Newspaper Page Text
the evening news AI«F. MIDi ■*!••». THUBSPAT. : ; : JA.VUABY 80.1881 orncuL wfiwuiiw. Among the num*roua remarka and —onalaiaed ia Ike aanual report of State Coatroller Hallock jut iaaued ia tk* followiog, under tha head of " Official Advertiaing Claim* for thla work ara, in many oaaaa, aurprulag. aa four or fir* tim** aa much ia often cUrftil for work don* for tha Rial* aa would b* charged individual* for tha aam« work. A law aboald b* pamd limiting tb* allowanc* for anab work to oa* dollar par aaoara of tea lin**. nonpareil typ*, for tha Aral waak. aad fifty aaata par eqaare for *acb enbaeqnent waak of pabUeaUoa, la dally papm. aad a proportionate amoaat for weeklv paper*, aa that la aboat tb* oanal rata for baalo*** adT*rtia*m«ato. I eaa a** no roaaoa why tb* Slat* aboald ba comp*U*d to pay big bar rate* tbaa ara eharged boaiaaaa Bat oar worthy Controllar aboald b*ar ia mind that regular buaintaa advertiae\x=req-\ menta published right atraight along for montba and yeara, ia aaany inatancaa without even a word or a Una changed, ana ba afforded cheaper raUa than Stat* advarttaemeata. which ooaaa like aagala' vUita, vary "few aad far brtweea." What faw little tranaient itama tha Suta arar kaa to gire la tha way of adver\x=req-\ tiaing, even if charged quadruple daily rataa, would not pay tha'" devil'e " aal\x=req-\ ary on an ordinary weekly paper\x=req-\ AU anch advertiaemeata in tha regular aawapapara are claaaed with legal, mining aad tranaient advertiaementa, and abargad accordingly, aa tkey aboald ba. Any higher rataa, amounting t* extortion, aboald of courao not ba ooan taaaaoad or allowed. Now (paper* do vaafly mere free tbaa paid adrartiaiog for tha State at all timaa. Tha Ooveraor'e meaaage, the aaaaal report* of the Suta officer*, eta., . art givaa ia full or la aubatance to the public, with proper editorial comment, ky the aawapapara free of charge, aad tb* official acta of tboaa ahoaea aervaata of tke people ara earefully watched and reported (a their oonatituanta by tha aawapapara. Ia fact, were it aot for the aawapapara tkoae very effloiala aad tkeir do i age, maritorioua or atherwiaa, would fall lata Ike quieeoeace of obaourity, and tko Stato itaelf be but little knowa or appreciated by tha reet of the Union or Ike outer world. Whan tha State haa a erumb or two to beatow ia return in the way of adrartiaiog patronage aha aboald do it in aa appreciative apirit of liberality, aad aol at all grudgingly. The State can alwaya afford to deal geaer\x=req-\ oaaly by the aawapapara. , nOTlOIM COCBTIIS Om of the lateet u4 moat aatiafaoto\x=req-\ rily effectire ouh o( "traoaitory meals " occurred in Btanialaoa county, California, the other day. George Hinee tried to make 1ot« to MIm Lizzie Kuene, bat aha did aot reciprocate to bia liking, ao ha concluded to bring thing* to a foeaa. Ha atrapped oa bia traaty revolver and atarted oal with bleod in bia eye, aaying that ha waa "going to have that girl aaarry bin or ba weald kill bar." Ha want to where aha reaided wilh bar widowed mother, aaalad him\x=req-\ aelf aad renewed bia former proposal tor bar band, wbaa abe, in a pleaaaat way, told him abe could