Newspaper Page Text
a THE EVENING NEWS ; T ■ I Atf. OOTBSr. Mmmmttum MIMi. SATURDAY, : : : : : JULY 34. 1880 FOR PRESIDENT. JAMES A. GARFIELD, OF OHIO. FORJjOBr PRESIDENT. -^HSStKR A. ARTHUR, or HXW YORK. who Lisa r Dana of the New York 0%ai allowed the story ol hi* eowardioe, in connection with the Seawanbaka diaaater, to go unrefined and totally unrsplied to until moat people began to believe bla alienca proved bia guilt. Suddenly ha eomaa out with a savage grunt aa follows: Wa And the following story In Tkt Sum, ajuaraalot Richmond. Virginia: " Mm Ida Ward, of Long Idand. uya that daring the recant Beawanbaka disaster the wa* •landing by Charles A. Dana, of the .Vim, and in bar extreme peril theeaid: 'Pleaao, Mr. Dana, can't I go with yon when you Jump over?* ' Every one for himaelf,' the ■aye wa* hit brutal reply." We inform TKt Stau that it ha* been imposed upon. The itory i* falea. It i* a lie. Mr. Dana ■aid no <ach word* to Mia* Ward or to any one elee. In reply, Mia* Ward cornea out in a pnblio card, over her own signature, laying that aha baa told the cold, unblushing truth, and related th* incident exactly as it occurred; that tba worda quoted ware the prtciae words he used in reply to her aarneat appeal for protection and aasistanoe: "Everyone for himaelf." Tha young lady la rsepeet\x=req-\ ably connected and thoaa who know her best, implicitly believ* every word of her story, and will require more than Mr. Dana's simple denial to make them believe otherwise. Dana should personally interview the young lady in this nutter. At snch a critical moment misundsr\x=req-\ standings are liable to occur which might be eaaily explained. The atory is rathsr tough on Dana as it stands. A COaiOCS ACCIDENT, A peculiar tad decidedly aensatienal aocident b*ppen*d raiterday to a party of excureionist* from San Franciaco who war* on tbair way down from Lake Tahoe to Caraon in a carriage. Tba party oonaiatad of Cbarlaa N. Balob, William Townaand and Jobn Simon*, and tba aecidant occurred in Clear Craak Canyon, a abort diatanoe b»low wbtra tba lumbar dama oroaaaa tba road for tba drat tima. Tba Caraon Appeal's ao\x=req-\ oonnt of it aaja: They wara driving along leieurely when Mr. Balob aaw a rock, wbicb weighed Mi\x=req-\ an) too*, earning down tba lUep moan\x=req-\ tain aida. Ha called tba attention of bia oomradaa to the fact, and an effort *u made to whip tba boraee up. At tbe eame iaatant they taw tba danger tbamaelvee, and became ao frightened that they aimply backed on their bauncbea and mortal with terror. It waa only tba work of a faw aec\x=req-\ onda for the reck to reach the team, and aa it atrack them it awept them off the road into tba atream at tba right, and lent the wagon and ita ocoupanta into the boahaa. Tbe heavy growth of willowa broke tbe force of their fall, and aaide from a few aeratcbee they were uninjured. One of tbe boraee waa completely obliterated and tbe driver, Townaand. waa oov ared with tba apettering blood. Tbe other horee wu ao badly mangled that be waa abot in tbe bead with revolver* to relieve him of bia miaery. Laat night Doe Benton aent up a team and brought down the wagon wbioh waa but little damaged. Tba fall of the bowlder.waa probably canaed by tba gradual locaening of tbe eoil beneath it Tbe boraee belonged to tba party and wara rained at $600. SKA.NT AMO TALMAUE. Tba LaadTilleana gave General Orant a right loyal reception evening before laat All banda turned out—military, fireman, miner*, atorekeepera and every\x=req-\ body—and bad a glorioua lima. Orant eaid he never, or at leaat, hardly ever— bat b* felt perfectly at home and happy. Talmage will b* along there next, and they will all abake banda with him, treat him well, flock to boar him, and believe what tbey pleaae of what be aaya. Ha oan atir them op right and keep on tba good aida of them ao long aa ha puta in bia livelieet ahouting, and haa plenty of help on new goapel aonga and oborueea; bat If be cornea down to talking hell at them b* will b« • mieerable failure. Tbat'a aomethioft they know all aboat and are not afraid of. Moreovtr, they aa* nothing new or hilarioaa about it. They can atand redbot talk, bnt nothing atale. Saw Tork Tribune: Tbia waa tha remark of an eminent Democrat, delegate to tha laat two National Convention*, member of tbe Committee on Ueeolu\x=req-\ tione, and on* of tbe moat aotive and influential leadera of tbe party : u The Bepublican party ia tbe meanrat party on earth; the Democratic party ia aix timee meaner than the Bepublican, and tbe Qreenbackan axe not