Newspaper Page Text
■I' ■ ' THE EVENING NEWS ALT. BOTBX. Iwuflaf Mltar, THURSDAY. : : : FEBRUARY 19. 1880 IIA1M 1* JKBT BOX. And why should thero not be? The iJ»a that because » man kaa read tod lolly poeted himself regarding the cir cumstancsa of any eaae of public in tereat on trial ha may ba considered disqualified as a juror, ia simply absurd. Tba moat intelligent men, and not a aet of thick-beaded tools incapable of ar riving at a correct concloaion, are the very ones required in the jury box. A man who acknowledges that ba do«a not car* enough about what ia going on in tho world to read about it abould never ba allowed on a jury. The New York Tritmnt, commenting editorially upon tha trial of the reverend brnte Cowlay, of tha " Shepherd'a Fold" in New York, who so cruelly starved and abused tha helpleaa little children placed in bia charge, makes tha fol lowing pertinent remarks: Astonishing to re!ata, there were several men summoned to serve who bad actually read about the cast in the newspapers and formed an opiaiun. Had tbey been in capable of reading, or ao stupid aa to be unable to make up their minds, having no miuda to make up, they would have been considered exoelleut Jurors. Pray, bow is a sousible man, who baa possessed him^if of all the known circunistanoe* of a case lika that of the Fold, to escape a conclu sion? Men are wanted »n Jirira who can wsigh evidence, lulanc* pr>i«uilities. aud arrive at a verdict rationally; and nobody can help doing this who reads the facta iia the ipablio journal*. Should a different story ba provtd at the trial, what ia to Event tha juror from changing hi* opin ? If he ba pigheaded and self-suffi cient. ba should u t be on the jury at all; yet lie might g< i IU< re for all that. Jurors are wanted wbu kuuw something; who de cide. eo far as possible, wbsn tbey receive tha Mstiaony informally, and yet may de cide quite differently upon the evidence a* Jireaeuted in Court." Very often, when the ury goes out, it is divided in opinion. >iscuasiun folic -j; vi-w* are changed by It, and a verdict is dually am ed at. Wby ahouldu't a man changn his oiind at tho trial aa well aa in the Jury iooui ? The truth ia, the dieuualiUcatien h u been car ried too far. It was lui-oded to keep prejudice and malice out of tha box; no* II ia used to keep out brains. t-iciuJing intelligent mac buu k«uu citixona from tbe jury merely because they were acquainted with the facta of the cur through being able to read ud refcuou, mixbt bav* rt-aultwl in the aeleetion o( a jury ol iguorant tramp*, in whose grow band* and crude minda tba rights or wrongs of littU children were ol no material con sequence, bat tb«* fact tbat Cowley waa connoted ia pretty flood evidence tbat tba Tribuni did not bare a fall and correct appreciation of tbat jury. Some men of braina and endowed with tbe common iaatincta of humanity wera evidently in tbat jury box. Tba telegraph does not atata bow long they wara in ar riving at a conclusion in tha mat tar and giving in their verdict of conviction. It aaya, however, that Crowley wept bitterly upon tha an nouncement of tha verdict, and that be will be aentrticed on Saturday next. And tba aentence of thia cruel brute ahould be to receive tbe aama heartleas treatment that he meted out to thoae poor, htlpleaa little children. Shut him up in a che«rleaa prison Fold, and keep him there on tha same meager, miserable diet, and giva him tha aama cruet abusa in every reapact tbat be gava those little onea, until ha ia atarved and broken into a full appreciation of hia ciime. No mercy ahonld be abown to any such heartleas, hypocritical wretch, But the TriOunt certainly owes that jury an apology. Tha street rangers at Virginia look bluer than Oold liillen. Virginia being headquarters fur tha Comatock, all tba hard up sports, vagranta and tramp* concentrate there. Tbe police, deputy conatablea, etc., make a very comfort able livelihood arreeting Chinamen for amoking opium. They want to get a bill through tha next Legislature making it a penal offence for Frenchmen to drink abaintbe, Dutchmen imbibing beer aud limburger, and American* drinking aweet cider. Quite a number of tha vagranta and trampa have retired to Canton for the winter and aaveral are atraggling onward to Bodie. Tha March number of AppUlm't Jour nal ia received, and it comxa fully up to ita average mark aa a monthly magazine of literature. Tbe content! of the preaent number include part first of a very lively and interesting story from tha French of Jacquea Vincent, entitled " The Return of tbe Princewt," " Firat lmpraaaiona of tba X w W..rJd," by the Duke of Argyll; "lt>is<un Nihilism;" "Poems," by Francis Copper; " Life at High Praaaure," by W. O. Blaikie; "Tba Restoration of tha Jews," and much other r< ading matter of value and iui*r«at. Thi« new aeries of Appleton ia a decided iuipruvement on tha old. This from toe Lrmars Stntinel: "For President, "Ulysses 