not marry bim. Tbea ba raised ap aad aaid he woald bill bar, and drew bia piatol, bnt before be oould shoot, Lizzie waa taken with a aaddea 111 of tranaitory mania, and grabbing a shotgun, aba blazed away at bia bead. The Ceroasr'a jary had ao faalt to And, and hereafter, when yoang fellows go aparkiag around bar, they will leave their pistols at borne. "What Moat Wo Do to be Saved?" la the title of a pamphlet of eighty-eight pages handed aa for aotioe. The oea\x=req-\ ten is embrace a lecture reoently delivered by Colonel R. U. IngoraelL Like all of Iageraoll'a lectures thia ia fall of .short, epigrammatio aentencee, and abonnda in eloquent paasagea. Condemn lageraoll aa aoma persons may, it ia certain that aa one bat be wboae heart ia ia the righl place eaa give ezpreaaioa to anch aoble aeatimenta as lageraoll*doea. In\x=req-\ atanoe the followingdeacription of home: "The bolieat temple beneath the atara ia a heme that lave has built. And tbs holiest altar la all the wide world ia the fireside around which gather father aad ■other aad the aweel babea." All peraona who do not fear liberal aad advanced ideas, aad who deaire to devote aa hoar or two to agreeable read* lag, abould parahaae a eopy of thia lec\x=req-\ tore. O. E. Caukia, Odd Fallows' building, Virginia, ia agent for the aala of the pamphlet. Baa Fraaciaco Daily Exehangt: Setter Hammond hu lnlndicid a kill in the Nevada Legialature which providee that ao ona unable to nad at leaat two Ubm ol tha Conatltutioa of tha SUta can become a volar. On ita face there eaa ha no objection to aa adneational ttat lor Tolara, bat it ehould ba a general aeaaure covering every State in tha Union, and not a mere State lav. Senator Hammond la i Republican, and Bepnhlicana favor eall oat lor an edaoa\x=req-\ tienal teat lot Eaatern and Weatera State a, bat ara all ant aa to tha Solid Sooth. Under an edacatiaaal teat, what waald become ol the colored vote ? A Brooklyn doctor eaje: "I do not think tha aaaaa ol diptheria ia well on\x=req-\ deratoodyet. Ia my opinion it ia a ape. eiflo germ and la not dependent oa aawer gaa, lor it baa been epidemic ia thla oooatry and ia Baaaia and ia all parte ol tha world, ia amall villagea aa well aa la large ciUea. And, furthermore, it raaa riot far a oertaia laagth of time and there are perioda when we hear aathiagol it." lliaa Field aaya that Oaarga Eliot waa tha only woman ia tha civilised world wka never had her photograph taken, and allagea aa tha reaaoa, that aha waa agly beyond deacrlplioa, with "a laaa that raaaaahlad a hane." m LMiauTrai. —— HOT UMOOS—UTDTtnTH DAT. Cauom, January 19,1881. The B«n*te tu called to order at 11 o'clock. Leave ot abacnce ra gnnUd to Doolia. The Committee on Claim* reported favorably on the claim ot 0. 8. Young, (or lb* exponaea of a Teach#™' Inititut* of Storey county, and reoommended a relief bill. The Elko delegation recommended the fcccego of a bill to re-foad the bonded debt of Elko. King of Lyon gave notice of a bill to provide tor tha building of aa Inaaaa Aiylam at Dayton. W*eterfi«ld gate notice ot a bill to eetabliah a State Priaon at Reno. Hainea of Dooglaa introduoed a bill to prevent the running at large of atray animal*. