Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS TUKSDAY. MAT 4. 1880 TOWN TRUSTEES. «r| ikpobt or rai raniDBxr or tu boabd or towk ticrui or in tow* or OOLD KILL. To the Taxpayer* tod Citizen* of the Town of Oold Hill: In acoordanoe with the requirement* of tho Charter of the Town of Oold Hill. I herewith inbmit a report of the financial (i tuition of taid town for the year ending April 15, 1880: ucum raoM ul aocacca. LI—89 J. L. McCleerr t 10 80 [ Heal eetate.tasee, pcraonal prop erty, lioeneee, bullion Usee, etc.—V. W. Foleom 39,489 79 Delinquent tax**—J. H. Harria 659 13 Delinquent taiee H. Fitaaim M5>nt ,,,, 191 44 J. F. Flanningham 18 00 Hon. 0. C. Btevenaon 8,090 00 Hon. L. T. Fox 30,090 00 Total IM.W 83 Diasciauoxra ar wa**a*t*. Balariee $8,657 88 Labor on atreeta and aewera... 3,830 89 Fire Department donation* 1,708 00 Keeping town bone 480 90 Water rent 3,335 09 Bpeeial poiioednty 44 90 extralegal tenricee 100 00 Printing in Oold HiU Nbwb ... 800 00 Stationery 37 15 Lumber 848 95 Bond taken np 8,809 99 Blaekamithing 59 79 Sprinkling atreeta 609 00 Bepaira on Are apparatna .... 350 09 Donation to Linooln Hoee Co.. 359 00 Judgee and clerk* of eloction.. 100 00 Miacellaneoua 848 94 Total 823.309 87 ahooxt or rftorxnTT am km is roa tux TBiaa 1879 asp 1880. Beal property $1,738,818 81 Feraoual property 38,585 00 Total $1,765,401 81 Tiaea thereon at 1 ^ per cent..$33,074 83 Exempt by law 497 18 Total amount ef tazee charged to the Towa Marahal $31,577 68 Amount of delinqnent tax roll delivered to Town Attorney for collection $615 39 Tea per eenL delinquency added 81 63 Total $676 81 Amount collected, with 10 per eeat delinquency added $391 44 Amount outetanding $385 37 Amount of Licenae certificate* charged to Towu Marahal.... $7.954 99 | Amount of bullion tax on pro duet of mince $311 83 TOW* BONDS CANCELED. Noe. 88. 89. 90, 91, amount $16,080, paid Nor. 1.1879. No. 99, amount $3,090, paid Jan. 3,1879. No. 99, •• $30,090, paid Aug. 14. 1879. No. 191, •• $5,000. paid Aug. 14, 1879. OUTBTA*DINO TOW* BOND*. No. 100, amount $5,000. due May 1, 1881. No. 103. " $5,000, due Aug. 14. 1880. Noe. 103 and 104, amount $10,000, due Aug 14. 1880. No*. 195 and 106. amount $19,900, due Not. 1, 1880. Indebtedneee of the Town of Oold Hill-Bond* $30,000 00 InUr«*t due oo bond* to April 16. 1999 335 00 Total $30,335 00 Caah in treaaury April 15, 1880 $1,199 33 Leea outatanding warrant* 1,159 00 Total... $39 33 In submitting my annual report, u re quired by law, I hare deemed it proper tbkt the taxpayers and citijao* sheuld be Informed of tbe condition of lb* town and it* fluncial standing at the present time. The flnancea of the town are in a healthy condition, considering thedullnessof busi ness tha paat yaar. The revenue from the different brancbaa of bnaineaa baa consid arably decreased. and war* It not for the aurtailment of the running expenaee of tha town in tha beginning of tha yaar. and tha etricteat economy on tha part of the Town Trustees, tha town debt would have barn increased initead of laaaanad. Tha water worka and everything con nected with them ia in esoellent condi tion. Tha hydranta and maina have bean kept in tha beat working order. Tha streets are all in good repair, and have been kept eo with very little expense to tha town. The eeweri are all in good order. As tha coat of new aewer* and re pair* on old onea is alwaya *ery heavy, tha board have not done any work upon inch only where there waa extreme neceeaity. The officers of the town have been faith ful and energetio in tha diachargo of their dutiea. Tha police forca, thongh aaall, haa dona much in keeping off that element which U eo mnch annoyance to every cemmooity. Dangeroua and auspicious eharactere bare bad but little opportunity to prowl around in our midst, and our people hare much reaaoa to ba thankful that their intereeto are eo well guarded by ■uch an efficient police force. The Fire Companiee, to whom ie in trusted tha aafety of our property from Are, deaerve eome notloa at thia time: Their activity and efficiency at all timea when their eervicea were needed baa been In keeping with their paat record, and I might eafely aay that no volunteer lira department on the ooast can eurpaae oura for promptneaa and activity. In aoncluaion, I will state that I sin eerely thank the members of the Board, oaa and all, for tha very able manner in which they have at all timee assisted me in tha management of town affairs. That unity and good will which haa existed among them, together with a strong desire to serve the beat intoreeta of tbe town, haa made my poaition aa Preaident of tbe Board most agreeable. Aa a new Board of Trustees will soon commence their labors, 1 feel It my duty to call their attention to tha eoonomy which haa been practiced by tha retiring Board of Trustees, as the prospects are that tha ravenuea from taxa ble property, owing to the extreme dull •eaa of tha timea will ba much laaa than they have bean tha last yaar. Very respect fully, L. T. Fox, Preaident of the Board of Truateaa of the Town of Gold Hill. MISlKLLiXBOl'S. e. WIEBAND k C0.1 VIBfimA ASSAY OFFICII CMIMICAL^LABORATORY. CONRAD WIIQAND tmm ILT KILTER AMD RXPIXKR. toSaparrtolna UaOatM ] it. 1m PtMofrco. NOTICE. All pnfcoNs wno ark indebted to U« trm of L. P. Umkr A 00. >n Wraby not I lad U> poy »«>• »»ooM U«y on to L. P. Dnur A Oo . on or Mora U« rlPTB d»j of MAT, 1M0, M »• *ra closing op oar L. P. DREXLER. Vlrtlnit. April »■ IMP. "J* ANnOOD RESTORED ?Si»»«Loii'er^i»ntSoSrw5 *" OT<M<WO<M0*5b» imtiwra mm ** *£12^ *• * OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. A.WA.KB AW AMUSEMENTS. Pi pan' Open Hoom, Virginia City. BANEEBS. Am07 KtTklt Bank of Baa Franolaoo, 0 atreet, Virginia Oily. BBOEEBS. L. B. Frankel * Co.. Main atreet, Qeld HilL T. B. MoGorn, 1M Booth 0 street, Vir ginia City. W. H. Clark* A Ce., SI Sooth 0 street. Virginia City. CLOTH1XQ AND FURNISHINQ GOODS. Baa La ran thai, Main street, Qold Hill. Banner Broe., Comer 0 and Taylor atreeta, Virginia. CIQABS AND TOBACCO. D. Tborbnrn. oppoaite Km offlee. Main street. Oold Hill. DENTIST. A. Chapman, ISO Booth 0 (treat, Vir ginia City. FANCY OOODB. D. Thorbarn, Main street, Oold Hill. 8. W. Chobbeck, Postofflce a tore, Main atreet, Oold Hill. FOUNDBIES. Oold HU1 foundry. Lower Oold Hill, George Emmet, proprietor. Fallon Foundry, on the Divide, W. B. Eckhart, Superintendent. Virginia Foundry, on Bailroad, near J alia aalne, Virginia City, Fraaer * Com mlnga, proprietors. FBE10HT DELIVEBT. Thomaa Oallagher, offloo near railroad depot, Oold Hill. F1BE INSURANCE. J. A. Brnmaey, 49 Booth 0 atreet, Vir ginia. OB0CKB1ES, PROVISIONS, ETC. V. Lemery, Main atreet. Lower Sold Hill. F. W. Folaom, Main atreet, Oold Hill. Biehard Mereer, Mala atreet, Qold Hill. J. * J. B. Mall on, 0 atreet, Virginia City. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Oold Hill Bakery and Restaorant, Main atreet, Oold Hill; J. P. Becker, Pro prietor. French Reetanraat, Mala atreet, Oold Hill. Geo. Duprey. Proprietor. City Bakery, 27 North 0 atreet, Virginia City; Fitemeier A Armbrost, Proprie tora. HARDWARE. Oallatin k Folaom, Mala atreet, Oold Hill. W. N. Hall A Co., Mala atreet, Qold Hill. LAUNDRY. Pioneer Laaadry. aorth of Virginia City; O. W. Hall, Proprietor. MARKETS. L. T. Fox. Mala atreet, Oold Hill. NEWS DEPOT. D. Thorbnra, oppoaite Nawa offloo, Mala street. Oold Hill. 8. W. Cbubbuck, Poatofflee atore, Oold Hill. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. Oeo. 0. Mathawa, Mala atreet, Oold Hill. Dr. T. J. Magee. Mala atreet, Oold Hill. Dr. J. U. Hall, Mala atreet, Oold Hill. SALOONS. Comatock Exchange, oppoelte Liberty Engine Hooae, T. E. Flncb, Agent. Paahion, Main atreet, Qold Hill; Obrla. Weidemann, proprietor. Bank Exchange, Main itreet, Qold Hill; E. F. McEsnney, proprietor. Oibeon'a, Main atreet, Qold Hill; W. D. C. Qibeon, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Thomaa Qallaghar, near railroad depot, Oold HUL MISCELLANEOUS. SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS! NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAXD TOUR CLIMATE THE BE8T I WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS AMD BOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICES! Ho Ueirti, ll» Drnimers, So Seir-Styled Professors, Or Balf-Way MbsIcIbbi, —BMPLOTBD TO EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC Smith's Pianos and Organs ABB INDOBSRD BT TBI BOT MU SICIANS UPON THKIB ME&IT8. tad tad m waat Ikon My who bate SMITH'S PIANOS la j oar mldat on tble CouL Hinyowaooqudbaril FlkST HANDS. Dm>1 be bambtKied, bat read for 0»talofnt tad particular! ud relief j joureelvee of lk« troth of mt tteertion. Air it vie of PIANO or ORQAN Mat OB nrTEBM DATS TEST TRIAL, bj Inralahla* Bukir1!. Iipma or Kallroad Oompaaj'a cer UArate of deposit for amoaat. AIM SHEET MUSI 0 at one-half market prior JAMES S. SMITH, (MaaoMetaran' RepreeectaUTe), 175 Isrket Street. IT ■ BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. STEVENSON'S hint ImM Staid AMAL6AHATIN6 FAN. rATOITBO, APRIL IB.E1870. INTER RATIONAL EXHIBITION. Philadelphia, 1ST*. AWARDED FIRST PREMIUM —pom am iMno«B» OrlBdlBC BBd ABBlfBBBtlRE PSD. This pan is far superior to all other* la aeeual Import tat particular*. The Ortadlac Mall era are oetr the crater, re qalrtaa leea power. 1 be plew-eheped groove* raiee (be qulcketlrer with the palp malarly, with Ire* power, wlthvat rloleoce. tad «lth better amalgaaiatiBg eflbet bwidee admlttlaf a lancer charge. The lacliaed tbaaad boaaiaf* of the aallrrplttt opcaiaft emcleatlj force the palp dlreeilj aader the mailer*. Maaaftctared at the OoMea Stale and Miaart' Irea Worka, tV to Ml Plrat etiatt Saa Ifrao eiaeo, aad at the Ualee h Soortlle Iron Work«. n Boath Oaaal afreet, Chieeco. "here it can be awlned aad tartber partteaMi* be leaned; or panaae mit awl? to the lareaiaraad Fat. to tee. 0 0. BTETENSON, at tfta Doaflaa Mill, Oold Bill, hrrada. trtara tka hai bar* ioa« bean la operation. MISClLLAiriOUS. REPUBLICAN STATE CONTENTION. A1 T A MUTING Or THK RXFUDUOAII State Central Committer of Nevada, held at Virginia Olty, February 23. WO, the follow ing revolutions were unanimously adopted i Bttaltd, That tha Republican titale Central Committee of tha Btate of Nevada order that a Statu OonvaaUon be held at Anion. Leader county, la thle Wale, on Taeedaj, Mar 11, WO, at the boor of 11 o'clock a. m. of eald day, far the purpose of electing ui deiecatee aad elx alternatee to rcprieeat the Republican party of Neveda la the National Republican Convention to be held at Chicago. lllUeta^Jaae X IMO. Bttalfd. That we neomaead that the ear. era I Hepubllcaa Ooauty Oeatral OoiamWooc of the elate of Nevada eail primary eleetlone of the people for the parpoee of etectlag del*, (alee to the eald 8 lata Convention at Aaetln I the aald prUnarlee to be held ea or before May •,im JiniM. That the heata of repreeeatatioa la eald Oaaventlen ahall be one Toee tor eaeh aad every luo votes, or fraction of 10 or over 10, ceet at the last general election for the ftepahll can Htata ticket, to-wit; CbarchtU. 1 Ouuglase 3 Slko » K-meralda 0 Kuraka 11 Humboldt I lander I] Uncein * Ujoa * or'iaUyT'."'.*.".'!!"! • Storey. U Waehoe 8 White Pine I SetUttd, That the following teat be required of eaeh aad every voter at the primary elee tlone; That be eapponed the Bepabtleaa state ticket at tha laa general election, or would have doae ao had he voted, and a pledge to rapport the nomlneee of the Ohloago National Oonventloa. L L. MQUa. Chairman. Alt. Dotdt, lecretary. Marl! THE SUN FOB 1880. Tag Sua wlil deal with Um nwtf of the rtu lau la lu own fashion, bow prsuy wall undereiood by e vary body. Prom Jenaary 1 BBIll Dtocmbir U It will bo couduoted 00 a aewepaper, wrltua la tbo Bngliah laagaags, and printed for ibo people. Aa a ns wtpapsr, Tn Mini ballevss la totting all tbo now* of tbo world promptly, and pro tecting It la tbo moot Intelligible obapo tbo abap* tbot wlU onablo lu readers to koop woll abreast of Ibo sgs with tbo loool unproductive sxpeadltaraoftlaM. Tbe greatett laterest to tbo graauet number -thatla tbo. law ooatrol ling lis dally msks ap. It bssaows circa lauon T.rv much Urger than that of any other laf lean newepeper. ood *ujoy« oa income which It lo at all tlmae prepared to spsad libsrslly for tbo baoi'Qt of lu reader*. People or all ooodltMka of lira and all waya of thtaklag bay aad road Taa bo*; aad Iboy all dartre aatlaiacttoa of ooma aort Iron lu column*, for tbsy koop oa buying and reading It. In lis comments oa Boa aad sOUrs,'Tas Bra bslleves thai tbo oaly gnlde of policy iboald bo cuoiuon aauaa, Inspired by geauins Auarloaii principle* and btckod by honesty of parposs. For Uala reaaon It la, and will ooatlaoo to bo, aboolntoly ladepeadeat of party, claat, clique, organisation or lataraet. It U Iter all. bat of Bone. It will eontlnna to pralaa wbat la good and rap'obato what u avll. taking oaro tballu language U to tbo point aad plain, beyond Ibo' pouibtilty of balng mUuudar*Kx<l It U aala dm need by moll tea that do not appear oa tba aurlaoe; It baa ao oplaloaa to (oil, MTa tboaa wblca may bo bad by any parchaser with two oanu. It hataa lajaatleo aad laaoaltly even mora than It balea unbeceeaary worda. It sb bora fiaoda, pluaa foola aad deplorss nlooom po.