Newspaper Page Text
(J—— THE EVENING NEWS 'urTMrn. ■mhhimii**. SATURDAY. : : : FEBRUARY 91.1880 MIICIDK CO.lVKMIEJIi'Ca. Kunes. oonviotrd murderer condemned to bo ti»uS"J. torn up hit »hirt. nospcd Ui< shreds. twitted them into a rope, and l» ttia aid of a broom-hsndle and a hole m tbe wall succeeJi' in producing inch a stricture m*>n the I ..pple of him that he went to glory with, t any expense to the county, or any unpl ««ant exhibition of that ftticicy of d«a ..-drop repentance which *o discourages tho«e who think, with a*, that in tbe case of murderers the Lamb tboald W> deprived of the pardoning pow«r. We are eutircly aerioua in the opinion that convicted marderere oagbt by law to be (applied with handier and aurer sppliaaces for suicide than broom* •tick*, shirts and eoap.—X t\ Aiywaut. The .4ryomiul it entirely correct in the Utter proposition. Cold-blooded mar derrrt, wife butchers, and all »uch detri mental trash, should be at one* placed in a cell furnished with all the latest and most approved modern contrivance* lor committing suicide. A convenient raps, suspended from the ceiling, with hangman's knot already tied, and a place to jomp off. a sharp knife, % bottle of prussia acid, some stryebnins, a supply of chloroform and a drink or two of good whisky aa a sort of "night-cap," as it were, would fill the bill admirably. See how many murderers would avail thsmselves at onoe of the opportunity to ahuffle eff their mortal coila and precipi tate themselves alter their victims as aoon ss possible, while the resction of rsmorse and the tear of public execution or perhaps lynching, is upon them. What expensive trials, disagreeable gal lows episodes or long imprisonments c juld be thus avoided, to say nothing of uumsrous inconsistent religious convsr siosa and dubious repentances. More over, the whole responsibility in tbe asttsr would rest with the prisonsr himself, and more real, voluntary jus tice would be the result thsn by any othsr course. Msny a bloody scoundrel baa regained ooursgs and finally eecsped merited death, from not having the requisite conveniences furnished him at the proper time. UIUC lUITl'SCK. Fifty yeara ago the two great million lirN of New York were Jobs Jacob Aator, then worth about #5,000,000, aod Stephen Whitney, worth aboot $1,500, 000. Aator waa then the rich *t man in lha country. lint ten yeara later there ware aeveral other* who could count on a million or more. In 1U33 A. T. Stewart waa figured to be worth $02,000 over and above all liabilities. Forty yeara later be waa the man, with one excep tion, in America. There ia now a amall army of men in New York who are worth from $'2,000,000 to $20,000,000. The largest individual fortune ia that of Wil liam II. Vaaderbilt, which ia aet down at $75,000,000, bnt estimated by aome at $90,000,000. Wheu Sewart died hi* fortune waa eeitaaud at #60, 000,000. It will be seen that the principal fortunes of the world bar* been made withiu the laat fifty year*. Here on the C mistook and the Pacific coHit miiUonaner *re too common for much extra notice or attention. Fif.j yeara henoe the pr*ernt millionaire* will be recorded among the auiall but abl< financiera of the put, and billionaire* will be on the docket. Who will be the fir it billionaire? Tha very idea makes even a newapaper man bopaful. fEIIUkXum FROVBOftTICA. IMS*. Profeanor Yennor of Montreal ha* been very au ces-ful in his weather prog noaticationa during the present winter. Hera ia what be ttlla u* ia to coma in tha near future: The eeeond coM period in February will reach n* >n fie Sid. ild. 24th aud 23th day*. Thie. il i* probable, will bo ex tremely cold along Uie Talley of the St. Lawreuce and Uttaw* river*, northern United State*, and tu lb* wi*tward. Feb ruary will ccrtaiuly end cold. The second heavy snuw *t*ru of tb* month ihould by my theory—come on u* about the 15th, and this bid* fair to be heavy, with drifta and fairly coM weather. We have yet ti get our huaviewt enow fall* of the wiuler. and some of tbe*a am certain to extend through March. t'|> to the 13th the weather should be moist. Dewey A Co.'