Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS TUESDAY. : s : : OCTOBEB 5. I860 OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEM. WIOC AWAUB ADTIRTHKU WHO TtlHlTC TUUUIX. IuImm CmtN ■—I w«»-rr«lu hm«I fmptrllj WmU law -Tkal la I to* UiMrlMM ml All Wlw Han IrlsU II. AMUSEMENTS. Piper*' Opera Home, Virginia City. BAM UBS. Agency Nevada Bank of San Franolsoo, 0 ttrest, Virginia City. BBOKJEBS. L. B. Franks) A Co., Main itrwt, Oold BUL T. B. McOnrn, 104 Sooth 0 ttreet, Virginia City. CLOTHING AND FUBXISHDJO GOOD*. Banner Bros., Corner 0 tad Taylor ■treeHt Virgin!*. ClOAfiS AND TOBACCO. D. Tborbarn, oppoeite Nrwt offioe. Main itreel, Oold Hill. DBCGGISTS. Httbronck A Hall, Main itreet, Oold Hill, opposite Ysliow Jacket eogias-boaae. DENTIST. A. Chapman. 130 South 0 itrest, Virginia City. FANCY GOODS. D. Tborbnrn, Main ttreet. Gold Hill. H. W. Cbubback, Postufflos (tore, Mala ttreet, Oold Hill. FOUNDRIES. Oold Hill Foundry, Lower Oold HU1, George Emmet, proprietor. Virginia Fouudry. on Railroad, near Julia wine, Virginia City, Frater A Com\x=req-\ miugt, proprietor*. FREIGHT DEUVEBY. Tbomta Gallagher, offloe near railroad depot. Gold Hill. GUOCEBlEd. PROVISIONS, XTO. Y. Lemery, Main ttreet. Lower Gold Hill. F. W. Foltom, Main ttreet, Oold Hill. HicharU Meroer, Main ttreet, Oold Hill. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Oold Hill Bakery and heeuurant. Mala street. Gold Hill; J. P. Becker, Proprietor. City Bakery, 37 North 0 ttreet, Virginia City; Fitamsisr A Arm brat t. Proprie\x=req-\ tor*. HARDWARE. Gallatin A Folaom, Main ttreet. Gold Hill. W. X. Hall A Co., Main ttreet, Oold Hill. LAUNDRY. Pioneer Laundry, north of Virginia City i G. W. Hall, Proprietor. MARKETS. Gold Hill Market, neit door below the Ntwa office. Main itreet. M. B. Dweliy, Propria lor. NEWS DEPOTS. D. Tborbarn. oppoeits Nnrt office. Mam lira*l. Gold Hill. S. W. Cbubback, Poetoffice itore, Gold Hill. PHYSICIANS AND SUBOEONS. Dr. J. U. Hall, Main ttreet. Gold HU1. 3ALOONS. Comitock Exchange, oppoeits Liberty Engine Houta, T. E. finch, Agent. fashion. Main ttreet, Oold Hill j Chrit. Weidemann, proprietor. Bank Etobange, M-Uo itreet, Oold H1U; B. F. McKenney, proprietor. Gibson't, Main atrest, Oold H1U; W. D. 0. Gibson, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Tbotnaa 0*1 lag her, near railroad depot. Gold Hill. «18l'KLLA5K0im. A PROCLAMATION Ij the Governor of the BUte of Xevada. h'f IS COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION S3 OF an Act of Hi. L*ai l»'ur» aoMlad "Au ill Kikilni «o Klxuo I," Ippnnd Xuch It, IBM, I. Job* 4, Iixkiad. uonttiw 01 tbaSialaoi N«Tad». do bar«bi ul rtitoril of uo* bun\x=req-\ Or. .1 Dollar* or lb* »rr«-l and c OTtctlon of in; par*on gailiT of a iuitd«uiMii»r. and 1 n *uo of Too lloodrad u . «r- f r tb* «rr»,t ud eoDTtciloo of uj prnoa eallty • f felmj. la tiolul u of •>; "I lb* prorUloot of ta* afor* aid !a«r. Th • abora r*«anla will b* paid 111' >b« a_'»rcg«tad am -onl pal i out raacbw Um •au of T*o I boutaad Dol it la who*** wh.rrof I bars h»r* oo.o mi my b nd and caa«*d iba or»al »»al i f tha 8tal*af Narad. In b» ififd. Dona ai Oaraoa C ty, tblaflr* d.»ol Ociohar A. D. 18*0. JuHN H. EINKEaD. Ooraroor of iba atala ut Atraila. Br I h» Oowoor: Ja«T«a BaB>c>CB. S*cr*iary wf Htata. 1 A PROCLAMATION Bj the Governor of the State of Nevada. IN COMPLIANCE Wirn SECTION ON* II) of "<0 A. I lo aacarta u aal Exprma Km Will ■ f Iba Haopla of lb« mat* ol Na*ada apnn l-a tub »ct o' Cbio-a* lauulgralloa," approved f ruarr II. IStt, I. Joan 0 K.»u«D.i<oTaraoroftha8Utaof NoaiU d • b r.b. c.n opoa tba.lactn of tbla IHiU io tlnlfl at tba uaoar.1 >i.atloa lo ba ball No»»mb«r 1. IMC. tbair «UI aa lo iba MM.tlouanra <>r probtbl loa of Chin-** Imaaljna Hoe by pacing upon ib»lr ballot* * Pur Cbl\x=req-\ aa«a l.uuil.raiua." 1> la firor tbarao'. or MAgaln>l cblO' *a Immigration." U oppoMd tfiinio. Io wlt> ni wh*rrof 1 hat* brrauoto * t in; buid and cauawl tba Orral ml uf tba stata of N«vada to ba aOirt. Don* at Carson City. lb la flr»t day of Uclobar, a D. latO. —v— jvu* a. kinkead, Oorcrnor of lb* Mat* of XavadA. By th« Rowrnn : J tar (a Babcoci Secretary of Btata. 1 A CARD OF THANKS. rpo TH< PFOPLE OF OOLD HILL AND ^ *1010117. ,nJ c*P*cially lo my frlibda: I banvltb land r my brart'alt tbaak* to yoa ferjoartla o»»* io ma wbll» am»a< yoa. lo bl iitlu* j u farrwali. and wiablog yoa All ood'a bla»* vg tor y or pro«p*rtty, I will only ado. Iboaab lar away on'* abor*. I abali rtarnb i my uod Mill friroda with a uw-l ra.-iajtai fa*l n« of frlandtblp. aod It any o' toa a>ar w.ud.r my way U eartaloly will gi*a ma pl«aaur* lo accord lo yoa Iba ftUodiy rcorpiloo yua rightly da«r'< A. 0<HEN, BUI a F- itt. *taoi.laaa coanty, California. lata • f Gold Hill. bai ltoitK r >1.1H0. || tw BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. ()' kFFICE OF TH* BOMtD OF COUNTT ■' O>moi Mlooa a of Blorry routtj. Mala N»*«d« Vl-Blni« City, rapumbar 14.1180 — Tba ■ ard of County Ooaialaalnacr* of ihla coaal* win mart aa a Boaid < f t qua illation on MO NUT. iba TWa.NTIn.TH day of HEP TaMBER. A. l>. I*»i, at ib* boar of I o'clock F. M . a d la Mwloa, from day to day u-HI lb* 4tb <1«» 01 Ooio-*r. 1M0. loclarlT*. All parti** d*alrlni| an »q aal 11 it loa oI tbalr tax*' an i*qa**t«l to com* o*ior* tb* Board at lb' **rll*at po**lbl* d-l-. ► lid E McDOXAlD.CMrk. REGISTRATION^ KTOT'OI 18 HEREBT QlVlN. THAT THE i" Book* of K- llatralloo lor tb* ir*n«ral B'actloa 10 ba b*ld ob tb* Id day ol NoT«mb*r. A. D. 1M» a** oow upta dally 'r m 10 o'clock a. a. 10 • o'cioi-k r x . *< tb* Jualica'. Coort loon. No. ITS Halo atr*»l. Gold hill. Nrrada. Naiaral'tad cltiira* will b* r*<jair*d lo pro\x=req-\ duo* tbtlr pap- r* at tb* tin* thay preasot IbMBMlT** loc racUtmlo* J. T. FLANNINOBAM, Ex-oOctn R*f1atry A(*a . blor-T ooBnty. Nsr. Oold Hill. ABjpial Hb. A. D. »W0. ino tAinOI# FKOMPTLT DONE Al JII9 fvUKK Ibl* omra, la lb* b*at Mrl* »ad at tb* towaM ttrtag i ' POLITICAL. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President: JA8. A. GARFIELD, or ohio. r*T Till rmMM> I CHESTER A. ARTHUR, OV niw YORK. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Far PrultMUtl llMiWfi R. H. TAT I.OR -*««•» o M. URET ...—WhlM Mm K. A. HVKTON... r«r J|4(I af ik« !■,>««* Cfirtl WM. H. BEATTY, OF WH1TK FINK Tmr iMkll trCMCNMi R. M. DAQGETT, or stout. ELECTION I Tuesday, November 2,1880 PLATFORM —or TEl\x=req-\ REPUBLICAN PARTY or tke Stmt* of Hevada. Tbat lha platform of prloelplM adopwd by lb* NtUoual Kapablicta CuBvta\x=req-\ Uoa U Cnloa* 'to Joo* dt.*ra*a f d rao^ia** ib« i|>provii aad bud/ lndoraaniaut of all H«\x=req-\ pobllcaot of NaTada. Jfcrttatf. Tb»« tb« bonlM of Cblaaaa tntt ara commit ui op >■ oar ibort* la aal out oar tub\x=req-\ Mucitft d.ttruylna oar coaairr, tmpov»r1*b. IM oar BlM, BiMit and Uburtr*. dabtocblug oar Juuib and alalia* both omo and wouitn lowar la too Kbt ol buuiaally. Tbla aril bium tad tbtil b* * lopped. tad to Iblt t. 4 «• pladj. tb« Mitlra *ir*uk- iu of lb* btpublican part/. Is lb* laa*aa«e o( oar Krstl leader. »• re»»rJ tb* immWralloo of t*l*ltea to tba UalUd etalra b htilo im tutu a aarTila invasion bboaid tb* CuomUnloMT* BOV In Bugotlalloa «ttb tb* Cblu*** KOT. rDm«ui fall to arcarv by tba lit of Ball Jaaoary *ucfl a modldcauoo of tba tnrnlbg um mat; ta will practically pat an aad to tb* influx uf Ublaaaa to tbla Cuualry, w» dauauu tbattaa mat j tbau b* promptly tunulUw ted • ucb la a ■ tnacud ta will ralleee Bi tt uc aad furarar of tb* Ailatio aooar.a bow m*a\x=req-\ acini tb* weU-bela< of tba Hapubllc. Tbat w* m-lt beartilr lodorte tba (eoaiai oaaaclal policy of Uia lUpub.lcaa party, wbub, lu eplia uf «iry opvMliloo ou to* put of tb* L>«m jcracy, baa i*u to ib* r*> aum.-ttua of tptcle pa, bmiii, tb* ralalbtf oi oar Batlooal eradlt to a b«i*bt oarer before kaowB, and tb* ra*tor*'loo of National proa parity. But w* d*iuaud tba complete mUi ttlou of ell tee oola to Ita forturr putihod by tb* aid* of gold, aad, for tb" purpoae ui aitaiaiug taat *aa, w* bold It to o* tba daiy of tb* gtavrtl Kuterameat, tbr« ugb tb* autbor\x=req-\ ixttioo »f Coogrtee, to cola lblo ttaadtrd dulltra or outer legal woder carnaoy. at tba ooatof coinage and for tba UntBi of tba pio duoar, tba tour* tUvtr product of tba coubtry, tuj ra.iaao It* mlalag iBdOatry from tb» loaa tttaadiag tba abipatol to, aad tala of »llv.r bullion la, for*l«a market* at uiIuiuk for tb> pracloua meiala I* tb* leading laauatry vf Ma.adt, w* at* laflaiibly optioaad to tb* hi I rvpOT'td by tb* Oammitue oa Minea and Mia\x=req-\ lag and wow twlore tb* Uouta of aepreeeaia\x=req-\ una. prohibiting tba lollowiug of Attar* *« tat or depoeil* bay. ad radical tlaet of »ar act bouadariee, aad »• art* our iepr«araiati«*e IB botu boaaee of Om— to continue ib >ir rfforte f >r ita defeat each a rtairlctiou would work dtiiftlar to lbs libora oJ 1L0 m< >•\x=req-\ pector. aad Mrioaolj ribo oevtlopuivut ol lu mlaartl rlcbet tf tba watt, and wa cordially ludoraa tba actios of oar rtpraaauiat.Ta. lb* lino. K. M Uaggelt, IB tbla babalf. Mtttffd, Tbat tb* lUpubl.cau party cla'ma It to m um light aad daty oi tb* 8 at* tad 1'tr rltoiltl Legltaluira W rr^u 1 .la a-d ratirl. I tb\x=req-\ cb*rKee ot railroad*. exciu*letiy wltb<a tbalr r*ap<ctlT* boaadartaa, tad tbat It la bo la>a tb* <oaatitoiloaal riant tbaa poeltlre duly of coo I rata to rvfulti* ttrlfla aad rvttrlet taa cbame* «ItiTB at* railruto*. JtraotaMf. I bat wttla wa congrttu'ala (Va couuiry wa Iba taccctalal rvtanptloa oi tpccit paj meat* taa tba apltadid ttotu -ltl coudnluu of tba Itopablo, »a ar» la ia*or of* tba lata aBo» ol MailosaJ and aula l*«ai ttcdar aoltt to daooBluaUt Ba ol sot lata tbaa bv* dollar*, tbut araatuI an iaci«a»ad buoia oa maad a* a circulating madium lor th« prvcloo* u*t «la wblab our udaaa ara aaaually jl.ioiu* BuotrtJ. Tbat Oaitaral Jtaa* A. Oarfl Id aud Cba.itt a. artaor, by tbtlr aarrlcaa to lb* UMibuy, by laalr daTotloa i< prloclplraaad oy lb air ua*potl*d r*patailoa aa mat abd II clu\x=req-\ aatt, ar*o*.*rrl g of tb* aatUd and MTLaal aupi/Oit of a I tb* loial paopla ol tba Dbliad Staua for > raalJeat aad Vic* fralldtBl. Wa rajulc* la Boalaailua and pud.a 10 ibtu tba »laeu>fal Tola of Marada at tb* aaauii^ abctloa by aa oTarwbalalo* majority. State Central Committee: CHUBCI1LL. J. W. Fcrgoioo. DOOOkAb. Jamtt A. Rlgbj. IC1UA. Tbomu B. Donglaa, J. t. Work, X. D. Foley, Mom* Lyon. MO. B. B. Blgalow, H. W. Brown, imiAUi. J. M. Dorrair, A. T. Brann. ■CKBOLST. Alas. Wlaa, Frank Narmor*. LAVDU. Allan A. Curtia, Charla* H. Sproala, uroti. W. B. Kinc, Oaory* W. Kilth. inwntiw B. S. Clapp, Wm. P. Ooodmin, m. Ban J. Cnrlar. onuT. 8. L. La*. Alfred Balm, F. J. McCnllonfh. •TOUT. . I. L. Rrqaa, 0. C. Stevanion, Alt. Dot*n, Richard Bliing, S. B. Harrii, E. Btrothar, 0«o. I. Lammon. WAUOZ. C. 8. Tartan. 3. B. Bkoexnaker, warra rat J. B. Kandall, Z. A. XoDarmtd, I. Im KKQCA* Ckalrwat. ALT. DOTXN, aacrttary. aslTtd POLITICAL. STOREY COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. ELECTION: Tuesday, November 2,1880 for SUM Senator*: C. 0. STEVENSON, A. J. TTBRELL. For Assemblymen: JOHN L. BLACK. OEO. BETTINOEB, X. M FREDRICK, CHA8. L. LANG, M. 0. TILDES, J. J. SHEPHEABD, PATR'K CONWAT, J. H. B0BEBT8, D. THOBBUBN. 0. 