Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS FRIO AT. : : : : : : JULY 18. 1880 lamt iruua. 360 Eureka Con.. 15\ >30. 15',, 16 10 Northern Belle. 11 220 Grand Prize. 1S. 1 45 710 Xa»eJo 60c *10. Me SO Day. 90c 1510 Tu»carura, 15c 200 Belle Ulu. 60c 100 Albion. 40c 20 Walee. 3 20 650 North Belle Ule. 40c. 40c »10 600 ML PokMi. 35o 110 Km! Mt. Diablo. 40c 50 Bodie. 5 200 Becht*-!. 1 05 400 MoClintou. 35c 40U Tioga, y0o. 1. »5c 170 Vuuimit, 1 15 M Bulwer. 2 60. 2 65 850 Syndicate. 70c. Clc, 60c 2350 Qoedibaw, 1. 95o 20 Concordia. !Wc 150 Champion. Wo 500 Beoker Con., 35c 200 Queen Be*. 15c 400 Mono. 2 V 2'JO 40 Con. Pacific. 1S. 100 Unlvereity, 20c 150 Dudley. 15c 100 Addenda. 75c 180 Noonday, 3 800 Double Standard. 40c, 30c 20 North Noonday, 2 S. 2 55 140 Mammoth, m. 1 65 150 Uoeton Con., 1 50 Oro. 1 41 10 Martin White. 50c 115 HiWer King, 6 50 Tiptop. 6\ 11 tiiant and Old Abe, 5<% TUW HtlMKIi. 205 Ophir. 7H. 7*% 45 Mexican, 7H. 7% 300 Gonld A Curry, 2 60. 2\. 2 80 20 Beet A Belcher. 7S 160 California. 2 310 ttavage. 1 40. 1 45 185 Can. Virginia. 2 63. 2 80 650 Chollar, J 10. 2 *5 570 Pot«ei. 1 60. 1 65 HO Male A Norcroee. 2 80 480 Crown Point, 1 05 485 Telle* Jacket, S 65. 3 70. 3 80. 3 85. 3 !>1 200 Imperial. 20e 10 Kentuck. 1\ to Alpha, 1 1*5 Belahar. l>a. 1 30 210 bierra Nevada. 10H, 10',. 10\ b30 ISO Utah, 8««. «S 120 Bullion. 1 <<0 155 Kxehwjuer. 1 40, 1 10. 1 35 700 Overman, 1 10. 1 15.1 05 130 J a* tic*. S5e. COc 190 Unien Con.. 20H, 20H *3 125 Alta. 1 45. 1 40 30 Jnlia, 40c 605 Scorpion, 1 11. 1 30 475 Uuinn. 2 40. 2 45 150 Benton Con.. 65c 1M Caledonia. 25c, Mc 140 liilTer Mill, 30c, 25o 350 New Tork. 30c 400 Lady Waaluugton Con., 20c, 25c 241 Andee, 70c. 75« AfUratM IIIrmi Meporl. 8** nuMotaco, Jul/ 10 — 3 r. Ophir, 7H. 7*»; Uilc .V Noreroa*. 3; Yd\x=req-\ low Jacket, 4 IS; Con. Virginia, 2 80; Potoei. 17#. ICS, l\; Juli». 40c; Sicrr* Nevada, 10%, 10\; Navajo. SOc. 43c; Could A Carry, 3 10 1>S; Mautuotb. 1 S3; Addenda. 75c; Caledonia, 23c; Alta, 1 45; Tioga. 1; Jupiter. 1 30, 1 40, 1 4S; Doublu | Standard, 30c, 33c. Arrival* Tki* Moralnf. W Howe. W Faunce. 0 II William*. J Aahbury, J Wilton, H Friedman, E Eng\x=req-\ liah, 8 II Marlotto, Mux C I.eotiard, II Tuttle, E P Gould. T D So per, Mr* E Leonard, Win J Uilleepie, C E Mack. Mm* K Carroll, C D lllancbard, 8 F Collin, D I) Muaroe, A J KIkmIm. J Stewart, A J Foxwdl, W II Morgan, S O Wbituty, J F Wd*b, T Thompaou, J flattery. IHpartam Ual K«*al*(. Mr* Slinton, A J Tyrrell, J D Hammond, J Schooling and wife, K P Keating, J Ualllha*. L Morgan and wife, Mr* 11 Kennay, Mr* A Morria. Siitcr Vienna, Capt J Kelly, Mi** F Adi, Mr* J lUpp, Capt Ddl, J L McCleary, 8 Janie* and wife, W I Salkdd and wife, Janie* Sutherland, Mite U Sutherland. MINING NOTES. ■altera ef litlrrnl All Alaag lb* Led*. Hale A Norcron* baa been compelled to atop excavating for ita bulkhead again*! water on the 2200 level and look for a new place to build ita dam. There were *o many interatieea in the rock* where the flrat attempt wu made that a bulkhead there would not have been effectual. Savage baa got through that heavy clay wdl in the vein on the 1300 level, and boa found eome tine quartz; but ita vdne baa not yet been fully ascertained beyond the fact that uext the clay it ia low grade. The work of placing roda from the 2&00 pump at the l uion abaft up to the rod above baa commenced. It ia expected that tbi* J500 pump will be running in a abort time now. The drift Iroai winze No. 1 in Union toward winze No. 2 continuee to give Htringera of low-grade ore and buncbea of a better quality. Thia formation ia very extenaive and ought to lead to ■ouething. The Bullion combination abaft ia putting in the laat act of timbera above the atation aet for the 2300 level. Belcher broke ita pumprod in two placee laat night, at the 200 and the 600 level*. Repair* will be completed in two day*. The drill had juat ataried on the 2760 level, but waa at once abandoned, aa all the comprvaaed air waa needed to run donkey pump* till repair* were made. The Con. Im|>erid pumpa are running again. After the uoee piece of the eur\x=req-\ face bob waa placed the pumprod there broke, bat waa epeedily repaired. Tfea Merry Hawnaaa. The Merry Bowmen have their tar\x=req-\ geU dow on the Chollar ground*, and laat evening daring their hour of practice about 200 people looked on with mncb interest. There ie archery there every night now. Laat evening Dr. Per kina made noma good acorea, and Mia* Felicie Qeneey abowed remarkable akill in pierciug the gold. It ia expected that the header of the npraiae from the 2300 levd of the Sierra Nevada up to the bottom of the vertical •haft will be pushed op at the rat* of ninety feet per week. Milea Finlen, who waa ahot in the ) right arm a abort time ainoe by David Croaby. la able to ha about, and hia wound give* him very little trouble. The Dlatrict Court will be la aaaaloa «t 10 a. k. to marrow (Saturday) and *U1 then adjonrn till September 1. RUNAWAYS. A Urllly mrnj His pioehy RM« -IMiMil (MulllM-ltrkb Hail. Tbera w*r« two runswsys in Virgin!