Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS.^ VOL. XXXIV. GOLD HILL, STOREY CO.. NEVADA: FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 18. 1880. NO. 5108. THE EVENING NEW* t'ublUhad vyrty day (Bundaya eieeptwi], BY TUB NEWI riBLIHUIJIU CO. TKima. •'Bo year, toy Mall or taytM M W SlxMoath* 5uo Tbr*o Moatt*^.......^ • 00 Dallrarwd ta SSXtTRKi. ■Urar «lty Oaraoa. Dayton. Butro, e«e., M TWENTT-FIVE CENTS PE1 WEEK. Payable to the Omars. oui aovfrtisVno agents. 0. W. CBANE : No. 10. LaldMdorff (trMt. (dmt Pint). 84a FraacUoo. 0AQVTIN A ALLEN. : : : : Canon Oily W. M. LANO. : Kafir* City 8. X. JAMISON. :::::: Bono O. CHKNOWSTH, : : : Winaamnooa NXW YOKK. J. .H Batss., : 41 Park Bow B. K. Prtiioiu A Co., : : 37 Park Ho* Obo. P. Botill, A Co..::: 41 Park Bow Tmi» Papeb may b* found on flU in New Tark at Lb* n*w»paper agenciea of J. H. Bated. 41 Park Bow ; 8. M. Pa I tragi U A Co., 37 Pirk Bow. and Oao. H. Kowall A Co.. 18 8prnea atraat A giaaatal oak. with breach** broad and bold, Urad la a laraat (ray with jam ud dm. Aad fKiaa lla ro*u, with auar a circling fold, A trader Tlaa crept ta tu wpmoat limb, AoJ elyly oaatjad thrrs. What could It a*aa? lu leadrlla toying wltb tboaa lock* 01 green' Low at Ita feel tha oak Bret aaw tha elae. CNachltf tor abaltar from aa April ehower; Aad when It leached around lb* heart la Iwla* It elaap*d aad joeed II mora from hour to hour Nearer aad' daarar wltb aaca rUlag ana. I'atU lb* aarpuced aaaaoaa made them oaa. Aa aatoiaa arralax. aa tba .ud vast down. WbU* thaadar'a ttuxere ewept tba .urmjr lyre, Ita braocha* b«at bafor* tha whirlwind'. frown Aad toucbad tba llgbtalag'e dreadful tongue aftn. Tha etorm peered on; tba Mrs ox oak bo wad Ita Par look tax down It aaw tba viae waa daad. la 11 aM lla laadrlla laaaauad. aad tba oold Breath of !forcmler tbrww Ita pallid iprll O'er leaf aad bhwaom. luraiux Ibrtn 10 (old, , Aad ta tba aartb tha via*. lonx llleleee, fall; Bal winding round tba oak lue acare ware I abowa Thenceforth of wbaia tba Under via* bad growa. 1 Bo In tba patba of llf*, no m«tt*r whan. la caalle or la cottage wa will Sad Btrong man who. la their heart*, will alwaye Mar Tb* carala** wound of wbar* ion* via* ha* twlaad. I* tb*r* bajond, whereandlra*daylight break.. A bairn lor earthly wuund aad heart that ache.' The Advantages of a Glass Eye. A on*-eyed man in Si. Louie has a Kims eye. This ia the way be aaea it. He aaya: "A man cam* into my offleo one# to give mu a thrashing about a little difference we bad in regard to tha Battle ment of a email eeUte. I liatened to bin coolly and deliberately. Thrn when I aaw be waa about to atrike, I pulled out my eye aad laid it on the table, aa if it were a diapoeedof motion. That man went down at aire on the outaide of the building. Still, be could have got away with me if he had peraiatrd. I waa out the other day for a walk, when a couple of ladle* approached me, aaking for alma. Aa il to cogitate upon the ailment* of tha world, I took out my knife and un conecioualy picked on the glaaa optic tbia way (illuatrating). They left their baakata on the ground, and though I offered to put up for their cauae, nothing could head them off. But it ia in the street oar that I bare loat the moat fun. Taking my aix o'clock car at the atarting point, of oourae I aecuro a aeat. Very aoon the aeata are crowded with men, and when ladieecome in I abut my good •ye ao (illuatrating). and level the dead one on the man I want to have raieed to make room tor the lady. In time it will bring a man to hia feet. There'* something in the at are ot a dead eye that will make a man'e blood like it was pat on ice. I have cleaned a whole car out thia way, and bad the Ibanka of the ladle* voted. A gentleman aud hie wife, with two little gtrle, evidently twina and about three years of age, are Mated at oue ot tbe tablea in the diniug room waiting for their breakfaat to be brought to them. One of the little girla, who bad been in tently obwrfing what waa pasaing, sud denly turned to her aikter and aaid: "Why don't papa aay drare?" The reply waa, "They ain't dot any Dod in ltocboeler."