Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAY. : : : MABCH 34, IMP "our LIVE BUSINESS MEN. AdnrUilas »»■!■*— €*••»•• mma rmnHtr All WlM Haf* T»W 1*» AMUSEMENTS. Pipers' Opers Hon*. Virginia Oily. BANKERS. Inner Nersds Bank of San Francisco. 0 itreet, Virginia City. BROKERS. L. P. Drexler A Co.. offloe In Odd fel lows' Building. Virginia City.' L. B. Franksl A Co., Main street. Geld Hill. T. R. McOnrn, 106 8outh C sirest, Tir glnia City. _ A. _ Doo|Um A Tbompeoo, 62 Sooth C •treet. Virs:uia City. w t . W. H. Clark* A Co.. 51 South 0 street. VirginU City. CLOTHINO AND FURNISHING GOODS. F. Boskowiu. Main street. Oold Hill. Banner Bros., Corner C and Taylor | streets, Virginia. __. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 0. H. Oallap. in Maynard Block. Main I Street, Gold Hill. D. Tborbnrn. opposite N«ws offles, Main street, Oold Hill. DENTIST. A. Chapman, ISO South 0 street, Vir-1 gioia City. fancy goods. D. Tborbnrn, Main street, Gold Hill. 8. W. Cbubbnek, l'ostofflcs store, Maiu street, Oold Dill. FOUNDRIES. Oold Hill Foundry. Lower Oold Hill. Qsorgs Emmet, proprietor. Fulton Foundry, on ths Divide, W. B. Eokbart, SuperiuU-ndent. Virginia Foundry, on Railroad, near Julia mine, Virginia City, Fraser A Cum sings, proprietors. FREIGHT DELIVERY. Thomas Gallagher, utUce near railroad depot. Gold 11 ill. FIBE INSURANCE. J. A. Bruinsey, ii South C street, Vir ginia. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. V. Lemery, Main strest. Lower Gold Hill. F. W. Folsom, Main strest. Oold Hill. Riobard Mercer, Main street. Gold Hill. J. A I. D, Mallon, 0 street, Virginia City. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Gold Hill Bakery and Restaurant, Male street. Oold Hill;- J. P. Becker, Pro prietor. French Restaurant, Main strest, Gold Hill, Geo. Duprey. Proprietor. City Bakery, 27 North C street. Virginia City; FiUmeisr A Armbrust, Proprie tors. HARDWARE. Oallatin A Folsom, Main strsot, Gold Hill. W. N. Hall A Co.. Main street, Gold Hill. LAUNDRY. Pioneer Lanndry. north of Virginia Oity; O. W. Hall, Proprietor. MARKETS. L. T. Fox. Main street, Oold Hill. NEWS DEPOT. D. Thorburn, opposite Nxws office, Main strset, Gold Hill. 8. W. Chnbbuok, l'ostoffice store, Oold Hill. PHYSICIANS AND 8UROEONS. Dr. Oeo. C. Mathews, Main street. Oold Hill Dr. A. Anderson. Main strest. Oold Hill; Dr. J. U. Hall. Main strset. Gold Hill. SALOONS. Oomstock Exchange, opposite Liberty Engine House. T. E. Fincb. Agent. Fashion, Main strest. Gold Hill; Chris. Wsidemann. proprietor. Bank Exchange, Main strest. Gold Hill; E. F. McKvnu«y, proprietor. Gibson's. Main street. Gold Hill; W. D. 0. Gibson, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Thomas Gallaghsr, near railroad depot, Oold Hill. IISI'KLLASKOI*. THE SUN FOR 1880. Tbb Ben will d*al with the initl of lb* year 1MU In lu owu tiihlBO, bow pretty well aidintotd by everybody. Prom Jutuy 1 until DeMBlwt II It will be conducted a* I a*w*p*per, written la the Kn«hah language, tad p risked fir I be people. A* a D*W*P*P«T. Tbb 8cm believe* In lulling all tbe sew* of Ike world promptly, and pre eeatlag It la tbe moat Intelligible *hape— tbe ahapo that will enable It* reader* to keep well •breaat of tbe age wltb tbe leaat unproductive expenditure of time. Tbe greater! Internet to tbe imliM aamber-that la tbe law contrul llag 11* dally make up. It baa now a circulation very mock larger tbaa tbat of any otber Amer ican newspaper. aad enjoy* aa Income whlcb U le at all llMtee prepared to *pend liberally for tbe bandit of lu reader*. l*eople of all coadltU«* of life aad all way* of thinking bay aad read Tbb lo; and tbey all derive eatl*factk>n of aoaae eort Irvn It* coluain*, for tbey keep on buying u< reeding It. la Ita comment* oa men aad affair*. Tbi He* beilevee tbat tbe only guide of pulley aboald be common *eaae. Inmirtd by g*ouia* American principle* and becked by bounty ef purpoee. p«r thle reaeoo It la, and will coatlaoe to be. abeolalely Independent of party, claae, clli|ne, t-gt"'** or 'aleteet It le for all. but of Bone. It will continue to pralee what le good aad reprobate what I* evil, taking care that Ite language la to tbe pclnt aud plain, U-jord the ttoeelblilly of being tui*u:ider*iood. I'launln Buenced by motive* tl>*t Co not a| pear oa the eurfkee: It haa bo opinion* to aeli, an thoee which may he ba-l by aay purebwer with two cent*. It batae lajuallce aad ra cality even more tbaa It hale* uuLeceaaary word*. It ab bot* ftaada, pltie* foola aad deplorce nincom poop* of every •peelee. It will continue through at tbe year I"*0 to cbartlae Ihe tr»t claae, laatrurt the *econd, aad dlxouauuancj tbe third. All boae*t men, with hoae*t coavlc tloa*. whether *ound < r mlM.ken, an It* frlead*. And Tbb hub m»kr« ■ •> Hoar* of tell, lag the truth lo It* friend* *i.d ab ut It* frlead* w boaever occa*l.«t »n». - lor pl*ln (peaking. Theeearv l ie principle- 'i^oa wliUb Tbb 9cb Will be conducted daring tbe year lo coma. Tboyear laBUwIi b" one la which no patriot la Ainrrlcaa can afford to cloao hi* »yee lo pub lic affaire. II I* UapoteiM* lo eta gerata the Import* .«■* of tbe political event* which It baa lu etore or the ue • v ..f reaolute vtgilancv oa th« :• rt "Tor, cl-'i-n who do-tre* to pre aerve the G virum ut lb .t the t'under* gave lu Tb« debit.-* . a I act* of rongr***. the ut teraare* of II * pr*»*, tee Melting conteot* ■ f tbe It pnbllraa aad ixmocratic partiee a«a nearly qua I ta atrength throughout the coul try.' be varilng drlit of pablle •entlmea:, wi i all bear directly aad effectively upon tbe twen tv.foarth Preeldeatlal election, 10 lie held la November. Pour year* ago a,it Nov*a.tier the will nf the natloa, a* expre*a«d at the poll*. W*a thwarted by aa abomlaabl* conspiracy, the promoter* aad beaeBclarte* of which *1111 bold tbe aScee they etolc. Will the crime of 1ST* be repeated la Is*)? The paat decade of yean opaaed wltb a corrupt, extravagant. and laao leal Admlnlatratlua lutreacbed at Waahlagtofl Tbb 8c*i did •ometbiag toward <ll»lod«ini: lb* **ag aad breakm* It# power. Tbeaameuut are mow latrlgulag to netore their leadrr aad themaelve* to »ace* from which tbey were drlvea by lb* ladt.nttloa ef the people Will tbey aacceedf Tbe coming year will r-rlag the a—war* f tb«»» uw> ueotom uueetloca Tbb HOB will be oa bead lo chronicle tbe facta a* tbey are developed, aad to exhibit them dearly aad fearleaaly ta their relation* to *ip*diaacy aa/< rl*ht. Tbaa, with a habit of phllo*«r,hlcal roog humor la looklBff el the ulaor affair* of life, aad la gnat thlrg. a Meadfart parpo-e to mala tala tb* rtghta of I be people aad tb* principle* •f tbe Ooaatltatlon agalati all aggi*.eora. Tag Mb I* prepared to wrtla a truthlul. Instructive, aad at tba aaaae time entertaining hietory of 1BH0. Dor rata* ol ruhecrlption rvmal* uncharged. For tba Dally Bi b. a tear-pare »!