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THE EVENING NEWS Al.r. DO rex. Manatfla* KiliMr. THURSDAY, : : ; DEt EMllEIt 16. a mitxiau tKiJiE. L*»t Monday i vcDiuit a Tcnn^ man at Oakland, California, visited bia lady love. to whom he w.n engaged to be married, and wa« parting from her .at the unto when alio happened to diacoTtr tbat he had a pixtol in bia pocket. It wa« a four-barrel Sharp'* revolver and h« took it, remarking tbat it was not loaded, and to ahow how harmleee it wa», he playfully ■capped it at her two or three time* when it unexpectedly went off, the ball entering her mouth aod penetrating the brain, killing her almost instantly. Her brother came, and th»y carried the uufurtunate victim into the hone*. The brother should then and there hare given the trifling foal a wound thrashing, auch as he would hare remembered the rest of his life, but he did not, and brother, mother and lover all went nearly frantic with grief. What the tritliug idiot waa carrying that piatol for. believing it to ba unloaded, i* difficult to understand. and be showed hi* Uck of sense in deliberately ■nspping it at her. P*rbapa thia impromptu tragedy *u is foreebadowing anticipation of what might have been alter marriage. It it cemmoa eaough for men to shoot tod kill tbeir wiwi after beiog married a few years, but it ia •eldorn that a lovsr ihoota his betrothed. ev«u iu fuo. Tnere ia altogether too much of tbia fatal trifling with firearms. It seems lik* a singular fatality that a guu or piatol aeldou gae* off accidentally or thraugh careless handling without iome one being in direct range of ita muzzle. If a little boy happen* to shoot off a gun or piatol accidentally or in fua hia little aiater ia anre to hate her bead in the way. Yet men will tride and children play with flrearma. There ahould be aonie eort of punishment for thie crime, for it really ia a crime. Five yeara in the penitentiary by way of pnniahment would have a aalutary effect. not only on the fooliah criminal, but alao on men and boya generally. T1IK UlLttOKV KD1SOV From time to tiiae cornea a freah an\x=req-\ nouueemout that Edison is about completing hia lamoua electric light. Also that he is making (nil preparations to introduce it on a large ecale into general pablic uae. He aaid this a year ago. Meanwhile, and while Edison is bragging abont hia light and how ha ia going to light up all outduora with it, the Brush electric light cornea quietly to tha front and throwa hia light completely in the shade. While Edison is talking of giving a grand exhibition of th* success of his light about Christmas, the Brush Compsny go on and put up a couple of miles of their lights, in New York, on poets twenty feet high. Referring to the delay in furniahmg hia light, Mr. Edison aaya: 1 am preparing a teat for a subdivision of tha electnc light. and will soon have tt all ready. I am already satisfied. but wish to show" gentlemen wlio are to put thsir money in tliie thing ita practical working* b- f<>re they take the atep. There la to bo do g icsawork about it. We will know ei\x=req-\ a«...v the coat of everything before we go ahead. Because I hate b«eu a few montha in perfecting thia thing the public said I had tailed. They forgot that thero are millions of dollars invested in gsa. and they must not expect one little Jeraeyuiau to revolutionize the light of the world and render all the capital useless. The light produced is better and cheaper, and these are two qualities that will kill gas. besides, there ia- no dirt from my light; no dauger from eacaptd gaa or combustion. The light is incandescent — a aitnple light produced by the impact of electric particlea upon car\x=req-\ bou. It ia a clear, aieady, untliekering blaze and possesses nouu of those diaa\x=req-\ greeable properties which thu public have couie to aaaociate with the idea of the electric light gained from thorn distressingly glaring balls which y»u see suspeudtd in flout of tbeatere aud other building* the difficultv hitherto lay IU aubdivialoti. A great many writers upou the eubject have declared that thia ia luipoaaible, hut it is not. 1 have proved It. The electric light may bo furnished st a cost of something like 14U0.U0U.U0W lesa than would have cost by thu origiual method. I calculate New York city cau be lighted by my method at a coat of eotuetbliig like J.J.