* Menlilie Prtsx Patent Agency baa received official notice of the iaaua of tha following pateuta to Pacific coaat inventora for the weak ending February 10,1S30: C. B. Brown, Placer villa, Cal.. meal bin; E. Coleman, San Francisco, box for amalgamator apindlea; W. J. Derrickson, Clayton, Gal., tan loot rnle; W. Eppolaheimer, San Fran cieco, wire aabla railway; E. J. Fra*er, Ban Francisco, galvanic bflt; W. II. Parriah, Salem, Oregon, grain separator; J. ltutherfard, San Francisco, grinding apparatus; S. B. Segnr, Gold Uill, Set., hoisting device; S. F. Tappen, San Franciaco, steering veaaele; C. C. Red mond and A. W. White, San Joee, Cal., faucat. Th« m»n who rbMta lb* printer. Oat of ■ (lagle r*at. Will tMTtr rrneh lb* bparenljr land Whtr* old Elijah w*nt. —Ckrittinn Riyitter. Hot will h* to to t'other plica, Aad ibtr* f*r»T*r dw»ll. For na miu would riluH Tu harbor him la h-l. V" h! c,ni",« <>*nl with Bead*. "fold. H*1I n.w t„ fcoiw » ^r,„ h , Of stay out la lb* cuM. — UUIiiw Stat* i. 5ot *r*n lb*o b«'U cotnfur Bod. Thu' nnlllii Id cmuuios, Y»r fMrmiorr bli |mw« or Bind WUI iuff«r Ilk* d- aatiaa. According to tba Virginia CAroniefr old S. J. Tildan U the forlorn bop* 0f tb* Democratic party. It anthuaoi over the proposition thualy: All lb* Democratic editors who don't lika bard work ought to banker for tb* re Domiaatlon of Tilden. Tbey know all tb* old li*a and how to fljor them, wbila with a uw candidate would coo* a naw crop and a feverish daily ruitl* for contradic tory facta. Among tb* roagb and barbarous pop ulation of tba Pacific Coast a publia execution is not eonaiderad an agraaabla attraction, but at a banging tb* other day in Taanaaaaa than wan 15,900 is* taraatad paapla praaaat. Ingmoll on the Probablllt «. Blaine will km tbe most votee on ili« first ballot, I think. Ha will have four New England States, Iowa. Wie conain, Minnesota. Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Michigan, California and half o( tha Southern Stataa. The Naw England States will be Maine, Connecticut, Vermont and New Hamp shire. Poaaibl. be will g«t Rhode Ialaad. lie onlj rot one vote 'rom that section laat time'. Ha would ive Maa aachusatU tbia time bad it no been for the speocb which be made in which be gave tha old Commonwealth a akinning about its action in tha war ot 1813. I think John Sherman will get some votes from the Southern Statee and tha Ohio delegation, on account ol his being Sec retary ol the Treasury. He ia a good man and would make a good Preaident. His brother being Oaneral of tha Army, I don't believe tha American people would make him Preaident. It would be giving too much power into the hands of one family. Basidee, he has bean connected «ith Hayea' adminis tration, which would be a great load to carry. I don't think Orant will be a candidate; I don't tblak be wanta it. There are men who are pushing him on their own account. Grant waa a great aoldier. He won the respect of tha civil ized world. He commanded the largeat army that aver fought for freedom, aud to make him President would not add a eolitary leaf to tha wreath of fame already on his brow; and ahould ha be elected the only thing be could do would be to keep the old wreath from fading. There will be no dark borae busineaa this time. That waa tried at Cincinnati, and that aort ot horse baa grown remarkably unpopular. We want a horse of another color. We don't want to elect a Hayea and then aee what will hatch out. 1 believe Blaine would run better than any other man; be ia tha only man we can with any certainty feel we can elect. There ia a widespread prejudice againat a third term. Mads Himself at Hone. .V« York TWieae, Fit. 10. A rogue, who haa regaled biaiaelf in twenty or more cellara in Philadelphia, ia now under arrest. The detectivee who examined tbe houses which had been entered aacertained that in every case tha top cross-piece of the abutter bad been partially bored into, and tbe thief, olutcbiug the handle of the auger orgimUt an a lever, had forced the bored one by sheer strength. Ii indicated that a very muscular and agile thml had dona tha work, and that in each case he had mounted upon the narrow, projecting stone sill