Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS SATURDAY. : : MARCH 20. 1M0 HUU ■»»« location a. The land bill now under conaidsration by the Committee on Public Land* and M.oii and Mining, ia a very elaborate document, consisting of J82 sections, covering 134 printed pages. It embrace* in ita acope public agricultural, mineral, timber and deeert laads. Radical ohangss are provided for the disposition of the timber laada aa also and especially ia the location of mineral laada, which are of mnch interact to the people of Ne vada. Representative Daggett, in a re cent letter relative to thia important bill, say*: I especially direct attention to the min eral land sections, which abolish all local mining laws, and provide exclusively for eurface locations en gold and silver veins. The area ia left blank, but the language of the bill is that "all right to the minerals contained therein shall be confined within vertical planee passing downward through said straight boundary linee." All ol which meana that veina cannot be followed beyond their surface boundaries. Thia does not apply, of course, to claims alreadj located, but to such aa may be hereafter located. Thee* are very important changes, and the press aad people of Nevada should giv< them immediate consideration. The report of th* Commissioners has not yet been printed, but I am informed that th< changes are made on what ia repreeented to be the judgment of prominent mine owners in Nevada and elsewhere, aa well as the approval ef l'rofessor Clarence King. A Washington telegram of the 18tb instant, sino* Mr. Daggett's letter wai written, says that ths majority of tbi Committee have decided to spprov* th< section abolishing ledge locations and are ia favor of the adoption of tb* com moa law system of bounding claima bj vertical lines. The majority also voted to fix the maximum area of mining claima at twenty-one acres ; provided, that the length aball not in any caas uxo**d 1500 feet, and to giv* th* locatoi on* y*ar'a time after diecoveriug min erals to perfeot bia title, by paying $2 50 . per acre for his claim, inatead of ai at present. He is alao to b* allowed to hold bis claim for twelve montha by merely stakiug it off and applying for a survey. A minority of ths Committee dissented from theee propositions. Yes terday, the telegraph aaya, there wss s spirited discussion in the Committee on ths proposition to allow ths miner ons year after making his location in which to disoovsr minerala. Berry of Califor nia, and Campbell of Arizona, atrenu oualy opposed the proposition, but in visw of lbs fact that in some parte ol the country minerals are found from '.'0C to 300 feet below the surface, tbe Com mitt** determined to give th* proa pec toi on* year in which to find them. Tba Committe* agreed to th* amendment offend by Belford of Colorado, reducing ths pries of mineral lands from $5 to $2 50 p*r acre, snd alao to extend tbc tins for spplying for a patent from on* to two years. Thia •quart location propoeition would anawer better (or eoal fields or irregular beda of mineral depotiu, auoh aa those of Baatara Nevada or Colorado, than for the true flaaare quartz vein* of thia Stat* or California. Such v*ina ara rarely found atanding perfectly vertical, but ara inclined to dip to tha aaat or aonth or aoma other direction, therefore tha die coterer, until ha can definitely aacert uu at oomaidarable expenaa of labor and money, tha dip or inclination of hit ledge, would hardly ba able to locate hi* claim at all, except leogthwiaa of th< cropping*. Meanwhile if hia diacoTurj were of any appreciable value, othei ahrewd miners, inctead of locating " ex tenaiona," might locate on either aide o( him and have a pretty aura thing on getting hia ledge aooner or later. IIad thia rule been aatabliahed in the Aral history of the Comatock, tha original locationa would have been worked oul long ago, and the Gould £ Curry. Sav age, Ophir, Yellow Jacket and all the real of the old eatabliabed minea would now bo abeorbed by tha eaatern range* of locationa under entirely different nam**. ma enect wouia h«t« mo 10 dis courage and perhape prevent deep work inga, for no mining company would (aal diepoeed to axpand much money in heavy machinery to axplora or follow a ladga that waa evidently going away Irom them into an adjoining location to the eaat. Lat tha