Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS SATCRDIT. : : i : JCLT Ji. IMC OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. WIDE AWAHB *BTMTU«M WHO Tiaura THIIUTi AdnrtMIW CmM ,iii —- ud rmywKy rat\x=req-\ law -Thai la Iba BsHriaMa al All WlM Bar* Triad It. AMUSEMENTS. PI part' Opera Honae, Virginia City. BANKERS. Agency Narad* Bank of San Franciaao, 0 itreei. Virginia City. BROKERS. L. B. Frankel <k Co., Main atraat, Geld HUl. T. B. McOurn. 1M South 0 atraat, Tlr* glnia City. OLOTHINQ AND FURNISHING Q00D8. Buotr Bros., Comer C and Taylor atreeta, Virginia. C1QABS AND TOBACCO. D. Thorburn, oppoaita N«wa offloa, Main aIraat, Oold Hill. DRUGGHTS. HaaUroaek A Hall, Main itreet, Oold Hill, oppoaita Tallow Jacket angiaa-bouae. DENTIST. A. Chapman. ISO South 0 atraat. Virginia City. FANCY OOODS. D. Thorbnrn, Main atraat, Oold Hill. 8. W. Chubbaak, Poetoffloa atora, Main atraat, Oold HUl. FOUNDRIES. Oold Hill Foundry, Lower Oold HUl, Oaorga Emmet, proprietor. Virginia Foundry, on Railroad, near Julia mine, Virginia City, Fraaar A Cum\x=req-\ minga, proprietor*. FREIGHT DELIVERY. Tbomaa Oallagher, offloa near railroad depot, Oold HUl. OBOCERIES, PROVISIONS. ETC. T. Lemery, Main atraat. Lover Oold HUl. F. W. Folaom, Main atraat, Oold HUL Rlohard Marear, Main etreet, Oold HUl. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Oold HUl Bakery and Beetanrant, Main atraat, Oold Hill; J. P. Backer, Proprietor. Oily Bakery, 37 North C atraat, Virginia Oily; FiUmeier A Armbraat, Proprie\x=req-\ tor*. HARDWARE. Oallatin A Folaom, Main atraat, Oold HUL W. N. HaU A Co., Main etreet, Oold HUL LAUNDRY. Pioneer Lanndry. north of Virginia Oily; O. W. HaU, Proprietor. ^ MARKETS. Oold HUl Market, nest door below the Nawe offlee, Main etreet, M. B. Dwelly, Proprietor. NEWS DEPOTS. D. Tborbarn, oppoaita Ntws offloa, Main etreet, Oold Hill. S. W. Chubbuek, Poetofflce etore, Oold HUL PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONS. Dr. T. J. Magaa, Main etreet. Oold HUL Dr. J. U. HaU, Main etreet, Oold H1U. SALOONS. Comitock Exchange, oppoaita Liberty Engine Houae, T. E. Finch, Agent. Paehion, Main etreet, Oold HUl; Chria. Weidem&UD. uroDriotor. Bank Esohange, Main • treat, Oold Hill; E. F. MeKenney, proprietor. Glbeon'e, Main etreet, Oold HUl; W. D. C. Oibaon, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Tbomaa Oallaghar, near railroad d»pot, Oold HUl. ANNUAL REPORTS. axroar or tic rntiiDur or tbb board or tow* tbcbtub or tbb tow* or oou> hill. To the Tai payer* auJ Citizen* of Ih* Town o( Gold Bill: In accordance with Mm requirement* of the Cluster of the Town of Ooltl Hill. I herewith mbmlt a report of the financial aituation of Mid town for the year ending April IS. 1880: BBcKirrs raon all aocacu. Llcenaee— J. L. McCleery ....$ 10 00 Real NtiU.Um, pereonal property, lioeneee, bullion Uzee, ete.-F. W. i'olaom 39.438 79 Delinquent Usee—J. U. Harri* 640 12 Delinquent Iain—H. fi mi almost. 391 44 J. P. Planning bam 10 00 Hen. O. C. Stev*n*on 5,000 00 Hon. L. T. Pox 30,000 00 ToUl <58,406 33 DI*Bl'BaX]fX*T* BT WABBAXT*. Balarie* 98.637 83 Labor on atreeta and eewere... 3,630 00 Fire Department donation* ... 1,703 00 Keeping town horee 480 60 Water rent 3,335 00 Speeial police duty. 44 00 Extralegal MrvicM 100 00 Printing in Qold Hill N«w* .. 500 00 Stationery S7 15 Lumber 613 95 Bond taken up 6,000 00 Blaekamithing 59 70 Sprinkling etreeta 600 00 Repair* on Are apparatus ... 350 00 Donation to Lincoln Hoee Co . 330 00 Judgee and olerka of election . 100 00 Miaoellaneoua 846 94 Total >33,309 »7 a«oc»T or rsoriBTT tuuiiD r«B tub ybabb 1879 AXD 1880. Real property $1,736,816 81 Peraoual property 38,583 00 Total .$1,765,401 81 Taxea thereon at 1 per cent 833.074 SJ Exempt by law 497 18 Total amount of taxea charged to the Town HarahaJ $31.577 63 Amount of delinquent tax roll delivered to Town Attorney for oolleotion 9613 39 Ten per cent delinquency added 61 53 Total $076 81 Amount collected, with 16 per cent delinquency added $391 44 Amount outatanding $383 37 Amount of Licenee certificate* ohargcd to Town Harahal.... $7.954 99 'Amount of bullion tax on product of miuea. $311 91 tow* aoxne casoblbd! No*. 88. 89. 90, »1, amount $16,000. paid Not. 1, 1879. No. 98, amount $3,000, paid Jaa. 3,1879. No. 99. " $30,000, paid Aug. 14. 1879. No, 101, •• $3,000, paid Aug. 14, 1879. omraxviiio tow* bo*i>*. No. 100. amount $3,000, due Hay 1, 1881. No. 103. " $5,000, due Aug. 14.1M0. Nob. 103 and 104, amount $10,000, due Aug 14. 1880. Nob. 160 and 106, amount 910,000, doe Not. 1, 1860. Iodebtadneas of the Town of Gold Hill-Bond* $30,060 00 Interact due on bonda to April 18, 1880 635 00 Total $30,335 00 Caah In treaaury April 16, 1860. $1,169 63 Lee* oat*landing warrants 1.160 00 • Total 939 S3 In submitting my annual report, m required by Uv, I hsre deemed it proper that the taxpayert and cltiaeni should be Informed of tbe oondition of the town and its financial standing at the preeent time. The finanoM of the town an in a healthy condition, considering the dullneaa of bust\x=req-\ neee tbe Mat year. The revsnus from the different branohea of bniineea haa considerably decreased. and were it not for the enrtailment of the running expeneee of the town in the beginning of the year, and the strictest economy on the part of the Town Trusteee, the town debt wonld hare been Increaetd Instead of leesened. The water work* and evenrthing connected with them la in excellent condition. The bydranU and malna have been kept in U>e beet working order. The etreeta are all in good repair, and have been kept eo with very little expense te the town. The eewera are all In good order. At the coat of new eewera and re\x=req-\ pair* on old onee la alwaya vary heavy, the Board have not done any work npon inch only whera there waa extreme namalty. The offloera of the town hare bean faith\x=req-\ fnl and energetlo In tha discharge of their duflee. The polioe force, though email, has done mnoh in keeping off that element which ia so mneti annoyance to every community. Dannrow and ampioious oharaetere have bad but little opportunity to prowl aroand In oar midst, and onr people have much