Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS T&UB8DAY, : s : : APBIL 18. 1810 OUR UVf iUtlWESl MEN. All Wto Ian TrM Ik AMUSEMENTS. Piper*' Open Iloutc. Virginia City. BANEEBS. Agency Nevada Dank of San Franciaco, 0 itreet, Virginia City. BROKERS. L. P. Drexler A Co.. offloe In Odd Pal Iowa* Building. Virginia City. L. B. Frankel * Co., Main atraat, 0«ld Hill. T. B. McOorn, 106 Sooth C atraat. Vir ginia City. Dooglaaa A Tbompaoo, S3 South 0 atraat. Virginia City. W. H. Clark* A Oo., 01 Booth 0 atraat. Virginia City. CLOTHDiO AND FURNI8HINO GOODS. Bam Lat«iithai, Main atraat, Oold Hill. Banner Braa., Corner 0 and Taj lor etreeta, Virginia. CIOAB8 AND TOBACCO. D. Thorbnrn, oppoaita Niwa offloe. Main atraat, Oold Hill. DENTIST. A. Chapman, 190 South 0 atraat, Vir ginia City. FANCY GOODS. D. Thorbnrn. Main atraat, Oold Hill. B. W. Chubbnck, Poetofflce ator*. Main atraat, Oold Hill. POUND BIES. Oold Hill Foundry, Lower Oold Hill, Oeorg* Emm»t, proprietor. Pulton Foundry, on the Divide, W. B. Eckhart, Supen a undent. Virginia Foundry, on Railroad, near Julia mine, Virginia City, Fraaer A Cam ming*. proprietor*. FREIGHT DELIVERY. Thome* Oallagher, office near railroad depot, Oold Hill. FIRE INSURANCE. J. A. Brumaey, 45 South C I tract, Vir ginia. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. V. Lemery, Main (treet, Lower Sold HUL P. W. Folcom, Mud • treat. Oold Hill. Hlohard Mercer, Main a tract, GolU HU1. J. A J. B. Halloa, 0 (treet, Virginia City. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Oold Hill Bakery and Rcetanrant, Main •treat. Oold Hill; J. P. Backer. Pro prietor. French ltaatanrant. Main (treat, Oold Hill, Oeo. buprey. Proprietor. City Bakery, 27 North 0 (treet, Virginia Oily; Fitameier A Arubrud, Propria lore. HARDWARE. Oallatln A Foleom, Main ■ treat, Oold Bill. W. N. Hall A Co., Main (treat, Oold Hill. LAUNDRT. Pioneer Laundry, north of Virginia Oily; 0. W. Hall, Proprietor. MARKETS. L. T. Fox. Main (tract, Oold Hill. NEWS DEPOT. D. Thorbarn, oppoelte Nxwa offloe, Main atraat. Oold Hill. 8. W. Chabbuck, Poetoflloe (tore, Oold HU1. PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS. Dr. Oeo. 0. Matbcwi, Main (tract, Oold Hill. Dr. T. J. Magec, Main (treat, Oold Hill. Dr. J. U. Hall, Main itreet, Oold Hill. SALOONS. Comitoek Exchange, oppoeitc Liberty Engine Houac, T. E. Fincb, Agent. Faahion, Main (treat, Oold Hill; Chria. WiidtniADO. Droorivlor. Bank Exchange, Main (treat, Oold Hill; E. F. McKennry, proprietor. Oibaon'a, Main (tract, Oold Hill; W. D. 0. Oibeon, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Thomaa Gallagher, near railroad depot, Oold Hill. MISCKLLAJKQIH. THE SUN FOR 1880. Turn »r* will deal with tb« mU oI the year IM) la lu own faahlua, bow pr*uy w*ll uoderatood by everybody. From January 1 null! DnmW II It will be conducted ** a o*w*pap*r, written la tbe Kacllab laafaage, aad printed for the people. A* a n«wapapcr. Tn Be* believe* la getting all the oewe of lb* world proaiptly, and pre •enllac It la lb* moel latelllglbJo ahape—Ibe •bap* Ibat will enable 1U reader* to keep w*U abreael or Um at* with lb* leaal unproductive expenditure of time. Th* greatest later**! to tba giaaUet number-thai la lb* law control ling It* dally make up. It baa oow a circulation t*rj much larfrr tbaa Ibat of aay other Amer ican a*w*paper, and enjoje aa locotaa wblcb It la al all tlmaa prepared to apend liberally for tba b*Mlt of I la reedera. Fvupla of all condltloa* or life and all way* of tblaklac bay aM r*ad Tn Huh; and lhay all dariv* wQatacttoa af auaaa *ort I rum It* colamaa, toe they kr*v on but In* and rwadlng lu In lu commaou on men aad aAlr*,.Tai Htm bell**** that tba only iruld* of policy a bo* Id b* common aanaa, Inapirad by ran a la* Aa>*rtcan principle* and backed by boaeaty of pnrpo*e. For Ula iwaaoo It la. aad wlU coatlaa* to be. ab*olut*ly tadependrnt of Party, claaa. clique, orgaalaaiioa or lataraat. It U for all. bat of Bona. It will cootlaaa to pralaa what la good and reprobate what la evil. Uklng ear* Ibat lu laama la to tba polat aad plain, b»joad tba poaaibtllty of balaa miaonderetood. It I* nam iurncad by motive* Ibat do not appear on tba aartecw. It baa ao opinion* to eell. *ar* tboaa wblcb Bay ba had by any parcha*er with two cent*. II hat** injustice aad raacality even ■ore tbaa It ham anaacaaaary word*. It ab hor* ftau<U, pit)** fool* aad deptoree alncom poopa oT <twj specie*. Il will coatlaoa BiiMiil tba y*ar laao to cbaatlaa tba am claaa. Inalnict tba aecond. aad dlaooaauaanco tba third. All boa**t mco, with honest contlc tloos. wb*tber sound or oUatabaa, aiw lu frlaoda. And Tai oca makee no boo** or tell. la« tba troth to lu rriaoUa aad aboal lu frteoda wb*nev*r occasion artaaa lor plala epeaklng. Theaa ar* th* prlodpl** upoo wblcb Tu 8ca will ba oooducied during tba year to coma. Tba yaw 1MU wUI ba oaa la wblcb ao patriot la American oaa aff-wd to cloaa hi* aye* to pub. lie affair*. It I* lapoeelbi* to exaggerate Ibe Import*no* of the poling event* wblcb II b*a In (tore, or the neeceelty of raaolate vigilanc* 00 lb* pan ot erery cltUen who d**lre* to pre aery* the Ooveraaeal thU Ibe toaadere gave aa. Tba debalee aad act* of Cnagreee. the at teraacee of the pr***, the exciting coo teal* of tba Kapabllcaa aad Democratic partiee, new aearly • qual to strength throughout lb* coun try. the varjIng drill of publle *entlmeat. will all bear directly and affectively apon lb* tweo tv-foarth Preeldential election, to be bold la November. Foar y«ar* ago next Nov*mb*r the wlU nf the nation, aa expreeeed al lb* polio, waa thwarted be aa aboataabl* conspiracy, Ibe proaotere aad beBeOclarleo of whtc* Hill bold tba ettoee ibey etol* WUI Ibe crime of lt» be repeated la l«l» Tba paat derate of jeaa opened with a corrupt, extravagant, and lnao lent Administration Intrenched al Waehlagtoa Tua Soa did soaethiag toward dUtodgtag the gaag had breakta< It* power. The una men are bow laulgalag to re*tor* tb*lr isadrr and tbeaeelvee la place* from wblab they war* driven by Ibe ladlgaatton of the people. Will they succeed T The coming year will r-rtag tba anawera to theee momentous uuraUous. Tua in will ba m bead to chronicle the facto aa tb*y are developed, and to exhibit tbea clearly aad fbarleealy la their rclatloaa le expedleacy aad right. Tbaa. wltb a habit of phlloeophlcal rood hamor la toohlag U Ibe minor affair* or llf*. and la gieat thing* a ateadfa*t purpose to mala tala the right* of Ibe people aad the prlactatee of Ik* Oooatltuilon a«alaat all auievaora. Tin Mm U prepared to wrlle a truthful. Instructive, aad al the *ame time ea'.ertalalac hiatory of 1MB. Oar ralra of (obecrlptloa rrmtlo aacbeared. Far tha Dally In, a foar-uave a heel of Iwetty eUhl colaaaa, the price ty sail. poet-i*ld. la U ceau a aeath. or M SO a year; or. Includ ing tha Unuday paper, aa alaht pece abeel of Bfiy-etx rthaa* the price le MceaU a aoath, Blehed *epvaMy at ft Ma year, poetaae