Newspaper Page Text
VOL XXXV. GOLD HILL., STOREY CO..- NEVADA: MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 22. 1880. NO. 5240. 1HE EVENING NEV\ ^ 1'ubiianed every day tttandaya excepted). ■ * TH* SEWS ri'SUIIHIRU CO. ZjT Entered at the Quid Hill poetoflice m aecond-claea maikr. TIMMS. (<w year. toy Mall or Kxpreee |i 00 •Is Mouiha S oo Three Montba * go (Poetage prepaid.) Delivered ta Oold UllI, Vlmaia. Ullver Ulty • Oanoa, Dayton, Butro, ale., at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PEI WEEK. Payable to Ua Camera. ou» advutiiinbTbenti. 0. w. CRANK. Nos. 318 Pine and 10 LrldesdirlT • treets : : Sao Fraocieoo CAOWIN A ALLEN, : : : : Caraoa Cny W. H. LASO. : Empire Cilj B. M. JAMISON, : : : : Beat C. CHENOWETU. : : : Wlnoemuoo. NKW YOKK. J. .Q Date*., : 41 Park How 8. M. Prm-ioiLi. A Co..: : 31 Park Mo» Oto. P. Howell. A Co.. ::: 41 Park Boa Thu Pars* may be found oo file io Now York at tbe oewepaper agoociee of J. H. Bates. 41 Park Row ; 8. M. Petteogill A Co., 31 Park Row, and Geo. H. Rowell <1 Co.. 10 Spruce atrcet. BOaHKM SOHKY' * M'SlItl TALK WITH A MOBAL. I'll !• II you a »tory "I "Old Mother Moray," Ai u bow my a »ry'« btrno. I'll tell > oa ai.oihrr about h»r brother. Or rathet bar buaband'a eus. Tbla etepaon Sam Morrr, be told a butre elory A wnoi per or urnlluna die t>l an ub"i« wbo'd never bea-u beard "f forever, And ewore to tbe tie "by ble evvel" lor Pblle forved a Utter on Qarfl'ld. hl» better. About the po r beathen Cbinee. Toon* II. l.Mot f."abd*ammr,beiworehe II«d Ju.i eu«a an uncle—bad be I Booeat ()ar**ldd>nled what that letter Implied, But with koavlrh lli'ent. Kept I be baee letter golkg, till, aplte of his blowing Uatfleld wae made Preeldent. Then Truth, a end Car I bribed Moray for hire. And Marl In a heartlree war, tot .[!■ d Jimmy o'U len |s do acme tall lyla'," Ai.d ewvar 'down a coal ulna" lor pay. 'Twae then Mother Morey roee op In her glory. and told tbe truth .IraUh' aa a gun; And Sammy. mb.'d faiieuad on Ubclee, lay flattened. And Jimmy fell * cold at a »tun !" With "LlndMy" and "Barry" abe played tbe Old Uarry. And 9am el in flta— more'* the pUy; I'proa lueUrand J«r» ana towed In their ful^. "We'll bag thla Dern Nation. Committee I" An4 W ilion and Warner Nitb w<nted a corner. A ad Pbllp w»e woree off than before; And aanburu and Clerk wl.hed tbemaelvea ou a lark. Where Moreve were heard of no more ! And Harhaugb and Pi Ice. thnee two Maryland mice. Maee Leard from the cat before thla ! And Murphy aud Mai.n will be ecarce, if they can. Ner hanker for Davie or Bllaa ! Mart. Kyrne, Ilowe and Poet better give up the (tort, Or atecr clear of StoagMo- and B» :i. And Mnall>y and "H< rwtl gel behind locka Cnlvee a a.ialght awry tbey tell. New Btrnum leahakingand Kelly la quaking. AB'i Hee-ltt wou.d lalu "cut ailck P And Powlar, the boel r. • dea'er than Jowler, Hie ' fraud" boomerang eiruck bim >|ulck I Urate Hancock's dlagrac-d by "affection tola p aced." But Knit leh hla m rtsacs cr<p»o feet: Aud ely Tild-n churklee, hie poaketbook bockWa, And wtnka, "I've condoned It—at taat' Al> bonor and (lory to brave M Ihrr Morey, Wh ■ told tbe truth eiralebl aa a >un ! The Nellon'e her . ehtor. er-'ll bevar lorget her. Aud now my etory la done. Just as Well as Not. Iblroil /Vm hrrtt. On* dsy last week a colltetor who had speut sis momba ia trying to eff-ct ■ a-ttWuivnt with • debtor who was owing $50 accomplished bis obj-ct by taking a not# of band ruuninji thiity day*. Tbre* or lour daya a'(rrwar>l b« mat tba maker uf tb» not* and aaid: "Well. 1 got rid uf that not* ol your* yMtrrday." "Did you?" waa tbo pleas*d ri'ply. "Y*», but I bad to hit* an awlul discount. In fact. I sold it lor 95. "I* tbat possible ? Well now, I'm *f*l Hony about tbat. If I bad only knvwo bow iny paper atood on tb* market I could b»ve tii.d it Welter lor you. Ut'i aae. It a tiliy-dollar note a*ll* for #3. on* lor $5lH> would baea sold for vuomiib to make up yaur Ally. I won\x=req-\ drr w* didu't think of it and oauk* on* for #500 while w* w*r* about it." Tba Pope'* lateet pnblio addrraa contains tbia pa*»a«e: "E»er uiiud'ul of our dull**, aware of what ia rtquiail* for •b* goad ol lb* Cburcb and the digniiy of tba Roman Pontifical*, w* aball navt-r rest iu tba pr*sent *tat* of Ibiuga, nor aball w* Ceaae, a* we bav* not Ceaaad hitherto, lo d'plore what by fraud aud deceit baa b*iu stripped from th* Holy See." MIHl'KLLAS BUI'S. - THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. PACOKDANCE WITH TH* fROCUMA. Iiud of I be CmdrDI of iba I'uilal HUU', and cnuiurml « u» ■ •>u" r»d 'n " •»» jr«*r«oloi »r T»ocr r«c»| i ilon tba dvpaudaorr of tbla »UU a. d II* p«upl» uixia • raprvui* Arcbliact ud huWr for tilMri»c* tad bappU mf; da»onl y Krairfnl tor It.* reruur« of i r »\x=req-\ p.ri«T»Bl"i«liiur »k lb* ptv *ui yrar, I. JOHN H KI.NKkiU. Uoirnor of lbs «i>m vf Af> TftJt, do b«Taby dNi(n>w Thursday, the 25th Day of November, A. D. 1880, A* a day of TbankMlvlo* and PrtUa. On that day I racoraoKDi to tba raopia of «hl« M.t. t'-ai.f raakina f >r'b* nm* Ib-ir btiainr•• par aalia, |n*y aaaamb'a la p'W-»of toitlilp and vlaa'Mr* a-d r*ud«r unto iba aiuu^tuj tba bo Jta«« of a OTataful paopla. In taailmony wbar»ol 1 ba*a brminto W ay band and canard tba Qraat »«al of tba Mala to baaffliad Uoaa at Oaraon City tbli 10th day of. Sown\x=req-\ bar. * 0.1MI\x=req-\ , J H. KIMCKAD. I'*41- I Oovrrnor of tba aula of t\a«ada. By Iba Oerr r»«»r. Jitru tUKJCK. Sacratary of SUta. 11 J. U. HALL M. 0.. PHYSICIAN AND CURCION nmoi AMD UHDDOI - OPPOSITE V tbalfava oAm. Kata Mraat, OoM BUL TOWN ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE NO 109. AS OHDMAIK K I* Fix Mil MIlNI • UnoM TU I'm* terlalu Trwlta Bull lml»m Wltfeta lk« Cwrporula Liutlla ml lk« fmm *f UolU Uill. fUK BOARD OK TK03T£CS OF OOLD A BUduurdatn: Stcnu* !. ftu i*rfoa or pereoaa. firm, u\x=req-\ •ocutiwu. or corporation aball wiuln 'be cor\x=req-\ purau limit* uf the Tuwn of Bold BUI carry on ur parade u; trad* or baaine.