Newspaper Page Text
c THE EVENING NEWS 1LT. DOTES, ImhIW Edi*®r. WEDNESDAY. : : : : JULY 14. 1880 FOB PBE8IDENT. JAMES A. GARFIELD, or obio. FOR VICE PKE81DENT, CHESTER A. ARTHIIB, or KBW TOUK. dr. TiRNiri rm. Dr. Ta»nar'«|o-aa-you-plaa* starring match against time la Saw York la aliU alowly prograaalng. Ha baa not partaken ol any food whatever (or two traaka, and drinka no watar. Ha b aa loat twantj-ft*a pounds, and la ardently weaker, yet ha la In good apirita. and (nil In tha faith that ha will acoomplieh hia (aat of forty daya and nights. He ahowa mora inclination to alaap. and la oloaely watched all tha time by a number of phyaiciana. all of whom are naturally becoming more and mora inter* eatad aa tha feat progreaaea. Moat of them openly declare it to be impoaaible of completion, but are very deeiroua of aeeing how long tha man ean atarve without dying. He calla for freah air, and liea on hia little bed, with hia head out of tha window, for boura at a time. He walka about a great deal, and ia nervoua and irritable, yet not aa much ao as be was the first week. Dr. Tanner claima to have teated thla matter on aetaral accaalona before, and to hat# oaoa lived forty-two daya without food. Ha baaea hia theory of the poaaibility upon the well-known hibernating habita of beara and other animate, and anakee, which retire into hollow treee, aatta, holea, etc.. for the winter and repoaa there for montha without eating or drinking. Tbia la well enough and almply tha "nature of tha baaat;" but Dr. Tanner ahould bear in mind that theae hibernating eubjecta all aleep or remain in abeolute repoaa and darkneaa during their period of food ab\x=req-\ atinence, while he, on the contrary, actively movea about, engagea in oanver aation, and otherwiae conaumea the bodily and mental energiee of hia aya\x=req-\ tem, inatead of obeerring the hibernating condition of abeolute repoaa. Hia teat, therefore, almply amounta to a e tar Ting match againat time, merely abowing how long ha can live without food or nouriabment of any kind. He nhaorba by rinaing hia mouth frequently, leaa than eight ouncea of water per day, and yet by reapiration. perapiration and otherwiae, ha diachargea fully five pounds, regularly and promptly. This, to his phyaiciana. ia the problem which puzzlea them moat of all. Dr. Tanner'a voluntarily-impoeed feat ha claima to be in the interact of acience, and it naturally creates much sympathetic corioaity throughout tha country. Ha receivea plenty of lettera on tha aub\x=req-\ ject, among the flrat of which were the following: Madison 8<jr*ar. July 5.-Citizen Dr. Tanner, the Experimental Faster iNo. S): Two-third* oar thirteen hundred dead lait week would be all re and well today under one weeka fasting! Butcher! Baker! Grocer ! Undertaker, aa well aa doctor, are cornered In your nucceea. Bennett has teen twelve months hunting Ireland for a Famine'* corpee. Bedpath meets with no bettar succeee! Star ration bur»t» the grave\x=req-\ varda t Habit and imagination create anor\x=req-\ Lid appetite which killa at thirty-five thoae who should live five-score years! My diet would double Life'* average. Twould add two decadea to Thurlow Weed and Peter Tne thraa-squara-meal bell ringa in private Ufa. and iron gong call of hotel keep* mind and body in perpetual friction! Mtomacb. having no reet. revengee lt*elf by preventing *leep. while continued wear and tear of digaation explode* the boiler and tudden death follow*. t'aleea you drink watar and breathe fresh air, you will die! O. Fu*na Tui*. A Saw Jersey Quaker wrote tha following : 7. 3. A. D. 1M0. 10 a. To Dr. n. M. Tanner (forty day*' fast), New York\x=req-\ Dear Sir: Noticed by the papers that thee hi* commenced a forty day*' fast at H:30 noon, 6. 29. ItWO. Would be glad to hear from thee. Uave never undertaken so long a fast, but have had considerable experience in it. and have received benefit. Would not adviae thee to go forty day*. If thee repliee. could *ead thee my oircular*. Ac. Mot knowing thy iiumber. cannot addreaa thaa with certainty. Wbil*t faat\x=req-\ ing have had *ome wondt-rful thing* revealed to me. Claim to be a prophet, and im preaching. "Repent, believe* and be baptized or immer»ed."—John iii.f; Mark xvi. 16. Believe in living holy and sin\x=req-\ leaa. Abetaln from all rum. tobacco, opium, drug*, tea, coffee, meats, Ac. Youra. ±c.. Dm. J. B. Tzazm. Burlington, N. J. Tha last glasa of watar drank by Dr. Tanner waa on tha night of June 30, and that waa taken againat hia will. The pcrcc as who were on duty aa watchera thought tha faating man ahowed alarming aymptoos, and strongly advised him to taka a drink. Tha chanca* are that II ha lacceed*. George Francis Train will challenge him to a life teat in thi* matter, the aurvivor to take all the gate money. The receipts would be immense, and Train's death would make Tanner a millionaire. UITU!