Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL 1 VOL. XXXIII. GOLD HILL, STOEEY CO., NEVADA: jfflNG AGENCY Tu'om 21 JIcrch*ntfl' 1" FRIDAI EVENING. FETUIUARY 13. 1880. THE EVENING NEWS Published erery day (Unndaya axoeptad), BY IMC »«( rinUWIK CO. TKkMt. r.a* war. by Mall or bpraa* .ft 10 Bis Moaane. go® **" ' °° Palleared la Uutd Ulllf VVrglmU, dOrarOlty i. Dtjloa, Sutro. ate., at TWEMTY-FIVE OUTS PEI WEEK. Payablato tha Camara. OBI ADVFWIIIIQ A01IITI. 0. W. OBAHB: No. 10, Laideadorff atraat, (Mar Pine/. San Fraoelaoo. OAOW1M * ALLE.H, : : : : Canon Oily W. K. LANO, : . Empire Cltj a. X. JAMISON. :::::: Baao 0. OHEMOWETH. : : : Winaamuooa NKW YORK. B. M. Psrrntotu. A Oo..::: 17 Park Bow Oao. P. Rovbll, A Co..::: 41 Park Bow JACK fit oar. Merry Jack Fnal aad bla fair; etraa Caaa dowa la tha Hear noon lg> t. And eoftly they breathed oa iba wltulawpaae. Till Iba mmrn at rail ltd Mala and again, Throagh tba loaf, cold wlatar'a Bight. Aad tb*n. with IMi tuti to light aad daft. Tbay traead a* lb* aclklrg gla a Tba loeajleet of bloaeome, aad bod a, aad Like lae»w «k rata. till tba noralng boon War* challenged to let tbeai pua. Par tbay lingered ia long at tkelr fairy taak That Iba gray dawa ran tbaa a raca. Aad ectrca bad they reached tbatr palace of iBoa, la tba fbr. far aartb. where tba wild wtada blow. Ire tba gay aaa Joined tba cbaaa. Sat tbay twang tbatr gala af glittarlag lee la tba faco a? a aaabaam bright. Aad ba icaa pared away a'ar tba gleaming I plain, Aad neatr ba'll dara to rtnlure aca'n Wbara tba Proat King ra gua alta might. Bat back to tba gla«e wbara tba fruat-wark lay I la bioatoat. aad bod. dower. Jkoy baataa.d to ahlve. till, alaat each ray Mad wan Ion )y carried a bioaaora away. Aad era*bad each bad la aa boar. Bat wakea, waa talk, oa a wlatar'a Bight, Whan Iba moou la fair a>id roaud. Aad eerrr Jeck iroat. wllh hie Ihlry alrea, i At tbatr heaailfal work yua caa watch jaar aahaa. Ifyoa aukaaata aigh aora aooadl —Sybil Si. Cjr. Truth Worst of All. Dftnril Frtt JVtM. A man who said he «u trying to ««t ■Bough Monty to reach Toledo yealer day entered aa offlce on Griavold atreet and told hia atory, and addad that hia Dam* waa Caaar. "Any relation to Juliua or Aagui taa t" queried tba citizen. " Wall, ao I want to ba boneet and ■quart about thia thing, and I tell yon honeetly that I am not ralatad to •ither." " Than I can't halp yon any. Yoa Bra bo lb lag but a common aort o' plug, Bad U won't make any diff.reace whether you erer gat to Cleveland or not. It you vara ralatad to tba graat Juliua I ahould faal in duly bound to halp you." Tba man backed out without another word, and entering the ofica next door ha walked up to the occupant with the remark: "My Bane it Catar, and I am oloaely ralatad to Juliua aud Augualua. Can you spare ma tea casta to help ma gat to Toledo?" "Sir. yon are a baaa deoeiver," re plied the other. "You are no more re lated to the Caaara than I am I Had yon come in here and told ma a atraigbt, truthful atory I ebould have given you B quarter. You can go, air!" The man want out, aud be determined to tell tha truth aud nothing but the truth. Haltlag tha flret man who came aloag, ha aaid: " I have been telling folke that my Baaa waa Caear, and thai I waa trying to collect money enough to take me to Toledo. Now, the real truth of thr natter ia that I am named Clark, and I wanted the rnooiy to buy whiaky. Tbat'a tha aolemn truth, and can you help me With ten centa t" "Ten ceuta! Why. you baaa liar and deceiver, I'll hand you over to the po lice!" exclaimed the other. "I've told yon tha truth!" " And it'a enough to aend you up for •Is montha t Dou't you dare aak me for mosey!" Tba tramp aat down on a cold atona block, took hia laat chaw of tobacco, Hid loqkkJ : "I'ee bad aud I've told the truth. I've told tba truth aad I've lied. 1 made aa much one wayaa the other, and nothing out of either. Looka now aa if I'd got to play deal and dumb or go to work!" FOl 5 DK1K3 A5 D IBO.V WOKKS. FCLTOJ FOCXDRy! IRON ANO MASS FOUNDERS H/rANC?ACTCUEM OF XV Kit T Dt -ULL MrtfUv* of MILL. MINING A HYDRAULIC MACHINIST. Drawled*. Brtlmat** aad SpaelScatloa* pi» parad la <Jl braocb** u( M*cb*uic»l Kn«lMrr< la*. autl MywUUr ID tb* rourlructi»n ol klrais fcdM far All puvoiN ; application of brat la lb* uu; 