Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAY. : : NOVEMBER 34. 1880 OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. WIOB AWAKE *DTIHTI»IM WHO TUK1VE TUWUI. idnriiilac BaaisMa ■*••• gnt-rniflu •••< frumparHj Fal> law -That la Ik* ClIMrMM* *1 All WlM Uaf* Trlwl Ik amusements. Piptn' Opera Uoum. Virginia City. BAN UBS. Ajpncy N*vula liank of San Fr&ncuoo, C *trv«i, Virginia City. BBOKJtBS. L. B. frukil A Co., Main *trwt, Gold Hill. T. B. MoOura. 104 South C *tr**t, Yir\x=req-\ giuu City. OLOTHINQ AND FC BNISHINO GOODS. Banner Broe., Corner 0 tad Taylor atneta, Virginia. C1GABS AND TOBACCO. D. Tborburo, oppoeile Niwa offloe. Mala street, Gold Hill. DBCGOIBTS. llaabroack A Hall, Mala a tract, Oold Hill, oppoaiM Yellow Jackal engiaa-houee. DENTIST. A. Chapman, 1M South 0 atnat, Virginia City. FANCY OOOD8. D. Tborburo. Main a treat. Gold Hill. 8. W. Cbubbuck. 1'oetoOoe (lore. Mala a treat, Gyld Hill. FOUNDBIES. Oold Hill Foundry, Lower Oold HU1, Qeorge Emmet, proprietor. FBE1GHT DEUVEBY. Tbomaa Gallagher, offloe near railroad depot. Gold HUi. GUOCEBlKd. PROVISIONS, ETC. F. W. Folaom, Mala a tree t. Gold Hill. Bichard Maroar, Mala atnat, Gold HUI. HOTELS AND RESTAUR!NTS. Oold Hill Bakery aad Beetaurant, Maia street, Gold HiU; J. P. Becker, Proprietor. City Bakery, 27 North 0 atnat, Virginia Oily; Fitameier A Armbrtut, Proprie\x=req-\ tor"* LAUNDBY. Pioaaar Laundry. north of Virginia Otty; O. W. Hall, Proprietor. MAUEETS. Gold Hill Hukii, next door below the JUw* office. Main lUwl, M. B. Dwelly, Proprietor. MEWS DEPOTS. D. Thorburo. opposite Nxw* offloe, M*in (treat, Ould Hill. S. W. Cbabbuck, Puetoffloe (tore, Gold HUi. PHYSICIANS AND SCBOEONS. Dr. J. (J. Hail. Main (irnt, Oold Hill. SALOONS. Comdock Exchange. oppoeita Liberty Engine Uuim, T. E. Pinch, Agent. > ubiou. Main • treat, Oold Ulll; ObrU. Weideuiann, proprietor. Bank Exohange, M-uu atreet, OulJ Sill; E. P. McKeuuey, proprietor. Otbeon'e, Main atreet, Ould Hill; W. D. 0. Oibaon, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Tboma* Oallagher, near railroad depot, 0«ld HUI. REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS. Aaaail Mepart or lfe« Praaldeal *r lb* Board mf TrWna mi I ha Tmmm af U»l<« Ulll. uvoBT or tii nuisin or iu soaks or Tow* TBi«itin or tu tows or OOLfi MILL. To tba Taxpayer* and Citixan* of tba Town uf Oold Hill: In accordance with tba requirement* of tbe Charter of tba Town of Oold Hill. I herewith enbmit a report of the financial attnailon of eaid Wwn for the year ending April 19. 1M0: mxcxirr* r*o* all eocxcu. Lleeneve—J. L. McClaery 9 10 00 BealeeUte.taxt*. pereonal property, licrnaee. bullion taxee, ate.—P. W. Poleotn 29.439 79 Delinquent taxaa—J. H. Harris 639 13 Delinquent taxee—H. PiLxalm 391 44 3. P. PUnnlngham 16 00 Hon. C. 0. Ste«en*on 8.000 00 Hon. L.T. Pox 20.000 00 ToUl 933.406 33 Mnmumii ax wajuuxt*. Bal.rUe 96.637 83 Labor on (treat* and lewer*... 2.620 00 Tire Department donation* ... 1,703 00 Seeping town bora* 480 00 Water rent. 2,323 00 Special police duty 44 00 Extra legal eervlcre 100 00 Printing in Oold Hill Niws... 800 00 Stationery. 37 18 Lumber 613 93 Bond taken up 6,000 00 Blaekimitbing 89 70 Sprinkling (treat* 600 00 Be pair* on fire ipparatn* 230 00 Donation to Linooln Hoe* Co 230 00 Judge* and clerk* of election . 100 00 Miaeallaneon* 846 94 Total $13,209 87 anotr*T or rmormxTT amsmid rom Tax TUM 1879 ajro 1880. Real property 91.726,816 81 Personal property 38,883 00 ToUl .$1.763.401 91 Tun tbrrtuD illk par cent. .$21,074 ltd Exvmpt by law 497 18 Total amount of taxee charged to the Town Marshal $21,577 83 Amount of delinquent tax roll delivered to Town Attorney for collection $613 29 Ten per o»nt. delinquency added 61 S3 Total $676 61 ▲mount collected, with 10 psr Mat delinquency added $291 44 Amount outstanding $383 37 Amount of License certificates charged to Town Marshal.... $7.934 99 Amount of bullion tax on product of mints. $911 89 TOW* BOX OS CA*0*L*D~ Noe. M. 89. 90, 91. amount $16,000, paid So*. 1.1679. Ho. 99, amount $3,000, paid Jan. 9,1879. Ho. 99. •• $30,000. paid Aug. 14. 1879. Wo. 101. $3,000. paid Ang. 14. 1879. OCTSTAHDIXO TOW* BOROS. No. 100, amount $3,000, dua Mar 1, 1881. *o. 103, •• $3,000, dus Ang. 14. 1880. Moa. 103 and 104, amount $10,000, das Ang 14. 1880. Noe. 109 and 106. amount $10,000, do* No*. 1, 1880. Indebtednree of tba Town of Oold Hill—Bonds $30,000 00 lot* reel dna on bonds to April 1$. 18$0 333 00 Total $30.333 00 Cash in treasury April 18.1880. $1,189 33 Law outstanding warrants 1,160 00 Total. $99 83 In submitting my annual report, aa rw\x=req-\ Suirad by law, I bare deemed it proper lat the taxpayers and citiwns should be informed of the condition of the town and it* financial standing at the present time. The floaoors of tbs town are in a healthy condition. considering the dullness of bust nees the past year. The revenue from the different branches of businsae has oonsld\x=req-\ erably deersased. and war* it sot for the curtailment of the ruaalng axpeasss of the town in the beginning of the ynr. tod the atriotcet eoonomy on tho part of thu Town Truateee, the town debt would have burn increaatd in* teed of leeeened. The water work* and everything oon\x=req-\ nected with them ia in exoellent condition. The bydranta and maina have been kept in the beat working order. The atreeta are all in good repair, and bave been kept eo with very little eipenae to the town. The aewera are all in good order. Aa the coat of new atwera and re\x=req-\ Kra on old onea ia alwaya very heavy, the ird bare not dona any work npon anoh only where there waa extreme neoeeaity. The officer* of the town have been faithful and energetio in the diacharge of their duties. The polios force, thoogh amall, baa done much in keeping off that element which ia eo much annoyance to every community. Dangerona and soapicioui cbaractera have bad bat little opportunity to prowl around in our midat, and our people have anoh reaaon to be thankful that their interaeta are eo well guarded by auch an efficient police force. The Fire Companiee, to whom 1« in* trnated the aafety of our property from Are. deetrre torn* notioe at ttaia time: Their activity tod efflcienoy at all timM when their eervieee were needed bu bean in keeping with their paat reeord. and I might aafely ut that no volunteer tiro department on the ooaet can aorpaaa our* (or promptneee and activity. In coaoioaioa, I will atate that I ain\x=req-\ cerely thank the membere of the Board. om and all. (or the very able manner in wbioh they have at all timee aaaiatod me in the management o( town affalra. That unity and good will wbieb ha* exieted among them, together with a atrong deaire to aerve the beat lntaraata of the town, bu made my poaition aa Preaident o( the Board moat agreeable. Aa a ntw Board o( TruatMe will aoon oommeuce their labora. I (eel it my doty to eall their attention to the economy which hae been praclioed by the retiring Board of Troateea, aa the proepecta are that the revenuee from taxable property, owing to the extreme dull neaa o( the timee will be mnch leaa than they have been the laat year. Very reepect\x=req-\ fully. L. T. Fox. Preaident o( the Board of Troateea o( the Town o( Gold Hill. QlUKtl/ RtfwU. bktoit or towk tuaicbxb. To tbe Hon. Board o( Truitee* •( the Town of Gold Hill—Gentlemen : I herewith submit for your ooneideratlon tbe Quarterly Report for the quarter ending Uo lobar 91, 1M0: Dr. To balance on band July 31. 