*, TCLNUU. Immediately after any popular political epieode, contention, or unnaaal movement Id the political line, eepe\x=req-\ cially, it will be obaerved that the telegraphic diapatcbea of the Aaaociated Preaa oooiiat principally of editorial opinion* taken from tba leading news\x=req-\ paper* of that aection. Thia ia intended to abow what public opinion may be 1a tba matter, yet the reflection ia not al\x=req-\ way* oorrect by any mean*, and ia very liable to biaa on tbe part of tbe aender. Tba Bodie Frtt Frtss, becoming exaa\x=req-\ perated in tbe matter, makea tbe following pertinent remark*: Thie matter of Aaaociated Pre** di«\x=req-\ patcbe* i* becoming **riou*. L**t night two-third* of oar telegram* wrrt composed of Democratic campaign yarn*, editorial «ipre**loQ* from Ea*|*rn Democratic pa\x=req-\ per*. Ilka the N*w York 9m and HtrmU, and volunteer opinion* in the *am* line aol ascribed to anybody. So far a* w* are concerned, w* do not care a picayune for the opinion* of the Sum or the II'raid upon political or other tubjecte. The lint la Kilted by a crabbed. sordid tad (oared Iskmael, who in hi* younger and betUr lays supported Grant (or President, and I •rc»u»e ne waa not appointed Collector of ;be Port of New York, turned upon the llepnlican party, and baa done more I quart, out and-out lying in favor of ita enemies alnoe that time than any ine man. Tbe Herald baa no editorial influence either in New York or anywhere sise, ita foro« of writera being notoriously I foreigners, having but slight knowledge of the oouutry or ita history. They are generally corraled in Castle Garden, and are discharged aa soon aa they acquire sum-1 cient geographical knowledge of the nation to be able to tell which ia the farther weel, the Alleghany or the Kocky Mountains. We do not thank tho Associated I giving ue ready-made oplnioas. either Be\x=req-\ publican or Democratic. W© art capable I of forming our own Ideas without outside assistance. It Is the province of the Associated Press to gather news, and not to hawk politic* through the conn try. rBHCH CSLEBMATIOB. Today the native® of many France, at home and throughout the world, wherever they may be, are celebrating their national holiday, the anniversary of the taking of the Baatile by the people of Pari*. It * gr**t day in France, eepe\x=req-\ cially in the ever gay and festive metropolis. The telegraph says that Pwis is profusely deooraUd in holiday attire, with banners, triumphal arohea and I devices of varioua kinds, and the railways havs brought in immense numbers I of people from all directions. Preeident Grevy haa granted pardons and oommutationa ol aentence to more than 130# common law criminals in home and colonial prisons, and the exiled Henri Rochefort returned yesterday. Sis thomeand persons welcomed bim end oheered him enthusiastically. I He waa eecorted to hia hotel by orowde ainglng the " Marseillalae "I and ahoating "Long U»« Roohsfort." The celebration today is eclipsing in msgniflcencs and popular enthusiasm my previous observance of the occasion, and not only in France, but eleewhere the aame way be aaid. Even here on the Cometock, our fellow citiiens of French nativity are making an unusual demonstration in that line, and hare plenty of American friends to aympa\x=req-\ thizingly join with them in their patri\x=req-\ olio foativitits and banquet. Tha Baatile. tba fall of which it eom\x=req-\ memorated to-day, was the famous SUte prison and citadel of Paria. which 01\x=req-\ isted for over four hundred years, an overpowering, mysterious engine of terror and political power, until destroyed by a grand uprising of the people in 1789. It was a huge, gloomy fortress of ponderous masonry, surrounded by a wide ditch twenty-flve feet deep, end garrieoned by one hundred men, exoluslve of the officers. The prison celle were of the same maaaive character as the building iteelf, and 50 of the oells were specially designed for the solitary oonftnement of prisoners of state. The inhuman treament to which prisoners in the Baatile were subjected baa few parallela in the history of penal cruelty. Put there without accusation or trial, on a aimple UUrt J* cadut, allowed no communication with friends, their final f»U *»» dependent upon the caprice of deepot iam and unknown to the world. Many prominent men thus disappeared witblu those walla and were nevermore seen in life. Here also wers imprisoned Marshal Richelieu, Voltaii*. Latude, and that victim of Louis XIV., known as the Man in the Iron Mask, whose identity baa never been absolutely