3W*m BolUra of all rajlrtle*. appUcalloa Ot OfMimi air; the dl.poaltlou tad rtrMftfc W ullal la airactar** of iron aad wood. Wlra Bop* uamialmoa. Famplac Oar work. bar* lately been mUrred aad twlilid. which, wltb lb* addition of NBW AMD IMPKOVKU HACUl.Nt.KY. enable* oa to *i*c*t* all klada of work la mi 11a* promptly aad la lb* best muner. al tb* rmrj low*»t rate*. V. K. BOKAKT, #*p*rtnWad*at. L *. Riuroa. Tra«lw. II a COLO HILL FOUNDRY AND MACB1NB WOBU. ■Ma Mnm U«w iMd Hill. In. 1BON AND BRANN VAHTMW. Of rnrj rartet; mad* to < LIAV1 JUST ADDED TO XT OLD ■kablMbiil Macbla* Work* tb* UROH1 ID LATHI. PLANER aad STEAM ■mm. all of lb* latwt aad mu*t lnprured «® Maha aad Bapatr all klada aad all alaa* o< MILL * MINING MACHINERY AIUnAmM aoUcaaad Mtt*ao*tiw» aM* tana*. !!>■ GEO BOB EMMET. Propria. VIRGINIA FOUNDRY, Oa lb* Railroad, mstb of Jolla Mia*. VIRGINIA CITY. ftTVICB-ftOOM I BLACE'S BCILDUO. V/ aoraar of C aad Taylor itro*t*. KABO FAOTOBIB MILL AND MINN CASTINGS Ot naj d*acn pU 00 la Ifoa aad J filar «r ivwr r—labwl FWkjtly al t ftf ABOBIW 7EA11B. ProyiMor. OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. VIOK AWAKE ADTERTim WHO THI1TI TUI1UT. Mnrttolat BmIim CmlM ■it rwlu m4 fmmliyr»l« lew-Thai to Ik* nyirtwn* •> All WlM Triad Ik AKU9EK£ST8. Pipen' Open Boom, Virginia Citf. BAN UBS. Agency 5irtdi Bank of San. Franaiaoo, 0 (tr»«t, Virginia City. BBOKBBS. L. P. Drexler A Co.. offloe to Odd fal low' Building. Virginia City. L. B. Frankal A Co.. Main atreet. Oold Hill. T. B. McGuro. IOC Booth 0 atreet, Vir glni* City. Douglaae A Thompeon, U Booth 0 ■treat. Virginia City. W. H. Clarka A do.. SI Booth 0 atreet. Virginia City. CLOTHINO AND FDBNISHINO GOODS. F. Boekowitx, Main ■ treat. Oold Hill. Banner Broa.. Corner 0 and Taylor etre«ta, Virginia. Utah Brutlicr*. <4 Booth C a treat, Vir ginia. C10AB3 AND TOBACCO. O. H. Q*llup. in Maynard Block. Main •tr»*t, Oold Hill. D. Tborborn. oppoaita Ha we offlee, Main itreet, Oold Hill. DENTIST. A. Chapman, ISO Sooth 0 a tree t, Vir ginia City. FANCY OOOD8. D. Tborborn, Maio a tree t, Oold Hill. 8. W. Cbubbock. Poatoffloe atore, Main atreet, Oold HIU. FOUND BIES. Oold Hill Foondry, Lower Oold Hill, Oeorge Emmet, proprietor. Folton Foundry, on the Divide, W. B. Eckhart, Boperiutondent. Virginia Foondry, on Railroad, near Julia mine, Virginia City, Fraaer A Com minga, proprietor*. FBEIQHT DEUVEBT. Thomaa Oallaghar, offloa near railroad depot. Oold Hill. FlllE INSURANCE. J. A. Brumtey, 4i South C atreet, Vir ginia. OUOCEltlEfl. PROVISIONS, ITO. V. Lemerj, Main itreet, Lower Gold Hill. F. W. FoUom, Main street, Oold Hill. Richard Mercer, Mala (trMt, Oold Hill. J. A J. B. Mallon, 0 a trMt, Virginia City. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Gold Hill Oakery and Reetanrant, Main •treet, Oold Hill; J. P. Becker, Pro prietor. French Rcdtaurant, Main • treet, Oold Ulll. Oeo. Da prey. Proprietor. City Bakery, 17 North C • treet, Virginia City; Fiumeier A Arm bran, Propria tors. HARDWARE. Oallatin A Foleom, Main (treat, Oold Hill. W. N. Hall A Co., Main (treat. Oold Hill. LAUNDRY. Pioneer Laundry, north of Virginia City; O. W. Hall, Proprietor. MAREET8. L. T. Fox. Main etreet, Oold Hill. NEWS DEPOT. D. Thorbnrn. oppoeite Niwa offloe, Main «»r«et. Oold Hill. 8. W. Chabbuck, Puetoffloe (tore, Oold Hill. PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS. Dr. Oeo. C. Mathewi, Main I treat, Oold Hill. Dr. A. Andereon. Main etreet,Oold Hill. Dr. J. U. Hall. Main itreet. Oold Hill. SALOONS. Comitock Eiebange. oppoeite Liberty Engine Hon*e. T. E. Finch. Agent. Kubion. M»in etreet, Oold Hill; Chria. Weidemaon, proprietor. Bank Exchange, Main etreet, Oold Hill; E. F. McKenney, proprietor. Oiloxiu'a, Main (treat, Oold Hill; W. D. C. Oibeon, proprietor. 8HAVINO AND HAIR DRESSINO. Pioneer Sharing and Hair Dreeeing Sa tooa; C. Pohl, Proprietor, Main etreet, Oold Hill. WOOD AND COAL. Tbomaa Gallagher, near railroad depot, Oold Hill. WIRE ROPE3. S. V. Mooney, Agent (or Roebling'e Sone' Co. warehouse uear the Hale A Nor croea mine, Virginia. HlSCKLLHTKOVtL SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS! NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAXD YOUR CLIMATE THE BEST ! WARRANTED FOR TIN TKARS AMD SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICES I !Co l|(iU, Ho Drnmaen, So Sair-Stjled Profeuori, Or Itlf-Way XulcUuu, -KKPLOYED TO EXTORT MONET FROM THE PUBLIC Smith's PIsoos and Organs All INDOBSID IT TBI BUT MU SICIAN! UPOH THElm MERITS. ofuu ud m# wn%t tbow M7 taw SMITH'" PIANO#la.ov H»t» joor moiwj ud k»j M FOIST HANDS. Doai b* hombwd. Hot .»