Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL DAILY NEW^ > -• ■■ VOL. XXXIV. GOLD HILL, STOBEY CO., NEVADA: THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 17. 1880. NO. 5107. THE EVENING NEWS I'ubltahad erary Jay (Sundaya excepted), IV TUB NEWS rCBLUIUia CO. '-ne jiu, by Hall or Zxpruaa M 00 ■Is Hon tba. *0U nm • uo Mlratd In {jSWraSi. WlwOlti Caraoa, Daytou, Hatro, etc., at TWEMTY-FIVE CENTS PEI WEEK. hnkldo iba OuiMtt. OBI ADVFrrillNB ABENTS. 0. W. CBANK : No. 10. Leidaadorff atrMt, (bmt PiM). 84a Fraoeiaoo. OAQWIN ik ALLEN, : s : Canon Oily W. M. UNO, : i i i . lafln City •. M. JAMISON, :::::: Bwc 0. CHBNOWKTH, : : Winnaauoea NKW YORK. J. .H Bat**., : 41 Park Row 8. M. PrrriMoiu. A Co.,: : 97 Park Ko» Qno. P. Bow ill. k Co..::: 41 Pwk Bow Tan Ptrti Bay ba found on ill* In New Tark at tha ampapw a^enclea of J. II. Balaa. 41 Park Bow; 8. M. PattansUJ 4 Oo., ST Park Bow, and Geo. H. Bowall ft Co., 10 Sprue* itrret. , vol' 4IAVS MS A rLOWKB. Too (av* ma a fliwer. and yoor amlla waa ao Aa yon vanlebad (rum ma. to tba mldat of tbi UroDM, Tbat my hoart iram tbal moment knalt down II *OOf fMt, And Mm urniJ to aa fall oI laatbtar aad I aanght bat a fiance of yoar wonderful ayea— 1 aaw you no mora In tba* bright, feativo boar Bat 1 knaw. from that moment, UM mtna wa* tha prlaa. Forna gaaad at na foodljr, and ga*a ma a Thera waa nnaie and daoclof, aad Jaatlaf and wtna. And beauty abona bright in tba mldat of tba mirth; Bat neeer a baart unite aa happy aa alna, la tba lo*a of Iba daaraat and aweoteat of Tat oar lova waa onepokan-no word had bean I caught not aa accent, aad heard not a torn; Ana yel. la ibat moiueot, 1 fondly had real Tucr baart waa fOrarar aad aver my own t 9 Oh. pladfa aaa a bampar of nertar. ao brlfht Tbal tba |oda on Ulympaa woald enry Ita •low. Aad aaah lor fraah }oye In Iba tremutoua light Tbal dwalla In tba daptba w( tba goblet, bataw. Tor tba waeOa bar* baaa apaken—you rooo aball ha mine, Aod my dearaet rrmembrancea goee hack to tba boar When I caugbi tba awaat ir'anca of your blue ayea t'lrlnr. And yoo eamebed from eight aa yon |ara mo a Sowar. Johnny on Uio Tlgtr. Thia is a little Johnny'a composition ob the "Roil Beogol SIMM " One time there waa • man which bad a tag ger, and the tagger it waa a aho, and the uian be tuk tbe money far to git in. The man bad a big paper nailed onto tha tagger'a den. and the paper it aaid, tbe paper did, 'The Koil beogol Tagger, somstimse called the Monnerk of the Jangle. Handa off. No Tecbin' the Tagger !' The monnerk of the jangle it waa alwvra a-layin' down with iu noae between ita poz and tha folkea which had paid to get in they waa mad cox it waden't wock and rore like distant tbander. Bat tbe aho man ha aaid: ' That'a ol rite when I get tbe new cage dona, bat thia ia the same cage which tba offle feller broke oat in Oregon, time ha at np them seventeen men and their familiea.' Then tba folkaa they wud ol stand back and took in whispera while tba tagger alept. Bat one day a feller which waa drank be take to puncben the tagger with tha maatbed of bia umbrella, which stampeded the audi* enoe wild, and tbe wimmin folk they atood on chairs and hollared like it waa n moose; bat tbe drank chap he kept a jobbin' tba monnerk of tba jungle cruel. Boon tba monnerk he hollered awful and riggled, bat the feller kept a pokin lika ha waa a fireman to a ateam angina. Biaeby tba monnerk it jumped onto ita hind teat and chocked Itaelf oat of ita akin and rolled op ita slseves and apit into ita handa and spoke ap and said: 'I behsng if I can't jia wallop tba pea green ataffin outer tbe gondaabed goloot wbo'a bin a pro. Id in thia era tagger!' And tba audience tbey waa aatoniabed." An exchange haa discovered that it ia not writing poetry which caasee the early death of many poeta; but it ia reading their poem a as they oome before tbe public mangled by tha printera, which ludaoaa them to ba melancholy and make prematura graves welcome them. "Gentlemen of tha jury," aaid Mr. 1'helpa to the twelve men of Colorado Springe who had oonvioted bia daughter of aalling cider without a license, "all I have to aay is, you're a aat of jaokasaee, and you mry wave your vara over that aolemn truth." % PK0FK&81U.NAL CARDS. J. U. HALL M. Dm PHYSICIAN AND SUNOION nmOl A!CD KWIDBNOB - OPPOSITI Um Itiwa ufflo*. Main ttraal, UoU Hill. T. J. MAGEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AID SURGEON, Otci In Ooawall'a balldlnf, MAIN MTKKkT. . . GOLD HILL ProfWaioaal call* proajpllj ttuodol to J»r f «q>L _ M_ DR. A. CHAPMAN. S&22LX2J2 ^ •VSSR ANNUAL_MEETINQ. S\WTICK OF ONION CONSOLIDATE) 91L (fnt limine Con mot. San rranelaco. ju, 1Mb. Urn -TIM Mllll of lb* utoakboidrr* of Ua Cnloa Conwlldatnl Silver 11 i.i.. Coapaay. tor Ibe el*ctlon of TrnrtMa f!wiM«iilu| >«r. and tor lk« inunaciiua of MatH H proyarly ron« ^ . . . _. ak.l_ ■ «« I..I■ baton li will b* h*W »' u,lr oAc*' M °*" f^IT Mtl Kooo* .1 and «. Mcoad floor. Han FHMlaeo^UMBi*. o° MLiNUAV. taawtfc 1MB, || |w0 OWCI f« M« bSuwWbi eloaad Tbaradaj. 