Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS SATURDAY. : : : : At'QL'ST 11. 1M0 LllT KTK5IWO. 10 Kurek* Con.. 15 S 100 Jackton. 1 110 Northern 11*11*. 13 H. 13*. 40 Ot nt-ral Thomai. 23c 800 Oraad PriM. 1H UO Metallic. 50c. toe 80 Argent*. 50e 150 B*I!« 1*1*. 70s 1100 Paridiw. 40c 100 Heal Dal Monto. 40o 360 North Balk 1*1*. 40* 300 Holm**. 3c 10 Bodt*. it 313 B*cht*l. 84c. 7Jo. .00 300 ML Potoai. 3« ISO Tioga, 1 130 Bulw*r. 3 30 430 Albion. 33c. 40c 330 Beleidere. 1 S 300 Cbamplan. 23c 110 Blaokbawk. 30c 100 Booker Can., lie 200 Que*a B*«, 15c 375 University. 20c. 15c 275 Japitor. 1 35. 1 30 100 Addenda. 75c 130 Noonday. 3. 3 95 190 Mammoth. IS. 1 80. 1 84. 1 90. 2 100 Doable Standard, 85o 'MO Bo*ton Con., 90c. 84c 780 Oro, 1.1 10. 1 00. 1 400 Martin Wbita. 90c 300, 1 100 Ivan pah. 34c 220 Tiptop. 7 (16 340 Silver King. 8. 0 *10 Tils M*a*I.Xvi. 395 Ophir. 7H. 7H 484 Mexican. 9t. 9% b3. 9 V #70 OoulJ 1 Curry. 4 10. 4 15. 4 *90. 4 05. 4 130 B**t A B*lch*r. 10S. 10V 230 California. 2. 1 95 190 Savage. 3 30. 3 35 400 Con. Virginia. 3 30. SV 470 Chollar. 3 93. 3 90 1340 Poto*i. 2S. 2 43. 3 40. 2 43. 2 40 485 Hal* A Norcro**. 4*. 4 40. 4 34 444 Crown Point, 21*. 2 90 3474 Imperial. 30c 50 Alpha. 5S • 930 Yailow Jackal. 6%. <S. 8*4 900 Bollloa. 2 04. 2 315 Exchequer. 1 93. 3 120 Overman, 1 44. 1 80 10 Seg. B*lch.r, 8 200 Jmtic*. 80c 84 Confldeuee. 8H 545 Union Con.. 28H. 381. 28 370 Alt*. 2 64 . 2 80. 21 815 B*lch*r. 3 44. 3 40 400 Sierra Nevad*. 13%. 13H. lSt bS. 13H 130 Utah. 9\.9\ 100 Solid 8ilver. 24c 440 Jalia, 64c. 60u 140 Oolden Gate. 1 10 248 Caladonia. 34* 030 Qaian, 1*4 400 Silver Hill. 40c 40 Jacktoa, 1 180 Challenge. 1 30. 1 40 200 New York. 40c 420 Occidental, It. 1 70. It. 1 80 840 Phil. Sheridan. 30c. 24c 200 Lady Washington Coo.. 45c. 40c 460 And**. 1*4. 1 20 40 Ward. 1 40 444 Scorpion. 1 80. 1 85 510 Benton. It. 1 44 240 And**. 1 20. 1 % 300 Trojan. 4c 40 Eureka Con.. 13\ 300 Northern Belle. 12t b30 tWO Oraad Prize. 1t 40 Argcuta, 44c 470 Navajo, 40c 40 Morning Star, 20c 100 Independenc*. 30o 1800 Albion. 40c b4. 34c, 40a 15 Mt. Diablo. 101 340 North Belle Isle. 40o. 34a 40 Bechtel, 70o 140 Bodte. 4 30 40 Uaodthaw, 94e 100 Balvidere. 1 40 240 Booker Con.. 20c 300 Queen Bee, 14c 1(0 Mono. 2 60. 2** 40 Coa. PaciSd. 1 100 North Noonday. 3 b30 40 North Bella Id*. 40c 50 Add*nda. 70c 80 Mammoth. 1 90. 3 100 Champion. 1 40 170 Oro. 1 44 100 Ivanpab. 60o 100 University. 15a 100 Tiptop. 7 30 Moao. 2 55 lltariiMa liml E*|Mrk Ism Fmancuco. August 14—1 w. Oould <k Curry, 3 90 bid. 3 93 uked. 3 94 tale; Union Con., '2i\ bid. 26 uked. 26 tale; Yellow Jacket. OS bid. 6% uked, «>S sale. Sierra Nevada, 13 bid. 13 sale; Andee. 1 20 bid. 1% uked; Cbollar, 1% bid. 3 U asked. 3 SO sale; lisle 1 Norcross. 4** bid; Btlcbtr, 3 40 bid. 3 43 asked, 3 40 talt; Mtxican, 9H bid. 9% uked. 9H sale; Best 3t Itelcber, 10H bid, 10% uked. 10** sale; Benton, m bid; Bullion. 2 bid. 2 OS uked; Confident*, 6*i bid; Overman. 1H bid; Alia. 2<« bid; Po\x=req-\ toei, 2 60 bid, 3 70 uked; Savage,3 30 bid; Silver Hill, 40c bid; Sierra Nevada, 13V •alt. 13% bid. 13H uked; Benton. 1 60 bid; Silver Hill, 43o sale; Scorpion. 1 HO bid. 1 S3 uked. 1 60 sale; Utah. 9S bid, 9% uked. 9\ tales; Cbollar. 2\ salt; Alt*. 2 «0 uked; Opbir, 7S bid. 7<* uked; Crown Point, 3% bid, 3 30 uktd, 3 30 t*lt; Benton. 1 13 bid, 1 60 uktd, 1 <0 sale. 1 H sale. Con. Virginia, 9 30 bid, 1% uked; 11 alt k Norcross, 4H salt; California. 1 90 uked; Belcher, 3t* sale; Potoel, 3 60 tale; Cbollar. 3 90 bid; Exchequer, 3 bid. 3 10 uktd; Yellow Jacket. • *» bid, 7 uktd. SH talc; Kentuck, 3 bid. 3 10 uktd. 3 salt; Union Con.. 26 bid; Bullion. 3 tale; Cbollar, 3 bid, 3 10 aaktd, 3 salt; Savage. 3 33 bid. 3 40 uktd. 3 33 salt; Mexican. 9 bid. 9% uktd. 9 salt. Arrivals This Isealtf. J H Ooas. A A Smith. U Bawdtn. Tim Dritooll, N N Benton, Z P Clark, Maud Murtl*. Cap! J Ktlly, F O O'Britn, J B Sou it. C A Bragg. J U Parkinton. Mr* J Owen. J £ Clark. I. Minor, J M Dormer. Mrt E M lluut, Mist C Smart. Dtpuiiret last Ivtalar Mrt A M Edglngton. B H Day. Q W Auld. D A bell. J Kirkpatrick. Mr* P B Ennia. B S Meacbtm. Mrt M Dale. Miss J Partout, J Taylor. Mrt E J Ktuntdy. M P Bote and family. T S Merchant. L Bill, J patcot. J A Paxton. E A LitUedeld. B Croton. J Roger*. Mr* Jenkins. Mr* O W Uontingtr. A V Htntbtff. Mrt A Hooper. Mr* Jo* Taylor, O B Good all and wife, W A Hudson. Mrt White, Mr* W Scaddtn. ■slUleas Stlleea 8t John's Church. tl«ld Bill -Saodav School al 1 o'clock r M. All friaa4a art tordtaliy la\x=req-\ vlte-i to attend. There will be divine ttrvk* at Ortct Church. Silver City, tomorrow al 7:10 r. a , Bev. Ueorgt M. Suuaao offlcuunj. Bar. J. B. Willi* will hold service al the M. K ubnrch, Sold HIU. Sabbath tveolag. at the ^.o.i hoar. Htbbalh school al I r *. Graubopptr* bin don# i food d*al of damag* in lb# Ttllsy of OlH#l this ymt. Contlablt Mtlcalf of Virginia hu *p\x=req-\ poUtod J. S. Kaassa • apwUl deputy. MININQ NOTES. Hal Mr* of UWrHl All Mtmmg Ud*. There ia unwonted activity at tbe north end now. Sierra Nevada aurface movement* ara briak and indicative. Wagon loada of iron pip« are lying about, maobiniata are overhauling blow\x=req-\ in