—« fat ud pMtieuUn and MUitj at tk« troth of at uMitioa. Ant •tjrU of PIANO •* ORGAN Hfl d nnid oats Terr trial, by mmuM* BmUwV KxpnM or KHIfoU Omnptnjl cat u&cam or for ... ■ AtoSHESTMCSlOUflMtaU JAMES S. SMITH, (M—fcM—f »i>iwlillii). RS Msrbtt Street, *tm SAN nUNQMCO.CAL. inn yrnnif nosmT don* ai FBI5TIN6. GOLD HILL "DAILY NEWS" NEWSPAPUB JOB PRINTING BSTABUSHMMT. Main Street, Gold Hill NEVADA Boolta,' Pamphlets, Receipt Books, BUI Heads, Letter Beads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds or Card Work, ■lllll STOCI CERTIFICATES, ELECTION OB THEATRICAL PO8TER8 Dodgers, Flyers, Programmes. Circulars, Ball Tiokets, Wedding Cards, Business Cards, Labels, Tags, Eto. Printing, in Colors; Printing, Plain or Fancy; Printing in All Styles. PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH • •••UPON TBI.••• MOST REASONABLE TERMS ....AID AT (O •M LOWEST CASH RATES. T1IE Gold Hill Daily Mews, (ISTABLUHIO IN IMS), b pabllubcd •Trains «xc«pt Raadajr. Md iu circulation being itrj ifomltu •sMuIt* ubook mining tad bails** pwp'e, tarn 111m, •tC., DUkM It TBI BIST AND HOST EFFICIENT MEDIUM ....IN.... MINING, BUSINESS, AND ALL OTHER ADVERTISING. BUSINESS NIKN. PROFESSIONAL MKN. PRACTICAL MKN, Am r*«p«ctfally Invited Is • carafel Inspection I •ad criticism of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS.! Mtiki f#r Advirtlalac firiliM fm THE GOLD HILL NEWS, I • •••AS A««s* FIRST-CLASS DAILY PAPKR, to thoroofhlr Identified with the b«st la ureate of the country, im all clssses of thepoo pi*, from the MINSK, or Ue K*On\NIO, to tb« MER CHANT or Um HMJKEK. It cIvm the LATKJT NEWS, telegraphic and otbarwlM' from an mtu of the World, •ad EVERYBODYJjEADS IT. OUR Weekly Hlnlng 8nmm ary fnbllsfced rrtrj Wednesday la ths Him, If caiaftiUy prepared from Um host act wa ne sound*, prime and otherwise, ca ths dar or publication, employing •a able aad efficient eorpa of reportm. It la anlremJlT rsoocntsadaa official, aad the Bout OOUISCT IDd tli roar of U« eoodlttM of ths lalasa of ths OoasrocK or M Waaaoa " siHMa Ws also glrs ths lataat mlnlni Inllailiii obtataahla kw otter put* or th* eoaalij I THE Gold Hill Daily News la dattvand hy canton tbnagboat Gold HU1. Ylrftnla City, Oartou, Btlrw City. D>ytaa.aad eoaUfo—looatlsa, aad la aaat by asall toaBpartaof tka eocntry aad Ue world. Ho om la folly BiKKIKH 1KB BROKIIB. THE NEVADA BANK gJJI FUJI01800 CULITOBKU I Ml ■» Oarltml W^W.WI Bald *—rra (P. «.■—<■)—lJM.MI Bald Ajmtaat Viitlala.larada,.. {£\ Rgf KatltMlTort. I nJLtaiom (tlWaUatiaat) .J UT* Bar* •«>* •*u» lachaan and Tatagiapfcai Tmnafara. laauaa Oaamarclal and TraTatota' CraOlia. TUa baak haa • racial toeUlUea for daallm la kallion. 4tf OOUBLASS * THOMPSON. omoii • a • Hi SOUTH O IfUIT, VULGIN1 gTOOKB BOUGHT AJTD BOLD OH 00» and oarrtad aa i Onnaan aodaOa, HOMMt B. UHO, * 00. Bu BILV1B BODOHT AXD BOLD. Jib •so. i. biu. k f. nmn L. P. DHEJILER ft CO., STOCK BROKERS. OFFICE 11 Odd F»IUw»> Balldtaa, nun Virginia om Biaaka B.nki, Md aa flfargfaaa. ^GoriwjxjndanU la Baa Fraaciaeo, LA THAU T. R. McGCM, STOCK AND MONET ItOKU. 10* Boatk 0 St., TlrflnU, XETILL BUT AMD BILL STOCKS ON OOM T V mlMloo oo th* mo«t ftvonM* urnu | will tiao cany Stock* on )Uf|la and lNlflNaMIII«M4lNk«toM« ■Marl UN. GOLD ANO~mi.VRR BODOBT AND I a hoi.p. L. B. FRANKEL, wnoi-tlili *tr*M, 0*M mil, Jul ik«Ti lk« Baak •rnilhnh. RTOOM BOlOUTi ROliD AND CAR. RIBD ON MARGINS. flit eocrwpooMnU la 8u mncUco iri I. OLAZ1BR * 00., XnBbw* of til* lu PrucUeo stock ud Bxektna* Board. 1 m 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN STREET, GOLD DILL. -DEALEB IK— BLANK ROOKS, STATION KB Y. JBWBI.KY, SCHOOL BOOKS, CDTLRBY, TOYS, Bte. Afro l for Um 8m> FrueUoo Dally CHRONICLE. BULLETIN. EXAMINER, -*»- ALTA. EA8TKRN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. I*! GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT -AXD VAIIIBTY 8TOnl| M41N BTKBBT.