1880 $ 1,981 #5 To M. Kanuady lf.SOJ 73 To J. P. Fiauniogham. 010 00 Total $31,998 B9 Cr. By Warrant*. $ 4,831 18 By Coupon* 793( 0 By Bond* 10,000 00 Balance on band Oetobar 31, 1880 6.381 S3 Total $31,998 68 O. H. Gallup, Traaaurer. uroiT or towk ttaaaiAL. Gold Bill, Ootobar 31, 1880. To tba Preeident and Honorabla Board of Town Truataaa Qanilaman: I herewith tubmlt to your Honorabla Board my raport of tba builntaa dona in my office for tba quarter ending Oetobar 31,1880 : Dr. Amount town taiaa $17,711 63 Pcraonal property 14 73 Prooeede mloea 119 68 Lloaata account 1,637 76 Total $19,503 73 Cr. By aaonnt paid Traaaurar ... .$19 603 73 Below you will And namber arreet* for quarter endiag October II, 1880: Toul number arrest*. 17; by Kennedy, Manbal, 7; by Ofieer Shreban, I; by Offloer Rooney. 9; total, 17. Amult and battery, 8; dieturbing peace, 3; violating town ordinance, 4; vagrancy, 1; dieoharging flra arm*. 1; total, 17. M. Kxxhcdt, Town Xarahal. BXT0BT or TOWS CLUX. Oold Hill. Oetober It, 1880. To tb* Hooorabla Board of Trait*** of the Town of Oold Hill—Q*ntl*mtn : Tki following 1* my r*port for tb* quarter ending Octobsr 31, 1880: Amount of warrant* iasusd >3.868 03 A* follows— Salaries <1.830 00 Work on *tr**to 318 SO Kesping bora* 120 00 Water rant 838 00 Printing 123 00 To flracompaniea ... 3V0. 00 Work on o*mstsry frnc* 30 00 Meals to prl*on*r*... 10 80 Blacksmi thing 23 40 Lumber 40 88 Sprinkling *tr**t*... 280 00 Stationery 4 88 Hardwar* 10 23 Turt remitted 89 37 Miscsllansona 3 78- $3,303 03 W. O. Hidb, Town Clark. bitoxt or cuxr ntoixsu or a. I. r. d. Oold Hill, August 2,1880. To th* Hooorabl* Board of Trnat*** of tb* Town of Oold Hill—0*ntlem*n: I b*T* tb* honor to anbmlt my fln" quarterly report. Tb* Department baa been in **rTio* eleven timet. Sixteen dwelling house* bare b*«n destroyed. Tbre* of tb* Arc* w*r* caused by coal-oil lamp explo\x=req-\ alona; two, nndonbud inoandiarism; on* by defaotlee pipe; tbe balance wer* not ae\x=req-\ certainabl*. Tbe estimated Tain* of tb* property tboa destroyed 1* 910,000, carrying S7ftOt insurance. The Department baa don* faithful duty, baiug prompt and efficient, thna preventing much gr**t*r lo*s of property. Tb* apparatus and hydrant* ar* all in good, ssr»losabla order. Bs*p*ctfully submitted, Ntex Sax ton, Chi*f Engineer Oold Hill Fir* Department. ORDINANCE NO. lit. AM ORDIN4NCK l* aatbarlm* lb* I*. n«m« af m Ha sal far ika ritHM af Rtntwlu *••»? M KNirn ib* r .«u»« Mkl «f Ik* Ttoa af U*M Ulll. [Pund Jim 7th. 1M0 1 rrui board or Tiimo or oold X Bill do o data: Hio t. Tb* PrwJd»0t ud Cl*rk of tb* Board of Tru"te*» of tb* Tuwn of OoU Bill M» hrl» by anlboilaad ud r«iair*d to loo* oa* Bood of tlx Tows of Gold Bill to th« raa of Fit# Tb.iuaaod Dollar* IMiad tulM (o>d oulo. 8so. 1. Tb* mM Bond •ball bo id >o*b form a* lb* Praaldaai ud Clark of Mid Board mar prwcnbc, ud (ball b* to U* *ff>«• tuit ib* Tuva of u«ld Bill U bou 1 aad botd*a d will par to lh* bolder cf aald Bood lb* *001 if money naaad tb*f*la oa tb* 1 taaotb day of Ortobar n«U. with lularsat tbaraoo at tba rat* of ooo par c*»L par Mil. Cnltad aut** iroid cola, laiataat payabl* quart* ly. Sao. I. Tb* uoary raoaivad iron tb» *al* of •aid Bood iball ba aaad for tba purpo** of payina off tb* loailaff dabl of tb* Town of OldBliL _ •ao. 4 Tbla Ordlnaac* to tab* tffbet aad ba la lore* rroa aad af>*r IU pasaaf* aad on* »wk'a paMiCaUaa la tb* Ooua Bill Daily Km L. T. roz. Praidant of tb* Board of Trust*** of Um Ton of Oold BlU. AR**t: W. O. Btds. Ci*rk of tb* Board. Oa motto* Otdlaaaca Mo. Ill, aa Nad, was P****d by tba following votai m*E*~ *»re*r. Daoeby, Lwsary, XeOurdy aad Pnaldrat Fox. W. O. Mram. Ctort of tb* Board. MARSHAL? NOTICE. Notice m «r*bt~jivtj* tb»t tbi Town otdtaaaea pMhlaltlaa tb* niaalac at lan* of brgs within tba Hmita of th* town of <-o:d BUI will from tbia date ba strictly aatarad. A poa baa b*a coastra*<*d for ib* dstaotloa of bofs that may ba fo«ad mo. jwar,,rt M. SUBBOt.fawaBaiabal. Oatd Bill. Aagaai 10,1K0. SO MIBCELLAHIOCS. TOWN OF GOLD HILLt lannU «r »«•»« •* NOTICE OF SUITS COMMENCED. TO THE FOLLOWtNO-XAMKD DKFKNO\x=req-\ anu tod 10 til ownert of or clalmalnti lo [be rati muii and improreniinU tbeieon or Impruteoitnu wbi-n uxrixl eepareUiy, Itere\x=req-\ luaiierdeaenbod, known or unkuown: Ton are Hereby LouB«1 that eulubare been commenced in tbe Ju»lev's Court. Townablp No. 3, of ihe Te«u of Ooid HU1. morey county, ouu of be >«li, by the Towu of Ui'li Bill plaintiff egaiaat eicb ol the delendanu bereluaiur turned ui MCb of ibe ioi.o«iugdeecrib-d trecu or parole of Uid Willi lb* uuproeemenU thereon and improvement! wmo eeparauly hum d, uid iu uvutn of or claimable to lh* mm, known or unknown, to recoTer ihetaxand d.linqueocy M.IWd <o raid delendanu agalnat Mia prop erty lor to* a»c.l j—t tho talimj uf iltj, IMU. and ending on ine let day of M*r, 1M1. and tnat • aummoue baa MM duly Uaaad in each cut. and you are further notified that unieee joo app»ar ahd^ww U. MmpWut filed in aald cauae on or befrre the BBVBNTB l7tm day of uaOKMBKB. 1880. at 10 o'clock a. >.. judgment wli! be taken agalnM jou and tbe real eetate and luiprueemeuW haiela d» acribed for tba amoant of ux end delinquency apecioed and CuaU of edit: t/ami. Tax and Frank Allan-And Lot 6, Biock 1. Range 1; tax and da»luqoao<'y.•«••••• ••••• • m W. 11 Armeirong—A*d tut M. Block 8, limn U; laxaad deiuiquen' y ®» Joa. Bi.u-and Lot MH, "iock 1, Range A; tax iud d«iiuq aeucy .••••••••••••• w Mlcbtci 0*niy — *ud l** Block 1, hiOMt us US IOU d«li0QB«0e| 1 37 A. D B>uey—And Lot 44. B.ock I. banJ# 1; tax and deunqueucy .