Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS 4l.r. DOT CM. Ma •■gleg MONDAY. : : : ACODST 1«. 1880 FOU rilF.SIDE.NT. JAMS A. GARFIELD, or OBJO. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, CHESTER A. ARTUIB, or .icw iou. Throughout lb* Eaat and *ven here in tbe Pacific State* the undue enthuaiaam which «aa created at tha nomination of Hancock la faat dying oat. It waa not admiration o( tha "enperb eoldier," tha pompona general who bang Mr*. 8ur\x=req-\ ratt and aaaiatad in whipping oat tha Confederacy, that inapired tha Democracy, bat it waa tha saddan hop* and apparently bright proapect of aaocaaa. Moat eagerly and willingly did they atul\x=req-\ tify themaelvea and the paat record and traditional policy of their party and aank coniiatency oat of eight in the reckleea grab and rneh for the ooveted winning. Democrata will paaae and reflect tome\x=req-\ timee, and the more they etady the real character of the man they ao aaddenly foand given them for a leader, the more unfitted and ande**rving doee he appear for the high poaition they woald place him in. They begin to eee him now aa he really ia, a pompona, ariatoeratic, well-fed government army offloer, with no civil ability or experience and no well defined ideaa ont of the military line, and not even atateamanlike or political polloy enough to ezpreaa any etraightforward viewa on the main political topica of the day. He even ignoree the Chineee question altogether, and were he Preaideut would oontinne to do eo. What haa he or the Solid Sonth againat the Cbineae ? Ju*t merely what he eaye—nothing. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Xet/yrr touchea up the aitaation aa followa : A month ago there wa* a regular old\x=req-\ faabiooed permeating eutbuilaam here in favor of Hancock. but it baa gradually faded aa a fog-bank before tbe eunligbl, and ie gone. Tbe second tbougbt haa como ; hero worahip ia forgotten ; tb* men at the head* of th* ticket* are mer* orna\x=req-\ mint* ; tbe battle array ia between tbe parti**, and the iuuee ar* party nrinci\x=req-\ Sloe, bo tb* litnation **emi to-day in iow York City aud State, and tb* floal remit oo electiou day ia really a thing of grave doubt aa yet. In my candid conviction. after **v*raltalka w'ttb prominent men in th* Democratic party, that tb* gbo*t of Ttlden in ih* chair, th* *p**ch of Haiu Randall from tb* platform of tbe Academy of Music on Wednesday night, and tbe demoralized aitnationa of Sunset Cos and two or litre* other* who were begged to talk to the Irving Hall wing of the Democracy on TVmlneeday night, detracted materially from tbe Hancock " boom." Tbe fanlt ia already **eu. Tilden'e personal grievance will not be aired by him**lt in any D*mocratio ma**\x=req-\ meeung again during tb* campaign, and th* palsied hand of tb* poor fallow will do littl* more gesticulation this year at political gatherings. TUB TBl'K BCMDKH ITOET. A Wlegrtm from Dm Moines, Iowa, under date of the 13th Instsnt, ssve : A reeponsibl* citizen ol tbi* piece, S. Jiom Sigourney, gives information on the authority of a witness, aleo a re\x=req-\ sponeible man, that lb* notorioue Bender family, (oar in namb«r, were captured aoon after tbe ditcorery ol th* murder of Colonel York's brother. Ha say* the four wars stood np in a row facing nin* riflemen, and war* told tbair 1st* ; tbat Kat* waa plucky to tb* laat, and eallad upon tb* captors to " aboot and b* d—d;" and tba four bodies wsr* buried at tba corner of th* four counties of Labette, Wilson, Noosbos snd Montgomery. This is probably tha true story relative to the fat* and whereabouta of the Benders. A story to ths sam* effect, given upon the authority of a participant in th* retribution, went th* round* of th* pre** aorne montba ago, and waa generally received aa true. Tb* old man and woman purporting to ba old Bender and wife, recently captured in Nebraaka, wer* evidently impoators, de\x=req-\ airoua of traveling to Kansas at publio sipans*. New York Tribunt: Tb* "rstnrns" from Alabama do not oontinue to ooma in with tbat promptneea which tbey displayed th* morning after election. Tbea* back counties, which it usually take* a week to hear from, came to tha front with aonoroua majoritiee for