paid. The priae or th* WmiT 8n*. ei«hi pegee, fifty-*Ix (column*, la |1 a year. poela«e paid. For clabe of lea eaadlac we wUI eaad aa *** aZ^ST* t r. noLAap. Fabluberof Tn In, HewTurtCUy. TOWS ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE NO 109. ftrpwal* LialM«rik« T«*a •( im4 mu. n, im.1 T"*..BOARD OK TKD8IKW OF GOLD 11111 do ordain: Sictjo* 1. Mo p»r*oa or paraona, firm, •* aoclailon, or corporation chall wtUiin tbe cor porate Umlu of lbs Town of Gold 11111 carry on or pursue aay trade or business hereinafter mentioned, aaUl ha. aha, Ihuy. or II bar* paid for aad taken oat a license, a* la hereinafter pro Tided; and for any violation of tbla ordinance tbe party offending shall, on conviction, be 1n*d la any sum not exceeding two hundred dollar*, hmtdc* the cost* of the acllen; and to default of paymeat thereof ahall be Imprisoned la tbe Town Jail at the rale of one day fur every twe dollar* of eaoh fine and coeta. Sac.t All Mean***. except aa hereinafter provided, (hall be paid quarterly la advance the quarter* to coaimenoe on the fir*t day* of February. May, Augu»t and November la each year; and la eaaa aay pataon or perteua. Bra, association, or corporatloa repaired to take out Ueaitae ahall fall to take out coch been** for the correal quarter, prior to the fifteenth day* of February, May, August aad November of each year, be, abe. they, or it ahall be aabject to pay aa *ddl>loa of tea par ceat. over aad above the amount berela preacrtbed for aucb licence, aad la addition to tba penalty da earl bed la aactloa one of thla ordlaaace a civil action *hall be commenced In tba name of "The Town of Hold Ulll" for tba recovery of the amount rt ,0cb llcenae and percentage, together wltl ccele, Including tba fee of the Town Attoraey, to be taxed at fiftoaa dollar* la Mao S. Tbo Marahal thall keep hi* oflBce open, aad be preaent thereat, between the boor* of two o'clock r. M. and fonr o'clock r. m. of each day (Oundaya aad holiday* except ed), dartaftha fint ttfteea day* of each quar tar, to taeue license*, aad It (hall bo the duty of — a licence tax Is due at laid office during 1 to keep bis office open, and no personal demand or notice by the to aach person shall bs aeceaaary to reodor »ucb pereoa Uable to the peaaltiea pre acrtbed la taction* oaa and two of Ulaordl ler, to issue uwn, •«» " every pereoa from wham a llcei aad owing to pay the tame at aai the time ha la so required to sao. 4. A1I pereoa* havlac taken oat a Ucenae under thla ordinance are hereby required to exhibit the aame la eome ocncpliuooe part ol their place of bualaeee, aad to prudooa the uxie wbvn applyiag to the Marahal foe a new liCCDM). Sao. A It (hall be the duty of the Mar*h*l to report to the Town Attorney oa the fifteenth day* of February, May, Aagaat aad November of each year, the aamee of all peieoae who have not paid for and taken out licence*, aa required by tula ordinance, for the curreut quarter, to ■ether wtth the amoaau for which each per eons are severally liable; aad It aball be the duty of the Town Attorney forthwith lotn*ll> late action* for the recovery of inch amount*. Sac. #. It shall be the duty of tbe Marahal to keep la his odea a book styled and marked - Marshal * Ucenae Book." wherela he ahall outer the name* of all persona, firm*, aaeocla tloue. aod corporatlona to whom licensee hate been leaued, tna character of Ibelr boslneee, tbe Ume fur which lae Uoeuaea .Were granted, the date aad time of expiration thereof, atul the amouut of money received In each case, and to furnish the board of Trusteee at their firet regu lar meeting In the monthe beginning each quar ter aa abetract of the same for the quarter just Sac. T. The Town Clerk ahall keep aa accu ral* account, la a book *altll*d " Clark'a Ll cenae book," of all llceneee delivered lo the Marahal. the quarter for wblch issued, aad tbe amouat thereof. The Marahal ahall oa the first Moudays »( February, May, auguetand Novem ber of each year, re tarn to the Town Clerk all licenses leaned fur the preceding quarter re maining unaold, aad the Town Oierk ahall than balaace and cioee the lloense scoount with the Marahal for the praoedlag quarter, aad an built a detailed report of tbe aaioe to the lloanl of Trusteea at their Bret regular meeting in the months beginning each quarter. BIG. I. All lloecsea issued under aad by vlr toe of this ordinance shall be printed In blank form, expieaalng the clase and the amount to be paid therefor; ahall be eigned by the Preel deal of the ooard of Trustees and the Town Clerk, and counteralgnad by the Marahal. and ahall set forth the uame of lh* party lo whom the Ucenee Is granted, the nature of lb* trade or hualneat to be pursued, trie Urn* for wblch granted, aad the data of leans. a as. I. All licence* ahall be paid for la gold cola of the Called ataiee. 8io. 10. Kvtry perton, Bro, eaaoelatlon, or corporation engaged m carrying on buiiiM u carpenter, builder. blackamitn. wagon maker or wheelwright. gunaauth. watch or Jewelry maker or repairer. gaa Biter or plumber, tin ner. painter. aaddie or baroea* maker. ahall pa* quarterly (or a license to carry on the ease, aceonttng .• hi* er their average month ly aalce or receipt*, aa In ihe following nemwi Ktrai Ulaa*-Monthly.aalee or receipt*, eight hundred dollar*. or .over, quarterly lleenae. fifteen doltin. Second Cla**—Monthly a*leal or receipt) under eight hundred dollar*, quarterly llceiue, a mm. •no. 11. Beery prreon or arm eogiged in the bualnee* of keep. u< a IMHM or photo graphic gallery, or In palming portrait* or miniature*. eh til pay, quarterly, fur a lleenae lo carry on the mow, according to hie, bar. or their average mouth,y aalee or receipt*, aa In Ibe following actwdule: Ftret Claea—Monthly ulea'or receipt* eight hnndrvd dollar* or over, quarterly lleenae, ten dollar*. Second Clu*—Monthly tale* or receipt* under eight hundred dollar*, quarterly Ucanee, Bee dollar*. uuriu. h*c. 11. Every person, arm. aaaoclatioa. or corporation engaged In carrying on Ihe bual neea ofa**aying ore* or prt-cmu* metal* (hall pay, quarterly, for a Ucanee to carry on the came, according to hta or their average monthly bnslncae or receipt*, a* In the following Kihfdllli! Klrsl Cla*e Monthly bq*lnee* or receipt* five hnndrvd dollar* or ov*r, quarterly lleenae, thirty dollin. Second Claaa-Monthly botlneea or receipt* two bonded and Ally dollare or over and under lee hundred dollar*, quarterly lleenae, tweotv dollai*. Third C'las*—Monthly txulneae or rocelpta nnder two hundred and BAy dollar*, quarterly license. tea dollar*. itcnonuia. Sic. 13. lean person. am or Maoclatton engaged In the bustnee* of eelllng real estate orp*r*imil property by auction or pnbl'.c out cry. ahall pay for a llosnae to carry on the Mine, according lo hi* or their average aala* or re ceipt*. aa In the following (chedule: Flret Claea—Munthly *al*e or receipt* two thousand dollar* or over, quarterly