•■>••»••>••• 8 " ■aia.e ol J. Bell-*nd Lot 1, Block 1. ha*** i; ux ao«l artloqueiKy ••••••• a "• Will Lou Bar us—And Lot Si. Block 3. nsuge U; Itl *ud d«llo<}QiQC) • a• • • • • • Brlckuti k Ralger—And Lot 4. Block I, lUlltfvUi Itl 104 is «o L. U. th.nueli —And Lot W, Block lunge U; tax and d*hbqn*njy a 81 Coo. ImmIij Mlaiug Oo.—And UH and tinproeetnenu teat of Alia mine; tax ^ __ ma ileiiuq Peter Ojrvcoo—and Lot 48, Block 1, Bange o; lax and delinquency 1 *7 Jan. CjidoXa -And i*»t H, block 1, Hanje li; l.x «ud oennqucnoy 1 TO Orowu Point bafin. Mining Co.-And Lot 34, block 1. Range U, and U»t 88, Hi~cx 1. bauge u; tax and deiinquanvT U K Oardabel m alulu. Co.-And Lot W, Block », Hau^e U-. lax and dclmaaency .... KM U t L>uan—A«d Lot IS, Blo^k t, Banna 11; taxand dalinqneucy 1 <1 Kauu ol o. M. Uodde-And LoU II and 11. Block 1. llaaaa tax aitd aeltn\x=req-\ ® * Kar»pa Minlu Co -And prvpany aootb ol Ward ulnai taxaoddaimqueocy.. « H Fiank C. *rat.a-Ai d loi *). Block I, Kane* B; tax and delinquency 110 Jana r u-knouao— and Loi 41, BiuCk 1, Uan^e u; UX and delinqueucy....... 1 17 Prank »orai*nd And ptopwiy on A mar\x=req-\ icau rut: tax and aelinqueucy » W. b. liobart Ann Lot 14. Mock o. Kanga D: lax and dellnqatucy • !• Hlcbard u. Ua«ke-.ud Lot 44. Block I. 1, UX ftDd d»*lu<}ttiltC7 1ST Andrvw Uanaou-*ud Lo. W. Block A K*iig« 1>; i*s sud Uciioquencj 1 s< Mn. M. Band>—And Lot 44. Block 1, KangeU; lax and deilaquaocy....... 9 40 B. J • llaiailioo—And Lula 11 aau M, Block .. bang* 0: lax auu delnniueooy.. .. .16 TbumM Uollady— «nd Lot M. Block iuuk» Ui tax and dtltaquancy . 4S «U1. uaaalna—and nol al,blo>ki,nanga U; taxand 4 itaquene/ " U.J. Janaina— *nd La d and lmprviTa\x=req-\ manta ou Uplur urade; lax ana delia\x=req-\ qu.noy * Krjatona M.rnng to.—and Lou 4»and #4. Block *, bang* V; lax and oellu\x=req-\ *10 lila.e ol «T. B. LaSarty- Lot 3. Block I, Kaug U. Lot 14. Block *, Bang* u, Lwt it. Block 7. nauge a. and Lot M, U.wk 1. Itanae B; tax and deilnquancy 8 84 A. i. Lyncu - Ann Lot It, Block 1, rtange Hi tax and deliuqneucy la Oo Latlaiban Mining Co.-and LoU .and., a twa 4. Kauge B, and LoU II and 14, Block ». Banga U; lax and delinquency 6» 11 Jamea Loyuacna .—Abo Lot 44, Bnwk 1. nanKa us t«x and oellnqueuc, 4 74 A. Lataa—And Lou M a.a 47, Block 1, Kauge w, tax auu delinquency 1* 25 MT. 1* aaCcrMIe—And not «4. BlJCk 1, bangs 1); lax and delinquency....... 1 74 0.0.Mo-cod-And LOI 44.Block 1. Banga u; ui and delinquency 4 10 B. Barcoux—And Bancn and Property aituaied on aaivrican; tM and » Jobu Me- n*u—And LotBlvck i. Bang* 0; ux and de,tuqu>ncy t 40 Kobvri Mil, be 1 - And Lul W, Block #. Mange u; UX and uelinqjency....... 3 0. Hot. Mul.ln and LolW. b.wck 1, Bange U; laX and oei nqe-cy I 06 M. Murpny-And Lot-. Block 1, bang* A; usioddvtui^ttiuoi • W ibaa Murpby (AO. li-and Lot 1'4. Block 1, Kauga f; UX and dalluqaenoy .... 4 10 Tboroee Itilllgan - And Lot 14. Block 1, Bau(»u; >ax and delinquency....... 3 06 Niagara jdloit g Oo. -And e»ulb ao feet of Lote i7 and a*. Block 8, B« ga C. aid aoatb DO I Ml ol LoU M aud M. Block ., Bange O; Ux and delinquency 48 76 Original uold Bill Mini, g 0« —And Lot 1., Block 1, Bange li; tax and delinquency 16 80 Bam.— and Lot., Block 4, Bange C. Uxan l delinquency 16 11 Idward l*ilnca— And Lot and Improve\x=req-\ menu on American Plai; tax and de. Iiuquancy > 00 Oar lie Kobineon-and Lot 18. Block 1, bange u; Ux and delinquency 1 40 gam. R beru -and Prupertv waet of l>ar\x=req-\ daueliea mine; ut aud dallnquencj.. 103 Antoue Boaa—Aud Loi 4T, Bl,ck bange 1>. and Lot liM. bl<k .. Bange 0; tax and delinquency. 8 83 Mr*. 1'noa. Rooer.a-And Lot 44. Block 1, bange u; tax aud delinquency 1 03 A. J. Biiea— and eaai part of Lot 7. Block 7, Mange L>; lax and aalinquency 17. Mai Bberidan -. Aud Lot 44, Block 1. Hange O; lax and delinquency 4 11 ileria Mining Co.—ai d Pr party wMtof bitter Mill Bin.; tax ai.d deunquaucy 18 T6 J. C. snider Aud Lot 4t, Block 1, Bange U; UX and delinquency 1 16 Jaa. ttupbeni ft Co.-Am Lot 66, Block 1. baugeO; tax and delluquenoy..., 1 IT Trojan Miuing Co.- And Lot U, Block 1, Bange 1; tax and delluquancy 61 6S Bam. Tyrrell—Aud L»t., u.oca 1, lltnge U; ux aad de.taqoeucy * 16 Mary TcUluwe — And Lot 81. Block 1, flange u; tax and delinquency I 06 W 0. lajlor- Aud Mil II. Bivck 8, ttange U; ux and dellnqumcy 1 17 M. 0. Tllduu -And Lot M. Block 1. Range L; tax aad delinquency 108 Cnlon Mill and Mining Co —And LoU IT, W. 14 and 31. Bleak ., bange C; tax and delinquency 188 18 Wood. tue Mini, g Uo. - and Lot 81. Bloi k Hange C; Ux and delinquency 7. 74 gam. Wiliiauia—aud Lot 41, Bkck ., hange 11; iai and delinquency 88 Wllllauta A Lawrence - And Lot 1. Block 7. Baug. U; taxand delinquency.... 6 II Waaboe Turnpike uo. and Opblr Toll\x=req-\ road— uptlr Toll ioad; lax aud delinquency 8 16 B. a. itoecubauui — And Lot I. Block 6, Range 0; UX and delinquency 1 Tl J. P. PLANMINOBAM. Town Attorney. Oold BUI, November 6th, 1880. NO PATENT, NO PAY. PATKNT8 fkBTUNKD FOB MOHANIOAL DKVI0X8, w medical or oth.r compound*. ornam«ota> deelgn* trade mutt and label*. CitmU. a»\x=req-\ iignmant*, Interference*. luinngemaiiU too •11 matter* relating to latent* promptly attend ed to Wa make prallmlnety axamlnaiiona tad (nrnl.b opinion* u to patentability, ftea of charge. and all who art In tare, ted la new Infec\x=req-\ tion* and Pateat* an lntlted to t«nd (or • oop; ot our "Uald. (or Obtaining Pal.nta," wblcb I* .cut free to aay addreaa. aad coolalna oom plats instruction* how to obtain Patents, and other Talnanla mattar. Dnrtng tba paat At* yeara «a bare obtained nearly three tboaaand paten la (or American and (oralfii inventor*, and can irtTa *aila(aetory reteiencae la almnat erery oonnt) la the Ualoa. Addmaa. LOC1B BAQQKB * 00.. Solicitor* of Paiecta aad Attorney. at lav. L>a Droit Bulldln#. Washington, D. 0. WW NOTICE. rpHI DFLINQUK5T TAX UST HAVING * been tui- d.y piicad la my baoda (or collection. all partir* owing tazaa ara hereby noil. Bed i bat at tba expiration of ten day* iroo tba data o( tbia notice artloa will be commaood la tba proper coart* for tba enforcement of tba ta d dalinqornt tazaa and tba tea p*r caatom added iher- to and alt ooeta. 4. P FLANNIfOHAM. Town Attorney. Oold Hill. N>t.. October 1». IMP. oolt.d MANHOOD RESTORED. A ne'lm of aarly Impnid-noa, canals* Barr\x=req-\ on* d.hlllty, praantara decay, ate . baetaf t> lad In tala aw» known ramady. baa dlacoratad a .lople m.aa* of ml!cor* whkb be will *eod tree to hta (.llowauffarar*. Addnaa ' H. Ml VIS. P Oba'bam K.T «*U iSSKBBMKXTB LITIKb. GlIUiL QRtlT tlOI.D AIO ttlLVKIt MINING COMPANY.