* u- nt .altar auitkiOMl. auiu he, ikt, the/, or ti u<> paid f«r and taken uut a llcenaa. aa la hereinafter pro Tided; a*d for auy violation of Ihla ordinance Ida tart/ uffeudlua aball. oa co-vlctlun, ue luad lu aut mui tut exceeding i»j nunJred uuliara. be. idea lua ooaU wl laa action; aud lit d. fault uf p.yuj.ut ihereuf bo imprisoned m ua Tun. Jan at tba rata of una dajr lur every two dollars of each Sua aud coela. sac a. All ucvnaee. eicept aa beialnaftar provided, aball ba paid quarterly la advan.e, lav quartet a to .oauueuce ou tba flrll da;a ul February. Ma/, Aiurual au<l .Nuvember lu aacb year; au 1 m case an/ pereon or p*r*eas. arm aaaovla luu, ur curpuratiou r> quired to lata out Ik'eiaat auaii fail lu late out aucb Ucauaa lur tbe curieut quarter, priur W Iba Oiteeuin d ./a ul Feuruary, Mar. AUKUft aud .November ol eacn )ear, ba, toe, tbey, ur It ahall ba auujeci lu , ad -i i lua .f ua par Caul, over aud above iba aluouul tier, lu praacrlbad lor aucb lioauae, and iu addition to tba penalty a. eCitbvd Id rect.ou oueuf tbia irdluauce a civil actum abail be commenced In liM uami ol " Tbe Tuwn of uold Bui" lor tba recov.ry ul tbe ainuunl rt Mich license aud p. rceutaae, togetuer will cuau, Including me fee of tbe tuwu Attorney, to be laled at dllaau dolura la aacu >m. oac. a. The Marehal aball keep bla offlce open, aud ba preaeut lueraat, between tba bo.,re oi two o'clock r. n. aud lour o'clock r. ■, uf eacb day (luu J.) a aud holidays eacepl ed|, during tue br.t niueu dajrauf each qua.\x=req-\ Ut, lu leeue lloruaea, aud it auall ba the duty ul svsr> peraou fiuui wnom a license tat I. due aud uwlug lo pa/ tba aalua at aa.d ufllce durluij tba 11 iua Ua la mi required U- keep hi. udlca upcu. aud no 'auuai uvuiaod or uutice b/ in. juaiaual t • auca pa<aua an all b; aaiy to r» u i f euch para..a lubla to tha p«» acri'ud la aaviloiu uaa and twu ul tnleuidi\x=req-\ UMi .>«o. « All peraon* having Uksn out a license under tbia ordinance are ueraby required to eauioil the aaui* In amue c.napu.uoua part 01 ibvi. place ol business, au i to prouuua the sa-ue wbeu applying to tba Mareluu lur a new Ucauaa Mc. A. It ah all be the dot/ of the Marsotl to reputt to tba l'uwu Attorney ub the dlteeuib dajeuf rebruar), Ba/, Augiut aud Nuveiaber .4 each year, in* uauiee ul ail pe.aour who uave But paid I I and taken out licensee, aa laquirad uy lata urdluaue*. lur lha currvut quart.r. lu *etber W..U i...- auiouuu for wbich aucb per\x=req-\ auua are severally liable i and It euall ba tbe duty ol the Towu at oruer loiibaltb to m»li\x=req-\ iMa a. tiuua ur Ua recwvary uf aucb aiuounia 8*1 . a It aba.I be tbe duly ol tba Jtaratiai lu ta«p iu bit udLe a iwok at/led aud maikeu ■ Har.Qal a Uo«uae Uuuk," wbatetu he aball a Ur lha uataea ul all ixrauu*. llruia. aaaocla iloua, aud curporatloua tu wbuui ilcetuea ha.a bis u taau.U, tue cb^acter of their buaUeaa, the iiuie tur wuich in* lice-.a e Were granted, tba 'la-a aud Hue oI eipiratiuu tberaul, aud tue auiuuut ul muuey*d lu each .aae, and iu ■uruiau lha uuard ol i'ruatsaa at tbelr Ural recu uar UMwiitia tu tb> ui^ntua beg unlug eaca quar l.r au abetraci uf tbe aaiue lur the quar..r jual elided. SCO. T. TDK Town ll»ri Wall II«[1 *u kw ra.* aceouut. lu • book m.iui. d " Clerk'* L\x=req-\ i*nac liouk." of til licenses delivered lu tbe Marshal. tun quaruii lor wulcb IMiitl. and the aiuouu. I0«reol. Tbe Manual •aall ou til* flrst Mondays ol februarj. Maj. aUgUst aUd NuVsUl iMr ui hco )utr, return to t-e Town Clerk ai. noeuac* ihmiI lor 111* preCedlug qaaTUr r. • lua.nwg uneoid. anil lb* '1 own 0 era *l all thru ualalto* and IDM III* llcvnae account Willi I lie aar*u 1 lor the nreceuliuf quarter, and a detailed report ui lb* aa . a to lb • Hoard ol frost*.* at ibeir Uiat regular wealing in In* mourn* begiUulug raCb quarter. sac. a. Ail licenasa laaurnl under and b/ vlr lue ol Oil* ordlnauce aball b* pilulad i« blank .uciu, expteeaing tb* cia«a and lb* amount to Ml Paul luerelur ; aUall tM signed bjr lb* Presl. deui of tb* -uajrd ui Ini*MRM a. d tn* Tv>* u C>*rk and voonuMsigned bjr tb* Maiabal, and anali set lortb la* u.uie of lb* paily lo whom tb* I.Ceue* 1- granted, tbe uatut* of ibs trade ui uuain** > to b» pursued. Ui* um* for wulcb •ranted, and tb* ual* ol Issue. akc. v. All ll.enaea *bail b* paid lor In gold eolu ol lb* Culled »>a a*. AkTiaa.Ni. 8bo. 10. Every pir. on. firm, aaaoclaUon, or corporation *<<d >B carrying on nuaiuewi aa caipeuler, builder, black, in it.i. «mou maker or wbi-elwiUbl. gunsiuilu, watcb or Je**iry maker ur tcpa.rer, a a* OlUr or plumber, tin\x=req-\ n*r, paiuwr, eadde or barue** ui.k r. abali pky quarterly lur a Ucena* to carry on tb* aaitr, ac^orJlng .o hi* or lb*tr average month\x=req-\ ijr aaiea or r«celpl*. *» In .be following ■ ikadBla: Kim U»s*-Muuthly aalaa or racalpta, eight hundml dollar* or uT*r, quarleiry lleauac, mt**n dollar*. sound tile**—Monthly aalaa or receipt* under rl*ht hundred dollar a, quarterly llcan**, tan dollar*. unm, Sac. II. Every person or arm engaged In tb* business ol a daguerreau or puolo\x=req-\ arapbic gallery. or >n pam lug por>raua or UI niuur**. sntll p»y. q larteriy. lor a llceuee 0 ca.ry ou u>* mum, according lo hi*, her, or tbe.r average moutB.y aal«a or receipts, aa In tb* foliowiutf schedule: I'lrst Cla«*-M >utbly aalaa or receipt* eight hut.die'l dollar* ur over, quarterly license. leu dollar*. second Claaa—Monthly *ale* or receipt* uuoer eight hundred dollar a, quarterly license, u»e doi.ara. UUTUI. bkc. 1 J. Ktery per .on. Orm, aaaocUtion, or ' orpvratlon eng.gedlu tarrying on ike busl\x=req-\ uesa ol aaeajing or** or precloua mslals aball pay. quarterly, for a lic*na* lo carry ou the aaiu*. according to bla or tbalr average m on inly luimr* or receipts, aa la tbe following •cheUulK nr.i Class-Monthly bualoe*a or receipt* flvc hundred dollar* or over. quarterly lloeuae, tuirty dollar*. Secoud C>**»—Monthly builne** or raceluta two nuuded and U.ty doiiaia ur over and under He* hundred dollar*. quarterly llcenae, tweulv dolla.a. I bird Cla*-M»ntbly bualneaa or raoelpu un l-r two nun ir*d and ttfty dulutr*. quarterly license, Un dullar*. Aucnoxuita. Mbc 13. Every per>on. brm or awociatloa en.'agt'd in lb* buaineu of relllug real wtate or personal propeity by aucooa or publ.c out. cry. shall pay lor a liceus* to «rry on the *auie, according to bis or Ibelr average sale* or r*> eelpi*. as In the following scbaduie: t irst Class—Mv-nibly aa.