1Mb. 1W0. **j5r!d0^'"S!^r»rrfIII0T05. Sacwlary. present your CLAIMS. All nuom ■AtiwocLAnw ABAnnrr ■ l, ta'l*-M*- **-* to Um Sacra ^,0/lfcaCo-W. J«IM B. K. KILLT, ASSESSMENTS LITIIb. J I LIA CWaWUDATCB IIIMO COMPANY. —Location of principal place of bnaineee, 8m Francteco. California. Location of work*, Vlrjtnta Mining Dlatrlct, Storey county, Nevada. Notice 1* hereby given, that at a meeting of ike Board of Director*. bald on the twelfth tilth) day of May. 1W0, an aaanement (No. 11) of Forty («W Ceola oar ahara waa levied a poo tha capital Mock of tha corporation, payable immediately, In United Statee gold cola, to Um Mactatary, at tha oOoa of tha Oompeny, *19 Oatlfjmla aimt. Boom U, Baa Franciaou, Oal Horn la. Any slock noun which thU immntot thill majun anpTkt on th« IftlXTKBNTH (16(h) day of JUNK, Ml), will ba delinquent, and advertleed for aala a public aacttaa, and nnlaaa payment la mada baton will ba aold 00 TUESDAY, tha SIXTU («th) day of JULY, law. to pay tha dallnqoant aaaaaa ■arnt. toolbar with coata of advartialnc aad tipCDMI Of Hit. By order of tha Board of Dtractor*. B. a. CUAKLkS. •acratory, Office—No. 411 California itract, Koom 11, Has Francteco. California. 14 A LPHA CUXNOUtATED HIMINU COMPANY - Location of work*, Gold Hill, Moray county, state of Nevada. Location of principal place of builnaaa, Mr Franc laco, California. .Notlea ia baraby given, thai at a raaatlaii of I be Dlrrctora. bald oo tha twelfth tilth) day of May, UHO. neat (Mo. Ill 01 Una Dollar (11) par ahara WM lei lad a poo tha capital atock of tha flMpTailon, payahla Immediately, In Unltod StBadirold cola, to tha Srcrvtarr. at tha ofllce of tbe Oompany, Koom No. ffi, Nevada Block. No. lot Montgomery •treat, Han Franclaco, California. Any atock upon which thla aaaeeement ahall remain uupald on WIDNKSDAY, tha all teenth (IStb) day of JUNK, UNO, will b« dellnqucui, and adrertieed for aala at public auction, and unleaa payment la mada before, will ba aokl oo WEDNESDAY. tbe *eventk ITth) day of JCLY. IhM to pay tbe de linquent aaeeeaiuent. Together with coata of advertlelne and eipeoaee of alia. WILLI*M WILLIS, Secretary. OBce— Room No. a, Nevada Block, No. 3U# Moutgnmery >treat, San Franclaco, < allfornla. Utd JUSTICE ■IM1IM) COBfAMT Locallon of principal place of bullae**, San Francisco, California. Location of work*. QoM Hill, Storey county, Nevada. Notice t* hereby given, that at a meeting or the B- »nl of Director*, held on the twenty sec ond , ii.i > day of May, lite. an ukouui (Mo. 31) ol Kitty (S0| Cent*par share vaa levied upon tbe caoltal stock of tb* corporation, payable immediately, la United Htatea gold eoia, to tbe Secretary, at tbe offlce of tbe Company. Itooa 1, Haywsrd's building. No. 411 California •treat. Sao Krandaco. California. Any itock a poo wblcb tbli assesament (ball remain anpald on tbe twenty alxth (Wtb) day of June, I-«J, win be delinquent, atd adrer tired for sal* at public auction, and unless payment l« made before, will be acid on MONDAY, tbe nineteenth (Win) dayof July, 1»«0, to pay tbe delinquent aeeeesment, together wltb cueta of advertising and ezpenaca o.'aalc By order of lb* Board of Director*. K. K. KKLLI. Secretary. Offlce— Koom t, Hayward** Building, 41* California street. San Francisco, California. 34 tl'KLLM. rtBUO m.MNU IO.H IV PANT—Location of principal place ol buslnee*, Saj Kranclsco, OslHorala. Location of work*, suny county, Narad*. None* n hereby given.that at ameetlngoi lb* It- ir.l of Director*, held on tba twenty aixtn (Mtb) day ol M.y, ltHW, an a*aea»ment (No. It) ol Ten Cruta tiuc) per *bar* wa* levied upon tbe capital stock ol the corpora tion, payable Immediately, in United Slate* gold coin, to lb* Secretary, at the ufflce of tb* Company, Ho., in 11, No. J18 Pino street, Han Francisco. California. Any stock apon which this assessment shall reninu unpaid on the twenty-elghth (Mth) day of June, imw, will b« delinquent, and adver tised (or «1* at public auction, and nnl**« pay ment la mad* beiore. will b* sold on MON DAT. the nln*t**oth (Itth)day ol July, lttau, to pay the dt-llnqgent assessment, together with CO*Is ol advertising and expenses of sal*. By order ol tbe Board or Director*. A COLHUKN. Secretary. Offlce—Room IS, No. J la Pin* atreet, Han Francleco, California. IT rpiu oriuinal ucYnrosre nil. X VKK MIMNO COMPANY.