Newspaper Page Text
i. I THE EVENING NWS ALT. MTU. ImhIv Mitor. WEDKXSOAT. t : MABCH 17, IBM lillT MTIirK'l DAT. Tba feativitiea coual n c«! '.rr.tion of today in honor ul Ireland'- popular patron Saint ara subdued by remem brance of tba •uflfrriog. stam'ion and diatren* onfc tl< p or peop.a in tba daar old s"'» "If »l lt« »*a. Thar* ia a diipute aa to when or where ba waa born, althongh tba wall-known old poem aata forth that— " St. Patrick waa a gintleman A ad born of daclat people." It mature not, however, where bo waa born, it ia folly and amply recorded that ba waa a real good man, poeaeeaing a wonderful and permanently good infla enoe over tba people. It ia wall tbai among all tbeir triala and tribulation tba aona and daughter* of old Ireland abonld retain within their bearta feelinga of love and reapect for tba memory of tba good Saint Patrick who did ao much for their apiritnal and moral regeneration, ao much for tba land they all love ao wall. Whether there ever waa any troth in tba ancient legend that St. Patrick drove all the anakea and toada oat of Ireland or not, ia immaterial to the aituation at U>a areaent time. Perbapa tba anakei and toada got atarvad out and laft o( thair own accord, aa many a raaidant of that country haa dona ainoa. Coold the good St Patrick appaar onoa mora and blaaa tba old aod by driving out atarva tion, oppraaaion and general human miaary, Inland might ba oonaidarad by bar own axilad people a good country to lira is and emigrata to inataad of from. Il ia no wonder that tha aalfering hearta and wcaping ayaa of Iraland'a paopla are hopefully, lovingly turnad to ward America, for apontanaona baa baan tba raaponae to tbair cry for relief in all tbair aaaaona of diatreaa. Money haa baan aant in a munificent flow, and aven thia day, now being ao aubduedly aalabratad in honor of St. Patrick, an American Government abip ia lying at bar wharf in New York to receive a load of proviaiona for atarving Ireland. And her leading appropriately commencea today. Tha aona and dangbtara of Ireland in thia country muat remember thia, and amid tbair (aativitiaa not forget to contribute what they are able to the relief of their rela tives and paopla in tha old country. ■ CBT DC I'MDEKMTOOD. Tba fact that Thomaa Clarke, an cngi. aaar on tba Virginia and Trackee Kail, road, waa brutally aaaanlted and nearly aaaaaainated on one of tba public atreete of Virginia City in broad daylight when aooraa of paopla were paaaing and repass ing. and yat the would-be asaaaains were allowed to eecape, with no subsequent attempt to ferret oat and punish them, •till remains ss a stigma upon the gov* ernment o( that city and the psopls of Storey county. The eard of It. M. Clarke, brother of the victim. offering a reward for the arreet and conviction of these men is the Urst more made toward an understanding of this matter and evidently means business. If there is euy organized body of men in thia Stats that furors assassiastion or Mollis Maguirsisui aa a method of enforcing their measures and self-inter estsd views, it must snd will be eventu ally understood and appreciated by all honest citizens. Sherman is ths worst old boomer of them all. lis declares that he baa not retired from the Arid as a Presidential candidate, and in fact ssems to feel con fident that he hss at least aa good a show as anybody. Ths Philadelphia Times touches him off ss follows: "About the sickest boom in the country just now is that which goes by the name of Sher man. The breezes thst blow from ths lakes and ths stiff galea on the Atlantic coast sre alike deleterious to it, and the balmy atmosphere of ths South, while stimulating it to an appearancs of a falss hsalth, ia really most debilitating to ita constitution. Yet a grsst deal of paina has been taken with it; no boom was mors csrefully accouched snd nons has had mors skillful nnrsing or enjoys a mors eipenaivs diet. Even in Ohio, where it wss born, it does not seem to thrive. Two or three newspsptrs in Cineinnsti are sounding ths praises of ths man who brought about resumption, bat whss it oomes to organising Sber man clubs and setting up Sherman dele gations, there is spparent a painful die position to talk about Blains and an occasional mention of Washbarne, which ars very dsprsssing." San Francisco Daily Excluuujt: Kear ney, having been sentenced, must sub mit quietly to his fsts. No habeas cor pus or other legsl yocedurs can ssvs him from eipiating bis crims. To ths House of Correction hs must go. An erroneous idea obtains thst hs has a right of retrial in one of our Supsrior Courts. His only bops now is in ob taining a nsw trial from Judge Riz on ths grounds of errors of law in arriving at his decision. Of course, this is out of ths qusstion, ss Kearney took no sxseptions. If hs sppeals from the order rsfusing a new trial to the Superior Court, ths judgment of ths Police Court must he affirmed, for ths appellate court will have nothing to review in the nature of queetions of law. Kearney most to ths House of Correction go. Professor Vennor, the famous Csna dian weather sharp, is said to bs falling into