established. After the death of Louie XIV., history procoeds to tell us that ths Bastils degenerated from being a place of incarceration for suspected princes, pretenders to the throne, snd subjects too powerful for the state, into a common jail, and finally tho imprisonment of Blaizot, the King s librarian, by ths Minister De Bretsuil, nominally by tbs king's order, brought to light the whols system of iniquity. On July 14, 178l>. came the uprising of the people, and alter a brief defence the Baatile was captured, ransacked, and on lbs following day its towers were razed and ita dungeons filled with the copings of its battlements. Seven persons were found still oonflned in its cells and dungeone, among whom were Count de Solage, a prisoner sineo hia eleventh year, and Tavernier, who had been oonflned there thirty long years, and who on hia liberation wandered about bewildered like a man with a broken intellect, or a maa awakened from a alupefying sleep. Records of horrors fsr worse were found inscribed on ths prison registers, and tradition is rife with stories of soul-freezing terror connected with the dark, myaterious recesses of that ponderoua prison fortress. On its site now standa the column of July, which waa erected in memory of the patriots of 178'J and 1830. Vale Baa\x=req-\ tile. Ltadville Iltrald: It ia a (act in (be history of tbia country tbat when military man bat* been elected to tba Preai* ilency, it baa bean not becauaa tbey were military men, bnt because they represented some policy wbioh tba people daaired to aee iutrodaced. A military fsether baa no partionlar cbarma for the American people, and tbey will not be foand following it like so many abeep. Tba whole qaeetion of the oampaign turns upon whether the people demand the policy of government represented by the Democrats Hancock ia merely the figure-head of tbia policy, and a peculiarly appropriate one. The censua makes striking changes in the table of citiea. New York, Philadelphia and Brooklyn retain their their placee at the head of the liat. St. Loaia, which waa fourth in 1870, has changed places with Chicago, which waa then tilth. Boeton ia now sixth, having gained a point at the ezpenae of Baltimore. Cincinnati remains where it waa. San Francieoo haa also gained, New Orleans receding to the tenth place. Washington, Cleveland and Pittaborg have gone ahead of Boffalo, which had the eleventh place in 1870, bat which now drop# to the. fourteenth place. Newark will probably come next, and will be fallowed by Milwaukee, Detroit, Loolaville and Providence. WASHINQTON LETTER. Diapilca Prtpanilrai-Bawarifi ■■C liMkllwa •allMk. [Correspondence of tbe Gold Hill Dally Dm ] Washington, May 34, 1880. Eoitob N«wa : The weather ia ao\x=req-\ oountable for an unezpeeted dollneaa in political circlta. Daring aaoh a hot term it ia tba moat that oan be dona to qnietly oonaider tba aitoation o( affaire and arrange for fatnre action. Tbia baa been the aituation daring tba paat week in tbia center of political intereat. Bat reflection baa ita naea in a campaign, and current talk begina to abow what reflection will do. Upon the nomination by tbe Cincinnati Convention there were few who did not aay that tbe Democrata bad pat ap their strongest poaaible ticket. Some Bepob\x=req-\ licana were even alarmed at the proepeot and expressed apprehenaiona of a Democratic success. Dot tbia feeling baa paaaed away. It ia coooeded quite aa readily that Hancock ia a Una offloer with a good war record, bat tbe difficulty ia that be ia on tbe wrong ticket. A Democratic leader will pleaae the balk of hia party better with a record made ap of facta of reaiatance to the war and ita oonatitutional reanlta. They who have hated tbe war and ita oonaeqaenoea oan\x=req-\ not wall admire ita leadera. The fatal inconalatenoy of the MeClellan and Greeley nouinaliona made, like tbia of Han cock'a, aa a political atrike, ia there-1 fore repeated, and the oalni judgment of the country will oondemn the fraud, let it take what abape it will. If tbe Democratic party can win with ita own weapona, well and good, bat to borrow from tbe Republican armory ia to be convicted of treaaon itself. Some each line of reasoning aa thia baa re\x=req-\ atored Republioana to their acoaatomed oonfidenoe. Tbe varioua State delegationa located here will aoon begin to reorganize their campaign clabe. Tbe work will drag during tbe hot apell, but the early Fall will find the fall faroe of Republioana working with more than uaual vigor for tbe sucoeea of Qarfleld and Arthur. The meeting of tbe Kepublioan Central Committee took place in New York tbe laat day of June, aad their plana will aoon be completed. Preaident Hayea will make no objection