Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL VOL. XXXIV. GOLD HILL, STOREY CO.. NEVADA: FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 16. 1880. NO. 5130. THE EVENING NEW ^ Publiehed every J.y (Sundaye exoepted). BY TH( SIW* PV1LUHIIO CO. 07* Entered at the Ovid UUI pcatoffloe M tecond-claaa matter. TIRMI. ».ne year. by Mall or Kxpraee 9* 00 ■Is Moathe. # 00 Thre. .«» Delivered la Uotd U1U. Vtnftaia, Sliver Olty Careoa. Dayton, Hntro, ate., at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER WEEK. Payable to tha Camera. OUR AOVFRTISINB AQENTS. 0. W. CBANK : No. 10, Laideadorff • treat, (naar Pine), Sao Pranoitcu. OAQWIN A ALLEN, : : : : Canon Oi^r W. M. LANO. : Empire Citj H. X. JAMISON. :::::: Bmo O. OUENOWETH. : : Winnewuoca NIW YORK. J. J Batu., : 41 Park Roar B. M. Pbttbhoiix A Co.,: : 97 Park Hoa Qao. P. Boviu, A Co..::: 41 Park Bo* Tma Path way be foand on file in New Tark at tha new.paper ageociee of J. H. Bate*. 41 Park Bow; a. M. PetteagUl A Co., 17 Park Bow, and Qao. H. Rowell A Co., 10 Hprooe ■ treat. A LICK CABBY'S SWHBTEMf r OCB. among tha beaatlfal picture* That bans ua mnu rywall, la one ot a din oil forMt, Thai the beet or all; Dor foe tie gnarleu o.k* oMtd. hath with the mletletoe: Not for tha violate golden That eprlnkle the vale below ; Not for tha milk-white Ullea That lean from the fragrant hedge . Not for the vlaee oa the upland. Where the bright red berrtee r«et; Hor the pink. nor the pale, tweet cowtilpe. It teemed to me the beet. 1 oaee had a little brather With eyee that were dark aad deep\x=req-\ la the lap of that oldeo toreet He lielh to Phm uleep. Light aa tha down of tha thl.lle. Free u the wlDde that blow. We voted there the beautiful eummere— The Warner, of long ago. Bat hla feet vn the hllie grew weary. Aad ooa of the autumn daje 1 made for my little bru'ber A bed of the yellow leavee. Itweatly hie pale arme folded My aerk la eweet eaibraee At the light of Immortal beeaty Silently coveied hie face; And when the arrow, of euneet Lodged In the tree-tope bright. Be fell. In hie taint-like beeuty. Atleep by tbe yatea of light. Therefore, of all tha picturee. That bang oo memory', wall, The one of the dim old fureet SveOMlh tbe beet of all. Bljah'a Experience in Mexico. Ittlroil /'r« /V«i. The morning »un waa dancing over t b»■ door in double- ahulHea hia booor fall into the atation, bia face tlaabed, bia hair wet and bia general look one ol goneneaa. "Bijab, did you ever aee aacb a acorcher?" be faintly inquired, aa ba fanned bimaelf with bia bat. "Tbia 'ere weather," replied Ibe old janitor aa ha etood hia brooui in tbe corner, "ia freezing compared to aome that I experienced in Mexico. Why, Judge, I've aeen it ao hot in Santa Ku tbatink boiled in the inkatand while I wu trying to writa a letter to my aotber. I waa aunatruck aeven time* in one day while driving an ica-wagon." "Mr. Joy," aaid hia Honor, aa be roaa up and moved to hia dank, "I waa in