Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS THURSDAY. : : SEPTEMBER 16. 1880 ivocn airuai. last rrniiio. 40 Eureka Coo.. 161« 60 Northern Nolle. 12V. 12 V MO Oraad Prize. 2 V HO. 2 V 2 SO Belle Itle. 50c. 60o 175 1'imliM. ISo 100 Albion, S5c 1100 North Belle Ida. SOc 100 Eut Mt. Dublo, 60c. 65c 600 llolmea, 20c 465 Columbui, 2 60. 2 55. 2 60 100 Bodie. 5 V 60 McClinton. 19c 200 Summit, S5c 300 Ooodebaw. tfOa 425 Belvidere. SOc. 60c, 55c. 50o (90 ' 200 Champion. S5c 100 Con. Pacific, 1 4#. IV 600 Dudley. 20c 280 Japiter, 40o 250 Addenda. 55«. SOc. 55« 100 North Noonday, 21% 110 Mammoth, 1 150 Oro. 1 55 265 Martin White. 70o SOAtlaa. 4V.4V 250 Noonday. 1 90. 2 145 Silver King. 8V. 8 200 Caledonia (Black Hill#) 2 iota Moaxixo. 840 Ophir. 10V. 10<t 280 Mexican. 12 V 12V bS. 12V. 12V 270 Qoald A Curry, S. 4 95. 5. 4 95 108 Beat A Belcher. 11V 200 Savage, 2 80 380 California. 2 40. 2 35. 2 40 220 Con. Virginia, 2 20. S 15 100 Chollar. 3 V »0 Poteei. 2 V 435 Hale A Norcroee. 5 V. 5 V bi 50 Crown Polat, 2. 1 95 40 Yellow Jacket, 6*» 100 Imperial. 35o 100 Belcher, 2 15 175 Sierra Nevada. 11 V. US 150 Utah. 10 V. 10% 325 Bnlliaa, IV. 1 SO 200 Eicheijner, 2 55 160 Overman, 1 10 1000 Jnatioe. 1 05 150 Union Con.. 25% 225 Julia. 40«. 55c 40 Caledonia. 40c 100 Baltimore. 45c 10U0 Silver Hill. 80c. T6o 300 Senator. 10c 900 Lady Waehingten. 40c 100 Original Oold Hill. 25o 180 Ward. 1 60 100 Andee, IV 120 Scorpion. 2 OS 20 Oolden Oate. 3 1070 Benton Con.. 1 55. IV. 1 40. 1 45 760 Con. Dorado, 35c. 40c, 45c 50 North Bonanxa. 20c 5425 Alta. 2 65. 2 70, 2 V. 2 80. 2 85, 2 90, 3. 3 05 ilUruMi kirMi H«(wrt. Sax Fnixciaco, September 16—3 p. Injustice. 1 30. 1**. 1 TO; Silver Bill. S3c. 00c; Albion, Mo, 80c; Benton. 1 35. IS; Hal* A NorcroM. 5*». 3S; Alt*. 3*t. 3 30, 3 33, 3 40, 3 43. 3»» -m Imperial, 35c; Ophir. 10S. 10S. 10H; Lady Washington, 50c; New York, 30c, 33c; Ooald A Curry, 4 93; Best A Belcher, 10S; Mexican. MS. US. 12%; Sierra Nevada. 11 S. 11S; Overman. 1%. 120.113; Scorpion, 2 10; Cbollar, 3 70; California, 2 40; Yellow Jacket, Ski Caledonia. 50c; Bullion, 1%; Potoei, 2 60; I'nlon Cm., 23S; Ilelcber. 3 IS. Arrivals Tkn Meralaf. W S Hobart, P Cauuing, Miss A Lewis, Joe Oavin tad wife, T H Thompson, Mr* U C Sheets, E Webb, Wm Woodburn and family, F Lynch, U Hill, Mrs Jones, Mrs L M Carver, Mrs A Jump. A P K Saffurd. D*l«rlarN Last ■*•■!■( T Fanlkner, F Kline. B Mayer. A A C Becker. J Tbompeon, Miss Montgomery, W H McDonald, Miss Stenson. Ed Driscoll, Mr* R Gardiuer, C Kan da lay, D 8 Uallatiu, P Oroese, S L Nntting. C H Pierce. E Croeaman. MraSnew, W S Hoc*\x=req-\ well, Joe Oavin, Mr* Robiuson. C Whitmore. Mis* Mandslay. I A Burricbter. Tba Siw York Sunday Alrrairy gives its readers ths following "point:" "To tboaa who with a 'gamble' which ii likely to return large profit*, Mexican loom* op ** on* of tb* most promising of tb* bonsaxs atocks. Tb* mio* ia between tb* Union Consolidated and the Ophir, and ia likely to b* tb* favorite gambl* thi* fall o( tb* 'Friaco boya." Colonel Jams* Q. Fair aad party let) New York tbi* morning tor tb* Paoiflo Coaat. It i* poaeibl* that Dick D*y will com* stalking along to the Comatock direct, bat tne other member* of the party will paaa Beno a week from tbi* «vening on their way to San Franciaco. Tb* Moonlight Gold and Silvsr Mining Company of Nevada bav* filed artiolea ot incorporation below. Capital atock. flO.UOO.UOO. DirMtors— Gsorge J. Rob*y, John F. Bysbee, A. Moore, M. Dupara, T. Ellaworth. Tb* old officer* of tb* Northern Bella Mining Company bav* been reflected for tb* *nauing year. Tb* profit* af tba mine for tb* pe*t year w*r* 9345,170. Pour divideode, agnregatiog $100,000, have been paid. Tber* i* a rash bal\x=req-\ anc* yet on hand of • U'J.US In gold coin. Tb* meeting of t»>e Garfield and Arthur Club (colored) of Storey county laat evening waa wall attended, and conaiderable enttiumem waa manifested. A band compoeed ot membera of tbi clnb haa organixed. and laat evening enlivened tba oacaaioa with aotue vary good music. Il I* a gold watch and haa a gold chais attached to it and beara tba following inaoription . " Preaented to Georg« Daly, by tba employea of th* Littli Chief mine, aa a token of tb*ir e*t*em. L*adville, Col., September 10, 1880." A hora* waa found wandaring on tba aid* of Mount Daeidaon y*at*rday morn iug with a long rope trailing from hit neck. Tba auimal bad on a aaddla and bridle. Il appeared to be a rig from thi country. In another column will b* found ar advert ia*m*nt by Well* Drury, request\x=req-\ lag all person* having in their*\x=req-\ aioa books belonging to him to return (hem to th* New* office as soon ss oou ▼anient. '• D. P. D." tomorrow night. What *ver th* "D. P. D." may ba, th* danc* iag at Maaoalo Hall will b* nice and wil com mane* at 8 o'clock pr*ci*sly. Th* California Stats Fair open* nex Monday. Tb* Nevada Ststa Fair begini m waek from a*xt Monday. Tickets half prioa. .Hon. A. F. K. Safford, ex-Qovernoi of Arizona, reached th* Comatock thii looming. Th* Euraka or* worked at tba W*lt« mill, Coko ia aaid to b* yielding gtxx r*turn*. Butro tunnel is making axoailaut pro graaaboth w«y« now. Aad now it ia "do* Main*." Th* strike in Ophir U the topic of gfueral ooDTcrsatioa among mining man on the Coruttock jo«t now. Bat on* opinion prevails