llnanaa. tweoty-aee dollar*. Second Claae-Monthly *al*a or recelpta nnder two thou—ad dollar*, quarterly Ucenee, fiflten dollar*. Third Cla»e— Dally aalee or recelpta five hun dred dollara or over, Ucenee for on* day, ten dollars. Fourth Olaee— Dally aala* or reeelDt* ander tee hundred dollar*, llcanae for one day, Bve dollar*. Bsc. U. Krery pereon, Bra or awociatlon •aga^-ad la earrylag on biutiMM u a taker or broad, plea tad oak*, or either of tbeea article*, •bill pay. quarterly, or a llcwaae to carry on lb* •ante, a* I* lb* following *cb*dul*: nr»t Claaa— Moolbly aala* or lacelpta *er*n bamlred and fifty dollar* or orer, quarterly llcaa**, twenty dollar*. Second Cl»»* Monthly aala* or recall)la Or* hundml dollara or orer and nnder aeran ban Ored and fifty dollar*, quarlatly Ucanaa, fifteen doll&r*. Third CI *aa—Monthly aalea or rtcalpta nnder It* hundred dollar*, quarterly llcenae, tea dol lar*. Sac. 15. K**rr peraoo, arm. aaaocUtton or corporation luring a^lacaof bu*ln***la lb* | Town of pold BUI. and therein engaged la tba bullae** of baaklag, loaning nuaay, baying aad sailing azchanaa, or rsoslnag on dapoalt bnl Uoa or coin, or any or all each tr*n*artloa*. •ball ray. quarterly, (or a Uoanaa to carry on *ald ba*lne**, according to bl*,tb*lror It* *r*r *C* monthly purcbaa** aad *al** of exchange, amount ol loan*, or depoell of bullion or cota. or aay or all of aaeb imnaacliooa, a* tb* caa* may bo. a* la lb* follow In* ecbadule: Flrat Ola*a— Moolbly trmnaaauona ona hnn died aad My tbooeaad dollar* or over, quar tarly lloaaM, on* handiwd dollar*. gaoood Claaa—Monthly tranaactlon* under I on* hundred and fifty iboueaad dollar*, fifty dollar*. 1 Sac. II. Every paraoa or arm engaged la lb* baa la— of carrying oa a barber *hop *ball pay. quarterly, for a lieenea to cany oa tb* •am*, accordla« to hi* orlbelr average monthly baalaaaa or recalpta, aa la Iba following actedato: Flrel Cla*a—Moetbly bu*to*a* or recalpta Ira band red doUhia or or*r, quarterly ll.caa*, laa dollara. taooad Claaa-lfnetbly bo«toa*« or recalpta Ibrea hundred aad Ifty dollar* or orar bad I •Udo'aE <»«"•». qaartariy Uoraae, 1 Tblrd Claaa—Monthly boats*** or rccalDt* dollar* or ortraad aadrr E2U,Ul' Koonb oi*i»-iloathlr ta»la*i or roetipt* aiLUABD TABUS. Sac. XI. Bv*ry paraoa or firm -mi»M la tba bulla*** at harping a Millard labia or bUllard tab laa |br publle as* or bleu (hall pay, autr tarly. for a lloeaaa iberafor. acoardlag to bis or Ibalr average monthly noalpla, aa la Iba {ol lowing icMuit: rim Claaa-Moolbly r*c*lp<a two hundrad dollar* or or*r. qaartariy Ml—i. twalVa del* lata. Monthly r***lyte*M TOWff OUIHANCI8. dollar* or ovsr tad under two handred dollara, quarterly Hcum. tea dollars. Third Claw—Monthly receipt* aadtr «M hundred doliare, quarterly Ucente, St* dollara. Bsc. IS. Every peroun, km. M*od»tlw». *r corporation eng«c*d In the mains or repairing or (team boiler* ahall pay, quarterly, for a lloenee to carry on the aame, according to hie. tlMlr. or It* avtrtff* monthlr buslneea 0* IW ceipta. u In the following tcbedule: Kiret Gltae—Monthly botlntee or receipta lire thoneand dollar* or orer, quarterly Uoeoee, twenty flv dollara. . . Htoond Claae—Monthly boitneaa or racalpta three thoneand dollar* or orer and under are thousand dollar*, qaartarly license. twenty dol lin. Third Claee—Monthly bualneet or recelpte two thoaeaod dollar* or over and under Una thoDi'n'1 dollar*, qaartarly lloenee, fifteen dal Iftfi, Fourth Claee—Monthly baetneaa or rtcclpU ander two Uoatend dollar*, qaartarly Ucenaa, lea dollar*. boot a as nonnna aao Sao. It. Every parson or firm engaged In the of boot or shoemaklng. repairing, or cobbling, anall pay qaartarly for a ltoeaee to carry en the tame, according to hlssrthatr anm* monthly ealea or reostpte, aa la the tol* low lax tchtdult: Kiret Claae—Monthly aalai or receipt! threa hundred,dollars or orer, qaartarly Ucaaae. tan dollar*. Second Cite*—Monthly ealea or receipts an der three handred dollar*, qaartarly lloenaa, fire dollar*. aowuxe uun. Sao. JO. Bvsry pereoa or Sna engiged la the boetaea* of keeping a bowling allay or bowling alley* for pabllo aaa or hire thall pay, quar terly, for a lloenaa therefor, aacotdlag to hie or their average monthly recelpte, aa ta the (W lowing tcbtdulfl! Kiret Claee—Monthly recelpte oaa handred and fifty dullara or over, qaartarly llcaaaa, Ms dollara. Second Claae—Monthly recelpte aadar oaa hundred and fifty dollara, quarterly Uoeaae, three doliare. raoxoaa aaa anoouL aa Hao. II. Bvory pereon. firm, aaaoclatlon, or eorooretlon engaged in tha baslane of baylaf and *.llli g real aetata or petaonal property of any de-criptlou whatever (axoept mining or other etocka) or collecting rente, as the agent, factor, or broker of another, ehall pay, qaartar ly, for a licence to carry on the same, acoordlng t j hie, their, or Ha average monthly aalaa or re oelpte, aa In toe following aohadsta: Firet Pleas Monthly ealea or receipts tan thooeand dollar* or orer, qaartarly llcaaaa, thlity dollara. Secoud Claee—Monthly aalaa or raoaipte fire thou aand doll art or orer and ander tan thoa eaod dollara, quarterly licaaeo. twenty-fire dol lar*. third Claee—Monthly sales or recelpte twenty-five hundred dollar* or over aad under five Ihouaaadd iliare, quarterly Uoeaae, twenty do.tare Fourth Clare-Monthly aalaa or reoelpte fif teen hundred dollar* or ov*r aad under t wanty five handred dollara, quarterly lloenaa, fifteen dollAI*. FUth Claaa—Monthly aalaa or reo*ipte ander fifteen hundred dollars, qaartarly lloenee, tan do Dsn. ciacut. CAAATAV. OB KIVAOKmil. Sao. M. The proprietor or manage! of tech clrcua, cararau, or uienagerlo ahall pay a llaanaa lor each day 'a parionuauoe, aa la the following schedule: A clrcua, aooompanled by a caravan or me nagerie, ahall cooatltate the first claaa. and thall pay a dally Uoeoee of twenty-five dullara. A clrcua, unaocompanled with a caravan or nutuagrrle, ehall be of the eecood mtee. aad ahall pay a daily lloenee of twenty dollar*. a caravan or menagerie, aaaocoatpaalad with a circue, ehall be of tha third claae, aad ahall pay a daiiy llcaaaa of ten dollara. cowaasioa vaaoaam. Sac. 23. Kvery pereoo or firm aagafed la tha telling of good*, waree, and merahandlee upon cooimiMloo, >hall pay, qaartarly. lor a lice nee to carry on tha same, acoordlag to hla or their average monthly talea or reoalpia, aa In the foi lowlutf ■chedaio: first Claee — Monthly aalaa or reoelpts two thooaand dollara or ovsr, quarterly llcanaa, twenty-five dollar*. becund Claaa—Monthly talea or recelpte ander two thouaeud dollara, qaartarly Uoanaa, fifteen dollar*. coMcsnTt an orasa axatamoat. Sao. 