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_ the evening news Atr. DOTI1, ——f - HIMr. tATURDAT. : : ; : : JCSE it. 1«» FOR PRESIDENT. JAMES 1. GARFIELD, or olio. FOB TICE PRESIDENT, CHSSTKI i. ARTHEB, or *rr toil urauu •«!*. Samuel J. Tilden in at laat ciphered eompletely oat, aad will ba known bo mora In politic* exoepl m the financial Uckir ot soma on* whom he may favor m en aapirant (or offloe. Foot jhii •go he *m the atrongeet and moat eligi* bla candidaU tba Democratic party could pat forward for tba Preeidenoy and lit* •rally oaaaa within ona ol winning. Tba oonteat waa so oloaa tbat tba propoailion of tb« Damocracy to anbmit it to an Electoral Commiaaion to dacida waa agreed to by tba Bepnblioaaa. Tba decielon waa againat Tildan, and aboald have baan acqnieaoed in by tba Damoa raay, aa il undoubtedly would have been bad tba iliriaina been in their favor. Thar* ie aaid to be honor even among thieve*, bat la thia matter the Democ racy bare abowa a vary limited amoaat of honor, having for political effect claimed ever aiaaa that tba Comaiaaioa and dedaioa waa a fraud ; tbat Tildan waa defrauded ot the Preeideocy by it. Bat thia aetioa both before aad at the Cincinnati Coaventioa oo ad naively de monatratad that they did not believe tba charge themeelvee. If they had boaeatly believed it, every delegatioa to that eoa* ventioa woo Id have beea abaolately pledged to Tilden. Very few of them were, however, aad the old eipbariag aage of Orammercy Park waa ahrawd eaoagh to cipher oat hia cbancea with nob an inoonaietent, unpnnoipied orew, and (lading they amounted to aim ply a oipber, a mere ghost of a show aa il vara, ha vary wisely withdraw, mnoh to the relief o( the whola convention. I( that oonvention had hooaatlj believed ha waa defrauded of tha Preaideacy four jaara ago ho would have baas renomi nated on tha firat ballot by virtue of aaoh vindication being jaatly daa to him, notwithstanding hia vary dubious with drawal. It hia withdrawal waa absolute and la good faith, that first ballot ooald have baan given to him la eompliment ary vindication and in perfeet safety. Bat thay would not truat him, and tha miserably unoompUmeatary Tota thay gave him ahowad ooncluaively their opinio* of hia raai marita and rights In tha premises. Thay qolatly ciphered him oat, stultifying thsmselves with tha moat refreahing ooaloeaa in both word and daad by doing ao. Tha old man gave them all tha opportunity poaaibla to damonatrata their vaunted sincerity aad do him joatioa, but found to hia aad mortification that their political honeaty aa wall aa his claim upon tha Presidential chair amounted to but a cipher; that ha waa, in fact and daad, literally played and ciphered out Tha braided bit of •oft, sym pal hells tally given him in tha ninth plank of their platform waa tha oulminatory refinement of meanneaa and adding insult to injury. the urruucc. That veteran Democrat, old Colonel Duffardlnk, of Lower Gold Hill, re tained from n fishing excursion yeeter dey. He had been away some weeks and wanted lo be posted. "Nominated Hanooek, did they? Ha! ha! I joat know'd they couldn't make Orant and hie third term boaineaa (tick, and aa lor Blaina ha wee too tama. They alien have ter nominate on* ol their coaaad generate what ooma down South and liakad blasaa oft ol na and atola oar nigger* and ipoona and thing*. Han oock'* the dam blubber-chopped b*a*t that hang poor old Mother Bnrratt. Ha ain't got no *ool, no braine, no eenee, no thin' beyond epperlete and gun powder. Tha Solid South remembar* all hia kind. They might'a wall nomi nated Orant, or old Ben. Butler. II they elect him, by tha aoul ol old Uri. Sar ret t, we'll have ter aend a Booth te kill hia. But we'll try and aat him back on hia ear neit Nut ember, yon bat; bay?" "What'a that yer aay? WKarif Han cock a Democrat* Nominated by our party ? Well I'm blowed. That dot* make a big differ*noe though. Wonder bow Jeff. Davie and tha raat ol our lei Iowa llkea it? Hanoock, hay? Democrat. Pretty anurt ahap. el I remembar right, and able ter whip anything tha Bepub licana can pat np. Strongeat man wa could a nominated, yon bat. Democrat general'* all right, every time. Boa* with 'notbar nama to it am alia darned aight aweeter, yon know. 