Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS j Ai.r. 001 ru, rnmmmstms HIMr. TUESDAY, : OCTOBER 13. 1880 FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES A. WAR FIELD, or ohio. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, IIIESTKR A. ARTHUR, or NBW toil " lu my opinion tk* 4**t mt*r**t* of 111 ukol* country, Xortk and Sonti, d*mand lit MccNt of tk* licit! Krudtd by Oar/I* Id and Arthur."—C. 8. Okaxt. Hrpnl'licanitm m*an* " a pwrnnl [of tk* profit, by (W p*»plt, for tkt pro pi*." Vtmocratio parly rult Maiw a ytMnuinl of tkt p*opk by li« arittocracy, for tk* mriHotraty, and not for tk* poopi* or tAo nation. TODAY'S KLKCTloai. Tomorrow or next day we may be able to form torn* lilu aa to the mult of the State elections in Ohio and Indiana, which ara being bald today. They do not and cannot of oourae decide tba coming Preaidential election, yat tbay oannot (ail to indicate to a very oonaid\x=req-\ erabla degrea the relative strength ol tba leading political partiea in thoaa Statee, and the poeaibilitiea ol tba all\x=req-\ important election in November. Ohio ia of course Republican, and now ahonld damonatrata that taot in tba moat nnmietakeble manner in view of the (act that General Garfield, tba honored nominee ol the Republican party, ia from that State. The average Republican majority in Ohio, however, (or aeveral yaara paat baa not ezcaadad flva or aix tbouaand. Even il that ia held good thia time it will be sufficiently explicit, but the cbanoea ara in lavor ol a considerable increeea oI tba Republican vote. Tba Democrata, however, are not by any meana idla. They hava been working like baavara and placing money where it ia anppoeed to do tha moat good lor their party, tba main object beyond aucoeea I or the Democracy being to reduce tba Republican majority all poaaible and locally aecura whatever •poile they can in the abapa ol oonnty or townabip office*. Indiana ia not by any meana aa la lor tha Repnblicaoa. In (act, that State baa been Democratic lor tba laat ten yaara, except in 1873, and waa ao before the war. Two yeara ago tha Democratic majority waa over 14,000, and il the Repnblicaoa can overcome that, it will bo moat decidedly a triumph. In 1873, through a temporary disagreement in the Democratio racks, tha Stata went for Grant, but tba normal condition ol tha Stata ia Democratic. Tha Democracy hava merely to hold their own it they oen, while the fight ol tha Repub\x=req-\ lioaua ia squarely an aggressive one, with everything to win. Mnch very affective work to that end haa been dona, and leading Republicans, best abla to judge, confidently claim a victory. It ia quite aignificant to obaerva that tha Democratic papera and leading Democrata are inclined to yield Indiana to tha Republicana, and hava already raiaed the cry ol Irand and corrupt nianionlation, charging that tba Republican hava been rusbug negro votera into that Stata aa well aa Ohio by thousands lor montha paat, also that great snm< ol money hava been brought to bear in tba way ol oorrnption. II thia latter propoaition ia oorrect, and tha Democrata receive their financial equivalent lor being corrupted, honora ara easy, and they hava nothing to oom\x=req-\ plaiu of. On the other hand there ia a very good poaaibility that tha Hancock boom baa not been ao favorably received in Indiana as waa anticipated, and that honeet Republicanism baa been legitimately gaining ground in that State, which ia claimed to ba tha caaa. Anyway we aball soon all know how tar any ol thaaa speculations are correct m. Th* Democratic newspsper editor* having exhausted themselves trying to prove that 0«oirtl Garfield ia I great pablio robb«r, corruptionist and wicked man generally, bsvs Anally settled down to tba proposition tbat ha actually did raoaiTa $329 ol tba Credit Mobilier steai. Tbey have atock to this from tba v*ry Aral, and til other obarg** bating been worn into tbreadbar* nothingness and blown away tbay all join by oommon aonaent in ona universal howl o( "329!" Tba Democracy thronghoat tb* country take np tba refrain and imagine it does them good. They writ* It on tb* walla of pablio buildings, priests residences, bulletin boards and oatbonse*, and bear it on tranaparencla* in pablio proe**\x=req-\ •ion*. In tbeir estimation a maa who will ataal $329, or a man who cannot ateal mora than that, ia totally unfit to b* Fraaldent. Tba New York Sun pub\x=req-\ lisbea columns of amall, laborioualy