** or rvcalpta two ihi«Mul dolla-* or over, qnartarly lletnaa, twenty.tlv* dollar*. Se< oud Clas*—Monthly aale* or receipt* under two thousand dollar*, quarterly llcenae, dollars. 1 uud Cla-»—Daily aale* or receipt* five bun\x=req-\ dml dollar* or over, llcenae lor on* day, Wu dollar*. Fourth Claas— Dally sals* or racelol* under Ave Hundred doltara, llcuoa* fur oueday.Sv* dollar*. ■itiia. fgc. U. Every pviaou, firm or aaeoclalloo *ng*a'ed In carrylug ou busluea* a* a baker of bread, pl** and eake, or either «f tbe** an cle*, •b II pay, quarurlv, ur a Hc*n** to carry on U* aanie. k* In tb* following (cbedole: rirst Clas*—MouUilj aale* oi receipt* *ev*a husilred and Blly dollar* or over, quarterly license, twenty dollar*. Second oiase—Monthly **le* oe reeHota Bve hundred dollar* or over and nnder aevsn buo dr*d and Sfty dollar*, quartet ly dcen**, Oftaea dolltn Third Claaa—Moatbly *alea or receipt* nnder lee hundred dollar*, quarterly llceue, tea dol\x=req-\ lar*. •ARUM. S*c. IS. Kvrrjr pmuo, turn, umunog or rorpurmtluo b«*lOa 1 plat* of baalo*** id lha Tuvu of Hold Hill, tod tbcraiD en***-d In lb* hu*iur» of banllujc. loaning m aa|, buying and Milium txchxui*. oc racalTum ou dopoit bul or (vlu, or any or all »ocb trauaactloaf, •ball laj.quanariT. for a IIcvom to carry un •aid buiiuM, ac williK to bl». tbrlr or lu avar un>nibl> purvbaaoa and »al~ of aicbiaga, amount ol loaoa, ur dapo»ll of bullion or Culo, ur auj or all uf aurb tntnaacUooa. a* tba caat mat b«, aa la tlx following acbadule: Klr.l Claaa -Mootblf tranaaCUOU 00* boa drrd aad ttfty tbouaand dcfva or ortr, quar tarty u>-»oa*. una bnndrad dwilara. Mocood Cla.a-M.uibiy tranaactlooa ander ona buudrad aud Stir tbouaond dullara, fitly (Mint, 1IH1M 8ic U. K»«rr paraon or arm anfif»d In lb* boaluaaa oi carrjUg oa a barb»r tbopaball p«y. quarterly. tor a liemm to cany on tba aamr. according to hla ortbelr art rag* moutblj baali t.i or maipu, aa la tba following ■Mil*: *ii*t Olaaa—Moothlr bail am or racalpta Ira hand'ad dollaia or oaar, quarterly Umm, ua dullara. naooad Claaa— lfnatbly Tmalnaai or racatDta Una baadrod and arty dollar* or orar aad nadar In kaadrad dollar*, qturtarly Uoaoaa, ■tx dollar*. TOWS ORDINANCES. Third CUM— Monthly bojmew or raealptr oo« hundied and flfiy dollar* or orar and auoer thrwe bun.ned and lllli dollar*, quarterly llceOM, lourdiliara. Kuurib Uia«a—Monthlr baalnaaa or raoeipU under ou* hundred and itif dollar*, quartan; lioaue*. three dollar*. »" ■"»" TAILS!. Hie. IT. Xrtrr paiaoa or Aim wppd In Um *n of keeping a billiard labM or billiard labia* lor publio um or nir* abail par. qoar •Ml/, for a LlomUM there! jr. aooordmf to bw or tb«lr iTiritf* monthly receipt*. a* In lb* lol\x=req-\ lowln* acneuule: Pint Cla**-Monthly receipt* two hundred dollar* or orar, quarterly license. twain dol\x=req-\ lar*. recond Claaa- Monthly receipts ona hundred dollar* or uter and under two hundred dollar*, quarterly UcanM. tan do Jar*. Tblrd Olm Monthly reoelpt* uodar oca hundred doLara, quarterly iloauee, Are dollar* ■01LMM IU1JU Bsc. 18. Every puaoa. bun. aaeoclatlon, or corporation tag ged In tb* nuking or repairing ol Nwiu buiior* abail pay, quarter y, lor a iii'tu.r to carry oo ue mw, according to bla, tbalr, or it* •voratfe moaiblr biuuieM or re\x=req-\ Oelpia, aa iu tba Mlowiug acbodula: Flrat OiaM—M-nib y bu*ln>M or receipt* flee tboUMbd dollar* •« over, quarterly lioeuee, twenty-Ate dollara. ixi-vnd <J.a»— Monthly business or receipt* three tuouaand do lata or orur and uudar in iboaaanu dollar*, quarterly ilcetue. twenty dot\x=req-\ Un* Third Cle«*—Monthly bu*lneae or raealpt* two tbouMud dollar* or ovar aud Uuder tnraa tbouaand dollara, quarterly IIcuum, Uihi Uol\x=req-\ lar*. Kourth Claa*—Monthly buslneM or rvcelpta under two tnouaand dollara, quarterly licunae, tun dollar*. BOOT AaD axOUUUH AMD COIILIU. tUa IV. Kvery peraon or arm engaged in the buaiuee* of bout or *ho. uiakiag. repairing. 01 Cobbling, ruall |*r quarterly iur * umii* to c«rrj on the time, accoidlug 10 bl* or their ii. mua hiy MlM or receipt*, aa In the follow ing Kb dale: Kim Ui*m—Muothlr ul«« or receipt* three buuanxl dollar* ur over, quarterly licau**, >en •toilar*. S.oouil Claaa—Uotitbly *alea or receipt* DO d«r ibre. numtrud duiiara, quarterly llceuae, ttv» dollar*. BOWUNO ALLSXa. bio. 20. Kver* peraou or uria engaged la thi bn>uw*> of Mee -lug a ooaliug amy «,r bowlini alley a lor public uae or biro auall pay.quar taru. lor a iloeu** therefor, according to bi« 01 uieir average mouinl/ leceipu, a* >u the foi • owing ecUeJule: Klrei ciaea—Moothly receipt* one bundred and nfiy dollar* or uT»r. quaiwrly liceuaa, ala doilai*. Second l'la*a—Monthly receipt* under one hundred and Hfty do.iara, quarterly lioaaee, tuiee duller*. IM)UU. FACTO a* AMD OBMKHAL AoaNT*. Hic. 