* yestordsy, out of which oaoaed no little excitement. About i r. u. Martin Samuels, a boy of fourteen, but small of hia ago, drova one o( Mooney'a teama to the Divide with some ladies who went calling. While there the team grew reetleaa and Anally started off, the boy hanging to them and sawing them down like a veteran. Two or three timee he succeeded in cheeking their farious career, and aa many times were they etarted again by aome one beeide the road or by something they heard. As they reached Mooney'a stable the horses wanted to turn in. Their plucky little driver knew the sndden tnrn meant an upe«t and damage, it not death, and be kept them straight on in the middle of the etreet. So they went down B street, their driver hanging to the reins and at times bringing them to a moderate pace. At the uorth end of town be reined them into North street. Here Charles l'etrie tried to stop the team. Samuele told him to get oat of the way. He, however ran at the team and frightened them, making bad matters worse, wss knocked down and etepped on by oae of the horsee aa they started at fall speed past him. Ilia foot was badly hnrt aud bo was scratched and braised othor ways, i ilis olotbee suffered too. During all thia Oilpiniah ride of two miles Samnels bad uaed hia entire strength on the team, and at their laat endeavor to get away felt pretty well exhausted. He was, moreover, getting into close quarters, with nothing but mountain grades ahead; but, watching bis opportunity, he succeeded in tnrniuK the runaways into Howard street snd facing them south. Hum he bad a sure thing on them. There is a break in the street bvtweeu Carson and Mill sir eats, the north portion ending abruptly sooth of Jack Nicolls' barn. At this point be conquered the team, and they were brought into the atable unharmed, and notbiug injured in any way about the whole rig. Samnela was once or twice pulled out of the seat and up against the dashboard, but wss not hnrt in ths least. In another runaway in Virginia yesterday Thomas Merkle, of the Fulton market, received three ngly cuts in tbe back of his bead, had a large patch of akiu raked off one of hia eboulders, and wna badly bruised and shaksn np generally. ASSASSINATED. niff" HI. Uwm Httr Dr. Webber ye.terd.y recited now* o( the auauination ol Thoma. McLaughlin, ol Marietta. The letter i» from the Poetm eater at Marietta, and briefly etatee thet while returning lro«n Iron. Ui. bor.o and intently W ^ /" j «ee the owner of the Blackbawk, II. formerly ree.ded in thi. oty and *« com.swtt i?aflset ... thru A lilt'U MfMO »»«u« , . sKMtfssa.sM*1. to Marietta. ( ouulT The Board o! Connty CommUnioner. held an adjourned meeting at e M .tening. Preaent-Chairman H«e tine Gallagher and Iraeer, and Clerk McDonald. The report of the County Auditor lor the <iuartor endiag June 30, 1880. wa. p,«h».«i »J »ft\x=req-\ li.hsd in the Gold Hiu. «**»• I" will t>e lound in our col* TiSw —ito"d »,M ssjaurAt-ssj %Z!S^'ciSfaa „ Adjourned to Saturday. July « 7 JO p. *• _ m ' Til* frliW. There ie nothing mean about the prize, offer* by the Virgini. Turn\x=req-\ Yerein a. inducemenU to competition at. their picnic at Treadway'a Park. Careen. nest Sunday. At le-t there K no du\x=req-\ SSTC^omm^ated* The ESSE* be ex.rci.ed to guard ■gainst accident., and a dayol!&»• « Joymeut will b« giten to all parteipanU. A Khower. A .bower with a to-be-oonUnued look came u» Iron the Sierra thi. atUrnoon Md laid the du.t. It made the wge\x=req-\ bru.h yield iU inoeuM and filled the air with parlume. The lorenoon waa hot Tnd the cloud, threatened rda. and _ twico ft drop or two foil. I ?"c' ,°orr iWJS or two we hat. bad thuu\x=req-\ SUi banging darkly all around u*. The* baautilul, golden .uu..t Ji .T.ning and rolled up large billow., su.... ssr-2-i £ ■ waa rain in that direction. tleae'ral Member, ol the Ser.fl.ld ttw** the Gold Hill Miner.' Union, of Libe j Volunteer Uo.e Comply No. 1. ol Lib\x=req-\ 3«r isX' s» » i. »""•» Pollard.^ , At the Turn-Verein picnic Sunday at Treadway'a Park. Canon. the Rt#olul" iz?