—Location of principal place of boalneee, Han Francl*cu, Cal ifornia. Location of work*. Virginia Mining District, Storey county, Nevada. Notice is leraby Klven, that at a meeting of lb* Board of Directors, held on tbe tweutj. sixth day ol May, IN*>. an aaseesmeu: (No. 1) of Fifty I SO) Genu par ahore was levied upon th* capital stock of tbe corporation, payable Immediately, In lawful money of the L nlted State*, to the Secretary, at tbe offlce of the Company, No. SJO I'lne •treat. Koiun S. Man Francisco, California. Any alock upon wb'ch this aaseeameat shall re main unpaid on the twenty ninth day o( June, IM, will be deltnqnsAt, and advertised for sale at public auction, and nnlea* payment I* mad* before, will be sold on WJtDNlSDAY, tbe twenty first (list) day of Jnly, 1N80, to pay the delinquent asse«sment, together with cue la of advertising and expense* of (ale. By order of the Board of Director*. F. E. LCTY, Secretary. Offlce--Boom I. No. HO Pine *tr**t. San Francisco. California. mrHid BCLUoiT MIJIINtt CVHPANT. Location of principal plan* of boalneee, tan rrtnclsco. Call lorn la. Location oi si or as, Uold 11111, Storey county, Nevada. Notice 1* hereby glv*n, that at a meeting of the Hoard of Director*, held oa th* second (id) day of June, 1KW. an asaeasment (No. IS| of One Dollar (ft) per than was levied upon the capital atock of tb* corporation, pay able Immediately, la Called Stalee gold cola, 10 me Herniary, ai the offlce of th* Company, Keoui t. No. 3M Montgomery street, San Fnaclaco. California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on* th* HKVaNTU (Tth) day of JULY, 1MU, will b« dellnnuent, and advertised for sale at pabllc auction, and unlees naiment Is made before will be sold on TUlhDAY. tbe twenty seventh (JTth) day of JULY, 1M0. to pay tbe delinquent assess ment, together with coeta of advertising and expense* of sale. By order of the Board of Director*. J M BKAZKLL, Hacretary. Offlce Room No I, No Hi Montgomery •treet, Han Y, California. Je4 Nbw toikXI.1HU (Uirui. Uxaboo of principal place of bnalnen, Han Kraoclaco. California. Ueatioaol work*. Uold QUI, atony conuty, ■mtk Nolle* I* hereby |Itu, that at • meeting of th»* lk>ard of Dlracton, bald on tb* teveuth (lib) day ul Jul*. 1WU, to bmiiirnl (No. XI) ot Fifteen (II) C*nl* pat aban in* lerlad upon lb* capita; ttock of tb* corporation, par ab'« ImuMdialcly, In Tatted 8late* gold cola, to lb* Rrcntary, at lb* offlrc of tb* Company. Room I. San Fraud-oo Mock Exchange UulM Inn. No. WT I'lne alrttl, Man Franci*eo, Call (oral*. Ait dock upon wblch thin aa****ment ihall remain unpaid on tb* TKNTU (101b) day of JVLX. 18*0, w'll be dellaqueot. and adrertlaed for aal* at imbue aacttoo, and unleee payment I* mad* befor* will b* (old on TUSSDAY. tb* THIRD ( 3d > dar of AUUl'ST, 1*80, to pay lb* d*ltnqa*nt am** menu together with co*te ni adrertlalnc and ezpenaea of aale. Br ord*r 1 tb* Board of LMrvctora. D. L. THOMAS, Secretary. Offlc*—Room a. Has KrancUco Stock ll change Building. No. IJ7 Ptn* afreet, Ban PnaclMo. CalUotmla. J*lwd /\tkmas niltsr iimss \ /COMPANY.-Location of principal plaor of baainr**, Nu> Pranctaco, California. LocaOuu of work*. Uold QUI. Muaryeouaty, NNMm U b*n*y ftwfc ttal H • MUM of tb* Board of Uinctor*. held on tb* tenth fiuthl day oI Jan*. IMO, an ""*■« (No. MI of rmy («U» Own* p*rahanw»*l*Tted a poo tb* capital Mock of tb* corporation, pay ablelmmediaUily, In United Btato* gold ooln, to tb* secretary, at tb* «®c* of tb* OtMIMcr, No. 414 California *tmt, DM FraDCl.00, Oall fornla. . . „ Any Mock oik® which thl* a***«m*nt aball moa'-i unpaid oo tb* alxteentb 11Mb) day of July. HMO, will b* dellnqoent, and adTertla*d tor mx at pablle aoctloo. and antoMjMyamt I* made b*f>«* will b* aold oo rlUDAT, tb* aixtb (Mb) day of An«m*t. IMU. to pay tb* dellnnnent ae**>*ment. togethM with co*U of adrrniatng and *X(*U*e* of Mia. ily order of lb* Board of PintWl UIU. D. KDWAUDd. Secretary, Offloa—No. 4it California Mo*t, Ian Fraa claco. California. 11 SPECIAL NOTICE. ggwa !•}*•,. oonih 0 »u*M. ^_ >. B. FAMOlW. DKLIMQCIHT BUM. HALIBOIU 11LTIB III1N U oo M PANT. -Location of principal plaeo NoUeo.