#•« of tw*« tr elgbt column*, tba price by mall, poet-paid, la U crat* a atoeth. wMMa year; or, laclBd lag tbe Itanday paper, aa eight-page abeet of flfty-»a coluain a, tb* price U Mreate a moatb, or 07 79 a rear, poetage paid. Tbe Saaaay edition of Tbb Ben la al*o far at*bed Mpualeli alllMa year.puetage paid. Tbe price of th- Weekly box. eiaht page*. Bfty-eli column*. I*|la year. poetage paid. For dab* ef tea *etiding |1« w* will eend aa •atta copy five. Addree* I. W. E1GLAHD. Irabliaber of Tag Ilea, Mew loik Uty. • • ASSESSMENTS LEVIED. rtCCIOKXTAL aiMINO COHPAMT. V Location of principal pises of bnalnees. Sen Francisco, California. Location of works, BUver 8Ur Mining Dis trict, Storey county, Nerada. Notice U hereby given, that At a meeting of the Board of Dlractoc*. held on the ninth day of March. MOO. aiwuimenl (Mo. 01 of fifty (30) Cents par share war levied upon the capital •toca or tha corporation, payable Immediately. In United Stateegold coin, to the Secretary. at the office of the Company, Boom Mo. 09. Nevada Block. No. 309 Montgomery street, Han Francisco. Oallfornla. Any etock upon which thle asseeement shall remain unpaid on the twelfth (11th) day of April. WHO. will be delinquent, and adver tised for sale at nubile auction, and unless pay. ment Is made before, will be sold on MON DAY, the third (Sd) day of May. ltto, to pay the rtsltni—1 assessment. with ooeto of advertising and uposses ol sale. By order of the board of Director*. ALFBKD K. DCKBUUW, SrcreUry. Office— Koom Ho. 09 N>va<k B1 ck. Mo. 300 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Oallfornla. mil JCUA COIMUDATID UIIBS OOMPAMT.—Location at principal place of business, San Kranclsoo, Oallfornla. Location of works, Virginia Mining District, Storey county, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Directors. held on the third day ol March, ltm, an aaseesment (No. 11) of fifty Onto per share was levied upon tne capital stock of the corporation, pajablu Immediately, In united Statee gold coin, to the Secretary, U the office of the Company. N > 4II California street. Boom II, bait kranclsco, California. An? stock npoa which this assessment shall remain unpaid ou the seventh day of April, 1M0. will bo delinquent, and adver tised lor sale at public anctlou. and unleee pay ment Is made before, will bo sold on MOM DAT. the twenty-sixth day of April, 18*1. to pay the delinquent assessment, to gether with co«t of adverting and expenses of sale. By order of the Board ol Directs™. H. A. CUAKLKS. Secretary, Office—Mo 419 California at net. Koom 11. San Francisco, California. » VKLLOW JACMCT NILYKM ■l.V 1 INU COMPANY.-Location of works, bold lllll. Storey County, State of Nevada. Principal place of business, Uold BUI. Nsvada. Notice Is hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of TrusUee > f said Company, held onthetweoty fourthfJlthiday ol Kebruary.A.D. 1M0. an assessmsnl (su. M) of One Dollar (f 11 per share waa levied upon each and ev-ry share of the capital stock ol said Company, payable Immediately, m United States raid coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Coiupanv, at the new shait, or to James Newland*. Transfer Secretary. Boom 1'). No. JU3 Buali .lr, ci. San Franclaco. California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall 'rtuain uupald ou Mowlay, the twreniynlnlh (Wth) day of March, l«*u, snail be deemed delin quent and will be duly advertlaed for aale at public auction, and uuleea iiayment shall be made before, wUi be sold on WgDNBSDaY, tiae twentyeighth t'JSth) day of April. WOO. at i o'clock r. a.. In front i the office of the Com pany, to pay the delinquent sseeesueut. together with costs of advertising sad expenses of sals. By order ol the Board of Trustees. UKBCBN OTtY. Secrttary. Oold BUI. Nevada. February *4. ItOU. i« . M»KM MILVfcH HIMI\U (XI*. i\ PAMY-—Local.ou of principal place of business, San, California. Location ol Works, Virginia Miuag District, Storey connty, Nevada. Notice U berebr glvaa that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the twenty-sixth day Ol February. i«w, an aaseesment (No. 1«> of Twenty-live Oiu<s per share was levied upou the capital etock of the corporation, payable immediately. In United butee gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Com pany. Boom 1. Nevadt Block, KM Montgomery street, San franclaco. California. Any stock upon which this assessmeat shall remain unpaid on the Srst day of April, loft), will be delinquent, and advertlxd for sals at public auction; and unless pay ment Is made before, wUI be sold ou TUKSDAY, the twentieth dsy of Apri 11*0, to pay the delinquent assessment, to gether with costs of arfvertls'ng and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. HUTLUt BUBB1S. Secretory. Office- Room 1, Nevada Block, 30* Muutgcm cry street. Han Francisco, Calllornla. 3$ MISIKLIANICOI'S. APPLICATIONFOR PATENT. Notice no. *u. c a. minkhal subvky No. 143 ud 181. Ohitco Statu Laj<d, Unoa (Mr, NiwU, I'rbruary A. 1MU. Nolle* la henby glrta, mat th* blleer JukM Miutag Oumpaay, a aorpo ration of lb* aula or California, baring ita principal plar* ol boalce** at hb Kranciaco. California, baa, by W. Mchiager. It* agent and auuaribleudrut, • bo** poatoOc* addra** la Hold li111. Moray coaoly, Nerada, >bia dar 4l*d la tbl* offlc* II* application for a Hal tod tflaio* pataai fur fli i»*n handrtd i IfiOU) fr*l of lb* Uoanoi*utal Twlna lod*. bearing cold and allr*r, with aar lac* (round col u In lug It tt-lU) acree aa here luaftar deacrtbed. lb* muim b*ing officially • ur ea jed aud platted by tu* SuMeyor General aa U. V. Dam; or Lot So. Iti aad 111, la Town, ablpa It and IT north. Hang* 11 Mat, Mouut fciablo Meridian, In th* Uold BUI Mining Ula. irut. county of Stony and Btal* of Neraila and d**crtb*d by tneles and bound* by th* plat and O'ld not** oa fit* la thla offlc* aa follow*, via Beginning at a post marked U jauiurntal [ win No. 1 inane* ru iBiag aouth t*a (101 de^r*-* *a»t dlt**a UU'.dted (1300)feet to a puit marked Mooumratal Twlma No. '1. tbrnce nortb eighty degreva out all hundred itUU) loct to a po.t rnarkad Moauineatal Twin* No. 1. from wblcb tb« quarter MM coraer lu noitb lla« of Section h»e (I), Towaabip atiteen (ltl noitb. Hand* twenlyon* (11> ca*t, Mount Di ablo Baa* aad M*rtdla«, bear* ao.tb twenty eight cai d<vr*ea writ, diatant flee huidrtd and twenty iSaui f**l; tbrnce running from *ald MMk i aorih tea (10) degree* weat aeeen hundred aad Ifly-thr** ("Ml Ml lo to* aoutb easterly boundary of L'. 8. Sur>*r »o. IU. Nortb Cblpnian lod*. taence a->utu flfiy-clghl |Sd) degrtea ton (10) mlaulea w**:. on* hun dred aad aixty-nla* |14#> l*et to t*oat >o. 1 of aald U. It. Surrey No IU, North Lhipmaa lode; thiuc* north twenlyon* aad olb half (SMJ degree» we*t eight buodred and twenty.lour ■til) feel to a point and thenco aoutb eighty i no i decree* weal two hundred and aereoty lour (2T1) l**t to po*t No. 1, th* plac* of be ginning. containing ltuS-100 acre*, th* aald claim twin* of record la th* offlcu of the K* order of ittor*y couMy. Nevada, at Virginia C ty, Nevada, la booh "U"of Loratloa*. at page tub and being boouded upon th* northeast la part by th* aald Nortb Uhlpman lod* *r 12. 