'Bab! far Hancock!" Hanoock'a reina are wall atockod with good old ariatoaratlo blood. Ha never bad to work, and never wanted to. Ho entered tha army aa an officer, and never aerved in tha rank and file of anything. Hia military and ariatoaratio eoul ia above tha common herd ol and ha ia only connected with tha De mocracy to the aeiflah *xtent ol ntilixing the " baaeborn " element ao numaroua in that party for bia own intereat and aggtandiremant. Hia natural proelivi tiaa and prafarancea are all on tha aide of monted power* and corporation*. Like tha generality of ariatoorate ha waa born with a gold apoon in hia mouth. Thebovl of tha Democratio aditora againat tha "projudieed and ona-aidad" Aaaooiatad Preaa talagrama from tha Kaat haa eubeided. and they now ooa aider them modala of raoordad truth and veracity. They will continue to think ao until the Precedential election raturna begin to ooaae in nazt falL The new paper joat atartad at Tomb atone, Artaona, ia appropriately named TktSpitapK. \ •« dam h*uu " Tha origin of Ik* torn " dark koraa " ia axplaiaad la a mattar-of-lact way by tka Clacinaatl Knjvirtr. Onoa upoa a tiaa tkara lived la Taaniaau aa old okap namad Sam Fly an, wko toadad la koraaa aad ganarally oontrived to ova a apaady nag or two, wkiek ka naad (or racing porpoaaa wbaaarar ka ooald pick np a "aoft matck" daring kla travtla. Tba baat ol kia flyara waa a ooal black atallioa a am ad Doaky rata, wko waa alaoat a tkoroogbbrad, aad abla to go la tka baat of ooapany. Flynn waa moo* tomad to aaddla Pata wkaa approaoklng a town aad rida bim Into it to giva tka lmpnuioa tkat tka animal waa saaraly "a likaly koaa," aad not a flyar. Ona day ka oama to a town wkara a ooaatry raca maatiag waa balag bald, aad ka antared Pata among tka ooataataata. Tka paopla ol tka town, aot knowing aaytklag o( kia aataoadanta, aad, aot balag ovar iapraaaad by kia appaaraaoa, back ad two or tkraa looal faroritaa ktarily againat kin. Flynn movad qolatly amoag tka crowd, aad took all tka bata offared agaiaat kia nag. J oat aa tka " flyara " war* balag aartdlari lor tka raoa old Jadga MoMiaamaa, wko waa tka tarf oraola of tkat part of tba Suta, arrived oa tka ooana, aad waa mada oaa of tka jodgaa. Aa ka took kia plaoa la tka ataad ka waa told kow tka batting ran, aad of tka folly ot tka owaar of tka atrmaga an try la back lag kia "plug" ao heavily. Honning kia ay* ovar tba rook, tkaJadga iaataatly raoognizad Pata, aad ka aald: " Gentle ■an, tkara'a a dark bona la tkia raoa tkat will aaaka aoma of yoa am all k—11 bafora aappar." Tba Jndga waa rigkt. Pata, tka "dark koraa," lay back aatil tka tkraa-qaartar polo waa raaobad, wbaa ka waat to tka front witk a roab aad won tka paraa and Plyan'a bata witk tka graataat aaaa. TBB UNI IITVATItl. The San Frandaoo Stick Rtptrl oI yeatarday baa the following: YnUrltjr we commented at Mm* length on the criela ia the Cematock mining ait* nalioa. We explained that tba expenaec o' exploring tba Comatoek bad been mate rially rednoed by tba manager* of variou* compaaiee, bat, after a careful review of xffairi, we urged that a farther redaction of expaaaaa waa tba paramount neeeaclty of tba timea. Oar viewa la tba pramlaee are oordially Indoraad by mlalag men, miner* and dealer*, who, aa a rule, folly appreciate onr devotion to the mining in terval. Tba neoeeilty for prompt action in tba pre mi we le admitted on all aide*. It ia about time aoma ana took tba flrat etep. What ia awnboiy'i bnaineea ia nobody'a baainaaa. Tba Miner*' Union of Virginia City might appoint a oommittee to ooafrr with the mining manager* on the labor aitnation. Such a oanfarenoe would probably bo productive of great nod to all Interacted. Will our Comatock oon temperariec uke up thla cabject in a defi nite manner? When milling and mining anpplice, wood, timber*, etc., are reduced from 25 to 40 per oenL, aa they can be, and the oo eta of living aooordlngly I—en id. then it will be time to