and enginea and there ia mnch general activity at the aorka. Some of the pipe ia doabtleaa to oonduct the Utah water through the mine. It ia now definitely elated that a raiae ia to be made in the ore body enooun\x=req-\ tered 1000 feet north of the incline in Sierra Nevada. The drift north, 2500 leval, ia expected to atnke ore when it reacbee far eaongh to meet the veiu drilled into running oorthweat from the elation and which ia believed to have a aoatheaaterly trend from where the winze from the 2400 level came down. At the Union abaft work ia alao brie*, and iaprovementa there of late have been numerooe. A new eet of boiler* ia going in, making aiz acta in all. Tb* yard ia enlarged by gradiog to the aoutb. The new bob for the 900 level ia on the ground, and it ia longer than eome now in uae. The pump engine ia run\x=req-\ niug at the rate of four etrokee per min\x=req-\ ute—about aa alowly aa it can—and i* operating double columna of pumpe to the Sutro tunnel level. A martin\x=req-\ box of atructure baa been act up on a level with the upper floor, aud in the angle formed by the croaa of the rnaiu building, and ia fitted up for a f timekeeper'e office. A two-atory tramway baa been run north from the con nectiou eaat with the ore dump and waate ia thrown in to grade up and extend the yard in that direction. Small buililinge and bydranta have been moved back to give more room and there ia to be a roadway formed to the north of all the building* eo that teama can go clear around and out that way. A covering of aabeatoe baa been put on the cylinder* of the pumping engine and painted in imitation of live oak. The gallowa frame baa been neatly painted and everything put in prime working order. All theae iaprovementa, with othera not mentioned, mean aometbing and with the work in the abaft muit have kept Superintendent Rooney very buay. In cutting out the atation at the 2340 level of the Bullion Combination abaft eome very fine quartz baa been encountered. The atation will be completed about next Monday. For the Cbollar-Potoei engine which ia to be aet at the C.-X.-S. shaft, aapur\x=req-\ wheel with broad-V coga baa juat been eaat at the Fulton Foundry. Bayley, the Conaulting Engineer of Haggin £ Tevia of San Francieoo, who haa been all over the country examining pumping machiuery, aaya that the pumping apparatua at the Union abaft run* tbe atilleat and niceet of any in the United Statea. Tbia ia mainly becauee of tbe engine'a big balance-wheel and water-jacketed condenser. Croaacutting ia to be commenced in Union Monday. Yellow Jacket ia approacliiug the ore vein on tbe 2828 level. Sine* Belcher ia compelled by the ex\x=req-\ oeaaive beat of tbe 9000 level to tuapend operationa in tbe eoulh drift, work will be puahed north to facilitate connection with Crown Point and aecure neceaaary ventilation. Tbe Crown Point ia now eaat nearly to the point where the drift will be turned aoutb toward Belcher and 70 feet from the line. By working both waya thia connection can be made in a very few daya. Tba quartx encountered aouth in Belcher on the 3000 level aa\x=req-\ aayed from $5 to $7. Ward Clubs. Thia it th* evening «*t (or organizing Republican Ward Cluba in the variona preeincta of tha county. Tba movement ia a oorract one. for it rnaana organization and, generally apeaking, tha party which can organize beat can beat conduct a campaign. The difference ia just that between an armed mob and thoroughly diaciplined aoldiara. Tha ward or precinct Cluba abould \>a made aj atrong aa poaaible and of tba beat poaaibla malarial; for there ia no two to one that tba county Republican primariea ara not yet run excluaively by thea* precinct Cluba, and memberahip in tha aama might very reaaonably be mada • taat at tha primary polla. At •ay rata, all abould join their reapective precinct Cluba and b* on band tonight to look to the preliminary organization of it. Malaera. It ia expeoted that tba planetary perihelia will bring brilliant ahowera of meteore along with it and that tha November atream will be unuaually large, commencing to manifeat itself aa early aa October and laating till December. Even now an unuaual number of meteora can b» aeen of an arming by tboae who bate time to watch for tbeaa ruebing. burniog meaaengera from apace. The earth will thia year paaa through tba great atream of meteora when tba nigbt ia on onr aide of the world and that will enhance tba grandeur of the apectacle, ainca we aball alio b* on tha aide of the glob* which will plunge headlong into that fiery atream. Lilac Tkrvulili Uaeraan. He ia a Democrat, and when corrected tbia morning in regard to oartain atate\x=req-\ ineuta be had made with reference to the in ire of the campaign, replird: "I'm truthful; and if I lie it ia through ignorance." A great reaervoir of Democratic liea ia that party'a ignorance; but who, in a country like tbia and in inch an age aa the preaent, will attempt to aiouee that igooranc*. Thiri'e a t haue* It baa alwaya b?ea the bout of tha Comitock that a man could here get any kind of a game be wanted. Now her* ia on*: John \V. Qoodman, a Pittaburg man, wanta to bet $5,000 that Pennevlrania will give Garflrld $-'0,000 majority; $5,000 that New York will giv* him 5,000 majority, and $15,000 that Qaifleld will b* elected President of the United State*. laii*aie< Hummer DellikU. Now tkat tb* moon ia getting about half ecoured up and ia bright enough to abin* a littl* and aummar dallghta •bound, th* City Bakery, rrataurant and candy depot of Fitzmier ± Armbrmt, 27 North C itreit, Virginia, ia in grwter demand than ever. Cake* and ice cream •ad berries and Inuchea, th* flneat in tb* land, and aquar* m*ali at all hoar* o*n b* obtained tber*. 