8. Grant, the Man on lion* back. "For Vice-President, "Joshua L. Chamberlain, the Man with the Steel Jacket." And this from bis companion of the Okolona SUtltt. "C*sar had bi< Bratus, "Lincoln hi* Booth. "And Grant will be bortd through with ft ballet in one holy minut-. when ever be stalks forth in tbs parpls robes of royalty." The Virginia ChronitU having objected to white labor in the construction of the Bodie railroad, on ths ground that it woald be colonizing rotes for Sharon, ■ad to Chines* labor as being too cheap, the projector* of that very necessary enterprise are now anzioosly waiting for the CkronicU to decide what style of labor shall be permitted to be employed. Thar* is no harry absftl Us sutler. Jtodift aul wait I PARIS LETTER. Tbe Ke»ablle-Tbo Chamber of D«P Wla* Wlib m Badjr M l> •ad of riaiMtit Flavor. [Corretyondencc of the Oold Bill Dally Sew* ] Pari*, January 27,1880. As an example o f tbe dangers a* trsak that ii now act every day before tba good people I commend to jour notica tba following hysterical appeal: " The Presidency la nothing, in fact, bat a relic of royalty. It ia tho Ameri can typo of English royalty, and tba tbird republic ia no mora French than Gaabetta. It ia an exotio, having re nounced its nationality, ita tradition, and ita Frsnch vitality by affecting Angelicisma. It ia certainly no longer the daughter of Danton. It baa nothing in oommon with the republic of '9*2, nor with Athens. It ia a republic with three kings." Tbia extract frosa an article in the J/of d' Ordrt abowa with wbat kind of ene mies any French republic, that end»av or* to keep in the middle course, will have to contend. Tbe turbulent spirits represented by the Jlot d' Ordrt and other papers of a similar type, in tbe war which tbsy are now waging against established institutions, put in tbe fore must plaoe for denunciation tbe preaent fotni of government, more hateful in their eyea than even the teudal rtgimt. The article explains that the tare* kings already allnded to are "President Grevy at tbe Elyaie, Preaidant M*rtel at the Luxembourg, and President Gambetta at tbe Palaia Bourbon." It adds, "Wbat a pity tbe Tuileriea were burnt! Ob, French people, why did you guillotine Louis XVI? Is Paria so rich, is Franca so bleaaed by nature? la there less misery iu the streets and hospitals? Are there fewer prisoners, soldiers, prisata, and fuuctionariee, after four r- volutions, under this Presidential republio?" Tbe drift of this srticle can easily b« guessed. It is a return to tba Convention, with a President elected for fifteen d ays, with no official reeid. nee. The Chamber uiet tbts mt> roooa, in •pita ol M. Julea Fivra's, bat >■•11/ of the bjocbes presented a meager >ppearance. • number of tba Deputies being at Versailles. Tba tribunea, on tba otbar baud, were well filled, aa M. Janvier da la Matte waa expected to in terpelata M. Lepere on au affair wbicb bad taken place at Fidtlsin. M. Urn eon presided iu tbe absanoa of M. Uam betta, wbo w«4 still indisposed, and, like the President himaelf, opened the flitting punctually at 2 o'olock. A uum ber of bills fcuvti { been adopted with out one word of ditoussion, M. Janvier da la Uotta, pert, ascended tbe tribune, and declared tbat M. Leper* bad ac cepted for today the debate on au enter pellation relative to tba suspenaion rf the aJjH/U of tha commune of Fidelain, to the dissolution of tba local band, and tbe exercia* of tba right of holding private moetinge. Tha Min inter of tbe Iuterior waa, however, at tha funeral of M. Julea Far re, and an he had expreaaed a wuh tbat the iuterpelln tion abould not be discussed in bia all nance, be (the apaaker) would defer to bia desire. M. Louis Blanc laid on tbe table of tbe liouae • propoaition in favor of the pleuary amnesty, and detuauded the declaration of urgency, wbicb waa accordingly granted. After the discus aion of a few topic* of purely local intrreat, M. Janvier da la Motte'a inter pellation waa poatponed until Saturday next. Tbe eilting then terminated at a quarter paat three. History haa repeated the Duke of Clareuce'a tragical fate in tbe peraon of a humble vendangeur. A vineyard pro prietor of tha liaute Oarron* waa re cently engaged in taating bis wine, and, coming to • large vat of the last vintage, waa ahockcd a! what be described as ihi "fantastic flavor." lie accordingly al lowed it to run off into other vesaela aud proceeded to t xamine tbe bottom of tba rcceptacle, when to bia horror he dis covered the body of one of bia own workmen, wbo had mysteriously disap peared last October. Tha comfortable pieca of intelligence ia added tbat tbe authorities have forbidden tbe aals of tha wine, but tbe sequel ia lesa satis factory to brandy drinkers, who learn that the fluid, which baa been under going such unusual treatment aince Oc tober laat, will ba handed over to tha iliatillera. MIOLLD WEAR A WIU. The editor of the Silixr SUU having sullied tha