— GOLD HILL, Opposite Fm'i D. THORBURN, f Proprietor. AOBNT FOB TBI GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS And hi FnocUoo "CbII," MKsuilBor" ill T*t.M Eastern Periodicals ABO LATEST BBAOIB« BATTBB. CI61B8 19B TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC. SMOW-OASS GOODS* STATIONERY. SOHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. ETC. DR. A. CHAPMAN. »to sw ■0T1L8 HID BESTAURAXTB. FRENCH RESTAURANT, Mala Street, Gold dill, Oppoalte the Icllpee Llrery Stable. rriHI CHOICEST or KTIBYTHINO THK * Kukit elfurda. FISH, GAMB, ETC., 8*rrW ap la lb* too it approved French ityle, er cooked to order at *b jrt notice. WIhE, FBUir and all the LuxarUe of the MKALS AT ALL HOUB*. Board by tba lay. Week. Maatk or Meal. Bit1d( had tboroafb ptrmul experience u • tmela** Maltr* d« Colelne for oter twenty yeare. 1 eu guarantee the moet excellent eatla fa*tlon to my paitone. OKO. UUehMT. HOLD HILL fiAlEEY RE8TAURANT MAIN HTKItKT.........GOLD HILL, Oppoelte tba Bell pee Llrwy Stable*, J. P. BI0K1B. Proprietor. TJtXXSH HUD, Mlm, OAXBI, AND HG1 ' RolU every day, Atlivend at tba m* daw of oaetemere. IIO10 OT Plat and OUm at rednced prtoee. rancy or uaorttd Okkat nude to ordar at abort nolle*. The Beetaorant Department li tbe flneet Is tba State. All kind* of Game, I'onltry and rraeh rteb and alao Oyetore received and eenred ap dally. 3Pm THE CITY BAKERY, RESTAURANT. Ooifoetloierj and Candy Depot. Ne. W North O Mtroot, Vlralalu, f\?FRM A If KLCG1MT ABHORTM PNT O* \J HOLIDAY GOODS. Tot*. OaadlM, Ore*, la tor Table, Ornamental, Froeted Plain Oakee of all blode, drecrlptloni and da eigne, and at price* to ealt everybody. Ax we Import all oar rood* direct from the bet, we can offer them aLprtee* tba eama a* charted In New lorfc, and at lee* than Ma rraadaoo rate*. PT Ornament* tor Oakee a epeetalty, mtzmeibr * armbiu/st, Proprietor City Bakery, Bo, IT North 0 etreet, Vlrflnla. Nevada. < II lm APPLICATIONB TOR PATKHT. APPLICATION FOR A PATENT. MTOTIOK NO. 411. 0.8 MINERAL BDBVKT ■L' Mo. ltd. D. H. Land Orrici. llaraun Oily, Nerada, December ti. 1*79. Notice la fitrrbj given, tbat the Culver Coneolldated Gold and Ellrcr Mining Company, a corporation org in la*d«ndertb» ltvt o( tbaHiateof f>*T»d»by Solomon D. Biker, It* attorn*? tn fact, wboac P. O. addre** la Tiffin I a. N*v*d>, baa tbla day made aod Had In tbla offlo* lta application lot a patent (or l.UUO linear feat of U>* " Culver Uold anil diver Mining Company" vein er lode bearing mineral, wllb earface ground elx boo dred feet In width, aliuaied In U«ld Kill Mining Dlatrlct. Storey county. Nevada, aod deacrlbad by the plate and bald note* on file in lay office a* lollo«», to wit: "Beginning at a poet marked No. 1, U. H. Survey Mo. 17V, Uie eame being Identical with tba b. W. corner of the lait kef low Jackal claim, aod aleo ioet Mo. 1, of Lot Mo. lit aod 141 Oulrar Addition, and running tbenca from eald foet Mo. 1, flret couree eoutb 1 decree l minute* W 1000 feet to p<>«t No. T, 0. •*. hurray Mo. ITS, Identical with post No. 1, Lou Moa. ITS and 141, whence bear*the quarter »«ctlon earn- r on eoutb lire of H«ouou 33. Towneblp 11 n-rtb. Kange 11 eaat. Ml Diablo Meridian, totiih It degree* ft) mlnutee weel feet; thence irum poai No. T. eeeond oourae, >outb Nfc degree* eaat at *0 !e*t croea I©.'* lln-, no Iret to po*t No.b, Lot No. 1TB; thence, third Co one, north 1 degree • luluutee rait 10U0 feet to poet No.». Lot No. 1Tb; th< ore, fourth c. urea, north Mk degree* wiet at SOU leet croee .ode line tUO fret to pla?a of b<gin ning, oontalnlug II 4A-1U0 acre*, cooreee Hue, magnetlo variation 1«M degree* eaal." Tola claim i* bounded on tb* north by th* laat Yel low Jacket c.aim. The location of thl* claim 1* records 1 In Book "H" ol Location*, of Btoiry countj Itacord*. page lit. Any and all cla ml g adverealy any -portion of eald claim or mini' g ground ae tier* mbefore described, are ■•<). red to nle tbeir advene claiaie with the It. ,ietrr of the II M Land Office at Cara^a, At tad., during the alitr day*' period of publication hrnof, or tbey will be barrel by Time of tb* ifuvlalona of the •Statute. de.