u to tha development, and that i* a favorable on*. P*opl* are of tb* opinion that the ton to t»*lv* f**t of or* tb*r* *ncoant*r«d belong to an or* body, and that that or* body will b« found, though it may tak* a long time to uncover it. Y*t it ahonld not b* ao very long b*for* more ia known of it, for working* have b**n carried on low*r levels to lb* *aat of thia vsin, and tb* inolin* i* down to th* 2500 level and a drift from th* itation on that I*t*I i* running toward tb* C. <1 C. abaft. Ail tb*** exploration* and th* working* on tb* 2300 1*t*1 ar* to much already ac\x=req-\ compliehed toward th* general result. Then men make much, in tbair estimate of the value of thia atrike, of tb* fact that tb* vein i* ** lively and the quartz aa bright on lower levela aa above, and tb* or** ar* aa fr«*. Mr. Mackay do*a not beaitato to pat full coofideno* in th* lod* at all poaaibl* working deptba, and aaya he believe* tb* preaent development will prov* of ee\x=req-\ aential valaa in tracing th* fertil* por\x=req-\ lion of tb* v*in to *noth*r bonanxa and iu reatoring confidence in th* lod*. Th* fact that California baa already found in and atoped from thia vein considerable or* is another favorable elr cumetsnc*. That it makes to the north ie proved by ita having b**n atruck in Opbir; and that it goea down is indicated by the further fact that it baa doable the width where now encountered to what it hsd abovs in California. There is much still needed to giv* a clew to th* v*ina northeast and down from tb* big bonanza. Tba weat wall of that ore body itaelf when opened up on the 1500 level had a coarae north morn than fifty degree* eaat. Clay walls took strange departure* from the east of ths ors body in aimilar direction* and w*r* finally loat in th* range of their waudering*. Tb* heavy vein malarial *ocount*r*d on tha 2500 level of Opbir while running eaat from the incline took a very familiar trend in that direction and porauit of it ia now urged accordingly, and a general deair* ia manifeeted to know what all the** "pointer*" mean. Th* fact ia, just enough has been done along tb* north and of the lod* to show bow mnoh there i* aboat it that i* not known and what an oc*an liea there awaiting the advent of the pick, tha shovel and tba drill. Nor do explorationa in Union and Sierra Nevada help to aolv* th* my*t*ry. Tbey rather deepen it. Theae working* have "pointer*" to, bat th*y ran south and •est, and ebould "pointer*" from both directiona com* tog*tb*r their hn*« of intersection would cross at nearly right augleit, st leaat 500 or GOO feet eaat of the parallel of the Union abalt. Yet it maat not b* forgotten that weat of all thea* lin*a th*r* is a promising vein bugging weat country rock, and complicating calculation until a recurrence i* ueceiaitated to the previon* proposition, and wa find wa know of tb* whol* north end positively lens aven than we tboagbt. Therefore there is wisdom in the remark of Mr. Mackay : " Although wa may not get theae bonan\x=req-\ xaa in the naxt five year*, atill they will b* found." THE STRIKE IN QPHIR. Aid lb* Help It la LlkMy K M la Mai viae U« Mjalarlaa t Ika Korita Bad. Tk( BepubllMa ■*•(!■( Toulciil. There will be a grand rally of the Ile\x=req-\ publicane tt Piper'e Optra Houae, tonight, uuder tbe auipiceeof tb* Soldier*' and Sailora' Republican Club. Tb*r* will b« rouiic, and apcakiog by »uch men aa lion*. B. C. Whitman, J. A. Stephen*, J. F. Lewi*. *lo. All tb* Republican orgimitalion* of tb* county bat* l>e«n iuvited to partioipat* auil have signified their aoceptance, banc* tb* Soldier*' and Sailor*' Club, at 6:30, will march ap to tb* Divide and meat tb* Oold Hill and Fourth Ward •luba; countermarch to 8ultoo IMV, picking up the Virginia Third Ward, Second Ward and colored cluba, and then proceed np Sutton avenue to B atr**t, and aoutb on B street to Pipar'a Op*ra Home. WuU l» be ra.teU Tb* Post of y*at*rday call* (or obedi\x=req-\ •do* on lb* part o( Superintendent Patton, of tb* Opbir, to tha Felton bill, which requirea tha Superintendent of a mine to give a full report, under oath, of "all dUcoveriea of orti or metal\x=req-\ bearing quartz, whether by borinii, drilling, aanking or otherwiae, togetner with th* aaaay value thereof." The Post adda: "It haa b*en long apparent that th* outaida people who buy tb* Com*to«k *har*a and pay th* bulk ot the aaaeeameota bar* not had a 'iquar* deal' aa regards information of many changes which occur in tb* min*a." Mr. Patlon w*nt below Sunday nigbt, and hia report of Satarday waa mad* before th* *trika in Opbir occurred. ■aaebalt The Keaolutea of Virginia City have challenged the Social* to play another match game of ball at Treadway'a Park. The Carsou Apptal aaya the Caraon boya will acoept. Tb* attempt to determine which of tb* two claba are the better, ia aaauming a mora aerioua aaprct every day, and in all probability the neit game will be for blood, or at leaat beer. Tbe Caraon club never think of quitting, and will play right along if it takea them all winter. They would juat clean patba through the enow to get to tbe baaee and go right ahead. (Mltl mm4 UiMrl Tul|kl. The good people of Gold Hill tod vicinity will not forget tba social to be given by tba ladies of the congregation of the Mtlbodist Episcopal Cborcb of Ooid Hill at tba