reconciliation which w*r* giv*n with th* poe ltiv*n**a of official reports. It was noticeable, furthermore, tbat all th* majorities wer* in round numbers, such aa 350, 1000, 1'JOO, 1800. ato., while tha whola Democratic majority in tha State waa put down at 00,000. It waa impoe\x=req-\ sibl* that accurate returna oonld have been r*c*iv*d so soon. Th* simpls fsct wss that th* rot* oast had no connection with the vot* counted. Tb* result wss known ss well befor* election aa it was att*r. Tb* South received th* naw* with wild delight, and ia now a good deal astonished beoauae tha North ha* d*olin*d to receive it in th* *am* spirit. Nsw York TVufA: If ther* Is anything certain in th* Catkolie religion tt ia that th* murdered Mr*. Balbo died with mortal ain on bar head and want atraight to everlaating perdition and tortar*. Equally certain ia It if we tak* the word ol th* good Father Dnranquet tbat Balbo himaelf went by th* atraight road to H*av*n. He waa an exemplary murderer and r*p*nt*d thoroughly. Father Duranquet is an expert on all mattera of thia kind. B* i* tb* holy rudder that baa ateered innumerable murderer* to everlaating bllaa. So tbat at the present moment tha lata Mr. Balbo ia in th* holy company of aainta and arch\x=req-\ angela, looking down without regret on tb* wicked world b* haa left, and with content on tha wifa he a*nt to k*r end\x=req-\ leas doom. Plsasing thought ! Tb* Meridian (Miaa.) Jfercvry, of July 36, aaid in an editorial : W* would like to engrave ft prophecy on aton* to be read bjr generations in the (ntnre. The negro in these State* will b« slave again or o*aae to be. His sole refuge from extinetion will b* la slavery to the whit* man. President Hayea My* h* doe* not intend to meddl* with politic* or *ay anything about It dnriog his coming viiit to th* Pacific, or engag* in th* campaign in any way. More conciliation. Something About General*. S. F. Argonaut. General Hancock ia a aoldier, nothing mor*. The term soldier may embrace di*tingoiah*d qualitis* and great capacity, and thia Una of thought ia not intended to reflect upon hia intelligence or hia patriotism. Th* reader of history recalls th* eminent qualities that adornsd th* great aoldiara ot th* world - many ol th*m distinguished (or other than military capacity. Cicsar waa a great writer, and hia " commentariea " aurviv* hi* achievement* in war. Hia abar* in th* preparation ol that impoa\x=req-\ iog work, th* Cod* Napoleon, haa added to th* renown ot th* " second Cesar." General Waabington was a surveyor— h* bad volunt**r*d in tb* war ot th* revolution. General Jackaon waa a planter—h* volunteered In the war of 1813. General Harrison waa a farmer —b* had don* voluntary aervioe in fighting th* Indiana on th* frontier. General Taylor's only military service waa ia tb* war with Mexico. General Orant had retired from the army—to return only when activ* service called him to duty. General Hayea waa a volunteer; General Garfield waa a volunteer. Before General Winfield Scott Hancock, only one Preaidential candidate bad ever been cbo**n from tb* ranka ot th* regular army—G*n*ral Winfield Scott. He waa drowned in a " haaty plat* of aoup," and defeated. General Hancock will live—w* hope\x=req-\ to the enjoyment of many plates of aoup ; but h* will not b* elected President of the United State*. The time haa not yet oome in the history of this Republio when a rebellion—defeated in ita effort to deatroy tb* Union—can die\x=req-\ band it* armed boets, reorganize a civil conspiracy, take a aoldier from the regular army for ita political figure-head, and thua reap by atrategy of politioa what it failed to accomplish by atrattgy of war. The Bullet at Grantevllle. Jiff /firtr Ktvtilh, Aug. 13. From W. F. Dyer and 8am Creacenzo, who returned from Grantaville jestt-r\x=req-\ day. wo have information of the shooting and killing of a man at that place about 11 o'clock on Wednesday, bat bava been unable to learn tbe namea of eitber of tbe parties, botb of whom were miners. It seems there bad been a quarrel or difficulty of aome aort between the two men, and botb were in a aaloon at tbe time indicated, when ona of them etarted off for the purpoee of arming bimaelf with a weapon. During bit