-TaofoaradaUaqowt npoc_th» fol lowing doaerikod itock, on *ooo«nt of UJJ* nicnt (No. 81) torted « «?."fij dm) ih® Mterml amouuti Mt oppotiM t»« iZ'et of wpMUn «teNlu>M«n. M fol Ho.'Cwtlf. 8k». Ami. Hii Atkinson, Lyon A Oo, *"»• • • •• • • •••••••••••*•••• »nnl#»«1W• >9<N • • AUtaaoo. Dood * Co,Tw». tMfi•••••• •••••••••• >»u.UWI• •• •90*i• *10 • • iUloioo, Dood <ft Oo, Tnu* toil % *B0 AikXuMou Thm T 4 QOsTlll- «. ,i tlNM ..»••#••••••••••••••• •*0410 • • • *40* • • • JO •• B|>to/UB,TiMM IT*,..SOU. .100.. ItaJlryOB do 1JM4...*»...100 .. Barter UB do ITM6.. .100....60 .. BiflqOB do 1TIM...100. ..10.. Ikj^UB do INN....»..., 10 .. BulqUB do 1T7W...100 ...10 .. Barter G B do 1TKS....I0....M .. Barter • B do 1171). ..100....10 .. HarterQB do 1T7SS...100....00 .. Barter OB do 1TMT....10 rley U B do mil...100....M . riejr U B do Mia. ..100....10 .. rl«y U K do UM1...100....M .. rUyUli do 11413. ..10....11 .. —jtor OH do 1*4*... BkjleyUB do Mil ...H....IB .. BuW»» do mM....»....U« Barter OB "*• BaytefOB do 18801...100....10.. Bay toy U U do 1MW..18 .. Bum O 0. Tro«t»a 18111....10....K .. Barllutf »r»<l.Tni»Ue 10400....10 1.. Bnckinrltif* X io*t. Trn». toco14N4.• ■ .10.... 1ft . Btacklnrtdip A Toot, Tru twi 16461... .10. *. *11 ■. BIuwaWAOo, Truittor.lim... 10 1.. Blow IWtCo do ..11810...100....10 .. Bronka S II, Trail** l»UN....t0....16.. lilukiuan a.Trunce. ., Oomii Jit, Trniloo 1SVT...100....10 .. OwfflujM do 7»T1 3S....12 10 Oomn Ju do 1U40...100....M .. CuBn Ju do 14118...100....10 . Ou*a Ja* do!•!» l.W...n U,moJM do 1MS4 6 160 Uiffla k I'afo, TraMoai... .TM1....10 6 .. TnntM * lull' ...10.....i • Ooffln. DuMM * O001' M Tiu.taea •• Csblll K k Co, •• CakUl K k Co do <."*hui it a Oo do Oablll K k Oil do • ;£••• M'* Cablll K k Co do ...1WM...100....00 .. Crocker k Onrealt. Tnu Crock.t kiMadam.Tro»«ail*JiM....W«".lJ •• Crocket k 8nydan> do " Clui.k Lov.Uuid,Treiw-.IWIJ... «••••» • Clute k LuTclaud do .. W10». OaaUati !S!!"" i"" tin Cope k D»*U.Tni*U««^.. Oupa«Da»ta do ,'*,-)122 "i5*",io OauipbeU«.eo J.Tro»^... *»••••»••••»» •• UranJ.ll U*« U, Tru»t»«...n«M...lUU"..W .. Oranu.ll W O. Troatoa.ft OoDKerOO.Tro«U«..Jca W L, Truataa K!Sl""i2""ia " uuncaa W L do }!!2'"'S""lo " Duncan W L _ do ""tn""" Dinauiora K. Troitra so do M»ia....J»....l» «> Da on-ajar U. Truatao.... .IMJ]..• .10. -• - UjwIIuc Hoaana ul";i£i,,";i,,,,a! Do way & K.TtW Ml*-. ..»••••«• «• DawevKK do 1WJ4.1# •• DtiouTfl. Tnutea " "iJS " Duaua K. Trust* **...MO Edwaraa k Irvine do .loo..,.i# JWwardaW. Treatee llS5i""u""i« 10 JJ.—gg Itmiik.lLU do .«*...■»••••»10 Ku* am. Tnutaa 1I21" S""in Kay P«. Tru.laa •» " rox 0 w. Tnutaa }«•*• ■ ^ Ku* CW do UJIJ....j#""-« «> ruu C J. Trnuaa HJ2""' so"' is " Klatl C J do KlattCJ do S21""£""lo' KlattCJ do JgJ—.jO'—*"" Kranka k Oray. Trmataea.. 1""—" Krauk. h Or.jr do Prank, k Uray do ^ -••"{ •• Frank. NUuuel.Trn.tao....mjJ....Mj...»» Prank, bainual da " PoaLr AW. Treat ea 1J3M ...»••••» ■ Kry. N^lk Oo.Truateaa...lU#O... JO....M .. ttiadertcb O. Traataa }2?i°"ioo""w " UUloa John. Tmstaa 1J«J... W....W. Ulllon John do i»m .1UU....W.. Dillon Johi do J2X • union Joan do W* Utlmn John do iWJJ... UUIon John do 5ZI2—2"**10 "" ulllon John do }SIS'"inn'*"lo " Ulllon John do JJJJO...IOO....IO .. U»liuuJohn do ld&TI...lU)....W.. QwyUu«. BalblM * Uraenabanm. Halblnc * Oo. *• Oroaorbaam. UaJblnf k Oo. luQ w Trnaieaa. Uraenebnum. Holblnj k Oo. M Trustaan " "tEST:. """'f . ioou. ... Ooliy k L'bl. Trustees ** Ulaxlrr 1 k Oo, Trualees. "»••••" | " Uiaklar I k Co do —i*??—i2***"io " (Hazier 1 k Co do " Ulailer 1 k Co do —SS—iS ** UUiler I k Co do ....•JJ.—"""1* ft Ulaxlrr 1 k Co do ....«£ J 5 (liaawr i k Oo do ... «•» •—•*5 UlaiierlfcOo do Ulaslar 1 k Oo do • uluivr 1 A Oo do 10 " #" UlaxUrlAOo do ...lliM.—W..... •• UlauarlkOo do "'IJiSS " iS "'* " Ulazier I k Oo do ...>»«•••••" •••» £ UUstcr I k Oo do UUxlcr I k Oo do UlaxKr 1 k Oo do Ulaxlrr 1 k Oo do a " Ulaxier i A Co do Ulaxlrr 1 k Oo do ...l«rt..•• Ulaalt-r I k Co do»... W"..» Ulaslrr 1 k Oo do — ii *«b Ulaxlrr 1 k Oo do ...iMfJ."-*®"*•• Ulaiicr 1 k Oo do ...•• Ulailer lk Co do ...MWT....BO... ». uUxtar I * Co do Ulaslar I k Oo do »J" Utaxlrr 1 i Co do ...MMJ.-jU...^" Ulaxlrr 1 * Co do.. .1ITRW. ..W.. -low •• UarUInn * Hootar.TrMU.J8JJ... * ."1' •• Uardlnrr A rfootar do ****•••■ J®-*";S " Uantlnrr k liookar do IU«.. Oaraiorr Baldwin. Trnataa.l»U»... 1«- • • •» •• Uardlnrr Baldwin do •• UaMlurr Baldwin do 1WJ....