aak the miners to oonaidcr the labor altuation, and they will not refaae to oonaidcr it. Then ia no aenee in moving flrat and foremoet on the laboring olaaaec. In the Eaat that terrible acourge, the army worm, ia creating a decided eenaa* tion of alarm, and every day bringa freah aocounta of its ravagaa. The New York Tribum aaya: Theee voraclooa pcata are devastating large diatriota on Long Lai and and in New Jereey, and have lately appeared on Btaten laland, at aeveral placca in Connecticut and in the eeetion of thia State bordering upon the Sound. The advanoe guard of their Long laland detachment ia aaid to have reached Pro*poet Park, and eurioua oiti xana who want to have a look at thia redoubtable enemy of the fanner can now be gratified at the ooat of a atreet car ride. There la only one good thing to be aaid of the army worm—hia viaita are "few and far between." He waa laat aeen in theee parta about twenty year* ago. _ Aocording to lbs Austin tuvtuu, at a nmbI pionia ia thai vicinity thirty-flvs widow* combined ia oorralling u many tingle men, informed them that It *u laap year and that thii unmatrimonisl itat* of thin^* had gon* on aa long aa they proposed to stand it. Something definite had to ha doaa, and thar* waa only oa* way (or it. Thay oallad (or marriage forthwith, and the belcagnered baeh*ior* bad to give ia. Thirty-lit* wadding* will taka place ahortly, ona enterprising preacher having eecu red tha contract (or tha lot at flra dollar* par head. Picnioa are all tha rag* now in that aection, about a dozan mora being already projected. To a personal friend in Waat Yirginia, evidently a Democrat, General Oarfleld aaat thia reply to a letter of oongratoU tion : " Then would never ha a political Weaoh wide enough to keep apart tha citiiea* o( oar oommoa oountry if the spirit o( oonserratiam and of patriotism breathed into your kiad letter wan mon geaeral. I would rather ban the oppo aition of aoeh a man than tha anpport o( those whose regard (or thair ooaatry'a good ia but a aecondary problem, be thay o( vbatanr party you wiah." Per eon* suffering (ram a morbid (ear of bloody ahirt will iad oonaolation ia that itnlimt?* Dewey ft Co.'a Scitntific Prtm Patent Agency baa nosind official notiee of the issue o( the following patsata to Padflo ooaat inventors, for th* wssk ending Juns 22. 1810: E. P. Ely, Santa Boss, Cel., drying apparatus; W. B. Finch, Eureka, Cal„ firearm; W. 0. Fitch, Saeramsato. Oal., aswapspsr Ale; 0. W. Holt, Pstaluma. CaL, grafting tool; P. i Kslly, Baa Franciaoo, boot and ahoa; F. W. Lamb, Hydasvilla, CaL, gats; Wm, Prindle, Saata Clara, Cal., track-clearer. | While aoma o( tha Democratic Journals 1 ban haatanad to Tilify General Oarfleld, j tha mon honorable Brooklyn Eaglt aaya: , "It wonld be hard to oonriaoe hie Con- t grsaaional a*aociat*a o( any party that bs waa not an hoosst maa ia a psoaniary ( »anae." The editor o( the SagU served . aa a Democratic Beprcocatatlve in Oon- I grsaa with Osasral Oarfleld. 1 Humboldt ItMU. Siltir Siaf, Juni 23. Elma carload* of st*sl rmlli war* ilatributed betwssn Tula tod Qoloonda festerdsy, whsrs thsy are to be laid ia place or the iron rail* now ia om. Quit* a number of Plata* Wars undsr the influence of firewater yssterdsy, and w*ot around to private boasts frighten* Ing women and children. Somebody bas been guilty of violating the law kgainst sailing whisky to Indiana. Sheriff Kyi* of Eureka paaaed through with two prisoner* named J. B. John* ion and Book llarphy, who had b**n untenoed to th* Bute Prison for rob bery, the formar for sight years and th* lattar six. Th* nmoval of th* Carlln and Wads worth machin* shop* ia again b*ing dis> onas*d. It is now r*port*d that shops will b* built h*r* for th* purpoa* of re pair lag oars, *to., and that tha maehin* shop* will be r*mov*d from Carlin to Hamboldt Walls, and from Wads worth to Trooka*, and w* give th* rumor for what it ia worth. Jo* MoOolly, on* of tb* owners of th* Ohio min*, celled laat erening and ahowad ua tb* r*turna from ths oarload of or* from that min* ahippad to Salt Lake laat w**k. Th* 111 sacks of or* shipp*d avarsged $864 96 to ths ton, f U 17 of whioh was gold and 9840 79 sllrer. Tb* Ohio is proving to k* a splendid min*, and all th* owners bav* to do when they want a f*w thousand dollars is to ship a oarload of or*. A woman nam*d Slater arrived here yestsrdsy from Ooloonda with her h**d badly bruised and her *y*s blacked. 