11. surrey No. I4J. Met- reao* I* her*br mad* to th* official plat posted upoa th* said Mouuu,eutal T*m» claim and to the plat and iu Id n»tr* on a em this oiBce lor wore particular <le» r.ptlo . of th* mining around h*r*» > aouabi h> os ihi* t d. an *d«*ran claim* must be al*d in |N|* offlc* %IUIn all y»|tU) da) a Iroiu ,n* Orel newspaper publication of lb a n<« icj ol aald applieatioa. Ia#> V N. UiltM*. KegiaUr. CAUTION NOTICE. VKLLOW JACKET 8ILVIR BINI.1U COW • paoy.—Bala No. M.—Tba pablie la brrr. by cautluoaU aoluat parchwlai the ro!lowiiitf. daacnbrd atoik of (be Tallow Jacket Ullvar Mluliif Company. aa tba una waa told for Aaaraaiuaul No. Si. tba CM day of Fabruary, 1M: la wboaa ume. No. Oartif. Bha. J Joauma. Tra.laa. 10818 in E Bi»b»tadter ft 0>».Truala»a.ia4l 71 d B Wakefield * CT>. oj 10 K V Murphy. Truataa MM • K UocbaUdlar * Co. Tiaataaa.l-w! 10 Wabatar ft Dlion. Truataaa. ..17411 10 E Boabatadter. Truatea llbM lit) W B BlaaTell.Tni.taa 1*940 IS Jaa Nawlaoda, Triuica 1KMI 114 Jaa Mawlanda dj I»t«« 100 P » Far. Tru.tae 1».W Mi I ,bu Uic^bnwn. r-uala«....lMI«l 60 * K Dewey. Traatoe 1M57 10 Jaa Cofflo, Traatre 10*M ( laa fofflu do S0047 II Jaa OuSu do »1W 80 JaaOofllo do SU14J u JaaCuSo do *>144 35 Jaa C. fflo do 10ia 3S 8 KiuIbmb ft Co, Tra>teee—*a?u So Nat 9telo.Traat«e 10400 100 Ufreoabaum, MelhlDg ft Co. TruMoaa..... .............. .3043d..... ■«,.100 Jaa CuAa. Treats XM»7 10 U B Ba»lay. Tra-lta. *im» 10 lao T Karya ft »• a Traateaa.lMIl ki \lfrcd B Hill. Tru.»t» 3I»M It W II 111*7 s W B Blaavelt dj 3l»H 10 B U llawk., Traatee lltW !0 D Z Yoal ft Co. Trualea 11IKT » U B Baylry. Trualer W" 10 D 0 batra. Truataa UN* 100 Kouatrar Jk langland. Traata.IXUl 5 Bacpberaon ft ttelui. Truata..rilll 10 Woode ft frarbora. Truelara. * 10 By urder of tba It ard of Trualrea. MahCKK oTBT, Secretary Oo!d Bill. February 34, lwu. M34 ANNUALMEETINB. TPHB ANNUAL bebtino of the ... Sloekboldeca of the WAKD OOLD i <if> BIMINO COMPANY will ba bald -t "* lh* «>»»•"*. room M, No. 4I» ^ Tm*iiIuT\J* *?' r**acl,co> California, oo THl H8L)AY tba Mtb day of Barcb, J®0, •' _jba boar of 11 o'clock of a act lac » Board of T** '* tba aoaoloff yaar, and £L **ch oU"r oualnaaa aa SS'sEET£t^ bteu'* ■*•*»»«• Traoa iMh^iw b* «!La!?!£. 2..lloodV1 *urch OOca—Koom *4. No. 411 t^^Tat^t. taa /nadaco. QUifaraia. as' DELINQUENT BALIS. LEVIATHAK ■IHIKe COM PAST. LoctUou ol principal plaoe of bititnwt. dan Francisco. California. Location ot work*. Gold HUlMlolm DUtrtct, Storey county. Mmdi Notice.—There are delinquent upon the fol lowloc-rirocrlbvd itock. on account of wmi meat (No. 10) levied on the teTenteeuth day of Kebruary. 1880, the tereral amotmtt Ml op Kite the name* of tfie re* pec tire iharo lore, a followi i Name*. No. Oertlf. Ih(. Ami W Turubull Co. Traeteoe...M4 U H Noble* Ou.Traateea....IN....SO....1180 Boamer k Bourn. ''niteee.1718.. .190... IB . F K Luty,Trust 18a9...lt0....16 , FBLuty do 1890...100....M. KKLuty do ....1S93...100....* .. COCunKer.Tr..-. 1981...100....U . J L Uoat.Tru.— M18....B0....1310 AHoluee*' • Trta o»t. ..MI9....80....11SO F E Luty. T-uetee SUM....10 • .. KKLuty do 1811....SO....11 SO L A Ztnne. Trustee .WJ1....25 6 as Crocker * <<ureett, Tnuta . 3U4....S0....U So FBLaly.Troitee.. . ....4MJ...IS0....®.. FBLuty do 41S1...100....16 .. Henry Abler. Uil. .100....IS .. F B Luty.Treetee SIM....SO....11 SO Ueo W Kelley, True tee BIM.. IS .. CnaaA Jeter, Treetee (MO...loo....SO .. chat A Ja*er do WS1.. M0....B0 .. ChaaAJu-er do 8861... *»....00 .. Cbaa A Ja«er do 8861. ..80 .. Atklaew, Uoud k Oo, Tres 8401...100....» .. F K Luty, Tnutee 8418. ..100... .18 .. KKLuty do 8488....IS SIS KKLuty do 8487....18 SIS WlleonA Hutchinson, True. Uee SMI... 100....18 .. C 0 Oonger, Treetee Slot....18... .618 K K Luty, Tnutee sets...leu....IS .. F K Luty do 8*14...100....18.. KKLuty do 8918...106....It.. FKLutr do 6914..,100....IB ., F K Luty do 8*16...100....IS .. K K Luiy do MW1...100....18 .. KKLuty do 8964...100....18 ,, COCoimkr.Trnetee 8996... 100.... is .. C O Co'.«>r do S00S....SO....1180 OCOunr-r do SOU.... SO... 1180 CO Conner do 6009....80... 11 80 U O Bate*, Tnutee 6048...100....18 .. F K Luty.Titutee WM....M ....618 KKLuty do 6U96....1S tlS KKLutr do <108....10 8.. KKLuty do tilt....10. . .180 KKLuty do tilt....13. ...tit Cbae A Jtfer,Trustee 6141...M0....80 .. F B Luty.Tru.te. 1141....10 iSP Chat A Jager. Tnutee Slot...180..,.«7 80 CnaaA Je(er d- M06...180....I7 60 K U Uiaut. Troitee Si.-!.. U0....1S.. K K Kraut do 6173...101....18 .. V K Luty.Tnutee 6179...1(0....M .. F £ Luty do t!99...lot....18 ,, FKLutr do 4873.,. 100....18 .. Urrcnebauni, Helblag ft Co, ..................«3H... 180,. • .St.. Omnebaum, Belbtnc k Oo, Trustees 6363...100....13 .. K A ttlcbardeen, Treetee. ...8418. ..100....M .. F K Luty, Truetae 6477... to....1160 K K Luiy do 6664..,.80.... 11 80 Urecklurldge Jt Tost, True tin w Nat t*teln, Trusts* S870...IOO....S8 .. K K Luty,Trust** (07S...1U0....M .. K B Luty do ... 8478.. 100... M .. Kit Luty do 4#7S.. 100....SB.. FICLuty do W80... 100....33 .. t B Luty do 84*3...100.. F K Luty do 8701...100....33 K K Luty do 87«3....5U....13SO K K Luty do 8734....30.. .13 30 U Frledertch. Trust** 873t». ..80 .. UlchwdMiu. illll <t Oo, Trtia «#>*...100....H .. V B Luty. TruiU* 8»S». ..100....S3 .. * K Luty do MM...100....33 .. F B Luty do 8s73....3S til D O Bait a. Trust** 00OS. ..8O....1J *0 Zadlgk Weill, trust*** Mil....10....1110 K LevrreuU k Oo,Trust«**.8W9....1S 375 T<iomas W M ill»tt.Tia«te*.aMV...130... ST 60 Thomas W kullstt do ,.t»4U...180....3780 Oruni* A JuOM It to FW Krrr.cb 7033...100....*8 , F W Fieucb 7040...100....S8 .. * W freucb 7041...100....IS .. F W Fr neb 7041...100....U .. Y W French 7043.. .100. ...M .. S it dlrin, Trusts* T03T...100....S3 .. alttMo do TIM...100....W.. Naltftrlu do 7060...100....38 do 7040...100...38 .. NatStriu do 7041...100....38 , >st si*iu do 7o4l...l00....*3 .. H ■ Son *<k 0o.Trustees. .7074...loo....13 . 11 u Nob:* k Ou do ...7073...180....38.. J F Bluwbcig, Trusts* TUT...100....IS .. kit nislu, Trusts* TIM...100....13 .. LM Orsu*.Tru.t** 7170...100....33 .. F K Luty. Trust** 7134...100 ..IS. f K Luty do 7331. ..100....S3 . Wi.ods k Fresbora, Trus tee* , .739S... .00....30 .. Wood* k Frssborn, Trus tees T3M....30.... 8 .. Randolph, llscblotoabk Oo. Trustees T31( 40....10 .. K K Urant, Trust** TJ31... 30....1310 KR Kraut do 7SJS....80....13 30 II H Nobl* k Oo, Traste**..7Slt....S0....13S0 H M Molil*k Co do ..7347...loo.**.33 .. H 11 Nobl*k Co do ..TS4S...IOO... S3 . K K Luty. Trust** 737S....40....10 . M Bslrtridgu, Trust** 7433....30....IS 30 rBLaty. l>a»te« T4J6...300 ...SO.. J slurs Coffin, Trustee 7431.