Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS FRIDAY. : J : APRIL 18, 1880 00R LIVE BUSINESS Mill. AMUSEMENTS. Pipora' Open Home. Virgin!* City. BANEEBS. Agency Sortdi Bank of San Franciaoo, 0 ulriwt, Virginia City. BBOEEBS. It. P. Drcxler A Co.. offlo* in Odd F*l low*' Building, Virginia Oily. L. B. Frankel A Co.. Main (treat, 0«ld Hill. T. B. MoOora, 108 South 0 (treet, Vir ginia City. Dooglaa* A Thornpaoo, 89 Booth 0 atreet, Virginia City. W. H. Clark* A Co., 81 South 0 (treet. Virginia City. CLOTHING AND 7UBNISHIN0 GOODS. Sam Laventhal, Main ■ treat. Gold Hill. Banner Broe., Comer 0 and Taylor ■trata, Virginia. CI0AB8 AND TOBACCO. D. Tborborn. oppoeite Km ofloe. Main a treat, Oold Hill. DENTIST. A. Chapman, 180 Sonth 0 a treat, Vir ginia Qty. FANCY GOODS. D. Thorbnrn, Main a treat, Oold Hill. S. W. Chabbuck, Peetoffloe atore, Main •treet, Gold HU1. FOUNDRIES. Oold Hill Foundry, Lower Gold Hill, George Emmet, proprietor. Fulton Foundry, on the Divide, W. B. Eckhart, Superintendent. Virginia roandry. on Railroad, near Julia mine, Virginia City, Fraaer A Gum ming*, proprietor*. FREIGHT DEUVERT. Thomaa Gallagher, ofio* near railroad depot. Gold HiB. FIRE INSURANCE. J. A. Brumaey, 48 South C (treat, Vir ginia. GllOCEBIES, PBOVISIONS, ETC. V. Lamery, Main a tree t. Lower Sold Hill. F. W. Folaom, Main (treat, Oold Hill. Richard Merar, Main (treet, Oold Hill. J. A J. B. Mallon, 0 a treet, Virginia City. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Gold II ill Bakery and Reetaarant, Main ■treet. Gold Hill; J. P. D««ker, Pro prietor. French Reetaurant. Main atreet, Oold Hill. Oeo. Duprvy, Proprietor. City Bakery, 17 North C atreet, Virginia City; Fitimeier A Arm bruit, Propria tora. HARDWARE. Oallatin A Folauta. Main itreet, QolJ Bill. W. N. Ball A Co., Main ttrnt. QolJ Bill. LAUNDRY. rioM«r Laundry, north of Virginia City; O. W. Ball, Proprietor. MARKETS. L. T. Vox. Main a tree t, OolJ Bill. NEWS DEPOT. D. Thorburn. oppoeito Ntwi offloe, Main itreet, OolJ Hill. 8. W. Chubbuck, I'oetoffloe (tore, OolJ BUI. PHYSICIANS AND SCRQEONS. Dr. Oeo. 0. Mathawe, Main etreet, OolJ Hill. Dr. T. J. Magee. Main street, OolJ Hill. Dr. <1. U. Ball, Main a tree t, OolJ Bill. SALOONS. Comitock Exchange, oppoeito Liberty Engine Hoiue, T. E. Finch, Agont. fashion, Main etreet, OolJ Bill; ChrU. Weldemann, proprietor. Dank Exchange, Main street, OolJ Bill; E. V. McKennvy, proprietor. Oibeon'a, Main atroet, OolJ Hill; W. D. O. Oibeon, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Tbomaa Oailagher, near railroaJ depot. Gold HU1. MISCKLLAK KOl'S. THE SUN FOR 1880. Ths In will deal with the ituu of U>« yrw 1W0 in lu owo fashion, now pretty well understood by svsrybody. From Jannary 1 ontll Dscamber U U will ba conducted a* a Miiptpn, written la th« Kngllsh language, and printed for tba psopls. A* a nsw»pap«:r, Tu 8u* believes la getting all the tan of tba world promptly, and pre senting It la tba moat IntslllglMs ahaps— tba •bapc tbat will anabla Ita raadera to keap wall abreast of tba age with tba lcaat ucprodnctlTa expenditure of time. Tba cnalnt Intersst to tba grsalest cumber-that la tba law control Unit IU daily make up. It baa now aelrcnlaiioa vary much larger tban tbat of aay other Amer ican nswtpspcr. and snjoys aa income wblch It la at all time* prepared to apend liberally for tba benefit of Ita raadera. People of all condition* of Ufa and all waya of thinking hay and read Tua Hen; and they all deny* •attraction of sous eort from lu columns, for they keep on buying aad reading Ik In lu com man ta on men aad affair*.'Tax Bra believe* that tba only guide of policy sboald be common aenae. Inspired by ceouin* American Rnclplea and bwked by boneety ef parpoee. r tbl* reason It la, and will continue to be, absolutely Independent of party, claa*. clique, organisation or lateeoat. It la for all. but of Bon*. It will continue to pralaa wbat la good and rep-obata wbat la evtl. taking can that It* language la ta tba point and plain, beyond tba poaaibi.lty of balng ml*andenw<*l. It tannin fi.unced by. motlvee that do not appear on tba sarfhee; It baa no oplnlona to sell, aava Uoea wblcb may be bad by auy purchaser with two cants. It hates injunllce aad raacallty even mora tbaa It hatea annaceaaary word*. It ab hor* ft suds, pltiss foola aad deplore* nlnc>u> poipa of every specie*. It wlU continue throughout the year IMO to c bullae tba tr*t claa*. laalnirt I be second, and dlacunntenanc* I be laird. All boneet men. with boneet coavlc lloos, whether amod «r mUtaken, are Its friends. And Tua Sua make* do bonea of tell ing tba truth to it* friends aad about It* frtetad* wb"never occasion artsee for plain *p*akln*. Three are tba principle* upon which rna Sen Will be conducted during I be J ear to coma. Tba year liou will bo one In wblch no patriot lo Amrricaa can afford to cloae hi* eyes to pub lic affaire. II I* impossible lo exaggerate tba Imparlance of tba political event* which It has la *tora, or the necaaelty of reaolate vigilance on lb* part of every dtlaaa wbo deelraa to pre serve tba Government that tba loaadara gave us. The debate* aad act* ot Coogreee. the ut terances of the prvea. the sxrltlng contests of the Republican nod Democratic parties, aaw nearly tqual ta strength tbrongbont tba coun try, tba v»n tog drill of public aantlmeat, will all bear directly and effectively upon tba Iwen ty.fiurtn Presidential election. 10 bs held la November. Pour y*ar* ago next November the will of the nsuou, aa sxpresaad at tba polls, was thwarted by ta abominable conspiracy, tba promoters aad beacBclarte* of wblea still bold tba oAc*e ibey stole. Will tbs crime of Itn bs repeated la lsauf The past decade of yaara opened with a corrupt, extravagaat. and lneo lenl Administration fntreacbed at Washington Tua Mm did .omethng toward rtUlodatng tba gang aad braaklag Ita power. Tbs aams men are mam intriguing to icatora their leader aad themselves to place* from which Ibey Wore driven by tba indignation of the people. WlU Uayeoccaed? Ttie coming year will hriag lba aaswars to these momeatou* onesllocs. Tag Htm will bs oa band to chronicle the facto a* ibey an developed, aad to exhibit them clearly aad fe»rlsssly la Uslr relation* ta axpsdlaacy ■«»h rights Tbaa. with a habit of philosophical good honor la looking at tha minor affair* of life, aad la great thlrg* a atssilfasl purpose to mala tala the rights ot tba people aad the prlaclplee Of lba Ooaatltntloo against all sggieesort. Taa WW Is prepared to writs s truthful. Instructive, aad at tha aanas tints ea'.crtalnlng history of MM. Our ratss ot aohacrlptlon remain one banged. Far the Daily Sot. a four-imge abest of twsx tr elgbl colomna, tha price by mall, poet-paid. Is U cents a month. ocHMi gm or. Includ ing tha Sunday paper, ta eight-pegs tbeet of irty-s.1 columns, tha pries Is Meant* a month. w« alshsd sepvately at SI S® n y*ar, postage paid. Ths prise OT th* WBBVI BC*. sight pagee, Ifty-elE columns. la »1 a year. poets#s paid. For dabs of Ian tending fW ws will asod sa AA?r*sa" L W. OOLATO. Publisher of Tu Boa, New Turk City. tow* 0BDI31KCIS. ORDINANCE HO 109. AH ORDI1AICC tm fil mm* Call* • Hemn Tm VfM CtrUla Tradx mm* ■***!