£SEiE. u.. o^' ANOTHER JACKET ACCIDENT. WIIIlM Nllurd Dukwt to PImm\x=req-\ * lnk*a Nom *r • Balaae* Bob Md m DlMrnnitd lh«n. Another accident occurred at the Yellow Jacket at 11 o'clock last night, by which William Pollard, a Qold Hill boy, not quit* twenty year* old, waa instantly killed. It appears that the pumps were not working very well in the earlier part of the night, and it was difficult to causa the pumping engine to make complete revolutions Just previous to the accident which reeulted in tho death o( Pollard, the nose piece of balanoe bob No. 7 broke. This ia just below the 3400 lev#l. • At the time of this aocident the timbers of the shaft were considerably disarranged along where the accident occurred, the north center pieces being knocked out. Pollard waa in the bottom of the shaft and jumped into the skip to go to the surface, notwithstanding the fact that splinters were soen to fall to tho bottom, showing that something waa wrong above. When the akip canto to the place where the timbers were disarranged it duiupod and stuck. Pollard was, ol course, thrown out and fell to the bottom of the shaft—about COO feet. Ills body was badly mangled. In fact, portions of it were ootirely gone and one arm could not be found. The deceased was well known op the Comstock. He was a member of Liberty Volunteer Hose Company No. 1, of tho Sarstleld Quard, aud the Miners' Union of Oold Hill, and loaves a great number of frituds by whom he waa held in high esteem. Coroner Broduk will hold sn inquest on the body of the deceased in Virginis atC o'clock this evening, and the funeral will be oonduoted under the auapices of the members of Liberty Volunteer Hose Company tomorrow (Saturday) after\x=req-\ uoou at 3:30 o'clock. ItiutaMi, Andy Swenson, an old tiold Uiller, and latterly connected with Davis' Columbus Brewery saloon, on Msiu street, left a little over a year ago far Europe. He wrnt home to his relatives and friends in the old country, pro]>osing to stay thero the rest of his days, marry and settle down on the Interest of bis money, But he got homesick uud discontented, and could not feel happy until be got back to Gold Hill yesterday. He found no place in all his travels he liked half so well as Gold Hill and the Comttock, and has come back to stay. He finds plenty of warm friends to shAu hands with aud who are all glad to welcome him back. Nisi* DfWMrslle Comu>Ulee. At a mooting of tbe Stat# Democratic Centrnl Committee, bald in Virginia yesterday at the offloe of Levin & Deal, the following named gentUiusn were placod upon tbo Executive Committee : Storey couuty—W. E. F. Deal. W. G. Thompson, Milee Finleo, 1'. J. Dunne, Geo. Eminett, J. A. Mabanuy. Lyon county—J. F. Angell. Ormeby county—M. It. Elsluer. ICuaboe county—Jerry Schooling. Tbo nominee for Congressman wus aaaenaed #100; tbe nominee for Supreme Judge $000. ■ ■ ■' » ■ ■ — ■ Tbe Yellow Jacket cooling reaenroir now bolda water, and ia oonaidered tborougbiy substantial. Tbe Con. Imperial has levied an aa\x=req-\ aeaament of ten centa per abare. Enocb Arden ban turned up in the army tbia lime. During the war of 1870 a French aoldier named Teulu waa taken priaonrr by the Uermana and conveyed across the ltbiue. lie waa abortly after condemned to death by the German au\x=req-\ tboritiaa for abootiug at bia jailer while trying to eacape. At tbe aame lime another French prisoner wus aentonoed to ten yeara imprisonment for a aimilar offense. Doth men were takon to tbo aame fortreaa, and by eome mistake changed for each other, and the wrong persou waa abot. Teule kept tho aecret to bimaalf, and having aerved the ten yeara' impriaonmcnt, returned to bia native town tbe other day; but bia wife in tbe meantime, having been informed by tbe Fronch autboritiea that her husband had been abot, married again, and baa uow soverul children. It ia not staled wbetbar Teule baa followed tbe example of Tannyaon'a hero. ■ «♦> ■ Atlanta baa bad ita first uegro juror, who promptly joined in convicting a negro who waa put on trial. Tbe next prisoner waa auother negro, oharged with murder, who atrcuuously objected to having ona of bia own raco on tbe jury. There waa another auoh caau in Virginia aoma time ago, when a colored prisoner made the aame objection on the ground that "niggcra would hang a nigger just to aoo him kiok." Whether tbia waa mere aelf-libel, or waa a great paycbological truth, the reluctance of blacka to be tried by men of tbeir own color remaiua an indisputable fact, and a curioua one. Tbe following telepbonio dialogue occurred the other day between one of tbe bright boys in un Exobnnge I'laoe insurance ageucy and a Mr. It——, who waa