reputation of Princess Sally Winuemncca by intimating tbat ahe drinka, Sally has sallied forth on the war-path and threatens to snatch the aforesaid editor man bald-headed—take bia scalp. He is in trouble and trapi datea as follows: Tbe .s\7r<r Slait incidentally marie men tion of tbe fact of Princess Hilly Wium mucca being drunk here in town, and she baa sworn vengeance against all conuoctcd with it. Yesterday she sent a dispatch threat- ning to have the heart's blood of tbe editor, and if abe did not succeed iu thai, to tight him with pistals or knives. ju*t to show him how a drunken woman can shoot. Tba operator wbo u legraphed the dispatch from Lovelock, says wLite men wrote tha dispatch, and probably in cited ber to send it. Tbey will bave an opportunity to explain tb< ir connection with the matter, as warrsut* bave been is sued for tbe arrest of all wbo ara known to bave been aonuected with the affair. A drunken savage who threatens to tako the life's blood of a white person, shoald be given to understand tbat there is such a thing aa a Jail in tbe community. The Nevada Central. i?ee«e Hiitr Km ill*. /V4.16. There is • large (ore* of laborers ■(uartered at Lolloa cauip. in Marshall canyoa, who are engaged in ballasting and fixing the track of the N'-nJa Cen tral Hallway. Tb» big boraechoe bend ■ 0 tbe canyon ia ballaated ap aud looks drat rate—quite a contrast to wbst it was before tbe ballasting was done. Tbe ballasting gangs are working both ways, towards town and towards Ledlie, where another force of ballasters is at work. It will be a nice track by Ike time tbey get tbrongb with it. The gauge ia three f>*et two inches from cen ter to center. We preaume tbe Railway Company will haul the freUbt for the mercbanta of this city elesr to Clifton Ha soon as the ballasting between there ind Ledlie ia completed, which we judge will be some time this wsek, or next. Republican State Committee. f.'mrikn /'•&. 17. The Republican State Central Com mittee meeta in Virginia City on Monday next. Colonel P. P. Canaran. Judge Doolin aud Mr. Hiram Johnson are the membvra from this county. The first two will leave tomorrow, but we b>i*e not learned whether Mr. Johnson will attend or not. The latter ia strongly for Blaine, while Messrs. Can a van and Doolin are avowed Grant partisans. It ia claimed la thia connection that East era Nevada ia entitled to at least one delegate to tbe Chicago Convention, and that neither Col. Caaavaa aor Mr. Wren {Written fui the Gold Hill Dally Naw«.] UTTLK MAGGIE. ar aorra nuxcu. Bo fair, ao Innocent tod bright, A flower in iniiiblB* growing; With pure eyea lifted to the light. And heart with love o'crflowiugl Dear child I If ewry loving prayer It heard In that far Heaven, Vour 111* ehould new know a care. But vrllde la pathway* even. Tlie (■>!.' >n head npoo mr knee llrlag* .»ack a memory tender. Yet tlneetl wih .u^tle pain to me. Thought* U . « *eut to render. A memory ol * .other face Like thum, yet ctlil the woman; Dear Oodt bow doea her ehlldlih graoe Aroai* that Borrow, human. But yoa, eweet child, may nrvtr know The load Uat crurhed another, Jlor tut* the bitter cap of «n, The gift of many a mother. If tendereet care aad truest love llay dli thy way with pleaaure, Tb'n thoa ait bl*et. all elee above Wliu Meeting* none eaa meaaure. Grow on la Innocence and peace; Let love, the perfect bio*torn. Expand In ewtetneea, n»'er to ceaee, Within your gentle bosom. Mile*, mllee away, the Kaetera atar hhlnee down a pea the eleeplag Of one Ilk* thee, aa eweet, while far Frtm one who mourne her, weeping. Thoa knoweet not, my little one. Of loee, er pain, or eorrow. Of weary'watchlng for the eaa T bat maikt each cornlag morrow. And. glad .for that, 1 hide the palo Aad tarn, with aweel careealng. To pre** thee to my heart again With love whoee life la bleating. Uud pour Hlacbelceat glfta upon Thy hrart and eoal forever, Fate bi le from thee her darkeet form. And trouble vei thee neTer; But life glide fair, and eweet, and •till. In gulden eonahlne flowing— The laughter of a mcantaln rill. That brighten* in Ita going I Oold 11111. N»t.. Kebrutry 1*. IMO. THE BONANZA KINOS. fir Inloutlnn to Mhortljr lake R«w Turk Their Headquarters— Jesse Ursul aa FlaoU's Parluir. Art* York Trmlh. There will very shortly be a bonanza revelation in New York. That ia to say, the bonanza millionaires of California, Xltusr*. Flood, Fair, Mscksy and othera have determined to transfer their head quartera from San Franciaco to New York. At Flood recently expressed it, tb*-y will make New York tbe greatest miuiug C'Uter in tbe world. Tbua far, though New York of lata baa done a good deal in tbat direction, San Fran cisco ban breu tbe c«nter of the grsst mining interests of tbia country, and there the ureat mining capitaliata have bad their lair. At a meeting held in Snn Franciaco in tbe Utter part of December, tbia res olution waa come to, and tbe opinion wna favorably expressed