Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS FillDIT, : : : : : MAI.t.i IS. tw BTvCm BEPUBTt LAST BY ESINO. MO Raymond A Ely, 90c 271 Einkt Can., IS1*, 15, II *9 120 Jackaoa. 2 75 Belmont, 15o 1200 Leopard. 10c 110 Northern Belle, 16*4 100 Metallic. 2*4 970 Grand Prl». 1 33. 1 M Utt# Argeata. Oc, Mc 400 Navajo. 20c. 35c 50 Endawmaat. 15o 525 Day. 60c, 65c 970 Millaide. 1. 1 *10 60 Paradue. 60c, 65 300 Albiua, 30c 40 Walea. 3 10 110 Ml. Diabla, 2* 1»0 Ml Poloai. 1 GO. 1 70 550 Eaat Ml. Diablo. 1 33, 1 40 400 Balding. 1 1* Hoimee, 1 65 160 Bodia. HV. »>% 950 MoCUntoa. 75o 485 Tioga, 2 H, 2 '4. 2 JO 200 Summit. 1 10, 1%, 1 20 150 Bulwer. » 100 Syadieate, IV4 250 Concordia, 50e 350 BeWidere. 4 20. 4 10 N Champion, 45c, 40c 80 Blaekhawk. 95c. 1 425 South Bodia. 75« 150 Booker Cao.. 70c. 65o 100 Saath Standard. 25o 440 Queen Beo, 15c. 40e »o;Moaa. 7*4 25 Cob. Paciflo. 3 V 500 Good*haw. 45c 500 Univeraity. 20c. 10 200 Dadley, 80c. 90c 275 Japiter. 2 40. 2 45. 2H 260 Koath Balwer. 1 80 200 Addenda. *60 50 Noonday, W 80 North Neoaday. 2*. 2 90 1130 Double Standard, 1 05, 1 200 Orient, 5o 55 Maaaalh. 1 90 100 Boetoa Con., 1H 1950 Oro. 1H, 1 60. 1 55 50 Leeda, 50o 400 Atlaa, 10c 25 SUvar King. 7 100 Tiptop. 4H Taw aui.ii.ia. 70 Oahlr. 17. I7H 00 Xeiicaa. 14'-%. H 330 Qoald A Carry. 5. 4 'JQ 1S3 Beat * lalaber. as 10 Oalifaraia. S 38 310 (lavage. 8S. I1. 195 Coa. Tirgiaia. 3*4, I SO 310 (.'hollar. 5H.5V 110 Potoal, 4 SO Hale * Norerone. 8% 470 Crown Poiut. 3*4. 3 30 M Tallaw Jacket, S<t. 8H, 8 60 Imperial, 50c 400 Kentuek. 3 40 Alpha. 8. 7H 36J0 Beleher, 8. 7%, 7%. 7S 410 llarra Nevada, 3Ha. 31H. 31H • Utah, 10 180 Balllan. 4 30 180 liiHur, 3 10 Sag. Belcher, 14 130 Overman. IV 8 300 Jaatice, 1 58. 1H 170 Uaiaa Coa.. 35. 35<t 40 Alta, 3 40 300 Lady Bryan. 48c 168 Jalia, 1 10 100 Caledaaia. 1 05 Ml Baltimore, 30c 880 iilve* Hill. 75o 18 Challenge. 1 55 380 Nav York, 35c 10 Koaaatb. 10c 385 Aadea, 55o. 48o. 50c 130 koarpioa, 3 378 Laviathaa, lOo 318 Beatoa Coa.. 3 10. 3 05. 3 630 Oolden Gala, 78c 100 Caa. Dorado, 1 38 100 Flowery. 30c 178 North Bonanza. 40o 178 North Bonanza. 4tc 175 Xackey, 18o 80 Eaaei. 1% iflaraaaa liraal Bapert. Mm Fbadcuco, March 13—3 r. K.— |arra Nevada. 31 %; California, 3 38; \Jchar, 7%. 7, 7\, 6\. C%; Crown \at. 1 90, 3 98. 3; Chollar, 5%; X.xi s-> \l4.13%. 13%. 13H; Bechtel, 3; Yel low Backet, 7%. 7%; Union Con.. 35H, 38%;) Beat A Belcher, 9. «V,8\; Alpha, 7%; 1 Ken tuck. 3; Scorpion, 3; Beel A BelcMer, 9, 8*.8«,; Opbir. 17%; Day, A5c; ^elvidera, 3 90, 3 85; Overman, 9%; Con. Virginia, 3 55, 3H; Imperial, 50c; Jfooo.f 7. 7%, 6%; Bullion, 4%. 4 30; Hale A Norlrroea, i't; Eureka Coa., 13; Jalia, 1 10, |1 05; Jnatica, 1H; Exchequer. 3; Utah.. 10; Bodie. 8%; Ward. 1H; Xt. Potoeij. 1 68; Japltar. 3 30. 3 V; Eaal Ml. J)ial>l<j, 1H; Tiptop, 4 40; Uolmea, JU. 1 60. j Armaw Utla larai>(. A Y\ Holland. I McConnell, T A Lee. L *T Foil Chaa Youfgworth. R W Wood. T 11 Amlfawa. J Coleman, C B Btougbton, C Dell.1 J ■ Biacombe, U Tuttle and fam lly, Buabop Wbltaker and wife. W E Cbia ley, D Freidenrich, J Baum. 1 B L Brandt, X Kiraihbraun, Mr* J Arthur and eon. D W San <|a. npanarw Laat Rfaaiaf. G W Seamitb. Chaa Pope, O Randall. R L Corbeit, A L Little, T A Lee, Charlea Yonngworth, J P Wheeler. D S Herbert. Xn H Cohan, Bra W W Oarriaon. A L White, P H XcGowaa, J B Xallon, Cap! T O Taylor. J H Cook. X Block. E Man del and wife. R Schweiaa. Down aloog Six-mile can too >11 tbe tailings men ere again industriously at work oo tbeir flumes. They now bave •a abundance of water for every pur ]wh. All the water nulla are steadily at work. Her. B. 6. Eastman will bold a cot tage lecture at the bona* of Mr*. Flana gan, tbia evening at 7 o'clock. All friends and well wisbsra of tha neigh borhood are cordially invited. Many strange pigtsils are to be aeen In theae parte, now and then are rumors of renewed difficulties in Virginia be tween eoue of tbe Celeetiale. C. Edwards is putting up in Como • two-stamp mill of bis own peculiar style •nd get-up. It will occupy tbe aite of the old mill of tbe camp. With tbe sxeeption of a small portion over tbe divide beyond Daytoo, tbe road to Como was yeeterday in excellent con dition. A croaaing was yesterday put in be tween the Opblr offloe and tbe walk leading to tbe works of that oompany. Mrs. Bowers, th« Washoe Seereaa. baa returned to Virginia and can be found at 41 North A street. A mu£b-needed crossing was yaster day pat in on the earner of B and Union streets, Virginia. Captain Thoa. Q. Taylor's name is \in tbe list of departurea of last svening. Next Sunday week will be Easter Sun flay, tbe last day of tbe Lenten season. The Grand Jury mat at tbe Court ^eose tkia morning at 10 o'oiock. THE FORMAN SHAFT. A BOtD AI«n <OMPWHU»IT« JfUMKU ► MOJIitT. A rrMllH Shall »»d It* Advaat HlM-1h* Hulldlaice Wblrlt n*T* Bwa brMMd Th#re-TUe Hump Iws tiitflM, Covllac (*•■<!, Kle. -rije Pomps Hd I"auip Itdt tu -- owMtaip «r ik* m»«rir. On# of the boldest of >11 the great mining enterprises of the Comitock finds expression in ihe Forman abaft. It alao evidences tba great and abiding faith of thoae