at the foot of tbe abutter while at hia work. Onea in the houae tbe thief in every caae first proceeded to re gala himself with provisions and dain tiee, not forgetting to waab all down with any liquor that waa handy. At one bouae, not content with absorb ing two bottles ot wine, ha carried away a third, and at auother place drauk about a pint of atrong brandy. Tbia queer cracksman never apptared to Ven tura beyond the flret atory apartments, and took away only auch liuut plunder in tbe way of jewelry, furs, ornamenta and overcoats aa could be readily carried on hia peraon. Deecriptioise of tbe atolen artielea were eent around among tha pawnbrokers, but uot until Sunday was the thief arrested. When aaked how be managed to get into tbe bouses, be said: "Ob, that waa nothing tor me. I'm a gymnast. All I did was to vault over the back fencee and then get the gimlet at work on tbe abutter and. away she came. When tbe giml>t i<ave out I bad to us* my banda. I didn't stay at any lodging place over a day. When I got into a house of oourse I wen) for the grub. I thought it would ouly bj wasted anyhow, aud that folka wouldu't tains it. I generally went into a bou«e about Vi <ud atayed until 5 iu tbe morning, eatiug «ud drinking. I sated a night'a lodging t»y that. I alwaya took an overcoat that came near fitting m«." A Bodie Boy. Dudit SluoUnrtl, Fit. 17, A little tramp, about 15 yean of age, made hia adveut into Bodie three or four week* ago, and in the courae of a week or Un daya he bid two other little boys engaged with him in stealing gum, pis tola, knives and other movable property, and in carrying on a general burglary buiiineee. The little tramp ia about a* hard a looking cam aa one would meet iu a day'* travel. After loading up hi* party, be took bis boya and plunder and changed hia base of operation to Aurora. There they were appreb«nded by Sheriff Ogg, who recoguizcd one of tba boy* aa the eon of a highly reepected buaiueta man in Bodie, and a boy who haa a good hoiue andakindanu indulgent father. sent the boy* back home, and aUu abipped the tramp Bodieward by faat freight, having flrat notified officer Grant of the affair. Orant buuted high and low for that boy for several daya, and dually found hiui and recovered about a wagon load of miacellaneou* property that bad been otoleu and concealid. On account of thu boy'* tender age, and on hia promise to reform, he waa allowed to go, with a lecture. Iu the court-room ha looked aa meek and innocent aa a rttiped kitten on a warm mat; but when Sheriff Ugg disarmed him in Aurora, be awore like the laat survivor of the battle of Waterloo. He remarked, with em phaais: "Looaee 'ere, Mister Kher'f, I object to you takin' my last 'guu;' I don't want to travel around in such a d—d country aa this without being heeled, for a muu's life ain't safe among these d d a s o' b s unless he's get a 'gun.' " Frown to Death. Ml Frt* I'rtu, W. 18. Last Monday John Cartheuey, while oo the trail from Swanaea to Beverage District, found the body of a man frozen ■tiff on the snow near the summit of the luyoe, at a point abont 15 milea from Swanaea. Deceaaed wee named Andre, a native of Franoa, aged about 53 yean, and ha perished from exposure to oold on Saturday or Sanday last. Ha waa found lying faca downward on abont three feet of enow; hia blanket* were lying within arm'a length Ilia feet were drawn np toward bie fao, and that the body waa frozen ao perfectly aolid it waa impossible to move a limb in the alight* est degree. He waa buried in the Lone Pine cemetery. Of tha failure of the Fuaion plot in Maine the leading Bom an Catholio newa paper in New England, the Boston Pilot, eays: "We alto oat rejoice that it waa attempted, aiace ita defeat cannot but be moat beneficial in showing to political raacale how dangerous it ia to trifle with the will of the people, their muter*. We venture to prophesy that it will be a long time era it ia again attempted in any commonwealth in the land." A California boy stood an umbrella in ft public doTway during a religious meeting. T. this umbrella waa attached a atrong cord, an end of which tha boy held in hia band. Eleven different Mopleara eaid to have earned the um brella the length of the string. WESTERN DISPATCHES. [araouL to in mu> nt milt nva.1 To Be or !Col to Be. 8anta, Cnuz, February 20.