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THE KVKXIXO XKWS VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIMK TABLE. Taking Effect September 20, 1SS0. THAIMt Kr«m Mraa la «ol«l IIill and Virginia. Mat Urn*. jp.h^r L <»! Fa*»oiier KENO h rs «muoa r W4!»U >K n«arowii LAKaVlKW CAKSoS \< 1W am 7I» " - 7 47 •• 7 4* •• * •• it IS a m 9 10 •• 1 •J Si •• 10 31 " III All " l t' p m. 3.11 " " 3.10 " 3J0 " 4 0U " C«K->>*.. 1) KMI'IHK M'.Nl) MolsE tiO'D IIILL. VIKulNI».... S.JO a Hi M •• »i« •• V 43 •• » M •• II.IS a m 1131 •• UlM p.m. uao '« 1 oo •• Sun p.ui 6 1J - 8 50 •• • 40 " • SO •' Til AI>1 Fraai llrglala aa4 llaU Ulll la TarMa mb.I Ilea*. Slatlooa. |"»Pr*aa.|H4J^f Loral IWdjt VIhUI.NU... oul.0 11 LL M'NU llol'aK k.MKiHK CAKrt >M... Ar S IS p ot 5,4» " 6*1 •' « u *• CM - I ou a. Hi * 10 " H « " STJU •• »33 •• i.ixi t>. 41. 3 13 " *» " 3 33 " 3.40 " CARBON .. Ue LAK'VIKW .. I'HtNK .u*N wammk S I'K\tl BOA 1'. KIC.Nj. 7 lw p iu " .. " :.m •• 1 47 •• SI'S •• • 30 •• 10IW a.m. 1U35 •• l-.SO " 1110 •• II JS " U 31 p.m 4 IS p.m. 4.40 " S.i» •• S.3S •• S13 " • 43 •• MONDAY. : : DECEMBER 13. is* « I U • M Kl.fONI. Mm I'riuirlmi Mmaml. THU #u3 Ophir, 7H 170 Mexican. 7S . 7'» 340 UoulJ 1 Curry. 3 si. 3 30 NJ A ll*l«li«r. 8»* 12V California. I 0i. 1 ft b.'u Savant*. 3 40, 3 s 2 63, t S 4JU Coo. Virttiuu, 'J 20, 2 13 29lt Polnai, 1 30. 1 Hi J10 Ctioliar. 3 70. 2 C3. 2 CO 375 lUlc A Naroroaa. i\. &'». S»«. 5** ISO Cruwu l'uiui. 1'» 44<» Tvllow Jacket, 3 TO, 3 Oj 3 lit 400 Imperial. 23c S13 K-lcbrr. i JO, 3% S'Ji Siorra Nr»ad« 3. 9'a, 3\ 20 Coutidruce, 3'« 120 L'tah, #*%. 3 430 Hullion. 1 SO. IH. 1 70. I « Itiu Exchequer, 1 30, 1 40 3013 Juatlca, 2 W. 2 33. 2 CO 130 Overman. 7jo 133 Cnino Cos.. 10V lot*. los 470 Julia. 43c, 40c 270 C'al»douia, 33c, 30c 3to 4il*«r II ill. 31o 35C3 Alta, 8. 7<*. 7S. 7«*. 7H. 7<». 7<|. 7 S 500 Saw Tork, 30c 100 Uci-iiiuital, 1 ■« 1330 Ladr Wathiugtoti, 4IK:. 35c 110 Aud'ea. 1 70 WO Walls Farxo. 10c 170 Scorpion. IS 10 Seg. lirlcliir. 0 1S33 UoDtuu. 3. 2 03. 2 10. 2 AllrrvKOU MrMI *»!«•»*. gA3l t*»>civ o, December IS—3 r. ttaeage. 2 33, a 40. Sierra Seeada. SS, iicDtou. 3; Alt*. 7l». "\i Mexican, 7, C'»; Be*t A Uelcbtr. 8H. » V. Cbollar. iH.Jio. as; Con. Virginia, 210. t\. 'i 33; Tallow Jacket. 3 C3. 3 <0. 3l»; Silver Bill, 40c. 3Jc; Junticf. 2 J»; Bullion. 1 70. I rti; Ophlr. C>«; Oeermau. 73c; New York. 30c; Hale * N-.rcro**, 4 iW. 4 70; Cuion Con., 101*. 10. Lady Washington. 4Uc. 33c; Belcher. J 10; GuuUI A Curry. 3H; Audes. 1 JO. 1 »3. Arrivals M-rmtmg. S U Day and "if*. W P Bsrry. Miss X aoiuli. W Aug'ts. J Maloy, A McEwnu. J F Plage wau, O J Mabouy. Arrival* *««lrr<lajr K N Uraves J S Ktneeu. H A Billing*. Mi«s Stensuu. W A IVrkiu*. F O High, W ti Smith. J P Martin. A A Smith. A F Hancbou. |>»pnrinrr« l.n«» ».*•»«••« Wn» feck Lot)'. T Car*, A A Smith. Mollie 1'nU, J Cicott, Mis* C L ConUiu. Mr* L Cramer. A F Kelly. J V Martiu. J Shea. L W Woo J. T P Sweeney. J Cameron aud wife. Mr* tieust. Mi»* Jenny Mackaj. J F Meeker. UfimrtnrM *»lunl»y K*e»wl"«. lit** Uildibrand, Mil* Lw. E Youu*. J W Uardiuer. H lUrsn. A Dick*ou. H B Loomu. J F Lunt. J Heuck. T B Wood. C E S Turner. Mrs J P Jont*. M Noble. J S h*nwu. Sullio Ligbtle. A S«hw»rU. L R Wilier J. J H*lk. U S Hymons. J Pisrsou. C » Young. J II Fi-rren. A Schw*rt2. Mr* Uubm end l*a»ily. W H»y», M D»ly. Miss N Bradley. J Ward. J P Kdding*. D « Vouug. THE COURTS. Ulilrlrt tuml- Hieing. Judge. The following bii*iuc*4 »u trana\x=req-\ acted in tbi* Court today: L. S'ldner vs. Srvada Bank—Caae argued *nd taken under advis-ni' nt. Veuiie order to i«-u- (or ti:te»n additional juror*. r«tuiu*ble on the loth uuwnt. Adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow. Jueller 4 ourl - f l*ii*l«|h«»». '■ '• The following busine** he* beru transacted in tbi* Court *ince last report: State **. E B*beock- Charge, threat* •gainst life; e«t lor 1 o'clock tomorrow. Slate v*. Mr*. 1» ..nahne—Cheige. Ji*\x=req-\ tutbiug the peaC*. «n trial. Two oarloadt ol lUcky Moant»ineo»l a„ now ou the war to the Cow.tock. Prot>U neeU not be In » hurry to ru.h to th^ d-aler* With their order*. M at tbi* ib. order* tbry hate on h*nd will uot U tilled bflore neit No»»a»b«r. The thirteenth rehear*al o( the l»e. partniknt o( Musi.- of ,U..hop Wbitak.r * achool. U-no. will W held in the gym\x=req-\ uaiiuui Wednesday eeening. December 10. beniuninit at S o'clock. AH patron* au'd friend* of the echool are ineited. The Connty A*»«*»or ou the 10th in* .taut handed o»*r to the Treasurer $0.