8m adTWtia*\x=req-\ w*nt under " New Today." Jnetlee Oearl — riaaalafkaaa, J. P. Th* following buainaaa haa been transacted u> thia Court ainc* laat report: State ia. Martin Oroton—Charge, aa\x=req-\ aanlt and battery; aoqulttad. SALE OF THE MONTE CRI8T0. Lady Bryan ISIIver Mlalai Com* paay-Tba PartbaH-MMlhlai of lbp Mlaa. The Lady Bryan Silver Mining Company baa pnrobaaed of Wm. Brady the Monta Criato mine, 1500 linear feet, 20 66-100 acre*; consideration ezpreaaed, $10. Tbe tranafer iuclndea alao the rights of aaid Brady under and by virtu* of an application for • patent for tbe ground, and empower* that company to go on and obtain the aaid patent. Tbe Monte Criato baa figured aa bullion producer on tbe laat two ab\x=req-\ atract atatementa of tbe aaaeaament on tbe quarterly net proceede of tbe mine* of Storey oounty, which of ltaelf proven tbat it baa aince January 1, 1880, been productive of ore. Tbia ore ia reduced at a email water-mill iu Six-mile Canyon, and cornea from a depth of ISO | feet. Tbe mine la located on tbe Oooiden\x=req-\ tal ledge, which ia certainly a atrong and well defined formation. There ia a mile or ao between tbe Occidental and Monta Criato, but all aloug tbia) lode more or leaa or* baa been taken oat and reduced. In working tbe lode to tbe Sutro tunnel depth no pumping machinery will be required, aa the ledge haa been thoroughly drained by tbat tannel. It bad on the Sutro tunnel level a breadth of over 100 feet and yielded aaaeya aa high aa $30. Tbe Tnnnel Company atarted in to proapect tbe ledge north and aoutb, but never croaa\x=req-\ cnt it or aacertaiued it* value farther than by lateral drifta a abort diitance and by cutting through it aa tba tunnel wta run. There are tboae who anticipate great yielda of gold and eilver from tbe eaat\x=req-\ ern depoeita of tbe Comatock. Tbe boldera of tbe one ledge theory or of tbe view of tbe Comatock which makea of it a aeriee of led^**. all egree tbat no real eaateru wall haa evi-r beeu found. We fiud eaat clay to veiua but no eaat country correapondiug to the ayenite of tbe mountain* weet. It ia reasonable therefore that or* bodies ahould eiiat almoat anywhere to tbe eaat of tbe ayenite. C0M0 ITEM I. larlb Kapldaa Koek-Weller'* Mill aiarlMl-Th* Eureka Blue. Wm. Maxwell, formerly foreman of | the Belcher, but uow of Como, ia in, and bringe aorne rock from tbe North | Rapidan mine, wbere he ia working. It reseuiblee rock near tbe aurface of | tbe Couistock, ia a bright, lively quartz, free milling, carriea gold and aome aul\x=req-\ pbureta. It was taken out at the depth of 210 feet, where the vein ia from 10 to 12 feet wide. At the 100 level tbe rock milled $12 per ton. A donkey engine—tbat formerly at tbe North Con. Virginia—ia ruuuing there, and Maxwell expecta to get a mine ; in fact, is confident be haa oue already, aa tbe rock ie richer in the bottom of tbe abaft than that 100 feet above, which milled $12. Welter's mill at Palmyra—five atampa; capacity, fifteeu tone per day—started op yesterday on Eureka rock. Tbat mine ia boistiug fifleon tona of ora per day. Harry Symona, well known on the Com\x=req-\ atock, ha* tbe Eareka bonded for a year with the privilege of taking out and reducing ore. At a depth of 45 feet be drifted eaat and weat 75 feet and found a vain of ora four feet wide, all of which would pay to work. Of twuuty tona of rock token out, fifteen was or*. Tbe aame vein was found at tbe bottom of the abaft, 7(i feet down. Symona baa 75 or 80 tons of ore on the dump. Thia rook haa been aasorted from the lower workinge, and some of like quality aent to tbe mill returned $26 per ton. UarUeld Club. The meeting of the Gold Hill Garfield Club, which waa postponed from Wednraday evening, will be held this evening. Prof. Cara'a band of Virginia will be in attendance and there will be no lack of speakers. Tbe attendance of tbe Kepublicane abould be general, and each abould aay to bis Democratio friend, " Com* with ua and wa will do thee good. Tonight the 'but of Beunetts Bros. will go to Ilouo after sis horses, aud will take tbere eighteen of the Resolutss, wbo will participate tomorrow in a social game with tbo Livo Oaks, und return SuuJay night. Olive Branch Lodge, So. 19, I. 0. O. P., baa filed with the County Cleik tbe names of ila Trustees for tbe enaaing year a* follows: George Henning, H. F. Crichton aud W. \V. Boober. Tbe atreeti of Virginia have been improved by a top drrasing from tbe waate dumpa and those of Oold Hill by eprlnkling which stirves to keep them hard. Lake Tahoe ia just glorloua now, and people wbo are there will not think of returning if they onu remain, and