disrepute. He hss been predicting heavy snow storms and bitter cold wss thee all winter there in the East, bat it ksepe turning out just the contrary springlike and bland. The fact of it ia that be is perfectly right in his prognoa ticatlons, but ia on the wrong side of the continent. He hits our weather all ths time. A BICII The application of 111 owner* of the McKay aewing nnet>ln« patent, for an axUnaion of tbair righta and monopo liaa ia now andor ooaaideralion by the Committee on Patenta. Laat year a aimilar propoaition waa embodied in the Omnibus bill, engineered by Senator Wadleigb, and failed with that meaaara in the Hooae. The McKay innnopoly ia one of tha moat fxactini; of < claaa. The invention comprint# a nut'.ina lor aewing the aolea of boota or ahoeo to the appere. aad ia in naa in all tha large boot and ahoe manufacturing eatabliah menta—being worked npon a royalty of one cant or mora for every ahoa made. Tha inoome ariaing from it ia enormoni, tha atockholdara receiving for many yeara over 140 per cent, per annam. Everybody oonnected with it, in fact, haa bccoma rich, and certainly if tha object of iaaning patenta for meritorioaa inventiona ia only to aecara to tha dMviaer a fair reoompenae for hia labor, hia mechanical akill or gemna, in thia caae there baa been no lack of appreciation. Ta extend the patent for another term of yeara would bo little leaa than robbery. It doea not tax the wealthier claaaea, who wear hand-aewed ahoea, but cornea oat of the pocktta of tha middle and poorer claaaea, and goea into the pockete of people already made rich by their income from thia patent. EASTERN DISPATCHES. COHOBCISIOSAL. Rm(M. Wahbinutom, March 1G.—Kellogg's mo tion for an inveatigation of the newspa per charges against him was, on motion of Thurmao, tabled—«jm 34, nays 25. A party vote. Edmnnde introduced a bill regulating the proceedings of tha Electoral Collage in voting for Praaidant. Kafarrad to the Seloct Committee. Tba Senate resumed consideration of tha Star ronta bill. A aeaaion baa been ordered for Satur day for debate on the Fnnding bill. On motion of Atkins, the Appropria tion Committee baa agreed to report an amendment to the special dtficienry bill pending in the House, providing for an appropriation of fC.lWj.OOO to complete the payment of penaiona for the present fiscal year, an appropriation of $6,375, 000 being required to pay the pension rolle dunng 1880. The penaion bill for 1881, already a law, appropriatee $334. OOO.OOO. Judging from the large addi tiona to tbe rolls oontinnally being made, the next Congreaa will be called upon to pasa a still larger deficiency bill. In the Committee on Foreign Affair* today Wilaon was authorized to report for passage bia bill providing that the Cbiaeee Indemnity fund, sow under eentrol of tbe Secretary of State, be paid to tb» Government of China, exeept thai a sum shall be retained euffloieut in tho opinion of tbe Executive to pay the amounte awarded by the Court of Claima to the owner* of the bark Caldera, and anch further sum as may be neoeaaary to indemnify tbe owner* of tbe ship Forest Belle for the plunder and destruction of ma imp. RepresentativeCox was also instructed to report bit bill with favorable recom mrudaiions, direction th« Pr>aidrot to pay Japan tba sum ot $7BO,UUO in gold eoia, now under control ol tba Stats Department, being tbe amount paid by tba United States under tba provisions of a convention entered into Uotober, In'I, between Japan and Great Britain, France, tbe Netherlands and tba United States. Tbe debate was uninteresting tbia morning. Cameron and Baker warned tbs Democrats against attempts at nulli fication and againat a solid South. Cobb said tbe Democracy could tske care ef itaelf. Hs did nut believe tbe aaaertion tbat tbe extra s»it»ion bad lost tbem votes. II it bad, they would by logio and reason win tbem sgain. Tbe committee rose. Buskin Ipon the lie Kcserratlon. Washington, MarcU 1C.—The Secre tary of tbs Interior yesterday received a telegram from tbs Los Pinos Agsncy, dated March 14, atating tbat a number of psrties have already stsked plscer claims and taken op ranches on tbs Uts Beservstion, and others are preparing to follow. Tbe telegram aaya : - Tbe next two weeks will see tbe reservstion ■warming with trespassers and a conflict ia inevitable." Tbe Agent concludes with a request tbat troops b»"ordered to the reservation for tbe purpoae of pro tecting the Ults. This mattrr waa tbs aubject of oonsiderstion at « meeting of tbe Cabinet, and later Secretary Scburz bad ■ conference on tbe aobject with Ouray and tbe Uts chiefs now here awaiting the action of Congress on their agreement with the government ceding their reservstion. It waa decided at this conference tbat in order to influence their nation against hostilities the Uts chiefs should leave at onos for Colorado. This aftsrnoon ths following order was i.-n~i. DcrABTOKXT or the Imtekiob, Wash ington, March IS.