\x=req-\ £»16 11> ; 'bat auiouut *ettling hia ao\x=req-\ uoont of the tal on the net proceed* of the tnioea for the nuart.r eudiug September 30. Hon J. C. Uarlow, foreman of the State Prating ottice. -.11 »<"• >».. hou^hold good* to Carwn tomorrow and make that pUce hi* leardence fol the coming two year*. Chria. Jane* i. Walkar rit.r aup.r\x=req-\ intending the erecting of a our of the copper miuea. He will r.iurn \V«dn*ad*y. The taxea paid in Lyon connly thii rear b* the Central Pacific IUtlroad Company amounted to 04. J. C. Trick baa Aled » P«»»lon in in" ao lrenoy. Ltabilitlea, about •3500; u ••U. $600. MINING STATEMENTS. Following statements have been cent by the Snperintendenta of tbe Conn lock mine# to the office* in sui Francisco for the week ending December 11: csuex consolidated. On tbe 2500 leer] drillhole Xo. 1 tu eit«odrd 30 fret and dri Ibole Xo. 2 180 feet; tb» j int Mexican upraiae baa been extruded 18 feel; tbe joint Mexican weat crea»cut ban been extended 12 feet; tba j iiut M-xican earn cro«aent 20 feet, and tbe jmut Sierra Xev«ds oroaacut 32 feet During tbe week tbere bar* been extracted from the 2500 level 519 ton. and 1300 pound* of ore; aent to the mills, iJ' *°pd ?,°° P«"dd*; assay value, !;k»ta ,h,pp,d dari°«,h' ciurouu. During the paat week 855 tona of ore extracted from the stopes on tbe 1650 level and scut to the mills; aassy value. $20 73. On the 2300 level the north drift has been advaoced 16 (Vet and the joint Ophir east croaacut has been extended 36 f»et. on the 2500 lev.l tbe aouth drilt from tbe Opbir line ha* been advanced 30 faet, and the joint Opbir upraiae has been advauoed eight feet. kxuctx. On the 2500 Uvel tbe joint Opbir aaat wiom be* been aunk and timbered 17 feet, the joint Union Oooeolidated up\x=req-\ raite baa b«en advened 18 feet; the j»iut luion Conaolidated weat eroaacnt bee been extended 12 feet; tbe joint i nlon Conaolidated eaat oroaacut ba* beeu advanced 20 feet, and tbe joint Opbir wret croaacut haa been extended .'4 feet. ovum an. Siukiug winie haa been diacontinued !^,h*t*c,ot a pump and tank atation 200 leet below 1900 level and have tank "■"djr to put in. Will beilin today to op-u a atation in wince 375 feet below lauo level. Work in incline upraiae haa *u«P'ude«j to allow water to drain off. Foruiau abaft baa been annk and timbered 15 feet; total depth, 1555 feet. ophib. on tbe 2500 level the joiut Mexican »*st wiuxe baa been aunk and timbered j i (set; the joiut Mexican weat crosHcnt hm been extended 24 feet; tbe joiut California eaat croaacut haa been ad\x=req-\ vnoced 36 feet, and the joint California upraue haa b««n advanced eight feet. ALTA. No. 1 croaacut. 2050 level, advanced 32 feet during paat week; total length, j10 feet; about 20 feet further will reach i he ledge at this point. Crosscut Xo. 2 • xtmdod 44 feet; total length, 329 feet. Southeast drift, aame level, carried 32 feet. savauk. The «baft force waa engaged in repairing and retimbering the sbalt. The incline force waa engaged in making re\x=req-\ pair* in melius bobpits and in the aontb wib/-, and the teuth level force in driving tho drift upon tbst level. c. *. a. stun. I he car load of pips delayed by the etorm arrived Sunday, and work will be •t once rimmed, l'utling in bydranlic column. Very little work baa been done tbe pu«t wsek, a* have been awaiting the pipe. CoxaoUUATKU VtBOINU. Duriug the past week 891 tons of ors have been extracted frarn atopea on tbe 1<50 Uvel and aent to the mills; aaaay value. $20 46. On the 2300 level tbe | *outb lateral drift haa bean advanced I 21 feet. CON. lUI'ltUtl. Tb* only work don* tb* pad week »m making repair* on tb* '2100 level and iu lb* mcliue. The pump ia working well, auJ think kliall bar* tb* 2000 level fr»e from water by lb* lSib inataut. POTOU. South drift on '.'400 level extended *J1 feet dunug paat we»k. Tba ground piiaatHl tbruu^b la luoae, with bunobea ul clay; face ol drllt allowing eome quartz; drift Hill (re* frotu water. trrau. During tbe past week tb* eaat drift on the 1'JjO Uvel baa been extended 15 fret. The ground atill coutiuuee bard. Tb* east drift on tb* 2150 baa b*«n ad\x=req-\ vaueed 20 feet. IULK X Sohi Buaa. Tb* 2100 weat crosacut it 235 feet in length, no cbaug* in tb* character of tb* ground. Tb* 2100 level baa produced 50 ton* of or*, average aaaaya i-l 70 p*r ton. caudoxu. i'uuipa bate run an average of 13 boura per day, conauuiing 6 cord* of wood per day. Fornian abalt baa been antik and timbered 15 f**t; total deptb. 