■—* wiikla Ik* ■JalutfiMTrnW Cerpereie ] MM Mill. [*»aeed March IT, IT».l <¥»" KURD OF T8CBTJU8 0* OOLD Hill do ordain: Sxcnoa l. Mo ptrm or prnou, Arm, aa •oeUUon, or corporation (hall within the cor porate llmlte of the Town of Gold HUI carry oa o» pureue U; tna» or basinet* hereinafter mentioned. anul he, the, tbey, or It hart paid for and taken oat a llcenta, tela hereinafter pro elded; and (or any violation of thla ordinance Um part; offending aball. oa conviction, be lued In an; asm not exceeding two baadred dollar*, baaldaa the eoebi of iheactleu; and In default of pay meat thereof ahall be lmprlaonad la tbe Town Jail at l*a rata of on* day for tvery iwr dollar* of sach In* and cotta. Sac. 1. All Itreneo*. except a* hereinafter provided, *ball be paid quarterly In ad vane*, taa quartete to commence ac tba lint da;* of February. May. Anguat and November la aach year; aad la eaaa any paraoa or petaeoa. Im, aaaonuiloa. or corporatloa required to lake oat Ueaaaa aball fall to take out *aeb ltceaae for Iba current quarter, prior to tba fifteenth diya of February. May, Auguat and November of eacb year, be, aba. they, or it aball be aabject to pay an addl>loa if Un par cent, over and above tba amount herein preacrlbed for eacb llorn*e, aad la addition to tba penalty do. ecrlbcd In taction one of tbla ordinance a civil action aball be commenced In tbe name of •"The Town of Uold UUI" for tba recovery of tba amount rt rucb lleaoaa and percentage, together will cuela, Including tba taa of tba Town Attorney, to ba taxed at fifteen dollars la BCQ IMV a kg. s. Tba Marahal (ball keep bla offlce open, aad ba preaunt thereat. between tba boare of two o'clock r. m. and loor o'clock r. >. of eacb day (ttandaye and holiday* except ed), danac Iba tert fifteen day a of aackMaar. tar, to taeue llceneee. aad II aball ba tba duty of every peraon from whom a licence tax la due and owing to pay tbe earn* at aaid offlce during tbe Unto be la ao required to keep bU offlce opea. and ao personal demand or notice by tbe Marabal to *ucb paraoa aball b? neceeaary to render *acb pereon liable to tbe peaaltiee pra ter! btd lu taction* one aad two of tbla ordi Mo. 4. All peraooa having taken oat a Ho under iblt ordinance are hereby required to exhibit tbe aawe la euine ouatptcaoua part ol tbclr place of butlaeee, aad to produce tbe •erne when applying to tbe Marabal fur a new Ucenaa. 8*0.1. II ahall ba tba daty of tba Maiabal to report to tba Town Attorney on tbe llfteeutb day a of February, May, Aogaet aad November of eacb year, tbe namee of all paraoa* who have not paid fur and taken out llcenaee, aa required by tnla ordinance, lor tbe current quarter, to gvtber wltb tbe amonnta for which each per bob* are *everally liable; and It (ball ba tba daty of the Town Attorney forthwith to Insti tute action* for tba recovery of »ucb amount*. Sac. 6. It ahall be tbe duty of tbe Marahal to keep la hi* offlce a book atyled aad marked "MarahaT* Lloenae Book," wherein be ahall •oler tba namee of all pertona, firm*, aaaocla llona, and corporation* to whom llcentea hai* bean leenrd, the cbaracler of their bualneea, tbe tune for which tbe lleeuete .were granted, Iba date and time of expiration thereof, and the amount of money received In each caae. aad to lurntab tbe Hoard of Tniateee at their firal regu lar ineat lug In Ibe uiouint beginning each quar ter an a be tract of tba for the quarter Juat BBC. I. IOC 1UWU tl*ri null mmmy mm i»ir rat* kccuuLt. la a book aatukd " Clerk'* L» hom Book." of all liceaat* delivered to tbe Marahal, the quarter tor which leaned, and the amouai thereof. The Marahal (hall on Um firat Mondaye of February, May. augurt and Noveia bar of each year, return to Uw Tuva Clark all llceaeee leaned for the preceding quarter re maining anaald, and the Town Cierk aball then balance and cloee tha lleeaau account with Uia Marentl (or the precedingt <|oartar, and aubuilt a detailed it|wrl ol tba eau>e w the Hoard of Truelata at their Oral rt-cular meeting la tha ■aoulbe beginning each quarter. sac. a. Ail liceueee leaucd under aad b/ vir tue of tbla ordinance (ball be printed In blank Ions, expreeelng tba claea aad tba amount to ba paid therefor; aball be *lgn*d by tba Preal dent of tba uoard of Tnuinee aad tba Town Clark, and countrralgnad by tba Martha], and aball eel forth tbe aama of lb* party to whom tba liccae* 1* granted, the nature uI the trade or bualueai to be |>uraued, tfi* Um* for which (ranted, and tha dale of laaua. feu. II. All Ureuaea ahall ba paid far la gold cola of the Called Aanaan*. 810. 10. Every p»rion. firm, aeeoclatloo, or iorpo ration engaged ia carry lag oa buetaeea aa carpenter, builder. blackuailn. wauou maker or wheelwright. gunemtlb, watch or Jewelry maker or repairer, ga* fitter or plumber, tin uer, palntur, aaddle or baraaee mak> r. aball pay quarterly lor a Ucenee to carry oa the ease, according to hi* *r their average month ly Mire or rtcelpl*, aa In the following •abedule: Plrai da**—Monthly;*alea or receipt*, eight huadred dollar* or .over, quarterly lleanae, fineen dollar*. Second Cli*e—Monthly aaleal or receipt* under right hundred dollar*, quarterly llcenae, taa dollar*. AKtan. Sao. 1L trary pcraoa or Sim *ogag*d la the buelneaa of a daguerraan or photo graphic gallery, or la palailag portrait* or miniature*. eh ill pay, quarterly, for a llcenae to carry oa taa aaiite. according to hi*, ber, or th*ir average month.y aalea or receipt*, aa la tba following acbednle: Ftret Claea-Moathly aalee or racalpU eight hundred dollar* or over, qaarltrly llceaae, tea dollar*. Hecoad Claaa—Monthly tale* or receipt* under eight hundred dollar*, quarterly llceaae, fi»e dollar*. uuixia. bso. li. Krery pereoa, firm, aeeoclatloo. or corporation engaged la carrying oa the buel Dee* ol aaeaylag or** or preclou* matal* (ball pay, quarterly, for a llceaae to carry od tbe •ante, according to hi* or their average monthly boalae** or receipt*, a* la the following •chedule: Ktrvt Claea—Moathly boiloe** or receipt* fie* hundred dollar* or oeer, quarterly Ucen*e, thirty dollar*. Second Claea—Monthly bailnea* or race lute two bunded and fifty dollata or over and under fie* hundred dollar*, quarterly lloenee, tweatr do I la. a. Third Cl*>a—Moathly bualne** ar reoelpta under two bun Ired aad fifty dollara, quarterly Ucaaae, tea dollar*. aocnoiiUM. Sic. 19. Every perton, firm or Mociatlon eagaged la the buelaee* of **lllng real eetate or pervooal property by auctloa or public out cry, ahall pay lor a llceaae to carry on the *ame, according to hla or their average *alee or rv celpt*. a* la tbe following *ch*dnle: Hret Claea—Moathly aalee or receipt* two thouaaad dollar* or ovar, quarterly lloanee, twenty-He* dollar*. Second Claea— Moathly aalee or receipt* under two thouaaad dollara, quarterly llceaae, fifteen dollar*. Third Claw—Dally aalae or receipt* flv* hun dred dollar* or over, llcea** for one day, tea dollara. Fourth Claae— Dally aalae or reeeloU under five hundred dollar*, lloeaae for oue day, five dollara. Bac. 14. Krrry peraon. Ann or aa*oclatlon engaged la carrying on bulneaa a* a baker or bread. |>tM and cake, or cither of the** article*, •lull pay. quarterly, or a llcetue to carry on the uiw, as la lb* rollowlnn ecbedula: rir»t ClaM—Monthly mIm or receipt* nrm hundred anil ttfljr dollar* or orer, quarterly licit**, twenty dollar*. becood Cla**—Moothly (ale* or raealpl* Ore huadrvd dollar* or oe*r and under **T*ti baa dr*d and fifty dollar*, quart* ly ilcanaa, fifteen dollar*. Third CI a«*—Monthly aalc* or receipt* ooder At* hundred dollar*, quarterly liccaae, tea dot lata. 8*0. 