written editorial squiba, each containing Iboee oabaliatio figures, 329, and all tb* amall try Democratic journala from Bangor to 8an Diego exultiagly follow anit. They evidently think it an excal\x=req-\ l*nt joke, and enjoy it hugaly. And thl* 1* what all their terribl* ebarg** against Qarfleld hav* ciphered down to. Befnted, defeated and exhausted on all tb* other lying proposi tlon*, they cling p*rUnaolonaly to tbi*, and will atlck to it to tb* laat. It I* a wbimaical reminder of the unconqnsra\x=req-\ ble old woman who drowned aooner than yield in a hot disputs with her husband about what cut the boat loo**. H* said kaif* and *b* said scissors, nntil b* finally sboved her overboard. 8b* sank •boating "scissorsI" and wb*n ah* ros* tu tb* aurfao* shs defiantly stuck to bar word. H* obucked her under *vsry tlm*. and wb*n at laat ab* sank to ris* no mor*. uaabl* to *p*ak, aha raiacd bar hand above the aarface and weot down imitating aolaaora with bar Angara. Lika that old woman, tha Democracy will tenaciously aboat 329 until, represented in Baaoock, thay aink out of sight at the polls on tha second of Novembtr naxt. HANCOCK, THE WLDIH. Congraaamaa Dsggstt ia doing exoel\x=req-\ lant service oat in the eastern part of the State on hla speaking tonr in company with Judge Adkiaon, or, aa they call hioa oat there, the "Comatock Nasby." Owing to a cold, Adkiaon baa not been able to do bia abare of the speaking, bat baa done pretty well under the circumataucee, and Is improving. They bad a rouaing reception and grand Rtpabliean rally at Eareka last Friday evening. The Ltadtr deeoribee tbe meeting as a perfect jam; an enthasiastio oat pouring of the people. Daggett waa in his beet speaking mood, and waltzed into tbe record and true inwardneea of tbe Democracy in a lively style. Tbe Stntintl ooaplaina that be aald he did not propoee to "wave the bloody ahirt," bat that ha did flourish it, nevertbeloeu, moat fnrioasly. The Ltadtr gives a lengthy synopsis of Daggett's speech, from which we extract tbe following pertinent remarka aboat Hancock : He eaid that in bia yoatb. Oeneral Ran\x=req-\ oock made a contract with the government that in consideration of hie being educated and plaoed in office be woald reader trae ■ervioe to the eoaatry shoald occasioa re\x=req-\ qaire. He haa fulfilled bis part of tbe contract. At thia point the Democrat* In tbe audience were rather vociferoua in tbeir applauae. Tbe speaker remarked that Haucoek bad some friend* in the audience and be waa glad of it. lie wa« glad to say that Hancock, aa a soldier, did his duty, so did many tbouiand* of gallant men now ileeping their last alerp in tbe tranehea of Southern battle - Held*. 80 bad many other* who were dragging tbeir maimed bod lie through tbe land and receiving penaion* of eight dollar* a month | in ccnaideration of honorable and dl»\x=req-\ abling wound*. It ia impotaible to make all tbe soldiers who did their duty President of tbe United Statea. He then proceeded to review Haneock'a political record, what there la of it, and ehowrd con cluaively that he would be but a tool in tbe haada of the Democratic leader*. Neither Hancock or Oarfleld are running tor President. It i* tbeir respective par\x=req-\ tiee that are running. Tbey are ainiply tbe figure-heads sod expooent* of the two partiee. Tbe Democratio party that i* raoning for President initead of Hancock cannot be trotted. Tbe 8olid South con\x=req-\ trol* tbe Democratio party. I* it *af* to tarn over the government to that control? New York Tribunt: Zrbulon B. Vance, who fought in the Confederate army, and mad* tba rimuk, if «• are not miataken, about flgbting until "b—I ia ao (nil of Yankeea tbat their lege atick oat of the windowa," ia a baltrr authority upon 8outbarn aentimuut tban Qeneral Hancock. Qeneral Hancock inaiata tbat "nobody wanta or expecta aucb unnatural action" aa tXe payment of rabal claima. But 8«nator Vanoe aaya tba Soutb "aaka" from tba North compenaation for "bomaa deatroyed, farma laid waata and pillaged, property atolen and alavea ralaaaad." Tbia ia a pretty large bill, Oencral Hancock. It teem to abow a vary definite want and an anormoua expectation. Which of Ibeaa men, will tba aentibla Northern voter conclude, ia tailing tba truth? When Americana go wild #ver an actor or an actreaa tbey make no half-way work of it, but go it with a ruab. Tba Bernhardt boom ia tba illuatration of it at preaeut. A Naw York diapatcb