—liuchtslrr Union. A boy who bad charge of a very stub born donkey waa on* day beating it un mercifully becauae it would not go, when the mimaler of the pariah, coming up eeneured him tor hie cruelty. Tbe boy resented hie interference, and exclaimed: "I'm aure you needn't care, it'a none ot your congregation." CARDS. i. U. HALL M. 0.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON nmoi AMD KKHiniNOK — OFPOSITI v tba Nawa offlea. Mala rtraat.Uold IUU. T. J. MACKE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OflW» la OoiivaU'a building, MAIM MTHKKT, . . UOLD IlILL i call* promptly attandad to day ornUhl. M DR. A. CHAPMAN. a U II O IO N • D I II T I 8 T , rtOM NEVADA OITY. OAUIOS-Mk ■la Srmanatitly locatrd at Vl*^BW (talk on?. Offlea. 110 ttOLTB 0 8THKKT. BatiafaaMoa fiaraotrad. 10 m ANNUAMNEETINQ. OmOIUrtTMION COXSOLUUTtD SIL T«T Mining I'ompanr. Mao Kranclno J ana 1Mb. HBO —Tba Aaaaal Mr«tln«of tba moakboklrn of lha Cnloo Conaolldatad 811m Mlala* Company. for tba alactlaa uf Traataaa lor tba «a.alu« yaar. aad for the transaction at aacb other ** auj propcriy a»u bafora II, will ba bald al tbalr offlc*. M Call, forala etraet. Kooom 1 and «. eacund Boor. Han Praaclaoo. California. oa MONDAY, July aln*. taaotb. 1MU. at two o'clock p. a. Traaafar book* will ba eloaed Tbamday, Joljr 1Mb, IHMO. at thraa o'clock r. *. JalMd J. M. BUmWQTON. SecraUry PRESENT YOUR ClAIMS. All pusons having claims mjainxt Tba Jaatlca Mining Compaay will pieaaa forward a iutia»at of ika aaraa to tba Sacra of iba Omwi, Room I, 411 California atratU t2a TiaecUco, OaL. oo or bafora tba "fMwd""*" *. K. E*LLY i •MtHAiy. A88KSSXI5TB LITIIb. JI UA (USIXUUDATED 1111.1(1 CO Ml'ANT.—Location of principal place of bu.iuce*. Sao Krancleco, California. Location or work*, Virginia Mining Dlitrlct, Htorvjr county, Nevada. Noucb !• berehy flren. that at a meetlna of the Hoard o[ Director*. bald on tha twelfth (11th) da; of May. UM, an awumfat (Mo. Ill of Forty (*»l CwU oar ahare waa loTled upou tha aapltal stock of tha corporation, payable immediately, la Culled tttalea told coin, to the Becietaty, at tha oOoe of tha Ooapany, 419 California atmct, Koom 11, tan Franclaoo, Oal ifuruu. • Apy slock a Don which this MMMmeoi ibill remain unpaid on the SIXTEENTH (IMh) day of JUNK, UNO. will be delinquent, and advertlaed fat NLe at pnbllo ancuon, and unlaw payment la made before will be aold on TuBMDAT, the SIXTH ((th) day of JULY, I MM, to pay tha delinquent mm ment, together with coata of advertlalntf and expeiif«« of nil. Hy order of the Board of Director*. II. a. 011AKLK8. Secretary, OfBe»—Wo. 419 California el reel, Koom 11, Man franc laco. QalUonUa. M tfSBSffgKEF® ■KsgjsaayKJs =>—. •» Kr»»a»eo. Odlfornia. oMttlDX No4tc* ,'r, "hSd ot the twelfth or iu» p'^lju'T-i nr '*"• (lltbt d4'f»' UM:-VT:lM MinMapoa th« ul uw Wl» Buibb ssa^;§xftsxs: ass kttjSS! cv'»: srcwn 1 «vk" "Ve trenib (!•«• ^^"'rtiLT torVSi"^ pubUc tdeertlalix W1LU8. Becrelmrr- , JSf., KWK."'"1 ^tf^^wor^OoklHUl. Btorey county. I ,b. B art or mrectoe*. held on 311 or Ktity <»0» Oent»pjr«« payabte ^AW,&!saKS&» Any stock npoo whlcb law . .. («tib) day uJU'for'iS S^AT ifftSJSHl (U«0) <Urof July. onU, of the V* KSlTlto^cr.Ua. , C5SES5.M«to5 jraS-Sir bULo. »l>i»of >»VcVf* bad "n twenty 1^ , x'f ijua >n yictiiimvnt »■iffsSSaa- «vaa r.r. rv^/.B^rr^ «». .««t. ». Kr*i»ct»co. Cillforalji. „t.m,nt tball ^tSMSStt^SSSSS re nun o u p* . dellnqueut, iod ad*** tleed for «lr« poblle mcUoo. a^Mk* t*f STt.I tht* delinquent I %^TuX£ ' «"•' ol "*• "^ooLUU K.N. Beewtary. OBc—Boou. 1®. »«• 318 ,,tn" •t^^,• «■ 1 FraucUeo. Calif*®!* ,,,„, iiMUlXAt UKTMrONK MU P vKtt MlMNU COMPIMT.-Loerttoo ol JL$ JEi »« ■»«—•*" *"*»*»• C* "tSStlon or work*. Vlrflnla Mtntaf PUtrtct. corpormtion, u»T*hl w the Herniary. ratfirHrs-SHs&s,,luc "re.t. Room 5. *»» r~BcUco. 0^^^.,, ^ Any itockopoowb °f June, ■utlo unpaid oc tbe iwenu ^ urrnty fl™t (««> day eljJM«!»£> delinquent M<**n>cnt. together wttn co. . advcrtlelnc aod "J*51"?