'i. knry peraon. firoi, aaaocUtlou. ot corporation engaged m >be bualue-* 01 buylu* and >-111 K real eatato or p.raonal property ol any da cnptioo whatever (except mlulug or otlur *tock*ior Collecting rruta, aa the *,eut, beu>r, o broker of another, aball pay. qnaiter ly, fur a llceuae to catry on tb* aarne acuordlug t» b a. their, or lu av«.a*e moniblj aale* ur r» oelpia, a* to tue following acneiule: Fir.t Oiaw--Muntb.y a*le* or rvcalpU ten Uioueand uoiiara or over, quarterly licaoae, ibl.ty dollara. Heconii Claaa—Monthly lair* or rrcelpta five J dollara or over and under teo thou\x=req-\ Mud uoiiara, quarterly llceuae, tweuty-Uve dol\x=req-\ lar* • bird CI*M-Monthly talet or reeelptr iwebiy-(l>e buodred uoiiara or over and andei aveluouaaudl >liar*. qjarterl/ llceuae. tw»utj dollar* Kourih Cla**—Monthly aale* or reoclpta flf teen bundred dullar* or over and under t weuty ave hundred dollar*, quarterly Ike-ao, tlitu»u dollar*. Kiltu Claaa—Monthly eale* or receipt* nnder flli«»u bundled dollar*, quarterly licenae, tan iluiiSf** CIBCl'l, CABAVAN. OB IllillUlI. Bbc 2J The proprietor or manager of eaeb circua, caravan, 01 lueuagerleabali pay a noeu>« lor each aay"» periormance, a* lu the folio* lag acbeuule: A clrcu*. accompanied by a caravan or ma na^arlra, .bull cuuatuuta the Urrt cl*»a, and *ba.I pay a daily Mean** of twruty-Bve d .llar*. A CHCua, unaccoiupaule J witu a caravan Of mauage le, *uall be of lb* aecoud ciaae. auu •ball ptyailu.) i Ice ok ul iwrui> d liar*. A caiavau o. miuitrri*. unaccompanied with a circua, snail be ul the third ciaea, ana (ball pay a dal.y ilcena* of tun dollara, oonauato* hbuchaxt*. 8 Be. as. Kvery peraou or firm engaged In the eelllugoi g.ioda. waiea, and mercuaudiM upon commission, 'b* I pay, quarterly, lor a llceuae lu carrj "U >b* a.m ■. according to bia or their *«*rag* uiouthly aalea or receipt*, a* la the following acheuUt*: tirat ciaaa — Monthly tale* or reoelpu two thousand dollar* or uvrr, quarterly llceuae. twenty live dollar*. second Cla**—Monthly tale* or receipt* nnder two thou»*..d duilara, quarterly Ucauaa, OfMU dollar*. COXCIBT* AWD OTIKB UOIBI'llOMI. 8B0. 21 The bianatrer or Ueaeo o. company of rone, rt alugvr* ur aeiouadar*. or any other ethlbitlon, except theater* au<l meiu a ball pay a liceuae for <acn penormti.oe, •evurdlnK to ui* daily receipt*, a* in the luiiow. lug acbedule : Kir*. Uiea*--Receipt* for one performance two buudml aud Bfty dul>ar.or over, tUteeu dollar* or a«cb performance Hec uu claaa—Uaceliit* for on* performance uuuer two huu ired and Oily dollar*, leu dollar*. IIAMOB KOl'IB*. *ALOOM* OB OalXAB*. Hac. a. 'ib« proprietur. Uaa.e cr mauager ol any bouae, aalooo room or cellar whu.e wmee, mail or at.irituou* liquor* are *olu by tne bottle, giaaa or drink, wbure oauclng I* carried on (provided tbat tbl* »cctlou aball not ai>plt to a yibeaieror aa.odooui. abali pay, quarterly, for a licetiao to caary ou the aame, according to bi* monthly >*.** or rtCalpta. a* In tho lollow* In* aclMduie: Kirat Claaa— Monthly talc* or recelpU five huudred dollar* or over, quarterly llo«naa. one bundred dollar*. Oeooud ('!*»•—Monthly vale* or receipt* nnder five hundred dollar*, quarterly Uoenae, (eventy\x=req-\ flve dollara. Kxraia* and ibiiubt conrimu Bee. 28. Jtvery peraon, firm, aMoclaUno or corporation engaged lu the buaiuea* ol Ir na\x=req-\ mittiu* letter* or other package* lorwardlng aud carrying gold dual, bolXloa, coin or frrigbt lor hlie, irom tbe Towu of Oold Hill to au> other ulace, or from auy other p ace to tbvTown of Oold tllll, and who i.aa a plac. of buatucM or agcncy in aald town, aball pay, quaMiriy. for a llceuae to carry on the aaiue. according to hla, tbeir or Ita mouthly receipt*, a* la tb* average ollowing aebeduie: • Klrat Claaa—Monthly rectlpt* five tbouwind dollart or over, quarterly llcenne, tblrly dollara. neioutl Ola»»—Monthly icctipi* nnder five thouaand dollar*, quarterly Uoeuae, twenty dol\x=req-\ (HI, roUMUUXfl. Hao. 77. Kerry pcrwo. Arm, aaeoclatlon or corporation euf««ed la tbe foundry hutlnee* ahall pay. quarterly, fur a llceuee to cairy on the muio, according tu hi*. th*ir or IU atrregr muMbiy mIm or receipt*. a* la tho lollowlug •vboduli': tint riaea—Mon'hly aale* or rrcelpta twenty thouaand dollai* or oeer, quarterly llc.nae, lorty dollar* Becood Claaa— Monthly aalee or r» celpt* flfleen tbuiusud dollar* or ovet and under twenty tbuiuaud dollar*, quarterly Uoen*e, thirty dol\x=req-\ lar*. Third CI a*»—Monthly *aJc* at receipt* ten thouaand dollar* or over aud und*r 111 een thou\x=req-\ •and dollar*, quarterly Ucenaa, iwcuty-flve dol\x=req-\ lift, Coartb Claea— Monthly aalaa or receipt* an\x=req-\ d»r ten thouaand dollar*, quarterly Ucanee, twenty dollar*. uamas. ■ic. 2$. Every pcreou engaged In tbe baal\x=req-\ ne** of dealing, play D(, or carrying on any name of faro, woie. roulette, lansquenet, rouge-el noir, rondo, keno. fantan, dtana, or chuck a-luck, or any bu king paoM. played with card*. dice, ur any other device, whether the •am« played lor nioney, ch<cki, credit, or ai.r other Tamable ILlng ur refiieaeLtatiee of value, ahall pay, quar erly. for a ilceuaa to carry on the aame, according to hla averag* monthly receipt*, a* It- the follow id* achednle: fl'et C aa»—Monthly receipt* three thousand dollar* or over. quaitirly ilcenac, aeTeuty fir* dol 1*11. tlecond Claae-Monthly receipt* two thouaand doll are or OTar and ondeeture* thouaand dol\x=req-\ lar*. quarterly Ucenae, any dollar*. Itac 29. Kach llcenae la*u>d »ball conUIn a particular d>acrtptlon of the room In which tha IIrente* dealgna to carrj on the cam* dealgna\x=req-\ ted, and the nam* of lb* (ama to U opened and played; and no lioeoa* .hall be l-aued penult\x=req-\ tins any »ncb pa* to ■ a carried on In any room in which each cam** are by any valid Act of the V malatore of the mate of Kerada lor. bidden to be op«ned. played, or carried on. NOTICE. All firsoss bavimq in tbui pos. aaaalou bo