'it Tbt manager or leeeee oi eaoh com pany of conc.rt elngi-rs or sersnadar*. or any other eiblbltlon, except theatera aad mal« deuna, t hall pay a lloenee for each performance, aooordlng to hla dally reoelpte, aa In tha foUow Ing ecbedale i Flrti Claae—Receipt a for ooe performance two bundrrd and fifty dollar* or ever, fifteen dollar! or each performance Sec nd c'lttt Hacel pta for ooe performance under two hundred aad fifty dollars, tea dollara. dancb aoctas, tixooxi oa oti.naa. Bac. 11. Tha proprietor, lessen or manager of any houae, aaloon. room or cellar whete wtnee, melt or •plrtlooua Uquort tre told by the botUe, gleae or drink, whore dancing la carried on tprovided that thle auction ahall not applr to any theater or ceiodeon), ehall pey, quarterly, for a liceuae to carry on tha tamo, aooordtng to hla monthly ta.ta or reeelpta. aa la tha follow ing tebtdutei Kiret CI tat Monthly talea ar recelpte five hundred dollarsor over, qaartarly Uoeaae, one hundred dollara. Seooad Claae—Monthly sales or reoalpta ander five hundred doliare. quarterly Uoeaae, aeventy five doliare. szraaaa am ratio ar ootmaua. B*o. 3H. Ivory peraon, am, — or corporation engaged In lb* buiLnea* ot trans mit tin* letters or other MCtifN. forwarding and carrying (old duat, bullion, coin or freight lor hire, from th* Town of Oold HiU to aay other place. or from u; other place to the Ton of Uold IllU. and who ha* a place of business or agency In laid town, shall par. quarterly. for a llceuse to carry on the umt. according to hit, their or Ita monthly receipt*, a* In the average ollowiutf ecbedale: • First Ola**—Monthly reoelpt* At* thouaand dollarr or over, quarterly llcena*. thirty dollar*. becood Ola*e—Monthly lecetpte under fin thouaand dollar*, quarterly llceuas, twenty dol lar*. 8co. 77. Irery person, Arm, association or corporation engaged In th* foundry bualn*** •hall pay. quarterly, for a license to carry on th* aame, according to hi*, their or 1U BT*n|* monthly *al*a or reoelpU. aa la the following ached ule: First CI***—Monthly **le* or receipt* twsnty thouaand dollar* or or*r, quarterly Uoeas*, forty dollar* Becond Claw ■ Monthly lala or rscalpta on mo thouaand dollar* or over and under twraty thouaand dollar*, quarterly Uoena*. thirty dol lar*. Third C1a*a—Monthly aaje* or receipt* tan thouaand dollar* or OT*r and under flfieeu thou aand dollar*, quarterly llcena*, tw*nty-flT* dol lar*. Fourth Clara—Monthly mIm or recalpU wi der ten thousand dollar*, quarterly Ueaaae, twenty dollar*. •amus. ■tc. M. Every person engaged la the bad ne** of dealing, playng, or carrying on any game of fhro. monte. roulette, laaaquenet, rougc-ot-nolr, rondo, kano, fan tan, dlana, ot chuck a-luck, or any banking game, played wtth rarda. dice, or any other da rice. whether the aame he played for money, check*. credit, or anr other valuable thing or repreaentatlT* of value, shall pay, quarterly, for a llcena* to carry on the tame, according to hla average monthly receipt*, a* In the following schedule: Klrat Ola** Monthly reoalpta three thouaand dollar* or oyer, quart*rly llcenae, seventy flra dollar*. Second Class Monthly receipt* two thouaand dollar* or over and under tore* thouaand dot lam. quarterly lie*—*. Bfty aollar*. Mac. as). Bach llcenae lamed (hall contain a particular description of the room la which the llcenare design* to can) on th* gam* deelgna ted, and the nam* of tha game to be opened and played; and no llcaoa* shall be leaned penult ting any tuch game to t* carried oa In any room In which **ch gain** are by any valid Act of the Uglelatnre of th* Stat* of Nevada lag. bidden to be opened, played, or canted oa. C. O STKTHNBOM, President ol th* Board of Tnute** bf the Town of Gold Hill. Aitwt: W. G. Htdi, OI*rk of th* Board. On motion Ordlaaaee 10* waa p***ad by th* lollowlog voto: AT**—Trustee* Fox, Wolley, Cope lard and Pnatdaat Blwua. Abaaut Trustee Mercer. Dated Oold HIU lUrtsh It ItTf. It ANNUAL MEETING. OFFICE or THI WOODTTLLB 00N. Silver Mining Company, Baa Fraacleee. April IS, lata.—The regular Annual Meeting el th* stockholder* of th* Waodvlll* Ova Silver Mlalag Ooapaay, for th* alaetlaa of TlusHH toeerve the Cttapaay for tha aaaatag year, and for each other baaln*** as may properly coaie before tha meeting, will be b*M at th* oSre ol the Company, Boom J. Haywaraa Building. Ma 41* California street. Ma Fran ctaco. Cat..on MONliAY, th* third day of May, 1KW (Bret Monday la May), at 1 o'clock r. n. The transfsr book* will he cloocd on Tbnreday, April U, INO. at * o'clock p. m. sad remain closed uatll altar th* meet'ng of May 1,1W. td a K KtLLT, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETINQ. OFFIOt OF TBI JU8TIO* MIKIlfO Company. tea FrancUco, April 11, 1880. -Tho ranltr Annual VotUaa of tboalttkhold cn of tbo Jaatlca Minim CoBp*ny, lor tho •taction ol Director* to aorvo tbo Ompuj for lb* hmIii joar. ud tor (Kb otbto bailor** *• m», prooJl} eomo botoro tbo BMIu. will bo bold *1 lb* oOm of tbo Company. Roomi I, « Ud s BtrnH1!BaUdlaa. WoTiU tutifornu Mnet MB Frmacl»oo,California, oo MOlfi'AT, thotblnlday of Mat. 1M0 (Orot Mood*j la w..i u i ocloci P. *• Tbo tnaator hook* .lllb. cloood on Tbandaj. Aprtl ML1W.A1I o'clock r. K. Md romala cloood aatll after tbo ■«itli| of May *, MM- , U B.I .nui. 1B8ISB1IRTB LITIS*. AOaOIITU ■ISINO COMPANY. V Location of principal place of tnulneaa, Baa Prmncltco, California. Location of worka. Hirer 8tar Mining Die trlct. Storey county, Nevada. Notice la hereby given. that at a meeting of tba Board of Director*. bald on the ninth day of Hard), 1M, an mmnnot (No. (I of fifty (BO) Canta par (ban waa levied upon the capital itock of tbo corporation, payable Immediately, In United Statee sold coin, to tbe Secretary, at tba offlce of tbo Company, Room Mo. m, Nevada Block. No. 508 Montgomery •treat, Ian Franclico. OallfoniU. Any atook upon which thla asaeauncnt tball remain unpaid on tba twelfth (1Kb) day of April, U80, will be delinquent, and adver tleed for aale at publlo anrtlou, and nnleaa pay ment la made before, will be aold on MOM DAY. the third (Id) day of May. 1M0, to pay the delinquent aaeeeament, together with ooeta of advartUtnu and axpanaaa of aale. By onler of the Board of Director*. ALFUD K. DORBROW, Secretary. Office—Room No. M Nevada Hock. Ho. 809 MwIiobwt • treat, San Prandeco, California. BVLUok MUIno cottrAst. Location of principal plaoe of boilnaaa, Ma Fraadaoo, California. Location ot worka, Gold Hill, Storey oounty, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Director*, held oa tba twenty-fifth (1Mb) day of March. I860. aa aaaeetmant (No. It) of One Dollar ($1) per ehare waa levied upoc the capital itock of tbe corporation, parable Immediately, In United Statee gold cola, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, Boom No. *. SafeDapo.U BuIMIjuj, MS Montgomery (treat, San Kranclaoo, Call tenia. Any Mock npon which thla aaaeeament ahall remain unpaid on the twenty-eighth (Mth) day of April, UN. will be delinquent, and advar Utod for Mia at pnbllc auction, and nnleee pay ment la mad* More, will be aold on TUES DAY. the eighteenth (Mth) day ol May. ISM. to pay tbe delinquent aascaimcnt, together with coeta of advartlelng and ezpenaea of aale. By ordar of tbe Board of Dl roc to re. J. M. BKAZKLL, Secretary. Office—Room No. i, Safe Depoalt Bnlldlng, No. OS Montgomery (treat. Ban FrancUoo, Oallferula. marSTtd i LTA UbTKB I1S»« CUI A PANT.