>pa of every species. It will conllaaa throughout the year ISSO to cbaatlaa lha drat claaa, inairiirt tba taooad, aad dlaooaauaaaea tb> tulrd. all bonaat man, wltb boaoat coavlo tlooa, whether aonnd or mUtaken, an lu friend*. Aad Taa Htm makea no booea of tail ing tbo truth to lu Maoda and a boat iu f rlaada whenever occaalon artaae for plain (peaking Tbeae arv the prlnciplee upon wbloh Taa Htm will be ecodaeted daring tbo jear to coma. Tba year 1HU will bo one la wblcb ao patriot, lo American can afford to clooa bU eyee to pub lie affaire. It la lmpoarlbla to exaggerate tba Impertaaoa of tba political areata wblcb It bat In atora, or tbo neoaeelty of roaolaU vigilance on the part of every dtlaea who daalree to pre eerve tba Government that the louader* gara ua. The debatea aad acU of Congress, tba ut icraocea of tbo praee, the exciting ooatoota of Ibe Kepublloaa aad bamocratio partlae, now nearly tqasl in itrongtb tbrongboat tbo coun try, tbo vary lag drift of pabllo sentiment, will all bear directly and effectively apon tbo Iwen tv-fjurth Prealdentlal election, to bo hold 1a November. Four ycara ago ant November the will nf the aatloa, aa expreeeed at tba polla, waa thwarted by aa abomlaabU oonaplracr, tbo promoter* and DensflcUrlss of wbloh a till bold tbo oOoao tbey atolo. Will tbo crime of lITt bo repeatrd la 1410? Tba paat decade of yean Opened wltb a corrupt, extra vsganl. and inao lent Administration iniraaobed at Waahlagtoa Taa den did »omethiag toward dUlodaiag tbo gang aad breaklag lu power. Tbo eame ■ are now latrlgulag to rretore tbelr leadrr i tbomaalrea to plaooa from which tbey w»ra driven by tbo Indignation of tbo peoplo. WlU tbey eacceed? Tbo oomlng year will (flag tba anrwera lo tbeee momeotoua qneotlona. Taa so* will bo oa band to chronicle the facta aa tbey are developed, aad lo exhibit thorn clearly and feerleaoly in tbelr relatione lo expediency and right. Thoa, wltb a bablt of philosophical rood humor la looking at the minor sflhlre of llfe, and In great thUg* a steadfast purpoee to main tain tba rlghU ol Ibo people and the principles or the Ooaatltutlon again at all agvreeoora, Taa atm la prepared to write e truthful, loelroctlve. aad at tbo eame time entertaining hutory of 1080. cur ratea ol aaboorlptlon remala uncbangad. For tba Dally Son. a (boot of twei t > elgbt columna, the prlco Ly mall, poat-pald. I* M centa a moatb, or M M a year; or, lnclnd lng the Monday paper, aa olgbt-pogo a heel of dfty-o x columna, tbo price U Mcenu a moatb, or 97 7* a roar, pootage paid. The Sanaaj edition of Tn Bait la aleo fur nlfbed sepvstely at 91 Ma year, pootage paid. The prion of the Wxxur Bow. eight pagss, Bfty-elx columna. la III year, poatsgs paid. For dube or ten tending |10 wo will toad an extra copy free. Addreao I. W. ENGLAND, fa bl labor of Tn In, Mew York City. NO PATENT^ HO PA¥. aiLtimeou, Interferenoea, Infrlngemeou and all matlera relating to PatenU promptly attend ad to Wa make prellmtnaty examlnatlona and f urn lab opinions aa to patentability, free of charge, and all who are Interacted In new laveo tlone aad Pateot* are Invited to eend for a copy of oar "Guide far Obtaining Patent*," wblcb la eeat free to aay sddrass, aad oootalns com plete instruction* bow to obtain Meats, aad other valuable matter. Daring tba paat five year* we have obtalaed nearly three thonssnd patents for Aaerleaa and foreign la venture, and can give satlafactory refarenoss in almoet every county la tba Union. ▲ddftMa LOO 18 BAOOK* * 00 Bolidtors of Patents aad Attoraays at taw, Le Droit Building. Waahlagtoa, D. a lZii NOTICE OF FORFEITUBL Tow* or Gold Hnx, ) Ooaaty af Storey. Bute of Nevada, J February It, 1S80. j To Rowans Kaxaar. assoelau owner la tba Booth Jacket mlae, Sold 11U Mining Dis trict. Moray county, state or Nevada : Tou are hrreby aotldrd that the aaderalgned bas performed aad told oat tba aaaaal a meant of work for lit* oa tba above claim required by Hec. 33ft Revlaad steiutes oftbe Dal tad Ktatee, and ynar pro rata ehara of esid work amonnta lo Thirty-Urea Dollars sod Tblrty-tbrss Cents (t*3 S3). And If wltbla ninety days after Ihla notice by publlcstlon yon fall or refass to con tribute eaid amooat yoar lateraet la eald claim will be forfeited sad become thepropertyof the tsbscrlber, under eald Section MM. iHigned): JOHN OKABT, fe»«»m F. O. address. Paid KU1, Ngr. NOTICE. OFFIOK OF Oonmlealooere of Storey Ooaaty, Narada. —Notice la barabr glvea. la pareaaaoa of aa order of tba Board of Oountv Oommlsstoners of Moray ooonty, Nevada, made oo the 1Mb mat OF TBI BOARD OF OOUNTT irsda. at aa arsof I day Of April, A. D. IBM, thst SBALBD PBO POSALB will bs raeeivsd by eald Board sp to aad laclndlag tba TWAITTH DAT OF MAT, A. D. 1880, for sappiles for lbs Ooaaty Hoa. pltsl, la sccordsaos wltb tba requisition aad bill of Items on his In the Ooonty Clerk's Offloe, which can bs reftirsd to. lor particulars, daring offlea boors of sscb day. 13.1m J. 1. MoDONALD. Clerk. BXTCBNS IN SS DATS ON BIO I ._w laveetod. Ofldal rapsrta flrea nroBia weakly oa Block ontlaaa of BIO S MO. Addraas T. iWr Wight * fc., laSlt Wall Buest, N. T mltf MB Biuirrs Biiis. SHERIFF'S SALE. fwMIhiimITiiahr tk«riMBl *** "mV****1* TTNBEB AID BT Y1RTCK OF F1VI DIP. U terent execution* leeoed oat of th* Jus tie* i Ooart or (ioid Bill To«n»hlpNo. I, of th* Town of Gold Bill, oounly of More*. 8i»U of NerxcU. to me duly directed tod d*Uv*r»l, dated April Kb, A. 0. I MO, upon At* different Judgment* recovered la MldOoort oo th* »ih day ct AprU, A. 0. UIO. and on record In Mid Ooart, In ftror of the Htate of Nevada, plaintiff, and against the followlnc-named defendant* and reel Mtate, and powioty clalma and Im pro*MMUta tbereon. together with ooeU and •xpensee of ule. And In poriaeoee of law I ■hall expoee for ule at pobllo aactloo. In front of tha Court Boom door*, In the city of Vlr> (Iuia, Storey coantj. State of Nevtds. between U« hoora of • o'clock a. v.and 6 o'clock t. u , vis., at 11 o'clock noon, on FBIDAY. the 11*1 day of MAT, A. D. 1880, ao much of each parotl of land hereinafter deaerlbad, together with tha Improvements thereon, as shall be aaoaaaary to *ulafy the said eiecatloo* sn1 all eoau, la gold coin of tha United State*. All of Mid property being aUnate la btorey county. State of Nevada, and 1* m pant* 17 described a* Mlova, to wit t F. 8. Marshall, and portion of tot M, block 1, rang* A, and lot IS. block 1. rang* O, Oold