a loser by one of tbe late Area: "Hullo, Mr. K "Hullo." "We ahall have to get out tboae papers today." "All right; ahall 1 have to ewear to them?" "Yea." "Can I awear to tbem by telephone?" Hero the oonver* aation waa interrupted by the abarp voice of the female operator of tbe line who said, "N», you oan't awear by telephone or uae any bad language at all." And then an audible grin went over the line from either end. VAlflOI'rt OAI'mWh- ' Advancing years, care, sickness, disappointed, and hereditary predisposition—all operate to turn the hair ((ay. and either ot tbem Inclines II to sited prematurely. Avaa'e Mala Tiuoii wUl restore Isded or gray, ||cht or red hair to a rich brawn or deep black, as may bj dealrcd. U so (lets and deaaeea tbe scalp, giving It a healthy action. It removes and cores dandruff and humors, lly Its use railing hair la (backed, and a new growth wilt bs produced In all casee where the follicles arc not destroyed or the gland* decayed. Ita effects are beautifully shown on brasky, weak, or sickly balr, on which a few appllcatlme will produce the gloea and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure In Its opsratlon. It Is lacomparable as a dressing, and Is especially valued for the soft lustre and rtchnsss of tons li Imparts, It contains neither oil nor dye. and will net eo|| or color white cambrle; yet It lasts long on tbo hair, aad keeps It fresh and vigorous. 3 AU.MKD TO TH ThKTII, Is a very common expreeslon.but we think that armed to embelllah and preserve tbem to a ripe old age Is decidedly more appropriate. This can be dona by keeping yenreelf supplied with a bottle of that eplendld dentifrice, Fragrant SOZUDONT. which will beautify the teeth and preserve tbem from the ravagce or decay. SOZODONT contains no adds or gritty aub. stances which Injure the enaauil, but Is oom\x=req-\ posed of rare and anttaeptlc herbs, which have a beneAclal effect on the whole economy of tbe asoulh. Bold by drugtlsts. 10 EASTERN DISPATCHES Lightning and OH Tank Flrea. Bradford, Pa.. July 16.—Tank 33, belonging to tba Acme Oil Company, aboat one-third of a mile np tba Kanaai branch of tba MoKenny, waa atrack by lightning early this morning and ia burning fnrionily and oommanood to overflow at 12:40. Task 621, about 200 feet down tba etream, 1* in dangar. Superintendent Snow, with a gang of man, ia digging a trench and damming the stream to aave more tanka. Two 25,000 barrel tanka near Caiter City are now barning, wbiob were alto atrack by lightning laat night. Both belong to the nnitcd pipe linee. About 82,000 barrele of oil are barning. Four wells at Custer City bare also been fired. Laat evening an oil pipe line buret near Salamanca, New York, and apart\x=req-\ ing oil, by aome meana took fire. A ttye-year-old daughter of John Waah\x=req-\ barns wu playing at the apot wbon the rapture in the pipe occurred. Her clothing was saturated with oil, and before ahe could get away waa oaught in the tlamee and literally roaated alive. At 11 o'clock tonight one of the huge iron tanka at Custer baa been burned out and the other ie now down to the boiling over point. Water ie being pumped in, and the oil drawn off and burned on the surfaoe of the etream. It now looks aa if the other tanka of the adjoining property were aafe. The burning tank at the Kanaaa Dranoh haa almost epent ita fury, and it ia thought the fire will be confined. The loea np to the proaent from the atorm In the Bradford region will roach $110,000. Condition of the Cropi. Washington, July 10.—The Department of Agriculture reports as follow* : Cotton—The condition ii reported at an averago of 100, the biglieat reported in July for aeveral year*. Corn—The in* creaae in area planted in oorn ia one per coot, over that planted laat year. The average condition of the crop from the whole country ia the highest for many years and is 100, being seven per oent. more than last year at the aama time. There are some oomplaints of drought in the South Atlantic States, while ia the Valley of the Mixnissippi and those States north of the Ohio river there is a couiplaiut of entirely too muoh rail. The Pacific States report very high conditions. Wheat—The general average of winter wheat in July was 95 against 91 a year ago. It improved slightly during June. Tho whole aooth falls off nearly a fourth; but the heavy winter 'wheat region north of the Ohio rules high at 98. The Middle States are three Er cent, above the average and the loifio States four per oent. West of the Mississippi the crop averages 84 sgsinst 89 last yssr. Spring wheat averages 91, the same