—Location of principal place o( hntlnttf 840 Frmucltoo, GalifuraWt. Location of works, Hold 11111 MlntnfDistrict, Gold Bill, Narada. Motto* la hereby glf*o, that at a m**tlng of tba Board of b&actors, bald on th* fifth (Mb) day of April, 1880. an aa*«**m*nt (Mo. ITj of Fifty (SO) Oaota per ahar* vaa levied upon lb* oapital atock of tha corporation, payable Immediately. In UnlUd BtaUe gold coin, to tha Secretary, at tba offlco of the Company, Mo. M Montgomery atrial, Kooma S and 4, nan Frandaco, California. Any atock npon which this asseeement ahaU remain unpaid on tha tantb (loth) day of May, 1880, will bo delinquent, and edvertleed lor aal* at public auction, and nnlaaa pay mant la niada baforr, will b* aold on MONO AT, tha thirtyflret (Hat) day of May, 1MI0, to pay tha ddlnquent amntnaut, together with coau of adverttelng and axpantaa or aala. By order of tha Board of Director*. WM. B. WATSON, Secretary. Office—Wo SOI Montgomery street, Itouua 8 and*. Han Ifrandaco.California. «t£ I SKMTOM COHMIUOATEO COM. FAMX.—Location of principal plac* ol no**, nan Frandaco, California. Location of worka, Gold 11111 Mining Dlatrlct, Oold Hill. Nevada. Nolle* la hereby given, that at a meeting of th* Board of Director*. bald on th* second (M) day of April, 1880, an aaamamani (No. I) of Fifty ((0) Oenta per aturc waa levied upon tha capital atock of the corporation, payable Immediately, In United Stale* gold ootn, to tha Secretary, at the office of th* Company, No. KM Montgomery street. Kooma I and 6, Han Francisco, Oallfomia. Any atock npon wb'ch thl» aaa*aamant ahall re main unpaid on tha seventh nth) day of May. 1880, will b* delinquent, and advertleed for aala at public auction, and anleae payment la made before, will be aold on TUESDAY, the twenty-fifth (IStb) day of May. 1H80, to pay the dallnquant aeoeeament, together with oo*t* ol ad radial ng and aspmaaa of aala. By order of the Board of Director*. WM. H. WATSON. Secretary. Otto*—No. 101 Montgomery street, Uootna 6 and a. Ban Franelaeo. Oalilumla. apa / ITKRIAK NILVKH MINING wOOMPANY.—Location of principal ptoc« of bBalneal, Man Frandaoo, OalUornla. Location of worka, Oold Bill, Storvy county, Nevada. Notle* ta hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Director*, held on the elstn (tohj day of April, 1880, an aaaeeament (No. 49) of Fifty (SO) Oenta par ahare waa levied upon th* capital ■ took of tba corporation, payable immediately, In Unltad Htataa gold coin, to th* Secretary, at the offlco of the Company. No. 414 OalUornla alreot, San Frandaco, Oal llorala. Any atock a poo which thle assessment ahall remain unpaid on th* twelfth (lttb) day of May, 18(0, will b* dallnquant, ai.d adver tised for aal* at public auction, and unlaw payment la made before, will be aold on WKDNBBDAY, the aecond (Id) day of June. 1880, to pay th* delinquent aaaeaameut, together with coat* of advertising and ezpenara of talc. By order of th* Board of Director*. OKO. D. BDWAKDS, Secretary. Offlo*— No. 414 California etreet, Ban JTrmn oiaoo, California. T KW TOBHllklNU COM FA NY. _ . Location of principal place of bualne**, San Frandaco. California. Location or worka, Oold Bill, Btoray county, Nevada. Notle* la hereby glren, that at a meeting ol the Board of Director*, held on the alitb (6th) day ol April. 188U, aa aneeeement (No. Ml of Fl/tern (It) C*nt* per ahar* waa levied upon the oapital atock of the corporation, pay able Immediately, In United State* gold ooln, to the Secretary, at th* oOc* of th* t'ompany, Koom 11, Mo. 103 Bu*h street (Cosmopolitan BoteJ), Ban Francleco, call ornla. Any atock upon which tbla aaa*efment shall remain unpaid on the TBNTH (loth) day of MAT, 1880, w'll be delinquent, and advertised tor eale at public auction. and unices payment 1* made hefor* will be aold on MONDAY, th* TUIBTY-FIB8T (81st) day of MAY, 1880, to pay the delinquent aaeees ment, together with coet* ol advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Director** D. L. THOMAS, Secretary. Offlco—Boom It, No. lul Bu»h a treat, Oorao poll tan Botal, Ban Francisco, California. 8-Id N' Ix tiir DiaraicT coubt or the Flnt Judicial District of lb* State of Ne vada, In aad for tb* county of Storey.—JOBN B. WELCH egalnit HIS CHEOlTORM.-NoUcr lo Creditor* of IunolventIn the muter of tbe petition ot John B. Welch, an Ineolvent debtor. -Puriueat to aa order of tbe Hob. Richard NH Judge of the laid bletrlct Court, Hotter It hereby given to *11 tbe creditor! of tbe itid ineolvent, Jobn B. Welch, to be end appear tie fore the >eld Judge, In open Court, at tbe Court room of eeld Court, *t the Court Uoaee, In »*ld oountj, on the Twenty-fourth dir or APK1L, A. D. 1(80, et 10 o'clock a. m., of that day, then tod there to ebowr cauee. If toy they otn, why the prtyer of ttld In <o]vent ebeuld not be granted. tad tn aeelgnmeat of bit etttte be mad«. end he be dlicherged from hie debte tnd llablllUee, in punuanca of Ibe proylalont of the itatuta In taeb ctte made tnd provided; tnd In tbe meantime til proceed In** agalnit ttld Ineolvent be tuyed. Wlmeet my btud tnd tbe letl of ttld Coart, thle 1Mbdty of Marcb,A. O.INO. IUAU] J. X. MoDOSALD, Clerk, » Per Ulnar Rout. Deputy. J a TUB DWTBICT COUKT or THB Flrel Jadloltl Dlatrlctnf the State of Me Tide, lo tod for the county of Htorey. — THOMAS CARROLL agala«t BID CREDIT ORS.—Notice to Ctedltore of Ineolvent.—In the matter of tbe petition cf Tbomu Ctrroll, tn 1 uolTeat debtor.—Portatnt to tn order or tbe Hon. Blchard Hlilng, Judge of the ttld Dlttrlet Coart, notice It hereby liven to til tbe crrd ltort of the ttld Ineolveat. Tborate Ctrroll, la be tad appear baton tbe tald Judge, In opro Court, at the Court-room of tald Court, tt the Court Boom, la tald county, on tbe FIBST dty ot MAY, A. D. IMU. tt >0 o'clock a M. ot tbtt dty, than tad there to thow cauee, IT aay they can, why the prayer of tald Into treat thould not be Kraaled, tad aa aaelgamaotoT hit eetate bo made, and ha be dlKbtrged from hit debit tad llabllltlee, In purtuanea of the provlelont of tbeetatuta la each ctae made and provided ; aad la the meantime all proceeding! agalatl tald ineolvent be tttytd. Wltaeae my baad aad tbe teal of tald Court, thlt aotb dty of March, A. D IMU. {•■u. i j. b. Mcdonald, cierk. UND8AT k DICKSON, Attora»yt for Iniolrent. B)lm T> THB DIBTBICT COt'BT OB THE A rim Judicial Dlitrlct of Nevtdt, In and for Htorey county.