those not there aigh aud wish they were. The Capital Saloon is to be tbe Republican headquarttra and ia receiving benobes and other necessary fixings preparatory to occupancy tonight. U. B. Orant, Jr., passed Ogden last night on bis way West. John W. Mackay will meet him at Reno this evening aud accompany bim to California. Republicana are about to commence campaigning. Democrats will soon find tbe small end of tbeir Hancock boom. There is a letter held for postage in the Oold Hill Postofflce addressed to Misa Clara Henning, Osnoa, Nevada. Full gangs of men are employed at all pointa of tbe Sutro tunnel now, and tbinga are pretty lively at Sutro. The gamin of Virginia have taken to aucking cowa for a living. They are not afraid of awill milk, aven. Tbe fountain in tbe reaervoir on tba Divide ia flinging up its bright and beautiful waters today. Old tiua are in demand. Tbe boya are melting them up by the wholeaale to get tbe aolder. A London lady of faabion waa walking with one aba deemed a kindred apirit. Tbe lunch bell rung. The lady waa thin and (esthetic, and proud of ber msntai and pbysiosl etber*alneaa. Her companion suggested a move to tbe dining* room. The lady «aid, with one of ber aweeteat, aaddsat amlles, " I have eaten half a roae ; I have kept the other half for my supper." Oeneral Hancock baa a very plsaaant suburban borne, thirty minutes by railroad from St. Louis. Tbe house ia spacious, and la aurronndsd by ample grounds which oommand a view of the Miaalaaippi. EASTERN DISPATCHES Chinese Conmerclal Competition on Me High Beat. Nkw York, August 14.—The Tribum, Washington special ujn: The Cbin«M Minuter b«a given a formal notification to 8ecret*ry Evarta of a deoiaion of bia government to extend tbe commercial activity of tbe Empire by revoking tbe ancient decree prohibiting Cbineae »ob\x=req-\ jects from engaging In commercial rela\x=req-\ tion* with (preign porta, and that in future tbe greateet latitude will be accorded to Cbineae merobanta who mar deeire to engage in foreign trade. Aa an evidence of thia important atep tbe Cbineae Minister informed Secretary Evarta that a ateamer owned by Cbineae mercbanta, and manned by Cbineae officeia and men, would arriva In San Fraociaco ahortly with a oargo, and thia would be tbe beginning of an aetive ateamer trade between China and tbe United Statee. The Secretary, apeakina on the eubject, aaid there waa more significance in thia growth of progreaaive ideaa in China than might be tuppoard Today nearly nine-tentha of the commerce of China i* carried on by American and European houaea and ahipa on account by releaaing Cbineae mercbauta from the reatriotiona and penalties of the Imperial decree hitherto in vogue, and oompelling them to use foreign honaee aa intermedlanea between tbe author!tiea at Peking and native merobanta at treaty porta. Thia enormona trade will at onoe fail exclu\x=req-\ aively into native hand* and will break up tba lucrative commercial operations of foreign houaea. It* significance, diplomatically, may alao be important, and may introduce aome unexpected problema ol commeroe and diplomacy for tbe United Statea Commissioners, now on their wsy to Peking, to aolve. The Secretary admit* that with her cheap labor and enormou* maritime population along the great line of ooaat from Corea to the conilnea of Coohin\x=req-\ Cbins and tbe remarkable abrewdnea* of her merchants, iu time the eommerce of tbe world may be aeriously affected by thia new competitor far cargoes at cheap ratea. Yletorlo and Hl< Bad Indiana. Lrm.if Rock, August 13.—A telegram from Furt Concho, from tbe agent of tbe contractors of tha stage line, to Colonel Logan H. Boob, aaya : Tbe Indiana captured and entirely deatroyed one mail and killed two men and wounded oua passenger on tha stage eaat. The road between Davia and El Paso I* entirely infested with Indians, and there is no military or civil power to giva protection to tbe mails running between Concho and Davis. A later diapatch aaya tbe Indiana took *11 the atock from Barrett Springs Station. It i* believed that tbe laat mail eaat which passed ha* been captured. A strong appeal for military aid baa gone forward to Waabington. Dknvib, August 13.—A Tribunt Santa Fe apeoial aaya : General Byrne, of Fort Worth, Texaa, who was wounded by the Indian* In th* recent attack on the mail ooach between Quitman and Eagle Springs, died last night of his wounds. Tba Indians are on tbe Mexican aide of tba river, but ure demoralized uud have lost considerable men, their supply camp, twenty head of cattle and a good niuny head of horse* by tbe fight on the 9th in tbe Sierra Diablo mountaina. They have made no other etand aince tbe fight in Battleanake Canyon. The bulk of General Grieraon'e command fa now at Sulphur Springs, following a large trail, aud part of tbe oommand under Captain Nolan baa already arrived at Quitman in pursuit. General Grier\x=req-\ eon baa been verynacceaaful in encountering and beading Victorio off and driving him back into Mexico. It la believed th*t tbe United States troops will crow tbe river and follow Victorio'* trail. Mining block* In tbe New York Market. New Yobk, Augutt 14.