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture. oraawj louvganu > nu iiibuii w insaranoe oompenieo. Rrfarred to the Committee on Way* and Mean*. Dayton of Lincoln introduced a bill regulating the aalariaa of county offloara. Rafarrad to the Euraka dalagation. Schooling of Waakoa introduced a bill to am and tka lot concarning lrgal convayanoea. Bafarred to tka Committae on Caunty Boundariaa; alio, an Act to amend an Act for the aupport of tke government ot the State. Ra\x=req-\ farrad to tke Committee on County Boundariaa. Gallagher of Eameralda introduced a hill regarding erimea and puniihmenta. [Slaking the taking of all live ateok grand larceny.] Referred to the Judl\x=req-\ ciary Committee. Hainee of Douglaa introduced a bill amanding the Publio Highway lot. Ra\x=req-\ farred to the Committee on Roadi and Bridgea. The bill refunding tke bonded debt of Elko eounty waa read a third time and paeaed. Hammond of Ormaby introduced a I bill far the relief ot W. M. Little. [To i appropriate $3,400 to pay Little for oar\x=req-\ tain water righta in Riddle creek.] Hebart aaid he nnderetoed that there ' waa eome quaation about the title te the property, and until the eleud waa lifted I he ahould oppoee the bill. King thought there waa a doubt about the corractnaae ef the title, and that it might be a job to give Little hie money i and then have their other elaimanta came in afterward. He ahonld oppose the bill until theee mattere were olaared up. Referred te the Judiciary Commit* ' lee. I Adjourned to Thursday at 11 o'clock i A. M. The Aaaembly was called to order at ' 11 A. M. Leave of tkMBM «u granted iifiin. Penten, Taika, Bellinger and Fallen. So ale, ol Commit!** on Engrossment, reported the bill reUtiTe to mechanic*' liana and tha bill fixing the compensa\x=req-\ Uon of deputise in State offlcea correctly engroesed. Barrett * Assembly ooncarrent resolution granting leave of abssnss for aix montha to George T. German. County Clark of Liaooln county, waa referred to tb* Lincoln delegation. Meeeagea war* received troaa tb* Senate transmitting tb* following reeelu tiona: Senate concurrent resolution No. 11, relating to printing copie* of th* report of tb* Surveyor General; Senate concurrent resolution relating to tb* priating of tb* report of tbe Secretary of State; Senate concurrent reaolation No. 13, relating to printing of tbe report of tbe Superintendent of Public Instruction ; Senate concurrent resolution No. 8, r.lative to tbe State University at Elko. Copelaad gavs notice that bo would introduoe a bill to amend tha law oon\x=req-\ oerning crimes and punishments. Assembly Bill No. 3. defining misds\x=req-\ meanors in certain cases and providing penalties therefor, which was reported upon adversely by tbe Coaiinitteo on Mince and Mining, waa referred back to the same committee. Assembly Bill No. 11, to prohibit tbs uas of flrsarma in publio places, was pssssd by a unanimous vote. Asssmbly Bill No. 10, to provide for tha payment of tbe claim of Jamee Buck\x=req-\ icr for services rendered in enrolling militia la Humboldt oounty, waa passsd by a vote of 31 to 19. Assembly Bill No. 4, to amend