Cbnrcb edifice tbia evening. Following ladiea will participate in tba concert: Pobl, Morgan, Heodereon, Batb. Williame, Mc Arthur, Flannigan, Tait, Tilden and Fraaar; alao tba following gentlemen : Ueeere. Waa\x=req-\ Ul. Jenkiue, E. B. Willie, Grant and otbara. Tba admieeion baa ba«n fixed at tba low aom of twenty-flve cent*. II wai »1N. Day bafora yritarday an item waa i mada of a donation by tba miaara of tba i Con. Imperial to lira. Frock, and tba amount should bare baan $194, lnataad ol $104, aa pnbliabad. Tba latter , amount waa oonaidered a liberal donation from tba few miners new employed in tba Con. Imperial, but to nearly doable tbat amount waa to heap ooosid\x=req-\ ' erable treaaure in tbat place "where I neither sooth nor mat doth oormpt, nor thievee break through and eteal." Tba SUvar Star Literary Society of Virginia will meat in the Reform Club hall hereafter. ANOTHER RALLY. Iifllac of lb* Gold IIIII Mrlild •ad Artbir Club IhI Imlif. A regular weekly meeting of (be Garfield and Arthur Club of Gold Hill waa held laat trading at their headqnartera. Chairman C. 0. Stevenson presided and the hall waa well filled. Attar the usuel baaineea routine and singing by the Olee Club oarue the apeaklog. George H. Morriaon made a very well* oonaidered and telling speech regarding the atria of conducting the campaign. He did not believe in deecending to peraonal abuae of Presidential candi\x=req-\ dataa. He took op the reoord of the Democratic party for the laat twenty yeara, and boldly arraigned it upon ita demerits and overt acta committed. He believed in an aggressive fight, and not standing on the defensive. He appealed to all BepubUoana to atand by the nominees of the party throughout, and to stand by the county ticket, and cloaed with a brief reference to Senator Sharon—what he bad done for thie State, and hia right of reeidenee here. Judge Tait also made a neat and very acoeptable speech, closing by way of illustration with reoiting a portion of President Linooln's speech at the dedication of tha National Cemetery at Gettysburg, where he uaed thoee immortal worda: "A Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth." Chairman Stevenson made a few happy remarks on ths subject, and told bis experience aa delegate to the Republican National Convention at Chicago, the immense assemblage of 16,000 persons, the eloquence of Geuerel Garfield's speech on tbst occasion, snd its effect upon all there. He also mentioned having asked and obtained the consent of Hon. Emory A. Storrs, now in San Francisco, to address the Republicans of the Comstock at Piper's Opera House, Virginia, on Friday evening next. The meeting finally sdjourued to meet this evening at 6:30 o'clock, the ball, to march from tbence to the Divide, where they will meet (he Virginia clubs and proceed to the Opera Houas to attend tbe grand mass meeting of the Suldiere' and Sailore' Club. Three rousing cheers for the ticket were given by way of a wind-up. UrHi and Colorado Itallroad. The Caraon Ttmu of U«t evening baa the following in regard to tba Caraon anil Colorado Narrow-gauge Railroad: "Tba earveyora hove returned front their recant extended trip over tba line and ara bu»y working op tbeir field note*. Qrading baa been entirely corn\x=req-\ pleted to tba aecond oroaaing of the Walker river, aixty milea from tba Muuud Hoaae, or nearly oae-balf tba entire diatanca to Candelaria, and to a point twanty-eigbt milea tbia aide of tbe proposed point of interaction of tbe Uodie wagon road and tbe railway at tbe aoutbern end of Walker Lake. Five bridge* have already been completed. Tbe firat i* ninety feet long, over wbat i* known aa Birdcall'* ditcb, one mile aoutb of Dayton. Tba next ia 200 feet long, thrown over tba Caraon rivar at Dayton. .Over El Dorado canyon, aero** tbe river from Dayton, ia another, tbirty feet in length. One of aimilar length baa been built over Whitman canyon, eighteen milea beyond Dayton, and one forty-five feet long over Cburobill oanyon, four inilee fnriber on. Three mora bridgea will be required before Churchill canyon can bi pa».«ed; two in Maaon Valley, before croaai^g tbe Walker rivar; two after oroaaing the aame atream and two over tbe Walker itaelf, A large force of laborera la now at work grading along tbe aborea of Walker Lake. Tbe work ia light and rapid progreaa ia being made. It ia con\x=req-\ tlduntly expected that the line will be completed through to Candelaria before tbe end of tba preaent year." Connection waa made tbia morniog between tba aoath drift, 2400 level of Ilale & Norcrota, and tbe main weat drift from tba C. N. 8. abaft. Tbia give* tbe Hale 1 Norcroaa more direct communication with that abaft, better ventilation and an opportunity to carry proapecting work Into the vein which, on the 2100 level, bad conaiderable good ore, and in which, except a few croaa\x=req-\ cuta atarted on the 2200 level, nothing baa been done. People will await devtl\x=req-\ opmenta anxionaly. Another Voter Here. A new Qarfielder, and a bouncer at that, mad* bia advent in Gold Hill today in tba booiebold of W. Hy Doane, and aimultaneoaaly almoit a floe bottle of old rye fonnd ita way to tba N«wa aaoc\x=req-\ tum. Ucre'a hoping tba boy may be aa good aa tba old rye, for tben bt> will be an bonor to bia daddy. ■Mleaa Auulveraarjr. Sundown