1555 (vet. L'N'ION HtUri. Tb* abaft baa b*en aauk and timbered eight feat. Cutting out talikpit at lb* 2200 Uvel and eaaiug timber* at tb* 2100 atation. MUTTON, No. 1 croaacut, 2050 l*v»l, eiteuded 18 f**t toward or* vein daring tb* pant »eak; total length, 288 feet. c. i c. aiurr. Tb* abaft baa been annk and timbered y f- et; total depth b*luw tba 2300 lavel, 175 f*et. o. « c. and ill. aiurr. Shaft aunk 30 feet; total deptb, 11K>5 feet. A tiro in Candelaria laat Tburaday nigbt destroyed tb* furnitur* ator* of Ja»epb II. Weaton and Geargt* H. Taylor. Tb-y lot everything in tbeir eatabliab\x=req-\ ui>ut. Both Wrato* aud Taylor ar* well known and bav* many friends in Uold Hill, who regret their miafortune. llr. Weaton expected to atart for tba Comatock yeaterday. Arthur P. Kelly of tb* Virgiuia Chrun\x=req-\ id* Saturday r*c*iv*d a telegram announcing the death of hia aiater in New York, aud laat nigbt atarted for hia bom* lu that State, reaigning bia poaitiou on tb* Chroniclt etaff. Mr. Kelly ia a genial g*utl*iuan, and carriea wnb him the be*t wiabra of many Coujatockera. J. P. Martin, for many yeara tbe Agent of tbe Uauk of California in Virginia, paid tbe Comatock a tlyiug viait yeater\x=req-\ day. Mr. Martin ia «u bia way to Kun Frauciaco troni New York and bnt remained in Virginia one day—tba guest of \Y. II. Suittb. Hi* b*altb baa much improved. The Reform Club gava a fr** enter\x=req-\ taiuni*nt at th*ir ball Saturday *v*ning. Tb* programme conaiated of a lecturi by A. B. Elliot, iuatrumental aolo by Mi*a Abbi* Tait, recitation by Rev. Dr R*ed, reading by Mr. £. O. Baker, aolo by Mr*. Lannen and tb* cloain( oda by tba audienc*. Jurora who have not received tbaii certificate* can get tbarn by calling ai tb* Auditor'* offlo*. Soma Comatoct jurora car* *o littl* for pay for tbeii a*rvic*a that tbey have allowed thai) eertifloatea to remain la tb* Audltor'i offlae (or lb re* year*. THOSE ANCIENT CANNON. "«a»ara| Sraat*' Hla Com pmmtmm Coadensaad tm bo Maid tor * Old I row- ••rarl UoniHlnd" Obliterated. Pursusnt to advsrtised aotice in the Niws, a mealing of citizens of Oold Hill waa held Saturday evening it Yellow Jacket Engine House. Hon. W. D. C. Gibson ni calWd to the chair, end A. A. Putnam eboeen Secretary. The object of the mettiog waa atated to be to take into consideration the condemnation of the two old dismantled oannon ■ow lying en the Homestead, one of them being the famous old "Qmeral Grant," and their aale for old iron, the proceeds to go to the benefit of the need; wldowe and children of Gold Hill. On motion el Judge Cook the aforesaid atale gnna were duly condemned and the Board of Tbwa Trustees, in eonjonotiou with Z. Lyford, Esq., 8a\x=req-\ penntendent and manager of the Homestead property, were folly authoric J to carry out tbe obj-cts o( tbe meeting, distributing tbe proceeds, after paying rxpenara, among tbe poor and needy, aa above specified. To the credit «f Mr. Lyford be it atated tbat be waa tbe originator of thia public-spirited and kind-hearted sugges\x=req-\ tiun, aad tbe meeting reaulted exaotly aa he bad planned. Tbe guns hare aeen ihrir day of usefulneas, but Lylord now makea them more useful and beaeficial than ever. "All's well that enda well." In thia ooontotioa it ia proper to state tbat Mr. Lyford objects to his elevated and oommaoding grounds overlooking Gold Hill being called "Kurt Homestead" atiy more, but simply the plain Homestead, without any "Fort." Everybody from tbe most ancient days of Gold Hill have known and admired the place as Fort Homeatead, and the thunders of tbe guus mounted on its eternal ramparts have sounded forth oa many a 4th ef July aud other proud occasioua, while the old atars aud stripes waved from tbs lofty flagstaff sbove tbem. But with tbe dismsuiliug of tbe fortress sud tbe aula of its guus for old iron, tbe public will defer to Ibe wishes of Mr. Lylord and surrender ths "Fort." But it does seem a little sad to see its aucisnt glory depart, and turns to Oall it only tbe Homestead hereafter. Nanlnatleoa. At tbe meeting of the Virginia Exempt Fireman's Assooistion, held yesterday, tbe followiug nominstions wereassde for officers for the ensuing year: For Prasi\x=req-\ deat, Andy Peasley aud J. C. Harlow; First Vico President, Cbarlea Brown and John Hrnderaon; Second Vios President, D. O. Adkison aud 1. M. Iaaacs; Secretary, 0. Rawaon, F. C. Plunkett, T. B. Bingbsui; Treasurer, L. Guggenheim; Traaleee—J. C. Maael, Tbomaa Heffron, L Kaplan, J. S. Pidge, C. C. Bowman, Win. Flaherty, I. M. Iaaacs. Election to take place Monday, December 27, at tbe ball of tbe Association, betweeu tbe boura of 12 and 3 r. m. and 7 and U in the evening. At lbs Alia. Tbe air was tbiek with rumor* tbia morniug concerning tbe aituation at (ba Alta. Souia had it