of October 3d aaya: Tba aale of tba Bernhardt ticketa nettad $31,000 yeaterday in forty-flva miuutea. Tba Una of patiant watckera in tba lobby of Booth'a Theater waa atill nabrokan whan tba light of morning appeared, tha lina bating remained all night Thraa hundred and Arty aaata for tha aaaaon, repreaenting $21,000 in tba traaaury, wara aold. Tba Tribunt aaya that tbia ia probably the largeat amount of money aver received in a theatrical box office in ona day. Robart St. Clair, tba murderer of Patrick Tally at Winnamuoca, waa on Saturday laat aentenced to twenty fire yeara io tba State Priaon. Tha Siiirr StaU aaya it did not appear to affect him mnob, and he appeared aa unconcerned aa when tba witneaata who aaw him ahoot on tha evening of July 38th (ratified to tbat effeot at tha trial. Hia wife, who baa tba reputation of being an tati\x=req-\ mable lady, waa deeply moved, and burat into taara when tba aentenoa waa announced. Carton Itent. Appeal, Otloktr II. St. Clair, lb* man convicted of th< murder of Patrick Tolly, and who eecsped from the Winneuiucca jail, wai brought to tba Siste Priaon yesterday morning by tba Sbariff of Humboldt county, who gave a raward of 9300 for hia captora. Tba following officers ware sleeted by tba Caraon Ouard laat night to eerve for tba anamog year: Abram Moger, Captain (ra-elected); Wm. L. Taylor, Firat Liantanaut; £. H. Cober, Second Lieutenant; A. £. Pine, Seoratary, Ap polntmenta for Sargaanta will ba announced at drill on Monday avaning, Octobar 18. At tba grand Republican ratification meeting tbla avaning it ia propoaad to make arrangementa for a good, old-faab\x=req-\ ioned barbacua, to wbicb tba Stata will ba invited. Tba atancb Republican party of Ormaby will never ba thoroughly united without a barbecua. A Nrw DacoTOT.—Soma vary important disooveriee of silver ora bava recently been mada about tvalva milea aaat of Bodie, or six milea aaat of tba Spring Diatrict minaa. Tba ladgea are large, etrong and well daflnad. and tba ora rana to ailver. Tba quarts ia leaa agstized than that of tba Spring District —leaa ao than on tba eastern slope of Bodie Blnff avan and aoma San Fran\x=req-\ ciaoo mining man of esparianoa who bava become interaatad in tba naw district are bigbly plaaaad with tba pros paok—Bodie Standard- Xtics, October 8. Pmourtc Wbeat.—The Battla Mountain Muttngtr aaya : Jndga McBetb, of Qalena, sowed on bla ranch in Oalana, two pounds of white Bnssian Spring wheat, purchased from D. M. Terry & Co., Detroit, Michigan, from wbicb be baa jnat cleaned np 214 pounds. Tbis ha intenda to eow on hia valley ranch the oomlng aeaaoa, tad be thinks it will ba the ooming wheat of the oountry. It ia perfaotly clean, and ia said to maka the beat qaality ef floor. WESTER* DISPATCHES. Tbe Presidential Party* Scattlb, October 11.—The steamer Starr, with Presidential party, (teamed down tbe Sound, and at Point Alki, five mile* nbore Seattle, met a fleet of eteam\x=req-\ boate and tnge, and tbe revenue cotter Wolcott, all deoorated with flags and evergreens and crowded with people. Tbo steamboat Fanny Leke came along\x=req-\ aide to allow the Reoeption Committee and reporters to get on board the Starr. Introductions bat na epeecbee followed. Tbe ride np the bay, attended by this escort, was grand. The weather was bright and the water, covered with tbe ornamental fleet and snow mountains in the distance, formed a picture rare in besuty snd grandeur. All the party declared this parade of steamers the moat novel and interesting attraction of their tour. Two nnnamed snow mountains, rising far north of Seattle in the Oaecade Range and visible from the bey, wsre by unanimous consent christened re\x=req-\ epectively Hsyea and Ramsay. Aa the eteamers neared the city the Dattenr on shore boomed out a Preeidential salute, and waa aeconded by bella and steam whistles, and the deoka were crowded by thousanda of people from ths city and all porta of tbe Sound, who gave cheer alter cheer. Tbe Preaident and others immediately on landing entered carriages and. escorted by the Orand Army of tbe Republio and mounted Marshals, beaded by a band, passed between flies of citizens to tbe Occidental Hotel. The crowd filled tbe aquare in front of the hotel. Responding to oalla tbe party appeared on tbe baloony. Chief Juatice Greene, in behalf ot the citizens, ad\x=req-\ dresseu the President, sasuring him of a hearty welcome. The Preeident, on being introduced