—Charles Colby was to have been hung here today (or tbo murder of Horry Williami, Octo ber 22, 1878. His case was taken to the Supreme Court, which affirmed the decision of the lower Conrt. Couster nation and cxcltement hare prevailed in the community since lout evening, when it wan found that the Clark of the Bu premc Court had failod to send the order of the Court dismissing the writ of certiorari and a stay of proceedings. Without that order the Sheriff could not proceed with the execution, and the peo ple knotted together in small crowds to discuss the situation. It was ths unsn imous expression that Colby would be bung today, whether the Sheriff was williuu or not. Distriot Attorney Storey and Sheriff Ortun telegraphed to the Clerk of the Supreme Court to forward the onler to Wright's Station bv the first train this morning. The Clerk re plied that the order was mailed to Wright's Station. The messenger could find no such document on the arrival of the train, and returned without it. The Oovernor baa been asked to respite the prisoner (or a (ew dsys, so that a resen tence will not be necessary. The town is excited and it is fsared the people may take the execution of the law into their own bauds. LiTKB —The Governor's respite ar rived here at 3:45 p. u. and a stay of ex ecution till Fridsy, March 5. The ex citement is still very great, aad every body is dincuasing the negligenoe of the Clerk of the Supreme Court, but it ap pears that order will prevail. The pris oner, Colby, bsd not been informed of the cauae of the delay until the Gov ernor's respite wss read to him. Ho took it coolly, and begged the people who stood near him to intercede in his behalf with the Governor (or a commu tation of his sentence. Miscellaneous. San Fbamcisco, February 21.—On account of the non-payment of dues and other causes the following stocks have been stricken from the list of th« San Francisco Ko«r<l: Succor, Woodville Con., Mint, Patten, Franklin, Mides, North Utah, North Carson, Amazon Con., Georgia, North Con. Virginia, S«g. Gold Hill, Glasgow, Vivian, Erie Con., Santiago, Blue Jacket, Columbia Con., l'lutus, Little York, Silver West Cou., Rye Patch Con., Jefferson, Pan ther, liussay, Tybo Con., Silver Prize, Youug America, Eaat Grand Prize, Price Sc Davi«, Liberty, Camanche, South Modoc, Ua, Klauisth and Con. Arizona. There was a large attendance at the Sand-lot yesterday to hear the report of the committee that baa been calling on the employers of Chinese. The atten tion of the committee was mostly di rected to the cigsr manufacturers, and the geueral sentiment seemed to be that they would discbarge the Chinese, it all the msnufacturers would join in the movoiuent. Today the Workingmen have a parade. MAnraviLLK, Cal.. February 21.—The Marysville Woolen Mijls, through ths Directors, was olosed yesterday, throw ing out of employment about 70 employes, 40 being Chinese. The oorn psny will probably conclude to disin corporate. Gains Vallxt, Cal., February 21.— The railroad tunnel at Town Talk caved iu yeaterday. All railroad communica tion will be stopped between here and Nevada City, l'aaaenger and mail eon nectious will be mads by stage at Town Talk. Oregon for Blaine. Salem, February '21.—Interviews with th* twenty member* of tbe Stat* llepub licun Committee, which mat her* day before yesterday, ihow that every mem ber favored Bluiue (or the Prtiaidenlial candidate. Interviewa with 50 Bepub licana o( Cornwall!*, Benton county, ahow 42 for Blain* and 8 scattering. Of 3U B«f>ul>licana of iiarriabarg, Linn coanty, 10 are (or Blain*, 0 (or Grant and 2 (or Sherman. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. ;traCIAL TO Til* SOL» HILL SUIT KIWI.] Diamonds Manufactured. London, February 21. —I'rof. Kevel Story Maakelyne, of th* mineral depart ment of the Britiah Museum, write* to the Tint's, announcing the entire suc cess of J. Ballantyn* Hunny, o( Glas gow, a fellow of the Chemical Society of Loud»n, in producing diamonda. H* hhts Hi-it Uunuy sent him aome crystal ixed particlua, preaeuting exactly the appearauc* of fragmenta of diamond*, ■ud the** diamond* ***ily scored d**p grooves in the poliahed *urfaace of a aappbire. Th* Hunny proce** will *oon b»< nuuouoced to the Iloyal Society. In th* letter on th* aubjeoto( produc tion of artificial diamouds, Protestor Story Maakelyne, after describing th* various tests applied, concludea aa fol low : Ther* i* no doubt whatover that liuuny baa succeeded in solving th* problem, and removing (rom scientific chemistry the opprobrium so long ad hering to it; (or, wbereaa the larger part of the great volum* recording the tri umphs of that acience is occupied by the chemistry of carbon, tbia element bos never been cryatalized by man till Ilunny achieved th* triumph, which I have th* pUaaur* of r*oording today." Mlacellaneona. London, February.21.—The Common Cooocil of the City of London, by a vole of 72 to 45, rejected a motion for an addresa ol congratulation to the Cur ou bia eacapa from aaaaaaination. A diapatob from Berlin aaya tba Dap utiea from BeM and Bodar atated in tba lleicbatNK tbat German Socialists bad no cm>titciiuu whatever with Rue aian Nihilism. In the House of Lorda yesterday a bill authorizing tba parcbaae of eeed pota toaa, to ba aold to the Iriab tenant farm era for planting at coat or nndir, or on credit, vaa read the first time. The Dncheaa of Marlborough deniea that her fund goea exclusiyaly to the Catholic clergy for diatribntion. The fund ia fairly divide. Clonmkl, Ireland. February 21.—Four bailiffa, accompanied by a large foroe of police, distrained oattla for rent on a farm in Waterford occupied by a widow. A crowd of 600 peraona overpowered the police and recaptured the cattle. Dublin, February 21. —The Lord Mayor of Dublin baa aued the publishers of the Dramatic Sues for inainnationa , couorning bia low origin, eto. i Ottawa, February SI.— The Houae unauimoualy voted $100,000 for the Iriah Kali f Fund. St. PrrzxaavBO, February 21.-8imul taneonaly with the explosion in the Win ter Palace bomba wan thrown into tan adjoining atreeta. j A per*on bu been arrested who wu aeen leaving the palaoe alter the axplo aion. The Ooios states that the cellar under the palaoe wae occupied by loar joinere. Three have been arreated. It ia eeti mated that the weight of the dynamite need wu abont four pounda. The Win* ter Palaoe and the other palaoea are being carefully searched by a company ot epecially charged tapper*. The total number of peraona killed by the explo aion ia ten! The funeral of the vi clime took plaoe today. A muaiclan named Bruno waa killed recently by an electric aliock received from the apparatue for produoing the electric light at the Holte Theater, Aaton, Birmingham. A aingle powerful battery auppliea all the lighta of the theater and ita adjoining grounda, and the wirea conveying the current peaa over the orchestra of the theater. Ob lekving the orcbeatra llr. Bruno pleotd hie band on the wire, and received th* full ahock of the electric current. Ha waa rendered uncouacious by the ahock, and died in • short time. After being taken out on a abutter and revived be said be "didn't understand them kind of laupa." ThiaataNew Bedford hotel a few nigbta ago, but it ia in Ita main featurea applicable to a aim ilar experience in Denver, Knoxville and Lexington, Kentucky, laat week, only in tha latter caae the old lady and her daughter tied their atockinga over the g"J'l "John, what odor ia that?" "Clovea, my low." "But the other?" "All aplce, my beloved." "But ian't thera another?" "Yea, apples, belovedeet." "Just one more?" "Raisins, my most belovedeet." "Well, John, if you'll only drink juat a little brandy, now, I think you would make a good minoe pie." Marriage license waa granted recently, at Little Rock, Ark., to Ieaao Elder, aged 73, and Miaa Tunuah Stokes, aged 7U. They had been in love from their youth up, but extreme modeety prevent ed them from telling each other ao. "Johnny," aaid a fond mother to her boy, which would you rather do, apeak French or Spanish?" "I would rather," aaid Johuly, rubbing hia