gana iu Virginia laat night and heavy diacbargaa at midnlgbt proclaimed to tba people of tba Comatock tbat tba annlveraaty of Mexican Independence bad come around agnio. Tbia la tba Mexican Fonrtb of July, and tbo people and tbeir drecendanta alwaya ob\x=req-\ aerve ita annivereary. Bird-ebooting among tba reeda along tbe maraby aborea of tba Delaware la perilona to tbe buntere in coneequence of careleea markiinamhip. Tbe Philadelphia Timet aaya tbat a Fhiladelpbian accidentally pot a few abot into tbe arm of a Jaraeyman a few daya ago. Tbe angry Jeratyman, aaeing a wreath of •moke riaina oat of tbe marib, returned tbe fire. Without getting any nearer to each other tbe two gannera paddled oot iuto a email clearing, where tbe retde did not obetrnot tbe view. Tben tbey quarreled, and finally tba Jereeyman pat np bia gun to fira again. Hia opponent followed euit, and they both palled triggere at tba eame moment. Tba do\x=req-\ aliete were then aboot forty yarda apart, a distance at which a great dee! of pain could be inflicted, with no danger of fatal reanlla. Tbey fired away until both ware extensively punctured, when tbry etopped by matoal conaent. They at onoa at ripped off their clothing. They were dotted with blood and little pnrple\x=req-\ blacx apota, where the abot had entered. A good many paopla do Dot know that Franco growa mora wheat than any country Id Europe. So mncb baa baan aaid of Baaala rivalling tba Uoltad Stataa Id tbia particular, tbat tba popular notion ia aba Itada Eoropa. Yet Franoa prodneaa annually 386,443.000 bnabtla. and Rnaaia It34.000.000. Tba prodaot of tbaUnitad Htatta la rati mated at 422,006,000 boabela, and tbat of tba antln world at 1,702,260,000 bnabala. Baaala, bowaTar, txporta mora wbtat tbaaTranoa. EASTERN DI8PATCHE8 Kxcltement la Chicago-Ball* of the Western Indiana Ballroad Torn Up. Cuicaoo, September 15.—There bu been considerable excitement today io that part of tba Sonth Bid* tbroagh wbioh tba Chicago and Weitarn Indiana Railroad is attempting to gain entrance to a cen»enient plaoe lor a passenger depot. Tha company hai aeoared a State Snpreme Court dedaion in its favor, baa obtained aaveral injunctions restraining variona railroad oompaniea wboae tracka it will be neceeaary to crc«e from interfering with its track\x=req-\ laying, and haa parobaaed and condemned land which it needs, exoept a faw email atripa. Ita oppoaition original ee with tha othar railroad oompaniea wboaa tracka it aroaaea and with aoma of tba property ownera along tha route. Tbia ia regarded as in reality a great oonteet between the Vanderbilt and Gould intereeta, tba Weatern Indiana being alto an entering road for tbe Grand Trunk, and perhape tbe Wabaab. Lut night the track waa practically completed aa far north aa tbe Twelfth etreet tracka of tbe Cbioago, Burlington and Qulncy. The Uicbigan Central, tbe Illinoia Central and tba Cbioago Railroada at Sixteenth etreet having bren croeaed in apite of oonaiderable oppoaition of the roada above named, tbia evening a aqued of about twenty employee of the Weatern Indiana began laying a track on tbe oondemned land north of Twelfth etreet. They eucoeed\x=req-\ ed in getting the track pretty nearly all down, when eome excited groupe of ree\x=req-\ identa, composed mostly of tbe loweat claaeee, aeized tbe raila, conveyed tbem to one aide, and piling np the tiee made a bonfire of them. The polioe, nnder instruction* from Meyor Herri eon, refused to interfere, and at midnight tba railroad draw off ita foroa. Tha oaaa will be taken into tbe Superior Court tomorrow, and it ie expected the company will aak for a warrant for Mayor Harrison for contempt of court. During tbe melee two of tba workmen were burt with brlcka thrown by tha mob. Had there been resistance on the part of tbe track-layers a riot would probably bave occurred. Tbe outcome of the fight will be watched with great intereet ae ft quarrel between two great rival corporation*. The Weatern Indiana people claim that they have tbe law and declaione all in their favor and that all opposition to their entranoe la lawleaa. LjrnthfDf In Tenneuee. Xaniivillb, September 16.—L&U ad\x=req-\ vicee from Springfield atate that th* crowd who forced th# jail there tbia morning were diagnieed with wbila bandkercbiafa across tbeir facea and entered tbe town along Cedar Hill at 1 o'clock. They rods quietly to tba jail and diimoonted. Failing to find tba Sheriff to obtain tbe keye they broke in tbo doora witb aledga bammera. Tba flrat cell reached waa oocupled by Ram\x=req-\ aey, wbo, two montba pravione, abot a joung lady btcaaae aba refused to marry bim. Tbe prisoner got behiod tbe door and fought tbe mob witb tbe leg of a chair. He waa abot In the left leg, aev\x=req-\ ering tbe femoral artery, and falling, waa dragged outaide and on* or two more abota fired into bia body, wbicb killed bim. Tbe erowd than eecared Jack Bell and Arcbia Jamiaoo, negroea, arrcaled a few dsya ago charged with tbe murder of L. 8. Lopride, wbo lived about eevcnteen milee from Springfield. They took tbeir two prieonera witb tbeoi and left tbe town by tbe aame road tbey bad entered. They balled seven milea from Springfield and banged tbe two negroea on dogwood treea about aeventy-flve yarda apart. At 7 o'clock tbia morning a lady paaaing along tbe road aaw tbe oorpaea awinging and at once notified the neighbor*. Newa aoon reached Sptingfield, and tbe Coroner, accompanied by a number of citizene, prooeeded to tbe epot, out tbe bodiea down and beld an inqueat, plaoed tbe oorpaea in a wagon and drove back to town. Tbe bodiea were tben taken charge of by tba undertaker. Five oib\x=req-\ ere, accused of oomplicity in tbe Laprade murder, are under guard at Saderaville. One of tbem named Higgina made a coo\x=req-\ tension implicating otbere, and giving aickening detaila of the torlnre of La\x=req-\ prade to make bim reveal where bia money waa kept. Tba excitement at Saderavill* ia very great and lynching of tbe prieonera tonight ie apprehended. Niaavtixi, September 15.