to the crowd, whloh numbered fully 4000, waa greeted by three cheers and a tiger. After a few remarka, tbe Preeident introduced Secretary Ramsey, who made a abort apeeeh and brought General Sherman forward. At the mention of Sherman's name the enthusiasm reached the highest pitch, many in tbe crowd celling out that they had been soldiers. Tbe President took occasion to asy that he waa glad to aee so many old soldiers and to especially thank the members of ths Grsnd Army of tbe Republio for their personsl eeoort from tbe boat to the hotel. General Sherman then addressed ths crowd. ■licelUneoni. Sax Fba.ncuco. October 11. —The Supreme Court bu revere ed the judgment and order of the lower ooart in tbe ■ait of George W. Darkee ve. tbe Central Pacific Railroad Company, in wbfob tbe jury rendered a verdict lor tbe plaintiff (or $10,000. On July 2d, 1876, Milton W. Darkee, tbe ton of tbe plain* tiff, aged about five yeare, waa ran over by an engine b»longing to tbe defendant, and wae eo eerionaly injured tbat amputation of botb bia lege becatna neceaaary. Tbe father, come\x=req-\ qcently, brought tbe actien to reoover damagea. Tbe Supreme Court beld that tbe Judge of tbe lower court waa gravely in error In refuelng to inatruot tbe jury aa follows: "Plaintiff ia not entitled to recover in tbia action dam* egae for tbe pain or eafftring wbicb bia aun, Milton W. Durkee, experienced from tbe injurlee be received or for bia duflgurtment therefrom." Speaking of Indiana, Kearney aaid yeeterday: "Tbat State, in next Tuee\x=req-\ day'a elrotion, will go Democratio, and I will tell yoa why. It 1a beoanee the Greenbackera in tbat State draw tbe moat of their atrengtb from tbe Republican party. Tbia abowa tbat ia Indiana tbe Graenbackera are running in tbe in\x=req-\ tereet of tbe Democratic perty, doea it? And iu tbie State we are charged with bting in tbe intereat of tbe Kepublloan party. Look at the inconaiatenoy of theen poor devila, our opponenta!" IIantobd, Cel., Ootober 11.—Maribal Poole, with Deputiea Oonld and Dunlap, arrived tble morning in a epring wagon from Kingeburg. A rrpreaent\x=req-\ alive of tbe railroad company, a lawyer (rom Winnemucca, Nevada, S. S. Oraaa, baa been here for aeveral daya anticipating their arrival. The deepeet internet ie felt in what may occur today, but no colliaion ia expected. Salt Lake, October 11.—Before tbe adjournment of tba Mormon Conference laat evening, John Taylor waa nnani\x=req-\ mouily elected First Preaident of tba Cburcb of Jceue Cbriet of Latter-Day Sainta, the poaition left vacant by tbe drath of Brigbem Young. Taylor baa been tbe bead of tbe oburch, but only Preaident of the Twelve Apoatlea. Oeorge Q. Cannon la Taylor'a Firat Counselor. The Engliah Sainta now control the cburcb. • Woodland, Cal., October 10.—In tba Superior Court Saturday, Alvin W. Taylor waa found guilty of murder in tbe firat degrea far poiaoning Robert Ber\x=req-\ bem, of tbia oonnty, laat January, and waa eentenced to impriaonmant for Ufa. Bold Oath for Liberty. )'n*4<« Fork Utrald, Octobtr 3. At 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, the 23d alt., lis priaonera eacaped from tba guarda of tha Territorial Penitentiary al Boiaa City. They eeoaped by Bailing a guard while at work, and taking from hiia t«o revolrere. Thay afterwards arcurod other firearms. Soldiere aod citizen* paraaed, and Newman, one ol tha guards, received a charge of back\x=req-\ ahot in tba fac«, and another in tha back. Several shots wara fired, and Corporal Coppage, of Company F, Firat Cavalry, waa aeverely wounded. Win. Rraae, one of tha oonviota, waa abot and killed at long range by a soldier. Four pri'ouers who escaped are daacrlbed aa followa: William Maya, aged thirty, la aix (act one inob in height, ol light complexion, aod baa gray eyee and brown hair; WiU liam H. Ovrrholtx, aged nineteen, oom\x=req-\ plexiou light, height five (eet aix inohas, ryea and bair brown; John Wilaon, aged thirty-two, light oomplexlon, height five leet eleven iocbea, eyea bine, hair black; Meronl Hicka, aged, ia of aandy complexion, baa brown hair, ia aix feet three inches in height, and baa light colored eyea. The Largest Vessel that Ever Floated. Silrtr Stat*, Uclubtt 9. Laat evening two or three persona, ooe of tbem a tall, laok apeclmen from away down Eaat, were diacnaaing tha relative aixa of aea-going vaaaels. One remarked that the City ol Peking, whiob carrira 150 car loads of tea