the Act te secure liens to mechsnies and others, waa passed by a unanimous vote. [Tb* amendments provids tbst lisns can be secured on $5 worth of work or material, and includss mines among prop arty on which liana may be levied.] Sabatitute for Assembly Bill No. 6, to fix the compensation of deputy State officers, waa paaaed. [It providee for a monthly aalary of 9100 to th* cl*rk of th* State Library and 9150 each to tbe varioa* deputies, te taks affect from April 1, 1881.] Greene gsve natic* that be would tomorrow movs tor a r*considsratiou of the vote by which Assembly Bill No. 4 wss psssed. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3. relative to printing the re part of tbe Directors of ths Orphans' Home, wss refsrred to ths Committed on Public Priating. Senate Concurrent Reaolation No. 8, ordering tbo printing of 1000 copies of tbe report of tbe Warden of the State Prison, was sdopted. Senate Bill No. 24, relative to publio offloers. their quslifications, tsrm of offloe, etc., waa referred to ths Judiciary Conimitts*. Senate Bill No. 3, relative to elections, was referred to the Commiltes on Else\x=req-\ tioas. Senate Bill No. 1, fixing tb* somber of employee of tbe Legislsturs, their compenaalioa, etc., was road the first tim*. 8*nat* joint rssolutioa rslativs to granting p*aaiona to v*terana of th* Mexican war, was read the first time. S*aats Concurrent Resolution No. 12, ordering ths printing of 600 oopies of th* report of tb* Secretary of State, was read the first Ums. Ssnats Csncnrrsnt Resolution No. 11, ralstivo to printing ths reports of ths Surveyor General and Slate Land Regie\x=req-\ vii idopUd. Senate Concurrcat Resolution No. 8, relative te tbo State University, waf passed. Adjourned to 11 o'clock a. *. Thurs SPECIAL DISPATCH FROM CARSON Cuios, January SO, 1881— 2:30 P. *. —A strong effort is Mag mad* by Cor\x=req-\ b*t» o! Lyoa to shoWo the Willi ami memorial to Coagrm orgiag passage ot the Beagaa Railroad bill. T£* memorial oemea up tomorrow, and a strong fight will than bo made against it. Th* Edgar Thoapoon stool nil mills at Pittaborg. Pa., have sold their (mil oapsrltj lor 1881, 100,000 Una, maob ot whloh vm taken by tho Pennsylvania ml til lis W«lm mmtiw. / otmouuu. Mull. Wasioxotom. January 19.—The kill reported favorably from th* Judiciary Committee, to relieve Richard Fatherly •t Arkanaaa from political dliabilltiee, •limited oritioifimi from Hoar and Ed\x=req-\ manda that Fatherly aat forth do offanao bringing him within the aoopo of eon\x=req-\ ■Utntional prohibition, bat nad trifled with CoogrtM by uying that ha held and reaigned the offloe of military ■tore\x=req-\ keeper at the beginning ot the rebellion. Garland aaid under the hellbroth of recoattraction Fatheriy'a store* war* ■eized and ho waa sot allowed to Tote. He therefor* eeu«bt thie relief. Edmunda diaolaimed trying to hold Garland reeponelble for the peeuliaritlee of Ibe petition. On ita final paaaage the bill waa de\x=req-\ feated— 80 to 16—not two-third* in the affirmative. After a abort pereonal explanation by Prie*, lb* Funding bill oam* np aa an\x=req-\ flniehed baaineea. The aaendmenta made by the Gom\x=req-\ mitt** *f