>4 0. N. HARKH. Reftfter. APPLICATION FOR A PATENT. \TOTICE NO. 411. U. S. MIN1RAL 8CRVET il No. IT» ud 142. u. a. umd vrncM. Oaraon City. Nrrtda. licci aibcr 22, 1(79. Nolle* It hereby given, thai the Culver Oontolldated Ooio and Bllrtr Mining Coaj ptof, a co-potation organlaed undrr th« lawe ol the Htate of Nevada, dm tbi* day mad" and Altd In this offlo* lea application for a patent fur IM linear iki of ibe Cnlvrr Addition. Trlu or iod« mineral. wub •urftce ground from two to tlx hundred feat to wtdlb, rllnalHl In Oold Hill Mlnlbg Mairiet, storey county, Nevada, and deecrlbvd by tb* Rlat and field uotet on Ala la tbla offlce aa ful ler*, to wlti "Beginning at a poet marK< d No. 1, U. Surrey Mo. ITS and 112 the eanie being Identical wl'b tb» 8. W. corner of tb* Kaat Vet low Jacket claim, and alio pott No. 1 of Lot Mo. ITS, and running I hence from tald pod No. 1, Aral oosra*, tooth 80 iI*rnw< waat, at 81 Uet croee cropping* and lode Un*. 228 leet to poet Mo 8 on tne eaat line of V. K. Hurra/ Mo. I'M and 107, and 419 feet from the oortbca.1 corner then of; aecond court*, aouib I «■ de (rate west, M feet to poet No. I, Lot No. ITS and 142 tbenoe, third courae. *outb 10 decree* ea*t, 9M feet to poet No. 4, Lot Mo. 1TI and 142; thrnce, fourth coar-e, north 80 dthreat rut, at, 800 i**t croea lode ilne.tuo feet to poet Mo, 4.Lot ho. 1T8 and 148; thence, 8fth coat**, north 10 decree* waet, 410 feet to poal Mo. 8, Lot No. 1T8 and 142, on the eoeth lln* of tb* Culver Oonaot data*1 Oold tad Mlleer Mining Company'* U. 8. Surre, No. ITtk thence, alztb court*, *tulh 88l( deer*** wett.474 fi el to poet No. T,tbe eama ha. lnc identical with the eonthweet corner of II. 8. Surviy Mo. ITS, and n hence bear* the auarter Motion corner oo tooth Hue of Haclion 82. Town* ship IT ootth, Kane* ft ratt, ML Diablo lferld. Ian. eonth 7* dejjrere 10 minute* we*t, SM feet; tbenoe Irom poet No. 7, aereoth courte, north 1 decree 8 minute* rt«t, lOuO feet to the place of beginning, containing U 17-100 acre*, brer lac* true, magnetic variation l»M dtfreeeaaet." Thla claim la sonnded on the ratt partly by (7. 8. Surrey Mo. 1T8 and on the waat partly by U. •. Surrey Mo. 188 and luT. Any and all -peraona claiming adversely any portion of eald cltlm or mining cronod aa here inbefore deecrlbed are required to Ola their adraraa claim with tba Begieter of the United States Land offlce at Oarron. Nevtda, durln( tba llity day*' period of publication hrreof, or they will be barred by vlrtae or the pievltlona of th* 8iatuU. 14 0. if. HARRIS, H eg later. FREIBHT OELIVERV1 COLD HILL NEVADA. mm um UfbUft PiJtoBLs or goods «m QKMKRiX MiKCHANDIBl To Um HXAVIirr XACHINMT, BOIL. zu, ito., rrc.. I aa prapaiad to aceonunodaU all who daairr ■j mctIom ta Uul Baa, apoa ar«jSps DELINQUENT SiLBS. AUUH«L UOLIt HILL SOLO W AMD H1LTKM MINIMS COUPaNY. Locatloa of principal piaca of btuiatu, ttan ITrancUoo. Call form *. LocaUoq of work., Odd H1U Mining DUtrlcl. Blonr count j. Navada. Nouoa.—Thara an dallnqnant upon tba fol* lowlof-daacrtbad Mock, oo aooounl of nun I (No. 8) iovUd on Um tirantlatb (lOiki da; or Dacambor, 1ITI, tka Mroral aaoania art oppoatWUM DUDM of Um raapaeUra abataliold •r«, aa foiiowi i Namaa. Wo. Cart If. flba. An't. J LArmitroag, Traataa 4tt...l0o...flft .. JLAriLitroni da ....4V...IH....U J L IrmilroGit no ....UU...1U0....1I.. J L ArnitroDg do ....U1....UX...* • K J Bqrna, Truataa »»....MX.. 11K W HOtarkafcCo, Trnalaaa..MT...100....1».. S 0 Otrutkara,Traataa ltl ..100....II.. HUCarulbara do T <0 it U Oaratbora do 143.* ...J 60 w q Oraadall, Tmtao 1000...140 .. W u Graodall do J40... W U Oraodall do M1....MX...I. Tboa Dixon, Traataa 801 ...SO TM Tboa I pi ion do 3H....1I ....»» TbuaDlxoo do »•.... IX.... J5 K Klabar. Tnutaa M.... K KUtitr do .. K Plabar do WT...SOO....IO .. K flfbar do .00 110 K Plabar do lot....10 1 tu K Pirbar do 110 1 T6 XPlabar til 1*.... M X Pirbar do 84J...100....1I .. Wm Uardloar, Traataa IN...100....II .. J W Haaaa;. Tnuito I....MX...# •• W 11 Hainan. Traataa M....M 7 U W M Halman do 81....!*).. .1. W M lielmao do (9....It 110 WMHalman- do M IX. .. » W M Helmut do 45....*) I.. W MHalman do 41....10 1<0 VT M lielmao do 41.... IX.... 8° WM Hainan do M...10U....13 . W M Hainan do • •••••• 17...M0....11 .. WMHalman do 18....JO 1. WM Ualmaa do II.... 10 IK W M Hainan do .......I) ^ W M Haloiaa do ••••••.I1....10.....151 W M Hainan do M.....b.»...