ka betoealaa to W*Ua Drury are reqa-*ted to Uar* tbo mm at the office at «•—■■"'•—•■wareaa 0oU Hill teptamber II, 1«T«. Mil M1SCKLLAHMUB. THE SUN FOR 1880. Tn SDH will deal wlib the mota of tlx year lMu la lu own taabioa, bow pietty w*U anderatood b/ everybody. from Janaary l ooill Deoember It It wUl be ran rt no led ee • aewtpeper, wrtiun la tba fcgliih language, •ad printed Mr the people. At a ne wipapar, Tal mm halteraa la getting all tba aawa of tba world promptly, and pre\x=req-\ eentlng It In ibe moat Intelligible >h«ne iba »h«p. that wtu eaabla ba raadan to kaap waU abraaai oi ibe age aim tba Mast Onprvdacute eipendUore ot iUna. 10e greate.i uiianat to Uia greawat D u mber-Vlut la UM law oontruj\x=req-\ ling iu daily make up. u baa Bow aclrcuia.ion vary mucb larger tb«n that ot any otuar Am*. uaa newspaper, and eojoya aa taeeme waaoa it laatau klmaapiaparMtuapaag Ubenliyforiba DaueQl 01 lu raadara. People 01 all condlUena ol lift aad all wajra of tntnalag ba/ ana iead l aa oCM; aad tbey all aatuiaeuou o< avow aurt irorn lu coiow&a, tor taar keep uc outing and re-dlug It. la ita comuj.m oa men aad attain, Taa Boa beUevee Iliac IBa only guide ol enooid ba common aeuaa, lua.irad b/ geoauu American yrmciplea awl b.okad bj uoueatj of purpoee. ror taia rva»ou It la. and WUl coatuaa lu ba, •baoluialy Independent ol party, ciae., Uiqaa, urgauiiaUuti or Ulteiaet. It la lor all. but of aooa. It will ooutiaua to pralaa wbat ta good and rep obata wbat la evil, taking oara tBat lu language la to lb* p.lnt and puui, beyond tba ol being iniauuueretood. It u uuin\x=req-\ ttu.uced 0/ m Uvo« mat oo nut appaar on lb. auriaca; It baa Bo opialuBa lo ball, aave UUMa wbicd ma/ ba bad by aa/ pu.cbaeer wita two oanu. it Bataa Injuatica and raaoalit/ a ran mure thaa U baua aunacaaaar/ worde. It aa bora nauui, plt.e* foola aad deplotea BlBOoin\x=req-\ poope of every apecla*. It wlU oonunue throughout tba year laaO to obaaUee iba Biat claae, loiiftKt lb* aaooad. aad uleooontanance .bo taird. all bunaat maa, wlib bonual oonvlc\x=req-\ tioni, wualhcr auuod • T mletakaa, are ita frleada. Aud Taa bum maaea bo bon«e of l»U\x=req-\ lug iba trutli w lialriauuaaud about iu irleud* wiwuever ociaatoo arteee lor puto apeaklog. Tbuaearv lueprlnoiylee apou wulch iaa BUM win o«obiidao.«a durum tba iau to come. Tna year laau wli l»» una la waica no patriot\x=req-\ lo American can afford tu doae bla eye* to puo\x=req-\ ita affaire. It la unpuaalble to tudtttu tba Importance oi tba puatlcal avenu wmcli it baa '•i atore, or tba neoeeeily ol raaolula vigdanoe oa tba part ol a far/ clttaau wBo duairaa tu pre\x=req-\ eerve ibe O-iverumtnt tbat tba loundara gate ua. Tba Uobatea alld aoU of longreee. tba at\x=req-\ eraacea of tna praaa, tba azriUBa Ooiiuau ot tba ttapubllcan aud a emooretlc partlaa, aaw naarl/ • quai is atreactb turuugoout tba ooau tr/, ibe rj.tng drl.t ui pabuu aautimeui, wul al. bear direct!/ and effectively upuu IBa twta\x=req-\ ty-f <urtu freauautlal aiecilua, io be bald la A^Teuibar. >our y.araago a it Noma bar tbe will Ml taa union, aa expreeead at tba polla, •aa tbwarud -y .n aboumabia ooiwpirati/, Uia ^rouutera aud bcueSclarle* of wblou atill bold tbe 4Bcm> tba/ Hole. Will tba crtm* ot IBM ba repeated lu loaul Tba paat dacada ol jeara opened wiib a LUirupt, aitrarigaat, aad tnao\x=req-\ laut Admlultumiloia :utf«nciiad at Waablugtoa 1'ua oc* d.d .omeib ag toward alalud.iag tba «ang anj breakiu« Ita p^war. Tna eame men are Bow Ini.Uuiag to raalvre their laad.r and ttiema^Tea to p aeaa Iron wbioB tbe/ wire ilnvao by tbe UdUoalloa of tbe paop.e. Win •Be/ euccaed? Tne oouiing yew wiU rrlBf tba anawara to tuaae inomeutoat qaaatloi.1. la. sua a III be oo band to carvalcie tbe laota aa uiej are developed, aad toexblblt uiam ciaarly aud le»rleaiiy m tbelr reiauuna to axpedlaao/ •ud rlgbt. ibua, wltb a habit of pblloaopblca) ,r°od I buuior in lookiag at tna moor affaire of life, aud lu great tbt- g. a ateadlaat puipo.e to main talu tbe liable oi tba people aud tbe prloCipiee ol Ibe Couiututlou agalnat all ajt.ra.aort, Taa DM ta pripar«u to wriu a iruibiul, luatr.ctiTa. aud al tbe eame time en'.eruimng biatory ol HMD. * Lurraleaol aabaorlptlon nmila oaebaBgad. If or tna ually BUM, a loar-paae abeat ol I Wei t>\x=req-\ elgbl coluiuua, ine L) mall, poet-paid, It U cunu a mouib, or •« 00 a year; or, inulnd\x=req-\ lug Ibe auuday papt.r, an algbl page abeat ol diti-a x colautoa, tbe prtc* la Moauu a a.ootb, ur|7 30 a /aar, pueiage pauL ibe buBday ediiloa of Taa Sua la alio rural, had >epuatdy *1II HOa year, poata«e paid Tbe pnoe of tb > WaaanT bum, aiabi pagaa, Ufty-elx coiuiuua. la VI a year, poatane paid. Kor club* of Uu aakdlng |lll we wlU Bend an eitra copy Irea. Addreaa I. W. EMOLAND, t ubl.abar of Taa bo*. Mew lurk City. ORDINANCE NO. 117. AN OUOINAMC'B la Ai(lur*» >h* Iaa*. ■ acrif uud'liLwii mt ml f r .ba l'ar|i« ..I ll.M. IUJ ■ad 104. [PaMed September a. MO.J TtlK BOARD OP THUSTIE# OF THK Town ul Uold Hill tiu ordain Siciion 1. Thd i'rr.ldmt aud Clark ef tb* Uuard x.t 1'ruate. i of tbo a*ld I o «n of Oo d U.ll are beriby autborliad tbd required to Uta* Boud» uf ibe I ooii of Uold lln III tba .urn of Ten Tooaaaud Indian (Jailed nUt ■ gold coin. r to. 3 Th- Mid Bouda aba I a* In ■ueb f rm h tl>» l*rc.idiut a d Clerk uf »ald Board n>a> prmcribe according to ui and OrJluaaca, UJ •..»iI be to tu« . U... i in.i tbeTowu of Uold Bill In boukd aud bu.dun and wlil pay to ti.a Itoluer. of Mid UoutU tbo ••■m oi u.ou»> named therein id United (oiu coin, o ' toe 14tb da; ot Auku.i, IM1, vita intenet tbereon at tba rata ol oo« par ceut p. r moo lb, in Ilka goid Oula. lot r*et i a> abia q jirtu ly. 810 a. bald houj« kb.ll ba leaned and owJ for tba purp —t of ra.e«inluif aod cancelling li dida Mo*, lul and 104 of lb* Toan M Uold