that tba mine waa (all •( water; many tbat they bad run iuto tba ledge, aorno o( tba lattir claim\x=req-\ lug tbat paying ore waa (ouud, tba teat tbat nutbiag waa tbere but barren quartz; everybody, however, agreed tbat eotae\x=req-\ tbiug oI importance transpired at tbe Alia laat nigbt, but wheu Superintendent Boyle waa interviewed ba aaid tbera waa uot any water atruck, nor yet tba ledge, but expected to reach tbe latter tomorrow or neit day, and tbat everything waa aa favorable aa tbe moat eauguiue stockholder could wiab (or. Muiall|>«z. Two new caaea of smallpox were officially reported in Virginia Saturday. Bath putianta ara young ladita. The father of ona immediately moved her to tbe Pest-house, be living in a crowded part o( tba city, and will himself wait on bia daughter tbere. The other caae is in an isolated place, and it waa not thought necessary to remove her. Itu\x=req-\ mora of other caaea iu Virginia were dying about tbia morning, but could not bo traced to any autbennc aourca. In Gold llill there ia but one caae—aud tbat very mild—ol Mr. Stewart, reported aoma time a^o, and who ia doing well. CoalsOlea Beekatere, S. W. Cbubback is fitting up bia Poet\x=req-\ oftics bookatora (or the bolideya, and he bos ao many beautiful aud raally good tbmga tbere tbat everybody baa to atop aud take a look aa they go after their mail matter. Then he baa boautilul books aud niagazmea aud pampbleta and prriodicala and papera aud iu foot ao wuoy tbinga tbat it ia useleaa to try to etuuierate. A little money buys mauy fine thinge of Cbubback. lie advertise in tba News ua will ba aeen in another column. Uuuekeo iiuwu bjr Ik* Cars. A little niece of Mr. Jonea, the milkman on American Flat, waa knocked over by tbe freight train tbat left Gold llill at 'J o'clock tbia morning. Tba little girl waa walkiug on tbe outer edge ol the lira, toward Gold llill, when abe waa atruck in tbe (ac« by oue o( tbe fist* care and thrown iuto tbe dilcb at one side. A doctor was aeut lor, but tbe girl ia not aeriously hurt, though scratched and braised considerably. ■ ■ a ♦ a ——— llaskrsack * Hull. Those o( our people who ara ao unfortunate aa to be in need of medicinea cannot do better than by calling on Haabrouck A- Hall, druggista, oppoaite Yellow Jecket Engine House, Main atreat, Gold Hill. Tbey have alao a variety ol all artielea necessary to the toilet, perfumery, fancy articlea, ate., which tbey aell aa cheap aa anyone could wi«b. Sea their advertisement under "New Today." A latter addreaaed as followa ia beld for batter direction at tba Gold llill Poet\x=req-\ office: Mra. A. V. Brows, No. 251 Stockton atreet, Roome 3 aud 4. A latter ia bald lor postage addrtaaed aa followa: Mra. P. A. L. Glerison, Frisco, Beamer Co., Utah. Tba order of tba Board of Alderman o( Virginia ta their Street Inspector, requiring tba atreet croasinga and aide walka to ba cleared of enow and ice, already renders it more agreeable for pedeatriana in tbat city. Tba earn of $3018 58 baa been paid into tba ooanty treasury on licanaa account for tba month ol November. Tba meeting of tbe County Commie\x=req-\ i el en era tkia evening will deubtleas ba aa intemtisg aae. EASTERN DISPATCHES Moonshiners t». Depoty Marshall. \Va»hisqtok, Deoember 11.—The fol\x=req-\ lowiag telegram from P. H. Dowling, Revenue Agent at Huntaville, Ala., waa yeaterday received by CommiaaUaer Raum : " Yeaterday afternoon in Mar\x=req-\ aball county, about twenty miles from Huntaville, John B. Hardie and Baaaett Young, Deputy United Statea Marabala, in oonpany with D-puty Internal Revenue Collector Horace J. Bonn, with warrants against Jefferson Culbraatb, David Lemons, James Crisoo and Joaeph Criaoo, lor illicit diatilling, came upon the defendanta witbin half a mile of tbfir distillery, and aftar making iaqui\x=req-\ riea aa to the namea of tbe offlcera, and Joaeph Crisco giving his name, Mr. Hardie aaid : ' I have—' and before ha could aey another word waa abot by Jef> ferson Culbreath in tba bead with a shotgun, killing him inatautly. Six abota were then fired at Bonn, who escaped with a wound in bia left aide. Uuited Siatea Marabal Joaeph H. S. Loss is organizing r goad force to arreat tbe partiea and will do all he can to bring them to juatica. I aooompany this foroe." Commisaioner Ileum, upon receipt of the diapateh. telegraphed aa follows ta Dowling: "Tour telegram ia received. 