* i^V^'tori Uy order of the U^iot ^^n{txr. OOcr--Hoon> ». No. 830 Put. •«£%,»" I rtkiK-leeo. California. Hctuox *ia«N« Location of principal place ol boela^e. "H1U. Storey county. ^tUbmby gteen that a.I ammO*£ tba Board of l"r^l<**- h^ld (No. 15) ,w, day ,tT'S2r .S^»- 'e*l«l of Due ^{jjf JJ1L JPJue coruonttun. W upon UM «jPj2* ^Tuniud HUUc goUJ coin, to Hrr^:S::»s rnaC^^iT^t\ck thl. aeoeeenent .ball ilay of public auction. "s aiar?'^Hss«*W r* "r'jLLY li*) io pay tbe delln<juenl aeeee^ of »« and | N r.W TOBK MlJflNU COIPAXY, _ . IxcaL.m of principal place of bn>ln*t«, I Sao Francisco. OaJtfomia. L»cktiuuol works, UoM Hill. Btorey county, IbtvU. Suite* U hereby ftna. that at a mwtlac of thr Board of Director*, bald on the MTentb (Tthl day ot Jul*. 1M), aa mmukhi (Mo. 231 of Fifteen (IS) CraU per share waa lerled an iba capital Hock of tba corporation, pay. > liniucdiatrly. In Called States fold coin, to tb< Srcretary, at tba oflU« of tba Company. Kumn », >*n Krsncl co Stock Kxcbang* Build la«. No. W7 llna street, Han Francisco, Cali fornia. Any tiork upon wblcb tbla asswaaent (ball remain unpaid on tba TKNT11 (1Mb) day at JULY. 1M0. w'il ba delinquent, and advertised for »al* at ooblic auction, and on leu payment la Bad* before «UI be aold on TUESDAY, tba TUIR0 13d) day of AUGUST, 1*0, to pay lb* delluqnent aeaeae ment, together with coets oi advertising and expense* of Ml*. By ordar of lha Board of Director** D. L. THOMAS, Secretary. Oflce— Ilooui 8, San Francisco Stock Kx Changs Building. Mo. 337 Pine (trsrt. Han Fraaclsco. California. _ Jslind / \TBMAM hum MINIMS vJpoM FAN Y.—Location of principal plact of basineta, San Franclrco, California. Loeatiun of works. Uold Hill. Slur* j oounty, NevnU. Nolle* la haraby rlran. tbat at a meeting of tb* board of Director*. bald on tbe tenth liutb) dar of Jim, UN, an imnmt (No. M> of Firty (•») Casta p*rabar* wm >*rted ■poo tba capital alack of tba corporation, pay abl* immediately, in Unlt*d Blatea fold cola, to the Secretary, at lb* o®c* of tba Company, No. 414 California »tr.*t, San Frandaco. Cali fornia. Any a lock ouua which tbla Miaatmrnt shall remain unpaid oa tba sixteenth fifth) day of July. 1M0, will ba dallaqnaat, tod adrertlaed Ibr mi* at pabUe aoctlon, and nnleM payment la mad* before will b* (old oo FKIDAT. tb* uitb («tb) day of Augmal. 1880, to pay tb* delinquent aaeatsnenl, tontbar with coat* of adrenlatac and *ipnm of Ml*. By ord*r of tb* Board of Dtreetora. UEO. 0. KDVARDtf, Secretary. Omce-So. 411 Callbrala atreat. Ban Fraa claco. Calttermia. 11 1 SPECIAL NOTICE* EKKSOKS RtSlDIKO IN TimomlA WHO with to Mbacrlb* for tb* Oou> Bnx ra can Imt* orders lor it at tba FoatoMw Book More, No. It Son lb 0 • treat. M. B. F ARSON 8. DELINQUENT BALKS. OALCDOSM ULTM ■!■■■«! V OOMfAMY.—Location of prtnctpftl place of bu.lneee, ten rmncUoo, California. Location ot work*, Htorey county, NmU. Notice.—Tbere are delinquent upon tbe fol lowing cock, on account of aaaeae meat (No. SI) lerled on Um fourtn day of Mar, MOD. lb* MTMil amount* ant ocpoilto the nature of tba reepecUre akareboldere, aa fol low* HUM. 1*0. OartlT. Sha. laX Atklu*oo, Lyon M Co, Tree UM T07l...B00..|tB0 .. Atklnaon, Dood M Co. Trna taee 11MT.........10 .. Atklnaon. Bond d Co. Tree 1KW9...100 .10.. Atklnaon Thoa T k Oo. Traa. 18TT5....40....J0.. Bajle/ U B.Trnatee 17610... W. .100 .. Bayley UB do 17684...*»... 100 .. Bayley OB do I7SM...100....60 .. BeyleyOB do 176*...100. ..60 .. Ueyiey O B do 1707B........ 10 .. BayleyOB do ITIM...100 ...(0 .. Bayley U B do 177M....B0....2» .. Bayley »B do 1T7H. ..I00....00 .. Hay ley Q B do 177SS...100. ...80 .. BayleyOB do 11WT....10 1., Bayley U B do IS1H...10O....SO . Bay ley U B do 1M7B. ..100....60 .. Bayley UK do UU1...M0....B0.. May ley O B do 1SII3. ..SO....16.. Bayley UU do 1S4S4....S0 ...16 .. Bayley (J B do 1SS17 ...60....* .. Ba,lej- ti B do 11761....16....It 10 Bay lay (i It do 187V1....10....S6 .. Bayley U B do UM0I...100....SO .. Bayley OB do 1SM0....80....16 .. Batce D 0. TruaUe 1S1U....B0....16 .. burling »red,Troitee 164UI....10 1.. Breckinridge M loet. Trua teea ............,,,,14Hi...*B0.•..38 •. Breckinridge A Toat, Trma lew.t.................... 15461.... B0 •.. .IS .. Blov A W * 00, Troeteee. .16166... 10 • .. Blew AWkOo do ..1M10...100....60 .. Brooke 8 II, Tnutee 1MW....B0....W .. Hlacknun a.Truitee. 