to a vigorous campaign from here, provided, of count, it ia dona without interference with public dutiea. Thia may be aaid to be an iuoonaiatency on bia part, bat let it go at that, at ita worat, a few will aay they bavo not alao been aa inoonaiatent. Tbe Proeident baa learned by thia time that be baa tbe beat publio aorvaata in tba world. He cannot very well reacind hia order or atate tbia faot, but ha knowa it. Look at it. A rival party, with power and diapoaition to pry and poke into every nook and corner of a Republican Administration of affaira baa uaed ita power to tba at\x=req-\ moat for four yeara or more. What ia tbe result? Abaolutely nothing hut shame and mortification to itaelf. All tbe inveatigationa, all tbe tbouaande, yea, milliona spent, hava abown no malfeasance in office, no crookednaaa, no misuse of power. Let tha facta be atated if tbia ia more or leaa than true. To ask better reaulta ia to aak more than humanity abould be bald to. Tbe Prea\x=req-\ ident ia evidently aatiafled, and tbe civil service, if it faila to get tbe honor due it, will at least be treated with lenient respect, and in tbe ooming oampalgn Washington Republioana will be allowed to assert their oonvietiona and defend their righta and interaala. A. The International Exhibition of 1883. <m J Scientific Prt„, July 10. The Act of Congreee incorporating an f?. Co®o>Mion for holding a World a Fair at New York in 1888, oaJla lor the appointment or two Commfaaion> era from each Slate and one from each Territory—theae to be joined to the tommuMionera namrd in the Act—the entire number to conatitnte a commiaaion for initiating tod conducting tbs Fair l urnuaut to thia Act the neceiiary ap\x=req-\ pointment* have already been made, and the Commiaaion will aoon commence ao\x=req-\ tire work. The appointments for thia coaat. ao far aa we have learned, are aa follows : California—Henry George and Warren B. Ewer. Commlaaionera; with Geo. rreticle Dawaon and Walter Hart aa alternatea. Nevada—John W. Mackay and M. P. T. Finoh, Commlaaionera; with Itichard nate " A"'n A" Cuttr M alter\x=req-\ New Mexioo_H. M. Atkinson, Com. na" Newman m alter\x=req-\ The flrat doty of the oommiiaion will ni ^npamy organization and provide for the opening of booka of aobacnption to the capital atock. They will then adjourn, and the aubecription book, will remain open for 60 daya, at tb, expiration of which time there will *,™eetiD8 of the oommiealonera and etockboldere, who will eleot a Flnanoe Committee of 25, to auperintend that •pecial department. The entire oom\x=req-\ miaaioB will th.n effect a permanent organization, elect offloere, adopt by\x=req-\ lawn, appoint oommitteee. eto.. when atrenuoue effort, will be atoncaoom\x=req-\ menced to complete the arrangement, for the exhibition, and make the aame a grand aocceaa. An art movement on the Iathmoa ia impending, in the removal of the bronze atatue of Colnmbua from Colon, where it now ie, to a pedeatal near the pro\x=req-\ poeed entrance to the Chagrea Canal A Manama newipaper think, thia move premature, beoauaa for the preaent "thia paarl of European art woold be oonaign. »d to damp obeeurity of a malarloua mangrove awamp, where it wonld never ba tinted exorpt by the gallinazoe, oongre\x=req-\ jo., cuUbrae, and other denizena of the jungle. There can oertalnly be no Geat danger that the oanal will ba cut tween the two ooeana before a "hanoe la afforded to remove "thia pearl of art" to another alta. ,,£"«b BernhardtMP°rU<1 m .aying; . credltora, for a woman Moon !"* of h#r I1t# on 9C.000 a year given by the Frenoh Com\x=req-\ <*n't get on if aha baa not $17,°oo a year, and then aba moat go to market beraelf and be har own cooa and ohambermald and ba content not to put by that for old age. We actreeeee have • hard time of it, and I for one, am doworight tired of the trade! Jo»t look at the opera aongatraaaea. There ia not one of them who doea not half aa bard aa wo poor play-actraaaea. At thia aeaaon of the year, when the broker return, on Monday morning from the aeaaide or tba aprioga, and hla frienda oomment on bla rubicund complexion, ba ramarka briefly, •• aunbnrn." And tben they laugh and point exnlt\x=req-\ ingly to bia pimple, and be anawara "poiaon oak." Bat they believe bim not, for tba aeaaide wbiaky ia of exceeding .trength, and tba barkeeper at tba apringa acrapletb not to pat bigb wine In tba eoektail. WESTER* DISPATCHES, Going Back Kalloch. 8an Fbancisoo, July 14.