Newspaper Page Text
GOLD VOL. XXXIV. GOLD HILL. STOREY CO.. NEVADA: SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 14. 1880. THE EVENING NEW> l*nbllab» «T»rr dey (Bondayi aioepted). ■T TK1 XBWB rlSLUHIHU CO. Z7~ Entered *1 I be Child Hill poetofflcr m »acond-cUaa matter. Timi. (.M nti, by M>U or liynu $S 00 Big Moatbe 5 oo Tbree Booth*-"--- »00 Mliml u O^w'lluf.'vGrua*. tfUvaretty Oereoa. Dayton, Sutro, etc., at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PEB WEEK. Fayabla to lha Carrier*. OH ADVFRTISINQ AQENTS. 0. W. CRAM, Noa. 31* Ploa and 10 Laldeadorff • tree la : : San Fraacleoo OAOWI.1 & ALLEN, : : Caraoo Out W. K. LANO, . Empire Citj B. X. JAMISON. :::::: Itcoo O. CHXN0WETH, : Winnamuooa NSW YORK. J. .H Bans.. : 41 Park Row B. M. Prninmu X Co.,: : 37 Park Mo* Qbo. P. Howell, k Co..::: 41 Park Bow Twa Piru may ba found on Ilia Is Naw York at tba newepaper acencica of J. II. Balaa. 41 Park Bow ; 8. M. Pettengill A Oo.. 17 Park Bow, aod Oao. H. Howail A Co.. 10 Bpraca • treat. 0!t TUB WOLTUIITUa. II UIT BABTl. "Mao take* aot hence what t» brlage out bar*." Boa* lb* legend qiatat on tba faded alga OI tba lao wbara tba Walf'a »>on« rltlng iheer fruwoa down oo tba ruahing Khlne. A aoalat coocalt. but a proailae col J To a waery guea t at tba Uoldaa Lloa— Albatt oo batiar wlBa la wild O'ar tba plala tbat tie Wuif looka high oa. Mloa boat of tba Lloa la emoolh aod fat. Aa ba ataada at bla door la tba twilight wealbar Bnublag tb* dual from tbe alreogrr'a bat. And amooiblng tbe email JagU feather. "Tba aooo la cllaiblng tba Wolt'a atona now," Be aare. "and th« lltrr will do great bonor To our Lady'e abrtiia uu ih» mounta.n'e brow If ba eaw tba moon ebloe on her. "Or atood lo tba arch of lb* old Wolfe Tower Wban tba atooa Iwoke through, be would aaa — Ibey eey— Tba Feet revlae. wltb tbe kalgbta la tbelr power. Aad tba iboata of a bygoaa day l "Ha wouUl Me tba maiden wbo built tba abrtna Aad tba Wolf tbat bore tba lamb to ble dea, Aad Lord Goarad-raging from Palretlae, Aad tba abock aad tba alaeb of men !" A mile of darkneee. a mlla of beat, A alia el daet from tbe weyalde viae I A mile of dreaming—ontll lay feel Beat btgb o'er lue meblog Kblua, Tba moon ablnea full through tbe broken arch, And rldea once mora o'er tbe lower plain . Then a mile of darkueea aad duel? march And I reach tbe laa again "Tow baea eeen-nwin Htrr f "I haee. Kor lear Bal I read your legend henceforth aright 'Mao lakee aot heoce what ba bila^e • ot bare." Tie truth, O mine boat. Uood nlgbl." Aad what aaw I oo thai Wolfa atooa. lad Uy potent faacie* and epell-poeeael ? — Only ajr brother :oog alnce dead Aetaap oa bla mother'e breaal I Bound to Lick Hia. On on* of tb* hottest corner* of Woodward avenue, Detroit, at high noon. * small boy with a bootblack'* kit *at under the full blax* of a *uo Curing Jjwu for all it waa wortb. Tb* y p*r*pir*d, rotated, bll*t*r*d, afld almo*t melted, bat b* bad ttack tber* for half an boar wb*n * lady paaaing by b*lt*d and aaid : "Littl* boy, aren't you afraid of b«ing aunatrock?" "Yea, ma'am," waa tb* prompt reply. " Tbea why don't yoo get into tb* ahadef" "I can't." "Did any on* t*ll yon to wait her* f" "No, marm, bat I'm doing it on my own hook. It'a awfni hot and I'm moat d*ad, bat I'»e got to atand it." Hba looked to a** if h* waa ti*d. and waa aboat to go on and regard bin aa tb* aon of a brutal father in a aaloon aroand tha corner, when the lad explained: "There be ia now! That boy ap ther* i* tb* chap 1 waa waiting for, and I bad to ait out bar* to aea him wb*n b* tarn*d tb* corner. H*'a the feller that called my aiater a poke-eyed rabbit, and I'm going to jamp on htm aud lick him moat to d*atb. 1 wiab you'd bold my box ao I can g*t tb* bulg* on biai befor* b* *nap*ct* anything," A young lady, not accuitomed to waltzing, at th* earnest aolicitatlon of a friend made the attempt in tbia city recently. When lb* mutic ceaaed another friend approaebed and said, gayly: "Wall, I a** you got through all rigbt." "Y*a," bat it waa a tight iqoeeza." " What ilo yon know of the character of thia man T" waa aaked at a police court. " What do I know of hi* char\x=req-\ aoter ? It know it to b* anbleacbable, yonr honor," be replied. "I told her I'd never amoke another eigar," be aaid, aoftly, "and I won't. A pip*'* plenty good *nongb forme," and be gracefully draw a match over the leg of hia trowaera. ASmiCKIBVTC. FOR COUNIY TREASURER, a. He CARRICK RESPELTriLLY ANNOUNCES HIMSCLF a caudU*ie lor tb* olBee of Inutrw of Moray county, eabject to tbe decleloo of tb* Won/ County Kepubllfu Convention. Dec\x=req-\ tloa November 14 belt. tail PKOfKH8I0XAL CARDS. T* J. MACEE, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON, (Jfflce in Oobwait'e balMlai, MAIM 9TKKAT, . . (MILD HILL VrofcMlonal call* promptlj ttunUeJ to <U> oratafct U J. U. HALL M. Dm PHYSICIAN AND SUNQION SVriOB AND REMDENOE — OPPOSITE V ih* Haw* ofloa. Mala UrMt.OoUUUI. Mm OR. A. CHAPMAN. I U R Q IO l#0 EW T.I 8 T « IpBOM NIVADA CITY. QALXfOft-MA