—In the matter of IHAA0 MoBAT, Insolvent, again tt HIM CREDITORS. —To the creditor* of Ieatc McKay. Inaolrent: Take aotiaa, that you art required to appear befota Boa. Blcberd Hieing, Dlttrlet Judge, la the Dletrict Court above named. la open Court, ou the 10th day of May, A. D. 1*0. at 10 o'elock la tba forenoon of that day. to ehow canee, If aay you bare, why tbe prayer of laaac McKay, ■bore named, to be dlecharged from hie debte aad llabllltlee. ahould not be granted, be hav log thle dar Iliad bla petition la Intolrenejr. Dated at Virginia. aprtl Mb. 1810. J. B. MoDONALD. Clerk of 8terc7 county, [malI Per Hcaar Rom. Deputy Clark. Wal. J. Toua. Attorney forPetlUoaer. tprt-gpd ANfiOOD _ RESTORED flfdere brought o« by Indlecretloa w eieeeea. Aay Drn'I,"Lh«i,*<e InjrTxtlmt*. Addr*m ■ATlbiioif *tO„ n Ee« BILIHQUINT B1II8. T17UA COIMUDATID IIIU6 O COMPACT.—Location of principal plxc« of baaln***. 8u Prandaoo, California. Notlc*.—Th*r» indtltiqiai apon the fbl lowlafdMerllMd Mock, m oeooant of —r.. m*nt (No. 11) lerled on the third (M) day of March, 1810, the Mveral amoant* Mt.oppo*lt* tbanamM of the rwpoctlv* ibarebolOan. u fbl low*: Name*. _ No.Oartlf. Shi. Amt Armstrong J L, TrnftM •*».... 10....W .. Armstrong J L do ....Wtt ...10 s.. Atkinson. Lyon k Co, Trea ts** .......MM....10 • ,. Atklwon, Lyon * Oo, Traa t«* :. ..-.10U0...100 ...80 .. Alklnion, Dond k Oo, *»«*• IMS,. 88840....18 T 60 AUlnaon, Doud k Co, Tru* 84088....80.... 10 .. Brook* k Lm, TniateM....80118.... 10 • .. Brook* k Lm do ....80188....10 • .. Brook* fc Lm do ....MM....10 It. Brook* k L»* do ....84088....T8.„.88.. Bataa D 0, TnuU* .81040....80....10 .. UtMDO do 18881. ...80....*.. Blow tOoiV, Tnutata .88M.........10 .. BaldrldfoX. TrntO* J8080....80....M .. Baldrldg* M do 10488....10 S .. Br*c»*nndg* k To*t^Trna tM*.... .................. lltifll, ..1C0....M .. Brocklnridg* k Tool, Troa taa*.......... *.......... .18848.... 10. ....ft .. Brack lnrld** k Yo*t, Trna UM 18T17....S0....1S .. Brecklnrld(* * To*t, Tin um •••• lira...loo., Breckloridg# k lent, Trua tM* 1M»....I0....>8 .. Braeklnrldg* * To*t, Trua tM*. •................... ,10630.... 00... .18 «. Buna * Walkar, Tra*t*u.U3Ut...,10 • .. Block k Bernhardt. Trm tM*. balano* 1T5U. ..JO....10 .. B*yl*y O B,TnutM Wl ...»,...II00 Baylor OB do Mil... 10 • .. Ba»i»y Q B do MM... 80....* .. Bay Icy O B do HNS * 100 BaylayUB do .bal..«M0 ....« 1.. B.jrUyOB do 14*1...100....80 .. Bay ley 0 B do MM1...100 .. 10 .. BayUyOB do 84*41...100 .. 80 .. BayUyOB do MK> ..*....10.. B«yl*y Q 0 do *1T8...1«0....80 . BayleyUB do SITS...100....80.. Bourn* J V, TnutM 18008....10....10 .. Boor** JB do »iToo....«o....M .. Brown Kn B >1071 5k...1ST I Boll** R r MOT.,..W....It.. 1 Com, Ublar *00, T(omMiwu.,..n..„i» .. litblll Kit Co, TratMW. ..10101.... 10 1.. C*hlll K ft Oo do ...1MB....M....13*0 UablllKftOo do btl.MTT A. ...... Ctblll K k Oo do ...MM....SO....10. (Willi K k Oo do ...Mil....10....IB .. UoBo Jh, Troite*.... SUM • I K ooooJm do »o UottoJu da M1M....W....3I.. Orock*r k Bn)d*a, Trait*.UlU....30....10 .. Crocker ft Bcydjun, ftH> b*l*DC* 1MB 1 60 Crockvr ft floydim. TruU.atiOB......... 10 .. 0m t* ft Lorauad. TnuUe*. MM....M.... U10 Crowlty ft Ooodmin, Tro«» t***, b*lioc* MM 4 t.. Crowlty ft UoodaAO, Tnu t»M Mi» OoOn. B*od*r*on ft Coot, TruMM* IBM.........11.. Conn. tt*ud*r*ou ft Oooi, Trust*** 30UI....10 S .. Child ft Co K t, Tra*tM*...l>lM....30....10 .. Oop* ft DitIi, Truil*** 14143... .10 B .. Cup* ft DftvU do ....Mill...,10....11.. Cutter Ctuu K, TnutM 'MU.... 10 1.. 04*11* M SIM... 100....M .. Uiaudall Uto B, Tni*t**...3ltu4 1 310 Cr*nd*ll (l*o B do ..U1M ...10 I„ CbtrlMH A,TnutM MM....lo...».M .. Cbtrle* 11 A do MtMT.........10 .. Cbarle* B A do M1M 4 1.. Drul*r k Oo L P, Trnitc**, btUoca .1100 1 10 Dlxun T H, TruulM 31114....30....10 .. Duncan W L. Truito* M16....1I T 10 DuncinWL Co 33B71 1.... 310 DudcuVL do M123....10 1.. DoogUa* ft Tkoaipeoa. TnutrM 30SM....10... .< .. Dougl*.* ft Tbompaoa, TnuMN, b*l*nca 3049T....3K....1 *5 tow W t 3J»J»....10 1.. Edward* W,TnutM MM.. ..30.... 10.. kdvarda W do MM....10....10 .. Bpi»uin ft Oo. Tra*UM...l0M 1 110 hlppttelu ft Oo do ...31TW...1W....W .. kppilelB ft Oa do ...333M....10 1.. Kpp*t*ln ft Co do ...MM3....40....30.. Kd w»rd* ft IrrtD*,TrtUtM*.30021... 100... .10 .. Kuner K, Traite* UM...100....IU .. KwKrAW, Trustee *T».........10 .. fry, Ne*l ft Oo. TnuU.b*).ll»0 1 10 Pry, N»*l ft Oo do ....1I1M....10 1.. Krjr, NmI ft Co do ....MM.........IB.. Kl*tt 0 J, Trait** MM... .30... .10 .. Kraaki ftUny, TmUM., .. Frank* ft Gray do ...1HB1....10 1.. Prank* ft Uray do ...300I0....10 1.. Kry. Wattlf* ft Co, Trwta..34111.... 10 1.. Krrabora ft Oo, TnutM*...M1M....10....IB.. iir**nhanm ft Oo L, Tra*U.MM...100....IO.. UmoUamtOol. do M1M 10....10.. ur**ii*uiam, llelblnf ft Co, 19660••••10 • .. araaDabaum.Halbliif ftOo,^^ *0009.. .100....M •• Ureeorbauiu, H.lblnf ft Oo, TruttM*.... i...20C11.. 10COi«iJ04 •• Or—p«bmm. H.lblngft Co. Trattcaa MT81....80, Ohmtaaa, Halblng ft Co, Tru.teet MOM....SO....10 .. Umnebion, HclblfiK * Oo. van Orcaatbaum, Halblng k Co. .30....18.. (ImuHua, H.lblug k Oo, Tru.Wea. 88011...800...180.. Urecatbtam, H.lblng k Co, Tru.tM HW...1W.,..B .. Holly A Ubl.Trnataae 1W8J.. 100. ..10.. (lolly k Uhl do 98W4 . 80....18 .. (iird uer llaldwla. Tnutaa.9001T... .10 5 .. Uardloar BaidwU do 9#1I7 *"80... 9t . Uri»»uig.rB.Tf«»m 14C08....10 8 .. (laotblar E ft Co, Truttaaa.344M....90....10 .. Uuro.ttlUt co,TroitaaalttH....10 8 .. Unfit 8 B,Trurtaa 11044....10 • .. Unfit K K do 11180....10 1.. Unfit k K do ,,, ..» 11121....JO t Unfit KH do 11118....18 • .. unfit ItK do tim ...10 1.. droit KH do now • 110 Unfit RH do 18180....10 6 . Unfit BR do 94878 I.... in Uraot B It do 84878 • 9 BO Unlit B It do 14474 • 910 unfit BB do 84371 • IK) Untfit B K do *44#71 S ISO Unot B K do 98877 • S10 UrtatKH do 3I47B 1 1H Uannatt NW.TrattM Man... .9*.... U lo ouion JM.TnutM 39800....90....10 .. Ullloo Ju do 94404....00 30 .. UllloB J>4 do 94781... 100....M . Ullloo ill do 947(8...100....80 . Ullloo JM .100 ...80 , Uoldmu X, Tnutaa 9MM....80....18 .. Da OrMJV II/IIMU* 3J08# 98.... 19 80 Ureafi J J. TraiUO 14418....48....34 .. Urean J J do J8419...900...100 .. Uuptlll A R 94480...,40 ...90. , Hall * Cbarlaa. Tout a. baL1880B a 4 80 Hlfglna k CoBkllng,Tnuu.l8780 8 9 80 | llulchlnaon John, TnutM, balanca 18198 ....8 1. Hutcblnton Joba.TrnilM.99tM....80....98 . Hntcblnaon John do Mine.... 80....18. lllckox k Hpaar, Trattaaa..U48Q....10....10 .. lllckox k Hpaar do .liat....90....10 .. IlUkox k Hpaar do .tJ4JS....80....10 .. Hlakox ft Hpaar do .11418....9a. ..10 .. lllckox k Hpoar do .11(84....90 ...10 .. lllckox • Hpaar do . 18198...810...980 .. lllckox ft Hpoar do .18181...800...980 .. Hocbrttdter ft Oo B. Trna MM 18880 »<....t80| Hocb.tadier ft CoB, Trua tea* 18888....10 1.. Uocbatadtar ft Oo B, Tim tMf, balanca.............18888.....1...... 80 | HocbtUdttr ft Oo B, Tina 91884.. ..10 • .. Hocbatadur ft Co X, Tnu tac* 89888....TO....88 .. HocbttadUr ft Oo B, Tna Itfl 98TM.. ..B0....98 .. llocb.tadter ft Oo B, Xtat Itot......................88908....90.... 10 .. Hocbatadtar ft Co B. Tret taw 94018....10 1 .. Oocbitadtcr ft Oo B, Tnw teat......................98880.