ora pay ever ao wall, tha oocnpany owning that adjoining loca tion would ba apt to think several timaa before ataiting a abaft from tka anrfaca to aink two or tbraa tboaaaud (act to intarcept that ladga, tba mora aapacially aa they would ba auppoacd not to ba in formed how wall tha ora bad paid, and whathar tha pay atreak extended into their ground or not. A company hold ing a ladga (rom tha aurfaoa and follow ing ita dip, extracting tha ora to pay for tha axplorationa downward, would have full confidence, backed up by their coatly works, heavy machinery and daap open inga already paid for. Thair only courae in aucb a caaa would be to aall out their improTemanta to tha winning company to tha beat advantage, or buy thair location. A good argument can ba mad* on aither aide of tha propoaition. Tba saw rule would work conaiderably toward tha prevention of monopoly and give mora people a chance. It certainly would effectually diapoae of tha one. ladga theory. Dewey 1 Co.'a SciaUifie Prtss Patent Agency baa received official notice of the iaana of tha following patenta to Pacific coaat inventor* for the waek ending llarah 9. 1880: 0. J. Backua, San Franciaoo, tin veaael; J. A. Ball, Oak land, Cal., attachment for dredging ma ebinea; E. O. Bennett, Santa Clara, Cal., paper-bag machine; J. K. Hogan, Placerville, Cal., peach atoner; L. B. Lathrop, Holliater, Cal., hay preaa; B. VT. Lewie, Sacramento, Cal., aignal lan tern; H. E. Wright and B. Shubb, Stockton, and J. Kleea, Sacramento, CaL, grain ae para tor. 1 THE rOKT HCOCT. With tha oomplimenta tod autograph of the author, Captain J. W. Crawford, better known aa "Captain Jack, the Poat Scout of tha Black Hille," tha Niwa haa received a copy of hi* recently publiahad book of poama. It ia a vary neatly arranged work of two hundred pagee, handaomely bound, and beara tha appropriate title of "Tha Poet Scont." It ia dedicated to hie comradea of tha Grand Army of tha llepnblio, and con* taina a aeleetion of hia original veraee and aonga for which he ia famous. Tbey are incidental and llluatrative of hia romantio and eventful life and exciting adventures in the wild inte rior of the continent, alao of hia more comparatively civilised life and inter courae with tha w hi tea. Hia poema and aonga ara vividly imbued with the im preaaiona of tha incidenta and acenea they depict, and occaaionally remind one of the peculiar poeay of Joaquin Millar, or Bret Harte. Some of them ara real game, and the whole form a very accep table addition to tha library of weetern literature. The portrait of Capt. Jack adorning the front page, ie a eplrlted and oorrect likeneaa, and alone worth the price of the book. New York Truth, March 12: Mr. Par nell'a departure yeatarday, for Europe, waa made the oocaaion of a demonatra tion by hia frienda. On the whole, he deaerved it. He haa dona noble work for hie oonntry, and had he eeparated the queetion of charity from that of pol itica, he would have been muoh mora auoeeeaful individually, and yet it ia doubtful if an much money would bave been collected in the aggregate for Ire land. The oppoaitlon of the Preaa to hia plan of action reeulted in the collec tion of almoat half a million dollara from other aourcea. Ha himaalf got together eome $'200,000. The aingularity of it ia that ao little, either of thia money or of the lltrald fund, haa yet reached thoae who are Buffering. No one doubta Mr. Parnell'e hotieely, however, nor that of tha gentlemen co-operating with him. But it ia a miatake to hold thia money back for political reaaona. One thing ia certain. Hia viait to thia country will reault in hia re-election to Parliament by an overwhelming majority. The Virginia CluvnicU baa adopted tba Keno Journal style of editorial para graph! filling tba first column on the second page. It is a very commendable improvement and complimentary to Senator Powning of tba Journal. Its jerky, spaamodio, Brick Pomeroy, Oka lam Statts imitation in leading editoriala ia reprehensible and abonld be avoided in tba future. Dr. Samuel Langdon, of Btockton, California, where he haa lived for tba paat 31 yeara, died day before yeeterday of dropay. Ha waa 5S years of age and generally well known in California aa wall aa in tbia State, having bad obarge of the Nevada insane patients at Stock ton for aotne yeara paat. A correspondent of tha New York Tuitu