X ila m "r located at VInWHW gtala Oity. 0Mm. IK KUCTX 0 nZ*B. *Tr- — ■ ' i'» Km THE PLATFORM. Th» of Bepubllcaa la Ikf Wktla CudmIr j People— fspnlnr E4uc*ii*m- lk« (Umm QiwIIm — CharfH iki bfBHriiu Phi/. Republican fa\» bu restored upon a ■olid bMit payment in coin (or all the national obligation*, and baa given a* a currency absolutely good aud legal, and equal in every part of oar extended country. It haa lifted tbe credit of the nation from tbe point where six per cent, bonds told at M, to tbat where tour per cent, bond* are eagerly sought at a premium. Under iti idmlniitration railway* bare increased from 31,000 milee in 1860 to more than 82,000 mile* in 1879. Our for* eign trade bae inert u from {700,000,000 to SI. 150,000.000 in tbeeame time, and our exporta, which were S20.000.000 lee* than our importa in 1860, were S264,000,000 than our importa in 1870. Without 'ting to loan*, it haa, ilnce the war cloeed. defrayed tbe ordinary expense* t>f government, beeidee tbe accruing intereet on the public debt, and di*bur*ed annually more than S30.000.000 for soldiers' peu\x=req-\ lion*. It haa paid S880.000,000 of the publio debt, and by refunding the balance at lower rate*, baa reduced the anuual intereet charge from nearly S191,000.000 to lea* than S89.000.000. All the indns. trie* of tbe country have revived; labor i* in demand; wigee have inereaaed, and throughout the »ntire country there le evidence of a coming prosperity greater than we have ever enjoyed. Cpon thi* record tbe Republican party aake for tbe continued conndence and lupport of tbe people, and tbi* convention lubmita for their approval the following itatementa of the principle! and purpoeee which will continue to guide ana inipire Ite effort*: KxrxUATiox or rninciiruut. Fir*t— We affirm that tbe work of tbe laat twenty-one yeara baa been »uch aa to commend iteelf to tbe favor of tbe uation, and that the fruita of tbe coetly victories which we have aabieved through immenio difficulties ibould be preeerved. Tbat tbo peace regained ibould be cberiihed. Thit tbe diieevered Union,now happily reitored, •hould be perpetuated, and that tbe liber\x=req-\ tica secured to tbii generation ibould be tranimilted undiminiihed to future gener\x=req-\ ationi. That the order eetabliibed aud the credit acquired ihonld never be imperiled. Tbat the peu*ious promiied ibould Le paid. Tbat tbe d)'bt *o much reduced ibould be extinguished by the full paymeut of every dollir thereof. That the reviving Indus\x=req-\ trie* should be further promoted, and tbat the commerce already *o great ibould b« iteadily encouraged. Second—Tbe Conititution of the United State! i* the lupreme law, and not a mere compact. Out of Confederated State* it made a sovereign nation. Some power* are denied to the Nation, while others are retained by the States; but tbo boundary between the powers delegated and those reserved ii to be determined by National aud not by State tribunal*. Third—The work of popular education ii one left to tbe care of tbe leveral Statu, but it i* the duty of the National government to aid tbat work to tbe extent of its constitutional ability. Tbe intelligence of tbe nation is but the aggregate of tbe intelligence in the several States, aud tbe deitiny of tha Nation muit be guided, not by tbe gcniui of any one State, but the average geniuiof all. xoa-stcr*»ian (caoou. Fourth—The Con*titution wisely forbid* Cougre** to make any law* reapectiug an latabliahnicut of religion. but it i* Idle to hop* that tbe Nation can be protected againit the induiuce of tectarianiam wbil« each State ia exposed to ita particular domination. We therefore recommend that the Constitution be ao amended aa to lay aome prohibition upon tbe Legislature of each State and to forbid the appropriation of public fuuda to the mpport of *ec tarian achoola. Fifth—We reaffirm the belief avowed in 1876. that the dulie* levied for the purpoae of r*v*au* ehould to dieoriminate aa to favor American labor. That no further (rant of the publlo domain abould be made to any railroad or other corporation. That alavery having periabed in the Stat**, lu twin barbarity, polygamy, rnuat die in tbe Territorie*. That everywhere tho protection accorded to a citirca of American birth mu*t be *ecured to citizen* of American adoption. That it 1* the duty of Con free* to develop and improve our water\x=req-\ couraea and harbor*, but we ln*i*t that further tubeidiee to private persona or cor\x=req-\ poration* uu*t caao. That the obliga\x=req-\ tion* to tbe men who preserved it* integrity in the day of battle are undiminiihrd by tbe l*p*o of fifteen year* *iuoe their final victory. Their perpetual honor i* and ahall forever be tbe grateful privilege and tbe tacred duty of tbe American people. TIIK CBIXIaK PL4XK. Sixth—Bine* tbe authority to regulate Immigration and intercourse between tbe United State* and foreign nation* rr*t* with the Congre** of the United State* and ita treaty-making power*, that the Republican party, regarding