—Two bun\x=req-\ dred men met at'Qatbrie tonight and ditcuaaed tbe question whether tbey would viait Springfield and lynob tbe remniniug negroea connected witb tbe mnrder of Laprade, but aflerwarda die\x=req-\ pcraed. The ail priaonare were brought here tonight by tbe Sheriff of Robertaon county and placed in jail for aafe keeping by Older of Governor Uarka. The Indian Ceniu. Wahhinuton, Septembtr 16. — Tba work of taking the ceuiai of the Indiana of tba United SUtaa will be commenoed Ootobar I, under tba eupervidon of Major Jobn W. Powall, Director of tba Boreaa of Ethnology of tba Smltbaonian Inatituta, aaaiatad by Colonal Qarriokar Mellory, B. L. Packard, H. W. Han\x=req-\ abaw, H. D. Ilinman and Clay Uaoanly. Tba country baa baan aubdivided into four diviatone and a aptcial agent aeeigntd to auperiotend tba work in aacb of tbem. To Cl»y Macauly baa been aaaigned tba taik of taking tba cenana of all tba aoattering Indian tribea located in Btataa eaat of tba Miaaiaaippi river, Louiaiana and Texaa. Packard baa been aaaigned to tbe divialon wbicb iocludea Indian Territory, New Mexico and Arixona. Hanabaw attanda to California, Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, and Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah and Waabington Tarri\x=req-\ toriea. Hioman will enaoerata all the Sioux Indiana found in tbe Statra of Minneeota and Ntbraaka, and in Dakota and Montana Territories Mallory will remain at Waabiogton and auperintend tbe work of aptcial aganta. The oenana will inolude tbe enumeration by approx* imata agta, vital atetiatica collected by United Statea aurgeona looated on tba different reaeivationa, eduoatlonal ata\x=req-\ tiatica collected by government teaobera, and induatrial atatiatica gathered by epe\x=req-\ cial agenta. It ia intended to bava Indian Agenta at alxty different agendea throngbout tbe country to taka the oen\x=req-\ aua under the immediate anparviaion of tba apecial agenta. Powell aatimatea that more than tbree-flftba of tba Indiana are on rearrvationa engaged in in* dnatrial puranita, and with aocoiaa. Ha aoprabenda no trouble in taking tba cen\x=req-\ aua. Two-flftha of tha Indiana do not habitually remain on raaervationa, bat moat of tbem report periodically at tha agendea, eo that eventually an aocurate enumeration of theae roving tribea can be obtdned. In tha caae of a few Indiana who do not report to tha agendea men will be aeleoted to vidt them in tbdr cam pa and obtdn tha deeired information. Tba work will niaaaaarily be alow, and alx montba will probably and bdore It la oomplated, Marshall Jewell oi the Maine Election. N«w Yob*, Septtmber 15.—A Tribunt reporter hu interviewed Marshall Jewell who uld: While the result of the eleo\x=req-\ lion may be regarded u a Bepublloin reverie, it ie not a Democratio vietory. We here been aware (or a number of weeke that the Stata waa overrun with money to be need ageioet na. In mora than one latter Blaine haa informed na to that effect. Reporter—Then you do not oonaider the reenlt unexpected or discouraging? Jewell—Not at all. B«porter—Is there any danger that the Electoral vote of Maine may be loat to Oarfleld? Jewell—Not the alighteat. I think thia reenlt in Maine will help ae, be\x=req-\ cauee it will bring the bnaineaa man of the oonntry to contemplate the poeei\x=req-\ bilitiee of the fotnre more cloeely and more earneatly, and will greatly add to their activity. I think the nae of money by that ooalition waa largely in cities, aa abown by the Increaae in their votee. One of the young Iriah oratora whom I aent to Maine—Captain Patrick O'Far\x=req-\ rel, of Connecticut—who apent rnooh time in the oountry diatricta, wrote me several letters, wsrnlng me not to oount too snrely on Maine. He baaed hie reasons on the faot that the bueineaa boom haa not yet struok Maine; the ship building and lumber industriee in that State ere poor; labor ia poorly employed, and, therefore, poorly paid, so that in the country diatricta there ezieted in Maine the asms csuses tbst operated largely in other Statea aeveral years ago to create a deeire for a change. In the cities thsy simply bought us out. Convention of Republican Clubs. Inoiamapoliii, September 16. — The Convention of Republican Clubs met at 11 o'clock a. u. yesterday. T. M. Nichols, of WUoomin, *u cboaen temporary Chairman. Over 300 delegate* were present, representing eighteen Btatss, inoluding Colorado. Committees on Credentials, Psrmansnt Organization, Bales of Ordsr and Addressss wers appointed, and ft recess was taken until 4 p. H. The Convention