—1Tbe Post'* financial article aajra: Tbe brokara and operatora Id mining atocka hare, daring tbia aeaeon of dapraaaion, been looking forward to tbe approaoblug autumn to bring • renewal of laat year'a activity; but a careful inquiry at tbe varioue aourcea of information farniehea no evidence of any immediate change in tbe preaent atata of affaira. The Stock Exobangea oontinue to retain .upon tbeir liita a lot of wortbliaa atocka, wbicb are being toaaed and banded about at prioea changing from five to eighty cente per abare, bardly tba coat of printiug, tbe effect of wbicb la to deter owuera of noted propartiea from Hating tbeir minea lu aucb company. At tbe banka prominently identified witb mining iutareala very little la being done, and no faitb ia given to the proapecta of a riaing market. Tbe Bank of California ia doiog little In baying and calling and advancing oall loaoa on atocka on the San Franciaco and New York Exchange. Tbe Uining Trust Company flnda ita principal and moat profitable occupation lu clearing atocka dealt in at the American Exchange here, but ia making no loana nor receiving depoaita. Political Netra. Waabxnoton, Asguet 14. — Returna from tbe eUctlona for county officera in Eaat Teoneaaee, held laat week, bava bren reoeived hero, and they abow very aatiafactory Republican gaina. The of\x=req-\ ficera voted for were Sberiffa and County Trueteea, and aa a general thing atrlct party linea were obaerved in the nomina\x=req-\ tiona and oanvaaa. Tha twelve oountiee which compoae the Second Congrea\x=req-\ aional Dietrict, now repreaented by Honk, Republican, abow very aatiafac\x=req-\ tory gaina over both 1870 and 1878. Ex Senator Doraey, Secretary of tbe National Repablicao Committee, arrived here yeeterday. He eaya that Coukliog will do brilliant work in tbe doobtful Statea, and particularly in New York, Indiana and Ohio. Being aaked about tba Sooth, Doraey replied: "All the Southern Statea will either vote or ba counted Democratic." Hooae, of Tenneaeee, aaya tha aplit in tha Demooratie party will gain one and poaaibly two Republican Congreaamen in that State. Preparing to Receive the Kalgfcta. Chicago, Aaguat 14.—Preparationa for tha reception of tha Knighta Templar are going rapidly forward. The banka will cloae on Tueeday next, on wbicb day tba prooeeaion will take plaoe. Tbe Board of Trade baa decided to adjourn the aame day, and tha city and county offlcere will cloae both Monday and Tneaday. Many boaineaa bouaea are being laviahly decorated witb ban\x=req-\ ner*, evergreene and appropriate de\x=req-\ aigna. The prinoipal placee of busineaa will cloae daring the more important pert* of tbe celebration, and the eity will make general holiday* of Monday, Taeeday and Wedneeday, An enter all comera. and the leara »» knd muhiludo of Tiritori ara not juetified. Accommodation! for the Paclflc Coast KolgbU. Chicaoo, Auguat U.-H.H. o! Bu Frencieco, and Judge Charlee Irwin 0( Plecerville, who aw here ahead of lb* California battalion of Templara, to arranga acoommodationa for the party, Inland making tha headquarter. of the Californiaoommanderiaa a Double affair. In addition to tha liberal aocom\x=req-\ modationa lurniahed by tha Triennial Committee. Pearaon and Irwin'•rill in\x=req-\ oraaae tha number of tenta 10 forty\x=req-\ *<aht One of gtMt tenti will be uied for the hetdqaartere of the Grand Commandary, one'.or a Ml tent, abd another devoted to gentlemen a on. Thia latter unt will be open to recite brother KolghU and California Templara, iS^K and hoapitality there extended will oe worthy of and in keeping with tbe pro\x=req-\ Terbial liberaUty of the people on the Pacifio alopa. A not unpleaaant feature of thia tent will be goodly atoraa of Call\x=req-\ la en route with the battalion. The l»\x=req-\ dlee' Unt ie fitted up with upholaterad furniture, and other Inxuriou. wolnt\x=req-\ menta. Pearaon haa aleo purchaaed 100 •teamer or oamp chaire for the Unta an I many other artlclee of oomfort. tl#Te" i colored eervanta bate been «8*#*d t.0 await upon the Kulghta and Wr fami^ lite in addition to tlioee aupplied by the oommlttee. The incrraea in be num. bar of tenia will gita tha party roomy »loepiDg rooma, wbloh they will ne«d after their long duaty and iourney. A apecial telegram from Nevada atataa tha number of C111'0™1" on the way to be one hundred and ninety, of which eighty-five are ladiea. With tha Uiab, Montana and Nevada Knighte. who will join the ex°urel°uMa at differ\x=req-\ ■nt pointe, the number who will arrive here will probably exceed three hundred. A delegation of fifteen KuigbU.from the Cbicauo Commaudery left day befior yeaurday for Omaha to meet the Call\x=req-\ Judge Irwin will remain inobarge of the camp to receive them. Alabama Solid. Cdicaoo, Auguat 13.