15. K*err p*r*on, arm. a**ocUllon or corporal loo haetu* a place of boaln*** in the Town of Gold Bill, and th*r*ta •oicajftd la tha ho*Ibm* of banking. loaning money, bayla| and •ailing ficbuwf, or receiving on depoait bul Uoa or coin, or *07 or all each traaaacuoa*. •hall lay. quarterly. for a Keen** to carry on raid batlae**, according to hi*, their or IU arer *ge monthly purchaaea and aalee of exchume, amount of loan*, or depoelt of bullion or Coin, or aay or all of inch tranaactioo*. aa the ca mar be, aa ta the following echedole: Klr*t CUm -Monthly transaction* on* baa- I drrd and Afty thou*aad dollar* or over, quar tarly licence. una haadred dollar*. Deeood Cla** Menthly traaaactlona under oo* hundred and Afty tboa**ad dollar*. Afty dollar*. •ac. 1*. Iwr paraoa or Ann *o«ic*4 In the bnrioMa of carrylaf 00 a barber *hop*hall pay. quarterly, for a liorn** to carry oo tha •am*, according to hi* 0*their arvrmfe monthly bualtie** or racalpu, a* la tha following echedul* I rirat Clara—Month It bualneaa or nealpU At* hundred dellara or orer, quarterly Uma, tan dollar*. a*oond Cla*»—Monthly bu«ta*»» or receipt* three bandml and Afty dollar* or o**r aod under A** haadrwl dollar*, quarterly " *U dollar*. Third ClaM—Monthly boalnaaa or raealpt* one hundred and Afty dollar* or o*»r and under three hundred and 011/ dollar*, quarterly llcenae. four dollar*. Fourth Cia**—Month!* b**ln*aa or receipt* under 00* hundred and Afty dollar*, quarterly lleenie, three dollara. *111 ItlD TABLSa. Sac. It. Irary pereaa or Arm untiil la tha I butlneea of keeping a Millard table or billiard tablaa tar public aaaar hire ahall pay. qaar. tarly. for a llcenae therefor, according to bu or their aeeraga maathlj reoelpta. aa la tha M lovtof Thulnli: rtrat 01*** Mewthly rvcetpta two h*ndr*d dollara or orer, qaartarty ll**a**. twalr* dot Un <Ha«a Monthly raaalpta oaa town otinuvon. dollar* or over aod under two hundred dollars, qaartarly llcenae, Ua dollar*. Third Cla-a— Monthly racalpta under OM hundred dollar*, qaartarly Uoanaa, fir* dollar*. BOILS a liflU. Bsc. 18. iTery peaaun. arm. aeooclatlon. ac corporation engaged la the making or repairing of ataam boilcre rhall pay, qoarter'y, tor a lloenaa to carry on tba aania. according to bla, their, or It* averac* monthly baalnaaa or iw otlpia. a* In tba following achadule: Klret Olaaa—Monthly bnalnaaa or rscalpta Are tbooaand dollar* or orer, quarterly Uoenae, twunt) -flee dollara, Broood Clue—Monthly bnalnaaa or receipt* three tbooaand dollar* or orar and under nra tbooaand dollar*, qoartarly llcenae, tvanty dol lar*. Tblrd Claaa—Monthly baalnaaa or receipt* twu tbooaand dollar* or orer and under Ihraa tbooaand dollao, qoartarly llcenae, llfiecu dol lar*. Fourth Claaa—Monthly baalnaaa or racalpta under two tbooaand dollara, qoartarly Uoanaa, tea dollar*. noor aid nonum an ormatiaa Sao. It. Erery panon or Brm engaged la tha boaineaa of boot or ahoemaklag, repairing, or cobbling, anall pay qoartarly tor a llnanaa to carry on tba aaaa, according to bla or Uatr a Tonga monthly aalaa or reoalpta, a* la tha M low iig idudnlc; Klret Olaaa Monthly aalaa or raoalpta threa hoadrad.dollara or erar, qaartarly llcanaa, ton dollar*. Second Olaaa—Moothly aalaa or racalpt* on dar three hundred dollar*, qoartarly tloanaa, Bra dollar*. aowuxa*. i«o. ». Krary panes or firm engaged In tha baalnaaa of keeping a bowling allay or bowling allay* (or publlo oaa or bin aball pay, qoar tarly, tor a Uoanaa therefor, according to bla or their avaraga monthly racalpta, aa la tha Ibl lowing Kbedoli: Klrat Claea—Monthly raoalpta oaa bondred and any dollar* or orar, qoartarly llcanaa, alz dollar*. gecood Claaa—Monthly raoalpta oader oaa bondred and fifty dollara, qaartarly Uoanaa, threa dollar*. aaouaa, raoroaa am tmaiL aobut*. Sao. 11. Krary paraoa. firm, aaaodaUon, or corporation enraged In tba bnilain of baying ■id •—1111 k real aetata or pereonal property of any description whatarar (axoapt mining or otberatockujor collecting ronta, aa tha agent, bctor, or bruhar of another, aball pay, qaartar ly, for a llcanaa to carry on the aama. according to hia, their, or lta average monthly aalaa or ra oalpta, aa In tha followlag achedula: rlrat Claaa—Monthly aalaa or racalpta tan tbooaand dollar* or orar, qaartarly lloaaaa, thlity dollara. Second Claaa—Monthly aalaa or reoalpta flra thousand dollar* or or*r and ander too thou sand dollar*, quarterly Ucaaae, twenty-lira dol lar*. Third Class—Monthly HUM or NCMDH twcnty-flva hundred dollars or over tad under nve thousand J hilars, fiutoilj IIomm, twenty dollars Fourth Class-Monthly aaWi or raoalpla fif two hundred dollar* or over and under t went/ dee hundred dotlsra, quarterly llcauae, fiflaeo doll*™. ruth Class—Monthly salea or raosipta under fifteen huiidred dollar*, quarterly lloanw, Ian dollara. oiacua. cAjUTi*. oa inianii. Bsc. U The proprietor or aiaaager of each elrtue, caravan, or menagerie ahall pay a lloenae lor each day'* performance, a« In the following KhtJuW: A clrcua. accompanied by a caravan or «a nagerlse, shall constitute the first elaaa, and ahall pay a dally lleeuae of twenty-five dollar*. A circus, uuaocompanled wtta a caravan or munageile, ahall be of the eecond olaaa, and •hall pay a dally lloenee of twenty dollar*. A earavau or menagerie, unaccompanied with a clrcue, ihall be of the third claaa, and ahall pay a daliy llcenae of ten dollar*. coaametoa aaacaAjrra. Hao. 21. livery person or am engaged In the celling of good*, waree. and manhandle* upon commission, shall pay, quarterly, tor a licence to carry ou the lami, according to hi* or their average monthly (alee or receipt*. a* In the (ol Inwinif bCliedllli! First Claee — Monthly aalea or raoelpta two thousand dollara or over, quarterly llcenae, twenty-live dollara. becond Claaa—Monthly salea or recelpta under two thousand dollara, quarterly lloenee, flfMeu dollar*. concibt* atr» on an azaiamoaa. 