in ths afternoon eleoted tbe following permanent officers: Oenersl J. B. O. Pitkin, of Louisiana, President; J. C. Potts, of Obio, Oeneral A. D. Siraigbt, of Indiana, and Fred. Douglas, of Nsw York, Vies Presidents. An address and platform were adopted, addreeaed to tbe Bepublicans of tbe Union. It is ths strongest posslbls indorsement of tbs Chicago platform and tbe principlea of tbe Bepublioan party. It aeta forth that treason Is | wearing the maak of Demoeraoy today and attempting to accomplish wbst it failsd in during fonr years of bloody war. Ths Democratio party is arraigned for its nullification Crimea in a manner forcible and argumentative. Tbe Convention appointed a National Committee of two from each State, with headquarters at Chicago, of wbiob)Franklin |Me Veagb, of Illinois, is Cbairmso, and T. M. Niobol, of Wisconaiu, Secretary. Boapitone Batter. New You, September 16.—The Trii>\x=req-\ unt aeye: Deeleri in tbi* city who han\x=req-\ dla large quantitiea of Weetern batter have noticed of late that the "fifty\x=req-\ ponodtabe," generally weighing from fifty to fl(ty*tw» pounda each wben fall, now freqamtly weigb from fifty-eix to eixty poanda. Tbia iacreaee ol eix to eigbt poanda in the eame balk «u notieed only in Weetern peckegee, bat even tbe muet experienoed baiter bayere woald detect no foreign eabetanee in tbie "heavy weight" artiole, and gave up tbe problem aa a myatery. Reoently a promiDent batter and cbeeae dealer of tbia city in a Weatern trip dieoovered the fraad. A firm in Cincinnati, known ■a tbe Cincinnati Feeing Company, ii engaged in manafactariog powdered eoepatone, he saye, which finde a ready market in anpply Ing legitimate demande, bat now farmere and batter packera aae it to adulterate their batter. A Detective Outwitted. Cbicauo, September IS.—An lnlrr Ocean aaye: A peraon olaiming to be a correapondent of the Snoramento Rtcord\x=req-\ Union came here jait before the Knlgbta' Conclave, and, being unabla to aecore qaartera at any hotel, rented rooma of a well-known deteotive. Tbinga paaaed pleaaantly, and tbe alleged coireapond\x=req-\ ent waa delighted with hia qaartera. Daring tbe Conclave tbe detective wai called away to a diatant city on an operation of aome importance, and did not retnrn to the oity until a few deya aince, wben he found hie wife, honaebold gooda, aeveral hundred dollare in money and tbe alleged correapondent eitnul\x=req-\ taneonaly taken flight. Tbe detective will probably have quite important bae\x=req-\ ineee on hand (or tbe reat of the year. Mluoorl Republican Convention. St. Lorn, September 16.—The rno\x=req-\ lutione adopted by the Republican State Convention bald bar* yeeterday preeent nothing remarkably new, bat are warm in praiae of Garfield; urge party nnity; arraign tbe Democrat! for their frande and maladalniatretioa of tbe State, and for redletrieting Ibe State eo tbat it abonld be miareprteenUd in Congreaa. Tbe nominalione were: For Governor, D. P. Dyer; Lieutenant Governor, Uilo Blair; Secretary of State, 1. C. Bradwell; Auditor, L. A. Thoinaa; Treaanrer, W. B. D«llmeyer; Attorney General, H. H. Harding; Supreme Judge, J. 0. Oarna; Betjinter of Landa, Adam Tbeia; Railroad Commiaaioner, Howard Barna (colored). MauicbmeUi Republicans. Wobcutu, September 1G.—The Republican Stat* Convention mad* tba following nomination!: Governor, J. D. Long ; Lieutenant Governor, Byron Weeton; Secretary of Stat*, Henry B. Pierce, and Attorney General, George Maraton; all renominated by acclamation. Daniel A. Gleaaon waa nominated for Treaanrtr and Charles R. Ladd for Auditor. Paul A. Cbadboura and John Forbea war* oboaen Electora at Large. Tba reaolutiona point witb pride to tbe record of lb* Republican party, oongratnlate tba party on tbe reenmp\x=req-\ tion of apeeia paymenta and warmly indoraa tba nominationa of Garfield and Arthur. •New Hampshire Democrats. CoMooao, September 16.—Tba Democratic Bute Convention yeeterday nominated Hon. Frank Jonea for Govarnor. Colonel W, H. D. Cochrane, Jamas Goodwin and Jobn W. Dodga were nominated for Railroad Coomiaeionere, and G. B. Chandler and John C. Moulton were cboaea Elartora. Tba raaolntiona adopted indoraa tba Cincinnati work; pledge anpport to Hanoock and Engllab; declare tba Stata shall be redeemed, and thai Frank Jonea, tba Gubernatorial candidate, la a worthy and traa man. Bottlers' Rennlon In Iftibrask*. Omaha, September 15.—The soldiers' r«uniou at Central City, whioh br^tn on Monday tod -will continue the rnt of tbo werk, U proving a grand *ucorti. The attendsnce today wan (ally equal to expectation*, about 15,000 people being present. The number in camp Uat night waa U000. A prize ooutest between braaa binds took place today. Tbe Union Paeiflo Band of Omaha won tba prise. A grand oatnp tire is being held tonight. Tomorrow the principal feature will be a sham battle. Livingston, the Faster Done. New You, September 15.—Living*' ton, after fasting nine days, stopped tonight. At about 11 o'clock a man rushed into tbe ball and told Livingston that bis wife bad oommitted suicide in oonsequenoe of ber buebend'a determination to continue the (aat against her wishes. Livingston hurried home and found bis wife in convulsions. Hs summoned a physieisn, who could not discover that Mrs. Livingston bsd tsken sny poison, and ooncladed it was only a device on ber part to get her husband home. General Wearer 81111 Talking. Euiua, N. Y., September 15.