hopea your late illneaa would be taken by you aa a aolemn warning, and I am grieved to And yon atiil treading the aame old path." "Waan't 1 ever in Mexico?" demanded the old man ae bia (ace grew red. "We won't argue the caae. I am aorry (or yon." A bootblack behind tbe atove began to grin, Bijah walked over and aeized bia bair and gave him a lift in tbe world and whiepered in bia ear. "Boy, I want yon to uuderatand that I've beeu in mora Maxicoa than you'va got haira on yonr aoalp, and any mora grina around hera will loae you tbe topo( your head!', A bachelor cynio aaya it ia atrange how early in life a child gaiua tbe reputation o( reaembling the richeat and beat looking o( ita relative*. A precioua Scotch laaa, avven yeara old, whan aaked whether aba would marry or remain einKle, aaid: "Neither; I ahall be a widow." Sever alight a girl who baa (alae teatb. If they were her own abe'd apend half her time cleaning them, and the other halt at the dentiat'a. A philoaopber aaya: "You require in marriage precieely tbe aaae quality that yon would in eating aauaage—abeo\x=req-\ luta confidence." A Syracuse boy put bia aiatar'a awitcb into a cannon on tbe Fourth. Ha aaid that waa the proper way to bang bar hair. " What I'd like to know," aaid a acboolboy, "ia bow the uioutha of rivtra can ba ao much larger than their heade." PHOKKtiSIO.ML CARDS. T. J. MACEE, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otfire to Ooffwell'e baUdlotf, MAIN NTUKKT. - • UOLD HILL PrvfWakmal call* promptly attended to day or nlcht. a* J. U. HALL M. 0.. PHYSICIAN AND SUNOION onsi _ aND KEHIDKNCE - OPPOSITE Nawa ofBce. Mala •Ueet.Oeld UU1. Mm DR. A. CHAPMAN. ■ UIIQK0N«DKIIT:I8T, •E1ROM NEVADA COT. OAUFOR-f^B X Bia Permanently located al ■lota City. Office. 110 IIOUTB 0 HTHKk.T. Batl afaction nvaoteed. 10 ■ BOiROlNS ASH DAY SCHOOL CUulcil, Llterarj and Bcleiilflc. The Berkeley Gymnasium Prepare* t»oj» ler the Ualvetelty. mBlfl INSTITUTION HAS THE PATRON A Meofthebeetlamllleaortkeeoaat. Th< fourth achool y»ar begina on MONDAY, JCL1 Utfc. Wot Hal or rafcMocea and (all diacaartot of department* of edacatlco, apply for eata lone to JOHN FTBUKKi*. la •epertatawleat, Berkeley, 0*1. TOWS ORPISASCtt. I ORDINANCE WO 109. as okdiimci «• n* T»x vwm «*■•» Corporate U«IU MU1. PB _ board ok tkwmm or oold sks?»s« kz SSS5K5S«e fur »i*l U*«» • lf*.,!7,',r„f thu ordinance islss. ws &ite5®S3we saffl!rw.»^5-^s5r. KASsffissf UceUM S2l ®i ^ to U»« ftfWoatf1 «*•!• the wrwrt qwrt.;. %UT.ulM, of ul February. May. AM«* ^ subject MCb yew. be. »be. UW. or ll»»" « #f ^,d lo pejr au ^all"lL'lL!*^J2ertUed tor eurh ilwtt He •■out I*"', " 'i .!, noilt; 1» ^"asrthsiss «{ 35s «S£r r u- """"Si. J?u licmdUi* Ibe lee ofth* SSTS ^ " fln~°doWr* to "2^*1 *££! 255 wes* m. of ••ch tfaj j.Vg 0f Mch uu*f\x=req-\ «l). dmriutf 'benxrt b. tb« dttty of imi. to leeue"e*"'**" h m . itcvnee tax U due •T»rj pereon ^ office during end owing to £»» IUiMJg* w k „ bu office Uw "".noi^SiSlndor^tU. b,the ojwn. no ^nonw bJ neeeetary to M.r.Uel W M»w*" ^ .