-An Inter Ocean | Waabington apeclal aaya: J. H. Randall, Qreenback campaign orator, haa written a letur. which la juat receded, relating bla experience in Alabama. He went o Kiher Hill, to a barbecue and joint die\x=req-\ cuaaion between tha Democrata and iimanbickrra. He got tbe woret of it. He aaya of the flret D.mocratio orator : In the courae of ble apeeoh, he aaid . "The Confederacy atlll exieU. frienda Jeff Davie ia the beat friend we aver lud, and ha la yet our and devoted to our IntereaU. and if | Hancock la eleeted—and we hate no doubt be will be -you will be paid[ for all the property you hate loat 'h'°D8^ Radioal rule, and you muet standi by the oreat Democratic party, for the Bolid | South will not give ua entire oontrol of, tUlWhen'theOreenbackers apoke Ibeygot calm, earneat atUnUw until onaaudUor denounced the "d—d Yankeee, and warned them to abut up and tha meeting | waa broken up and the Oreenbackera warned to leave. The We»t Jenej Ball way Dliaiter. Philadslpuu, August 13. — Two more desths occurrsd ys.t.rday o( per\x=req-\ ■on. injured In the We.t Jer.ey\x=req-\ roed dteeeter, making the total death. tbu. far 17. . Several pereone remain unaccounted for, and it ie proposed to drag Great Ebb Ilaibor river. near the scene of the accident. The current i* awllt at that point, and it ia (eared aotne who leaped from the train may hare been drowned. The inqueat waa reaumed yeeterday. Teitimony show. that the flrat Motion of the train waa itopped without much difficulty, thia .eeming to di.prov. th# aaaertion of the enginoer of the second aeotion that the track was too slippsry to atop in the usual dlstsnoe. Thera la a large attendance at the Inqueat, including a number of prominent railroad men, who evince the deepeet inter«at. Ingenoll on Modern Democracy. Oloucmtkb, Maaa., Aoguat 13.—Col. Bob Iogeraoll sddre.ied the Republi\x=req-\ cana of Olouceater laet evening. He prefaced hia epeech with • repturoua commendation of the American form of government, and, cmiiing down to poll. tloa, he atated that the republic, notwith\x=req-\ atanding all ita grandeur, waa threatened by three great evila. Thess were State riahta, fraudulent voting and repudiation. The Democratic party stood today aa heretofore the defenders of these monatroua wrongs, and the eafety of the republio depended ou keeping the Bour\x=req-\ bona out ot power for 100 yenre. Ingsr\x=req-\ ■oli'a remarke. which wers, ea uaual, I witty and mercileaaly aatirlcal, were I highly snjoyed by hla hearera. Precanllonary Against Disaster. I Wabbinotom. Anguit 14.—The Hu\x=req-\ pervleing Inapector of ateamboatii calls attention of ocean, lake, golf and bay .teamera to Rule 57 ol the Revieed Rulea and Regulation governing sUsrn\x=req-\ boat inipection aervlee, which obligates the poating of a etatlon bill onisucb ateamer and aaelgnlng a poat or station of duty (or every person employed on board in caie o( fire or other disaster. The rule also gives Instructions regarding the eserelae and drill of the crew, and conclude, by saying: Any neglect or omiaalon on th. part o th. officer in command or a ste.mer to utrlctly en. force .aid rul. .ball be deemed can.# for (be revoking of the licen.e ol »uch | officer. f The Benden Dlipoied of. Dm Mown, Iowa, Augu.t H — A to the Slalt Htgisltr from a r.spon\x=req-\ .ibU citiien o( thla Stat*. Mr. b. A. Jamea. o( Bigourney, gives inlormation, on lbs sothority o( an sys-wltnsss, slao a re.pon.ibls man, that ths notorious Bandar (smily—(our in number—wers captured aoon a(tsr the discovery o( the murder of Colonel York's brother. He says ths foor wers stood up In a row, facing nin. rlHsmsn, and w.r.toldtbeir I fats; thst Ksts waa plucky to th. Iwt J and Montgomery. ^ . Escape of PrUoners. I Wasbibotob, AugMt H- - Ad^O" Lavs reached ths Department ol Stats that a gsnsral ssoaps of prisonsrs oo\x=req-\ currsd at Urrfo, Tsx-^ Two mm* In crossing ths Bio Nw | iiarsdol Msxloo. Two wsrs drownsd, and the remainder were prevented from croaaing by United 8Ut«i troop*. The alleged prisoner* wbo reached Mexican ■oil were afforded protection there. In coniequeaoe, the Depnrtment ol State baa inatroolrd tbe United State* Conaul at New Laredo to make a thorough in\x=req-\ veetigation. Domestic Tragedy. Cleveland, Auguit 13.—Yesterday John McDonald appeared in Nile*, a I aoiall town near her*, looking tor work. Today at noon on going home Dariu* Parka found McDonald in th* house with Mr*. Park*. McDonald waa or-1 dered out. but. in.tead of going, undertook to put Park. out., »her.,uP0nn.«n latter eeixed a gun and lodged fourteen •hot* in McDonald*! head, which cauaed instant death. Parka gave him.elf up to th* aulhoriti**, and It held on a chargaof murd*r till tha myitary of tbe affair can b* solved. Standard* Bllfer DolUr». Nbw Yohe, August 14.—A Washington apecial to the Graphic, referring to an order, recently issued, by which standard dollara may ba tent as regiaterad matter in inma of $C6 and fractional currency in *um* of $70 for ft J registration of 10 o*nU. at the risk of tb* party to whom a*nt. aaya: Every day tbe demand for ailrer dollar* haa increuad over tb* preceding day and the Tr*a*ury tbu* far tbia w*ek filled out ord*r* for 100,000 atandard dollara. Another Killroid Bmtshnp. CooMaarow*. N. Y., Auguat 14.— Yeiterday two extra freight train* on th* Busqu*h*nna diviaion of th* Delaware and Hudson Canal Company'a railroads cam* in oolUiion near Cooperatown Junctiou. and twenty-five care were de-! molished. Paul 8imp*on. fireman on on* engine, waa killed, and John Bsil\x=req-\ ley, fireman on tha other engine, waa fatally wounded. A brakeman named | Mullin waa internally injured. An engineer named Leonard rtceiT*d injuri** by leaping from tha engine. Th® Propoied Worlds lair. New Yobk, Augu*t 13.