—Geo. Weaver wu in Elmira today, and ad\x=req-\ draaaed two Immaoaa Greenback meet\x=req-\ ioga. Rbt. Tboa. Baecber, Greenback candidate for Congraaa preaided, and made a cbaracteriatio iparcb. General Weaver ipoka (or two boara in tba opaD air in tba afternoon, mainly on tba qutation of flnanoaa, and incidentally on tba ballot-box franda at tba Sontb, wbereby ba aaid the Qraanbackera bad bean robbed of victory. Chicago Kacea. Chicago, September 10.—Tbera were no racaa today an account of rain. Hickok ia in town with St. Jalien and nagotiationa ara pending for bim to apaed tba California borae at tbia rnaat\x=req-\ iog. It ia qaita poaaibla ha may meat Maud S„ or at laaat hare a cbance to atill lartber lower bia rtkord. Miscellaneous. Bcfialo, September 16.—Rev. P. Adame of Donkirk baa been depoaed from the minlatry of Iba Freabyterian Church by iba Preebytery of Buffalo, for hereay, ia preaching against tba doctrine of eternal puniabment. Santa Fi, N. M.. September 16'—A dntl between a Uta Indian and • Navajo took placa laat Thursday. A faw friaoda of tba Indiana were present. Tba Uta wae killed and tba Navajo aerioualy woandrd. Knives vara tba wtapona aaad. Tba duel waa earned by both Indiana wanting to marry tba aama girl. New Yobk, September 16.—By order of tba Democrats General Committee • aalate of 100 gnna waa flrod in City Hall Park laat arening in bonor of tba victory in Maine. Tbe gnn need waa a braaa ona that waa captured from tbe Confed\x=req-\ eratea in Florida. There waa no entbu\x=req-\ aiaam. Indianapolis, September 16.—Conk\x=req-\ ling writes tbat be will make fonr apeecbea in Indiana before tba October election. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. Spanish Amnesty. Nbw Yobk, September 16.—A Htrald Madrid special aaya: Tba QaitUt pub\x=req-\ liabea today amnaatiea for polilioal and common law offmdera, and redacea many aantenoaa, in oomoamoration of tba birth of tba Infanta. Tba government baa telegrapbod to tbe authorities of tba ialand of Puerto Rico, telling tbem to apply $200,000 to aqueduota, porta, aaboole and other pnblio worka. All tba crowned beada and governmenta in Europe hava telegraphed eongratuls\x=req-\ tione to tbe King and Qnean Cbriatina. In all, tba Lord Chamberlain baa received 1500 telegramaof oongratnlatlon. All tba leadera of dynaatio parties have, on tbia occaaion, abown tbeir loyalty, and tbeir journals consider tba blrtb of an beireae to King Alfonao aa an event highly favorable to tba prospecta of tba monarchy. International .Natal Demonstration. Bomb, Urptvmber 15. — Ioitraction* to all commandera of tha International fleet except the French, elite that in cue the operation*, which may have politioal oouarqaenoea, beoome necea\x=req-\ eery, Brlliah Vioe Admiral Seymour mutt confer with bla collragura, but thet neither be nor they will be required to refer to their government before re\x=req-\ aolving on whatever cuoraa may b» expedient, Tbia liberty of action extende even to the bombardment of Dulciiwo. Biouai.Bepetuibrr 16.—Aa tha French Ironoiada ranged alongtide of the Eng. liah Ironoiada their banda atruck up "Qod Sava tba Qaetn," and tba Engliab replied with tba "Maraelllaiae." The arrival of (ha French ahlpa earned uni\x=req-\ vtraal aatiafaotioo, and it ia believed that action will now be takao. Drowned. Qcuio, September 15.—Mr*. Oliver -Joilly and bar three children wara drowned by tha apeetting of • boat on the 8t. Lawranoe river. Tw» men and a woman wara aaved by clinging to tha boat. MlicelUneoiM. Makcbmtu, September 1G.—Owing to continued depression in the Irish limn trad* the flax apinntra will attar October 4th radaoa working daye to (oar par waak. An upward movement in raw cotton ia tbraatanad. St. Pbtbbsbobo, Saptambar IS.—Tha Ooloi ssys: Tba Minister of War reo\x=req-\ ommanda tha eatabliabmaot of a municipal adniniatratioo at Taabkand and • cbauga of tba oity'a nama to Alexau\x=req-\ drogod. Tba ra?ai«tiona of tba political pris\x=req-\ onar who committed suicide aacriba tba Winter Palaca azploaion to a man al> ready in cuatody. General Skobeleff arrived at Koano> ▼odak on Sunday. Pa*i», Saptambar 16. — Uonalaur Trippal ia tba only Biabop wbo baa not yat given notification of bia approval of tba latter of tba religioaa congregations. Londov, Saptambar 16.—In oonnao\x=req-\ tion with tba dynamite affair auapieion pointa to three or four dlacbarged railway aervaata. Nobody baa been arreeted. Bo MB, September 16.—The DirUto aaya: The latest note drawn up by the British Cabinet, and now oommanieated to the Powers, demanda the cession of Dolcigno without farther delay. Admiral Seymour haa been inveeted with fnll power to take np whatever poaltlon he eonaiders moat advantageous far the pnrpoaea of the demonatration. Masus, September IS.—Tha Prinoeas has been baptised and named Maria Meroadaa Isabella. Queen Isabella was •ponaor. Tba fanotionaris* and Em* baeeadora were present. The Arch\x=req-\ bUbop of Toledo officiated. Loxdos, September 15.—The Oldham cotton spinners b»Ti> resolved to ruu their mill* only fourdsys a week. About £70,000 iu gold was purchased yeeterday for New York. Tbe St. Leger (takes were wod by Robert lb* Devil ; Hypnlita second, aud Tbe Abbott tbird. Twelve boraee ran. Dkiilin, September 15.