\x=req-\ UUV.bOO. which la a very reasonable arnouut. My light Mill be perfected before a great while. I am working very bard. Uv ahould talk leas aud concentrate himself more upon the apeedv production of thst one invention. And now he must produce a batter and cheater light than any other, or hia wonderful illatuinator may be baatvn by • (B)rnah light. When General Grant talka. ha ia liable to say aomelbiug. The other night in Sew York ha diacoursed upon the theme of Tolnuteer aoldiara as followa: The government owea much to the aervice of it* volunteer soldiers. Too much credit cannot be paid them. Th* very fact that the couutry can raise *o great and good an army m stub an emergency as th* Civil War, is a proof tbst wa have an equal part; that we have a government sot (or the privileged class, but (or the people and by the people. When tha peaceful citizen cbaugca to tha aaldiep ha doea so readily, (eeliug that be is flgbtiug for bimsell w ben ha is lighting for hi* government. 1 hep* and (eel that th* country will not sgsin bava to call upon such numbers o( its aitizeaa (or support. 1 am confident thst we will not have a other Civil War; but. should menace* of a (oreign foe cause a Call ts anus, w* will fin 1 the ssms support and re*diueaa ia organizing an army aa in IWJt. A voung man in Indiana writea to tha Chicago Tribum that k* personally knows thirteen familiea in bia city of which th* tath*r* hava voted th* Democratic ticket, (rom acavenger to Preai dent, *inc* lSo.\ but th* oldeat san ia each family, casting tbeir first Preaidea\x=req-\ tial tola in 1830, gave it to Garfield. He believe* that three- quartera of anch ballot* wart throwa la for Garfield thia yaar, aad he naturally claima for thia vote tha credit of tba reanlt ia IadU&a, aad proudly aigaabiaaalf "On* of '*a>." UBAKTSTILLE. The Grantsville Boruin;a, the new paper pabliahed at (irantaville, Nye rounly, in tbia State, thai describes tbe lituation and preaprcta id that locality: Tlir»« year* a«» Orantaville rontaiued nuu solitary log cabin, and today there are over throe hundred bouwa and about one thousand inhabitant* witbin ita limit*, and tbe aouad of the hammer can be heard on all sides. In the vicinity of Orantsville there are faurtevn valaable silver tniaea, namely: The Elizabeth, the Ilonanza, the LetVr Hilver Mining Company, th* Harvey, the Suecres. the Galatea, tbo Chicago, the Centennial, th* Cooper, tbo Silver Crown, tbe Cadis, the Alameda, tbe Brooklyn and tbe Alexander Sliver M ining Company. Our town at present aupporta ten general mar\x=req-\ cbandiaiag atoroa, two drag atorea. oaa hardware atora and tinahop, ona furniture atora. flva raatauranta, two bakariea, five aaloona. two barber abopa, one tailor abop, two blackanitb abop*. ona Jewalry store, two meat markets, two livary and feed •table* and a foundry. A first-class hotel ia much needed la Orantaville and wonld prove a lucrative inveetment. The town aite ia a very deairable location, the climate healthy and the air light and pure. Water ia obtained aaaily by aioking wella, and wood ia plentiful on the aurrounding hilla. The maila arrive on Tneadaya, Thuradaya and Saturdaya, aud depart on Sunday*. Monday*. Wednesdays and Fri\x=req-\ daya, and we hopa by neit apring to be connected with the outside world by railroad, and our maila arrive and depart daily. We have a Wella, Fargo A Co.'* eipre** office, and Oilmer, Salisbury A Co.'a stage line connect* ua with Wadsworth and Austin via lone, and Eureka via Belmont. Town lota ara selling all the way from i j» up to $300. We are surrounded by prosperity, and therefore are bappy. a PKord raisers. Th* late A. M. Hillhouse left tbe following will, whioh bu been duly filed (or probate: Know til men by these presents. thai I. A. M. Uillheuse, of Lureka. Eureka county, SUM of Nevada, of lawful age and sound uiiud. do make and declare* tbU my last will aud testament: I kit*, dense and bequeath to iuy wife. Martha Hillhouse, all and lingular, all property, real and persoual. which I may own at iha time of iuy death, wherever the same may bo situate; also, all debts, dues and dsmauds due, or to bveomu due me, and all and everything of whatsoever nature or kind that I may own at the time of my death. I appoint my wife. Mrs. Martha IIill\x=req-\ beuse. executrix of my estate, and direct that no bonds be required of her. My rrasou for this is, that all I am, or ever expect t* be. and all I have ar ever expect k> (lave. I owe to the influence of my wife. Also, that she may use and dispose of everything in suck manuer as she deems proper for the support of herself and our little children. New York Tribwit: Colouel Ingersoll believe* tb* Democratic party i* about to b* buried. II* thinks tb* Southern people will abandon tb* party because tbey know it " cannot carry tb* record of tb* last twenty year* and tb* Cbine** letter becid**." Tbat letter b* considers tb* party'* deathblow, evidently, for b* add* : "My own opinion it tbat moat of tb* Southern leader* ar* heartily ashamed of the course punned by their Northern friend*, and will tak* the first opportunity to *ay *o. Tb* forgery will be tb* death of th* Democratic party in the North, and it* epitaph will be written in Chineae—Memento Morev." Tb* forged Utter i* disgraceful enough, but it doe* not become the Southern brethren to pat on air* of superior virtue till tbey have purged themselves from fala* counting and ballot-box duffing. .Narrow K»cape from Shipwreck. 1'ubt Tuwssxsd. W. T., December 14.—Tb* bark lUvere, Captain Mo Intire, coal-laden, from Departure Bay for San Fraucisco, returned to Esqui\x=req-\ manlt on Sunday, leaking badly. Tb* Captain report* that on Monday, tbo Ctb iost., when tbre* day* oat and in tb* latitude of Columbia river, tbe abip sprung a-lcak. All handa were called, and fortunately having a doakev engine aboard it wa* rigged, aud at 1:30 a. m. on Tu**day, tb* 7th, got to work, there being four feet of water in tbe bold. Tb* engin*, working constantly and throwing nearly filly tona of water an hour, did not gel the pnmpa aueking until 1:30 p. n. on Tuesday. Th* wind being *outb(aat, tb* vessel waa turned back, making seven or sight inches *n boar. At on* tim* tb* donkey broke, aud all hope aeemed gone, for by band lb* water coald not be held in cheok and tbe vessel would have foundered in • few boure, but Captain Mclulyr* g ot tb* donkey lo working aguin, aud then be watched and tended it himself (light anil d«r. for fear ot lurtber accident, until Friday, while off lb* entrance to the Struits, the Captain was paxaing tbe engine, and hi* oil-cloth coat blew into tb* belt, and bo waa dragged lUto Ibe wheel. When be reached tbe wheel he stopped tb* *ngioe, bring\x=req-\ idg up lik* • wedge between tb* belt and wheel. Fortunately they w*r* work\x=req-\ iug with low ateaui, just euougb to k*ep tb* vessel free, or b* would bav* loat bis life. Hi* criea brought assistance, and his men managed to free him by cutting off bia clothing. Working into tb* Straita, Captain Mclotyr* mauageu to reach Esquiuialtan Sunday. He was brought here, wber* hi* family reside. 11* is badly bruised, and unable to move his right leg and aid*. Only tb* b**t of judgment and unweamug car* coald ev«r have brought the Kevere into port. For many years Moses, a negro, was a servant at the University of Alabama, and waited on tbe atudeuta very faithfully; but b* was a most notorious hypocrite. He was on tbat account commonly called "Preach" among tbe boyi. One day h* was passing a crowd of students, when on* of lh*m called to him: "I any. Preach, what ar* yon going to do when Satan g*t* you ?" "Wait on ■tudente," was tb* reply. ■ m The paper* of Franc* ar* rejoicing about tb* excellent prospect of Iber* being lot* •( champagne thia season because tbe grsp* crop i* good, ju*t as if there was any connection between plenty of grape* and plenty of champagne. In America *h*mioal science has reached such a stat* of perfection that it r*ally make* little difference, as far aa win* t* concerned, whether th* grape* grow or n*t. Tb* Grand Duk* Conetantine has shown th* Fr*nch tbat they need not laugh only at Americans because of rapidity of traveling. H* arrived in Paris early in tb* niorniug tb* other day, breakfasted at tb* ltuaaiaa Embassy, paid a few vieita, and etarted back I* St. Petersburg by the evening train. A man at Gre*aville, S. C.. made reck\x=req-\ leas by drink, mad* a wegsr that b* coald rid* bia bors* acrosa a railroad track, several hundred yarda distaat, ahead •( an approaching train. South' *ra loooaatlvM ar* proverbially alow, bat thia ooa b*at th* haraa, and th* rider waa klllad. WESTERN DISPATCHES San Francisco Items. Han Ki.»nci»co, December IS.