tbat San Fran ciaco whs played oat. There uever can be agsiu there aorb mining eicitementa aa iu tbe past. New York oilers a com paratively new field of action, and for tbia reaaon tbe men who practically con trol tbe markata will come hare to repeat the operationa which in a few yeara brought them from poverty to affluence. Tbe example of two of their kind baa impelled thi ui alao to take tbia courae. Jainea Keene, after making eeveral mil lion* on tbe Faciflo Coast, saw larger opportunities here, and changed his location. He bn« not regretted the taove. D. 0. Mills, tba moving spirit of the Dank of California, came here a few weeks ago, and is already five mil lion dollar* richer by bis apeoulations in our tluancial center, lint of him, more below. Flo id ia tba man who first ooncaived tbe idea of moving his headqnartera from San Franciaco to New York, but be looked further than a mere outside iufiueuce as a speculator in Wall atreet. Ilia intention is tba regnlsr establish ment of a branch of tbe Bauk of Neva da iu New York. Mining operators hero urv in need of some institution which will lend m'iney on mining col lateral E tber New York capitalists have not the courage or the ready mon ey to support filch an institution. It would be lar^ly remunerative, and tbia is what Mt. Flood proposes in tha estab lishment «t this branch of the Bank of Nevada, lie will make his son-in law to be, Jemit Grant, its mauiiger in New York. Thi son of a man Ilka General Graut in th a poaitiou will give the in atitulion immediate preatige. Ous other reason for tbe move is to deal a blow >o their mortal enemy—tba Bank uf C#1 foruia. Thus far they have bad pretty nuar all tbe business for tba Pacific slope. Tbe branch of the Bank of Nevada will take a good deal of tbia away. Tbia ia one of the reaaona why D. U. Mills's on bete juat now. He will endeavor iu every possible way to pre vent the ajccesaful aceomplishment of Flood ii Co.'s plans, and secretly by bis wealth aid influence will endeavor to thwart them. Nevertheless, wbatsver may be the re sult of these old time feuds, New York will benefit by the tranafer of thia im men") mining interest. Of course, FlooJ Si Co will do wbat tbey can for their p»t stock* of tbe Comstock, and it is no longer a secret that tbey will push Consolidated Virginia and make it again one of the great speculative stocks. This boom has been expected for aome time by those who are generally supposed to be wiss in tnese matters, but it hasn't come yet. Perbsps Flood and hia friends are waiting till they coma on bar* to take action. Flood, Mackay, Fair and two othera, in combination, are reputed to ba worth f2oO.UOO.tMK). So it may be well im agined the influence tbey will exereise. ParneU's Peculiarities. Button Aihtrlinr, Both at boms tod abroad Mr. Parcel! ha* not added any good to the oausa which be trie* to represent, and be baa damaged the cause of Ireland at large quite eeriously. Tbe Iriab leader* have never depended on Mr. Parnell, and tbe Iri-tb poor will learn to tbeir aorrow tbat tbe.T have relied onoe more upon the wrong man. When be returns to Ire laud, be will have a moarnlal report to make. He waa received in tbia country with more than ordinary cour tesy, and it ia dne to hia own attitude tbat be waa repudiated in quick auoceation by the responsible press, by tbe official world and by bia own bankers, and thie alter tbey bad all ahown him greater oourttay than be had a right to expect. Even the smaller politicians bars been lenrning tbat it docs not add to thsir strength in tbe wards and precinota to be asaodated with Mr. Parnell. Mean wbil- the Irish poor will reoeiva from , tbis country hundreds of thouaands of do'Ur* through tbe'Catholio clergy, the Dubliu Mansion Honae, tbe Ducheea of i Marlborough. Mr*. General Sherman, tbe Mew York Htrald, and the innumer able ckaaaela at private charity. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. [irvciu. TO TBI 0"LD BILL BU1I 111*1.] Killing the Ciar Again. LONDON, February 18.—An abortive attempt wu made last eveniDg to kill the Imperial family by exploding a mine in the Winter Palace. Fire soldiera ware killed and thirty-fire wounded. The mine wu laid under the guard-room of the Winter Palaoe, which ie immediately under the dining hall. Owing to an ac cidental delay, the Imperial family bad not entered the latter at the uaual time. The exploaion made a hula in the floor of the hall ten feet long and six wide. The following ia the official account of the exploaion in the Winter Palaoe: About 7 o'clock laat evening an explo ■ion occurred in the baaement of the winter palace, uudtr the principal guard-room, by which eight eoldiera of the Finland regiment, of the guard then on duty, were killed and forty-fire in jured. The flooring of the guard room and aeveral gaa-pipea were damaged. An official inquiry iuto the cauae of the exploaion ia proceeding. The mine wu filled with dynamite and gun-ootton. The train by which it wu fired can be traced to a eellar in the inner oourt, where a quantity ot fuel wu atored. Nerdenqjold. Naples, February 10.