as in July, 1679. This shows a great decline from June, when that average was 97. Ths Nsw England Ststoa avarags 79; ths Middle Statea 93; north of the Ohio the average is9C; west of the Mississippi the gsn\x=req-\ eral average is 90, Minnesota being 101, while Nobrsslca falls to C2; Iowa elands 91. On the l'aciflo Coast California reports 90. Bulldoxlng In Minnesota. Atcuimon, Kau., July 14. —C. II. Peck, ooulrftctor (or tbe exoavationa for tbe foundation of tbe packing boos* of J. M. Smith, at Eut Atchison, Mo., having engaged several oolured man at tba rata of $1 25 par day, a drunken mob armad with revolver* mado tbair appearand) on the apot yesterduy and compelled them to quit. From Ibera, the erowd increasing, tbay proceoded to tba brickyard of Setb & Co., where seven colored tnuu weru employed, oompelled tbe suspension of all work and drove the colored men over tba river. The mob then numbered aeveral hundred, and were add reused by tbo Mayor of Atcbiaon and others, urging peaoa and order, but without avail. Tba oolored drivera of transfer teams ware compelled to turn back over tbe bridges, and ool\x=req-\ ored portera at tba (relgbt depots were forced to leave. The other oolored men in tbe town were tben bunted up and aent over into Kanaaa. Tho authorities, finding all tbeir efforts to quiet tbe mob useleaa, telegraphed to Sheriff Hpencer of St. Joseph to come and ezerciae bia authority, but be refused to oome. The mob now have possession o( East Atobi\x=req-\ son and defy the law and tbe militia. Fatal Ballroad Accident. Nkw Yobk, July 15.—An accident oo\x=req-\ curred on tbe Long Ialand ltailroad, between I'oarsaU'a station and East Kock M*sy, yesterday morning. A gravel tralb going oast with 300 Italian laborers on Bosrd ran under a heavy wire rope by wbioh a derrick near tba track waa sustained, aweeping the cars and knocking off the laborers. Many ware maimed in a shocking manner and many bad tbeir skulla fractured and were otherwise injured, throe tatally. The railroad train from which thoy were awept was going at tbe rate of ton milea an hour. The derrick in question bad been used for tbe purpose of digging a huge well (or tbe Long Beach Hotel, and tbe men were making arrangementa to cut it down. Unlortunately, tba guyrope waa lowered as the train approached, knocking the whiatle off tne engine, and aweeping the cars. Tba un(ortunate men were thrown violently to tho ground, and their eoreama of pain and terror were heard for half a mile. Or. Tanner Improving. Nsw Yobk, July 15.—Entering on bia eighteenth day Dr. Tanner exhibits a marked improvement. From 0 laat night until noon today he awallowed thirty to forty ouneea of water. His weight this morning la 137% pounds. Allowing dbe pound (or the weight o( bis coat, ha haa gained (our pounds eince Wednesday. He took a drive to Central Fark tbia morning, and (oroed tbe dynomometer up 161 againat 80 yee\x=req-\ terday. Hia pulae when laat taken waa 80, temperature 98.25, respiration 10. Dr. Tanner'a condition was unchanged in the afternoon. Ha want out for a drive tonight. Hia pulse waa 76 and temperature 98.45. He (oroed the indicator of tho dynomometer up to ICG pounda, ahowing a alight increaae of strength. During the paat twenty-four hours be haa drank aaventy ounces o( water and has (alt batter. Cheering Xcws From All Quarters. Niw You, July 10. — The Tribun* reports that the Bepublloan Committee haa cheering news from all quarters. Members of the commit toe are in good apirita over tbe proapeota throughout tba State, and all expreeaed themeelvea as confident of the aucoeaa of tbe Republican ticket. So (ar aa could be learned in varioua districts, the nomination of General Hancock had madq^no inroads upon the soldiers' vote in the Be publican party. Thoee aoldiera who were lUpublicana when the nomination waa made will remain so. There baa bean a notloeable drawing closer o( party linee, and there is a feeling that thorough and effldent organization will alone win the fight. In many diitricta mombera eaid that there bad been already large socei\x=req-\ ■lona to the Hit of workers from the independent Republicans who aupported Governor Tilden four years ago, because they thought he embodied the prindplea of reform. TO THI SONS OF IBKUXD. A Sensible Address-food for Sound Reflection — Irish-American Republicans. Indianapolis, July 15.