1 with tbe moat energetio meaaurea to be takm to bring to puniehment tbe par\x=req-\ tiea engaged in reeiatnnce to tbe deputy collector*! and deputy marabala, raaulting in tbe marder of John B. Hardie. Take etepa to have every illicit diatillery aeixed and every illicit diatillar arreated. If tbe Marabal'e foroa ia inaufficient, employ more men." Tbe Attorney General baa aent elmilar inatructlona to tbe United Statea Mar\x=req-\ abala. Tbe Department of Juatioeand tba Internal lteveuue Bureau are aotiag together to bring tba guilty men to juatice. Valuable Greenhouse Destroyed. Nsw You, December 11.—The Binning Post aaya: Jay Oould'a couaervatory at Irvington, on tbe Hudaon, waa burned tbia morning. Tba lee* ia aaid to he $100,000. Tbe greenbouae waa tbe largeat in tbe country, and wu filled witb tbe rareat and moat valuable plante, exotica and ferna, which ware imported at great expeuao, and aome ware not duplicated in tbe Uuited Statea. Tbe collection of tropieal plante aloaa aould not be equaled in tbia latitude. There were other plante that were brought here from all parta of the world, and tbe coat of exportation alone waa eufflcient to inaintuiu au averaged-aized greenbouae lor yeara. Men were working up to about 2 o'clock tbia meruiug. under tho directien of tbe bead gardener. The uight watchman discovered tbe flamca, and bo awakened the entire force of men and thiy conuected tbe fire appa\x=req-\ raiua, but tbe water waa frozen and their efforte were uaeleea. Tbe flamoi, lannrd by the high wind, awept through the mammoth atructure, licking up everything iu half an hour from tba time the fire waa Drat diacovered, and tbe beautiful structure waa a maea of ruina. Tbe building waa 480 feet long aud cou\x=req-\ atruoted on the Mooriab atyle. Tbe entire loaa waa $100,000, upoa which there ia uo iuaurance. The oonaervatory waa only a little diatanoe from tba real\x=req-\ deuce, which ia unharmed. Geuld only purcbaaed tbe property a little over a year ago, and paid abeut $350,000 for it. It ia underatood that a more elrgant building will speedily replace tbe one juat burned. Army Changes. Ciiicaoo, December 11.—A Tribum Washington spooial aaya: Gcueral Bher\x=req-\ luau say* it General Grant oust be placod at the bead of tbe army be will biuieeir retire next April, wbeu be will be aixty-two yeera of age, and make room lor General Grant. Borne legislation, however, would be neornary to give Grant Bbermau'a place, if Sberniaa ■bould retire, aa by law that office ex\x=req-\ piree either by tbe death or resignation of Sherman. A Timu Washington apeclal aaya: Inspector General Maroy will be retired, 'lbe order la ready. Hie euceeaaer ia Colonel D. B. Backet. General Meigga will not b« diaturbed by tbe Preaideut, aa Haina Ingalle ia not in Rood §taudio« here. Judge Advocate General Dunn will auk to be retired within a month. Wasuikotox, December 11.— The Preaideut had a long talk wilb General Howard, in the conree ot which he admitted that be bad called bim to Washington to make him Commaudrrat Weat Point, but had been diaaueded from doing it by General Sherman and Secretary Evarte, not on account of peraonal oppoeitiou to him, but becauae they held that tbe cbege would be too violent, ia view of Howard—a well-known variance in what he regarda aa tbe correct policy aa contrasted with ScbofMd'a administration. Ha promised Howard, however, that be would have some goad place in the Eaat aa aoon aa ha oould nettle bia affaire ia Oregon and take it. | Ha told bim alao that it ia underatood that be ahould make General Terry Commandant at Weet Point. (iermanj and tbe Jewa. Xkw Yobi, December 13.—A Wash\x=req-\ I inglon apecial aaya: A diapalcb, aaid to have been aeut by tbe Slate Department to White, tbe United Statea Miniater to Berlin, oontaiaiug inatructlena with re\x=req-\ Hard to friendly observatione which he ia directed to preaeut to tbe German government upon the subject ef the prea\x=req-\ eut anti-aemitio crusade, ia being die\x=req-\ cuaaed ia the Congreaaional lobbiea. White baa been inatructad to repraaeat to tbe German goverameat that auy ape\x=req-\ cial enaetmeata agaiaat tba Ieraelilea cannat effect naturalized American citi\x=req-\ zena belonging to that perauaaion temporarily reaiding ia Geriueuy, where they were mostly born, and that the only effect would be to caaae an incraaae in tbe number of dieputea that already frequently occur between the two govern mente with regard to the righta and atatua of American citizena viaitiag the I Fatherland. A Plucky Woman. Nuw Yoax, December 11.