8. YOU NO, w. D. Oil a Y. JAMES LANOAN, J. D. REESE, E. 0. LEEBMO. For Sbtrlff: W. J. HANKS. For County Cltrk: JOSEPH E. McDONALD. For Tr*asur*r: B. H. CABBICK. For Anwar: WILLIAM SKTBME. For Beoordar: TRUE LOCKE. For Dlstrlot Attorney: JOHN H. HARRIS. For Publio Administrator: J. W. NOYES. For Superintendent of Schools: J. W. WHITOHER. For County Surveyor: ALFRED CRAVEN. For County Commissioners: A. O. COWAN, JAB. MCALLISTER. (Long Tarn.) (Look Turn.) J. P. WOODBURY. (Short Tsrm.) For Jaitico of fths Pe&co. Township No. 1. Third and Fourth Wards, Virginia: J. H. POMEBOY. For Justioe ot the Peace, Township No. t, First and Second Wards, Virginia: ALBEBT HIBE3. For Jostle* of the Peaoe, Township No. S, Oold Hill: J. P. FLANNINOHAM. For Coustabls Of Township No. 1. Third and Fonrtb Wards. Virginia: OHABLES B. MoOABTHY, For Constable Of Townahlp No. >. First and Second Wards, Virginia: A. Q. LONO. For Constabla Of Township No. 8, Oold Hill: NICK SEXTON. For School Trustee*—Virginia: A. B. STODDABD, IBA 8. PABKE, J. N. FLINT, J. C. PATBICK. For School Trusts**— Oold Hill: J. 0. BENNETTS, CHAS. LIONS, ALBEBT LACEEY. County Central Committee: 8. B. CONNOB. WM. SUTHERLAND, E. F. PAGE. LEE WENTWOBTH, R. W. BUB0E8S. RICHARD MEBOEB, J. P. STANLEY. TH08. GALLAGHER P. A. DOYLE. Platform and Betolntloni: KmM, That the Republicans of Btorsy COOUty renew their allegiance to tb* great part* which baa made of tbU Republic a mighty Nation, and that w* reaffirm oar fealty to tb* principle* of tb* Republican party, and accept and adopt tb* resolu\x=req-\ tione and prlnoiplea enunciated by the National and Bute Republican Contentions, cooTcotd at CbieaKO Jon* 3, and Carson City August 11. 1880. H.ttlfd, That the expeoiet of the government of Storey county ihoald be reduced to tbe leait poeeible Agar* oonslst eot with tbe requirement* ef good government. and tbe Legislative nomiaeee of tbU Convention pledge them eel ree to the enactment of inch law* u (ball subserve tbU end. and Hnolvtd, That tb* nominee* of tbl* Convention for member* of tb* Leglalatnre pledge tbrmMlv**, if *le*t*d, to n*« all honorable effort* to escnn tb* psssags of a law to oonsolidat* tb* city and oonnty government* now existing la Storey county. Btiolnd, That railroad eotnpsnies, and all other corporation* formed nnd*r general law*, enacted by tb* peopl* and for tb* people, an subject to tbe power wblcb created tbem, and tbat tbe Republican party demande of its legielator* euob en\x=req-\ aotment* a* (ball b* jnat and eqnitabl* to both people and eorporationa. Aeso/red, Tbat to tbe Bepnblican party alone can tb* laboring man of America look for tb* advano*m*nt of th*lr can** and tb* eitabliabment of tb* r**p*ctiv* right*of labor and capital; and that In tbl* party alon*, who** princlpla* lighted tb* night of *lav*ry with tb* illumination* of freedom, are tb* element* of nobl* thought and boly pnrpo** competent to *olv» tb* great iaeue* of tb* day touching tb* laboring claa*e*. Am hid. Tbat tb* Republican party, wbieh baniebad from onr land all form* of involuntary Mrvitade, except for crime* and m lad* mean or*, will otmtlnn* to oppo** tb* further Invaaion of oar (bona by tb* Chin***, and will not e*u* tbat oppo*ition till euob Invaaion ia stopped and tb* Mongolian rae* drlv*n from tb* land. Bttoind, Tbat w* heartily Indorse tb* financial policy of tb* Repnbliean party, wblcb baa raised tb* National cndlt, brought tb* legal tender currency of tb* Nation to tb* vain* of itandard coin, and I inaugurated throughout tb* entire Republic an en of prosperity nsvsr bsfon •quailed. Kitohtd, That tb* Republicans of Stony county ban tb* fnll**t confldeno* la the honesty and integrity tad ability of Jam** A. Garfield and Cheater A. Artbnr, oar National nomin*** for Pn*id*nt and Vic* President, and tbat w* pledge tb*m oar anited and hearty support, sad tbat w* denounoe tb* wboleul* slander* art—pt*d to be out upon tbem by Democntio speakers and thaswoantio press. DKinrQUIIT BALIS. f ? ? H.4,r ■!*!*« COII-AIT. location* pr.nclpal plao* of bualnaaa, <90 .7^* UkllfOIBl*. Location ol worka.Oold Hill MIdidb DUlrlct, 8 lor* 7 eoanty, NaradA ^ ^ . Noilaa.—Thara art rtallnquant upon Um toU lowlng-deacrlbad Mock, on koooDOl of imn^ 1 <J*o. U) l*2*4 on twanty-flrft (Slili d*7 «* '■!*• »•«. Um MTeral amuunla a. I oppomu tbu um of um mpmUt* ihaiabold-1 •n. u follow* j 1 Samoa. Ho. Cartlf. 8b*. Aal ■ ^ZHKL* °»aT»U»B8I..1M....«....|« .. - « —y» *iwit F K La y, do HHItoottAOo. Trmm' rlLatr do (Ml... ..2*8.. ..80... ..780 ..10... ..ISO .1178.. 100... .18 .. 100... .18 .1S8J.. 1110... .18 .. 100... .18 .MIS... .M... ..7 M ,101V... .80... ..7So .M... ..T 80 .8888... .80 7 80 ■41M... .M... .7 60 .4181... .10... .180 w Du/wm, i nuia..Mit....K> i m I Orockar AHaydam do ..4711 .. *0 TM)| Oaookar k Baydarn do ..4764....SO 780 Orockar ft BaytfM Co . 4798 ..SO TM Crookar ft Buyd<a do ..OTO....M T80 W Q Orandnll. Traatoa 80>7. ..1M... .18 .. F B Luty, Traatoa. t*l U»... .1...... 41 C 0 OoDpr, TnuUa 6I7S...100....U .. Oao W Silly, Traaiaa. bal..6I»4 7 10* Daaa. Blow ft Oo.Traato*a..S248...100....18 .. 1A Bchard oo. Trwataa....S8ll....M * • Crockar ft Sajdaa, Truau.. WU....8C T B0 Chi* A Jagtr, Truitaa, b«l.. 8880....M 4 88 Obaa A Jagar do bal. 6881....S0 4 60 Otiaa A Jagar do bal..M88....M 410 ObaaAJafrr do bal..8*88 ...II 486 * S Laty, Tnul«< 64<n.. OOOoaiar. Traaiaa M08...100....1S .. H 0 Uostar.Traaiaa. Mil...100....IS .. crockar k toydaa, Tnuu..MM....tO ISO ri Laty. Troptaa 6718....10 1 60 OWM Hnltb. Truitaa 67*2 ..10U F X Laty, Traitoa, bal MIS • 90 FKLuty da 8uo8....80 3. FlUty do Mil...100....IS .. FKLuty do bal Nil....11 1U FKLuty do bal 4*14 1. ...1A) F K Laty do bal Mil • M m Laty do tola.. 100.... 1A .. F H Luty do 88*1 1 75 I P Murphy, Traatoa Wis...100....It .. r K Ltttr. Treat aa, bal 8M4 a 90 O O OuDfar. Tiuataa 80u8....B0 7 Bo CO Connor do »0u» 7 BO Oaaa A Jacar, Truitta, bal..(Ill ...22 8 oO KPMarpbr. Truatee BIBS.. .100....IS .. | F B Laty. Traatea C1H7....So 7 $0 Cbaa A Ja«ar, Truataa, bal.«208....IB Ill Cba* A Jaa*r do bal.8*. 