acroea the Pacific Ocean, mnat compare favorably in aize with the largiat veaaela on tha ocean. Another aaid the Oreat Eastern, the largeat veaael that ever floated, oould carry the City of Prkiog and its cargo. At tbia the Down-Eaater expectorated, and getting bis throst cleared, said : "Your Prkin' and Oreet Eastern are nothing but mud-acowa compared with tbe May Flower. There ia more furniture acattered through New England that that ar* abip brought over than a dosan of yoa/*Pekins and Oreat Eaatsrns would hold." The others did not auee\x=req-\ tlon tbs truth of this aaeertloa, and the discussion ssased. ROAD MATTERS. A Talk with H. YerlBfftOB. Etmeralda Utrald, Oft. 9. H. M. Yerington arrived in Aurora bj private conveyance lut Wedneeday evening, remained over night, viaitrd Bodie Thursday, and returned bar* the mid* day. Yaatarday morning a rtpreaenta\x=req-\ tivo of tbia pupfr bad a few minotaa' talk with the gentleman. In regard to the railroad, Mr. Yerington aaid train* would be ronning to the foot of Walker Lake aome time ia December. It waa intended to have had the road finished to that point mnob earlier, and aaoh wonld hare been the cue bad tb* oompany not beea disappointed in getting their locomotive from tb* abop in Philadelphia, the arrangement being to bav* that neceeaary article here on the 1st of the present month. Word waa reoeived laat Monday tbat the locomotive bad only been shipped abont tb* date it waa expected to bav* arrived at the Mound Bona*, thus putting tb* work back nearly a month. Tb* track iron ia on band to oommenoe operations immediately. All the grading ia completed to the south end of the lske. When the track laying begin* two or three milea will be completed every day. When the road ia finished peraona leaving San Francieoo at 4 r. k. on* day, will arrive in Aurora at 7 r. u. the next day. The Bodie and Walker lake wagon road ia being pushed to completion, and will be flniehed aome time before the railroad. It ia intended to make tbia one of the beet wagon roada in the State, and the work done in the Del Moat* oanyon goea far toward eatablishing tbia atatement as a fact. It ia the firm belief of Mr. Yerington that Aurora will be benefited materially by tb* road; and b* alao aaya that Aurora will, at no diatant day, be one of the beat mining oampa in the State. In thla oonneotion be apoke of the neceeally of an A 1 road from thla point to the Del Monte mill, on Bodie creek, to tap the Walker lak* and Bodi* road. It needed widening in many plaoea, to allow teame to paaa, in order to make quick connection with up and down traine; and eepecially be would call tbe attention of the Board of Commlaalonera to tbe entrance into Aurora, tbe bill near tb* Exchange Hotel. The Company afe willing to help tbe people of Aurora ia tbia matter. Tbe completion of the railroad and tbe wagon road would pot meoy teama on tbe latter, and it ia advieable to bav* tb* road Uading from tbia town flrat-claaa in every reepect. Whenever tbe business of Aurora and Bodie warranta it, a branch railroad will b* run from Walker lake to tap theae two points, and the road bed up Del M*nt* oanyon was being built with tbat object in view. Air. Yerington left here for Walker lake yeeterday, thence down the lin* of the railroad to the Mound Houie. BORN. la Oold BUI, Octob*r 10, to tn* wife of Mai\x=req-\ acbl Oarrau, aeoa. Id Hen Franclaco, October 11, to the wlf* of Fred. H. Bert, ■ ton. In Meamboat Valley, October 4, to the wl.e of John Wright. e too. In Paradlre. Octobcr I, to tb* wlf* of Jtmei Blcble, twin*—m>d*. la Aaitln, October 8, to tb* wife ol John A. •cbalM, a daughter. la Plna tirove, October T, to tb* wife of B. 8. Homo, • >oa. MARRIKD. la Virginia, October 10, by Bar. Oeorg* N. Baatman, George B. Folium to Barrlat A. Tartar. Ia Virginia, October 10, Bdward Wblla to Him Kaiia Xe I jr. la Uuroo C'ltr, Octobers, John O.Cbaitea of Olenbrook to MU* AAna Crane of Laaren* worth, Kiomi. At Gharry Creak, September 10, Jama* J, Ryan to Mlee l.iao. Moore. In aoailn. October T.Joaqaln Patargo toMIe* Pbirbe Lockard. NEW TODAY. A GRAND CONCERT AND BALL For lb« nrjM. C. Frmtr, —WILL Bl UITSX AT— MINERS' UNION HALL, GOLD HILL, —an— Friday K?enlng, October 15th, 1880. The following named ladlee and genUrmea hare volnnteersd for tbeooraelon: Mr*. F. 11. Bnffaker, Mr*. WiUlami, Ml»» Roe* WUIlama, Ulna Loo Nalmeyrr, Mite Fellcie (len**y, Ml»* Katie Palk. Ml** Mlnnl* Pobl, Ml** Sarah Bath, MIm Carrie Kelly, Mlee Nloa Dellegao, Mlee M. K llurley, Mine ttecky Oiln-, Mlee Mar Morgaa, Mlee Oanele Beodereoa, Mil* Flora Pobl. Mlee Gertie Flanagan. Mite Lottl* Plnecbnwer, and Meter*. W. Jeukln*. W. Key\x=req-\ nold*, W. Hy. I)*ana, Klobard Hal*, B. F. Ball, T. Alexander. W Killck, J. W. Klcbarda, T. Motion, J. W. Hbod»a, W. Pretbero. J. Uranl, Foeler, 8. Carter, O. Waafili, Aogne, and other*, mal* and ftmal*, nam** not glt*n. T1C h KTd..Fin y L'*n* oclltd HA8BROUCK A HALL, (8acc***or* to A. B. Btewart ct Co.