-At a mwting of tb* Executive Committ** of th* World'* Fair Commi**lon, Mayor Ooop*r declined the Chairmanahip. and W. L. Strong waa choaen. Mayor Cooper *aid that it would be deairable to hold tbe Exposition in Central Park. | but that apecial Ugialation would be required to do ao. 8evoral oommitteee were appointed, and the Exeoutive Committee adjourned aubject to the call of the Chair. __ Miscellaneous. New Yobk, Auguat 14.-R*publioan journal* announce that Conkling will begin campaign work in tbe canvaae September 3 or 3 in Delaware. He will •peak at a publio meeting in tbia olty and then go to Ohio and maka speeches | and then go to Indiana later. He will return to tbia State and continue hi* j labora her*. Th* Tribune say a: It doea not ***m possibl* tbst so inssne a movement as a Fenian riling ia on foot in Ireland, but the new* of th* myaterioua raid npon tb* ship lying In Cork Harbor bear* upon lis face no other explanation. Stvtn hundred and thirty-four immi\x=req-\ grant* landed yeaterday. A Boston *peci*l announcea the marriage of a daughter of General Bank* to Bev. Paul Sterling, a young graduate from Keyatone Univeraity, who haa devoted himself to th* mlialonary work of tbe Episcopal Church In fot*ign land*. Banks' only son, Joa*pb F.. came from Nevada, where be I* engaged in Government eurveye to attend the wedding. . . Howell ha* cabled hi* acceptance of the challenge to conteit in England for | the Aitley belt. Curt!*, who i**u*d th* challenge, decline* to git* tha nam* of | the Amerioan pedeitrian. Wasuinoton. August 14.—Tbe Secretary of State haa received a telegram from Angell. th* Commissioner to China, announcing the eale arrival at Shanghai of the Commiaaion appointed by tbe Preaident to negotiate a treaty with China. The telegram glvea no ex\x=req-\ preation of opinion aa to tba hope of eucceee. , tl . CnxcAOo, Angnit 14.—An Inter Octan \ Washington apecial aaya : The mortuary etatietice received at the National Board of Health ahow leaa aickneaa in proportion to population in New Or\x=req-\ lean*, Vick*burg, Mempbi*, N**hvill* and Chattanooga than in N*w York and Philadelphia. So far from any aign* of yallow fever in the Southern citie*, tb* publio health waa n*ver belter. The belief among medical authorities here la that the germa of yellow fever in Amer-1 lea are pretty well atamped out. Boston, August 14.—One man waa killed and two othera badly cruabed by | the fall of an arch at th* Clinton wir* cloth factory, Clinton, Massaohuaetta. Richmond, Va., August 14.—In th* Henriee County Court, J. W. Hoer\x=req-\ ringer relu*ed to **rv* with a nsjro juror. Th* Judge impo*ed a fin* o! *260 and ten day* Imprisonment. Hoerringer subsequently oonsented to serve end the penalliea were "moved. Wilmington, N. C., August 14.—Sta\x=req-\ phenson Bicb*rd*on (oolorad) will ba banged September 3d for the murder o bia mother-in-law and an attempt to kill bl* wlf* *nd father-in-law. Little Rock. Ark., Augu*t 13.-Th* Republican State C*ntral Committee bav* reeolved not to put a State tlokat in the field. It alao advlaea Republicana to vote against th* pending constitutional amendmenla. The census return* of Arkamaa complete, lea* nine small district*, which ara estimated, ahow tha population of the State to be 810,147. The final re\x=req-\ vlaion will increaae th* number •lightly rUBEIGX DISPATCHES. The belznre of Arma In Ireland— Rebellion* irtloni. Cork, Auguit 13.—Folly a hundred man wara engaged in tba robbery of arma from tba Juno. Thar# wara aavan boata, ftcb carrying »i»« man. Tba eraw of tba Jono wiri battered down in tba foreoaatla and armad aantrlaa plaoad over tb«&. The Captain and revenne offiorr were abut op In tba cabin. After the departure of tba robber* it waa found tbat only forty atand of arma bad baen takan. Tba telegraph wirea having baan rat, nawa waa aant to tha polioa by horaa azpraaa. A body of polioa aoon arrived and aaarchad tha ahlp and vioinity. A fragment of a bnman acalp, with hair attached, waa found in tha hold. Tha Captain of tha Jnno aaya ha aaw tha Injured man takan off In a boat apparently daad. All tha raidara appeared to ba armad. A pool of blood waa fonnd on tba daok. Tha Captain, mat* and raranna offloer wara abut op in tha oabin for an bonr and a half. They Anally foroad tha door tod uf the marauders departing la boata. Six man have been arreated who «t1\x=req-\ dently formed part of the abora party. Thar ware found larking about on (ba road to Cork. Tba polioa have removed the remainder of the arma from tbe Juno. A number of gaga were found on tbe wbarf. Tbe boata were polled with muffled oara. It waa no aecret that there were arma on board rbeebip Juno lying in tbe harbor. All tbe marauder* were armed with revolvers. The eis men arreated were before a magistrate yesterday. They all belong to Cork, and were unable to give an account of their preeenoe at Paaaage. They were remanded for trial. The in out remarkable oiroum\x=req-\ stance connected