reason to be thankful that their interests are eo well guarded by such aa eOaient polioe foroe. The Fir* Companies, to whom 1* ia\x=req-\ trusted tha safety of our property from fire, dceerve some notice at thia time: Their activity and efllaieney at all tlmee when their eervioee were needed haa been in keeping with their peat record, and I might aafely say that no volunteer fire department on the ooaet can surpass ours for promptncea and activity. In eonclnalon, I will state that I Bin\x=req-\ cerely thank tha members of the Board, one and all, for the very able manner in whin they have at all times aasiitod me In the management of town affairs. That unity and good will whioh has existed among them, together with a strong deeire to eerve the beat interacts of the town, has made my poeltion sa Praeident of tbe Board moet agreeable. Aa a new Board of Trustees will soon commenoe their labors, I feel It my dnty to call their attention to the eoonomy whioh baa been practioed by the retiring Board of Truateea, aa the pros pec ta ere that the revenuea from taxable property, owing to the extreme dull neee of the tlmee will be much leee than they have been the laat year. Very respect - Praeident of the Board of Truiteee of the Town of Gold HiU. TlXASUIia'S BXTORT. To the Honorable Board of Trustees of tbe Town of Oold Hill: Oentlemen—I have the honor to aubmit for your con\x=req-\ sidsration the following report from April 16tb, 1879, to April <0th, 1880: Cash on hand April 15th. 1879.. 91.035 35 L. T. Fox, To Hen. C. 0. Stevenson Hon. L. T. Fox J. P. Flauningham J. L. Mel'leery F. W. Folsom 3. H. Harris H. Fitxaimmons 5,000 00 30,000 00 16 00 10 00 39,569 79 659 13 391 44 Total ... $56,571 60 tv. By coupon! $4,460 00 By warrant* and Hciom redeemed. 55.H9J 28 Sbond* 25,000 00 balanea on hand April 30, 1880 1.919 39 Total $56,571 60 * - O. H. Oillcf, Tr*a*nrer. TOW* miMtL'l HiroHT. To the Honorablo Board of Trnitce* of the Town of Gold Hill—Oentlemen: I herewith lubmit my report of tb* buiinee* of my office for tba quarter ending April 30,1880: Dr. To liceneee (old $1,863 11 To tax on prooeedi of minea 65 34 To delinquent tax (ale* C 20 ToUl $1,934 70 Or. By amount paid Town Treaiurer. $1,934 70 Number of arraeU made dnring the quarter 14, aa follow*: Bwlaling an officer 1 Disturbing the peace 6 Drawing deadly weapon 1 Drnnk and diaordarly 1 Vagrancy 6 Total 14 By Marabal Folaom 1 By Officer Sbaehaa 11 By Officer Booney 1 By Special Butberland 1 —14 | F. W. Folsok, Town Martbaf TOWS CUUUt'S BKPOBT. To tba Honorable Board of Traiteee of I tbe Town of Gold Hill—Oentlemen: Tbe following ia my report for tba quarter ending April 90,1880 : Amonnt of Warrante iainad $3,369 85 | Aa follow*: Salariee $1,594 00 Work on (treete and aewer* 569 25 Donation* to fir* companiea 390 00 Keeping Town bona 120 00 Printing contract 125 00 Btackamitbing. 9 00 Xeala to prl*on*r* 12 00 Lumber 13 87 Water rent 625 00 Xlacallaneoua 11 23 Total.. .$3.369 35 Reapectfnlly, W. O. Htdb. tow* ATTOBXCT'* BKPOBT. To tba Honorable Board of Trnitee* of tba Town of Ootd Hill—Oantlom*n: 1 herewith inbmit my final report aa to money* collected by me aa Town Attorney for tbe year ending tbe flnt Monday in May. A. D. 1889: Delinquent taxee charged to me . .$615 29 I Ten par cent, delinquency 61 52 Total $676 81 Withdrawn from (nit by order of the Board $ 49 07 Ten per cant, on fame 4 90 Total $ 53 97 Withdrawn from aale 24 01 Paid by Town Marabal 862 60 Total $440 58 Delinquent taxea $670 81 Amount paid 440 58 Balance $236 13 Depoeitod with Treaanrer by Town Attorney, aa per receipt attached $291 44 Dna from Town Attorney 236 23 Excca* in favor of Town Attorney. $55 21 Baapectfnlly. H. Frrutxxo*!!, Town Attorney. HO PATENT^ HO PAY. nninraD mkjSJioal divioks, w medical or other coapoanda. ornamental deetfn*. tnda marka and labaia. Caveat*. it\x=req-\ lab " XawU. UfHaaa IHfim ana utter* relating to Patent* promptly attended to We make pnllalnaty examination* and fnmUh opinion* aa to paiantabtllty, fin* of charce, and all who are intaieeted In new inven tion* and Fateat* are Invited to **nd for a copy of oar"Qalde far obtaining Patmta," which I* **at flee to any adtlreee. and contain* earn PMa Infraction. how to obtain Patent*. and otter valuable mailer. Darin* tha peat five ■I we hare obtained nearly three tboaaand J^o^merteen and foreign laveotore, and I rtTe .auatactorj leXereaow la almoet every I oonntj In th* Union. 1 lodis BAoan * oo.. Solicitor* of tetania and Attorney* at Law, U Droit Balldi^WaakSStoSrD.0 BILIKtUBIT BALIS. VTkW TOIKMlIlie COMFAir. ft ^ l£££il?*<x*M, UoM Hill. ■***» •oonty. ■y^.._Tb«. » d*l»Q««t »PO» tbafot\x=req-\ lowliur dMcrlbed atock. on aceoaaiof MH» meat (No.Ml larlad on tha M«nlh (TUi) day of Juo*. lMu, tb* HTttil amonnta ael oppo\x=req-\ alt* the name* of tbe raroectlYO aharahofeare : No. Oartlf. 8b*. km'L M^n:.D0.04. fc..^.TTtt* to Atkibaon, Doad * Co, T«»»- - tee » •• AUin*oo» Uoad * Oo. t*>6A«*•••••• •••••••' * Atkins-to, l>o«d li Oo, Tnif ter# iVWii a *|V. •••. A "» i'wt....«o * m Barrt it ft wVltor. Ti btWnoe — "•:*!''"if M BracHnrtd«o,J W. Treat** 8M6.. ■«*«■...W •• Blow A WfcOo,T««l^..•»»»....» ...»\x=req-\ Bat*a D 0. Truataa 1«M— Bate* 00 do Oablll * Oo K. Truataaa.....»{«• -WO •»» ■ CabiU A Co * do 1UN....N 7 40 Orandall W 0.TniMaa • • :»• • • •:» 10 Otandall W 0 do •» - CimndallWO do ..11» Crandall W Q do ....1MBT... 10.....J »o Orandall WO do ....IgJS. .w0....»» ■ Crocker fcBurdmJnttWe.mi jJ • Glut, k Loretid. Olute k Lot*land do omta ft LoYvland do lH*?a..lOO.a..l5 •• OjCn. ^d.'aon * T„ OrewUy * Uood«*n.,1^ M °Wr .«>...».. Oope ft Dtrlt. TrujUtl *im* #«o 7 00 Drollerk Oo L P do 75? UrvilerkCoLP do .11*08.....* X Droller kOoLP do •« Drexler kCoLP do .lttl»... U-wey K K. Truttea " kpp.ieiuk Co. Trau*...•» " Kppaleln k Oo do 7*0 KppatetnkOO do ...."MJ •••» 760 Kppeteln* Oo do "••»***""*} ■•£.W Kppeteln a Oo do • ••*•ao2— ii Krauk One/Treat** }!12""iiD""i» FlattO J.Troa«f;.-fv'^S-1S "•'* " UlaalerkOo 1. Treat***....1474......... QlaalerkCo I do ....till w erwjnebauiB,Malbln<*0», Truateea .„.»T41....I0 7 60 Oreenabaam,Helbln** „ ... Traitee* Ill Qrrenebaum, U.IMng * On. . TrilllOM • aWi a oa < "ZZSS"' H,lbtn,.fc. .