810. Ill The manarer or leeeee 01 aaofe com pany of couo.rt alngt n or eereuaden, or any other eihlbltlon, except theatara and melo deoua, shall pay a li cause for each perform an oe, according to hla dally reoalpta, aa In the follow ing schedule: , Pint C>sse Receipts for on* performance two hundred and Of ty dollars or ovar, fifteen dollara or each performance ttec-iud Claaa -ttscelpta for ona performance under two hundred and fifty dollara, tan dollar*. DAMca nooaaa. uLooiia oa can *** Rxc. li. The proprietor, leeaea or manager or any bouse, salmon, room or collar where winee, malt or eptrttuoja llquora are sold by the bottle, glass or drink, where dancing la carried on (provided that this section shall not apply to any theater or melodaon). ahall pay. quarterly, fur a Hocus* to carry on the same, aooordlng to hi* monthly or recalpta. aa la the follow ing achrdule: Pint Claee Monthly sales or receipt* five hundred dollara or ovar, quarterly lloenee, one hundred dollara. Second C'laea—Monthly ealee or receipt* under five hundred dollars, quarterly license, eevacty fivo dollara. izrasss akd ranan comtskixs. Bio. 'JO. Every person, firm, association or corporation engaged In the business of trans mitting letters or other packages, forwarding and carrying gold dnet, bullion, Ooln or freight lor hire, from the Town of Oold Mill to any other ulace, or from any other piace to the Tows of Oold Ulll, and who ha* a place of boa loss* or urency la said town, shall pay, quarterly, for a license to carry oa the same, according to hla, their or Ita ninthly receipt*, as In ths a rat age ollowing schedule: - Klnt Class—Monthly receipts five thousand d. Ilart or over, quarterly license, thirty dollara. Hecood Class— Monthly recelpta nnder five thousand dollars, quartarly llconss, twenty dol lar*. roDNDUia. 8so. 71. Every parson, firm, association or corporation engaged la the foundry buslnsss shall pay. quartarly, for a license to carry oa the same, according to his, thslr or Its averags monthly ealee or receipts, as In tha following schedule: rtrst Class—Monthly ealee or receipt* twenty thousand dollara or ovar, quartarly lloenaa, forty dollar* Hecond Class—Monthly salas or rrcalpto fifteen thousand dollara or over and under twraty thousand dollar*, quarterly license, thirty dol lar*. Third Olaaa—Monthly sales or racslpts tan thousand dollara or ovar ud under fifteen thou sand dollar*, quarterly license, twenty-five dol lars. Fourth Class—Monthly sales or recelpta an d«r ten thousand dollars, quartarly lloenee, | tweaty dollar*. nam**. Sic. 31. Every person engaged la tha busi ness of dealing, playing, or earning on any game of faro, monte. roulette, lansquenet, ronge-et notr, rondo, keno, fan tan, dlana, or chuck-a-luck, or any bn.ktng itama, played with cards, dies, or any other devlca, whether tha same playvd for money, checks, credit, or soy other vslusbls thing or representative of value, shall pay, quarterly, for a license to carry on ths asme, according to hla average mouthly recelpta, as In tha following schedule: Flm Olaas—Monthly recelpta tfcna thousand dollsrs or over, quartarly llcenae, seventy-five dOlliffe 8«coud Class-Monthly recelpta two thousand dollars or over and under three thousand dol lara. quarterly llceoae, fifty dollara. Hnc. W. Kach Ucenae leaned ahall contain a particular description of the room In which the licensee dealgaa to carry on the game deelgaa trd, and the nam* of tha game to be opened and played; and no llceoae ahall b* Issued permit ting any auch game to te carried on la any room in which such gamea art by any valid Act of the Lrglslatma of tha Bute of Nevada lor blddtn to ba opened, plajrd. or carried oa. C. 0 8TETEN80N, Praeldant of tha Board of Traataea if the Town of Oold Bill. Atteet t *. O. Bros, Clerk or tha Board. On motion Ordinance 10* was passed by tha following vote: kit*—'Trustees Pox, Wellay, t'opelsrd aad Prealdent Btevenaon. Absent— Troitf*' Mtrocr. Dated Oold Bill March IT IfTt. M ANNUAL MEET1NQ. OrncK or tbi wood till* oor. aurer Mlnlag Company, Mao Praaclaea. April IS, 1M0.--Tha rtfilu Animal Maatlaf o( tb# atiictboldara of tba Woodrilla Om Sllyar Mining Company, for tba atactlaa of Traataaa to Mr▼ t tlx C «apaay for tba aaaalng jt«r, and for Nth etbar baaloaaa M nay properly eoaM Mora tba maatlag, will ba b»ld at tba oOc» of tba Company. Boom 1 Harvard* BbIIJIp*. Mo. 4It Oaltforula atraat. baa Fran elaeo, Oal .on MONDAY. tbatblrd day of May, 1M0 {Arat Moaday la May), At 1 o'clock r. M. Tba traaifrr hooka will ba doaad oo Tba radar, April M. 1M0, at a o'clock p. v. aad remain cluard aatU attar tba maat'na of May a. iaaO. td R. K. KKLLY, SacraUry. ANNUAL MEETm ~ Ornox or tbk jttstiox miktno Company, tan Frasclaoo. April la. ia*0. —Tba ragalar Aaaaal Maatiaa of tbaatockbold ara of tba JaaUea Hlnlnf Company. far tba alactlon oi Olractora to aaraa tba Ooaapaay for tba aoaalBA yaar. aad Mr web atbar Maia aa nay praparly coma bafora tba maatlnc, will ba bald at tba oflea of tba Oompany. Boom 1.1 aad S Hayward'i Ba tiding. No. Alt Oallfornla atraat. Mb Praadaoo,California, on MOJT1 AT, tba third da* of May. lato (trat Moaday la May), at 1 o'clock T. M. Tba traaafar booka will br cloaad oa Tbaraday. April Ml 1MB. at • o'clock r. m. aad nmila alaaad aaUl altar tba maatlaxaCMA7>.UW- - . td K. X. ZXLLT, •aoataiy. AB81881KHT8 LKTIKL. noaDERTAL MIMING COMPANY. V/ Location of principal place of bnilneei, San Fltacleco, Cillfornla. Location or work*. Silver Star Mining Dl§ trict, Storey county, Nevada. Notice la hereby gives, that at a meeting of lb* Board af Director*, bald on the ninth day of March, UN, an anmmant (No. •) of Tlfty (80) Cent* par ibara vaa levied upon the capital •lock of the corporation, payable Immediately. In United State* cold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, Koom Mo. M, Nevada Clock. No. 90S Montgomery ■treat, Ban Francisco, California. Any Hook upon which thl* aa*e*ament (hall remain nanaii on the twelfth (11th) da/ of April, U80, will be doll'iquent. and adver tlafd for Ml* at pobllo auctlou, and nnleea pay. ment U made before, will be aold on MUM DAY, the third (3d) day of Mty, 1180, to par the delinquent aaeeeement, together with eoata of advertlatng and expenae* of aale. By older of the Hoard of Dlreeton. ALKHBD K. DORBROW, Secretary. OOce—Room No. « Nevada Block. Mo. 80S Montgomery atreet, San Kraaelaco, California. BVlUo* *iaiU coMcamV. Location of principal plaae of bnalnet*. baa Franclaeo, California. Location ot work*, Uold BUI, Storey county, Nevada. Nouee la hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Director*, held on the twenty-Ill tb (Kth) day of March. lt«0, aa aaeee*ment (No. 14) of One Dollar (|1) per share waa levied apoa the capital itock of the corporation, parable Immediately, la United State* gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Oompaay, Boom No. I. Safe D«i>o«lt Building, M Montgomery street, Saa Fraaciaco, Cali fornia. Any itock upon which thl* aaaeeament ihall remain nnnald am the twenty-eighth (ttth) day of April, 1MU, wU be delinquent, and adv*r> tl*ed tor Ml* at public auction, and nnle*e pay ment 1* made beiore, will be *old on TUBS DAT. the eighteenth (18th) day *1 May, 1M0, to pay the denn<aeat a*****m*nt, together with coeU of advertising and txpeniee of Ml*. By order of the Board of Director*. J. M. BKAZKLL, Secretary. OOce—Room No. I, Mife Depoilt Building, No. SM Montgomery atreet, San Pranclioo. California. martTld ALT A MILT KR IIXINU COM PANY.