—Laat aigbt while lire. George MoNeil waa aeated la her aittiag room, on tbe aecond floor of her reeldence, No. 118 8outb Eighth atreet, Williamaburg, a rough-looking man ralaed the window and entered the [ epartment. He drew a pistol and demanded her money. Mre. McNeil aaid that aha bad no money and raa into an adjoining room, where ehe secured a revolver. As aeon aa aba reappeared tbe I ruffian flred one abot, the ball penetrating tbe fleeby part ef her leltarm. The plucky woman, taking deliberate aia, , flred two ahota at him aa he made hia eeoape through tbe window. Mra. He\x=req-\ Neil eaya that ahe thinks aha woanded . the fellow. She ia unable to give any | deacriptioa •( him. Secretary Thompson Accept*. Nkw Yobk. December 11.—In a conversation yesterday Thompson confirmed tbe report of hit acceptance *f the Panama Canal Presidency, saying that ha waa only awaiting further dispatcher from Pari*. Hi» dmiea, ha aaid, wara to b« in tha main supervisory and th* protection of the iotereita of American investors, and to aee to it that neutrality in the management of the canal it strictly maintained. A vto power, to sooie extent, was to be lodged witb tbe Amerioan Board, and it was to have power, to a certain extent, to make contracts. Tbe exact limita of the powers of tbe Asserican Committee have net, be remarked, been very deloitely settled, bat they will be extensive enough to guarantee complete protection U tbe oammeree of tbia oonatry and to the holders of Panama Canal stock here. The Amerioan office will be opened in this city, and here Mr. Thompson will preside. He said ha had not yet oou\x=req-\ eluded upon tbe aation be should take as to bis ssat in the Cabinet. There was no haste necessary, as tbe negotiations with tbe Paria uiauagers of tbe canal sohame bsd only just opensd, and several weeks would elspse before they would be closed. For a time, therefore, tbe dutiee of tbe Amerioan Committee would be very alight, and a month or two of time waa not material on a project wbick woald oonsume eight years to carry it out. Tbe Downfall or Tammany. * Naw Yobk, Deoember 11.—The Timu aays: Tbe influences wbioh brought about Kelly's downfall have been of a very complex and not particularly disinterested cbarater; hut it is striking tsati mony to tbe increasing power of publio opinion over tbe aprings of muaioipal politioa tbat from the mixed maaa of mo\x=req-\ lives out of which yesterday'a nominations were finally evolved, we should have a result which is ao fairly satisfactory. The Star (Kelly's organ) says: With tbs events of yesterday tbe profound conviotion mast impress itself on the minds of Democrats everywhere tbat New York ia no longer a Democratic city. It baa been traded off, banded ovir to tbe Republicans "body and aoul." It will no longer roll up those magnificent majorities wbioh redeemed tbu State aud placed it in tbe van of tbe Democratic phalanx. We brand tbe four Tammany Aldermen, who voted for Campbell, with Cain-like, ineffaceable marks, and aa objeots witb downcast eyss and burning cheeks, writhing under tbe contempt ol their indignsnt associates, whose recorded action, yesterday will banut tbem during their lives as a hissing reproach. Destructive Fire at Penaacola. Nkw Ohuans, December 11.—Nine\x=req-\ tenths of the business portion of Penss\x=req-\ cols, Fla., waa deetroyed by fire sbeut 12 o'clock last night. Loss, about $5,000,000. Tho Are lasted for eight boura. Five blocks in the heart of tbe city were burued. l'olafax streot, from W'itticb's corner to tbe middle of the block opposite the pUxa, is swopt clean. Tbe fire stopped on Qovernment atreet, at tbe City Hotel on tbe esst. and one square back of the Custoui-bouse on the west. Over one hundred establishments are gone, embracing tbo main buaiaeas buildings, aud burning oat about fifty famillts from tbeir bouses. Tbe Cus\x=req-\ toia-bouse, 1'ostoffice, Merchants' Hotel, Brent's Bank, both telegraph offices, both newspspers, Dunn's Exchsuge, Wrigbt'a dry goeds bouse end tbe Ceunty Clerk'* office aro among the well-known buildiugs bnrned. Tbe flre originated in the confectionery store of Dauiians. His family lived over tbe store and several of them were burned. Mrs. Damiana will die. Tbe insurance held by tbese burued out amounts to about $150,008. Tbe Postoffio- and Uuited States Court clerks saved the mail and papers. Bloodshed Kxpecied In Indian Ter\x=req-\ rliorjr. Abkansah Citt, December 13.