„||m pre\x=req-\ ^^"uSSSL^e »nd two of UtoonU. n*"°*- a aii ,M.reon* having taken out a llceoae diidee title oedlnance »W 'SSc^S'pMt" «*blblt the*"«■ ■*• produoTIbe ,ur ■ocw "a.Ti. U gh* be the report to tbe 4D(1 Noreaber U*j» of Kebruary, Hay. 1i»t» uTeach year, the namee ofakIp^i»*»»« not paid fur and take® out llcen . ntrwr ^ by mi* onilnanco. for »uch p«r* **ther W'tfc ty M«WM. ^ (( ,htll be the a; STtSKsy»ss« n^^33«£kjsr ESSSesMaggs ggg&'Bagft«!<««'W.«SK sr»: rsasrav=y»\x=req-\ ; sass4"«mS-- jjwg'ji is —*■.*» Wf-g-SB-S ..' it. Ir.t uuounl thereof. TM AUira,t*nd Notern\x=req-\ . SSIS 5&^"dSStfSSS KSSKyffUrSffil® as:??&•»»•" uwuth. b^mn^ mhjaaru^ b TU_ UK. »• All UeiMM in blank M. oX th». ortUane. .ha>i to lonn. eipreeetng tfce■ cla* lb pre<l. b. paid Ui*r«for; ehaU be"!****[£ Town dent of tbe ooard of Tnuteee ana d SSI. and ^hl«~^J,,lbrp^ty * wb"m •hall Ml forth tie trade or be paid tor In goU <i>4» ot tbe United Walee. uaoclatlon, »«°- 10-.,£'^^7ni»££« er curporaUou •oif«^»a in wanon maker " Mrr^^ rli?^th ^h or jewelry or »beelwitght. «une«n • plaIub«r. tin\x=req-\ S^*UwSTSSkT€rtiBE w ST,- SSEb™ - w'T,to ""r --- ume according w hi* <* their ivtnti'a luontb\x=req-\ 'y "hM or receipt*, an la tbe following | a it ecu aoiiar*. Second Ulw-Monthly ink*] or reo*4pu under sight hundred dulUn, quarterly IIcwm, Ua dollar*. tllliU Sic. 11. Kvery penon or Bra engaged In lb* buslue** of 1 dagurrreen or pbolo\x=req-\ gnphic gallery, or la palming porualu or miniature*. «liill pay, quarterly, (or a licenss to carry on th* same. according to his, her, or their average monthly aalee or receipts, aa In the following schedule: >'irst Cla**—Moutbly sals* or recelpu sight hundred dollar* or over, quarterly llcao**, ten dollar*, fecund Cla**—Moutbly lain or receipt* under eight hundred dollar*, quarterly license, five dollar*. too. 11. Bvery person, Una, association, or rorpuratlon engsged In carrying on tbe buat\x=req-\ ocm of assaying oree or preclooa metal* aball pay, quarterly, fu> a llcana* to carry on tbe ■aiua. according to hi* or tb*(r average monthly business or receipt*, aa In the following schedule: Klrst Cla**—Monthly business or recelpta Arc hundred dollar* or over, quarterly license, thirty dollar*. Second Claaa—Monthly basin*** or ncrioU two huuded and fifty dollar* or over and under Bve hundred dollar*, quarterly license, twentv dollara. Third Cla**—Monthly builne** or receipt* under two hundred and fifty dollar*, quarterly llcenae. ua dollar*. iccnoaiiiu. S«c. 13. Every penon, am or aooclatlon engaged lu tbe btulae** of **Ulng real a* tat* or personal property by aurtloo or public outcry, shall pay lor a license to carry on the *ame, according to bl* or their average aalee or re\x=req-\ celpu. a* In the following K bed ate: riret Ola**— Monthly aalee or recelpta two thousand dollars or over, quarterly lloMue, twenty-See dollar*. second