tbe unrt\x=req-\ etricud immigration of tbe Chlnr** aa an evil of great magnitude, involve* the excr\x=req-\ ciee of the power to restrain and limit that immigration by the enactment ef tueh juit, humane and reasonable proviiion* a* will produce the retail. Seventh—That the purity and patriotism which characterised the earlier career of Rutherford B. Hayet, in peace and war, and wbicb guided tbe thought of hi* immediate predrcetaor to him for a Preai dential candidate, have continued to in\x=req-\ • pi re blm in hie career a* chief executive, and that hutory will acoord to hi* administration tbe bonora which are due to an efficient, Juat and conrageou* fulfillment of the public bu*inet*. and will honor hi* interposition between the people aud pro\x=req-\ poeed partisan law*. tBtqcrriK* or if* dkhociact. Eighth—We charge upon tbe Democratic party tbe habitual (acrlfice of patriotism and justice to a inpreme and in aatiable luat for office and patronage: that to obtain poeeeeaion of tbe National and State Uovernment*. and of the control of place and poaitioo, they have obstructed all the efforts to prraerve tbe purity and conserve the freedom of (uCTrage; have deviled fraudulent certificate* and return*; have devited fraudulent certificate* and return*; have labored to unieat lawfully elected member* of Congre**, to lecure at all ha*arda tbe vol* of the majority of 8tale* in tbe Hon** of Repreeentativee, | have endeavored to occupy by fore* and frand place* of truat given to other* by the peoplo of Maine, and teenred by tbe courage and action of Maine'* patriotic *on«; have by method* viciou* in principle and tyrannical in praclic*, attached partisan legi*lation to appropriation bills; have cruahed the rights of tndi vidaala, aud vindicated tbe principle* and •ought the favor of rebellion against tbe nation, and have endeavored to obliterate the aacred memoriea of tb* war and to overcom* it* inestimable good reault*— freedom and individual equality. We affirm it to b* tb* duty and purpo** of tb* Republican party to um all tbe legitimate un an* of tbi* Union to secure tbe perfect harmony which may b« practicable, and we aubmit to the practical, eeniible people of tbe United State* to aay whether il would not b* dangeron* to tb* beat inter\x=req-\ est* of our country at this time to *urr*p\x=req-\ der tb* adminiatratiou of tb* National Government to a party which i**ka to overthrow tb* *si*ting policy und*r which w* are *o pro*parous, and thus bring detraction and ooufuaion wh*rs tb*r* la now ordar, oooddes** and bop*. TOWN ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE NO 109. AS OBDISAMCB lo rix Mad Collwl • UrraM Tu Upon OtrUla TridM aad Boalneaa Wlililu iki Corp*rat* Llialla af Ik* Tawa af bald 1II1I. fpUK BOARD OK TUCSTKK8 OF OOLD X lllll do ordalu : Samoa i. AO perron or paraon*, firm, aa\x=req-\ •ociatton. or eorpormthin aball witnln ua cor\x=req-\ poral* llmlta or tbe Town oT QoM QUI carry 00 or puraue auy trade or bualne>* hereinafter macttoovd. until ba, abe, tba;, or II bava paid for and taken out a llcenae, aa la hereinafter pro Tided; and (or any Tlolailoa of UU ordinance tbe larty offending aball, oo couTtctloo, be laad In any earn not exceeding two hundred dollar*, bat Ida* tba ooabi or tba action; and In dtfault of payment tb«' -''ball ba lmprlaonad to tee Town tau at (• -vtu of ona da/ for •very two doilara of aucb Una and eoeta. Sic.*. All llcenaea, except a* hereinafter provided, tball be paid quarterly In advance, toe quartare to commence on the fiiat dajra ol HHMBi May, Auguat aud November In*' " year; and in cae* any peraoif or peraena, Hi aaeoclatloa, or corporation nqulred to take 001 aball tall to take out auch llcenae lor tbe current quarter, prior to tbe fifteenth day* 01 February, May, Aiuuat aud ftovemberof eacb year, be, abe, tbey, or It aball ba aubject to pay au adaiuon of un par cant, over aud above tile amount herein prescribed for aucb llceuae, and in addition to tba penalty d*\x=req-\ ea/lbed la taction one of thia crdlnanoa a civil action abail be commenced lu tbe name of "Tbe Towu of Oold Ulll" lor tba recovery ol tbe amouut rt tuch llcenae and percentage, together will ccata, Including tbe tee of tbe Towu Attorney, U> be taxed at fifteen dolbfra In aacli cae*. sac. 3. Tba Manbal (ball keep hit office open, aud b* preeeut tberaat, between tbe hour* or two o'oluck r. a. aud lour o'clock r. a. or eacb day (dunda)* aud holiday* except ed|, during tbe nrtt filteen day* of eacbquar\x=req-\ tar. to leeue lloanaea. and It aball be tbe duty or every person from whom a llcenae tax la due aud owing to pay Iba aaiue at aaid office durlug tbe lima ba la to required to ktep bla office open, aud uo poreoual demand or nuilce by tbe ttarahal to aucb periuu aball o - ntceaaary to ranker rucb person liable to tbe prualtiee pre\x=req-\ •en'oid In wcuoua one aud two of lblaordi> nance. mo. 4. All peraona having taken out a lloenae under tbla are hereby required to eauibU the tame lu aume