* .100... .S3 .. Jsmes Coffin do .......7447....31 #34 | U II Nobl* k Co. Trustees. .74(13.. .100... .13 .. H H Nobl* Jt Oo do . 74M...100....33 II II Nobl* k Co do ..T43T...100....33 .. B II Noble k Co do ..T4M....30....12 80 | K RUrsot, Trust** 74IW...100....33 , Entrant do 74M. .100....H , K K (Irsiit do 7490...100 ...13 , KUUraut do 7304 ..100....33 .. | K K tlraut oo 7303.. .ISO....38 .. KK Grant do 7811....80 ...13 SO BRUraut do 7817 .. 80. ...13 30 BRMraM do 1230 KROraiit Uo 7338....30 ..1*30 Ml Hteln. Trusts* TSttl. ...8H....1S 80 J A Fardrs-us 7870 30 7 So Nat MtslD. Trutte* 7WQ....80 ...13 80 Mat Utrln do 7e04....80....1*80 K R (Irani, Trusts* 780».. .100....33 .. K K (iraut do 7814. ..1110... .33 .. KK tlraut do 7839....80....11 80 ERU sul d> 7630... W ...13,10 I k 8 Worms' r. Trustsea....7M8....60... IS 30 F t Luty. Trust** 7340.... 11 S 33 FX Luty do TM1....14 3 80 K K Luty do 788.1...100.,..18 .. KELut, do 78*8...100.,..38 .. James Coffin, Trust** '6M...100....2S .. Jamee Coffin do 7IM1.. .100....33 . JamrsCoffin do 7788....80....13 80 K 11 (Iraut, Trust** 771ft...lOO....38 .. kRUrant do 7717... 100....38 .. K R Oram <to nil.. .100 ...33 .. Jslur* 0< fflo, TiUite* TTST..,100,,,.38 .. JamselVffin do T7JS. ..100....38 .. James C ffia do 7740.. .100....38 .. JaraeaC ffin do 7741...100....38 .. JameaOuffin do .7741...100,.,.38 ., Nat Stein, Tru»lc« 777*. ..100....38 .. Nat 8teln do 77711...100..,.33 .. Jsuie* Coffin, Trustee 7789...100 ...38.. Jsine* Coffin, do TB8I...100....33 .. Jsum* Coffin, d* 7sW...100 S3 .. Itlchardson, BUI k Co.,Tru« .. U II Barley. Tnutto >"»... 100....34 .. nstitiir, do .. UB cavity, do KU...10U OBB.ylry. do ISM...100... * .. U H oo 1840...100....38.. UH"»)l-y. do TMI...100....23 .. (IBIU irl, do 7WS 60....12 SO <» H K« l«y. do 71*3....80....13 60 U D IU lay. do .7863 ..100....34 .. UHBi)i*y, do TMS...IC0....1S .. fl B c»)l>7. do 1V71...100....33 .. CHQt'iil. Tro»t* 79M....60....13 80 Woods k > wbom.Tra«tf«t.TWJ.. .100.... It 00 KE LutJ. Tru.lre 0029....IS. ...838 F K Lntr di 8028....43....10 80 r K Lutr do 8SJ8....10.... 3 AO F K I.ilty do 8037 8 1 38 KKLnty do WIS... 11 4 88 F K Laty do MHS....11 4 38 F ■ l.oly do "W0....88 AS* KKLnty do (SI....IS 4.. F E Laty do 4.. FKLaty do 80U.....S 4. FK Laty do SOW ... .ft 134 FKLutr do 8<08....41....10 60 KKLuty «o 8087... IS 4.. FKLaty do S0S8....1S 4.. F E Luly do MM....IS 4.. FKLaty do MM ...41....1034 FELuty do SOU....41....10 3S F K Laty do SOU,...46....11 SO F K Luiy do SOU1...a....11 SO FKLaty do SOU....44...11 60 FKLaty do S045... 4S....U 80 F K Luiy do 8048....4*....11 80 FELuty do 8047....48....11 U F K Luty do 8048....48....11 38 FKLaty do 8049....IS 4.. F K Luty do 8083....48..., 11 80 F K Luty do 8081....45....11 38 FKLaty do 1063. ...IS 4.. FKLaty do 8068....43....10 80 FKLaty do 8084.. 43....1080 F K Luty do .... .. .SOSS.•..18.,,..4 .. F K Luty do <0f*M....18 4.. KKLuty do 80ST S 180 FKLaty do 8088.... 8 150 FELuty do SOS# S 180 F K l.uiy <lo ...8010 S 180 KELutr do S011... 41....I0SS F K Luty do 8(173....IS 4.. F K Luty do W73 1 1 78 FELuty do MR4 8 3 88 FKLaty do StffS... 18 8.. F E Luty do 807(1 7 1 7ft FELuty do 80TI....18 ....4 .. F K Luty do 8878....IS 4 .. FELuty do SOW.. ..41... 1038 FELuty do 8880....10... .380 Kraoty it Dr«r. TnutM*... .8111... 880... .83 80 K-nntr k Vjn do . ..8113.. .380....88 80 Ki-UM* * Dy•» do ...JIU...1*....8380 , AFrlflas rnuu. •• rAF(t«ta» do .......8171...100.,..88 .. fiFMu. do 22-ja-x FAF.l.m. do ! " F A I r.»lu« do «ll. F A Ft »la» d« ** fak-uu# do 52—2i F A FlUlui do .. f a Kruiut do 5i!5"*ISS**..S •'1 F A Frlilui do 8181...CO....M .. FAFrulut do •2S&—2' FAFrlala* do 52"*H5""J! • f Afftolas 4o tin,..100....88 . D1LIIQU1IT 81118. L*fUlkM-OMUiH< Num. Ho.Oertif. Bb». Am*. A FrlelM, TrerUa wh—!S- "2" A Frialna do A Frtalna do *300.. !2 A Frlaloa do 52I — S—«S AFrtdoa do A.Frtelni do WM—S'-iJS A Frlaloa do »u--5—-USS A Frlaloa do k Frliioa do MM... 5®—iJ22 k Frlaloi do A FrUlna do B'Moorr. Tniltea B Moor* do •">—.l2-—2 " B Barley. Twnee ««.••><» —* •• A FrUlna,Trustee "-'•■••JlS'" « " A Frliioa do WT...100.—2" A Frt»lu» do A Frtilae do MOB...1W" •*•• A Frlflue do Mil.. JOO....M.. A Filelne do 8sl4,"i2?,""M " A Frlaias do BI».. •}*•••••■ •• Keaney A Djtt, Trattoe*.. .S317...J00...•» .. ~ A Friala*. Trote* MJ0...100 ...... A Frirloe do " A Frlaloa do M».. A FrUlaa do W*"'!!5""i* " A FrUlaa do " AFrlelue do A FrUlui do MM.. AFrUla* do 8ss*",SS""ioS A FrUloe <»o •C,,"2""!!5 A FrUlaa do MS#""f2""U «S A FrUIni do ,,*40""S5""i? S A FrUlaa do M41....J0....M 60 AFrlsia* do t3W",,S?i"*"i?«X AFrtslae do «S A FrUlaa do •Mt—S'—SSS A FrUlaa do » A FrUme do SM4....J0....ItM A FrUlaa do M«».. * •» AFnrtw do Bala k P»checo. TnuU«...M»#-..lJ0... M .. NatStria.Truatee MTU .••"•••••J®0 OB Bailey,Tnmtea MT1...100....* •• G B Bayley do MTV. .10».—* •• O B Bayley do ..a...M».. '00—•* •• O B B«)ley do " OB Bayley do MM...100....*.. Q B Barley do MM ...* •* Urwoiuan, Holblng k Co. Tiiutm •• O B Baylor.Tr»t«a....^..MM...l™J.."* •• Wllaoo A Hatchlnaon, Troa.MM...ltf>....» " O B Bayley, Truatae MM...;«0....^«0 QBUaylry do MOT.. .100. •• * •• 8 BDtvity do " OBlltjIoy do 8408...100....M.. OBBayl«y do (MM....J0.....J " Kenoty k Dy»r,Tnutee«....MU... J0....1I JO F A FrUlut, Trntee £ F A FrUlaa do "iS "U U B Bayle/.Troatea " G B Baylry do M60...100....*.. OB Bayley do Siil"'}!S""$ " OB Bayley do MM...>«..••« •• G B Hayiry do MM...100... * • • () B Bayley do " J M Bhotwell. Truatee F A FrUlaa, Truatoa " O B Baylty. TruaUe .*M1 '.ij?—om " '• B Baylay do MM...100....«» .. O B Bayl«y do " " U B Barley do MM.. .WW....* •• O B Bayley «!• 2g-!g--H " O B Baylry do " Q H Baylry do M4T...100....M .. O B Bayley do MM...1W....M .. OB Bayley do MW...100...-* .. UB Baylry do MS0...HO....* .. O B Bayley do MM...10D....JJ G U Bayley do ' OB Bayley do MM...100 ..•* •• Tkro LI*barman, Truatea....»l«l...l«..." • u B Bayley. Trariaa *5!."!£""5 " Q B Bay lay do MT1...100....S .. O B Bayley do " OB Bayly do MM.. .100....* .. O B Baylry do M80.. .100....M . Ana in accordance with law ana anoraer 01 th* Hoard of Director*, made on the •vroternth day of February, 1800, so many share* of each parcel of inch itock aa mar be necessary •til be (old at public anctlon, at the offlce ol the Company, In the City of Han Francisco, i.'a'lfurnla, oil HATUKDAY, the tenth day ol April, 1880. at tbe hour of two o'clock r. u. of eaid day, to pay aald dclltiqueut a«se»»ment thereon, together with Coeta of advertising and expanse* of tbe eale. F. A. F8IRI0», Secretary. Offlce—No. 830 l'lne atrett, Koorn 8, Hen Francisco, California. 