—The storm which net in yeaterday exbaueted itself this morning tiler a fierce night's ehower. The sewers bare been pretty well flushed, the streets are mocb cleaner ami the air is clear and bracing. The rainfall (or the storm waa 2.17 inches, making C CI inobea lor tbe aeaaoo, ugaiuet 0 73 inchee (er last year and 2.63 inches lor 1178. Eighteen Cbinamen were captured laat evening by OQlcera Fielda, Wallace, Ma\x=req-\ bouey and Duncan, in "tan" games on Dupout and Waabington atreeta. While en rontu to the City Priaon ene o( tbe celeatialx wearing a pair of "braoeleta," loaned him (or tbe occasion by Officer Wallace, lighted out and esosped. The others either forfeited $20 bail in the Police Court today, or were ordered to appear (or seatence. Tbe aotraDca to tbe games, which were in cellars, were barrioaded with heavy doora and well guarded by Chinee* enottere and patrela to bar tbe police out. Tbe Burke Bonama Suit.] San Fbancisco, December 16.—Tbe trial o( the case o( John H. Burke against James C. Flood et al. was resumed yesterday. J. W. McCluny, Assistant Secretary o( tbe San Francisco Stock board, waa called to prove the highest and loweat prices of Consolidated Yirgioia for each month since January, 1872. Thomas Bell, Louis Qerstle, R. F. Morrow, Daniel Cook, L. P. Drezler, W. S. Hopkins and Thomas H. Williams were called to prove the cuatom of issuing atock of corp«rations in pay\x=req-\ meut lor wining grounds, and thst very seldom, if ever, waa it tbat money waa paid (or titles. Sol. lieydsnfeldt was rt (-.tiled, and stated tbat tbe purchase ol the mining ground was outaide o( tbe original arrangement (or organizing the Consolidated Virginia Company. Tbouiaa H. Williams stated tbat be bad bought part ol tbe Kinney ground, Flood paying the purchese money and dividing tbe profits. Cbarlee H. Fiab waa oalled to trace the title o( Burke's atock, but waa required to produce tbe books, and also a list o( tbe proiiea voted at tbe varioua annual meeting*. S. P. Dewey waa then questioned as to the dste of purcbaite of hie laat atock, but he could not say of wnem he bought it, as it waa purchased in the Stock Board. At 12 u. the case waa adjouraed till today at 10 A. M. Oregon Hems. Portland, December 14.—The bark ltingleader baa cleared for (jueenatown with 33.712 eentala of wheat of a valuation of $50,4110. The bark Childere has cleared for Liverpool with 13,102 barrele of fiour and 3219 caaea of salmon of a valuation of $76,470. An immenae ice gorge at Klickitat, on tbe Columbia, gave way laat aigbt, and uow the river is entirely (ree. Navigation w«a reaumed today, and through connectiona made with mails, passengers and (reight. Scarlet lever prevails in many sections of tb« State to an alarming extent. Tbo local wheat market is very dull. Thero is little or no wheat in the market, and $1 40 per cental is the highest price offered. Immense quantities of freight have accumulated here and at various points along tbe Columbia, during tbe suspension of navigation. Th« steamer Oregon arrived here this evening at 9 o'clock. A. J. Thomas, murderer of Brumfield, will be banged at Walla Walla on January 27, 1881. COSUBEMIOIIAL. Neuale. Wahulnotos. December 10.— rbe fol\x=req-\ lowiob bill* wero introduced today: By Oill of Colorado—For th* retirement of *mall l*g*l tender*. By Pendleton—To regulate end pro\x=req-\ inote efficiency of the civil *ervioe; al*o. ugaiutt the political a»**e*mentof United State* official*. CoU announced that on Tue*d*y n*xt be will a»k consideration of Senate bill providing for the allotment of landa in severalty to the Indiana and extend Ibe |.