cuntplLUou* part ol tbelr place of bualncet, ana to produce the •am* when applying to tbe Maiabai for a new llcenae. Hie. ft. II aball be the dnty of tbe Maraoal to report to the Town Attorney on the fifteenth da/a or February, May, Augutt and November of each year, the uauir* of all peraou* who have not paid for and taken out ltceiiaua, aa lequired by tula ordinance, lor the current quartar, together with tue amounta for which aucb per aona are aeverally liable. and it »hall be tbo duly of tbe Towu At:orner forthwith to Institute a< tloua kr tbe recovery of rucb amouuu. Hac. tt. It aball l>o the duly or the Marahal to keep lo bl> office a book at/lad and marked •• Manual'* Llcenae Book," wherein be *ball euler the uatne* of all peraoua, firm*, aaaocla Hon*, aud corporatlona to whom llcenae* have Immi laauad, tn* character of their bualueea, the time fur whlch.tha IIcviim* were granted, the dale and time of expiration thereof, and tbe amount of money received In eacb caae, and to luriitth lhe Hoard of Trualt** at their firat regular tuarlltig In the uiontha beginning eacb quar. ler au ab*tract of the aame for tbe quarter Juat ended. Sac. T. Tbe Town Clerk aball keep an accurate acoount, In a book ei.titlid "Clerk'* Licence Book," of all llcvnae* delivered lo tbe Marahal, tbe quarter lor which Itaued, aud tbe amount tbereol. Tbe Marahal aball on the firat Monday* or February, May. Au^uttand No* ember of each year, returu to tbe Towu Olerk all llceuaea l»u«i lor tbe preceding quarter remaining uuaold, and tba Towu Oiork aball than balauce aud dote tbe llcenae accoanl with tbe Marehil for the preceding quarter, aud aubmlt a detailed report of tba aau-e to tba Board of TruaUxe at tbelr Ural regular meeting In tbe mouth* beginning each quarter. aac. «. All llcenata laaued nnd*r and by Ylr tae of tbla ordinance tball be prlntad In blank lorm, expreaalug tba claae and tbe amount to be paid therefor; (ball be tinned by tbe Preal\x=req-\ deut or tbe uoard ol liutier* aud tbe Town Clerk, and counteralgued by tba Maiabai, aud aball act fortb the name of Ibe party to wbom tba liceu** la granted, the nature »r tbe trade or buaineai to be pureued, tbe tlm* for which granted, and tho data of laaue. exe. tf. AU llcenae* (ball be paid for In gold eola of the United Mta'.ee. ABTtlAMI. Mho. 10. Every perion, firui, aae Delation, or curpormtlou engaged id carrying ou i<uaiuea* aa carpenter, builder, blackiinitii. wagou maker or wbealwilght, gunrmtlh, witch or J*w*iry 1 maker or repairer, |U fitter or plumber, tin\x=req-\ u*r. paiutor, >addie or harnen makir, aball pay quarterly lor a Heme* to carry on lb* moid, according 10 hi* or ttialr average monthly aale* or receipt*, u In tb* following schedule: Kim UUm—Mouthly.*ale* or receipts, eight hundred dollar* or over, quarterly lloanat, an« u dollar*. becoud Ckes—Monthly sales. or reoalpl* und« r elgbt Luudrvd dollar*, quarterly llceuse, tea dollar*. a mm. 8ic. II. Every person or finn engaged la the buMnes* or a dagucrraan or photographic gallary, or In palming portrait* or miniature*. ahtll p»y, quarterly, (or a Ucenae lo cairy ou tb* name, acoordlcg to bis, her, or tbor average mouth.) aalaa or receipt*. a* In the following acbtdule: >'irat Cla**—Monthly aalaa or receipts tight hundre-1 dollara or orar, quarurly llcuuae, ten dollar*. becoud Claas-JIoutlily aalaa <r receipts UD'tar right buudred dollar*, quarterly license, Bv* dollara. aauraa. Bio. M. Every per»ou, arm. aeaoelatiou, or corporation engtged In carrylmt ou the hual\x=req-\ nesa of assaying ore* or precious m*l»l* (ball pay, quarterly, for a lictnse lo carry on tbo aauie, according to hta or their average monthly busluv** or receipt*, at lu tb* following schedule: Kir»t Ulaia—Monthly buslos*s or receipt* five hundred dollar* or over, quarterly llccn**, thirty dollar*. bccoad Cla**—Monthly business or receipts two buuded and Ally dollar* or ov*r and under five huudred dollar*, quarterly llcenac, tweutv dolla.a. I'hlrd Cla-e—Monthly buslutu or receipt* undrr two hundred and fifty dollar*, quarterly license, Us dollar*. ACCTtOKURS. Sic. IS. Every person, arm or attoclatlon engaged In tb* business of railing real estate or personal prupwty by auction or public outcry, ahali pay for a llcenso to carry on the same, according to hta or tbelr averag* ealee or re\x=req-\ ceipt*. a- lu the following acbadule: >trel C'laaa— Miuthly *al*a or receipt* two ihouaand dollai* or over, quarterly license, twenty.av* dollar*. Second Cla**—Monthly aalaa or r*c*lpt* under two thouaand dollar*, quarterly license, flfuan dollar*. Third 01ai»—Pally *alee or receipt* At* hundred dollar* or over, llcena* (or on* day, ten dollara. Fourth Cla**— Dally aalaa or recelot* under five hundred dollar*, ikvnse for ou* day, Bv* dollars. 