8be soaght ths Distriot Attorney and Jastice of the P****, sod entered oom plaint against bar buaband for beating bar. A warrant waa iaeued for th* armt of 8lat*r, and if ahs provs* what ah* allege* against hsr lord ws may hav* aa opportunity of ss*ing th* SUwsrt act tor th* punlshmsnt of wife-beatere Ulna* trsted. Eirtki ItMM. Ltadtr, JmM 33. Night before lut, at ■ dlatanoe el 1300 feet, and il a depth of 700 feet, the Eureka tunnel mt Into tha abale Wit. Thia ia regarded aa a moat lmportamt development both for tba mint aad for Euraka diatriot. It demonitratee that tba ahala continue to tbla depth, a vary important proof of tha depth and perma nenoe of the E are ha lode. Aa the ore kaa alwaya baea enoountered ia the Ruby Hill minee on the weet aide of the abala, it ia almoet aare that tba tunnel will make rich developmenta aa aoon aa tba ball ia peaetrated. The diaoovery will be enoouragiag aewa to holdere of Eureka taaael atock aad to oar miaara ia geaarai. Tbe Riebmoad Compaay have aued the Albioa Company, la replevin, to recover 100 tone of ore oa the Albion damp, veined at $4000, and claimed by tbe Riohmond to have beea taken from tbeir groaad. Tbe Eureka k Paliaade Railroad Com* paay will bereefter ran freight teami between Eareka and Belmont. A flock of 90,000 abeep paaaed through Smoky Valley tbia week ea route for Montana Territory. A Dayton Riot. Lfoti County Timet, Jun« 31. On Wedneedey afternoon J. 0. Bray and Oeorge Barton had a light in front of tbe Union Hotel ia Dayton. It appeara that Bray, who felt aggrieved at aome tbiog Barton bad aaid about him, de manded an ezplaaation, aad not reoeiv ing a aatiafaotory one, began boetilitiea by knocking bim dowa. Barton got up immediately, and for a abort time aoted on the delenaive, while he waa looking for more room and a point of atragetioal advaatage. Tbe firet round ended wben Barton entrenched himaelf behind • table in the bar-room. After having regained bia breath he again went out to meet tbe enemy, aad thia time opened the fight with a knock-downer. Bray, however, aprang np immediately, and grappling with him after the collar aad ltomaa faabion, threw him violently end danoed around him, leaving bia foot* printa aa be went—but not in the eaad. Aa the fight waa not ooadueted atrictly ia acoordanoe with tbe rulee of the p. r.t the eeoond round merged Imperceptibly into tbe third, aad another fall with Bray on top and Barton'a finger in hia mouth, aa Joba Phoenix would have aaid, holding him dawn, ended the diffl ealty. J. C. Bray ia • brother of Profeeaor Bray, and the quarrel aroee from eome thing aaid daring the trial of the Pro feeeor. Aa neither party waa muoh injured, it ia probable that thia ia the and of it. Chlaeae Cheap Labor. Silver Slat*, Jtm* 33. The building of the Bodie Railroad from the Mound Hoaee, oa tbe Virginia and Truekee road, to Caadelaria, ia ne tting e demand for Chineae labor, aome three hundred Celeetiala being now em ployed in grading the road. The Chineae Motion men oa the Central Paciflo oa deretand tbe aitnatioa, and haowiag that their labor ia ia demand, are gettiag very ladependent. At Browa'a they refnaed to work aad white mea are being pat ia tbeir placee. We are informed tbet they ire alao vary eauoy at Mill City, and slhar plaoee between here aad Wada worth. Aa there are plenty of white men in aearoh of employment, It ia to be hoped that the Chineae will be aap planted all along the Central Pacific, rhey are no benefit to tbe oommaaity, tad tbe aooaer they leave the better for the pablie. Plata Treat Ftolura. Bod it A* PrtM. Tbe Twin Lakaa at pnrnt an qalta i raaort (or Piataa, vbo go Urn* (or U>« parpoM of fiablag tor trout. A oom pany of tham vill alt oa tha bank, asd while tha brave book boba