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Oppo*lt* Tallow Jacket Znglne Boot*, MAIN HTKBKT, . - GOLD HILL KBEP a PUt.L 8T00X OF PURB DRU08 and Madlelnaa, Perfumrry, Fane* Artl\x=req-\ clr*. etc. Mr. Baabroock, a graduate of Pharmacy, baa ebarg* of tba Pre*crtptlon Depart m*nt. Pr**orlpUoai sarsfuUy compounded day and night. We with U call attention to the following celebraltd remedlee of K. L. Joaea k Ou.: Tnermo-Uectrlc Krmedy, Liter OrtnolM, and Calendula Liniment, for which we arc tola agenta for Paclflo Ooaat. H HA»BHOPCX * HALL. NOTICE OF MttTINO. PnptMd DlMolntloB of ih« Want Wwld aid silver llal*( Com\x=req-\ »7. VTOTIOB IB BtBCBT QIVBN, THAT TBI JLw uiracura of the Ward Gold tod Sljrar Mining Oomp«ny, at a meeting bald at iba uSca of tba Conn-any. oo Monday, tba 1Kb day of Oct bar, A. It. 1180, adopted tba following reflation, to wit: Wuasaa, It la propoead to dUaoIre tbla tba Ward Uold and dllver Mining company: and wbaraaa It le daemed ii<we*aery by tbe i I rector* aod Troeteee of aald Oompany to eill a epeelal m rating of tbe etockholdera for tbat pnrpoee; and wbaraaa tba exlgenoa of tba caaa requlrta and will admit of the notice hereinafter ordared of euch meeting; therefore. It la Kuolctd, Ordered and declared, that a meat\x=req-\ a of tba itockboldara ot eal<1 Company be hereby la called, the aame to be bald at the oOca of aald Company, Hnorn No. II, la tbe Han Pranclaoo Stock and Exchange Bnildlti(, Mo. 9X1 Pine etreet, la the etty oi Baa Fraa\x=req-\ claco Htate of California, oa THURHDtT, tba 18th day of OCrOBiH. A. D. 1H0. at tba bonr of 1 o'clock r. a. of tbat day, to take into con\x=req-\ ald'rallon and decide npon eald pn'poeitlon to dteeolre aald Company and to apply for eneh dleeolotloa to the proper tribunal and to do all other acta and thlnp neceeaary and proper In the pramleaa; and tba Secretary of thla Company la alao aaihorlsed and directed to (Ire notice of aald meeting by adrertlalnc a oopy of tbla raaotatlon lor at laaat two w*>ka before the time a bore Died for held lac aald mertlnf la tba DoUf Stock Rrport, a daily new»paper print\x=req-\ ad aad published In tba Otiy and Oonnty of Baa Praa claco, Htate or California, tbat belo| the Blioa where the oOee aad principal plana of aarnaaa of aald corporation la alinated, and alao In tba Gold Hill Dailt Niwa. a dally aewepaper printed and pnbliabtd la the Town of uold Hill. Nevada. Ia accordance wherewith, the itockbolder* or aald Company are i otlfted to attend a meatlnc to be held la Boon No. It, Baa Praaclaco Stock aad Xxebaaga Balillng, Ha. MI Plae etreet. City aad Oonaty af Ban Pranciaco. oa tba *th day of OOTUB*B, A. D. MM. at the how of I o'clock v. a. B. M. HALL, Secretary U Ward Sold aad Silver Mining Company. AXliBBMISTS. GRAND 1 uniform bail a TO ■■ OITM »T Til KUini or YELLOW JACKET HOSE COMPANY, NO. 2, MINERS' UNION HALL, SOLD HI LI* —o«—. FRIDAY EVE'S, NOVEMBER 9, 1880. CmmIum tf AmiimiM. V. H. Nleoll, H. L* Flower, Qco. Smith, I. Brown, Tho*. Shetney, 1. McCne, G. 0. V. Loffan. Id. Cnmmlnga. Iavttatlea UmbIIIm. AU member! of the Gold 11111 Fire Department. Ueetitlu CfNNlltM. (ilui aoacrrn) H. U Flower, G. 0. F. Loon, TOoe. Hheaher, _ Kd. Camming*. K. Beckwlth. Fleer Nuiittra. (WMTTK Jo* Parke*, J. H. Oeliteed, B. »cU*rf, Hank Brown, Geo. Smith. FLOOR OIBBOTOR W. H. HICOLL [kid aoaim ) ■ode by Profewor Langer'a Quad* rill* Baud. TICKBTH til 00 (Admitting Qentleman end Ladlee.) To be bad of til member* of tb* Fir* Depart' ment end *11 the principal baalneea boo*** In Gold lltil and Virginia. ocj BANNER BROS. Jait received, lbs La toft and Beit Stjlee of SPRING ANO SUMMER CLOTHING, flenti' FurnUhing floods, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER GOODS, Hals, Caps, Bmu «ad lt*w, Blw ktu, Traihi) TiIIn*. QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE8! All Good, Marked Down U Per Cent. Lower than iay utbtr Uoute la lb* Mute M BANNER BROTHERS, Career C aad Tartar Hireete, VIKU1NIA, . . NRVADA W. N. HALL & CO., MAIN STttKBT.