—Waddiugtou baa rrqueeted tbe German Government to officially contradict Herr Von Bubler's aaaertiona regarding bim. It is reported at Paria that NVaddingtou baa cbalUuged Von Bnbler. An Itnliaq emisaary is expected at Friedericbrube, to aound Prince Bismarck relative to tbe eutry of Italy into the Austro-Germau alliaoce. Prioce Biamarck baa been definitely appointed Prussisn Minister ol Trade and Commerce; Herr Von Boettiscber, Supreme Prrsidrut of the Province bf Scblesweig-llolsteiu, baa been appointed Secretary of tbe Home Department. The Court of Appeala rejected tbe request of Count Henry Von Arnim for • suspension of tbe sentence of imprisonment during bie appearance belore tbe Supreme Court to anawtr to tbe obarg* of treason. WESTER* DISPATCHES. Ban Franclico Itemi. San Fbaxciboo. September 16.—Th^ Election Commissioners bad a lively meeting today. A resolution empowering Export Kaplan to employ such cltrfoal help u be soes fit oslled oot a statement from Collector Tillaoo, that be believed tbe Commiesioners bad • plan on (oot to pat 6000 men fraudulently on tbe registration liata. Mayor Kallocb, Auditor Dunn and Attorney Marpby denouooed tbe atateuient a* (alee and adopted tbe reiolation. Mar\x=req-\ pby introduced a reaolution demanding tbat tbe Uoited State* Marabala be withdrawn from tbeir atationa in and about tbe office of tbe Commieaionera. A vota on tbe reaolntioo waa postponed. Biorr* at Ban Francisco. Sax Fbancisco, September 16.—Tha flneat audience aver gathered within tba walls of tba Grand Opera Home asssm\x=req-\ bled there laat evening to liaten to an oration on campaign topica from a Republican standpoint by the Hon. Emory A. Storrs, of Cblcsgo. Tba spacious auditorium was packed froai orcheetra to dome; tbe doorways, lobbies, stsge and wings wsre orowded; tbe boxes and dress-circles were occupied by lsdisa in sucb numbers tbat tbe bouse preaeoted the appearance of a auccesslul opera bouse. P. B. Cornwall called tbe meeting to order. Ovnrral Miller waa called to tbe chair, and with a few retnarke introduced Mr. Storrs, who kept tbe audience during tba evening vibrating between burata of applsaae and roars of mirth with bla flights of eloquence and salliee of wit. Tba meeting waa by far the most brilliant of tba campaign. Albloo Win* Her Suit. Ecbkea, September 10.—The decision of Jadge Rivee was filed Isst svening In tbe Rickard-Albion salt. All tbe Albion looatlone are auatained, and tbe big vein theory, decided In the Eareka-Riobmond caaa by Judgea Field, Sawyer and Hill\x=req-\ yer Is approved. Tba injunction Is dissolved, except ss to a small atrip commencing ot a point at tbe most essterly corncr of tbe Albion No. 1 location and extending thence at right auglee to tba conree of tbe vein. This doee not effect tba Albion aurfaca linea, but makes a little different line on the dip. This decision la tbst tbe rights of a locator on a vein, if its dip is at right anglea to ita course, Is Independent of surface lines. This is a substsntial victory for tba Albion Company. UISl'KLLiMCOlH. " ' • •»l% Yea vh before th ePubl to, THE GENUINE DR. C. MoL ANE'S LITER FILLS •re not recommended oj a remedy "tor all the ill* Ih»t fleih ii heir to," but la ■flection* of the Liver, and in all Bllioua Complaints. Dyspepsia, and Sick Headache. or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can b« used preparatory to, or after taking quinine. Am a simple purgative they are uncqualed. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box lias n red-wax seal on the liiL with the impression, McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Euch wrapper bcara the signatures of C. McLaxc and Flemixo Blew. Jirinsist upon havinir the genuine Dk. P. McLANE'S LIVEll I'lLLS, pre\x=req-\ pored by FLEMING BltOS., PltUbnrgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations < t the name VcImhc, spelled differently but same pronunciation. UNLIKE PILLS, And Ms r«N«t AtrrsHns, IS PLEASANT TO TAKE, And will pro?. at met lb. most potto! sod bam. Ins System RtMnlsr »o l CImumw iktt hu t.i h»»o hiuiiihi to rtiblie none*. Foe CsMllHlls*. BIIImmhm, nrsisris. Mlaa, and mdl dwt'4.*. mrutng frnm M >**(rwW •'«" •>' I*, tptltn, ii m lucomLAitbly lb. t«l cm\x=req-\ TBonr-rmiT laxative h hm b» arnuiait at 00 mil« lw«, ot uiatlrd on HMM of ptict I m CUII»NC7 m tumps I bt th. pronrto\x=req-\ tor. I>tt?rip<i.t Book fr»o. Addrott J. E. HETHERINGTON, MW YOKE or B Alf rRxy CISCO. Electric Belts, Budond AppllumHh* onl» iwoititeu W Koeurml from tho PCLVERM ACHKR OALV AJf\x=req-\ CO„ CiueiBiMi, O., 2l«w Tort, N. I., «f Uu r iiuimo, c»i. *«n<J 10 lb* offlco IHIIH foil for Fr*« Fuiphlti *nd TIm XImum >•»•«, cttuuiii fall (artM\x=req-\ tlW. MTAmd UfM «MMnu, -fttudl. Hum tJtJ> VXD It mI m-ttUid Dttlru Mu. <«., m i860. F880. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA, e. W. HILL, • • Proprietor* rpHIB OLD-KSTADLIBIIKI) AND HKLt\x=req-\ X tbto L»ood rj U prepared to turn oat uy quality of KinonM and OImb Llora witn\x=req-\ Ml MUC damic*d Oy ntmpnluloo ot by ebwnlcftJ •ppllMUon. PickifM pancttuUly jealUd far tod r* tUfTmOR3-Theodore WolfTi Olothlng Bton. opposite Istemtloul Hotel, o I treat, Tin gult, ud Veeey Boom, Uul4 BUI, 1st