« W M Human do « '»....» W M Hrlman do M...I*....II - W M Hainan do II T 00 WMHalman do M....1U ...HO WM Hainan do 03 •*»...! •• WM Hainan do M...100....1S .. WMHalman do 18...100....IS .. WM Hainan do M...M0....1I .. W M Hal man do IT... 10.....I • • WMHalman do M....U I» WMHalman do W ....IX... « WMHalman do 111... MX..11 «0 WMHalman do 184... 1«X •••»*> WMHalman do 1I1...10U....1I.. WM Hainan do 1M. .1000.. .140 .. WMHalman do w»...l«0....18 W M lielmao do H0....M./...1M) WM Hainan do M1....1BX...1 ^ W M Hainan do .. WMHalman do Ml....SO 7 80 WMHalman do H70....1IX...1 » WMHalman do M1....M 110 W M Hainan do M8....M TM W M Hainan do 1M....I0 7M> W H Halnad do MS....UX...IW W M tlalmao do 344...MSX..SO.. W M Hainan do 8.1....10 1« W M Uelman do •«» }" VMBiIdkd do !ku W B UtlOUQ do Hi-'-Jn }K WMHelman do •*•••••*" iS WBBe'man do !K WXlilmu do \Z W M BelmAn do M» ■ ■■» } *, WHUiIbu do !!?"• IS" 1W WUBolmen do W B Uilrnu do W M Hclmm do S"* !s W WB BelmAn do IK W H Humu do IM....1# J J" WMH'lmui do }~ WBHelmeo do WT....1<{ J J® W M Btlmu po £""£ 'fjj WB Uelman do *•"•}?. \ in VIIBUiu do " f S tf B UrlBun do 21* ""{i i in W B Bclman do 5!"' !2 110 »*M«» *0 S*—J! }„ w u Beiman do •£*•"•}% J £ WMUltaun do SM....10 J WMlilmu do S!""iS-" ,S VHUiibu do —J® W B Unman d-i NB....M } •« WXBelman do S""S iu W B Hilmin do 2""K !to WMUilnu do S- !o \Z WVBtlMD do whiiiIdu do • W II Helinan do 40»...M0....W •• W Ml'lniu do t!f"'Smu"2" WKU.1BU do W B He i man do Itf...!®®#..*# •• W ¥ Helrnaa d* 42'l122u 2 " w U Ueluun do !S' VKUiliua do <♦<>.. .«••»■}• •• WBUi miu do 141.. **[•••••■ " W M Heliuan do 44i...W... « W M Uelman do 4a,,-S5",,ii" W U Uelman do i! " VHUilau do l WMU.Imen do **!•• •!!?,"• i* " ' WU Uelman do 44»»... {» •• WHUalmu do 4J0...JJJ""}! • ' 1 W B Uelman do 4fi---!22—;5 ** I W M Uelman do W M UclOiD do ......4M...MJ •••*• ■ WBIIHiuan do *M° 2" t 60 I WU Uelman do J "M W II lliimu do «*.•• J0.....T » | W B Uelman do 4!*.. Uo.uier * Uourao, Tni»U*..««*...!«»••••}• •• Umdit * Boars* do . b U UolUrooh. TiMteo J2""«?u"U ' r Klmplel Keun.j A Dyer,TnuUti ♦*•••??••• ,! " Keuuoj * 1) K do 121' law l«B0l Knioiy A Dyr do 4* 5° Mr* A BcH.nry "m T A Burtge, Traetoe T A Bud-e ilo !5""iS i! John BaceberAou,Tru«ieo.•J®""1® • Jobu lUcjinerxon do ,» John Bacpbrreon do • *H-ii " John Btcphrre <n do John BacpAenon do •• , H ■ MobM*Oo,Tn«oM...!».•••»• •• | H " Noble ft Co do 100... .1# . U II Noblo ft Co do . a II Noble k Co do IIUMblllOo do I II B Noble 4 Oo do . —1? " II11 Noblo k Co do H It Noblo k Oo do ••<!!•••••" I„ II U Noblo ftOo do ,.4I». ." '» II 11 Nob.e k Co do ••JJi'—SS £J U II Noblo AOo co 1«o U B Noblo II Co do • • •» ' Jg 1111 Nobl* k Oo do ..41T....J# ] ~ UIINoblofcOo do *-4J!—52 ifo BH Noblo kOo do • 1,» 11II Noblo* Co do -•**—22 J?S B B Noblo k Co do ••««••• £ !" II U Noblo kOo do -iS -JJ | BB Noblo ft Oo do !» B B Noblo ft Co do ■" it H Noble ft Oo do ThotO'Ooonor.Trniloo •• Uaudnlph, Macklatcib ft Oo, M TniUM i!o'" in 110 K A at Johu, Tnutco 22""m ?Io RAM John do *»0.. R A st John do *?!"• » u R a III John do MJ JJ RAMI John do" Benrj JtUnplennn Tni'too.JH.. J*-" ,!10 John 0 Tab Wyek. Tnijt**.. • ■• •" •1• johnO Vau Wjek do •gf-J"""}!" John 0 Tao *>ch do tlV' ^S'u' i " Job" 0 Vau Wyclt Co W W WeboUr, Tni»to* M ...1IH...W And In AceordAneo with l»w And on ordor o. the BoArt of Director*, made on tbo IweniUth (10th) dAT of Deoember. 1>TI. »o BAnj #hAree of e^ob parcel of tttcb stock it bat n xiiitrj will bo told. At pobKc Aoetlon. At tb- ofleo of tbo Com pony. Boom 4. No.W OAllfonU olreot. Han mnclieo, CAHfbrelA.on foorteonth dAy of Febreanr. of oloton (11) o'eloeh a. ■Aid detoqnotit Atoee^eat tborocw. tototh wl^coou of AdrartlalD* and eiponaoe of »o J. B. BtJFTI*OTON^8oCTeUn\ Ofleo—Boon 4. oooood Boor, JOO OaUfocnU ■troot, Bon rrancleco. Callfoma. *_ JUSTICE MSIN COIPASr •I Location of principal plaaaof baalataa, Baa rrtncUco, Gall/ornla. Location of work*. Oold QUI, Btoray coanty. KlTldi. Rotiea U b«r»by firm, that at a dmMimi of tba Board of Dlracton, baU on tba ninth (ttb) day of Pebrutnr, 1M0, aa amiimint (Mo. II) of VUty (Mr) 0«ot« o* abara waa larM opoc tba capital atoek of Iba corporation, payable frarf-T'T In Unttad Htatai mid coin, to tba Bacatary, at tba ofiea of tba Comt>*oT, Boom 1, Harward'a Bolldlof, 41* OalUjrnu (Mat, Baa Frmndaoo, California. lay atoek npoo wbleb tbta aaaaaamant iball remain unpaid oa tba Bitaaatb (1Mb) day or March, lfao, will ba dtUnnnent, and ad* rartlaad for Mia at pablle aaetlon. asd onlaaa paTmentU mad* bcfora will ba aold on feW. SJ8?