Ola**—Monthly *ata* or raoelpU under two thuu*and dollar*, quartarly Uceuee, OfUeo dollars. Third CUse—Dally (al*e or receipt* flee hundred dollar* or over, llcenae for on* day, ten dollar*. Fourth Cla**— Dally sale* or receipt* under five hundred dollar*, llceti** for oo« day, >v* dollars. Bbc. It. Kvery person, firm or a**oclatloc engaged In carrying on bulo*** aa a baker of bread, pi** and cake, or elthar of lb*** article*, tball pay, qaartarlv, or a Ucan** to carry on th* sauir, as la th* following schedule: Vint Class Monthly sale* or receipt* *ev*n hundred and fiftv dollar* or ov*r, quarterly llcenae, twenty dollar*. Second Class—Monthly aa!** or rarglpta fir* hundred dollar* or over and aader aeveu hundred and fifty dollar*, quart* ly Ucen**, fifteeo dollar*. Third Ot***—Monthly aale* or recelpu und*r flee hundred dollar*, quarterly llcenae, tea dol\x=req-\ lar*. liHU*. Sic. 13. Kvery penon. firm, aaroetatloa or corporation having a place of bualneM In th* Town of Uoid BUI. and Iterate sugaged In the | UWIi ua MUH* **•••! ' " ————— — «S » - bu*lue** of banking, loaning nwy. baying and selling exchange, or ncalvtag on d*po*lt bal\x=req-\ Uon or coin, or any or all such tranaactloa*, *ball pay. quartarly. for a llcen** »o carry ou •aid buslnee*. according to his, their or Ita svsr\x=req-\ age monthly purchaae* and sala*of exchange, amount of loan*, or d*po*lt of bullion or coin, >r auyor all of such tranaactlou. a* tbe caae nay be. aa In th* following *ctedul*: Klrat Cla**--Monthly tran*a*Uon* on* hundred and fifty thousand dollar* or over, quarterly llcenae. one hundred dollar*. Second Cla**—Monthly transaction* aader on* hundred and fifty thousand dollar*, fifty dollan. Bac. If. Kvery penon or Am engaged la th* buslns** of carrying on a barter shop (ball pay. quarterly, for a 1 Ionia* to cany on th* same, according to hi* or their average monthly bualoeee or receipt*, a* la the following BCbcUul#! Hr*t CUM—Monthly bualnae* or recelpu five dollars'^ or 0T*r. qoarterly Una**, t*> Beoond Clans—Monthly '—*~t~t a* n**lpto ""»* bBKlndaM tf£ dollar* or orar aad SxtolUn **dw4 Uo*M*. XISCKLLAIKOUS. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. KAOCOKD4NOI WITH A HK80LUTI0N Mwl it a meeting of tli* Republican But* 0*otr»l Oouimltte* of N»tkU, held »t Virginia Oil/, July 1,1880. nolle* I* h*f*bjr *lr*n mat • HUl* OoarvBtloo of lb* Republican party will b* bold at CARBON CITY, -on— AuguMt 11th, 1880, AT 111 O'CLOCK N., Kor the parpoac of nominating Three Presidential Hector*, One Member of Centres*, and One Judge of the Supreme Conrt. Alto, for lb* (election of a new STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, And tli* transaction of inch otb«r bailncM u may legitimately come before aald Convention. Tb* apportionment of Daletat** from U>* rarlnm Oouotle* to toeiald 0 .invention I* Iliad aa lollnvi: Churchill, Lincoln Klko K*nj»rtlda. Humboldt White Pint The following r*#olutloo.Jwer» ^r^Lteutcr than --?SSrfe out tb* Bute 'arm thnn**i»** r eif"t"ewo»k during lb. approaching e*j«a**. I'rmJnJ That the te«tft>r moling •' Rffijaaaseisi »™K KX!SttjS«; SJSKTWS " w!