1M13. ..1IX....M .. Coffln Jaa,Truetaf SWT...100....BO .. Ovffln Jaa do Collin Jaa do CoiBn Jaa do Cuffln Jaa do ColOuJaa do .7671....US....IB B0 1XM9...I00....60 .. ....14100...100....B0 . bal..Ml» 1.S0...7B bal..l«W« S 160 uviuu • r«|V« H1WWM... - Cofliu. Hamilton A Coot, • • Oofflu. h»nd.non * °oo«. TiUltM ..••..low. ..lW....»o •• C.liill K fc Co. Tnul«......•"»••••*>■"'IS " OaXilll Kfc Co do .. C»IiUI K k Co do 2""S-• OtbiUKkOo do •••}"*! -iS'" w" GabtUKfcOo do .. Crocker k Tnu „ .. lM». b«Uot«.. Crock, r k ^d^Tr«W* 14JW-••-4U-"JJ-• Cruckar k Ba>dMn do .JJMJ....10....-J •• Olul.k U)Ml*nd.Tni»t^.lWl«... • Clate k LoT.lWid do Outlet) JSiS?—«— i fin Cop« AUt?U.TnwU«^.. .W*" J J * Cmpb.Uu<K>J.Tn»t«.••{**{• "jX*"*!- " Tru.U....m«...luu." » .. CoolerOO.Tru*tw...b»I..U4W.....1-»9 •••» Uulcu W L, TruiUfl 141*4....10.....» . uuuc»nWL do }J!S""!o""io' UuDcui W L do l.*»....40....» •• Diu.mor. K, TnuU. !2S7i****liI—jo H do m6l2.,,,M....Wk' !>. Um)ir B. Trust©. 1(14*1....10.....8 .. DowUuk Komm btf...4»J.....»."•i**® K • T«r—:::: :: :5S:v.:iS r. Dlxou T B. Tnut*. " L)a>u. B.TruMM •• Umuc. Blow k Co. T«» tc««, balfcQC*..... Kpy.Uln A Co. Trujt*j...l"«0... » . kdw.rJ. k lr»lne. Tn. U114*l. « k lmne do "J" —}" J kdw.rd. W. 1MM....10.....JJ. muk.lL U, Trntteo >"{••• Kreukrl L B do Ki»t A.M. Trntte. ITSi" . 22—*u " /», l's.Tnutoo HSS—'S'" *" KoiCW. TnuU. JmJ """^»0 KoiCW do iiiiS—i2****io Pint 0 J. Tmu. JS5J""'is ruucJ do JSI?""£'""lo " 0 J do XJE""5o""lo' PtattC'J do »••• .••»••••*"• Krmuk. k llr.y do »" Krmnk. fc Urmy do •• funnel. Trott*... • • •*}"• i! " Kr.iik. ttunuol dJ r A W. Trwte.. }«« Kry. N«lkCo.T«.Ue.... M80... JO -"" •• rrMd.rtch u, Ttmuo " UUlou John. Tru.te. MTO...W0....W . union John do 1M1S •,2|""io" U.lion John do {22 "*lo"' •" Ullloa Jonn do 1««J» ..-JO-••••*•• union John do •• UUlou John do }2u ,"ao""lo" u I lion John do 1««..> »••••« •• UUlou John do MOT...«#••••■>•• Utllon John do •• UrS5K"~- ••80 " OwiotbgMB. B«iblm fc °°jMM 10 # OrecnahMui, Mribiiii k Co. TruateM Orccn.b.nm, B«ibln( k Oo. __ Tru.iw*. Ur*vn«bMim, B.lbtng k Oo, Tru*lM Orw.ntb.nm, H.lblnf k Co. .. TruMM » *..^i"i». • W°U. • .. Ooliy k Uhl. 'VJJ" ■i!}"""'#" Ulutler 1 k Oo. TnutWO. "»•—}» J " uuulur I k Oo do (lluur 1 k Co do S—J2 " UUilerlkOo do UUiUr I k Co do iii UUxlt« 1 k Co do ....JWJ ■••••JS aiMlaclkOo do ....«« • OUsier I k Oo do Ululrr 1 k Oo do ' otoerlAOo do ... *U...100...." •• UWitrrlACo do ...llWl-.""}....^ •• UUxinlkOo do "-"JV* • •2""S" Uhuior I k Oo do ^ Ulmxler I k Oo do ...16"i....»••••» 60 UUiler I fc Oo do —»•—S " Uluirr I * Co do •••Jfify'w'" » Uluirr I fc Oo do Ul«i«rlJtCo do Uiuier I fc Co do ...1»^.«"*'-••■J." UUtlcr 1 fc Oo do SO UltxUr I fc Oo do bOl-lW"—'""-"^80 UlMlcrlfcOo do •••}!?!!••••„"• ii " Ulu.rr 1 fc Co do UUzkr 1 fc Co do ...l*V7----6"-" »• f • p.« <ln _ lHlfiH BtJ. ...Am .. GImiit It (Jo uo IHVUI . Olulrr I A Co do l3w " i! ?£ UUilrr 1 A (Jo do ::.'ltw "ioo'"ioO OMdinM A Hooker, Tru«U..®44 ' jo" «o " Uardlncr * tfookcr do iSJ ' io a" Uwalnrr * Bookar do Qvtllwr lUldwlD, TraitM " OudlnwIWIdwI.' to •"'S' -JS' UMdlner Itaidvln do IIM7 " *1 "S" UardlMr lUldvtn do w„ KT w »• •• Uaroftt A " »—M •• Uorneti AUt Co ™ 1MM 'X'"-1? "• OUMI A U * Oo do liS?;.' * "' i» • •* Uaroctl AdtOo do .wSil w «" Urtei later H, Trait*. l»u» m "J! UrlMlogtra da ... t'iS t" Sii OrlolanrK do i»Sn"".« * 10 WriwiufirK So -•••iL'g-.lO-J.. Uoldmsa M. Ttuim 12 " gyoiA^^T^ •• Urut E B, TraitM 17»S4... AO M " Hochiudicr* fcOo.Trw- w— Hoch.uKtf Vo^K^:110"—,0-•• OocUtadtorbo'. Troii'*11"' •l0 1 •• Doeh.udtVr'k'i' Oo,"• • -M •• W^Vr * Oo. Trail 1MTf" •••"••• •10 • • BocbtudUr'ii'i" Co,"Tri^44"'10 »iXiiWK**b;;wu#u---#0vJ#" B^h.wciv ■ T^i.1"83- •«»•••• • » ■«»>«Udtir *' ii'6o|Trmil11"1 -J0—•"> •• Bocba'tadtVr* I k Oo' Trtii1MM* • • HocbiUtfWr I a' Oo.' tiii!®4®' • • •10®... .10 .. ■*M«4Ne X'if Co," Trii!*47®' "••••••*« Bock*Udtar * —,0 • •• BocSudiir'M'i 'iJi,' «"40, • • •».. Hoct»Udtit M 'i'ik; Troi.174'*" HocluUater i'kCa,'Trii!™®"•**•••,#0 •• Bocbxai'litr i A ' " -•,0 B■"•4• • '!