-Looa Uuo of principal place of btulncae. Uold HU1. Storey county, Nstmi. Location oi worka, Mjunt Grant, K»m»rtkU OOQQlTt hOTldl Notice la hereby given, that at t meeting of the Board of Tiueteee of l<ld Company, held on the twenty ftith (asm) day 01 October, a. U. 1880. an aaeeeement (No. I) of une Cet.t per abort wea levied upon each a«d every ahare of the capital nock of laid Company, payable im. mediately In linltad Btatee gold tola, to the Secretary, at the offlco of the Company, at the in low Jacket no* ihaft. Gold Mid. Btorey c#ODiy, Nevada. Any etock upon which thli aaaeeament ihall remalu unpaid on Wedoeeday. the twewty-fourth (M b) day of November, ltM). tball be dremed dellnoaebt aad will be dul) advertleed lor *ale at pabltc auction, and unleea payment aball be made before, will be uM on TUkBDAY. the twenty-bret illali day 01 December. IKNJ, at U o'clock noon. In front of the office of the Oom\x=req-\ pany, to pay the delinquent aeaeeament, to\x=req-\ getner wlta coal* of advertising and expenaee of* eale. By order of the Board of Trueteea. MthCBK «/lEY, Secretary. 0flic*-At the Yeilow Jacket new abaft, uold HiU. a lorry oounty, Nevada. 17 A LPRA CONSOLIDATED ■ISWJj «■ COMPANY - Location of work*, Gold BUI, Btony oounty. But* of Nevada. Location of principal place of bualaeea, Ban Frniri»co. California* Notloe ia hereby given, that at a meeting of the Ifc'ard o( Director*, held on the tweoiy\x=req-\ aeventh (JTth) day ot october, iHt, an aaaeea ment (Mo. II) oi one Holler («ll P*r ehare waa levied opon the oapltal »tock of the corporation, payable linmtdlately, In United Btatee Kold.coln, to the aaeretary. at ihe office of the Comply, boom », Nevada Block. No. 109 Montgomery ilmt, Ban Francteoo. Call fore la. Any etook upon which thla aaaeeament aball remain unpaid on TUkoUat, the tnlrtieih (SOth)day ol November, 1880,will be delinquent, and advertlaed for eale at pnbUo auction, and unleee payment la made before, will be Mild on TUBBxal, tba twenty-Ural (Jlat) day of OKOKMBKR. MO. to pay the daliu\x=req-\ quent aaaeeament. toiether with coeu ol advertlaln* and aipeneee of aala. By order ot the Board ot DDecton. WILLI »W WILLIS Secretary. Office— Room Mo. M, Nevada Block. Mo SUB Montgomery etreet, Ban Frauclaco, < alifornia. ttld BENTON rOHKOUDAfgll COM* raMI.- Location oi principal place ol bualnei*, ran Francleco, t a.lforu a. Location of worka. Gold Hill Mtnliig Dlitrlct, Oold Mill. Btorey oooniy, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting ot the Board oi Director., held on the twenty raventb (JTihjday of October, IHt). an aaeee* ment (No. 41 ol Fifty (Ml Came per ebare waa levied upon the capital etock of the corporation, payable immediately. In United Btatee gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of theCompany. No. I0i Mon gomery eueei, Booma 5 and t. Ban Franclaoo. C.llioruia, Any a lock upon which tnl* aaaeeau-eui .ball remain oupald on the thirtieth (SOthl day ol November, 1880, will be delinquent, and adver\x=req-\ Uard tor aale at pobllo auotiou, and nnleae pay ment le made before, will b. aold on Kj* DAY, the day of D*oeu.oer. lleO, to pay the delinquent aeeeeam-ol. to«ett>*r with ooeta of adveruelng and expeoaeaol aale. Uy order of the Board of Director*. WM. tl. WaTSuN. Secretary. Office—No. 801 Montgomery etreet. Kooma I and 8. Ban Franolac". California. ocM nONNOLIDATKD l*WI»L 1/ IMG COMPANY.—Lueatlou of prlnotp.l place of buiIne.., Ban Francleco, Caillornla Location of worka, uold Oi.l. Btorey county. Nevada. Notice ia hereby given,that at a meetlngof thr Boam of Dtrtotora, bald on the third (Mi day of November. IBM. an aaeeaement 'No. 11) ol Ten (10) Out* per ahare we» levied upon the capital a lock ot the corpora Hon, payable Immediately. In United mate. Sid coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the mpany. Boom TV, Nevada block. No. hi Montgomery etreet, ttan Prauctaco. California. Any etock upon which tbia aaaeeement eta I remain unpaid on the K.OHTH iSih)dayof Dk\x=req-\ CEMBkR. 1881), will be delinquent, and adver Heed lor <ale at pnbllo auction, and unleee payment la made beiore, will be eold on WEDSKB DAY, the TWaNTY-sINTH l»lb) day ol Da. CKMBKR. 188U, to pay tne delinquent aaaeae ment, together with coeu ol advertlalng and eip-optw of Mia By order of the Board or Dlreclori. V. B UaAN. Becr»tary. Office—Room Tf.Me.ada Block. No M Mont\x=req-\ gom ty etre t. Ben Franclxo. California 8 C1IOLLAK MINING COM fAJf Y\x=req-\ Location of principal place of buein*ea Han Krancleco. Oalllorn a; location ol work* Vlrglula Mining Dletrict, Siorey county, Nevada. Nonce li hereby given, that at a meeting ol tbe Board of D-netore, held on the ninth ,1th) day of November. \W, an aeeeeemeu. iNo. of Flity (10) Oenta per abate wa* levied upon the capital etock of tbe corporation, payable Immediately, In UnlLd Btatee <old com, to tte Secretary, at tba office oi toe Comp.ny, ltoom 11, Nevada Block. so. SUV Montgomery etreet. Ban Pranclaco. oallfornia Any eiock upon which thla aaaeeement abali remain nuoald on the fourtreuib (14th) dayol December, 1b80, will be delinquent, aLd adver tl*ed for eale at public auction, and nnleee payment la made before, will bo eold on i UJCBOAY, the FOUuTll («tbl day of JAN. UARV, 1S8I, to pay the delinquent aaaeeemeut, together with coeu of adtertielng and ex penaee of aale. By order oi the Board of Dlreotora. W. t. DkAN, Secretary. Office — Room TV, Nevada Block, No. lot Montgomery etreet, Bui Pranclaco, Oal. 11 UHIOBI CONMOLIDAIKD ■ILVEH Mining (.'umpaoy.—Location of p,lnclHU piece oi uuiluxt, Ban Kranci*co. CalUoruta. Location or work*. /irvuiia Mining Ulan let. Storey county, Nevada. Notloe II nereDy given, that at a meeting ol the board of Ulrectora, beld on the thirteenth (Utb) day of November, IMO. au uwinitui lNo. 16) of Ol* (Hi Dollar per abare au levltd upon lb* capital (look of tut oorporatlou, pa; ante immediately, In United Btateegold oon, to the Secretary, at tbe offlce or tbe Company. Koom 4 (teound floor).Mo.«0V California atreet, &*o Frtociioo, OiUlont*. Any etock apon wblcb thli iiHHmiot thaU remain unpaid on the •ixteenib (1Mb) day ol IH'tmtiar, UwO. will be delinquent, and aa\x=req-\ vertlaed for tale at pabllc ancUon, and unlet payment la made before will be aotd on ItuNDAY, tbe J HUD (tdl day of -ANUARl, 1881. to pay tbe delinquent aaeeeament. together with coeU Ol adrertUlng and expeofee of aale. By order or tbe Boird or Direetore. J. M BUFKIHOTUJI, secretary. Office—Boom 4, Second K.oor, M* Oilliornla •treat, Han fraud,Co, Ualllorula. IT SILTUI BIU MIMINU CO IIP A\x=req-\ MT.