—The following doou wsnt tu filed yesterday in Judge Halsey's court: "W. B. Larza\x=req-\ lere, one of the eureliee upon the official bond of Hon. I. 8. Kalloob, Mayor of the eity and county of San Franoiaco, reapeotfnlly represents that It hla deaire to be relieved from all liabilitiee arieing upon aaid bond from and alter thia application and the granting thereof, and atatea aa the reaaona therefor that aaid I. S. Kalloch, Mayor aa afore\x=req-\ aaid, haa panned each a oonree politically aa to anrpriae and dlaappoint your petitioner and applicant. That your petitioner and 1.8. Kalloch, Mayor, aa aforeaaid, hare, aince the filing of aaid bond, became antagonized politically, and that, aa yonr petitioner ia informed and believes said I. S. Kalloch, Mayor, aa aforeaaid ,la alio desirous that your petitioner shall be removed from eald bond." W. B. Larxalere, petitioner, it will be remembered, ia one of the trua\x=req-\ teee of the Metropolitan Temple and the gentleman who proteated agalnat Mayor Kalloch talking politioe in ohuroh laat Sunday week. Ban Francisco Item*. Sam Fhancisco, July 14.—Among the numeroue partiea who left for Yoeemlte ▼alley yeeterdey were the following: Governor George 0. Perkins, Count de Qalard, Baron Martin de Norr, Colonel Jamea Gamble and daughter, Harry Coleman, Marquia de Camolle, William H. Milla of Seoramento, Mra. Cheney, Bev. Dr. Briggs, Colonel J. P. Jaokaon, Mayor Turner of Sacramento and party, and William E. Dean and party. The Board of Election Commleaionere laat night indoraed the action of the Freeholder! in fixing the Charter election for September 8th. Mayor Kalloch aaid he thought the Freeholdera had exceeded their powera in ao doing, but, although be would like to aave the city the expeoaea of a special election, he preferred not to have any claah of authority in the matter. The Auditor yeeterdey turned over to the Tax Collector the personal property taxroll. According to the figures of Deputy Auditor Edgar the aggregate value of the roll ie $88,521,888, an increaae of $37,499,807 over the assess* msnt of laat ysar. The figurea ol the Assessor placed the total value of the personal property at $87,000,000. bhocklnf and Hyilertoui Affair. Ukiah, Cal., July 13.—On the road leading from Potter Valley to Little Lake, weat of the ranch of Benben Cave about three milea, M. Gardner, son of Constabls Gardner, of Willib, aged 13 years, and H. Fltoh, son of J. B. Fitch, now employed on the Mendocino Btacon, aged 11 yeara, were fonnd deed on Sun\x=req-\ day—one ehot through the bead and the other through the heart. There was no difficulty between the boya, and suspicion now pointa to a murder. It ia rumored that the track of a man waa found leading from Little Lake and near the boys, and for eoma dietanee baok. ANOTHZB ACCOUNT. It ia - supposed ths occurrence took plaoe on Saturday forenoon, and the moet reaaonable theory advanced ia relation to the matter ia that Marion accidentally killed hie companion, and then, in remorae for the reeult of bie carelees\x=req-\ ness, shot himself with ths pistol, which waa fonnd in hia grasp. The bodies were taken to Littls Lake, and Justics Muir held an inqueet on Sunday. The jury rendered a verdict that the boye had ehot themselvee, either aocidentally or intentionally. The melancholy affair baa cauaed great excitement in the locality where it occurred and eleewbere in the county, the family having an exten\x=req-\ eive acquaintance. Indicted for Harder. UziAB, Cal., July 13.—The trial ol Mr*. Shram, iodicted with the Anthony boja for the murder of her hatband, A. J. Shram, on the 11th of July, 1878, waa oalltd yetterday and continued nntil thia morning. When the caae waa oalled Mra. Shram waa reported aiok and unable to attend. The eaae waa again poatponed until 2 o'clock, and again aha waa unable to be preaent, when a deputation of pbyticiana waa appointed by the Court, who, after an examination, pronounoed her not sick, but laboring under nervous excitement. The Court, Judge Hudaon of Lake county, iaaued an order for the defendant to bo brought into court if aha had to be brought in on a bed. The Conrthouae and town are fall of jarnre and witneaaea. Much excitement ia manifeated. Utah Items. Salt Lake City, July 14.—A letter reoeived here laat evening from Oreen river aaya: Seventy-five proepectora from Leadville have located a camp at the headwatera of Braah creek, Uintah mountains, 110 mllea eaat of Salt Lake. They have diaoovered a body of ore 3000 feet in length, aaaaylng from $300 to $700 in ailver and have loeated for eight miles. Thia new oamp la in Utah, and it haa bean known that propertiea were in that aeotion of the Territory, bat the atory of so big a find is slmost incredible. Colonel Neil, who haa been appointed Governor of Idaho by the President, was Mr. Hayes' private secretary when he waa Governor of Ohio, and for the paat two yeara baa been register of the Land Office in Salt Lake. The appointment is