8....18 140 K a Grant, TrnaWa 8274...100....18 .. F ■ Laty, Traatoa *278.. .loO. ...IB .. F Jt Laty do 82*8...100....IS . F K Luty do UTI....1U 1 SO FKLuty do 8378....M I IS Uraauobautn. Ualblnf k Co. I.iiMtW... ...............4U]., .100... IS*. Qraauabaina, Balblng k Oo, T.naaaa UU...100 ...11 .. IA Bicbardaoa, Ti uaioa.bal.8i 18 a ....110 v * uity, 1171 .. So ,...1U FI Luty do US'.. .100....IS ,. Fit Laty do bS*S....M 7 SO FBLaiy do M7S...100. ..IS ., FKLuty do BASO...1.0....IS .. K K (Jrut, Troitoo NU....H 8 7S KK Urant do 8M8....M.... 3 78 KKOrant do 88M....10 1 Bo X B Urant do S6SV S 7S F k i uiy, Truaiaa MIS 6 7B FILaty do MTV....10 1M FKLuty do MM. ..100... .11, Bicbaidaon, Bill k Co. Traa\x=req-\ toaa..bal MM • I Oreaotbaum, Balblng * Oo, Trattoaa MOB....SO f M 0>a«!>.b»am, Ualblng * Oo, Traatoaa MI0....M T SO Jaa OolBj,Traatoa MIS...100....IB .. FK Lat>, Traaiaa MB1...I00....1I.. Tbomaa W Mnllatt, Traatoa.IS 1 2S Tbomaa W MallaU do SMO... IB 2*1 Jaa Cjffla, Traatoa 7o0o....2S....'S7S JaaCuBn on Tuui ...24, ...174 Jaa Coffin do 7001....M I7S BC Oaldwall TOM...100....IS . Klobanlaon. Bill k Oo, 'I ra* 7uM.,.. J» S 78 H H Nobl. * OO, Treat, bal.7074 • 1 SS B B Nobla AOo, Truat, bai.7078 > 1 » J » Blnmbarg, TruaUa. bal.7117 > 1M Nat a tain, TnuUa 7M...10U....18 .. LH Orana, Traatoa..bal....7i7o.... ».... 1M fi.laon W Marriti 7SM....SO 7M i B oonrna, Truitaa 7878...100....IS .. K K Urant, Traaiaa 7SI9....SO 7 60 Hit Nobla AO ,Trn*..bal..7*47 • 1U BU WobtoAOo do bal..7819 8 120 It at Hlaln, Traatoa 7aM....2S 8 78 Hat mala do 7888....21 8 78 Hat btala do 78B7.. .28 8 76 Nat tttaln do 7880...,88.... 8 78 NatHtola do 7*81....18 878 Nat Hlaln do 7MJ....2S 8 76 JaaCjffln,Traatoa 7*7u...luo....l8 .. Jaa Oottn do ..I41S....10 1 to Oreenebaotn, H.lblng * Co. Tryiliif"M,,t„, fyo...100....If ., Oraenabanm. Balbtnf k Co. .,7U1„.100....15 ,, f 02!?*TH?** na...too....».. JaaOofflo, Trnuo baJ..743l....lo 180 Juco«d do 74a* 7to J.« Oofflu do 7U9....I0 110 J 5° TM0....W 7 40 i £°2n 2° TW....U 8 7* iak°S" 2° 7448....18 (11 J0 7*44....18 S 76 JtaOoffln do 744* »1» 1441....18 I 78 H 11 Nobl* k Oo, liuatMa...74U...I00....18 .. tl a Noble* Go do ..7«M .100. . It h H.Nobie k co do ..7w:::wo:.::m :: K H Grant, Treat** 7490...100.... 18 .. KKGraat do 74W1 .100...!».. "Sn™0! 2° 7m...100.. *B Grant do 74M...100....1I,, I H Grant do 7494...100....18 .. * it Grant do .. l so B K Grant do 7*01 ,.joo. ..IS *"g~» do ...bal...7804....10... .110 It B Grant do 78u7...10O....I8 .. tUOiant do 7KM. ,100... I* .. BR Grant do 7810...llO....18.. KB Grant do 7*U....*o 7 go K Korant do 7129... .10 7 to Btona & Downer, Troal*ta...1Mj SO..., 4 to P K Luty, Truitc* •••••••••a* Jaa OoOd. Traatr* 7171...lug....11 .. It B Grant. Treat** 7 to KB Grant do 7179,... tO 7 to Won* <£ Downw, Tnut**«,.7iH8....tO... 7 «u Kit Grant do 7004..,100....11. K K uraut do 7«oo...luo ..It ■HOrant do 7809 a ft 52®*"' fa 78«I. .100....It ., IK Grant do 7*11.. .100....II K u Gnat do 7*1*. ..100... 11,, BR Grant do 7*17...luo....IS . It H Grant do 700.. It It Grant do 7lil..,.|0 710 It K Grant da 78J7....80 f tu KHOraat 710 [* I•»'/. Treat** UJ..7M* 7 lot II Luty do 7MS ... 10 no "f •• ■"01....10 7 to <>0 T7I1...100....1I .. K B Grant do •T7I2...1U0. 11 cKGrtut do ;• 2" ~77J«...100,...II .. do T7l»..,100....n.. a K Grant no .........T718.,.100 ...11 ,, S° 7717...100....II.. KMOrant do T7U...1O0....18. I It Grant do «1»...1W» ...II. KM Grant do 7710... .10 Tan BBQraat_ do 7711....11.....'a7J i!* TtV>m WM...100....11.. fcS°2B 2° T7M....W 710 •tlZ'S* 5° 7717...100....II Oo*« 774*...100.... It .. j,"2?2a f° 7719.. .100....|| Jaa Ooffln do 7781.. .. jUfCS" 2° "O....IO 710 Jaa Uuffln do 7717...100.. JaaOomn do 77J9...100....H do 77*0...100... IB .. i-S°Sa d0 7741.. .10U....U ,. {I"®"®11 Jo 77*1...100., .. Jm Ovffln do *7td...ioo....ll.. JtoOuflln do T7M., do 77*...100 ...||. ^ T Marja * Bon. Tra»...77l0...i00....ll.. 2*° J Ion do ..7711 ..100....18 .. Tn»«* 77M...1M) ...18.. N«lHt*n do 77M...100....W.. NmhuiS dZ 7714...100....18 . rut bieiQ do nw...iou is "•»£}« 30 77m::.iS::::,,:; Wftt Httlo do ...bfti„^T7) f, i« Natsuin do ...ui...7n«..r*io!,!#".,i 10 SJtsum £ {J!! bills £ :::;:::::T77»: h'bp?1® "If 71H... ,»0!!!!!t80 H B Karroo*. Treat** 7798...100.... il . "5^1221 2° 779*...100....It 22E?*** 2° 7797...100....18 ., n 5 i° 7119...100....18." u o Fartoni do •!%!% 1(0 i* SSpSSo"! S J" H B Paraona do *80 7tt S5J™1 W»... KL...'.*780 xl D PutOfll do .TftJA BA f IA hSKss: s° SB Paraona do ...IiKm H B Paraona d* 7841 80 1 J? BB Paraona do W47""£ HB Paraona do Sa""S OS BB Paraona do JJS jucoffla T,2f** 7««7..:ioo::::ii.. H di Uffejir, Trutu |M 60 7 §6 Blchardaon.lilll A Oo, Tnu _ .TIT*...100....11.. »—». Traataa aitokj O B Bajltj BB^Uy B Bay toy Tnutaa.... do .... do .... do .... do .... DKUIQUEHT BALKS. LtflalkM-CwUaM. Itamee. Ko. OarUf. Hha. Ami. 0 B BAylcy do 78M...100....18 .. O b Bailer do 7IM.. ,1U)....19 .. U B Baylay do bal ....7MS 4 80 B B Gnat, Truatee. bit .48 Eppateln k Oo.TruaU»a....JMI..........7 8u UbBa lay. Truataa TKM...KO... II „ Bpp tain k Co. Truatwa....MM....BO 7 JO Bajley, Truaiee !!£" "iX"" il K * Orant, Tiuatae 81M...BJ....1J .. IK Grant do B H Uraol do 81J4...100....1J .. M Kaolai, Tnutaa SX"" F A rrlaiue. Truataa #'•» .JOJ*—J! •• r A Frl.lua do 8178...100.. FA Frlalua do 81W...10U....18 .. KAKralua do bal 8i77 ....8 f * Frlalua do SiTt ..100....1I.. * A FrUlua do bal ....8IW • JO Y a »rl»tua do bal SIM • S! FAFnalua do bal.....8183 J JJ F A Prtaloi do bal 8183............W F A Frialna do ........ SS!'--U!"Uii F A Frlalua do b.l 8187.....8......» F A Frialna do MM.. .100....1# .. F A Frialna do SIM...100....II.. FA Frialna do 8i»l...l0Q....lfl .. FA Frialna do bal.....«**>.....I .48 F A Frlalua do 8308....M J JO u B bajley, Tnutaa B B Uraol, Tmataa. 