interested in it—and nam bered among them are the beat mining man of the coaat—in the perpetuity of the Comatock, not only aa a fisaure vein, but aa containing at immeuae daptha each bodiee aa ore aa will return to in vraied capital the heavy expenditnrea neceaaary to reach and mine and raiae and mill them. If, aa ia aaid, " money talk a," it hen altera unmistakable as well aa earneat and eloquent speech. When a year ago laat aummir it be came evident to mining men that they muat go eaat to follow the ledge and that inclines generally were expenaive tbinga in minea, cauaing work to be done at an arm'a length and with a great loaa of power aa well aa increaae of diatanoe, the Overman and Caledonia and Seg. B»lch*r and Belcher and Crown Point went through gully and over hill and acroaa ravine and planted themaelvea three quartan of a mile in an air line eaat of Main street and then aat Super intendent Forman figuring on a big shaft, ai. to its form, dimensione, eto. Mr. Forman flrat improved on the Yellow Jacket, aa be thought; then he hit mpoa one exaotly like that of the O. Jk C. and B. k B. abaft; then a happy inapintion came upon him and he marked out the form adopted and now being written with drilia and picka and apadea like a new alphabet upon the initial page of the Comatock. It ia in the form of a full-faced, Qotbio L, with the bead aouth and lip turned to the eaat. That eaatern lip is the pump com partment, and is six feet by seven feet in the clear. One half of it ia left unoo cupied for the lowering of pumpa and columns snd rods, sto. Adjoining this and to the weet is lbs compartmsut when the large, low, 4-ton skip is now ua«d. It is five feet by six. South of this an two others, each 4% by 6 feet. Tbeae carry 4-ton akips alao, but the; are higher than the one in the north oompartment. This form ot ebad dm aireauy ueaiun at rated Ua superiority. The novation it not no long m where all four compart menta are extended ; benoe, tbe miners have leea acalinga off of valla and drop ping in of rock to contend against. The oorner baa aa jet given no trouble, aa •owe anticipated it would, by crumbling down ; and the abaft baa been pushed downward through some soft and avail ing ground. It cannot b« denied that thta abaft ia ao far a success and a marked one. It is timbered by 12x14 sugar-pine timbers except where the ground was heavy and thera 14x14 tirn bera war* uaed. Sinking waa com meneed a year ago laat Xovomber, Tha buildings covering thia shaft are each deaignad (or and adapted to their particular uaea. Tha maiu building ia 173 feet long by G'2 feet wide. Ovar the gallowa frame tha posts ara 87 feet in length and further to tha aaat, where tha big engiuea are to be placed, tha poets ara 36 feet long. Thia portion of the building ia spanned by a truaa running acroM the building. Thia traaa ia oom poaed of a aingle atick and calculated to be used in handling machinery. Thia atick is 54 I ret long and 24 by IX incbea in dimenaiona. It ia auatained by five '2-inch truss bolta, each having an aye underneath. Iu fact tha truaa bolta all through ara mada with eyes, which ara deaigned for use in lifting heavy weighta. Tha posta which austain tha ridge over the ahaft ara 90 feet high and the top of tha ventilator 100 feet from the main door. It will be seen from tha foregoing that this is tha roomieat build ing on the lode. The main timbera of tha gallowa frame are aix in number and 'J8 iaebra by 22 and from CO to 78 feet in length. Tbey are of Oregon pine and have no knota or defects. Tha abeavea are 64 feet high. South of the main building and adjoin ing it ia Ibe machine shop. Thia build ing ia 134 feet long, 32 feet wide, and the roof ia gambreled from the main building, tbe posts at the eavea being 1C feet and next tbe asain building the roof ia 37 feat high. This shop contains many appliances and much machinery necea aary to run a big mine. n est 01 mis wmcaiua iuup, >uu uu tli« aoulbwrit corner of the wool* struc rure, ii the carpeuter tbop, wall fitted up with it* u*t, etc. It* dimensions •re 40 by CO (*et, wilb po«U 30 leet lor g. Tbe building alanda north and aoutb and at right anglra to tba maiu slruc tare. It ia conveniently arranged with • view to eauy accfM to the abaft. At tbe oortb of tba abaft and main building, and standing oortb and aoutb, ia tbe houae for tba pumping engine and tba air coiapreaaor*. This ia alao 40 by GO feat, with 30-foot poata. Tbe pumping engine ia iu place and running. It baa been placed on foundation* 40 feet long, -- feet wide and 30 feet deep, containing 6000 ton* of rock. Follow* iog ia • brief deacription of tba anginr: Claaa — Inverted • beam, direct - acting, compound, jvt condenaer. Diameter of cylinder*: Initial, 3'j incbea; expansion, 65 incbea. Length of strokes: Initial, 10 feet 4 incbea; expanaion, 7 feet 8 incbra. Diameter of piaton rod: Initial, incbea; expanaion, •*', iacbea. Clearance at each end, 3 incbea. On tbe north of the main building ia tbe boiler bouae, 134 feet long, 60 feet wide, tbe root 3!) feet high neit the main building to which it ia gam breled, and 20 