—Location or principal piaoe of bail\x=req-\ ueu, Ban Kranoiaoo, Onillornla. Location of wurka, Uoid Hill, Storey ooonty, Nevada. Notice ia hereby siren, tbat at a meeting ol tbe Board of Dlr»ctore. beld on tbe alzteenlb day ot November, XsOU. an nemmant (No. II) ol Thirty Cwite (Sue) par a tiara waa .evled upon tbe capital etock oi tbe corporation, payable Immediately, In United Stater gold coin, to tbe Secretary. at tbe office of tbe Company, Koom TV, Nevada Block, No, KO0 Muntgoweri •treat, Han rrasclico, uall/ornla. Any etock upon wblcb tble aaaeeement aball remain unpaid on tbe twenty-Aral day ol December, IMS, will be delinquent, and adrer\x=req-\ tiaed lor aaia at pabllc auction, and nnleae pay meat It made belore, will be eold on i UB<DaY. tbe eleventh tilth) oay ol JAN\x=req-\ UaMT. IWl, to pay tbe delinquent aaaeee\x=req-\ ment, together with ooeta or advertialng and ezpeneee of eala. By ordei of the Board u Dtractora W. X. DEAN, Secretary. Office - Room T», Nevada Block. No. Mt Montgomery etreet, Ban Praneieoo. OalUurnla. nolTid ORDINANCE NO. 119. AN ORDINANCE (• intMi far Ike Urr af Taxaa R. ml Ptriunl hr-»erty wltbla tba T. wa af Ueld [Patted April 1», 1M0.] mni board or tbustkxi op gold A mil du ordain: •KCTjn* 1. An tonsil ad Talorera tax of oat and ooa quarter par crnlata tpou Iba »»laa of taxable i^uptrtT wlUln ibe Town of Gold Bill la hereby levied and dlm-ted 10 ba colleeud lor town parpotet apoa tba Mwwd Ttiaa of ill eacb tin Die property made taxable i j "bi lawi of tbla > lata for and c umy parpoeet, la clodlnf the rat proceed- of tbt mluet. fcao. t. Tbr tixrt larled b» taction 1 of ttalt oidiutnca, tnd to ba iie*e<*d and collected in accordance alio tba iruTltloat "f aa ordloaaca entitled. " An Urdin<nce to prorlde lor tba Utj ani collection ol taiee co rati a»d paraonal properly wltbln tba Ton of Oald Bill, patted April It. ISM; and alio, ta ordlainca autltlid. An onUntaet to pro*1dt lot tb« tint tad manner of laccrtalolng ibe nlaeoi tb-net proceed! of mine, fur the pnrpoea ol Uxtt oa. tod to provide fur tba ooUeoilon of tacb usee. L. T. POX, Free Id est of tba Board of Trniuee of Iba Town of Gold Bill. At teat: W. O. Bros. Olerk of tba Board. At t meeti ok of tba Board or Trnitaaa cf tba Towa of i«"ld H it, bald tprli 19.1M0.« rdl\x=req-\ nance No. lit wit pitted br ibe fOUowlaf rote: Ttat—Troitm Matter, Daacbjr tnd Praai\x=req-\ deat Poz. A been t—Tnwtaaa WoDey tad T naery. » W. u. BTOB. Clark. tionn BBTCABI IB M DAT* ON *10 Oka piqfitaw22*oa v?-""-ra:sar DELINQUENT BALIS, rxcaiovu aiMHG coipait, L Looeltoo of prtodpct place of boalliaaa. >up »ranci*co, Ctllfornui. Location of work*, Gold Hill Mining Dtatrict, Gold 11U1. Storay connty, Jirrada. Notice.—Them are doanqaent upon the fol\x=req-\ lowlDir-deecrlbed (lock, on account of mete ment (No. It) lerled on the teTto>b (Tib) da;of October. 1880, the eeveral amonnta aet op\x=req-\ poelta the name* of the reepectiTo «haro\x=req-\ holdera. aa followai Natuea. No.Oerttf. Bht. Ain't. Atklnaun, Doud ft Co, True. tee* 46111....10....W .. Arni»lroi({JL.Tfnata*.b*l.lia M.... 47 B>te* U C, Troitee 13147 8 160 nates DO do *5«8....30....10 , bateaDO oo 30880...100....80 . Bayley O B, Truatoe 34109....38....1310 Bayley U B do Mill.. .100....50 . nayieyUB do 3M18...1U0.. .80 .. bajlojf U B do M8JI...I1O....M .. Bayley OB do 37111....80....38 Barrett ft Walker. Troataea.2 0t8....80....19 . Bourne J B.Truatee 18W7....10 S .. Balcom u U 84684....36....13 60 areckaurldm J W. Truaue.17188....10 • . berri * Woibklll, Irua\x=req-\ Um. balaooe 6877 8.16..3 66 Brooke b B,Truatae. 11308....10 1 .. Gahlll B ft Oo. Trnateea.bal.40M 1.(8..1 <4 Calilll B ft Co do ....tflUO • 110 •AhlllBACo do ...18I/T3....30....10 .. Oabul Bft 0<> do ...won ....» I to OahUl B ft Oo do ...1«MI....W....U .. Cablll B ft C<i do ...IUU4....10 » .. Cablll Bft Oo dj ...81/738....U....30.. Oanlll ft ft Oo do ...M4U8....I0 ».. Calilll It ft Oo do ...18781....60... CaOlll B ft Co ao ...37U7S....60....I8 .. Comn Jaisee, Tinitee 31718...100....10 .. O0OI0 Junta do Copo ft fcari*. Trnateea....MVta....60....a< .. Utilerft Co.Tnu|eea..iSiT....30....10 .. Cuo«. Uni«r ft Oo do 1*J02. .10....10 .. Olateft Loveleud,T>a*teea.30674....80....18.. Clu«c ft Loveiaud ao ..8M74....10 6.. Cluto ft Loreland Bo ..34888 ...40 . 30 .. Clutoft LOTMmad do . 86116....10 ....8 .. 01 ute ft ■ ore 1 and do ..36784 8 3 60 Clarke W H ft Cj.Tmm.bai.aeW 1 1 80 Claika W H ft Oo do 14bWI....60....U .. Clarke W U ft Co do 17831....60....16 .. Olaike W 11 ft Oo do MMJ....I8....1160 Claika W H ft 00 Oo 30388 • 160 C owiey ft Uumunan, True\x=req-\ taa.' 38410...100....60.. Colbert John H, Truatee. balaooe 18114 1.17. .1 38 CrowleyJobu. Truatae 14114....70....56 .. -ewej »ft, Trnatae 4IU1....10 6 .. Dew«y B B do 3 JWO 8 3 80 Duncan W L, Truatae 17040....10 8 .. UUucan W L do ..bal.8UM8 8.87..184 Ituucau W L do waod ...10 8.. toucan W L do 17uW 8 1 60 UuucaaWL ao I7as8 .. to....88.. IKUieajer H, Troatae M»I...1U0... 40 ueKNayerU do ..bat.18584 ».07..18t Dliuu bam'!, Truatae... ..-1*148.... 8 » 60 Ur.ilrr L f a Co, Truil«et.3uell....3o....lO .. fcppatelu ft Oo, Titulaa.....1*411....40....»5 .. ayyaieiu ft Oo do ....MJ44....60....35 .. appatalv ft Oo do .,..38e47....60....x6 ,, aduardaW. 14804....10 8 .. fclllol Ouaa B, Trilalee M»V8....(0... 36 .. alliot Out* B do ....17UU8...100....60 .. ray J»B, T.uatee 18NI....80....1U .. Kay f a do' 3U188....10 8 .. ray f d do 30o84....30....10 .. Kay I'd do '..M7M..10 .. Kay PIt do JI1O0....»)....18 .. Kraaika ft Uray. Truahaa. ,.*4|4» 80....1U .. Koi A W ft Oo, 'iraeie**...l^M7... .6 8(0 <01 A W ft Oo do .. MOM....10 8.. ary, J»eai ft Oo. Trotteea, ,...l.*7. ..183 Fiiukvi L B, Trmui i 1418. KUtt (]J. TruatM riat(CJ 00 Oi**iar 1 ft Oo, Tra*l***b*i .***. ....0.40.10 la Ulallar 1 ft Oo do .. 1731*. ...80.... .10 .. Uia*l*r 1 ft Oo do ...I7WJU. ..1x0..., .10 .. Gitalin 1 A Oo do ...1*1M. ...10... ..8 .. jUiier 1 ft Oo do ...1M34. Ol^lar 1 ft Oo do ...»»1*. .. .40... *4 .. Ulalxr 1 ft Oo do .«.30v*o. ...10... .U . viiaaiar 1 ft Oo do ...*UINt. ...» .. .10 .. tiiuiar 1 * Oo do ...*1*74. ...Ml... .10 .. viiular 1 ft Oo do . .34*11. ...10... .10.. OUUar t ft Oo do ...3MU. ...30... .10.. OiUiar 1 ft Oo do .. 14*43. ...80... .1*.. •jiUou J, Truatee. ..100... .10 .. Ull.on J do . ...10... ..8 .. Villluu J do * ULlon J do . ..10u... .ft).. »lilon J do . ...10... .M .. U.llou J dJ 3UM....W. urMMbiao, Halb.n* ft Oo, 1'niiiM*................. iMMf• . .10.. ■ "M »• Ur»euabiam, Baiblnf ft Oo, Trusima 11630....SO....IS .. OreciMD.nui, lleibuig ft Co, Tru<l«t* 81888.. 