Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS THTMDAT. : : : : :'MAT 13. 1890 ^ANNUAL REPORT*, it »t\ ipor or tm ruuouT or tir boaso or tow* ncaraxa or tiu tow* or oou> MILL. To Um Tuptftn ud Citiaena of the Town of Oold Hill: In aoeordanoa with the requirement* of the Charter of the Town of Oold Hill. I herewith lobmit a report of the financial aitaatioa of aaid towa for th« year tadiog April 18, I860: aacrirra rao* all aocacaa. Lioenaee—J. L. MeCleerr 9 10 90 Baal eetale.taica, pcnooal prop arty, lieenate, bullion taxea, ate.—7. W. Folaom 39,439 79 Dalinqnant taxea— J. H. Harria 169 19 Delinquent taxea— H. Fitxaim ...... .... 291 44 3. P. Flanningham 16 00 Hon. 0. 0. Btevanaon 8.000 00 Hob. L. T. Fox 30,010 00 Total W.4M 38 DtucaaraxxT* bt wuuuxti. Balariee $4,887 83 Labor on atraeta and aewera... 3.830 N Fire Department donation!.... 1,708 00 Keeping Iowa hone 480 00 Water rant 3,338 00 Bpeeial police duty 44 00 Extra legal aerrioea 100 00 Printing in Oold Hill Niwv .. 800 00 Stationery. 37 18 Lambrr 818 98 Bond taken np 8.000 00 Blacksmithing 89 70 Nprlnkllng atreeta 600 00 Bepaira on Are apparatoa ... 380 08 Doaation to Lincoln Hoae Co.. 388 00 Jodgaa and clerka of election.. 100 00 Miaoellaneona 848 94 Tatal $23,309 57 aaotnrr or rnorxnrr assbssxd ton tub iuu 1879 AMD ISM). Tun tbsreoa at 1 per cent. .$33,074 83 Exam pi by law *97 18 ToUl amount of Uxm charged to the Tows Marshal 831.577 65 Amount of delinquent tax roll dillnnd t* Town Attorney for collectiaa $819 39 Tan per cant delinquency add ad 81 S3 Total $878 81 Amount collected, with 10 par cent delinquency added .... $391 44 Amount outstanding $385 37 Amount of Licence eertiflcatee charted to Town Marahal.... $7.954 99 Amount of bullion tax on pro dual of miaea $311 83 TOWll SOXDS CA.XCXLKO. Noe. 88. 89. 90, 91, amount $18,080, paid Mot. 1, 1879. Mo. 98, amouot $3,040, paid Jan. 3,1879. No. 99, •" $30,000, paid Aug. 14. 1879. Mo. 101. •• $3,000. paid Aug. 14. 1879. otrraTAXDMo tow* box Da. Mo. 100, amount $5,000, due May 1. 1881. Mo. 103. •• $5,000, due Aug. 14. 1880. Maa. 103 and 104, amount $10,000, due Aug 14,1880. Moa. 180 and 108, amouat $10,800, due Nor. 1, 1880. Indehtedneea of the Town of Gold Hill—Bonds $30,080 08 Interact due on bonda to April 18. 1880 833 00 Total $30.335 00 Cash in treasury April IS, 1880. $1.189"S3 Leea outstanding warrants 1,150 00 Total. $39 32 la submitting my annual report, as re quired by law, I hare deemed it proper that the taxpayers and citisane should be informed of the condition of the town and Its financial standing at the present time. The flnanoee of the town are in a healthy oaaditioa. conelderlng the dullness of bust neee the past year. The reeeaue from the different branches of busineca baa consid srably decreased, and war* it not for the curtailment of the running expensss of the town in the beginning of the year, and the strictsst economy on the part of the Town Trustees, the town debt would have been increased instead of leeeened. , The water works and sTerything con nected with them ie in exoellent condi tion. The hydrant* and maiae hare been kept in the beet working order. The streets sre all in good repair, and hare been kept ao with eery little expense to the town. The sewers are all in good order. Aa the coat of new sewers and re pairs on old una* is always Tery beery, the Board hare not done any work upon auch only where there was sxtreme neceeeity. The officers of ths town hare bean faith ful and energetic in the discharge of their Baal property.... Personal property Total $1,738,818 81 38,585 00 $1,785,401 81 duties. Th* police fore*, thouKh small, baa dona much Id keeping off that element which is ao much aonojanoe to every cemmunitr. Dangerous anil suspicious characters hare had bat little opportunity to prawl around 1b oar midst, and oar people hav* much nwoi to ba thankful that their Internet* are eo well guarded hj •och aa efficient police force. The Fir* Companies. to whom is in trnated the safety of oar property from fire, d**erv* torn* notice at thi* time: Their activity and efficiency at all time* when their Services were needed haa been in keeping with their pact record, and I might safely say that no volunteer Are department on the coast can (urpaa* oar* (or prompter** and activity. In conclusion, I will state that I sin ••rely thank the members of the Board, one and all, for the eery able manner in wbioh they hav* at all time* assisted me In the management of town affair*. That anity and good will which ha* sxisted among them, together with a strong desire to sere* the beat interests of the town, has mad* my position as President of the Board most agreeable. As a new Board of Trustees will soon commenc* their labors. I feel it my daty to call their attention to th« economy which has bean practiced by Um retiring Board of Trustees, as the arosp*ct* ar* that the revenue* from taxa ble property, owing to th* extreme dull aeee of the time* will be much lea* than they have been the last year. Tery respect fully. L. T. Fox, President of th* Board of Trusts** of tba Town of Quid Hill. To lbs Hoaorabl* Board of Trustees of th* Towa of Oold Hill: Gentlemen—I bar* the honor to submit for yoar con sideration th* tallowing r*port from April 1Mb. 1879, to April 80th. 1880: • w. Cash on feud April 13th. 1879.. $l,Mi 25 twusc arm's unit To l*Sa. C. C. Stevenson K6m. L. T. Fox J. P. FUnningbam J. L. McCIeery F. W. Folsom J. B. Harris ..'. H. Fitsslmmons 29.V,3 79 20,000 00 5.000 00 <59 13 291 44 10 00 10 00 M.vw vv By bti&no# on hand April 10, wo 1,219 32 TWal CV. By coupons. By warrants and llo*n*** re deemed $M,871 80 $4,460 00 28.893 28 29,000 00 Tatel «SM71 80 O. ■. Otun, Treaaarac. tow* XAsasJu'a won. To tha Honorablo Board oI Trustees of the Town of Oold Hill—Oeatlemen: I herewith aabmit my reporto( tbe business of my office for Ihe quarter ending April 30.1880: Dr. To licenses aold $1,963 18 To tax on proeeadi of mine* 69 31 To delinquent tax talea 6 20 Total $1,934 78 Cr. By amount paid Town Treasurer. $U934_70 Number of arreeta made during the quarter 14, aa folio**: Beeisting an offloer 1 Disturbing the poaoe 6 Drawing deadly weapon 1 Drunk and disorderly 1 Vagrancy 5 Total.. 14 By Marshal Folaom 1 By Offlcar Shea ban 11 By Officer Booney 1 By Special Sutherland 1 —14 T. W. Folsom, Town Marahal. 