Bill. Amount $J7 M Michael Nalloc. and 10 fa*t of lot M,bloek 1, range B, Oold BUI. Amount |13 U A. Lata*, aad the tooth half of lot M, blook 1, run D, and lot 17, block 1, rang* D, Oold Bill. Amount $T8 47 B. KoMBbaam. aad lot t, block », ring* U. Oold Hill. A ao ant »M 40 John L. Mltohell.and lot 10, block I, rang* D, Oold BUI. Amooat |S4 M C. WILMaXSON, Sheriff o( Storey coanty, Nevada. By M. J. MoCctcaxs. Deputy Sheriff. It SHERIFF'S SAIL ret^HlliMMl Tax** for the Fiscal Your Badlaa Drceaber 3I» A. D. IH7W. UWDKB AND BT VIRTOB OF FODB DIF farant axecoiloa* leeued out of th* Jo* tic*'* Ooart of Oold BlU Townihlp No. S, of th* Town of Oold BUI, county of Miorey, and Mate of Nevada, to me daly dlrocted aad d*llv*r«d. dated April »ih, A. D. 1M0, apoa roar different Judgment* recovered la (aid Court on thefttb d«y of April, A. D. 1880, and oa record la Mid Court, la favor of th* state of Nevada, ii'.ainilff. and agalnat th* following-named defendant* aad real estate aad poaaestory claim* and Im provement* thereon, together with ooata and expanse* of Ml*. Aad Id purraano* <t law I ahall expose ror Ml* at public aoctlon, In front or the Ooart Hos*e door*. In tha eity or Vlr gtnla, Btor*. coanty, Htate or Nrvada. between the boors of B o'clock a. u. and » o'clock r. via., at 11 o'clock boos, oa TUMUaT, the TWENTT-riFTH dar of Kt>, A. D 1M0. *o much of each parcel of lead beremafie* de scribed, together with th* Improvement* there on, m shall be aeo*M>ry to Mtlify the Mid sx oonUaa* aad all coats, la gold sola of the United State*. All of Mid property being sllaala in Storey coanty. HUM or Nevada, and 1* *eparata ly described M Mlowe, to Wit 1 Orate Baaklos, aad lot M, block 1, rang* O, U 'ld Bill. Amount IM 81 Oold Bill Tunaal Oompaby, a corporation, aad N feat of lot I, block a. renga 0, and nn*ar«*y*d land eaat.or the Impe rial Mill site. Oold Bill. Amount *44 X Thomaa Mitchell, aad lota H W and M. block 8, range I), Oold BUI. Amount.. $34 76 Ooo Lee, and lot I, block 1, range O, Oold Bill. Amount. IM II | C. WILLIAMSON. Sheriff or Storey coanty, Nevada. By M. J. MoOtnoaas. Deputy Sheriff, apll SHERIFF'S SALE. Far Dell*«*rat Tiim far Ik* Fiscal Year IiMii llMMktr 31( A. O. I»l. TTBDKB AND B* VIKTOR OF FOCBDIF U f*r*nt executloM leaned out of tbe Jue Uoa'a Court of Uold BUI Town.hip No. 8, of Ua Town of Uold 11111, eounty of H orry, Stale of Nevada, to me duly directed and dellvenxl, dated April lib, A. D. 1W0. upon four different ludgnienla recovered in eald Court en tba lb daj af April, A. D. I MO, and on reourd In aald Oourt, In favor ol lb* Btate of NtTada. plaint ff, tad igaluit lb* following-named drftnuanta and reel aetata. and poe>eeeory elatme and lm provementa thereon, tugeihar with ooata and aipanaaa of Hi*. And In pureuanc* of law 1 aba 1 aiixM for aal* at publ.o auction. In front of tba Oourt Uooa* doom, In tba city of Vlr. *fbla, Stony county, State of Nevada, bet wren tba boar* of 8 o'clock a. m. and I o'clock r. m , via.. at 11 o'clock noon, on M >ND*Y. the TWINTT-rOUMTH day of MaY, A D. I lot), to much of each parorl of land hereinafter d« acrlbed, together wltb tba Improvementa tbara on, aa ehall be neoeetary to eatialy tba aald pi ecutlona and *11 co*ta. In guld coin of iba United Slate*. All of (aid property being tlinate In •lorry oounty. Hut* of Nevada, and la aaparate ly dfecrlbed aa followa, to wit: T, J. MoO**, And lot I, Mock 1, range 0, Oold 11111. Amount HI U O'Brien A Curran, and lot 41, block 1, rang* O, Oold 11111. Amount $tt VI K. Oannon, and lot 10. block 1, rang* 0, Oold Hill. Amount SM0O Jam** All*a, aad lot 14, block I, raage F, (told Kill. Amount. Mlt 0. WILLI»M80N, Sheriff of Btorey county, Nevada. . By M. J. McOuTOBiN, Drpoly Sheriff. aplO APPLICATION_FOR PATENT. NOTIOB HO. 414. D. 8. MINERAL BOBVEY No. 141 aad 111. Okitis Statu Land umci, canon City, Narada, February vl, KM. Nouo* la banby glrcn, inat Iba silver Ja*k*t Mlnluf Company, a corporation of Iba state of Oallfornla, Laving It* principal place of btudatet at aaa Francitoo, Oallfornla. baa, by W. ttcblager, It* agent aad euptrinlendant. Who** pottoffict addrra* I* Uold Bill, Htoruy connty. Narada, tbli day flltd In thu office It* application for a Untied Btate* patent for fit. i**n hundred tlMMJ f**l of tb* Monuui*nt*l Twin* lode, bearing gold and *llv*r, wltb aur fac* ground containing It 'Jt lOU acre* a* here inafter deeenbed, the earn* helm officially eur Tejed and platted by tne Surveyor Ueneral aa U. 8. Survey or Lot l>o. 143 and 111, In Town ■blp* II and IT north. Rang* 31 Nut, Mount Diablo Meridian, In the Uold BUI Mining Ola trlct, oouaty of Storey aad but* of Nevada, aad da*crib*d by mate* and bound* by Ui* plat aad field note* on file In tbl* office aa follow*, Tla: Beginning at a poet marked Monumental Twin* No. 1. inane* running eouth tea (10) degreea out fifteen bui.dred (1100) f*et to a pott mar kid Monumental Twla* No. 1; tbenco north eighty (10) degree* eaat til hundred (100) feet to a poet marked Monameatal Twin* Mo. I, from which th* qeatter eactlou corner in noith line of Bectloa nv* (I), Tuwntblp aliteen (II) aocth, Range twenty one (tl) eaat. Mount Di ablo Baa* and Meridian, bear* no.tb twenty tight t») dwreta weat, dltunt Ave hundred aad twenty (WO) feet s thenoe running from ttld poet Ho. • north tea (10) degreea weel **v*n hundred tad fifty-three (7Mj laet to tut toutb eaatAly boundary of U. B. Burvty No. lit, Mortk Ohlpman lode; thence tuulh fUty-elght (SB) dagrte* ten (10) minute* w**l. on* bun* died and tixty.nlnt |10I) leet to poet »o. 1 of aald U. B. Borvey No 141, North Cbipmaa lode; thence north twenty-one aad one half til If) degree) weet eight hundred and twenly lour iMil feet to t point and thauo* touth elghtv [80i d*gr*«* wait two hundred and eeventy loor (114) r**t to poet No. 1. the place of be. glaalng, containing II»100 acree, the eald claim being 'it record In the office of tbe Be cordar of storey cut ty. Nevada, at Vlritloia 0 ty, Nevada, In book "B" of Locatluna. at ptge MM and being bouuded upon tbe norlhettt la part by the tald North Ohlpman lode or U. B. Burvty No. Ill, Hefereaoe la btrtby made to tbt official plat ■d upon tht aald Monumeutal Twlna claim to tne plat and field notee oa file la title j for more particular description of the mlalag ground hereby aought to be patented. All advene claim* mutt b* filed la tbla office within six y (10) dtyt Iron tht Oral newapeper publication ef the aotloe of tald application. Ml O. B. BABtUs. Kegieter. ORDINANCE HO. 119. AN OftDINANCB M iwMjftf th« I*rr of Tama aa R»al aid Paraaaal j^Nrtr wltkla lha T.wa af UaU [Puaed April If, ino.] mai board or tbubtizs of gold * Bill do ordain; Bkcfioa 1. Ad unil id ralorem tax of ona aad ana quarter par otalgia opon tbe ralne of taxable property wltblo tba Town of Qold Bill U hereby levied and directed to ba collected for town porpoaaa npon tba iiwmfl ralue of all •aeb taxable pro party mada taxable by tba lawt of UU Mat# for State and ct unty porpoaa*, In clodlnc Ik* aat procaada of tba ml dm. Hao. 1. Tbr taxea levied br aecUoa 1 of thli ordinance, and to ba aad ooltaelad In accordant* win tba t rortilona of as ordinance entitled. " Aa Ordinance to prorlde for tba l«TJ aad oollectlon of taiea oa rati and pereonal property within tba Town of Qold BUI, paeeed April 1». ISM; aad alao. an ordinance eatltlrd. Aa Ordlnaaoe to prorlde for tba Una aad nuaaar of aacertalalaf tba raloe of tba aat pro ceeds of mlnae Air tba porpoaa of taxafoa. aad to prorlde fur tba eolleetloa of »neb <«••• Lt !