ab\x=req-\ aence the other man entered in conver\x=req-\ aation with • friend and waa eitting in a chair talking, wben ahortly the belligerent individual returned with a weapon, and at onoe drew, ahot and killed the wrong man, tbe ball entering tbe forehead. Tbe man doing tbe abooting at one* atarted to run, but waa puraurd and arreated before he had gone far. The affair created a good deal of excitement, and for a time the priaoner'a life waa not altogether aafe. Tbe Deputy Sheriff managed to get him in a tunnel, and thera held him until in tbe nigbt, when it ia believed tbe officer left with hia charge for Belmont, the county aeat, where be will be aafely held for the law'a diapoeition. Tbia being the first fatal result from tha bullet in Grants\x=req-\ tille, and the Ufa of an innocent man aacriflced, it ia vsry natural that the affair arouied the indignation of tha people. Theae are tbe circumatanoee of tha killing, aa they come to ua. Laura Da Force Gordon. On the 13th in San Franciaco Mra. Laura De Force Oordon waa engaged in defending a prisoner and the jury brought in a Terdict of not guilty. Of her appearance the 6an Francisco ChronieU aaya: "Whan half an hour had been apeut in tbe vain endeavor to reatore order, Mra. Oordon roaumed hor addreea, paying exclusive attention to the jury, appearing to entirely forget the audience, which waa ao critical that tbe leaat diacriminating convention could eaaily have picked out a (supreme Bench from the front row of seats. If the feminine competitor had any fears of ber her hearers, aba skillfully concealed them. She appeared the embodiment of aelf-poeaeaaioo; apoke in a clear and pleaaant voice, and followed tbe thread of her argument with a remarkable ateadineaa. Many an ambitioua young lawyer of tbe oppoaite aax making bia flrat apeeoh to a jury would have been glad to have felt tbe aame freedom. Sho bad taken copious notes of tbe speech of tbe opposing counsel, and from tbe memoranda oonatrucled a logical battering-ram that made ahort work of Mr. Smith'a fortifications." Value or a Dog Bile. Bodit Standard-.Ync,, Auyutt 13. The caae of Holland vs. Oill csme up before Judge Peterson and a jury yesterday. Tbia waa an action brought by Mr. Pat Holland to recover $300 dam\x=req-\ agea from Oill for injurlea received by him (Holland) from tha effecta of a bite be received laat June from a ferocious dog. tbe property of Mr. Oill. Pat Keddy, connsel for tbe proitcntioo, made a very able plea, occupying two hours. That portion rsferring to the tenable effecta of dog bitee—hydro\x=req-\ phobia— waa truly eloquent, and waa piotured in glowing and truthful colore. The horrible Buffering of the unfortunate victim; tha miaety and agony be endures when undergoing the terrible result of a bite from a rabid dog, and tbe liability of aoy one to be anapped by a worthleaa ""i were all tonobed upon by the learned advooate of Mr. Holland. Tbe trial laated aome time, and resulted in ths jury finding a verdict for the plaintiff. A Misunderstanding. Bodit Standard- Xnct. Soma five or aix years ago a tall, fins\x=req-\ looking Englishman, with large aide whiakers, came to Gold Hill, bung out hia algn and announoed bimaelf aa Dr. Jones, Veterinary Surgeon, lata of tbe Boyal Veterinary College of London. After remaining in town three or four •••ks without acquiring much practice, Bank Blanohard aent for him, aaying be «. v,'u*hle boggy animal that waa JVV .k* *)oolor came, made a care\x=req-\ u#» ? a. wroU • prescription and Mt, saying the horee had tha diabetes. "Wl morning he accoated Blanchard in "(food morning, Mr. Blanchard, bow ia tbe borse f" •• Good D<?-" "id Hank, cordially h'e band. •• come in and have ™ vU " th# bMt horM doctor I * ' .J* ' *on knew what tha matter and by God ha baa." * WESTERN DISPATCHES. San FraicUco Item. San Feancisco, August 16.