—It having been brought to lli« attention of the IaUrior Department that peraona art now tour ing tha Ult Reservation, in tha 8lata of Colorado, for tha purpoae of locating ranchea and mineral claim*, notiea ia hereby given that aaoh locationa and claima will not bt recognised by the Interior Department, aa tha landa em bodied within tha aaid retervation are not now public landa of the United Statea, and no location made thereon can or will bt recognized aa legal, ezoept thoae made altar tha landa have been regularly reatortd to Iht public domain. (Signed) C. Schcju, Secretary. The Secretary baa alto addreaaed a communication to the Indian Commit tata of tha Senate and the Houae of Repreaentativea, informing them of the threatened difficulty, and urging prompt action on tha agreement. It ia aaid at tht War Department that troopa are now atationed at ooavenlent poiuta near the reservation, and if it ia deemed neoeeaary they can bt called into aervice to keep off invader* and pre aerve the peaot. Sharp Tamuanj Practice. New You, March 16.—There ia con siderable commotion among tha Kelly and anti-Kelly men over tht aharp prac tice by which the election of the Truateaa of the Evening Exprtsa yeaterday waa carried in the Kelly intereet, notwith atanding tha fact that J. W. Brooke and Eraatua Brooke held the controlling intertat in atock and daalred to take it oat of Ktllr'a control. Tht hMtr cauaed tht atock booka to bt lotktd up, oat of reach of tht Brook* party, and at the election raiaed tha quaatioa aa to tht right of Brook* to vote |5 abarea of itook whloh. bad been hyp •qthecaUd bj bint U - i\ loan of money. The Times ■ays < Kelly man bad found oat where t '»y were, and the apt »Ujpg »way of the tock books waa do 3a {or the purpoae of making an oatenaib /• transfer of the shares to John J. M orphy, a paper maker, formerly of C. tflfornla, and when it came to voting for the Board of Trustee, Brooke waa treated to tba entert lining apeetacle of 25 aharee of hia own atock being* Toted againat bim. Alaska Cod Fisheries. Wabhisqtox, March 17.—P rofeesor Baird baa determined to aet at i .'eat the differences of opinion that have been axpreeaed ao decidedly by the as thoritiea in regard to the relative import iaaoe of the Alaska cod fieheriea, aa c ompared with those of Newfoundland and*. Labra dor. Many who have been up there deelara that the Eastern cod banka are ao aoperior in tba extant and quality of tba catch that thoae of Alaakan watera are perfectly inaigoiflcant, and othera aasert directly to the contrary. There fore. Mr. T. H. Bean, an aaaiataat of the Fiah Commiaaion and an expert, will aail in the Coaat Surrey eckooner Tus conia or Alaaka next May, from San Franciaco, specially charted with tbia investigation, and aa bo will be the flrat ychtbyolgoical expert to viait Alaaka, tba reaulta will be of muoh public interaat. He will retnrn iu November. Floods In the Sooth. Richmond, March 16.—Heavy rain a hnve awollen all the tribntariea of the Jxmea river above bare, and a serious UimhI la learea. me mercnanu m toe lower part o( tbe oitj are removing tbair good*. Tba river at Lynchburg baa risen "boat aix feat and ia atill riling. Tba R«v*nna rirer at Charlottesville la alao ri*ing rapidly. Moaiuc. March 1C.—Speciala from Bom* and Selma aay tha overflows so riooaly threaten both towna. The indi cation* point to a worae flood in Selma than occurred in 1871 or in 1876. At Roma tba water ia in tbe battery room of tbe Weatern Union Telegraph Com* pany, and atill riaing. Irish-American Republicans. Chicago. March 15.—Tba Irish* American Republican Clnb of thia city have iasued an address setting forth tha importance of tha forthcoming Presi dential Convention, the hiab-kanded proceedinga in Congresa, in Maine and in tba Southern Statee, by which tha Domocrata seek to gain power in spit* of tha reNalt of electiona, and calling a National Iriah-Amerioan Republican Convention, to aaaemble in aome central portion, probably Ciuoinnatl, after tba Republican National Convention, to rat ify the nomination of tba Republican party, to iaaue an addreaa to their ooun trymrn, to appoint a national committee and form a compact national organisa tion. WESTERN DISPATCHES. Kearney's Severe Sentence — fie Objects To It —The General Opinion. San Fbancibco, March 17.—Denis Kearnry wu eentenced yeeterday by Judge Itiz to aix montba' impriaoomant in the Hooaa of Correction and to pay • fine of $1000. The magnitude of the eeutenee waa a aurprlaa to Kearney, who bad expected to get off with a nom inal puniabment. It ia probable tbat ha will take the caae to tba Supreme Conrt on a writ of babeaa corpaa. In paaaing aentenoeon Kearney Judge Kix Mid U waa not hia dnty to pnniab the prisoner (or aimilar offenses in the paat, but to confine bimaelf atrictly to tba coiiaideration of the preaent caaa. Ha would pasa judgment without preju dice, feeling or vindiotiveneaa, bat the aentence impoaed would indicate hia ea tiraata of tba gravity of tha offenaa. Ha then paaaed eeatrnce aa before atated. Kearney received hia aentence in ailenca, but hia featuree expreaaed tha utanoat aurpriaa and indignation. He bad pre vioualy alated that be expected to get off with it fine of $20 or tbereabouta, and after leaving tba court room ha freely