um. sic 4. taka effrctand ba In lorcr I turn aod «lt*r u» paui(o, .do lie pub\x=req-\ ilratiun lor una week lu tint Uolo bttx Diu.1 Nk»«. Appron d: L. T. FOX. Prveid.nt uf tba Board of Troittaa of Um Town of uold Hill. AttMt: w u. iiydb, Olnk Oo motion Oruluanoe Mo. 11T, ■* read, waa paoxd bv lbs ioiIuwiok Tuta: Ay««- Tru.tce. Mortar, Daoctjr and Preel deni Fox. Abacut-Truatera Lemrrr and MoOurdy. a w u. 11YUK Olerkoi tba Board. C. W. CRANE, PURCHASING ACENTf KiUblUhed In 1819., PKU80NH KI8IDINQ /WAY FROM HIM Kranclrco, In waiitof any article of MERCHANDISE, Great or •mall, can bar* their onWr* filled pr luptijr, and at th« T>qr loweat cub price*, by addr*e»lni| Uie undar*l£n> d. 0. W. CRAM I, IIS Pine etr et. Room W and 10 Ulrtee.1orff atr »t. Han > rantleco Cal JjflS tf_ DATCNTC ootaiaed tor aeeaantcal d* I A I LI* I O Tteee, medloal or other com\x=req-\ pound*, ornamenul d**t<u* trade marki and label*. Onata. AMlftnmenta, luterfereuoee. Appeal*, Inlta for IbMbmmMi and ail caae* arialng under the PATENT LAWS promptly attended to, intentions that RATI BERN REJECTED VmX anted by •*. Brlnf o»po\x=req-\ ■tto the Patant OBca, we can Make clover eearcbae, and eeenre Patent* more promptly, aad «tU> bro*d*» claim*, tfcaa thoaa who an rnmcte from w*ebla«ioa. INVENTORS oumi, and advlee *e to paMaUbthty. Price* lev. and NO CHAME CNLBBtf patxnt IB UMIOKKD. He refer to oOetalata the Patent OOea, k onr dlente In every State of the Union, Md to yoor Senator* ai.d BejnewaUre ta Ooe(**a*. (Ipedal refarcuoee firmi *te dealied. Ii1i1r»*i o. a. grow k oo\x=req-\ Opposite Pataot Ofloa, Waahiagton, D. a MARSHAL^ NOTICL Notice is hiribt given th»t tee Town ordteanee pr •hlnltlaa tbe ranalaf at lane of h< (* within the liana of the town of ko d HIP will from <hi* data be rtrleily enforced. A pen ka« beta coaatracted for the detention of bo«e that mar he foaad ran. nlo( at larj*. aad the t*t*l penalty for eaah deteattoa wul be collected la every cere. M EKHNiOt, Town Marahal. Gold Hill. AeaaetlB, WO. 10 M181KLLA.1KU18. SHERIFF'S SALE. BT TIRTUI or AM BZBCDTION 18\x=req-\ •w oat ot tn* DUtilot court of tb* Plr«i judicial Unuiot •Tin* bum oi N*vad*. id tod lor the ooaaty o« Hiony. duly atw*>*d. oa tu* lit* day oi Nor«aio«r. A. u law. uliun dirwot»B and oalivend, lu a o.rtala action in Mid Oouit, wb ma OtUnCJ* KMMaTr, plaintiff, ncorar*d JodjnMUl M*">tt UU*T»V» ttUXHu. d*i*nd*nt, uo tb* lain aey U Mn» bar A. D. 1MU, fu. tb* ram or U\x=req-\ t*r*tt lAtmoa at tb* rat* of lu par omul, par aaaUi IfMB aald N OTTO oar ittb tatil paid, to\x=req-\ g*tb«x w lib (M M eo.t* aad di*nur**BMii.a al ib* oata or Mid Jaugmaut and co-u, Buw anionatiBg to lb* ww ol |S, and all accra\x=req-\ imm and ■■ iiiiint ul iala. Br rinoa oi Mlawnt of axaeutloa, aad la pomunoa of tb* ttaiut* lu audi cart Bud* and proridad, I La**. <u tu* ltib d y of fco\x=req-\ r*m**r, A. It. law. l*ri*d on and i*k*a lu *x*Mlioa U* tolluwla* - d*.orlb*u i *r* aaj |4vp«rty, tu wit: 1 iron car*, »I .«*l*oU drill*, a Uagta* 1-Ucb rao « r bo** lor d. u!*. i ,ot driii* lor macuia.a, 1 tot uaad-dull*. 1 Ml temper- aaa * uril.lng pum„*. « .UikiBtf ba«.* aiars, U *nur«l*. It tick*, '1 CTO-acU. **•*, 1 rip baau taw. I monkiy wiautb**, t pip*\x=req-\ ion,*. l water-tank i Ut tamp* *aa chimney*. i lauteroe, • oil f**d«ra, 1 cio. k, l griajatuiM and ir*oe, 1 1*-U*k bulaua* ungia*. g*»r, *»aftiMg and lr*u*«i, I umi 4 lucb boUuug cabl* (wtr.). 1 lul cuarcoal, 1 lot gairanlaed uou pip*. 1 bjdraalic lift. 1 wlnduon, 1 U Ucb pump, I impping pia ** illiut Wu*).l lul bolt*. Ltu, tub.ra **.*«• aad nail*. I UmD*r track, 1 v*.t Coll uaritua, 1 *arrti g mall*, and r**l. 1 larg* dnubaguad cbam laoal*, 1 *»t ctainbUKk* (mudlam * u). 1 lol tiiu k* aud tall*. 1 *011 wir*. 1 ball, 4 can* lubr.cating *n*aa (part lUil), t tiuit>*r can. Look*, aui.uw ralr** Ixlub* tnroul*;. i clac* couaorr, 1 lot pump coiaiaa. 1 iJt pu ■ p b*rr> I. ii iron piatea. • WL*eloarrow», 1 iadd*r, 1 lot o d uou, J *l*dg> t, t a*u iiock* aud drill*, 1 lot flatur*. 1 Mt cold CblMI*. punch*-, ton**, lurg* *uor*ia and puk«r* *ad 1 fur*. rr*i*,« iaUb.i*and bit*. 1 iot yip* coup.tng., 1 iot o.d nit., l iut ,ui l lot (wall i*n«ia* • lu. b pip*, t era* bar*, 1 lot lumbar, twlng <b* p*r*uuai p.uperiy a«w ou lb* pr*ml**> known aa m* U.i-i1lj( Work* oi tu* buceor Kill and if aiug com»i.uji, iu Low*r Uoia Hit, Bt. ray luonty, B a * »r M*«*d*. Nouc* i* B>r*Br (ivmi mat on TUlk.un f, lb* T*»»Tf TH1H-. It AY or N^.kMUKtt, a. U 1MU, n. t»**u lb* boaraoi t o'oiock a. m. and 6 o'oiock r. > — *ik: at It o'uluui nov-n— 1 •III a*ll all lb* ri*bt, till*, claim aud Lat*r**t ol aaiadcf*noaut. uUaT^VaaUl'Uo, Inuid o tb* *b0.« daicrio d pr<p*rt,,ai t. * prtialM* kuowa ** tb* bol.tla* *ork* oi ib*auco~r *Ui aud Minlug Ojuipa. j. Lo«*r Uu.d uu , stony count/, N.vada, *t pub ic auctiou, lor caab ia naud. to tb* Ll(tM*. *nd im*r, w catfefy raid * and ail 0.411. la Uuiud bum* KOIdCola. CUAB. W»L l.Mt»uf». II 8b»rlff>.l atoray cuuat>, A*«ada. ii thi Diimii rioittrur nu J »lr*l Judiutal I>i* net ol tb* Mat* ut Na\x=req-\ rad*. In aud lor ib* county of aior*).