1 WW. Sic. U. Every poison, Arm or association engaged In carry lug ou bualneaa aa a baker of bread, plea and cake, or either ct then article*, *h> II pay. quarterly, or a llcena* to carry on the aame, a* In th* following *cb*dale: riret Olata—Monthly *alea or receipt* terra hundred and fifty dollar* or over, quarterly licence, twenty dollar*. Second Class—Monthly aalra or reetgols Bv* handred dollar* or over and under wven hundred and fifty dollar*, quartet ly llcen**, fifteen dollara. Third Claaa-Montbly aale* or reoalpta under five hundred dollar*, quarterly license, tan dol\x=req-\ lar*. unni. Sic. 19. Every pereon. firm, association or corporation having a place of builnea* In the Town of Hold Bill, and therein engaged In tb* bu«lneee of banking, loaning nwney, buying aud selling exchange, or receiving on deposit bul lion or coin, or any or all each transaction*, •ball pay, quarterly, for • llcen** to carry on •aid buslu***, ao jonllng to bl*. tbelr or It* *v*r\x=req-\ age monthlt purchaaea and aalaa of *iehaBga, amount of loana, or depoelt of bullion or coin, or any or all of incb transaction#, aa th* caae ma/ be, aa la the following *ebadal*: riret Class-Monthly tranaaction* one ban\x=req-\ J red and fifty thousand dollar* or over, quarterly lloanae, one hundred dollar*. 8*oood Claaa Monthly tranaaction* under one hundred and fifty thou aud dollar*, fllly dollara. BAjmina, Sac. IS. Every pereon or firm engaged In tb* bu*ln*aa of carrying on a barber *hop*hall pay, quarterly, for a licent* to carry on lb* aame, according to hi* orthelr averag* monthly bu*la**a or reoalpU, a* In th* following achedul*: riret OlaM-Monthlv business or ractlpu Bv* hundred dollar* or over, quarterly U:*n**, tea dollar*. HMond Claaa—Monthly bnalnaaa or rwatpta tbre* handred and fifty doilan or ov*r and under tva kutnt dollar*, quarterly ltaaaa*, Six dollar*. TOWN OBDIKAHCKS. Third Claaa—Monthly boilneaa or reo*ipta on handled ui fifty dollar* or over and under IhM hundred end OIW dollar*, quarterly licenM, four doilare. Fourth 0i*m—Moolhlv IwtlnM* or receipt* coder om hundred ud fifty dollar*, quarterly Uoeoae, three dollar*. HI Mill) TAILS*. Sue. IT. Xrery MNOB or firm wigmd In th* baelnM* of ke«p:c< • blUUrd tabl* or billiard tablM (or PuhUe nets hire efaaU pay, quar\x=req-\ twiy, for a Iimom therefor. according to hie or tb*tr *vrr*g* monthly reoeipta, M in the following •cbednl#: Pint CUM— Monthly reoeipte two hundred dollar* or over, quarterly Umom, tvtire dol\x=req-\ lar*. Mcoad Claae-Monthly receipt* on* hundred dollar* or ov*r aod under two hundred d oiler*, quarterly Umom. ua dollar*. Third lilm Monthly reoeipte under on* hundred dollar*, querterly Umom, At* dollar*. mod inn*, Bac. 18. Inrj peranum Bra. aaeootatlaa, *r corporation engaged In tb* making or repairing of anas boiler* (hall pay, quarterly, for a Uomm to cany on Ua mow. according to hi*. th*lr. or It* everern monihlr bu»ln**i or re\x=req-\ < low. a* la tb* following achedule: I Klrat "i*m—Monthly bulla*** or recalpU five thuueend dollar* '* otur. quarterly Ucefue, twenty-five dollar*. ikoond Ola**— Monthly budn*** or reoeipte thre* tbouaand doilare or orur and und*r St* ihou*and dollar*, quarterly llcanM. twanty dol\x=req-\ lar*. Third Cla**—Monthly ba*ln**i or receipt* t*u thou**nd dollar* or over and under thre* thouaand dollar*, quarterly licenM, fifteen dol\x=req-\ lar*. Fourth Cla«»—Monthly buln*** or reotlpt* uudar two tbouaand dollar*, quartarly Uo*um, ton dollar*. BOOT a»d iniiuum em oo»im. Bio It. Every p*r*on or firm *0(*c*d In tha buaiueae of boot or ahOa making, repairing, or Cobbling, mall pay quartarly lor a Iimbm to carry on th« **ui*, aocordlng to hi* or thalr average monthly tale* or receipt*. aa In th* fol\x=req-\ io* Ing ictudul*: Klrat Olaaa-Monthly Mle* or racalpt* thre* hundred .dollar* or over, quarterly UcenM, ten doilare. Mound Ola**— Monthly «1m or receipt* under tbr*» hundred dollar*, quartarly licenM, Ave dollar*. •0WL1HS ALLIT*. Bio. 10. Every p*r»on or Arm engaged in the bualn*** of keeping a bowling alley or bowling allay* lor publio u*e or hire (ball pay, qnar terb. for a UcenM therefor. according to hia or thalr ar*r*ge monthly leeelpta, a* m tb* following ichedule: Klrat Olaaa— Monthly NMlpU on* hundred and nfty dollar* or oT*r, quartarly UcenM, ail dollar*. Becond CI*M Monthly receipt* under on* hundred and fifty dollar*, quartarly lloetue, three dollar*. wuam, vioToa* a*d amuL iouit*. B*c. 2i. gvery pereon, firm, aeeoclatlou, or corporation engaged in lb* bualn*** ot buying and fr-llli g real Mtata or pareonal property of any d*>ciTptlon wb*t*T*r (except mining or otbtr alocke) or collecting rente, m the aganl, factor, or broker of another, aball pay. quarter* ly, for a llcan** to catrr on th* cam*, according to hi*, tb*lr, or lla avotage monthly MlM or re\x=req-\ celpia, a* in the following *ch*dul*: Klrat 01***—Monthly Mle* or reMlpta tan thoaiand dollar* or orer, quarterly UcenM, tblity dollar*. Bocond Ola**—Monthly *ale* or melpt* five thouaaud doilare or ov*r and under teu thou\x=req-\ •aud dollar*, quarterly UcenM, twenty-fir* dol\x=req-\ lar*. 