10WX CLXU'a MTOBT. To tba Honorable Board ef Truateaa of the Town of Oold Hill—Gentlemen: The following is my report for the quarter ending April 90,1880: ▲mount of Warranto iaaued $3,369 33 Balariaa...... 91,594 00 Work on atreeta and eewera. 669 23 Donation* to Are oompanlee 390 00 Keeping Town bona 120 00 Printing contract. 129 00 Blaekamitbing 9 00 Meal* to priaonera II 00 Lumber 13 87 Water rent 929 00 Miscellaneous 11 29 Total S3.369 35 Rsspectfolly, W. O. Hid*. tow* Airosnr'a axrorr. To tbs Honorable Board of Truatees of the Town of Gold Uill—Oentloiaea: I herewith •ubmn my final report u to moneya collected by me m Town Attorney for the Tear endlng the first Monday in May. A. D. 1880: Delinquent taxes charged to me.. .MIS 39 Ten per oent. delinquency SI 63 Total. $676 81 Withdrawn from rait by order of the Board S 49 07 Ten per oent. on lame 4 90 Total « S3 97 Withdrawn from ssls 34 01 Paid by Town Marahal 361 60 Total >440 58 Delinquent taxaa $676 81 Amonnt paid 440 68 Balanos 1236 33 Deposited with Treaanrer by Town Attorney, aa per receipt attached. $391 44 Dua from Town Attorney 336 33 Zxeeaa in faror of Tewn Attorney. IU 31 Beapectfnlly. H. Fmsmoxa, Town Attorney. OUR UVE BUSINESS MEN. ITIDB AWAKB A DTIRTUMI WHO TMUVI TUIMMT. MrtrUdac —I— CreaMa Baal Maa-PtelM aa4 Pieaytrily ful law -Tkal la the liyerleaee ef All Vhe Bare TrM It. AMOSEMENTB. Pipera' Opera Honae, Virginia City. BANKERS. Agency Narad* Bank of Baa Franciaoo, 0 a treat. Virginia City. BB0EEB8. L. B. Frankel A Co., Mala atreet, Qeld Hill. T. B. McOurn, 10S Sooth 0 street, Vir ginia City. W. H. Clarke A Co., SI South 0 atreet. Virginia City. CLOTH1NQ AND FURNISHING GOODS. Sam La Ten thai, Main a tree t, Oold Hill. Banner Broe., Corner C and Taylor ■treats, Virginia. CI0AB8 AND TOBACCO. D. Tborburn, opposite N«ws offloe, Main atreet, Oold Hill. DBU00IST8. Hssbronck A Hall. Main atreet, Oold J Hill, oppoeite Tellow Jacket engine-hooae. DENTIST. A. Chapman. 180 South O strest, Vlr-1 ginia City. 7ANCT QOODB. D. Tborburn, Main street, Oold Hill. S. W. Chnbbnck, Postofflce atore, Main atreet, Oold Hill. FOONDBIES. Oeld HU1 Foundry, Lower Oold Hill, j George Emmet, proprietor. Virginia Foundry, on Railroad, near | Julia mins, Virginia City, Frassr A Com mings, proprietors. FREIGHT DELIVER!. Thomas Oallaghar, offios nsar railroad I depot. Oeld Hill. FIRE INSURANCE. J. A. Brumsey, 43 South 0 atreet, Vlr-1 ginia. OBOCEBIE8, PROVISIONS, ETC. V. Lcmery, Mala atreet. Lower Oold Hill. F. W. Folaom, Main strsst, Oold Hill. Richard Msresr, Main street, Oold BUM J. * J. B. Millon, 0 street, Ylrgiaia CUy. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Qold Hill Bakery kad Reetaaraat, Main itrnt, Gold Hill; J. P. Beokir, Pro prietor. City Bakery, >7 North 0 itreet, Ylrgiaia City; FiUmeier A Armbroet, Proprie lOTte HARDWARE. Oallatia A Polsom, Mala itreet, Qold Hill. W. N. Hall A Co., Mala itreet. Gold Hill. LAUNDRY. Pioaeer Laundry, north of Ylxgiala City; Q. W. Hall, Proprietor. MARKETS. L.T. Pox, Mala itreet. Qold Hill. NEWS DEPOT. D. Tborbarn, oppoeite Niwt offloe, Mala itreet, Oold Hill. 8. W. Chabbaek, Poetofflee itore, Oold Hill. PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS. Dr. Oeo. C. Mathews, Mala street, Oold Hill. Dr. T. J. Mafee, Mala itreet, Oold Hill. Dr. J. U. Hall. Mala street, Qold Hill. SALOONS. Comitoek Ezohaage. opposite Liberty Eagiae Home, T. E. Finch. Agent. raihioa. Mala street, Qold Hill; Chris. Weideaaaa. proprietor. Baak Exchange, MUa stmt, Oold Hill; E. P. McEenney, proprietor. Oibeoa's, Main street, Qold Hill; W. 0. C. Oibeoa. proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. _*^"»f<Hllafher, Mar railroad depot, Oold Hill. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ABB nfOKBTXD TO •he im of L. r. Drexl.r A Oo. in hereto* WlW topij the taow tfeev owe to L. P. STJ'.L?0 °* °* b*°r* **• *,rni MAT, use. M we are oteetag m» ear beilnw. L r. DKXXLtS. TaatBia, ApiU w, use. iSSlBSHITS LITIIk. I \TEBUI HLTU lUlId W COMPANY.—Location of principal plane of business, Baa Franclaco. QalQornla. Location of works, Hold Hill, Btseryoocnty, Nevada. Notica 11 hereby (lvea, that at a wnWm of the Board of Directors, bald on the sixth (8th) day of April, 1180, an ywminl (No. 4ft) of Kuty (M» Oenta par abara «aa levied upon tha capital a tod of tha corporation, payable immediately, la United Blatee cold oom, to tha HecreUrv, at tha office of tha Company, No. 414 California street, Han Fraadaoo, Cal ifornia. Any atock a poo which thin aaaeaament ahall remain unpaid on tha tvaUth (1Mb) day of Hay. 1880. will be delinquent, atd adver tised for aala at pobHc auction, and aaleee payment la made before, will ba aold oa WKUNKSDAY, tha accoud (3d) day of June. 1880, to pay the delinquent aaaeeement, together with coala of advertising and tipenare of aala. By order of tha Board of Directors. OBO. D. BDWAitDB, Baeretary, Office—No. 414 California atreet, Ian Tmmt California. T M1 KW T9BKIU1N MITAII. Location of principal place of boalneee, ban ITraaclaco. OaJLforiua. Location of worka, QoM Bill, Storey oooaty, Bavada. Notice la hereby |tveo, that at a meeting of tha Board of Direct ore, held en tha aUth (4th) day ol April. 188U, aa ameameat (Bo. Ml of rilieaa (if) Ceuta per ehara waa levied upon tha oapitai atock of the corporation, pay able Immediately, la Unltad Bute* (old cola, to the secretary, at tha ottce of tha Ooeapany. Uoom 12. Bo. *» Buah atreet (Ooemopolltan Betoi), Baa Francieco, uaU erala. Aay atock upon which thle aaaaaamant ahall remain unpaid oa the TBNTH (loth) day of M\Y, ltiBO, w<Jl be delinquent, and adrerilaed for aala at pobUe auction. and ualee* payment la nade before will bo aold 00 MONDAY, the THUtTT-VlWrr |(let) day of MAY, 1880, to pay the delinquent aaaaaa mant, together with coeta oi adrertlatnc aad espeneea of aala. By order of tha Board of Directors. O. L. THOMAS. Secretan. Office—Boom It, No. B4 Buah atreet, Ooemo poUiaa Hotel, Baa Fraaclaoo. Oalltorala. 8-td SOLID I1LTIB HOLD AND Uk • KB Mi.Nl.Mi COMPANY. —Location o( principal piaoe of boalneaa. Baa rraaolaco, Oalllorala. Location of works, Virginia Mining District, Btorey county, Nevada. Notice u hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on tha thirteenth day ol April, 1880, aa aaaaaamant (No. S) of Twenty-Ivo Genu per ehara waa levied upon tuO capital atock of too corporation, payable Immediately, la United Btatea cold cola, to the Secretary. at the office of the Company, Koom *(. No. 3SO Dtatoaa atreet. Baa irraaaiaoo, Ad r • lock upon wblch UU aaaaaamaat shall remain nnpald' ou tbe Sfleanth dajr of Kt}, 1(80. will be delinquent, tad adver iimI lor aale at public auction. and onleaa p«7 mem la made belore, will b« wld on BaTUBUaY, th« aith (Mb) day of Jos*. 