Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAY, : APRIL 7, 1880 •T»CK uroiT. last num. 118 lUjaoul A Ely. 20c. 25c 118 Eoreka Coa.. 191* 785 Belmont, 40o 1080 Leopard, 10c 108 K K Cra.. 4 b3 48 Northern Bella, 18 80 Manhattan. 1, 104 'JO Metallic, 1 \ 538 Grind Prite, 1. 1 03 800 Argenta, 88c. 88c 3880 Navajo, 38 (18. 30c. 38c, 80a «19 780 Independence, 1 100 Endowment, 80a 180 Mia lale. 90a 1080 Day. 88c. 90a 408 Paradise, 80o 388 H ill*Ida, GOo 88 Baal dal Monte. 40a 1C00 Albiea, 80c, 78c. 88c 118 Jaekaon, 3*. 4 310 Walaa. S 08, 8 40 MA Diablo. 33 3008 North Balla We. 35o 310 MA Potoai. 1 40.1 48 110 Eaat Mt. Diablo. 90c 180 Balding. 78c 330 Bodia, SH. 8*4 alO 370 Baehtal, 1H 300 MeCHntoa. 65o 348 Tioga. 3 30. 3<% 88 ttammit, 1 18,1 30 148 Bnlwer. 7H 818 Syndicate, 1. 1 10 M0 MajtaUa, 38o 418Coaacrdia. It. 1 30 8IV Champion. Ma. i 80 Balvtdaie. 3 30 100 Blaekbawk, 70c 250 Booker Can.. 88c. 88c Hi Queen Bee. 41c. lOo 378 Meao. 4H a3 308 Can. Paaitte. 3H, 3 38. 3 40 300 Uairaraity. 30c 350 Jupiter, 3 05. 3.18.3 05 480 Addenda. 90c. 85o 189 Noonday. 4 88,4 H 188 North .Noonday. 4 335 Doable gtaadard. Wo 340 Mammoth. 3*. 3** 400 Ore. 4tt. 4 85 100 Oppey Wuucn. 1 1380 Atiaa. 8o 30 Tiptop. 4 10 10 CaJedoaia (B. H.), 3H 300 Qoodahaw, 35c THIS HOKUM. 4G4 Ophir, 14. 13%. 13% Sao Muitu, 13.1SH 188 Boald A Carry. 4 48. 4 33 110 Baal A Balchar. 9S.9* 2(54 Oil if trait. 3 70.1H J13 Baraga. 4 34. 4 30. k\ 13> Cm. TirgiaU. S. 3 04 80 Challar. 4H 330 Pataai. 3 M. 3 34 280 Bala * Boreroea, 8W. 8 234 Crawn Poiat. 3 30. /■* 330 Tallaw Jaakal. 7%. 7S. 7 AM Imperial. 4ic. 40o, 46c b20 30 Alpha. 7. 8% 411 Batcher. SV 3 20, 3 15 230 Uuk, 10 648 Siarra KarUi. 14>«. 13% •30 Ballian, 3 30. 3 14. 3 10. 3 06 330 Biabaquer. 2 <0. 3 46 370 Ottrau, 1 60. 1 44 300 Jutiea, 1 84.1H 084 Caiea Cm.. TJV 39%. 30. 80%. | 80%. 30% *00 180 All*. 3 30, 2 34 8# Lady Bryan, 18c 7M Jmlia, 1 44 330 Caledaaia. Wo 180 111var Hill. 83c. COo 800 Bow Tark. 30c. 33c 38 Confidence. 1% 818 Oaaidaoul. 1 10. 1 08. 1 328 Lady Waakiagton Cm.. Uc, 88c 780 Andaa, 84c. 00c 118 Ward. 1 <4 488 taarpioa. 3 40. 3%, 2 30. 2 33 380 Laviathaa. 30c 480 Trojan, 10a 248 Baa Ion Can.. 1 93.1 90 880 Qoldaa Oata. 43c 100 Flowary. 18c 200 Nartk Bonania, 26c 100 Maekay. 10c OtSaaax. 1 80 WirMt lapan. Bis P*akci*co. April 7—3 r. Alia. a%. 2 70. 2 88; Upbir. 13%. 13*1. 13. 13%, 18; .North Noonday. 4 03. 4; Mexi can, 11%. U. HH. 11; Earak* Cod., 20%. S0%; Siarra Niridt. 18. 14 V, Daioa Con., SO (00. 29%; California, 3 70. 3%. 2 80; Tallow Jackal, 7; Northern Bella, 18; Bala * Noraroaa. 8. 4 90; Balabar, 3. 2 90; Ea raka Con., JOS; Syndicate. 1 03, 1; Con. Virginia. 3; Baal A Deleter. 9; Bollian, 3; Siarra Nevada, 13; Tiptop, 4 08; Utah, 10; Jnaliaa, 143, IS; Qould A Carry, 4 V, P«y. 90c. 93c, 88c; Imparial. 40c; R K Con.. 4; Exchequer. 3%, 2 40; Ooodabaw, 28c; Jupiter. 2. 1 90. 1 93; Savage. 4 10; Scorpion, 3 40.2 43; Mono. 8S; Balvidere, 3; Noonday, 4%; Champion, 90o. 1; Ward, 1 80.1 83; Oro, 8; Albion. 80c, 73c; Crown point. a 18. 2 10. AUNKH'OIK.Vr*. iMlta Cmm —to craU per ehare. levied I April 1; delinquent May I; aaie day Mi; >1. Alto-ad feat# per ehafv. levied April »; de Uaqaea* May 10; »al« day May II. palrbar - TS reate per thare; levied April I; delinquent May «; eaie day May IT. M»eagn 81 per ehare; l*vied April t; dellt HOeat May •; tale day May It. -50 crate per ehare; levied April <; delinquent May 12; tale day Jane J. Itea-|l Mr than-, levied March It; tie-1 Itaqeeai April «. «l« day May It). M-T rente per ehare; levied March T;» delinquent April It; eaJe day May •. ' »•! — to eeata per (bare ; levied I March t; delloqueal April 11; ul, day May 8. ia-11 real* per ehare. I art*] I Much JO; delinquent April H, eaie day Mario. 1 ale Crtata Oea. —10 ceala pee ehare: levied M <rch it; deltaqaent May t; eaie day Jane X. jrwm levada-H par ahart: levied March I 0; delinquent April 10; eaie day April M. VMM—$1 par ahara; levied March $ ' qaaat April 8; tale day April ». Jails Cta.-M ceo taper ehare; lavled March »; daBaqaeal April 7; eaie day April tt. Aadea-18 rente par ehare; levied Pehn. ery tt; dellnfaeni April I; tale day Apnl to. Vattow Jaekat—gl per ahanr levied fab. raary M; deUaqaeat March 9: eaie day |«Vlalhaa-ll eeala per thare; levied fch. nuur^ tt. drUnqueni March 30. aale day «»*•*»»• MM ■•Hlaf L P Draxlar, Mr* WykW. I S Pcnflald. I L Davia. T 11 Fmn, W McKay. J tfpargo. B P Chanlton. 