with the affair ia that while the boata were leaving, and atlll in view from the Teaael, no alarm waa given by the captain or revenue offloer on board at tbe time of the robbery. Tbe polioa patrol were on tbe road oat\x=req-\ eide the wall, only twenty-five yarda from the ship, and tbe slighteat elarm would have reached them. Tbe polioa at Blackrook village, between Paaaage and Cork, while patrolling at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, aaw two boata paaalng up containing a cumber of man whom they recognized aa belonging to Cork. At tbia time the Blackrock polioa bad not beard of tha robbery. Tba occurrence baa produced an uueaey feeling in the neighborhood, aa it recalla to mind tbe Fenian diaturb\x=req-\ anoe and abewa that tbe element of die\x=req-\ order atill exlata. Four of tbe riflea stolen from the abip Juno have been found In a garden at Rocbeetown. It 1* understood that tha police have a elua to the man who went into tbe bold of the veaael. Ireland'! Troubles. London, Auguit 13.—In tha Houa* of Commona tonight O'Connor Power called attention to the medical report* in regard to the condition of the fever\x=req-\ atrioken dletricta in Mayo and other parta of the west of Ireland, and moved a reaolution that it waa aaaential that effective sanitary arrangementa ba immediately made. Tbomaa Sexton, Liberal Home Rule member for Bllgo county, eeconded tbe reaolution. Forater, Chief Secretary for Ireland, said the distress had bean muob exaggerated. The government had aent an efficient medical staff. He would ba willing to bave a reaolution plaoed on reoord to tbe effect that in the opinion of the Houaa the preeent condition of tba agricultural population of Mayo, Sllgo and other parta of tba waat demanded tbe Immediate attention of tba government. Forater incidentally epoke of tbe oontributiona made by Iriah\x=req-\ Amerlcana to relieve tbe distreaa in Ireland, and said that Engliab laborers would probably not bave done aa muob for their own people under eimilar cir\x=req-\ oumstancee. Power accepted Forater'a reaolution, which waa then agreed to. The War In AfkhinliUn. London, Auguat 12. — A dispatch dated Camp Seargunsbabr, Auguat 10, aaya : General Roberta arrived here today. Thla will probably be tbe laat newa of bim until ba alrrivea at Can\x=req-\ debar. MUcellineoai. London, Auguit 13.—Tba boiler-mak\x=req-\ era at Jarrow demand an advance ia wagoe. Should a atrika raaalt, 18,000 handa will b« effected. A latter from Kbelati-Obilaeai aaya : Wa bare plenty of food, forage, watar and ammunition, and do not few am attaok, of wblob there are no algna. No neve baa been reoeivetl from Candabar ainoa July 25th, ezoept repotte from tba aurronuding country, that tba garrison ia abat np. A committee of tba Iriab Land Lsagna baa datarmined to vote a portion of tba fanda aubacribed by Amerioan aympa\x=req-\ tbizara to tba proaaontion of aotiona ia tba Exchequer Diviaion of tba High Court of Juelioe for tba recovery of panaitiaa againat Lord Piankatt for voting five timea before taking tba oath aa Paar. Lord Plunkett baa been aerred with five writa. Bullion withdrawn from tba Bank of England today for ahipmant to tba United Statea, £100,000. Pasts, Aoguat IS.—Typhoid fever haa appeared among tba Viocennea garrison and tba fort haa beau temporarily evacuated. One hundred and twenty aol diera bad tbafavar. Tba attempt of tba yonng pbjaioian of Lyona to faat fifteen daya waa abandoned after one weak. Bcblin, Anguat 13.—Tba diapnta between England and Aoatria, in regard to tba navigation of the Danube, la by no meana aa aeriona aa reported. Tba difference baa long baan aattlad in reality. BccHABxaT, Auguit 13. — Eugana Schuyler baa bad an interview with tba Roumanian Miniatera. A proviaional undertaking waa arrived at whereby the Amerioan repreaentation ia officially recognized aa tba Legation, and Schuyler aa the Minieter reeident, pending re eulta at the meeting of the United Statea Oongreaa in December. MI8C1LLAHIOC8. GOLD HILL MARKET Nasi deer is Iks News OSm, M. B. DWILLI, : : PB0PBIKT0B. T TUta KAKUT CAN, alwaye be found A TBI CHOICEST N|>. and lumou. VIAL* Oar anlmale, being ealecud from the beat Cattle Ranchee la Nevada and California, are k>PlSvAT1K>^AIIlLII8 AND HOTELS will [ tad It to their advantage to petroalae tbla Market, where tber will alwaye be aapplleU with tba beet meate the eoontry can atfort. RKNDBRKD TALLOW, for nil! and mining I parpoeee.eonetantlyon hand. 1 11 M. B. DWELLY. HA8BROUCK A HALL, (Hocceeeor* to 4. B. Stewart & Co.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Oppoelte Tallow Jacket Engine Hooee, MAIN KTRBBT, - . OOt.D BILL TTUT A FULL STOCK OF PtJBB DBCOtt XV and Medlctnee, Perfumery, Fancy AMI\x=req-\ clee, etc. Mr. Batbroack, a gradaate of Pkar\x=req-\ macy, baa ebarge of the Prescription Depart\x=req-\ meat. Preeertptlone ear*fally compounded day and night. We wlab te call attention to tba following celebrated remedlee of B. L. Joaea ft Oo.: Thermo-Electric Remedy, Liver Oranalea, asd Oalendala Liniment, for which wa are etfle ■gent* for PaelAo Ooaet. 1 11 BABBROUCK * HALL. •n/TATfHOOD LHECTORED (htoabrladlecreUenoreteeeea. A ay