■■100,...80 •• Hodutadtar ft Oo B. Troa taea 98198....80....It. Bocbttadtar ft Oo B, Trma trat......................38914....10.... 11 .. | Hoamar ft Co D M. Trnata..18171.. 100....80 . Hounar ft Oo O M do 18B93....10 ....8 .. lloamar ft Oo O K do 18814... 80....10 .. Uoamar ft OoDH do 90888....90 ...10 .. Hoamar ft Oo O M do 908T8....10 0 .. Uoam.r ft Oo 1) M, Trnataaa, balanca 31418 4 1, Ho. mar ft Oo D X. Tro(U..3OT0....S0.. ..18 . Hoamar ft Co D II do 14814. . 80....It.. Hoamar ft uo O K do 88881....88. HoamtrftOoDX do 94488...100....80 .. Hotmar A Oo OX do 84440....10....10 . Ilalaftr*ataoo, Traataaa..8uaoi....lo.. ..a, lllckox ft Oo Oao O.Treata.88(80....40... 90. Hafidrta B B. Tnutaa 8*808....80.... 10 .. Mawka H D, Trattaa 88887....80.... 10 .. HawkaHD do bal...81088 1 80 HawkaHD do 884*....98.... 19 80 HawkaHD do J4798.. ..90....10 .. Hntch fit M Havana, TnutaJMt....80....98 .. Bill A B. 94080...100....80.. Hacking J no J 88801. ...80 Iglaaar H.Tnutaa 31848....80....98 .. iKlaoarl do 11888....88.... M.. lalaoar B do 98890....BO....98 .. Tglaoar B do ...... ...BNI.,..lft....ll BI JglaptrB do 88080...180....80.. Jackjon II ft. Tnutaa 90888....90.... 10 .. Jackaoo X A do S98M. .108....08 .. Kalloaz H B,Tn>8taa J9T8I 8H...1 0 KalayOM W. Traatao 90880.. ..10 8 .. Banpay ft Pjar. Tnuttta.. .99488 90—10 .. Btnnay * Djrar da ...19889....98.... 18 .. Baaaagr m Djar Btauay ft Oyar Keen.J ft Dyar Bannay ft Drat Baanay 6 Ojar Baonayft Djar Baaaay ft Djtt VKLIHQPIIT BALES. Jalto ONMlMaM-CnUa Amu Ho. Owtif. Ibi. AmX IliurkD^I da . .MM3....T|)....M .. Keon*7 A Djcr do ...ISM*....50.... M .. Kaan»y*Di«r do ...IM11......... 10 .. KmafmaaAOoS.TnuUM.UUl......... 10 .. Kaafman k Oo8 do M8M....B0....M .. Kola tOouM, Tra«waa..3*0M.. 500...MO .. IlllkOoQM do ..34M8....M....U.. LUUntbal P M, Trnitee (KM...100. ,K0.. LtlleiitUal 1' N do ....M3S...M0...M0 .. UlUnlbalPK do ....«N...M0...M0.. Latham A Klnc, Troitaei..l(Ml 0 > 10 Latham A Kin* do ..1UM 1 1(0 Utham * Kins do . .1(911 ( *10 Latham k King do .1MT....10 « .. Latham k Kin* do ..MW....10.... ■ .. U Bralton IJ.TroitM....11410...S00...MO .. Mary# k Hod Oao T, Traato..BTtT S 1M Mure * Son Q*o T do .Utll S 1(0 jhrja kHon Oao T do .1*314 5.....16# JUoraAHonOtoT da .UTM...10O....IO.. Maryt k loo UioT do .W014....I0....10 .. Xarja ft Son Oao T do .1MM....10 • .. Maiya k Hob Oao T, Traa _ _,^.1UTmW MerreA Boo Oeo T, Merye ABonOeoT do Mary. k Bon Gee T do .1HJI....OO,.. M .. Merye h Bon Oeo T do .hubt...100....M .. Merye A Son 0«o T do .»*»...100....».. Mary. k Hon 0*o T do .2UU9....1B.....TI0 Mary. A Son Gee T do J4WI....M....* .. Marye ABonOeoT, do .MTU...40. Himk Boa GeoT do .J4TI9....W....M .. 5aSherw>n Jota. Ttwta^UM... J0....W .. UirnhflfioD John do 00 MacplMBOB<J0 J*}" iiimhtwon John do 30101#»«tW»«*»W t. 2«SbUIot5oK do MMphj * F. Trnrt** 3?122"**"5S"**iS " Murphjl* do 22S-—2-"-w" Mnmhfl P dO •• mSStItm ;; MnltorWJ, Trnrt*..»...Ml*...."-;" W J do Mailer W ' do ••;Sn**"2S " MnltorWJ do .,.„..«....W0... W .. Matter W J do,.lli*».....!••••••■» Mailer W J to '****. ..*••••»j Mailer W J do ..tool.••""••••d—'li Mnllar W 1 dO •• Mall-rWJ do JJ9JI ...n*....» .. MulkrWJ do lfallcr W J do 2}U,";i2""«o " KlniUr W J do oooo•• .3414$.. .100 •• W *. mSI&WJ do V.bol. B44M... Meik* A Boinheidt, Trnet*.-J04AJ... • Mark. k Bernhardt do 1IMJ... 0 *.. Mlmatrr R H. Trnjtt* UWJ».... 10..•• M>nln H W, Tru*4*e 'S!S""7S'" tii MesuMn a. .......- . • •-JiiSS- ii Mwr Bacon A Oo, Trn»U.WJ»...J0—» .. MMMf Btoon k Oo do wj M*cpb*r*oa k Sblnn. Tr«»* Noel A.Ttyf iSS""^ ' • " NotlA do •» NobtoA OoHB.Tmte**, halting lull....«*....» •• Noble tOoHH, Tru.teee, . . betanee NoblekOo 11 H, TrmMMa.nOIB...-10-*•■** Nob* A Co H 11 do ,ltn»...M0....w.. Noble A Oo 1111, Tr»Koe». balance "•••: a Norwood W R. TnMl—....MjM.—W J " Norwood WM do ....MM.... 10 Norwood W1 do ....—J®-*-\! " Neutatter I.Ttoitee HiZJ -'S""** " KeneUlter I do_ .. .J»"....B0....i*.. Heel * <"0 Oha*B,Trn*t**.Ml*. ••»••••" " Neel k OoOba* B do •>» • • Utli k Oo. TnutMf JHM.eo.ll « w Pa*. Wllaon JjOo.XtmI#.—JO—-» •• Fetonon Ju. Trnrtee M*1 ...W Paterton Ja* do . Klcbardaon I A. Trnjtee....7«....10 • •• Hlch»rd*on BA do .10ITI....10 Oo. Hendolpb, Maeklntoeh A Oo> ......1TO!.. fUndolob. Mmcklatoth ft Oo. Treeuee ' RorkeB B,Trnetoe l»0tt....» J • HorkaBB do M277..eolO ie Richard**, Hill A Oo.Trqe- . (HI ' .eeeeee.eoe.M7vOee##ClloeeeIO ,0 I Root Qw B.Timetoe JJEJli—IS—io ' KootOeoH do «1JJ-•• RooiWeo b do «*«....10....... Hoot Oeo B do boot Geo B do «52J....«0.».»» Hoot Oeo B do 2Sf""S""to" Boot Geo B do 2S&""S""ia " Hoot Oeo B do in" Hoot Oeo B do »" Root Oeo B do 1MU....W • •• Roantree k Uncltnd, ti» . |M« ,lt,3w0i oo. 10 • •• 1 Beoton Jr J H. belenoe Bcbmltt thee A. Trnetoe• • • • "0*•'\„ " HcbmlttOtiuA do ..»o.. BobmiU C'bee A do ... *MT».........10 •• gcbmledell. Bochetedter k Oo, Tnuteee .......«TTI... 10 • Schmieden, Hoch.udwr k (JO, i.eeeolOO Bctunledell, HocbeUdter * Oo, Tnuteee 1JMJ....10... J •• BooU k Oo II U. Trnetoee..lOMJ....IO....» .. Hcott* OoHH do ..«tn....J0.."» " Bcott A Co m 11 do ■■' ' '•"■H-" ! rtwlm D K, Tiu.we MJJJ....»....» •• J M, Trnetoe !•)*••••!" 5" J M do " MbotwellJ M do «" tlbotwellJ M do ••••®*51,'"iJ!,""e2" Bbotwell i M do •' Bum Hit. True lee ib Bieln ►»» do !S Bte'n Net do !!Ut*".M«'""en Btnert A A.Truetoe " ttbllllntf B H. Truetee Itll6...1l0....« .. Stone k Downer. True<eee.M44« ...M....M . Stone A Downer do . .HMJ.. .MO....» .. 8tono*Uown« do .,.J144I...MO....JO .. Mono k Downer do ..*J*A0...lOu.-.-JO -• Stone k Downer do . J1«1...100... *0 Stone * Downer do ..S1WJ....M..-" M Blae W K, Trnetoe •*??•" •5* •"S " H|me W K do #»«eeoeJlWteeeelO«»e«'B •• Hrdfwlck John, Trnetoe J J J? SedcwIckJobn do ..1JTM.....I J*0 Tobln R 0. Trnrtee 1»»«.... 10.....I.. ToMnRO do bel W1I....M....U.. Wekefleld * Co 8 It, Tree .. Wakefield k Oo B b. Trno tOM.aeo eooeoowooeeeoe... . 21835 e eoo)0»ooel0 oo Waketteld * Oo 8 ». Tree. e .. Wekefleld It Oo B B. Trn». MM...10 .. Wakifleld A Oo S B, Trn» M0H....1U.... 10 .. Wak.fl.ld A Oo B B, Trne vm VM. ...u....11 to Wekefleld kOoSB. Trne 11141... 10....10 .. Wikefleld It Co B B, Tree I411T....30....J#.. Wekefleld A Co 8 B. True 'toe*..... io .. Wright W H. Trnetoe Wl......... 10 „ Wo3r.Trn.teo J10 woit f do WoU T do ....».. Wlleon k Dnteblneon, Trm» # .. Wlleon * Bntchlneon. Two-..... tM DPT....10 Wlltoo A Halohlnaon, Trot .. Wood A Oo W B. Trneteee..BM10....W ...10.. Wood* * Ftoobom. Tree. tlN..oeteeeee .m>.o»M eolHuitmW' e •• Woode A rreeborn. Trne leM oeeeooo oooo O elOOlOe e e elO » •• * ^!?n::.T^io4«...ioo....#o.. Woodi-fc wojji-i"^.^ , Woode A Freeborn, Trno tee* "" Wbeeler J W.....^. J««-»l»vf* •• W*t*rbon»*JT.Tn«t**.. I*"—»••• " Weill Oba* L.TrneUo WJO....JO....J# .. Weill Cbe*L do " Tool A Co DZ. *nuto*e...»!£..-JO..-* •• ToetAOoDZ do ...MJM...M0...1TJ .. YoetkOoDZ do ...*«£ ...