■ mw.. .ioo... ba HociiiudUr X A Oo, Tnu- 00 •• >«* BILINQVIKT RiLlB. MltdMto-CliUiM. Nam**. No. Ccrtlf. She. Aat. Hocbrtodtor Ik Oo, Tnu. iMlttnti .. Uocbituller K k Oo. Tru Mm , Hoohitodtor K It Oo, Trao. too* 10408....18....11 80 Boomor k BOOR>O,TTMt*OSlMM....M,...10 .. HoHMtDMAOo, Tnuta..l4T0O....I0....1< .. Hoom DMIM Bo .18408....10 ( .. lioomor VKtOo do ,Um....SD....10 .. Hotmor DM* Oo do .lT»li...lu0....8u .. BcunirOlttOo do .1T8I3....18.... 780 BoomorD 11 k Oo do .1(818....80....18 .. UoamerD If k Oo do .1(1*1...100....M .. Bmiw 0 M'k (to do .KM....IS....*.. Uiwk* ■ 0,Tnutoo, U1...IW 60,... SO UiwliHD do .a...WTT....B«...J» .. BmUBD do 1T8M....W....*.. BtlbHD do lT»n.. HlWktB D do 1&M(....30....18 .. Hooks B D do llTH • 1(0 Huicfcloooa Joka. TnMoo.MH*....M....M Batchloaoo Joba do .1T«H...U0....M UotchluKJQ Jofea do .11014....M....M .. ii ill cMoJi. omUot, •.. am JOfrod b. Tn«oo.bai..ino(.... a HIUAIfodB do ISM....10....18 .. HIUAl/rodB do ..,..IM(0...10(....(0 . BtllAKrodB do 1831)1.,.1U0....80.. U.IIAJfrtdR do lfcttl...iau....80.. SSiiiiStf HlllAllrodH do UM...100 ...80.. Bill AlfrodB do 1UM...100....80 .. Ulckox OM 0 * Co, Trait.UTtT...tOO....80 .. Blrootoldt OkCo,Tnutooo.l8t>Ttt....SQ.,..10 .. Blnhfoldt C k Oo do .1(4(8... 3....10.. Halok Fochoco, TrastoM..lM40.,..8O ., Bolo B Pochoco do ..1M18....M....II.. Hgnborf 1, Traotoo UT80...*»...100 .. Bowklao Jh J B k Oo, Tnutooo 1MKI....(0....U .. Hubbard k Oo, Tnutooo...14888....80....M .. B like 11J L. Trtutoo 18140....10 • .. BollkCharlM, TnuUM... 18186... 20....10.. Habor T A. Traotoo INK. ..86....M Homo; Qoo V loiai....*)....10 .. UUaorB.Tmtoo 1801T...100....M .. Ifloatr 8 do 181S0....80....1S .. IkUowS do' 18T01...100....60,. Jockaoo It A,Traotoo 18S88....60....B .. Jobntoo Ooo L 1TMT.. .100....M).. Imu; k Djor,Tnutooo.. 141ST....80....38 .. Konoo jkDjn do ..14100......... 31 .. tvioi) k Djn Oo ..18M8....30....10.. Koob«7 k Djor do ..114*....30.... 10 .. »•««•/ • «#•* WW Keener <k Over do ..18881...100....50 .. Kanfman 8 ft Oo, Tnutaaa. 18141.... 10 • .. KauftnanSftOo do .18488....I0....IB.. KauOMftOo, .. SuUUHftOo do ..mB4...100....80 .. KaUOMftOo do ..18830,..100... JO.. Klaolib J U. Truitaa 15117....10 ■ .. Kuwibjo do JT97B....40 ...B0„ King Jo* Lft Oe, Trui taaa. 11886....10.... .8.. King Jof L ft Oo do .14074....Ill King fljmar ■ ft Oo, Tnw IM* 17118....16....17 80 King Bomar 8 ft Oo, Trua t m.....18378....TO.•..11 • King Homar 8 ft Co, Trot t«M 18100...100....SO .. Kallaj W altar 8, Trualaa.. .1(001....80....38 .. Latham ft King, Truiteea. 13184 ...SO... 10 .. Ulhuu ft King do ..11111...100....SO ,, LathhmftKlng do .. 13414....80....38 .. Latham ft King do ..18418....10 8.. 1*1 ham ft King do ..1*417....10 1.. Latham ft King d> ..14813.. JOO....M .. Latham ft King do ..14311...100....80 .. Latham ft King do ,.18338.. .300...100,. Latftuift King do ..una...loo:. Latham ft King do ..1U10....M....4710 Latham ft King do ..Ills....80....10 .. Latham ft King do ,.10U8...100....80 .. Latham ft King do ..18741....80...38 .. Latham ft King do ..17045...100... 100 .. Lebatard M,Truitoa UU0....M 8 .. Labatard M do 150U....10 8 .. Labatard H do UMT....80....K .. Labatard M do 18771... 100....8u .. Lalng01). Truitaa. 18830....10 . .18.. Matkaft Kalnhardt, Truala.l430*....80....1S .. Marka ft Balnhwdi do .18831 ».....! 80 Markafc Halnhardl do .18B3S...100....80 .. MarksMHalnhardl do .IIM...109 ...80 .. Marja Oao T ft 8oa, Trua* taaa...bal..■.848......80.... 80 Mirjt Oao T ft Hoc, Tnu taaa 1008*....*>.... 10 .. Marja Oao T ft 8oa, Trna taa*. •.1U4B8...bBB....88 •• Marja Oao T ft Hon, Trna toaa............. ........llDl....&j,..,M .. Marja Oao T ft Boo, Trua. taaa bal..11881 1 180 Marja Ueo T ft Bon, Trua taaa 148U.. .180....80 .. Marja Oao T ft Bon. Trai tea 18078....40....10 .. Marja Oao T ft Son, Trni taaa 17084....80 ...18 .. Metier, Bacon 4k Co, Trnt taaa 17188...100....80 .. Macpbanon John,Tniataa..7818 ..loo....80 .. Macpbaraoo John do .11834 ..100 ...80 .. Mtcpberaon John dobal.11301 8.10..158 Micpberaon John do .14181.... 8 180 Macpbarson John do .14804 8 180 Maepbaraoa John do .18187...100....80 .. Maepheraon M bhlnn. Trua tlMatta aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoa 18308...100... 