*<f. That tb. »y«*l Count, BepubU«u. 0,nir^ComBlU^^rou«hoaUt ?^^^;r«.to u.«.p«bu. can Stat* Contention. j u jjquA, Chairman Bepobllcao Kate Central 0-j ILf. Dotxm, Secretary. J» IXHUAL MKTlKfiS. annual meetinb. /"vFKICB OP ONION C0R80LIDATITD 81U 0 »r & M"®\x=req-\ •uclk 2 thSr office, 3U» Call\x=req-\ before It, WlU \* 41 tn on& floor# bad im0'CT0Crr""""'OTON- ftfCT*tofy\x=req-\ ~~ annual meetimb. r-klTICE OF LADY WA8HINOTON 0ON\x=req-\ 9iSo'-t?c SSftft, ettbebomroftwooc loe* • • (|actlaB 0f . th* Company. thU cllT.ior i ^ Board orbirecUrt teagwgjg^'"™ ^ tr.neactlon of «uch wUl be eloeed on KK». «*«&£*•&»«»ocloek ■•• ■* ootu tiur u,55Jllu,,iraTBON. i»JJ» "• - "^sy at reek 1 annual MEetinb. OrSSSS lMfc-Tbe «MM oomi*Sy will be tela on SSrSiS ■taut, at 1» » cl«2 "u' waTCoN. toenton. «-gKP ^ annual mnw. rimci or thb twxow jackkt^il\x=req-\ June *M. 1W0 -TM Jicke, BllTtr Mln\x=req-\ ■tockfaolder, of' tt* «1 b ^ % ^ tni Company.'<^ t ^ for the traaa\x=req-\ Trn*teeetor*een*ulu«y u may properly action of inchotb.r boam otttca of tb* ooma txfor* tu wj» " »«®' " on m0*DAT. Company. to O®" n,1":. rfSf*Tranafer ->BJ-'• "mKRCKR OT«T,Secretary. pwawgagSSS g^sSsfanai promptly att«»ded to. INTBNTlom THAT HAT* BKW REJECTED Hvs#l SSKasasSK —it* mi INVENTORS ^ttSBBrfisBtaJSs UOOlB)> _ ,„ to oOctala la th* PaUa* O*o* Ja ^aw** a A. «HOW A 00., W-tont^0ua W>tWl,,tea IIBGIIUIIOUB. LIKE TilOE. iflES IB. SUfiU PINE POUT. JOHN W. KI°KINNEY'S OLD PLACE. HEALTH! PIUIUH! KCREATIOHI mai A BO VI TXRT POPULAR BBSOBT I u again throwa open to Um pobllo tor lui aaaapn. It U »lf alad on lb* WBMTNLN HUO&I OF TUB LAKE, bum BilM from Taboa City. tald U>« moat KOKABTt0 AMD HIALTHFUL HUJUBUUMDINU8, aad mat TUB BEST PISHING QROUMD8. ▲ flat Wharf rant oat to daap water la tba Laka, and plant? of boata an farnlabsd tr— for thaplaaaanof tbagaaata, Tha Muun toaeh at tba wharf dally t« land paaaangen aad mail. Paaaangan from (jold HIU aad Virginia can go by tiji of TrarkM aad Taboa City or Canon and UI to brook, taking Ua itaamer acroaa tha Laka. Aa tha ataaaar doea not naeh McKlnnay'a after taring Olanbrook. a taam or boat will ba Id waiting at Taboa City to carry thaaa lo UcKloaay'a If Uiay daalra to go than tha Maa availing. RATES OB CHARGES. Board and Lodging, par waak lit 00 Board aad Lodging, tier day I 00, Cblldno from t to II yaan of aga. half prtoa. UT Iurallda, aa wall aa boalnaaa man or lamlllaa, aeaklng nenatlon and plaaaon, will Bnd thia tha vwj plaoa. M W. N. HALL i CO., .VAIN NTKKKT............. UOLD in ILL, —wnouu iu aw> Utah. DBAtnHn— HARDWARE, Of rrary daacrlpttoa, Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware OAS1PIPE AND PITTINQS* POWDBR. PU8E, ROPB AND BLOCKS, SHOVELS. PIOKB. HANDLES, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplies. An utenilve tad inptrior morUatnl of MECHANICS' TOOLS, Of *11 kind*. GALVANIZED IRON PIPINB. Of til *la**, m*d*;to order it ibort notice. II W. B. BALI, A CO. o.