°W. .100.. ..1» .. ol^Sia do llHOB.: 100 ...1». Uardlner k Hooker, Trwta. .7881... Oardlner k Hooker do WM...W0....1* .. Uauiblar k Oo It, TraiU*a..l04W....j[i 8 « U0II7 * Uhl. Truateea 1W Oamba tl.Trtutae 1£N1....» .•••»• Uamha 11 do 5 40 Oll'ner J 8.TniaUa !222**"S 1 60 Olltner J 8 «0 1MM....M JW Olltnar J 8 do 'JSu " in 1M Hall*Oharlea,Trnrtaa*.....T»M....10 1M Uoenier *Oop 7 H UoemerfcOoOM do .J0.....7W Hale <k Paebeco. Tmate^..11711...iW-..-" • llalefc I'acbaeo do —?g I?A Hotcblsaon jobn,Tru»««a..iail....M 1 H«b.Udt«r S » - Hoch^dUr * Oo I. T™^ioija m_l$„ Hocbaudur k .. u«....»o t w 1 llocbetadter k Oo ». *»► „ 7 jq I 1 W I U^UdUrkCo-.Trna-i^ ^. 7M Hkwka 111>, 10MJ. *»—-J " I IllWht ii D dO ••••••lWWi».IW)e»«»W ea UawkaUl) do JU2'"1S "'lii6 I IUfM>a*Oo. Trnalaea Jo Jacobl L, Troatee....10 I Kaufman k Oo 8, Tr«eteae.lW...l|»....l» •• Kvnney k Over do ..lOJJJ... *>.••••■ •• Keller W 8, TniaUe 1M0». •-**?—if " Levy 11 *. Truetae }!If5" -,US'" « LaauraLT.Tnmea. » Locke W L, Trnatae 11JUI....I0 » ■ Loltae J A, Tru.iee WW1......... • »• Mailer W J. Tru.iee 1MM.. 100..•• Mailer W J do U?2",lSS""io ' Muller W i do 11«J.. "®—*?M MuUerWJ do Muller W J do iH??" ffi-1* i*i Mecpnrraon Jno, Tmetaa...10011....W Merpbaraon Jno do Macpbcraon Jno do ""Jff—iS""l« Macpbereon Jno do ..11W...1W... .»•\x=req-\ Macpboraon Jno do Murphy K P. Tmalae —nt '* Mardky K V do 11JJJ. ■¥"—*S " 1 M array W M. Truaiee 21? ' 2 ' ? til I MurrayWB do .«W ...10 7W Murray WU do HSS*"iS""iI ' Murray W B do 11081a..lUU.oaal# .. SSSy w M now...loo. ..ljj. Nubia k Oo. U U. ,Ira»l^».J0A«»—..00.... t» Noble JkCoHH do •*i525" £—? an Neal Cbaa 8 k Oo. Troetaea.lW»...M. ■■•■.J *0 Neal Cbaa 8 k Oo do .»»»...400....^(0^ Nru.tadier I. TrnaUe .«WJ""JJ J" O'Oounor Franclt,Truel*e.llMl....M.■ • • •16u u'Connor Francla do U'Oonnor Francla do ... 1MJ0.. • •» J ®0 l'aterron Jamra, Tnutaa...Iirt....l0 » I'elereon Jamee. Troetea.. ••• :100 Paleraou Jamea do •• •• l'lalt B 0, Trurtea .6JJ4....J0 3 lloo« Oeo B. Truetee IUII....W.... T #0 Schmieden. Uocbetadter * . Co.Trnataee... IS k JS SS!wk do .i»iM...»o—«» Shot well J M.Trtnlea "2i"-iiS'"™ " Hbotwell J M do - liSS-*" - -2" Scott X Co U 11 do ..UMS. ..11 .. Tbomaa D L. Truetee ...M. .1.3 .. Thomaa D L do ...74, . .11 7ft Tbomaa D L do ...60 140 Thomaa D L do ...SO ...460 Thomaa D L do ...SO 7 GO Thomaa D L do ...40.. ...7 40 Tnoiuaa D L do ...40.. ...7 40 Tboinai D L do ...40.. ...7 to Thomaa D L do ...14 ...8 74 Thomaa D L do ..600.. ..74 .. Thomaa D L do ..100.. ..14 .. Tbomaa D L do ...40,. ...7 to Tbomaa D L do 111». ...40.. ...7 to 1 homaa I) L do ...50.. ..7 40 Thouuu I) L do ...40.. ...760 Thomaa D L do ...10 ...1 40 Thomaa I) L do ..100.. ..14.. Thuma* 1) L do .. ».. ...8 .. Tbomaa D L do ,.11«38. ...40.. ...7 40 Thomaa V L do 1171 g. ...14.. ...874 Tbomaa D L do .luo.. ..14 .. Thomaa D L do ..100.. ..14 .. Tbomaa I) L do • ICO.. ..14 .. Thomaa D L do ..100.. ..14 .. Tbomaa I) L do ..100.. ..14 .. Tbomaa D L do ...40.. ...7 ao Thomaa 1> L do ..100.. ..14 .. Tb >uiaa D L do 11114. ...... ...» .. Thomaa LI L do ..100.. ..14 .. Thomaa I) L do .100.. ..16 .. Thomaa D L do ..100.. ..14 .. Thomaa D L do ...40.. ...760 Thomaa It L do ...40.. ...760 Thomaa U L do • • .40. ...740 Thomaa 1) L do .iu>.. ..16 .. Thomaa D L do .. .4 CO Thomaa I) L do ..186.. ..r7* Thomaa D L do ...10.. . .140 Tbomaa D L do ...78.. . .11 15 Todd k Go A B, Trealeee...ll«M. ...10.. ...1 40 TodJ k Co A 11 do ...11814. ..100.. ..18 .. Tobln K 0. Troitee... .100.. ..14 .. While A W, Treat**.. ..400.. ..80.. White AW do ..100.. ..14 .. While AW do ...60.. ...760 Wood* k Freeborn. True\x=req-\ ...40.. ...7 60 White UU,Tre»tee... ...40.. ...740 Weill Obaa L, Truataa ..100.. ..14 .. Wattlea k Barton. Trnrteee.. ««31... .10 110 Wakefield k Co 8 B. Tree\x=req-\ teee. •• 1134... .60.... .7 BO Wakefield k Co 8 B. True\x=req-\ teea UM0...100 ...» . Wakefield k Co B B. Trea\x=req-\ teea 11M1...180....M to | Wakefield k Oo ■ B. Tree\x=req-\ taee 114M...100....U , Wllaon M Hntchlnaon, Trea\x=req-\ teea 10410....M T 40 | Wllaon k Hatcblaaon, Trea\x=req-\ teea 1J843...100....14 .. Ana la aoeordanea with law, and an aniar ot tha ttaard of Director*, made oa Ibe aerentb (Ttb) day of June, 1M0, ao maay abaraa of each panel or each atock a* nay ba neeaa *arr. will ba aeld at public auction, at the office of tha Company, Room 8. Mo. ttt Pine •treet, Ian Francwco, Call/ore la, on TTJB8\x=req-\ DAI, the third ((d) day of Aa<n*t. 1M0. at tha boor of S o'clock w. m. of aald day, to pay •aid deltnqoaat aeaeaament thereon, tofauat with eoata of adrertlalna and axpanaa* of the •ale. D. L. THOMAS, Secretary. O(Bee—Room s, San Franelaeo Stock Bx changa Building, Mo. HT Pine atmk, Bai rraaclaeo. Oallforela. l4td DIVIDEND NOTICE. JTIOI or THl OONSOUDATKD TIR. r rlnla Mining Company, loom M, Rmk Block, Mo. M Montgomery tuaet, tan Fran, claco.—At > m retina of the Board of Trnateee of the Consolidated VIr»lt held tbla NTNlk day of 0' Irflnta Mining Company, y of July, 1«0. a DlTideod It* per there n< declared, (No. SI) of Fifty Cent* per abar* im declared, payable oo THURSDAY, the fifteenth day of July, laso. Tranafer booka cloeed until lath liitint JylOtrt A. W. HAVgfTB, Baoratwy. w:£ 91* a day at bMM *mOt Ooatly oatfit fraa. MdlWlni DKLI9QUKHT BALIB. W""; »**«• ■imae com il* PAftT—LocMloa of prloot|*l place of FHad*o, 0 Jl-omu. >S£ »«**, Storey couoij, Nevada. Sj"ofN»iiV "TUS1 "* *• tw*Dt*-4lilh I*"" »M0. Um eereral amount* e»l •» ""n*<*Uureepec tire aharebold\x=req-\ "5 ** 'UiiOWi I DajSI!!^.».«- Ho. Certlf. Rhe. Am't JLaSS^?!*0! *»Uw.MM...1M...$10 .. j L ft!!! *• Tn"— 78M...100....10 .. J 1,0 *788...100....10.. J ** 8808...100... JO.. JLi2lS2S 2° MM...MO....10.. jlISISSS4 2° JLaI£2Z£' 2° 0OM...3U)....M.. *» oom...*#....» .. JLZSSS* *» 80M...3U)....20.. jliSS&S d0 oo« J t J° WM...TW....10.. «# vi Arnutroog do VOhm .300 ao J L Arm.troa, a0 .„..90W i-loo! ..'10 " JLaSflflS?* ?° —..MM. no.. "»« 5° MM. .MO....*).. iHgjH01" Jo iiu,*).. JLiZflZ?0* do .... Ml«. .400....40.. JLaSXS? £ MU...I00....H . JLaSXSX 2° Mil.. .100.... 10,. jlaJSS^! 2° •«•!...