feet at tbe aave*. It ia caloalated to accommodate seven aet* of regulation boilera and can b« enlarged to accommodate nine tela. At present but two aeta are in uae. Over the north aide of tbe boiler room and auapendrd over tbe tire room ia tbe men'a cbangiog room, 100 feet lung and 14 feet wide. Detached from tba main building and atandinu north and went of it ia the blackamith ahop Containing three forge* and all ne«e**arj implement* of the craft. It i* 30 by 60 feet. Weet of the main building ia at pree ent tbe temporary structure covering the boiler* and engine u*ed in ainking be fore the preaent building* war* erected and machinery placed. Thii is soon to gi»* place to a car room 16 by 34 feat. There ia alao attached to tha work* a aoal house 12 by 14 and 12 faat high, with a capacity of 1000 boahela. To protect tbe worka from flra, by dranta are conveniently etaiioned; and to fnrniah water, a tank haa been placed on tha hill eaat at an elevatio* of 117 feet Thia tank ia 30 by 16 feet and 7 feet deep, with a capacity ot 22,400 gallon*. The floor* of all the** building*, ex cept the boiler room, are on a level. That of tha boiler room 1* 13 feet below. South and eaat of tha bnilding* ia a der rick, and from it and along tha aonth aid* ia • mi-way to gat ia timber*, wkicli no easily transported whir* wanted. Bouth o( all the works a cooling pond for the oondeneer of the pumping engine ha* been constructed, 400 feet long end 60 feet nide. This la oonnected with the shaft 51 feet below the snrfsce. Into this reeerroir the water from the shaft is pumped and thtnee raised. The oondeneer is what is oallsd a gravitation or waterfall condenser, the air which oomea in with ths water being extracted by a No. 6 donble-aoting, steam engine, fed by a %-inch gas pipe with a globe valve. This engine also exhausts into ths condensor. The pumps in ths shaft are 14-inch plangent with 8-foot stroke. Only a single line is in nss now, but below the Sutro tunnel level a double line will be placed. The pump rods are 16 by 16 inches, and the sticks are from CO to 80 feet feet long, hsli together by two iron straps an inch thick and eight inobee wide on two sides snd ten inches wide on the other two, making thirty-six square inchee of solid iron. Work in the shaft is now done by a pumphoiat, whioh is sufficiently power ful to sink to a depth of 2500 or 3000 feet. When that depth is attainsd, a large, direct-acting engine will be put in place. Chutes will then be oonstrueted in the shsft, additional Isngth of cables lowered and attaohed to those of the pumpholst, and the work of sinking go on from the new level as from ths sur face, ths dirsot-acting engine being ussd only to raise from the new level to the surface. At present the arrangements for rais ing snd lqwsring heavy bodies is in genious. If a heavy body is to be low ered through the pump shsft, the big skip is blocked up. the cabls detasbsd, thrown over a smaller sheave below the main lina of sheaves snd thus the line of gravitation is thrown into ths senter of the unoccupied portion of the pump oompartmeut. If the body to be low ered is comparatively light, a false eheave below the door is used to siring the cable into line without being de tached. Every applianoe of the shsft is oslou lated for strength and durability. The akipa are of eteel and 1000 pounda lighter than thoss generslly in use. As these are constantly in uas the rsising of several thousands pounds per dsy is saved. Braidee, steel skips will Isst much longer thsn those mads of iron. Steel boilers are also in uss and are mnoh stronger snd moro durable than thoee made of iron. The debiis from sinking is being util ized in filling in north of the buildings for a wood-yard. There are about the worke many oonveniencee which oannol be touohed upon in a general item like thie, but which are neoeeeary and have been pieced with a view to economy and use. The work of sinking is going stesdily forward; total depth of the ehaft, 955 feet. The influx of water keepe the pumps running at two stroksa per min ute. There is quits a little village around the ehaft, but buildings ars kept st a distance from the works as a preventive of Ire both ways. The Fortaau shsft is owned snd its running expensee paid by tbe following companies and in the following propor tions: Overman, 30 per cent.; Caledo nia, 26 ; tUeg. Belcher, 4 ; Belcher, 25; Crown Point, 15. Yeatartlay'e llalii Hctilmi At the annual meeting of the Pototi Mining Company yesterday 75,823 eharea war* represented. Tha old Board waa re-elected. At the Hala 4 Nororoaa annual meet ing, also bald yeaterday, tba following offioera wara elected : G»org* Coogdon, Praaidant ; Walter £. Sell, Vice Preei* dent; P. Deideebeimer, Superintendent; Joel F. Ligbtoer, Secretary; S. Heyden feldt, counsel; Nevada Bank, Traaaurer. Trustees — Cbarlaa T. Bridge, George Coogdon, S. Heydenfeldt, W. S. Bobart, E. Norton, William Kobl and Walter E. Sell. Tbia ia a virtual re-election of tha old Board. Delaware Ulatrlct. Tba Delaware Diatrict, which liaa in a aoutherlj direction from Co mo, ie look ing up