—Marion Smith, • convict at San Quentin, bu written u letter to • fellow oonvict, which found its way into the bands o( Warden Amn, and by him baa b«*n forwarded to Governor Parkin*. It atatta that the writer and a oertain woman witneesed the murder of T. Wallace More, at Seape, Ventura county; that Sprsgue, now under sentence of death for participation in that crime, waa not prevent, but that Cook and Curiae performed the deed. Both tbeae partiea, it will be remembered, were arreated. Cook waa diacharged by the committing magiitrate. Carle* went to the penitentiary, bnt waa releaaed on • now trial, John H. Clemetehaw, convicted of perjury in awaarlng that Cbarlea da Young flrtd the firat ahot when be waa killed by yoang Kallooh, waa brought into court Saturday for aentenoe. The priaouer aaaerted hi» innooence of intan\x=req-\ tional miaatatement and aaid be bad not been influenced by Mayor Kallooh ia giving hi* testimony. His motion for arreat of judgment and a new trial waa denied, and bewaaaentenced to fourteen yeara in tbe penitentiary. J. C. Duncan, long impriaoned for being the defaulting manager of tba defunct Pioneer Savinga Bank, waa act at liberty Saturday, he having furnished bond* to tba amount of $61,500. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. The Dlatreaa la Ireland. London, August 16.—In the Hons* of Commona on Saturday O'Connor Power called attention to tbe medical reporta in regard to tbe condition of the fever\x=req-\ atricken diatricta in Mayo and other parte of th* weat of Ireland, and moved a resolution that It waa eaaential tbat effective aanitary arrangement* b* immediately made. Thomaa Sexton, Liberal Home Rule member for Sligo county, eeconded tbe reeolution. Forater, Chief Secretary (or Ireland, aaid th* dia\x=req-\ trees had been much ezeggerated. Tbe government haa sent an effloient medioal staff. He would be willing to bav* a resolution plaoed on reoord to the effect that iu the opinion of tbe House tbe present condition of the agricultural population of Mayo, Sligo and other parts of the west demanded th* immediate attention of the government. For ater incidentally apok* of th* contributions mad* by the Irish-Americans to relieve tbe diatreaa in Ireland, and aaid English laborera would probably not have done ao much for their own people under eimilar circumstance*. Power accepted Forater'a resolution, which waa then agreed to. Vlicellaneom. Corns, Aagaat 14.—Four of thi riflea etolen from tba ablp Juno hava been found in a garden at Booharatown. It ia understood that tba polioa bar* a cluo to tha man who fall Into tba bold of the vcaacl. A hundred polics patrollad along tba rim all of Thuraday night, bnt no farther clae to tba identity of tba raidera waa obtained. Sixteen mora riflea have been found in tha furze not a bnndrad yarda from where tba flrat lot waa found. It ia atated that tba ownar of tba miaaing far* ryboat, which waa employed Id tba raid, baa been arraatad. Tha aelzed riflea bear the atamp of 1840, and appear to bare bean polished np before consignment on the Juno. London, August 14.— Vanity Fair says: Tba marriage of Lady Burdett\x=req-\ Contta and Aabmaad Bartlett will take place on Tueeday at tba Chapel of tba Royal Savior. There wia a Home Bala damonatra\x=req-\ tion at Olaagow today, whiob waa attended by 30,000 Iriahaian from all parte of Scotland. Beaolationa wara adopted atrongly denouncing the existing laud lawa and tha Houae of Lorda. The following ia a verbatim copy of a diapatob received by tha Daily Knot from iia correapondant at St. Peterabarg last night: "I have grave reaaona to believe that Ayoob Khan baa bean acting in concert with and been aaaiated by Abdurrahman, and that tha worat anapiciona ara not without aome found\x=req-\ ationa. I would aaauredly not aand aucb dieconcerting Intelligence axoept on the moat aerioua grounde." Tba expreaaion " worat anapiciona " ia Inter\x=req-\ prated to rafar to Buaaain intriguea, or poaaibly to rumora of actual Buaaian cooperation with Ayoob Xban. London, Auguat 14.—Acoording to reports from Bucbareet 45,000 Bueaiana are concentrating near the border, to ba ready in the event of action by Bulgaria. Commissary atorte and troopa ara continually going on near tba Boumaalan frontier. A ateamer arrived at Oalatz on Saturday with Buaaian artillery and ambu lancea, dratined for Bulgaria. It ia alao atated that the Baaaiane are oonoentrat\x=req-\ log at BadgoiulofT, on tba Auatrian frontier. Information Wanted. /?