18»i. lb* boar of 11 o'clock to p*jr the delinquent H—t, together wtlb ooeu of adverilalng u4 e*pen**a ol uU». Byordat of tho Board ol Diractura. u. OEWBON, Secretary. Office— Room M. No. **> oaneome street. Bin ftuclico Oallfbriita. U GOLUM «ArK M. dfc M. (OH I'AaT.—L004I1US of principal plaoo of batlneea. boo tiuicuco. California Local loa of worka, Virginia Mining Dlatrict, htorev count;, Nevada. Notice la hereby <1 van, that at a maatlnf o! in* Board of Dlreotura, bold on the thirteenth ilJtb) da* «( April, laM, an aaeeaament ol t oo Dollar ($1) por abaro waa levied upon ik« capital flock of Uio corporation, pajrablo immodlately, la Untied Slate* tola coin, to tba Secretary, at Ik* offlo* of tb* Cow pan;. Boom M, No. 8» Banfomo street. Van rranclaco, Caltornl*. An j atock upon wblcb tkta aaeeaament aBall remain unpaid oa tk* aitaantb (1Mb) day ol May, UHW, will bo dominant and ad nniMd for aaia at public auctloa; and un l**a payment ta made before, will bo aold on BATUKUAV, tb* «1U> (Jtbj day of June, 1(80. to pay tb* delinquent aaaeaauieat, together with ooaia ot advertlalng and eipenaea of sal*. By order of lAe Board of Direct urs. K. HkWaoN, Secretary. Office Boom M, No. 8<0 Baneome atre*t, Ban t ranclaco, California. | It SILTM HILL MMUa COIPA AT.—L-cation of principal plaoo of baal> neea. Ban Franoieoo. California. Location of work*. Uold Hill. Storey oounty, Nevada. Notice la hereby (Iran, tbat at amooOag of tbe Board of Directors. bald oa the leorteeatb lUth) day of April lmo. an aaeeeaooai iNo. 10) ot mty (10) Cent* por abara waa levied apoti tbe capital (lock of tbe corpo ration, payable Immediately, In UnlWd Btatee gold coin, to tn* Secretary, at tbe offloe of tbe Company, Boom a. No. M Bo* atreet. Ban F randaoo, Oallforala. Any atock upon wblch thla aaaeeament aball remain unpaid oa the NlNhTHaNTH (l#lb) day of MaT, 1880, will bo delinquent, and advertiaed for aal* at pablla auction, and unlee* pa) meat la Bade before will be raid on WKDaBtDAY. the NINTH (tth) day of J UNA, 1880. to pay tbe delinquent aaaeee ment, together with coat* of advertlaiag and ozpenaee of aale. By order of the Board of Directors. W. I. DKAM, Secretary. Offlc*—Room I, No. M8 Butb atreet. Baa Ifraaclaou. Oallforala. 18 \f ACKBT «ULD AMD BILTKM iU Bluing Company— i ocatlcn of principal pla<e of bualn, aa, Saa FrancWco, Oallforala Location of worka, Virginia Mining Dle trlci. Storey county, Nevada. Notice la hen ay ilven, that at a meeting of the Board of Director*, held on the twanty eigbth (Uth)day of Apr;1,1880, aa aaasaaaeot (No 1. of Tea (10) CeaU per ahare waa levied upon tbe capital rtock of the oorporatloa, pay able Immediately, in L'nltad fltateegold coin, to tbe Bo.-ielary, at tho oMoe of tbe Company, Boom* 3 and 4, terond floor. No. got California air *t. Ban Kranclaco. California. Any atock uika which Uila aaeceement aball remain unpaid on tho Br*t (lat) day of Jane. 1M0, will be dellsqaenl, and adrertleed tor raia at pabllo eoctlon, and aalaaa payment ta made before will bo fold oa MONDAY, tbe twenty-flret(Hat)day of Jane, 1880. to pay tbe delinquent aaea>einent, together with ooau of advertiaiog aad azpenaee or aale. By order of the Board of Director*. J. M. BUKKlNuTON, Secretary. Office—Koome I aad 4, aecond floor, No. 900 Oallforala atreet. Ban ftaaclace, Oallforala. 1 Yellow jackbt iilteb ssiit. 1NU COMPANY. Location of worka, bold lllll. Storey County, Bute of Nevada. Principal place of baalaeaa, Uold Hill, Nevada. Notica I* hereby given, that at a meeting of the Hoard of Traeteea of fold Company, bald on tba aiai (latl day of May, A. D, 1W0. an ataeeement (no. »T> of One Dollar (|l) per tbare waa levied upon eacb and every ahare of tb» capital a took ol eald Company, payable Immediately, m United S la tea «o.d coin, to the Secretary, at the office of tbe Company, at tbe new aha t, or to Jam** N*>Und*. Truifar Secretary. Boom ID, Mo. 801 Booh a true t, Baa Franclaco, California. Any atock upon which thla aaaaoament fhall remain m.tiald on halurdav. the Aftk llthl day of June, 1Mb, pnaii be deemrd delin quent tad will be duly advartleed (oral* at public auction, tod uuleae payment dull be mail* before. will b* aoldoa WaUNKBDtY, the S'.VKxlH (Tib) OAT or JULY, 4 o'clock P. * , la front i>f the office of lb* Com pu;. lo w tki dallaquwt iummat, toolbar with coeu of adrertlaln( aodeipentee ol Ml*. Bjr order of tb* Board of Traateee. MKRi'IH OTIY, Secretary. P. B.-Aaa**ini*nt» will bt received In Han I Prauclaco np to 1 o'clock w. ■ July dtb, 1SS0 MBKCIUJ OTBT, Secretary. Gold Hill. Nevada. May I. law. l_ /lOVlOLIItArKO IIPUML ■■■• V 1NU COMPANT.—Location of principal place of borina**, Baa Kranclaco, California. Locatloa of work*, Oold am, Moray ooanty, N*t*da. Notica la hereby (1r«n, tbat at a meeum of tb* B- aid of Director*, bald on tb* fifth i4tb) day ol May, IM, aa aareeament (Mo. II) ol T*n C*au (10c) p»r abara waa levied apoa tba capital »toch or tba corporatloa, payabl* In mediately, la United Btataa (Old cola, to tha B*cr«iar7. at iha offlce of tb* Coatpaay, Boom ». Mo. U ttaah auett. Baa Kranclaco, OaU ferula. An; atock apoa which tbla remain unpaid on tba eighth (Itb) Jan*, 1M0, will b* delinquent, and U**d lot aa)* at pabHe anctloa. aa payment la mad* Defer*, will b* told on Monday, tb* tweaty*l«bth (Mtt) day a Jase, isto, to pay tb* dallataaat mm tnent, tvfetbar with oaat of advertUhif aad eiMuiM of mU. By order of tb* Board of Director*. W. B. DKAN, Secretary. Offlc*—Room 8, No. JOt Baab itn>t, Ban | Prancleco, Oallfornla. nALiDOHu mm iiius V COMPANY —Locatlou of principal plao* (if baelaoaa. Ban VTaMleoo, California. Location ot work*. Btorey coaaty, Nevada. Nolle* U hereby (lveo. that at a lieflBj' of the Board of Director*, held oa the fourth (lib) day or May, 1MU, an miaaniiat No. tl) of Plf y (KM Oeota per thare waa lerlad apoa the capital atock of the corporation, payabl* Immediately, la raited Btataa (old oota, to tba Secretary, at tb* otlee of tb* Conaeay, No. *14 OaLterala atreet, Baa Praadaeo. Oaft. Pill Any itock upon which tbla aaaeeeeaeat I rentals nnpald on tb* alfhlh (Ma) day of I Jose. ISt^C will be delinquent, aad ad vartleed for ealeat pnbUc auction, aad nnlee* t&fja&ttsauzr* - of Bale. B.WBOBNSB, I Ofliaa 414 OaUformla aCreet, Baa 1 MUVfVIIY Bills. Bcuioa M1BINO COMPAHT Loctlloc of principal pltot at batlatM, baa Frtadfoo, Otufornlt. Location of works. Gold Bill Mlnlac DiaMct, Bloroy eouaty. Hrrada. NoUo*.