waiatband, aud looking expreaaively at the table—"I would rather eat Turkey." The prospect of rioting in Maine drew a large number of trampe to that State, their hope being that the diaorder would give them opportunities for plunder. They are now devoting thair attention to henrooata. NEW TODAY. w. II. outmu. i, a. axxn. W. H. CLARKE & CO., 8TOCK BROKERS, NO. SI MOUTH V MTKRKT, VIRGINIA CITY. NEVADA:. ftaa FranelMO comepoadeat, B. B. WAKI riKLD k CO 1 sad-as LOST-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. Tost or htolkn fkom thk com j stock Houne. Uold Hill, s jellowatreskrd tom cat, aaaweis to Ike name af "Dtek, The above rewaid will be paid opoa bis sate return to itais offlc*. (ell GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —WD— VARIETY STORK, M4IN MTKKKT.— WILD JIILL, OppodU Tax'* M(*t Hirhl. D. THORBURN, Proprietor. AOKNT TOR THI GOLD HILL DAILY NKW8 And Sin PnncUco "Call," "Hummer" and MPo»t." Eastern Periodicals AND LATEST BEADINU HATTER. CI6ARS AND~TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC. SHOW-CASE COODS. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. TOYS, ETC. PrtapliMi and Nallaflteterjr Deal. Ill tinaraulaed. t GOLD HILL MARKET Nail ibe'Nawa Offlc*, L. Y. FOX. - - - PROPRIETOR AT Til 18 MAKKKT CAN. ilway* b* fOQUd j TBI CBUI0X8T "UTT0"' «.K AND HMJMAOB*. Oar aalmalr, being (elected from the beat O'tttir Ranches la Xmdt and California, an iIwata h oaI thy. PRIVATK FAMILIES AND HOTELS wlli find It to their advantage to patronlae thla Market, where they will always be acpulled with tbe beet meat* tbo country can atford. RENDERED TALLOW, forntUland mining pg^conetantlyomhand. f ^ yoT WOOD AND COAL DEPOT! MTTT PINK, WiSHOB LIMB, SPLIT PINE " and other Tarletlee of Wood, and a full •apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On band and for sale at the L0WK8T.0A8B PRICES. FULL WKIOIIT AND IHBA8CRB GUAMANTBKD.I Wood »awed at abort notice and at low rate* OFFICE—Near Ritlrotd Depot, Oold Hill. Ba THOMAS OALLAOHER. I860. 1880. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRCINIA. B. W. HALL, . . Proprietor. rHIS OLD-ESTABLISH BD AND KB Li able Lauadry 1* prepared to torn oat any joantltT of Renovated and Clean Linen with >at being damaged By manipulation or by ibtmlcftl «fpllo4tlon. P»c*»ge» punctually called fiTt and re OFPIGS9—Theodore WollTs Clothing Store, mpoelte International Hotel, 0 itnet; Vlr rfnla. aad Veeey Honee. Oold H'll. 1 m OR. A. CHAPMAN. a || B a a a y R m y a | A Ml B U IV u to H*D I n T I V I I PROM NEVADA cm. OALIFOR-My " ala Permanently loeated at Ylr-WWW> iitlefiitlrw omeVtoed. 0 *5S)' AMP8BMB1TT8. EMMET GUARD BALL. 1863, 1880. TUB SEVENTEENTH ANNIVERSARY MILITARY AND CIVIC BALL —OF TltS— EMMET GUARD, —FOB Til BBBZF1T OF THJfr— IRISH RELIEF FURD, —WILL Bl OITIK AT— NATIONAL GUARD HALL. VIRGINIA. —0 B— Wednesday I? enlng, March 17,1880. Committee ef Arniifaiili. Cept. J. H Young, Lt. P. Oonwar, Lt. W. M B-tuLio, LI. P. J. Dunn*. 8«rgt. t. V. Kue, Prl. Ju. Marphy, frt B. O'OUlaben, Prt, A. Young. lavltall.a r.nmlttee. All Thote Willing to AmIiI In Believing the Dutrn* Id Ireland. KM.ftlia C.natMee. Bergt. Jobn Ferrle, Corp. Thoe. Bjrn«, Corp. K. Kerrigan, Corp. D St. L Brawn, Pvt. F. OUmurtln, Prt. John O'C'onnell, Pvt. D. Nevln, Pvt. M. A. Feentjr, 8«rgt. Felix Boylo, Corp. *B. Lloyd. Lt. P. J. Donne. Fleer JIuMtn, Oorp P. Moneken, Corp. Oeo. Bluett, Pvt. P. A. Carroll, Pvt. B. D. Boyle, Pvt. L. Manning, Pvt Ju. Coleoian, Pvt. V. A. lforlarty, Pvt. J<>«. P. Brennan, Pvt. 0. Connolly. Pvt W. B. Cerrlgan. Lt. W. H. Brannan. Floor Director CAPTAIN J. 8. YOUNQ tick nn« ft* ao (Admitting Uaatleman and Laalee.) Moilc for th« oreailon will b« (utnl.hed by Var.e/'a Miring Basil. folHtd 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN MTUBKT, GOLD HILL. -SKALXA IX— BLANK ROl'KK, HTATIO.NKRY, JKWKLKY, MCIiOOL BOOKS. CTTLKUY, TOYS, Kte. Agent for the San Franclteo Dally CHRONICLE, BULLETIN,' EXAMINER, -wo- ALTA. EA8TERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. 