worth mentioning. I'v* a great mind to go to Europ* and atay till tbia blanked nou\x=req-\ aenae ia all ov*r.M And be looked yaarningly from the Manhattan Beach piaxza over tbe tumbling aea, trying to forget tb* anarl of politics and politiciana behind him. H* only expreaaed tb* general a*n*e of diiguit among th* lead\x=req-\ era. And yet freeh Demooratio editora in tha interior are kicking up their bee la in th* belief that tb* party ia harmoni\x=req-\ oua and *nthuaiaatio. and baa a chance. K*w York Tribune: The Waabington diapatcbea make an inatrucUve contract of two period* in the bietory of tbe government, of fifteen year* each, one Republican tb* other Democratic. Between 1865 and 1880 Republican Administrations have paid oil $837,000,000 of tb* national debt, and reduced tbe annual Tolna* of int*r**t by $71,000,000. Be\x=req-\ tw**n 1847 and 1861 Democratic Admin\x=req-\ iatrationa added f13,000,000 to th* debt. Ia 1861 tb* government waa paying tw*lv* per cent, on money borrowed for carr*nt *xp*u*a; now Ih* foar per oent. bond* are at a pramium all over tb* world. And tb* Democratic party now aaka that tb* public servant* who bar* been faithful, over many tblnga aball be Uncharged in favor of thoss who have Men faithless in all things. ■■ 1 ■ ■ With its issns of ths 30th instant tbs Jodie Standard died, and T. 8. Harris, ts proprietor, gavs in it nearly two col\x=req-\ imna of an obitiary valedictory, spolo- 1 [izing for qoitting, eto., all of which ; *aa unkind and unnecessary. Ths : Bodis Xnes falls hair to ths i business of ths defunot, in toksn of which it haa adopted the double-headed title of ths Standard-Sues. The Frtt Prtss baa secursd the old Standard power press and the raiment of ths old con\x=req-\ oern being thus divided among ita contemporaries, Bodis will now be run all right, so far as nswspapsra are concerned. A Boston man has sent ths following challenge to Dr. Tanner : Borrox. July IS, 1M0.—Dr. Tanner: You are challenged by me to perform the task of not "drinking." I claim that I can live longer than you without partaking of any "drink." I wtger $300 that I will beat yon. Yours truly, Any average Gold Hiller oan appreciate the force of the above challenge. Going without food for forty daya ia feasible enough, but to go without whisky, beer or svsn wstsr for any great length of time is whsrs the resl teet of human vitality oomes in. Forty daya is almply an impossibility. It is believed that under the apportionment whioh the oensus will mske neceesary, Virginia, 8outh Carolina' Kentucky, Louisiana and perhaps Mississippi will each loee a Congreaaman, and Tsiaa will gain two. Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut will each probably loes a member and Vermont may loee two. The West will probably hold its own snd Kansss and Nebraska are liable to gain ive Congressmen between them. By wsy of a straw ws will mention tbst at a dog tight in Lowsr Gold Hill Isst svening a vote was taksn and out of ths 237 men prssent all were for Han\x=req-\ oock except one and hs left as soon as be oonld get his dog away. All ths Hancock men in thst locality were eager spectators of ths fight. Earska Ltadtr: Dr. Tannsr's experiment is not new. It hss been tried a hundred times by ths gullibls sditor who has wishsd to publish a four-pags paper in a ons-psge town. The Oraphie think* that if Fsshion in hot weather would abolish starched collars, boeoms and neckties on Broadway, and allow a man the Inzury of wearing a thin, untrammeled flannel abirt, thou\x=req-\ eanda would riss up and call bar bleessd. Ths Denver Tribunt ssys that ths Tanner experiment, to ahow how long a man can go hungry and not die, ia being watched with great Intersst by ths Democratic party. Retching the Pole in a Balloon. Commander Cheyne, of the British Navy, ia atill endeavoring to carry oat hia plan of raaching the North Pole by maana of bailoona. A London committer, oouaiating ot the Dean of Weatmin ater. the Master of the Temple, Dr. Vaugban, the Minieter of Finance for Canada, and eetenty member* of Parliament and scientific men, baa been formed, and over $7,000 collected towards the purpose ot oarrying oat the new venture, the nltimate coat of which ia eetimated at 9100,000. The propoei\x=req-\ Uon ia to Bend out a abip to the farthest attainable point, then to form ootaide atationa by the guidance of wbieb the wind carreuta could be atilixed at vari\x=req-\ oua helghta as curvea of aailiog, by which the balloon might reaoh within more or lata praotioable diatance of the Pole, and the