—The Irish Republican Convention has issued an ad drees to their fellow-countrymen of the United States setting forth the reaaona that aotuate them in co-operating with the Republican party under the title of Irish-Amerioan Republicans. The support of Irish voters has been for long yeara sought through the channels of prejudloeor affection,and an unreasoning adherenoe to the Democratic party was the result. When the Republican party arose there was a new era in politics; more intelligeuoe and critical examination into prindplea, and the Irishmen began to think for themselves, instead of trusting implicitly to leaders. This oonvention ie held for the purpose of furthering such independent thought and emancipating the Irish voters from that thraldom, and to abow the world that they cannot be held as political slavse, and that they are the friendeof that party whioh moat truly represents equality,lib\x=req-\ erty, and equal rights, which tbey have only found in the land of their adoption. The claim of the Democratic party that it is the only true friend of fordgn-born citizens is not susoeptible of proof, as all atudenta of American history are well aware; that during the administrations of the Democrstio party, it utterly failed to oompel an acknowledgment of those rights which the Constitution guarantees to all who ewear to support and maintain it. The infamoua and deepotic doctrine—once a aubjoct always a subject—waa permitted to exist aa a prineiple of iuternationd law until the aocession to power of the Republican party, when—and not until then—En\x=req-\ gland was compelled to recede from that insulting assumption, and thus the adopted citizen for the flrat tlmo waa clothed with all the rights and guaranteed the same protection outside of the United States as a oitizen born on American aoil. 80 also to the Republican party do we owe the enactment of that most benefidal law which haa thrown open the publiodoadu to aotual aettlers. The address then refers to the introduction of free trade into Ireland, whioh destroyed nil her industries, and say they now eneounter in the Democratio party the Mine spirit, ror wnoso cbuumi efforts to engraft the free trad* institu\x=req-\ (iocs of England upon ue which wrought ■aob injury to them at liome, abould quicken tba indignation of every con\x=req-\ ■iatent Irishman. The polioy of tbe Republican party is in marked confront, aad tboy bare done a great work for Amarioa in tbia way already. We appeal to you, fellow-oountrymen, whoeo biatory ie a long reoord of a deeperato etruggle for freedom, if your proper afflliatioua are with a party which sustained for many yeara human slavery in its degrade iog form and only relinquished tbe relic of barbariam when tbe Republican party by tbe banda of our martyred President, ■truck tbe shackles from tbe iimba of millions of alaves, wiped out tbe only blot on tbe otherwise stainleae escutcheon of America and extended tbe glorious principle* of free lands for free meu over every acre of our great Republic. We ask you wbotbor you are prepared to turn over this Government, with all ita bright anticipation for the future, to tbe tender mercies of tbe very men who ezeeuted their best ability lor years to effect its destruction. Tbe ocoession of tbe Democracy to fell power in ail the departments of tbe Government, in tbe light of ita past record of treason aud rebellion, cannot but be regarded as a oalamity, tbe magnitude of wbiob can scarcely be imagined. (Signed): This National Coxumcc. Hon. A. L. Morrison, of Chicago, was ohosen Chairman, and D. W. Nolan, of Chicago, Secretary of tbu National Executive Committee : For Utah—General Eli H. Murray, of Salt Lake ; for Cali\x=req-\ fornia—P. H. Henry, of San Franoiaco. Contention of Republican IrUli\x=req-\ Anerlcani. Indianapolih, July 15.—'The Irish National Republican Convention met in this city ysaterday, 250 delegates being present. Judge A. L. Morrison of Illinois was cbossn temporary chairman, and Thomaa McSbeehy of Indiana temporary secretary. Jndge Morrison said that business of vital importanee would oome before tbe convention, and urged tbe neceaaity of brovity in. all speeches. Committeeeon Credentiale, on Addresses and Resolutions, on Pennaaent Organization and on Political Information were appointed. An invitation from the Irish Republican Club of this city to participate in a torchlight procession at tbe reception to Hon. A. G. Porter was acoepted, and tbe convention adjourned till 10 o'clock todsy. Hen. A. G. Porter, Republican candidate for Governor, arrived in tbe afternoon from Washington. At all tbe stations, from tbe time he entered tbe State, be waa greeted by enthusiastic crowds. Upon bis arrival in this oily be was met at tbe depot by the Young Men'a Republican Club and a vast number of citizens, who escorted bim to tbe Grand Hotel. Upon reaching bis residence another crowd of neigbbora and friende greeted bim. At 10 o'olock be waa esoorted to tbe place appointed for speaking by • torchlight procession of the Irish-American Club. An immense andience waa in waiting. General Ben. Harriaon delivered an address of wel\x=req-\ oome, to which Mr. Porter reeponded in a lengthy speeob. t > i On Deck Again. Chicaoo, July 10.