—_—.. GOLD |HIL1<, —WBOLKALa an utxil oaaLBM^a— HARDWARE, Of enrj deecrlptlon, Iron, Steel, Stoves, Tinware OAS PIPS AND PITTINOS. POWDIR, PUSC. ROPE AND BLOCKS, SHOVBLB. PICKS, HANDLES, NAILS, Mill and Mining Supplies. An extendand inperlor aaeortment of MECHANIC8' TOOL8, Of all kind*. GALVANIZED IRON PIPINQ. OfjUl lUaa, mada to order at (bori notlca. J» W. W. HALL A CO. •■•.uiutii. u o. rotaoa, 8ALLATIN i FOLSOM. OOLD HILL. NfVAOA,. ....Miuui u.... HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Coal, ^Stores, Tin Ware,*|* FUSE. POWDER, ROPE. BLOCKS. OM PIPE AND [FITTINGS, SkOTela, Plcki, Baidlea, ■UllBfMd Mlalac6o«da' QAkVANIZKD IRON PiPU AMDS TO OKDBH. AORNTH FOR Albany Mkctalo* Otl ul Lnbrl eating Oompoand to in HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEBLINQ't tON'i CO. TmmIm, ,J*.w Jm*r< Bm Craelbla Chi-MhI IIiImIii MIm Of all D.MrlnUiii Wlr* Far Kapalrta* Maaia Caa\x=req-\ tlaatlr kui 8. Y. MOOMT. Aceal Wanboue, naar Hala k Iforerota work*. Virginia Oily. Narada. M I860. 1880. PIONEER LAUNDRY, NORTH OP VIRGINIA. 6. W. HALL, • • Proprietor. rPHIB OLD-X8T ABUBH KD AMD HXU> * abla Laaadry la prtparad to tan oat u; quantity of Raooratad and Olaan Llaan witn\x=req-\ om« bainc diataad by maalpnlatloa m by obamleal application. ^J»ac»«t« poactaaDy, ballad for and (a UFPIOZS—Tbaodofa Wol8*i Olotblnf Mm, Kt. Intannhonal Hotel, 0 Itraai, Th» tad Vaaay Boom, Qold'HUl. la POLITICAL. POLITICAL SPEAKING! HON. a M. DAGGETT, Rtiaklltu CaadMati far I'MtrMi Preaa NtfUai ail HON. 0. 0. ADKI80N WILL ADDBJCSH TUK PKOFI.K OK NEVADA On the Political Iubm or the Day, Ai Followi: WINNEMUCCA SATURDAY, Oat. 2 PARADISE ' SUNDAY, Oct. 3 BATTLE MOUNTAIN .MONDAY, Oct 4 ELKO TUESDAY, Oct. S TU8CAROBA WEDNESDAY. Oct. 0 EUREKA FRIDAY, Oet. 8 RUBY RILL SATURDAY, Oet. 9 AUSTIN MONDAY, Oet 11 ORANTSVILLE TUESDAY, Oct. 12 OANDELARIA THUR8DAY. Oet 14 BELLEVILLE FRIDAY, Oct 10 AURORA SATURDAY. Oct. 16 MASON VALLEY MONDAY, Oet 18 DAYTON TUESDAY, Oct 19 OENOA THURSDAY, Oet 11 RENO FRIDAY, Oot 22 WAD8WORTH SATURDAY, Oet 23 FRANKTOWN MONDAY, Oct 23 CARSON TUESDAY, Oct 28 SUTRO WEDNESDAY, Oot 27 OOLD HILL THURSDAY, Oot 28 VIRGINIA SATURDAY, Oct. 80 The Rrpnbllcan County Cantral Committee* will prorld* for the proper recaption nf tlx apeakara. Thajr will be duly Dotiflrd by tt>a Hepobllcan btata Central Committee of any chains or oml.alooa that may be daeiued expedient hereafter. By order of tbe Rapablloan Bute Oaotrtl Committee W. R. KINO. Chairman Pro Tern. At*. Donx, Hecreiary. aeWtd REPUBLICAN SPEAKING! COL. R. H. TAYLOR, PI PUBLIC AN CANDIDATE FOR PBIBl\x=req-\ " denil.l Kleetor, will addrua the people or H.rad. u followi: AURORA MONDAY, OCT. 11 BELLEVILLE TUESDAY, OCT. 13 CANDELARIA WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13 MASON VALLEY..THUR8DAY, OCT. 14 SUTRO FRIDAY, OCT. 15 CARSON SATURDAY, OCT. 1C QENOA MONDAY, OCT. IB Tbe Republican CjudIv Commltuee will plea* make tbe proper arrangement* fur the meellnjn. Br order of tbe Republican SUte Central Commute*. W. B. KIND, Chairman pro tern. Alt Dora*. Secret.ry. ocTId BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS! The OreelMt Bargain! that Were Kver Obtained on the Co mi lock can be Pound at COHN'S DRY GOODS STORE, OOLD HILL. TJINTIR* STUCK TO BB DIHl'OSED OP AT ■" aatonlahln.ljr low prlore, oomprtelnf, In part, black and colored Dreea and Trimming bllke, all colore; H.tlna, Bilk Velvet ana V.I\x=req-\ veieen; all colore of tbe beet quality Caabmerta, and late etylee Drew (joode; plain twilled and madlcated, all colore; beat American and French Print*; bleached aod brown Bbeet\x=req-\ Inga; Looedale, Whit* bock, Watniutta, Fruit. New Tork Mlllt, Maaonvlli* and Pride of lb* WeetMo*lln;OlD( Cheviot e; bleached, brawn aod eolond Table Lines; Kacklnr; Oraeh; Towelei Bed and Table Hpreaor, Woiu Famllr B,ank.ta aod QnUta; Water-Proof and Lad lee' Oloth. alao, an eodlaei variety of Fancy flood*, lateei ettlee; Buitou.; Ladlte', Mleeee' and Children e Underwear; Hlla PilAg** and Bogle (Jlmpe: Ladlee', Mlaaee' and ObUdnn'e Shoe*, end a err at many other artlolee, too numeroua to mention. All theee (oodi hare to b* eo'd at moet anj price In M ehort a time aa poeilbl*. I Invite the ladlee of Oold Illll and vicinity to call and be couvlnced of the cheapneee ana good qaalliy of above, mentioned Uoude, aaaorlug them ef the (reateal bargalna jet offend on tbe Com\x=req-\ etoek. 