completion of the joarney made by aach eledging arrangementa aa could be conveyed by the three or four bailoona that would oonatitute the serial fleet steering by trailing ropaa. By abandoning aome of the bailoona and atoraa and uaing their remaining gaa to All completely the one or two balloon* by which the return journey to the ship could b« accomplished, the party, it ia claimed, would be brought back in aafety. Commander Cheyne recently laid all hia plana before the Aeronautical Society of London, and in the diaouaaion which followed the project waa eupported by auch practical ®ron\x=req-\ auta as Mr. Cozwell and Mr. 8immona. Lyon County Iteme. Timrl, July 34. The residents of the Eamaralda county and of Maaon Valley are holding meet\x=req-\ ing* and diacuaaing the queetion of di\x=req-\ Tiding the county and ot getting their portion annexed to Lyon oounty. The Chinamen who are working in Qold eanyon, near the mouth, have put up a water wheel with which they pump out their pita. They are evidently making it pay, aa their number ia increaaing almost daily. The total population of Lyon oounty ia 9417, of which Silver City baa 608, Sutro 418, and Dayton 400. Fishermen engaged in the Greenland fisher; say they never experienced anything like the terriflo ice-blockade which now extenda down to the fifty-second parallel ot latitude. The fleldioe lying to the eastward of Newfoundland, the southern extremity of which now lie* 130 milea distant from St. Johns, ia of the heavieat floe description. Thouaanda of ioeberga are to be eeen. A traveler waa badly hurt in a railroad accident—two ribe broken and other injuriea. Ha went to the office of the oompany to complain. "What," cried the offloe olerk, "you want to raiee • row about eo small a matter? Not a month ago twelve of our paaaeagers were killed and wo didn't even hear a word ot complaint from any of them." General Trevino and hia bride, a daughter of Qeneral Ord, will be received at the City of Mexico with a "grand bull fight." Thebulle are being obtained from the interior, and the moat akilled matador* obtainable will be engaged for the oooaaion. An American eoldler'a daughter that marriee a Mexican ought to have a bully time. The Pittaburg Ttitgraph, noting that Qeneral Hancock la a twin, aaya that no twin baa ever been elected Preeident of the l*nited Statea. But, aaya the Philadelphia 7Vntt, that ia juat wbat'a been the matter with the oonntry all the time. Mary O'Connor, a ear van t in Boohee\x=req-\ tar, N. Y., haa gone to the ahinlng ahore with a keroeene oilcan la her hand, and the remembrance of a smouldering fire ia hat eonl'i mind. NMBY. [-»• Ilopefnl OM OM Mar* »• The Corners, not being prepared (or he nomination of a Union general, wan n dined to hold baok in thair ratifl.iation neating. Bat Nubj appealed to 'Ian ta (oilowe: " A Dimekrat'a fuat doty ia to obey Hia eouTt-uHbnn and to do what bia con\x=req-\ renabun direx bim to do. I don't deny sut wot my hart ia aomewbat triad by the nominaahnn of a Federal aoljer which bore arma agin na. Bat why •hood we repine? Why ahood wa quee\x=req-\ tiou tbe wisdom uv the eboioe? Wich •eckaban controlled that conventhon? Pawa and reflect. Waa it the North or theSoath? E( the North, wat difference la thur betwixt a Northern Dime* krat and a Sathern one, anyhow? But the Northern Dimekrata didn't hev nathin to do with it. The oonvenshan wuz controlled entirely by the eolld South. Tbe brigadeera was all tber. Ther wax Wade Hampton, ut bleated memory. Thar wax all nv 'em. Ther wax preeent ewy long-haired man wich bed bin prominent in the defence nr tbe Soath, either aa a delegait or ex a in\x=req-\ flooenebel epectator. Bare thia in mind, ther wuxn't a nigger delegait in tbe entire convenshnn, not one! It wax a convenahun nv white Dei, actin for white men, and in the intereet of the white men'a party. "Does it make any difrenoe to the Cornera who tbe Agger bed ia that ia pat np. Not at all. The Cornera want Se\x=req-\ c«abuo Crik clack-watered; the Cornera wanU a Custom-bonse and a Poet-offls, and tbe Cornera wanta bar Sathern he\x=req-\ roee pensbaned, and the loaaee ur the crooil war pade, and done ex quiokly ex possible. The Corners, onto wich Bss\x=req-\ com has got a morgage, wauta releef in the shape nv money from the Fedrel treasury, and that immejitly. We want our niggera back agin—wo want the old ayatem reatored, and tbe Camera wanta to rool tbie keutry ex it did wnnat. "£f Hancock ia tbe way, walk ye in it. Does any one euppoae that Hanoock, wicb ia to be elected ef be ia