-Location or pclneipal place ol Trfifln— Ban Franclaoo. California. Location of worka,Gold lllllMlmngDlatrtct, Gold Hill, Nevada. Notice U hereby given, that at • matting ol tba board of Director*. held on tbe flfth (Mb) da; of April, 1880, an aiaeeement (Mo. IT) ol Fifty (SO) Oenta par ahara fu levied upon liM oaottal etoek ol tba corpotallou, pajablr Immediately. la Unltad Btatee fold coin, to tb« Secretary, at the office ol tba Company, Mo. M Montgomery ureal, Rooma S and I. ran Franclaoo, California. Any ttoek npon which thli aaeeeement a hall remain unpaid on tba tentb (loth) day ol May, 1090. will ba dellaaoetiU and adrartlaad lor Mia at public aactlon. and nnleee pay mant la mada bafora, will ba told on MONDAY, tba thirty flret (Hat) day ol May. 1BB0, to pay tba delinquent aaaaaamant, together with CoaU ol adrertfalng and expenaea o(*ea)e. By otdar ol tba Hoard ol Dlrectora. WM. H. WATSON, Secretary. Offlca— Mo 801 Montgomery airoat, Koome 6 tad I, Ban KrancUco, California, did Sum COM MO LI DATED COM. FAMf.—Location or principal placa ol naaa, Han Franclaco, Cailfonna. Location of worka. Gold Hill Mining Dlitrict, Gold 11111, Narad*. Notlca la Sereby glren, that at a meeting of tba Board of Director!, bald on tba aacoi.d (Id) day ol April, I88U, an aaaaaamant (No. I) of Fitly ( 80) Oanta par ah Arc waa levied npon tba capital Mock of the corporation, payable Immediately, In United Btatee gold coin, to tba Herniary, M the offlcu of tba Company, No, 80S Montgomery atreet. Koome • aud (, Ban Fraadeco, California. Any Mock upon which thlr aaaeeamrut ahall re main unpaid on the aeventh (7th) day of May. HMO, will ba dellnqnent, and edvertlied for *al« at publlo auction, and onleee payment la mad* before, will ba aold on TUKSDaY, the twenty flflti CJSi L) day of May, 1IW0. to pay the delinquent aaaeaement, together with coeta ol •drartlilng and oxpeneee ol eala. By order of tbe board of Dlrectora. WM. U. WATSON. Secretary. Offloe—No. XK1 Montgomery atreet, Uooisa 5 and *■ Ban Franclaoo. California. ap»_ / \VKMAS H1LVBK MIMIMU UCOMPANY.-Location of principal place of bualneta, Ban Franclaco, Oalflorula. Location of worka, Gold Hill, 8tun y county Nevada. Notice k hereby given, IbM at a meeting of tba Board of Dlrectora, held on tbe alitb (Mb) day of April, 1880, an aeeceament (No. 49) of Fifty (SOi Oentaperabare waa levied upon tbe caoltal atock of tba corporation, payable immediately, in United State* gold oom. to the Becretarr, at the offlce of tbe Company. No. 414 California meet, Ban Frandaco, Gal lformla. Any itock npon which thla aaaeaament ahall remain nnpald on tbe tweirth (1Kb) day ol May, lnao, will ba delinquent, ai.d adrer tlaed for eala at public auction, and unleea payment le made before, will be eold on WKDNBBDAY, tbe eecond (3d) day ot Jane. ISM. to pay tbe delinquent aaeeeement, together with eoeta or adiertlaliw and expenere oraale. By order of the Board of Dlrectora. GEO. D. BDWAKDB. Secretary. Offlca—No. 414 California atreet. Ban Fran cleoo, California. T AIBW YOKli MIN1NU COafANt. il LocaUon of principal placa of bualneia. Ban Fraucleco. California. Location of worka, Gold Hill, Storey county, RitmU. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of tbe Board of Dliectore, held on tbe ristb (Mb) day ol April, 1Mu, an aaeeeement (Mo. Ill of Fifteen (It) Oenta per eban waa levied upon tba capital atock of tba corporation, pay able Immediately, la United Btatea gold coin, to tbe Secretary, at tbe offlce of tbe Company. Itoom 11. Mo. log Bueb atiael (Ooamopolltan Hotel), Ban Franclaoo, UaU'orula. Any itock npon which thla aaeeeement ahall remain nnpald on tbe TKNTI1 (loth) day of MAY, lf80, will be delinquent, and adrertlaed for eala at public auction, and unleaa payment la made helnra will be iold on MONDAY, the THIUTYFIBBT (Sill) day of MAY, 1880, to pay ihe dellnqnent aaaeea rned, together with coeta ol adrertlelng ami uzpenaea of aalo. By order of tbe Board ot Director*. D. L. TF10MA8, Secretary. Odlca—loom 11, No«ta Buab atreet, Oorm v polltau Uolal, Ban Franclaoo, California. 8-td QOL.ID HILTEB UOI.D AMD MIL. O VKK MINING COMPANY.-Location ol principal place of husluees, lu Pranclico, Oillfornli. Location o( work*, Virginia Mining District, Store/ county. Nevada. Notice la hereby given. that at a mooting ol the Board of Directors, held on the thirteenth day ol April, ltWO, an asecssment (No. S> of Twenty»five Oents per share waa levied upon tna capital stock of the corporation, payable Immediately, In United Slates cold coin, to the Secretary, at the offlco or the Company. Room M, No. MO 8an>ome street, Han Francisco, Oalllornia. Any stock npon which this aasessmentehall remain unpaid ou the fifteenth day of Mar, 1880, will be delinquent, and adver tised (or sale at pnbllc auction, and aoleee pay sent Is. made belore, will be sold on SATURDAY. the fifth («th> day of Jane. ISfiu. at the hoar of l'J o'clock to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses o( sal*. By order of th* Board ol Director*. H. HEWSON, Secretary. Office—Room M, No. UU Manaonie street, San Pranclsco California. II Goldkm uatk m. * m. roai. PA.tY.—Location of prlurlpal place of business, Han Francisco, OaUfornla Location of works, Virginia Mining District, blorev county, Nevada. Nolle* I* hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Director*, held on th* thirteenth (1Mb) day of April, KM. an assessment ol One Dollar (|1) par share was levied upon th* capital nock of th* corporation, payable immediately, la United State* gold coin, to the Secretary, it the office of th* Company, Boom M, No. *W Hansoms street, •an Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assisiment (hall remain unpaid oa the fifteenth (lath) day ol May, 1880, will b* delinquent and ad vartleed for *als at public auction; and on I*** payment la made be tors, will be sold on SATURDAY, the fifth (5th) day of June. 18*0 to pay th* delinquent sssmsmmt together with coals of advartlalng sad expenses of sale. By order of Ue Board or Director*. R. HKWHOM, Secretary. Office—Boom M. No. IX) Hansoms street, San Francisco, California. 1* I a tbb district cam or the Flrei Judicial Dlatrlct of the St»U of Ne vada. la aod for tbe counly of Blowy. — THOMAS OARHOLL a*ala>t Silt ORBl'IT OKS.—SMlc* to Creditor* of iMolml.—In tb* m*it*r of th* petition tf Tbonu Carroll, an luolmi debtor.—Pniaaaat to an order of the Hon. Blabard Kiting, J ode* of lb* laid Dlatrlct Court, aotlo* U herebyilrea to all tb* cred itor* of tba laid lnaolvnt, Thoma* Carroll, to bo aad app*ar before tb* aid Judga, In open Court, at tba Court-room of Mid Co art. at tba Ooart Hunfe. In Mid count/, on lb* FIBST day of HAY. A. D. 1MU. at IS o'clock * M. of tbat d«r, tboa and tb*r* to ebow cmm, If anr th»y cam. why tfea prayer of *ald ln*olr«nt Mould Dot ft* greatad, and an aaricaaeotof bla **tat* b* Bad*, aad ba b* dlMbarged from bl* dtbu aad llablUtlee, la pureuaoca of tba prorUlon* of the • lata to la neb eaaa aad* and provided s aad la tba mraatim* all proceeding* aaalaat Mid latolTaat b* (toyed. Wlta*a* my band and tba aaal of Mid Govt, tbla 80th day of March, A. D 1880. _ (•au. i j. m. Mcdonald, ci«k. LlNDSAT ft DICKSON, Attorney* for Iaaolvmt- *> 1" BELIHQUm 81118. Jvua ooimubatio amis OOMPHIT.