'third Clean-Monthly mIm or reedpt* twmty-flvr hundred dollar* or orer and under fiveuiouaendd liter*, quarterly lloeuM, twenty doilare Fourth Claaa-Monthly tale* or reoelpU fif. tceu hundred dollar* or o«er and under t wenty five hundred dollar*, quarterly Umom, fifteen dollar*. Filth Claaa—Monthly mIm or receipt* under Alteen hundred doilare, quarterly llceuae, ten doilare. cincv*. caaaTiH. on asaaasaia. Sic. tJ The prupnetor or weneger of Mob clrrua, caravan, or u*n*g*rle*hall pay a lioenM lor each day'* parloraiauM, a* In th* following •cbodul*: A clrcua. accompanied by a cuitio or me\x=req-\ nagerie*. >ball couetltute the Inl claaa, and •ball pa/ a dally lleaoaa of twenty-dve dollar*. A clrcsi, unaccompanied with a caravan or rueuageile, (ball ba of lb* aecond olaaa, and ft ball pay a dally IIocom of twenty dollar*. A uaiaVaii or meuagerla. unaccompanied with a clrcua, aball ba of the third claaa, and aball pay a daliy Uceuaa of tan dollar*. conmmion hiiiobaxt*. Hac. 23. Kvery paraoa or Arm *ug*ged lb th* •elllng of good*, warn, and m*rcu*ndl*e upon couimt*alou. *bail pay, quarterly, lor a lleaoaa to carry oo tba urn*, according to bla or tbelr average moulbly aalaa or receipt*, aa In tba following aohedule: Hr*t Claaa — ltontbly aalaa or recalpta two ihoatand dollar* or over, quarterly lleaoaa, twenty five dollar*. MCund CI***—Monthly aalaa or recalpta under two tbouaaud dollara, quarterly lioanaa, fifteen dollar*. coxctitTe amu oruu izuiamoa*. Mi'. 34. Tba managar or laaaaa 01 each company of ooncrrt alnger* or eerenader*. or any oibar aiblblUon, except theater* and melo. daona, aball pay a 11 cant* for eacb performance, according to bla dally raoeipte, aa in the following tcbedale: Pint Olaaa—Hoceipt* for one performance two hundred and fifty dollar* or over. fifteen dollara or each performance Dec <nd Olaaa— lucelpte for on* performance under two hun Jr«d and fifty dollar*, tan dollar*. HANOI aotlll*, SALOON* 0> CILLAH*. Hie. -js. Tba proprietor, leeaae or maaager of any bouae, aalooo. room or oellar whe;e wlnae, malt or *plrlttioa* liquor* are aold by lb* bottle, glaae or drink, where dancing it carried on (provided (bat tbl* eectlon ahall not apply to aoy theater or saiodeon), aball pay, quarterly, for a llcenee to carry on the wae, according to bla monthly or receipt*. a* In the following schedule: rirat Claaa—Monthly ealn or recalpta fir* hundred dollar* or over, quarterly lioanaa, one hundred dollara. Hecond Claaa— Monthly aalaa or recalpta under flvu hundred dohare. quarterly lioanaa, aevaoty\x=req-\ five dollar*. axraiaa and ramurr oomtaniu. Bto. as. Every person, firm, aaaoclatlon or corporation engaged in th* builneaa of Iran*\x=req-\ mlttlng lettere or other packa^ea. forwarding and carrying gold du*t, bulllou. coin or freight lor hire, irom the Town of Oold 11 ill to any other nlace, or from any other p acatu tba Town of Mold Hill, and who baa a plaoe of bualneee or aiteory In aald town, aball pay. quarterly, for a llcvuae to carry on tba *ame, according to hi*, tbelr or Ita monthly receipt*, aa in tbe average ollowing tcbedule: • Pint Olaaa-Monthly receipt* fir* tbouttad d«Uart or over, quarterly lioanaa, thirty dollar*. Macond Olaaa—Monthly receipt* under five thouaand dollara, quarterly lleaoaa, twenty dol\x=req-\ lara, roONDana. Hio. 17. Kvery pereon. firm, aeeoclalloo or corporation engaged In the foundry hualneee ahall pay, quarterly, for a licenae to carry on the aame, according to hie, Uetr or Ita avenge monthly tale* or receipt*, aa in th* following ached ule: Flret Claaa—Monthly ealae or rrcalpta twenty thouaaod dollara or over, quarterly Uoanae, Duty dollara. Hecond Olaaa—Monthly aalaa or rrcalpta fifteen thousand dollara or over and under twrnty thouaand dollar*, quarterly llcanaa, thirty dot\x=req-\ tare. Third Ola«e— Mootbly ealea or recalpta tan thouaaod dollara or OTer and under fifteen thou\x=req-\ aand dollara, quarterly llcenaa, tw*oty-fiv* dol\x=req-\ lar*. fourth 01a»»—Monthly *alaa or receipt* as\x=req-\ der ten thouaand dollar*, quarterly Ueaaae, twenty dollara. o amino. Bic. It. Kvery pereon engaged la tba buel\x=req-\ nee* of dealing, play ng, or earning oo any game of thro, monte. roolette, lanaquenet. rouge-et-noir, rondo, keno, fan tan, dlana, or chuck a-lnck, or any baaklnc game, played with card*, dice, or any other device, whether the •am* be played for money, check*, credit, or aer other valuable thing or repreaaatatlve of value, ahall pay, quarterly, for a licence to carry oo tbe eama, according to hla average monthly recelpta, a* la tbe following xhedule: Klrat Olaaa—Monthly raotlpte three thouaand dollara or over, quarterly Ocente, teventy-five dOHtfle Second Claaa—Monthly receipt* two tboatand dollara or over and under three thouaaad dol\x=req-\ lar*. qnarteily lleaoaa, fifty dollara. Hac. ». Kacb lloaoae leaned ahall contain a particular description of the room la which the llceneee deelgna to cart) on the game dealgaa\x=req-\ ted, and the name of the game to be opened and played; and no Ucenee (hall ba itaned permitting any auch game to ba carried oa la aay room In