31 NOTICE" OF SUITS "COMMENCED. TO TDK KO A MED DEFEND ante, and to all owners uf or claimant! to the real estate snd Improvements thereon, or Improvements when messed separately, In the Tawn of VJold 11 111. Htorey county, Nevada, turelnafter d<scribed, known and unknoan: Yea are hereby notified ttial suits hare been cemmeaoed In the Justice's Court of Township No. 8, tttorey coauty, Nevada, by lbs mate uf Nevada, plaintiff, >g«lnet eash of thi defendants hereinafter named, and each of the rollowlD|. described tiacts or parcels of lat.d with Us Improvements thereon, aad Impi ovemente when eepatately asawsrd, and all owners of or clslmanta to the same, known or unknown, to recover the tax an't delinquency aseesead to said defendants agalnet salu srop erty. lor the flicsl year commencing the 1st or January. A. 1). 1S79. and ending December 81, A. D 1*71, and that a sammous hss been duly Issued In esch esse. And )ou ars fnrtbsr uoti. fled that nnleas yuu appear aud auswer the complaint flled In said Court tn or before tbe 9th day of April, A. D. IBM, at the hour at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, Judgment will be taken against you aud the real estate aud Impreve menu therein deecrlbed, lor the amount uf tax aad delinquency specified and tot la of suit: yam*. Amount. P. n. Marshall-Tax snd delinquency on portion of lot 84, block 1, range A, and lot ». block 1, range tl $18 47 Hasan F. Wllllama—Tax and delinquency on portion of lot t, block 1, ranee U.... 11 11 Michael Nation—Taxanddelluqaeacy on the north lu feet of lot M, block 1, rang* H 8 88 A. Late*-Tax and delinquency on Iks eoutb ball of lot 3d, block 1, range u, and lot 37, blocs 1, range D tl 88 11. Kaeeubajin-Tax and delinquency on lot 8. block 8, rang* D 37 94 Kdward Mai I m-Tax and delinquency on portion of lot 41, bio k 1. range u 13 81 Tbornai McJl,ton-Tax and delinquency on a portion of lot 43, block 8. range 0. 8 41 John L. Mitchell—Tax aud delinquency on the weat portion of lot JO, black 8, range D 3 80 T. J. McOce—Tax aad delinquency on lot I, block 1, range O 10 83 DennN O'Hbea—Tax and delinquency on Improvemeuta on lot 11, block 1, range F 8 81 O'brtuu 4k Curran—Tax aud dellnqucucy on lot 44, block 1, range 0 8 Mra. C'Dounell—Tax aud delinquency on portion of lot 8, block 88, range T 8 41 Jarnee Wallace—Tax and delinquency oo portion ot lot 38, black 1, range 0 4 10 M. Cannon—Tax and delinqiency on lot 40. block 1, rangeO.... 4 81 James Alien—Tax and delinquency ou portion of lot 14, block 1, rang* T 13 44 Grace Haaklna-Tax aud delinquency on l*tM, block 1, range 0 9 81 John Connelly—Tax and delinquency on lota 31, 33, 34. 38, 18 Ud 38, block «, rangi- C 18 08 T. Bummers—Tax aad delinquency on lot 41, block 1, range O Til Succor MUI and Mining Co.—Tax and de llaqnency on lot 84, block 8, range C. .833 88 Sold Hill Tnnuel Company - Tax and de linquency oa 80 feet of lot 1. block 3, range B, aad portion of lot 18, block 8, range C, and unaurveyed land east of the Imperial Millelta 11 03 Thomas Mitchell—Tax and delinquency on portloo of lota 33,» aad M, block 8, range O 81 Oee Lee—Tax and delinquency on XT fact Of lot 8, block 1. rang* 0 18 83 J. U. tiAKKlH, District Altoruer. . .. . Storey County, Nevada. Virginia, Nevada. Fsbraary >8. UfcO febl4 I a TUB OIBTKICT COUNT Of TUB Flrat Judicial Dletrlctnf th* 8UU of Ne vada, In tod for th* county or (Here jr.-8. A. DAT agalnit HIS 0RKD1T0RS.—Nolle* fo Creditor* of Insolvent.—In tbe muter of th* Kltlon of 8. A. Day, an tueelveat debtor.— r*aant to m order of tbe Uon. Klchard Hlt Inc. Judff* of tbe aald District Court, notice le hereby ilven to til tbe creditor* of tbe eald Insolvent. 8. A. Day, to be and appear befor* th* laid Jade*, In open Court, at the Court roam of *ald Court, at th* Court Boor*. In eald county, on the TWKNTY-NINTH DAY OF MARCH. A. D. 1880, at 10o'clock a M .of tbat day. tben and tber* to show rauM, II any th«y can. why tb* prayer of laid Insolvent should not be (ranted, and an aailgnmeut of bla e»tat* be mad*, and be be discharged frm bl» d bte and liabilities, In partoancaof th* provUInn* of tbe etalut* In each case mad* and provld»d i aad In tb* meantime all ptoeeedlnt* aga.ns: ■aid Inaolvaat b* stayed. Wltnea* my hand and th* aral of Mid Couit, tbla Mth day of February A. D 1880. tMiLi j. k. McDonald, cicrk. J. U. HARRIS, Attorney for Petitioner. M !■ I M TUB DlftTHKT COCBT Of TUB I Flrat Judicial District of th* Btau of Ne vada, la aad for tb* county of 8tor*y.—JOHN K. WtLCH against HIM CHKDITOK8 -Notice to Creditor* of Insolvent —In th* matter of lb* petition ot John K. an ln**lvent debtor. -Pnraaant to an ordir or th* Hon. Rtrhard Rising, Jod(* of th* aald Dturtct Court, nolle* l* nereby given to all th* creditor* of th* aald Insolvent, John K. Welch, to h* and appear be for* th* raid Judge, In open Court, at th* Oonrt. room of aald Court, at th* Oonrt done*. In aald oonnty. on th* Twenty-fourth day of APKIL, A. D. 1(80. at 10 o'clock a. a., of that day. then and there to show cause, If any they can. why th* prayer of aald Insolvent should not be granted. and an aaelgnnient of bla *etat* be mad*, aad be be dlasbaiied from bl» debu and liahllltle*. In pursuance of the proTlalona of the *tatut* la each caa* mad* and provided; and la tbe meantime all proceeding* againit aald Inaolfeat be ateyad. Wltseaa my baad aad tbe teal of aald Oonrt. thia wtb day of Mama. a. u. im. laaaikj J. b. Mcdonald, Clerk. » Fa* Hun Bout, Deputy. DILIHQ TTT BILKS. niLlDOIU ULTU auivo w COMPANY.—Location of principal place of bailnaaa. Ban rmacUoo, California. Location ot work*, atony oounty, Narad*. Notloa.—There are d«llnqn«nl upon tba Joi lowlng-de*cribad (took, on aooount of uh» mil (No. 10) lertod oa th* tblrty-Bnt (31H) day of Janoary, MM, Ue mwI amount* nt oppoalU tbe nine* of th* r**p*ctlT* ibarohnM. •t«. u follow*: Kim Xo. Certlf. Bb*. Am t. Atkluion, Lyon A Co, Tra*. UM4...ioo...»«o.. At:- on, Dood * Co, Tru» l.a* 14361....10....It . Bro>k*8II, Truatee 1T8M....II T 30 BtjIafU H, Truaiee 17708....SO....10 .. BeyleyGB do 18180 ...9U....16 .. lircck 1 nrldjio k Yo*t, Till* tao* 11103....30....10 ., BerwaldU 8M1... 10 ....... Iliac It man A. Truataa 1(111...100....10 .. Coffln Jama*. Tmaio* S5M...100....00 . Coffin Jamaa do 13340... 11)0.... 30 .. Oomn Jaina* do 11023...100.... 10 .. Coffln Jama* do .btl..10130 T *00 O-ffiu Jamaa do .M..1M04....U TH Coffln k I'age, Trnatoaa 7958....10 0 .. CaOicvri a a, Truataa 1TM0....10 I .. Cablll E * Oo. Treataw....lM»....M....IS .. Crocker k Qnrnatt, Truataa*, balanoa 097 1.10.. 1 06 (ftocker k Qnrnatt, Tra* ea*. balanoa • •••••••■•••••••A aaSOIIaataeSe 10..106 Cruckar * uurnatt, Troataaa. balaeca .8087 8.44..3 73 Crocker k Hoy dam, Trnataaa. balance 18007 .. IS.38. 7 0S Crandall Oeo B, Truataa... 1740S...1«0....0» .. Crandall Ueo B do ..11404. ...33 ...13 00 Grand*11 Qao B do ..11UU....OO....U.. Cook « Wa.cott,Truata,Ul 10*18 3.10.. 1 N Cope A bavla, Trnataaa..,. .16070.... It 760 Cope k Da»la do ....U710....10 1.. Copa k Davla do .., Ojpe k Darla do ....1783T....10 *.. Cupe k Davla do .. 