80 .. Martin U 8, Truitaa 18788.1..80....18 .. Martin M 8 do 18780....40....10 .. Moon A 17188....80....J3 .. Uoor* ft M outgo inarj, Trua taaa,...•«................18001.,,100....80 .. Majorat*la H. Truitaa 188M....80... 38 .. Mayan-tain H do 11800... 80....IB .. MeDonald J 18183....78....87 iO Mann la V X 3848....80....38 .. Morganalern M. Truitaa....13881........,18 Majer Ilanrj, Trnataa 14088...180....80 .. Mullrr W J. Trnataa 8883 8 180 Norwood V K, Truitaa loud...,80....IS .. Norwood *( do 17888....10 ....8 .. Norwood WE do 18118.. ..80.... 18 .. Norwood W* do 18888....80....}8 .. Norwood WK do 18773....60....33 .. Nalaou Fred, Tru.tea 17883....10....K .. Nobla B B ft Oo, Tnslaas. .8114 8 3 80 Noble 11 H ft Oo do . 13188....30.... 10 .. Nobla B II ft Oo do bal. 18801 T 8 80 Neoitatiar I. Truitaa 11881....*).... 10 .. OtlaftOo. Trustaaa 1*440....*)....10 .. O'Connor T, Truitaa 18010....80....IB .. O'Brlan I * ft Oo,Traataaa lTMft... .H....1180 Patanon Jaa,Trastaa 18MB... 100....80 ,. Palaraon Jaa do 1U90...I00....80 .. Pateraon Jaa do 18874... 100....80 .. Palaraon Jaa do 17*11...300...100 .. PanonaH D. Trnataa, bal.17814....14.10..108 ParaonaBB do 18884....18....1150 liindolpb, Macklntoah ft ~ — -* aa*ft 8A At IUudolph. Msckln osh 4 Oo. TritUM ,.,,,.110*....JO....10 . Randolph, KMkiutoih ft ft Oo, TnuteM, 1M00....40....JO . Rudolph, Mackintosh ft Co.Trait*M i«7er.., Root Geo B, TrmirtM HIM....30....10 ,. I Root O90 B do 1MH...100....W .. Root UmO do 11131....10....II. Hoot 0«o B do 17MH....30..-.10 , KoolOcoH do 1W71........ .10 . Root OwB do 1MM....B0....M. Hoot O*o B do 1(340....«0....30 . RmiumA f*»«l»nd. Trot tea*..,, 1TMT....M....10 . Bookwell 4 W, 1 rnitM 1MIU...M0. .110. Rldurdaon * 1, Tra>tM...l«7(l6...100....l0 . Richardson I A do ..JMU...M0....W . Hiehardeon I A do ..4NM.. .M0...M0 . Richardson, Bill ft Co.Trua. tMti.i,, ... 14163.■,.10,.. .10 , Richard ton, Hill k Oo.Tnu 30....10 . Blcbaraaoo. Hill k Oo.Trna tM.l.t.,...* ■.,■•■14*. ••lllli. . t>10..*t,l ■■ Rich art aoa.HUl Jt Co.Trua tMltat* • • • • • ........ a .. a *11179. ., ,M. .»• 13 M RlebardaoaJHlll * Co.Tnu ft** ••••«* oolftl Tlx t 1110 Rorka B B k Oo, Tru<a«»..174M...100....IO .. ttcllfmu H. TriMM 1MT5... M....M . Hchmledell, Hochatadter A Oo. Tnwtw* MM.. .U0....M . Schmieden, Hochatadter k Oo, TrutMt <130....30....10 , Schmieden. Hochatadter * Oo. TraMIM 130W...100....M . Schmieden. Hochatadter k Oo, Twitm 13011 S 190 I BcbmledeU. Hochatadter ft 1 Oo, TiWtMf . 1 MIT..,.10 1. IchatleasH. Hocheudter ft 0o, Trustees MOM...100....M. •cbmlwlal). Hochatadter ft Co.Troetsss..... lilM....30....10 , Soott H ■ ft Oo.TnuteM..14*411....10....10 . bsott H H ft Oo do ..1«T11 • IN kCOtt H H ft Oo do . .17338....M....M , 1 leott H H ft Oo do ..1NH... .M....13 , duin Nil, TrwtM MM....IB •.. Stain Nit do 14010....10....34 .. Sloth Nil do ....U1..1MU BtslnNst do 14371... 30....10 .. Stswart W J, Trostse 14444...104....W .. Stewart W J do JMM.,,<M....M ., Stawart W J do ••.•..4MIT,...40.,„BO ,, ItiwirtVJ do JMu«....60....3# .. Stewart* J do JMU....M....I3M time W jL TntaUe 1MT4....10 ■ .. BylmDZ Trneto UW....W Sbotwsll J U.Tmtm llio«—»....».. ShotwoUJ* ....U1M....M....M.. Bbotvell J M do .. ahotwmM_ do ,,.m.. Bperar Broe, TnuUss..—14134...100....■ .. sSjlh CbasH Truf IMM....M....3I.. Bmltft Chas B do UM8...100....M.. Smith ObasH do 1*710...100 ...10 .. Sweet H A. Trostee UTM • 310 ■cknlti 0l« Tniioo 10MS...M0....W.. SohmluOA do ni78...Jt... 3* ., THUo F ft ft Oo, T>MtMa..lOMl 1 3 M llLIIQUlIT BALIS. Caladomlft—CanUaawL Names. No. Oortlf. Bbi. Ara'L TrltlaFltOo do ..UM*. .. Tajlar A0,TrnitM .. Ttjlor Wm V, Trasts* 1H10...100....K .. V*D Mm* T O. Trosloo Mil...100....M .. VmNmIO do . ...Mil...1* WskMold B 1 tOo, Tru- ' ' itieieiixiUMei >100*.».00 WokoloU BBkOo, Troo o•o••• ••••••0*0000 1MJ» • •• 90....1A«. V1M1II H 1 * Co, Tru 000000 lloiHOiioo 1WM....U ViMoM S a ft Co, Troo t### o0••••••••••• 0 •••••• lMUoo0oM «• .36 .. Watafltld 11 k Co, Tim i&in-s:isr • •" - f^o ••• 000000 oiMtottoot 0I1IOO0000A0000I6 , Wtkoiold • B ft Oo, Trao 17SM....U T10 I Wohotold > * * 0o, Troo- ^ ^ Waksflold ■ B ft Oo. Tru tea* 1W71....M • .. Wskofeld ■ B ft Oo, Tru to** 112X1.... 