1 A. OOUN. Geld HIIL WOOD AND COAL DEPOT I ■MUT PINK. WASBOB LIMB. SPLIT PXNB 1" tad othor ralotlaa of Wood, and • full npplrof ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL Oh haadaad for,ul« U tha LOWB8T;CABB pbiobb. FULL WRIGHT AND NBASUKB OUAIIANTKKD. Wood Mind it ihort notloo ud it lowJraUa OFFIOK—Boar Rxllroad Dopot, Oold Hill. Mm TBUKAH OALLAOUKK. .VIRGINIA FOUNDRY, On tho Railroad, Math of Jail* Mine, VIRGINIA GlfY. rvmc*-RooK i black'* builduo VA oornor of 0 and Taylor Miaou. MARUFA0TUBX8 MILL AND MINI OA8TINQ8 Of rmj doaenptlon la «oo and Braaa. omumi «r «wr dmim mmlibod PnwpUy at tha Lowtat Rataa. I If AWDRTW PIA8KR, Proprietor. SPECIAL NOTICE. T>BBSOK8 RtaiDIKG IN TTIOIIIIA who JC with to rabaeribo for tha Gold Bill Sww can Imt* ordora for it at tha FoatoOoa Book Mora. Mo. II Bonth 0 sua*. H. B. FABBOlfg. $5 to $20 swtWTWsar k» ft Co.. Portland, Katao. MISCKLLAVKOOS. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN KTKKKT. «OLD HILL. — dealer i*— BLAMi ROOKM, MTAT ION KUYi JKWKI.KY, HCllOOL BOO KM. CUTLKRT. TOY*, Km. Aftnt for tb* Has Pruct*oo DaIIj CHRONIOLE, BULLETIN. EXAMINER, -a*d- ALTA. KA8TIRN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. jui GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AND— VARIETY 8TORI, M4IM NTltKKT, GOLD HHXt Optxxlta Foi'i Mmt KirkiL D. THORBURNf Proprietor. AOKMT KOK Til OOLD HILL DAILY NEWS And Had FnocUro "Call," "kxamlaer" aid MPo»l." Eastern Periodicals ABD LATENT RCADINU HATTEIL CHARS AND~TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIO. ■ HOW-CASE GOODS. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. ETC. PrwapiiM* and Hallilkfttrjr D*b1> lag Uu*raaM<. I COLD HILL FOUNDRY AND macuink WOKIUh ■aU ItlMl, UWW »•« Hill, l«W IRON AND BRAMM CAMTINOIC Of mtj variety made to arte. JBAVI JUST ADDED TO MT OLD eetabliahed Machine Work* the LaRUBUT EKD LATHS, 1'LANBR and ItTEAM HAMRKR, ail of the lateet tod moat Improved conauocuou, u>d am now prepared to Miki and He pair ail klnda and all alxaa of MILL A MINING MAOHINCRY At the aborteat notice aad on the i torn OBOBOB BM MBIT. Proprietor. "gOLD HILL MARKET' INosI Mar to Ita New* (Maa, M. B. DWILLI, l I PBOPBIITOB. At this makkkt can alway* ba found tub CH010B8T mutton. """'vial\x=req-\ and fMUNAOKN. Our anlmale, being aclocted from tha baR Cattle Hahcbea In Nerada and California, ara "BRttSWn and HOTELS wlU «nd It to tbelr advantage to patron Im thla Market, wbora they will alway* ba eappUad with the boat meat* tha country can effort. RBNDBRBD TALLOW, for mill and mlnlac DWELLY. SOLD HILL BAKERY R E8 TA URANT MAIN MTRKKT GOLD dill, Oppoalta tha Bcllpaa Livery Rtablee, J. r. BBCKBB Proprietor. -BUSH bbbad, PIB8, 0ARB8, AND hot JP Roll* entry day, delivered at tha real* dMN of enatomera. BREAD AT RKDUCKD prick*. IT Plea and Oakaa at radnead prieea. fancy or aaaortad Oakaa mada to orte R short notlc*. The Raaunrant Department la tha flneet la tha Btata. All ktnda of (lame, Pooltnr and rraab Kteh and alao Uyatora received and tarred ap dally. Kai TUB CITY BAKERY, RESTAURANT. OooftoetlOBery and Candj Depot. N«. JT Nat-Ik C Sir**, Vlrctalu, nrriiu an elegant assortment or V HOLIDAY GOODi. Toy*. Oandlaa, Orna\x=req-\ MU for Tabla, Ornamrotal, Proatad and Plain Oakaaof all klodj. ckacrlptlooa and Ao\x=req-\ algna, tad at prior to aalt ararybody. A* »a Import all oat gooda dIroot from lb» Bait, va oan offer tham aLprtcoa tba aama a* charged In New lord, and at laaa tbao am Praoclaoo rata*. , Ornamante for Oakaa a apadatty. XTfee Oraun and ■tiawbarrlae and C'rtam. Alao Huawbarrle* by the Dot, at wbolaaala or PtTZMBIKR A ABMBBC8T. Proprietor* City Bakary, Ho. IT Hortb 0 atiaat, Virginia. Nerada. 14 Lm REGISTRATION. NOTIOI II RKRKBT GIVEN. that TBI Hooka of Hrglatratlon for tba general alaetlon to b« bald on tba 3d day o< November, A. D. lwo, are now open dally *r»m 10 o'clock a. a. to • o'clock r. m . at tba Jtutiea'a Oonrt\x=req-\ room. Ho. ITS Main atraat, Oold hill. Nanda. Natnralliad cltlieoe will ba required to produce tbalr pap.ra at tba time Uiey preaent tbamaelvaa for refhtratlnn. J. P. PLANNINOH Ml. Ex-officio Reglatry Agio', htorrr coouty, Kav. Oold Hill. Angmt tu. A. D. two. __ W. W. BOOHER, Regular Damocratio Romlnaa PUBLIC SCHOOLS. J. U. HALL M. 0.. PHYSICIAN AND fUROION: rvnoi and R*ro enoh -orpoeiTH w tba Km otBoa, Main atraat,Oold H11L. mi FOB MILL M1HIN# AND Oompantaa manirmud)*^