and bida fair to ahare in the ex pected apringtime prosperity of tba campa outaide the Comatock. Prepara tion are b*ing made to aluice tha whole canyon with tha water of the melting anowa, and already tha quartz ledge* there are being looked alter with good reaulta. The gold of tha diatrict ia coarae, and aoma taken from there to the mint returned $17 CO in coin per ounce. Deealai and UoOIuk 111* Bin*. Yeaterday waa a moat beautiful day, and laat evening wore a breadth of blue oonepicuously aa though to greet Dr. MeKenzie and in earneet of reform. Aa with many a man, howavar, one night waa aufficient time in which to fall from grace, and at 10 o'elock a northern blizzard waa blowing and tba anow dying. Fully eight inchee of tha fleecieat of the fleecy fell in Virginia, and tbia moruing tbe thermometer waa 20 de gree* below freezing. Todey the blue baa baen donned again. rip«r*a Opera Horn*. At Piper's Opera Hoai* last evening there was another good audience or ocularience rather, (or people had much more ute for their eyes than their eara. There waa more work and lei* talk than on the opeuiug night. Mr. Thorn inter eated thoae preeent with aoue new tricka, and the whole ahow waa very satisfactory. There will be another change of programme thie evening and a matinee Saturday afternoon. Very Ureteral. Harry Lea, the engineer who had the bone* of hi* right wriat badly cruihed aome week* aince while working about an air eompreeaor at the Savage mine, and who haa aince been in San Fran ci*co, return* hie eineere thanka to the miner* of the Savage and Qould & Cur ry mine*, who ao liberally aiaiated him on their laat pay-day. Mr. Lea ia get ting along well, and hia hand and arm will be aaved. DUIrlct OMrl-KlM*. Jailf*. The following baalnea was trans acted in the District Coart this molting: State vs. Jamse O'Sollivaa—Indict ment for aaaault with intent to kill; de fendant pleaded not guilty; set for trial March 2tf. Hece*a taken till such time as the Orand Jury ahonld report. ■•lime. Then will be a matinee at Piper's Opera Honae at 2 o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, to give women and children and soah adult wearers of the bifurcate* as cannot attend evenings an opportnnity to see the Boyal Illusion ists, Thorn and Darrin. Ium of Trial nnd triad Jiruu hr lb* R*il T«ra, The United Statu Circuit Court will ba in muiob at Canon at 10 o'clock next Tneaday morning, tba 16th imtant, at which Una and place the following named citizena bar* been subpenaed to b« preaent to act aa trial jnrora: J. B. Overton, George Alt, L. Wintarmantla, W. W. Sbannaban, D. Q. Corbett, J. G. Fox, I. E. Jamea, J. G. Farrington, Abendigo Jobna, Jamea Duncan. Loua Sohoenfeldt, £. B. Elrod, B. F. Slater, George W. Tabor, G. H. H. Budden, J. A. Bonham, AH. Doten, J, C. Dewey, C. J. Sharon, Richard Pearce, J. J. Naugh ton, Wm. Moouey, John S. Y"ona, H. P. Kraue, L. Oilman, Jamea Hint, 0. H. Clark, Jamea Mayberry, L. F, Drex ler, George H. Dana, H. B. Williama and Jamea Morria. Tba following-named citizena have been anmmoned to meet at Carton on the 30th of March at 10 a. x. to aenre aa United 8tatea Grand Jurora: John Both enbatcher, H. H. Beck, OeorgeH. Fogg, George A. Ferryil, Louie Sohoenfeldt, Oeorga F. Devil, Wm. E. Price, D. J. Jonea, A. Bejuoldi, E. F. Page, W. B. Muegrove, George E. Hall, F. Boako witz. P. Marker, B. H. Meder, John Bradley, J. H. Douglaa. Wanderer*. Jack Gilleapia, tba twin brother of Adem or Matt or both, waa brought to Oold Hill by Sheriff Eyla of Eureka tbia morning. Where Kyle found him ia not ataUd, but they eeemad to be on good terma and took a drink with tbeir nu meroua frienda whenever they were aaked. They were laat eeen on board the 'bua, going np to Virginia, where tba County Jail ia. Jock aaya be ia juat in from Eureka on a fiebing exouraion. He and Kyle look a great deal alike, aapeo ially Kyle. Druggleia and Apalbeaarle*. The attention of tba publio ii called to the advertiaement of Maura. Haa brouck & Hall, to be found in another column of the Nawa. Theee gentlemen eucoeed to the bueineaa of A. B. Stewart ACo., druggiata and apothecariea, Main etreet, Gold Hill. Peraona in want of anything kept by Haabrouok k Hall are aeaured that the gentlemen are care ful and reliable, and that the fulleet oon fldenoe may b« placed in preacriptiona put up by them. ainluK T'Mihr. Jam** Blackburn fau deeded, in con sideration of 910, 800 feet of the lode running through American ravine, Devil'a Gate and Chinatown Diitriot, adjoining the Big Gan on the weat and the Red Jacket Conaolidated on ths north and known aa the Elector claim. The card of Dr. Matthews, whoae office is next to Stewart'a drag store, Main street, Gold Hill, will be found in another column. Like all the members of the medioal aooiety, Dr. Matthewa dislikes ta be puffed in the newspapers, but be la ready to answer all oalla for hia professional aervioea. This wss a good morning forslipa and slides in Virginia. The light anow cov ered the ico and the backa of several pedestrians, too, in the earlier part of the day. Heels had a wonderful tend ency to