—LoesUoe of principal place of boslneee, Baa Prandsoo, California. Location of work*. VlrftaU Mining DUtriet, SU>r«7 county, Nevada. NoUok-Tbery a»d*llaqu*nt upon ths Ibl lowing described Mack, on account of mm rant (No. 11) levied on the third (N) day of March, 1810, the sevsral amount* tetvoppoellt tb* names of the re* pec tire shareholders. u follow*: Names. No.Osrtlf. She. Ami. Armstrong J L, Trustee.....5103....10..,.(* .. Armstrong J L do _..,.HM8 a .. Atkinson, Ljon A Co. Trus tees* ■••••••*••• **** ,, Atkinson, Lyon A Oo, Trus lees 100 ...50 .. Atkinson, Domd * Oo. .eeeeeeeeeeeietiMie , J3650t#»elfee»#«7 60 Atkinson. Doud A Oo, Tre* tees ...10 „ Brooks A Lee, Trustees... .801M.... 10. ....I •• Brooks A Leo do ....MM....10 • .. Brooks A Lee do ...,H0M.##.10.....S .. brooks A Lee do ....MH.,*.V0....N •• Bat** O 0. Trustee .11648....30....1# .. Betes DO do Mitt....50....18 .. Blow AOoAW, Trustee* .MM4....M. ...10 .. Raldrldg* X. Trastee MOtO....»0....M .. Baldridge M do M5M....10 0 .. Brecxinndg* A Yoet^Trns toe* HUM. ..100... .M.. Breckinridge A Toet, Tro* tees.....? ...10 8 .. Brecklnrid** A Toet, Trus tees ......................15117....50....38 .. Breckinridge A Toet. Trus tee*... 7/T — • 1VTM...100....M.. Breckinridge A Toet, Tr«». teee...IjT 1MM....50....M.. Breckinridge A Tost, Trns teee 1MM....50....M .. Barrett A Wslksr, Trasteee.iam...,10 8.. Block A Bernhardt, Trns less, baliaos 1T8M. .......10 .. BayleyOB.Trastee Mm 1150 Bayley O B do HUT... Ml 8.. Havley a B do HIM... 80....M .. Bayley OB do H8M 8 150 BsyleyUB do .bsl..88840'....« 3.. BsylsyUB do 34M1...1OO....0O .. Bayley O II do 34151. ..100 .. 50 .. Bayley U B da M>a...l00... 80 .. Bayley UB do M1M ..M....10.. Baylsy U 8 do 85lT5...1u0....80 . Bayley UB do 13178...100....80 .. Bourne J U, Tnutse 1MH....M....10 .. Hours# 4 B do 11T00....S0....M .. Brown Mrs B 11871 BH...187 Hollss R r HMT....M....M ., Cope, Ubler A Oo, Tru*t***10O43....M....10 .. Canlll It 4 Co, Trasteee. ..I04M....10 8.. Oahlll B A Oo do ...18H8....M....1150 Oahlll K A Oo do bal.XMTT 4. ...... Cablll B A Oo do ...13834....M....10. Oahlll B A Oo do ...34078....7O....80 .. Coffln Jas, Trust** U4U 8 • 50 Ooffla Ja* do HOST....M....1180 C'othn Jas do H150....50....15 .. Crocker A Ray dam, Trusts.18114....30....10 .. Crocker A Baydam, Trasteee, balance..... 18850 1 80 Crocki'r A Huydam. Trusts.3I5C0....M....10 .. Clou A Lowland. Trustee*. 14581... .18....1150. Crowl*/ A Goodman, Trap tee*, balance 1HM 4 t.. Crowley A Goodaun, Trus tee* 14138. ...80...,U .. Ooffla. Sanderson A Cook, Trasteae,................18888....80....18.* Ooffla, Bsadersoa A Ooo*. Trusts**.................10488....10....,0 .. Child A Co B r. Trustee*... 18158.........10 .. Oops 45 Davis, Trast***.....3414)....10 8 ,. Oops A Davis do ....H141....50....M .. Outier Obis B, Trustee 10428... 10 8.. Ueetl* b 11 Aid... 100....50 .. Craodall Uro B, Trusts*...11*04 5 150 Orsudsll tleo B do ..M154 ...10 8.. Charles B A, Trustee M8M... .50... .14 .. Charles II A do 1504T....30.... 10 .. Charles B A do 14104 « I.. Drsxler A Co L P, Trustees, balance .1108 1 50 Dixon T H, Trust** 14114....10....10 .. Duncan WUTrust** 305iti... 15 T60 UuacmWL do .... 33*71 8.... 150 Duncan WL do 14413....10 8.. Doonlas* A . Thompson. Trust*** 30808. ...10 8 .. | L>ougla«a ft ruompaoa, Truitai, balanc*. 20497....2*....1 <3 low W X 33*33....10 Edward* W,Trade* 24H44....30....10 .. Kdwarda W do M»«.........10 .. Kppateto ft Oo, Trust*** -.. 10380 6 a 10 Kup»t*lnftOo do ...31709...ISO....60 .. Kiipilllo t Ui do ...BW....10 1 , Kppctela k Oo do ...14643....40....30. Kdwara*ftIrriM,Trn*te*s.2U92l...lOO....M .. PlsberK. Trustes 11634...100....SO .. Poster A W, Trustee 0BT4.........10 .. fry, Neal ft Oo. Tru*ts,bal. 147 JO 1 *0 fry, Nral k Oo do ....19180....10 I. Kr/, Neal k Co do ....384*3....SO....31 , Klatt 0 J, Trust** I89H....2O....I0 .. franks ft (4ray, Tnut***...198*1....30....10 . Franks ft Uray do ...10711....10 1. frank* k Uray do ...100(0....10 1.. Fry, Wattle* 4 Oo. Trust*..34819....10 I .. Krteborn * Oo, Truste**...26199....S0....*6 .. Ur**nl>aum k Oo L, Tru»u.jje:tf. ..100....SO .. Ur**obaumft Co L do 3S1M....30....10 . OrMLnbaau, ilolblnf ft Co, Tnnlwi.*****M ****•••• .199W*««*10*****6 ** I Or**n*b«um, k Oo, Trust*** 30060...100...,N . Urwn*b*um, llelbln* k Oo, Tru*l*M ,.20133..1000...100 . Ur**uebtum, Belblng k Oo, Trust*** ., •••••• .......22791,,,.90..,.11.. Qnwnebaum, llelbln* k Oo, Trust*** MOM....20.... 10 i Onwuebsam, Belbln* * Co, Trust*** 3130T ...SO....14 .. (irc«o*baun, Bslblng ft Co. TlQIllH*!**** ••**•••••••• Mil.. .20....10 .. UraeueMum, Bribing k Oo, Trust***. M011...KI0...M0 .. UrecDebsum. Bribing * Co, Trust***.*•••••■••••••«• .MOTS.•*1(0.,,,00 ,. Oolly * Uhl, Trust*** 11W4J.. 100. ..SO .. (Jolty k Ubl 34904. . 10....31 .. Uardmcr iJridwla, Truste*.100lT....10 B .. I uardlnar Baldwla do I&287 •••«)... 36 . UriMinirtr K. Trust** MUX....10 t.. (lautbter IS Oo, Truit***.2448B....3Q....10 . OutMUAUk C*,Tru*te*»19£l9....1o 0 .. Uraot KH.TrUfU* 21044.... 10 0.. Grant K K do 211*0,...10 4.. Uraot K K do 111121....10 1. ' Uraut K K do 31133....10 1, uraot K K do 21123 ...10 1.. Uraot Kit do 220M • ISO UrantKli do 23100....10 B Uraot K K do 2II71 6.... ISO Uraot K K do 31673 • 3 S0 UrantKK do 24174 • 310 Uraot K it do 2437S 4 2 SO Uraot IK do 2147* B 3 GO Uraut IK do 14177 4 3 SO uraot KB do 2467b I a BO Gannett N W, Trust** 20032. ...24.... 12 So U1110U Ja»,'lTu*U* 23400....30....10 .. (IllIon Jm do 34404....10....24.. UlllOB Jl* do 34764...100....SO .. Ullloo Jaa do 34740.. .100.. ..Bo.. Ullloo Jas do 21180.. .100 ...SO ., Uoldman H, Trust** 3103*....80....16 .. 1>* Ur*ay*r 11, 'lrust** 33066....26....13 SO Ur**u J J. Trust** 34414....a....34 .. Ur**n J i do .34411. ..300...100 .. Uupilll AN 34 (00....40 ...30.. Hall * Chart**, Trust*. baLlMBO I 4M I Biggin* k C'onkllng.Tru»ts.l«7SO B 3 Bo llutcbinsoii John, Trust**, balaooa 1«1M ....4 1.. Hutcblnton John,Tru*te*.22644....60... 21 .. Uutoblsson John do 34074....M....31 .. lllckoi k Sp**r, Trusl***..114*0....30....10 .. Illck iZ k bpear d* .11411....10....10 .. UJikox k Uptor do .11433....30....10 .. lllckos k bpear do .11488....30. ..10.. Blckox k Hp**t do .11434....30 ...10 .. lllckoi k t)p*ar do .1*121...HO...340 .. Blckoxk Spear do .11111...800...3S0 .. llocbftidter ft Oo K. Traa IM ||agn I *10 Boch»tadt*r k Co 3, Trus tees. ..18060....10.t«..0 .. lloebstadter ft Oo B, Trus t**», balance 1908* 1 I Bocbriadter ft Oo K. Trua t*e* 21434;... 10 1. Bochatadter ft Oo I, Trus tee*. ..• „,«««•,••««,,••*.32388....TO.*..11 •. Bochstsdter ft Oo X, Tras te.4 21794....SO....21,. llocb.tadter ft Oo I, Trus ts** 33903.10 .. Bocbstadter 4k Oo B, Trua tea* 34011....10 1 •* J Docbstadter ft Co B, Trus tee* 343M...100....I0.. Bochatadter ft Oo E, Trua teM 26129...40....IB .. Bocbstadter ft Oo X, Trus t**a.