tor tha ipaoklad baautlea tba falthfal aqaav ta in tba immediata vicinity aaving on a pieoa of calloo or waiting on tba flabar man. Tba favorite bait ia ant agga, and Utar a naat baa baaa ranaaekad ot Ita wataata tba ton baglaa. Tha eapply on band ia plaoad ia tba month ana aaad ahaa raqnirad. Tha moiatora tonghaaa he bait aad makta it mora a ui table (or ta*. If tha book bappaaa to ba particu larly lazy tha aqaav ia aaad to bold tha Mil, aad daala it out aa often aa aallad ■poa. Sometime* tha aallva aona ot tha oraat will haal la aararal dozaa troat Inriag tba day, while oa other oooaaloaa ba raanlt ia not M aaaoazagiag. Tha taraa of 8ara Bernhardt'a Amor, oaa engagement with Hanry E. Abbar ira $1000 a sight to bar (or 100 nigbta, tad other axpaaaaa, including thoaa of tar oompaay, will amount to (ally $1000 nore, making tha total aoat of tha agagaaaaat at laaat 1900,000. A magaifloant work haa baaa undar aken at Paria, giving engraviaga aad ihotographa ot all tba oalabratad vorka d tha Loam. It vill not ba ooaplated or aararal yaara. W8SMM DISPATCHES. Ratifying it the Bay. 8« Fkixcaoo, Jan* 26.—The Demo, orats held • routing old-faehioned rati* flsatlon mMtiog last evening in Piatt's Hall and Montgomery etreet. Soon attar dark guna vara opened, firing a salute. Bonflraa vera kindlad at tha inUmotion of Boah and Pine atreeta vith Mont gomery, and tha on terrified began to aaeemble. They came marohlng vith mniio and bannera, vith uniforma, torch#* and tranaparenoiee, from all quarters. A stand for ipeakiag vaa erected on the oornrr of Pine and an* other at Bnah, and in a fev minntea both vera surrounded vith oheerffag crowd*, vhile others poured into Piatt's Ball until the building vaa filled to the ntmoat capacity. The hail vat elegantly doeorated vith flags, banners, strsamera, featoons and mottoea. The platform vaa ooeupied by a galaxy of Demoeratio atara. The band* dieoonraed mu*itt be tween the apeeehea of the best orator* of the party, vho addressed the ssseabisge in doors and oat. There vere more Demoerata in the Hall and on the atreet than Olann had to tea in tha oity at tha election of September laat, and it vaa erident from the number and oompoal tion of the crowd that tha aandlot had to a ooosiderable extent returned to its old Iots and old-tima enthsalaam, which manifeated Iteelf pronoonoedly. Boar* of applanaa eonatantly interrapted the eppeala of the speakera, and in eircB lating through the crowd confidence in the result of the campaign vaa ahovn by frequent remark* of "We've got 'em dead thla time," and eimilat com men ta. Altogether it va* a firet-olasa, old-style whoop-up, sash as tha Damooraoy of Ban Franoiaao baa not bean able to gat up alnoe Den la Kearney aeduoed the rank and file from their allegianoe over tvo year* ago. Agricultural Cattkroat. Maxwell, Cal., Jane 35.—About 4 o'olook yeeterday afternoon, u T. Doo ling'a mm were beading on Daniel O'Kalfe'a ranoh, a man named Mike Welob, aged about 60 yean, beoame en reged at Henry Blemarok, aged abost twenty-five yeara, beoeaee of bla not pitohlng grain to anlt btm, and bit Bla marok over tbe bead with a pitchfork. Blemarok tried to get bold o( Welob and prevent blmeelf from getting ban, Welob tben drew a large pooket-knlfe and atabbod Blamark, threw him down and oat hie throat. At thia jonotura other partiee oama ap and tried to take bim off, and he attempted to kill old Mr. Dooling, and inooeeded in eeocaptng. Blemarok died within half an boor. Offloera have gone to arreat Walah. Tie Female Tramp. Aububn, Jane 28.