from Augusta, Ga., aaya that the growth of an independent sentiment in that State ia ao atrong as to give fair hopea of carrying it by a ticket made up of Grant and Stephene. Broken Down. A oorraapondent of thaN. Y. Xnes and Courier, under date of March 6, givea the following intereating information relative to the preeent physical oondilion of the old Democratic Preaidential chief: I had occaaion to addreea a few worda to Mr. S. J. Tilden today on a matter not related to politica, and waa aurprised to see bow infirm the old man baa be come sinoe the campaign of 187G. I bad a good deal of buaineea which often brought me into contact with him in the fall of 1876, ao that I know pretty well what hia condition waa then. From a bale old man be baa changed ao that be apparently belonge more properly in the rauka of tboae who have finished tbie life'a work than among the conteetanta for politioal honors. He appeared today to be aa weak and infirm aa a man SO yeara old. Uta handa shook as with palay ; hia eyee wandered about in the vacant manner peculiar to very old men near their laat end. I also noticed what appeared to be a atrauge effort on his part to oonceal the tremor of hia handa; aa if in the hope of steady ing them he made several efforta to graap hia watch ebain, always failing, because hia old fingers would not oloae tightly around it. He walka alowly, with an ainble suggestive of great age or infirmity. Ho may be a cunning old fox, aa bis enemies auggeat, but he ia a vary feebls old fox, who can scaroely hope to live much longer and certainly not to do any active work. A Novel Encounter. .Van t'rnncifo Ckroniclt. .Varrk 18. A littl* affray occurrad about 11 o'olook Teaterday morning at the Teutouia Hall, 338 Baah a treat, which waa not atrictly pugiliatio. A half-witted boy, wall known in tba city, atood on tba oorner of Halatead tarraca and Bath uraet cry ing, and attractad a crowd. Oua aym patbixing auditor, aaoertainiog that ha had baan atruek in tba fae« by a man, deairad to meet tba attacking parly lor pnrpoaaa of pnaiahmant. He waa pointed out and tba act faatened upon bio by tba teatimony of aatiral witnaaaaa. Tba eapouaar of tba eauaa of tba nnfortunata boy approachad bin and aaid: "You atruck a helpleaa boy. Ain't yon aahamed of yooraalf? Now, I am going to puniah you. I don't atoop to taka my banda out of my pockrta to lick • acrub who la low enoogh to atrikaa boy." Thereupon (with bia banda in hia pockata) ha at tacked hia opponent with bia head, but ting him with great dexterity and effect, knocking him down tbrea or four timaa befura ha could gain hia aalf poaaaaaioa. Thia aummary couraa waa ao effective aa to completely vanqaiah tba attacked party. Tba barkeeper interfered and put a atop to the tight. Beaoll, a bleed tag noaa and a darkened aye. Upon injury it waa aacartainad that tba "bat tar who ao magnanlmooaly eapoaed the cauaa of the poor boy waa Oil. Fowler, of Paget Sound, wall known in »porting circlea, who aoma time aince engaged in a butting matah for thirty fire miaatea. Tba roada to Coaao are now la flrat olaaa condition all the way. WESTERN DISPATCHES. Mlicellmeooa. Six Francisco, March 19.—Count do Leeeeps yssterday paid * visit to Chiaa town. He manifested mo oh iutereat in hia gloomy aurroundinga and declared that it form ad a picture only to be equaled in its Oriental squalor by simi lar acenea in the land of the aun, or tho moon, or in the eeaporta of India. Hia. little daughter Ferdinande, nicknamed "Tototr"is hia constant companion, and rarely leaves her bon papa for an inatant. At the phetographer'a yester day the bright-eyed, fair-skinned and raven-locked child was on hia Up; at the Board of Trade she waa seated on the table, playing with hia hand; at the theater "ahe waa again by hia aide, and eo too in Chinatown. A moment'a looaeniog of the hand, and a little voice exclaimed: "Do not let go of your little Totote." Totote ia an nn usually vivacioue and pert little girl, and she and her venerable papa are insepara ble oompaniona. Yesterday afternoon at about half-past 2 o'clock Mrs. Belloc, wife of Hyppolite Belloc, of the firm of Belloe Frerea, bankers of tbia city, oommitted auieide in the old Miaaion cemetery by taking poison. Domestic troublee are aupposed to be the oauae. The counterfeit trade dollars found in circulation in tbia city bear the