—n«N in dollaqotat apoa tho foW lovUc-dMcrlbtd Mock, oa teoooal of »«■'" bqisI (No. 14) lovlod oa tho Iwtntj-llAk (Wkl day of Xamli. WO. tho ttrtral mbmm m* oppolto Ut Him of tto mpmlw tlitrthold. trt, ta (ollova i . .. Hum. Ho. Corttf. Bk*. 1st. Atklnton, Doad k Oo, Tint' UN 18480... 180. .»1IU.. Atklaaoo, Dood * Co, Treo tMt 18617....10....10 .. Block k Bora hud, TroiU.. .4417.. .100.. .100.. Rni.ll J X. TWIN 18*8*...400...400 .. BrtMU IX do 190*0...100...100 .. Bruell J X do 18788....»....80.. BrtMll 1 K do 18878.. . BrtMll 1 X do 188*0....10....10.. BrtMll J M do UM • I .. BrtMll i X «0 1MM....M....88 •• IhmUIM do 1W18.... BrtMll J M do 1881*....*....80 .. BrtMll i X do 1IM1....M....30 .. BrtMU J X do 188*1 ...10....10 .. Bm*.UK do MM....10....10 .. BrtMll J* do UMT....IO....IO .. BrtMll J M do 11*1*....80....80 .. BrtMll 1 M do 18***....40....40 . BrtMll J M do 1*80* ..»....» .. BrtMU i It do 14000....10....1* .. BrtMll J X do 14018....I*....10. BrtMll J K do 14018...100...100 .. BrtMll J 11 do 14u*8...1UQ...100 .. BrtMU i X do 14011...100. ..100 .. BrtMll J X do 14000 ..110...1(0 .. BrtMll J x da 140W....M....M .. BrtMll <1 X do ...... 140*1.. ..SI....ft*. • rtMll J M do 1400*....80....88 .. Brtirll J K do 14101....8* ...» . BrtMll J M do 1411*. ...10. ...80 .. BrtMU J X do 1411*......... 80 .. BrtMll J M do 141*8....80... *0 .. Biw!l J M do 14174....10....10 .. BrtMU J X do 14171.... 10.... 10 .. BrtMil J M do 148**....8*....*0 .. " «U;H do 14*10....40....40 .. rtMll J M do 14818 ..M....80.. XBrtlMl do 1481*....80....80 .. M BrtMll do 14*48....ft)....*).. M BrtMU do • •••• .14X18 ...S0....W.. M Brtttll do 14888....80....80.. M Brt»»ll do 14808....18....1* . M BrtMll do ......I4OT....U. ..18.. HI<IMII do 144*4....10....10 .. H BrtMll do 14488....10....10 .. X BrtMll do ......14488....1*....1* .. M BrtMU do 14*1*...100...100.. M brtatU do 14818...188. 100 .. ■ BrtMU do 1811*....80...JO .. M BrtMll do 18188....10....10.. M BrtMll do 181*8....40....48 .. X BrtMll do 18818....W....80 .. M BrtMU do 1*808....*0....«l.. Xbrta.ll do 1**M ...40....40 .. M BrtMll do 1*41*. ..10-..10 . MB.ttcU do 1*4**....60... 10.. XBrtMll do 1488*...100. .100.. X BrtMU do 1»641 ...84....B4 .. X BrtMU do 1*048 8 8.. X rtMll da 1M44 4 4.. M BrtMll do 1164*....41....41 .. X BrtMll do 1M4T ...14....14 .. 14 BrtMU do l*84*....l*.. .1* •• X Bruall do 1*8*0....I*.... 18.. 14 BrtMll do ..... 1M1 * * .. M BrtMll do 11888....*»....** . X BrtMll do 1MM....18...18.. X BrtMll do 1"88 8 8.. M BrtMll do MM* * * •• X BrtMU do 18888 8 8 .. X Brtttll do 188*T .. .* * .. X Bra Mil du MM* ... .* 8.. X BrtMU do 18*7* * * •• X mirU do 18*1* * 8 .. M BrtMll do 11871 4 4 .. M BrtMll do UM1....8S....U.. X BrtMll do 188*8....8*....*8 .. X Brtttll do 18*M 8 8 .. M BrtMll * 8 .. M BrtMU do ......1*080.....4.....4 .. X BrtMll do 148*1.. ..4 4.. 14 Brtttll do 188*8 4 4 .. Mttruell do 1***» * 4.. X BrtMll do 1MM • » •• M brtttll do 140M ---41....41.. M BrtMll do 14*00 * * .. Btjrltj OB.TruttM 1*M*...100...100 . Bailor QB do 1**0*... 80....*0 .. Brown# J L. TruttM 1481*...100...100 .. Brook. 8 H. TruttM 18118....80....10 . UOffln Jiaie*,Tiait*f MM ..100...100 .. Ooffla Juui do *47* • *.. Ou dhJuim do JUS....10....10 .. Ooffla JimM do M4*.*0 .. aOBjUBM do MM....10....10 .. Oop* k l>«Tll, Truit***.....19fM....M..,.M .. Oou.kDiTli do ....1*4*4..,.1S....IS .. uruwi*/ * uoodaita, Trai> t«M 190*1....*0....40.. Orowlij * Goodnua. Trot to**, .*.ilffN.. • .10.. «10 *. Oluu* Loniiud,TraiUe*. 114<4.. . Olau k Lovalrad do ..ll«i* Oop*, Ublir * Oo. Tra«t«M.t49J....10....10 . OrowUr Juo. Trait** :9W4...iou...ico . Glimrat lUrj A. Troil**..14W»...1U0...10U . Duncan W L. Trait** 11119 • • . D*»*jr K X. Trail** luTIV S • . 1>o«kJmo k Tboupion. <t Oo 1, e, Tru»U*«.MiT * l>ruJ*r k Oo L V do .MM.........90.. Dtxoa TH, Trait** ISM*....40....40 .. UUoa T a dj 117*1....10....10 . Datt* K. Trait** UXM....S0....60 . Bpp*t*ln k Oo, Trait***... .KH1 ...M... to . Kppit*ln k Oo do ...184S1....I9....10 . ^i<piUln k Oo do ...U178....10... 90 , KppiUln k Oo do ...1S7M.. 100...100 .. kdwirdi W.irait** 14*J*....90....W .. Kukboff H*ury. Trait*.. .141*1.. .ltd.. .100 .. KUttOt, Trait** <*»....10....10 . riBUOJ do 7418 6 *.. rtanoj do 114*4....10....10 .. ruttoi do Kij P B, Trait** 7438....10....10 .. Krinki k Uny, Troika*...19*9*....1*....10 .. FrmxkakQiV do ...1434*....10....10 .. irranki k Uny do ...1MM....M....M .. Ulnler 1 k Oo, TreiUM.....4M*....W....*0 .. UUitir Ik Oo do ....aoi....*o....*o.. UUrierIk Oo do ....*>78 •*...*» Ululer 1 k Co do ...10*11 * *.. Glacier Ik Oo do ...11WI6 * *.. Oiitlir l k Oo do ...11409... M....S0 .. OUUnlk Oo do ...1*4* ...10....*0 .. OUctorlk Oo do 1*0... 100 .. UlillulkOo do ...14J17....U....10 .. Uiultr I k Oo do ...1*4»....*0....I0 .. Olaiiw I k Oo do ...1*44* 1 1.. Olaslar 1 k Oo do ...1HTS....M....I0 .. GUilirlkOo do ...1****...100...100 .. Ura*L*b*nm, Hilblnf k Co, Trait*** .. Qn*n*b*sa, Halbngk Oo, Truitod ••••••*••••••••om 108*7..9000..MOO .. Ummbtaa, Hilblng k Oo, Trait***......,.10fi49,,• .10*...10 .* Qr**i<*b>am, Hiiblnf k Oo. Trait*** ,„,,,,,,,,. 1IW1....4O....0O ,, Qmocbinm, Balblnf k Oo, Trait***.... .............1140*.....*«....* .. Ur**n*tMum, Belblnx * Oo, T■ lilt*** ,,,,,13173#, .800...100 ,, OrNMbUB, Balblnf k Oo. T. QllOtifl. •••iiiiiimii*!* 12940,. .10....H ., OnrtwMau, Hilblof k Oo, TnuWM. 114*0....*0....80 .. Orwubtgm, Hilblnf k Oo. Trait*** ,194*4.,,SCO.,,S00 ,* Gi*«n*bium, Hilblnf k Oo, TkUK*iO..««•,,. .19***...400,.,*00 ,, Uratnibium.Bilblngk Oo, Trail***.,..1*919,,,.90.*,.90 , OrwoibiuiB, Hilblnf k Oo, Traat***.,■■•••••«,,,••.-.1*1* ,, Urtenebaam, Hclblag k Oo, Tntit*M ".77. ISM#....90... 90 .. Gr*«u*bian>. Uilblnf k Oo, Tim to** ,••««....,••••. ,l*44l,,, S00., ,(00 ,, Qrevnebaan), HalblBf k Oo. Tiomm 186*7....I*....10 .. OTNMtaiB, Balblnf k Oo. Trail*** .1*T07,«.,10..,.10 ,, Ararat b»an, Hilblnf k Oo, Trait*** 14*06..,.M....90 .. auioa J, Tiomm *7M.... lo.... io .. Ulllou 1 do UW5....10....10.. union J do 189M....M....18 .. Gillon J do 147M....10... 