*0.."»" Zadlg A Roll men, TraaUee.ltTVI... .Ml... .11.. And In accordance with lew, and en order of lb* tfowd ol Director*. »*d* on the ttlrd day of March, 1M0, *o many eneree ol each parcel of each (took a* maj be niceeeiry will b* *old at public .auction, at the oSc* of Parker Ortttenden. Room M, Merchanu' Ka chance, on MORDAT. the twenty elxth day of April, 1180, at the bow of two o'clock r. ts^i£aSiias»HS of the eel*. B. A. OHARLB8, BecretHT, Offlce—*o. 411 OaUTornta *t***t. Room H. Ban Franc leoo, OalKornla. 11 f ■ THE DISTRICT COOKT or TBI 1 Vint Jodlclal Dla rlctof tka ttuu of rada. In and tar tka county of N»ny.—C. D. MoDUrriE MXDit BIS URKDlTokS.—No Uea to Creditor. of Imaolnat —la tka natter of tka patitloa of 0. D. MeDufto. aa laaolraat debtor -Part oast to an order of tka la*. Klebard Rl.lnf, Jadra at tka mlA Dlatrtct Ooort, nolle# la hereby flraa 10 all tka arad Hon of tka aald tneolrent, 0. O. MaDatta, to ba and appaar bafoaa tka aald Jadao, la opaa Ooort, at tka OoarMooaa of aald Coon, at iha Ooort Boom, to aald oovaty, on tka TKHTB day of HIT, A. D. itto. at 10 o'aJoek a*m. of that day, tkaa aad tkara to akow oaaaa. If aar tkay can, why tka prayer of aald lsaolraat akoald aot ba mated, aad aa aeelgtuaoot of kla aatata ba laade, aad ha ba dlacharpd from kla dabta and liaUUUee, U poiaaaaoa of tka proTiaiooa of tka atatat* ta aack aaaa nada aad proridad) aad la tka Baaattaia all procaadtan adalaat aald laaolvaat ba atayed. iTltaaM «y baad aad tka aaalof aaid Oomrt. tkla aevaatk day of April. A. D. iwo. KITUMU an DATS OH no m to BKLIIQU1XT 81LI8. VUUW JAOKBT l»m X INO OOMPANY. — Aaaeaamaot Bala No. ».-Loe«llom of work*, Gold BUI, atony county, buu of Harad*. principal plaoa of bi»lne**, at UM oOc* it Ut* mv abaft of tbo Oonpujr. Nolle*.—Th*r* ar* dollnqoeot opcro tha fol io wine deKrlbed stock, oo aooonat of mant (No. M) Jarlad oo th* tvaatr-tovtb (14 u>) day of Ttbnurj. 11*0. th* Mvnat amoonta Mt oppoflta tka naaaa of Uw raapactlv* ikaio "aSJ""0"' «... ..»«.. Boyd k Saria, Trn»t*aa.... T4W....40....#0 .. W H, TTMl^^ lWJI 1HHIWT lltll iUH 9160# SUIT ZMM BUS Bartatt Jno 8, Trnatoa .. BataaD C.Trntaa. ..1«T* noao....»....« .. BairattfcWalkar.TraatoMtuoa... Bajrliy O B, Ttaataa. J0T» MHO ' nauttm M»TO EI9T1..MM..M0 . BonraaiB. Traita* .JOWU....I0....10 . Brook*■ B, Troato* 41011... Bodio J B, TfQ*tN,,«,»,»,Htli,»,,ll.,,.lt , Cop*. Uhl*r k Oo. TnuU. .107It....10....10 . Urockar k Sajdam, TroaU.mi* 1MJ0......... M oomn janaaa, Traa.. ii»ti 1*841 1(M 14X71 14431 1MH 19084 19047 11033 Chardlne A.Trn»tM. OahUl B k Oo. Taateea.....lSM " um ma.... Orowley * Ooodaan, Traa teM..„......... .18181....10....M .. MM....IB....18 .. Cla«ekLoTeUad.Traetaee.»18»4....19....U .. Oraaoe Boblaaoa, Tmtw.CTlt D^jtX 1*. TreiU« UtM....lo..».io .. Dmcm*L.Trn.Ue IIM....10....1O .. D«wey 11, TraatM 1KH _ MBU...1BB...1M . De OrMyer H. TraatM ....MM....M....M .. Kppiteln k Oo, Ti*aUM...14418....1B. ...10 .. Kdwarda t Irrtae, Traete.JIM UU114989 ^yf •••••11M....10. ...10 .. Friederlch U.TrutM XXM _ _ _ . MM...1M...1M .. F.rrnP.Tnj.tM MM4....N....N .. 5f*Jf *98. JMT4...1Q0...m .. Olaaler I k Co, TraatoM Ill 1«T 1384 1TTTI kMM 1MB mm tout tout 31811 300. mm .. Qreanbaum, Helblnf A Oo, TnutaM IMM 11M 1*750 mm uon urn 83*84...840...840 .. Omeeetta Q, Trntte* 17*90.. .101). ..loo .. (Irleeloger li.Traetea.11M 11918....80....80 .. Qnrnett A O * Oo, Trae t#M.• how mm 110W lilts...M0...MO .. Olllon J. TnutM....ltWT MOM MOta 31001 tiNo torn 11344 H817...1M...1M .. Qnat IB.TruUa.. l*m IMM 18*80 19M1 IMM Mill Mill MM MM! M848 »M0 HUI MNT...I10...S10 .. Qreenebeam L A Co, Tine •»....i.•••*>•■ iMWI...ilO..• .10 ., Gardiner Baldwin, TnutM.IMM 10....30 Qnrnrtt W J TnutM Mil....10....10 .. Mill k Kllfoar, TnutaM...14481....M... JO .. Hocbetadur B k Co, Tina Ma 14AM IMM 1M1T IMM IMM ITMB 174M IMM 1940 19419 199M 19*08 MU 31143 Mill MI08 MM 13494 13017.4800..4900 .. Hoaaar DM k Co. TnutaM I4M 19148 MM....M... M.. Hlfglni * OuDkllof, True tea* 14841 14MT....M ...... Bate * Packac*. TnuUee..ltu*6 19019 ...M....M .. Heriben I, TraetM.„ 199*1 8 8 .. Havana k Oo, TnuUaa 91498 10....10 , Hewlett PB. TruetM M981... 90....90 .. Hawka B D. TraatM an*....10....88 .. HaleyJamaa.TrnaUa.lf7M 1ST99 M....90 .. Hntehlneon Jobs, Trnataa .MIS....80...HO .. Hate Albert W, TnutM 8S0M....M....M .. SlIauerB,Trnataa 804M....10....1Q .. ackeon R, Trnataa 19M. ..10 ...10 .. King Geo A.Brnitea JIM8....M....M .. Kallvy Qao w,Tm*t«« 181T4....M.. M .. Kenny k Djer, Traatera...lU88 18088 19110 MOM 13*41 IMS MM...1M...1M .. Xauftnen 8 k Oo, TnuteM..IM8 M15I....M....M.. KllnaO W, Trnataa MN1....M....M .. Hint Bonitr B A Oo,Trn«te 31441 MM U1M....M....M.. La than k Klof, Trnitaaa.. 18498 19M....10....10 .. Lleeak A H Jr. TraatM....M408....M....M .. Miliar W J,TnutM M90....K....M .. Marpby B r. TnutM IMS „ . 1MMM818....M....M .. Macpbaraon John, TraatM. 191*8 13819 18411 „ _ „ _ 19819 80019...108...108 .. Martlnea R, TraatM 14310 .. M....M .. Murray W B, TrnatM.14718 19964....78....10 .. Mary* Oao T k 8oa,Trnata.19111 Marke k Bolnl^t.Tnuta.'m^V?8.*.'"!s Millar k Van Wyck, TroeU.Mft L, kJ _ ^ 81000....M....M .. Mlnxaabalmar Chaa * Oo, TraatMa.... MM MMT....M... M .. Maopbtcaon * BMnn,Troa.lUT9....10....10 .. Mllea AOo, TfaataM.ll8tT...180...lM .. MMkJH.TnujM. M411...M... M .. Mavlaadajaa,TnutM... .189M 19919109*7 U8U 11848 11888 818M 8188T >1848 81948. .1818. 1818 Habte BRA Oo, TraatMa!1..18 Norwood W *. Trot.19TI8 aom M14 31491. ..40. ...40 ,. Neal Vincent, TnutM 11844.. .40....« .. Piatt X 0. TraatM 81M....M... » .. Patenon JaniM, TraatM.. .19703 PMoaa h b. t^^.S33:::!S:::im !! saxTk xss-ii-.-.-.', gaot omb, TraatM.I'.^.iTaN.';;^;;.*^;; HlekD.TrnatM M1M....M....M .. Hbotwell, J M, TraatM 4911 18811 80089 MTM Ml 8ch ailed ell. HochaUdtar •• Oo, TnutaM 8441 bj-«o io^.. iii9T im:::.M,::,M .*.* SS:: SSfft HH fc O^ .. Bm! U O o u U, TraatM ttm... .90....90 .. S"*?*AMM....M....M .. Wood* A Freeborn, Traato.10818 14444 17190....90....80 .. JEW".*-?'.?"1***144,1 "178...*00...m .. Wkite A W, TraatM I48M....M....M .. WUaoa k Hateblaeon, Traa tMa 18881 18M.. .40....40 ,. WakaBald ■ B k Oo.Traele.17018 11063 win « m WblU H K. Trnataa Mm....M.'".M " Toet DZkOo.Tra.ta 11861 U9M....M....80 " Zadlf k Weill, TnutaM.... 19M8 18110 1981* 11100....40..,,40 .. And In accordance with Uw and an order ol the board or TnutM*. mid* on tk* twenty fourth mtk)d*y of February,A D. 1*80,ao —r •barea of each parcel ol ench atockaa may ba uteM pmloaaly oaldT By order of th* Board of Traataa*. MR HO BR OTIT Beoriu. Ool4 Hill,Bar., M*tk """il IMPOTAIIT MOTICL AwL^H°Jr-**Tlw? ftMDQMM a m yftXa;. m Un. Oaha la aaillaf tiiudviU tarn Ttntala on ttai ltth of April. *U I ftoraaraoftradforaala opto ttttdata, SJJ*brtw* U »U1 * «U»M I* 8m ?nmcl»co TboM wbo wl»k la aacara put SS**" Java fry, Fmlahtoc Oooda. Cm*. Baoia aod Roilona, will do ttfltwulNi etja than at mm. Anjtblaf owiaa to Mr*. Oa paM at ohm, for IT Mt paM by tka Mk, pajaant vtll ba aaWrcad by lawTft£ lurtag alalaa Kind Hn. Ooba wlU ssr^srsjrs.,&^ m*~■ ■ *-T1I . „ mbTaTl VliHala. Xarada, Xwc* IT. uat. 1T