>31964....80....10 .. no*m*r ft Co I) M, Trusted 8273.. 100....60 .. Bo*mer ft Oo D M do U023....10 ....4 .. Uosmer ft Oo D M do 1M14... 30....10 .. Uo*mer ft Oo D M do 30*81....30 ...10.. llo*m*r ft Oo D M do 30071....10 B .. Hotnur « oou ■, Twin. bllun 11418 4 t.. Hotmef A OoD M. Troata..33370....80....34 .. Hoamar fc Co D M do 14114. . M....1S .. HoamcrkuoOH do Mill.........39 .. Hoamar* Co DM do 3*414... 100....40.. Hoamar* Oo D11 do 144«....*.... 10.. Hale * Paobaco. Treat***..K001 10.. ..I.. Hlckox*00OooO,Trs*U.23M6....40....a0 Bandrt* I U, Treat** *40*....10....10 .. Hawk* B D, Treat* 1*37....»....* .. UawkaHD do btl...HMa 1 <0 UawkaB D do *4*.........1110 Hawk* H D do *»»....10....10 .. Untch'na * Haraoa, Tra*l*.lM44.... 80... .15 .. Bill A B. ••••••••••••a••••••a 100....10.. Ilaeklnf Joo J I440T....40....M .. Iflaaard.Treat** 11MI... (0....M .. Iltlaoar ■ do X1BU....I0....M .. I.UoarB do **»....00....* .. [gUuar H do MM....*....1110 ijlanar 8 do 1M00. ..1*1....» .. lackaoo M A. Treat** 10 .. lean*; *Djm do .. laoneya Djtt do ...a*0 ..100....M.. UnufT k Ujtt do ...WOT • 1*0 lackaoo MA do KalkifX B LTnulM. Kilt; Uro W. Troalo l*tm*7 k Dj*t, Treat M • • fXlriTQUIHT BAL1B. Jail* CmmIMsM-CmUi imam Ko. OertlT. BhJ. Ami. Xti otj k Vjm do . .MM....TO....SB.. Xenn«7 (ft Djtr do . ..M1M....S0....M .. bui;k D««r do ...BMtl....M....10.. Kufmaa k Co 10 .. Kufman kOoS do MBM....B0....M.. Kit! tOouN, TrniU**. . W*0. .BOO...MO .. KuUkOoUM do ..M4W....I0....1*.. Lllltntul P M, Tnutoo.....*RM...M0. .MO.. LlllentbalPN do ....MM...M0...M0.. Ullenlhtl P M do ....BSM...M0...1BO.. Luhtm M King, Trnitao*.. 1IMI B 110 L*thtm A Xing do „1HW • 110 UtlumkKtac do ,.1HU S 110 Ulhtm k King do .1MIT....10 S .. UtbwnkKln* do ..1BMB....M.... •.. U Button I J, Ttn*tM..,,S3iM. ..(OO...KO .. M*ry.k Hon OMT.TnuU. 8T4T B BM Mam k Bon Ooo T do .1*111 B >10 JUrje kHon 0*oT do .1«UI B *00 Miry** Boa OwT do .1BTM...100....M .. ■ivjiktaOtoT do .1*014.........10.. Maryo k Boo G«o T do .1NB4....10 B .. lUry# k 80a Ow T.Tim. 1MB. tal IB4*O...10T....aB0 JOn»k»onO«oT,TnuU.aTW.........U.. MaryoABooOooT do .n*M....U....»M Mary# k Pon Ooo T do .22M1....M... M .. MaryokSooOooT do s» 07.. .100.... 10 .. d« .H*>o..ioo...lo.. Mary# k Son 0»o T do .J1100....U TK •UTT* do .B4MT....M....M.. 5° .. Mafyo k Boa Gao Tdo .MTO....I0....M .. Macpbarton John.TmtM.l*M.T....*o....lo.. Macpbarton Jobs do 1BUB....1S TI0 Macpb*raoa John do 1MB* ...IB 110 Macpbmon John do KIOI.........10 .. MtcpQMMO JoftB dO Sin*....10 Marpby ■ V, Trnttoo KIM....10 B .. MarphyIP do HTM....10.... 10 .. MnrpbTX P do mrt......... 10.. Mll>r k Tan Wyek, Trn(U.lll*t....lo S .. MaJlarWJ, TrnttM.......S1M«.........10 .. to M481 ...SO....M.. Hollar W J do MSI4.. .180... M .. 60 I IC *» ...... WITS. .......10. ia ••b«.J4in 1 10 Halter W J do S4ITT....M....M .. *■>!!•'*' to MW1...11 w"^r2{ i" MIM....80...M.. ;» a® MH4....10 5.. Mailer *J do MIM. .100 .. 10 .. w to ..bel. (Mil s « .. Maikaft IWInhudt,Trniu. 10448... 10....10 . JfVk! to MOM... 10 JJtni.Ur R U. Ttmuo 1MM....10 1.. Martin H W, Tnu.t*e k*TS....U....l0.. McNainm a.......J||M....18.....TM Maeacr Baccn ft Oo, Trnata.TO39....80....M .. Mapaer Bacon ft Co do M1S8....M....1J80 Mocpberaon ft tihlan, line „«*••••— S48M....M....M .. Noel A, Trt.tee 10 .. Noel A do 1MN....10 ».. Noble ft Oo B H, Trnateea, balkcca • • • • • S1J91....66....9I •* Nobla tOoHH, Truatcea, ^balance ittM • « .. NobleftOoHB. Trnateee.UOM.... 2^i*52*iS -d0 •»«»...wo.. Nobla * Oo II H, Tnutaaa, balance tWIi 1 80 Noreood W B. Tnialaa....10001....10 0 .. Norwood *J do ....I0M....10 Norwood** do ....IM00....10.... • Neaatattar I.Traitee 18118.........10.. NenaUtk-r 1 do .WW..... * «®SfMB.TBMCM.M9W—ao—1* .. Neal ft Oo Oliaa 8 do SUM....Ml....IS .. otiafcoo, Tnutaaa Too Pafa, WUaetf OOo, Traata.,itSM....10.....0 .. Pelereou Jaa. Tro.Ua 2ZM1 ...80 ...M Pater*® Jaa1 do Jim....10....Jo .. K cbardaon K A. Tnialaa... .74M.... 10 0 .. Hlcturdaon K A do .10ITI....10 Haiulolpb, Macklotoeb k Oo. 18131....M.... 11 (0 Band"lub. Macklotoeb k Oo. Trnataaa 22J60....S0 . M Haodolph, Macklntoeh * Oo, dtPK.»» smw...ioo....8o.. Korka B B, Tnialaa 19048....10 0 .. Murka B B do .......J3I7T....10 • .. Klcbardaoo, Bill A Oo.Trne. taaa^.... WW....C0....M.. Roct OeoB.Trnatae 1W14....10 KootOeoB do WW....JO....10.. to U4W....10 #.. KootOaoB do W170....W....1110 KootUeoB do M4M....S0....M .. 2° ww....».. ..10.. «»« 0~B do 34871....JO....10 •• 2° ...... 10.. I}00.1"*®" to M10V....M....10.. HootOeoB do J8318....10 • .. Uoaotrav k Lackland, Tiaa t«aa J4070....10 ( .. Haoaoo Jr J H, b> lance JM81 1 M bcbmllt . baa A. Trnetee,...17SM...M0...100 .. Hchmltt Otiaa A do ....1SMT....M....10.. HciimiuCbaa A do .... J04TI....JO....18 .. Schmieden, Bocbatadter k Oo, Trnataaa 8TTT... 10 1. Schmieden, Hochatadhi * Oo, Trnataaa S7M 1 180 Bctimledell, Bochstftdttr h Oo, Tnutaaa 1JS87....10 • .. Scott ft Oo II II. Trnataaa..18748....80....M .. HcottaOoHH do ..J1T7T....80....M.. d0 ..M....1180 I*1*Tn»*aa JW78....W....I8 .. 2?°JW*!! •! 2'Tr?"** 1M1S....10 S .. Hbolwell J M do .... MU04....10 S.. 2J?*2W*.Vf Jf 2° ....M404....10.....S., SSS.'&'JP . d0 .. *roataa ..ttn0....40....M .. d0 ....U1.MSJS....I0.W..SM SI*1" mif. MTU....IS t M 8u*r»AA.Trwatra uui...iu> .. Bkllllac8B, Truataa 1TIJS...110....M.. Btona k Downer, Tiuat«aa.UtM....N....M . BtoBa * Downrr do .100....80 .. «tona k Uownar do ..J14U...100....W .. S°5*iR?wn" • «* 1 ?' ^ ^0VD" do ..UU1...I00....M .. ik)^n*f. du ..'1SM....M....1180 2 »• WK.Tfnataa MWT....I0....M .. vdo^ M19T....3....M .. 2Z25Z,U£ i0^4 • • • *•«» » « m sjdtwlck John do ..ltlM 8 *80 7°kin i! n i*« S .. w£5&i0* git'-SSif"-'*-™* WtkaSaid* il'oo' ■ b. 'HZ.**16*' "m—M" "•10•• MWS....10 8.. Wakellaid k Co 8 B, Trna Wakifiald * Oo • B, Trna wiCSa-ioJ-i'M _toaa.JIT41... J0....10.. Wakaflald k Co 8 B, Trna i-.Vt - M11T......... IS.. Wakaflald <f Co 8 B Troa * * * MJH. ...S0....10 ,, Si- XJ?* Tn,,t* J8JTS....M....10 .. 'ofl^TniHao Jotw s J10 jy® s i° .«s»....w S.. Wb,»* do WS8....10 ....8 .. Wllaon ft Qatcbloaon, Trn» wteakkauii^nVT^1"4'--10 8 " WUwn'* Haichiawn, Trna-W'8T "' ' " 13644....80... M .. Wood k O* W K, Trnataaa..SM10....80 ...10 .. Woaaa ft Fnaborn, Tnia taaa..........,,..........18309,.,.10.••. .8 .. Wooda ft rnabora, Trm» ......JS010....10 S.. Wooda ft Fraaboni, Trna. .iil..»4a...l00....B0 .. Wooda ft foetwrn, Trna taaa..jjijo,,.100... 80 i, Wooda ft Prraborn, Trna _t««a H44S S J 80 Wooda ft Fraeborn, Trna t«a ... ."...3488S....80....M . Wooda ft Fraabora, Trna J4S80....M....M .. Whaalar J W.....^ 18881...100....M .. "0M... ,W... 18 .. Sf** b■ Try~ MHO....80....W .. L do M814....M....I0 .. *ua ftOoDZ do ...MM8...M0...r8.. ToatftOoUZ do ...J8S« ...M....M., Zadu ft Koilman, Tniataaa.Mm....80....1S.. And la accordance with law, and an Older of the Board of Dlreetora, made on tka ttlrd day of March, 1SOO, to manj aaaree of each "•real of anch atock aa max be naceaaaiy will be aoid at public aneuon, at the offlr* of Parkar Orlttendan. Boom M, Merchaou' Ki chanfa, am MONDAT, the twntr alxth daj of April, 18S0, at the hoar of two o'clock ». *• eald day, to pay aald deilnqaent aeeeee «• SilforSa^atmMCoomthSaa Fraaclaco, OalUornta. II II THE DDTIKTCODBTorTHI 1 Pint Judical Dlrrtct of tbo MM of No. rada, In tad forth* oonstT of Storey.