15" W. N. HALL & CO., MA1NXTRK BT............. GOLD 1HILL, —WBOLBSALB ABB BBTAH. DBALBBB M— HARDWARE, Of avary description, Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware OAS.PIPE AND FITTINOS. POWDER, FUSE. OPE AND BLOCKS, SHOVELS. PlbMi HANDLE8, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplies. An estcntlve and inperlor aeeoqgnfnt of MECHANICS' TOOLS, | Of all kind,. GALVANIZED IRON PIPING. Of All ■ in, mad* to order at abort notice. 1, W. M. HALL dk CO. o,«.«ALLATta. Im d. roiaoi, 8AUATIH & FOLSOM. OOLD .HILL.IINKVAPA. ....piii.ame m.„. HARDWARE. Iron, Steel, Coal, [Stoves, Tin Ware/ FUSE. POWDER. ROPE. BLOCKS GAM PI PR AND PITTING*: SkOTela, Pleka, Handle*, Falls. Milling a»d MlfllRgfiooda' • GALVANIZED IRON PIPE MADR TO OROII. AORNT* POR Albany If tchlsa Oil aad.'Labrlcatlnf Oompoaod [ 10 B FREIGHT OELIVEHT! COLO HILL NEVADA. IIAVINO MIDI FULL ABRAlfOnmTB 11 fttr tb«racaptlonuddallvnrof %J) Und* bf PKRIOQT coming om tb« VIRGINIA and TRUCKRR RAILROAD to U» COLD HILL DBPOT rran Um Urttaat PAR0KL8 OP GOODS lad GRNRRAL KRKCHANDUR To tbt HRAVTRUT MACHINIHT, BOH, RR8, ITC., RTC.. I Ma pnparad to accommodate all wbo Am In ■7 mttIsm In that list, spos 1RARONABLR VIRUS. Partlaa wtablaar ma to raeatvo and dattrai their frtlgkt will plaaf* dlrvct aUmn to urlt plainly—"Carl T Q.. OoMBUL™ la THOMAS fljKItUHBR ■n/TANHOOD JJL RESTORED •mbftwuht on by I ndtoetntfon or •«•••*, Aaf .Pnni Strain*! tton OT9ICMM X.T. FIHE INSURANCE. THE ONLY GENERAL AND APJUSTINO AQENCY IN NEVADA. The following popular and aubatantial Companiea represented : Home Xntnal I in. Co., of Bid Francisco, Cal., American Central Ins. Co., of St. Lonli, Mo., btandard Insurance Co., of Dnnedln, New Zealand, Western Aunrsnce Co., of Toronto, Canada, Commonwealth In*. Co., or Boston, Mass., Scottish Commercial Im. Co., of Glasgow, Scotland, 'London 4 Lancashire Ins. Co., of tflrerpool, England, Phoenix Assurance Co,, of London, Infland. COMBINKD CAPITAL AND ASSETS OVER 935.000.000. Affording the moat reliable indemnity. The supervision of the basinets of the a bore Companies in Nevada being in my bandi, patron* can rely upon the moat careful per sonal attention to the correct writing of Policlee and THE PBOMPT AMD EQUITA BLE ADJUSTMENT AND PAYMENT OF L088E8. J. A. BRUM8EY, * Leeal Agency. [ja!9] General Heat, 45 South C St., Ylrflnla. CLOTHING BOISKB. MINERS' MH0H1SW STORE! HOLIDAY HOODS! _ HO, FOR_BARQAINS! llMki nr« Law, and aa ara Cl»lkl«| anU furaUhluc Uno4». AT THE MINER V AMD MECHANICS' Store. 91 ttantb C ttreet. \ Irxlnla. Ii to Im toand th« UrgMt and txwl eelected etock of Gent's and Boys' Clothing And Furnishing Goods, HITS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND 8H0K8, TRUNKS. VALI8E8, ETC.. Irer •taown la Virginia. Thl« IramtiM itork *u purchased In antici pation of flnali timet. and u >11 ere dlaap potatrd, we are compelled to aacrlflce tbem at alm.Mt anr price. In order to realize money, we offer for tba next 'JO daye our whole atock at eneh prlcaa aa mil ln«ure epeedy •*'»» In addition to our reitulu atock wa bars on band a large aeeartment of CHRISTMAS GOODS! Which will be Sold Equity Cheap —AT Til— MINERS' AND MECHANICS' STORE RICH BR08., Proprs. M Booth C Street, Virginia, Iter. BANNER BROS, Just received, tba Latait and Be»t;8tjlee of PALL ANO WINTER CLOTHING, Cents' Furnishing Goods, CHINCHILLA, IIKAVKIfi DIAGONAL OVBUCOATN AND VL8TKKH, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER OOODf, llafa, Caps, Baoia and Mhoaa, Blaa* klU, Trnaki, Vallaaa. OREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! All Oooda Marked Down IS Per Cent. Lower than any Other Uoute la the Hlate at BANNER BROTHERS, Caraer C and Tartar Bireett, VIRGINIA, . . NKVADA J»S BANKRUPT SALE! TOR STOCK OF CLOTHING —A H»— FURNISHING GOODS -<»»-: 8. AR0N80N. Having bought at PMCRtPF'8 sale tbo above atnek. I now offer the fame to Ibe public r n •nlle»e of coat, for the tame baa to be told within TUIIITf DAYS. Having i>urrb*eed the book aeconnte. all per. aona Indebted will pleaae call and tenia, and thereby tare trouble. I OS FRANK BQflKOWITZ. Mr *■■■•! CaMI*ia*«rTtt«tabU and ri*«ir tt—4 tor IMO. rich la to inrlnci Irom j>hnto«T»ph« of tb* oriflntl*, will be cent FREE to til who »»ply. My old raitomer* need not wrlta for