«a of the Sletee and Territoriea over tbe ludians. He aaid the bill ie thought importaut by tbe Interior Department. Burnside and Morrill advocated tbe bill devoting part of tbe proceed* of the ■ale of public landa to uublic education. Senator Brown followed Morrill in aupport of tbe bill. He pointed out that nearly all our prominent uien, froei Washington to Garfield, bad been of poor parentage, aud bad. by tbeir tbiret lor kuowled*e and industry, worked tbeir way up to tbe top. Doubtleaa Iboueaud* »f boy* of equal capacity witb tbo»* be bad mentioned bad remained mute aud ioglorloue through tbe absolute impoeeibility of overcoming unfavorable circumalaocee and obtalniog tbe neceaaary education t» lilt tbeui abovo tbe ma**e*. Brown referred to tbe great advintage enjoyed by New | England, in comparieom witb other eeo\x=req-\ 1 tioua of tbe country, by reaeon of her eupremacy in education. She bad furnished or eduoated moat of tbe men who bed controlled our public affair*. Tbe arowtb of Pruatian and Orrman predoml\x=req-\ ' nance were explainable by tbe education of tbe wbole rnaa* of the people, making every individual man an intelligent aid to tbe State in war or peace. There were ■pecial reaaona why the South abould lavor the bill. Tbe Senator from \er\x=req-\ monl (Morrill) bad referred to the alarming amount of Illiteracy !■ the United SUie*. but bad not analyzed it. Unfortuuately it waa disproportionately great in tbe South. On. reaaon for this waa that under the old *y*tem of South\x=req-\ 1 ern aociety more attention waa given to tbe education of the ruling claaae* than to that of the whole meee. Another reason w.a the non-education of the slave. All now agreed that the blecke ahould be educated; but the South waa too poor to do it alone. Tbey loet $2.\x=req-\ 000.000.000 in the value of their alayee, wbieb tbey held before the war. Tbey *pent $2,000,000,000 more in maintaining their armiee, and I ioimcDie aoioaniB bj the destruction of 1 property. He thanked ibefremeraof the i bill tor providing that the greater emoun 1 of the money appropriated by tbe wu •kould go to the State* where there waa tbe mo*t Illiteracy. He complimented the negroee upon their eelf-oentrol tad peacefulneaa under their new political condition. He had more belief than he bad oace in their future advancement among the race*. The wbole country waa int.reeted in the Intelligence of tbe eolored population. There wee a complaint that the negroee wewcheated at the polle. Ignorance can be cheated anywhere. Educate theae people up to a knowledge of tbeir rigbta "dtheform and spirit of our Government, •nd lh" will be leu and lee* danger. H* bopad th* blacka and whltea alike would bef*d\x=req-\ ucated la tbe lot# of republioaa lnrtil®\x=req-\ tien*. He reiterated bla belief that r* publieaa Instltutloo* oonld beat be issued by tba spread ef eduoatioa, and appealed to the Republicans of all parta of the eountry to leoura general beneflta by tbia means. Brown atood at • deak upon the Republican aide of tba obamber, and faced lb* Republican membi-ra while speaking, but «u listened to with marked interest by all present. Tbe bill wss then informally laid aaide until tomorrow, when it ia designed to rtoch • vote. lianas Belford of Colorado introduced a bill for the retirement ol small legal tenders. Tbe bill awarding a pension of f 100 a mentb to the widow of President Tyler paaaed. Baker reported tbe Fortification bill, and tbe House went into committee to consider it, Wood agreeing to let it have precedence over tbe Funding bill. The csmmitiee roae, reported tba bill to tbe Houae and it passed. Oibaon of Loulaiena, from tbe Committee on Missiaaippi Levees, reported a bill appropriating f1,800,000 for the improvement of tbe Miaaieelppi river, to be expended, by direction of tbe Seere\x=req-\ tery of War, in accordance with tbe recommendations, plans, speoifloeiions and estimataa and under tbe adviaory auperviaion of the Mississippi River Commission. Ordered printed and recommitted. Tba finest floors are said to be aeen in Russia. For tboae •( tbe bigbeat grad« tropical woode are exclusively employed. Fir and pine are never used, aa in con\x=req-\ aequenoe of tbeir aticky character tbey attract and retain dust and dirt, and thereby aoon become blackened. Pitch pine, too, ia liable to akrink, even after being well seasoned. The mosaic wood doers in Russia are of extraordinary beaaty. One, in tbe Summer Pslsce, is of small aquarea of ebony inlaid with mother of pearl. A considerable trade is done in Dantzio and Riga by exporting amall blocka of oak for parquet floora. Tbere ia an active demand for tbeee in France and Osrmany, but none in England. BORN In Virginia, DaceiuNr 14, to tbe wife of A. 0. D. DougtirsD, s pod. in Susitu. December IS, to Uis wife ol Pst. L»u„bilu. a diuxbter. DIED. Id Uulllon Kevins, Dertmber IS, Diolil, »uu of James tad