—A oorreapond ent had an interview Tueeday morning with Profeeaor Nordenejold, who ar rived here on Saturday. The explorer referred to the pleaaure he had derived from hia vieit to the United Statea in 1870. He touched upon hia former ex pedition to the Arctic regiona and abowed hia work thereon, which hu recently been published. He will endeavor to publieh within a year hia accouut of the present voyage eimultaneoosly in Swrd iab, English, Geruiau and French. He ia convinced of the practical utility of hia diacoveriea in opening Siberia to commeroe, through ttie Obi and Yenzi aa navigable rivers to the Arctic, and the Lena u navigable to the Pacifio. He tbiuka the paaaage around Cape Celin ahin will b* open every summer till Auguat or Septeuibtr, aud pronounces the region to be rich in wbalra, seals and fiab. Accidental delay and an early freeze were the reasona that the Vega wu caught In the ioe. Adverse winds were met with in the Ked Sea. The explorer ia much gratified by hia eu thuaiutic reception at Kuplea. Tbe Pope on Matrimony. ltoUK, February It).—Tbe Papal en cyclical argue* iu favor o( • removal of the rile of marriage from all civil juris* diction whatsoever. It trace* the his tory of marriage from patriarchal to Catholic time*, and declare* that Christ elevated it to the Sacramrnt which only His Chnrch can administer. The at* tempt made under various guises by the modern spirit of irreligion to rob tbe Church of ber right, either to bind or loo*e tbe marriage tie, inuiit be reeUt ed by tbe whole Catbolio world. Hi* Holine** indicate* conditions where, under which, a separation of hutbaud and wife may be aanotioned by tbe Chnrcb, and conclude* with an exhorta tion to tbe univeraal epiacopato to com municate hi* teaching* to tbe faithful for their welfare in both world*. CONOIRUIO.HAL. Hen ale. Washington, February IN.—Logan presented the remonitrance of tbe Union Veteran Club, numbering 1000 ex-sol* diers, against the Weaver bill, the ground being that, if paxned, tbe bill would distract the busiutas intereat* of the country. McDonald ssid be would soon movo tbst tbe Senate should consider Davis' motion to reconsider the vote sppointing a special Interoceanic Canal Committee. Kirkwood supported the Ave per cent, bill. He said iowa did not ask it as alms, but as a right. The repudistion by the government of this debt was as bad a* any other repudiation. Bucli question* should be dealt with in a broad and loyal ipirit and not technically, ■louse. Warner, from tbe Committee on Coin age, reported back advent ly the petition of the Bullion Club of New York pray ing for a specie currency. Printed and recommitted. A bill was introduced by Morton fixing the duty ou barley malt at 23 cents per bnshel. Cox, Chairman of tbe Committee en Foreign Affairs,submitted tbe unanimous report of tbe committee in regard to tbe charges made against Acklen. After a long debate, Hawley moved to refer tbe matter to the Judidiary Committee, in which motion be fully set forth the interests involved and the complicated condition of affairs with tbs oommittee. Hawley's motion was agreed to by 1C1 to 22 —so the matter goes to the Ju dicisry Committee. Gibson announced a bill to provide for a more uniform collection of dutiee on sugars. Tbe House resumed consideration of tbe bill to remove oases from State to Federal Courta. Knott opposed and Hurd supported tbe bill. BORN. In Quid Bill. February 11. to lb* wife of J. P. Burbenk, a diuihUr. In Barak*, K.bruirj 19. to the wife of Morrie He|ll. a too. In Quln Ctnjron. Pctirturj 14, lo the wife of Martlo Hortjii. a daughter. MARRIED. In Dm ton. t ebruarjr 19, Lew Vincent of D ay. loo to ltlee Carrie lirveeandoifer of Karuk. -— OHO. I Thrk' KerllJ. of Uold Bit" TboulM «»d P. a. NEW TODAY. w. u. olabu. 4. a. nan. W. H. CLARKE A CO., S TOOK BROKERS, no. si miiTu c ■TKirr. VIRGINIA CITY. NCVADAi. San Prancleoo correspondent, A B. WAKE FIBLD * CO. 1 nwl-i. DR. A. ANDERSON, Offlce In Dr. Gonwell'e Building, IAIN STBBBT, ... GOLD HILL Profeeelontl call, promptly attended • diy it night- l* NEW TODAY, nZCllEOlieit HIKING COMPANY. Hi Location of I inclpal plica of bounce*, lis Calirmln Hrwt, Onion Iuraance Building, ban >rancl>co, California. Location of works, Oold Hill ylnlng District, Gold QUI, Storey county. MeTtuli. Notice.—There *re delinquent npon the fol lowing-described moclt. on •cronnt of uwn ment (No. 19) leTled on the thirteenth day of J10air7, lSflii, tbe several amounts set oppo site tbe names of tbe respective shareholders a < follows: Names. No. Oertlf. 8hi. Am't, At Union, Lyon ft Co, True ken 389H B....I1U ArciMrong J L, Trustee.bel.ll3J 1.73... 