8J88...1|0....18 • • U b Bijrl.;, Tnutaa 8878 ••■J0.....T8O UbBaJley do W7V....W T« F a frlalua, Tnutaa tan.. .100....1* .. F A Frialna do «*d.. .10U....M .. F A frlalua do 83W.. .100....18 .. / A Frlaiua do 8301...100....18 .. FA Frialna do 8J08...100....1B .. FA FrUlua do BBS...100....IB .. F A Frlalua do nil...100....II.. F A Filalua do M1B...1U0 ...1» .. Kenoey A Dyer. TrnaU, balhin >0 F A Friama, Tnutaa wit...100....11 .. FAFrtaloi do 8314...100....IS .. FA Frlalua do W*T...1U)....W .. Fa Frialna do 8M0...10U....1S.. F A Frlaiua do 8831.. .H0....1S .. FA Filalua do bal HM.... 1 10 U is Haylay, Truataa 8WJ...100....18 .. Jea Paieraon, Trnttaa 8383....IS ....111 Maintain, Iruetae,bal .WO I « U b Bayley, 'irnetae, bal... KTIi • 78 UB bayley da Mil.. .10U....U .. u B Bayley do MI8...H0....1I.. Ub Bayley do B1I...IW....U.. uiee^eoaaa, Uelbltg k Oo, Trualeee, bal ISM B 73 Q B Baylay. Truataa WW...100....IB .. cope k Davie TrotUea MOT.. .100....11.. Kannay k Dyar, Trniieaa...MU....B0 7 B0 r a FrUlua, Truataa M1B...100....1B .. Fa Frialna do bal UU I. <0 F A Fnalua do bal MM 1 41 ttlcbarueon, Bill k Oo.True\x=req-\ W»i • ..••»••• .M48,...80«...,i 80 O B baylay, Trnataa 1447... M 4 UB baylay do 84a....10 1 to Blcharaeon Hill k Oo, True teen MiT....S0 7*0 OB Baylay, Trutiaa 848S...100....18.. U B lla>ley do WW...100....18 .. U B Baylay do MM.. .100....11 .. UB Bayley do MM...100....II .. Ob baylay do #4*7.. .100....11.. UB baylay do K08...I00....1I.. •a B Bayley do MM.. .101)....II.. T».eo Ueberman, Truataa...8381...100....IB .. U B Baylay, Truataa 86>8.. .10U....1B .. U B bayley do 8469.. .100....II .. U B Baylay do HB7S...100... IS ,. u B Baylay do 1887...100....IB.. UB bayley do 8MB...100....18 .. U B baylay do 8B8U...100 .. II.. UB Baylay do 8M0...100....IS .. U B bay lay do 888I...U0....18 .. UB Baylay do MOT...100....18 .. U b 11.yIcy do 88W...100....1S .. ub Bayley do WI4...100....1* .. Ub bayley dj Mil...100....18 .. U B Baylay do 8118 .100....IB .. U B Baylay, Truataa MIS. .100....II.. Ub Baylay do 8818. ..100.... IB .. UB baylay do 8880. ..100... II .. UB Baylay oo 8831...MO... II .. uu baylay do M33...100....1B .. U B bajlay do MM...100... II.. U b Baylay do MM...100... 11 .. U B Day ley do Mill...100....II .. Ubbayla/ do MIJ...100....IB .. UU baylay do ISM.. .100....IB .. UbbAfiay do 88M...100....18,. U B llaylay do MS8...100....18 .. U B Bay ley do SMI...100.... 18 . J b Bay la/ do 8MJ...100....U .. OblMaky do 8M4...I00....1I.. uB Bayley do 8MI...100....1B. UB Baylay do 8848. ..100....18 .. OB Baylay do 8M7. ..100....1B .. b M uraat, Tnutaa MM...100....18 .. Obaa L Weill, Truataa MM.. .300....SO .. Jm i'ateraoa, Truataa M14...100....18 .. a Kaufman k Co. Trualeee..MU...178....M *8 a b Wakafla.d k Co, Irueta.MM ,.«o0....lw . H J tlbrietopu.... roo ..180....M80 u B Baylay,Truataa V704...100....18 .. ub Baylay do 8701. ..1MI...JI.. U B bay ley do KIM... 100....15 .. O B Baylry do 8707. .U0....1S .. UbB.yl.-y do 8711....8 78 U b tayiay do 0711..,100....18 .. U B t ay lay do 871S...100... 18 .. U B Baylry do M14...I00....18 .. uijley u b, Truataa .8718. ..100....IS .. B.y.ey U B do 87M.. .100....IB .. baylay Ub do «M. ..1WI....1B .. Baylay UB do 87I7...U0....1I.. baylay B B do 8i88...l00....1l.. bay ley U B do 8788... 100....IB .. Kaunay k Dyar, Tnutaea....W»... .W....18 80 ILaunay A 1>jar do ....MM 1 Mi UB nayiay,Truataa MSI....U 8» If W Fraoak, Tiuatta SM8..10uo...llo . U b Baylay, Trnataa aMl. ..B00....71.. nlcbarUaou, Bill k Co.Trua\x=req-\ taaa 8837....10 7 60 Blcbardaoo, Hill k Uo.Trua\x=req-\ taaa,,........,.,,,,......,8136..■.40*,,■,8 •, Blcbaruaon. Bill k Oo.Trua\x=req-\ taaa .... MM 100 ...II. Rkbardaon, Ulli k CoiTnu\x=req-\ taaa 884I...100....1B .. U B Baylay. Truataa WM. ..10 7 10 UB Baylay do M47....IO 7 40 U U Baylay do Wi»...loo....lS .. Klcbanlaou, Hill k Co, Trua\x=req-\ Uea M50...100 II.. Rlchaidaun, Hill k Co, Trua\x=req-\ taaa 8SSI.. 100....IS .. Klcbardaou, UUI k Oo, Trua t««a 8881...100,...18 .. Chaa A Jayar, Truatea. .....8883..1188.. .178 18 FA Filalua, Truataa MM..8UU...7W .. T T Atklaaua k Oo, TruaUaaWM..47M.. .71070 U B BcBrida, Trnataa 88M..B800...870 .. Asa la aooordauoa with law, aud an otdar ol the board of ULraclora, made 00 tba twenty\x=req-\ Ant day of July, 1180, ao many a barn ol each parcel of aucb Block aa may be nacaa\x=req-\ aary, will be aold at publlo auotion, M tbe office of the Company. Boom B, Mo. 330 Pine etreet, Hau Fraoclaco. Oallfornla, 00 TUUbH\x=req-\ UAk, the fonrteenth (I4tb) nay of Octuber. 1880, at tba boar ol two (i) o'clock r. *. 01 Mild day, to pay aald delinquent aaaeaamanl ihtreon, together with eoata of adrartlalug and ezpeoaaa 01 the Bale. F. A. FBI81D8, Secretary. Offlce— No. 330 I'lue a treat, Boom 8, dan Fraoclaco, OalUornla. J4 nituitPivr until and MLTeH * M1N1NO COMPANY.—LocaUou of principal place of buatu***, itan krauciaco, California. Location of work*, Hirer Star Dlitrlct, Btorij county, Narada. Notice.—Tbere art dtlinqaeot upon tb*fol lowlntr-dcicrl bed (lock, on aecooot of im» miol (Mo. 7) lerled on tbe tw.nt/.flut day of August, lMu, the i*v*raj amount* »ct oppo •lt« tli* name* of th* r**t>ecilv« ihannotden, aa follow*: flame*. No. 0*rtlf. Shi. Ain't. Atkln*on, Lyon A Co, True\x=req-\ te**.... 4(81—SO....IS .. Atklnion, Lyon ft Co, Trua\x=req-\ Um ...,.......tMB....10 S ,« Appleton Nathan. Tra*U*...4M6....(0 t.. Armitroog J L, Trait** 4976...100....10 ., Armairunit J L do ....4976...100....10 Armalroig J L do ....4*79...100 ...10 .. Armstrong J L do ....4W0...1U0....10 .. armatroiiK J L do ....4M1...IU0....10 .. Arm-Iron* J L do ....804B....60 I .. Dale* D 0, Trait** 4MB....80 1.. jf*l**JT, Turn (MB....90 > .. Benjamin K A.Truite* JJ6J.. .10B....10 .. BeuJawlnKA do ....SMI...100....10 .. Benjamin rA do ....8009..B040...BOB .. B«iry. Wolfaklll ft Oo, True\x=req-\ INI 8*1... 