0 W Smith. Charlaa Wil litBNS, I H Harria. W 0 Kelly. Mn J J Kafla. J Brows. P O'Neill. D J Moor*. T 9 ■ tugi*. E Goulding. T J Quiaa. NW m UN CfMUf. Mn E Friecd, Mr* Dalian. Mr* X Rob iaaon. J D Bain*. J • Willi*. Mr* F Lay. (M ud daughter, H Bawdaa, D W Hal Joy. Mm i J Nagle. W W Adami, P E Plate bar. J Oaaaor, D B Lyman, C F Jjtmit, B Uolmaa, F S Inglaaby, M Frad •riok, T E Picotta, T > Merchant, Dick Dwyar, T F McCarthy. Mn barraoay and ««n, Mn 0 Traralllaa, Mia* M Dytr, M Aronaoa. A B Hilt. Mn P T Brodla. Miaa AEMlaholl. Xm^m of tba Sanflaid Oaard will sot fd ga« tha alaetion of offloan tonight. A Ml attaadaaaa ia raqnaatad. tad will pidnUka bad. 2m 1 wait, an old iwHinl of Day fca, diad Snaday Maine THE! COUSTOCK. Latest Official Mining Hews. For the »v ek Ending Wednesday, -April 7, 1880. Tba (MblMUMt Wfelch Hit* PrwlMwl U* Prmal Bmtj lurk<l-lu r»var«U* Fniar* litpuln ai lb* DnlM Utah la ka ('•mploM Mail Waak-Mchtr Acuta rrw>»Hlag — Xurlh B» aaaaa aatf CaaMalralara. Tha aecidant at tha Union abaft laat Tha rada r night and tha thraatenad paaa aga of tba Braonhart bill by tha Cali fornia Lagialatura bara oombinad to giva ua a Tary haa»y atock markat. Still tba aitoation baa n farorabla faa tura in tba fact that man of tba ahrawd eat judgmant, wbo ara alraady haavily intaraatad in atocka, ara buying, know* ing, aa tbay do, tbat prioaa ara mnoh balov raal valaaa all along tha loda. Tha praaanl dapraaaion bida fair to ba of abort duration. Tha laat part of nazt waak will doubtlaaa aaa rapaira at tha Union abaft folly oomplatad, and tha aaaaon of anticipated nativity at tha north and fairly inaugurated. Thia will enabla Siarra Narada to prooaad with davalopmenta in diraatlona wbara favar abla raaulta ara both lndioatad and axpaotad, and Union to incraaaa ita out put of ora. It will, in fact, infuaa naw lila into tha antira north and by lifting from it tba burdan of watar, which ia fait mora or laaa claar along to tha bonanza minaa, ainoa watar from tba Siarra Navada ia now oonductad to tba C. ± C. pumpa to ba raiaed to tha Sutro tunnal la vol. Belober ia one* nor* ia poeitioa 10 renew developmeata. The diamond drill ia not yet, probably, far eaough tail on tba 3000 level t* reaoh tba main ora vain, ainca I ha winza from tba 27C0 larel baa not been drained by it. In fraeing tba 3000 level of vatar, an extra pomp waa placed ao that everything ia in raadinaaa to bandla whatever vatar ia encountered by tba drill on tbat level. North Bonaaza ia aboat to make an effort to redaca ita baaa oraa. If tba right concentrator* can be procured aa ia azpaotad, tba propar machinery will ba aat up in Six-Mile Canyon and tba ex periment tried. Auaya from concentre tiona of tba oraa give $86 per ton, and thia oertainly warranta the experiment. Alta will eoon begin croaaoatling on tba 1950 level. Below will ba foand authentic and re liable report* of tba minea, abowlng the eitnation of aaob np to tba hoar of go ing to preea : nitrra RitwI*. The programme of developmenta has b«en temporarily interfered with by the accident to the balance bo be at the Unioa abaft. The eaat croeacut, 2300 level, COO feet north of the eaat abaft and oppoaite the main abaft, haa been diecontinned for the preeent, Ita face 30 feet eaat of the main north drift and in very flne-looking vein matter. Tly prea enoe of water in that part of the ftdge ie (eared. The croaacat weet, from which the raiee ia to be made to the main ahalt, haa aleo been diecontinned on the aame account, and a drill will be aent abrad to guard againat water, indication! of which hate already been encountered. Tbe north drift on thia level ia, however, be ing puahed ahead and ia in a v*ry fine quartz formation which promiaea well. The winze from the 2100 level, 14S feet north of the incline, ie being continued on down, bat haa left the or* fermationa to the weat aioce being turned to an in cline with a dip of 65 degreea to the eaat. oaair. Winze No. 2 from the 2100 level ia down 42 feet. It having been aunk per pendicularly at flrat, and the ore vein in which it etarted having a dip to the eaat it paaaed laat week out of the ore; bnt haa been now changed to an incline. It haa not yet, however, got back into the ore. Tbe north drift on the 2200 level eontinuea iu vein porphyry carrying low grade quartz; total length from the main eoutheaat drift, 2t55 feet. Croaacut No. 1 eaat, on thia level, ia in bard porphyry carrying aome water; total length, 130 feet. On tbe 2300 level the obamber in the joint kleziean eaat croaacut haa been oompleted. and the winze for the 2500 level etarted. The croeacut eontinuea in • kindly vein material; total length, 280 feet. The