— A bloody contlict ia certain If tbe troop* interfere with tbo lueu aaaembled ready to go to Oklahoma. Tbe troopi art on tba baat tarma with Ibaaa iminigranta. Tba eolonlate broka camp at 10 o'clock a. M., ami ara moving weatward on tba Kauaai line. All they daalra ia tbat Coonreea aboclJ aot with promptne** aud deciaion io filing tba atatoa of tba c«drd land*. Hundred a of colooiata ara moving toward tbe territory from oihar point". Tba Poocaa and Nej Parora bavx been atirred up by amiiaariaa from tbu agenciee, and are threatening to take tbe warpaib and maaaaore the immi\x=req-\ eraata. Tbe popular fat-ling on tba Kaneae border ia tbat tbe Preeidtnt abuuld qualify bia proclamation ao aa to iiiT* tba automate a military escort through the Cherokee atrip and permit tbem to aettle npon tbe government land from which the Indian title waa extin\x=req-\ guiahed by porobaae. An Old Farmer Murdered. Cuicaoo, December 11.—A Tribun* Davenport ipeeial aaya: A horrible murder occurred Friday night about three mile* from Colona atation, on tbe Chicago, Rock Ialand and Paoiflo Bail\x=req-\ road, 13 milea aaat of Davenport. At an early hour tbia morning Themaa Dilley, a wealthy farmer and old reaident, waa lound dead in hia bed, bia akull craabed in and bia face and body horribly diaflgured. Beaide bin waa bia wife, uuconacioua and probably fatally injured by blowa about tba bead, Inflicted with a abarp inatrnment. A abort diatanca from tbe bouae a apade, battered and bloody, waa dieoovered. It bad evidently been tbe instrument of death. There was quite a aum of money in tba bouae, wbicb waa net touched. It ia believed an oldgrudga and a lawsuit, in wblob Dilley oame out ahead, were tbe cauaea of tbo deed. Two young men, Clement and Albert Qallion, ara eae\x=req-\ ptcted. Tba police are on their traok. • • 1 The Mormoni and Polygamy. Wabhinotun, December 13.—Delegate Cannon, of Utah, when Interviewed in regard to tbe Preaident'a broadeide, aald tbe Mormone bad faith in tba Lord. Ha declared tbat the meaaaga perverted plain facta in tbe declaration tbat zealoua efforts bad been mad* by th* United Stat* authorities to enforc* tbe law against polygamy. Ha claimed for Mormon juries tbe credit of aeveral oonvic tlona for polygamy, but asserted tbat tbe Mormona wonld not abandon plnral marrlagea. Hew York City Oflcera Elect. New You, December 13.—Tbe following newly-appointed offleiali have appeared at tbe Mayor'a effloe and taken the oath of offlo* reapectively: Controller, Allen Campbell; Couimiaalener of Pnblio Worke. Hobert 0. Thompeon; Police J ustloea, Solon B. Smith, Maurice J. Power* and Hngb Gardner. Com\x=req-\ mliaioner Thompeon tied a bond with Thomas Butler tad Juatloe Hurray aa bondsmen. MINING LETTERS. T»ll*w iMkH. Gold Hill, D^mbrr 11.1880—Otorg* IF. W'allact, Via Prttidtnt: Tbera bta been no work done in tb* mint tb* putt work. In tb* abaft w* bav* lowered and placrd a 14-inch pntup at No. 10 tank alatioo, to form a doobl* tin* upward. Th» wat»r in tk* abaft ia •landing at '2140 f*»t or levrl of th* Belcher 2300 level pomp; tb* pomp of tbat company b-ing snffloi.nt to bold it. Maohinlat* are employed on repair* to tbe pump engin* and tbe roprm.n at cleaniux ropea. We will next week atart tbe work of opening a atation at tbe l*v*l of tbe Satro tunnel, 1513 feet below tbe top of tbe ebaft. T. O. Tatlob, Snpt. ■liver Hill. Satin Hill Mi**. December 11,1880. — W. E. Dran, Stertiary: Our winze baa been auuk and timbered 16 feet through black quartz and porphyry. Next week we will cut oat another pomp atation and put in tank. Oar north drift baa been extended 45 feet. Tbe face ia in dry clay with etreaka of good quartz. Tbe emount ot water in tbe mina ia aboat the tame. M. C. Hilltm, Supt. Welle Drury, in front Candelaria, re\x=req-\ port* everything io tbataection fearfully doll. He doea not iatend to retnrn to that part of tbe State, but will "localize" •> the Virginia Chronid* for a time. Arthur McEwrn, editor of the Chron' xclt, returned from Sea Franoiaoo tbia morning. MISUKLLAXEOl'S. ■48 Years before the Public* THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS ore not recommended as a remedy " for all tlie ilia that flesh is heir to," but in affectioni of the Liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia, and Sick Headache. or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. ACUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking quinine. Aa u simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugur-coated. Each box ha* u red-wax seal on the lid. with the impression, Mcl.ANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears thu signa\x=req-\ ture* of C. McL*mc unci Klkmixu Kuus f^Tlnsist Upon having the ireiiuiiiu Dr. C. McLANE'S LIVEH PILLS, pre\x=req-\ parol by FLEXING mtOS., Pittsburgh, Pn., the murket U>iii« full of imitations < t the name ytcLune, upclled dlti'oreutly but same pronunciation. LAXATIVE UNLIKE PILLS, Ah4 Ihm I'm a I PNrval'm, IS PLEASANT