regarded aa an excellent one. The warm weather which baa been prevalent for the paat month aaddenly changed yesterdsy, and anow to the depth of four inches fell ia the Wssatch rsnge. BORH. Ia Gold BUI. July 11, k> the wife of KU!ott Moor*, A (UufbUr. Ia Vlrftala. July 12, to tbe wife ef William Manning, a daughter. MARRIED. Ia Dayton, Jnly 11. Obarlea H. Taylor of Virginia to M1m Lillian A. Martin of Dayton. NEW TODAY. THE CII1 BAIEBY, RE8T AU RANT. Confectionery and Candy Depot, Ne. JIT Nertk C Street, Vlrelnla, OFFERS AM ILBOINT ASSORTMENT Ol holiday GOODS. Tore. Oandlea, One menu Tor Table, Ornamental. Froeted end Plain Oakee or ail klnda, deeerlptlooe and de algna, and at prioM to enlt everybody. Aa we Impart all oat rooda direct from lh» bat, we can offer them auprlee* the aame at charged in New fork, and at leee than Bee Francisco rates. tw Oraamente lor Oakae a tpeclalty. |3r*Ice Cream aad Btrawberriee and Craam. Alao auawberrtee by the boa, at wboleeale or retail. FITZMKIKR k ARMBRU8T. hS PICNIC EXCURSIONS. FIFTH Annual Picnic —A*I>— CELEBRATION OF GAMES —OF TO— VIRGINIA CALEDONIAN CLUB —WILL TAU PLACS AT— Tread way's Park, Carson, SATURDAY, AU8UST 7, 1880. I'aaalllH flaaei ■ Arthur L. Wilton, Wm. Somervllle, Win. Sutherland, Alexander Wilson, Oeorge M. Stewart. Programme of Games. The following lilt of Prize*, now on •*tolbl\x=req-\ tlon at William Mannlng'a Jewelry Store, «1U be awarded to tba successful competitors: 1. Throwing Heavy Hammer ( weight, SI pound*): First Prize— Elegant Stiver Kpergne. Second Prize-Hllvsr Ei. graved Dinner Oteior. 9. Throwing Light Hammer (weight, 14 pooadil: First Prise - Handrame Obaaed But t«r Dlih. Second Prlie-Palr of Oent'e Moee Agate ulcere Bnttooe. 1. Patting Hravy Stone (weight. St pounde*: Flrrt Pnze—Cjt-glass Silver Pickle Caitor. Seoond Pilse — Set of Oold Enameled Bhlrt Stode. I. Putting Light Stone (weight, 14 ponadi): Flru Prize-Elegant French (lilt Alarm Clock. Second Prize-Shell Vaae. ft. Short Race (100 jardfl, for membere of the Clulionly: rlret Prize-Handsome Engraved Silver loe Pitcher. Second Prize -Silver Syrup Jug. S. Back Race: Pint Prize —Sliver Ohaeed Ooblet. SecoLd Prize — Pair of Solid Sliver Sleeve Buttons. 'T. Standing Jump: First Prise —Pslr of Opera Ulaaaes. (fecund Prise—Silver Oup. 8. Hop, Step and Jump: Plrat Prize—Fie. gant Silver Water Pitcher. S»cond Prize-Pair of Oent'e Oemeo Bieevs Buttons. S. Vanning with Pole: First Prize-Half a dozen EUgaut Sliver Knlvee and Forks. Second Prize-SUver Individual Combination Castor. 10. Toselng the Caber: First Prise — Engraved aud Chased Silver Tobacco box. Second Prise-Handsome Sliver Napkin Ring. 11. Pour-Hundred-Tard Race: First Prize\x=req-\ Silver Creamer, on ttaod. Second Prize—Sil\x=req-\ ver-tipped Cut-glass Syrup Pitcher. 13. Toung Ladles' Race (71 jarde)—No Fee: Plrat Prize-Elegant Tellet bet, preeented by ArtburL Wilson, Esq. Hecond Prize—Silver\x=req-\ mounted Cut-glass Jewel Casket, preeented by Wm. Manning, Esq. Third Prise—Oold and Onyx Vail Pin, preeented by Alex. Dickson, Esq. IS. Hurdle Race (too yards, 4 burdies): First Prize—Oent'e Elegant Fan sbspsd Oold-qoartz Breastpin. Beeond Prize—Oold-monnted Hair Watch Ouard. 14. Soya' Race (14 yeara and under)—No Fee: First Prtz*-Silver Cup.fgecond Prise—Elegant Pearl Breastpin. IB. Qlrls' Race(14 years and under)—No Fee: FlrstPrise— Hsndiom* Cat-glass Toilet Bottle on Sliver Stand. Stcond Prise—Pair of El*, gant Pearl and Oold Earrings. Third Prize\x=req-\ Lady's Oold Straight Pin, preeented by Alex. Dickson. B*q. 14. Ladlea' Archery (S arrows each; distance, Myarde)—No Fee: First Prize-Elegant Cut. Kla«a Silver-mounted Jewel Caaket. Hecond Prise —Handsome Antique Silver-mounted Bohemian Vaae. IT. Archery Club Bhoollng. Teams of Ave men each from tbo eeveral Archery Club* of the BUt* will compote fur a OOLD AROHKRY MCDALI Made ezpreuly for tbe purpoee. Each man to have 10 arrowe, at 40, to and 00 yards. In addition ta the above games, Teams, consisting of twenty men *sch, from tbe varioas Military Companies of the State, will compete for a Steu-wlndlng Waltham ■OLID GOLD WATCH And Heavy Solid Oold Chain aa the flret prize for the team making tbe moet points. Shooting u> be conducted acoordlng to tbe rule* of tbe United Htatea National Rllle Association. Distance, 300 yards. Each man to bave 10 ronnda. Second Prize—ISO gold coin. Tblrd Prize— gold coin. Professor Cars'* Foil Bran Band Will accompany the excursion and furnish muilc to ail thoee desirous of dancing at tho Grenada. SPECIAL NOTICE. Perfect safety and atriet order will be pre\x=req-\ aarrml by special conductors and guards on toe train. All partlea not holding exsortion tlcksts will be charged as entrance