main north drift on the 2500 level ia atill penetrating • kindly looking and favorable vain material; total length from the incline. SIC feet. Tbe eaat drift on thia level ia in a heavy formation of low grade quartz; total length from the incline, 280 feet. Sink ing haa not jot been reaumed In the incline. A new blower engine baa been placed on the 2760 level and work in the aouth drift along tbe ora vain reaumed. Thia drift ia now US feet from the eaat croae out and eontinuea in an excellent Tain material. On the 3000 level the aouth drift ia being continued and tha face ia in a formation of quartz and porphyry. Tbe croeaout eaat on thia level waa puahed 80 feet into a fine vein forma tion carrying buachea of good quartz, •nil | diamond drill waa then aent in 40 feet and tapped the hot water which flooded the level aad a topped work. Thia water baa been pumped out, the workiaga eooled aa well aa they can be by the blowera, and the drill ia being aent further ahead. Tha wiaza on the 2760 level ia not yet drained. I'aiaa abaft. Tha vork of removing tha broken bal ance boba aad preparation! for repairing the injnriea are progreeaiag well. The eaatinga hava been contracted for and will becin to arriva tomorrow. 8bonld there ba no unexpected delay In tha ar nvel of tha J»ew atrapa for tha boba, repair* will ba oompleted \>j thajjddto or laat at next week. The abaft ia beiag aunk toward tha 2500 layel at tha rata of two feet per day. caUkraia. Weat croaacut on tha 1500 W toward tha old atapaa contionea to panatrata a heavy vain formation which haa to ba carefully timbered; total length, 195 feet. The raiaa from tha 2100 level to internet the ore vein fonnd in tha north drift on the level above, ia np 45 feat aad hi quartz giviag low aaaaya. For workiaga joint with Can. Virginia aaa report of that mine. Daily yield 70 tona of ore. Nwib imm-4. The lateral drift oa the COO level is being oontinued tad when it reaohea the •Ming of the ore vein it will be twang round into the ledge. Croesente No*. 1 and 2 era without particular change. The winze from the 400 level in the ore body oontinaee in the same general formation, but ahowe a slight improve ment is the quality of the ore pene trated. An effort in to be made to use a concentrator and work this ore. Assays made from oonoentrations give |86 per ton. CmmIMiM Vlrflal*. The stopes continae their aooostomed yield of 175 tons of ore per dsy, which comes from the 1650 and 1750 levels. For eroesoat joint with Best & Belcher on the 3000 level see report of that mine. The joint Cslifornia crosscut east on the 2200 level continues in a vein formation carrying aome water; total length, 243 feet. The joint Cali fornia croascut eaat on the 2300 level has not yet been started. Y*ll«w Jacket. The crosscut west, 2700 Isvel, has been discontinued, its face 273 feet from the south lateral drift. Opposite to this crosscut ons running out hat been started and is making good progreas through vein porphyry. The shaft is being oontinued on down and is nearing the 21)00 level. Preparations for lower ing and plseing ths pumps in the shaft are programing well. Ck«ll«r. The drift toward the Potoai line on the 2400 level is making very rapid pro greet through clay, quartz and porphyry, an averse of 10 or 11 feet per day being made. Yestsrdsy 12 fset were run. The formation loo^s well. Crostouts west will be made *whea the drift has suffl siently penetrated Potoei ground. It will reach the Potosi line soon. ■atrw Teasel. Ths north header is now 2800 feet from the main tunnel and less than 300 feet from the connection with the drift weet from the 0. k C. shaft. Ths neces sary repairs to the south lateral branch have proved to be more ezteneive than was st tint suppossd, and work in the aouth header has not yst been com menced. Sine* placing the larger air pip* in the mint the ventilation bu been greatly improved. The east drift on the 2350 level ia in good ledge matter; total length, 40 feet. The inoline winze below thia level is also in fine ledge matter; total depth, 30 feet. Work ia both places ia progressing well. ■liver Hill. The crosscut eaat on the 1300 level ia making rapid progress; total length, 1470 feet It continues in good ledge matter. The lateral drift aouth on thia level ia outting ledge matter and evi dently neariag the quarts vein encoun tered in the crosscut 1000 feet eaat of the incline; total length, 1GS feet. cua. Total depth •( the inoline, 54 feet below the 1050 level. Sinking baa been diacontinued to place a tank just