—Iaabel Mann Tay lor MoFhereon, the forty-year-old woman who ie engaged in walking from Omaha to Ban Francisco, paaaed here at 1136 a. m. today. Bba la in good health and epirita and la eleven weeka oat from Omaha, having left there April 8th. Borne femalae have been arreeted in Kentneky for the mannfaotare of illloit whleky. Thie le the flret recorded in atanoe of a woman keeping still. BORN. In Oold Hill, Jane M, to the wife of Jamee Harris, i ton. la Dijton.June j#, to the wife of Jaaee Scott, A too. In AotUn, Jqm SI. to tbe wife of J nam B. IMj. a dAOihttr. la Beao.Tno* M, to tbe wife of 0. T. Bender, a diafhUr. MARRIED. ui of °*~a °*We JUnpin. ' Bl H"l«nee to Ifa, NEW TODAY. LAKE TAHOE. SUGAR PINE POINT. JOHN W. M°KINNEY S OLD PLACK. HEALTH! PLEASURE! RECREATION! TBI ABOTI VKRT POPULAR BBBOBT U again thrown open to ttMMblla tor aaaaoa. It li iluuud n th« WUTUN BHOBI OF THI LAM. nine milt* from Tahoe Cltr, amid the sort ROMANTiO ABD HBALTHfuL HDiUtOUHDIBOa, lM DMT A In* Wharf ram out to dtep water in the | Lake, aad plaatj or boaU ara torniahad toaa for ttepleaaoreof ihetaeata. TUataa—i tc the pleaaore of ihegaeau. Thai at Ua wharf dally to land peeeenjen aad mall. Peaoengere from (inld Bin aad Virginia can go b j way of Tra> kaa aad Tahoe City cr Chin aad Qlenbroek, taking tha at earner aeroaa P IVATKt Ol OMAROU. Board aad Lodging, per waak HIM Board aad Lodging, par day >00 Chlldno from 8 to M yeora Oi age, half prloa. |W Inrallda, aa wall aa ouelaeee BMB or I tomlllaa. eeeklng racnation and nleeaofo, will | tad thta tha T«ry piaea. M HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEBLINQ'S SON'I CO.. | tnalaa, Raw Janay. Crwalhla Oa at-Steel Hetetlaa Oablea Of all DaaartptloM. Wtra "traada For KtHlrl.i tfnme Cm aiaatlr aa kaad. 8. ▼. MOOBBT, Agent Waiabanee. Mar Halo * Honma wcrkm. | ▼batata Olty, Nevada. M MECHANICS' UNION, ATTENTION! if MBMBBBB OP THB MBGHANI08' > - I1* lrgtala. ha halo. By ordar — . _ _ .A. P. MAOKAT. Praaldaat. I. W. Plant, Secretary. JaM M A CARD. mo GOLD HILL LODOB. NO. A ordar of Cat tad Borkmea '—■ ' my Into haatea^ Ooid BUI, J naa U. WO. .L.M ILL BR. 91 AlbSUXSTB. PIPER'S OPEKA HOUSE, VIRGINIA OITY. OHAI. I. LOOKS. Proprietor M. A. KSMNKDT .Acting Muuitr THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, By oalvaraal damaad, Qllbart and Balllran*! mtucrplac*. H. H. 8. PINAFORE I Which will ba produoad with an anaqaalad cut, new and ooetlj coctamM, elegant eceaic effecta, full chorneee and tnoreaaed orcheatra. BIMrlkalMi mt CkartiUm RUM Hoc, Sir Joseph Port«r, ^ Joaepbine (the Oap'tain'e Daughter), ......TTT!rr. mix to® Lytton Balpb Baakatraw (able moid), Mr. Cbarlaa H. Turner Dlek Deadeje Mr. H. 0. Parte* Oaptaln Corcoran Mr. A. 0. Meodereou U'be MIm Lath HtrMbbor,; Little Bnttercsp Mia* Loo lee feullln BlU Bobetaj (Boatswain) Mr. 1. lllldc* Bob Baakat, Ton Bo alia. Tom Toekar, Flrat 'a Sletera, bla Ooaelne and bla Annts, ot ,tc" b' our Oorpa TOMORROW (SUNDAY), Jans IT, poaltlrelr last appearance of H. M. «. PINAFORE, %r AdaiUaloa aa ooitomirf. Box plan opaa from »:» a. M.each da;. Jett THK TKNTH ANNUAL Military and Civio SARSFIELD 6UAR1I —TO TAD PLAOt AT— MINERS' UNION HILL, •OLD HILL. i — ■ MONDAY EVENINB, JULY 9. 1880, WUl be given for lb* Benefit «r Fimllj of Hell flallufctr, VenUr of til* Company, recently deocaeed. OmbIUm mt ArttMHim Oapt. John 0»«gTOT«, Prt. John MoOrath, Fit. Bernard Oojla, *rt. ltd. Wal«h, Pvt. John On ma, Prt. John Mallett, S(t. 8. Dowllof, Pvt. Leo. Gallagher, Lieut. J. D. ChannelL IlTlUElM CMiBUtOO. All member* of the Company. EHIMIM CMBlltM. Lint. T. Neville. Corp. P. B. Pollard, Corp. Uvn Bjnw, Bergt. 11, Dowllag, Pvt. John Moaro*. Fleer Mtatitn. Lint. Channel), Prt. Id. Walah, Prt. John Mallett, Prt. B. Oojle, Pvt. D. Morgan. Flaar Dlroetar. O&PTAIN J. COBQROTK. Th« BnI «r lull will M Faralakad TICKET* .UN (Admitting Gentleman and Ladlee.) J«td 8CHOOL PICNIC ! THE STOREY COUNTY SCHOOLS. Under tbc Immediate DIRECTION OP THB PRINCIPAL**, Will hold their ANNUAL PICNIC -AT Treadway's Ranch, Carson, The day following the CLOBIMO OP TOT 8OH00LB, SATURDAY, MUNI 20, II ■very arrangement haa been perfected to make thle Picnic TUB BBHT OP TUB 8BA80N1 Prof. TkiBU Cart'i Bran aad Htrlii j ■u4 ku b«n •■*■(•4 far tba icculti. rait tad otreftal tttratlon will ba paid to all I participant*, and Doibloa will ba left undone to laaara tb* comfort of all. THE 04RS will leava VIrglala at • A.