«. auxATta. l. o.rouKm. 8ALLATIN I FOLSOM. ....P1AI.1*< Ul. H ARDW ARE, Iron, Steel, Coal, ^Stoves, Tin Ware, FUSE. POWDER, ROPE. BLOCKS. GAM P1PB AND flTTIMOk BkOTCll, FiCkl, iBBdlM, N»lll, ■Ullig Md Mining fioofe* QALVANIZIO IRON MM HADK TO OBDBM. AOKNTH FOR Albany Michlne Oil tod Lnbrletttai Oompoond C. W. CRANE, PURCHASING ACKNT, KiUblUhed In I8W. PEB80MH RIHIDINQ AWAY PROM BAR PruclKo, In want of u7 article of •in MERCHANDISE, Oral or (mil, can ht»* order* filled promptly, tod tl th. nrj lowMt cub price*, by addreaalof Ul* 0nd«r«l(f0fcl. 0. W. CRAHB. Ill Plo* *tn,t. Boom M. ka VrtacUco, Oal. tyM-tf WOOD AMD COAL DEPOT! WOT PINK, WABHOB LIMB. SPLIT PINB tad otb*r vartetle* of Wood, tod t full ■apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On bind tad for.tale tl tht LOWKfiT.QAflH PHI 0X8. BOLL WBIOHT AND MEASURE GUABANTBBD. Wood aawed itibott Boilo* tad tl low|rtl** OPPIOB—B*tr Btllrotd Depot, Gold Bill. Hat THOMAS OALLAQBBB. VIKQINIA ....AMD GOLD HILL OMNIBUS, pONNBOTINQ WITH TBB OABB AT SOLD U BUI to tad Irom Oanoo. WU1 mata i*«ltr trip* b*tv**a tht ittadt tl U>« esd *f tka roole. tt fteqn.atlr ta tfaa tit o( ia« road wlU tltov.lMBlo'elocfcA a. till • o'clock ». au Par*. J5 1 ■titer N atotatk ». m. ■ tal) SPECIAL R0T1CL TMBSONS BXSIDIBQ in VIB0IB1A WBO 1 will to tabseilha tor tb* aoca Mm. EB&KVtsti ZS" r~~ KtNMn. IALOOVB. G0M8T0CK EXCHANGE, main trillTi t I gold bill, (OppotlU Llbsrty Knglna Boom.) At this populab place or kzsobt em b* found • nM iiock of cbotea Winee. Liauors. Ale, Porter ■ •. . . AND OIOARK aim. tha oolf billiard TABLHCbCtown At to pUj OD. OtUudpromct nl T. I. riUCH. kfOL. FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIDEMANN PROPRIETOR* Mala Street field Hill, Opposite Uw Imoflu. rpnii OLO-KSTABLI8HKD and POPULAB A naort 1* Mill tha firoriu. Comfort ud ■port oomblnod. Tba patron* of Um boa** will ulirtr* tad tha bast brand* of brandy. WHISHT,! alb. TOBTII, laobk, winks OB AI.L KINDS* tobacco, CIGABB. btc. TWO FINE RiyJARD TABLES. CIBSON'8 SALOON, Mala Mml. GtM Dill. FIRST CLAW IN BTBKV kkspbct. Reading and Olab Booms. Tba patroai of tb* Boom will b* well ncalTad and mttmI wlUi tba Klo**t of WINES. LIOUORS AND CIOARS Uj" PAP "ABBOTT. ' • W.D.C. gibbon. PrwrlMar. BANK EXCHANGE, to Marnard'ifBlock, MAIN limiTj - GOLD HILL. AmiT4uaa balooh ib evmkt rwpoct, a* wall u general mort for bad DM MB. THE BAR 1* itockad with tk* bMt braod* ol W1HMB, LUiVOHB amu CIUaBB. * B. F. MeKBNNKY, Fraartatar. Bi/fUKtt AMI BB0EBB8. THE NEVADA BANK OP SAN FRANOISOO. SAM rKABOlSOO CALIFORNIA FaM :■» OaHtal (,M»-0«M B«NrTi<lI. H. Baad*).... 