vxpreaatd bia anger and chagrin, da nounciag the penalty aa outrageoua, and claiming tbat he would beat it. Probably in expectation of a nominal aentence, hia counael had neglroted to demand a jury trial, and having no reoonrea in that direction, be at once filed an appeal to the Superior Court, furniahing bonda in the aum of $3000. The aentenoe imposed upon Kearney baa been tba general topic of conversa tion. While the general axpreaaion ia that of gratification, eome doubt ia en tertained aa to whether Judge Rix may not have overabot tba mark by impoaing tha extreme penally of tha law. Kear ney, however, loet bia beat chance by neglecting to demand a jury trial, wbioh ha did iu anticipation of a nominal aen tence. Tba city waa never more quiet than for tba laat few days, although it ia evident tbat thera ia an undercurrent of feeling tbat may manlfeat itaelf at any time. Tnere are numberleaa rnmora afloat regarding tha intentiona of the Citizena' Union and tba Workingman, bat aa far aa can be learned tha latter ure anxious to avoid any extreme.meas urea, and if tha Union bava any aggrea aiva movement in contemplation they keep their plana to themaelvee. The ltrpablioan National Convention, to be bald at Chicago in June, will be tba fourth political National Convention to nominate candidates for Prraident and Vica President that will have been held in that oity. The first was that which nominated Linooln and Hamhn in I860; the seoond was the Democratic Nstioual Contention of 1861, when McClellan and Pendleton were nomi* nated; the third was the Nstional Con vention of 18C8, which nominated Grant and Colfax. _ If Oen. Orant becomes President the power from behind the throne will be wielded by Senator Conkling. If James G. Blaine encceeds In his attempt to be come the next lawful tenant of the White Honse the influence that the handsome Senator from New York will have with the new administration will be precisely equal to that which he exerta over the government of Preeident Hayee. No wonder Senator Conkling palls the wires for Oen. Grant. Australia has just begun to ship frozen fresh mest to England. Ths first cargo, consisting of five hundred and sixty-five sheep, sixty bullocks and two lambs, arrived in Loodon two weeks ago, and will be followed by regular ahipments. Australia baa great stock resources, and will do much to oompete with the United 8tates in supplying meat to John Doll. Leadville has had a Leap Year ball which waa conducted In proper atyle. Tba girls had three knife fights, and then a general ahootlng affray, while the man huddled together in a corner and yUsd- . . ====,--2555: tt^aVn'ifcf*. a<^ ' ■ll"Ch ^ to «• wlfr Of John r. UtoSfeT wife of Uharlae H. PI1D. forS.atSd' » yjj£* Un WU1Um »= fAlEW TODAY. FOR TOWN MARSHAL P. W. FOLSOM Rei ahvocnoes himself < o the voter* of Oold 11111 u a candidate tor th> «office of Town Manbal. to bo voted for •t th« election of town oBwi on Monday. *«J Sd d* it. uif :rtTenmecompany, no. i. ATTENTION! A SPECIAL MEETING OP LIBERTY Eadnn Company Ko. t will be bald at tnelr ball, THURSDAY, Much 1(. at 730 o'clock p. M. The Udj hi norary mtmbua of the com pany and the mnbm of Liberty Volont»-r Hoee Company an teepectfolly Inrlled to at tend . a* Important baaiuaM will b« brought bekrre tba meetlnf. By order of the Coaapaay. IT »t W. MY POANB. Becretary IMPORTANT NOTICE. A XT PERSON Hi VINO PLIDQKS IN TIB Pawnbroker bhep at Mr*. A Oohn. Vlr glnla. will pleaae take them oat oo expiration •f Ubm. u Kn. Oohn U nlllnr oat ud will leave V in tall oo the Uth or April. All goode In her Mora irt offered for aale up to that (Utr, and whatever U left will bo eblppcd to Hm Fraactaco. Tboee who wl>b to eecure groat bargmlna In Jewelry. Purnlahlng Ooode, I'll, Boom mod Not tone, will do well to go and ae out them at ooro. Anything owing to Mr*. Oohn moat 0* paid al once, fur If not paid by the 8th, par man I will ba anforcad by law. Par •ana having clalma again it Mr*. Oohn will plaa*a prevent tbalr bllla. Ooode, Klitnrea. Uafe, Show Caaaa, ato., for aala cheap. MRS. A. 00EN. Virginia, Nevada. March IT, im. 17 lmo $1000 REWARDI n* THE 1HTH DAT or JANUARY *» laat, now nearly alxty daya ago, THREE UlfKPIAMHi Arm ad with Iron bail and an lea pick, made A Flandlah Attempt to Aaaaialaata BY BBOTHEB, THOMAS L. QLAREE. lie had dona them no peraonal lajnry; he waa guilty o( no oflenae atalart tbe law, or agalnal •ocletr. nnlafa Ik ba au offenae for an American cltlaan to aaeert tbe l-dependence of labor, the freedom of private contract, and tbe right to live by hooeat toll, for bontat wagee, without dlotailoo from orguilied lawleeaneea. It waa In Broad Daylight tad on a Pabllc Street or Virginia Cltj That thla diabolical aaaault waa made. It la unaccountable that aoch a crime, committed nnder auch clrcamataaoea, could ao long eeoape detection. I had hoped ao abhorrent a deed.»