—OA-Bia .LL.uTT, fl*lulUI, **. W LLlAH kLLlOTT, li*i*udaat — aciion biougbt lu tb* Uiair.ct Oourt 01 tb* flrrt Judicial Ll.irtwi ol in* tut* ol Narada, 10 and f„r >ba ouuuiy 01 atony, ptad >b* coaipiatut filed ia **td county, la tb* umo*ot lb* Clwk ol **idUUtrict 0 tut, uo in* Ulb day O'a*vt*mb*r, *. w. IBM. lb* oik* o! N.rada ** da gr>*tlo«to Wll 11am al.wti, D«i*ndtul: Yon *i* fi*r*oy I*\x=req-\ qolitd Id appear lu a actio., urougbt tfaluat job bj tb* ao»r*.D*is*d fuiatlff.U tu*buulvt Court 01 tb* ru*t Jadioial liuutvi 01 tu* aiat* ul Nevada, 10 *nd l- r .La oounty ot rtuny. aLd an*w*r tb* oom.ialat Bi*d taaialu witb.a >*u data (rzola*lT* vf 111* d.y 01 *.rrlc*/ ait»r tba t*rvk* ou )0u 01 tbi* ruuiuiou*, 11 .err.d in .aid coButy.or, If *<rr*d Out 01 **ld 0 unit, witbin lwanly aa>a, and ia ail ntbar .aa.a f-rtj da>«, or JuuKuiaut by d*f all will b* tak* *C*luit you according to lb* ir*)*r ol **id Tu« aald action I* broofbt to ob ata t drene of tbi* Court di *oiTiag tn* b Lda 01 ia*ir • moay cxiaila* bat wean you and futlnt ff, aad atrarolng tn* cu'tuor ul kul b a.Unit, uluo> cblld 01 )0ur**li ana Plaintiff, tu Plaiui ff. And fur c*aaa ui aatlOa f\ .luiiff allrgM tnat >oa and Plaintiff w«n u>arrl*d 10 racu utoir oa tk< ietb day of l>ac*mb*r, a. D. UTu, aad dill ai* burbaud aud wil«; ibat you bar* n glact.d for inur* 1 ban tan* yaar* la*> pa.t to pr»vld* fur rlala iff ur n*r cniid *a tn* ouuulou n*c*» Mrlr* ol II 0, and tacb Da*lact w.i n..t tb* r**uli of porcrty wbicb >ou coula not bar* avoldad a. uidluary>; tba' 'bar* 1* on* minor cniid, uri-c U.u* of .ad nairlm*. nam*d Ldua Klllou; mat tbin n no ouw niauity prop*rtyi *li uf wbicb will mot* luily api<*«r by niarabc* to ruiailfft c^uiplaiut n. ra.u uo Ai* wlta a o*nlfl*a c> py of wb.cb you >r* b*r««itb **rr<d. And you an n*nbr null Had that ll yon ftll to aa*w«r tb* s. muiaint tb* *ald Plaintiff will ap^ir 10 tn* Ouart lor tb* muf tbenin d* lUSDdod. o.r*n under my band aad tb* ***l of lb* Dlt\x=req-\ trict uoar*. 01 tb* Pint Judi< 1*1 OiFtriU • f tb* aut* oi Narad*. 1a aud lor tba county 1 f Btuny. tbi* lltb d*y of iMpuu>b*r,lu in* y»«r vf oar Lord ub* tnntuaad *iuhi bULdrro and *lgnty. J it. MouoNaU), Oltrk. bl HkBBT BolTI, Deputy CI. rk. lu O. itLokl. AUoru*j lor Pialullff. 14 In! 1H I HI DINI llicr CUIIMT or THl Plrii Judicial DUtnct oi tbe Stale of Me »ada. In a*d fur iba county oi »tor*y — W. L. oTXlL a^.ln.t HI- CRaUTuKS.\x=req-\ «<>tlce to uradtlora ot Insolvent. — lu ih» mailer of the petit.on cf W. L. Mteel. an l.eolvent debtor.—Puranant to an order ot the Hon. it I chard i.l>lii«. Judtfa ul the aald UMrlct Court, Holloa li ban b/ iiren to a I the ered Itora of tba Hid Inoolvmt. W. L. Bteei to ba aid appear before tba aald Judge, la open Court, at tba Cuurt-ro m of aaid Oourt. at tba Court B aaa. In »ald count,, ou iba tftu da> ul Oeccmb. r, A. 0 1MU. at 1Uo clock i 1,01 ttat day, tun and there to ebuw cauea, n any tbr> • an, wbjr tba pr.jer of aald Ineulvenl •bund not ba granted, aud an aaiUnoout ol bta aatata M mado, and bo be dtrciiargad from bla debt* and llabilltiaa. In puranancaol tba pro*leli>n» of tba rlAtute in iucu caaa m.0» and provided ; aad In tba meantime all proceeding •aid InaoiTaot ba clayed. Witueer my band and the aeal of laid Court, tbla lib day of November A. 1) 1MU lii.Lj J. *. MoDONALU, Clerk. l«r UanaT BoL»a. Dep.-ty Olaik. J. W. Wntcaaa, Attorney lorritltloner. naaod 1m thr niorMicr < otmr or thk Ptrat Judicial District of tba Btateoi Nevada, In a>d tu tba Count) of B i-rev -MaTB W P. SMITH a«an.t UlH iRaDIT. K3 -Nonce to Creditors of InaolTtnt —In tba matter of tba petition ol Matbow P. Hmnb. aa ln»o. rent debt w - l'urru«nt to aa order ot tbe U"0. Mlcbard Rising, Ju<l«e of tba aalit ulatrici Oourt, aoiico ta batchy given to all tbe cted ltora of tba aald Intoiram. li.thaw P. emltn, to he and appear helore tba aald Jnd(e. In opea Ooort. at tba Court-room of aald court, at tbo Court Houaa. In aaid cuuntr, on ti.a Fouru antb day of Deoeuiber, A. D. lt*l at 10 o'cock A. ». of (bat d«). Uiaa aid tbera tp show iaa»e. 1 am tbay can, wby iba prayer at aald Inaolveut abonld noi ba muted. aud an SMlgnme tol bia ealata ba made. aad be ba dlscbar*ed from bla dabta aad llabilttlea, la putananca ol tb»\x=req-\ provisions ui U>a atatula in rncb caaa made and provldai; and In tbe meantime all pr> caedln*■ against aald laeolvrot ba atajed. Wltneea my baud and tba aeal of aald Oonrt, tbla eleventh da, of November. A D 1MU [ibalI J. B MouONALD, Curk. IwBmi RoLra Deputy Olerk. M. 0 flLOtM, Attorney I. r Icaoltent. 13 KM TM THK niMTHirr CO DMT Or TMB Flrat Jndicl 1 blstrlot ul tbe Bute of Ne vada, la aad for tbe county of B'ort y.\x=req-\ THuMAS UK AT a(al MUM OKBDITOKS.\x=req-\ Notloe to Orvdlior* ot I aolTaot. -la tb« mat ler of the p-tl loa of Thomas fir-y. en liuolv. entdrbtor.—Pnraoaai to aa order o- tba tl-a. nicbard itnlng, Jndia of tba eald l»l»t let Oiarl, notice le hereby ki en to ail tba ered It ra of tua aald Insolvent. Tbomae ur«y. to be aad appaa- More tbe eald Ja<iM. In op»a a<nrt at tba Court r> om i.f aald Onrt at tba Ooart Hotue, la eald roanty, on the 1Mb day cf LiXCKMBa-K, A. D. 18*). at 10 o'clock a. B u ttat day, then and there to ebow canae. If any tbry caa. wby tbe prayer oi aald loaolvaot •boaId aot ba (ranted, ai d aa aealcnmeat of hit hi ate ba made aad ba ba dlKbatfad from bl« debu and il.WliU.t, la por>aauea of tbe p ovuloaa of tba »uiata la >acb oe>e made aad provld «1; aad la tbt mean'I me all pro\x=req-\ cardinal •( ,lne eald loaoiveat be atay»d. Wline*» my band aa • tba aeal of ••Id Ooart tale IS b day of Kvveaibar. &. u. 1MU. I.*»l I J. B MoD- M«LO Clark. J, W. Wntcaia, Attorney lot Inavlvent. a taiOd EXECUTORS' NOTICE. "M-OTIOl 18 OrVBN. IH \T TBR DI8TRICT W Ooart af tbe Pool Jodlclai Ulatrlot In aud for tba coaaty o» Store, bavtac graoied to tbe aadaeelc ad (attar* t»»taa»enury la tba eeUte of (XIRRAD WUOAND decaaa d. all ered tor* of eald mate wUi praarat tba r bills to tbe ander*ifn>d at tba aaeai oflea i-f.tbe la a Oon\x=req-\ r»d Wlevtnd, deoaaa d. for tba r appmtal, within tan montbi irom tbe data nf thla noUce. JOBBPH PlaK'Ki, 0. 0. i*ecutor», YimaU Otty, Oetobef M. IMP oaHHa Bid HUB Aim BE0IKE8. THE NEVADA BANK ua nuaauoo oaiookoa M4 IkHMl\x=req-\ H«MrT«(D.til MYiixUta.amd*. a%mt»t htM 1 t« Wtllatrnq J w Boy* md *«U« Kicbiajr* tad Tdafrapklr Trutiara. umm OguiMWtlil u4 mWiii Cr««Uia. Tbu but uu «p«oia1 uoUiUm toi dmUuc In bullion. *tf L. *. FRArtHtk, omoi-aui mm u*u iuhjim •Mia Ik* Buk •fOtlUknk. STOCK* bovohti MLB AMD CAB* BUD ON flCABOWa. HI* eoirwpoMMU In Bu rnmdJOO ui I. QULZIBS A CO., Mmbm <X U« >M franelico Stock and Exchanx* Board. 