under the 1950 station. On the 1750 level • erosacut haa been atarted eaat from a point in the aenth drift 300 feet from the iacline. The aouth drift on thia level is also being pnahed ahead. Consolidated Inptrwi. Ranuiog nortk on the 2800 level through a miztaro of quartz and por phyry; total langtb of thia drift, 320 fa«t. Sinking a anmp batow tba 2800 (aval on tha Alpha lina preparatory to opening out tba atatlon and drifting aouth to meat tba-north drift on that layal. Udj WMhlartoa. Weat eroaaent No. 3, 1560 level, haa been run 138 faat, having paaaed entirely through the vein and fonr feet into tha weat wall, where it waa diaoontinued. Some tine quartz haa been enoountared, but no pay ora. At prea*nt tba main north drift on thia level ia undergoing needed repaira. ■exleaa. The joint Union oroaacut eait on the 2300 level will thia week reach tha point 305 feet from tha main lateral drift north where a chamber ia to be made and the winze atarUd for tha 2600 level. No change of formation ainoe laat report. For workinga joint with Opbir aaa report of that niiue. uoald * Carry. Tba raiee from tha 1700 level to reach tba joint Beat & Belober and Gould k Curry shall ia up 350 feet and atill in bard dry rock. The joint abaft ia down 1005 feet, and atill finds plenty of water. Connectien will be made between the two aome time toward the laat of thia month. Aaeii. Drifting aaat in good vein matter on the 400 level from the bottom of tba winze from tha 350 level. A raiaeia being made from the 200 level and the north drift on that level ia beiag contin ued. Both theae workinga are iu likely* looking vein material. Now Tork. There ia no particular ehanga in the aouth drift on tha 1000 level. That run ning north ia ahowing a little improve ment in the quality of vein matter pene trated. Thia laval ia proapecting muoh better than anything yet found in tha mine. Mill. Still preparing to pump water from the tank near the bottom of tha inolina. The pump will be running tha laat of thia week. Tha drift toward the inoline from the 2400 atation of tba 0. N. S. abaft ia in bard, dry roek; total length, 620 feet. All* aad Ben tea. Croitouta havo nol yet been atarted. The inolina engine will bo ready to bo replaced in abont one day more. It haa been thoroughly overhauled, and the reela are being enlarged ao aa to contain mora cabla. Jail* CeawlMat**. Tha aouth lateral drift on the 2000 level haa not oonneoted with tba oroaa cut out from tha bottom of the winsa from tha 1800 level. The rock encoun tered is hard and abort anddoea not blaat wall. raraaaa Shaft. Shaft down 1010 feet and ainking dia oontinued to ent o«t a bob atation at tba 900 level and a tank atation at tba 1000 level. Thia work ia progreaaing wall and ona of th» pita will be oomplated thia week, Croaacul No. 9, east, la being oon tinned through vein porphyry; total length* 350 foot The raise from the 700 level is In softer vein matter oarrr iag atreaka of quit?; total length, 60 M. rn ion OllNll<*M. W|. 1 from the 3400 level will thiaww •• i the 2500 level, and will ba oontiBtitil on down for a samp befora working* on that level ara oomoanoad. The aonthcut drift, 3400 level, ia In Tain pciphjry whioh requirea careful Unbaring and through whioh good pro* graaa ia mad*; total length from tha Union ahaft, 443 faet. For workinga joint with llexioan, aaa report of that miae. The atopaa eontinue their naual yield of good ore. ■ale « Kerarea*. Tha work of timbering tha winza through the oonnection made bj the Chollar down to tha 3400 level baa been oompleted. Tha main inelina ia being continued on down through hard rook. Celedeala. Tha eroeacut on tha 1900 level, 800 feat aouth of tha win re from tha 1700 level, haa.aut through 90 faat af low* grade quarts and ia now in vain matter aeamad with quartt; total length, 195 feat. Baal« Balebar. Tha joint Con. Virginia eraaacut aut, 3000 laval, ia ii a diitanoe of 330 feat and in hard, bleating porphyry. For workinga joint with Gould t Curry aaa report of that mine. leerpiN. The weat croaecut on tha 800 laval ia in today 186 faat, and that to tha aut 100 faet. There ia no partieular change in tha formation in althar direction. Ward. Tha atation on tha 3100 laval la com* pie ted, and tha waat drift haa been run 13 feat and dieoontinued for tha praaant. Sinking ia going on aa uaual; total depth of ahaft, 3135 faat. Crewa Petit. The winza from tha 3700 level ia down 310 faat on tha alopa and averag ing five feat per day right along. Jaallee. Work ia going on on tha 1650 laval aa