which aach game* are by any valid Act nf tbe Legtelatnre of the Bute of Nevada forbidden to be opened) played, or carried oa. PAY UP! A LL PKRMONB IHDKBTKD TO Ml ABB hereby notified thai nnlaae they eatUe tbetr account* before the 10th of AUQUVT I (ten a«t door to tba Bask <?o)4 Bin. MI81KLLA5E0U8. LAKE TAHOE. ISA SUGAR PUE POJST. JOHN W. M°KINNEY'S OLD PLACI. HULTH! PLEASURE! RECREATION! BE ABOVE VERY POPULAR RESOBT It again thrown opto to tb* Dob I la for HUO&. It I* altutUd on the WKHTEHN 8HOBB OP THE LAKE, nln* mil** from Taboo City, aald Ui« mo*t KOMAhT.O AMD HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS, and Dear A flu* Wharf ran* oat to de*p «>ur la tba Lake, and plenty of boatt in fornUbod tn» tot lb* pltaaor* or tb«iBO«U. Tb* weuneri tonob at tb* wharf dally to land pe«i*nger» and mail. Fumpn from Gold HIU and Virginia can CO by way of Tru< ka* and Taboe City or Canon and 01mbrook, taking tb* itaamar aoroia tb* Laka. At tb* tt*am*r doc* not reach McElnnay'i tflcr tearing 0 leo brook. a team or boat will n* In waiting at Tabo* City to carry tb«m to McKlnntjr'a If tb*y d**lr* to go tbere tb* earn* tranlng. RATES OK OHAROM. Board and Lodging, p*r w**k IIS 00 Board and Lodging, par day a 00 CbUdria from I to 13 ytara or ag*. half pno*. fW Invalid*, aa wall aa oneln*** mtn or UuilllM. urklng recreation and pl*arare, will flnd ihli tb* T>ry piac*. » WOOD AND COAL DEPOT t TUTJT PINE. WASHOE LIMB. SPLIT PINE A' and other raricUM of Wood, aud a rull •apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL. On band and for aal* at tba LOWEST, CASH PR10E8. ruLh WKiuirr and mKAsuss UUAHANTBKD. Wood aawad at abort notlo* and at low|rat*a OPPIOE—M*ar Railroad Depot. Gold HIU. Mm TIIOMAS OALLAQUER. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. fHI BOABD OF RQUALIZATION Of TBI * Town of Quid HIU have talaed the I meat oo tbe followlng-deecrlbrd property belonging to the part lee Indicated: Con well W. O.-Lot 4, Block 3. Kange 0: poaeeaaory claim, $133; Improvemante, $111 nu) Conwell W. O.-Lot It, Block I, Kange 0; poeeeeaory claim 7# Immett Oeorge-Lote J >Dd 4. Black «; Range D; poeeeMory claim, •!(«; Im\x=req-\ provemenu, MOO; peraonal property, j 700 Burnett Ueorge—Lota 8, » end 10, Block 8. Itanne 0; poeeeeeory claim $130; Im\x=req-\ provemenie, |K0 ijlO Ford M. k P. H.—Lot to, Block I: Range 1): Improvement! 400 FraaarMarj-LotT, Blocks, Range 0; Improvement! 1 ooo Frankenbelmer M. -Lot 1, Block I, Range 1»; poeeeeeory claim, 1100; Itu\x=req-\ provemenla, $7W IM B.-P»reonal property 1,100 Ulbeon W. U. O.-Lot 10. Block 2, Range D; poeeoaaory claim, $3M; Improve\x=req-\ menta. 1130 . 430 Grant H W —Pereonal property 1 000 Hall W. M. A Co.-Loll, Block a, Kaon V; poeeeeaory olalui, $t*0; Improve. n.ente. $1710; pereonal property. 14000 7.MO Ball J. U.-Lot VBlock 8. Hang.D; poll. aeraorr claim «oo Jamea Cbrl.-—Pereonal property 300 Jooei Jno. Jr. — Poeetuory claim, IN; Improvement! $100 «vu Maynard U. O.-Lot 1. Block 1. Range B; poeeeeeory olalm, $76; Improvement. $180 3jj Maaonlc Ball Aaeoclatlou-Lot It; Block I, Bang* 0; Improvement. 1,100 Mercer luebard-Lot ID, Block 8. Ranee 0; poeeeeeory claim IM Mercer Richard - Lota 18, tl and M, Block 4, Kange C; poeeeeeory claim... MO Ueynolda A Oo-Lot3, Block 3, kanga D: poaeeaaory claim 100 Markowlta A.-Lot 11. Block 1, Ratge D; poeeeeeory claim J00 Maeto Jaa.—Lot t. Block f, Kange C; poaeeaaory claim no Milium T. K.—Peraonal property 1 000 Bmltb B. B -Lot 10, Block i. Range O; Improvement. ISO Smith B. B.-Lot U. Block t, Range C; Improvement. goo C. C. Bteveneon-Lot t. Block 3, Range 0; p-ieeeeory claim, $130; Improve\x=req-\ taenia, faM Tobener Ohaa.—Lot 14. Block 4. Range C; poeeeeeory claim. (IN; improve\x=req-\ menta. fltf) *)0 Tyrrell A. J.-Lot IV, Block l.lUnge 0; poeeeeeory claim, $300; Improvement., tllklO 1 fnri Alia Mining Company -Improvement... lo!ooo Atlaa MHI—linprovemente 4,000 Baltimore Oon. Mining Oompany—Im\x=req-\ provement *000 Belcher Mining Company-Lota 30 and 40, Block 1, Range 1; Improvement*.., 4.000 Belcher and Crown Point pump abaft— Ioprovemente It 000 Bullion Mining Company - Poaeeaaory claim. $700; Improvement., $10,000.... 10,700 Bullion Combination—Improvement*... 10 too Crown Point Mining Company — improvement. It 000 Rhode Mill and honae— Improve. menta t.000 Sacoor Mine, George Cminett—Improva\x=req-\ mania 8,000 imperial Oon. Mining Oompiny — Im\x=req-\ provemente 10.000 Jaatca Mining Company— Improve\x=req-\ menta, $u,000; peraonal property. 1*000 (go Lad/ Waahlngton Minl.gCompany-Im\x=req-\ provament* New York Mining Company-Improvement. g P00 Occidental Mill—Improvamente 1000 Petaluma Mlll-lmprovemrnt. I J.0 Bock It land Mining Oompany—improve\x=req-\ ment. I JQO Silver HIU Mining Compaay—Improve- ' menta t 000 Tallow Jacket Mining Company (new wwlu> - Improvement' 30.C00 PaotloMlll—impeovesMnta 10.000 Weleb Jamee-Lote 14 and U. Bloek t. Range 0; po.ecory claim, 1300; Im\x=req-\ provemente. 