• FOX| Pmldant of lha Board or Trwtaaa of tba Town of QoldBlU. Attaat: W.«. Bn>«. Otart of tba Board. At a meetin« of tba Board of Troateea of lha Tawa of uoid Hdi. bald ApHi It. 1J». ordl nance Bo. 1U waa paaaad bribe following rotei Taea—Traataea Sarov, Daucby aad freel 12""-^*^SVSrA«. ABBI8S1IHT8 llTIIft. tin IIHU UIIIB COM A FAKT.-Locaacu Of principal place of bartam, ten Frmnclaoo, California. LoejttoaoT worka, Uold BUI Mining Dlatrlet. Gold Hill, Nevada. Notice ii hereby given, that at • meeting at lb* Board of DitMore, bald on theflfth 1Mb) da/ of April, wo, an Mmaaaat (No. 17) of Fifty (BO) Oenta par abara Waaler led upon tba eapilal atoek of tba corporation, parable Immediately. In United Btetaa sold coin, to the Secretary, at tba ofBce of lb* Company, Ho. M Montgomery (tree*, Booma • and «, Han Francisco, Outfonll. Any flock a poo which tbla meeament tbaU renum unpaid on tbe tenlb (1Mb) day of May. 1880. will be dellnoaent, and advertlaed lor tale at public aactloo. and nnleae pay ment 1* made before, will be eoM on MONDAY. tbe thirty flmt (Hat) day of May, 1880, to pay tbe dellnqaent aeaeeaa—1.1 osetber wltb coeta of adrertUlnr and ezpenaee or Mle. By order oT tbe Board of Director*. WM. H. WATSON, Secretary. Office—No 10* Montgomery (tree*. Boom* • and a. nan Franclico, California. »ld SUTOI COMOUDtTID COM* FANI.-Location or principal place ol neea, Han Franclaeo, California. Location of worka, Oold Ulll Mining Dlatrlet, Qold mil, Nevada. Notice u hereby giren. that at a meet!it of tbe Board of Dlrectoia. bald on tbe eeeond t«d) day of April, 1880, an aeeeeament (No. I) of Fifty (10) Oaote per ature waa leriad upon tbe capital • toe It of tbe corporation, payable immediately, Is United Btatea gold coin, to the Becretary. at tbe office or tbe Company, Mo. KM Montgomery atreet. Booma • and 8, Ian Frandaco, Ualllornla. Any atocb apao wfc'cb tbli aaeaaamwtaball r» mala on paid on tbe lavaoU 17th) day or May, 1M0, will be delinquent, and adrertlaed for aale at pabllo aactloo, and unieee payment la made before, will be laid on TUBSDAY, tbe twenty-fifth (Wtb) day or May, 1880, to pay tbe delinquent eeeeeeaMnt, together wltb ooeia of advertising and ezpenaee of eale. By order ef the Board of Director*. WM. M. WATSON, Becretary. Office No. MM Montgomery etreet, Booma B and «. Han Frendece. California. ap»_ / \TKBMAR MILTIB BUMS L/OOMPANY.—Location of principal place of baaineea, Han Frandaco. Oalliomla. Location or worka, Sold BUI, Worry eonnty, Nevada. Notice ta hereby given, that at a meeting or the Board of Director*, held on tbe ilxtb (tlhl day oT April, 1*80, an eeaeeemeat (No. 43) ol Klity (Ml Oenta per abare waa levied upon tbe capital atoek of tba eorpomloo, payable immediately, In United Htatee gold ooin, to tbe Secretary, at tbe office or tbe Company, No. 414 Oaltfornla atieet, Han Francjaoo, Cal ifornia. Any atoek npon wblch thla aaaeeament aball remain nnpald on tbe twelfth (lilb) day or May, 1880, will be delinquent, and adver tl»ed for aale at public auction, and anlora payment 1* mad* before, will be aold on WKDNBSDAY, the aeoond (Id) day of Juno. 1880, to pay tbe delinquent aeoeeement, together with eoete of advertialag and ezpenaee of aale. By order of tbe Board of Director*. UBO. D. MOWAKDH, Secretary, Offioe— No. 414 California etreet, Ian rma ctaeo, California. T NKW TOtll llllltt COlfAl 1. Location of principal place of bualnei», Han Krauclaco, California, Location of worka, Oold Hill, Storey ooanty, Imdi Nolle* la hereby given, that M » dm*lln( ol the Board or Director#, held 00 Lb* tilth (Mb) day ol April, 1MU, as immiomi (Mo. XI) ol Fifteen (It) Centa per itiri wu levied upon ibe capital (lock of tbe corporation, pay. tola Immediate I j, la United BUM* (Old oolo, to the Secretary, At Ibo offlce or tbo t ompuijr, Koom 11, Mo. 208 Bath (tract (Ooemopolltan Hot*)), lion Fmncteco, UAllornla. Any itock npoo wblcb thla UMimint •bail remain unpaid on tbe TKNTH (1Mb) day ot MAY, 1800, will bo delinquent, and advertlaed for aale at public auction, and unlaw payment la mada before will be aold on MONDAY, tbo TUtBTYFIBHT (lUt) day ot MAY, 1880, to par tho deliuyuent aaaeea lueut, together with ooota "i advertising and expenaee or aale. By order or tbo Hoard or Directors. O. L. THOMAS, Secretory. Offlce Boom It, Mo. tut Bu*h etreet, Ooemn. poll .an Hotel, Han Franclaco. California. 8-td QVUD IILTU UOLD AMD (HI* » >KK MtNINU COMPANY.— Location ol principal plaoa of bualuaae, Han Fraaclaco, OaJlIornla. Location ol workt, Virginia Mining Dlatrlct, Storey countj, Nerada. Notice la hereby given, thai At a meeting or tbe Board or Director«, bald on tbo tblitoontb day ol Aprfl, 1MU. an aaaoeamant (No. 8) or Twenty-Ave Oanta per ibare waa levied spun tut capital atock of tbe corporation, payable immediately, in United Stotee cold coin, to tbe Secretary, at tbe offlc* ot tbe Company, Koom M, No. tto Han torn* • treat, Han lrnnslaco, OaltlorniA. Any atock opon wblcb tblt aeaeeement thai) remain on paid oil tbe fifteenth day ol May, 1880, will be delinquent. And adver» need lor aale at public auction, and uuleea pay ment le made before, will be aold on SATUKDAY, tbe anh (Mb) day ot June, ltuai. at tbe boor ot U o'clock K, to pay tbe delinquent aaeeaamest, together wltb co*U of advertlalng and ex pen tea oi aale. By ordei ot tbe Hoard ol Dlrectora. «. HXWSON, Secretary. Offlce— Boom (8, No. ItU ttanaome a treat, San PranclKO California. It Goldbn uatk m. * ««*• Ha.nY —Location ol principal place ot builneta. ban *ranclaco, California Location of worka, Virginia Mining Dlatrlct, btorav county. Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting ol tbe board ot Dlrectora, held on the thirteenth tilth) day ol April, 1880, An aaeeeemeut ol one Dollar (|1) per ahAre waa levied upon the capital clock of tbe corporation, payable immediately, In United StAtea gold coin, to tbe Secretory, at tbe offloe of tbe Company, Boom M, No. 810 HAnaome a tree t, San fracclaoo, Calliorula. Any atock upon which thla aaeeeement aball remain unpAld oa the fltteeotb (1Mb) day ol May, USD, will be delinquent and Ad vertlaed tor aala At pnbllc auction; And nn. lea* payment la made before, will be cold on SATURDAY, tbe tfth (ttb) day of June, ltto. to pay the delinquent aateetment, together with ooeta ol advertlalng aad eipenaee of aale. By order of tbe Board or Dlrectora. K. IIA WHO rC, Secretory. Offlce—Boom M, No. 8J0 HAnaome atre*t, San t ranclaco, Oalitbrnla. | It SILTBB HILL ■IMIHd COMPA M Y.—Location of principal plnoe of bual neaa, Sea Yranclaoo, Oailfomla. Location of worka, Oold Hill, Storey oounty, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that At a meeting or tbe Board or Dtnetora, held oa tbe fourteenth (Mth) day of April iniu. An aeeeeament (No. 10) of Fifty (80) Oenta per abare waa levied upon tbe capital atock or the corpo ration, payahla immediately, In UnlUd Statea gold coin, to the Hecretary, at the oOoa or the Oompany, Boom 8, No. SfV Buah <treat, Bin Francl§co, California. Any itock npoo wblcb thla aeeeaament (ball remain unpaid on the NlNkTKkNTU (1Mb) day of MAY, 1880, will be delinquent, and Advertlaed for *Ale At pnbttt auction, and unlaaa pat meat la nude before will be •old nn WBDMJUDAY. the NINTH (Mb) day of JVSK, 1880, to pay the delinquent aaeee*. ment, together wltb coeta of tdvertlung aad 8XMQMI Of lile. By order of the Board of Director*. W. B. DKAM, Secretary. Offlce—Room I, No. 108 Bub etreet, Baa Franclaoo, California. It \f Ai'KKT UOLD AND ULTER iU mIuIuk Company— Location of principal place of baaln«aa, Baa Prancl>co, California. Location of work*, Virginia Mining Dis trict. Hlorey county, hmdt. Notice U hereby rlren, that at a maetlni of the Hoard of Director*, held on tha twenty •llblb (ttth) day of April, 18(0, an mwinmt (No. Ii of Ten (10) Cante par share wie lerled upon tba capiul stock of tbe corporation. pay able 1m mediately, In United Btatca gold coin, to tba Hacralary, at tba offlca of tba Compter, Hooma II and «, aarond floor. No. ao* California airrat, Han Kranclaco. California, Any a tuck utxxi wblcb tbla naaaamant ahall remain unpaid on tba Brit (1st) day of Jane, isao, win ba Mlaquant, and adrertleed tor aaia at public auction, and nnlm paymant la mada batora will ba aoid on MONDAY, tba twanty-flrst (Jlat) day of J not, two, to pay tba delinquent aasaiament. together with coau of adrartlalnc and axpanaaa of aala. By ordar of tba Board of Directors. J. M. DOKFINOTON. Bacratary. Offlca-Room 8 aad 4, aaoood floor, No. «09 California a treat, Ban rrandaeo. California. 1 VILLOW JACKET IILTKB Mill. X 1NO 00IfPAMT.—Location of works, Oold UIU, Storey Conntjr, Btala of Narada. Principal plaoa of buaineea, Uold Bill. Narada. Nouca la hereby (Iran, that at a meeting of tba Board of TrnsUsa of said Company, bald on tba tret flat) day of May. A. D. IsSO. iant (Ha. ft) of Ona Dollar (|1) par share was larlad upon aacb and arsry share of tbs capital • took ol said Company, payable tmmadlataly, in Unltad fltataa told coin, to tba Baoretary. at tba offlca of tha Com pan/at tba new aba it, or to James NawlandB, Transfer Bacratary. Boom 10. Bo. 101 Bosh strcat. Ban Frenoleco, California. Any atock npon which this aaaaesmaht ahall remain at.paid an Saturday, tba flflh (Itb) day of Jonb, 1810. aballha deemed dalln qnant and will bedoly adrartlsed tor sate at public auction, and an lass payaaot made before, will ha sold OB WbDNMDaTitha BBVBNTH (Ttb) DAT t)P JULT. 1800. at* o'clock r.i., la front of tha offloa of tba Own pany, to pay tha delinquent sal togetherwlthcostsof adrartlalw sad Of Mil. Bt ordar of tha Board of Traataea. MBBCBBOTBT.* P. B.—Aaaaaamanta will ba ratylrad In Man r~CUC° °P Gold HU1, Narada, May l.UBO. BiLiirqvBirr balis. BDLUOV BUMS OOBfUT Location of principal pUo. of baitiwe, 1MB Vttadfeo, Onllfornla. . Location of worki. Gold Hill Mining Dlrtrtt, Mom county, Nvrada. NoUm.—nun in d.llnq—it apon tki foi towlnc-dMertbcd (look, on inoui of mm cmbI (No. It) IrrUd on tb. twwtj-ttAk (14<h) day of Mtrcb. IMS, Um (mttl aaonnu mi oppodu Um una of th. mpoUw ikwakoM. •n, u follow! I Num.. Ho. Cartlf. 8 hi. Ain't. Atkliuon, Doad k Oo, Tru» kx* ue«...iao..uiu.. AtkiaMo, Doud k Co, Trn» Um UM7....10....10 .. Block k Bern bard, TrnrU.. .MIT...100.. .100. Dm.ll i U, TrwIM UW...400...<00 . B/axell J M do 1*40...100...100 . Bnull J U do 1X131....30....10 Bru.ll J M do WT«....10....10.. Branell 1 M do IM0....10....10 .. Brut II J M do UM • I.. Bru»ll J M do 1MM....M....M .. Brai.ll 1 K do 1M1I.........JO .. Bru.ll J* do mil.. BruellJlf do 13M1....10....10 .. I Braxell J M do 1NU ...10....10 .. BnmlJM do MM....10....10 , BrasoU J If do 19MT....M....M , Bru.ll J M do 1MM....S0....M .. | ill J If do ......1MM«... Bnull J M do ...... 11986 • . BrtMll J M do ••••••14008.... BrtMll J M di ......14011....10....10 , BrtMll J M do ,,•• ..14010.,.100..»100 •• Bri.ll J* do Bru.ll 1 If do Bru.ll J If do MM0...1C0...1C0 .. BrtMll J If do 1«M....IV.... W.. BrtMll #0 ••••••140W mu.II J M do Bras.ll J If do 1410J.... BrtE.ll JM do 1UM BrtMll J M do ••••••14119.••• BrtMll J M do ••••••14191 •••• BrtMll J M do •••• ••14174»«»«10.«..10 •• BrtMll J M do .14171....10....10 .. BrtMll / M do *?!!!••'•!!!*• "ill " UrutlUH d« ifJfS* " BrtMll J If do ••••••14419 • ,90.«».90«. j m BrtMii do 14919. —!!••• *2 •• J li BrtMll do •• .•• •14948. ...lO#*® .90 .. J M BrtMll do ••••••14978 ...90....20 •• J M Brtstll do !****•—*P'—?9 M J M BrtMll ^ do ••••••14999.•••14....M . J M BrtMll do 14397.... J M BrtMll do ••••••14404.... J M BrtMll do ••••••14498..•• J M BrtMll do •••• ••14499.... J M BrtMll do 14919...!, J M brtMll do 14919.. .199. 100 .. | J'H BrtMll do ••••••19119.•••40»«».60 •• J M BrtMll do ••••••14161 J M BrtMll do ••••• 14191 J M BrtMll do 19919..,. J M BrtMll do 14904.... J X brasell do 14444 4 M BrtMll do ••••••16471 f M BrtMll do 14499 fM BrtMll do 14999... ) M BrtMll do 1NW1 ...94.... J M BrtMll do 14949 9 9 •• 4 M nrtMll da ••••••14944.••••4.••••4 .. | J M BrtMll do ••••••14844..«»4I*««.41 • J M BrtMll do 14647 J M BrtMll do •••.••19949....14.. .14 « J M BrtMll do ••••••14440..«ol4.»«.14 •• J M BrtMll do •••••< 19941.•••.9.••••9 .. f J M BrtMll do •••••*11949.