««#« Rittr Rttrillt. Aug. It. William Burger of Evanaton, Wyoming Territory, ia anxioua to bear aome tidinge of bla mother, who oame to thia coast iu early daya. Her maiden name waa Margaret £. Hall. Her flrat boa\x=req-\ band'a name waa Bargar. She waa in Gold Hill in 1862 and 1863, kaepiug a boarding-bouae. In 1863 aha married a man named Jamea Vogan, and in that year moved to aoma place eeven miles from Oold Hill, her Postoffloe addrcea being Dayton, ainco which tima bar aon baa nover beard from bar or bar where\x=req-\ about*. Any ona who can fnrniah a clue will confer a favor by addreaalng Mr. Burger, at Mountain Trout Houaa, Evauaton, Wyoming. A remarkable inetanoa of tba vitality of a newapaper paragraph ia given by the CArittian Advocutt. A good many years ago tha lata Bav. John Milton Holmea, a youog minlater of Jeney City, preached tba eighth anniveraary aermon of bia instalment over a Congregational Church. In aome way it atarted aa the eightieth anniveraary aermon, and travelled all over the United Statea and Europe. Tha contradiction went lazily after it, and after awhile it dii-d out. But four yeara later it aprang up again, with editorial com\x=req-\ menta, in an Eugliah paper, and after having a run there came over to thia country, where it waa Anally killed. Meanwhile Mr. Holmaa died, being about forty yeara old. Edmund Yatea aaya: "At a certain ■mart little ball lut week I waa atruck with an ezoellent arrangement of the floor. The dancing olotb waa of aoma tightly-atretobad ahlnlng material, and it waa a dark green. Thia ia vaatly better than tba uaual while drugget for two reaaona. It doea not generate a white powder that oovera black ooata, and it ahowa off tha drawee with rare effaot I recommend it" How Reuben Keleey Fatted tnd Died. Aa reference bu been made to tba caaa ot Reuben Kelsey, o( Fairfield) Herkimer oounty, N. Y.. of him I with to apeak aa one familiar at tbe time with tbe whole oircumetanoes. Obedi\x=req-\ enoe to God «u bia million. Reverence for dirine authority waa bia leading obaraoteriatio nearly back to cbildbood. In early yoatb be professed religion and united witb the Presbyterian Cburcb, and in all subsequent life walked worthy of ita vocation. I often beld aecret conferee with him and walked to the honae of God in bia company. He bad no dealra for notoriety, but waa modfit and reserved in all bia bearing, and tba idea of aetting aaid* tbe law of organic or animal life to him woald have been revolting. Yon may oall it infatuation if you please, bat be became immovably convlnoed of hia doty to faat or to refrain from taking food for a time. When remonatrated with and told hia act wonld be anioidal, hia reply would be that ha nnderatood it all, and that when ba had dona hi* dnty be wonld eat and not before. He began faating without giving notice of hia de\x=req-\ aign to hia father or mother or aiatere, to their great oonaternation. Reasoning waa of no avail. Medical men, minlatera, or raligioua frienda cculd not turn him from hia purpoae. The family tried to tempt bim with the delicacies ot which he had been fond, but to no effeot. The ninth day an attempt waa made to compel him to take nourishment, bat it did not succeed. He then left tba home and went to the woodi near by, and made a abetter and bed of leavea in which to lay, but a promise from bia father that no more attempta abould be made to force bim to eat, and the entreatiea of a sister prevailed, and be returned to tha bouse. He continued to faat. Tbe twenty-ninth day I waa at tha bouse and waa told by tbe family that he had been out that day and got over bare leading to tbe orchard with tba lively clastioity witb which he had been accustomed to walk. Thua be lived on from day to day up to 40, then 50. I think tbe 62d day be signified his will\x=req-\ ingnssa to take food, but nothing oould be got Into his atomaob. He ssid that be bad been deceived. He lived out tbe 63d day and died tbe 54th. SwimnMO in tbk Laxb.