uaual. Mlalaff Traithn. Mining deede bar* been filed (or record u followi: Sheriff Williameon hu deeded to Robert Heweon, In eoneideration of $3022 09, 791 feet in length of the Joe So*tea lode and adjoining that claim on the north; G.16 aoree, the aame having been patented by the United Statea to the Vermont Consolidated March 16, 1878, and aold under order of the Die trict Court June 10, 1879; date of deed, January 17, 1880. Robert Heweon, the above-naned grantee, bai, in ooniideration of $5, deeded the above-deaoribed premiaea to the Golden Qate Mill and Mining Com pany; date of deed, January 19, 1880. £. R. Waraaw haa deeded to Robert He»aon, in oonaideratlon of $5, 1200 feet of the Crowley lode, Virginia Di» trict, being the claim known aa the Silver Wedge, looated Auguet 1, 1878. Oeaatf Commlealaaera. At the reaaiembliog of the Board of County Commiaalonera the oontraot to put a atone floor In the jail waa let to Daniel Nowlan at $110 per auperilcial foot. Luke Conniff wanted $1 CO per foot. The Board required a bond in the aum of $1000 for the performance of the oontraot Peter Huff aent in an informal bid, whioh waa not eontidered. Chairman Haseltine called attention to the faot that the County Pbveioian'e requieition fer euppliee have been re ceiv-d. Referred to the Hoepital Com mittee, with inetruotiona to obtain defl uite fljiurre on all bida. The Board adjonrned to meet next Thuraday evening at 7:30 o'eloek. Kind aad Bamembar. It cost to maintain tba city govern* ment of Virginia laat month, aa follows: City Department, $839 05; Straet De partmant, $1261 65; Poliaa Department, $1335 57; Paid Fira Dapartmant, $1855 35; total, $5,192 22. It eoat Gold Hill far theaame period $1183 94. Tbia includes tba expenac of the Crown Point Ravine aewer, about $150. The relative difference in the running ex Cnses of thia place and Virginia it will well for the taxpayers to remember when the amalgamation echeme oomee up again next winter. Death ar Or. Ueaitu Dr. Heath of Virginia died at 8:25 laat evening. He waa aick laat week, but waa around again laat Sunday, when be took oold, and that induoed an attack of pnaumonia, of wbich he died. He waa a ekillful physician and eurgeon, and leavea many warm friende in tbie section. He requeated during hie lllneee that bia remaina should be eent East for burial. Hi* people, whoreeide at Seneca Fells, New York, have been telegraphed, and bia funeral will be announoed aa eoon aa they ean be heard from. Wathlailea Uaard Ball. There will be auoh maiio for the ecv eath anniveraary ball of the Waahington Guard, at Ceoper'e Hall, Virginia, tomorrow night, aa will eat the feet of everbody moving. The preceding oon oert will eommenoe at 8 o'olock, ebarp, and be through in time to have the benchea oat, the hall arranged aid danc ing in order by 10 o'clock. The concert will be worth all that the tioketa coat, and then the ball will be virtually free. Praasatera. New Yorkera still take hold of mining itooka gingerly and not through broken but through "promoters." The San Franeiaoo Stock Rtport thus explaina the procesa : "The atoek aought lobe 'pieoed' ie put in the has da of a promo ter, to whom intended purchasers must apply. A certain amount of oaah, aay 10 per cent., ie paid down and the pur chaser givea hia notes lor the balance, ia installments. Dai lass Ncltaala. There will bs a ipecial election held in Dayton on the 29th day of April, for the purpoae of voting on the propocition to levy a tax amounting to $1200, to pro vide fundi for continuing the schools. The Lyon County thinks there should be ao opposition to the levy, aa U ia cheaper to edneate ohildrea tfeas to arrcat and feed criminal*. The County Republican Central Com mittee assembled yeeterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the headqaartera, over the Delta Saloon, Virginia, but there not being a quorum, ao business waa trans acted. The committee adjourned to meet at the same place tomorrow (Thurs day) afternoon at I o'ejo^k. Ob nil Travels. O. J. Griffith, Superiatendent of Ike Wales Consolidated mine, Eureka, ar ri»ed on the Comstock today from San Fraacisoo. He eame for the purpoee of inqnlring into the oanses of the depres sion in the value of onr prominent minee, and will leave for Enraua tonight. Ha baa been taking a look at Cundelaria, Bodie and other mining sections. As for the Wales, be has bnt little to eay farther then that a large building is to be erected over the main sbsft, and the new hoisting maohinery will be immedi ately pnt in place. " Hipper*.' A machinist in Virginia City baa pat ented • key which is proof against the slim steel nippers which burglars slip into ksyholee to torn keys on the inside of a locked door. It wonld appear that a patent steel nipper to overoome this nsw key wonld be more in aooordanoe with the exigencies of the timee on the Gomstosk.