« flagltloua and daagerooe a etab al pereooal lib erty, would aronae tbe popular Indignation, quicken official aeal, and epredily bring tbe guilty to Juatlce. Ho far thla hope la without million. The iiiaulm Are Still it Lirfe. For tb*l» detection and conviction. toJely that the lew mar be vindicated, tad eo beln oaa a erlmn not ba perpetra'ad with Impunity, I now offer ONE THOUSAND DOLLAUH RtWAKDI Payable 1383 npen the delivery or rack to the Wardtu of tba Penitentiary at Canon. I Ala* Offer a Like Km Par tka Cea fere ar Aftar tka Fast. KOBERT U. CLARKE. Canon Olty, March 11,1880. mrlT 30d TUHTICK IHINS tOMPA.1T. el Locatlonof principal plaaaofbuilneM, Sen rrancUco, Oalliornl*. Location of worka, Qold mil, Storey count/. Nevada. Notice.—There an delinquent upm the fol lowing deecrlbod atock. on acoonnt of aearee. ment (No. 81) levied on tba Math day of Feb ruary, 1M0, tbe aeveral amount* set oppoaltc tba uamea of tba rupee live ebanbolden, aa tollowa: Name*. No. Oertlf. Bba. Amt. Gardiner ft Hooker, Trueteee.71*....30...$10 .. Geo T ttarye ft Hon, Tru» taaa 138T 8 IN Doaglaaa ft Xliotupaon, Tru» toee MS# ■ ISO Wllaon A Hatchlnaon, True taea...... Ui6.,,,ID.....I.. J M Skotwell, Truatea 4313 ...30....10 Ueo L Bradlev, Tnnu* KWJ...180....M .. 1 Glazier 4 Co. Trueleaa... 817f ...100....M .. Bchmle lell, Hocbetadtar ft Oo, Truatea .. Nat MMn. Truatea 0923...300...HO .. Latham k King. Trueteea.. .MM.,.,10 5 .. Schmieden, Uochaladler k Oo.Tnuteea Mil....10 1.. Kppetelu k Oo. Truetaea.. ..8t>*8....30....l0 .. w L Duncan, Truatea. B7T0 6 a 10 K Hucbeladter k Co, True teaa..8783...,33.... 13 8t' Cofflo, Handera.n k Cook, Tnateea 6908. ...30....II.. Handolph.Mactlntoab ft Oo, Trueloea 7013. ...10 8 .. W K Norwood, Truatea 1M8...10U....M .. T H Dixon. Truatea 7811....30....10 .. Ooffln, tJandereoa A Ooot, Truetaea 7683....10 8 .. Jaa Wharton. Truetee 7771. ...10 8 .. 1) U Hiwtaei ft C<*. Tnj*teee.7T8*....10 8 .. Thoe O'Connor, Truetee 7804 ... 10 ... .8 .. K C Tobln, Truatea 7*88....10.. . 8. A W Wblu, Truatea 7*71.........34 . K Oablll A Co Truttiaa 81*7 8 3 St am uurnrtt AOa,Trueteee.81*8....*0....l0 .. I dialler A Oo, Truetaea .,..8341....So....33 .. K r krnt, Truetee 81(1 ...10....10 .. Panl Mahiney, Truetee Mil....30....10 .. P M Herrymau, Truatea 8387 ...I* 8 .. Ueo W Kelley. Truetea MM....10....IB . Holly* Ukl. Truetee* 8488... 30....10 .. Breckinridge ft Yoet, True leee 8847....30....10 .. B Jackeoa. Truataa 83*0 ...10 5 .. C J Flatt,Truetee MI8....10 8 .. K llocbetadter A Oa, True tee* (887....38....10 .. K Hoc he tadter ft Oo, True •• C!uia * Lorrlaad, Truatcti. .w>00 1 3 Ml Jaa Paitaraoo, Truataa (783...100....80 .. Jaa P*tt«riua do (7W. WU....W .. UrMsetaam, Balbtnc 4 Co, Tnutaaa ...MB,.1090.. .ICO .. C A Bchmlu, Trualaa I.. (J*o B Root, Trtutea W7I....1Q B .. J B Bourns. Truataa MOT... .40... .30 .. I HuchiUdUr k Oo, Troa «aaa 1041....38....13 10 Uao B Hoot, Trmua IIB78....*).... 10 .. I (tlaalar <f Oo, Traataaa....(181....IB... 1310 I Qlaalar k Oo do ....VIM....MM franklin Lawton, Truitaa...HO*....10.. Atklnaoo, Doad k Oo, Tru« 9148....30....10 .. ■ I Hrott k Oo. Truitaci. ...10 1.. Jaa OoOd, fin... 100....80 .. KOTtbln, Truilea #608....ID 1.. W L Duncan, Truatee 9*40 B 110 Nit Htelo, Traatoa 10 .. La*i dar Oobb. TruiUe (T3B. .30. ...10.. Randolou. Mackintosh k Oo. Traataaa 9781....10 1.. A • Qqrostt k Oo, Trastaaa.9*3T....30....10 .. Oook A Walcott. Traataaa.. .9*83....10 B .. P 8 Fay, Trualaa Ml....30.... 10 .. Kdwirdi k Irrlne. Traataaa.9in*.... 33....1310 Ino Hacobaraon. Trualaa.. .1017 5 >10 J M Hbotwall. Traati-a 9914....10 » .. Oluta* LoralaDd.Truilata.lOOH ...V Latkuo * King, Tru»taoa..HX40...,30....l0 .. Baldwin Oardln«r,Tra>t«a. looJl....IB T10 Baldwin Oardtnar do 1C0B3 ...10 B. ladig^ TTalll. Tniilaaa....10119....16 T10 Qraanikaua, lalblof k Oj. TrUlt«M a aaaaaaaaaaliNiia #al®*oa a a II W Madia, Iruataa 10M1...10 .. i I Olatlar k Oo, Traataaa .10313....30....IB .. •ao B 11111. Caahlar, Trait.10*30 B 3 B0 JnoMadcwlck.TraaUa 10BM * **0 K Orlaalagar, Traataa 10383.... IB....31.. B Oaathlar * Oo, Traataaa. 104*7....10 B .. U M Hoamar k Oo, Trumi.ioSt * *0 Pry, Haal k Co. Traataaa...10017... 30....10.. B Oablll A Co. Traataaa.... 10*01.... 10 B . J Hilton. Traataa iu*83....80....3Q < Ooffla, Kandaraoa * Cook. Treats'• K981....10 • . H O (twain, Trualaa 18*93....W • ■ K»le k WrUht, Trn»t**a...ll*64....B0....*6 . 1 Olaaiark Co.Traataaa....lllll...100....M. n glrakliM,1Traataa ill*. ..40....30. Wooda * Prasbora, Traa IHi a«aa*aaai(aaa*ataaa(«. HUT a aoaSOa a a a 10 a • Wooda k Proa born, Traa taaa ill*....10 I. Wooda * Praabora, Traa t#Ma aaa a ai a<a 4 ^ • a aaia •• a /a a 1113#.... IB 8. Woo4a ll Ftaakon, Traa taaa : 1U30....10 B. C Hlnktald. Traataa lllll ...10 1 . [OlaaiarkCo,Traataaa....1HM.~. 10 B . I >,a»fa« * 0a. TfMliM.ll3g...10. I Qlaalar k Traataaa,..11301....3B.... 13M I NEW TODAY, JUtlM-CMIIlMd, Btmw. So. Cert It Bhi. ImX AmFl(k, TnUtM ..UIS3....80....26 .. D M Bmbh A Co. Trarta..lU8.'...20... 10 .. D X Yo»t A Oo. TnuMW.. ..11401....16....11 60 R I >«U7. Trntu* 11463....10 t.. Cbta Baodolu, Tiottea 11486....10....IS .. Cbu Btudoln do ....U4M....60....16.. Cbu Bludoln do ....11400....50....16.. J P C»T*llUr. Trustee .11641....16....11 60 811 Wailild k Oo, Tnw tee. 1168]....60....IS .. The# rniinB. TnuUe.11700....11 7 6u P 0 Aub A Oo, TrtiiWet....11768... 