th* Whole on the Funding bill were then considered. The thre*-p>r\x=req-\ cent, rat* waa agreed to—149 to lOt. Th* am*ndm*nt making th* bond* 5-10 band* waa agreed to; alao, making the rate on oertiflcatea thre* per oent. and making them 1-10 oertifloatea. The amendment requiring the Secretary of the Treaaury to oae for the payment of bende thie year all the atandard ailver dollar* and all the gold over $50,\x=req-\ 000,000 now in the Treaenry, for redemption purpoaee, waa rejected by twenty-nine majority. Carliale'a amendment requiring national banka to ue* three-per oent. bond* aa a baaia for ciroalation waa adopted by eighteen majority. The Honae then paiard the Funding bill—yeaa 136, nay* 124. Adjourned. A tough man or a tough etory U Ibna ■•t forth in th« Now York Graphle: Tka oh»apio» tumbler of the United Statee ia evidently Adam Maeaaley, of Mo. 147 Leonard atreet, who op Tueeday evening fell from the fifth atory of the building without reeeiving ae muoh aa a aoratoh. Tha cloaeat examination by the pbyal\x=req-\ eiana at tha Chambera Street Hoapital failed lo diaoover a bruiaa or eves a mark about him. One aometimea heart of an infant performing a feat of tbia kind, but few adulta' boaea are equal to it. Tenement kouae Area woul J have no tar\x=req-\ rora for Adam; they would ba rather a mild exhilaration. Adam may conteet lha palm for tougbnaaa with that Irieh\x=req-\ maa who, when rua over by a atreet oar, only jumped to hla feet and atarted briakly after if awearing to thraak tha driver. The metrio eyetem itemi to ba making progreaa in tbia eouatry. Ia tha Marine Hoapital eecvioe it baa proved an unqualified anoceaa, and "Tha Medioal Joarnal" atatea that nearly all vlaiting Mil booke and doae books, aa wall aa worka on Materia Uedioa are do* being printed with metric equivalent*, while in many medical oollegea it ia now hardly poaeible (or the atadenta to learn orthe inatractor to impart aneh branokea aa hUtology, phyaioloiiy.ohemlatry, eto., without introducing the metric ayateaa. A meaaure ia now beiag oonaidered in the 8wia. Aaeembly which mak*a the owner ot a factory in wboaa eatabliab\x=req-\ ment any employe ie killed or injured liable far damagea, provided the accident ia not caueed by a anpcrior power or by the ananlherlted proceedinge of'a third peraan who ia not an agent, repre\x=req-\ aentative ot the employer, a foreman or overlooker, or bj.the careleaaneaa o( the pemon injured. BORN. In Oold Hill, January 2u, to the wife of F. A. Wiae, a eon. In Oold Hill, January 19, to the wife of Hiohael Harria, a daughter. In Eureka, January 16, to the wife of Oeorge W. Lamouroux, a aen. DIED. In Aaftla, January It, William K. Fam\x=req-\ bam, agttl 45 yeara. Id Pauaca, William Craig Norrii, aged 89 yaara. NEW TODAY. ~ PIPER'S OPERA HODSE, VIRGINIA PITY. JOHN PIPER Proprietor EXTRAORDINARY ENGAGEMENT!! - comnxciHQ— THURSDAY EVENING, Jaaurr 20, IMI, MATI3RB SATURDAY AFTKK500N, Of the great aad beaolirul American artl.te, MIH8 KAN.MK LOUINK BUCKINGHAM ! And bar gallant gray hone, JAMU MKL\x=req-\ VILLK. supported by her own Dramatic Oom. pauy, with new and beautiful ooftomee, da. eljtned especially for the production