•..49,...49 J M BrtMll do 19994....19.... 19 .. | J M BrtMll do 14999 9 4. J M BrtMll do ••••••14940....*9.....9 .. | J M BrtMll do ••••*•14449 9 9 * J M BrtMll do 14997 •• .9 9 , J M BrtMll do ••••••14999 ••••!•••••' •• I J M BrtMll do 14970 4.....ft « J M Brtcell do ••••••1A974.*«..9 9 ■ J M BrtMll do 144TT 4.....4 .. J II BrtseJI do 14*81....94....24 .. J M BrtMll do 14489....94....U . J M BrtMll do 14884 J M BrtMll do •••••• 14481 J If BrtMll do ••••••14091 J M BrtMll do •••••14991 J 41 BrtMll do ••••••16992 J II BrtMll do ••••• 144GI.....4.....4 . J M BrtMll do •••••.11994.••••6.•••.6.. | J M BrtMll do .14899*—41....41 .. J M BrtMll do 14900 9 9.. Btjlty OB.Tmttot... ....19898... 100...100 . BtyltjGB do U*>8... 90....90 .. Bro*Do J L. TrnttM 14819*. .100... 100 .. Brook* 8 H, TnuUo 14114....90....90 . Coffln Jtmet,Tioaiof 4490...100...100 .. Oofflo Jtmet do •••••• .4479.•••*9.«*..4 .. Ooiiin JamM do 9111....10.... 10 .. Ooflln J una. do .......Mil....10....M .. CUnJuiiM do M4I....10....1U.. Oop. « Tnutm.... .1MM....M....M .. Oop.kD.TU do ....1MM....U....1I.. | Urovi.7 k Uoodman, Trn.* Crowley A Good nun, Tnu t*e* 18748....10....10 .. C.utaA Lot*! and, Trastat#. 11408....80....80 Olule A Loveland do ..UVI0....80....60.. Oopt, (JtaUr AOo, Trait*c*.641l....l0....10 „ Orowler Jno, TrualM Itttl.. .10U...1U0 .. Clement IU17 A, Trait#*..14808...100...100 .. Dunaau W L. Traate* Ulff 0 • .. Dewey E K. Trait#* lull* B 0 .. UoanUM k Team peon. Truit««iiiiiiititin# . •.« iMH*• • • 60. ■ ■ 00 . Drrxler <t Oo L f, Truit*«i.66l7 I • .. Drexler A Oo L, P do .MM.. Dixon T H, Trait## 11480....40....40 .. Ulion T B da 1*710....11)....10.. Uuitii E, Trail## 140*4....60....00 .. BppaUln fc Oo. Tnut#**....B»l ...10... 60 .. KppatelnAO* do ...18461....10....10.. Kpplt#la*0# do ...1M76........ Kppsteln 6 Oo do ...1ITM.. 100...100.. id ward. W.Trait## 14438....90....10 .. Klckboff Banry, Tro#l##...14701...Iu0... 100 .. KliltOJ, Trnaie# ON....10....10 . FlattOJ do 7411 B ».. KlattOJ do 114*4....10....10 .. HlaltOJ do 10041....10....10.. Kay P 8, Treale* 7433....10....10 .. Frank* A Or*jr. Trait***...Iff38....10.... 10 .. KraukiAUray do ...14141....10....10 .. rrankeAUny do ...10000....B0....B0.. Ululer 1 k Oo, Trait#*8.....40*3....l0....l0 .. QUsler I * Oo do ....91U1.........00 .. UlaaUrlACo do 8*...860 Ulaxler I * Co do ...10311 • B .. Ulaxler I A Co do ...11000 I • Ululer 1 k Oo do ...13401... M....B0 .. Ulul*r Ik Oo do ...18(44 ...M....B0 .. Ulul*r It Co do ...1WB...1BO...IOO .. Ululer I AOo do ...14UT....10....10 .. Ululer IA Oo do ... 16410....00.... 10 .. Oluler IA Oo do ...1BMS 1 1.. ulaxler I AOo do ...100T0....60....60 .. Ululer I k Oo do ...14*8...100...10U .. UrMLebtom, HelblngA Co, Trailer* MM....B0....60 .. U rcetiebium, HeJb. ng k 00, Trait### 10687..1000..9000 ,. Uraeoebtam, H#lbtni * Oo, Trait###,............... ,10(89... .10.... 10 .. Ureeoebium, Bribing A Oo, Traitcw .. .............11001. «■ .*0.... CO .. On«Deb#am, Helblr.g * Oo, Trait*#* *•••#••••••••••#• 11401 1 0 .. Ur**n*b*um, Bel bin* A Oo. Trait###.,,..lttlJ.. .BOO...600 . Ure«oeb#um, Belblng *00. Tiuilau. ....12040.. .19....IB ,. Or##neOMm, Uelbloi k Oo, , Trait e**. 11400..,.10,..,B0,. Oreenebiam, Belblng k Co, Trust### ... .ISAM.. .BC0,. ,600.. Urrenibiom, Belblng A Oo, Trn*t**# 11000...000...800 .. OMUkiun, Helblog k Oo, Tf11ltMI#iii #•••••••••• #**X4JH * * * #80 « •• #10 • Ore#neb*am, Balblng * Oo, Trait##* 1BJBB....10....1O .. OramkUB, HelblngA Oo, Trait#** On*ii*b#ooi, Helblng k Oo, Tnut##* 1*441...600...600 ,, Ureeuebaum, Balblng k Oo, Trait***.................1S&4T....IB..*.10... Ureenebaum, Bribing k Oo, » Trnite**.......JlTOt....10....10 ,, Ure«n«b4um, Bilblng It Oo, Tnut#** 11900 ...10....10 .. Ulllon J,Trait#* 0780....10.... 10 .. Ulllon J do 11945....10....10 .. Ulllon J do 1M68....60....1B .. Ulllon J do U7BB....10... 10 .. Ulllon J do 16680....30....30.. Urant K B, Trait## 180*7 B 0.. Uaoibler K A Oo. Tra*tM8.1MIO....IO....N .. Oarriott A, Traate* B817 B B .. Ooouman I). Trait** 13110 . .100...100 .. Urant LT,Trail*# 1M30....30....U .. Boebetadiar IO Oo, Trea t**8..,•................ »ilW....10....10 .. OocbitadUr I k Oo, Trai Bocb*tadt#r I k Oo, Till ..10.. ..10.. -JMMML * * 10... .00.. □oehitadtar 1 k Oo, Troa t**8......................11000.....0.....0.. Hoebatadter B A Oo, Troa t##e 13M....10....10 Bocbiudter ■ * Oo, Tw*. t#e* 77!... .. 13433..,400...400.. BocbitadUr I * Oo, Tin* tHC*#«i#»*#nii*••#•••*• *lS488a*#*S0»»e*w #i Hotmtr AOoDM, TrafU...mi....0O*.«. OO . Hotmer A Oo D M do i.UN#n 10#**#10 . lloemrr A Co D M do .11080....10 ...10 . Bosiaar k Oo O U do •• Ho*tn*r A Oo D M do .11418....10....10 .. HoABifk CoD M do #llMi***el0.»*.10 ** Boamir AUoDM do .13410....10....30 .. Ho*m<r A Co D U do .1JW .H....10.. Hoemer AOo D M do .14484...100...100 . Hoemer AOoD K do 14408...180...180 .. Ho*aer A C# U M do .1BS7I....80....80 .. Ho*m*r A Co D M do .1BHI....00....60 • ■Mmer A Oo D K do .18878.. .M8...I80 .. BoUMf*0*DI1 0* .14006...100...100 .. Hoemer A Oo O M do . 10700....10....10 .. BoumtAOoDM do .10044....10....n.. Hub B D, Traita* 11740....40....40 .. lUwkiBD do 11488....80....80 .. BawkaBB do 11071...100. ..100 .. BavkaBU do 1447B....10....10 .. BawkaBD do 14710.. .00.... 10 .. HkWkaBD do 10000..,100,..100.. Bitim A Oo, TnaUM....10«g0....l0....lo .. Bittbi k Co do ....14081... 80... 80 .. Ilawklns J J B,TraM*8....1gff0...100., luo „ Bawklna J J X do ....14TU....00....10 .. Bain** W B,Trait*# 0070.,, 10..,.13 .. HalMTjnr.TrasU* 07|1..:.I0. g H.b**_F>,_Tra*ta* U007...140...1B0 g*"*0.Tr«,a* Ittt0...100...100. mVjm do ...xoi»...j9....o».. BILIHQVIFT B1IIB. Balll**—CwbUm Nam*. No. Otrtlf. Bha. An't, Kino * Oo H I, TrniUM .14700....30....SO .. KihjOf, TrwtM mol....80....30 .. Klrnan ft Oo B. TriataM.. .407I....30. ...30 .. Klewlfch J O, Traata*.... tri0....40....40 .. Lock* W L. Traste*.. 14837....10....80 ... Lock* W L do 14000....10....10 .. Lock* W L do 14010...100...100 .. Latham A Klnf, Tra<teM...I0OS....3O....30.. Latham *Klo« do .. lor* JH.Tra*tM....^...lS170....1o....l0 .. Mary* ft Boo U*oT, Traa UN .DM....10....10 Mary* ft Boa 0«o T, Tnu to** JO....30 ., 11*17* k Boa, 0*o T Trta ttfiit.*••••••••«••••••••.1*™*® Millar k V*n Wrck.Tnut*. 1(000...100...100.. M****r, B*c*n ft Co, Tra* Im*.. .T7. 1B00....10....10 .. Mmmt, Bmoo * Oo. Tr—• fMli. ...■•••..50 a» Murphy I P, TraoUo 8181....80....40... Mirpby ■ F do McI)*rmot 0 r.Tro»te»....14700...100...loo .. HairtU B J. Trait** 14084....80....S0... Macpbaraoo J do, TnuU* .11808 ...S0....30 .. MorjiniUrn M.TroatM...14004....W....30 .. Monuty J. Tnutr* 1O301....IO....48 ., ManlOM A, Trust* 10413...10....10 .. Mil** t 0 >, Tiuilm tin... 10....10 .. Norwood* K, Trust**.... 