3.000.04M»-ClaM l|Nti atVlnrtnla,R«T»d*,.. {w. I. Buar* Br~Buj« and Mil* Kichann tod Tdcgnpbol Traniftra. Imdm Oomnxroul and TrmrsUrt' Credlu. Tkla bank hu ipeclal fteelUUr* tor dklJi»« la balUoa. iU_ L. B. FRANKEL, FFICB-Mala urtMt GaM Bill, Ja*t ikm Ik* auk efOaJIfevals. stockh bodqut, bold and cab\x=req-\ bibd ON MAKQINH. HU eomapoBMita la But Fraadaco in I. Q LAX IIS * 00., K mi ban e( ttilu FraadacoBlock and Ixcbanf* Board. 1 m T. R. McGCBJf, STOCK AND MONEY IROKIR. 100 Boitk C St., Ylrf lite, TT7TLL BUT AID BILL BTOCIS OR OOB\x=req-\ ff mimUm cm Ik* stoat tarccabt* tmi ,J " *« «• mmA iliONnr MM? oaBaifla tod i all Caad BtrkttakU OOLD AND ULTIK bought AND »■ WI,P. FREJ0HT OELIVERY! GOLD HILL N1VAPA. OA vino KADI FULL ABBANQKKBNTI Al fbr th* recaption and dallTafr of all klodi Of FREIGHT comity oter tha VIRGINIA aad to tko OOLD HILL DIPOT ^%i^A2g&2Zi,<£21" " To tka BBAVTB8T BACHINBBT, BOIL BBS, BTO.. BTO., I aa mtand to accoauaodat* all wko da*ln aj terries** la tkat lint, tpoo Parti** wUktac m» to ree*iT* aad dattra tkalr IMfbtirlU pM*a* direct tUnara to ■ark plalaly—"OacaT. a.. Gold Hiu." a walk la jew ova towa. T*no* and |l aattt. free. Alkia B. flaum I flBOCBBIXS, FKOVISIOXB, lie. GREAT BARGAINS! ' ' l» __ OR ACCOUNT Or DIFABTVB1* H/fT WHOLK STOCK, CONSISTING OF\x=req-\ GENERAL GROCERIES, Crockery, fllau and Ckiaa Ware, A fall aaaortmaat ol WINKS AND LIQUORS, B j tb« Bottl* or OtllM, JIWKLRY. OUTLKRY. nm, PLAYING OA"°Ao.. Will ba (Old FOR CASH ONLY great!/ balow ooat, Bala mast ba aodad within thirty dAji. Tb» Bztam tad on* uft, hem* and banioaa, om doabi* tad in aln(le hirerm, boat* rural\x=req-\ tan, at*., are alio lor aate. Alt partlaa Indebted lomrn reqaaatcd to 0*11 u oqca and MUM tbalr acooanu. A. OANCN, X Btora nait door to tha Bank of Oold Hill. GROCERY STORE RICHARD MKRCER, MAIN ITMBT. GOLD HILL. FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES XTOW ON BAND AND TOR BALK OHSAP IN FOB GAJJH. A Urn Anortmart ot GROCERIES AND PROTUUONH direct from tbe OaWornla Mar\x=req-\ beta, oooprulnc In pact i TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE, 8PI0E8 CAN FRUIT, DRIED FBUIT, SYBUP8, OYSTEBS, BICE FLOUR, BICE. CANDLES, BUTTER. Provisions of All Kinds. THE IEST OF wiNES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE AND BIT AIL. IVOoodJ Delivered IM of Charge. Jjn biohabd Mncn. F. W. FOLSOM, (Sdocoeeor to BoMnson fc FoUomJ Wbol***!* and JUUil Dttltr In >1 PBOTI8ION8, Etc. BO LB AOEHT IN OOLD HILL FOB HHa. | KILLS' CHAHFAQNB BAKING POWDER, fJIHK BUT IN THB MARKET — ONLT require* half tb* quantity of ujr other kind. ^LL FAKTIBS IN3KBTBD TO THE LATB arm of ROBINSON * FOLSOM in relocated to CALL AND SETTLE ffHBlR AOCOUNTS WITHOUT tDELAT *Dd MT* CO*U. 4_ J, & J. B. MALLON, 0 Street, next to tie Buk of Call* foFBla BoUdlBf, VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA, iyHOUBALB AND RETAIL DXALXBB Groceries and Provisions, Crockery u4 Wm<Iiiwu*i Chlaa Hot* ■Ml rrntk CM QlmM« OU aadl 0—41—1 Flear Feed. Bte.