100....60.. 8 B WUeHeld k Oo, Tn». tws • ................... 11770.•.100.».>60 *. ■ B WU.fl.IU * Oo. Tnu tee®... a............... •.11776....60■...16 ■. Geo J C.mpbell. Trnetee .11141...100 ...60.. J r, Trustee 11866... ,J0. ...10 .. 8 B Wikefleld k Oo, Trot (cm 1190#.... 10 • .. H H Hobl* k Oo. Tnute«.lU61......... 11.. OppeDbelmer A HillDftr, ...10 .. i ffmCtdlgen, Truitee llMII....61....IT60 | L lleiffiM. True tea 12M2....10 6 .. Qolly k Ubl.Truetee. 13114....60....» .. D 14 Miller,Trvatot 11161.... 10 1.. , I Olutcr A Oo. TraeteM...121M...100....10 ., | Oeriltmo Qadrolo.TniitM.127n... 100.... 60 . Oeo 0 Blckox A Oo, True tee. lilll • 3 60 R 0 Tobtn, TrueUe 1J347....60....21 .. 1 ABadkla, Tnulm 11374 ...19 710 Oeo T M*rje k 8m. Trot te#fl... ..................1)421....60..«.21 • E BocbiUdter A Oe.Tra. tM( .••,,,„„,•••••,••• i.lKB. • • .10.. •. 10 B BocbeUdter k Oo, Tras t©e. ............ 12H1.... 10..... 5 .. (too B. Boot, Timte. 13671....10 6 .. KOriMlnpr.Truitee 1*03....60....U .. Uurvtt A W«lker,Tra*t«M.13130 20. ...lft ..1 Oeo T Miry. A Son, Tnii ten,............. ........ 11631,,..10. .16 I W K Norwood, Tro.tee 13663....24....U «0 | B llech.UdUr k Oo- Tra«. .......... WW... JI....UH I Hocheudter k Oo. Tree U«a 11788....10-....8 .. R I Kelly, Truatea_ 11788 10. H B K.«Ujr do 1M03 1 110 Uao B hoot. Truitae 1MJ1....80....1S . Oraenebaum, Helkug k Oo. Traaua* 11810....IS 7 10 D Z >«tl4Co, Truate**...11881....80....» .. II uKelloy,Traet**........lM4....10 • .. II 0 Hawka. Trail** 11904....10 • .. JM Bbot**'l. Trueta* 1M10...100....» .. MLabaUrd Truit** 1J0I1....10 B .. ■ D Hawk*. Tru-tee lino. ..10 • Hit hUla, Tiuntee 11840....80....10 .. Ueo T *uj< k Hon, True teea *■ .......w........128 11.•..10.....5 .. Ueo T Mirya k boo, Trua tll.... i.«iH«....i*ii... 11973.»• • 10 • .. M Hocbiudur * Oo, Tni tM* 11834....10 0.. X liocbaUdtN It Oo, Tnu> Mt 18088....10 ....I .. Olut* A LoTtltod,Tra>t***18061 8 (to * Q Uaroatt k Oo. Traauc* .. H Mlgmw.Treat** .11130....10.71. S 38 Kenuey k Dyer, Trail***...13188...180....80 .. E Hocbatadiar * Oo, Truv tee< 11174....90.... 10.. R E Kelly. Truiti*e 1JKW. ...10 1.. I Ulaaler k Oo, Tn»at**a...11941...100....80 .. B F UagltDd. TruaU* 1X118....10 S .. u b Btjiw, .. Humar 8 Kidu k 0<> Trnna.13178. 6 .. K Uochela.iU-r k 0o,Tra*U.W08....It....11 to Barrett k Walker. Troat*ea.lSW7.. ..W....M .. U h Bayley, Tnut**. 13JJ9....60....21 .. K Hocbatadur k Oo.TraiUJ33J7.... 10 8 .. 8 Kntnk. Trualea. 1338.V...10....10 . □ D Hawka, Truataa ISAM. ...10 1.. I Ulultr kOo.TioiUd....134(17...100 .. R K Kelly, Trnitae 18411...800.. .M0 .. Ueo B Hoot. Truataa 134M....30, ...U .. Cop*k Davie, Tra*ta»* 8 .. KHocbaUdlarkCo.TroaU.13Ht....M ...1110 It K Kelly,Troaiaa 18449...100....80 .. J ulllou, Truitc* 18tt»......... 10 .. K K Kelly, Trueta* 18888....80 ...IS.. It E Kelly da 11831 ....IH. .17I R KKelly do 1SS43... 10 8,. B P Murphy Trait**. 18874...,80....IS .. II D H*wke, Truetaa 18878....10 8 .. K E Kelly, Truaua 138*1... .78... .37 80 Jno lioublnton, Truataa.. 1*701 8I4...311 L Barattlol.Truataa 13709....18 8 80 Ura. R OaalsUr, Truatea... 13713... .83.... 18 So it K Kelly, Truataa 13718....10 8 .. 1 Qlaxtrr k Oo. TroaUai... 187M 1.18.. 88 rt H Wakifleld k Oo.TraiU. 13744 8 tBO L Kaitan Truataa 18771...MM--88 18 Kaunay k Oyar,Treat***..18789....80....» , Kroncy k Dyer do ..187tO,...tO....I8 , H K Kelly. Truatea 13847 ........ 10 .. , li 11 H«ylry, Trnatea 18888.. ,1M....80 .. | ItoTubin, Trnata* 18819....80....18 .. KOToblo, do 13918....80....40 .. 1> Z Yoat k Oo, Traat**a...l394t .10....18.. Q»iT Mary*k Bon.Tre*U.I3848....80....18 .. E HocheUdter k Co,TruaU.18947....80....18 , E HoobaUdtar «• Co do .13988.........10 .. I UlaiUr * Co.TruitMl...l«Mt....46....n BO U B lUylay,Truataa 14018....38....11 80 U D IUwki, Truitc* 14817....10 1 .. (1 H Barley, Trn»l**.......14014....10....10 .. 1 M Mbotwall, Truataa 140J8....10....19 .. * *» W—** (inanekOo.TroatM* 14094....30....1C .. N»l Hteln, TruiU* 14118....80....18 .. W K Norwood, TroatM >1111....80....18 I Olailcr* Co, .. MacpberaoDfcShton.Triuti. 14187... 100....SO .. Bolrk k Uernbvd.TrtutMt.14Ul • 1 SO II n Hcott k Cj, Tra*t***..14»9....43...n80 8 Kaufman h Co, TroitM*.147M......... 10 .. Qjp® k Darl*. Troitee* 14189....78....87 SO rnok McKnauj, TnutM...14171....80....IS .. ■ HochtUdltr* Co.Troit* 14* ., It M UllM A Oo, TnutM*.. 14101 8 9 80 H K Kelly, TroatM 14308....80....38 . RB Kelly do 14809....10....10 .. E Uoclutadter k 0o,TratU.14313....S0....38 .. U Hlch. TruitM 14311... 80....18 .. II B Kelly, TnutM 14381....40....10 .. Olutc k LoTelkDd.TriUtMt.143M....18 7 80 H K Kelly, TroatM 14893....1ft 7 80 B « Kelly, Tnutta 14395....80....IS .. It B Kally. TraitM 14411 8 180 I Olasler 4t Oo, TrnatMt...14118....80....18 .. M 0 Oufflcr. TruitM 14419....80....IS .. W W Gra*»«. Truata* 14441....10 8 It (IrlMlniter. TnutM 14480....10....10 .. GmH Hoot. TraaiM 14S09....13....US0 OtlefcOo. TnutM* 14031....40....» .. W Kdwarda. Troatrt 1IS88....I0 1 ,, H II Noble * Co, Tra*tMt.l4M1...100....SO .. >1 A Jaek»OD. TroatM 14SK1....10....10 .. i»eo BBoot, TroatM. 