10 1. W*di oboo L,Tioitoo. 1H64.. WMdOfcML do WoUlflkaoL. do 1HM....M....U .. WklUlj T ft Oo, Tro*te, M.UN.....1 3M Wobbor A A, Trans* 1TSN....1S T M Wood* ft Freeborn, Tru. Woodo A Freeborn, Tru tooo» .. *M41 ■. ■ .60. • • .M Woods ft Froobon, Tru —too* M^>M>TSU...ifi0.i..l8 ■« Woods ft Freeborn, Tro*. to** , 1J0TT....I0 Wllaoa ft ■atoktaeoo, Troo IOISm»»». ...... a *.......• 141^ a a a .00. . a aU * . Wilson A Bnteblaoon, Tros __t***. a.* • • eei« a.aaaa ......1417V. a a.10. aa. »B ee WUsob ft Hntoftlssoa, Trot too*.... UlTOaa aKeeeelO.. Wilson A Hitchtnson, Tru*. too* 164t0...100....s0 .. WUIsrd W f, Trosloo I*ai...l00....» .. WUUrdWP do .M...un>,..iso....w.. Wslls B P, Trostoo ltMSS. ..10O....H .. Webb A H. Trosloo 10049 1 1W Whlto A W, Trostoo Tl0f.aa.10 • ., WhllOAW do T4TI....10 WhlteAW do I14T.... ■ ....!» Wblto AW do *1M ( 100 White AW do liai*.. whiuaw oa Wolf F, Trnatoo UN*..., M • .. Wolf T do IMS!....10....10.. WolfF do 1TUS....M....10.. Woifr do .. Wtriu B P 4 Oo, Troeteea.Wll....lO 1.. Wbtu Jut law.. .aoo.. .100.. Wobbar Wegener B. TrruU*. 1M1....S0....1S .. Wiftut B do 14431....30....10 .. Wtntwr B do 1U44 1 310 WvmB do UtU I I tO Wtgeoor b do .bal..lt7M....i7 tto Wegener R do l«m * IN Wegener K do lt#44....II TW Wegener R do 10030....80....M .. Wegener B do UMT....30....12S0 Wegener R do 17006...,SO....If .. wmmotb do inn....u... .in WhimB do 1TM4....K IN Wegener B do 17M»... ...... 11 to Wegener a do ...u.. Wnnai do ntw.........n.. «ipwB do 1TM 1 3 to Wiemr R do 1IH1. .. I w«(u«r k do WwwB do 181M....3U....10 ., WegtntrB do IBM....n....U .. Wegener R do ,bol..inM 1 110 Wegener R do ltMfl....10 1.. Wegener R do 1M4I...80O...1IO .. Wegener B do ItMl .. 10 ...U .. Wegener R do 11944....10....n .. Wegener R do 1MM....30....10 ., WhwmB 40 1M3T....30....10 .. w«no«rB do Wegener R do in#l.... Wegener H do 11701....n....10 .. I VifwtrB do 11111...*»...100 .. Wagoner B do 1*113....31....1310 Wegener R do .. 1 wiiiiif r do inn... io ....».. WWMH do 11710...300...M0.. W«c*n«r U do .. I Wegener K do 117n...lW....n .. 1 wtfMf r do win... w«MrK do ToetDXBOo, Tnutaae... 18003.........11 .. I Zadlgk Weill. Tnetaee 1W71...11 .. ztdickw#ui do jbdi.inn....u zoigAWetii do Zadig k Kuliman,» . Zadlgk (oilman do 1MSS....10 f. Iodic k Kalimao do l*Mf....l0 1.. And in accordance with law, and in order of tbo Board of Director!, made on tti« foartb day of Kay ino, to man; abartt ol each canal of each atook aa may m neceeeary will bo told at public auction, at tba offlce of tka eompanr. No. 414 California ilmt, Han Frandeco. Oafl fomla, on TUEHDAT, tba twenty.ninth (1Mb) day of Jono. 1180, at tba boor of 1 o'clock r. m. of raid day, to pay aald delinquent aeaeee meet thereon, together with ooeta of adrer axpeneat of tba eale. B. WBUENEB, Bacntary. OAoo—(14 California (tract, Ban Francieoo WOOD AND COAL DEPOT I TOTJT raft. WABBOE LIMB. SPLIT PINE XI tad etbar rarletiee of Waod, and a full Rpptror ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On band and for tala at the LOWK8T.CA8B P&10E8. FULL WRIGHT AND IMKAMJRK OUA RANT BHD. Wood eavad at abort notloe and at Urw'ntm OFFICE—Hear Railroad Depot, Oold Bill. na TH0MA8 QALLAOHBR. REMOVAL NOriCE. Tbb _ OFFICES or TBB FOLLOWING | Oompanlee bare removed to 327 FINE STREET, Tho Wan Fraaetooa Stark and Eiekam I ■lIMIlti Room 71 Bolobor hllvor Slilit Ceaiairi Maikattaa Sllror Mining Ceatari Ckaatlei Mining Ceapatri Now Yark Mlalaa Ceaiair, 3-Jw ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Scorpion Silver Mining; Go. AlMMHtlt— „N«. 7 LorUd April ae. 1HM Dalta«a*«t la (Mies Jim T, 1MN Day ifltli .Jaaa M, ItMM ......... Fartr Casts Mr Mkara UBO. B. IPIMBT. BacnUrj. Offlca—No. >10 Plaa Miaat, Room U. Nan Fwndiao. OtllforaU. .paotfl REMOVAL. qiai orricKs or tqb tollowiwo X oompanlM will nam to ROOM NO. It, NEVADA BLOCK, Wo. in MontKomwr .tract, oa MONDAY Mit, XiyMtb, 18B0» •sSS^>laA W. S. DEAN, SaenUiy. TANK MOTION. All pxrsonb indebted ifre* ook •toek Haloon, Mala M, Mi H1U. will plaaaa com. (orward tad aatUa wltboat ftirtfesr not loo or daltr and that avoid troobl. and eoau. Tkl* naas* bn.lawt. 10 la THOfl. B. FINCH. A|»t Mmwtobbd SISSIES gftgAAA BVTOBXB XX M DATS ON #10 Will Stmt, M. T 7 ■ 8AiI»M iW BE0IIE8. THE NEVADA BANK OP SAN FRANCISCO. ua nuaouoo oaufoehu at Vlnrtaia.ItTada... *' WWRtt:::::::} IVBara tad aalla Iicha&M and Tatafrapbol Traaafara. laaaaa OnaiiHnlil and nwlW L. B. FRANKEL, ■TOOK AND MONEY BROKER. mci-lUli UfMli G«M lUltiiM tk*n Ik* Bilk ((OtUbnU. MTOCKJI BOUGHT, SOLD AND CAB BIBD ON MABGINB. HU oorrMpocdacU U Ban Fraadaeo in I. QLAZIBB A 00., Nanban el tka lu Fraadaeo Stock ud Bxekanf* Board. 