*»....».. ii^sfcsss »d£_ «w.. .1W....I0.. HirrvtL A "1 •««...100*.■ .10 .. flSSta wSJ?'1T™— Smut*!£2 f° ■ Ki£w£& ft 2T2 SSS-12 - g*net«*wl££ do * :{1! - *2S • *2\x=req-\ Barrett ft Walker do *i5*"X I" lUmti *• *-"■ - ? I ,, HiSfi! t rSSv.Sr.:i8:: 85XS5SS £ -SS-iS -S" gMteUAWruTi £ "g!J-!g—»" ESSSiafc & ::wJ::.w:::io0:. SSStwiSES 2° • •»»...M0....W.. & S-S"S" ■•nMt ft Walker do S?" £% "m " lU?Mi J w ,5*r <,° • • Wl).. .KM. ..,*).'! pVTflt k do ftfj %ut M «*neu*w^ker do :5w:£ • Barrett * Walker do ..8US...I00 ...10 .. BarreU ft Walker de . Ml...108....10 .. Barrett* Walker do .M0....10 .. Barrett * Walker do ..MM.. .100....10 .. Barrett* Walker do ..9400.. .1W....10 .. Barrett k Walker do ..9402...!»....10 .. Barrett ft Walker do ..8404.. .100....10 .. Barrett * Walker do ..MM.. .100.... 10 .. Barrett * Walker do ,.MU.. .100....10 .. Barrett * Walker do ..MM...100.... 10 .. Bamu* Walker do ,.M«V...100....10 .. Barrett * Walktr do ..MU....80 • Barrett * Walker do ..MU....H 6.. Barrett * Walker do ..MM. .600....40.. A W Blow * Oo,Trnatee*... 9034... W9 ...80.. A W Blow * Oo do ...9026...310....» .. A W Blow * Co do ...90J8.. .400....40 .. M II Brooke, Troetee 1VM...100....10 .. Bluck k uerabard. Tnuteee M9l...ioo.,..lo .. T Llebenaaa, Trnatee 8774...MO....10 .. TLlebeman do *06...100....10 .. TLIebenaaa do JW08...100....10 .. Oope A Davla, Truateee TDM.. .9U0....W .. Oopek Dart* do T94*...100....10 .. Oope* Uarla do W13...I00....W .. W u Craodall, Trnatee 7Mtf„.100....10 .. W O Oraudall do TO60.. .100....10 .. WOCraadall do . ...B331....80....-.8.. W U Craodall do KM....10 1 .. WOCraadall di 9949....M 6. WO Craodall do .....83W I 60 WOCraadall do 9043...300....» .. B Cahlll * Oo,Traete** W17...200....M .. JamueOoffln, Trnatee MM....10 1 .. OOOonger,Troatee T11T....60 1 .. OluU it Loreleod.TraiteM. .7401 21 3 10 Olate* LoTelaod do ..«7ly...l00....10 .. Olute k Lovtlaud do ..IJtl.. .100....10 .. Clote * Lovelaod do ..8«T3...M>)....M . Olate A LoTelaod do . M74.,.*0....M .. Olute k Lureluid do ..HBTI...300....30 .. Clute * Lovelaod do ..W07. ..300....'JO ., Crocker 4 8oyJem,Trueteee,M47.... 10 1 .. K Corda.Troetee 1061.. .100..,.10 .. Joho B OoBwa}. Trnatee IS3M t 10 Jobn H Ooawajr do ..I3M....M 3 Ooffln * Pa<e. TrnaUea 4067.. .100....10 Ueorie U Uraaatll,Trnatee.8473.. .1M....10 Oeorge B Craodall do ..M06...IOO ...IO Crowley * Ooodmao, Trun\x=req-\ imj ...... 90it 200 ...10 AOolbura, Trurtee'. *787.i. 100....10 A Oolbara do MSI...100....10 A Colbara do M3»...l00....10 AColbora do MIS. .300....30 A Oolbara do MU. .100....10 A Oolbara do K916...10U....I0 A Ooloura do M18... 30 * A Colbara do Mil...loo....10 A Oolbara do M17.. .100....10 A Oolbara do M20...300....W A Oolbara do Mil.. .*00....30 A Oolbara do W».. 1000...100 A Oolbura do M10. .400....40 A Oolbara do MM.. .400....40 A Oolbara do wxi...6oo A Oolbara do MM...600....M A Oolbura do MJ#.,.3oO....» A Oolbura do BMO.. .300....30 A Colbara do 8M1.. .*»....*) A Oolbara do M43..,10(l....l0 A Oolbara do M4S...100....10 A Colbara do M44...100....10 A Oolbara do Mts.. .100...10 A Oolbara do A Oolbara do own...*»....20 A Oolbara do MS0.. .300....30 A Oolbara do Mil.. .300....SO A Oolbara do M13.. .SOO....SO A Oolbara do W4V..700....70 A Colbara do MS0.. .300....» A Col burn do MOO. ..300....» A Colbara do mos...*w... 20 A Oolbara do M04...*»....» A Oolbara do WW...WO....30 A Oolbura do MM..,»00....So A Oolbara to MM.. .300....» A Oolbara do A Oolbura do 8V74...S00....60 A Colbara do ....W79,. .SOU....60 A Oolbara do WW...400....40 A Oolbara do WW...400....40 A Colbara do MM.. .600....W A Colbara do SM7..1000...100 A Colbara do (MX.. 1000...100 A Oolbara do MM..1000.. .100 A Oolbura do MM. .1900.. .100 A Colbara do MM.. .600....W A Colbara do 9000..1000...100 A Oolbara do 90M...3M....96 A Colbara do 90M...260....33 A Colbara do 9060...3M.. 36 ABOetbcacfc. Tnntee.~...WM4...7U0....70 A B Oatbeacb do *066...100....10 A Oolbara,Traatee 90(7....M 6 A Oolbara do 9M1...360....3A A Oolbara do A Oolbara do 9074... 100.,.. 10 A Oolbara do 9076...260.. .36 A Oolbara do W.7...100....10 A Colbara do 907*.. 1000.. .100 A Colbara do 9079.. .SOO....W A Oolbara do W01.. .100....10 A Oolbara do 9003...loo....10 A Oolbara do WW..1000...100 A Colbara do WW..1000...100 A Colbara do 9100.. .S00....30 A Oolbara do 9101..,W0....W A Colbara do 9130..1000...100 A Oolbara do 9121..I000...1U) A Oolbara do 914S...M....W A Oolbara d* 9146...600 ...60 A Oolbara do 9147. .1000.. .100 A Oolbara do 9149.. 1000... 100 A Colbara do 9160..1000...100 A Oolbara do 9176 . 260 ...26 A Oolbara do 9186..looo... 100 1 11 Dixon, Traatee M98...100....10 W L Daocao, Troetee M77...100.. .10 W L Daaoaa do M14....60 i W LDaaoaa do M39...4(j0....40 WLDuaoaa do 9009.. .200....90 W L Daocao do 90U...100....10 H DeQrayer,Trnatee BMT...10O....10 U DeQrtjer do 99M.. 100 ..10 U DeUnrer do 97M... George W Dlxoo,Troetee... .9M#.. .300... .30 Oeorfe W Dlxoa do ....MM...100....10 UeomWDlxoa do ....«9M...M0....W Ueorge W Dixon do ....9M9...3W....W Oeorfe W Dlxoa do ....8973...101'....10 OeorteW Dlxoa do ....98M.. .*». .20 QoUyfeUhl 8867....60 5 S Hocbatadter A Oo. True\x=req-\ •--- MM.. 900 30 W Bdwudi, Traatee.! 88M..il0oi..!M W Bdwarde do 88*.. .100. ...10 W Kdwarde do 90M...1W... 16 W Kdwarda do 9078...180....16 WIdwarda do MIT...*»....30 P B Fay, Traatee » PH Fay do 8689...900....» P B Fay do (939...100.... 10 P 8 Fay do MW....M 9 PS Fay do 9016...300....» OJ Piatt, Trnatee 8TM...100....10 OJFUtt do 9172...100....10 CJ PUtt do 9173...100....10 Praaka* Gray, Trnateee....9797...l00....10 FraokakUray do ....(TM...100...10 Frank* A Cray do ... J7M...100....10 Franka k Qray do ....90*3...400....40 Frank* k Gray do ....90M...M0....M 8 Frank. 78M...100 ...10 Fry, Naal k Oo, Trneteee....6068....60 1 Pry. Neal * Co do ....8M1....W 8 Fry, Heal * Oo do ....HM...M0....M Oreenbeam W ft Co, Trnfta.7478....26 3 Oraeabanm Wft «o.TrnaU.MOO...loo....10 Greeabaum W ft Oo, Tra*ta.88M. ..3W....39 Greeabeem W * Oo, TraeU.9JT8...400 40 Ureenbeum W * Oo, TraaU.9746...IM....10 A O Onraett * Oo, Tratteea.M78...3oo....30 A G Gurnettft Oo do 9491...30O....M W O Oaraett, Traatee .M19..1000.. .no B Grteetnger. Traatee 9191.. .100... .10 K Grteolasrr 00 9179. ...M... .8 Baldwin Gardiner. Traatee..9UM.. .200....M AOartot, Jr. Troetee 7607...100....10 Orreae iiOo,Traatee* <7TM....M • Greene Jk Co do 9T8J...400... 