gel above heads. In fact, peo ple drank too muoh and aat too little to keep themsslvea up. On ths occasion of the funeral of Mary Jane MeKinnon, a pupil of the aehool of the Siatera of Charity, Vir ginia, thirteen yeara of age, yesterday afternoon, a large number of young girls in white veils appeared in the pro cession in charge of some of the Sistsn. The long-expected connecting rod for the big air compreasor of ths Sierra arrived yesterdsy, as was anticipated, and wh at once pat in plao*. The com pressor started up yestardsy afternoon at 2 o'olock. All work baa been reaumed In the lower levela of the mine. Hnlly'a mill in 8ix-mile canyon has a 40-foot wheel, which rnnsatsmps aa well aa pans. While nearly all the other mills in ths csnyon work nothing but tailings, this mill is run wholly on tha ore of the Monte Cristo mine. Constable Jewell of Virginia left last night for Winnsmucca to bring back to Virginia a colored man named Alfred Brady, arrested ettbat point on a charge of embezzlement, while skipping out eastward by rail. From New York to Europe In Four Days Albniiy I'm, Mr. U. O. Gregory, of tbi« city, baa juit completed a full working modal of hia laat iuvention. It ia an airahlp, and baa occupiad tba entire time of tba inven tor for aeTrral raootbi. Tba vessel ia abarp at botb bow and item, in order to battar oTerooma tba raaiatanaa of tba at moapbara. At either and are placed dri ving wheels and raddara. Tba lattar ara controllad by ono wheel, aituated amid ablpa. Tba cylinders, wbiob contain 30,000 cnbio feat of pura hydrogen each, ara oonatrncted of four thicknesses of ailk, tba anda baing tippad with braaaand tba wbola laahad to tha gunwale by oorda. At tha anda ara elevatora or da praaaora, controlled upon tba principla ot an Arcbimedian acraw. Tba sleepiug rooms and dining rooma ara all provided for in tha hold of tba veaael. Mr. Greg ory aaya that tb» cjliudera will anatain a weight of 10,000 pound*, and that tha ■peed will be ovrr thirty milea an honr. A trip can b* made to Europe in four daya. Tha raddara ara ia a Una with the keel, and serve to turn tbat boat aa required. It ia intended to aail tha boat at an altitude of 1000 feet. In oaae of a atorm tha elevator oan be put in motion and tha ahip raieed above the line of the atorm. It ia propoaed to build an exhi bition ahip, after which Mr. Gregory will "fly" to Europe, etarting in the month of July. The meobanlcal wonder baa been carefully examined by aden* tiati and engineers, wbo pronouuce it practicable. The merita of the invention are aafety combined with apead. In bia aermon tfn the Tar bridge acci dent, IUv. Dr. Begg, of Edinburg, based hia ramarka on a quotation from Ieaiah, ix, 16: •• The brioka have fallen dawn, and wa will build with hewn atonea." Tba manufacturer of the bricke used in the building of tha bridge ia farioua at thla uaiug of tha ecripture to tba detri ment of the briekmakere, and vents bla fury in a letter to the Scotsman. Ha aaserte that it waa not the brioka of tha bridge that gave way, but the "hewn atones," and olaimathe right to maka this explanation becauae the Sootch peo ple are prejudiced agsinat bricks. One of the grounda on which Mr. Bay demanda a divoroe, at 1/ayftyetU, J»d., is tbat his wife, " although well know ing that the plaintiff was a Democrat, refused him the privilege of bringing Damomtio papers to his house." EASTERN DISPATCHES. Sew Tork Preu Opinion*. Mzw York, Maroli 12.—The World ssys: Kearney bad K».!och, it mmi, bare gone about aa ! J hs the decent people of San Frsnoisco will permit them to go. The Citizen'e Protective Union of today aeema to be very mnch like the Vigilance Committee of the early daya of California, and there are men who were inadvertly permitted to anrvive the eearehing grand inqaeat of the flnt Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, who can tell Mr. Kearney that he will find the Vigilanoe Commit tee in that dtv to be • most serious and businssa-like body—a body whiob does not seek for any votes, and upon which, therefore, the eloqoenoe of Mr. Kearney oannot have the slightest effect. No doubt the decent cltizena of San Fran oiaco are aa muoh to blame for prrmit ting the election of a man like Kallocb to the Mayorality. They have already paid for that error in the dlsgraoe whiob Kalloch has brought apon the city, and thsy are svidsntly not disposed to pay any more for It, either In parse or per son. For this ths/ can hardly be blamed. They have wsitsd until a breach of the peace waa aerioaaly threat ened and until a breach of the peace was snooursged by tbs Msyor of the city. They have now given warning, without blustsr, that the peaoe must be kept, even though the constituted authorities rsfuss to keep it. Kalloch's proclama tion, on the tther band, is an evident plroe of bluster. The Trihvn* eays: Tbs Citizens' Pro* teotive Union is to all intents and pur poses a Vigilance Committee whiob they have formeid, but there is reason to hope that a repetition of the summary pro sesses of 1858 will not now be thought nsc«ssary. Formerly the oourta and nearly all the municipal ofBcere were in aympathy with the criminal cUaaee. At preaent the Mayor and Sheriff aide with the mob, but the Chief of Polioe does not. There is ao oomplaint of ths Judges or Publio Prosecutor, and there Is a loyal militia under orders of a re-1 epectable Governor. Tbeee are agesciee with which the Citizens' Committee can well oo-operate. Sad Story of Shipwreck. St. Johns, N. B., March 10.