10 .. Oil ion J do 11MB....90....90 ., Urut K B, Trail** 1*0*7 * 6 .. GiaihUr K k Oo. Traitea*.lMlt....9u....*0 .. Utrrtott A, Trait** (*17 * * .. OOOXDM 0. TiaM** 1941* .10*...100.. Onnt LT, Trn»u* 1MM....M....W.. HochiUdiir K k Oo.Traa t*o* . <.,**1*,•.,10....10 .. Bocb.UdUr B k Oo, Trot t*** 10640..,.10....10 ,. Bucbiudur B k Oo, Tim* tOM 1114*....90....30 .. Flnrhitkjlikr K h fVi „»«• HMO • I. BoehitadtarIt Co,Traa _«*• „...1MM.. BoobiudterK A Oo, Tru» tt* 11M3...400...400 .. Hucbiladter X * Oo, Tnu Hommt * Oo D M. TraiU~.Ntl....SO....Io , Hommtk OoDM do ..not... 10....10. uoumtaoodx do .11010....10....10.. Boonart OoDM do .111!* 0 • .. Homor It Oo D M do .1UM....10....10 .. Bommt A UO D M do .I1M....10....IQ. Bo*n«rtUoOH do .1MM....M....M . BgonwrtOoDK do .1IT» • Bo»m»r AOo DM do .1MM...100...100 . Hwmert Oo D M do 1HM...100...100 . HommttUD V do .U*Tt....M....M . HonartOoDIt do .1UT1....M....M BonatrtOoU H do .lMW...100...loo . H ownertOoDH <o .1MM...IM...10U . HoamrrkOoUM do .117M....10....10 . UoubvtO«DK do .1NM....M....M . Htwka ■ D, tnm 1174*....10....10 . H»wk« H O do 1UM....U ...SO . IliwkaH D do 1M71...100...100 . ■•win BO do U«H....10....10 . BwkllP do 14710.... 10....M . BtvttHD do MOM...100...100 .. Utrot * 0», TroitMt.,.. 1S4M....10,.. 10.. Btrtoo A Co li ....iiooi. lUwkla* J J K.Tnuu* 1WM...100.. 100.. <• ....i|tu..... .. IiitMWi.Ttukt mto... tuifj w r. Tnwu*«o. B»bor F A. TrutM JMOT...IM...MO. 8inlQ,Tnilil lim...lOO...IOO Bora B • do UM4.10. Bambort P A Hell...,10....10 . Jtttaon M A. Trm»to«. ....111*....*....M .. Klo« JmLIOo. TtMAoM MM...M0...IDO.. ABywr, .107H....10....10 .. *Djm do ...1MM....M....M.. mVr* do ...1MM...J0....M.. BILINQUIMT BALIS. Balllaa—C*atlBD*4t. Vtmm. Mo.Otrtlf. 8h«. Am'L Klof * Oo n ■, TnuUM .in*....JO....10.. K*n*j OW.Tnuu* 10407....10....10 .. Klrman * Oo B. Traitee*.. .MTI....JO....JO.. KlewUcb J O,TruatM.... 1JTJ0....40....40 .. Lock* WL.Trait** 14B37....80....40 . Lotto WL do 1UM....10....10 .. Lock* W L do .. 1M1H...100...100 .. Latham ft Klnf, Tru.teM.. .IBM...30....10 .. Latham ft Klnf do ...B1B4....10....10.. Lor* J H. Truate* KITS....10....10 .. Marya A Boo G*o T, Trtu IMI * ••(•ll.tMMtl *WMt . ..10....10 •• Mary* * Boo Ooo T, Tnu tM* 10186... JO....JO .. 1(417* * Boo, 0*o T Tm topf••****••••..14T66....10....10 • • Miller ft Van Wrck.Tnuu. 16000... 100... 100 .. M**a*r, Bacon ft 0*. Tro* Mm 1HM....10....10.. "sr-..T..^ ~.u».. Murphy I P, TnrtM BJB1....40....4B .. Marpbj M P do ltcOwmot C F,ttmu»....i<to»...i#o...ioo .. M»,riil a J, Traate* 14884....JO....80 .. Macpbarton J bo, Trnite* .11088 ... JO....JO .. Morfanatara M.TroalM...14884.JO .. MorUttj JL TrnitM 10J01....IO....IO .. XartloM B, Truate* 18411....10....10 .. UIIm ft CM, TraatM* 1478B... 10....10 .. Nor .cod W B. TrnitM.... 11747..•• Norwood W B do ....191B4....40....80 .. Norwood W B do ....14188...100...100.. Norwood «l do ....14818....10....10 .. Mm) * Oo Obt* 8,TrnatM».l4788... 10....Jt.. Nobl* kOuBfl. THMMM..MN....J0....J0. Nobl# 4 0oHI do . M08....1U....10 .. Nobis A Oo 11 H co . 101TJ I ulooTlcb J, Trnate* Ml » u loo rich i, TnuiM HO* 8 •.. Patertoa J a, Tnute* 4847...100...11*. PkUTMBjM da- TM0....J0....J0 , PMWMDJU do 11378 ...10....10 .. Phillip M P, TnutM 1181...140...100 .. twwtUMV. TrnitM 14181....80 ...10 .. KomOmB do 1848T ...80....80.. Batwll J B. TrnitM 130IT....3.... 10 .. BctunlU O A, Tnute* 8818....80....80 .. tfebuiltt 0 A do TITO 4 4.. Hl«tn Nat, TnutM 8148....JO....JO .. Stela Nit do tJM ( • .. Btelu N*t ao 10MT0 • • .. Hcott A Oo B H, Tr*iteM...TlIJ....J0. ..JO.. HeoU dOolI do ..1M88 • Ballfmaa H. TnitM 1144....10....10 .. Hmlih Ota. B.TraatM 18411...100...100 .. Mnith Ota* H, do 14804.,.100...100 .. Hols b*ober J, TnutM 144TT....40. .40 .. Shor.i L 1W13...100...100 ., Toblo B 0, TrnitM 1J1M....10....10 .. Urban Jime*. TraitM 14411....10....40 .. Wrtabt W II. TnutM. U444....40... 40 .. WrinhlW H do 1441T...100...100 .. Wak. Bald A Oo • B, Trna* teM NTT....40....40 .. Wakaflald ft Oo S B. Tnu. _teM 14T10 Wakaflald ft Oo 8 B, Tra*. teM 1HU B •.. WakaBald ft Oo 8 B, Tnu 14871....JO....80 .. wiison * Bntcblnion.Tra* tMa 7841....10....10 .. Wllaon ft Hatehlaaoa, Traa _«om 1BJ44...1C0...100.. Wllaon ft Batcbtaaoo, Tnu teM IBM*....40....40.. Wllaon A Butchiuaon, Traa tM* 14714....JO....JO .. Woaoa ft ViMbora, Tra*. teM 10418....N ...8B ■( Wood* ft Freaborn, Inu ten 11(00....80....80 .. Wood* ft Praaborn, Tnu tM* 14808.. ..10... 10 .. Wooda ft rnaborn, Traa. B' »ow... Willi OHM L. Traatea inn....10....10 .. I White A W, TrnrtM HM ...60....60 White AW do SIM.. ..10.. ..10.. WblfAW do 0117....30....31 . White AW do 7UM....M....M. White AW do UU 1 0. White AW OO MM....10....10 , Yuat « Oo D I, Truateae... 147M....3U....30 . Aad In aooordaaca with tew, and aa order of the Hoard ol Director*, Bad* 90 th* twenty-fifth day of Match, 1M0, ao many aliaraa of each pared of auch atock u may ba awwuy *111 ba aold at pabllo auction, at the office of Parkar Oritteadaa. auctioneer, Bonn a». Merchant*' Kichange Building, ha. Ml Call, loornla atraet, Baa Fraacleoo. Oallfornla. oa TUBBDAY, tbe eighteenth (Mb) day of May, Itou, at tha boor of oaa o'clock r. u. of aaid day. to pay aald delinquent aaeeeamaut tbaraon together with ooataot adrartlalng aad axpaaaaa of tba eale. J. M BRAZKLL, Berratarr. 0 flic e-Room No. I, Bafe Depoelt Building, I No n Montgomery auaat, Ban Fraadaco, Oallfornla. ml UTOH CONM1IOATID COM. raMX.- Location or prlaclpal place ol bunlnoi*, t-aa PraaelMo, California. Location of worka, Gold Ulll Mining Dlatrlct, Oold UIU, Nevada. Notice —Tuere are delinquent opon tba fol lowing deecrtbed e'ock, on account of eaaa>e meat (No. I) levied on tba aerond day of April, I 1M0, tba eararal amounte eel oppoalte tbe name* of tbe reepactWe ebaraboldere, aa lol Iowa; Mamaa. Na. Oertlf. Bba. im't. I Atklnaon, Daod k Co, Trua tea* 1M1... .10 • . Atklnaon, Do ad 4 Oo, Tree tM 3841....30 .10 . Atklaeon, Dond k Oo, Tnia tcae 3131....36....13 HI \ Atklnaoa, Dond k Co, True 4144....10 1, Atklnaon, Doud A Co, True teae •• •••■•••«...4171....JO.... 10 .. Atklnaoa, Doud k Oo, True toea .0000 ...40....30 . Atklaeon, Dond A Oo, Tina teaa 6011...600...380 , Atklnaoa, Doud k Oo, Traa> tea* 6110...IOO....60 . Atklnaoa, Dond k Oo, TrU teae 1111..100....60 . ArmetrongJ L Traatea 6187....10 I . Barrett A Walker Truateae..KM....60....36 . Breckinridge * Yoet, True taaa HIT....10 f .. Breckinridge k Yoet, True teaa 11M. ...I ISO BateaDO, Traatea Ml....10 8. Bate* D O do 1731....10 1. BateaDO do MU....M....K . BateaDO do 4M0....M....M . Boeder DA A Co, Trua teaa. ,|a7. ...It • . Brooke B B. Traatea 6181.... 