TO TAKE, And will pro*# at noct tbr roott Doitol tod lura. Um Ijiltm Renovator aud IImumt that bu »rt h»rn truntfht to public none*. For C'onitlpatlOMe BIIIobmmi, IImmImW, 1*1 let, and all dw U'i a**mg from a* otttruotm Halt Of tkl lytKn, l| it liicotU)*l«bly lb« till f*r*\x=req-\ tirf f Hunt. TIlCKMt'.FRtIT LAXATIVE it told br driigfitt#tt 60 (roll t Un, 01 rutiltd oo rtttlM of i-iio* (in cuirtncf ot •tauibt> by ibt pfoprlt* lor. I>*t<>iiplif« Book fret. Addrttt J. E. HETHERINGTON, NEW YORK or BAN rBAMCiaCO. Electric Belts, ttiuiliuid ApilltncM nhi only »nuin*i«u b« ptocmnl rrtin th« )'l LVKIIMACMKH (lALVAJ\x=req-\ IC CO., CinciouMi, U., ,»w Um, N.T., m ton Fiincitto. Cnl. H»n 11« i hf ufflc* mini Ton (or Frti PiapbUl •nd Tb« Eltcinc Knn«, tuuliiiiuif fall wrtic\x=req-\ n It» JTiNUhfii fw+t, tnituill* (Aom <A< Mf 'K.\'D t» moU M-ttiltJ Bnlrn it In. ilk, m In* SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS I NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAND YOUR CLIMATE THE _BE8T I WARRANTED FOR TEN TEARS AMD SOLD IT WHOLESALE PRICES! No Afenli, No Urammen, No seirstjled Proftaiorit Or B»ir*Way Mailclana, — EMPLOYED TO\x=req-\ EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC Smith's Pianos and Organs ABE INDORSED BY THE BEST MU■ % H1CIAN8 UPON THKIB MKB1TB. Send and »e« wnat tboee ur who hate HM1 ru'- WANUs In > our mid»t on thU CoaaL Hare >oor WMf and bo/ at PlhHT hands. Duo'I be humbuitfi-,1, bat tend fur 0>talogae ud particular* and rail»fy yonreelte* of tb< truth of mi aaaertion. Any ilyle of 1*1 UNO or ORQAN Mot on nrl'EKM DAYS TEST TRIAL, by larnliblng Banker'*, Bxprw* or hallroad Company'* certificate of drpuelt fur amount. AlioSBEET ML'HIO at oua-balf market prtoe JAMES 8. SMITH, (Mannbetamt' Ropr«*entaUT*|, M Market Street, n m SAM FRAKMBCO, OAL. VIBQINIA ....AND.... COLD HILL OMNIBUS, pONNBOTINO WITH TfTI OAKS AT OOLD U Hill to and trom Oanon. Will mike regular trip* between the itandi At either end of the route, u follow : LEAVE GOLD MILL. 9:00 a. k. 10:30 " 13:00 M. 3:00 t. M. LEAVE VIBOIXIA. 10:00 a. M. 11:80 •• 12:45 t. V. 8:40 " 4:11 «• 6:1# " PAUL BENNETTS, JAMI8 DCNiTAN, Preprietori. PBISTI56. GOLD hiLli "DAILY NEWS" NEWSPAPER ....Aim.... JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Main Street, Gold 11111 NEVADA Books,' Pamphlets, Receipt Books, BUI Beads, Letter Beads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, MIIIH STOCK CERTIFICATES, ELECTION OB THEATRICAL POSTERS Dodgers, Flyers, Programmes. Oiroolars, Ball Tiokets, Wedding Cards, Business Cards, Labels, Tags, Eto. Printing, in Colors; Printing, Plain or Fancy} Printing in All Styles. PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH •••.UTOR TBI.... MOST BEASONABLE TERMS i~»ut at tuih. LOWK8T CA8H RATES. THE Gold Hill Dally News, (ISTABUSHKD IN ltU), b piMiibad •▼try .tenlng except Jnodiy. ud IU circulation being rtry iftnermlana tiuntlve among mtnli* tad botlDMi people, fimlllM, •tc., mtkm u TUS BEST AND HI(MT KFPtCIBNT KKIIitJl ...roa.... MINING. BUSINESS, AND AIL OTHER ADVERTISING. BUSINESS MEN. PROFESSIONAL MEN. PRACTICAL MEN. Ar* raapactfnlly Invited to • carefttl laapaiUoa aad crttlclua of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. •Uiki far AdvartUtaa r.ralih.l Pre* THE GOLD HILL NEWS, ,...U A.... FIRST-CLASS DAILY PAPER, I* thoroughly ld*ntlflcd with tba hm la\x=req-\ teral* of the country, ana illcluMto/ the people. rrum tbe MINKIt. or the kSOOAMlO. to lb* MERCHANT or the BaNRKH. ltjrUfi the LATKBT HKWU, telegraphic tad otberwlea from all part* of tfia World, and EVERYBODY READS IT. OUR Weekly Mining Summary KnbtUbed arary Wedneeday tr tba Pawa, If earefolly prepared from tba aoit ttrrma\x=req-\ no eocacaa, prl»ato and otbrrwlt*. on tba day or pablleatloo. employing an aola abd efficient corn# of reporter*. It I* onlvertAII/ r«cngnU*d ** official, and tba ■oat oobmct and uluili u\x=req-\ roBT or tba condition of tbe ulna* ot tba Ooatrocs or "Wamoi". ,actios. Wa alio |l»a tba tataat mining tnfennatloa ubtaisAbla from other part* or U>* toantry THE Gold Hill Daily News la daUTaiad by carrtara throughout Oold BUI, Virginia city, Oaraon, BUrer City, Day ton, and contlguotulocaBlU*, ud It tact by mail to all parta of tbt coontry ud tfca world. Mo on* la folly po*t*d,or ap to U* tin** wbodo** ontMi^tMnmnRnt IHnrKfaii HOISTING CABLE8 JOHN A. ROIBLINQ't SON'S CO.. TniIm, Maw Iiraey. Baat CranlkU 0»t-*tHl Hal atlas Cable* Of all OaeerlillMa, Wlr* ■tr<*ia Par kayalrl.i Nat C»»\x=req-\ , ataiilr •> baad. S. ▼. MOO MIT. Anal Watahoatt, Mar Mala * Motaratt work*, Virginia aty, Wtntl*. I*