«••••» •• Uardlnar Baldwin do 1«JT 10—.. UrMuakOo. IruSUa. M8B0.... UraTM W W. Truataa......MtttS... .JO—M •• UnrnMt A O * Oo, Trei»a«lMJ4.... »10 • ■ uurnell AUkl'o do " Uurncti A U * Oo do " Uurnrtt A U kO) do (irtaalncar M, Truataa. Ittrt......... 10 ■■ Urtaalnnar* do s Ur1a*luic«r K do " m " iS " Ulriot A Jr. TruUl 1M1....10 • .. urmiit t K, Tnwtf* 1TB4....I0....1# .. BochaudMr B k Oo. Tru» 14009...100....40 .. Hocb«fuller B * Oo. Tru» tut HOST....HiimSI •• Bo«b<todtorB * Oo,Tni» t6fla••••••••••«••••••••• • • iMi• • ■ *9 • • Uocb>txlt*r B * Co. Tru» JIJW....IO....M.. llocUitodtor B * Oo, Tnu Un 144T1......... 10.. Buclutodur M II Oo.Tra* ton 1448#....14....1110 Bocbaudtor B k Oo, Tnto Im mil....tO....34 .. Uocbitultor K tOo, TIM ticfi••••••••••••••#«• ••• >lMMi«• •• iH •• Bocbatodtor B k Oo, Tnu ton .,.,..14*1 ..10....10.. Bocbatodtor B k Oo.Trua Ivn....14464.,. .10• ...W • Bocbatodtor B k Oo, Ti*» t(N 1DN....H....B •• Bocbatodtor B k Oo, Trt>» toc*..Hill.*.100.•••40 • • Hookatadtor B k Oo. Tiw UM 14478....40....14 .. Bochiuaier B k Co, Tni» ticl „IWI....10i..•.4 •, Bocbatodtor B k Oo, Tro*. IfMa . • ••••• • ••••• •••oo* • • 16071... .10... .19 .. Bocbatodtor B k Oo, Trn* mn..... Hocbotodtac B k Oo. Tro*. 10 .. BocttfUdtC X * Oo. Tru» ssrrr.TT. «•»... jo....».. H^r..^^w,.»o...«».. Bocb.to4«f**Co, ^ "ST"". •.. BILIItVin BiLKB. , k ^ ««* Aat aSEiSiil' M i o£iiJ.**-•••••■■.. ;s^^iS:;;;S::::§« >r D M * CX>,THM..MIIO.i..10... *L. do .14404 UoMurUXtOo ,do .IMIt...JO.,..JO .. HoamarDMkOo do .1*11...100....A).. SoMMv D II A Oo do .lint....M.... TOO Uoaaar DNtOo do .UM4....40....M.. UotatrD X A Oo do .14*41...100....40 .. H«Mr D X fc Oo do .11M1....T0....H.. Hawk* ■ O. TluHt. M...1WI »_... 00 littu a d do ••••..114TT.•..50...• SO UiffklHD do •••»..1T0M....10....fft •« Hawks H D do lTttT,...IO..,.M.. Hawks H D do UM0....S0....10 .. Haaka H D do MISS ».....! *> Hnichliiw John. Timitaa.u»ao....00....s».. Hotahtnaoa Joka * do .1T237...100....40 .. Hutchiotoa Jaba do .11014....00.... HUI (too B, Oaaklar. Tia*t.l0000....10 • lllil Alfred B. Traaua,bal..l700J....».JB.H 44 HIllAlfndB do .....10380....40....J0 .. HUIAltradB do 18»0...100....00 . HIUAUradB to 10B1...100....M.. uiiiAiiMB do uan...ioo....oo.. 11111 Alfred B do lfH#S...ll0....40 .. HlllAlftadB do 18204...100...M.. HUI AUrad B do V.....UM...100 ...OB.. Ulrtblaldt Ok Co,Traataaa. 14»W....00....10 Hlrabfaldt C AOa do ,UM... *>....10 .. tlala A Faebaoo, Traataaa.. 10040....40 ...SB.. Hala APachaco do ..1MU.........a .. Harabarg 1. Traataa 14700...S00...100 .. Hawklaa Jaa J I A Oa, Traataaa 1A400....00....14 .. Hubbard k Co. Traataaa...144J4... 40....J4 .. Haakall J L, Traataa 14T40....10 • .. Hall A Charlaa. Traataa*...10S48... 30....10.. Hi bar P A. Traataa 1M3T. ..00....SO.. Uuaaay Uaa V 10104....SO.... 10 .. IflauarS.Traitsa 10017...100....M).. Iglaaartt do ltlSf....oo....oo .. lgiaaars do inei...ioo....oo.. Jaeksoa X A. Traataa 14040....SO....Si.. Jobaaoo Oao L 1T04T...100....40.. Kaanajr A Djar,Traataaa..MIST....SO....* .. Kennaj A Dyar do ..14SS0....S0....SS .. Kacnaj A Djar do ..10000....30....10.. iann.j A Djer do ..1TIM....M....10.. Kaunaj A Dyar da ..1T7W...S00...100 .. Kecnaj A Djar do ..1B04I...10B....SB .. Kaufman B A Oo, Traataaa.14141....10 • .. Kaufman 8 A Co do .10400....00....SO .. KunOHACo, Traataaa..HOtt...100....40.. kotlUMAUo do ..170M<..U)0,...OU.. XutaUHAOo da ..1MM...10O....W.. Klaolak i O. Tiuataa 14141,...10 • .. Klawl-hJO do ••00•• .17970....10 ...SO.. King Joa L A Oo, Traataaa. 1*4#....10 5.. KlngJoaLAOo do .140T4....10 • King Homar H k Oo, Trot su Kin* Homer B ft Oo, Traa teoa. tlinSi.nTfl«. • iN i King Homer 8 ft Oo, Trua illWi. • .100, a . . SO |, Kellcy Walter B. Trustes.. .1(001....BO....» .. UUum * King, Trustees. 181*4 „J„. 10 .. Ulham A King do ..18411...100....80 .. Latham A King do ..18414....SO....M„ Latum k King do ..14416....10 1.. Latham k King do ..18417....10 • t-atbam k King di ..14183...100....*0 ,, Latham * Klag do ..14881...180....80 .. Latum k King do ..IBM...M...100 .. Latham k King do ..MM...300...100.. Latham k King do ..18340....M....47 80 Latham k Kin* do ..Ml*....80.... Latum k King do ..MM*.. .100,...60 .. Latham k King do ..MW4....80....38.. Utham k King do ..17048.. .*00...100 .. LeUtard M,Trustee 18440....10 • .. LeUtardM do ISM....18 • .. LeUtardM do M0S7....80....SS.. LeUtard M do lirr«...100....H .. Lalng O D, Truetee MM....80 . ,M .. Markaft Ralnhardt,Trusts.14M....80....88 .. Marka k Helnhaidi do .18M.....B 3H Marks ft Bernhardt do .MM...100.... 