—8. F. Stock Report. Nippers 1 No need of nippers in San Francisoo. Have too many there bow. It was to guard against 8an Francisco nippers that the Comstock key was ia veated. Military Maltfre. The resignation of Captain Robertson of the National Guard has been aooepted. The Nationals have, however, not yel filled the vacancy and have postponed all aotion looking to saeh a step till their next regular meeting, Usy 4. Lientensnt Nopton of the Nevada Artillery has also resigned and his resig nation has been aooepted. The larga bulletin board which atood againat the atone wall bounding the waat aida of Main atraat, near the old Impe rial damp, haa auccumbed to tba atorm and gona to piacaa. Thia ia parkapa beoauaa whan tha graat violiniat waa hara it apallad hia nama " Wilbelj." A lattar received in Gold Hill atataa that Ura. Koona, formerly honaakaapar for John MoKinney at Sonar Pina Point, Laka Taboa, diad laat Saturday of pnau monia, after ona day's illnaaa, leaving two aona, ona of eight and tba otbar aiz yaara of aga. Tha Lyon County Tinus aaya: Cola man Martin, Ed. Hiokay and Johnny Hiokay are proapecting tba ground of tha Silver Leaf Mining Company in qutat of milling ore. Tbey baxan work laat Monday by araeting a windlaaa over tha ahalt. Dr. Heatb, who diad laat evening, waa wall fzad. He owned a ranch of 1600 aoree in Florida, on whioh there waa an oranga grove of 2000 treaa, and bia father left him the inoome of $35,000 during life. Inquiriaa era being made from Lewia ton, Idaho, about B. E. Millar, who came to Nevada aome yaara ago from Idaho with a band of eattle. Hia frianda fear ha haa bean killed by Indiana. Thoae who daaira to vote at the oom iag alrationa abonld regiiter at onoe. Booka of regiatration are now open at the offlcea of Juatice Flanningham, Jui tice Mueea and Juatioe Knox. Yeatarday it waa "Whew, the mow;" ia a waak'a time, if thia warm aunahina oontlnuee, it will be in plaeee, "Whew, the atinka," unlraa people oommence aleaning up yarda, eto., aoon. There were only 17 arreata made in March by tha Virginia polio*. There are thoee who oan eaaily remember when Tom Smith alone uaed to average about 60 per month. There ia at preeant a likelihood that tha matters in difference between the railroad and the Mechanloa' Union will be amioably aattlad, juat aa thay ahould be. The tax levy in Lyon county (or 1880 will be m follow*: County Uz on wry $100, $1 30; SUU tax, 55 cacti; echool Uz, 50 otnU; 8ilv*r City wattr Uz, 25 o«nU. Daring tbe month of March 33 per ■ona war* given lodging* in tha Virginia City Jail. BalUr behind tha bara than ont in tha cold, andar aidawalka, ato. Tha ezamlnation of tba partioipanta in tha Wildbahn Bawden abootlng affray haa baan poatponad till tha 13tb inatant. Tha Overman aaaaaamant of 50 oanta per chare will ba delinquent May 12. Saa advartiaamant in anotbar column. Photographlo coplaa will bo made of the aeotional view af tha Yollow Jacket mine reeently drawn by Mr. Oley. A letUr ia held for poetage at the Qold Hill Peetoffloe addreaaed u follow*: M. Lawaon, Silver City, Nevada. Labor to the aaonnt of 9100 for the year 1880 baa been done on the Lookout, a Lyon oounty looation. CarpenUra are aaid to ba in demand in Bait Lake. The Mormon capital ia growing at a lively rate. II ia thought likely that tha Quinn ■haft will ent the vein again before tha 200 level ia reached. An ate*lament of 15 oenU per abare baa been levied on tbe capital a took of tha New York. Mason Valley Items. Lyon County Time, April 7. Plowing ia nearly finlehe'd. A large area haa bc*« plaated in alfalfa. A new Methodiet church U being bailt in Greenfield. It U almost oompleted. The mumps are afflicting the old real* denU of the valley. John Daniela' aoppsr mine, tha Bins Stone, eituated about four milea from Greenfield, hae oonaiderable good ore in aight. There are eeveral copper mlnea In tbe neighborhood wbieh will probably eoon be worked. There ia an ezceilent open ing hero for a amelter. F»e* the Laki.—L. L. Campbell and A. W. Clark arrived in town yeaUr day from Olenbrook, bringing the first mail from tbat part whieh haa arrived in five days. They brolp • toad through on anow ahoqt. 