«. Tlekata far dlMni Fifty Coats I Tlekata far Adalta. -——SI M Tlekata caa ba abtalaad at Tborban'e elfar •ton, Poatofloa Bookstore and Gallup'* cl* (UN. j«4td HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Appatlta, refreahlaf sleep. tba aeqaliMon of •aab aad eolor, ira bleeelnae atuadaot apoo tba reparative prooeeeee wblcb tbla priceleee larlgoraot ipeadllr Initiates and carries to a meoaeafal conclusion. Digestion U restored aad eustenanoe afforded to aacb UCs-snstalolng | onran by tba BlUtrt, which la lnoffsnslve eran | to tbe feminine palate, vegetable la coapoel. ttec, aad thoraaghly safs. For iala by all Drs«tiiU and Dsalsrt pa- | mlly. Ja_ v. u. aukMX*. i. a. sxn W. H. CLARKE * CO., • TOOK BROKKMi NO. 41 SOOTH O STOEBTi Nrrada Baak Balldlnf. VmOINIA OITY. IIIV AD A. I •bb FibiiUmu cormpoodeBt, i. B. WAD* nXLDBOO. 1 OBOCBfcllfi. PB0YIBIOH8, Itc. GREAT BARGAINS! 01 ACCOUNT or liriBTUBI, 1\/fT WHOLB STOCK, COKSIBTINU OV GENERAL GROCERIES, Crockery, Glut ud Chin* Ware, A fall aaaortmaat ol WINKS AND LIQUORS, By tb« BottU or OaUan, JCWELRY. OUTLKRY. nm, PLAYING CARD*, BTO.. Will ba told FOB CAM OKLT fraallj Wow coat Bala moat ba aadad within Uilrty d*j«. Tba ftxtarr* ud om ufi, horn* tod htnoM, one doable and i m »lDfle birni •<, boat* farnl tur», »io., in alto lor m1«. All ptrtlM Indebted to ma are raqaaatad to oall a* onoa and aattta ibalr acoouata. A. CAHCNi 21 Btora nazt dear to tba Bank of Oold Hill. GROCERY STORE RICHARD MERCER, MAIN STRUT. GOLD HILL. FAMILY & FANCY 6R0CEB1E8 NOW ON BAND AND FOB BALE CHEAP FOE (IAMB. A Lttn AawrtaMt at GROCERIES AND PUOVIUIONH dlrtct (tarn til# OtllfornU Kw keU, computing la part i TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE, SPIOES CAN FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, SYRUPS, OYSTERS, RICE FLOUR, lilCK, CAN DLES, BUTTER. Provisions of All Kinds. THE HIT OF wiNU AND LIOUORS XT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. tVOoodi Delivered Vim of Ofcarf*. la BIOHABP MEBCER. F. W. FOLSOM, ■•la llnM. M4 mil, (Baotmor to BoMaaoa * Folaom.) WholMAl* tad R«U11 Datter la FAMILY QROCERIE81 FB0YI8I0KS, lie, SOLE AOBET IN OOLO HILL FOR MBS. HILLS' CHAMPAGNE BAKING POWDKR, ipHJJ BIST IN THE MABKET — ONLY reqalrM ball thi qnaatltr of uj other klad. ^LL PABTIES IEDEBTED TO THE LATE firm ol BOBINSON A FOLSOM art raqniModto CALL AND SETTLE •pHEIR AOCODNTS WITHOUT ,DELAY iM »«t» co»tj. 4_ J. & J. it. MALLON, 0 Street, aezt te the luk ef Call* forala Bnlldlnt, riROINIA CITY, NEYADAt Yy holeeale and bet ail dealers Groceries and Provisions, OMkn? aad Wh4—Win, Chtaa Imi uA iNMk Oat OUm, OU u« ftafti, Ibar aad f—4, Mtfhf Bto»« Plfj WINKS AND LIQUORS Of Ik* EfW 1MB!? Mir, BRANDY, FORT mm* SHERRY WINK ffer ■•4lo!itl iMi Waeall Ik* tpaeui attantloa at Rtna Hi Rill Baparlataadaata to oar latf* tad com pUU (look of Oili tad Caodlaa for Bill u< mlalM parpoa**. W« offer that oUm of good* It M COW JlQDRBt M th«r Ml b« landed from uj pan of tha Unliad IteUa, Una ■tabling Bill* uuV nlnaa oo u* Oo—tort to pareka** OUa, CuidlM, «te.. aa ckaap la \l* rinUai Uay can either In Baa knactaco at Um bat, with a guarantM of obuialac lnt> olaaa (oodi, deiWered fraa of dure* at tht Bin** la Vtaslala or Gold Bill. J. A J. I. MALLON, M Vtortala, harada. V. LEMERY, WMnala' and Balall D*al*r la GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOWIR OOLD HILL. ^LWAYB ON HAND A KKLBOT AMOAR ] Of Groceries and Provisions WINBBaad LIQUORS, TOBAOOO. mm* CIGARS, FLOOR aad GRAIN, BARDWARB aad CROCKERY, PRY OOOBB * YANKRR NOTIONS. I jsssftisssafsa s& c 0*p*aa a rBalla. _ . H. s.—Firtiaa wUfcinc to few la lota to rait, for cttk aa jy^flM^IU^Uate^ «A 'SdCSS-n. M chart*. Mb T.LUIY, ^—a—— MMgg^g* aw* la yoar ova town. 7*aa ■ |l oo tit tra*. Addnaa B. Slum A Uaad, Rain*. ku MISCELLANEOUS. ■45 Years before the Public, THE CEHUIME DR.C.MoLANES LITER PILLS art> not recommended as a remedy "lot all the ilia thut Hesh is heir to." hut in affections of the Liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia, and 8ick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to, or after taking quinine. Aa a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid. with the impression, McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa ture* of C. McLaxi and Funuro Bmo*. £&*Insist upon having the genuine