10 .. Marks A Halnhardt do .MM...100....M .. Marye Oao T ft Boa, Troo> taas.................bal....148......00..•• 90 Marya Uao T ft Son, Trua taM 10M......... 10 .. Maria Oao T ft Boa, Troa <••0. . . . a ••• a.lMM. a .100 a • . .80 a . Marye Ueo T ft (too, Trna toaa 11833....B0....34 .. Marja Oao T ft Bon, Trua taaa.................ha I. .1M1.... .0.... .110 Marja Oao T ft Boa. Troa taas 14M.. .100....10 .. Marys Oao T ft Son. Trsa tso MOM....40....30 .. Marys Uoo T ft Bon, Trus ts* 11014....80 ...M .. Me<scr, Bacon * Co, Tros tra 17181...100....80.. Macpbsraoa John,Trnsts«..MIt .. Macphsrson John do .11834 ..100 ...80 .. Maepberson John do bsl.14361 8.10..168 Maepberson John do .143*1 8...%.3 80 Macphsrson John do .14M4 • 3 B0 Maepberson John do ,lS4Sf...lOO....IO .. Macphsrson A Bhlnn.Tros toss 1MB... 100... B0 .. Martin M H, Trusloo MTB0....10....11.. Martin MB do 18780....40....30 .. Moors A 17108....80....1* .. Moors A Montgomsry.Trus toss 18308,..100....80.. Msysrstsla H. Trustee MM....80... IB .. Ms; srateln U do MM... M....IB .. McDonald J 181*8.........8710 Mann In F X 3BW....B0.....3S .. Morgenstern M.Trnataa 1*6*1....80....8* .. Maisr Bsaiy.Trustee MOM. ..MO....10 .. Mull* W J, Trustee BM B 1 BO Norwood WK, Trustee 100n«.........80 .. Norwood VI do 17409....10 ....• .. Norwood WK do 18148....SO....38 .. Norwood WK do 1*888....80....38 .. Norwood WE do 1*778.... BO.... 25 .. Nalaon Fred, Trnrtee IMS....40....8* .. Noble II H k Co, Trnsloos..S114 S.....3 80 Noble IIII ft Oo do .MISS. ...30....10 .. Nobis 11II A Oo dobs).18804 T 810 Nsuatatiar I, Trnstss 11881....80....10 .. Otis ft Oo. Trnatsss M460....B0....10 .. O'OooiorT,Trnstea 18010....60....3B .. O'Brlsn K A ft Oo, Trastoss 17484....88....1160 I'atsrson Jar, Traatas 1UN . .100....40 .. TalarsonJaa do tlSM...100....00 .. i'atsrson Jaa do 16074...100....B0 .. Peterson Jaa do 1MB.. .800...100 .. Parson a H B, Trustee, baj,17814....14.10..1 06 ParsonsUB do 186*4.. I860 Itandolpb, Maeklntoah A Oo, Xiuatees,BHB...,80....IB ,, Itandolpb, Mackln'oah ft Oo. Froatsos MOM....M....10 .. Itaudolpn, Maeklntoah ft A Oo, Trusteea 1880J....40....30 .. Randolph, Maeklntoah ft Co. Traaleee M7ST....B0....1B .. Root Ueo B. Trustee.. 141*4....80.... 10 „ RootOooB do l*4S*...100....80 .. Hoot Geo B do 17M....80....M .. KootOeoB do 17048....80....10 .. Root Ueo B do 17871....80.... 10 .. Root Ueo B do 1838*....60... .J* ,, RootOooB do 18840....40....80 .. Rouatrre AI.angland, Tras toss 17807....M....10 .. Bockwsll J W. 'trustee 18743. „M. .188 .. Itlchardson B A, Truetee...14700...180....80 .. Richardson K A do ...14018...ISO....80 .. Itlchardson K k do ..JBM...M...1S0 .. Richardson, Hill ft Oo,Trus tee*. ................. ...1*1*8....IB....M «, Richardson, Hill ft Oo.Trua .30....10.. Blokamaoc. Hill * Oo.Trea lee* KIM. .,,10 •.. Rlctard*oQ,BUl 4 OOiTiw* ton WW... UN Rlchaidaon.BllI k Oo.Troa tow isin....u....iiao Bo ike Ifit Oo, Trarteea..17481...100....(0 . Heltgmaa ■, Tnutee 144TB... 80....M . Behmledell, BockatadMr * Oo. Troelaea 8WT.. .100....80 . Schmieden, Hookatadter * Oo,Troateee «2»..10 . Bohaledell, Bochatadtar A Oo. Tniateaa 1 MOO...100....M . Bcbmlrdell. BocbaUdtor k Oo. TnMtaaa 1N11 8 IN Bchmiodell. Bochatadtar * Oo. Traauto MM7....10 • .. ■chmledeU, Boehaladter 4 Oo. Traatoaa 14044...100....80 BohmladaU. Boehatadtar* Co.TroMaaa 141*4....*>....10 .. Beott B B * Oo.Tnialaaa.,14*4*....10 .. Beott BBkOo do ..14711 1 ISO CcoUUHkOo do .17*88....80.. foott B H 4 Oo do ..lun...J0....18.. Klein lf»t, Tnirtee 41*4....10... BteloVet do 14010....10....» .. Mala Mat do ....baL.WM I.. BtelnNat do lltTI........10 .. Btewart WJ. TratUie 14444...100....80.. ~J do .14488....80....18 Stewart W J do 44447....40....JO .. Btewart w J do 1MM....B0....M .. Btewart W I do 1MU.........1180 Blma W L Trnatea 18074... .10 • .. Bwlm dZ Truatoe... ....1II1I....10 1.. BhotwallJ M, Traataa 11108....80....18.. BhotweU J M do ....UU0 ...M...JS.. BhotwallJ* do ....llM.........18.. IjbotweUJM do ....18888....80....M .. •Deyer Br*#. TniMit..aa.«lil^,..lll..».P •• Baitb Cbaa B Traataa 188M....8D....J8.. SiXotEa £ IlChmltl Ot TM 10M. a elge ...... BohnlUOA <0 M«»4»iinW.a«.i>M. M m TrtUt F A * Oo, TrMM.alOUl • 101 BMIItUin 8AHS. it-OMinm. Sum. No. OaitU. Km. Am'L TrlUoFAAOo do .JO....*.. T*jk* A 0, TtartM. 1M0....M....U .. T«jlor W»8,Ti —III JMIO...100....10 .. Vad R*m T o, Truim Ml..100....SO . VulmTO 4o . ...Mia.. .IK)....BO .. WataMd ■ BAOo.Tnu Wtkaflald S B k Oo. Tru*. •........ a ...... .IM10* ... SO. .. .1A . Witaditil B B * 0*. »» _ Wtktfleld Ilk Oo, Tru t— 1MU... JO ...» .. fiWiM IBt Co, Tiu m*. UMS....J a io WitaMd • B * Oo. Tnu ioMe....*....wio Wtkaiold I B * Oo; Tf» jm-'t 17100....fO....16 ., WU<»ld Ilk Oo, Tru* 1TSB4....1# TK WUH.M B B * Oo, Tru* tm .~ liooi....«....». WUaAold H B k Oo, Tru# »*• 11071....10 ».. Wtkafldd ■ B * Oo, Tru. _UM 10U1....10 0. W.UJ ObM L. Tiutoo. IBM... JO....* .. Weill Obi# L do IMOT....IO....IB .. WaUlOkML do M00...J0....U.. WbUatr T k Oo, Trwta, bal.UlO T .110 £ A, Truito«.„...lTI00....1J TI0 Wood. * Tntborm, Tret ••#•••••.» OHO....*,...10 ., Woods 4 Preoton, Hw Woodt * Fmbon, Ttob- __ Wood* A VTMbora, Trn*. i* «.. | Tllm A Bntcblnton, Tret td4B«... •••••»• •»•••••.. nWlIT . . . ■ AO . . . iM . Wilton * Butcblnaon, Tro» **• 14171....1Q Wilton A Botehluaon, Troa UN 14170.. .30....10 .. | Wumo * BatcAlaaon, Tnw tMI t"t«»lWlO.,,10O,M,BO i WUItrd W P, Trnita* 10313...100....*>.. IUMVP do IBM...!»....SO . Walla B P, Trnateo 1WM...1C0....M .. A B. Troatea 1 sow • 1M White A W,Truite* 7108....10 B .. WhlteAW do 7471....10 ».. WhlteAW do »1«.... B ....!» WhlteAW do 914B • 110 White A W do White AW do 1B140....BO....II.. Wolf F, Traatea....' 11848...19 • Wolf F do UdJ9....38....10 .. Wolf K do 17413....30...10 . Wolf F do 17WB.........10.. I Warren B P A Oo. TroateM.lUW... .10 1, White Ju J 18708...308...100 . Wobber Wn lTl»7....Tl....r M W#jmr ft. Tiiuteo.. ■«*»• .11411• •• .(0.•••IB ,, Wamaar M Oo 16431....30....10 .. do 16444 • 3 10 do 1 Ml 1 3 SO do .b4l..l«TU....lT >10 do MX* 1 110 do 11844....II TM do 10050....60....IS . do 18867. ...3B....1360 do 17088....88....IB. do 1TW....U... .110 do 17184....II TM do 17489... .IB....1310 do 170MB....60 ...34 .. do 17680....tO....16 .. do t 3 60 do 18811...100... 110 .. 1 d« lion...NO...160 .. do 1813#....30....10 , do 18318....60,...36 .. do .b*l..lM4B 7 3 tO | do 18346....10 1.. do 10446. ..100. ..160 .. do 1BB49 .. BO ...11.. do 11644....10....It . do 18481....10....10 . do imr. ...*.. ..18.. do 1MB.. .100.. do®) i do 1«T0B...10 . do 11710...300...100. do ......18713.•••li.o.ll10 do 18717....10....SB . 4» 18719... 10 1 . Wa«eaerB do 1*730...*»...100. Wegener B do 1173*....10....IB . Wajener K do ......11TB1... 100....IB . Wegener B do 18783... IB.... 10. Wegaarr K do 11700....10....IB . ToetDCACo, Tnuteea...lM03....B0....ll .. Zadif A Welll.*ruetoea.....ltm..,.*>....II.. ZadlaAWeUl do lbaI.lt6M....U MK 4 WiUl do bal..17881....11 ».. bdlsAlCollmta, TrutM*.lim....lp....lB .. Zadlf A tollman do 1M41....10 1.. Zadl< A Znllmaa do 1IHI....10 B. AadInMcoraaaM with law,aad anorderof the Board of Director*. made on the fourth dar or May 1180, *o manjr itim ot eaah oareel of *och a toe* m mar M mmiiut will bo told *» public auction, at the offleo of th* oonpaar, No. 414 California atrcet, Ban Fraaolaco, 0*11. f oral a, on TUK8DAT, the twenty ninth (38th) dtr of Jane. 1080, *t the hoar of 1 o'clock r. k. of Mid day, to pay Mid dellaqnaat y«m ment thereon. with ooete ot edrw tlalntr and umum of th* eale. B. WHO IN KB, Bocntarj. Ofltea 414 California MNi Baa Fnoeteoo OaUforala. 11 WOOD m COAL DEPOT I lOTT PINK. WABHOB LIMB. SPLIT PINB I H and other T*rt*UM of Wood, aad a full ■opplxof ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On baad aad for **1* *4 lb* LOWK8T.CA8H I PKIOBB. 1 pull WBinnr and 'mramtii GCAKANTBBD. Wood Mwad at abort notto* aad atlow>ate* OFFIOB—Hear BaUroad Depot, Gold BUL If THOMAS SaLLAOBKB. REMOVAL NOTICE. rpns OFF1CB8 OF TBI FOLLOWING A Companiee bar* remoted to 327 PINE STREET, Th* Hia VranlMa *twk and Iiekui* | BalUlaa, Rioa 7 i Bole her Silver Mlalaa CmhbTi Maabattaa lllnr Mlalaa C*b*wi Ckaanl** Bllataa Caapaart Now Tark Mlala* Caai*ar< 3-Jw ASKUMMT HOllCt. Scorpion Silver Mining Co. Na. T Larlad Aartl 30,1H80 Dallataaat !■ Oflra.... Jim T» 1MM Otf Bd#*a*a >■■•••••■■• •■■•JllV S®( IHH® iMUl— Ftrtr caati var Kkar* ubo. b. aramnr. aaaauiy. Offlea-No. no Ptaa Mart, Boon M. Baa Fnnetoeo, California. apaotd REMOVAL. ffiBK orncM or tbi followim X OompulM wUl renor. to BOOM MO. 7», NEVADA BI-OCK, No. M Montgomery itrMt, oa MONDAY Dirt, Mij*Ui. 1MB: '•VuKVj.* xajtt W. I. DKAN, 8e«»toiy. TAKK NOTICE. A LL PERSONS INDBBTBD AT TMB OOM Q. Mock Halooa, Mala rtiart, Said Bill, will plataa eona forward and artlta vtttott flutter Holloa or daUr aad Uaa arotd troobla ud ooata. Tito mats* bntlnaa.. >9la THO*. B. riNOB. Agni. A2?HOO» ^BBSTOBBD t~ia.i i i.ll.a f»n. Ti»tt«iin»Owrf ltT.I»»ITrn>i|-| li—1 of Mubood. «ad all dia (rimbntltt oabr tndternlloii or I1W« At T. BBTOmift W M DATS ON «0 | miimnM.r M "KaSrtr BUKBBB 1KB BB0KBB8. THE NEVADA BANK . : mJ J. r.» ndlioll. OF SAM FHAWOIiCO. IAH nuxoisoo ....QAUFOBHU | f »• ml ui i:<i j : • . ■ i h Ml :■> Qkital Kmrr> (P. B. B—4a).