1000...MO .. UrvauaDaam, lltlbuig ft Ou, TniilaM 318M 1 3 BO UraauclMuu, U*lblo< k Oo, Tib-Unm 81871 I I lb Ura*u«b*uni, Balbuiy k Oo, uuitiM,M^«.•,JO>• • ,10 • (irmuabcan, LUlbLug ft Oo, Truata.a *1177. . 10 1.. Or ealbfar a, TruiU* i4i*B 6 I (C • ri<Mlu«ar K do IMT....IU 8. Uuruait A U ft Ou.Tnu.UUuvrt *.87..1 H jU.Uitt A U ft Oo UO 14»00.. .1 0....10 .. Guruett W t. TriutM MMI....60....48 .. <j*rdiuar MJdwlu, Y,uaua.ia«M....2u....iO.. jMUlu»r b.)J»m do aoMT,,..lo ... .4 .. Uraauoauiu L*Oo.Tru«laaa»aooS ...4U....U.. jra<H W W, TruaU* 1-1*8....10 8 .. litTMtidnlli Mil....10 1 . ft, Trust** 3714. Oruii K H. TribtM .liana. ...10. ...38 .. ducbaudlar M ft Oo. Ira*\x=req-\ ta«> 18413. ...10. Bwbaudtar ft ft Co, Tru*\x=req-\ Um 18843. ...80. ...10.. UoLbatadur ft ft Oo. Ira*\x=req-\ Uea 11883. ...10. ...10.. Uocb.taoUr JC ft Oo, Trna\x=req-\ u» 18741. . .10. ...10 .. Hooksudw ft ft Co. Xrua\x=req-\ laa* 30083. ...10. ...10.. Hvcbaiadtar K * Oo, Tra*\x=req-\ ta«a...................... 3U084. Bocbauuiw X M Oo.Tra*\x=req-\ ...30. ...10.. la** . ,,,., .. , 10188 110 llocb.udur K ft Co, Tra*\x=req-\ ...10. ...18 .. Bucuaudur X ft oo, Trn*\x=req-\ l««a......................31844• ...10. ....... Bo.baUaMr ft * Oo, Tra*\x=req-\ 1#** , .31774. ...10. ....8 .. Uocbaladler X ft Oo, Iru*\x=req-\ 1** a......................33848. ...10. ...IS.. llocbaUdlcr X ft Oo, Tru»\x=req-\ uea 38834. ..100. ...SO .. Hocuaudiar X ft Oo, Tra»\x=req-\ laa* 8387k. ...10. ...18 .. flocb>iad;*r ft ft Co, Tru*\x=req-\ leaa..a,,,*...............88883. ...10. Uocu.tadicr X ft Oo, Tra*\x=req-\ taaa 83737. ...38. ...11 60 docbatftdlar X ft to, Trusts **.... ....14180., ..100. ...SO,. Uocbaudtar X ft Oo. Inw\x=req-\ taaa....a,,,,,,.......,..,84111, ...60. ...36 .. UocbaudMr ft A Oo, Tra*\x=req-\ t**a......................34431, Bocbatadtcr X ft Oo, Trua\x=req-\ ...30. ...10 . t»* 31011. ...10. .. .8.. Uocbataotar X ft Co, lru»\x=req-\ U*a 36098. ...80. ...IS .. Bucbatadiar ft ft Oo, Trns\x=req-\ !*•*. ■....................31648. ...IS. ...1160 H**t* 11 O, Tiusi** 84180 H*»kaBU do ,.b*l.344*8. ....8 87..1 *8 Uawna UU do 1*84*. ..100. ...SO .. UawlullD do lluM. ...60. ...IS .. Uo.uiar LI M ft Oo,Trnala«a3U4M. ...18. ....710 Uwmar Li M ft Co do .lilll. .. 30. ...10 .. Hoviwr llMft Oo do .19111. ...10. ....8 .. Uoaour l» 41 ft Oo do .38417. ...30. ...10 .. Hoauar O M ft 110 do .36*71. ...10. . .18 .. tiuamar u M ft Oo do .MuU8. ...IS. ....7 6C Hoauar O M ft Oo do .301*4. ...10. ....8 .. flovular O If ft Oo do .8*7*8. ...30. ...10 .. Jobu, Traa laa.. 8W84. ...10. ....8 .. Uuubluaou Jobs do .ITiOM. ...30. ...10 .. o»<« • Hxibeoo, Tra*»a**..3l044....30....10 .. Bala k I'.cuaoo do . 3o07» 110... 10.. UoraXO, TratU* ifc04<l....80....10 .. dm * PwbMo, Tiiikch...MU1 S. ...lib lUIa ft fftibaeo oo ....8*181....38....1110 tla.ibary 1, Ira-tae 3U88....60....3S.. Uoamar ft Bxurua, Truitaaa.MlS 10 . .10.. Boamtr k Bourn* do .6i78 ...10 1.. Uo»m«r ft uouru* do 13647....10....10 .. U»««D1 k Co. TraiUM 20*00... 100... .10 .. HiraMaid 0. Tiu»t«a 38781....10 6 .. Huuift C-aiaa. Traatoea.. ..MW7....30....10 .. BuulftCoiUa do .. .11387....In I . tf « J.81 HI Uaciuao M, TrUalM »*10.. ..JU... .10 .. UlaawS.Truaiaa 3«7<*....IO... 31.. l*Uu«r 8 do 35721 • 310 lackaon M A. Trnaiaa 38MJ3....»|....1S .. Kai.oef ft li)*r, Tra*ta«*..M77T....10... .1 .. Kaouajr ft Djrar do ..till! ...M....1I 30 KannajftDjar do ...816(16....80.... 10 .. Kauuajr A Djar do .. .3MM. ...M....I5 .. KaDDajr ft Li)ar do ...3M81....30....10 .. ftanoar 4 I)jar do ...31*40...100....10 .. K>Of H vucr ■ ft Oo, Troa\x=req-\ 34W1....16.11..8 06 XI. ■ Homar b ft Co. Tra*\x=req-\ Ma...i,,.,.., ■■ ■ .11401..• .10..• *3i ., Kin* Homar ■ ft Oo, Tra*\x=req-\ laaa MOU • 110 Kin* Homar • ft Oo, Tnu\x=req-\ liaa MISS .300. ..100 .. K-llay uao W, Trot laa 11780....10 • .. KalUj Oao w do ....W4....IU....1S .. Ka.lar W a. Tnu'aa. 88788....80....10 .. Kanrmu 8 ft Oo, Tra*t*a*.llO43....10 1. Xaat ft r. 17108... .U....1160 Laibam ft Xla«. TiB*la*a..imi....lO I.. U«aak ft U Jr, rrail**.....34*38....10 6 . u*k* Tnw«* mil....10 5 .. Look* W u L do HU36....10 ».. Labatarda M.TruaM* 1484* 8 310 Mujt Uao T ft ftoa, Trn*. ' aaa ..*....*..1071... .10.... .8.. Man* U«o T ft Hon, Trn*. Wa*.... 318T1....30....10 .. IUrja Oao T ft Ma, Traa\x=req-\ t*a*................. ,.,.JUfJ...,K....10 ,, Man* O.o T ft Sob, Tra*. UI04.. ..10 8.. Marjra Oao T ft bob, Tra*. t***........ 84818....10 8.. Man* Oao T ft Boa. Tra* ta*o..86873....80....10 •• Mot* Oao T * Mo. Tra*. J**- ...10....10 .. MaaphtcaoaJao, Tract**... .HT1....18 8.. arpby « r, Trat** .888TT 14... 0» 1 W B, TlVMCa»*a*»V^)Dil|aa*|04»atV ft* DIH5QP1JI BALKB. KlrilitMr-MilliMC Nam**. Wo. Crtlf. Bba. AmU Xll-fS M A Go, Trnat***..28730....10 B .. Mnor* dt UoDtfomory, Trw 88808....80....J8 .. Marka * B lobardi, Tma. ....K ...10.. Hart ball Loam. Trntto*. ..MIX) . 80 ...18 .. Nobis aif Oo. Trusts* s.18732 ...10 ....8 .. f>( b • 11II A Co do btl.20448 ....3.88..114 Norwood W B TrattM 7108. ...10 ....8.. Norwood W 8 do .. ..28738....10 ....# ,. kaatut'xr I Trusts®.... ...20 ...10 .. ...» ...10 .. OtUfcCo ...W. ...*8 .. P»U'ifOu Jimrs, Tra.tes, .19481. ..100. ...80 . Pi>r§..n 1 to >*a do . .*180. ...10 .. CUcrK>D Jamas do .MU0 PtlMWl JU1<4 d<> ..28(1. ..125 .. Paimon Jauss do SCT44. ...80. ...18.. Psokbara W D. Trans*.. S38M. ...70. ...10 .. Pblpp. A B. ...10, ....8 .. Pblpp* A B do ...80. ...18.. Pbipp* A B .. 80. ...28 .. Pbipp* A B ...80. .. 28 .. Pblpp* A B do ... .14194. ...40. ...20 .. Pb*ppi A B do .... ...80. .. 10.. ttOSSSlI J b, Troatas ...80. ...28.. Butwll JB SlfOO ...80. ...28 .. Russsll J B ...H. ..28 .. Kum.1I J B ..800. ..100.. MMMll J ■ do ..80. ..88 .. Bu»t*li; B ..80. ..88.. Howell J B ,mu. ..80. ..28.. Raascjl J B 13433. .ion. ..80.. KuasUJB .842fl .100. -80.. KumII J B ..80. .. Banoll J B do 88*»7f. ..10. ...8 .. lilcbardaon E A. Trails* .14199....10 • .. Klcb.raaoo « A do t»l.2»7f....41.1S.30M Klcbardoon B A <lo b»1.39*1t. ...41.10.*) M KU'bard*on K A do bal.238TI ...41.10 SO M Blclurdson I A do bal.28f78.. .,41.10,10 H' alot.ardaoD K A do bal.13879....4l.lU.SU tt Rlcb«rd*un B A do ....SI0«....fl0....28 .. Htrbardaon K A do ... S487l....f0....28 .. Knot um B, Traits* I8rt8....20.... 10 .. HootOaoB Ho 1*111....SO....If . Hoot Geo B do 28683....80... 18 .. B«>ot Uso H do SR9W... *U....10 .. Boot U*o B do 871,12....80....IB .. Kicb l>. Trait** 19M7 ...30....10.. Klon D do 77173....80....If .. I ttaodoluh, Mackintosh k Co. Truatev* nisi... luu... .ou Rndkln J A.TraaUe MOAI....M....IO .. nlchtruiuc Mtry W4M....10....H . bchmleifll, U.