87 Aruiilrouti 1 L do ...1MU&3....1II 8.. Baylsy G B, Trnttoe... ....24II.H....10 ft ,. Baylty O H de 25JJ7....10 8.. Diirett ft Walkrr.TnuteM.19M9....10 8 .. Bales DC. frusUe 34171...40J...200 .. Hltol D C do 24177....28....12 SO UitMliC do 34178,...10 8.. BataeDO do 24179 2X...12S Bates DC do 232*)....30... 10. fkldrldn M, Trustee 24094....2u....10 . Barry A Wolfiklll, True. Ue«..bal 1877 8.88..8 44 Oahl.l K 4 Co. Trntues B1C....25....12 50 Cablll K ft Co do ....4088 8 310 Cabin E ft Co do ...14748.. .10 5. Call 111 K ft Co do ...18fe54....80....18 . Cablll K ft Co do ...3U193....10 8. Collin Jimei, TruaUe 184*3....18 7 50 I Oafflu Jatues do ....31105 ...10 8.. CoUn James do ....33418....10 8.. Cope, Ubler * Co, Trustees.3338....10 8 .. Oope, Ublrr ft Oo do .4317... 30....10 .. Cope. Uhlor ft Co do 1*802....30....10 .. Cluta ft LovHiiid,Trustees.23.i74....IU ® . Olote A Lovslaod do 24863 ...40... *0 . Oluteft LovelanJ do 38314....80....18 . Crawley ft Goodman, Trus tee#..*.•••....38891.•. .80..•.18 ■ Clarke W 11 ft Oo, Trustees, balanee. .8982 ....4.33..8 It | Colbert John H, Trustee. balanee 14114... .8.78 1 88 | Orowley John, TninUe 84318....70. ...38 , De *ey K K. Trustee 81708.... 30.... 10 Uancau W L, Tniatee 3IM8 8 210 Duncan WL do 34909 8 3 80 De Oreayer H, Truatre 3SJBl...lw> . OeUrrayerH do ....UXM 8 2 Ml Driller L P A Co.Trn»tee«.3U117....60... .25 .. Durkae Jebu L, Traitee 31U1....80....33 . Durkcejobn L do ...8103....80....18 , D'Irand A 11781 ...10 8 . Uaulsls Uaory H 21238....10.... 8 . hppatelu ft Oo, Traateee.. .31421....60....28 , Kppsteln ft Co do ...28438....10 8, KoaCW. Trustee 15888....50....28 . Krlsderlch (4, Tru»Ue 33178....80....39 . Prlndrrlcb (1 do 33949.. .100....60 . Kncdrrl.bU do 34108....80.... 18 , Praaka ft Oray. Trustees.. .84484....30.... 10 . rry, Keel ft Oo. TruateM. ..304.10... .8 3 80 Ferituson Alex 8, Trua.bal. .1413 18... 07 falk Sol bal..30887 .64.... 37 Palk Phil 30548 80.... 38 Ulaaler I A Oo, Trusteee 338....28....13 50 ulaaler I <* Co do ...17318....*)... 10 .. Ulaaler I ft Oo do ...17800.. .1U0... .80 .. Ulaaler I ft Oo do ...1#»» ... .8 3 80 Ulaaler I ft Co do ...20318... 50....28 .. Dialler I ft <'0 oo ...3i«fi)....30....10 .. Ulaater I ft Co do .. .33*10....60 ...28 .. Ulaxlrr I ft Co da .. 3«31....30 ...10 .. Ulaaler 1 ft Co do ...2JUM 8 3 50 1 Ulaaler 1 A Oo do ...34J88....80 ...28 .. Ula/ler 1 ft Co do . .34888....50....25 .. Ureencbaum. Helblng ft Co. Trti.tma 30811.... 18 7 80 Oreeueoaooi, Hslblng k Co, Trustees 34893.,1000...600 .. (Irrenebaum, Hslblng ft Co, Trustee* 38J81 8 1 SO | Greeuebsum, Bribing k Oo, Trustee* 3M77....30....10 , Glllon J. Trustee *1978....10....10 .. UHlon J da 33318.. .1HI....60 .. (iliionJ do mi»....iu i Ullluu J do 141M...100 .60.. (Ill an J do 1M6S...1U) ...»o .. (illl-n J do 26710....30....10 , Olllou J do 25713....20 # .. Uururlt A fi ACo, I'rn»iee*. 11*13 8 160 I tlurimU A Q A Oj do 3*114....10 5.. llurnstt A U k <. o do M 5 3 60 llurnelt A U * Oo do 38101....35....1380 | (ire.nt«nm L ft Co, Tru»t*.13c00....50....35 , Ooldamltb A, Truatee 1714 6 3 CO Urant ■ U,Trustee 13380....II. ...7 60 Grant K K do 31361....10 8.. (Irani kK do ... 36413....36 ...13 60 | UocbaUdter k k Oo, Trat twa 1884J ..30....10, Hocbstadter B ft Oo. Trus trM 19377....IS....11 60 | HocLsUdier K ft Oo.Trus tpes......................11741....30.... 10 .. Iluchala iivr K ft Co, Trus 30061....60....36 .. | Uocbila' tcr n & Co. Trua tee* 10118....30....IS .. j Hocbstadier K ft Oo, True tee* 30134....30....16 . Hnct>aud:<r t ft Oo, Trua leea 11410....10....10 .. | UocbaUdter K ft Oo, Trus toe* 11644....10 ....6 .. | UocbaUdter B ft Co, True leea 33446....10 S .. Uocbauulter K ft Oo, True tee* t»U....18 7 60 | UocbaUdter K ft Co. Ira* tee* 3J6S3....10 • .. Hocbstadter B ft Oo, Trua teca 33784....40....10 .. UocbeladU-r E ft Co, True Ue* 14131....80.... 16 .. UocbaUdter B * Co, Trae tee* .. HocbsUdt r ► ft Oo,Tr«» tee* 36404....60....IS .. Hawk! II U, Tru .lee 34133....10 ...10 .. HawkaUU do 14811....10 6. tlawk* 11 D do 14<33 6. ...3 80 | H»uier 1) M ft Co. Traata..33 ol....*)....10 .. Uosmer O M ft Oo do 14iSJ....10 6.. Uoamer l> M ft Oo do 147*8. ...10 6.. lloawtrft Bourne, Trnstee*.141l....30....It.. I Hunt ft Coates, Tru«tee*,...6l97....10....1o .. Holtt Ire U, Truatee 14968....*.. 10.. Ilarrlaft Bennett.Trutlee*.30171....30,...10 .. Htgglu I, T. Truatee..bal.. .17*6 ....3.60..1 90 Iglauer 8, Truatee 34611....SO....16 .. f Ja.kaon M A. Trustee.. ..34331... 100 . 60 .. 1 lavksou M A d > 34S0.1..10 .. Ionian ¥ 8, Trustee 6031... 10 S , Jobueon D H. Truatee 174111... 01M..31 36 Kenner ft Dyer, Trustees...16JOt 6 3 60 Kenner ft l)jrer do ..14MM1....I0 6.. K'nnajr ft Uji'r do ....18114....11....13 60 Blag Homer 8 ft Co, Trai 34U3S.,..30....10 .. KallevO W, Truatee 11016....60.... 16 . Keller U« do 339*1.,..30...,10 .. Ksller 9 W da 3.10.14..35 , 1 8 ft Oo, Trustees.34136....30....10 .. I LaingChaa D, TrasU* MOW , Man* Geo T ft Son, Trusts.,3uul 6 360 Mar>* (ieo T ft (km do .11671....30.... 