4 (aw daya sinee they made a similar attempt, but a(Ur work ing (or three daya only got aa (ar aa Spooaer'e. The aaow at Olenbrook ia about 22 inohea deep on an average, and (rea* that point up to within (our nallea ef Careon it variea from three to thirty (eel in depth. Near the railroad tinnel then Is adrift 30 feet deep, and at Cedar Flat, one mile this side of Spooner's, the snov is seven (eel deep. It is *°w snowing on the Summit.—Cqrapn Times, April 0. ' Tha email boy who reached op tha chimney (or another Chiiatmaa preeent said that he (onad something that sooted bin. WESTERN DISPATCHES. • " ■ " Murderer and Borftir Loose. Colusa, Cal., April 6.—Cbarlea Red inger, under aeutence of drath, and Geo. Carter, charged with burglary, broki jail lut night and art now at large. The Sheriff offers a reward of $500 (at the former and 9100 for the .itter. De scription of Charles Bedi-ftr: Age about 40, hair dark, eyes gray, large and fall, height 5 feet 8 inches, weight about 175 pounds, thin mns taohe, no whiskers, a portion of ths right ear cat off, light colored clothes, new Alexis shoes. Description of Qeorge Carter: Age about 30, ratber spare made, about five feet (even inches in hight, thin in the face, no whisker* or mus tache, rather sharp features, hair thin on top of head and sandy. Bedlnger was subject to flte, and on Saturday laat he requested that eons* of the prisoners might be put in the oell with him. He was then put in Carter's cell. The heads of the rivets in the oell were sawed off. They then pried «p the ineide door ao aa to unbolt ft and sawed off one of the oataide bar*. It ia the impreasion that Carter did the work. Pantllnif In Luok. Canon Tribune, April 6. The numerous Carson friends of "Pant" will b« pleased to learn that he haa made a lucky find. The following, taken from the Tuceon, Arizona, CUUtii, under date of March 30, ezplaina mat ters : "J. T. Pantlind, of Harshaw camp, reported on Saturday lut the discovery of the Old Vega mine. Thla is ona of the old minea worked by the Jesait Fathers some two oeaturiea ago, and from which it ia aaid fabulous amoanta of risb ore waa carried from the Patagonia mountaina on pack ani mals to Old Mexioo for reduetlon. The late Captain Deters, well known to many of the aarly ssttlers of Tucson, smploysd a large number of Mexicana to hunt up the Vega mine, but without encoees. Thla waa twenty yeara ago. The old mine ia located on the west side of the Patagonia Hountalaa, and about two milea weat of the Old Ouejolote mine. Mr. Pantlind, after fiudiug and locating the mine returned to Herebew for supplise and ropes, after which be in oompany with othera went baok to ex plore the 'aneient treasure houee.'" VARlOl* CAL'MKM Advanclng year*, care, ilckncu, dluppolnUd, and hereditary pr*dl*po*ltlon—all operate to tarn Um hair gray, and either of tbem lnclinee It to tbed prematurely. Aiib'i Hum Tiook will reetore faded ar grey, light or red hair to a rich brawn or deep black, aa may be dealrad. It aofteca and alaaniea tba acalp, glring It a health/ actios. It remove* and cane dandruff and homor*. By It* uae falllBg hair la checked, and a new growth will be produced In all caaee where th* folllcl** are oot deetrojed or the glanda decayed. It* effecta are Mtntifallr •hown on braahy, weak, or alck(y hair, on which a few application will prodnca the gloee and (reihneu of youth. Barmle** and ear* In Ita operation, It la lacomparable aa a dreeelng, and la especially veined for the eolt loetre and rlchneaa of tone It Impart*. It contain* neither •II nor dye, and will not aoll or color white cambrlo; yet It laata long on the hair, and keepa It freah and rlgoroui. 8 MI ASHA REMPKRKP roWKKLNH, The moet oertaln way to render pewerleee the ■laamttlc Ttpora which prodac* chill* aad fever and other malarlon* dl*erd*rt, 1* to fortify th* eyetem acalntt them with that matchleee preventive oi periodic fever*, Hoetetter'e btom ich Bitter*. Th* remedial operation of the Bitter* la no leee certain than their preventive ■(Tacti, and they may be relied npon to ovtr< com* ca*** of fever and agne which i**l*t lulnlne and the mineral remedlee of the phar uiacopvla. Dyepepela, conitlpatlou. bfllona oonplalnu, rbenmatlo ailment*, and general lability, llkewlee, rapidly yield M their regn* Imtlvo and tools influenoo. They ar* an IncaU salable bleeeln* to the weak and nervouof Doth aezee, aa excellent lamlly mrdlclne, and the beet tafagnard which the traveler or ami [rant oan take to an unhealthy climate. VACANT FLACKS [n the dental ranka will never occur if yon ar* particular with jour teeth, ud cleanae them erery day with tb»t fimom looth-waah. 80Z0 DONT. From yo*ih U> old ag* It will ka*j the enamel rpotloM and unimpaired. Th« taeth of pereona who um SOZODONT hare ■ pearl-Ike whltaaeea, and the gum* a roaaate hue. while the breath la parlOed, and rendered aweat and fragrant. 