<hfUu)t«r k Co. Truatee*...b*l MOO W... IT ■chmhdeli, lluo *l*dter A Co, Truat*** lsnT2....20....10 , Shot wall J M.Troete* HTM....10 ft. BbOtwellJM do M14T... .16 T 10 Bboiw.llJM do M4»7 ....B... .180 Sbotwell 1 If do 2W.H....10 I nebmttt 0 a. Troite* 2I1W... .1 110 aim* W K. Tniw* 2n9i... W....10.. aouUH H kOo, Tnute**..lW»l....*>....10 .. aula mm, Truate* Mill... .*>....10 .. Btelo Nit do 2*KW....40....10 .. Smith Cl>W H. Traste* 24432....fO....24 .. •tullb Cb»* II do ...MHU....I0....M .. duilib 1 baaH do ...MW0....W rmitb iba* U do . .2TI4I...100... fci.. Trill* 9 A k Oo, Troit***. lU4T1....10 B .. Trill* F ikOo do .. MM*. .10 .. ioblnKC 1 matte Truoipp Wm. TruatM..bal..2M2 bl... 44 Wood* k KrMburn, Tru»\x=req-\ t*r* KMT.. .10 1. Wood* k Krreborn, Tru* t*** .....................14100....10*.*.10 .. W.itflald 8 B k Co, Tru»\x=req-\ (w* ..................... .SMI.... 10.... .0 1 Wiki field H Ut Co, Tru*\x=req-\ IM* Mill....40,... 10 , W*kiD*Id H 11 k Oo, Tra*\x=req-\ t*M Mill 1 1C0 W*ktfl*ld Ok Oo, Tru* Iw* M0U.. ..I »«U W*kefi*ld 8 B k Co, Tru»\x=req-\ Um 24093 ft 1 #0 Weill Oo** L, T.mlM.......HM. ..IS W*l|| Co** L do M14l ..1U0....60 , Weill Ob** L, do IW1M....8O....IS , Wdlli Out* L do *W»4...IU)....4U , W*ili Ou*a L do -JMM...1UO....IO . Walt* A W. Tni«i«* IMT9....10... .1. Willi* A W do .......1WJ0....20....10 .. • bite AW do lliTt I t B0 Wli*ou A Hatcbiu*on, Tru*\x=req-\ t*e* 2J2V4....10 1.. Wli.on k HaicbluioD, Trua\x=req-\ te** 2 MM....10.... 10.. WUiou A llatcbluKio. Tru* tec* Mill... 10....10 .. Wright W II. TrutiM MUT....BU... U .. Wright W II do 'JOnas..., 10... .1 . Wrignt W II do M1T1....10 1.. WnartouJ*u*a.Trustee 11T H • •• M « barton Jkm* do ....Mil 1 1. WtWbJ K. trance lTital 1 3 to Z*dlg k Kulmtii, Tru*t*e*.20UM 1 1 #0 Z*.,U * Weill, Trualeee...1TT3I....10....10 . Z*dlg k Weill do tMl.DKIJ IdT. 114 AuJ 10 *cu rdane* with lit, ud AO Older 01 lb* Board uf tiirect.ra, nude oo lb* »«T.ntb (lib) any of October, ltMu, *u 111*117 abAr** o. •acb pkrcel of aucb a lock aa may be dkmutj •111 b* tolil it public kuctluu, at tb* oibc* of tbe Ouuipauj, 1 too 111 4, Mo. liT r,m a rott (diotk nctiaiige Bulidlna). Hah Knui\x=req-\ claco, C.lllornl*. 00 lUltaU.Y, lb* tblriUtb i«0tbj da/ of i\0»KMbah, lino, *1 tb* bwur oi ou* o clock r. M. of **ld aay, to 1*7 Mid dalloqucut aeaCMUieot tLcraou, totfettw will Ooate of *dv<rtli>liig *iid ntwuaea of Ml*. 011*8. B. JCt-iJui', Mcrvtwy. Olllce—Room 4, No. 171 Piu* *tre*t (8iock KicL*Lge Bulidiugj, 8*n Krsncteco, O*lliomla. LOl2ul AT KW TOBK XIHISV COJIFASI*. Luc*u.Mi or principal ptae« of, S^uTw»oWHi«. .tor., county, "n^.-TUm. .re d.UDqu.nt upon U» >ol\x=req-\ lowluu-d«cril>«l Muck, ou »c«hiii» of oMiit (No. il) l.*Ud oo lb. • a«; of ueiotwr. WW,m» j^ioMU io« o^u«« U Uw r*i>^UT« ■"h^J^10"" 1 H°- Cwttf. Bh..A»,u| Alklutou, Uoudft Oo.Tru.\x=req-\ 1 »* * • • • * * * * • *** Alkintuo. Uoudft Co; ^a';imS-...ts 111 AlkuiMM, u».od k Co, Tra»- -00 UN Auuwon. uoua ft Co; T""{WM mi 7 6u Brwkiuridg. fc'Yo*t, Trtu\x=req-\ MM tirtckiiirid*. * 1 oti. Tnu- , ,1W •«£ ii; iii*.:: ;«. • •• • j * Bl~k k O*, TruM*.-^---""...."^ urcckiullUK* J UtlMllU. lru»ie» ! ,Sm* 21" «» I MM.DC do !,«m" bJu""^ U«ru.<o L H. Troll* l 60 I C.ulll K ft Oo, Tru.ut. J"£*"iJ2""*ii , ' UnuiiUll WU.Tru.iw i» W U do ft' 180 W U do J" WU do Ik i r.uu.11 w (J do iiJJ- '"iiS WU do ....»«»•• 'j*;: :?2 Cr.uu.ll W U do ....;}»• ••«» trmudMl.U do ••••"*2 ! JJ oruiu.ii w u do ....« W O do - CniMUU » U do ... 1MW...1W ».» Cr*ua*ll W U dx Cnuid.llWO do .—J'-" •■•S" T60 C.uu ft Lot.UukJ TnnW..l<»W."-W i "» Jotnu. tt.uU.wu * Oo,'*,in,~ u t 60 Tru»to»« 1 w Cofflu. MuriUfM * 0ook'tluBQ l0 ...l»o '1 ruiiM*( »» Oojw ft D.*l«. lru.lw..~."W"{".-M 11» ui.'ko w U ft To. i" Cop., bbwrft 0-.Tru.l*...MW...-W—. Ouih.,tim«cftCo do .wrt.. ynxl«rftCol.F.TrB»tew.. Mi... • »■ ur»il*> ft Co l< P oo ■ "»}....{® JE Uwl'i ft Co L F do '•}>*£""'" {£ ur*il.r ft ia» L ? do ..}'«»».•••w.. • •} JJj UMWr^Cji-J do • —W }g Utexur ft C. i. P dJ ••»*»••■ l*"1 u. urwy.r H. lTn.u. Dm Orrftvur li Co ,,..1IIM3...'W J * UuncAii W L. Tnuiet !!}!}''*'!!"' 'ifi .auouWL do tSS Dimb i- M. rnuw. iEli-'- lX 1 £ UlXuU T U do fft XHw.y KlfcTr^U. !.2S"'i2""l» U«v«]f K K do ui««) k x do Ji'2—ttt-H U.TMip^n J Y . JCpp»Ulu ft Co. Trutlw... .iW«...»W—" " appct.ia ft Co do ,...10«id....J0...-.J . KflitUlufcCo do ....1111*...100 ...1J Kpp«t«luftuo do * Oo do ....1MI. J<W ...JJ < .pp*>.ln ft Oo do ....UIM. .1W....» • Kpp*iriD A Co do .... 1M1»...M....» wwtfdi Wb, Tw-w. •• Kaivdi »u do 1M18....I0 ». L rnuk.1 LI). Tnuu. ' l>mkUo*.Tratte. • KrukUu do lto»l...»00...>'J • ITiUkUll. oo 10HW...10U." t Utt J 0, Ttumm mm » ifi.uj o do • Krmk. ft Otmi.Tn>«nw....|o*»»...U ' Knuk.fc»r.y do . .irao...iw....lJ• Fry, Mmi ft Oo, Triuw*..j*®-" • nyl*# Tio«i* miT...100...-}j • VrwborD ft Oj, Tbk^.. **. ..M....l» • nwburnftCo do •••}?"}••.-J Fruik n. IWJJ—." ! fo.ur A W. Tra.'M •..«*>«....» ttdbUif ft Oo. MM.... 10 l« Or*n»6..Bi.H.IbUw ft Co „ Tidum*. * w OmniUum, 8*lbu>t ft °o, Ttaamm OrMMlMam, HWblfl* > Oo. ' W Qr«.o«b.uin, U.lblnf ft Oo, »«■••• ?•».." w « Ounb'l.r *Oo«, Tr».t*..UTK.... 10 J 60 Ooily ft UM, Trail*. 11MI....I0 1M ttJraftCbl do 1X61....90 ».. Unf»WW,TT»tM 10160....60 T 60 OUikirJ 6.TnHM,Ml.*„lttiT 1 ® BRLSds&zfcito IAII1* |RIM|1!I|IM66«.i19I.66.1V|666.1VV I DILUQUMT SiLKt. Jtaw Ttrk-MalU Vim**. No. Oarttt 8b*. 4ml. HoitDtr * r0 D X, Tnuti.l'dlO ..100....It.. Bo»m*r AOoDH do .MM.. BOO....II.. B^rkOoDM do .1MM...M0....TI.. Balik PsebMO,Tnut*M..IM0....10 110 Hilaa Facbaco do ..11440...ICfc....11 .. Huchiitdwr *Oa K, Trw\x=req-\ taaa 1C800...TC0.. 106.. BocbfUdUr t Oo II, Trtu\x=req-\ lM#i ••••••••• •••107*0e e • .1 10 BoohiUdttr k Co B. Tru»\x=req-\ MNieet e e e e • ee.eeeee«.«l iTH. e e .10, nn* 60 Bu> biudtar k Co Ik, Tm»\x=req-\ tMI, b*l 1I7M t BO Bocbiudtar * Oo K.Troi\x=req-\ IIMfl.. B.«U B D, Trait** luOTl.. .M0....I0 .. BiwkiBD do 12110...KM....11.. UiwkaHD do ltl74...MO....M .. HiwkiBD do 1»S(...1U0....U.. UitliBU do 1S4BI....M 171 tUreiu a Oo, Truatea* 1MV....I0 7 10 BireuskCo do .... 1*4*1 ..luo....IS .. I11TSUI • Co do I18UV...MO....I7 B0 n«T.n«*co do inn. .. l«itaer H, TrotUe 1 *0 160 Jieobl, Train 1U00S...1M....SIM aellay 0*o W,Trad** 1UM0....W f BO Kanuay a Vjm. Tru* «ei...lOe7«... lo T BO Banaty k D;*r ao ...1«J»J.. lu»....IB .. Kanoey a Dyer do ...118*0. ..