atamp of the Caraon Hint, and are of the ex act weight of the genuine dollara, but are smaller in aize than the San Fran cisco Mint dollar ooinage. The counter feit ia a daogeroua one, and might be eaaily miataken for the genuine. The authorities believe that tbeae trade dollara are manufactured in China. They are extenaivaly circulated in Hong kong, Shanghai, Canton and other Chi nese ports. Ouerrero laat night had made 272 miles, with Soott close up, be having 206 to hia credit. "Professor" Allen creates muoh merriment by bia eccen tricities. Miaa Lee and Miaa Cline each had 295 to their credit, oounting the 125 miles allowed the women on the start. John W. Schimp, an old and well known resident, polioe officer, ex-fireman and pioneer, died today, aged 55. He waa a native of Baltimore. WniouT'a, March 19.—The workmen in tunnel No. 3 on the Sonth Paciflo Coast ltailway have met. At 5 o'elook the eperture waa large enough to admit the paeaage of men back and forth. Mabysville, March 19.—Nearly $400 waa uetted to the Irieh Belief Fund by laat evening'a entertainment, wbiob, added to the former contributions, makes nearly $1100 aent from thia city. Pobtland, Oregon, March 19.—A se rious stabbing affair took place laat night at a ball held in Wheatland, Marion county, between John McClure, Cbarlea Harpole and Dick Plowman. In the general melee McClure received a very dnngeroua atab in the back. Tbe difficulty originated in an old grudge between tbe partiee. Harpole and Plow man are both under arreat. Walla Walla, W. T., Mareh 19.— Wm. Cullen, Secretary of tbe Iriah Belief Committoe, reporta that nearly $1000 haa been collected. J. M. Ward gave a benefit on 8t. Patrick'a night at the City Hall for the eame purpose to a crowded house. COSaiEUIOHAI. R«UIU. Wasmxotox, March 19—Ssversl oom muuicationa wsrs received from the Department*, including a copy of the report ot the Commiaaioner ol the Gen eral Land Office on Indian Territory, tb« tribe* and the amount of landa granted to railroad* in the Territory. The President sent to the Senate the following nomination* : Consul*— Bret Ilarte, at Olaagow ; W. P. Mangum, of North Carolina, at Tien Tain ; A. C. Joues, of Weat Virginia, at Nagaaki, and Joieph C. A. Wingsts, of New Hsmp shirr, at Foo Chow. For Poatmaater, Daniel Choate, at San Diego, Califor nia. Omn. Wright, from th* Labor Committee, reported • resolution requesting ths President to notify ths Chinsss govern ment tbst it is the desire ot the United Ststes tbst ths clausss in ths trsatia* which allow and permit amigrstion of the subjects and citizena of ths two countries bs abrogated and annulled. Calendar. Ths minority report wu also ordered printed. The Houss went st ones into commit tee on the Special Deficiency bill. After a apirited debate Ewing appealed to ths Democrats to acoept Garfleld'a compro mise snd modify those bad eleotion laws, so ss to maka thsm non-partisan, othsr wise ths cry ot nullification would go up all over the North. llawley excitedly dsclsrsd that the Republican party tendered no compro miss. It execrated the word. Spriagsr's amendment to Garfleld'a substitute, providing that gsnsral Dep uty Marshals bs sppointsd by ths United States Judgea, waa adopted; alao, the amendment that United Statea Marahala shall not receive over three day'a pay. Tucker gave notice that ha would offer resolutions in lieu of thoae reported by tbo Select Committee on the Inter* Oceanic Canal, declaring it the duty of Congress to affirm that whether ths canal be constructed by foreign governments or by oorporationa deriving their being snd authority from foreign governmenta, the United State* will aaeert and main tain their right to aee that nothing ahall be done in the premlees which shall not lully secure free snd nnrestrictsd com merce and intercoarss by msana of auch •u intsrocsanio highway. Como items. I.yoH County Timtt, Martlt 20. Tilden bu just on* supporter in Como. This is a (air average. Id the North Rspidsn they art bow drifting north oa ths 185 foot level. The May Day is now down 80 feet, and ainking in hard rock. They expect to cot their ledge in a few days. Adam Welter, the millmen, has at tached the Eareka mine. He olaima that the Eareka Company owes him between $1500 and $1C00. Como atands for the Presidential'can didates aa follows: Grant, 13; Blaine, 11; Hsndrioks, 