b« to una a aalaot aloe* ot cboloe Wines, Liquors, Ale, Porter AND OIOAR8. Alto. Um oalr DILUARD TAB LIS la Iowa Bt to pit J OD. Call awl pro,pact. T. B. PIUCH, A—I GIBSON'S SALOON, VAIN STBBBT GOLD BILL. piBB WWBi. UQDOBB, BTO. BTO snnnui. OLD BOURDON. CHAMPAGNE, PONT AND WHITI WINKS' AJTD OTHKB OBRUtBB LIQUOR*. ■ W.P.C.niMON.Pww1ataf. BANK EXCHANGE, la Barnard'* Block, MAIN 1TN11T • • OOLD HILL. APIRBT.CLAB8 8ALOOH IB BVBBT raapact, aa wall m (eneral raaort tor TBI BiB la stocked with the baat bread* «f IflMtB, LIQUORS ABU CIOaBS. W K. P. .tteKENNRY, PrtfriMar. W. N. HALL & CO., •Ut?t3TE««T GOLD HILL, —WI3LW1U A» UTAH* DUUH ■— HARDWARE, Of trvj dMcrtptloa, Iron, Steel, Stores, Tinware OAS PIPE AND FITTINGS. POWDER> FUSE. ROPE AND BLOCKS, SHOVELS. PICKS. HANDLES, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplies. Aa uteoilrt and aaparlor >—nrtunt at MECHANICS' TOOLS, Of all kind*. GALVANIZED IRON PIPINQ. Of all alaaa, mada to artlar at abort nolle*. It W. W. HALL * O*. i,i.MLUTii. u. s. roLaoa, GALLATIN & F0L80M. HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Coal, [Stores, Tin Ware, FUSE. POWDER. ROPE. BLOCKS. a AM PIPE AND FITTING*.: Shorela, rich, Handle*, Ialia. ■IllUlMd Mlalaf Gasta GALVANIZED IRON I FIRS MADB TO OBDB8. AOtrCNFOtt Albany Huhlne Oil and LabrtcailDf Oompoond GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AND— VARIETY STORI, M*IN HTBBBT, GOLD HI IX, Opposite roi'i M«at Mirktt. D. THORBURN, Proprietor. AOENT FOR TIB QOLD MILL DAILY NKWS And San Fraociteo u Call," .M Examiner " ail Mroat." Eastern Periodicals AMD LATEST BEADINU MATTED. CI6ASS ANDT011CC08, SHUT MUSIC* SHOW-CASK GOODS. STATIONERY. SOHOOL BOOKS* TOYS. KTO. wtMH (■< uuumwy — I»B Bwrwilwa. I 1860. 1879. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA. 0. W. I1LL, . . Proprietor. T1*7™, OLD-ESTABLISHED AND BBLi» * »bta Laaadry Is prapand to t«r» eat Mr |i» i(I(t of HeooraUd and Clean Liaenwitt. ■tM being IumI dj BMalpuladoa m •ppUwUon. Paettmaa pa actually called ft* and re itmed. OFFICES-Theodora Wolff Ctethtaj Mm, oppodtt International Bofcl, 0 Mreet. Tlf ifnlft, tad V—sy Homo. CloM H'll. 1 ■ JOHN A. ROESLINfl'S IONS' CO., HOISTING CABLES bmii >>4 rut win b»m»> ■«r*dl*k a ad Ckareaal Aaaaaled Wire, Mtraad far K.ttlrtu ttapae, Mlcaal Card aad Oar Rom* *• «. ▼. MOON BY. Am'. Vlritlta. fuAow Mm tka Bala A XetcfoM alM, MO