elected at all, by the Solid South, ie a goin' back onto the Solid Sooth after bia eleoahan? Doee the aaa know hia master's crib? Ia he a goin' to tarn and rend the hand wicb feeda bim? "Are we eo ntoopid ex to apoae that the Southern Brigadeera wich run the Cincinnati Convenahun didn't know wbat they wuz about? Hevin but one thing to do, do you apoeo thay didn't go and do it? To win, we hev got to kerry aome Northern States, and wood it bar bin policy to hav put np a Brigadeer in gray, to hav akeered the Northern De\x=req-\ mocriey, whose stomicka are atill weak? We kin forgive a Fedral General whioh, for the aake of bein President, ia willln to undo ex a Preaident all that ha did ex a aoljer. What be did ex a aoljer ia paat —what he will do ex a Preaident ia yet to come We have not gone back onto ouraelvea in nominatin bim—if ha goea back upon biaaelf, that ia hia own bixnie. " My friends, it is perfeotly safe to take any Fedrel aoljer wich ie willin* to take a nominaahan at the ban da nv Suth\x=req-\ ern Brigadeera, yoo bet yer life. An' it ia perfeotly aafe fer ne to awaller the reeoluehena, no matter what they may be. They all pint the way. Ef thay are (or tariff or agin tariff, they mean tbe old rool of the gloriona South. Ef they are for hard money or aoft money, they mean tbe triumph nv tbe Sooth. Miklellen, ef he bad been eleotid, would bev done jist ex well fur ua ex Jefferaon Davia, and ao will Hanoock." We adjonrned with three oheera for Hancoek and the platform, tho we bedn't reoeeved tbe platform and didn't know nothing abonl it. Bnt ex in tbe caee nv tbe nominaahen, we know the men that msde it, an' that's snnff. Kentucky will role np a good ole\x=req-\ faahioned Dimtcrelio majority this fall, ehoor. Pxtbolicm V. Nasby, Excitant. P. S.—Baacom ia concerned about tbe bar'l. I sstisfied that much doubting man by aabooring him that Tilden's bar'l wood be opened jiat the aaae. Bat the naahnel oommitty want to be in baate about flxin that. We kin Uke a candidate on trust, but tbe bar'l muat be a reality. We mast know all about that, and for ahoor. P. V. N. The Hudson River Tunnel. Vlu York IltraUl, July 11. Tbt Hudson river tunnel bee been carried a little mora then thras hundred teet from the great wall at the foot of Fifteenth atreet, Jersey City, or about two hundred feet out under the river. Work ie soon to be begun near Morton ■treet, in thia city, where the New York well ie to b« aunk, and whence the laborers will bore weetward under the river and eaetward to a point near Broadway. The tunnel company will soon apply for a commission to looats the line of the tunnel eaat of the Morton street well, and not long thereafter the public will know the preciae eite of the New York entranoe. The officers of the tunnel oompany hope that it may be near Bleecker atreet, not far from Broadway. On the New Jereey eide the entrance will be near the great rsilroad tunnels thst penetrate Bergen bill. Only one tunnel baa been begun. There ara to be two. Originally it waa planned to bora one enormoua tunnel, and on both sidee of the river there will be one tunnel down to within 200 or 300 feet of the banks of the river. Tbenoe under the river there will be two tun\x=req-\ nele—one for traine into the oity and one for traina from the city. Each tunnel will be about twenty-two feet in height by twenty feet in width in the clear and ciroular in form. The outer shell of the tunnels is of boiler iron, breaking jointa and firmly riveted together, and within thia iron tube will be a two-foot wall.of hard burnt brick, laid in cement, and extending completely around the interior, pressnting the form of an arch againat any outaide pressure, whether vertioal or lateral. The traok for railroad traina will lie about forty feet below the bod of the river and near the New York eide, where the depth of the water ia about alzty feet, the traveler in a oar under the Hudson will be about a hundred fket below the veaaele overhead. The oompany'a offloera aay that they can dispatch 400 traina through the tunnel every twenty-four hours. They were in the front parlor, whenoe all but them had gone to bad, and ahe bad her head aweetly neetled on hia ahirt-front, with the top button of hla veet Just filling her ear, whan auddenly ahe started up and anuffed the air aa a warborae snuffs ths battle from afar off. Then her delicate noee was held close to his moustache, and aha demanded of him where he got that perfume from. He grew red in the face and atammered when he explained that the barber pat the perfume on