—An Inter Ocean Waabington special says: Don Cameron astonished his friends and family by turning up here auddenly yesterday from the White Sulphnr Springe to attend to important businsss. He was in high spirits over tbe campaign prospects and ridiculed tbe idea of Hancock carrying Pennsylvania. He bad a two hours' talk with Governor Jewell, Chairman of tbe National Committee, and diacusaed future work. He saya bis health at no time has been the cause of any aouroe of anxiety to bim, although he was for a time obliged to give up business. He will enter tba campaign as usual unless be becomes worse. Kabblnlcal Association. Drraoir, July 10.—Tbe seoond annual oonvention of tbe National Rabbinical Literary Association closed a three days' session laat night. About twenty-eight Rabbis were present and tbe meeting caused much interest in Jewish circles. Chicago was fixsd upon as ths nsxt plaoe of meeting. Following are tbe offloers (or the enauing year: President, Dr. Max Lillientbnl; Vice Preaident; Dr. Adolph Huebscb; Treasnrer, Dr. P. Falk ; Corresponding Secretary. Dr. H. Stindsrhk ; IUcordiug Beoretary. Dr. I. 8. Moeer; Literary Committee—Dra. I. M. Wise, K. Kobler, I. Milaentr, 8. H. Henenseren, • B. Felaentbal. The laat named oommlttee are to have the charge of editing and publishing a new Jawiak quarterly. The Mexican Central Hallway. Maw Yobk, July 16.—E. H. Spalding, vbo recently returned from Kuaaia, and waa formerly connected with Henry Meigga' railroad enterpriaea in Peru, haa aailed for Mexico, where he will join the engineering staff of tha Mexican Central Railroad. The aama steamer carries aome material for the new road. The Mexican Central Company haa pur\x=req-\ ohaaed the Zelava and Salamanca Bail\x=req-\ road In Guanajuato, which ia to form a part of the main line. The election of Obnzalea aa Preaident ia deemed favorable to the intereata of the railroad, which ia eaeentially an American enter\x=req-\ priae. Murderona Outlaws. Demveb, Col., Joly 10.—The Tribunt't San Fe apeoial aaya: At Linooln, in Linooln county, N. M., July 3d, a young man named Harriaon came into town, and becoming intoxicated, waa locked up. At night a mob effected an entranoe to the jail and killed Harrison, riddling him with bulleta. On the night of the 4th a mob again surrounded the jail and killed a deputy sheriff who waa implicated in the killing of the night before and had made bimaelf obnoxloua to the outlawa. On the night of the Stb they again visited the jail, taking out and hanging a priaoner. It ia not known what the prisoner's crimes were. A CAKU. To all wbo are suffertnii from the errors and Indiscretions of yoalb, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, ate., I will send a ro\x=req-\ eel Ik) that will core you, FK8K UP OHAHOK Thla great remedy waa dlacorernd by a missionary In tenth America. H«nd a aelf-sddreaaad enrelope to the Bar. Josarii T. lraaa, Station D. New York city. jsllly MISCELLANEOUS. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Haree aa lajaaetlaa aa Dleeaae By lnTlgoratlng a feeble ronatltntlon, reno. valine a debilitated pbyalqur, tod enriching a (bin and Innutrition* circulation with lloetet\x=req-\ ler'a Stomach llltten, thu flneat, the moat highly aanrtlnnod, and tba moat popular tonic aud preTeullre in exlateucc. For aale by all Drugglate and Dealara geu\x=req-\ e rally. lr G0M8T0CK EXCHANGE,! MAIN MTRKKT, i i UOLD HIM., (Oppoalta Liberty Engine Boom.) T THIS POPULAR PLACK OP RE80HT | L can ba found a select atock of cbotoa Wines. Liauors. Ale, Porter AND cigars:. Alto, tba only BILLIARD TABLR8J,lnttown fit to play on. Call and proa pact. nl T. I. Flltcn. Agent. FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIOEMANN PROPRIETOR. Main Street, .... Void Hill, uupoelto tba Mm oBoe. rpuiH OLD E.STABL1HUBD AND POPOLAH A rcaort la atlll thu favorite. Comfort aud aport combined. Tba patroaa of tba bouaa will alwaya find Uta beat brauda of BlfANOV, WI1INKV, AI.K, POKTKKi I.AHKIt, WINK* OF AM. KIND* TOBACCO. CI(]ABM, KTC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. GIBSON'8 SALOON, Mala Ntraat. Held lllll. PIltMT CLASH IN KVBBV HKAPBCT. Reading and Club Booms. Tho patron* of tbe Moans will ba well recelred and anrred with tba Kinaat of WINES. LIQUORS AND CIQARS By-PAP" ABBOTT. • W. D.C.