—Swimming haa beoome quita a aport in Truokeo. Tba anow having melted of tbe peaka of nearly all tbe high mountains, tbe water doea not possess that oold ohlll that it haa during the Spring and early Summer. Quite a number of swimming partita have taken tripa to Donner Lake during tbe last month. A lady corre\x=req-\ tpondent who it itopplng there writes to a country paper that tbe ladiea who are camping out frequently try a swim. — Truekt* Republican. UdoU Bobbie Bar of Knoxville.Tenn., profeeeee to be 109 jeart old. Ht recognizee old acqaalntanoeg very well, and *ee ma glad to ut them, bat he eaye be oan't lira much longer. The North Pole ooneiata of a reeplen\x=req-\ dent maaa of mineral aabatanoea, riaiox a hnndred feet above the water, and Blietenlng like poliebed Rlaee—nccordlng to a Chicago clairvoyant, who eaw it plainly in a trance. NOTI1I.NO nhokt up Dnmlitakabl* benefit* conferred upon teat of thoaund* or *aff«r*r* could originate tod maintain the reputation wblcb Area'* Hiaii\x=req-\ paauxa enjoy*. II li a compound or tbe beet vegetable alteratlvee, wltb tbe lodldee or PoUe\x=req-\ •lam and Iron, and It tbe mo*t effectual of all remedlee for •orofuloui, merenrlal, or blood dl*ora*r*. Uniformly *acc**efel and certain In It* remedial electa, it produce* rapid and com. plete cane ef Bcrofala. Sort*, Boll*, Honor*. Pimple*, Eruption*, Bkln Dl*ea*ea, and all dle\x=req-\ ordere arlalng from Imparity of tbe blood, By It* Invigorating effect* It a!w*ye rellera* and often euro* Liver Complaint*, remal* Weak neieee and Irregnlerltlee, and it a potent renewer or vltalltr. For purlfjlng tbe blood It baa do eqeal. It tone* up tb* *j*tem, rectors* and preeerve* tb* bealtb, and lmpaita vigor and energy. For forty year* It bat been In •ztemlve nte, and la today tbe moat available medicine for tb* (offering tick, anywbare. I A FRAGRANT BREATH AMD PEARLY TEETH are eaally obtained by cleanalng yoor teeth dally wltb that IoiUt popular dentifrice, 80Z0D0NT. Oompoeed of rare antlteptlc berbe. It Imparta wblteneee to tbe tettb, a dellcioot aroma to the brtaib. and preeervea Intaot, from yootb to old age, tbe teeth. Acidity of tbe itomach will deetroj the atroageat teeth ooleea lte effect* are counteracted wltb BOZODONT, and thla pore tooth-waah protecta tbe denial aarfacee by ramovleg every Imparity that ad\x=req-\ beree to them. Aak yoor drngglet lor BOZO DONT. ie A CARD. To all who are eufferlDe from tb* error* and lndlacretlon* of yowh. nervosa weakneee, early decay, loee of manhood, eto., I will eend a receive that will cure yoo, FREE UF OBABOK Tble great remedy wa* dl*cov*red by a mlulon\x=req-\ ary la Booth America. Bend a ielf.addreeeed envelope to the Hav. Joeara T. Iniaa, Btatlon D. New York city. jail ly NEW TODAY. ■IIMOP WHITAVKA'8 8CH00L FOR QIRLS, RENO. NEVADA. rpBI FIFTH TUB WILL COMMENCE A TB0R8DAY, ACOUBT 36TH, Bllae Rate A SHI, Prlaclpal, A*el*t*d by Ave competent teacbera In tbe different department!. There 1* no *cbool w**t of tb* Rocky Mountain* af\x=req-\ lording greater advantagee. TBBRB-Boerd and Tuition to all Engllth atadlae. |SM a year. Rule, Piano or Organ, (50 to (100, according to namber of leeeon*. ty For edmlitlon or full Information addreea BISHOP WU1TARBR, 18 VIBQINIA OITY, NEVADA. CALEDONIAN CLUB. GRAND DI8TRIBUT P R fz E S . mai PRIZK8 WON AT THE CALEDONIAN J. Picnic will be dlatrlboted to tbe inoceee\x=req-\ ful competitor* on WedDMday Ere'r, intuit 18, 1880, AT NATIONAL QDABD BALL, VIBQINIA. At tbe termination of tbe dletrlbutlon of Prltee there will be a Hutlcal Enurtalnmeat, to cotelud* wltb a SOCIAL DANCE. Distribution to commeaee at • o'clock, abarp. Winner* of Prla** will receive thatr lavlta\x=req-\ tlon* throne b tbe mall. Rembere of tbe Olob can get tbair lnvatton* by calling on tb* Third Chieftain. at the " Enterprlae " job office, aotltd WR. HUMERVlLLK. Becretary. QOLO HILL LODGE NO. 2, A. 0. U.W. VT1HBER8 ABE REQDESTED TO CON\x=req-\ iTl vaae at tnelr ball on RONDAY. Augnat Utb.atTp. h. aharp. Brother J. R. Davlee. of Iowa, will be preeent. The Lodge will be opened to Ue public, who are eordlally Invited to be pretent at *:|0 p. a. „ __ A. O. OOWAN. R. W. D. Taoaaoan, Recorder. Uotd R>1, Aaguat U. 1W0. l*tt jpB MISCELLANEOUS. BANNER BEOS. Jolt nctlnd, ttu L»to«l ud B«(t. Style* ot SPRING AND SUMMiR CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Good*, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER GOOD*. Hals, Mft, BooU Md MlMi BIM« kiu, Trnaka. TallMa. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I All OooJi lUrkad Down M Par Cant. Lower Uuui uj otlMr Uoum la Um Bi*U M BANNER BROTHERS, C'aiair C aa4 Tartar UlrMli. VIRU1NIA, . . NEVADA IU ONE PRICE ONLY! A BgOABl DEAL POH ALL FOR FINE CL0THIN6, Furnishing Goods, Hats, C»pi, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Ite., —AT TO— One-Price Clothing Store, 1M Main Street, Sold HU1. 4 PRANK B04K0WIT7.. W. N. HALL & CO., MAIN 8TUKBT GOLD IUILL, —WBOUHiU AM> UTAH. DlAJJtM]n— HARDWARE, Of entj deecrlpUon, Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware OAS1PIPE AND PITTINOS. POWOIR, FUSE. ROPE AND BLOCKS, • HOVELS. PICKS. HANDLES, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplies. An aitecalre and inperlor aaaoftment of MECHANICS' TOOLS, Of all kind*. QALVANIZEO IRON PIPING. or all alaee. mad* to order at abort notice. II W. H. HULACOi QOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND HACH1NB W0RK8, lala Ktraal. Lawer Bald Hill, l«f< IRON AND BKAMt CASTING*! Of ararj nrMf made to order. IBAVl J08T ADDKD TO MT OLD eetablnhed Machine Worka tba LAHOEfll ZED LATHS, PLANER and BT1AM HAMMER, all of the latoat and moat lmproTed oonaanctloo. and am now prepared to Maka and Repair all klnda and all alaaa of MILL A MINING MAOHINERY At tba abortaat notice and on tba moat able Unas. 10m OIOBOK EMMET. Proprietor. VIRGINIA FOUNDRY, Oa tba Railroad, aonlb of Jnlla Mlna, VIRGINIA CITY. rVTFIOK-ROOM 1 BLACK'S BUILDISO V/ ooraer of 0 and Taylor atraeta. MAHU7A0TDRE8 MILL AND MINE CASTINGS Of arary daacnptlon In Iron and Braea. Oaatlap mf Krmry drada Daalrad Pamlabad Promptly at tba Loweet Ritea. »tf AWDREW PBAHIR, Proprietor. C. V. CRANE, PUROHA8INC ACINT, Established In 16IS. PERSONS RESIDING A WAT FROM BAR Pranclaco, In want of any artlola of MERCHANDISE. Great or amatl, can bare tbalr ordara Iliad promptly, and at tba rary lowaat oaab prlcaa, by addraaalDK tba undaral^'d. 0, W. CRANE, (II Plna Room SI. and 10 Letdeedorff itr at, Banrrancteeo. Cal. JylS tf ASSESSMENT MOTiCL SCORPION SILVER Nl. CO. AnaaiBiil Laflad J air II, ISSfl AsHit Mr a ha re Taa Caita Dellneaeat Aaaaet tie, 1HM Day artel*. Jaiuakar 33, 1880 GEO. R. kPIMMBT, Secretary. Offlea—Room M. No. 110 Pine • treat, Han Franotaeo, California. JySOtd BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE. rpHI BOARD OP TBDSTIK8 OP THB A Town of Gold Hill will convene and ell ea a hoard of Eqnellsatloa In the Town Ball, rear of Tallow Jacket Plre Oompaay'a Hone*, oommenclnf TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) Anrnat ttb, at S o'clock p. m. and oontlnaln# for one week from I to 4 o'eloek eecb day. L. T. POX. Preeldent or the Board. W. O. Htp«. Olark. aaS Iw FOR SALK, OITBN HCNDBRD OORD8 OP PI»»* & "»*"«•• Bapertn tec dent Joattce mine. Lower Oold >111. 10 tf 6B0GBBIB8, PROVISIONS, Etc. NOTICE! OH ACC0U5T OF DBPABTUBE, H/fT WHOLE STOCK, CON8I8T1NU OF\x=req-\ General Groceries, Crockery, Glass and China Ware, A fall MioruoMt ui WINKS AND LIQUORS, By lb* Bottte or Otlloo, WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH ONLYI Th. wl* mult b* .odtxl WlihlD Ten Daja from the lit lost. CROCKERY, ETC., Thirty Per Cent. Below Coil. HOUSE FURNITURE. ETC-, To t>« (Old CbMp. A. OAHEN. _ U mow n.xl door to th. B»ak of Gold Hill. GROCERY STORE RICHARD MERCER, MAIN STREET. COLD HILL. FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON HAND AMD FOR SALS OILBAP FOB OABB. A Lara* AMortmenl ol OROCKR1B3 AMD PttOVIaiONS direct from UM OallioruU Market., comp>lili>( In put: TEAS, BUQARS, COFFEE, 8PICE8 CAN FBUIT, DRIED FBUIT, SYRUPS, OYSTERS, RICS FLOUR, BICE. CANDLES, BUTTER. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEST OF wiNES AND LIOUORS AT WHOLESALE AND BAT AIL. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. tM-Oood* DdlT.nd FN. of Obitp. 1 m BICHABD M^BC'EK. F. W. F0L80M, Itla IKMl ••id mil, | (Saooeeaor to Koblneon k FoLeomJ Wholeeale and Retail Dealer la FAMILY GROCERIES, PBOVIBIOJfS, Etc. SOLI AOENT IN QOLD BILL FOB MBS. | HILLS' OHAMFAONK BAKING POWDER, iJlHK BIST IN TUB MARKET - ONLY | requlree half the quantity of any other kind. ^LL parties INDEBTED TO THX LATB Ira of ROBINSON A FOLSOM an requeeted to CALL AND SETTLE IJIHKIR ACCOUNTS WITHOUT DELAY aod ht> coeu. «_ V. LEMERY, Wfcetoeala* aad Hrlall Dealer la GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LOWER GOLD HILL. Always on bind a bklxut assort. mast of Groceries and Provisions WMHurf LIQUORS, TOBACCO u< ciqars, PLOUR aM GRAIN. HARDWARE a ad CROCRKRY. DRY GOOIM * YANREB NOTIONS. Oestlaman'i Pnralihlng Ooodl, etc. Alao lha following French Uoode: Patfu Poia Una, Oapaa al'BaUe Haricot*, OUrw Fardel, Champignon*. Aachola Pataa Traifc*. Sardine, a 1*Hd11*. N. B.