hie mouataehe. Hia way of tailing it roused ell her supidons, and now the engagement ia broken. But it wae the barber. The Empress of Germany and Queen Viotoria are not good friends. Eves the Crown Princess of Germany and the Quean of England have a ooolnsss between them. The Empress of Germany Queen Viotoria. THE PIITCHARD QASE. *•*•••—* llnd Up Cm*. The Canon 7Wt of laat evening givea the following moo act of the pro* greea of this out yeeterday: The Court met it 10 o'olook today and thirty-three jurors vare put through their paces, resulting in the aeleotlon of Charlee Oratz and Craoaton Orier. This filled the panel, but when Mr. Soder\x=req-\ berg asked if anything bad been beard, or whether anything had ooourred, to prevent aoy of their nnmber from sitting on the jury, J. 0. Dorsey, the first juror impaneled, aroee and itaWd that he would not find a verdiot of murder in the first dsgree on droumstantial evi\x=req-\ denoe. He waa promptly esouaed by the Court upon the peremptory challenge of the proeeoution, and another venire for twenty-At* issued, returnable at r. m. The peremptory ohallengse on both aide* have been exbeueted. During the reoeaa it was the oommon talk on the atreet, that the defendant's counsel had made a grievous mistake In asking the qnsetlon wbtoh resulted in the exclusion of Mr. Doreey from the jury; bat when the Court reaaaembled at 2 o'clock, everybody wee given an insight into Mr. Soderberg's little game. Hie first move waa to aak that the venire, ieeusd thie morning, be quaahed, on the ground that a new jury waa about to be formed, there having been twelve men already aworn to try the oaae, one of whom had been discharged against the protest of tbs defendant, and that the new venire had been prematurely made returnable. That the order of the Court waa void, beoauee the jurors were required to appear in oourt in two houra, and the venire, be contended, should have been filed with the Clerk two daya before their ap\x=req-\ pearanoe. Thia the Court denied, and the counael then interpoeed a epeclal plea of former aoqulttal on the ground that where twelve jurors bad been accepted and aworn the defendant bad been put in jeopardy of bia life, and that the withdrawal of one juror agalnat de\x=req-\ fendant'a protect operated aa a discharge of the former jury, and a new one could not be impaneled. Upon thia there waa a grave oonaultation between oounael for the State, and a brief oonaultation of a law book by the Judge, who finally announced that he would adjourn oourt until tomorrow at 10 a. m. for the purpose of hunting up authoritiee. The jurors summoned today were ezoused until that hour. At 10 a. m. today the Judge overruled the motion of the defendant to quash proceedings, eto., as above, and deoided to prooeed with the oaae. The twenty\x=req-\ five new jurymen were dlspossd of in sa msny minutes and not a juror obtained. A new venire for a like number waa then issued, returnable at 3 r. x. today. Seeing by eleotrioitv ia a reault lately aocompliahad. The object to be Been ia ezpoied to a mirror or plate oomposed of sensitivs pairs of alementa, and tbla plate ie connected by wirea with a similar one in the presenoe of the apeotator. By aid of a telephone and one of these oontrivanoee a peraon in Philadelphia, for inatanoe, may eometime be able to hear and see a play going on New York. A leading elocutionist onoe eald to a young preacher: "I can do nothing more for you. All that you need now to make yon a power in the land ia aome great sorrow. BORN. Hnt Fort Churchill, Jnly ill, to the wife of John Carting, a daughter. RtARRtlD. "liTDeaTer.JiUy 1», K. oTB uTll ran to UraTE. J. Morgan. Id Virginia, July M, Caleb J. Crowley to Mar\x=req-\ l&rtt Mono, both ol Cairo. DIED. Niir Fort Chnrchlll. Jnly 81, Mrs. Mary E. Carting, aged 82 yeara and 10 months. In Ruby 11111, Jaly 11. Jeeeph Virlan, aged U NEW TODAY. PIPER'S OPERA HOUSE, VIRGINIA OITY. JOHNSON * OOOPM 11 an ((an SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, Jaly 94 and 3S. SATURDAY MATISBB at 1. Raallatlc pic. turca or ttontherm llfa, entitled 8UNNY SOUTH! Tha play la wrltun by John F. Bear*. antbor of •• Magnolia." "Child Blealar," "Tha Had Pocket Book," aU. JOHNSON AND COOPER la thtlr Ipaclalllta. The Great Railroad Scene t The Cotton Plantation Scene, Introducing a mnltltnda of COLORKD 8INQKR8! Introducing thalr rich plantation malodlet. |V Admission aa nanal. Bos tbaat now open. Jl*W GREAT BARGAINS! OR ACCOUNT OT 9KTABT1JBK, ■fl/pr WHOLE STOCK, 00N8IBTINU op\x=req-\ GENERAL