—The bark Ebana, from Ni« South Wales for tbii port, tu wrecked day before yes terday at Nigger Head, five miles from bare. Captain Barry and seven mea were drowned. Tbe veuel waa driven olose to tbe sbore rigbt under a frown inn preeipioe. Boats were towered, only to be swept away, and all bands bad to take to tbe rigging. Five unfortunately got into tbe miszen rigging, wblle tbe remainder laabed themeelvea in tbe for ward rigging. After bumping on the roeka for some time, tbe veesel suddenly tamed on ber broadside, and all in tbe mizzen rigging were drowned. Shortly afterward tbe master, Captain Barry, pat on a life-preeerver and attempted to awim ashore, for the purpose of Uking a line, but be never reached land. Tbe first mate, named Blasell, fell over tbe jibboom and was drowned before tbe eyes of bis oomradea. Tbe remainder of tbe orew clung to the wreck till the atorm aubsided and the tide had fallen, and then got aahore and orawled on their hands and kneta up a precipitous cliff. Although thoroughly exhausted, they had to walk • mile and a half to reaoh a habitation. Fortunately, the weather waa not very cold, and they were only slightly frostbitten. The Kecne Wheat Oral. Ciicaoo, March 10.—There wee a panic in tbe Board of Trade yestsrday which will not be eoon forgotten. Rumors of a determination by tbe New York crowd to aell out had prevailed for some time, and at tbe first indication of a decline in April wheat the bulls let their boldinge go in immense quantities. A fall of two oenle, followed aoon alter by another, brought things to a crisis, millions of busbsls ehanging bands. As fut as the Keene crowd unloaded April wheat through one aet of brokers, tbey beugbt May options through another. Besides securing the latter on favorable terms, by reason of tbe break, tbey eecepe wareboiae ohargea on grain die posed of, these falling due on tbe 15th of April. Taken altogether, tbe deal waa a " aliok " one, eo far aa tbe New Yorkers are ooncerned. A Young Mother's Wicked Deed. Cincinnati, March 11.—Monday night J. W. Ferry, a member of tbe Kentucky Legislature, registered at Hunt's Hotel for separate rooms for bimsslf and Miaa Adams. On tbe early train fnext morn ing Miaa Adama left for Van Wert, Ohio, when it was found that abe bad given birth to a chili, which had been wrapped in a abeet and lowered from a eecoad atory window into the area. It was taken to tbe hospital and properly cared for. Miss Adama was arrested near Dayton, and Perry was arrested here. He olalma to have known noth ing of Mias Adama' oondition. She ia only 10 yeara old and baa lived in bia family ainoe infanoy, and was on tbe way to viait frisnds st Tan Wert. It appeara that the obild waa lowered from tbe seoond story window by band, and aa it ie still living, it will be difficult to plaoe any criminal chaige either againat Miaa Adama or Mr. Ferry. Artesian Well Bill. Washington, March 12.—The Senate hae paaaed a bill (or the reclamation of arid and waate landa. [It authorisee the Secretary of the Interior to oontraot for the elnking of two arteaian wella on the plalna eaat of the Kooky Mountaina, aaid wella to be aank at anoh place* $a the Secretary may deaignate, and wher ever the ait* of either aaob wella ahali be deeignated the Secretary ia required to declare a reetrvation of fonr aqnare mile* with aaid aile aa nearly aa poaai ble in the center thereof, and the land eo reaerved ia not to be enbject to eale or diapoeed of nnder any lawa of the Unitea State* until each reaervation haa been releaaed.] Twenty thonaand doi Iara have been appropriated to carry the Aot into effect. Nevada Public Landi. Wamwotoh, March 12.—Bepreeent ative Daggett'a bill, authoriting the State of Nevada to aeleot 9,000,000 aorea of uon-mineral public landa within the Slate, in lien of ail aohooi aectiona here tofore granted to Nevada, but atill undia boaed of, waa approved by the Houae Pablio Landa Committee yeeterday and will be reported for paaaage. The aix teentb and thirty-aixth aectiona, now owned by Nevada, aggregating nearly 4,000,000 aorea, are praoticaily valueleea aeparately, and tha purpoae of thia bill la to enable tha State to aeleot aagebruah landa in tracto of aufficiesUy large area to make them dealrabl* for pnrAaae by i eapitaliata, with a view t* their reclama tion by axtenaive and ooatly irrigation i projecta. «r Another Bar'l on Tap. New Yoaa, March 12.