tlluu U'Nsll. 1 jew sod S mooilu. NEW TODAY. MECHANIC8' UNION, ATTENTION! All MKUBKns or tub mechanic*' UNluN of Htorer couuiy ire urgently re\x=req-\ qu-.trd to meet at their h»li on ilATUKl'AY hVKNlN t, December II. as matter* of great Importance will b< presented fur tbeir conild\x=req-\ eratlnn; *1 *hlch time, also. nominations of <>fflcers to serve lor tbe evening term will bf made. Br oider. A. ?. MACHAT, PreHdeut. J. W. Plast, Secretary. del# 31 QOLD HILL MINERS' UNION. RI.KCTiO* NOTICE. The hemi annual election or tiik Oold Hill Uinr.e' Union took place ou TUESDAY nVKNI.NO. DKCKMBKK lllb. IHWi. Tue foilowlng'1»n*d gentlemen were elected to tbe r«s.«ctlve office*: AMOS M EIIRITT. President; PAUL OAKEPY, Vice President; H. J. MARSH, Itoe. tiecretary; THUS. BURKE. Fin. Becretary; J. R. CONNER:}. Treasurer; MICHAEL MURPHY, Conductor; J. U. ORAM. Warden. rtXAXCt COMMITTEE : F. BTEVENB, M. W. UOQAN, L. C. WIOQIN. JOHN JUDAHKA. Hec. Secretary. Oold Hill. t>eortuber IS. 1M0. 13 STEVENSON'S Pataut Mould Board AMALGAMATING FAN. PATHNTKD, APUlt I*,?. 1870. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, mudeipbi*. una. AWAKDKD FIRST PRK.MIt.1l —fob ail mrsoiKu\x=req-\ (irlodlug and Amalgamating Pan. nnuis PAN IH PAR Hl'PEHIOR TO ALL I otben lo *eveial Importaoi particular*. Til* Urlndlug Moliere are near tbe center, re quiring le.e power. -ibe plow *h*ped groove* ralae the quickailrcr wltb tbe palp rtgularly, wltb let* power, with, ut violence, ana »lib brtur amalgamating effect. be»ldee admitting a Urger charge. The Incllutd ibaped homing, of tbo rainier-plate opening* efficiently force tbe pulp dlrec.lj under ib« uiuller*. Manufactund al tbe Uolden Hi ate and Miner*' Irou Work., HI to t31 riiat .treet Ban riau. eleco. and al tbe Uatea k Scovill* Iron Work*, M t>outu Canal atre, t, Chicago, » here It can he examined and lortber particular* be learned; or perron* may apply lo tbo Inventor and Pat euire 0 0. bTKVK>»ON. al tbe Oooglaa Mill, Uold Illll, frevada, where tbe Pans have loug been In operallou. HA8BROUCK ft HALL, (Successors to A, B. Slewart & Co.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Opposite Ysllow Jacket Engine Boose, MAIN HTUKKT. . . GOLD IllLL KEEP A FULL 8TO0K OF PURE DHUG8 and Medleluee. Perfumery, Kaocy Aril cks. etc. Mr. Ha.hrouck, a graduate of Pharmacy, baa charge of tbe Pieacrlptlon Depart meut. Preecrlpuona car.fully compounded day and night. We wltb ta call attention to tbe followlnf celebrated remedies of E. L. Jouee k Co. : Tiiertno-Wectrlc Remedy, Liver Orannlee, snd Calendula Liniment, for which we are sole agent* tor PaclAo Cout. J» HAHBROUCI k HALL. WOOD AND COAL DEPOT I WDT PINE. WA8UOE LIMB. SPLIT PINK Al and other varieties of Wood, and a full •apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL. On hand and for,sals at the LOWEST. CASH phi on. FULL, WB1QI1T AND .'9IBASURB UUARANTKKD. Woed sawed at short notice and af lowjratss OrriOE-Msar Railroad Depot, Oold BUI. Ha TH'iMA" «*»I.I.AOHXK REMOVAL. R. W. GRANT, TIKALCB IN FURNITUBK, BEDDING. *•* Carpets, OU Oloth, Window tlbadss. Crockery, ete.. has removed from 1M Main street. Oold BUI, to 01 loath 0 Street, Tlrgfata, Between Odd fellows' Bali and Wells, Farjo £00*l. 1 shall kwp a complete stock or ftiataliM (oods aad propose to aaU at tbe lowest nrtoea possible. K, W OKA NT, M <1 Booth 0 street, Tlrflnla. VISCKLLAIf KOUB. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! WM. MANNING, No. 96 Booth C Street, VIRGINIA, - - - - NEVADA riBBIREH TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT be bu Jutl received au uutuaally varied tod ELEGANT STOCK OF GOODS Appertaining to the JEWELRY BU8INK88, Wblcb be ofl'ert For Sale at Aitonlihlagl; Low Frlcea iiu Inducemeotto HOLIDAY PURC'HABKHS. My unu-nal facllltlee lor porcbaalng gooda mil lb* Urge amount of purchase" mad* enable me to buy cueafer tbao any olber bou.e to Kevaaa, and aa a coneeqnence 1 can and will Sell at Lower Prices Tban atmllar artlclea can be wild In thla State. Everything told by in* daring tb» coming holiday eeaeun will p altively be add at MAM\x=req-\ UFACrURBKS' KATKS. and In many caaea teea. Call and examine my gooda and pricee. My propoaltloo la to aell cbeap. WVI. MANNING. B Mo. M Booth C at net. Virginia. BANNER BROS. Juat received, tba Latoat and U«lt Stylee of WINTER