fee of f 1 to tbe grounds. Non-members of the Club will be chargvd a competition r«j offl for each game. Tralna loare Virginia at 7:10 a. and Gold Hill at 7:14*. m. Officers of tbe Day aad competitor* only allowed within tbe circle. Tbla order will Ira atrlctly enforced. KATEtt OK PARK, RTC. Ticket* (for roond trip, Incladlng admission to Park) 03 00 Children under ten 1 OO Admission to Park 1 OO JaSld THE NINTH Grand Annual PICNIC BXCURSION —O? TM1— VIRGINIA AND OARSON Turn - Verein, —will Tan rue* At— Treadway's Park, Carson, —on— SUNDAY, JULY 18,1880. Grand gymnastic prizr ixkrcism. Foot Bace for Ladles aod Gentlemen. Baa* Ball, Archery and many other game* will be Introduced on the ground,. Nothing will be spared to make the plcnlo pleaaant to all who attend. Prehiaer Car* aad lawyer1! Iran and Itrlag Baadi Will fnrnlah the mule. Good order will be maloUlned on tbe gronnda, and guards will be elationed on the care to prevent accldenta. A commissary car aad attendant will acoompaey tbe excursion. The train will leave Virginia at ■ o'clock A. M. CeanlttN of ArraiftaeaUi Canon—Jacob Mueller, John Roeeer aad K. Fischer. Virginia—H Stacker, John Wulff, H. Ruber, 0n». Tbede and P. Boegle. TICKETS, 99 lor roond trip. Including ad\x=req-\ mlaalon to Park and Dane* Hall. ObUdren, half price. Admlaalon to the Park, 91. PreeMeat »f the Day Gm. Thede J»»d PRIVATE SCHOOL. MRS. O. 8. KENDALL WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOR PUPILS la the High School aod Grammar gredee, Juoe M, la the High Nkeel Balldlng, «*M Hill, Aad will alao give tnatraction la Preneb, Span\x=req-\ lah aad Muale if deelred. Mli* MISl'ILLiKKOUS. BARKER BEOS. J aft recelrad, the Latoit tod B««t.Btylc» of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, Gents' Tarnishing Goods, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER GOODS, Hal*. Cap*, Boots M« Mooa, Mw kill, Traaks, ValtoM. QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! lit Ooodi Matk*d Down M P« Cml. Low* ibia Mt/ OtlMr Uoom la Um Htota M BANNER BROTHERS, Corner O iU Tartar Htraata. VIRGINIA, • • NBTADA ONE PRICE ONLY! A BQDABI DEAL FOB ALL FOR FINE CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Dati, Capi, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Etc., —AT THE— One-Price Clothing Store, 196 Main Street, Gold Hill. j FRANK BO^KfAviTZ. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, IfffAIN NTKEBT, GOI.D: lllf.L. - DXALU IK\x=req-\ BLANK BOOKS. HVATIONKRY. JBWBLUV, HCilOOL BOOKN. CL'TLKRY. TOVM, Kte. Aftot for tb* 8m Frandioo Daily OHRONIOLE, BULLETIN. EXAMINER, -*«>- ALTA. MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. 151! GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AXD— VARIETY STORE, MAIN.HTRBBT, GOLD HIIX, Oppoalta Fox'* M«at XarkttX D. THORBURN, Proprietor. AOEXT KOU TBI OOLD HILL DAILY NKW8 And San Franclaco "Examiner" Md MPotl." Eastern Periodicals AND LATEST BEADIIU ■ ATT KB. CIGARS AND~TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC. SHOW-CASE GOODS. STATIONERY. 8OHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. STO. ■ad tailih«Mrr Dial Imm Ommrmmlaad. i_ GOLD HILL BAKEI1 RE8TAURANT MAIN RTRBKT—..—OOLD HILL, Oppoalta tha XcllpM Llrarjr BUblM, J. P. BBGKEB Proprietor. -BUSH BBIAD. PUS, 0AKB8, AND HOI « Boll* arary day, dallrarad at tha raal\x=req-\ dam. of coatomara. BREAD AT REDUOED PRICES. OT PIM ud Oakaa at radnoad prlOM. na07 or aatortad Oakaa made to ordar « short QOtlOB. Tha RaHAwaat Department la tba flnaat la Um BUU. All kind, of Game, Pcmltn tad ftaah Ftah and alas Oyeton reoelvad cad tarred np daily. Km NOW OPEN. RUBICON HDIBBAL SPRINGS Tan mllaa waat of MeKlnne7*a Landing, LAKE TAHOE, la tha place to ipand a law weeka dnrtnc tha hot aaaaon. Tba uprliyr* "• **" k,,05?1 b* people of Gold Hill for thalr wonderful medicinal propartlea. THI HOTKL la noder tba manage m»«* of ftn. Bauer of Vlr\x=req-\ itlnla 01 tr. who U a competent boneekeeper. Milk fraa of axtra cbaipe. Board and Lodftoc. par waak 910 09 a Q. BPCill.KK. Praprlatar. HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEBLINB'S SON'I CO. TMIIM, N«W J •nay. Beat Craalbla Caet-Hteel Ilaletla. Cablaa Of all Daearlptlaae, Wlra Ptr.ada Far U.Hlfl.i Maa« Cea. ataatlr aa haad. 8. ▼. UOOim. AfBi. wiwhouw, D6ir Hill Ji NorcroM works. Tinrinia Oltj, NaradaT^ ««««•• worn. MISCELLANEOUS. Jfl Years before the Public* THE GENUINE DR.C.McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended iw a remedy "for all the ills that tlcnh U lielr to," but in affection* of tbe Liver, and in all Bilious Complaintu, Dyspepsia, and Hick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking quinine. A# a aimple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The