100....10.. Cop*. Cbler It Oo, fruit***. .1171.. .100 ...10 .. Cop*, Ubl.r k Oo do 4*74...100....10 .. Onxkrrft •uruatt, Trnita*i4182... 80 1.. CTandall W O, Trait** 1MB...100....10 .. Ciantiall W Q do 4997....60 • .. Ooffln Jamr*. Trn*t«* 4996. ...60 1 .. OiokJk. Trait** 94M....10 1.. 0 ok J It do 1*64.. .800....60 ,. Cook J* do WJI...800....60 .. Ooffln k Pav*. TraM***. . .4641... .60 B .. C'rucker k ttuydam, Tro*t***.4449....60 6 .. Clot* k Lovaland.Tra*t***..49t*6...1U0....10 . Uralg Warner. TruaU* 4996....IB 164 Oral* Warner do 60#l...80u....80 .. Ooffln, Baodenon ft Oook. Trail***.6010.i.100.•«,10 .. D*w*y B K, lraaiee. 193S....90 t.. Itewey I K do 4939...100... 10 .. Dewey K ■ do 49JO....B0.... B .. Dewey K K do 4911....BU • .. Uoutberty B, Trait** 4BB7....10 1 .. Dougherty u do IBM....10 1. Dougherty B do 4MB....10 1. Oonfbmtr B do 4690....10 1, Dougb*rty B do 4B91 ...10 1 .. D*Orrayer B, Truatee 80*0...100.... (0 .. gppetelo It Oo, Tnutc**....46S3...100....10 .. Pry, Naal ft Oo, Trait***.. ..4B6B...100....10 . Pry. N*al ft C* do ....4*64...100....10 . Kry, heal ft Oo do ....6017...300....90 . Pry. Meal ft Co do PoeUr A W, Trail** 6941.. 100....10 .. Pl*b*rB, Trait** (M0. ...80 6 .. Pt*h*r« do M1B....60 6, Pl*b»r I do MI6....80.... 6 . Mlb*rX do 9688....60 6.. Pilot Benjamin 4006 6 60 ttr**o*b*om, H*lbln* 4k Oo, Tnut***. **•• ••••••••*•••• .40W,• .009 Qr**n*b*nm. tialblog ft Oo. Tra*t*«* • ••••••••••••••a **tHI»i 100....10. am** A Jr, TraetM. M81....60 B .. Uanot A Jr do 4W0....M §.. Gardiner* Hook*r,Tra*t***4M0....M J.. OvdU>*rft Hooker da .4M1....B0 6 ■. Gardiner ft Bookar do ,4666....M >60 Owdlaw ft Book** a* .69M....M 160 DIL1JVQUINT BALKB. rmpMl-OcaimaM. i Iibn. ao.OrrtiC Bha. Ami. Ouri ett IJkOo, Trn»Uri.4tM....t0 • .. Oardlner Baldeln. TraatM..4Mf3... 10 5.. Uollr* thl, Truiteee 48e8.. .1W....10 .. nil k Klliear. TnuUM....134l....l0 a .. Boffmto B, TrasU* UN.. 10....B.. Moffiuan II do HlgKlu, k Oonkllo, Tru>taMltM....60 S .. ■mcm* Oatkita do tw0,..i00....i0.. HImm k Oooklm do 80U*....M 4*0 Holm*-* A A 0«. TraitM, ,83i»....10 1 .. H«|i k Obirlei, Trune* 3447...100,...10 .. do ....1461...100....10.. Ilenrtrle Hroi. 46M....SO HendrWBroe do 4M7...100....10.. Jtav* j. Tru'te. ana... ao a .. Ho.oirr D M, Trades 8.(4....11 I to U«a>rU M do Ms...loo....10 .. UmoblnwD J, 4M..V... Hutcblnioo J do ....Mil .. so « . Biley 8 B M, Trnilee lilt....80.... a .. tuieyaBM do a.. Hale/ HUM do »*«....«u..."» Mall B B MM.. .100. ...10.. Hopklna J U. TraitM MSi t 60 Jirgur J A, TraitM Boat...100....10 .. Keuney k Djer, Tnutw*.. .4780 So B .. Kanoey k Dyer do ...4TM....U S .. Kinney A Dyer do ....t0M....a0 a.. Kenney * Dier do ....»«T....W a.. I Klngwell J F. TnutM. Mil...110 Laty w X, TnutM 101* a .. Lubrop L A,TraitM 4401...100.... lo .. iLatbropLA do 440B...I00....10.. Luob W L, TraitM 6007. ,.T» 7 W LlebermanaTbeo,TraitM..BOM...100.... 10 . Ljoni J r, Trn»tM 6017....60 B .. Moore J P. TrnitM .114... .60 » .. Moore J P do 1M....M I.. Moire J P do 834 B to M ore J P do 144»..ltOO..,loO .. Moore J P do lbM a to MouteJP do to so....6o 6.. I Moor. J P do 3440....10 1 .. Moore J P do 1OS0....M ».. Mo-re J P do a.. Moore J P do 401* 3 80 Moore J P do 4UI1....10 ....1 .. Moore J P do toil a to Moore J P do 4011....30... .a .. Moore J P do tola....Bo.... a .. Mooie J P di I344...1UJ....10 .. Moore J t do 4/M. ..HO....10 Moore J P do 4*0«... 10 1, Moore J H do 4117....60 6 Moore J P do 4M0...10O....10 .. M «jr.J P 4ol4 8 60 M ore J P 434J 1 60 Maniel M, TraitM 4*44....10 1 , M*atel M do «#W....B-i t .. Motinro T R. TruttM MMS....U 1 to Mylrea 0 M, TraitM 4M>9... to a.. MjIreaCM do 4H10....M a. JlylreaOM do Mil....80 8. MylreaCM do 4911....44 4 60 Minn L, TraitM 4MI...1UI....10 .. J Maau l ao 4«sa...loo....lo . J»«uiudt»rl, Trailm »8b3.. I00....10. Mookaa Oaarlet, 'iru»iM....6oal....*o a .. Plait K C. Unit* 4 873....60 8.. Page, Wilioa k Co, Tru.tMeWl8....10 1 .. r.go, winoa * Co do 3VM....38 3 80 PaitrraouJamM, TraitM...4031....IS 180 Patunoa Jam<a d» . 44W....10.... l , Hi.l*a P.TrnitM WIS. ..loo....10 . Preieutt O W txtt 8 60 . KlebirdionK A. TraitM... 310N....80 B .. lllob 1), Tru.tfo HM...100....10 .. JteaOT, ltaite- Mil.. 10i....l0, uaodolpa, Macalntoeb k Oo, Trail mm. a.. Ralelgb (itorae. TroitM....8ol0. .100....10.. schmiedill, ilocbitadter k Co.Tru»u«» icbmledill, Bocbilidur . Co. Hoodgmi B V. TraitM abotweil J M, TraitM.. nbotwoll J M do 8liot*ell J M do who. well J M do Sbotwell J M do abotweil J M do Mbotaell 4 M do aboiwtiiJM do SMideraon Ueo B, Trail. SbarpOeoK. TraitM.... dellfmio B.Traitei stump Irwm U, TraitM stailtb Money M. TruitM. ..IMS 8 to sitaltb Cbirln H. 7ruitM...toei...t7u....t7 T< dd k Jewell, Tra>IMe....U7l....38 a SO Tbarnoa Otorne P,'1 roilce.4474....U S 60 J rauntua Ueorge If do .3118....aB. ..360 Tbontoa UeorKe P do .3|4»....38 aSo Wuodi 4k free bore, Iran. tefl..,.,,.,,,,, Wood B P A Oo, TraneM....BM Wood B P k Oo do Wood UfkOo do Wood II P k Co do Wil»oa k Wllioo a uutcbiax a Wonbua K W, TruiiM..., Wittln J B k Oo, TraitM .. And In aceordaace wltb law, aad an Older or the Board of Dtreekre, made oa tbe twint/. #nt (Jlit) day of Aufnut, UMi,eo many iharee of eacb parcel of iach itoek aa may be aeeeeeary will be aold at pnblls taction, at tbe oOce of tbo Company, Ktxim 37, Mrrchan:i' KicLinfe, No. Ml Oillfornla ilreet. biu Prauclioo. Cillfornla. 00 HA 1 URD«T, tbe ilz toeatb (I8lb)d*y of ocioutu, tbebour of 1 o clock r. M. of uld day, to pay Mid dillo«Bent aneeeuent tLereoa, toaetber wlta ooeta of adTtrtliln* aad exp»oeea of tbe eale. __ U. P. BD8U, Mecretary. ^ Office—Room Mo. 37 MercbauU' bcbuiae. J«o. 431 California itrMt, Han Praaelioo. C«u Horn la. I ... .40M. A ....a ...Mia ...10. ....1 ...MV4. ...60. ....8 ... WM. ..1M. ...IS ...4000. ..100. ...10 ..100. ...10 ...4o30. .. to. .100. ....a ...4oiy.. ...10 ...4100., ..100. ...10 ...444.. ..too.. ...80 .110., .10 e,.liud.. .»0„ ..30 , ...DOtt,. .710.. ..78 . .1M....10 . .4388. ..100. ...10.. ...30. ....a.. .3331. ...10. ....1 .. .3830. ...10. ....1 .. ..aut. ...10. ... 