of •• M A\x=req-\ ZKPPA," by the famous French coaiomer, J. HHVJUrTTK. of New York, and porchaaed by MIIM BCCEINOHAM at a com of THRSK THOUSAND DOLLARS. And produced at Nlblo's Garden, Mew York, with tremendoua success, In bar new dramitiia tlon of Lord Bjron'a beaatlfnl poem, entitled, M A Z E P P A ! Or, The Wild Bone of Tartarj. jy Reeerred eeata at the Opera Bonaa. Bos Sheet bow open. Jalgtf CHAPTER NOTICE. vi/I CALL ID CONVOCATION OPOOLD W Bill Chanter. No. 8. B. A. will be held at luaonln Ball. Haln etreet. Gold BUI, TB18 (THUBSDAY) IVCNIMO, January »th. ltHl, at 7 o'clock, far the panose of conferring the Koj-al Arch Dam*. Vial ting companlona are cordl.llj lDTlied. By order of tb« K. BB. P. * it JOHN O. BKNNITT8, Secretary, DR. A. CHAPMAN. Union nivada omr, oaluor-jhm r B|» rwnuMDUr looaUd «t Vlr-iPW rtnU Oily. OSn, 110 SODTB 0 tTBUf. WMWIll ll> BDIUOI UjriMI OORPMT. Location of principal plaaa of bnilnm. ■>•1. friacliOQ. California. Location ot vorka. Gold HOI Malflf XHatrict, Rom ooutr, Nevada. Notice.—There art delinquent a poo the fo|. lowing-described etoek. on aceouat of mm SnuSoTlt) « *• «««y (utoI Deaeeabet. I860, tha aeretal amoanta an oppoelta tba n Of the reepectlve ahar*. holder*, a* toll owe: Namee. Ae.Oarttf. Iha. Ant Atklnaoa * QoTT.T»nata.lfjN....l»....lf.. Anaetronc J L. Tiaalee....ltl*....10.....J .. Block ABenhard, Tnmeca.fMT...MO....».. BnnUJM, Trnatte Itiaaall J M do ■■ BnnilJM do 1 •• .'J \ y NEW TODAY. lalltaB-CMtland. ****•■ Mo.Owtlt Bhi. Ami. do m..., 2***,1.1 i If d0 11014....10 0. 2™""!* do 11807....90....10 .. 525S'* do 1*70....*....10 BmelUM 1*84....*....11* »WUJ jf 1*07....*...10.. BWll J K do 1*90#....10....10 .. BmiOllJlI do UNI...100....M.. fi"**' '* do ISBN....10 <*0 IWW.10.. «><» 14018....W....10.. Brut UK do 141*.10 .. J Jf «• 14119 ...*>....10.. ■*■*!'* do 14141....10 ».. Brutll J M do 14184....10 5.. Brtse I J M do 141T8. ..*....M. Bruell J M do 14*1....*>....10 , Bruc Jlf do 143*... 10....10 .. BiuelM* du 14*7....II T50 d<> 14401 ...10 «.. g""1''* do 14403....10 #.. do 144U....1S. ...t80 Brtull J M do 14011...100....W .. S™"! J M do 18001....10....* . do 110*...100....00.. 00 11084....47....II oo B»* JM. do 1*71....41....MOO ■™*}J { M do 1*00 • 4 .. *> 10141....10 SfM* ••••••18*0 0... .1* BlMtUJM do 14870. ...II 7* Brut) t U do . ... . .1*11 1 1 do 1«* * 1.. do niTI S 110 J" do 17W....40....M . S^H "i T™«.W 18071.171* • • » Si!"*!'. w b»iiem.n»i » l, UrtM l J M, Trait** 1T*J 1 1. ' M, Tret, btl (918.17*1 1 1 &«« i JJ. Tnuu. 17504 1 ....1 .. i Sy i i s to *•> »«•#.»«•• » *» J! d0 ui 8411..17*7 0.....1 .. Ural* U K do btl ill?. .17*0 ».... 1.. BtmW JM do b*l 14877.17000 t 1.. ".Trott** 177*.. 100....*,. g"*"'* do 17810...IW...100.. do 17011...HO...100 .. I do 17111...100. D O. TretUe M00....II 7 W »*♦* O 0 do 1*11....80....II.. g*U*DC do ; 70*....10 I.. B'J^OB,TniHi 11300...100....H ., BtjUy O B do 10101....10 0.. BtjltjQB do 170*....SO....IB .. Btrrrtt ft Wtlk*r, TruUM.10*7....10 0 .. £•*!> Phil, TratU* 10740...*00... 100 .. B.rU» Phil do 170*... 100. ..80.. BorthVbU do 17108....10....10 ,, OoflU Jm, TratU* ...MM...100 ...10.. OulBaJta do 107M...100....U .. Oopo k D*yI«, TnuUM....10804....