1400 joo Virginia and Traekaa R. H. Oompany, ou main track rT!. 13 3M oE,'iC!ffrb2'£*r Work*-Poeaee»ory ol.lm sjto Gallatin A rolaom—Peraonal property,. 1000 ,BqnallttUon will ba In Meelon from 3 to 4 o clock Angoit U. 13 and it 1880\x=req-\ l. t. rox. _ _ _ Pre.ldent of the Board. W. O. Btd«, Olerk. Gold Hill. Angtut 10. ltM. 10_ RKCIBTRATION. NOTICE IS HEBXBT OITIN, THAT TBI Book, of Registration for tba general election to ba bald on the Id day oi November, A. D. ia», are now open dally from 10 o'clock a. M. to I o'clock p. * . at tba JtuUCa'e Courtroom. Ho. 1U Main *4im4. Gold BUI. Nevada. ■f"-1 ettlaeoa will ba reqatiwd to pro i dtlaeoa will be reqatred pacere at tba time tkey forreglitraUon. J. P. PLAHNIHOHVM. •?3®^K,i.'8Krn'k"' SALOONS. FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIDEMANN PROPRIETOR. Mala Street, • • • • 9ol4 Hill* Opposite U» Im oflM. T>Htl old-ttTABLISBIS amd POrOL&K A mm u Mil Iko MVortto. Ooafort Md iport oomblned. Tbo potrOM of Um kOM* Will •Iwtri lad tin boot bnada of BtANDY, ffDlUT, ui, rotm, LAoiit WINE® 01 ALL UNM, TOBACCO, OlOAU, ITO. TWO FINE RILUARD TABLES. u G0M8T0CK EXCHANGE, MAIN MTKBBT, t i OOLD bill, (Opposite Ub*n; Kaglao Room.) At tbis popular place or bxsobt eta bo fooad ■ toloot mock ot cboloo Wines. Liauors. Ale. Porter AND OIQAR Ateo. Um only BILLIARD TA*LXaj.UC*OWIi At to ploy on. Otll isd proopoet. nl T. 1. PUCH. A$mL GIBSON'8 SALOON, Mala lllrMl. G.M UIU. Plltvr CLAW IN BVBBV KESPBCT. Beading and Olub Booms. Tbo potroo* of tbo Boom vlU bo will roeolvod ■otl Mmd wltb lb. KIbmi of WINES. LIOUORS ANO CIQARS By "PAP" ABBOTT. J W.P.C.OIBWON. PmriMW. BANK EXCHANGE, In M*rnird'l.Block, MAIN 8TN1ET - - GOLD HILL. ArnUT-olabs 8ALOOB IB BVBBT raapKt, u w.ll *• gworml wort for M DOM MB. TBI bar 1( itockod wltb tbo boot brood* of WIXU, mUORS AND OMIaBS. r K. V. MoKKNNBT, Propriocor. BAJKIKS AID BROKUU. THE NEVADA BANK OP SAN FRANCISCO. 8AM FBABOISOO CALIFORNIA Paid :■» (fevkal tU**rT* (V. •. B.B—.— fliM i<MU« at VlrglnU. tUrada... \ £SSr " A|ttt it Xiw fork • I Qma L Buuu (03 Wall Itrnt) J M*». Ifc BmkBBU V Buy* and Mil* Kicbanc*aodT*l*franblc Truifcr*. iuu** OoaawrcUl tad Tiimmm' CraOln. Tbl* bulk ha* »p*cUJ facllltl** tat daallcf In bullion. ttf L. B. FRANKEL, •TOOK AND MONEY NROKBN. vriuK-flUU Hr*Mi a«id urn, ja*i •k*«t lb* Bank of UtllAnta. NTOCKB BO It JUT, SULU 4NU CAB\x=req-\ KlftU ON iVABOINI. Bl* eorrMpoodMU ta Baa rrandaco art I. 0LAZI8B * 00., Buabtn ot U* Baa rrandaeo Stock aad Bickaat* Board. 1 m t. r* ncGVftn, STOCK AND MONET RROKER. 106 Boilk 0 81., Vlrglnl*, nr ILL BUT ABD BBLL STOCKS ON OOB\x=req-\ mlMloo oa Ik* mc*t faToimbi* ttnu t will alto carry block* oa Margin tad M—s I ■■■ *■ all Bwd MNriUM, GOLD ANO M1LVBB BOOOHT AND i» wn FREIBHT OELIVERY! COLD HILL NIVAPA. ffl«BWAvW -d COLD HILL DKPOT rron tb* Urbtwt PABCBLS OFOOOD8 IM ucnkral mbbohamdibb To UM HBAVIMT KACBIMBMY, BOIL\x=req-\ BBS, BTO., BTO.. I am Dcwand to > 11 n in "n^*t* all wko Baali* my mttIcm la that 11a*, «poa biaionablb viKaaa. Parti** wlabtac ao to r*c*tr* Md d*ar«f tbrtr rrMcht pMM <UJ*ct to BLINKS 22ZJ^JS2S2*fi% Haw* offloo on; abort vT™ FEINTING. OOXjX> HIX.L "DAILY NEW8" NKWiPAPKB • eeeAMDeeee JOB PRINTING Main Street, Gold Hill NEVADA Book*,' Pamphlets, Receipt Books, BUI Beads, Letter Beads, Lecal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds or Card Work, Mlllll STOOK CERTIFICATE!, ELECTION OB THEATBIOAL PO8TKR8 Dodgers, Flyers, Programmes. Circulars, Boll Tiokets, Wedding Cards, Business Cards, Labels, Tags, Eto. Printing, in Colors; Printing, Plain or Fancy; Printing in All Styles. PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH • imDNI TIIimi MOST REASONABLE TEBMS |moAI0 AT LOWBST CASH RATBS. THE Gold Hill Daily News, (MTABUttHID IN UM), b poblUbad trary artnla# axcapt So&day. aad tta circa It tl on balm rtn gtotrtltM taou ntetof tad bsilXMM pao(2a, Itailllaa, ate., makat it TBI BUT AMU n(MT JtrVlClEMT MEDIUM ....roa.... MINING. BUSINESS, AND ALL OTHER ADVKRTI8INQ. ■UtlNiaa MBM, MOFKtaiONAL MBN. PRAOTIOAL MSN, An raapactfblly tavttad to • carafai Intpactloa tad criticism of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Haiti far iirwtliln Varalabad frta THE GOLD ELL NEWS, ,...aa a. FIR8T-CLABB DA otktrwli fromafl^arU World, tad EVERYBODY__READS IT. OUR Weekly Mining; Summary PabBahad trary Wadatadty In tba Biwa, W carafnlly pwptrad from tba moot ACrran\x=req-\ TIC aouscst. prlTil. Ud otherwlm, oa lb* dar of pabtl cation, amployla* an at>la and affldrnt core* of rtportara. It la oolTaradUr racogokad aaoffldtl, tad tba ■oat ooauor ad att naia aa\x=req-\ roar of tba condition of tba mloaa of tba Oomjtoc* or "Wawo»" tactics. Wa alao glra tba totaat m nlaa latormatloft obtatnabla from otbar parta oT tba conntry THE Gold Hill Daily News la daHvarad by canton throofboat Gold Hill, Vlrflala City, Carton, BOrar City. OaytM, aad contlfnoaa locttttlat, tad la tant by mall to all parta of tba eoaatry aad tba world. No ana la rally poatad.or ap to tba ttaaa wbodaaa aot raad tba Sou Bill D*ilt Miwi. a a