11747.... U....1* .. Norwood WK do ....1*704....40....60 .. Norwood WI do ....14S00...100...100 .. Norwood WI do ....14S3S....18....IO.. H*alhOoOba* 8, Trust** .14731... 10,...n .. Nobl* ft Oo H U. Trest*M..4404... Nobl*iOoEH do ..1«....10 .. Mobl* tOoll 00 .10171 • • .. olooTlch 1, TraalM JM • 0.. Oloorleb J, Truw* .0800 • •.. hlmoi Ju. TruatM 0007.. .100...It* .. PaterMoJM do 7000....SC....SO .. PaUraoo Ju do 11171 ...10....10 .. PbUUp M F. Traate* 7107...110...100 .. UoMuwK, Trust** 10301....SO...30 .. RootOaoB do )4«*7 .. Knaa.ll J B. Trust** 1S017....10....10 .. Bchnltt 0 A. Tnwu* Bill.........$0.. ■eboiltt 0 A d* 7170 4 « .. hi*Ib Mat,Trnst** 0100....00....80 .. 8Mb Mat da .MM I • .. Htaia Nst mo 10070 0 0 .. HeottftOoHB. Trast***.. .7111....30....» ..~a Scott A Co ■ B do ..1M00 8 I.. B*llf maa B, Trust** 0444....10....50 .. Bmlth ObM B,Trait** 10111...100...100 .. MnitbCbaaU. do 14064...W0. . 100 .. BolahaeberJ,Trast* 14077.'...48.. .40 .. Sbor.* L 14011..,100...100 .. Tobto H 0. Trast** 11104....10....10 .. Urban Jam**. Trast** 144*4....10... 00 .. W11.TrMtM. 11 tOC....40... 00.. WrfthtWU do 10017.. .100...100 .. W*k.O*ld A Oo B B. Tra*. «M* .. W«k*fl*ld ft Oo 8 B. Tra*. <***. 11718.... A 8.. Wakafltld ft Oo ■ B, Tras „,te*o WIS.... J 8.. W*k*8*ld ft Oo > B. Ttv*. Ut* 11878.. .J0.. ..80.. WllaoD ft Hotchlnaoa, Troa t*** 7041....10....10 .. Wllaoo ft Batehlnaoa, Tra* toM 18844... 100...108 .. Wllaon ft Bolchlnaoa, Trw tM* 18MO....H....IO .. Wllaoo ft Bnlcblnaoa, Tra* <m* 14711....10....10 .. Wood* ft rr**bora, Traa t*w 18818....88..„N .. Wood* ft Freeborn, Tnu UN 11000.. ..00... Wood* ft rr*aborn, Tra* t*** 14000....10... 10.. Wood* ft Freeborn, Tra*. t*n 14011.. Weill ObM L, TraatM 14*7....10....H .. WblU A W, Tra ate* 4140 ...40....40 .. White AW do 31WI....10....10 ,. White 4 W do 0117....10....14.. White A W do 7004. ...84. ...80.. White AW do SHI 8 8.. Wblte AW do *44 •• MUfl* *• * 10....10.. Iu*t ft Oo D Z, Trast***... 14780....SO....88 .. Aod la MoontanM with law, tad aa ortter of tb* Board ol Directors, Bad* on th* twaot y-fifth day of March, 1000, so maay mm* of *ach parcel of aoch stock aa may b* pscaMsiy will b* sold at poblto aoctloa, at th* oflte* of Parkar Oritteod*i>, aactloo**r. Boon SO, Merchant*' Btchanc* BnlldlDf, tf*. 411 Call* foorala street, Ban Frasotaeo. Oallforala. oa TUESDAY. tb*.ifbueoth (10th) da/ of Mar. 1000, at tb* hoar of oo* o'sloch v. >. of a*M day, to pay Mid dallnqaeot XMasnst th*r*oa. too*th*r with ooateof adrartlalnf and *«p*B*4B of th* oal*. J. M. BRAZKLL, BtrroMrr. OBe*—Room Mo 0, Bate UepMlt Balktiso. No 138 Moatconuirr »ir*et. Ban FrancUo*, Oallforala. Osl CAUTION NOTICE. VKIAOW JACKET 81L.VIR BIMBO OOM« I pany.-Bale No. M — Tbe public It bdl* by cautioned acalnat parcbaaini U* following described aUxk of lb* Tallow iwktt alive* Kluloi- Company, a* Iba mm wu (old tm Aaeeeameot No. as, tbe WU 4*y of April, 1M: la whoa* uni. Mo. Otrtlf. She. r B Wllke, Traataa MO tt Oofflo Jaa, Traataa IB" M HicpbtrwD J do, Traataa 1 «M • Oahlll K k Co. TrwUM IMM 10 Z*dl« * Weill. Traataea. imm • Murrey W B. Traataa 1HH 00 •tiealer I k Co, Traataaa 1MII IB Bum D C, TnuUt l'«Tt M Uuehatadtrr K k Oo. 1 ruateea.lbMJ 10 I Loot 0»o B, Truaiee 1M04 .0 Kraaey A Dyer. Tmtw... .1MM M Crockar * Ouydam, Traataea..1MM 10 Newlaad* Ju. Treats* 1M0S M Noble H 11 k Co, Tra*tOM....lMaT 10 Ooffln Jamea, Traataa 1(04T 10 Kenaey k Dyer. Traetaea IMS 10 iMurkU/w do 1*110 10 W U. Traataa MMl 0 Grant EH, Traataa 1MM 10 Qraat BR do lioao M Grant KK do MMl tO Grant I R do 1MM 10 Oofflo Jamea, Traataa S01M 10 Qraot B B, Traataa son* 10 Iglaarr 8, Traataa NW 10 Mlnseehetmer Cbaa k Oo, Tra.MtM 10 Mli ceebeltaer Chat k Oo, Tta.k.M7 21 Hcott H B k Oo, Traataaa 3I0M 10 QUIod J, Traataa ,,H0N.„,,,,,,.90 Blaavelt W H, Traataa ItM* 0 Ureenbaum, Helblng k Oo, Traataaa. • aaa*a«tiaaataaaaa ittSMaaaa a a a a a • M Llaaak A H Jr, Tro»tea tlW 10 Blaavalt W H, Trait** SMftl > Norwood W K, Traataa IMM • Grant B R. Traataa HIM <i Barley O B, Traataa MB H rriadariek O, Traataa WMO M By order o/lka B><ard of Traeteee. MBBOBR OTBT. aeentoiy. Oold Mill, April », IMP. a>i> II TB* DIITBKT COVBT Of TBI J Urat Judicial Dia rict of tbe Mate of Na rad*. la aad for tba county of Storey.—C. D. MoUUFFlB acalaat 1118 cKKDITuks-No tic* to Creditor* of laaolvant —1b the matter of tbe petltloa of 0. D. McDuffle. aa laaoivent debtor -Purauant to an order of tba Boa. Rlcbard Rlelac, Jud«a of tba aald Dlatrict Court, none* i* hereby given to all the cred, Itora of the aald lnaolvenl, 0. D, HcDuffla. to be and appear before tba aald Jodfa. la opas Court, at tbe Court-room of eald court, at tb* Court Boca*. la aald oounty, oa tba TBhTK day of MAT. A. 1). IM0. at 10 o'elock a. m. of that day, tbea ai.d than to ehov cane*, U any tbey can, why tba prayer of laid Inaolveat ahoald not be mated, aad aa aaalfsmeot of hla aetata ba made, aad ba be dUcharjpd from hi* dtbta aad llabilittea, la pareaaaee of tb* provlalona of tl>e etatata m aoeh eaae mada and provided; aad la the meantime all ptoeeedlags acalnat aald lneolveot be atajed. Wltaeea ay baad aad the eaal of aald Ooart, thla eaveath day of April. A. D. 1M0. (itAll J. B MoUOMALD. Clerk. J. U. HARRIB. Attorney for Inaolveat. 7Md TM TB* DMTBIOT COVBT TU * Plrat JadlcLai biatrial of Nevada, la aad for Btorey coaaty.—Ia the matter of I HA AO McKAT, laaoivent, aaalnat DIM CBBD1TORS. —To tba eredltora o? laaac McKay. Inaolvvatt Take notion.that you an required to appear before Hon. Blobard BlalDf, Dlatrict JadmTu the Dlatrict Conn above named, la opea Court, on the lOtb day ot May, A. D. MM, At 10 o'clock la the forenoon of that day, to ehow eaaae, U any yoa have, why tba prayer of laaac McKay, above aiaed, to ba dlachartad from hla debta aad llabtntlea, ahoald sot be xrmatad, ha h*v lac thla dav died hla petltloa la UaolvaMv. Defd at Vlrflala, april Mb, I MO, J. B. MoDUNALD,Olark oi btoray eooatr, [aaat] Per Imr Bolt*, vepaty Clark. Wit. 7. Tnu, Attorney^ or MUtloaar. PATENTS vtoee. aaadlcaj or other trad*-marka and 1 lutarferaoaea, Appaala, Oatta toil aadall^eaaaajiittoajkaAar th* fk.1 INTBNTIONB THAT RATI BBBN REJECTED aAJSr-»» JJltha^J-^tO udiritli broadet'eMata,UAB^SS*wE'»ra iik ila from VaklMkM INVENTORS SHH'SrS 8B0VBBD. ?le refer M oMetala la the rmtast OMca. to •vaBaaM la *vervOtaMef the Onka,aadM yoar Senator* and 1*preventative m Onc^ieea, Opealal riMraaiae gtvea whaa daaliad. a A. (NOW A i ua" ^