(9IBMON.Praarlatar. BANK EXCH AN G E, In Xaynard'alBlock, MAIN 8TR1ET - - GOLD HILL. AFIRBT-GLAHH BALOOH IK IV1RT raapect, aa wall aa geoaral raaort for baal TBI B\H la atorkod witb tba beet brmnda of W1NIC8, LlqCUHH ANU CIUAiifl. » K. P. MrKKNNKY, Praprlatar. I860. • 1880. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA. 6. W. HALL, • • Proprietor. rpaiB OLD-HTABLISIUCD AND KILL A able Laandry la prepared to tarn oat any quantity of Renovated and Clean Linen witb\x=req-\ oat being damaged by manipulation or by chemical application. ^Tackagee punctually; galled for and. ra OPPIOBS-Theodore Wolffa Clothing Store oppoalta International Hotel, 0 atrert, Vlr' ginla, and Veeey Bonaa. Oold H'll. j m SPECIAL NOTICE. EER80N8 RESIDING IN VIROIRIA WHO wlah to aubecrtbe for the Oold Hill ra can leave order* for It at Uta PoatoBca Book Store, No. It Boulh 0 •treat, N. B. PABftONS. IAD UIADV prohptlt doni ai Jul) WUHK tw»«ta,l«tktlia**n and at Ue lowaat II (tag raaaa. miscellaneous. EIkTTahoe. SIMR PIKE rOIKT. JOHN W. M°KINNEY'S OLD PLACE. hialthi PLEASURE! RECREATION! The abovf VKHT POPULAR rksort 1* again thrown open to tba public for ■euon. It i* altuatiM on the wkhtkbn huorjc OK TUB LAKK, did* mllee from Taboe City, amid tbu moat komamtlo AMI) HEALTHFUL 8ukkoumdinu8, ud near THE BEST PI8HINO GROUNDS. A floe Wharf ran* oat to deep water In tbe Like, and plenty or boata an furnlebcd free lot tl>* pleaaore of thegueete. the eteamere touch at the wharf dallj to land paaecngera and null. Paeeengcn from (lold iii1i and Virginia can go by way Trai kee and Tabu* City or L'anuu and Glanbrook, taking tbo ataamer acroaa tbo Lake. Aa tba (learner doea not reach McKlnney'e after leaving Uleubruok. a team or boat will ba In waiting at Taboa City to carry tbeni to McKlnncy'e If they daalru to go tbera tba earn* evening. RATES oe CHARGES. Board and Lodging, per week Ill 00 Hoard and Lodging, u>r day 3 (JO Children from tt to 1'J year* of age, half price, fW Invalid., aa well aa t>u*lneee men or laiulliee, aecklog recreatlou and plcaanre, will And tble ibe very place. _ J# W. N. HALL & CO., MAIN htkkrt HOLD lllll.l., —WYOLMALa AMD KIT Alt. DIALIAs£«\x=req-\ H ARD W ARE, Of rr«7 description. Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware QASIPfPE AND FITTING8. POWDER, FU8C. ROPE AND BLOCKS, SHOVELS. PIOUS* HANDLES, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplier An extensive and superior assortment of MECHANIC8' TOOLS, Of all kinds. GALVANIZED IRON PIPINfl. Of.all ilie*, madejto onlar at abort notice. U W. M. WALL dk COt O.a. oaixatii. t. d.»olsob. 6ALLATIN I FOLSOM. COLD HILL. NEVADA. ....bbalu* n..„ HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Coal, ^Stoves, Fin Ware,*J* FUSE. POWDER, ROPE. BLOCKS. GAM FIPK AND FITTINOH,. BkoieU, Plcki, Handle#, Hills, Milling aid Mining Good*' GALVANIZED IRON PIPE MADE TO ORDKU. All KNTM FOR Albany Machine Oil and Lubricating Compound 101 C. V. CRANE, PURCHASING AGENT, Established In 18M. PERSONS RESIDING AWAY PROM 8AM Kranclsco, In want of any article ot MERCHANDISE. Great or imall, can bare their ordara filled promptly, and at the vary loweet caab prices, by aJ JrvMluK tbe undersLreed. . 0. W. CRAMC. 318 Plna itriet, Iloom 30. Ran Praaclseo. Gal. lyllMf WOOD AND COAL DEPOT I TkTDT PINK, WA8UOK LIMB. SPLIT PINK 1" and otbar varieties of Wood, and a full •apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL. On band and foraalaat the LOWKHT.CABn Pitl 0X8. HULL WRIGHT AND IMKAHURR GUAKANTRBD. Wood sawed at abort notice aad at lowyataa OPPIOB—Wear Railroad Depot. Oold Hill, ttm THOMA8 OALLAUHKR. NOW OPEN. THE RUBICON MINERAL SPRINGS Ten mllaa weat of MeKlnnay'a Landing, LAKE TAHOE, I* tbe place to spend a few waeka during tbn bot aeaaou. Tbe Hpringe an well known by tbo people of Oold illll for their wonderful medicinal properties. THE HOTEL la under the management ot Mr*. Ilanar of Vlr\x=req-\ °l'y. who Is a competent bookkeeper. Milk frea of extra charges. Board and Lodging. per weak tlO 00 J G. BPCHI.Wt, Praprleter. REMOVAL NOTICE. TUK OFPKR8 OP TUK POLLOWINU C'ompanlea bare removed to • 327 PINE STREET, Tfco Has Praarlaca Hieek and l(irks»*s Halldlaa, Una 7 ■ lUleber Hllvar Mlalif Alaahattaa Hllver MlatM fs«»«Tt Cbaaialea INIala* Cs«ps«i,> Www Yarn Mlalaa r— Mw_ tutasoiood IUI — raw* 1 aT.ImI walknaw. um »i «>»•»«* Sllilli!br»u*bt onbjr Indiscretion or eteeeai. Any Onira I.I ba«'baJn*Te*li«nl». Address bAYIAWX «fc CO., l»aaaa«.,K.t,