40 W W Gravea, Traitee 70M....80 • WW Oraree do 7498....» 1 WW Oram do 74M....M 9 M W Oraree do WIT...200....» BSaatkler, Traatee MM. ..100....10 HOolMU 9090...600....60 H GoldStar) 9M1...900....80 M Goldman *u#3...900... » M Uoldmaa MM...9M....W U Ooldmaa 9110...M0....M ■ Ooldmaa (1U...M0....M M Ooldaaa HM...M0....M K Ooldmaa UM..JM....M 9IM...100 ...10 DCLINQUKNT BALIS.. W«lliilV|*-OullaiM. Nam**. lo. Oertlf. lbs. lot. MOoldma*. 8140...160....18 . M "oldman •1M...I00....10 .. M Golditean 0156. ..800....6'J .. 11 Uoldman .. B D Hawks, Trustee MM...100....10 .. BDHawke do 8680...100....10T. BD Hawks do 8903...100 ...10 .. UDHnkl do .. BDBawka do 90JT... 900....*).. H D Hawks do I1U...B0... 10 .. H DH.wks do 9i25...100....10 .. HDUnki do #1*...100....10 .. HDBwki do 9187.. .100.. ..10.. Bal*A Pscbeoo, Ttmum...KM...»»....10 .. Bale k Pscheoo do ....88u7...IOu....lO .. Hahthdweo do ....1010. ..900....10 .. D K Hoemar. Truatee. SMS. ..100.... 10 .. U C Hooker, Truste* Tall....10 •.. Harene * Oo, Truslees 8796...100... .10 .. BsrenekOo do 8786...600....10 . John Butoblnson, Trustee...9031. ..400. ...40 .. John Hutchinson do ..9088...900....30 .. John Hutchinson do ..*118. . John Butoblnson do . .9188.. .11#... .10 .. J M BInkle, Trustee 1MT...100....10 .. J M Blnkle do 8848...100....10 .. J M Blnkle do 8880...100....10 .. J M Blokle do 9661. ..100....10 .. J M Biokla do 8861...100....10 .. J M Blnkle do 8888... 100....10 .. J M Blokle do 8898. ..90 .. J M Blnkle do 86W...800....80.. H 0 Blokle. Trustee 8884...600....90 .. IB Blnkle do 9886...100....10 .. B BBlnkle do !**«. ..100....10 .. BB Blnkle do 888J...10U....10 .. B B 11 Inkle do .9(184...100....10 .. 11 B Blnkle do 8888. ..100....10 .. Bell fc Charles, Trustees....1*14....90 B .. J L Bant. Trustee 7961 ....9 60 i Beriberg, Trustee 8831....60 8 .. P A Hsb.r, Trustee 9789. ..900....90 .. JO Klowlsch,Trustee 9119...900....90 .. J O Klowlsch do 9109. ..100 ...10 .. KJscksou 7618.. .80. ...6 .. ICenoer k Djsr, Trueteee....9V7l....(0 6 . Kenne/ A Dyer do ....8M9...100....10 .. Kenne* « Dyer do ....9190. ..100. ...90 .. U M Km* k Co, Traeteee.. .9011.. .600... .60 .. (J M Kank Co do ...9021...10U....10 .. O M Kau k Oo do ...9085.. 60U....60 .. M LebaUnl, Truatee 8391...100....10 .. M Lebetard do 9118.. .100.. . 90 .. Vred Lath, Trustee 8090.. .900....*».. Fred Lath do .........9891.. .900....90 .. Fred Luth do 8691...100....10 .. J Benlaio,Trustee ...8772...loo... 10.. J fcOarty, Trustee 8773...1U0....10 .. JKOartr ow 9084...100... 10 .. Wm Locke, Trustee 9619....76 7 (0 Wm Locke do 9647.. .600....60 .. Woj locks do 8.VJ3...100....10 .. Wm Locke do 9874..,100....10 .. Wm Locke do 887}....60 8.. Wm Locke do 8576. ...60 1 .. Wm Locke do 8879...100....80 .. Wm Locke do 8586.. ..60 1 .. Wm Locke de 8599. ..60 6 .. Wm Locke do 8691....60 9 .. WmjLocke do 8899..,900....90 .. WjjLccke do 8609...900....90 .. Wm Locke do 9(109.. 100 , 10.. Wm Locke do 8910...1U0....10 . Wm Locke do 8814...100....10 .. Wm Locks do 8818...100... 10 .. Wm Locke do 8811...100....10 .. Wm Locke do 8MB...400....40 .. Wm Locke do 88M...610....60 .. Wm Locke do 8668...600....60 .. Wm Locke do 8857.. .600 ...60 .. Wm Locke do 8680. ..600... .60 .. Wm Locke do 8863...600....» .. Wm Locke do 8046..,600....60 .. Wm Locke do w7o...Soo....M .. Wm Locke do 8877. ..900.. .90 .. Wm Locke do 9879...900....90 .. Wm Locke do M661...9WJ . 90 .. WmLocko do 9889.. .900, ...10 .. Wm Locke do 9896....60 6.. Wm Locke do 86* 9.. Wm Locke do 8898....60 8 .. Wm Locke do 8700....60 8 .. Wm Locke do 8707..,100....10 .. Wm Locke do 8709. ,.100....10 .. Wm Locke do 9710...100....10 .. Wm Locke do 8714...-.>.0....'JO .. Wm Locke do 8716... 100....lo .. Wm Locke do 9718...500....60 .. Wm Locke do 8719. ..900. ...90 .. Wm Locke do 67M.. .100....10 .. Wm Locke do 8770.. 1000... 100 .. Wm Locke do 9791...600....60 .. Ctue De Lalug, Trustee... .9788. ..loo....10 .. Messer, Becon k Oo, Trus...90U8...100....10 .. Meeeer, Bscon * Co do .8*08...1U1....10 . Mrsecr, Bacon k Oo do .8809.. .100....lo .. Messer. Bacoa k Oo do .8810.. .100....10 .. Meeeer. Bacon k Oo do .8811.. .100,...10 .. Mester, Bacon k Co dJ .8819...100....10 .. II k W Mai tin, Trustees....8091....90 6 .. Miller A Van Wyck, Trusts.9* .. Macpbereon * Milan, Trs ..880u.. .100....10 .. Macpbereon k Uhlan do .9900...900....10 .. Mecpherson k Bhlnu do .8908.. 400....40 .. M H Martin, Trustee 9134.. .6UI....M .. M 8 Martin do 9141...100....90 .. M Mantel, Trustee 8009...100....10 .. M Mantel do 7594... 100.... 10 .. M Mantel do 7984....69 a.. M Mantel do 7898....60 6.. M Mantel do 7971.. .190....11 .. M Maulel do 7VW....10 1 .. M Mantel do 8754..,loo.... 10 ., M Mantel do 9790...100....90 .. M Mental do 8606...MO... .M . M Mantel do 8M4...I00....10 .. M Mantel do 9946....60 6.. M Mantel do 9011...M0....90 ,. M Mantel do 9049.. .900....M.. W J Muller, Trustee 7911. .100....JO ., WJMuller do 7916....60 8 .. W J Muller do 9151. ...60 6.. WJMuller do 8W1...200....90 .. U J Momseou. Trustee 7161....96 9 60 M.rke A Kclnhardt, Trusts.9641.. .100....10 .. Marksk Bernhardt do .>747...loo....10 . Marks k lleluliardt do .8749.. .500....60 .. K M Miles A Oo. Truiteee.. 9614...100....10 .. K M MUee k Oo do ..8886... 80 8.. KMMUeekCo do 8888.. .160....98 ., K M MUee k Co de ..9903. ..100....10 .. X M Miles k Oo do . 8910.. .100....10 .. B H Noble, Trustee 8464...loo....10 .. U B Noble do 8979...100.... 10 .. OBNeal AOo, Trustees....8664.. .190.,..10 .. OBNeal AOo do ....87V8., .400....60 .. J Newcomer. Trustee 7111...loo....10 .. LM Mix, Trustee 9018... 100....10 .. Otis A Oo, Trustee* 8631...100....10 .. Otis A Co do 9181...400....40 .. JnoOppeobelm. Trustee.....8027...100... lo .. J no Oppenheim do ..811ft...100....10 .. JnoOppenbelm do ..8454...100 ..10 .. JnoOppeobelm do ..8*40...100....10 .. J do Oppenheim do ..HM1....60 8.. JnoOppeobelm do ..8641....60 6 .. JnoOppeobelm do ..8843.... 