10 .. Mar)* Oeo T ft Hon do .13048. ...10 ■ .. Macpiierson John, Trustee. 13811...100.,..60 .. Mai ka ft Kelnhardt, Trua t 13617....30....10 .. Martin M 8, Trustee 19068.........16 .. Martin MS do *1143....10.... 10 .. Murae Hal ml bal..306*4 .66.... 17 Noble 11 U ft Oo. Trusteee. balance »M«S 3.87.. 194 Norwood W I. T.uatee 4076....60....16 .. Neastatter I.Tr ietee 116(6... 30....10 .. Oil* ft Oo, Trustee* 1M41....10.... 10 .. KuasellJ B, Trii'teJ. 31380....60....35 , Kuseell.lB do 13590....60....16 . Kuucll I B do 13811... 60....18 . liuitell J B do 13344... ,80....16 . Hussell J H do 'J83H8....60....33 . Hu-soll i li do 33433...100....60 . Hussell J B do 34651....40....30 . Klchardson B A. Trustee... 131M.... 10 6 . do .2MT6.. .60....38 . do .*.'616... 60....33 . do .13677....»0....16 . do .33678....SO....18 . do .13579....60....15 . , do .94914....IS....1160 | l/atulnlnh VIfti'Wlntn.ta h fn Truilroa MM,. .100....10 Rich D, Truate* J.W8... 10 8 HicbD do 1MM4...WO....10 K x>t tieo B, Tniitee .... II 7 BO KoutOeoB do -J8348....18 7 80 Knot O«o H do 2M70....S0....1I HootOroB do 23W8....S0....15 .. Schmieden, Uochatadter ft Co,Truntow* 0783....JO....10. Schmieden, Hochitadtrr k Co. Tniat*** tel..6800 1.73... «7 Scott H II k Co, Tro«leea...t>JJl... .1 ISO "cutt llHt Co do ..1U1I....10 1 Hcbmltt 0 A, Trails 21112 1... .3 80 Hellgman II, Truitee 31477 1 1 DO BelliimaD II do 10 Hclifman U do *4331. Blm« W K, Truatee 34388 ...23....It SO BliueWK do 34171 8.... 110 cp»T«r BrotRera, Truateee. MO70....10 1.. Hulibacher J. Truatee »M0.. ,4M)...lOfi .. Tobln KC, Trance 307UI....80....M .. Tobln It C do 23004...100..,.10 .. Trumpp Wm. Truatee, bal. 2Vrl 1.71... M Wakefldd t B k Oo.Truat*.17811....10. Wlilt* A W, Truatee 14S9J....10 1.. White A W do 11*11....80....31 .. Wright W H Truatee 23323 .. BO....28 .. Wharton Jamaa. Traatee...IMS2....S0....1S .. Zadlg ft Weill, Traauee....l77ll....n....l0 .. Zadlg k Weill do ... lull....11 1.. Zadlcft Weill do ...,33J2i 8 210 Ana Id accordance with law, end as order of the Board of Director*, made oa the thirteenth (13th) day of January, 1880, f many eharte of each parcel or aoch aloe* a* Bar ha necee aarr, will bo reld at pablle aoctioa, at the once of Ibe C rnipeny, Boom 4 Stock Kxchanc* Bnil' liif, Bo. 337 Mm etreet, ban Franclaco, California, on TUKSDiY, the ninth day of March, 1180, at the hoar of 1 o'clock p. a. of •aid day, to par aald dellnqurnt aaaeeameat Hereon, together with eoeta of adrertUlnf and ox DO n it § of fAlft. CHtB. I. ELLIOT, Secretary. Office-Roam I, No. orpine etreet (Stock Kxcbenf* Building), Ban Franclaco, Oallloraia. felt DR. CKO. C. MATHEWS, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN A ACCOUCHEUR, (nf Dahlia and Bdlnbargh) Eas removed bis orrioi to Ktm •tr»»t. Mold Bill, ne*» to A. B. Stewart ft Co 'a Dn« Stora. call* attended promptly, day and klfht. Offloe hoar*: 10 A. *. to U Itolr.i. u FIRE INSURANCE. THE ONLY GENERAL AND AOJUITINO AGENCY IN NEVADA. The following popular tnd aobetantlal Companiei represented : Hone Mutual ln«. Co., of San Francisco, Cal., American Central Im. Co., of St. Lonli, Mo., btandard Insurance Co., of Dunedln, New Zealand, Western Assnrance Co., of Toronto, Canada, Commonwealth Im. Co., of Boston, Mass., Scottish Commercial Ins. Co., of Glasgow, Scotland, 'London Jk Lancashire Ins. Co., of Liverpool, Errand, Phsnlx Assurance Co., of London* Xngland. COMBINED CAPITAL AND ASSETS OVEN $30,000,000. Affording the tnont reliable indemnity. The mperriiion of the buiineM of the above Companies in Nevada being in my band*, patroua can rely upon the moat careful per sonal attention to the correct writing of Polio'ee and THE 1'IIOMPT AND EQUITA BLE ADJUSTMENT AND PAYMENT OF LOSSES. I. A. BRUM8EY, * Leeal Agency. [jai9] General Agent, 45 South C St, Virginia. CLOTHING H018K8. MINERS' MECHANIC? STORE I HOLMYJOODS! HO, FORJUROAINS! RlMki or* Ua, ami h *r» i'UUilu anal furulahluir UtKMta. « T THE MISKRV AND MECHANICS' f\ Btura, 01 Moulb C ftrcct, Virginia. ■■ to ba foand the largMt cud beet (elected atock of Gent's and Boys' Clothing And Furnishing Goods, HITS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS. VALI8C3, BTO.. Krar (boivn In Virginia. Thla Iddnin itork waa purchased In antici pation of Haiti tltaea, and ai ill ara di«»p pointed. wt a re cumpcll-rt to aacrlflca (beta at alinuat ur prlca. in order to rcallsa money, wa off*r (or tba next 'iu day* oar wbule dock a; •ucb prlcei a» murt Iniure epeodr iklea In addlllon to our regulu itock wa bare on hand a large aaaorimtnt of CHRISTMAS GOODS! » Which will be Sold Equally Cheap —AT TBI— MINERS' AND MECHANICS' STORE RICH BROS., Propr'S. M South C Street, Virginia, Net. Bl BANNER BROS. Juat recelred, lh« Latoat lad Beit^Slylc* of FALL ANO WINTER CLOTHING, tent*' Furnishing Good*, C1IINCIIILLA. UKAVKH, DIAGONAL 0VKUCUAT4 A*D t'LbTEUH, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER GOODS, Hill, Cap*. Bool* Hd Shorn, Bias kola, Trunk*, Vallaea. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! All Onoda Marked Down 13 Per Cent. Lowar thau aojr other ilouia la tb* tttute at BANNER BROTHERS, Corner C aad Tartar Strerte, VIRU1WIA, . . MKVADA BANKRUPT 8ALEI TUB STOCK OP CLOTH INC —AKI>— FURNISHING GOODS -or-; 8. ARONSON. Having bought atphshikp-s «ali the ahnre «tock. I now uff-r the -ame lo ho public r g»nlle«» of roai. tor iba lam. liaa .. ba aold within TlilllTr DAYS. Raring nurchaaed the book accoooti, all per. ona Indebted will plraa* rail and aettle, and hereby aare trouble. Ia» PRANK R MKOWITZ. My Aaanal C*i*l«(n» of Vegetable ad Flawer Hf«l far IUO. rich Id »o re Tinea from phntocrapbi of lb* orUrlnala, til be ml KRKB to til who apply. Mr old iitomen need Dot write for It. I offer on* of lirneat collect Ion* of Tepetabla teed «rtr tot oat by tor cod llonee id America. t jg» porMon of which wet* rrown on my elx »fl farm*. Full Ulrtcllom for cull Ira/Ion on ich parkngi All x*<l warranted to bt both rtth and Inn to name: ao i»r. that ahoalit It rote ntherwlee. I uill rtfU On order froth. be original Introdnoerofibe Hubbard 8qoath, blnne,'e Melon, Mtrblebetri C»bbi*r», Mex an Ooro, tod ecoret of other *e«reUblee. I rite the patmnair* of all vho an tinxiout to it* their need directly from tht grower, fruh, M, and of the rery tint it rain. NBW VBUBTAM.IM A HPRCIALTY. JAMES J. H ORBOOHT. falO tw Mtrblehatd. Mm. IHN A. ROEBLINQ'S SONS' CO., Treatai, Maw Jersey. IOI8TINC<CABLE8 Raaad aad Flat Wlra Repeat wedUb aad Charreal Aaaraled Wlra, (Mraad far Kepalrlaa Repeat Sllial Card mad Gap Rape* inMantlj on hand. ParticaUr attention said orders for all kind* <>f Win Uoodt. H. T. MIKJMKY, A sear, Vlrclala. inbouM -Near tba Hal* * K ore rota mint dan n/TATfnOOD liL eestored PrwMHpHao |V«e. For theaneedy Core <4 GKOCKBIKS, PBOVISIONS, ItC. F. W. F0L80M, ■•la UfMl e«M Hill* (BiOMUor to Robluoa k FoUomJ Wbtfl«*!« tod Retail Dealer ta FAMILY GROCBRIISf PROVISIONS, He. SOL* AOCTT IN OOU> SILT. POR MRS. MILLS' CHAMPAUNE BAKING POWDER, rpUK BUT IN Till MARKET — ONLT rcqulrea Ulf the quantity of ujr other kind. ^LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO TBR LATE arm of ROBINSON * F0L80M an nfUMtad to CALL AND SETTLE IJIHEIR AOCOUNTS WITHOUT DELAT AOd HIT* COM*. * GROCERY STORE RICHARD MERCER, MAIN STRUT. GOLD MILL. FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON HAND AND FOR SALS CHEAP FOB CAB 11. A Lute Aaeortmeot ot GROCERIES AND PUOVlHlONS direct from the Oalllorula Mar kete, comprlitiic in part: TEAS. SUOAR8, COFFEE, 8PI0E8 CAN FRUIT. DRIED FRUIT, SYRUPS, OYSTERS, RICK FLOUR, BICE, CAN* DLES, BUTTER. Provisions of All Kinds. ME BEST OF WINES AND LIOUORS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. (VQooda Delivered Int of Charge. 1 m RICHARD MEVCER. V. LEMERY, WkdNtto ■•(all Dealer la GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOWER COLD HILL. Always on band a >klsut as bo it. Bent ot Groceries and Provisions WINES aU LIQUOR*. rrOMAUOO aad ClOARIt, FLOUR aad GRAIN, HAKDWAKI »ad CHOCK KRY; DRV GOO DM * YANKBB NOTION^ Qemlemaa'e Farnltblng Oooai, ete. Alto the lollowliw Preach UoodJ: Petite poll Fia. Cepee a I'llaTle liarlcota Verte, OUfw KaMee! 0bImplanon*, AadivU Pate* Trnfle*. BardJae* • 1'Hulle. N. ti.-PutlM wlahlog to bay la lota to lalu far caah oa dtllrery, naj find It to their id vantage to oaU to, cumin* Um good* tad t». qolre of price*. Good, delivered free ot efaarce •*» V.LKMXBT. J. & J. B. MALLOW, O Btre«t, next to tke Bank of Call fornla Bnlldlng, VIRGINIA CITV, NEVADA,' yy HULJUALK AMD KIT AIL D*ALXH» Groceries and Provisions, iVvnkarr >id W«Wi«w»r», C'hlaa bit u< Frtatk Cat GUh< Oil u4J UuhIImi Klaar Bad Faa4, tie., IUh Kle. WINES ANDLIQUORS of tko am iHikr *air> BRANDY, PORT MUKRRY WINK far ■•4lelul in. W# call th* apodal attention Of Mm met Kill BapartotaDdaota 10 oar tarn ul w pl«u itock of Olle and Caadlee for mlllanA mining parpoMa. Wa othr that alaaa of »rti it 41 LOW yiUOBIrt ia th»y cm be laadad from «ar *an of Uia United Btalea, tkm anabllnf mill* anA mlnee on th« Cometock to porclkiM 01U, Candle*, etc., as cheap la Vlr> rlnla u they can alibar In Ban h ranelaco or Ota Kaat, with a guarantee of obUlal^ liat slaaa food*, deilrerad ftaa of cbarf* at lb* ml net In Virclnla or Oold Qlll. i J. A J. B. MALLON, •0 Virginia, Nevada. 1860. 1880* PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA. 3. W. Hill* « ■ Proprietor. "PHIS OLD-ESTABLISHKD AND KXU * able Lanadry la prepared to tarn oat any inantltT of Ranoratad and Clean Linen wita >at beln« damaged 07 manipulation at by ihetalcal aypUoation. Packacaa punctually callad for ud r* ■read. , OK PICKS-Theodora Wolff* Olothlnf Btoca, ippoalta International Hotel, 0 itraet, Vtr rinla. and Vaaar Hooaa. Oold H'll. 1 ■ WOTIC1. A LL PERSONS WHO ARB INDEBTED TO A ma will pkaae make Immediate payment o Mr. Oeoiy* W. Bager*. who la bareby aa bortaad to raoelpt for time. I. 80CTBW0BTH. 0Mim.rakna9U.UN. *1*