—The Times Oolambua (Ohio) epecial aaya: Wichli the laat few day» it has become verj evident that Tilden hae tipped a no* barrel and gone to work to maki errangemonta for securing the aappor of this State at Cincinnati. Hie fiiendi are inoet alarmed at tbe etrtngtb whiot Jewett ie ebowing in varioue parte of th< State and are coneolidating againit him, Governor Blebop, wbo baa etrong bopei of tbe Vioe Preeidenoy in oaae Tilden ii nominated, ia bare. He ia aaid to b< negotiating for tbe purchase of the Dail$ Democrat of tbia city, and in oaae tbi aale ia made it will immediately oomi ont for Tilden and Biehop. Tllden'i Income Tax. New You, March 13.—The apecial ezperta employed in tbe Northweat, col lecting evidence in tbe caae of the gov ernment againat Samnel J. Tilden foi failure to pay bia inoome tax, have com Slated their Iabora and report tbe evi ence to E' D. Webater, Special Agenl of the Commieaioner of Internal Reve nue. Tbe oaae will be ordered oa tbe . April Calendar of tbe United States Cir cuit Court of thin diatrict for trial. The proeecution having failed to elicit in full tbe teetimony of two or three of Tilden'a broken or partnera, baa con aented to delay ia order to perfect the evidenoo, but will now inalet on trial at aa early a day aa practicable. Grant's Betnrn. Oalsva, Maroh 13.—The announce ment ia confirmed that Grant will aail for home on tbe 15th. Tbe General will viait Galveston and New Orltane, and from the latter city bime«l'. in com pany with lira. Grant and Mre. Kilty Felt, will take a trip to Denver, at which place tbe ladiea will aojourn during (he General'a contemplated tour through the mining regione of Wyomiug aud Colorado. It ia the. intention of the party to return to Galena during tbe latter part of April or the lat of May. WESTERN DISPATCHES. San Francisco Items. Sax Fbancisco, March 12.—Tbeapon taneous and overwhelming response to the addrau of tha Council of tba Pro tective Union on tha day on whioh it waa published in tba morning paper* continues without abatamant. Tha dif ficulty ia not to gst men enough to enroll for the purposes of tha Union, but embarraaament ariaea in sslscting from tba eager boeta of volunteers tba onea deemed suitable and trustworthy. Nona are aooepted who are not known to aome member of the council or vouched for aa trustworthy by eome one in whom they can repoaa confidence. The 200 wer* at work yeaterday, and aa tha reeult it ia atated that tbay mada an average of 20 enrollments each, or a total of about 4000 for tba day. The work ia being carried on quietly, but with none the leaa earneatneaa and dis pateb. Yeaterday morning tha police aeized a number of placarda exhibited in the publio atreeta bearing the announcement: "Bead tha Communis, and, a wake and be freemen. Thieve* in council. Price, ten oenta. By nawa dealera." Tba au thorabip of tba placard has not been oacertained by tha authorities. Denia Kearney was arreated by tha polioa at hia reaidence yeaterday on two cbargea of misdemeanor baaed on re marks at the meeting Tuesday night. He furnish* bail and waa releaaed from custody. J aarney waa arreated on a warrant ^ urn out by offlcvr B. B. Mil lar. He ia obarged with two offeneea, to wit: the use of incendiary language calculated to proveke a public die turbance, and the utterance of threata to oomrnit murder in certain contingen cie*. Tha aaid violationa occurred at Irish-American Hall on Tueaday eve ning. Kearney ia out on ball of $1000. Hia auretiee, in $600 each, are W. N. Staley, lata W. P. O. candidate for Superintendent of Public Streets, and P. M. Wellin, of No. 227 Valencia street. San Fbaxcisco, March 11.—'Ths First Branch Club of tbs Ninth Ward last night passed the uaual routine of speeobes for the good of tba club, on the ground that the time for talking bad gone by and the time for action come, and that important business cencsrning lbs military oompany waa pending. It waa statad that aome 80 membara had joinsd tbs company, and that aome of them had bought ndss out of their pri* vata funds. At a meeting of the Fifth Branch Club of the Eleventh Ward laat night, one MoCartby asked how many would join the club's srmsd foroes, snd all respond ed. A Mr. Fabey aaid that arma would be aupplied to all who joined. At tha sand lot yeaterday Oannon, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Andrews spoke. Thsy advissd that aa begging waa better than working for a dollar a day nobody should apply for employment undsr ths Bush fund. Zulu Women. Three young Zulu woman art now at the London Aquarium. Ona of the tbrea dusky ladiaa olaima Cetewayo for her father, and waara har hair somewhat longar than that of har oompaniona, in evidenoe of har royal deaoent. Tba namaa which tbay bear arc mailoal, anJ azpraaa qualities or ralata to some inci dent, attar tha faabion of tha old Hebraw namaa. Tbua, of (be tbree namaa—Unolala, Unomadioia and Uoo zondaba- one rafera to tha own»r'a mother having juat passed through aoma trial or anffering, and anoturr meana that lta bearer ia aa awtet aa honey. Tha ladlea abare with their more civilised aiatera a taste for per aonal adornment. Their mennera are gentla and prepoaieaaing, and their demeanor ia in marked contrail with that of tha exuberantly gay and noiay maaculine member* of tha tronpe. It ia noteworthy that tha men do not allow their female companiona to eat with them, tha aubjeetion of woman being