2; Sherman, 4; Thar man, 3; Tilden, 1; Conkling, 3. The North Rapidan Company are taking oat ore from their mine. The Welter mill will atart on ore from that 1 mine as soon aa auffloient is extracted to keep the mill running. The laat ran of North Bapidan ore at I Welter'* mill, about 19 tone, went a Ut ile over $16 per ton. The ownera are veil pleased at the reaalt, aa aboat one Ualf waa ore which they oonaidered waste. "John, we won't have potatoes enough lor dinner with ao muoh oompany; what - ■hall we do?" "Tell them we're loet ' jar potato-maaher, and the girl had to jump on them. They won't ask lor' < wy," aaid John. j n THS U'HOI.K history Of M idle In* do pre»*r*tloa ha* *ver pe rformed toch marrtloo* curat, or malnttlaod to wld* * reputation, u Ain't Oiiut PacToaau which It recognUed tt the world'* remedy for til dltMMt of tht throat tnd lungi. It* long continued eerie* of woiidtrfal cure* la til oil sat** hat mad* It onlvortally kaowa a* a *af* tad rellablt tgtnt to tnploy. Agalaat ordinary cold*, which art tbt forerunner* of more *erl oo* dltorder*. it tclt ipetdlly and tartly, al waya relieving cofftrlag, tad oftan Mvlng lift. Tbt protaoUon It afford* by Itt tlm*ly at« la tbt throat tad lung dlrcrdtrt tf children, makrt It ta Invaluable remedy to be kept tlwayt on hand la tvtry home. No pi non can afford to bo without It, and thoae who hart onco natd It nerer will. From their kaowlodgt of It* com poaltloo tad effect*, Pbytlclaa* dm tbt CmaaT Pictobal extenelvely ta their practlct, tad Clergymen recommend It. It It tbtoluUly car. ttla In lit remedial effecta, aad will alwtyt care what caret are poeelble. Tb WHEN PI.AGL'ED BY TUB VAGAHIBH Of a disordered liter, tht bllloo* need eipect to dtrlvt no ptnaaaent relief from tht a*t of colomtl, blot pill, or tbt barbtron* cathartic* aow hipplly lot lag ground In central and pro feeelonal arilmatlon. Th**a reap, convoke and wttktn tht *y*ttm, bat Ho* tetter** atom acb Bitter* relieve, regulate and Invigorate It. Thoae tlgnlOcant pain* la tb* Uvtr. tbt NffroD hoe which It* derangement oommanlcate* to tht akin, tht Imparity of tbt blood, conitlpa tlon, furred ooudltloo of tbt tonga* tad oon tamlaatloa of tbt breath which retail from bllloata*** are tntlrely, tptedlly and pleat antly removed by tali bantflrent alter*!let. which I* Ukrwlat a potent remedy for cblll* and ftrer and It* bwt preeantlve. While tbt ■yilim 1* regulated and poriDtd, It la alto thoroughly Invigorated by tblt aoptrlttlvely floe medicine, which I* of botaalc origin, and oontaln* none bat ralatary ingradleat*. Tb* mid leal fraternity highly commead It. VACANT*PLACES la tht dental rank* will nerer occur If jrou are particolar with your teeth, aad cleaaat them every day with that famoat looth-waeh BOZO. DONT. Prom yoalb to old agt It will ketp tht eaamel epotlee* and unimpaired. Tbt teeth of pereon* woo uee HOZODONT h*Tt a ptarl-l'k* whlteaoea, and the gum* a roevate hue, while the breath 1* perilled, and rendered •weet and fragrant. It 1* composed of rare antiseptic herb* and I* entirely fre* from tb* obJectlonibl* and lnjurlon* lngredlenti of tooth put**, *to. 10 A CAKD. To all who are (offering from tb* error* and I Indlacretloa* of yoo'h, nervou* wtaknean, early decay, loe* of manhood, tie , I will **od a re col pe that will cur* you.FRBB UP OBAHQK Thl* great remedy wa* dlecorertd by a minion try la South Amerlct. Hand a leif.addreeaed envelope to the Hir. Jotaru T. Ixmak, Station V, New York city. jail ly BORN. In Vlmlnlt, March IT, to the wife of John W. Mabood. a eon. In Virginia, March IT, to tb* wlf* of M. Boienberg, a ton. MARRIED. In Gold Bill, March II. by >atber Cain, T H. Smith, of Budl*, to Ntlllt OOounell, of UolJ Bill. DIED. la Albany, New York, March 11 Mra. B. Iaaac*. motb*r of I. M. laaaca, of Vlrglola City, | aged TS year*. NEW TODAY. PIPER'S OPERA H0USEf VIRGINIA CITY. ' JOHN PIPIR Proprietor FOUR NICHT8 ONLY ! Thli (litnrdaj) Evening, MARCH 10, 1MQ. CAPTAIN JACK Dramatic Combination! Thla •Ttnlof, Samnel W. Smltb'i Romutlc Drauia, entitled CALIFORNIA THROUGH DEATH VALLEY! Iatraduction of Specialty* In First Act: CAPTAIN JACK CRAWFORD Will recite hi* braatlfnl Ori«latl Poem, entitled •'The Mutber'e Prejer." W. 0. CR08BIEH Dutch Song end Dtnoo, tod Unltatlone of Prominent Actors of the day by IIIIIELL BASSET. PRICKS OF ADMISSION: Dm* Olrcl* and Orcbeitra 8 eat*...One Dollar Gallery Fifty C«nta Heeerred Heat* Kitty Ovate kitra Prtrate Boxte Aocordlog to Location Box fheet now open for the *ale of Reeerred Beau, from 10 to II a. a.; J to 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. 