1 ■ T. JL MctiUBlV, STOCK AND MONEY OROKER. 109 Soath 0 St., Tlrflals, "TTTILL BUT AMD ULL ttTOCBB ON OOM TT minion on tba mott tavoiakla Imm i will alao ctrrj Btoeki on Barita and Im«; Uaa *11 (M HartttaM* GOLD AND ULTIB BOUGHT AND 8AL00HB. FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIOEMANN PROPRIETOR. ■•la Street, .... Sold 1111, Oopoatta tka Una oAea. rpniB 0LD-K8T1BLISHKD AND POPULAR A rwort la (till tka firorlu. Oomfoct and •port oombtnad. Tka patroaa of tka kooaa will alwara fiad tka baat brand* of Bit ANDY, WHISKY, ALB, POBTBB, LAGBB, WIN KM OB AIX KINDS, TOBACCO, CIGABM, BTC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. G0H8T0GK EXCHANGE, MAIN STBBBT, i i GOLD BILL, (Oppoalta Llbartj Bogle* Booaa.) At this populab placb op bbsobt caa ba found a aalaet lUxl o( cboloa Wines. Liauors. Ale, Porter a n d;o i g a r s. Abo. tka onlr BILLIARD St to play on. Oall and proapaet. at T. B. PIKCH, Aftnt. GIBSON'S SALOON, Mala Htraat, Gald mil. VIBMT CLAW|IN IBTBBT BKSPKCT. Beading and Olub Booms. The petron* of the Boom will be wall received tad (erred wllh the Vlaiet of WINES. LIOUOIS AND CIGARS By TAP " ABBOTT ud BT DO INK. • IW. D. C. GIBAONi Prmrtetar. BANK EXCHANGE, U Kajaard't.Block, MAIN 1TM1KT • • GOLD MILL. ArawrouM saloob or evbby reepect, m well m (eaenl reeort for k«d TBI B4B li etocked with the beet bread* of TIIU, LIQUORS ABO CIOaEU. * K. F. MeKIHlCTT. PreeHeW. FREI8HT OELIVEBT1 OOLO HILL NEVADA. to the HBAvrjrr^xA^mnntT; boil. I»» prepared to AocoomodAte ill who deeli* My oorvtcee in that Baa, ipoa Futtw wUMac EM to receive ltd «cttrct their freight erlU ptewe direct ehlppcn to Birt pklnlj—"OtteT 0., Gold Hlll^ 9m THOMA* 6ALLAUHBB FBiirme. GOLD HILL "DAILY NEWS" NBW«PAPUB : •_ JOB PRINTING ■STABLISMMCNT. ■ail Street, Gold Hill NEVADA u u r, ' ' !jb 0 i. Books,' Pamphlets, Receipt Books, Bill Beads, Letter Beads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, MIIIIS STOCK CERTIFICATE!, ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgers, Flyers, Programme!. Oiroulara, Ball Tioketa, Wedding Oardi, Business Oardi, Labels, Taga, Ete. Printing, in Colors; Printing, Plain or Fancy; Printing in All Styles* PRINTING DONE TO ORDER WITS NEATNESS AND DISPATCH MOST REASONABLE TERMS |m*(AVb at m«M* LOWEST CA8H RATH. THE Gold Hill Dally News, (BSTABUHHKD IN ISM), U pobUibad mrj rrmlDg «xe«pt Suid«7|*ad tu clrtaUtlon Ml| Ttrjr |tMnlaad uMmIn Iffloax Bints* m4 bailocM pMp!«, (kalllM, TBI BUT AMD ■MM* EFFICIENT HIOIVH MINING. BUSINESS. AND ALL OTHER ADVERTISING. ■usiniss Man, PROFK88IONAL Mm. PRACTICAL MM, An raapact/blly tariud to • earatol laapactiM and erluolaa of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. ■luki far Airirtliln Faralabad frM THE GOLD HILL NEWS, • •••AS A««a« pmrr-oLAsa daily papkr, b IhoroofblT Idas tiled with Ua baat la laraata of 1,"SL-JMSS? ifrwH. uufrapbfc •ad atbarwtaa froaallpvta of tta World, and EVERYBODY READS IT. OUR Weekly HinlDf Summary ftbllited mrj Wadamiaj 1® tte Im, If earaftlty prepared ftom tba ion Acran no mcmi. print* and othtrwlta, ca tte too/ pobllcallon, tmptojrlnf U kbl* tod effldMt cory* of rrporUrt. It U onlrtrullT reeognlMd M offldal, tad tte BOit OQ1KBCT and WTIiMT* II* rosrof tlM condition or tte BtBM Oi tk« otnufoox or "Vum" o tat If W* ilto girt tte lataat mlalac latamtioa obtainable froa otter putt o? tte eoaatry THE Geld Hill Dally Ifewi la ky carrier* ttontel Gold HU1, VlritBU Olty, Cfcreoo, BUrer Cltjr, Dajtoa, aad coatlfooot locatttlee, tad U (Ml by Ball to all part* of tte •oubyaad tte world. HooMUfftUy ap to tte turn vtedoaa aot road tte Oou Biu Daily Km,