&±Jg& _ . B L KKLLT, Biiii alary. Mao-Boom ». Bayvard'a BalMtaa, 41* California atraW. Ban Fraaclaao; OallforaU. 10 AS8I8SMIXT8 LKTIBll. CBOLUI IHIHS CO Ml* AWT. Location of principal plaoa of bsilOM*. Han Kraucltfo, Oallfnrnia; location of wotfcs, Virginia Mining Dletrlct, Blorey county, Mmdl Notice to hereby (Iran, that at a matting cf the Board of Director*, bald on the Oflb |Mfc) day ot February. IM, an a*M**mant (Mo. 3) of fifty Ceota (IOC) p»r ebare waa Uvled a poo the capital ►toe* of lha corporation. ta;«ble la* m*dlately. In United Siatre fold coin, to tfe* barret arr, at the offlce of the Compear, Koob I, Mo. iu* Boah atre<t. Baa KrancUoo, Call, ferula.. Any etoek npon which tbto aaeeeememt ihall r*:n»in unpaid on th* •torentb (11th) day of lurch, lt», will be delinquent, and adrer tlaad lor aal* at public aocUoo, tad nnleea payment to made before, will ha 10M oo WtDNlSDAT. the tbtrtj-flral (Met) If Match, 1W, to pay th« delinquent aaeeee ment, tog«tb«r with coat of advwttotac and eipeoeae or eala. By order ot lha Board ot Dlrrctora. W. X. DEAN, Secretary. OOca-Room I, Mo. 901 Boah ttrtet, Baa rraactoco, California. » £OTONI MIMIMtt COMFAHT.— Location of principal place of bnalnaea, PranclKO, California; location Of worta. Virginia Mining DUtrtct, Storey coanty, Ne vada. Notice to hereby (rlren, that at a meeting of tba Board of Utnctort, held on the fifth (»th) day or Pebraary, 1MB, an aaeeeamaai i No. |) ot Fltty Oenta (We) par (bare tat lorlod upon the capital etock ot the eorpo ratloa, payable Immediately, la OnlWd State* Sid coin, to the Secretary, at tba oOc« ot i Ovtnpany, Boon a. No. X« Boah etreet, San Fraaciaco, California. Any etock npon which thto aaaeeament eball retaaln unpaid on tbe tlevealh (Uth > Jay of March, 1W0. wUI be delinquent, i.uil adrertleed for eala at public aactlon. and nnleaa pa) meet la made bafore will be mm on TBUBSDAY. the Oral (let) day nf April, 1M0, to pay tba dallnqneat aaaeea MtU, together with coaia of adverttotng and •ipt i.tea of taje. b> crderof the Board of Director* W. K. 01AM. Secretary. I) '••-Room «, Mo. kll tiuih atrnt, Baa 1 riucieco, California. • ulWIIWATItll 11)KOI*A IIIIIB 0 Company.-Location or principal plaoe of busln***, Ban Francisco. California. Location of work*, UoM Hill, Utorey county, Nevada. Notice U ttnb; given, that it > me*Hi* of the Board of Directors. hfld on tb* thtrty-Brat plit) day of December. ltT9, an umiidmI (Mo. 1 lot Ktlteeu (IS)Ceote p*r»hare wulevied upon tb* capital stock of tha corporation, payabla Immediately, lu United Htalr* mid Ouia, to the Secretary, at the oflco of the Ooapuf, No. Mo Montgomery etnet, Room* I and 4, ma Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this asseesmant shall rrmafn unpaid on the sevssth (Tth) day of Feb ruary, IBM, will be delinquent, and advertlaed for saie at public aoctlon, and nnloes peymeat is made before will be sold oc WKDNTUDAY, the tenth (tilth) day of March, 1MU. to pay the delinquent assessment, together With ooeta of and espensM or sal*. By order of the Board or Director*. J. L. F1KLDS, Ike rotary. Offlce— No 140 Montgomery street. Booms I and 4, Ban tranclsoo, California. ltd ■7XUBHI7ES1RVB coUMaf. 1 j Location of principal place of buslne**, 41t>C*llf rnia street. Union Insurance Bolidlhg, nan rranclsco, California. Location or works, Gold Bill Mining District, Uold Ulll, btorrjr ooanty, Nevada. Nolle* Is hereby given, that at a meeting of tha Board of Director*, held on th* thir teenth (lubi day of January, lMu, an asms tnent (No. U) of Fifty (Ki) Cent* p*r sbar* was levied npon the capital stock of th* cor poration, payable immediately, In Ukited but** gold coin, to tb* Becrctary, at th* office of the Oimpany, Room 4, No. t/t Fin* >U**t (Stock Kicbaage Building), Han Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assessment (ball remain unpaid on th* BKVENTKkMTH (17th) day o< fkBHDART.lMO.wUI be dalla qnent, and adT*rtls*d fa* '*> at publicauctmn. and unlaw payment Is made b*fore will be sold on TDKBDay, th* NINTH («lh) day of MARCH, I MO, to pay th* delinquent ssssss meet, together with coals of advertising and expeneee of aal*. By ordtr of tb* Board of