60 8 .. Joo Oppeubelm do ..9048.. .10U....10.. Jno Oppenheim do ..9038.. .100....10 .. Joo Oppenheim -do ..9037...900....90* Jsmse Patterson Trustee....7984....98 9*60 Jamee Patterson do ....7453.. .100....10 . James Patterson do ....T444. .100....10 .. Jamee Patterson do ...7619.. .1C0....60 Jams* Patterson do ....7699...M0....10 .' Jame* Patterson do ....7831...100....10 . Jsine* Paltsrson do ....7889...100....10 .. Jsjues Patterson do ....7413....60 8.. B W Plummsr A Co. Trasts.7171... .60 8 .. R K Pratt, Trustee 7998...100....10 .. HP Pratt do 8479,,,M0....90 .. J> Rich, Trust** 7117....M S .. D Rich do 9014....10 8.. DKIcb do 007D...100....10.. H A Klcbardson, Trustee. ...7871...100....10 .. ■ A Hlcbardaon do ....8919...M0....M.. K A Richardson do ....9144....40 4 .. George B Hoot,Trustee 9416...900..,.M .. George U ltcot do 9517..,MO M .. Ueorge B Hoot do 8631. .800.. 30 .. Ueorge B Hoot do 6741...600....40 .. George B Hoot do 6741...100....M .. (Jeorge B Boot do 8901...100.... 10 .. Oeorge B Moot do 9036...900....M .. Richardson, BUI k Co. Trustees.... .................6118,..900....30 Richardson, Bill k Co, True\x=req-\ leee 9778.. 900. ...M .. Richardson, Bill k Oo, Trus tee* 9777.. 160 M .. I Richardson, Hill A Oo. Tnw. w •• tee* 877V...900....M .. Richardson, Bill* Co, Trus\x=req-\ tee* 8799...100....10.. Richardson, Hill A Oo, Trus\x=req-\ tee* 8793.. .100 ...10., Richardson. Bill k Co, Trus\x=req-\ 8794...100....10., Richardson. Bill k Oo, Trus\x=req-\ tee* 8801.. .100. ...10 . Richardson, Bill A Oo, Trus\x=req-\ _t*«* 8808...100....10 .. Richardson, Bill A 03, Trus\x=req-\ „tee* 8881...100... 10 .. Richardson, BUI k Oo, Trus\x=req-\ __ t**6. •« • .... a a .... a. .... a • 8889 . . . 100. . . . 20 .. Richardson, BUI A Oo, Trus\x=req-\ tee* 8878...100....10 .. Richardson. BUI A Oo, Trus\x=req-\ tee* 8679.. .100.. ..10.. Richardson, Bill k Oo, Trus\x=req-\ t*e* 88W..800....80 .. | Richardson, BUI k Oo, Trus\x=req-\ teee................ ......9181...800....80 «• Randolph. Macklntoeh A Oo. Trustees 7973...100....10 .. M B. Rnhardt, Trustee 7679....96 9 60 B H Beott A Oo, Trustee*...7669...100 ...10 .. B B Scott A Co do ....9U81....40 4. B H Hcott k Oo do ...,89M... 100.... 10 , B B Scott A Oo do ... .9013.. ,800....80 .. > John t»od*wlek,Trustee 7710'..100....16 .. Hal Hteln, Trustee 8010 ...10. ...1 .. Hat Stela do 8800... 80 8 ... W J Smith 7888...100.... 10 .. J M Shot well. Trustee 8061. .160.. ..10 .. J U Shot well do 8081...100....10 .. J L kkluoer, Trustee 8001.. .100....10 .., J L Skinner do HOI...100....10 .. i J L Ilk inner «o 8001...100....10 .. R S T761....M • . DKBwlm do 7SM....K 8.. D M Beaton, Trustee 7499...100....10 .. O M Beaton do 7488...100....10 .. D M Beaton do 7434... .80 8 .. W K Blme,Truste* 1736. .900....90 .. W X Sim* do 9084....80 6 .. W K 61m* do 9040...900....M. WX Sl«e do 9079...400....40.. | T B Bmlibsoo. TrusU* 9198. .100.... 10 .. T B Smltbsoo do 9197.. .100.... 10 .. WLTbom*. Trusts* 9906...100....10.. W L Thomas de 8969...100.... 10 .. WLTboma* do 8980...100....10 . W L Thomas do 8479... 60 6. WLTboma* do 8478.. ..80 6.. WL Tbemas do 84T7...100....10.. WLTboma* do 8884...MO ...10 .. PELIKQPIHT BALM. W*lli<r«r|*-C*NUMMI. .300... .30.. ..76... ..7 80 . 9183.. .131... .13(0 .918.1.. .700... .70 .. .100 .. .10 .. ,.8968.. .100... .10 .. .M73 . ..10... .1 .. .8818.. 100... .10 .. .9037.. ,300... .30 .. 18 Pine elrect , fan 3 KUOM. ao.Ortlf. Hh*. Ami. WLTbomu do 8841...100....10 .. WLTbomti do 1871...100....10 .. WLTbomu do 8TM...10U....19.. R0Toblu, Trualie 8191...100....10 .. A B Todd,Trualee MU...900....10 .. *11 Todd do MSI....10 1.. A B Todd do W87...100....JO .. AH Todd do MM...100. ...10 .. A II Todd do 1998...100... 10 .. A H Todd do S08J... 100.. ..10.. * H Todd do Sit]..,H0....10 .. A B Todd do .. A B Todd do 9188...100....10 .. A B Todd do 9174... 100.... 10 .. J B -rrenion, Truitee SS77..1S00...1M .. H A Bweet Truetee Wilton A Buicliinion, True\x=req-\ Uh loo in Wilton k Bulcblnion, True. Uee...... MM...100....10.. Wood.A Fret born, Tru»tac*.H386... 160.... IS.. LB Wblte MS. .100....10 8 B Wakefield A Oo, True\x=req-\ Uee.. 17M.. .10 • .. ■ B Wakefield * Oo. Tra*. Uee T7»«....60 g .. ■ B Wakefield A Oo. Tra*. lee®, Hit..*loo....10 «. 8 B Wakefield k Oo, Trua\x=req-\ teee 9117...300.... F Wolf, 'treatee 1837...100....10 .. F Wolf do 9I3S...4U0....40 .. F Wolf do 91S4...SOO... *).. 8 P Warren * Oo. TrneUe*..M4tl...l00....10 .. A 0 Wlghtman, Treatee 8769...100 ...10 .. A O Wtgutiuau do ....9U47...S00....M .. A C Wlgbtinan do ....9171...«»....30 .. AC Wigbtmaa do ....9179...100....M .. Cbae P Weill, Trnitee MM... 100... .10 .. Chair Weill do t» .. cbaeP Weill do 9000...100... lo .. ObasP Weill do 9001...100....10 ., W K Wood, Truetee 9015...400....40 .. W K Wood do 9141...MO....30 . W K Wood do .. — — W K Wood do W K Wood do W I Wood do Michael Ward, Trait* lllcbael Ward do 1) Z Yott k Co, True!* I) Z Yoit A Oo do I) Z Yoel A oo do vtOca-lloom It. N Frauclnco, California. 7\VKKMA2f MILT KB MIKING l_/COMl'ANV.—Location of principal place of bo»Ineie, dan FraoclKo, CalflornU. Location of work*. Wold Bill, ttturcy county, Nevada. Notle*.—There are delinquent upon Uie foi\x=req-\ loving deecrlbed stock, on aeconut of UHU\x=req-\ ment (No. 411 levied on the tenth (lOlh) day of June, 1880, the eeveral amoont* let opposite (be name* of the respective ibareboldire, aa ioliowi: Name*. No. Certlf. Ihl. Am't Barker Hlraa 1181.. .DUO.1180 .. Bourne J B, Truetee 13.-0....10....M .. Uamtt A Walker, Truetee*...930....10 8 .. BiImDO, True We lull...100....60 .. BateeDO do 1KU....7U....K.. Uayley O U. Truitee 330....80....3U .. Uiyley U U do,...13to Ba>lryUB do 904....60... 38 .. Clarke W B k Co. Truate«e..l93....lo....31.. Crocker Joiin, Truitee U3S....10 6 .. Crocker John do lltt. ...10 8.. CluteA Loveland, Truitore .1043,., .. Cope A Dana, Truetece. bal. .738.. .131... .84 to Oopek Liavle do .bal..739.. .139. ...M (0 Oooe H Davie do .bal..730...140....70 .. OoueAlUvIe do .lial..T9l...lM....M W OopeAUavIe do ,bal..7l3...1tl.Tt.Mr Cablli E A Co, Truetee* 34..1000.. .600 .. CaliiliKACo do 36...800; .360.. CahlllEACo do 314....10 8.. Cablll K A Co do 497....10 8 .. CabUlKAOo do ....1060....30....10 .. Cablll E A Co do .100 .. Uobn It 373....30....It .. Duggau EC 379....90,...41 .. DlniuoruK, Truitee WD....10 t.. Uuncau W L. Truetee 811 8 3 to Duncan W L do Doo ...10 8. Dou*laaa A Tboinpeon. True* tee*... 