10 6 . Bayley Geo B. Trnatae IMS.. ..10. ...10 . BayleyGeoB dj 17*7....10.... 10 . Bajl-jr ueo B do SH98...1M....60 .. Baylay Geo B 10 , Bayiey Geo B do 4811....80 .. 40 . Beyley Geo B do 44M 1 1M Bay ley ueo B do 4a<8 ...M....40 .. BajleyOeoB do 4M1....46....MI0 Bavley Geo B do 4I»M... 40....30.. Baylay OaoB do M7I....M....3I .. OodaJaate, Tnatea 164...30....10 .. 0 ffla Jenee do 1IV4....10 ... .8 .. CoffluJaaiee do 3644 1 saol OuftlaJauiea do 1767...400...>4 ,. Ooffln Jama* do JIM... 60....16 ,. OoOn.'amea do SM3....M....M .. Crandall W O, Truataa MM....10 ...M .. Cian iall W G do M10...300...100 .. Crandall W G do 1331....40....10 .. Craudall W U do 3M1....M....10 ., Craada.lWO do 3*0..10 .. Oranaall W O do I7M....10 1. Crandall WO do 4M1....M....1II0 I Oiffla. Bandaraon • Coos. TfttMN4<««t.••••••••••••••180.mSTittill 50 Onfflo, Baudtrtoo A Oooi, Tiuataaa . ...3M9....30....10.. Gro«l«r k Goodman, Trua Im,„ .. Orowlaj k Goodman, Troa. Ira S8M....M....3S cabin B A Co, Tmuaa.bal.. .4U....BT*..IB U OablllBkOo do . ...1M7....10 B. OabWI Et Co do . .10 ....... 0*6111 K k Co do ....M14....10 • .. Oops k Tnipuc* M42....M....10 .. Cro k r k -mydua. J raaiaaa.2413 B 1 #0 Crocker k Hn)dam do ..4401....M,...1880 Olntak Looelaod,Traateea. 3080 8 IfiO Ciute k LortUbd do ...UU....10 B .. Oranriall Geo B.Tnutae 54*....10 B .. Ouuk O'o B, Trn»tM 3TS8....3U.. .10.. Dlloa T B. TtuIM 4848....80....M .. DancanV L. Traataa 4M4.........18 .. Dooglaaa k Tkompaon, TtmIh*. bal *0CO 1M0 IIS Xppttam k Co, Trnataaa....3884... 40....30 . Kppiula k 0j da ....B01B....10....10 .. KppaUlnkOo do ....BU0....B0....1B .. kdvudi * Irrlno. Tnutoo*. .741.. .100... .80.. Kdwarda W, Truataa 4B1B B 3 B0 KdwiriU W do bal BB4B H » Garnet* AOkOo, TnilM 140* B .. uornelt A O * Co do ..4BN...100....80 .. Unrnetl A G A Oo, do ..81M...U0....B0 .. Grtenebum. BelblOf k Oo. Xfiilm...................814T....B0... IB .. Green* t»nm, Halblaf k Oo, TnuiM .....*.. » bo Qtaaaabaaio, Halblaf k Co. TnutMl 43S3....J0, ..IB.. Qrceneliaam, Belbls« k Oo. TmtiM. 4110,, .10....IB , Grpen*baum, Helbloc k Oo, TrwtM* 4B0T...1S0....H.. Om-nrheum. H«lblnf k Oo, TlM>0'« 4030....B0....M Gravea W W, TmM 1TB1...100....B0 .. OnrnVW 4* 6310....10 8.. Oolij A Ubl. Traetaaa MB....10 6 .. Golly * Ckl 4a M43 B 3 B0 Otrdloar Baldwin, TraMaa..8831....30....10 Gardiner Baldwin do ..BBM....10 B„ Grle»ln**r BTrmitaa 44M..IB*. Ureajar da B. Tnutae 4010... 10....10,. Ollloa J.TnulOO B0U...100....80 .. OIIIobJ do •«•••••••••,480?...100....80 .. Oillon J do ...... 4834....30....10 .. Graaabaom L k Oo.Troataaa, balance.... 4803....43....31 .. Oraaobaao L kOo,Traiteee.B3<«....M....M.. Oarfe* a.TruUa. 40M....40....30.. Batcblntoo John. Tni*«ae..B4M....lo ».. Boamer O M kOo,TnuUaa . 31I B 3 B0 tOXBOo do ..1BT3....M....1B, DM ft Oo do ..MU....M....I0.. _ rDMBOo do ..4BM....B0....M.. H*!*k Pacbaco. Tin*taaa...3TBB....B0....40.. Jblak Paebeco jo ...4004....10 I.. Hlekox Oao 0kO0.TrmMaaa.3BM.... M.... !f .. Hlekox Oao Ok Oo do ..43M....B0....B0 . Bawka > D, Traataa IBM....10 • •• I BILIHQUIM BUBS. "■mUi Cee-Oeellm "~io. 0*tU. «hfc Ami Hiwks H D do ........all)....M,...10 *i HawksHD do 00M....M ...1» .. Hawks H D do 0MJ....10 1., HnkiHD do 4Mi...ioo....».. llxkiHO do 0007....00....M.. Habar t A, Traate* 4M4....M....M.. Iflaoer S. Trait** 4M#...OOO...MO .. Jukaoo V A. Traatee l»rt. ...40....M JukmHA do M...41M. ..It....10 to JiekioD K A do b»1...4404..60 Kaeney k D7*r,'Traat***....M01... 40....*.. Keener k Djrer do .... till. .1110 ton*)tD|U do .. . .8M0....40. ...M • • X*0Mjr * Dr*r do ....M40....10 • . K.nn.r <t Djer do ....4011...100....M .. *uu»fkujm do ....4T4T....M....11M Kennejr k Drer do ....6110......... 10 .. Kaalaiaa 8 k Oo. Tra*t***..44M.,..10 > .. K*1i*t Q«o «. Trustee UU....10 5 .. Lasglaad B F.Tnuu* Ml ( IK LaaclasdBF do WW....10....10 .. Laojlaad B F do 4X11....10 • .. if .. Traatae 414 0 IM wi». .wo .. io.. Holier W J do 1IU....OO....M .. Holler W J do MM.. .100... M .. Hall-r W J do MTI ...11 Hollar W J do MM 1 1*0 Hollar W J do 4UM...100....M. Halltr W i do 4M0....10 Holler W J do ..bal,..4aM 0 4 .. Mailer WJ do ..UI...4TOO....M. ..4100 Mailer W J do 400....M....M ., Hollar W I do 40M ...10....M ,. HiUrW J do 4008....40....14 Huller W i do 4011 • 900 H lilt r A Vao W) ck.Traataaa. tit 1.... 10 • .. Manv w B.Tnute* 1IM....M....M .. Ham; W B do MM....M....M.. Mam7 W B do bdl 4TM 7* .0*1* HaryeOeo Tfc Boa.Tniete**.MO*.........10 .. Harjre Ooo T k Hod do ..04M....M....10 .. Mwja (iwTkHoa do ..40M....10 •.. H«rje 0*0 T Jt (km do ..4M0...10U....10.. Hair* Ow T k Boo do ..4410...000...100 .. H Xafltala Trail** 1M0....M....10 .. M Hiatal do 1TI1.. M....M .. HKuM do M49....0O....M .. M Hiatal do MM...M0...100.. HMauuI do MU ..100....M . H Haatal do M10...100 ...M .. M Hiatal do KM......... 10 .. H Hid Lei do OOJT....OO....M .. H Haatal do M4....00....U ., Harpb/ ■ P.Truitaa 40M....10 0 .. Harpbjr K t do 001T....M....M .. HartiaHH. Traate* 1070....10 ....TtO Hajere a, Trait**, bal IM 114...lit Hajira A do ..........4010#... ■ ,.. 414 Hwaer. Baeoa k Oo, Traita,0000....70....M .. Maeaar, Baooo k Co do Jfn....l0 0 .. Header,Baocak Oo do .4**....70... 04.. Haaaar, Baeoa k Oo do .44M....10 8.. Horgaaateta H, Traite*....M04....10 ....0 .. Hllee BMB Oo, Traateea.. .0M0....10 0 .. Hoore A Hoatfoaiary, Traa ta<* 5170....10 1.. Nobia H H <* Co, 'lraatat*..11M....40....M . Norwood W K, TraitM 40U ...0J....M .. O'C'oBoorTboi, Trn■ta*....4l40....M... 10.. U*0«nMllJss, Trait**, UH..4T07- ..IT IM Peckbaa BP. Traate* 600T....M....10 .. Kuiaail i ti.Truitee .4TM....40....M .. Raaaall J B do 47M....M....M .. Koot OaoB,Traatee 4ov* .. Boot Mao B do 4M/....10 1,. Hoot OaoB do 44M....M....10 .. Koot OaoB do 4*80....00....14 .. KoolOtoB do 0170....M....11M Korka B B. Traatee 1077.........10 .. Koaatreek Laaglaad, Trai4W4....10....10 .. Koaatn* * Laailaad do .40M...10 .. ltoaalreak Laaglaod ao .41M....I0 0.. Kicherdiea K A,TniaUo....MM....10 0 ..' boon U H k Co. True'**.... Ml 0 100 Hoott II U * Co do bal.1070 ■ 4 . rCOttHHfcCo do ...14M....10 0.. BcuUHHACo do ...44M....M....10 .. BCOtt UHOOo do .. 0440....10 0.. Bcboiltt 0 ■>. Troalae 0001. ..100....00 .. Hbotwell J H, Truitea 4M....10....10 J H do bal.... 404 IM. ..lit bbolwell J H do MIO....M....10 .. Bbolwell J H do 40ltl, ..100....00 .. ebotwallJH do 4*40..,. 