GROCERIES, Crockery, Slaii and China Ware, A fall seaortment of WINKS AND LIQUORS, By tba BotUa or Gallon, JEWELRY. CUTLERY. PIRER, PLAYING ""Wo.. Win ba adld FOB OA&H ONLT greatly below east. Sale mart ba aaded wlUla thirty daya. Tba Sztarea tad om sals, horses and haraoes, one doabls and aaa dug la hararss, hoots taruU tura, eta., an aleo lor sale. All partlea Indebted to ate are requested to aaU aa once aad settle that* aoaoula. A. OAMIR. M Store next door to the Baak of OoM BUI. PICNIC EXCURSIONS. FIFTH Annual Picnic —MD— CELEBRATION OF GAMES —of mi— VIRGINIA CALEDONIAN CLDB —WILL T1U FLICS AT— Treadway's Park, Carson, SATURDAY, AUQUST 7, 1880. traalUM (liMii Arthur L. WUaon, Wtn. Somervllle, Win. Satbarland, Alexander Wllaon, Otorgt U. Stewart. Programme of Games. The following list Of PrtXM, DOW OD ethlbl\x=req-\ tloo tt William Mannlng'a Jewelry Store, will be awarded to the iucoM>fal competitor*: 1. Throwing Bmtt Hammer ( weight, 11 pound*): Pirat Prize—Elegant Silver Kpergne. Second Prize-8 liver Xrgraved Dinner Ctilor. 3. Throwing Light Hammer (weight, 14 ponadal: Pint Prize-Hindaom* Obaaed But\x=req-\ tar Dlah. Second PrUa-Palr of Qent'i Mom Agate Bleere Bottona. I. Putting Hrarjr Btone (weight, 31 ponndaj: Plrtt Prize —Cut-glaea Silver Pickle Oaetor. Seoond 1'ilze — Set of Gold Enameled Shirt Stada. 4. Putting Light atone (weight, 14 ponnda): Pint Prlie -Elegant Prench Oilt Alarm Clock. Second Prize—Shell Vaae. A. Short Race (100 yardr), for membera of the Club only: Klrvt Prize-Hanaeome Engraved Silver loe Pitcher. Seoond PrUe—Silver Syrup Jug. 0. Back Race: Plrat Ptoa — Silver Obaaed Ooblet. Second Prize — Pair of Solid Sliver Sleeve Button*. 7. Standing Jump: Plrat Prtae —Pair of Opera Qlaaaea. Second Prize—Sliver Oup. 1. Hop, Step and Jump: Pint Prize—Kle\x=req-\ gant Silver Water Pitcher. Second Prize-Pair of Qent'i Oameo Sleeve Buttone. 9. Vaulting with Pole: Pint Prize-Half a dozen Klrgaut Silver Knlvee and Vorka. Sec ond Prize-Silver Individual Combination Cat\x=req-\ tor. 10. Totting the Caber: Pint Prlz* — Engraved andChated SliverTobacca buz. Second Prize-Handaomt Sliver Napkin King. 11. Pour-Hundred-Tard Bece: Pint Prize\x=req-\ Silver Creamer, on aland. Second Prize—SU\x=req-\ ver-tlpped Cut-glata Syrup Pitcher. 13. Young Ladlet' Kaco (7S yard*)—No Pea: Plrat Prize—Klegant Toilet bet, pretented by ArthurL Wllaon, Keq. Second Prize—Silver\x=req-\ mooted Cut-gUta Jewel Caaket, pretented by Wm. Manning, Kaq. Third Prize—Uold and Ouyx Vail Plo, peaeented by Alez. Dlckeon, Kaq. 13. Hardl* Race (300 yard*, 4 hurdle*): Pint Prlie—dent'* Elegant ran nuaped Gold-quartz Breattpln. Seoond PrlZA—Cold-mounted llalr Watch Uuard. 14. Boy*' Race (14 yean and under)—No Pea: Pint Prize—Silver Oup. Second Prize—Klegant Pearl Breattpln. 15. (Jtrie' RacelU yean aod under)—No Kee: PlntPrlze— Handtom* Cuitrlaaa Toilet Bottle on Sliver Stand. Stcond Prize—Pair of Kle\x=req-\ gant Pearl and Oold Karrlnga. Third Prize— Lad;'a Oold Straight Pin, pretented by Alez. Utckeon, E»q. 10. Ladlea' Archery (S arrow* each; dlatanco, 30yard*)-No Pee: Pint Prtze-Kiegant Out. gla<t( Silver-mounted Jewel Caaket. second 4*rlte —Handiome Antique Silver-mounted Bohemian Vaae. » 11. Archery Club Shooting. Team* of Ave men each from the eevcral Archery Club* of the Slate will compete for a OOLD ARCHERY MEDAL! Made eipreealy far the purpoee. Bach man to have 10 afrowa, at 40, to and SO yard*. Id tddllton to tlie shore games, Team*, con. listing uf twsnty men eecb, Irom Uie various Military Companies of the State, »IU compete for i btew-wlndlng Walthsm IOL|D GOLD WATCH And n..Tj Solid Gold Chain u the flrtt prise for the trim making the dmI polnta. hhootlog to be conducted according to the rulee of tbe United Mtalae National Rills Association. Dlr\x=req-\ tancs, 300 rarde. Kach man to have 10 rounds. Second Prfu#X0 gold coin. Tbltd Pita*—|U gold coin. Profeuor Cara'* Toll Bran Band Will accompany tbe excuralon and fnrnub inuslc to Ml tboee desirous of dancing at tbe U rounds. SPECIAL NOTIOC. Perfect safsty aad etrlct order will be pr»\x=req-\ eerred by ipeelal ooLdactora and guards on toe train. All partlee not holding eacuraion tlcketa will be charged an entrance fee of SI to tbe grounds. Non-members of tbe Clnb will be charged a competition fee of $1 for eacb game. Tralna laare Virginia at T:W *. and Oold BUI at 7:tt a. m. OBoere of tbe Day aad competitors only allowed within tbe circle. Tbls order will be strictly enforced. HATCH or FA UK, BTC. Ticket* (for ronnd trip, Including ad\x=req-\ mlaelon to Park) •# 00 Children under ten 1 OO Admission to Park I OO Ja»td HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS genre aa lajaactlan so Disease By Invigorating a feeble conatltatlon, reno* rating a debilitated physique, and enriching a tbln and Innatrttloaa ctrcalatlon with Hoetet\x=req-\ ter'a Stomach Bitten, tbe finest, the moet highly sanctioned, and the most popular tonic and prerentlre In existence. For sale by all Druggists aad Dealera generally. 