20 LITCHFIELD A THURMAN, UNDERTAKERS, Next door north of Ulnars' Union Hall, MAIN MTItBBT • • GOLD IIILL MKS9RH. UTCHFIILD k THURVAH AM prepared to furnish on »tipllc*tlon every thing opxlisl In the Undertaking lis*. All order* left with Item will b« promptly executed on rtasonsblu termi. 'S30 lm V. II. OZ*ABU« J. ■. I V. H. CLARKE A CO., STOCK BROKERS, NO. 41 SOUTH O STREET, Nevada Bank Bnlldlaf, VIRGINIA PITY. NEVADA. San Pranctaoo correepondect, I. WAKE PIELD k CO. 1 ned-m OR. A. CHAPMAN. I U R O IO N • D I N T I 8 T, PROM NEVADA OITT, OKUTOK-gmm 1 ala. Permanently located at Vlr-WJW rlnla 01 ty. Ottos, 110 SOUTH 0 BTBBtT. Jstisfectlrra guaranteed. as*) ■ DITCHTC obtained tor mechanical do lA I CI1 I O *lcee. medical or otter earn pounds, ornamental designs trademarks and Isbsls. Caveats, assignments, Interferenoee, Appeals, Bolts for Infringements ud all cases arising under Us PATENT LAWS promptly sttendsd to. INTENTIONS THAT HATE BEEN DC ICPTCn *>▼ ">• Nteal Offles mar nULb I LU still. In most oases, be pat ented by as. Being oppo (Its the Patent Office, we can make closer narchee, and seen re Patents mors promptly, tad with broader claims, ttas ttoss who are ■mots from Waahlacton. INUPNTflDC sand os a modal or sketch invcn I UllO or yonrdevtesi wsmaks oamlnstlenf nU> 0» maaoB, end ad rise aa to patantabllity. PHcss ow. aad MO OKABQE UNLESS PATENT 18 IE0UBED. Ws refer to offlclals la ths Patent Office, tc mr dlanta la erery state of tie Union, and to ■oar Senators and Representative la Oonre* Ipsatsl refsraooee given whan desired. „ _. a a. mow k oo. Opposite Patent Office, Waaklngtee, D. 0. MM FOUND, ryr the itrkit in sold hill, a ^ small gold bracelet. with • name en*rayed in ths claap. The ownar caa flad It at tbr Uws affica. ml»» W te ttOKA' ox k Oo., Portland, Xalaa. baa.' Addnsa •*!■-1 0MTH1SB HOUSES. BANNER BROS. JuirccalT«l.lb4 "• • l and BaatjBtjIaa ot WIMTCR AND SPRING CLOTHING, fleiti' Furilablif floods, CillMt'UaU, BKAVKB, DIAGONAL OYER COATS AMD ULSTBK* BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER GOOOt. • ■Mil Cmpm, Bnii and Mm*. BIm* kau, Truiki, T»IIM. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! All Goods Barkad Down W Par Cant. Lowar tkan u; uUiar Hoaaa la Ua Blata at BANNER BROTHERS, Caraar C mad Ttrlar Ulraata. TIKOINM, . . NKTADA Jai FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING HOLD AT MW PBICBH —AT TO— NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE, 198 Main Street, Gold Hill. HAVtllQ 8UCCIXDID TO TBB BU8I naaa af J rank Boakowiu, I daalra to in (arm tha pcop\ of OoJd HUi and tlclalty tbit I will sail Genti* and Boji* fine Clothing, VUBMMHING GOOD*, Kte., At 8an Pranclaeo price,, and guarantaa iatlifac tion in all cm—. II MAM I.AVKNTIIAI,. 8a Wa CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN MTKBKTi OOI.D HILL. — DIALER IK— BLANK ROOK* NTATIONRRY, JKWHI.RY, SCHOOL BOOKS, C'UTLKRT, TOTS, Bie. Aftol for th. 8ta FrtocUoo DtUf CHRONICLE, BULLETIN.*: EXAMINER, -An- ALTA. EA8TERN PIOTORIAL8, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. is" W. N. HALL & CO., MA1N9TKIBT. ........ GOLD^HILLy —WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALEAI X*— HARDWARE, Of mry dMcrlptloD, Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware OAS PIPS AND FITTINGS. POWDER. FUSE.: ROPE AND SLOCKS, SHOVELS. PlVKtti HANDLES, NAILS, Millland Mining Supplies. An oteMlra Mid mparlor aMortiMst of MECHANICS' TOOLS, Of all kind,. GALVANIZED IRON PIPING. Or *11 iIim, Dud* to enUr at ihort notic.. II W. I. HALL * CO. D.a,«UUtni, LB.MIM, GALLATIN ft F0L80M. GOLD HILL. NKVAOA. ....luuu n,M HARDWARE. Iron, Steel,; Coal, Stores, fin Ware/ rust, ruwutn, Hurt, dluuko. QAM FIFE AND FITTING*,; BhoreU. Plck>, Handles, IfalLh ■Ullnc ud MiBlAf Goo* GALVANIZED IRON PIP« MADH TO ORDMT. AORNTfl FOR Albany Mtobla* Oil ud Lnbrtcatln« Oomponnd 10 m HO PiTEK^NO PAT. PATENTS nnifflID FOB MICHiNIOAL 0XV10X8, w medical or other compound*, ornamental daatfoa. trad* mark* and labela. Careata, It (icsibmU, ImtarftracM, Infringement* and all matun ralatlnf to Patanta promptly attaod ad to We maka prelim Inatr "—'"'i-t ^ fornlah oplnlona aa to patentability, free of charga. and all who are Is ten* tad In Dew In Tea tlona and FatanU are invited to aaad for a aopy of oar " 0aide for Obtaining Patanta," which la Mnt free to any addreaa, and contain* oom plata tnitrnctlona how to obtain Patent*, and other ralaiole matter. Darin* the put flea yaaia wa hare obtained Marly three Utowaad patarta for Aaarioan and fbralpt Invantun, and ^£^2$:«'~-l-al»o*W, •oUdtoraofffia^S^uw, LaDroit Balldlnf. WuhSS^D O * |yi» OtOOBRIlS, PROVISIONS, ItC. GROCERY STORE RICHARD MERCER, MAIN 8TRBET. GOLD HILL. FAMILY & FANCY 6&0CBUBI NOW ON BAND AND POK SALS CHEAP FOB OAbH. A Largo AMortmeol ol GROCERIES AND PhO VISIONS dlrtct from the (kUTornU Mv keU, conprUioi In put: TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE, 8PI0E8 OAS TBUIT, DBIED FRUIT, SYRUPS, OYSTERS, KICK FLOUR, BIOS, CAN DLES, BUTTER. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEST OF WINES AND LIOUORS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tarooodf Delivered Irm of Ctuuce. In BlOHiBD MIBC'EK. F. W. FOLSOM, Mmlm UfNl 0*ld 11111. (Sooceuor to HublQKiD k KoUomJ WhoIeiaJe tod Retail De«l«r lo FAMILY GROCERIES, P&OVISIONSt Etc. SOLE AOENT IN QOL1J BILL FOK MRS. MILLS' OHAMPAQNB BAKING POWDER, ^>UK BIST IN TBB MARKET-ONLT rtqulrw tulf the quota/ of mjt other kind. j^LL f AKTIK8 INDEBTED TO TBE LATE Om of ROBINSON * FOLSOM in requested to CALL AND SETTLE fJIHBIR ACCOUNTS WITHOUT kDELAY • nd uv, comIm. 4 J. & J. B. MALLOW, O StrMt, mt to tbe Bilk of C*ll« fbrnla BnlldlBf, VIRGINIA CITV, NKVADA, yy HOLBBAL* AND RETAIL DIAim tirocerles and Provisions, Croekerr u4 Woodaawnra, Cklaa (Mi ud Freaok Cat Glaae, Oil u4 OudlMt Flaar aad Food, Kte.f Sioh Ble. WINKS AND~LIQUOR8 Of Ik* Brat aaality oalr. BRANDY. PORT aad HliBRRY WINB for medlolaal aaa. Ti call Ike ipeeial attention of KIM and Mill 8ap*rltiten<l*ot* to oar larg* and com pUta tloek of Oil* and Candle* for mill and mining porno***- W* offer thai olaaa of good, at a* LOW FIGURES u th*y can be landed (torn any part of the United Btataa, tboa enabling mill* asdjnlne* on tbe Comttock to porchaa* Oil*, Candle*, etc., aa ck*ap In Vlr gtala aa the; can either In Ban t ranclaco o* Lbe Kaat, wltb a guarantee or obtaining flrat olaaa good*, delivered free of charge aI Um mlm* in Virginia or Gold H1U. J. * J. B. MALLOW, K Vlnrlnla, Nrrada. V. LEMERY, Wkeleeale' and Batall Dealer la GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOWER GOLD HILL. Always on band a bklbot abbobt. mint of Groceries and Provisions W1NRS aad LIQUORri, TOBACCO a«d.CIGARS, FLOUR GRAIN. BARDWAKB a ad CROCKERY. DRY GOODS * YANRBB NOTION*. Gentleman'i FurnHhlng Oooas, eu. Alao the following French Good*: Petit* Pol* Flat, Oepee a r Halle Haricot* Veru, Ollrs* Farclc*, Champignon*, Ancbol* Pate* Trufl**. B*w1la«» a 1'BaUa. N. B.—Partlee wtiklng to bar In Iota to rait, for cMh oa d*ll»*rjr, nay Qud It to their ad ▼antag* to call In, examine tb* good* and la qolr* of prloee. Good* delivered free ot charge. ■M V.LBRBBY. VIRGINIA ....AND.... eOLO HILL OMNIBUS, noiqTBOTXKO wrrn the oabs at ooll O Hill to and tromOaraon. Will maka racalar irlpa batwaan tba 1UM1 at altfier end of tba route, aa frequently aa tba Hat* of tba road will allow, man 8 o'clock a k. till I o'clock r. x. law J3 Uaato. Altar N a. M float■ HA8BROUCK & HALL, (Soccaaaora to A. B. Btawart it Oo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Oppoalta Tallow Jackat loglna Boaaa, MAIN HTBBKTi . • GOLD HILL Rbxf a FULL 8 TO OX or FORI DRC08 and Medleloaa, Perfumery, Kancy Aril clea. ato. Mr. Baabronck, a gradoata of Pkar mac*, baa cbarsa of tba Prescription Dep»rt roant. Praacrlptlona carefully coaapoanded day and night. Rafarrlng to tba abora. wa rarommaod tba naw firm to Iba raaldania of Oold BUI and TlcUi lty and aolldt a cootlonaaca of tba mtrooaga baatowad oo aa. A. B. STEWART * OO. . 13 DR. GKOa C. MATHKW8, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN it ACCOUCHEUR. (of Dublin and Edinburgh) Has removed bis omob to xaix atraat, Oold BI1L naxt to A. B. Btawart * Oo.'a Drue Hfra. lilla attandad promptly, day and algbt. Offloa kuora: 10 a. m. to 11 • toar. *. 11 ■n/TANHOOD llL BBSZOBBD jsssastte-^saasssfsi gdatabroaibt on by IndtaaraUon wuma Am t. I MISCELLANEOUS. 