Dh. C. McLAXk'8 LIVER PILLS, pre pared by FLEXING BROS., Pittsbarfk. Pt^ the market being full of imitations at the name MeLmm*, spelled dlflbrently but same pronunciation. INVALIDS AID 0THEB3 BEEIUO HEALTH, snwiguiim, WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUM, ARE RR QUOTED TO MENU FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW, AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR- J nal, which is publibher FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. fTTIIATSupoa HKAI.TH, HTOIKVt,udPtf* 1 cat Ciilur., ud t. » wydiiaMi W HfunnUJun lot lanlld. ud \bjj. wb. lAflNa Jl.rTou., IlktlMtlM »d WiM Kluiii. >WT HUM ihM !<•«• imi hMllh ud bonu hpfm, HMliM aiuutlwi In IU M.: tad lb. MtMW Uoi» uk.d by aiiSbrla( laraltfs, wb. ber.dw#i««4 of a nr., u. uiiwtrM), ud nluM. liktwiiM folunU.fid I. all TIM. Th. >ub)M« .fluetrie «»IU ud lb. baadrad ud oo. auMtiasM af >tul mm t. •uflbflof bumully, H. duly ud asplaiaad. YOUNG MEN lad ethers «h» anllkr from Nervous sad Phr*lMl ItatxIItT, Lm oTHmIt Vigor. H—**— I"1" ««!?! -9~&»SeS frau'l"i~Jractic«d by quick* m«1 oiihIicaI who ■rofiu lv 14 urMMC# BKllcInt," lid mIbM Mft ''^iTour^dr'-ou'U" ~t«* f "« ^formation worth Ibeusaada will be Mai yen. Addrew lb* (.ebllabow, PULVERMACHER OALVANIC CO. an Moataemary St.. Bsa rrsactace.Oai. ANNUAL EXAMINATION PERSONS OEIIRNN CERTIFICATES Authorizing them to U«ch la ths JPul>lic Schools OP STORIY COUNTY WUl to hsld it ths Fourth Ward Sohool House, IN VINOINIA CITY, Monday, Jane 28, at 10 A. M. And continuing till eonpltted. Ai recommsndsd by tto Stat* Board or Ida* cttlou, applloeat* for **cond<grad* certificate* will to repaired to atand examination In spell log. reeding, writing, geogrspby, pioau. history or tha United htw, arithmetic (omI and written). theory end practioo of leeching. Applloaau tot drst-grada certificate* will to required to itaad saixamlosiiou la tto follow log branch**, in addition to tho— wnntfifH shore: Tto rndlmsatary prtnclplM or natural philosophy. or ctonlstry, of physiology tad hygiene, and elgebrs tad bookkseplng. In order to to entitled to a ant or MCMd pad* oertificau tha applicant mail obtain a per cent of at least elxty-elx sad two-Ulrds la each branch or study prsecrtbed for examlaa Uon. sad also an avers** per eeat of eighty— this arorege to be foond by dlriding tbe sum or the numbers or per cent. In each atady by tha number of tindtai* A* far aa practicable all examination* will to coadacted la writing. Kecoaree to oral esamt nations will to had as supplementary thereto la tto theory aad practice of teechleg. 0. a. TOuMU, STAN WILLIAMS, r. M. acrraKKR, JelTtd Board of Kxamlam. GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND BUCD1NI WOUU, ■treet, Uasr HeM Hill, lt«| IRON AND BftAM OAKTINO*: or *r*ry vsrlsty mad* to order. LKAVB JOBT ASPJD TO XT OLD srtahllstod Machine Work* tto LAKQMT ED LATBB, PLAN SB and BTXAM HAMMSR, all of ths lst**t and mo*t tmproT*d coosuactloo, aad aas bow prepared to Maha sad Hspalr ail kinds aad all sla** af Mil At tto short sat notice and oa the me*t resect able terms. 10ms QgOBOB BMlCTT.r»OBrtsta*. On tba Railroad, «Mth of Julia Mlaa, VIRGINIA OITY. fXmat-KOOM 1 BLACK'S BUILDUQ V oornar of 0 tad Taylor atmta. XA1OTA0TUUS MILL AND MINI OASTINOS Of rrary daacnptlon la Iras aad tan. OmUmi t lr«T «nM >»lnl Fornlahad Promptly at tba Lowaat Bataa. »tf ilDMf milR, Proprtatar. HA8BROUCK * HALL, (Saccaaaora to A. B. Stavart dOo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Oppo*lta Tallow Jackat tagtaa Boaw, MAIN ITlUTi . . UOLD HILL ESIP A FULL stock OF PCBI DRUGS and Medidaaa, ParfBmrrr, Fancy Artl ata. Mr. Haabroack, a (thdiIi ot Pku> ■Mr. hu (ten Of Um Praaorlptloa Dasart mmt Pnaartptlom oawfally mfowiiffc? aadnlfht. Bafarrinc to Um abora, «• we—Hi tba •awtratoUMmUtoataof OoMHillaadTtcta ltyaad aollrtt a ooatlnaaaoa of taa patronage baatowad oa aa. A. B BTBWART * Oo. U PRIVATE SCHOOL, MRS. O. I. KINDALL WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOB PUPILS la tba Blab Sabool aad Qruamtr giadaa, IaaalS.totka ■led StoMl aalUiM. SaM Ml, arjftaar.asr—'-^flr