—C. D. MoDUFPJK aoliut HU CBIDITOM.-Mo Lleo to Crodlton of lawlnot -In th* m*U*r of tbo petition of 0. D. McDofflo. *a laaolTont 3«bvw —Ponotat to aa ori« of tko Boa. Klcbard RUlni, Jadf* of tb*i .Mattel Oourt, aotlco II b*»*07 «t*oa to all the end lion of th* Hid lMolfwt, 0. D. MeDo®*. to bo and appear before the laid Jod«o. la opea Oourt, at tbo Ooart-rooa of *old Ooort, at tb* Ooort Boo**, la *ald oooatj, on tbo TEHTS lay of MAT. A. V. 1M0. at 10 o'olock A. M. gf tbat iif.Ma aad Lh«r* to tbow cow, If tay they tea. why tko myer of **14 looolrat ihqcld not bo nuw, aad m a**lgsa*Dl of III* o*tat* bo mad*, aad bo bo dloohaffod Dm til* dobt* aad llawllMoo, la ponaaaoa of tbo inrlriM of the atatou ia *ocb oo*o mm* aad <orl*«flj n-flln itr mmllMi ill p*nrn*illMi «alntt Mid lmotrcst bo *t*;od. WltaoM my baad aad tbo Ml of oald Court, bio MToatb day of April. A. D. 1M0. [BALI J.M. KoDONALD, OUrk. J. H. HABBII. Attoraty for Inaolroat. 7-IOd t lonn BITCKII Of N DATS OR no sL'H'isk, fzs-un a» dilhtquiit bilk. VILLOV JACKET IILTIB X INO COMPANY Aim—t Ml* no. K.—L0C&U0B of worka, Uold BIB, ttorey ooatr, But* of Berad*. Prtn«4pal plao* of btfloeM, at U» ofloo tf Lb* new *k*n of the Company. Hotloa.—TMn in delinquent upon th* fol fJ4th) hohbn^M foliowi: noCtMJ BU Am.t AUUMOn.poodAOo.TtM <*** MM* 117*6....M..4M .. Boyd* D»tU, TnutM*.... 74M....60....80 .. BlMVOll W B, Tnuto* JlOfT 11106 1M41 UMIMMT tlW ilW »IM »OT 31411...MO...1M .. B&mtt J do 8, TnutM 11*M. •• BilM D 0, TWtM. ..1*674 .. Bamtlft Waltar.TrwtM*M0M....M....M .. Bay lay O B, TnutM. JOTM suro tun tun MM6M070 Boa roe J B, TroetM 30M1....I0....1* .. Brook*B B, TnutM OOll.... *>....*» .. Hodeo J II, TrottM*...... .0016.•• .16.... U . . Cop*. Chler A Co. Tr*eU..107U....10....10 .. Crocker A Bajxbm, TraeU.lMll IMB....B....B .. Oottn JMBM,Tnu...ltvm 1WT1 UMt 1UM 14171 14411 iwa mom ikmt mn Ohardln* A, Traate* l**t7....M....M .. OUUU ft ft (to, TuetM*.... .1MB 11833 Kid....M....M .. Crowley ft Qoodaan, Tro*. two 14141... 10.... 10 .. Oopo ft DitU, Tm J04M....U....16 a, Gluts A Lovtliad.TrwtMa.HW4....10 .. 0ro*o* Roblnaoo, TnutM. 1J70T 1MM....M....... D'Oyly N. Trn»tM 1IIM....10....10 .. Dooms w L. TnutM 17M....10....10 .. Daw*7 B B. TnutM UW 11041... 1M...1M D« Orearer H, TnutM • t(iSKSIi4*«SUi*»i)0 a* Kppetelo A Co, TiocUm.. .14411....10, ...10 .. Edward* A Irrlne, TraeU. .14W4 14411 113*4 16M1 ...M....M .. Fay P8, TnutM ....174M....10....10 .. FrUdarlcfe U. TnutM MOM 23630.. .131.. .196 .. firm f, TnutM MM4....M....M .. Pmuwb.TnutM am... 100... 100 .. UUilur 1A Co, TnutM* ill HIT TJ64 •768 11IKI 1MM 17441 ITTTT MM lrtn imoi 1041* M» 11814 U1M..MM. mm .. Qrorabsoa, HtlMnj A Co, TnutM* 1MB 1TB* 11780 103*1 uon urn *3314...640...640 .. 0r«M*tt*O,TnutM 11W0...1M...1M .. OrU*lD(*rK.Truet**.lTMl 1UM....M....M .. Oortutt A G A Oo, Tro*. UUM MT71 110*6 ma...MO...MO .. anion J. TroiU*....l*H7 MOM 10033 110*1 Onat IB, Trm*tM.. lift! 1MM HM): 11344 inn...UO...160 .. lMd Mill Mill BOM M441 114*1 234*0 HM1 . , „ -no-.-no.. Qreenebaom L ft Co, Tnu tM* MW7....M....U, .. Q*rdln*r Baldwin, Tnmia.lMM....*B....M Uornrtt W J TnutM Mill....10. ...10 Bill A Kllfoor, TnutM*...14417....M... JO .. Bochaladtar B A Oo, Tnu tM* 146M 1600* 1M1T 144M 14W3 1TIM 17416 1M66 1*46* 1*47* im» iwoe M01B 11141 Mill M106 MOUMtM MOlT. 4M0. 4100 .. BoemarDM ACo.TroateMMM* 11141 MMO........ to.. Blnina ft Oonkllng, Tree- ■ t*M 14141 14MT....M ...M.. Bal* A PaclwM. TnutM*..llu** 1*011....M....M.. Heriber* I, TnutM 1MM 6 *.. Herein A Oo, TnuttM M446....M....M . B*wl*tt P B, TnuU* 130*3... 60....M.. Bawka B O, TnutM 21771....10....M .. Baler Jiom. TnutM.117Mtfflt....M... .10 .. Butchloeuo JoLn, TroatM. JMI6....I0....M .. Bal* Albert W, TnutM MM4....M....M .. Iglaoer 8. TnutM SIMM....10....10 .. Jaekaoa B, TrnatM 1MM. ...10.. KIdr O*o AjIrnatM .11404....30....10 .. Kalley0*o w,Troale* 11174....M.. M .. Kenny A Ujer, Trn*tM*...lHtM UIM INN MUM 23841 am 2J0M...TM...TI0 .. Kaaftaaa 8 Jt Oo, TraeU*e..lH4ta MM.. Kline 0 W, Traatce 10M1....4O....4O .. King Bonur 8 * Oo, Tru Me SUM . .. - aimaaiaa....*....*.. Lathan h Klof, TnuUee.. 14444 Llatak A a Jr.TrmU*....M4fl»....»....J0 .. Millar W J,TrueU* 9W....20....20 .. lluipbj B P, Traatee mat „ __ , _ ima .. Macpbareoa John, Tnutoe.UtM 14414 1(421 « 1-" W»...10« .. Martinet R, Traitc* 14J10 .. 24....a4 .. Tnma;.U7Tl : Mary* Oeo T k Man,Troate.14171 Mark* hHalnhardt, Trot*. mJ4.'.'.' Milter * Van Wyck, Traate.l04TI . . _ . „ 11000....#0....40 .. Miriwbdmar Chu * Oo, Tnutfee MM 304*7....40... 40 .. Maepbwaon A ttklao.TnM.U4ia...,10,,,.jt .. MlleeKMAOo. Traateoo.aiMT...UO...UO * MZkJKTM. «mu,...».::: «•: Mawland* Jaa, Traatee... . 1MM 14414 ao*97 1UU tlS4( aim aim I1MT 11M Nobl. H B A Oo. Truatate "a . Norwood w k, m.t.1/714 aurar N*ai via cm, TmetaT" :: SSifoD>2S5^wi*,v.i*7os''"""*" •• 20640 22403 420 m Pareoae ■ >, TrwUa aom:'..i5:::I5 " OaiBB W|B, Trwtta MMI....10... 10 .. Ulchardaon K A. Tntatee.. .1SI47 Root 0«o B Tnau. W1* JSJ-1" -1" •• !*tv TilUIW...,,,.!!!!!,.,,,!.,.,,! Kich D. Tratu* aaiao....4o *a Hhwtwell, J M, Traatee 4I« '• 14311 90TM minora Schmieden. Hochatadler •• Oo. Traateee I44T y.1*? TaSsss-z. ■'***: ;i Wood* * Freeborn, Tnu(i 11474 w^ht W H.TrmtUii'ini um.V.'m.V.'m II Wllaoo k Batcblaaoo, Tra*. taea 14444.. ,40....40 .. Wakefield ttlt Uo.Truate. 1701J aim a* White H R. Traetee 40127....40 ...40 .. Yoet DZ * Oo,Tra»t* 114S2 3im.,..a0....a0 .. ZadU* Weill, Tnuteee....l444a 1412014m 1H00....40....M .. And la accorlaaea with law and aa order of the board of Tnuteee, aiada oa Um Iwtalj fourth fJ4ih)d*y of February,A D. UHO.eo aiaaj lUna or aach parcel o( each *toch a* mar ha a at p»blle aaetloo, la froat of the ofice oT the Company, eitaated at tha bow abaft. oaWtUNMDAT. the twenty al«hth (24th) day Of April, im, at « o'clock r. u. .to adeliuqnaat aaetaameat thereoa, tontker eoaia oi adfertlalag aad ezpeaeee of tele, aaleae prarioaaly paid. By order of tha ioard oT Traataaa. HKB0IB OTET, Secretary. Oold Kill. *er., March (1, im fa TAUT WOTICL - A»t_rrao* ha vina flsdgm n» thi *2fJ,bTok* •* *»• *• Oo«<i. Vlr flal*. will plMM Uka thrn oat oa uplrtUoa of Dw,h Mn. 0*tu> It Mllloc eat aad wtU J*ja ThwtoU oa tka 1Mb of ipm. iti«aada la k« Mora n odhrtd for Ml* t* tkal data, s* tbtlwr U ten wUl b* tUppcd la Bu Fraadaco. Tbo** who Wt*k la aaeora mat *B«alaa la iavalfy, Faralahlac Oood*.fata. Baouaad Not looa, will do vail to |o aad »» cot* th*a at ooe*. Aajtfctaf owlaa to Mia. Oafea moat ba paid a* onoa, for If BM paid ty Ua IU. pajBaot will btaatercad bj law. ftp. MM havtac claim* acalait Kia. Ccta Will Plata* piaacat (Mr Site. Qoodt, mtana, Bala, ISow Ca*M, .U„ for Mlaehaap nu a. oonr. VlUlala. Hwada. Mtwfc IT, 11. HI—