10 0 .. dvdgwick Joba, Tiuatee....l»74....IO 0 .. Blue W JC, Traatee WM....M....M .. sliaeWK do 50*4....M....10 ., MtAin Nit Tfnafaa MM in a Toblo KC, T nil lee Sill. ...10 1.. ToblnHC do MOO....M....31.. tttlaon Wm H, Trustee II 5 1 CO WiUon Wm U do (4....38.,..II H *aUon WmH do 101...100....N .. Wataon Wm 11 da • Ill • J M Watson Wm II do ... .119... 80....*.. Watson Wm II do 8»...let....84 . WataunWmll Co ,...«M....10 1 .. WmmoWuiH do ....437D...100....80 .. WumuVuiB do ....«(ll... 10 .. Waison WmU do ....4:87....10 ■.. wtuoowmu (to ....4871.........10 .. Woods k Freeborn, True lee® ii.« ....•■til*........,57fl.■,100....60 .. Wuodi k Freeborn, True teee 887.. .100...140 .. Wtkefleld 8 B * Co, True teee 3728...100....80 .. Wsktflcld 8 B k Oo, True teee 1100.....31 .. Willsrd WP.Truetee NT...100....10 .. While A W,Trustee «U I 110 While A W, do Ml IT11 1*. Wnkle F K. Trustee, bal....U7<> jf.....U Weill Chaa L. Trustee 8311...100....60 .. YoetOZhOu. Trustees....4141....10....31 .. Zsdig k Weill. Trustees KIT....10 • .. Zadlf k Weill do SIM....10 • .. Zadig k Knlltnaa, Trustees. .40(8....10....10 .. Zadig fc Xallmau do .4788....10 1.. ZtunsOT, Trustee 8JC6....10 1.. Zlnot U T, do 407V... 30....19 .. NOTICE U hsrtby (trra that the thine next herelnifler doecrlbet u UNI8SUAD are the numbers of the UMBOBUBNDItltKD Oer tlfleetee of the former BBMTON MIBINU CUMPABT'e STUCK. Oalieaod lleek. Names. No. CerUf. Bhs. Ain't Bsll T R, Trustee, Aaaeee msnts Not. 1.1 tod I JIM... .KM..»It Hsrr J J, Truster, Assess msnts No#. 1,1 and I ... Jill....«*..1415 L B. Truvtet Aimm> menu Noe. 1,1 and 1 (71.... M...1N O'Connell Jot, Trustee. As eeesuenU woe 1.1 and I..M17 3 180 Watson Wm H, Trustee. Aa sctsmeuts Noe. 3 sad I ...1117.... It.... 71 NOTICE It hereby flreo that the shares next hereinafter d.acilbed as UNIBSDBD are the numbers of the UtBUKKXNLKKBD Oer. tlflcatra of the former LauT WAbBIMUTON BtNlNU COMPANY'S STOCK. ValMatd lleek. Name*. No. l>rtlf. Shi. Ami Dewey Kn*eoe I MI1....10 110 HawkinsJaaJ B... nil....10 IW BUI John T 1711 1 128 Keating K P Mil....10 180 McKceOH Ml* 1 a Tboctet D L 1W0 1 48 Thomas D L,Trustee.Atesu menu Noe. 1,1 and 1 8031 3 410 Whl'ePi 1117.... 10 ....410 WMtumore OB Mil 1 1 * Weill Leon 1114....10 410 Wooda k Free horn, Trusu..HM....30 f .. And la aoooraanoe with Uv, and aa order of the Board of Directors, made on the teoond day of ;April. liao, ee many aharae el each parcel of inch a lock as mar *a amtaatry will bo told at public a«c<loo, at the ofltce ot the Oompaay, No. *03 Montgomery atrret, Knoma 1 and 1, baa Fraacleeo, California, on TUK8UAY, Um tweniylftk das of May. 1MB. at the hour of two o'clock T. a of said day, to i ay tald delinquent it thsrtoa, together with ooets of adver tising aad expensee ol the talc. WM. B. WsTSOlf, Secretary. OOca—Kooma 1 and 8, Mo. 803 Montgomery ttreet, Ban Jrranclsoo, California. NOTICE To Owners or Lady Wuhlnrton XIiIbc Company and Boyle llBlnf Company. OWN KM or BBA >Bd la tb* ikon Dtafd Ooapanlaa in notified that tb*r in *a titled to UMlr proportlonaU abaree ef dock to the BIMTOM C. M80L DATKO OOMPANT upon da* p*jrm*nt or ABaBdBBBltT MO. *, of W CKhTb Mr ikrn, larltd b? Mid Ooap*njr on It* Id OAT OF APKIL.UM. ud tot dr Unquut, ud ik* (orrtDderof th*lr r*rtll**l«*. WM. B. WATSOIT. _ Mer« U17 Benton Oonaolldated Company. Ban rmicltco. MayT. IMP. A LTA IILTIB BIHIBQ COM A PANT.-Location of principal placa oi baalaaaa. Ban Francleoo, California. Location of work*, Uoid Bill Miami Dlittlet, Gold Hill, Narad*. Notice.—Ther* an delinquent cpon tk* fol lovliur daacrlbed atock, on acoonai of aeecee ment (No. IT) lerled on tk* flXtk (Mb) day of April. 1M0, tk* MWll amoont* a*t oppoaila tb* dun of tk* r**p*«UT* akankoidare, ** follows: Nam**. No.Oertlf. Ik*. Ami. AtMnfon, Doad ft Oo, Tree um .11*.*.|7 10 Atklneon, Bond * Oo. Tim 10TT4 1 IN Atklneon, Dood ft Oo. Tree t*** 11106....a0....10 .• AtklDMa, Dond a 0*. tMf a a**************••••*• 4#fl^P*o* *0 • • a a MS OO Atkinson, Ljon * Oo, Tin*. tMlaill*! •••••••*•••• •***»wll** * *Waia *10 ** BooreeRM. Treat** !«•«... 100.... 10.. B*t** O 0, Treat** .NU....U T H B*tM I>0 do IIM.........II.. Bat** O 0 00 H0BT...10O... JO .. B*t*a D 0 do 1««W.. D 0 - UM...JB • .. B* drtdnX, Treat* 1«IT»....*>. .,10 .. Btyley Q*o B. Treat** .. B*jJey *•«» ....IM00...1W....I0 .. 5*J^7 0* B do B*7 «r G»* B do ....IMM ...10 |.. Bay 1*7 Ueo B do f gg BaiMrOMB do I in f*jj*TO*o * do!; BvfirOMi do IKLIIQVKJT BALM. AlM-CMlla Htmea. Io,OMf. Bhi. Ant Bajlrj Q*o B do .... 10800....M....10 .. BuI^OmB do ....ltuu. .UO....OO.. ttaftojrOwa do it in.... 10 H*;l«r Oto B do ... 14079.. .900... 100 .. B*;l«7 Oao B do ....14400....M....1340 Ba/Ur GhB do ... 14401 i 1 n Bajrbj OmI do ....144M....M....M .. U«jl«jr Oao B do ....14074...1(0....SO ,. B»jl«y Geo B do bal 14HW....*7*..41 T« D*yi*j Oto B do ....UUM....10 1.. Bajlay Ooo B do ....14UM....10 ».. Orudall W i». Trnatoa **44....10 0 .. Ooffln 111, Trait** T44I....40....I* .. Coffin JM do 7M74....B0....35 .. OoffiaJM do MS4.. .100....M .. Ouffla Jm do Wll.........10.. CoOii Jm do MIT....10... .1.. OoffiaJM do IUW8...300...100 .. Coffin Jm do 1U91....10 OoffiaJM do 118M....10....10 .. OoffiaJM do Hill • ID 0*1)111 K k Oo, TnutoM KM.. .100...40 .. UalillllfcOo do ....9041....10.....0.. CUiUI C * Co do ...104U......... 10.. CWjilJ E k Oo do ....14000....10 0 .. OahlllBtOo do bal.MMI « I.. C«iullIAC0 do WU 40M.10 Tl CMiU kkOo do 4.. Orovlaj k uoodnao, Tnu UM a.. Cluu A Lovaiaud, TnutiMlMOO....•»....4140 Ooffio, ttaodaraoa * Oook, Tniim 0609. ...10 0.. DraxUr L l» k Oo, TraatM.llMO 0 140 DawaJ * I.Trww 14410... 40....M .. Wioo T A. Inula*... ....10000.... 10.....0 .. Doocan V L, Tnuiaa 11400....00....10 .. tucuWL do 1I0M... J0....10 .. Duncan W L do 14*40 0... .010 Daiican W L do 140*4 0 IN kd«arda W. Tnuu* 117M....10 o .. Kdwaida W da U1M....10... .0.. *rp.Uiu k Co. Treataa*.. .WW. .. .0 0 00 fcppaula k Oo do ....IOOTO....M....M .. KpfMUlQ * Co do ....14000....90....10.. roaOW, TraaUa 040*....40....10 .. frj, Nml k Co. TraatoM.. ..MOO 0 > 10 Fay f 8, Tnuta*. kal I40M 0I|. ,«00 PoaUrAW. Truaiaa U* ...10 0 .. Kuk Am, TraatM 11191....M....73 .. Vl*kA»a do 14140....40..,.M.. rnalatOnr, Trtutaaa...11930....10 0.. UlMlar 1 k Oo, TuwaM....4TM....I0 0 .. Ulaalar 1 k Co da ....01U.........10 .. Uladar I ft Oo do ...111M.........10 .. UUslMI Jt Oo to ...lllOl.10 .. Utuler 1 k Co do ...11104....10 I.. 1 * Oo do ...111».... 