Director*. CHaB. K. ELLIOT, Secretary. ( Bee-Room 4, No. SIT Fine strtet (Block Exchangi Building), Ban Francisco, California. ' Jal4 nun nnis ssmfzvt. Location or principal plaoe of boaiao**, ■ 1, Safe Depoelt Building. Baa Fraoetoao, OsHfotnla. Location of works. Gold Hill Mining District, Storey couaiy. Nevada. Nottc* u bareby given, that at a m**tlng of tbe.Board.of Director*,h«ld oa th* tweaty-dtth (Ktb) day of January, lbflo, an aassasaaat (No. Ul or t ifty (Ki) Cent* i>*r share was levied upon th* capital stock of tha corporattoa, payable Immediately, in United 8 la lea gold cola, to tb* Secretary, at tha oBca of tb* Company, Boom I, Hal* Deposit Baildlag, MS Montgomery street, Bin Francisco, California. Any stock upon whleb this a»**«sm*tii shall remain annata on tbe TWKXTT KJUU iH day of rkBKU.iRT, l'KO, W'll be delinquent, ai.d advertlsrd for sale at uubuc auction, and ur.iees payment Is mad* before will b«' sold on WH)NK~L>AY.tb» Hi VkNTktNTU ITU) day of MAhCIl. lbuu, to pay tha delinquent aaeeea ment. together with co*ts ot advertising and ••tpenees of aal*. By order of th* Board of Dlncton. J M. BRAZBLL, Fecretarv. OBca-Room No S, Hare Depaell Building, No iM Montgomery street. Baa Francis**. Callfonils. laSSid Koo» ^ Location of principal placu of baits***. Ban Krancleco. California. LocsUou ol work*, Gold Hill Dlatrlct, Storey county, Nevada. Motice U hereby flrea. that M a maetlnc of tb* Board of Dlri'c'crt.brld on tb* twenty tilth <Uj ot Jai.atry. ino, an Kw»mai (No. til of Kir* (J( cent* per ibtn «ii lerl*d upon lb* capital nock of tie corporation; p«y. able Immediately, in Cnlted State* fold eats, to lb* Secretary, il lb* offlre of tb* Coapeny, Hoom 11. Ko Jul Bulb atn*t (Ouen«i«litaa Hotel), Ban Fr*oci»ro, (ill orole. Any stock npon wbtcb tblt uhimM ahaB remain untaid on tb* Ivni; *l(btb day of February, It*), will b* delinquent, and eater tle*d lor Ml* at public auction, and nnJ**eray> ment la mad* b«tor«, will b* fold on tATUM UAY, tb* twentieth day ol March. im, to par i*nt, togetbei wltb co*u tb*dellnqaoat i.... -—,... ol advertlalnjr and *zp*na** or aaJ*. By order ol tb* Board of Director*. D. L. THOMAS, Secretary. Offlc*—Room It, Mo. M Ba»b atreet, Ootmo pollian llot*l Building, Ban *rancUeo. Califor nia. IdM VIWorA XflMINU COIPiHV. ■>-> Location of principal plac* of bealaeaa. Ban Pranclaco, California. Location of work*, Oold SUl, Itorry county, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a B«Uni«t tb* Board of Director!, held on the tblrtt*tb (SOtb) day of December, llll, an umaiit (No. I) of T«n Cent* HOci par abarc waa l*(M upon tb* capital atock of the corporation, pay. able Immediately, la United But** gold coin, to an b» rrlary, at tba o«c* of tb* Company, Homna I and t. No. MO Mo*tgo*arry turn, Baa Pnncleco. California. Ani atock npon wh'ch tbu wMm»lehaTI r*. m«l unpaid on lb* third (Sd) day of Pebraary, U»i. wUl ba tiallaaaeat, and adrertlaed for •a * /t publlo auction, and ■■ leeapavment la mad* bvfora, will b* eold'on HATURDAT. tb »lxtb (Itb) day of Marcb 1880. to pay tba drllaqaeat aeeeeement, together with co*la of advertlalnf and exueneee of aal*. By order of lb* Board or Director*. J. L. FIELDS, Decretory. Offlr»—No. *40 Mootgomery atreet, Booma I and 4. Ian Prancltco California. dell OAUIMMU niLveM klbiM w OOMPANY.—Location of principal place of baalaeae, Ban Frmnclaeo, OallfornU. Location ot worfca, Storey county. Nrrada. NoUee la hereby given, tbu at a meeting of tb* Beard of Dlractar*. bald on the thirty >nt day of January, I860, aa aaacMmant (N*. ») of Kitty Oenta par abar* waa levied apoa tba cao'.tal atock of tba corporation, payable Immediately,, la Unlt«d Btataa told com. to tba Secretary, at tba offlc* of the Company. No. 414 California atieet. Baa Freadeeo, Oil ifornU. Any atock apoa wbleh tbla aeeeeement ahall remain nnpald on the eiith («»>) day of Marcb, lwo, will ha delinquent. aid adve* Head for aaia at pablle aactlon. and i payment la made before. N "old o« bAY. tba twanlj-a'ith |»thl *3*1' 1880, to pay tba delinquent with M.t* of Offlee—414 0*fornla meet. Baa Ptaanliiii California. - ASSESSMENT iOTICt. Secrplon Silrer Mlilng Compaaj. Aataat Twwr-ln Casta far Ibirt (i 1HH9 Dalla«aaac.. Fafc-aarr !•, 18M Dar af *Ua— Ma rah t, 1M Ofca-b»a |l, Mo. II# flat MrHt.