-JjO....» .. Kcboay <£ Dy*r do ...HIM... 00 TOO Kanwr a D».r do ...1I7V7....IU TOO Kanney k Djer do ...UNO....10 110 Kaunay k Ujm do ...1140S...100.. KaJlay W U, Trait** ..1X3*...1U0....IB .. Laty Martin B, »ru«t**....llM8. ..60U... ft,. L**jr»irtlnU do ... HMI...BU0....T# .. La»yMartin B do ....ll«T»...luv....U .. U*rM»ruu H do M.11HU....U 110 MuIJm W J, TraiU* TIM....10 1 BO MBitafWj do in* IBII MnlUrWJ do 102BI...100.. Mailer W 1 d* 1041*1....Bo TOO Hollar W J do 10B/T...MO....IO .. MuilarWJ do 10IU. luo....U .. Mailer * J do 1I0W. MO. Mailer W J do 111*4...1M) ...IB .. Mul rr W J do 1IIIO....BO ....» 10 Muilir W J do 12WB...100....U .. Muli*r W J do inu....BO...»TB0 Mailer <• J do 144IH....BU T BO MuilarWJ do 12BW...1UU...1B .. M*r>a Oau T k Hon, Tru» um ait Muj» u*w T k Boo. Tnu\x=req-\ tea 10MT....H (H Mv)< Uco T k 8-n, Trot\x=req-\ uea. b«! llttl....U IN Macpbaraoa Jt Sblnn, Tra*. tfvl ■»«•••«(»•••*••••***' i ■ i)W)i < • >11 • • Mnipby K P.Traaiw lut/T. ..It0....1i.. Mor*b/ do I1MI...SMW....IO.. M.r»L»ll Lout*. TraalM...llV<V.. UO....H .. Marra> Wu, Truaiw tt7t. ..I00....H .. Murrm/WB ao MM....1I tit Muriv WII do U1....1IUIU I a MBuuuty Juo. Truate* 1101J.. .Mo »I M Mile* tOoKM, Yru»l«w..UMl.. 100. ...It .. huliit k Co U II, I M Nwbla *. Oj H H 00 ...Bo IN ftonio Jt uo u 11 do ..lo«7< .. Nubi< t Uu II U do ..JMM...1W....M .. rLilly A U, TraaUa lliM.. 100....U .. i>bl»pa A H do 1*677... 100.. ..If .. nur«cu J turn, TrntlM.. IN P«ur»ou JauiM do ...Iilil....M> tU iUudoipu,Mactinto»b 4Co. TrU'UM M49...100.. ..U ,. Uaudolpu,Mackintosh A Co, TruatMM 101M....*0... .1.. Kftuuwll. Truatar.Iu41l.. 100....16. KootUauB ao b*l. ..Iltlt I 41 UMI UN H do HIM....b .7 80 ItootOwB do 1WUJ....W 1M uool Uoo 11 do HUT...114,...It .. uool uw 11 do 116S1...100....U .. amiib cox U, TfUitec 1X140.... 60 1 to •udtbl'bMit do .... 14*10....40 •.. jcuu.hi C a, Traataa Mi4...1oo... It . scbmltt0 a do VUD....10 IK snluu Howard II. Timim .lttll...loO, .. OilUa W ft, TiOMM lli«l...lto....ti to almia Mat, iraum Mi...Mj0....71.. statu Oat do lo8<4....40 T Ml auotvciiJ K,Ttuaiaa lo7Vl.. 1UI....16 .. luolwrlUM do ...Ill Scott k Co U li.lruatma.. .Ultt.. .I00....1t .. Tooaaa I) L, Truaia. 47.4. .Ho....*7 Ml Tboutaa It L do 1 M 1'bouiaa It u do 76* ItU luouiu 11 L do MM4....M » I 1'bouiaa It L do #044...low....It.. Tuouaa V L 00 Vu'iB....7t ...11 tt I Tliomaa U t, do 710 IbuiuuvL do 110 riKUiMbL 00 »I44... tU ISO iboiuu 0 I. do " •« I. boiuaa I) L do Tboiuaa D L do Tiuma«L»li do Tbouia* 1) L do 1'iiomaa hit do roouiu D L do 1'buiua* ti L, d j 1'uouiaa D L, do 1'buuuu UL do 1'boiuaa 11 L do 1'Uouiaa UL do 1'boioaa U L do luoM.. .luuilt.. I'booiaa U L do 1o»jo...1o0....16 .. Tbou>aa It L do IIW«l....tO 7 60 I'uouaaUL do U11I...IUO....U .. riionua It L do .bal.illM I tt I'bouiaa u L do 11144, 1 to IbouuaUL do 11144....60 1 Ml t'OunuuliL do 11* ....110 Tboujaa U L do .... 11464...loO ...It.. . i'lioBiaa I) L — •* | Tuomaa It L fboiuu 1) L fboiuu It L I Tuomaa 1) 1, I'Ooiuu D L Tbouaa 0 I, rbotuaa O L I'boma* U L I'booima U L 1'bouiaa D L Tboouu V L luouiaa It L 1'bouiaa D L 1'Uouiaa U I. Fbooiaa 1> L Tbomaa It L fliwrial) L 1'nou.aa It L ritomai u l i b maa 1) L I liouaa It L Tloui.» It L l'bouua U L Tltooua It L Tbooiaa U L i'boiaaa U L riwiiuu 1> L t'bulUM U L lu 1 to .11 Irt .10.. .10.... 160 illl07... .80 4 60 I0J»»... • JO s.. .60 7 tO • »0 7 tO .10 1 to dj ..100. ...11 .. do ...■It ....»n do ..loo. ...It.. 00 .. 60. ....Ito do ...CO. ,...7 tO do ... .uaud. ...60. ....7 Ml do ..10. ...It.. do • ICO. ...11 .. do ..I10. ...It .. do ..100. ...It .. do .... ilvo7. ..100. ...It .. do ..lbO. ... Ifl • • do ...60. ....7 10 do ...6u ....7 10 do ...10, ....1 Ml do ..Uo. ...It .. do . ..1JU77. ..XA). ...M .. do Ui. ....a 44 do . ,K0 ...It .. do ... .HI* ..100. ...It .. do ..lto. ...It .. do di .bai.liui. ... 1 GO do ..loo. ...1» .. do ..loo ...11 .. dj ...too. ... 4t .. do ,*/0. .. do .....1*471. ...40, ....• .. Urit pp»d u L,Tru*tM llM...W .. P.-.HIMI i* I. do w IbuOM 1) L do .... ■ lil&ilt. ....1...... 4ft 'Tlioiuii D L do ,....It9i0.•..l4...«.9W Thum.a It I. dO . riioiuw V L 00 1JMI...3QQ....HI.. rbonui I) L do I'il'.u,.. .4*j.....1W i livuiii i) L do ttf *J> SMI....90.. Tu. ma* 1) Li do M ibvoiu U L do .t...liUlM<..luU....ll.. TiiuuuUL do .. ..Ja&»4...110 ...19 .. Tbouial 1) Lt d> I II itmibitUL do 1#XI...1UI....U.» Trtil. *0o IT A. XrotU*..!««#...JUU....W .. 1'odd A 0»A H,Tra*M**..llMT.>.lUO,...U.. 1'uOlu HO, TruiU *....b*l. 1 <03u.... 14 J 10 WB1MA W.'l'ruMM MI4....U 9 7ft WblMAW do 9MW...4UU....90.. WbiUAW do »»*)....10 1H KtlUA ^ do IUM...100.. It.. WbiU A W do IUIW....W 7 ttt WbiUAW do 10JW ...40.... 1IU *bu* U U. Tru»l** 1 JIM.... to flu WUll Cbu L, Trait** liJIt.. .100.... U .. M ri*bl W o i 'llUiUC.i.. •. 1UT6.. *1U)....11 • • WaliouKN, iiu.W. 1'ittV...lou....It .. w*t«a«ld t Co • l>, Tru tict...........i......•... 11044.••.90.....9 .« Wak«ll»»d A Cu B B, Tra*. 11410....W 7 » Wat*H«ld tCo • 1, Tru* l#ri...................... 114M... 100.... 19 ... W>k«0*id A Co • B, Tru«\x=req-\ Imm................... ...11109.■. 100.... 10 .» Waktlltld A Oo S B. Trot\x=req-\ to* 130»...100....19 _ Wtk.fl.ld m Co M B, Trot\x=req-\ We. 1H99...100....U... WtkafUld t OoB D. Trot (Mi.... 1 MM.,.900*• ..90 ■ ■ Wsii.w A builou, Tiiuura».MH....tu TW Wu»oo A aatcblntou, Trut\x=req-\ i*** 10910 9 U Wl-too A Hulcblaaon, Trot\x=req-\ t«M 12917....10 4 HI Wlltuu A llutctuntoo, Tro»\x=req-\ Wei 19449... 100.. ..19... W.lton A Uutcblntou, Trot\x=req-\ toM 12907. ..100..,,19 .. W.IU J 1M...MK..» .. And In mcommc* wttb law. and to order of •A* Board of Dlr*ctora,aad* on the *l*T*t>ib day of octoter. 1MW, to man; •bar** ot *acbt>ar\x=req-\ 0*1 or (OCb •IOC* M BAJ 0* D*C**MIJ Will t» •old at public taction, at tb* 04Sc* of tb* mm\x=req-\ sua jr. Room 9, Mo. 917 Pin* *u««t (9u Fran\x=req-\ eltco block and Kxabang* BnUdlngi, fUn Fian\x=req-\ elteo, California. on F HID AY. tb* TBIHD i9d> d*T Of UKCkMBkK. 1990, at th* boor of two (?) o'clock r. m. ol *Ald day, to pay tald Mmmm t-t**»m*ni thereon. together witb oo*u of adrtrUaljur im umbm* of lb* ul*. O. L. THOMAS. 8**r*Urjr. Offlr*—Room 9, 8. T. Stock tnd »ioba*|* Building. Wo. 917 Pis* lira*! Baa Fr»neltcu, California. lt|4 To Comstock Mine Owners. A UBKCY AND SDPKRIMTIND1NOT Soil. lulled. Hiyidc mad* minion a tpaeiaiir for tha put twaot; *l»o, hatuuc ban protfooalj MAocUUd villi corporate teduatrln for maa; ywn, 1 an tborongbly qaabM to faUbfalir pcrtorm utrj raqatr»m*Ll a* Anal •r iapannuoAaol ab4 offar n.jr aarvlo • at lb* following prtcaa; AcUra voiklM mlaaa. floo to |*)0 per month; bob working Blow exeapt annual holding work, U# to $M r OAm-Hi _ •tony Nut;, Hmfe,