18330...100....Ml . Copa k DaTli do ....10333.........10 .. Conger C 0, iraataa 10410....30....10 .. Ciatla 8 ..06 .. Cbardln* *, Truatee 17000...300.. .100 .. Duncan W L, irnitaa 16372....30....10 .. Duncan Wb do 10331... .1 too Dewey BB. Truaiaa 18134....00....36 .. Dlnimore U, Trnilaa .. Dowllng Hoaana, bal 4304....It T 00 Dowllng Kouna. bal <3*3 3.43..3 73 DlionTH, Truataa 16000 ...30....33 .. Daana. Bio* k Co, Truau. .13338... .10.... 10 .. KppatalnAOo, Truataa*...M794... 30....10.. Kppataln * Co do Kpptleln <t Co do ...18436...100....00 .. Edward* k Irvine, Truiteea.11433 ..10 6 .. Kdward* k Irvine do 14081.... 10 1.. Fay I* 8. Truataa 13300....30. ,10.. Pox 0 W,Truata* 13887....30....33 .. KlekAm, Truataa 1TW1...U0....T6 .. Krtederlcb O, Truatea, bal.. 11010 3.II..178 Oreana k Co. Truataa* 17860....60.... 16 .. (itnnebauB. Halblngli Co, Truatee* 1M1I....10 t .. Oraenebauin, Halting k Oo, Truataa* 16466,.. 100....30 .. Oroenebaum, Halblng k Oo, Troataaa 16470....60....38 .. Oraenebauin, Helbtngfc Oo, Truataaa 10893....30...10 .. Qreenebaum, llelblng k Oo, Truataa* 17103....33....13 30 Qrwnebaau, Halblng k Oo, lIUIINi 17Ue....M....K> Ululer Ik Co, Tru*te** ...iU8...1u0....*0 .. Oluler I * Co do ....KM... 20....10 .. Oluler 1 t Oo do ....NU....N...U .. OlulerIt Oo do ....•I80....1U I.. OlulerltOo do . ..T48T....1U I. Uiuler 1 t Co do ....8874...100....80 .. aiuwr i * Co do ui.i< tu Oluler I * Oo do ...18849....80....88 .. Oluler 11 Oo do tal.lHM 2 1.. Ululer IkOa do ...1848U....10... 10 .. ululer 1 A Co do ...1701T >....310 OlulerIt Oo do ...17810....18....1880 Ululer It (Jo do ...1UM....M....M.. Uwtbler E k Oo. TruMee*. 18217.... 50....» .. Uauthier K * Oo do 1881#....30... 10. Oaralner B*idwln,Tru»lee.lMM....4o..,.20 .. Oolij d Ubl, Trade** 1&32S....18 7 00 (Jolly* b'bl do 18888....20,...10.. Uolly k Ubl dj 1MM....11 7 10 Ournetl AUt Oo, Tn*te*al84M....10.... » .. uurnetlAU*Co do 174(0. ..10 5.. union J.xnuue 18* .. UiiiooJ do ' it»2u....M) UllloaJ do Inail 8 *10 UlllouJ do 1730K....80....38.. Ullloo J do 174M....80 ...18 .. Ulllon J do 17*84....20....10 .. Urle*lo«er K, Tru.tee 17**2....20....10 .. K k Oo, Tra*. im ...14423 ..100....10 .. UocbiUdier * k Co, Trot lee* 14947....40. ...X ., UocbelidiM r k Oo, Tru*. tee#......................11,,,,10....SB , HocbfUdUr k k Oo. Tnw lee* 1S889....38....13 80 HocbMadter k A Oo, Tru* t*ee......................10034....10....■( , Hochttadter K k Co, Tru*. tee* 16299....AO....2! .. Hocbftadter I t Oo, Tru* .100... 40 . Hocb»tadler K t Oo, Trn» tee* 18478....AO....88 .. Hocbitadter K k (Jo, Tru*. Uee 10680... lfl 110 Hochttadter K k Oo. Trua Xee*......................14927...,40....20 • . Hocbelidter K k Co, Tru tret 17171....10....24 .. UocbiUdier L Jt CO. Tiu« teei ............. , .17J14....40,...24 ,, (loch'tidter K k Co. Tru* tOCf*••••••••e••••••••••«el73flfl....15*•••»7 00 I H»cbiUdt*r K t Oo, Tru* tec* 17413...10....It.. UochiUdier K k Co, Tru*. Uh'I■....................«17S28,..100....80 ■. llocbttadter K k Co, Tru* tee ...10 8 .. Hocliatadter X & Oo, True tee*.................. .. 17818 ..*80..., 18 .. Hucbitadler K * Oo, Tru*. tec...................... 11080....30,...38 .. HoctiiUdter ft A Oo, Trus tee* 18188,,.100....80 ». Uo<b«tadter It Co, Trua- . t«'» .1BX97. ...30....If .. Hoemer A Bourne,TrneteeelMM....20....10 .. INM * Bourn# do 11M8...100....80 .. Ilunuier DM JtOo TruiUtllbTuV... «8 ...13 (0 Hoamer D >1 A Co do 17407 .. MofUii'f UMA Oo do I7S84....10 . ..8 .. Hoemer I> M A Co do lTxll.. .100....SO .. Hooker H 0. Tru-tee. ..hal 13S4V 8.48..3 7S IIin ker K 0 do 18713. ...10 1 .. UewkaU U, Truatae ltsW • tSO UltktHD do 17SM....S0....3S .. Ilawk* 111) do 1M4S....30.... 10 .. Haw*. H U do lM(« ...10 .. Haak.lIU do 1MS8....30....1U.. I'ut hluaon John, Tnwtee.lt78t....30....10 .. Iluuhinaon Jean do ..17W8....10... .5 .. Hli Oro U, Caihler, Trni tee. balance 14W0 5.IS..ITS Htil Geo 11, Oaabltr, True Id 1SSSS....10 s.. lllll Alfred B, Truatee, bal.l7»03. Kill Alfred B do ....M3U8....80....1ft .. lllil Allred B do ....18380...100....80 .. 11111 Alfred B do ....1MVI.. ,100....SO .. lllll Alfred B do ....183*3...100....80.. ii111 Alfred B do ....18888. .100....SO .. Hill Alfred B do ....MM...100... SO ,. Bill Alfred B do ....11399...100....80 .. lllll Alfred B do ....1WM...1M....S0.. lion-J L.Truitte 18038....30....10 .. 11»11 k Charlea, Truateet.. .1S368 ...30 ...10.. lllldrelbUeoA 181M... IS....11 SO lloluce A A Co. TrufUw(..l»tS8....10.... 6.. Hlggina A Ooukllag, Tr»». t»M. bal 14414. . .S.S0..17S Iglaner8.Truatee 1 SUM... 100 ...SO .. Jackaon M A, TniaUe 1SJ87...I00....80 .. Jackaon M A do 1S0M....SO.... 10 .. Jackaon M A do 17878....30 ...10 .. Kuti it M A Oo, Truatee*.. 17ts39...1b0.... so .. KutaQMAOo do ..178)4...100....88 .. Kaufman 8 ft Oo, Traateaa..11141....10 • .. Kuunrjr <K Ujer, Truateee . ISMS....SO....1U .. Kenuey k Dyer do ...17770...300...100.. Kwiurf Jt Uyer do ...18180....IS S.. LetMtud M. Trnitee 1S440....10 S . Lulr V H. Tracts* 1SS00....S0....10 .. Latham * King. Truateea.. 1*411.. .1U0....S0 .. Lai bam A King do ..1S41B....10 S.. Latham k King do .14338.. .100....SO .. Latham A Sine do ..1US1...100....S0.. Latham k Klnr do ..lSSSS.. .300...l«0.. Latham k King do ..1S838...»)...100 .. Latham A King do ..1B840....M....4T SO Latham k King do ..1SISS....S0....1S .. Latham k King do ..18888...100... 88 .. Latham A Xing do ..18784....80....*8 .. Latham A King oo ..17048...100...100 .. Lary J, Traatee 1S840... 80....18.. LeryJ do 18818...100....SO .. ■MKT. uacon k 10, .. Momw. Bacon * Co do .171(1...10O....M .. Marke* Kalahari t, Truata.HJM....(0....3( .. Marks k lUlnhardt do .1HM... M....1B .. M.cpbcraun Jubn,Tni.t««. .7»1«, ..100...80 ,, MacpharaoD Juhn do ..TMf....*)....10 .. Macpberron John do .14MI....10 A.. Moira a 171M.........» , MijirHaarr.Tnutaa lMrtT...100....M .. Marye Geo T k Hon, Trntu.. .#« # • (0 Marie 0«o T k Son do .10 .. Marj* (>eo T k Hon do ,.al01....10 6.. M»rye Geo T M Hon do ..MM 5 >10 MaryeGeo T k Hon do ..SIM....90....10 Marye Geo T k Bon do ..848T....W....10 .. MaijiOioTkHoa do ..MM....30....10 .. MaryeGaoTk Son do ..MM......... 10 .. Mary* On T k Hon do ..MT....H... 10„ MaryeOaoT ABon do ..MM....10 1. Marye Geo T k Hon do ..MM....10 •.. Marye GeoT k Son do .100M....M....10.. Mary* Oao T A Boa do .1IM1....10 1., Marye Gea T A Bon do .UIM....10 *.. Marya GeoTk Hon do .1(788....M....10 .. Marye Geo Tk Son do .11111....10....2* ,. HaryaOtoT k Hon do .1T1M....H0....M .. Marye Oao T k Hon do .174M.........10 .. Nokia H II k Oo.Traa,bal.lolM 8.48..1TI Noble 11 U A Co do ..1(304....V....10 . Noble H II k Co dt .. lH't......... 10 . Norwood W K. Trnetea....lfc.06... 10....M , Norwood WK do ....KIW....10 8. UUakCo, Trnetaea NOoT....*>....10 .. on. kOo do 1W0H....10 ».. O'Ooaaot k l aok.Traataea. 13787....M....10.. 