17 NOW OPEN. RUBICON MINERAL SPRINGS Tea mile* wset of Msllnney's Landing, LAKE TAHOE, Ie the place to epend a few weeks during the bot eeseon. The Hprlngs are well known by tbe people of Oo'd H1U fur their wonderful medicinal propertlee. THE HOTEL I* under tbe management of Mr*. Bauer of Virginia City, who la a competent bouarkeeper. Milk Cure, free of extra ohargee. Board and Lodging, per weeh 910 00 > G. BUCilMCK, Prey rioter. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Claiilcal, Llterarj and Sclentlflc. The Berkeley Gymnasium Prepares boys far the UnlToralty, rnnis institution has the patbon\x=req-\ age of the best lamlllee of the coeaL Tbe foarth school ytar begins on MONDAY, JOLT 11th. For Ust of rafsnoosa awl foil discussion of departments of ednoatloo, apply for catalogue to JOBN I. BURRIS, JoBO In Superintendent, Berkeley, Oal. MISC'ILLANKOl'S. BANNER BROS. Jut njMlrtd, tba Latcit and B«»t;style* of SPRINO' ANO 8UMMKR CLOTHING, Gents' furnishing flood*, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBBR GOODS, Bill, Capo, Soota aatl IImm, IIm> ktl*, TroikA, VtllM. QRIAT REDUCTION IN PRICK! All Goo<l» Marked Down K Per Cent. Lover th»n tof OUmt Hoom la til* 8UU M BANNER BROTHKR8, Caraar C aa4 Tartar Hlrxlii VIRGINIA, . . nevada ONE PRICE ONLY! a aqOABE DIAL FOB ALL FOK FINE CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Booti, Shoe*, Trunks, ValliM, Etc., —IT TOT— One-Price Clothing Store, 198 Main Street, Gold Hill. * FRANK H04KUWIT/. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, :main mtrkkt, oolo;uill. — DZ1LJLM 1.1— BLANK HOOKM, HTATIONKKY. JKWBLUY, KCUOOL BOOK*. t'LTLKttY. TOY*, Kte. Agent for the Han Prandaoo Dtllr CHRONICLE, BULLETIN. EXAMINER, -axd- ALT A. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT -AMD— VARIETY STORE, MAIN, MTRBBT,. GOLD HILL, Oppoelte foi l Meat lUrktl. D. T H OR BURN, Proprietor. AOKMT FOR THE COLD HILL DAILY NEWS And San Franclaco "Call," "kiMilier" tad MPo«t." Eastern Periodicals AMD LATEST MBADIHU MATTKB. CIGARS AnFtOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC* SHOW-CASE GOODS. STATIONERY. SOHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. ETO. ipliMi sad (allihtUrj Dwl> lac HurailNd. t SOLD HILL bTkEII RESTAURANT MAIN MTRRBT ...GOLD BILL, OppotlU tb* IcltpM L1tW7 BtAblM, J. P. BKOKIB Proprietor, PUSH BRKAD. PIK8, 0AKX8, AMD HOI Roll* awry air, dellrerad al the reel\x=req-\ d«MM Of MMtOIMM. BREAD AT REDUCED PRICES. IW PlM and Oakaa at radnoad prloea. T%acj or aaaortad Oakaa made to order al ibort no tic*. Tba Kaataarant Department la tba flnaat la tba State. All klnda of Oama. Poaltn and Freeh Flab and alto Oyetore received and eemd np dally. son THE cm BAKERY, RESTAURANT. Oosfoctloiery aid Caidj Depot, N». 117 Nartk C Btraat, Vlralata, n«*HI AN KLEQAMT ASSORTMENT 0» , \J HOLIDAY GOODS. Tort. Oaadlaa, Orna. mania Tor Table, Ornamental, Froe tad and Plain Oakaa of all kind*, daaorlptlona and da eigne, and at prtoaa to aalt .Terybody. Aa we Import all ooi (food, direct from the bit, wa out offer tbam atprtcaa tba aaaa aa charged la New fork, and at leaa than Ban Franclaco rataa. tW Ornamanta tor Oakaa a tpeoialty. ty Ice Oream and Btrawbarrlee and Crtam. Alao Strawberrtae by tba box, at wbolaaala or retail. FITZM KIER k ABKBRU8T, Proprietor* City Bakery, Mo, IT Horth 0 atreet, Virginia. Nevada. It In HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEBLINQ'S SON'I CO.. | Treetaa, Maw l«nej> Baat Craelbla Ca.t-Hteel Ilalatlaa Cablaa | Of all Daaeriptlaaa, Wlra Ptr.ada Far Kapalrlea Haaaa Caa\x=req-\ ataatly aa kaaJ. 8. T. MOO VIT. Agent Warahoaaa, near Mala k Noreroaa work*. | Virginia Olty, Nevada. *• MISCELLANEOUS. 45 Yea rn before the Public* THE CEMUIME DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS ftiv not recommended ni a remedy "for all tiie ills thut U heir to," Imt in affections of the I.iver. and in all IJilinmi Complaints, Dyspepsia, and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre* paratory to, or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequal ed. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Eai-h box has a red-wax seul on the lid. with the impression, McLANE'S LI VKit PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa\x=req-\ ture* of C. McLa*k and Fleming Bel*. £tf*lnsist upon having the genuine Dk. r\ McLANE'S LIVEIt 1'ILLS, pre\x=req-\ |wrcd by FLEMING HROS., Pittsburgh. Pa., the market being full of Imitations <t the name JlrLaue, spelled differently hot whip nronnnciatiou. INVALIDS AHD 0THEE8 8EEIIN0 HEALTH, STREHSTB jDd EHERtf, WITHOUT TIIE t'8E OF DRl'09, ARK RS\x=req-\ Ql' KiiTEIi TO HEM* KOK THE ELECTRIC REVIEW, AN ILLfHTKATCD JOUR- J KAL. WHICH IS CUBUdHK* FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. JT TREATS upon HEALTH, HYtilEXE.aadPbpl* csl Cullur., and la acuuipl.i. .aeyclarwdia mi InfonMUoD fur la»alld« and Ihw* wbo Hlk, flMD Kerrou., Eibau.ting an J Palatal l)ia»a»«. Ei«f • ublect thai b»ar. upou li.altli and buman hawa*., r.c.i»n all.nllou in ll» I'M": aid lb. utur «|uaa\x=req-\ liou.a.k»d l/y .ulf.rln* iu«alida, who l>.t«d.»p.ii»4 of a cur., ar. antw.r.d, and valuabl. Information I. roluni».r.d la all *li« ar. la DMd of aiadwal ad. rtc.. Th. .ubjKt of El.clr ic U.ln M.dicu., Hid lb. buadrad and on. qu..liim» of nlal iai|w lane, lu aulT.riug bumaoiiy, ai. duly con.idarad and «iplalu.d. YOUNC MEN Aid otb.ra wbo tuff.r from N«r»uu« and Pbftical babtlily, orManly Vigor. I'l.uiaiur. Eibaut\x=req-\ Uou and III. many (loom; oouaaquanca. of .art/, ale., a>a .>p«ialty Wa.SUd by con* •ullinf IU TbaELECTRIC REVIEW aipoaa. lb* uunHJfalad frauda praciuvd by uuack. and uiadical iBMaters wbo profatt to "praeiic. nwdicin.," and |wai. out Iba oolj taf., .iniulo, aid .f.ctir. road lo H.alUi, Vifor, and Bodily Jiu.rgy. n.ud Tour addt.a. on poalal eard tut a copy, a»4 Information wotlh Ibouaanda will ba aaat fan. Addr.a. tb. publUh.n, PULVERMACHER QALVANIC CO.. 113 Munlcom.ry at., ian yrancUco, Oal. STEVENSON'S Pat*a I ■•aid Board AMALGAMATING FAN. PATKNTKD, APB1I. ltt,:lS70. NTER NATIONAL EXHIBITION, Philadelphia, 1876, AWARDED FIRST PHIUIItM —ro» am mraoTSD— (irlndlng and Amalgamating Pan. maw PAN 18 FAK SUPERIOR TO ALL JL otbere Id eaveral Important particulars, rhe Orlndlng Rollers art near lb* center, requiring leee power. Tb« plow-ebaped grooves ralee the qulckeilrer with lb* pulp regular 17. wllb leee pow»r, without violence, tad with bat tar amalgamating effect, bealdee admitting a larger charge. The lnclla«d,baped boaalnga of lb* muller-plate openlnge efficiently luroa tba palp dlrrctly undar tba mnllere. Manufactured at the Oolden Stats and Itinera' Iron Work*, 231 to til First urset, Han Fran\x=req-\ claco, and at tna Uataa k Scorllle Iran Worka. ta South Canal atreet, Chicago, where It can be examluad and lurtbar particulars ba learned; or psrsona mar apply to tba Inrantor and Pat> rata*, 0. 0. BTBVK.NBON, at tba Dooglaa RUl. Uold Hill, Karada, wbara tba Pana bara long been In operation. _ GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND DU0U1NI WORKS, Umtm llnat, Uwtr Oald mill, ■«* IRON AND BRAM OAMTINO*: Of srsry variety mada to order. LHAVB JUST ADDKD TO RT OLD aatabllabad Racblae Works tba LaROKST 0) LATHS, PLANER tad BTKAR I HARMSH, all of tba lataat and moat Improvod construction. and am now prrparad to Rata and Itopalr all kinda and all alaaa of MILL A MINING MACHINERY At tba abort eat notice and on tba moat rsaao*. Able Unna. top QioEQi imnrr. Proprisu». VIRGINIA FOUNDRY, On tba Railroad, aoutb of Julia Rise, VIRGINIA CITY, /"tFFTOB—BOOR 1 BLACK'S BUILDUO V corner of C and Taylor atraata. RAMOPAOTOUB MILL AND MINE CASTINGS Of every description la Iron and Brass. CMtlara «r Ivaqr tirade Deelred Pornlsbsd Promptly at tba Lowest Pn'n. I tf AKDHEW FBASKR, Proprietor. GOLD HILL MARKET Neat dear la the News Olee, M. B. DWILLI, : : PROPRIETOR. T THIS RARJUTT CAN always be foand A TH8 OBOIOXIT BEEP. MUTTON. PORK* AND MPMOM, VEAL* 0" anlaala, bstag aelected from the base Nmd* ^ we RAND R HID TALLOW, for mill and mining porposss, constantly on hind. ^ M. B. DWELLY. HA8BROUCK A HALL, (Bnccsaaora to A. B. Btewart A Oo.J Druggists & Apothecaries, Opposite Tallow Jacket Xnglae How, MAIN HTRBCT, • . GOLD HILL. rrm a full stock op fcrr drdoh IV and Rsdlctsss, Perfbmrry, Finer Aril, clea. etc. Rr. Haabroock, a gradoau of Pharmacy, bas charge of tba Prescription Depart ■ant Prsecrtptlom carvfully compounded dap and night. Ws wish ta call attention to tba following cslsbrated rsmedlee of «. L. Joase k Co.: Ttel yiaXlts Heesedy, Ltvsr Oraaulss, and Oalandnla Llnlmsnt, tar wblsb ws ars aola ageata for Padflo Ooaat. 12 XAJURODQK k BALL,