1 m t. k. mm% STOCK AND MONEY BROKER. IN Boitk 0 St* YirflaU* fir ILL BUT AND MLL dTHKJM OR oob\x=req-\ TT mlMluo on Dm moat feronbt* tana; •ill alao earn Htaaka on Margin and rnmmmr Uaaaa alio—m mturth (aaarlUM. QOLD AND I1LVKR BOO OUT AND I m «wi.n BIDS FOB STATIONEBY FOB TBI USE Of' State Officers, Etc., of the State of Nevada. RIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BT TBI BOARD 0 oi Itamlner* oi the Mute oi Narad. Bp to tad lLdodluK DECEMBER II, 1880, For the foroiabing of each B'atloaerr m Bay I* rtqa red lor tbe hmoi B a • Offlcera, etc , 01 tb« state of miMi f.r tbe two m» sum luenclng January 1, I Ml. and MM Jafcaary 1. law. m bw a. may b< l> Ui following q Bantu lee, d* in or itea: lOreame lo lb Leiter Paper, lu rrame 11 lb Letier h^r, 10 name » 16 .no • Paper, lo reauia (lb Noia Paper, 10 reama II tt L« gal Up Paper, 11 reama 14 S Lc*al Cap Paper, 5 ream* lit lb L- k«1 C.p Paper, t re*oi* Kug'Oeeli f Paper, a team* KB" III dm Paper. fi nam* Mi«0 Ha Ilia Wrapping Paper, kA> XXXa Wi.l a Kaeiiou**, 3><0 XXX 8 White KuTtlopee. Jm/0 XXX • Wulte Kurelopea, luOO XXX lu Wnue EoTeiopei, • do*. Carter". Ink. qoaite. I not Carter*' luk. quart*. copying, 6 due Carmlna,4 u*.,UiaaaHupp*ri(CarUr,e Cil i.-on Pli.ldy. 31 • oxee • iIMl'a 101 Pane, W boi e Olllau'a 104 reoe, St box a hpei.certaii Mo. 1 Pane, II boiee Pacidc K It. Pen*. II box.* »eterbiouk'e angroee'ng Pew, 1 > box a ulllott'e 1*1 Becord Pan*, S dut. qua la liavld'a Mucll (a, 4 dux. Mornan'a mend- and oioahee, large, 5 dot. M"rK*n'a sta de aid snub**, imail. I (rue* >ouua Keb.r pe rtli, 3 pan luxation Paber Peacll), H Kioea Liiagnu nd aod bla penclla, 1 groe» paciagea Trea»ur> B oiling. l<o box* a-aonid alxee Mubbef Bandi, M eponle Red Tape, 2 di t 31 Incb bra-aedjrrd Ku'en, J d a. in toco Kubber HvWre, 1 dot. 14 incb Ko< ber Kalera, 1 d x. fail buaud Blank Book*. per quire, 4 dot. No I Safety inkatai dt. 10 M. MeuiU'e R. H. Paper F telenet*, u\x=req-\ torttd* 1 gr a* Median Kyelete, 1 dot. No. W Kyelei Machine*, • dot email li.k and Pmrli Kraeert, 4 do*, la ga Ink too Pencil Eraa<ie, 4 di t Knife luk Kraaare, ldt 10 Inch • h.ara, 1 nut. 16 Uicb t»b»e e, 1 dm Talne, 1 tt bail', EngHth XX, thlek. t d. t. Totue. entail, Kugllab, t* Tra tog Oiutb. Sonde for doable the raise of gooda called for herein matt accompany the bid*. Blda to b. addrrartd io toe ''Board of Ixam\x=req-\ Iner. of tba Miate of Narad a, Oareon City, Narad a." JOHN H. EINKIAD, jAHPBn BABOOCE. State Board of Xxamioere. Canon City, Nevada, Noeember lu, MO. noil lm STEVENSON'S Palnl ImM BmH AMALGAMATING FAN. PAT INT ID, APRIL ll,rUr(. INTKRNATIONAL IXMIBITIOfc. Philadelphia, UTI. AWAKDKD HBIT PRBaUTM —90* AM I Grinding and iBilcaaatlaf Pu. 1'BIS PAN IB FAB 8CPEBI0B TO ALL 1 otaa-a In Importani particular?. Tb« O rinding Mulicn ui i.ttr the center. re quiring le«e power i he plow aheped inn« r.lH the qulckailrtr with ihe |>al|> ngalerl). with let* pow>r wltb- qi tioieaoa. ana %lih b.tter tflVea. be* Idee admitting a I .rear eoarge. Tu tncll* d abapad boaamci of ibe mmier-piate optuinge *»oantlj foeea the iislp dine ij under ih» mnlltra. Xaaarectar. d at the Ooldeo lute and B Inert' Iron Wurke, MT*to Ml Vlin »tna( kan Plan, claco. and at tna Uaua * BaoflUa Iron Work*. U boo la Oaaal itr* t, Chicago, »hare It cm be examined and ikrtb.r pertUalara b« UnM| InTMior aM PM\x=req-\ mta«. 0 a kTrV*." ttO.1. at tba Doagla* BUI, Gold Bill, kavada, where tka Paaa bara teag been In operation. SPECIAL NOTICE. DBBfom BMtona nr meiwu vn JL *Uk to rataaitM lor Ua O. fm can teat* ctAart lot it at tka Book atwa ' Mat*; Ma. 19 teat* 0 toaaL V. B, PABBOBIi rBlMTlNfl. QOLD HILL "DAILY NEW8" NBWSPAPUB JOB PRINTING KtTABLltMMKNT. Sala Street, Gold Hill NEVADA Books,' Pamphlets, Receipt Books, BUI Heads, Letter Beads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, ■llllt ST08I CERTIFICATES! ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgers, Flyers, Programmes. Circulars, Bail Tiokets, Wedding Cards, Business Cards, Labels, Tags, Eta Printing. In Colon; Printing, Plain or Fancy) Printing in All Stylet* PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNESS ANO DISPATCH MOST REASONABLE TEEMS fcmiAW AV LOWEST CASH RATES. THE Gold Hill Dally News, (HTABLUHKD » IMS). [> pubMabad mrj rrratnc taccpt Panday. tad itt cUtolatlon btlcn tery pMNl IU utmiti mbom ■lama aad bltlims p#op!i, fU&UltS, •U., BttU It TBI BIST AMD HOW umCIXNT HlOim MINING, BUSINESS, ANO ALL OTHER ADVERTISING. BUSINESS MSN. PROFESSIONAL MEN. PRACTICAL MEN* Ai« raapaetftdly tBTltcd to • carafol taapaetloa •ad ariticlaa of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Birta far Adaartl.laa Varalabad Vn* THE GOLD HILL NEWS, a a aa AS Aaaaa FIRST-CLASS DAILY PAPER, I* tfeoroafMr Uratlflad with tka baat ia\x=req-\ tatatta of Ua coontry, ana afldataa* of wetw OB ART at tka BAKIUL ~tjrt»*a Ua UTKBT nws. taiaffapUe and otharalaa froaaU^arta World. EVERYBODY READS IT. PUR Weekly Hiring Summary fablUbed erery W*dt>w<Uy Is tlx Km, it eeeefally prapeivd from the Borr Aoma* no mioa. print* ami otkrrwi**. ea tke tt? or pabliutioD, empioynif ta able aad eSctent con* of rtporter*. It U ulvertaUy reeocaUod Moffidtl, iad the moot ooum and wh>bi m> row Of tke conditio® Of the Blnm Of tke oomm or " Wiiim" Mcdc*. Wo alto fire tke lateet Blala* tafctBattoa .buaakle froai otiter part* of tke coutfy THE Geld HU1 Dally New* % I* Wwil by carrier* throojkoat Sold Bill. Vtotttla City. Oamw.Bllrer OUp.OaytMi.aBdeoatlfKMUloeallUea, aad to aeal by sail to all parte of tke eaaatayemdtke woett. leoaikMlr )lll<,t» «p to tke ttBM wkodeee aet wad tke aw i Wit t PahtKw.