45 Yearn before the Pub THE CENUIN « DK. C.I LANE'S LITER PILLS are not recommends! as a remedy 'Sfor all the ills that flesh is heir to." hud in affections of the Liver, and in all llilibus Complaints, Dyspeiwia, and Pick Iload ache, or diseases of that charm ti r, tfioy stand without a rival. . ACUE AND FEVEc . No better cathartic can be umiJ pre paratory to, or after taking quinine. Aa a simple purgative they are unttjuuled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine an- never sugar-coated. Kach bo* has a red-wax seal on the lid, with thoimpression, McLAN'E'8LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the sign** tures of C. McLank and Flemino Bros. StT Insist upon hnving the genuine DbTc. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS, pre pared by FLEXING BROS., Plttabnrgh, Pi, the market being full of imitations ot the name s;>vllcd differently, but same pronunciation. INVALIDS" AND OTHERS 8EEIIH0 HEALTH, STRENGTH and ENERGY, WITHOUT TIIE USE OK DRUGS, ARE RE QUIRTED TO HEM> FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW, AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR- J NAL, WHICH IS PUBLISHED KOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. T T TIIEAT* upon 1IKAI.T1I, II ViilEN E, ud Phrtf A cm I < 'iiliur-, Kti'l ii aronipl.l* •ncfdoMdlt of Information tor Inrill4i and th«M« vhu lufftr horn Krtou., Eibau.ting slid Painful Dimuh. K»»ff ■utj-ci I ti» brut ujmiii li.allh and human hippiiw, rMvIm atl.ntliMi in it. and Ihr mu; quM lion. aakod by .uff.nng invalid., who ba.adnpalrtd ,.f a cur>, »r« an.w»r»d, and taluabl* informaiioa la >nlunl>*t»d lo *11 <U»i »i» In nwd or mnlMil W nw. Th. .uhjM-t of Eknur BrlU amw Madiclaa, Mi l lb# hundred and our au»ation. of vital impor lanra lo .ulf*rin( humanity, aia duly cmuidrrad ud aiplainrd. YOUNG MEN And others who auffrr flout N*rvou« and Phytic*! liability. Lum oPManly Vigor. 1'rmiaturo Kih*u*» lion and tho many gloomy conft+quoncao of tarlf indiscretion, are e«|<*cialljr b*n«fit#d by cuo MiKrmwi, «» * "i « "j h. i ii ECTMCIK VIEW mmhilh. unmltl*aUd fraud. |>r.ct!<*«*d by quatk. and medi'-.l ' who prof... lo " prarii<-» m^dicin., and the on If *af«, •ironU, and rfT«ctif« road lo noaita. Vigor, and Bodily Xftorgy. - mm four addroa* on po»ul card foe a copy, toMmalion worth thousand* will U hu! you. AddroM th# |iubh»h»r«, PULVERMACHER GALVANIC C0N ill Monlfomtry it.. San rrancUco, Cat. GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AHD— VARIETY STORE, 3I4IN STREET, GOLD HILL, Oppoalto Toil Matt Kirktl. Da THORBURN, Proprietor. AOKMT FOR THE OOLD HILL DAILY NIW8 iod tan Franclaco "Call," "kxinlner" aid MPo«t." Eastern Periodicals AMD LATEST BEAOIMU HATTER. CIGARS AHD~TOBACCOS, SMUT MUSIC. SHOW-OASE GOODS. STATIONS RY, SOHOOL BOOKS. TOY!, ■ T o. Pramplaaat aoS l«llilk<torj DmI> las OiinwlNd. 1 GOLD HILL MARKET Nazi daar la lka Nawa OStea. L.T. FOX. - PROPRIETOR At this ma rut can alwayi b« fonnd TBI OBOIOXIT MUTTON. PORK AND SAUSAGES. V,AL' Onr anlmali, beiOK aelacted from lh« bM 1 Cattle Ranehea la Nerada and California, an at*art health/. PIUVATE FAMILIES AND H0TXL8 wlU And It to their advantage to patroolaa thla Market, where they will alwajrt ba upolled I with the beat meau the eoontrj can atford. RENDERED TALLOW, for mill and mlnlat' porpo#ei,con«un 0 jron hand. ^ ^ I FREI8HT OELIVERY! GOLD HILL NEVADA. CTAvnra madi full AKRA/vanuoro n for the r«caption and dellTtir of all Hada Of FKKIUQT comine orar the VIBG1HU u4 TBUCUI KA1LK0AD to UM GOLD HlLL DEPOT from the ItfbtMt PABCILH OF OOOD8 ui UKNKRAL MlllCBAMDMI To tha BXAVIX8T MACHINIKY, BOIL. IKS, ETC., XTO., 1 am praparad to accommodate all who daalra my aerrloee In that Us a, upon Partiaa wlahlac ma to receive and deliver tbalr freight will piawa direct ttaJppera to mark plainly-"CanT. Q.,Ooki Iitu" • m THOMAH oallauhih London and Lancashire FIRE INSURANCE CO. (Capital and assets: $8,459,976 00. Oontracta made and pollcloa Lnuad by J. A. BRUMSKY, General Fire Intnrance Ajeni, 48 loath C ItrMt, Vlrilala. 1 I860. 1880. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA. 6. W. HILL* • • Proprietor. rp HIS OLD-I8TABLUH KD AMD K*LX A *ble Laundry la prepared to tara oat aay quantity of Beooralod And Clean Linen wim oat be In* dimwad by manipulation at by Itaailfl application. FioVataa punctually called tor and ra "oTPiOKS-Theodora WolTa OloUlnf BMa, £3* A"-*, r-, tfflfi • wtak la yoar own tows. Tenne and BlftS'AX **"" • I