~ MIMW flail I alVbxUia,B«Tada... {£\' ■t at Mtm Tork 1 fl_ . (tt Wall Mmt) J VBajt and Mllf Kxebanm and Talagraphel Tram/arm. Inm OommarcUl and TraTalan Oradlu. Tbla bank baa apodal tadUUaa tor daallnctn bullion. L. B. FRANKEL, mn-im nn«t mm hw, jhi ■kn* ik« Baik •ruail* STOCKS BOUGHT, BOLD AND OAK- | U1D ON MABOINB. flla eomapooMita la Baa Frandaeo in I I. QUIZ IIS A CO., Mtm ban or tka laa [ Ftudaco Stock and Ixcfcanx* Boart. 1 r T. R. McGURN, STOCK AMI MONEY ORORIR. 196 Seatk 0 St., Tlrflata, TjrrrLL but abd oll stocu oh oom YY mlwloo oa tfea moat farotabla Una* I •ill alto eurj Stock. on lUtfts and ■mm} Uhm all«M4 KatkMaN* lnirllHa. GOLD AND IILTU BOUGHT AND 8A140IS. FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIOEMANN PROPRIETOR. Mala Street, • • • • fiold 1111** tba >m oOoa. rpnig OLD-B8TABLIBHBD AND POPULAR A raaort li Mil tbo favortta. Comfort and ■port eomblnad. Tka patroaa of tka boaaa will al vaja tad tka baat brand* of BllANDY, WHISKY, ALB, PORTER, LAOBK, WIN KM OB AIX KINDS, TOBACCO, CIQAKA, BTC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. C0M8T0GK EXCHANGE, HAINBTBBBT, i i GOLD HILL, (Oppoalta LAXmtj Bnglao Boat.) AT TH18 POPULAR PLACE OF BESOBT can ba found a hM .lock ol cbolos Wines, Liauors. Ale, Porter a N d:o i o a r Alao, tba oaly BILLIARD TABLE8[ln],tovn Bt to play on. OaliMd proapaot. nl T. B. FIBOH, AftoU CIBSON'8 SALOON, Mala HuvMt GaM Ulll. • nwrr ouuiinhtikt k writer. Beading and Glob Booms. Tba patron* of tba Hobm will ba wall wcalrad Ud MTTMl With tba Plata* or WINES. LIOUORS AND CMARI Df " PAP " ABBOTT tad HT DOANK. • :W.D.C. GIBSON. Praartalar. BANK EXCHANGE, la lUjBard'i.Block, MAIN STRUT- - GOLD MILL. AnBfT-CLlM 8AL00B IB BVBBT raapaet, a* wall m noaml raaort lor bad THB BIB li atockad with tbabaat brand* of ▼IBM, LIQUORS ABO 010**8. K M.W. HaKBXNBT. fggjgih FREI8HT OELIYEBT! GOLD HILL NEVADA. TTAVWa MIDI JVLL ABBAIftnOCDlTt 1 fb»tba(aetptioaaad Mlriroi all kiadi OOLD MILL D IP OT To tba HJUjgMWJUCEgqptT, BOLL Imptapafrt toaeeoounodata all vbo4talrt mjr aarrloaa In that Una, apes m. JI , - a a a, 4. * — - - m , aa — — riniM wiauDfr m 10 rtocirv bm aiotv thali ftaight will pwa** dliact ihlpowa to 'IBS rRijrnvfi. OOLD HILL "DAILY NEWS" ' o'utj-Jf -,IJ NEWSPAPER tmAIDtm JOB PRINTING . i n . J#»i 11 * « . Hiin.j. Hain Street, Gold H1U NETADA Books,' Fuiphkla, Receipt Books, BUI Beads, Letter Beads, Le*al Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, Mil Midi STOCK CERTIFICATE, ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgers, Ryeri, Programme«. Oironl&ri, Ball Tioketi, Wedding O&rdi, Boiineu Cards, Labels, Tags, Eta, Printing, in Colors; Printing, Plain or Fancy} Printing In All Styles. PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB ' WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ••••UPOV TKM0000 MOST SEASONABLE TEEMS |«an a* rn,„, LOWEST CASH RATI*. THE Gold Hill Dally Newt, (B8TABU8HK0 m iau), U pablUtxd mr tTaotcf ntept Sutfu. u( It* clrtaUlloD tulnf Ttry fttmlud •xtnrir* tmoar b1b1d« ud kMlMM p*op!«, runlilM, •tc., mAkci it TH« BUT AMD ■on smciBN* mbdium .... rou.... MINING. BUSINESS, AND ALL OTHER ADVIRTI8INQ. ■USINKta MBN. PROFESSIONAL MM, PRACTICAL MEN, An rwpteUtallj tatlUd to • etrtftil laapocUaa tad erittdja of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. ■aiki for AOMUlu Varalabod f»H the GOLD HILL NEW8, A. MUST-CLAM DAILY MKR( U thoroughly IdMtlM with tba boat U tenate at U>*eoantry, aM allcteaa«aaf th* Twople from the MINER, ortha nScBAkio, to tti m . OB ART or tba BaNKKK. Tt rtraa tba LATK8T ifkWH. UlffWhU Ud olhtrwiM frxm all t»rt« of lh« World, ud EYERYB0DYJ1EADS IT. OUR Weekly Hlnlnf Summary Pabttabad rrtty Wadaaadaj Id tba lm, if caiafanj prepared froa tba »oar ic-rw no tocacaa. private ud othtnrlM,« th« d»» or pabllratlon. aoplojrlnt u i»l* ud afldut ©orpa of reporter*. It 1* nnlvareallT raoacntead aa oadal, ud tia ■oat «*r of the cotilUee of tba mteaa of THE GoM Hill Daily News • ; 1 •« lilt ,1: ' . i) 'Illf ' i ' I la dailTatad by eantera tbroafboat (Md SU1. VliflaU air. Cteaw. Mhw Clte.Paytoo.aad wllf—iliwuWHw, aad la aut by aull to all parte of tho aoutiy aod tba world. JTooaolafblly ap to Ua Km wbodooa MtrHdlteOOMlBlDiBTlm