401....10 8 ,, Douglaa* A Tbompeou, True\x=req-\ tee* 407 5 3 80 Douglaa* A Tbompeon.True\x=req-\ teee 409 • 3 60 Douglaaa A Thomi>«ou,Tru» t*c* 411 8 180 Dewejr A E.Truile* 83u... ,, Durbrow Elbrldge, Truetee.. 1801. ,.lu 6.. Edward* W, Tru.te* 361....80....M .. Edward* W do 6M.lo , Edwarde U*o D, ~ ~ Edward* U*o 1) Edwarde Oeo D kdward* Ueo I) kdwardi Ueo II Edward* Ueo U Edward* Ueo 1) Id ward* Ueo I) Kdwarda Ueo 11 kdwirde Ueo L) Edwarda Uio It Edwarda Oeo D Edwarda Ueo I) Edwarda Ueo D Edwarda Ueo II Edwarda Ueo U kdwardi U<o O Edward* Ueo D Edwarda Ueo 1) kdwarda Ueo D Edwarda U*o II kdwarda Ueo D Edward* Ueo II Edwarda Ueo II Edward* Ueo U Edwarda Ueo II Knwarda Ueo LI kdwarda Ueo II fcdwanli Ueo I> Kdwarda (leo D Kdwarda Oeo II Edwarda Ueo LI Kdwarda Ueo D Edwarda Ueo D Kdwarda Ueo II Edwarda u*o 11 Kdwarda Ueo 1> adwardo Ueo U Kdwarda Ueo II Kdwarda Ueo 1) Kdwarda Ueo D kdwarda Ueo II Edwarda Oeo II Edwarda Ueo D Kpprteln A Co, Truiteee 901....40....M . Kppeteln A Co do ~ kppeioln A Co do Fay 1* 8, Trualee Freeborn A Oo, TruiU-ee... Freeborn A Co do Freeborn A Oo do Uray Peter Ulblln Thoa Ureenbaum L A Oo.Trui Orieainmr 11. Trualee... Urteamger K do ... Urleeinger B do ... Oardlner Baldwin, Truei Oardlorr Baldwin do Uornett W J, Truiiee (47 Uurnett W i do Uornett W J do Onrnett W J do Ulilon Jat, Truetee. Ulaaler IA Oo, Tnnteea 388.... 10 t Ulaxler I A Co do 3b9....40...,30 .. Ulaaler 1 A Co do 817....80....36 .. Ulaaler I A Co do ....1IU....60....M .. Ulaaler I A Co do ....1719....31....13 to i Ulaaler 1 A Oo do ....1817.. 300...100 .. Ulaaler 1 A Oo do ....1997.., .. Ulaaler I A Co do ....30IU....M....10 .. Boicblnaon John, Truetee.. ,U89 80....18 .. Butcblnaon John, de ,17nT.. .t00..,380 .. Boichlnaon John do ., ! Bntcblnron Jibn do .1709...800. U0 . Hall A Charlee, Truiteee 6M... 18 7 60 I B888gy U J. Trua4ee 3M....«0....30 .. IJuaaeyUJ do 1900....80... 38 .. I Ueraberg I, Trustee 3M...K0.. ,lno . U«r*t><r« 1 do 867....78....g7 80 | Hale A Pacheco, Truiteee... .647.... jo g Bawka U U. Trualee Hawk* 11II do Hawka BO do Boemer D M A Oo, Truetee*. Boaster D M A Co do LglauerB.TraaU* iglauer 8 do Iglaaer S do IgUoarS do lelauir 8 do Kennedy P J, Truetee Kuta U M A Oo, Truiteee... King Bonier ■ A Oo, True\x=req-\ tOGfle*•••••• a King Homer B A Col Trial tM.eeeneteeee King Uomer 8 A Co! Trua\x=req-\ *8*8,,,.., King Uomer 8 A Oo, True Locke W L, Truetee. Locke WL de Murray WB, truetee Macpbereou A 8hlnn.TrueU.174d....80....10 .. I Marye Oeo T A Boo, True\x=req-\ m,l*ee .'.T4...M....13I0 Marye Oeo T A Boa, True\x=req-\ tecg,...,. Marye Oeo T A Son, True\x=req-\ (0f| .a e e ,,, NeaJ Cbaa B A Oo, Trail Ntai Cba» H A Co do Neal Cbae B A Cj do Neai Cbaa 8 A Co do Neal Cbas 8 A Oo do Otla A Oo, Truetee* 1084. OUaAOo do ... Pftlffer Philip Bona tree A Lang land, Trn*. rue tee. ...30. ...» .. do ....384. ...78. ...37 60 do ....394. ...78. ..87 (0 do ... 337. ...30, ...» . do ....463 .. 80. ...18 .. do ... 018. ...30. ...18 .. do ...lltil. ..160. ...78.. do ...13*4. ...30, ...» .. do ,..1813. ...90. ...» .. do ...1388. ..180. ...78.. do ...1387., ...30. ...» .. do ...1.189. ..1U0. ...SO .. do ...1437. ..78. ...87 80 do ...1139. ..100. .. do ...14fi»l. ...30. ...» .. do ...1487.. ...3D. ...» .. dl . .lew. ...90. ...45 .. do ..loot. ...46. ...33 80 do ...1878. ...eo. ...30 .. do .1878. ...GO. ...SO .. do ...1879. ...80. ...M .. do ...16*0. ...SO. ...... do ...1681. ...30. ...» .. do ...1884. .. SO. ...» .. do ...nti. ..101. do ...1836. ..160. ...78 .. do ...1949. ...16. ....7M do ...1943. ...M. ...M .. do ...1948. ...30. ...» .. do ...1989. ...M. ...» .. do ...1986. ...SO. .. » .. do ...1988. ...30 ...19.. do ...1987. ...SO. ...... do ...1V8J. ...SO. ...18 .. do ...1990. . .00. ...SO .. do ...1W1. ...80. ...30 .. do ...1004. ..180. ...78 .. do ...3008. ...46. ...S3 60 do ...3020. ...fO. 30 .. do ...3031. ...(0. ...36 .. do ...31,36 do ...3031. ..100. ..100 .. do ...3037. ...19.98..9 98 do ...1088. ..100. .. ..1788. ...SU. ...10.. . 3014. ...38 .. .1896. ...38 .. ...90S. ...38 ...17(0 ,.1180. ...33 60 ,.16M. ...70. ...89 .. ...71. ...37 60 . 15.W. 8,1888. ...90. ...41.. ...30. .. 10.. ..710. . .110. ..Ill .. ...30. ...» .. ..10. ..691. ...«0. ...30 .. ..718. ...11 .. ...SO. ...30 .. ...911. .. 30. ...10 .. ..100. 1606. ...M. ...19 .. ...30. ...10.. . 44. .loO. ...10 .. .100. ...40 .. 1C01.. ..60. ...36 .. .300. ..100 .. .1617.. . .30. ..10 .. .100. .. 80 .. 10 ...10 .. ..10 ....» .. 10 ....8 .. ...36 .. ..60. ...36 .. ..3Hd.. .600.. .360 .. .100.. ..» . ,..110 ..80.. ..18 .. ...a.. ,...3.. 1988.. .300.. ,150.. ..10 . ,...6 . ..60.. .31 .. ..60.. ..31 .. ..It .. ....8.. ..80.. ..30 .. .31144.. ..40.. ..M .. Root Oeo B do Hoot Oeo B do Meotl H H A Oo, Truiteee Bcott H 8 A Oo do tcott 11 B A Oo do Joott 11 B A Oo da IcottBBA Oo do SbolwaHJ M, TnutM... ■hotvell J M do . . ■Uio Nat, Trustee ...fill. ...10 # ...80....30 1. .311. ..10O....60 ..ill. ...60....13 • e .317....60....36 .1768. ...30....10 .3046. ...10 6 .. .60... ,38 ...10....31 ........18 e. . 10.... 8 ■..30....10 ..480. ...(0....31 ...60....38 .. 80...30 ..too...ISO ...80....28 ...918. ...10 8 ..978. ...10....10 .1171. .. .10 .. .10 • • .180*. ,.3036. ...30....10 ...10....11 .170S....M....M • • DELINQUENT SALES. OvmnM-CMllaM. •«..3 .. .431....10. ....3 .. ...4 .. ..444 ...10. ....3 .. ,.«M 4. ....4.. ... 1 .. ...10 .. .1144....14 ....730 ,li»4....M. ...14 .. .1111....14 ..1140 ..18S....B0. ...14 .. ..7M....30. ...14 .. ...10 . ..341....30. ...14 .. .I0B1....1O. ....4 .. , M4....10. ..140 .. ...4H..1UOO. . 400 .. ..7U....30. ...10 . ...40 .. ...1140 1311 ...10. ....4 .. 