11 la eompoeed of ran a»tl»eptlc berba and la entirely free from tba objectionable ud Injuilona lniredlenta of tooth P*"**. etc. XO A CARD. To all who art aufferln* from the error* and lndlacratlona «f you'k, nervoua weakneaii,,early decay, Iom of manhood, ate., 1 will tend a re celpe that will cur* you, FREE UP OHABOE Thla great remedy waa dlacorered by a mualon ary In South America. Hand a eelf-*ddre*aad aurelop* to the Kiy. Joetrx T. lx*VL Htatloa D, New Turk city. Jail ly HOTILB AH 11 BISTAUKAMTO. REOPENED. THE VESEY HOUSE H AS BEEN REOPENED BY THAT popular landlord, ■J. C. BROWN, Lata of the Franklin Houaa. TOE TABLES WILL BB SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST TO BE XOUMD IN TBI MARKET. Tb* pabllc are lnrltad to call and a** foi th*m**ieM. 3* THE Cin BAKERY, RESTAURANT. OoaffecllMerj >■< Cudj Depot, N«. 117 North C llraatt VlrctnlM, AFFIBI AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT 01 \J HOLIDAY GOODS. Toy*. Oandl**, Oina, menu for Table, Ornamental, Pro*tad and Plain Oak** of all kind*, description* and da tiffM, ud at price* to nit arerybody. Aa w* Import all oar good* direct from tba Eaat, w* cu offer th*m at.prlcea the earn* n charged In New fork, and at la** than Has Frandaoo rat**. pr Ornamenta tor Oake* a ep*etally. PirZMEIER • ABJtBItUai', Proprietor Cltt Bak-:y. No, tT North0 (treat, Virginia. Narad*. 14 !■ GOLD HILL BAKKftl RESTAURANT ■lain rrmiirr gold bill, Oppoalto the Ecllpa* Llrery Bublea, J. ?. 1ICKIB. Proprietor. IPSBB MEAD, nn, 0AKE8, AND BOI X Holla every day, delivered at th* real of < ~ BHKAD AT RKDUGBD PRICES W" PI** and Oakaa U reduoed prioee. Fancy e* a**o*t*d Oake* mad* to ordar ■ ahort notlaa. Th* Ba*t**ri*t Department u th* Anegt la th*SU**. All kind* OfiGam, Poultry and Freeh Flah aad alao Oyalon reoalrad aad aarred nn dally. ISS'sS of I k •*., Bai , ocfir IlilllU 119 BB0K1IH. v THE NEVADA BANK bah ramcisoo „...calupo*sia IW4 :■» Capital M*mrra (U. H. B«a4a).... G«M 4*«nu it Vlnrtau, ■•TKU,.. /£ *• Bw«ow Atmt »t Mrw Tort i J * **"T (aWallftiMt) J On. L. Aurora jar»or* tod MlU Kxdun«# »»d T«ta«nphd Truiftr*. I HOW OommercUJ ud Tnwter Cradlti. Tlil* bank bu tpocUl bclUUn for daallm In bullion. L. B. FRANKEL, rnci-Mala MnMi (Mi Hill, jail tkna Ik* Baak •fCallfrrala. STOCKS BOCaUT, SOLO AND Cl*« KIKD ON MARGIN*. Hii la Baa Fraaclaco art 1. QL'.ZIXB A CO., Xambafa ot U» las Franc'.tco Btock aad Kzchanc* Baard. 1 ■ v. a. raoimoa. «. a. oooauja. OOUQLASS * THOMPSON. •TOOK AND MONBY ■ROVKM ovriCBi M NOCTU o STKKKTi VIKOINI . Stocks bought and bold on oob BlMloa and carrUd on margUU. OoitmpodiUdU.HOMXRH. KINO, A 00. Baa Fraacltco. HILVBB BOUGHT AND BOLD. T. R. MctiUKN, STOCK AND MONEY RROKER. 106 Boitk 0 St., Ylrfiaia* will but AND 8BLL BTOCKB ON 00*. TV mltaloD on tka moat fironbU tanuj wUi alto earrj Btaeka oa Marda and •■•II SMarlUM. GOLD AND ULTIK BOUGHT AND I a SOLD. aao. a. vama. a. r. dbixub L. P. DREXLER ft CO., STOCK BROKERS. OFFICEi| Odd Fallawa' Balldtaa, .TitawiA on* ■tack* Iwitl. laid ••* C—ilad M flirilia. OonanoBdaata la Baa Fraadaea, LATHAM A Kllto. II ■ BiLOONB. FASHION SALOON, CHRIS. WEIDEMANM PROPRIETOR. Main Street, .... Sold Hill,* the Maw* office.; H rpniB 0LD-E8TABLIBBKD AMD POPULAR naort 1( .till the favorite. Comfort tod •port comhtoed. 11t* pttrosi of th( bum* will (Iwayi find tho best brand* of BRANDY, WUI8KY, ALB, PORTBR, LAQBK, WINK* or ALL KINDS, TOBACCO, CIUARM, BTC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. C0M8T0GK EXCHANGE, MAIN KTRKKT, ■ ■ GOLD BILL, (Opposite Liberty Engine Boom.) T THIS POPULAR PLACI OP BNOBT i cm be foand • (elect (lock of cboloe Wines, Liquors, Ale, Porter AND CIGARS. Alio, tbe only BILLIARD TABUS la town fit to play ob. 0*11 tad rroiPMl al T. B. PIBOB, Aft. GIBSON'S SALOON, Mala Buraat, GiM Ulll. FIROT CLAM IN BYBRY RKMPBCT. Heading and Olub Rooms. The patron* of tbe Boom will to well nedvad and (erred wllb the Klfl«*» of WINES. LIOUORS AND CIBARS By - PAP " ABBOTT aad BY DOANB. W. D. C. GIBBON. Praartatav. BANK EXCHANGE, ta Karnaid'i Block, MAIN ITNliT • • GOLD MILL. Araar-OLAM BALOOB IB BVBBY respect, t* well u geaeaat rsasrt for baat> TBB BAB U docked with the beet tomato of W1BBB, LiqUOBS AMD OIOAB8. » B.V.HeUNNBY, rimtour,