'ataraon J .mra, Trnataa.. .1MM...10Q....S0 .. Palereon Jan aa do . .1M0...100....M.. Patertoo Jem* do ...ia»»...ioo....M.. Patarrou Jam a do ...1TIW....M....H.. Phlppaa 6 T otae 10M8....M....1O .. gvaaaaU B T ktlM, W1..1TBM....M....1T .. Matt JO, Tos Kick 0,'lrOMM IUM...J9....N . 1IUHWH BUM. M«<Ml»-CMUa Rune*. No.Oertlf. 8hi. Am'l BlehD do WU...100....M.. Rockwell J W, Trsatoe 1M90...I00...1M .. BdimUJB, Traette 11000...MO....M .. Kandolph, Muklmoali * Oo, Traatoae.bal 11741 1.10..1 CM Randolph, Macklntoeh * Oo, Ttuneea 1MM....10 • .. Band jlub. Macklntoeh A Oo. TmitMl.................11T0T....10.* ..II.. Rudolph, Macklntoeh k Oo, Tiuilwi................ JW14...,30.*..10 .. Blchardaon, Bill * Oo.Trna. te* 18M7....C.0....11.. Rlchard'on B A, TrrntM.. ..48M1....10 • .. KIcbardeonKA do ...1U3T....A0....M .. Rlchardton K A do ..14701...100....10 .. Ru'hardeon B A do ..14818...100....10 .. Boot Dm B, True tee 11418...100..;.10 .. Root Geo B do 17333....10....11 .. Root Geo B do IWI....W ...B .. Boot Geo II do 1MM....10....J1.. RootGaoB do 1MU1....IW ....» .. Bbotwell J M.Trnitoe 12101....10....» Shot well J 11 do 11X1...100....10 .. BUbenbauar L 141M... J0....W .. Bohatfedall, BochaUutar * Oo, Traataaa TOO......... 10 .. Schinledell. Hochatadter A Oo, Truataaa UM>...1W....W .. Schmledail. Hochatadter * Oo, Traataaa 18313 S... .310 ■onmiedail, Hochatadter k Oo, Tnutaaa 11731... 10 1.. Schmieden, Bochatadtrr k Oo, iruataaa 13711....10 S .. Bcbmledell, Hoohetadtar k Oo, Trnataee 140M...100... 10.. Bedgawiet John, Iruetaa.. 18303....IS T Bu bcoit Bit Oo, Tniateee.. 11071... 1W....&0 .. Bteward W J.Tru.tee 1MM....B0....33 .. IImWK, Trnataa 17PM....10 • .. MinaWK do litliM .. Hlma W K do lUttf...lu0....60 .. tchmltt 0 A.Traitaa IUftU...UW....I0 .. Bchmitt o a do t»i...urj3 tkfcmlttOA do 17171.... M.... 21 .. hchmltt 0 A do I8WW..10 .. Hum Mat, Trulloa, bal 1171* » 4 M Htaio Mat do 11VJ4...IOO....AI.. Hteln Mat do 18018...100....10 .. UMaNat do latlv.. .1UU....W .. Htantz iKWDer. Tratt*«...lM<4...10O....tO .. Toblu R 0. Tnutaa HulV....*0....1U.. ToblnRO do bal 1MM *.10.. 101 Toblu R U do 1UOH... 20....10 .. Todd AHA Oo, Tnutcae.. .1816T....C0....21 .. Wllaou AUutohlnaon. Trne teaa 16410... 100.... M.. Vllaon k lintchlneoo, Trua taaa ............17184....10,...*1.. Wagoner R,Tnutea, bal...14201 5.41..171 Wegener R do 11142....10 1.. Wegener R do 1M34....10 1,. Wegener R do 10783....40....20 .. Wegener R do bal ..16143 1.10..101 Wrgaorr R do 1CVM....31....1T ft) W.gtner H do 1MN7....M....1210 Wegener R do bal. .17M1 Tl.....tT Wagaoer R do 17U1....I0... 13 .. Wegener R do 17(184..,.1U 1.. Wegener It do 18101... 100...MO .. Wegener R do 18181....40....'JO .. Wegener It do 18141....30.... 10 .. Wegener B do 18284....10 ....1. Wooda k Freeborn. True. taea 11W...100....10.. Whlla A W, Trualae 12181 1 110 While AW oo leito....*)....11 . Wakefield IB! Co. Trnata.lTlU.. .100. ..10u .. ftbltaiy T * Co, T(«flota...1310.,..M....10 .. Toat 1> Z A Oo, Truataaa . ..1*411.. , .. Zadlg k Weill, Tnutaaa....1M4M.. 30....11 .. Zaulg k Weill do ....1TKI....I0....M .. And In aeeordinee with law, and au order of tna Board of Director*, made on the Hat day of Janoary, 1180, eo tuanj aharea of each panel of raoh etock aa may be neeeeeary will be aold al public auction, at the office of the Ootaoan;. 414 California atreet, Dan franclaoo, Oalitornu, on FRIDAY, tha twan 7-elxUi (WUi) daj o( March, 1M0, at tha boar of 1 o'clock r. m. of aald day, to paj aald delinquent aaeeeament themon, together with coeu of ad* Tertlalng and expenaaa af tale. R. WKUfcMBR. Secretary. OBea—414 OaUfornla atreet. Haa Vraacuou California. I rpilE JVMTICK HINIMWCOMPAHT. A Location of principal pl*ce of huilneei, ban Kranclrco. California. Location of work*, Gold Illll, Btorejr count;, Nevada. Notice.—'There are delinquent upjn the fol lowing described etock, on account of wee**> meul (No. 81) levied on the nlutb day of Feb ruary, iMO. the eeveral amount* eel oppoelte the uamee of the teipeclive eharehoidera, *e lollowe: Nunee. Ho. Oertlf. She. Amt Gardinerft Ilookcr,TTniteee.Tlt....10...(10.. (too T Karjr ft Sou, True tee* 1S87 B IH DoufU** k iLjmpeon, True tcte 3B3B I IK Wlleoa * Uatchlneon, True teee ....-,.....,....II7I....10.,...I.. J M Uhotwell, Truetee WIS ...*).... 10 .. Ueo LUradler,Trietee S020...180....W .. t Ulasler ft Oo. TruUeee... B17B...U0....M .. Bchmlelell, Bocbitadtcrft Oo, Trueieee 38M...MU....B0 .. Nat Bteln. Truetee 8913.. .*00.. .110 .. Latham ft King, Truetee*.. .tMJ... .10 0 .. Schmieden, hochetadter ft Oo,Trueieee Mil....10 1.. Rppeleln k Oo, Trueteee.. AS....20....10 .. w L Duncan, Truetee. BTTu S StO K Hocbiudter ft Co, True teee 6782....33...13 M Co Sin, Stsderecn ft Cock, Trueteee.... •••••• S903....90....II iiandolpb,Mackintosh ft Oo, Trait***. 7(m....lO ».. W K Norwood, Truitee 14M...10J....6O .. T B Dlion, Truetee 7M1....20....10 .. Ooffln, Sandereon k Cooa, Tiueteee TMI....10 6 .. Jl* Wharton. Truetee 7777....10 S .. 0 M Hoemer k Oo, Trusue*.77M....10 • .. Thoe O'Connor, Truetee 7804....10 B .. K C ToWn, Truetee 7MM... .10....».. A W White, Truitee 7VTI....80....IB .. It Oahlll * Co Trueue* 81*7 1 1B0 A-« Uuruett JtCo,Trueteee.11118 SO....10 .. 1 Glaiter * Oo, Truiteee .„.n«l....So....» .. Kt Kint, Truetee alii ...S0....10 .. Haul Meroner.Truitee Mil....SO....10 .. K M Berr/mae, Truetee SM7 ...IB B .. Geo W Kelley, Truitee...... M04....SQ....1B . (■oil; ft Uhl, Truetee* B4M....20....10 .. Urecklurldfe ft Toet, Trua !•*• WIT....20....10 .. I Jackton, Trait** 8540....10 S .. CJ Klatt.Truite* K3R....1U ».. K Uocbitadtir k 0*. Tra*. t**i W57....38.... 10 .. X Hochiudter k 0o, Trai ttcii .HS9 ,.30,... 10 .. Glat* • Lov*Uad.Trait**i..«e80 6 310 JH PatUrron. Traate* 8T84.. .100... .B0 .. JitPtWnni do TO*, Ureraebanm. Helblng * Co, TntMM (883. 1000...K0.. C A Mchmltt, Trust** 8M8....10 ft.. U*o B Hoot, Ti urtr* 8913.... 10 6 J BBonnM.Tr. tie* 8>UT....40....3U .. K HocbiUdltr k uo, Trui trM IW1....38....18 81 G*j H Hoot, Tru.te* WT8....30....1II. I elnl*r * Co. TraIt***,...8181,.,.88... 13 b I Qiialer k Oo do ....VI84....83....1 8b Franklin Lawtoa, 1rait**...«S0S....80....J0 . Atkinson, Doud k Co, Tra* UM 9MS....30....10 .. | II H Scott k Co. Tra«*cs...83M ...10 8, Ju Oofflo, Traihe 8383.. 100....80 .. R C T*blc, Tnute* 8808.... 10 8 .. W L Duncan, Tru.te* IH4U 8 *80 Nat Httln. Traite* Wo» .. L*at dar Cobb. Trait** 8T3a. .30....10 .. Handolob, lUcklutoab k Co. Trail*** 8781....10 8 .. A 0 Uurnett k Oo, Trnite**.M3T....30....10 .. Cook A Wakott, Trait*** .8888....10 8 . FIFll,Truite* 8M1....30....1U .. Kdwaroik Inrto*.Tni)>tM*.Wki0....38....13S0 Jno Uacpbaraoa. Treat**.. .WIT 8 3 88 J M Bholvtll, Truth* 88M....10 8 .. Cisua i.oT*i*Dd.Trti*t***.ioooi ...10 8.. Latham A King. Troiteei..l0OM....80....10 .. Baldwin Uardl**r.Traat**.lO081....18 T 80 Baldwin Gardiner do 1(083 ...10 8. Zadlg k W*1U, TrnitM*....10118....18 T 80 OmaMuo. H.llidi * Oo, Trait***..................18844....18.....8 .. II W Maitla, Trutt**. 