0.....0B# OwalarlftOo do ...11S»4....10 6.. Ulaaler 1 ft Oo do ...11*00....10 ( .. OUalar 1 ft Oo do ...10*00....B>....M .. olaiiar 1 * Oo do ...10010 ........10.. Ulaaiar 1 ft Oo do ...IMN...J0....S0.. Ul.alar 1 ft Oo do ...t4f«. ..10 IN OUaitrlfcOo do , ..14911 0 110 Ulaaiar 1 ft Oo do ...10UM....-0 IN (ill.on J, Tnuta* 13000...100....SO .. Utiloa J do IMtt...11) .. UU.on J do 14000... .10.. billon t do 14000...100.,..SO .. UroaMbttm, Hdblnf ft Co, Tnulfd ................. 1WI....10.... .0 .. Ureauataum, litibiojc ft Oo. Tnuinv ...........UTtt..1000...000 .. OrwiibiQB, Ualblng ft Oo. ...........I.....llltl....10.....0 *i Onaua ft Co' Tnutoaa 147IO....IO 0 .. OrlMUurir K. Tnutoa 14000 t S B0 Uraiit B K, Truitoa, bal.. .14007 0»...4 00 »rmatJtB do 14001...100....00 .. QurnaMAOft oo, TnutoatlltfHO....*)....10 .. (imiifd* II, 'Inula* 13804....H....10 .. Ur*«yerdaU do ....ItlN... H....M.. I'uicdiukoo John, Tnutoa. .0070.. .10 f .. Ilun-blufoaJohn do , • Hill Allrrd B, TraatM, bal. 14000....***. 11 TO llitka U D. Tnutoa 1MXJ0....M....I0 .. HawkaH 1> do 14133... 10 0.. Hawk. U D do • •••• • 14*U....10 .. llunl J L, Tnuto* 1*0*1....00....10 .. llouker H O, Tnuw» TOM....00....It.. Hocliaudttr K ft Oo, Tra*. IM HUM • IN Hoctuudior ft ft Co, Troa toaa 11100....10 0 .. lloch.tadier B ft Co, Tim im Hocbtudlar B ft Oo, Tru* Uoa 1H48...100....00 .. Hocbiudtar B ft Oo. Taua UlCI.•••aaoooooaaaaaoooaaa 11471....10 0-.. Uodutadtor B * Oo, Trua iMi.i*...................11000....10.>.0 .. HocbfUdUr B ft Oo, Trua tor* 11*10....U IN Bocluudur B ft Oo. Tnu ton 11007....10....10 .. Hochatadtar K* ft Co, Traa ton...................... 10HT... 100....30'.. Hucliatadur B ft Oo, Trua toa*......................INTO....10....,0 .. Ilucbatodtor B ft Co, Traa *a* 11400....B0....10 .. HochtUdiar B ft Oo, Tnu toa*... .14000.....0.....1 AO Hocbaudur B ft Oo, Trua tlNiatatiiaii o o •••••• • a a • 14041...100....10 .. Hocnatadter B ft Co, Tru* taaa 14M0 0 IN l(laaarH,Traataa IMao... .....10 .. I.lauer 8 do DOM...1MI....IO .. Iglauar It do 14690....00....10 .. Jackaoo It A.Truaiaa MJI...100 ...00 .. JackaonMA do 0004...100....00 .. Jackaon M A do 104t0....t0....l0 .. Jackaon MA do I00W 0 100 Jackion M A .. Jackion M A do 14317... 30....10 .. Kannajr ft Djer.Truataaa.. KannrftUi ar do .. .10710....00.... 10 .. Blog Joa L ft Oo,Tnutoa*. M00.,.10....10 .. Kannad/ P J,Traataa 13107....00....I* .. Law* L T,Tru*l*a 17110....0U.... 10 Ll*b*a B, Trail** 10001... 100....W .. Lebatard MT,TnutM 10770.... 10 0 .. Murr*7 W B,Tnutoa 100*0....00....10 .. Him; W B do tel...1*000 OH...*10 Mark* ft Balnhardl, lraata..**0*.........M .. XarjaOtoTft Bon, Tnuta.1U0*...100....00.. Marja Q*oT ft Hon do .11410....00....10 .. Marya QaoT ft Ma do .10100....10.... T 0« Marya Uao T ft 8on do .117*0....00....I* .. ttarja Uao T ft SvD do .10010....10....10 .. Mllaa B M ft Oo, TiUtoM .1*701 0 1N MUaaBHftOo do . 1*0*3....10....10 .. aaiitel H, Tnutoa *001....10 ....(.. Miaaar, Bacon ft OoTruala 1107V.... 10....10 .. Ml.lark Van W/ck.IruaU. 13*71—00.... 10.. O ConnorTbo«,Traataa.... 10J4».... 10 ....0.. O'Connor Tboa do ....14000....H....10 .. O'ConnorJofcn.Tnutaa... 1*730... 100....OO l'blppa A B, TnuUo 104M....10 0 .. Qalnan J A, Traalaa I40M...I00....90 .. Qnlnaa J A do 140*0.. 100....00 .. Klchardaon B A, Tru*taa....0v70....10 • .. Roumraaft Laa«l*Dd.Trtu.l4Ml....*>....10 .. Koaniraa ft Langlaud do .14030.10 .. Bountrw ft Larwland do .1*030 0 iN Kibardaon, HU1 A Oo, Traatoi*.11I1T,,..10....10 ,, Klcb.rilton, HU1 ft Co, Traataa* 104*1....00..• .10 .. Rlcbardaun, BID ft Oo, inuica* 145*4... IB....UN Root Uao B, Trail** 10730....10....10 .. Hoot Uao B do 10700....00 ...10.. Hoot Qao B do 14U00....40....® ., Ran lolpft. Maaklntoab ft Co. ITUIMW Hork. B ». Traata. W0t....U .. HehalwUU, Bookaladlar ft Co. Trust** iilf...#10.... 10 •• Bcbariadall. Boekatadtar ft Oo, Mil....10 Bmlih Chaa B. Tnialaa 14m....10 1.. hchnllt 0 A, Tnialaa Ml ...10 I.. Brhmitl 0 A <lo 1X44....10 I.. Bcbmilt 0 4 do bal... 1MM • I.. Badcwlck Joba.Tniataa....lllua ...H....U .. rr4gwick John do ....l<0M.........It.. Hcolt B U k Oo, Trailr.1.,10M(... 10 I .. Moll B U ft Co do*#......... 10.. RMIo Mkl.'ITuatM 14TT4....40....»0 .. T.(lor W B,TroatM lltM....10 • .. Wood W 8 144U.. tm Witwi Wm B,TruU0....110*0....10 IB WiUou Wui B do ,...1<14I...100....I0.. WMonVafl do baUMul....M... WiuonWuiB do ....140T»....10 ....... VllKD Wm U do ....I44J1....4I....UIB Walt. A W.Tniaua 10000....M....M.. WitNl0M. Tnialaa.. ..140U...M .. (0 .. Wataooull do 1«0M ..100....10.. WllMOH do 14M4.. 100....M., Wata<iClI do U0M...U0....40.. WMHI 0B do 1404j...l00... 10.. Wltrto 0 11 do 140HJ...100....40 .. Wakrbld IB ftOo.TrtuM.IISM I IM WUtAala ■ B ft Co do .1*III I kW WaWd B B ft Co CO .14141....II TN WikdiM B B ft Co do .. Ai^ltWB, Troata. Mill....10....II .. Wood* ft Frrahorn. Traala.lOTM 10 1 .. WUion ft BatcklMOD.Tnu |Ml...oo....... o.*...»#*• .04SI....IW....10 WUtop ft BaicklBM.Tras. 14111....M....II.. W»lll Oka. L. Trsata... .. IUU...IOO....IO .. Zlou. OT,Tnialaa 1ftIT..,.10 • .. Z.die ft *allmao,Troatew.lllll....l|....lB .. Aad la aMordaae. wtUa law. and aa art* of 1ft. Board M Dtnetora. m»Oa oo the ink (BU) »if April, mo,ao aaaay ahanaof aaoftpa*. of nek ato«k aa mmj ba aaeeaaary will bo aold at jrobllo aacllon. a4 tk. office of tfta Oom oaay.No 103 BoatMWMry auaot, Booow Iu4 I, Baa maclaoo, California, oo BONDftT. Iko Ihlr y-lrat (llat) day of Kay, W0. at tfta kow of I o'clock r.u. of aald day, to pay aald della* Ihawaa. tofatg wttft ooota ot adrartlala« aad omaaaa Wtho Mia. __ _ WB. B. WATBOB.Beeratoijr. Ofljeo-Boioi Bon'romary rtnet. Kooma • «gdl;_gaajrwaclaeo. CaLterala. 11M NOTICE QfToRFEmJIL Tor* o» Ooib Bu, ) Ooaaty of atom. Bute afMmda, { February II, 1IB0, I To Kdwibb Ib tfta Booth Jackal aria., (told Bill Mlilac Dt* trict. btoray coontv, ktata or Krrada: Ton ara hmby aotldad tkat tfta aadetai«»ed baa parforeed aad laid oat Ua aaaaal asaeoat of work for lkTtoa the eber. claim repaired by Boa. MM Ravlaod ato atao of Ik. United Btataa, aad year pto lata aharo of aaid wart aaoaata to Thirty-Ikraa Dollar. aad Tklrty-tftraa Oaati (HI »). ftad If wlthia alaaty day. after tkla aotlee by pablloatloa yoa fkll orrafaaa tooaa* Irtbato (t&l aaoul joar lateraaC la (aid .tela will bo mfaftad aad ba».aia ltajw»»^