14818....80...18 .. ilBUajley. TroatM 14818. ...10....10 .. S B Wako'ald * 0o.TrtuU.14Sl)....40....10 .. H n TroatM 144J8 8 ISO K M Mllra k Oo, TroatM*..14831....10....IS .. <»*• B Itoot, TroatM 14840.........10 .. W Edward*. TnutM 14881....SO....18 .. 0 M Ho*mar k Oo. Tnuti.14088....SO....1* .. WII*on k UutchlLtOD,Troa tM* 14099....(0....40 .. tteo B lloot, Truatre 14T08....S0....1S .. D U Ho«mer k Oo, Tnut»..147S3....80....1S .. It U Hcott k Oo. TnutM*..14780 ...10 8 .. Cop* A Uavla, TroatM*. ..147(3 ...30....18 .. J II Work, TroatM 14711...100....88 .. It E Kelly. Truitce, balanoe 8089 14798.. ..18 • .. R E Kelly, TnutM, balanoe •174 14803 t 1 .. K E Kelly, TroatM, btl*aM WW 14104....It 8 80 R K Kalljr, TnutM 11808 1 1 .. K B Kalljr, TnutM 14808 t 1 .. R K Kelly, TroatM, balance 10111 14807 9 1 .. R E Kflly, Tro*U*. btltace 11888 14811....11 0 80 R E Kelly. TruitM, balaace 11H89 14811.... H.... 11.. R K Kelly, TnutM, balance 1I17S 14813 1 180 8 B Kelly, TnutM, balance 18181,..............,14818.,,.11...*.8 •. R K Kelly, TroatM, balioee 7 bit ijait a l B E I ally, True tee, balance 11040 14111 S 1 .. R K Kail/, Tnut««, balance 18Tn 14830 | 1 .. B K Kally, True! re, balance 20MG 141)1 • IN B B Kail/, Truilee. balance .-.14821....80....10 .. ell/, Trnet-«, balance 1888T 14814 • 110 R > Kail/, Truatee. balanca 18811 14821.... I7....18 «0 B I Kail/, Tnuua, balanoe 11444 14827 1 1 , R k K-llr, Truitta, balance 1M0T 14819....11 (10 | R K Kali/, Trnalaa, balance 11180 2 1 , PS Fa/.Trnatea 14*43....Tl....8760 I H D Uewk<. Tnutae 14887....20....10 , M floldiaan, Trnatea 14872....10.. ..8 . W ■ Wrl«bt. Trnetoe 14884....80....18 . Cope k Davla. Troeteea....14888....10 • . D W Howlaod. Traetre ....14811....25....11M W L Duncan. Troetea 14(24 8 2 80 B Da Oraajar, Trn.tee 14N7. ...40....20 .. RKKtll/.Trealce 14*83....U T 80 OLD (EJUS*. R Oahlll, Truilaa IdlT....**...,10 .. Jaa 8 Kennedy. Truatee TW*....*....lj 80 I Qlaslar A Co, Truateea.. .12M7 8 j go O A Uoureen,Traitae 18780....10 |.. Ureonebaum, Helblmf k Co, Troe4eee...._. ...18784...10 .. „ Jae Whartan, Truatee 14817....10 ■ W B Clarke k Co, Trnata.. 178*1 8 |80 O O Butler, Tiuetee *0280...8J0...808 . And la aocordaaca with Uw, ana u oner el tbf Board or Directore, made on Ue oth dar ol February, 1880. eo nun/ (Oaree or «—>• :ei af enob (lock aa mar be hii.„ parcel af (nob ttoek ae mar — will be told at pablle anctloa. at tba ofBoe at the Com pan/. Room «. Ha/ward's Balldlng. IK California (treat. San Franctaoo. California, on MONDAY, tba lflh (8tb) da/ of April, 18M. at tba boor or 1 o'clock p. m. or aald day, to nay Mid delinquent aaaeeanent thereon, to Mtber with ooataaT adrertlainf and azpanaaa of aaU. R. 1. KILLT. Secretary. fHBea—Room I. Baywud'a Balldlnc. 418 California a treat, San Fraodeeo, Oaltfornla. IT A|Ann returns n 10 dats ok mo I alxUU InTaatad. Official raparta free. CUm proflta week]? on Stock ootlaaaof tl08o I (80. Addreaa T. Fetter Wight k •o., hnn, Wall auwU V. T oeti j NEW TODAY. EMMET GUARD BALL. 1863. ^ 1880. THK 8CVEMTIENTU ANNIVKK8ABY MHJTiBT AND CIVIC BALI • —OF TW J— emmet guard, —i."oa tu inn IT or *m*— IRIfiH RELIEF FUND, —wax an ia at— national guard hall VIRBINIA. I -OS— Wvdnesftsjr Evening, Xarcb 17,1880. | OmumIhoo of |Am>l' C«pt. J. H. Yoan*. Lt. P. Oonw»T. U. W. M. Brtuuia, LI. *• J. Dana*. Serft. J. C. Kum, Prt. Ju Murphy. m. k. o'Ckiubu. m. a. Tou«. IitIimIm i^aakiH. All ThoM Willing to A flit la B«II«rtn* the | Diltnu In Irmltad. KerretUa C mbIim*. •«*t. John Ferrla, Oorp. Tho*. Bjrrn*. Corp. K. Kcrruiaa. O jrp. D St. L Brawn, in F. OIlmxrtlD, Frt. Joha O'OoomU, Prt. D. Xerln, Prt. M. A. T—aej, 8«*t. 7«llx Boylo,« Oorp. Wm. Lluyd. Lt. f. J.) tnaue. Fl**r Ilia Oorp P. Mooahan, Oorp. Oao. Bluett, Pet. P. A Carroll. r*t. B. D. Boyla, Pvt. L. Mannlnf, Pvt Ju. Oolemao, Pvt. 1). A. M irlarty, Pet. Jo*. P. Brennan, Pvt. D. Ooubotlr. Pet. W. B. Cvrtgan. U.W.M. iMitau. PleorDirector... ....0. ITTAlS J. B. TOl/NO TtCKKTW• ■.h•*•••*••. 8® (Artmlttlnf Ueatlt mi aad Ladle*.) —— • Malic for th* occmIoo will b* farol*b*d by Varaty'i St rtmg Band. fell M PIPER'S OP] i&A HOUSE, VIRCINI. I CITY. JOHN PIPKR ~ I Proprietor I FOUR NIGH T3 ONLY ! —coxmi fflUMo Thunday Evening,, March 18,1880* CAPTAI H JACK Dramatic IJemblnation! LIFE ON TKE BORDER! CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD, —*crroBT* o ir— MISS COMSTANt 31 MURKILE —ax»- • Am EzNllnl Dram iatle Company. PRICE* OpTd MISSION: Dm* Olrcl*and Orcbettn Scat*... On* Dollar Gallery Kilty C ot( Keaerved Seata ...Fifty Oente »»tra Prlrato Bozi* At cording to Location Box Pheet sow open for :tb* rale of Raaereed B*at», from 10 to It a. n 'J to i and • to it r. m. le 1 W. ii. OI.iBU. i.l.lUTI W» H. CLAJL1 E A GO., STOCK BROKERS, NO. 41 MUTH V HTHKKT, Navida Bank Boll'dlnf. VIRGINIA CITY. NEVADA, Bu rnneltoo eoir—p—d— . a. a. VAU rtILD ft 00. 