CLOTHING, Genta* Furnishing floods, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBER GOODS. Hali, Caps, BooU and Hbeei, Mlaa* Mala, Traaka, Tallaaa. QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! ill Goodi Marked Down N Her Cent. Lower than toy Other tionee lit the H11U « BANNER BROTHERS, Omar C Tirler Htreete, VIRGINIA, • - NKVADA J**» GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AHD\x=req-\ VARIETY STORE, MAIN 8TKKBT..M. OOI.O MIX. Oppoelte Toi'i Hut Market. D. THORBURN, Proprietor. aoent fob the GOLD MILL DAILY MEWS led 8m Frandaeo "Call," "Kxanlner" tad MFo»t." Eastern Periodicals AMD LiTtlT BEADIBU MATTES, CIGARS AND~TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC. SHOW-OASE GOODS. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. TOYS. ITC. HramfWHi and ««llelfectory DmI> IK UuarsulHia. » FREIGHT OELIVERYI COLD HILL NEVADA. IT A VINO BADE FULL ARRANQBNKNTS H ror the reception end d*J'T*r7 of FREIGHT coming ortr the virginia im rRUCKEK RAILROAD to the GOLD HILL DEPOT from the Uehteet PARCELS OF GOODS AM GENERAL BERCHANDI8* To the HEAVIEST MACHINERY, BOIL. 1 ""krb, ITC., ETC.. I era prepared to accommodate all who deelre my tcrrlcee tn thet line, opon RRAHONABLB T K It BIB. Pertlci wlthlng »e to recelte end delltei their freight wlR P«*« ^.Viu W"'' 10 mark olAlnlf—**CEre T U., Ookl HUI. S S, thomah (iallauttkr c. w. crane, . PURCHASINC ACENT, KiUblUbed In 1811. PEH80N8 RWD1NO /WAY FROB SAS Kreoclfco, In went of any article of MERCHANDISE. Great or email, can hare their ordere filled pr mptly. end ai th« *»ry loweet cub prlcee. by addreeetng the underlined. ^ 0RA()I 111 Pine atr«et. Room M and 10 UWee<lor« eir »t. Ban Cal_ jy» " CHANCE OF FIRM. ■ I HAVE THIS DAY 80I D TO J. P. HALL all my lniere.t In the Pioneer Virginia, December 1.1M0. SPECIAL NOTICE. All Bll't dne the PinNKRR LAUNDRY up lo the rllt-T OF I EOBBKH. 18t0 mnet be eettled b»iore the TENTH uFDEO. BBEH, or ther will be placed In the hande of a rolUetor. In fniure no blllewlll be allowed to run more than thirty d»ye. J. F. HALL Virginia. Drctn.ber 1.1880. J_ GOLD HILL MARKET Neat dear It the Newe Ofct, H. B. DWILLI. : : PROPRIETOR, At this barxet can, alwayt be fonnd TBI CHOIOEBT 1IIF" MUTTON. v«al and BACMAGKS. Oar anlmalt, being eelected from the be« Cattle Ranchee 1b Nerade and California, are *'pB5vAT*hf AIIILIlB AND HOTELS will find U to their ad rentage to patroalM tjrij Market, where they will alwayt be tnpyUed wltt the be>t neata the conatij can aBbrd. RENDERED tallow, for mill tad mining T'^'fiwSiL $5 to sso io* A Oo., retlaad, BAloe. 81L005B. FASHION SALOON. CHRIS. WEIDEMANN PROPRIETOR. Mala Street Gold Hill, Oupo»ite Um Mm officti. rpniB OLD-K8TABLJHBSD AMD POPULAIl A rMort la Mill the favorite. Comfort sad .port combined. 1 be pel rune of lb* houee will «lw«). bad tbe but timid. u( H.IANDY, WUINKY, ALB, POItTKU, LA UK It. WINKM OV AI.L KINDS, TOBACCO. CIUAKM, KTC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. CTMiTOCfEXCHANGB", MAIN MTBBBT.i i COLD IIILL, (Oppoelte Liberty Bailee Hon**.) AT TBI9 POPULAB PUCK OP KftJOBT cm Im found i eeleot ilocii of cholo* Wines. Liauors. Ale. Porter AND CIGARS.! AIM. ibo only BILLIARD TABLES In town At to pU)r 00. 0*11 uid proepect. nl T. E. rmOB. A«ect. GIBSON'S SALOON, Mala Street. Held Hill PIKVT CU14 IN KVKUY KBHPBCT. Heading and Club Booms. The p.tron" of tbe Boa'e will he well received tud errved wlin tbe Placet of WINES. LIQUORS AND CIQARS tij " PAP " ABBOTT. J W. P.C.niBmiW. Preertner. BANK EXCHANGE, la XATDArd'e Block, MAIN STRICT - - COLD HILL. APIHBT-OLASS SALOON IN KV1KT rwpect, u well u gmicral retort lor but acta n»a. TBS BAR It ttorked wltb I ho bett branda ol WIN 18, LiyUOHrt Wu OIU..1UJ. X> K. f. tlcKKNNKY. Prt>H»i»r. 8. W. CHIIBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN HTRBBT. GOLD HILL. - DKALU U— BLANK HOOK8. 8TATIONKUY, J V, ■mooL iiookh. Cl'TLKUT. TOY*, KM-. Agvut (or tbt Han Francltoo Dtllj CHRONICLE, BULLETIN, EXAMINER, -*»- ALTA. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. jui GOLD HILL BAKKftl RESTAURANT MAIN HTHKKT—......GOLD UII.L, Op pot IM tba Ecllpee Llrorj Hiablee, J. r. BICKKB Proprietor. THRESH DBUD, PIKH, 0AKE8, AND 1101 * Boll* tyury dtjr, delivered at lb* reel\x=req-\ daocet of cotlomere. BREAD AT REDUCED PRICES vr PIm tod OtkM at redaoed prlott. Ftncjr or tttontd Otktt made lo ordtr « tbort noilot. Tbt Kttuarut Department It the «n»et It the Butt. All kind* ot (lame. Poaltnr *00 frtth Kltb tod tlM ojttort rtctlted tort tenrwj Bp daily. »'■ THE CITY BAKERY, RE8TAURANT. Confectionery and Cindy Depot, Na. '47 Ntrth C Ml reel, Vlralala, f\7F*R8 AN ELEGANT A88ORTMINT 01 V/HOLIDAY UOuDs Tojrt, Oandle*, Oru mtott for Table. Orotmrottl, K rot ltd tod Plain Otktt of til klnda, dfturlptloDt tod da tlffnt. tod tt prlcat to toll trerjbod j. At w» Import tU oar (oodt direct from tb> But, w» ran offer tbem tt.price* tbt ttme t> cbtrgod In New fork, tod tt loet than Hti Francltoo rate*. ornimtnlt for Oaktt a tpedaltr. tarice Orctrn tad Btrawberrlet tod Cnam. Alto Htrawberrlee by tbe box, tt wholesale or retail. PITEMEIER k ARMBRU8T, Proprietor v'117 Bakery, Bo, IT If or lb 0 ttreet, Virginia. Nevada. Ulm GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND HACIIINB WORKS, ■•la IIimI, lewtr Oold Hill, In, IKON AND BRAHN CASTING*: Of every variety made lo ordtr. I BAVI JUST ADDED TO MY OLD I etUblltbed Machine Worka tbt LahokhI HIZKD LATHS, PLANER and BTBAM HAMMER, all of the lateet and moet Improved cooitioctioo, and am now prepared to Mate and Repair all klnda and all alaea of MILL * MINING MACHINERY At tba aborteat notice and on tba moet raaao* | IMMB1T, Proprietor. A. L. EDWARD8, GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AQENT | —Am>— NOTARY PUBLIC, OOce, Boom 1, Odd Ftllowt' Balldiaf, YIR42INIA CITY, NBY AD A Nona bat ftntataM Amrrlcan tad Foreign Baprntatad. M1 _6M0CEKIES, FK0VISI05B, KIC. F. W.FOLSOM, Mala MfM Odd Hill, (Boocaaaor to Roblnaon k Folaom.l Whole**)* and Retail Dealer tti FAMILY GROCERIES, PBOVISIOSfS, Etc. ho lb aobkt in aou> hill for nun. MILLS' CHAMTAUNE BAKING POWDER, ipUK BIST IN TUB MARKET — ONLY require* half tbe qaanUtr ut any o«btr load ^LL PAHTIB8 INDEBTED TO THk ut l . arm of ROBINSON * FOLSOM an requeued w CALL AND SETTLE tpBBlR ACCOUNTS without DBLAt and rare coat*. 4 6R0CERY_ STORE! RICHARD MERCER, MAIN STRUT. GOLD HILL. FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON hand AND FOR sals OIIBAf KOU CASH. A Largo Aaeortmeol o( GROCERIES AND PHOVlBlOpg direct (run the OallloroU Mar\x=req-\ ket*, compualog to part: TEAM, 8UOAR8, COFFEE. HPICEd CAN FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT. BYllUFU. OYbTElW, RICE FLOUR. BICE, CANDLES, 11 liTTER. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEST OF wInES ANO LIOUQRS at WHOLESALE and kit ail. VEGETABLESAND FRUITS. tWGoodi Delivered frn of Charge. 1 pi B10HARD MKItCKR. B.UKKHb A5D BKOKKKb. THE NEVADA BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FBABOISOO .....OAUI UUU Paid >» Capital Um«h«(P.M. Balds).... tgent* it VlnrlnU, N*vtd*,.. ^ Siwfr'* fWUuy« *ud mIIi Kxcbanr* tod T*lrgrapfcl« Traniter*. I mum Commercial aitd iriTilm' Credit*. Tbl* bank Iim (pacial lacllltlr* lor dealing In bullion. «tf L. B. FRANKEL, STOCK AND MONEY BROKER. OIVIUI- Dlili *ir*at< (laid Ulll, Jaet ah»a tba Da a l( af California. MTOUKft BOVUIIT, MOLD AMU OAK* KIKD ON KAUfllN*. [ m T. B* MctilKX, STOCK AND MONEY BROKER. 104 Booth C St., Virginia, liriU. BUT AMD NELL STOCKS ON OOM\x=req-\ Tf nilMluo on lb* 'fflixl farurabla taitut; will alio oarir Block* on Margin and ■m«j Immm om all Maad MarhtUtl* SMarlllac GOLD AND NII.YKK HOIOIIT AND I ■ NOI.O. SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS t NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAND YOUR CLIMATE THE JBE8T I WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS AND HOLD AT WHOLE8ALE PRICE8! Wo Afenti, No Drummer*, JTo Belf-Stfled Profeiiort, Or Hair-Waj Musician*, —EMPLOYED TO\x=req-\ EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC Smith's Pianos and Organs ABE INDORSED DY TBE DEBT MO 81CIAN8 UPON THEIB M KBITS. Bend tad lee whet tboee Mr who bar* HM1TH'» PIANOS In) oar mtd»t on tbla Coeat. Bare >oor tnooej end bar at FlHST BANDS, Don't ba hambaggrd, bat rend for Oblalognv and particular* and ratlafj your.elm of tba truth of ur mmrtion Anr (trie of PIANO or OBOAN ,ent on FIFTEEN DATS TEST TBlAL. br larnlablng Banker'*. Kxpree* or htllroad Company'* car. Uflcala of depoelt for amount. AlaoSHUT MUSIC»tona-balf market prlca JAMES 8. SMITH, (Manufacturer*' KepreeeutaUre), SIS larket Street, ft m BAN FBANdlBCO, ca^ %