earned out among tha Zulu*. The hoe band buya hia wife, paying her father 10 many cowa, but tha ladiaa appear to have aecured for tbamaelvee the impor tant right o! refusing or acoopting tha lover. Bayard'a declaration that ha etanda now jnat where he stood in 1861 haa decided the boaineea for him. Even hia moat peraavering supporters are aatiafled now to let him aUnd in tha aa«e place for another four years at laaat. The German War Department ia busy irith a plan for the fortification of Bar in after tba faabion of Paria. Several jf tba Continental newapapers are al ready discussing the dataiU. The de enoea will inolude aoma twenty outlying forte. The Csar's body-guard ia on duty day tad night. Anybody entering the bed «oa or the library of the aovereign vonld have to paaa 200 Coaaacka. Two toldiers sleep at the foot of hia bed ivery night. TH* FltTRHT HUBJBCTH For tmr aad *f®*. and remittent*, in Iho dtbllltatad, blHona Md norroaa. Te inch per aona Hoftettor'a fltemach blttara afforda ado qnata pro taction from the malarial paat, by locreaalsg tIUI atamlna ud tha raelatut power of th* eontlititloa. aad by checking IrragolariUM of tha llrer, atomach Md bowela, which lncrraae the danger to bo apprehended from mlaama. Kcreurcr, tt araJicMea ma larial complaint* of u obstinate Up*. Tito Said In which tbU trading family mtdlclno boo acblartd oooo of It* rnoit ootoBliblDg and omply pmvan rffecta, la o r»ry wide ooo. la the mafarloua r» glou» of oar own country. 1b "oath America, Mexico, ud acroa* tbo •' a*. it baa clven unulatakeblo eridencoe of II* cnro tiro vila*. At bono ud abroad It baa alwaro auatalnod Ita high repute tloa, nor baa U oror been aSected by competition of *o called tonic* represented to rosacea kindred or equal efllee cy. It aland* alono, unequalad amung oar national r*modl«*. VACANT men In tbo dental rank* will nerer occar If yon are particular with your teeth, ud clean** thorn *T*ry day wllh hat famon* looth-waeh BOZO DONT. From yoalh to old ago It will kaop the eaamal spotleea ud unimpaired. Th* taeth of paraona who nao SOZOPONT hare a pearl-Uke whiten***, and tbo nil a ro**ato hue. while the breatn la purlflsd. ud roadartd awaet and fragrant. II |a composed of ran uilaoptlc h*rb* and la anllraly fro* from tbo objactionable aad Injnrloni ingredient* of tooth paato*, *tc. 10 A CARD. To all who are suffering from th* *rror* aad lndlacratioaa of yoalh, aorroa* weakneaa. aarly 1 w111 »ood a celpe that will core you, rRBB or OHABOI. WM dlacorared by a mlaatoa arytn Booth America. Head a ttlf *ddra***d vtopV° ii,,.Krr-Jo«*" T. bxaa. Btatlea U, N«w York city. jtn j j MISCKLLiXCOUB. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, OBTAIN NTREET, GOLD IIILL. - DIALtt IN BLANK ROOK* STATIONERY, JEWELRY, 8C1IOOL BOORS, CUTLERY, TOY*, Em. Agsnt for Um 8m Fraaciaso Dally CHRONICLE, BULLETIN.: EXAMINER, -a«>- ALT A. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. liU GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AND— VARIETY STORE, MAIN STREET, GOLD HIIX* Opposite Vol's Hut Markst. D. T H ORB URN, Proprietor. AOEXT FOS TBI GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS And Sao Fran da co "Call," "Examiner" and "Pott." Eastern Periodicals ABO LATEST REAOIBV MATTER. CIGABS AND"TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC, SHOW-CASE GOODS. STATIONS NY. SCHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. ETC. PrompiaMi Mad SalliflMlor]' DmI> l«S SatraaMM. I GOLD HILL BAKEII —ajn>— RE3TA URANT MAIN HTRKET GOLD HILL, Opposite tbs Eclipse Lira 17 ■tefclos, J. P. BBCKKB ProprlGtsrs TJIBtSH BBIAD. F1X8, 0AKK8, AND HOT * Rolls entry day, delivered at Us real, dsnoos of eaalomsra. BREAD AT REDUCED PRIOES. BtT Piss tad Oaksa at radoosd prices. Fancy or aaaortsd Oak as mads to order at short notlos. Tbs Rsstawaat Department la ths fiosst la tbs state. All kinds of Oaaa. Poaltry aai Fresh pish and also Oysters recalred and ssrvsdnp dally. Ku WOOD AND COAL DEPOT I -MTT PINK. WABIIOB LIMB. SPLIT PIWB *' tod oUi*r rarlouao of Wood, tad • full •apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On bud tod for m1« at lb* LOWK8T.OA8H PHicjca. FULL WRIGHT AND MBASUKB : Ol'AKANTBBD. Wood Mvod at abort not loo and at )o«r>atM OPFIOE>Mw Railroad Depot, Gold Bill. Mm THOMAH QALLAGHBR. I860. 1880. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA. 6. W. HALL, • • Proprietor. rriHIB OLD-HTABLI81! KD AMD KIU. A ablo Laoidr; U prepared to turn oat aay qaantltr or Raaorated and Glean Linen vtU»> oat bolac damaced ay manipulation or fey abemlcal appllaatioo. PaokifM punctually called for tad la [mill UFPICEd-Tboodofo Woira Clothlaf Btora, oopoalto International Hotel, O atroot. Til* flnla, tad Voaoy Boom, Gold H'll. I ■ VIBOINIA. COLD HILL OMNIBUS, * nomnormo with tub cam at «vu ^HUl to ud ma (tenon. ▼Ill m«k* ncoUr uif betwMB th« itoads rt "tlloc #nd of th« roaU.M fr*«attUy M titf itateof im io«4 will *Uow, (mi S ocloek u «. till • o'ctoak r. ISwr N m'nl—k ». m. IHVUmiI c. WIEBAND A CO.'S nunru assay owici ACT 0H1MI0AL LABOWATOItY. wiauo wimano twm DOBKZHLT MBLTXR AND UVH11 E5rt£^■5^alSr,we, ^