1141 .100. ...40 .. If MOM. SUto Nat do Btotn Nat no Stain Mat do Stein Nat do Buln Nat do Bte d Mat do Stein Mat do Bteln Mat do BolthCbaaH Tr ►mlth CbaaH Tritii I** " Wllnon John. Tru*t*a....... WoodWEkCo.Trttataaa... Wood W K * Co ao . Wak*fl*ld BBlOo,Trna. WaluSaid S B k Oo. Tl» ten Weill Obaa U TinaUa. Weill CUM L do Wall! Chaa L oo Weill Obaa L do Weill Obaa L do Young Walter, Truetaa OLD IMC*. A tiiSton: .D.ond.Oo' Attloaoo. Uood'i' 0°, |# j| Atktu*oti, Do'ud k Oo. Trua\x=req-\ «4>M aeelUeeeeSW aa Boarua J B, Traataa l#*»8....1U....ll • • Brccklnridue * Yo*. u J# Barratt k Walker.Trtut^JJW}...10----'5 ■■ Ooyla 0«n»-»gl Oouraen O A, Trnatea I73JB....10....U u OourvauOA do .....13U3.... • 730 tiofflu, Banderaon k Cook. .„...tm7....30....3Q .. « Cope k DarU. Traitaaa.....14340 Jamee. Truetaa. bal..l44el ?•«,••}2 taliiII ltd Oo. TiaeMee.bal.»4tTl.... .8.30..4 30 Drl*coll 1> k Oo, Truatee*.. I *903 JJ •/ tdaardt Oao U. Truatee....14177.........30 .. FlattCJ, Troatia li " (loruatt AO k Oo do ....11T17....10....14 .. (Jurnatt A U k Oo do bal.34131.....8.I0..4B0 Ulaalar 1 k Co. Tre*leee....lST»4....10....1S . lilktilT 1 l( Co do • * .IfiiJOl aaa aiOa a a el§ aa Ulaalar 1 k Oo do .. jA Glazier 1 « Co do ...33434...........'40 mailer I « Oo do ...13440....10 ...14.. Hoaiuvr D M k Co, Truitaea, balance •.«..» »• Docbatedter K k Oo.Traa Hocbatadtcr E k Oo, Trna traa IB ...» • U^.UdterKkCo.TruaW io it '•'"".WW. ...10....... liocbatadur t A Co, Trna\x=req-\ teea - n *' }!'• iTeaOeoJ, Traataa.......lOTT....M..«.l» • Jackaoo M A, Truatea.bal. Jickiuu M A do J[IM.o»*W...100 Jickioti M A do J«l§0....10....1§ .* Kaurman^4 0o,Tniataaa.»tn....l0....1» •• Latbaiok King. Tru»t*ea..MOII.••»••••» •• Mailer William * * Malley William 18374....#0....44 .. MaryaQeo T k .. Ms*; °rr..T.4..8??:.*£««« ».».«« Nolili1 H H k Oo, Tnuteae..11133... •• Neuftatter I, TraMee.. 114.4....10....30 •• Fataraou Jame*. Trnatea.. .13144....10.••.« lUllly Lawreice **<33....1B....3T w Hoot Oao B. Truatee " lUcbanlaon Z A, Tw*«—.. St.Ycn.on R II. ApM.Ml.«M....j1.«>U 10 Hpiti hyeyer Broa. Troateaa *4«M....l Hbotwall J M. Trtuua i aii Bcbmttt 0 A. Truatee WMl Hcbmitt o a do »n»...*o...«« Taylor W H. Truataa .M417. .!»...!» .. Tobla RC. Truataa «b«»....J0....#0 .. WltaonkllutcblDeon.Tnia-^ traa 2U891 8 T W Wakefield 8 II k Oo, Trua\x=req-\ tew, 1J6ST....1I.M.M *T W^fi.lU8llkOo,T™.;MM()ii0 iS> Wooda"k Kraaborn, Trua\x=req-\ tea*, balance TWO T....10 W WalllOliaaL,Truitea ISIM...#00.. «0 .. And Id accoroasca wltb law, and an order of the Board of Olractora. made oo tbo tan lb day of June. 1880, ao maoy aba ret ot eacb oawal of men atoctt aa may bapacaenry will baaotd at onnlic auction, at tba offlca of Uie aonipaijy. No. 411 California atraat, Bau Franrtieo. Oall\x=req-\ lorola. on FRIDAY, tba bllTU l«tb) day of AUOCHT. U80, at tba boor of 1 o clock r. m. of aald day. to pay aald dalinquant m» mant tbrraou. together wttb coaU of adTar\x=req-\ tulna and axpeoaea of tba aala. OKO. D. EDWARDS. BaeraUrr. Offlca—No. ill California atraat. Ban Fran\x=req-\ elaco. California. CAUTION NOTICE. VELLOW JACKET HILVEI MINIMO COM\x=req-\ X pany.—Bale No. »T.-Tbe poblle la hereby cautioned aoloat p«rchaaln« the MMM datcrtbed atocTof (be tallow Jacket Wlrec Mining Company, m tb« •am# wi» tola for Afx'iameot No. 37. the 7th day of July, ' in wboee name. No. Oartlf. Bbi. Marya Geo T k Bon. TraaUaa. .7U7J 10 Wattlaak Bartcu,Trnateee...ll3W -JO Ouffln Jamee, Trnatea 1»10 '*0 Kelly Oao W, Truataa 1S140 -JO Ooffln Jamee, Treat* IMSI 100 Latham ft Klue. Truitaaa 14J«... 10 Duncan W U Truataa JJJ }" lalauar B, Trnatea 1JJM »....W Wakefield 8 B k Co. Trnateea.IMM MO Wakaficltl 8 B k Co do .1M0B 1UO Wakafiald B U k Oo do .1JWJ JOB Wakefield BBkOo do .1*410 100 Wakefield BBkOo do .1W11 1» Wakefield 8 Bk Co do .lUU 1» Kenneyk Dyer. Trnetaaa 145W BO Zadlc * Weill/Trnetaaa lSWI 10 Boayer Broa, Truataa* UMO 10 AikhitoQ, Doud k Oo.Tru*t*.a«ai 10 MacpbaraonJno,Truatee ....IIUM 10 Fry. NealakOo, Tnnteaa.... 17841 10 Wblta A W, Treat** VJM JO Fataraon Jame*. Treata* lrw 0 Scott U B k Oo. Truauaa 1B2M 10 Oeo D O'Mell. Trnatea IKflM 10 Wllaon * Hutcblnaon, Trnate.lMOB JO Fa* F H, Trujtaa 1MTO 10 Tcbm RO.Truatea JOW W Uayley U B, Truataa WSJ# 10 Ulauvelt W n. Tnutaa **4«l M Dixon T U. Trnatea MM4 M Hmltb Cbaa U. Truataa 13101 30 FmltbObaaU do 13187 80 Fay F 8, Traataa MM# W OlntakLoaeland. Trntteaa...13411 10 Wakefield B B k Co, Tra*l**e. 19411 10 I)y order or tbe Board of Traatataa. MEROER OTET, BacaHary. Oold Hin.JalyB.13BD. J) B_ CAUTION NOTICE. GENERAL GRANT UOU) AND BILTJtB Milling Compter.—Tb« public U bersby cautioned agalnat purchasing tbo following\x=req-\ d*scrtb.d stock of tbs Osuersl Orsat Uold and Silver Mining Oompany. M Ita sam* was sold for iwNOMt No. 1, to* Kb day of Jaly, 1M0: In wbOM nun*. No. Certlf. Vba. June* I S. TrntlM W ■•Jill Juqm 1 K do H .Bill Ames L It, Truste* J» 1U0O Adm L R do *•*••*••••••• ••• • *100 Ames L K do ,.,.*•••• ••• II I | I 100 Adm L K do ..If.«•.••»••.ST Uawley A U. Trust** 10* 100 UawteyAM do 101 1U0 Bawley AH do IItl 100 Bawl*y A U do IU8 100 Uawley AH do Ill loo A11 Hawley Ill Iff 11; orc*r of lb* Board ol Director*. . . UKBOkR OTEY. Secretary. Oold Hill. Jnly «. mo. 8_ ANNUAL MEETINQ. nmci or udt Washington oon\x=req-\ V/ Miniated Compear, Han Krsnelsco, J air 12, 1880.-Tbo Annul1 Meeting of Htockholdai* of tb* a bore named Oompanj will b* h*ld on WEDNESDAY. tbo Tw*niy-*lgbth day of J air. at tb* boor of two o'clock r. v., at tbs olBos of lb* Company, tbls dir. for tb* *l*ctloa of a Board of Directors forth* snrulng year.and tb* tr.n.sctlon of socb otb*r baalD*** aa Bar b* preseutsd. Traoafer Books will be elosad on Saturday, th* Mtb Instant, at 11 o'clock ■., tad aatll after tba m*ctlng. WM. if WATBON, Secretary. Office—Rooms • and (, Mo. Ml Montgomery »tr*«t. Jylttd ANNUAL MEETINQ. 2rrioi or benton consolidated Company, Han Francl*co, July lltb, ,—Tb* Annas! M**tlng of stockholder* of tba abov* named Oompaay will b* telrt on WEDNESDAY, tb* Twenty.*i|btb day of Jaly, 18N. at tb* hoar of on* o'clock r. m., at tb* offlc* of tb* Company, tbls clly, for lb* *l*c\x=req-\ tloa of a Board of Director* for tba ensuing y«ar, aodtbe transaction of such other busl. uess aa may be presented. Transfer Books will b* cloead on Mat artsy, tb* Mtb Instant, at 11 o'clock v., and until after tba maew tng WM. B. WATSON, Secretary. Office-Booms f and f, No. 101 Moatfoaeer strwt. JrU-td ataSE***