It 1 offer on* of ibe Itrteet collection* of vegetable teed «v*r Mat ont by toJ *»ed Honrs In A merle*. t Urge portion nf which were grown on my tlx ee*d form*. Full direction* for ml fi ration on rash package. til *»rd trarranltd to be both fruh and trut to name: to ttr. tbtt •honlit It prov* otberwlee, / trill refill tAt order frail*. The orlfln*l Introducer of lb* Bnbbird Hqnuh, Pblnnet'* Melon, M*rblebea<l Ctbbigr*, Hex loan Corn, tod mm of otber vegetable*. I Invite the pttrnntg* of all vho an anTinui to hart their teed dirtdly from t\t grmctr, frtth, trut, and of Hit rerp belt ttraln. NEW VEUKTARI.KS A MPBCIALTY. JAMBS i. U. ORKOOHT. felOtw M*rbl*h**d. Mtte. JOHN A. ROEILINQ't IONS' CO., Tratta, Haw Iiimj. HOI8TINC~CABLE8 RnN ami Flat Wire Retei. Hwedlab aad Chare aal AiimM Wire, Mtranil far Rttilrlai Rape*. Sliaal Car* atd Oar ttapea ConMtntly oa htnd. Ptrt'caltr ttteotlon ptid to order* for all kind* of Wire Oood*. N. T. MOONKY, A«»a>, Tlrtlala. Wtrehcmta—Near tbe^HtU A Mororott mine. MW£&«ue GIIOCKKIKS, PROVISIONS, lie. F. W. FOLSOM, ■•la S«M Mill. (SnocMior to Bobiiuoa * roUomj Whoi**al* and IUU11 D*al*r la FAMILY GROCERIES* PB9VI8I0NB, Etc. soli aoiht in gold hill fob kbi MILLS' CHAMPAQNE BAKING POWDER, IJ1UK BUT IK TUB MARKET — ONLY nfulrw half tb( taaatllv of ugr otlur kind. £LL FABTIBS IHDRBTRD TO TU LATE Arm of BO BINHON * FOLSOM ar* rMUMtod to CALL AND SETTLE (JIBBIB A0C0UNT3 WITHOUT DEL AT tad mt* eo*t*. * GROCERY STORE RICHARD MERCRR, MAIN STRUT. GOLD HILL. FAMILY&FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON HAND AND FOB RALE CHEAP FOB OAsM. A Large Axturtmeot of OBOCER1B8 AMD PROVISIONS duvet from Um OtWuraUMir k*U, comprint* In put: TEAS. 8UOAR8, COFFEE, 8PI0E8 CAN FBIT1T, DRIED FBDIT, 8YBUP8, OYSTEB8, BICE FLOUB, BICE, CAN DLES, BUTTEB. Provisions of All Kinds* THE BEST OF WTNES AND LIOUORS AT WHOLESALE AND BET AIL. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. HWOoodi D*llT*r*d Tm of Otuig*. In HIOHAEP MEBCEB. V. LEMERY, Whale*ala aad Hotall Dtilw la GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOWIR COLD MILL. ALWATS ON HAND A IKLEOT ASSOMk MtflC Groceries and Provisions WU» aad LIQUOR*. rrOBACOO aad CIGARS, FLOUR aad GRAIN, HARDWARE aad CROCRKRY. DRV OOODH * YANKKR NOTION^ Q«U«aan't Furnlihlng Oooas, «tc. AMs tho following Frucb Uooda: Pttlu PoU Ftaa, Oapea a I'UaTlt UarlooU V«u, OUtm Fattl**, Obamplgaoa*. Aachola Pataa Troth*. ■»--»—-T a 1'HbII*. N. U.-PutlM wHStng to boy la loU totals for cadi on dallrary, at? dad U to lh*lr a£ taotif* to call la, aumla* tb* good* aad *• quire of prloM. Uooda delivered fr*a oi charge. «— V. LEMRBT. J. 4 J, B. MALLOi\, 0 Street, next to Ike Baik of Call* Ibraia Billdlif, VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA/ yyr HOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS' Groceries and Provisions, Oraakary aad Waadaawara, Chlaa aad F reach Cat Glaaa, Oil aad] Caadlaa, Kleer aad Feed, Etc., Etc., Bla. WINKS AND LIQUORS Of Ik* arrt utitir Mlr> BRANDY, PORT aad SUBKKY WIN* far BMlklMl in. Wa call the ipacui attantlon of Mia* u* Kill Baparlntoadaata to ow Urn aad con pltto *tock of 011a tod CandUa for mill aaS mining pnrpoaaa. Wa otfar that claaa of good* at M LOW FIGURE* aa thaj can be laadad from any part of tha Unttad Blataa, tboa •cabling mllla an&jslnaa on tha Comatoek to porcbaaa Oil*, Caudlea, ate . aa cbaap In Vir ginia aa thay can altber In ban r ranclaco or La bat, with a gnarantaa of obialttlv tot claaa good*. dailrarad fiaa of c&arga at tha mliua la Virginia or Gold Bill. i, J. * J. B. M ALLOW, 10 VUctala. Nevada. DR. CKO. C. MATHKW8, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN * ACCOUCHIUN. (of Dublin and Bdlnbargh) Has removed nis ornoi to Htm atrrat, Oold Hill, nazt to A. B. Kuwait h Co.'a Drag Mora. Calla attaadad promptly, day and night. Offloa hunrt: 10 a. m. to li a.; tlogr a. 1»_ J. U. HALL M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND 8UROKON OmCK AND RESIDENCE — 0FP08ITB V/ tha l»«wa oOoa, Main atraat,OoM BUI. DR. A. ANDERSON, OOoa la Dr. Oaawall'a Building, MAIN BTBBBTt • • • OOLD BILL Prnfaaalnail calla prampUy attaadad a do aralght. IT