gfnuiue are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax Real on the lid, with tiie impression, McLAN'E'3 LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bean the signa\x=req-\ ture* of C. McLanb and PLiMtVO Bboh. ^9~In*ln upon having the genuine D«.C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS, pre\x=req-\ fiered liy FLKMIXU BROS., Pittsburgh, Pi., the market IwIiik full of Imitations <t the name McLane, spelled ditbrentljr. btir «*me pronunciation. INVALIDS AVD OTHERS 8EEHK} HEALTH, STRENGTH aid BHEMT, WITHOUT TIIE l'8K OF DKCOS, AM RE. QUESTKD TO HENIt KOR TNC ELECTRIC REVIEW, AN 1LLIWRATED J01'It- J SAL, WHICH IS PUBLISHK» FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. rT TRKATrt U|w« KE.U.TH, UIIXI, u4 Ptini\x=req-\ 1 ml Ciillnr., and U * complete .neycleaadta *f UlomUM for I.f.lid. ud lbo.ewke eufetr turn JVervoua. Kxb.uauog .nil Painful Divim. Iw( tuMxtthai b»r. span I...lib aad rtnlm all.nliou In IU )««ee: "4 th. u»ut ****; l.ane aek.d by euSbrlnf In,.lid., wh. be?. dopalrrd of. cure, at. uewered, and aalueble laktwIM U rolume.rxt ta *11 «J>* " IM< °* ■"**»' rt«*. Th. aublMt of Kl»elrl* IMu ww Ml«HUl, M<1 tlw hu.dr.d ud on. qu«.tl<»< «f rtUl Uapw\x=req-\ Unc. to euffcilng humuiiy, u> duly c*uid*r*4 uul eiplainrl. YOUNG MEN And nlk.rl who aulfer from Nerfoue and Phreloat lxbtlltr. Lo* ofMuly Vigor. Pi.uiaiur. IiW lion ud lb. muy «lo.«ny mmmimmm af aartf, .10., ar* eepecially UaeOUd by w ™Tb*l LKCTRIC REVIEW .ipou. lb. umRlgaiad fraud, practical by ouack. and medical IuimMi wbo la " practice »edlciee," and peAU oul Lb. Mly mto, .linpU, ud .Seaura iwd I. Hullk, ▼iter, ud Bodily Energy, riend your on po.ul card fcr a eapy, aad to formation worth ihotuud. will b. Mat y.«. Addr.M lb. pabllehere, PULYERMACHER GALVANIC CO. tu MonOromerr S.H rraacleoo. Oal. STEVENSON'S PaMal ■•old Board AMALGAMATING PAM. PATENTED, APRIL 19, 18TI. IN TERN ATI ON A I. EAniBliiWN* Philadelphia, WS, AWARDED FIRST PREMIUM —roit am nmovBD— Grinding and Amalgamating Pan. rpais PAN 18 PAR SUPERIOR TO ALL JL outers la several Important particular.. Th. Ortadlng Mailers an near the center, requiring lees power. Tbe plow-shaped grooves rata* tbe quicksilver with th. palp iwolarlj. with less power, without vlol.nce, and with better amalgamating effect, besides admitting a MM charge. Tbe Indlntd sbaped bouiicga of tbe nailer-plate openings efflclentlj force tb* pnlp directly und.r tb* mailer*. Manufactured at tb* Ooldea BUM and Miners' Iron Works, 237 to SM First street. Baa Francisco, and at tb* Oates k Hcovllls Iron Works, (1 bouth Canal street, Chicago, where 11 can be examined sod lartbar particulars b* leaned; ur pereon* war apply to tbe Inventor and Pat\x=req-\ cntae, 0. 0. aTEvKMSON, at tbe Oooglas Mill, Gold Hill, Nevada, wbrrs Uie Pan* bave long been in operation. GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORK*, ■ala Itnet, Uvsr MM Hill, lew IKON AND BKAM OJUTINQK Of •vary wMj mad* to order. LHAVB JD8T ADDED TO MT OLD eaUbltahed Machine Wotfca lb* UKOMT ED LATHI, PLAMKR and BTJUM HAMHKK, all of tha lata*! and moat Improved eonatructtoo, and am bow prepared to Make and Repair all klnde and all alaas of MILL * MINING MACHINERY It the shortest notice aad oo tha moat rssao* able terms. Ida OKOBOB BBOTT. Proprietor. VIRGINIA FOUNDRY, On tba Ballroad, aooUi of Julia Bins, VIRGINIA CITY. /^mOB-BOOM 1 BLARK'S BDILSIIQ « cornsr ot C tad Taylor itraala. MAMUrAOTUBXS MILL AND MINK CASTINGS Of every daacnptlon la Iron and Braee. OMtlaci «f Ktary Srada Dwlnd Pamlahed Promptly at tha Lowest Ratee. »tf AWDREW FBA«BR. Proprietor. GOLD HILL MARKET Naxt law M it* Nawa ( X. B. DfflLLT, : : PBOPBIKTOR. At TH18 BARKBT CAN. always ba found TBB OQOIOSBT BMF" MUTTON, MIR' . AND BA1JBAOBB. V,A1*' Oar an) mala, being selected from tha best OsUie Ranchas In Nevada and California, at* always baa]thy. PWVATB PAMILIK8 AND HOTXLB will Ind It to their advantage to patronlie tbla Market, wbera they will always ba aupplled with tha boat maata tha eoontry can ajfard. RMNDBHZD TALLOW, for mill and mining parpoaas, constantly on haad. 11 M. B. DWELLY. HA8BROUCK * HALL, (Saccasaors to A. B. Stavart <t Oo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Oppoalta Tallow Jacket login* Boaee, MAIN WTRBBT, ■ - COLD BllL SKI? A PULL STOCK OF FDBB DBUOB and Medletnee, Perfhmrry, Fancv Artl\x=req-\ , etc. Mr. Haabrooch, a graduate of Phar-. maey, haa cbarve of tba Prescription Department. Preeerlptione oarafolly compoaadea day and night. Wewlah te call attention to the fbitowlag\x=req-\ celebrated ramedlaa of B. L. Joaaa t Out Tbarmo. Electric ReoMdy, Liver Granules, a art Calendula Ltnlmeot. fee which wa are aol» afftBta for Paolfle Oaaet. U BABBROUOX k BALL.