1 Md-B BANNER BROS. AMt rccfllTtd, the Lit—t and B ••f.Stylea af WINTER AND SF'RINO CLOTHING, fleitr Furalihlnr G«oi«, CHINCB1L.LA, DEAVER, DIAGONAL 0VBKOOi.TS AND UIVTIMi BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBIER GOOD!. Hal*, Cap*, BmIi Md SIMM, Bla» k«U, Trusks, YallMS. OREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! All Ooodi Marks 1 Down t» Par Cant. Lowar thin any Oil Mr flouia U Ik* Htata at BARRER BROTHERS, Caraar O ud Tarlar fltraata, VIUINIA, . . NEVADA JO FIRST-CUISS CLOTHING SOI.D AT LOW PRICE* —4* TO— NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE, 198 Main Street, Gold Hill. TTAVraa NCOCKKDKD TO TBI BU8I y l n«M of Frank Boakowlta, I Mn to In e°P'* °f °°,d 8111 TlclBl,y **** Genti' ud «oj»' Fine Clothln*, KUHNISBENCJ GOODS, In, At Baa Praadaeo prtc*«, aad gnaraiiiM aatlafac-1 tlon la all i _» WWMTBlTHAt. DR. CBO. C. MATHKW8, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN * ACCOUCHKUR. l*T Dublin and Kdlobnrgh) HIZPSXP.,** orrIcl I© mm _ QoM HLU, next to A. B. BUwut d»udSSS "na "»n« t»Uo<Ud Pfoupdj, • 10 A. M. to if m:*' ;lu5I0UB. 45 y i . h before the Public ~ E GENUINE J IS. C. McLANE'S LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for hi! the ills that HpsIi Id heir to." out in a • ctlon« of the Liver, and in all Dilioua C •mplainta, Dyspctmia, and Sick Head ui lie. or diseases of that character, they stand witliout a rival. ACUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to, or after taking quinine. Aa u simple purgative they arc unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Kach box has a red-wax seal on the lid. with the impression, McLANE'S LIVES PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. Mi-Lane and Flemmo Bros. ptr Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS, pre pared by 0 FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa* the market being full of Imitations of the name SteVanr, spelled differently, but same pmnunclat'-'n. INVALIDS AID 0THEB8 SEDEIHO HEALTH, STRENGTH and ENERGY, . WITHOUT TIIE USE OP DRUGS. ARE RE QUESTED TO 8END FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW, AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR- J KAL, WHICH M PUBLISHED * FOR KREK DI8TRIBUTIOK. TT TREATS upon IIK A LTII, II YdlKNK, ud Phfaf. X ca! Cullurt, kud la • cnoipl*t« *nt jrclop»dl* or InformAlinn fur In.alldj and lliow who auhr irou JI*r*ou<. Kih*uilln( and l'«irifui Dim***. K»rf aubjm thai b*ar* upon htallhand humto bipptara, tWflm tltrnllixi In It. |«(**: and lh» qu*«. tlon>aak*d hjrauffirring Inrallda, who h«ird**pair»4 of a cur*, Arc an«w*r»d, And talnabl* InfurmaUon U rolunlr*r*d to All ^ho ax* In nwd of in.dlral id. tip*. Th* *ubj*ct of El*ctrlc H.lla rtrw M.dlcln*. And lb* hundred and on* qu**liona of ntAl impor tant* lo «uff»riuf humanity, ar* duly co<uld*r*il •••■I ainlainaii. YOUNC MEN Asd Mh.r. who .nff.r fiom K.rroua and PbraleaJ txbiln;, l.oa. orMuilj VI*of. Pr.malur. Kibwm lion Mid th. many «loomy eonM|« of.ulf, ale., u« ..p«ially twnrlUd by WTb*tiXcTB*C RKVIEWaipoaaathauomitlijalad fraud, practiced by -luark. and m»dlral who profaaa to " pradio nifdicina," and pojnta ou« th« ool j uf«, sIbdU, and «lf«ctlv« rood w HmIIb, Vigor, and Bodily Kn*rfy. . fond your addrn* on (*mi»I card for * topjt u4 Jaformatloo worth thousands will bs md! you. Addr*M lh« publishers, PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO., 313 Montfomtry it., Dan fraiclaco, Cal. GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AMD— VARIETY STORE, MAIN BTKBET,...... GOLD HIM.. OppoaiU foil Mm! Market. Da THORBURN, % Proprietor. AQKNT FOB TBI OOLD HILL DAILY NKWS And Baa FrtocUco "Call," "Kxanlner" aid "tot." Eastern Periodicals ASD LATEST BEADIHtl MATTES. GIfiiBS AXD T0IACC08, SHUT MUSIC. 8HOW-OA8K OOODSa STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. ITO. PrtmpiiNi aid itilifettorj DmI> (■V SairaitMd. I GOLD HILL MARKET Nmi <nt ta Ik* Newa (Mm, L. T. POX. - PROPRIETOR At this market cam ■lira71 be found TBI CHOICEST "" "UTT°"- vlAt. AND UD8AOH. Oar anlm&li, being m We tad from the be* OtUie Kanchee la Narad* ud California, art alware health*. PRIVATE FAMILIES AND HOTELS will, Had It to thalr adraatage to pal roe lie thla Markot, where thej will alwaja be wppllad. with tha bait m*au tha eonntrj can afford. RENDERED TALLOW, for alll and — pai^>oee*,coa*tanUjon haad. ^ ^ ^ FREIGHT DELIVERY! , SOLD HILL NEVADA. JTAVHtQ MADE FULL ARRANGEMENT* *A for tha recaption aad delivery of all baS dr FR81QUT coming oyer tha VIRGINIA a>i AD to the OOLD HILL DEPOT from tha ltrtteet PARCELS OF GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE To the HEAVIEST MACHINERY, BOIL ERS, ETC., ETC.. I aai prepared to arwemmodate all vkotaln ■7 aerrleee la that Una, upon imm. fjtftlaa wlihlaa ma to receive aad datlrar (Mr fretfht will plaa** direct (Uppera to mark plainly—"Cara T 0., Qokl IIlII.™ • ■ THOMAS GALLAGHER London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE CO. ■ ■ ■ \ CAPITAL AND ASSETS: $8,459,976 00. Contract* mad* and pollciM laaaod fcy J. A. BRUM8EY, General Tire Insurance 40 ••■Ik C UrMl, Tliftnla. I I860. 1880. PIONEER LAUNDBY, NORTH OF VIRGINIA. 6. W. HAIL, ■ • Proprietor. rPTO OLD-ESTABLISHED AMD BMLU A tbU Uudr; la prajaiad to tan oat Of quantity of RaooTaUd and Clean Lints witn oat Mac damaged ny naalpnlatloa or hf '"JJScSily called tor and 10 l3P: omcES-Tboodofa Woira __ "Itt lataraattaaal Houi.o