« Rift, WINKS AND LIQUOR8 Of (ho am iiiDtf Nlr> ■BANDY, PORT aad B11BRKY WINB for aaedlolaal aoo. Wo call tho tpooui attention of Kino and K1U Sapcetateadenta to on lam and cou\x=req-\ plet* itook of OU* and Candla* tor mill and minim pnrpo***. W* offar that elaa* of (ood* at a* LOW FICJ0RB8 a* th*y can b* landed (Km any part of tho United Stat**, thna enabling mill* aa&Alnea on the Com*tock to OU*, Canal**, etc.. ** chiap ta Vir ginia aa they can either In Han hranclaco ct Uae Bait, with a guarantee of ohtalnlnc <"*• claa good", dellrered free or charge at tb* mine* la Virginia or Oold Hill. J. * J. B. MALLON, M Virginia. herada. V. LEMKRY, Whelooalo* aad Befall Dealer la GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOWIR OOLD HILL. ALWATB ON HAND A SELECT AS80M. ■eat of Groceries and Provisions WINKS aad LIQDOPA TOBACCO aad CI CURB, FLOOR aad GRAIN. HABDWARI aad CROCKBRY. DRY OOOM * YANBBR NOTIONS. SeaUeman'i FurnUhln* Oooda, etc. Alio the following French Oooda: Fatlta PottFine, Oapee a l'Httlle Haricot* T«ta. Ollwe Faretee, ■■MMMMPiUi Trufl**. Sardine* a I "Halle. N. B.—Fwtlee wlahlng to bar la lotatoaalt. for cash oa delivery,may ftnd It to their *4\x=req-\ to can In, eramtne tho good* aad 1» m V. LKMKXT. FBIXTIH6. OOU3D DE^XXjXj "DAILY NEWS" - \ IIHi 1 ,i NEWtPAPUB JOB PRINTING Halo Street, Gold Hill ngtada Book*,' Pamphlets, Receipt B—In, BUI Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, mill STOW CERTIFICATES, ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgers, Flyers, Programmes. Cironlars, Ball Tiokets, Wedding Cards, Basinets Cards, Labels, Tags, Eta Printing, in Colors) Printing, Plain or Fancy; Printing in All Styles. HUNTING DONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ••••UFOV TW.... MOST REASONABLE TERMS |».a» At TO.„. LOWEST CASH RATES. THE Gold Hill Dally News, (ESTABLISHED IN ISO), Mtmln ubosz minis* bad bailoMt pwp"*. (kaUlM, •tc., uk» U TBI BIST AND HMT EFFICIENT HKDItTVt ....toa.... MINING, BUSINESS, AND ALL OTHER ADVERTISING. BUaiNCBS MftN. PROFESSIONAL MKR. PRACTICAL MKR, Ai»rwp«t/ttUylB*lUdto»ear«flU laap*etlo* and crKtcIua of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Btaake far Mnrtlilii hritokM THE SOLD wtt.t. news, • •••AS A«• • • FIRST-GLASS DAILY PAPBR, b Ihoroofhlr ld«a tided Wlth tlW b*S U\x=req-\ taroata of tii* «onn»nr. wja »U elMM* of m\M 01 u« ^—"r Nirws, uugfjpbic •ad oO«nrlM tontDgvtt World, eyerybodyjeads it. OUR Weekly Mining Summary Pabllabad mrj Wtdaaaday la the CM«fDllj pt«pM«d from tba aorr actio\x=req-\ no MCBCia. print, ud otbarwla*. oo th« diT of publication, «njpkjjlnK in abU tad HScUat corp» of reporter*. ltUuslT«mUr racognlMd uofficial, tad la. a»Mt ooaaacr and nimti •»- , roar of th« condlUoa of th« ula— <* lb* Ooaaroc* or M Wuwoa' W* aJto (It* Um laUat mlalfli to •*£«£»■ obtainable from otbw parte oT tb. coon try THE Gold Hill Dally ««• la deMyered by carrier* tbroofboot Sold Hill, Vlrital* City, Otr*oa, SUv*r City, Daytoa. *ad eootl«aooa loeaHt W., ^ U M>< mall to ill part* of tba eo<Buy «ad tb. wortd. Nooo.UWly po.ud.or ap »• tb* timm wtaodoe. iot wad tba Oou> Box Baslt Bur*