1 .. .4741. .100. ..10 . .41)31. ....a.. .4718. ..700. ...70.. sam. ...B.. Kkrtiick mining com pan y.\x=req-\ Locitlun of i>rtncipal place of builucM. mo Fisudsco, California. Locatluu of work*. Gold BUI Mining District, Storey county. Nevada. Nolle*.—Tnere an delinquent npon th« fol\x=req-\ lowlng-deecrlbed (lock, on account of ux ment (Ho. Ml levied on the tweutyflfth (Ulb) day of August, MHO, tbe sersral amoonu set opposite tne name* of lb* respective a ban boidara. aa follow#: Nam«a. No. Oertlf. lbs. in'L OeoT Marye. Truataa 1H1 5....SI SO 2 A Klcbaidtoo,Trusts# fTi....M ...II. Jo«Bolstnan ft . J M Day Jr 2112 1 SO TJ bbackleford 1TM 1 3u I Ulsaler k Oo, Trustees MM... 10 8 .. BHberbaro, Tiustee 73i» I. i Olaalar A Oo, Trot** MTl ...10....It , [ Ulaaier k Oo do ....i1i0....SU....1I . Umi T M.rje A Bon, Trusts.MiUt ft 1 to Krsnk Hwltt, Truius 9&IW 1 1 to ZadiK A Weill, Trusteee....»M» . M WPiumoer A Co, TrusU.lulOft... .10 • . Hosm»rh Bourns 10.09....10 S. Oopa k Co, Trustees. I0J<.#... .( 1 to t Ulaalrr k Co, Trustsee,..10t*4 a 1 tO Kaonrj k Dyer. Trustees., loftll) ...10 1.. J A Hobinson, Tiuaiee HJIft. ,.1im....«0 .. B Cabill A Co. Trusirea.... II2SI ft 1 K Cnckrr A *uydam, Trnsta.11 W... .• 1 to K A Hlcbardeun, Trustee...Ii400....10 1. Crocker* feuydaui, Trusts.1141ft....80....II. Fry. N>al k Oo, Tru»teee...U4if....lO • . ttcbmlrdoll, Boebatadtar k Co. Trustees 1IS10....30 6 , Baldwin Uardlner,Truat*e.lifU....M S . I Ulailer k Co, Troalaas.. .117U0....10 ft . J L King ft Co Trustees.. 11779....10 1. ■I Nsustatlrr, Truster 11788 ...IS. Nat Main. Truaiee 7 to Latbam k King. Trustree. J1881.. ..ft 1*0 Ueo T Marye A Son, rraa\x=req-\ leee 1KM....M • I Hoebiudter A Oo, True tees 1I0N....M TN B Hocbstadter k Oo, Trtu tee« 1314ft.. ..10 • .. B IJocbstsdtar k Co, Tree\x=req-\ tees 11141. .100....K .. Oeo B Fret eb 1J1JI ft 1 to M « Martin. Trnale* UI11....1U 1 , wood* A PiMborn. Trustees 1U48 | 90 Woods k Freeborn, Trustor! 1MW .. .41s 114 Zsdlir k'walll.'Traslee*....lttT4... jft.W CBQoud Trustee I11H 110.. , Jobn Untrbtnaou, Trastc*.l440.1....l0.... I. Zadlr k Weill. Tru»t**« ... llllt....10 S , B Boebatadtar * Oo True\x=req-\ tw 11431...100....10 , I Ulaaier k Co, Trustees.. .11437....10 1. August Wrltii, Trustee 1444* ft 110 Breckinridge k Yost, Trustees 11M1....10 1. Breckinridge A lost. Trua\x=req-\ teee 114T4....1ft 4 BO Crowley k «oodmao.Tru«,.114T8 ft 1 to Llaile A Wat-re 11HJ ft 1 fto Kp;istelD k Co, Trustee*..,Ht89....IO ft . Laibsm A Klnf. Tiusteee. 11711....10 6. UtlskOo. Trust)rs 1177ft....*) ft .. kppsteln k Oo, TrvUe*...l;iM«... (0....U .. B uocbstadter k Oo, Trustees 1»M ft 110 DuBstee.Tnulee lW9....t0....1S . B D Hawks, Trustee 1S0M....H 7 Ml Nat Buln. 1 ruatee IftOtt....» 4 10 N Obsrdltl, Trustee 18149....10 1 .. B ii Hawks, Trustee Ultft ft I » BDBawka do M1«1....I0 ft.. Macpbereun A hblnn. True UI7I....10 » .. J M Mbotvell, Trustee ...HIM... to....18 .. 0BGould.Ttmim 1S1M......1-10... .. NatBteln Trustee 18*88....10 1.. Atkinson, Doud k Oo, Trus eeeeeeeeeelMfssislO 8 .. B M Mile* k Co, Trn#'e*e..lMJ4...100....l0 .. B B Noble A Oo. Tra»t»«.lMM....10 1 .. Macpberaou A ahUb,Trua\x=req-\ tttt 1WW....10.. ,.l ,, And In accordance with law, aid an order of the Board of Directors, mad* on U* IStb dar of Aogaat, Mfto. so many snares or each parcel of such (lock aa mar be necessary will be eold at public auction, at tbe office of tuker ( rltteaden. Room If, Merchants' Iz change Building. No. Ml California street. Ban mactsco. California, on TUI-DAT, tbe nineteenth (Ifttb) dar of October. 1N0, at tb* hoar of 1 o'clock r. u. or eald day, to pay said de\x=req-\ Unauent tbafaoo. together with costs of adrertlalng and eipensee or tb* sale. . J. w. Pf W, Beerstary. Office-Boom lfl. No. 110 Pine street, wan Francisco, Oallfornla. I * Onn woun m to days oh no 2)1 Z UII ItnUil OffleUl npcitt fNtb □kr prolta wmUv oa Stock option* of llo to MO. AddnMTJratUr Wtfktli Oo* Baalim, w«i oafi DELINQUENT BALES. ll .10... do . ..10... do ....1M44.. ..U... .140 do ... 1MI4.. ..•I... .U.. do ...14461.. ..30... .10.. .34 .. do ....140*1.. . 60... do ....14418.. .300... IM .. do do ,,..11493 ,...l4aM.. ..60.. M .. do ....14444.. ..10 .. .10 .. do ....14944.. ..40... .*0 .. do ..,.141*4.. ..10... .6 .. do ....14110.. ..40... .30 .. do bal.lMM.. ..19... .49 40 do Oal.l4i2t.. ...7*. ..116 do bal.lUJH . ...414 ...1 6f do bal.lMW.. .. m. ..116 do bal.lMJO.. ..M«t. .11 M do bal.lftW.. ,.t<l... .40 .. do b»l,149M.. ..MI4..MTB do ....14MI.. ■loO... .60 .. do ....16AM.. .60... .16 .. .6.. 4 LTA ULTKB IINIK C#l» A I'ANY. — Loc»ti"D of principal ptaoa of nnelnr i. tea Frmucltoo. California. Location of woriu.iiold 1111) Mining Dlitrlct, Gold Sill. 8u>w coonty. Navada. Nottcu.—Tbani are delinquent opon th* foV •owlnc daaeribad Mock, oo aeeouBi of mji*1 mcntlNo. 16> laTled oo tba iw*oij-0ilh t»iU| day ol ADfwl, ItWi IM amoBBta aal oppoalta iba uom of tba raapactlaa ahara\x=req-\ ""SL" '°U0W,: No.Oaitlf.Shi. Ami, At^n.Oo«d * Oo. Tw^ 6....I1 M Atku^.Dood A Co. Tro*10M# ,0 , .. Atkn»oo. Lyou * 7 41 *7,, M Aft D C# TrotUt TUII... .M....» .. caiaa t>0 oo —i5 Ulet D0 do J w Balt-t V V do '"JJ - S""1;" BaUaDO do JJSS-"* 2 6 Balea D 0_ do !«<*1....10.