-Partlee wlahlng to bar In loutomlu far aaah on delivery, may Sod It to their advantage to oall In, examine the good* and la qnlra of pHeae. Ooodi delivered free oi charge. Mm V.LXMEBY. ^rHILTNEWSlEPOT —AID— VARIETY STORK, MAIN, STREET, GOLD HILL, Oppoalte Pos'e Meat Market. Da THORBURN, Proprietor. AOENT FOR THX GOLD HILL DAILY NKWS And San Pimncieoo Mkx»Her" aid MPo«t."[ Eastern Periodicals AND LATEST READING RATTEB. CIGAB8 AND-TOBACCOS, SHUT MUSIC. SHOW-OAEK GOODS. STATIONiRY. SOHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. KTO. nawpiam Betlaffcaterjr Deal. lag Bureelwil. 1_ I860. 1880. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA. 6. W. hall, > . Proprietor. fflHIB OLD-ESTABLISHED AND KILL A able Laundry la prepared to torn oat any qaantltr of Banoratad and Glean Linen with\x=req-\ SBtt, " —'*»■«« - » ^etae* punctually! lealled for and. re OFFICES—Tfcaodoea WoW» Clothing Ston, MISCELLANEOUS. iimpi tlvtjri Cum and amr disap\x=req-\ point*. The world's (rut Pala\x=req-\ RtUtrtr for Man and Bwut Cheap, quick ud reliable. PITCHER'S CASTORIA Is not Narcotic. Children grow iUt upon. Mothers like, uud Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Feverislineas, and destroys Worms. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED 8T0MACH BITTERS Ocfeaaive Mefleetlea It a precaution wblcb aboold da»ar b« otflacUd •bin danger It pmeot. ud tbarafot* a courxa of tha Bitter* *1 tbla huod U particularly deilrable. t»p«cUlljr fur lb* fmbla and alciljr. At a rtmadjr for blllouauw*, djrrp«p>U. lct\x=req-\ touidm- and bowal complaint*, tbrr* la nolb\x=req-\ loir ooiurarabl* 10 tbla wbol*«om« rtaioratlva. For aalu by all DnuglaU and l>Ml«r* gas\x=req-\ erallj. au 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, :»UIN MTRKJtT. GOLD HILL. — DIALS* W— BLANK HOOKS. STAT ION Kit Y< JKWBLKVi SCHOOL BOO KM. CTTLBBY. TOY*, Km. Agtot for tb* bu Frandtoo Dally OHRONIOLI, BULLETIN. EXAMINER. -**»- ALTA. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. 1!" B.l.ltUiTII. I. D.I GALLATIN & FOLSOM. GOLD HILL. NEVADA. ....DIALIM IB.— HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Coal, ^Stores, Iln Ware, FUSE. POWDER, ROPE. BLOCKS. OAS PIPE AND FITTING*. ShOTell, Plcfcl, HftBdlM, ITtlU. Milling and Mining Good*'' QALVANIZED IRON! PIPE MADK TO OKDRM. AGRNTA FOE Albany WeohlM Oil tod Lubricating Oomponml 10 m THE CITY BAKERY, RESTAURANT. OoiflectloBerj aid Candj Depot, Na. llT N.rtk C NirMli Tlriiala, SVPIR8 AN BLBOANT A8HORTM1NTO# v HOLIDAY OOODi. Toy*. Oandtoe, Orna. menu Tor Table, Ornamental. Froeted aod. Plain OikM of all kind*. d.ecrlptlooi and da\x=req-\ ■Ign*. and at price* to tall ererybody. At we Import all oar foode direct from tfc* But, we can offer them at.price* the eame a* charged In New York, end at lee* than Bam Frtnclfco ntes. VT Ornament* (or Oekee a rpedalty. tar Ice Cretm and Htrawberrlt. and C'rtam. Al*o Btrawberrtee by tbe boi, at wboleeale or m4U' KITZKBIKIl A ABHBKU8T, Proprietor* illy Bakery. Ho, n Bortk 0 e«r»et, Virginia. Nerada. 11 lm ISOLD HILL BAkEKY -ATO\x=req-\ RESTAURANT SLAIN BTBBBT GOLD MILL. Opposite til* Bcllpae Limy Stable*, J. r. BECEIB Proprietor. PUSH BBKAD. PUS, OAKBS, AND BUT Roll* *rwy day, d*ll**red at tb* r*at\x=req-\ dtooo* oI customer*. BREAD AT REDUCED PRICES. KW~ Pie* aad Oak** at ndne*d prlc**. raaey or a**orted Oaku mad* to order K abort not! o*. Tb* R**Unr*ot Department I* the SnMt Si tbe State. AH kind* o< Oam*. Poultry aad PrMb Pith and alio Oyttor* recalred and •erred op dally. 80m HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEBLINQ'S SON'l CO.. Traalaae, Haw l,n,y. Beet Cruelbla Cnet.Hteel H.l*tl*« CablM Of all De.erlptlaaa. VVIra "* Far Bapalrle* Mama C'*a\x=req-\ ateatlr aa baad. 8. Y. MOOHBT. Agent. WarebouM, near Sal* ft Norcro** work,. Virginia Olty, Nrrada. M JUS1tingji*|sqsj