10381....W....10 .. I Qlaxltr k Co, Trait*** .10833....30....18 .. deo B Hill. Caihler, Trait.10830 8 3 80 Joo todfwlck, Trait** 10*88 8 8 88 K Url«ilDK*r. Trait** 10388....88....88 . KUaathUrAOo.TraitMc.10UT.. ..10 8. D M Ho*m*r k Oo, Tra*M..10«88 8 3 80 | Fr», H*al k Oo, Trait***...108*7... 10....10. I Oahltl A Oo, Traat***.. ..UN01....10 8 . i anion. Trait** 1U883....80....38 . Ooffln, Htodiraou M Oook. TrnSIOTI o . B 0 Bwftln, Tnutoo 10W1....10 • . Kile * Wright, Trwteo«...llM4....IO....M . I Qlulorfc Oo, Truilooo... .11114...100....M . 0 Blrehftld, TrntUo U1M. Wood* A Freeborn, Tnu t HUT....SO....10 Wood* k Freeborn, Tnu iooo......^. nut..„io t.. Wood* * free born, Tnu too* ••••••• Ul»....10 B .. Wood* k Freeborn, Tnu. t*** 11110....10 1.. C Blrtbleld. Trnatt* 111(1 ...10 • 1 OUslor k Co. Trnitoao....lllM 10 • 8 KwaTmftn A Co, SO....10.. I Oloiler k Co. Tnut*e*...ll»I....U....l»S0 Am FUk, Tru*t*o 11W... DMBo*n*rAOo, Trail*.. UMB........ 10.. DZ Yoolft Oo.Tnutoc*....11401....If....1(10 R B Volt;, Troitoo 11411....10 B .. Clu* Biadolo, Trait** 114M....M....16 .. Oh** Budoln do ....1I4B0....IB....I8 .. Oka*Baadola do ....114S0... M....BB.. J r 0»T*lll«r, Truiteo UM1....M....U to SB W*k*fl*ld * Oo, Trn* ton TZ iion....80.,..IB .. Tbeo Llebermann. TmtUo.UT00....1B T 10 JO Anb k Oo, Tnuto*o....llTIS...lt0....lo., B Woktfleld * Oo, Tin* oKSiiiJ "",0 " IM... 11"#...80... J» .. Ooo J Camp be 11. Tnu to* .11144. ..lot .» :: I OM7I.........1#.. | Ogyoabof of * B4UB«*t, DILIHtrFTT 8AL»g. Jaallea »Ua Iiom. So. Ortit Bha. Ami. WmC*dl<t»n, TnutM L {]HUM, TnutM 1 10M..,. 10 t.. Oollr k Ubl.Trnatew .. D B UllterfTraMM J11M....I0 • .. I QLuler k Oo. TrarteM...lUM...100....M .. OerolamoQudroloTratee Iim. .,100.. .«o .. Oeo 0 Blckos k Oo. Tree. tee*....■••• l®Hi•■*■9 ••••900 BO Tobla, TraetM.........1JJ47. J a Bodkin, TnutM IUM....U. Oeo T JUrje k Sen. Tree ....»0 X Bocbetadter * Oo. Tnu tM* .0.. X Bocbetadter k Oo, Tree. tee* 1W1 1.. Oeo B. Hoot, Tiuite* 1MTI....1U I.. K Qriealnrr. TrnalM 1MU....M....M .. Durcit a Walker, TruteM.l 1(30.... M.... 10 .. Oeo T Marye * Hon, True In, ' |fff 4t jq || W M Morireod! Treatee imi'...'.Uit M llocbitadter A Oo. Tim*eeeeeeeeeeeeee>ee» line.... m.... u m X Bocluudter k Oo, Tree tee* HTM....10 1.. B B Kelly, Truttee IIW....10. ..J. B X Kelly do ISM • 110 ueoB Hoot. TnutM. 1MN....M... U . D Z >oet M Co. Tnalm...!—....»0....» .. II >• K*lley, Tra tee IBM....1I •.. H D Hawk*. Traatee 1MM....10 • .. J M rbot»e I i rnatae 11010...100....10 .. M Le*elard Trait** UM....I0 t .. B U Hawk*. Tra tee 1MO. ..IO.....( tat r tela, Traatee UNO....10.... 10 .. u*o T Mary* k Hon. Traa U*e .-. U0T1....10 0.. U>o T Marye * eon, Tree I4 a* ...»•«••■, 1BTI... .10.... .1 a. B Bocbatadter M Oo, Tra* _teee 1MM....10 ».. B Uoebitadter * Oo, Tra* Me 1BM....10 ....... date A Loretaoit, Tnut*e*lJ0Sl • >10 « O Garnet! k Co.Tn»M**M....»....\0 .. BtM'gn o Tr-»tee 1II«....10.TI.;«M Keone> it Dyer, Traateee...UlH...lM....W .. X UucLtiuur k Oo, Trn*. mil.,,.*.... «.. B It JUI *. Tnutw MOD....10 •.. 1 U uitr* Oo, TrutoM...UMl...lW....M .. B V ix^TniMN 1 I.. « B btfuj, Trvmm„ .. H .ni«r H tujc ft Oo.TraiU. l»Tl....lo • .. k UochiUrtUr fc Oo.TnwU.lWfl...II....11 It BtnaU ft Wtltar. TlMUM.IW»T....«0....».. ^SaVl,l'Tru>m' wm..:.m....u.. I Hocbit*dt*r ft Co,TnuU.lSHT....lo • .. £ WW....W....M. H 1) Hiwki. Truit**. 1IW....10 I .. }ul"l«f*O».T*BM*,....l«®T...100 ...10.. 'Ik Tni"* U4tl...M0.. MO .. Uf H Boot, Trait** 1MU....V....U .. Col* ft Dtrli, Tra*l***....114fl....l0 • .. Jf HijotoUdtorft Co.Tnut*.lM44.,.,16 ...II w «**•"*. 1IM0...I00....I0 .. i i'D0?* «««....»....».. BKK-.y.T,™. 1MM....M ...» .. 555,*"'^ 40 ma... to •„ KFMurphyTrait**. .1*74....10....16 .. 5 S FZk'i£nMm WW....I0 • .. f * 'r• IMI... TI....IT M Jno lluicblnion, Trait**..ll?0l 6k...I II L BtrattloJ.Tract** UTM....U IM ?r'-K,94,';Ur- Tnuto*.. .!«»..It to t.. i"1"1"* 9°.Tr«*ti**...utii I.U.. M ? II ^Uei" 4 * Oo.tlUlB.WH t ttt L KaiIaii. Trait**., IITTt.... ««.<■*• « * Jf*"/. wit 2«-pV.'*,vInM— «■»... B o Tubin, Trust** .Mil y n HOTowo. do :jo-'S •• *!.z X<?} it Co. Trmm.„MMt . jUTKafB ftit«D.TjMU.I»|t....t0....U.. ob»£! * . MM.. ..45... M10 i4oii....ii, it 5 M ^T1"*In,,u• 14MT....10 1.. j*2K&hIS!S i4«4....*....10.. t.. yrr??*0®!!*"*'*" i« WK 5^.°' 14111....10....* .. I OlAtlcrft Oo.Tra*i***....14IM....M....M .. • 1W H .¥ *'*'.una....a ...n io B lUarmtn ft Co, TraatMa.liNt.........10 .. 141....ti....r It ■ Oo-Tnun 14171....80....14 .. S it Mil** ft Co, Truit***.. 14101... .1 tw " 14JJJ... IO,,..*.. trutM 14WI....40 ...» .. k ^K?iir^IundTnuu,,-M"4— 1 *° > i ^ um....n T M um... bo....*.. K K K*lly. Trait** X44U. ..I ,iu M 0Uofflcr, TrwtM 14411....*) .. It.. 14441.... 10,,.. I.. ggriwInnr^Tmi** 144W....*> SS*® "®° iTro,«* 14Mt....M....UM m a t?' •'.loo.'.'.'.io :: H^U+Ir?U* ..10 .. ^BBoot.Tra,^. I4tll....t0... U,. " * g***i (2ru*u*-; I4«t I | M k M Miles • Ou. Tmitttfl*. 14131 so 1 * iLS^USS'*.. , Q*oB toot. Tumi l4Tll.,., ?I H TrwU-.Mgt....*> D V Ifmlw' »* ** IT V *** '14TH. •• .It.... ,t • . K * imtM, btUsa* tl>4 14103 I f R«jUlir. Tra*t«, ' 1 " 1«M. • ..11 110 k I fl!!?' J*"!!* ,ttu# » > •• H S K*ll/a Trust** 11*06 I i > 8 «*•»/. T«'«~. Utoei * i i.. K * Trmtc*. balaae* •" ,i»l'l tun t m H K I.Ily, Tnut**, bal»no. " llllf 14111 11 ■ « *M11. Trait**, b*l«M -B 1 " v.—"IaiT » * •• • B Tru»t*e. twlue* 1ID40*.14A19 | • 1 - 18713 iiMw « ] B K t*",. Trait**, U&* ' 1 " - KK*iiy; Tiiit^; 1 1" BrUtoVvS; iilMlo*,t04 • * " k fck.ii7.Tnuu*,' ' • -r—u» 11444 148TT 1 1 B • Kjllf.Trtuu*. h*l»pc* W 1 " » /y■•■•••- i4i»....n i m • Trail**, balaac* lino... .t .i 2?jif ^ I™"* 14«T....*...,11.. w h wh^J M.. . .t .. , nJ? ',.|l.. U ft Kvllf,Tri'tto* 14146....11 t » OLD —Tf* S CAfclll, TrattM HIT*. M !• ,aiHm*~±eZ' Tn*— not....*::::* •» > Ol>l ** * Co, Tru*t***.. .1JJ4T I ] M 1 0 A O rm, TraitM ir« it t .~».b«w.H.ibi««ft oi; • * " Tromii 157M tn in -Vh". WMfc Iwr. M ON* . u. of %2txon'mta* M tk* w>*r« or M*ft • ptrcei Of tadi ttock m tM "Hi >>• (Old At ptbUcAaetloa.AtUweETS tft* Ounpuj, Room t, HaywAni'i Balldlar lit«AltforalA Atrwt. Baa imcmco. CAlMnlt! a? th^hSlt W '"ft <*tb) 01 if11- ""W SyM'-2LL22**i» «f ifi 4* • jc*Lr with 00.1?or *d rwtu!a( Md*££j£ a£a3s». GEftKBAL OMIT «OLft AID H1LVXH MINING OOM PANT. — Lot" Uoa of prtadpal place of lraataeaa. OoM ■'!' Mmycoiiiti, KiTdi, Location of wotka, Klut Grant, ] ceaotjr, nndt. Notice.—There Is lowlnjr-deecribed Mo ment No. 1, levied < <ur ol Jaaaarj. 1M0 opposite the num bolder*, aa follow*: nrwiciDwoa. . il'S!;,.,,. Shaw*. Ami. »" **™*tte....; 10 ooo m And la liana with law aad as .S-1« thaBoard of Dlirctora, —J* oa the Twmtr alxtk (Mth) la; of Jaaaanr, 1M0. ao but JWJWwCwJ** UbfkM«55' U 5fu!,rIub " mon OTETi Saciatair. OoM Hill. FaWawy W. me. fr Clinn MTnunnao Din 05hi lUUU lawM. UUd rapafta baa. CllBi proite weekly oa Stock ootlaea of 110 ta MO. AMiwTjUtarWl<|tl* 0^,l«Sn. Wall Street. IT. T ««l POt MILL BWINO ANI