• ;»■ •• _ Trnataa 1*14.. Beyiey Uao A Baylay Uao B Bayby Uao B nayky Uao B Heylry Uao B Baylay Uao U Ueyley Uto B Baylay Uao B Baylay Uto U Baylay Uao B Baylay Uio H Baylay Uao B Baylay Uto B Bay try 0*0 B ba> try uco B Ha) lay Uao B Bay la r Uao H Bar«y Uao B Baylay Uao H Baylay Uao B Uajlry Uto B i£jd T c' T?a ........IHW.... • * » Ooj>a A U«Tl«. Traataea 1*14... • •» ' w wTabdall W O, Trnataa MM... CotBn Jauiaa, T.naia* ' Coffin J erne « do J— *2x''*5 00.111) JlUiM do a bll. lWw aa;l '• C'ab'll A k Co, •* CablllKAC.. da . ••'«***••••"■ "-1® " Cablll It A Oo dJ "! JS"' Cablll A A Co do Ul.lelS* '*<•••* «g Cablll * k 00 d'l bll,IM|I.....IH...|r Cablll B* CO ao 0ablll K A CO do .bel.lSMl.....6X...»*■ Crocker A feujdam, T4««M.lU8X|».... »0 Jrutkar Job". Truaiaa .. ..14110,...JO • .. COW*, ' "T. .T^H190...100....60 .. SK i b^SS'TnoST:\:: c«Ou. baudaiaou * Cook, Trualata .22""2!'ii " Cook U»J B, TiBaiaa IM®."-*""*} CuOk ti«0 11 (10 lMWiaa.lO.aa.a*.. oaaay a A, Trn»ta* JUHI"'*a'"^ 40 Daucan W L. TnuUa.>:...l4'* » ••••■ » ray P U. T'tiaua bat.16346.....OH...J U Kraiika £ uray. Troataaa...14071..• Klatt 0 J, Troatea a " Kraoaa B. Truai«t Itt'l " Ulaxltr 1 A Co.Traataea....I04u«...10 .. Ullkl.rlAOO do •••J11" SJ !2 '" 01.klar i A Oo do ...14080 .10.. ulllon J, lruaU« "'J " UlllOuJ 00 14^1*4 aa.iO .a.13 . a OtllOD J dO 1W»4...100....#M a. 0T*oa aaa™' H*,W°?.*..?W. UO....W .. arr::£m:.u:T'.'a'iuii...ioo...«.. Ureeuoaum L A Oo,Traeteaaltli4 - uraaoa * oo, IMI«..••» •••}»•• urtcO' k Cii do 1I44I....IU....10 .. Uravea W W.Truataa 14U».... Urast t K, Tr®.taa....bal,JM4»....iJH. Uretyer de H, TruiUi m Uraayardell do bal.l4JW....14H^JdJ HoaiuarOMAOo.Tiualaaa.ltult.... 10...^** •• Uubkaid A C j, lioataaa... .«*... 40....W .. Mala A hacbrCO,*.l....lU. ...» •• Hu cbliiwn Jubn. Trnataa. M* •• Ualcblurou J'bo dj .117M....JU....J0 „ llul Alind B Tra»taa. bai.lM»i....«»H..l« JT llaikbarg I, Tru.taa IM.*....*.•••>' 18 Urntberv 1 do •»....»\x=req-\ Uawka U D. Troalaa WWf-•••*•-•**i* llawka 11 D do I**1*—"* Hookar Kt\ Troatea ., HoebaudurK AOo. ln.. .. Uocb.lauur It A Oo.Troa\x=req-\ to* .^...lUT!.. 100.... Boauudu «• Hocbatadtar X A Oo.Trua _ ,, tee, .. Boibatadtar m * Oo, Trea\x=req-\ Un 110(9 • 1 W Utaoar B,Troaiaa 1*40....*J.--;J® •• IglauarB do W140...*<!...Ittj .• Iarkaoo kt A.Trnaiaa IUbW....4o....10;. J at k.ob U a do lt**J Jastaoo M A do litfl. ..1W....40 .. jajqurttJaaraf!, Treataa, law#. ...»«.■•• " K< lley ueo W, Trnataa iaW,...IO.....» .. isr71 uyVr TTo*"::mS:::.»:::.x5:: "S!a™".!,..°?:^ Kaniman H A Oo, Truata»a..W4O....10.....J .. Urkm Mtcbaal. Trnataa. ..1MM.„ I0....14J\x=req-\ Mnrray W B.Tnutta.. bal.l»M4.IJ" Mnrr.y WU do ...bal.lkJM • • •• Marka k lUlabardl, Trua\x=req-\ NU....M....10 .. Marka * BaUhardt. T.tta\x=req-\ teaa HS4....#0....» .. Mary. Uac T A bob. Trna\x=req-\ la.a 1IW4....W....W .. Millar Katla Ml....14 .. Mllaa K M A Cj, Treat.aa..ll4tfl....*) .. Milta A Klu*. -irnal«aa....l4440... 10.....4 .. Mullar W jTxrnaiaaj.. M4I....I0....10 .. Mawar. Bacon A Co.Truaia.U14a...........«40 >obl. U U k Oo. iruataaa. ••(«».. u'Oonbor Jobu. Trnataa...1«1M...H«.."40 •• PaUiron Jauiaa, Tiuaiaa,..14Wl....40....W .. Klcbardaou M A, Iruaiaa ...Hia. •••»••••1J li Kicbarjauu t A do bAl.liaSd..,..114...• T# Kuot Uao B, Truatca ttji... KoutUaoB do 1»I4».1140 Kicb U. Trnataa *j0u,...10 • .. ttaadulpb, 44aeklntoab A Co. 'I 11»0....10....10 Unitih Ci.aa II. TinaUa.... J * BDiilb ubaa H do . .IMM. ..100... 40 .. ttuillb ibaa U do ...IUM...1W) BOilibCbaatl do ,-.lArtlJ..»l0....14i. scbmitt C A. Treat*.,*!#......*..^*1 statu Aat, Tnuua l»»41...1ftj....40 .. 3eii«mau U. Trnaua I40M ••••?••*•*; il Sboiwan J M, "lruaioe 14914....M....*t N nwalj H 0, Tr>i»taa U|».... Taylor W a, ireaiaa 110VJ....10....;4 .. Ibuuiaoa Mooroa, Truaiaa.l«4*«.. .140...1* .. Tuuiuaon Monro* do ItoOS.. MO... 114 .. Tot) nkO, Truaiaa ll'iJ— 40....'J4 .. ToblnnO do lMi*....lO....»a.. Tobm K 0 do 14»M...iOO....»0-. WcodWB bAl.IUM 1 160 • ataon Wtn U, Truaiaa....rj<44...1uo....40 .. Wataon WaiM do ...IMrl... 10 1.. *aiaon WuiH do bai.l«4uo....M....«l .. Maiaon Wot 11 do ...,ia«W....M....I0 „ Wataon WinH do b*l.:*M....44l*..U«« Walaon Win 11 do hal.UaM....MN.."tf Wblla A W, Trealta IU .. Wataon 0 B.'tiualaa 1M1T....30....1* •• Wak«Dald B B a Oo. Trna- _ . „ laaa bal.lMW » « 4« Wakcflald B U A Oo, Traa\x=req-\ taaa !. ... 1440T....10 W.a.flald MBA Co. Tola\x=req-\ IK. I4M0....I0 # .. Wjoda k Traalx-rn, Trea\x=req-\ laaa •» Wl.aooAUnicbinaun.Tina\x=req-\ Uaa ^ " WUII Cbaa L,Trnataa "ifS" WaillOuaaL do ••• • JJSii-" * * * *5?, " Weill Cbaa L do ....14M1...10U....W .. Wall! Cbaa L do . ..U4£ ...40....M .. Walton K H. Trealaa 1M40...J40....14 .. Yoal UZA Oo.Tro*laaa...14I4A....10 • .. ZaJla A Aul a>aa.TraaMaa.l»W4....40....M .. ZUiba u T. Tiuaua U411 1 1 49 And Jn aeeordanea with lav, and an ordar of toa Board of Dtnctora, mada oo tba twanty-fltth day • I Ancuai, llaO. ao many abaraa of aac« par. cat of aucb atock aa Buy ba ni raaaary will ba ■old at pobllo anctlon, at tba offica of iba Oom> naay. Bo 401 MoaUomaiy atfaat, Booma 4aiid a. Ban rraoclaoo, Oal.fori.te, oa MONUaY. tba elabtranib day ol OCTuBaK, 1M0. at tba boot of I o'clock P. M. of aaid day, to pay laid delinquent aaai lament Iharaon, I oft bar with coata of adrartlalna and eipanaaa of tba aala. WM. B. WaTHUN, bacratary. _ Offlea—Ho 80 J Xos'iooiary alraat, Koona • and 4, aan taockco, Cal.fonila, »Id CAUTION NOTICE. Y* LLOW JtOKKT BILVIB MINIHG COM* p»ny.-8»I* No. M -Tt« publio I* bet*, bj etntlonad ualaat ponbMlni tb* Mluwlnf • dMcnbvd (to> k of tb* y*M«w jKkil Hlr« Miblup Company, m tb* Mm* fu told for A*M**m*ot No. M, OB lb* 23d itj of 8«pl«ra\x=req-\ b*r. 1880: lovboMMio*. No. Ortlf. tb*. IIoeii»'n3i«r B k Co, Traiti...1*008 V Uoaeui W L, Trial**. 1W9T 6 (•not I K. TrnMM 1VIM * SUIn N»t. Tracts* KMT *0 W B, T'BMM tM0 10 (talih Cb** U, Trout* WH >0 Ncwltod. Ju. Tnut** Hist S Fiiiodi H B, TrntU* WIS Ml Br *rd*r of tb* <lTri»t***. MJIBOIB OTBT, ImMut. Gold BUI. B^Uabu M. UN. WUK. «U Idirit IHM —tit ■ 0o*tiy ootat (n*.