*....11* OootftDtrlt do ....17070 t 1 .. Otfilll * Co I, Trait*** *74....10....10.. OahUl tOol do 17414....10 0 .. Ofowltj ft Goodman, Tret\x=req-\ «•» Clou k LoreUnd, Tra»U**178«.. ..*... .*.. Craodall W u,Trail** 18480...100....80 .. ftaodaUWO do ....10*41....00....48 .. £r*od*U W O do ....108*...101...100 .. 0op«. Dm rkOo. Tratt***.84'i3....10 0 .. OI*aent Utrj A. Trail*.. 100*...110....80 .. Dancaa.W L. Trail** 1*718 0 1M Uunotn W L do 1*00....10 0.. Duncan wl do 1MW....I0 0 .. DnoeaaWL do 18*8 ...10 0 .. BW'Hh I. TnutM 180.18....80....18 .. Dlnrmor* B, Trait** II7S8....10 0 .. gain* *, TratUr 148S3...11 .. kpptUln k Oo, Trail***...18101...100....10 .. SppoUIn k Uo do ...,187*....90 .:,10 .. 'PP*Uln k Oo do .... 17111... 1(0....U .. *PP*Uln*0o do ....178*....*....*.. Kciboff n«arjr,Trail**. ...14Ttil. ..100....I0 .. ritUOJ. Tnuun 7140.. ..10.... 0.. do 18849.... 10 PlMkt * Or*jr. TrniUM...l*M....lO 8 .. Fmok* * Ortr do . .1MM....10 0.. Frukt A Ormj do ....17X17....*....10 .. Fruki k Qnj do ....171*....*....*.. Freeborn ft Oo, TrvNcw...18*1..18.. FiMboro ft Oo do ...100*... I0....10 .. Fwoboru ft Co do ...I70H....80....* .. FniiK*l t B. TrntUo 8001. 10 .. Kr«nk B. TruMM 8901... .10.... 10 .. FOX ft Co AW, TratU*... 47*0....10....10 .. Ulttltr ft Co 1, TratU*.,...*01....38....1110 Grteoabtam, Utlblnc ft Oo, Ttuim *10....80....* .. OrMatbtam, Btlblng ft Oo. Trail** 10070...,»....10 .. OrauMbtam, Utlblnf ft Oo, Traaitta 11160 Grrect b«om, Htlblnx ft Oo, Trot tact 14000....30....10 .. Umotbtam, Utlblhf ft Oo, TratUet 14907... 10 0 i, Qnentbtum, HtlblSf ft Oo. TntUM 14000...100....* .. UrUtlnatr K. TrntU* 11*0 1 IK Ollloo J.'l-rotUt 11011....10 0 .. Ulllou J do 18*0 ...*....* .. OlllonJ do 18001......... 10 .. UurtMU * Oo A Q. Trot Ournrtt tOtlO, Tru*. v.. 1»7TT....W TOO ST"??,1?.*-?0 UTr«.W.I»M4 ..BO....IS .. Qolly ft Ubl, Traetere MT10....M....M .. Oraree W W. Trustee 1J41I...3O....I0 .. itohSu*Vt^1M4,""w""10 ' • ••••'« Boche'&'ter *"Oo "*v•• • •7i0 -.****•••■ 'VU'Ji'i." .14TI1....Tl...,17 60 Hoemerft Oo D M.Tniili..l«4V9 ..1U0....60 .. HwurtOoDH do .11800.... 10....11 .. HoemerftOoDM do .1IW4...10O....BO .. Hoemerftuou K do .1TOM....10. ...I.. HalcblnaonJno, Truitee...lHltl... 10 1.. Hutcblnron Juo do ..1*310... 10....10 .. HawkeBD. Treat a* 117*3....10....IB .. E*"V 2 J? 14T1I....10....10 .. S*WJ*5E i° 1«»....«0... II.. 21WJ,SD do 1H1I....SS....I1S0 Hawk.Hl) do I73TU. ...10 ».. BawkeBD .10 .. Haveae ft Oo. Traeteee 10*0*....10 I .. 2,T?V.°?- 1M1I....10 «.. HawklneJ JE, Truet*e....lsM»...10U....J0 .. H»wkL»«JJI do ...1TIW....S0....1I,. J 1 d0 .. liuffA. TnutM 40M S 2 Su Horn R O. Tmetee 11778...10U.. .10. Iglauar B. Trim tee IM10. ...40....3I .. Ktnufj ft Drer, Triuleea... It&Stf... .SO. ...II .. JUcf ft fo H B, Treetaee.. .18011....10 1.. Kiuimu ft Oo B, Traatee*.i:it«T....90....]0 .. JUafiaaa ft Oo I do .1MT....I0 Lock* Wm L, Treetoe UWT....B0....1S ., Locke Wm L do 11114....M .. 10 Locke Wm L do into....10 1.. Locks WaL do ISi40 1U....J0 Latbaiu * King. Traateea.. .XKW....10.... B " Mary* ft Bon Uco T, True\x=req-\ „leee ......1MT4....I0....10 .. Haryo ft Bon Geo T, Tree\x=req-\ lam....10 ■. Man* ft Hon U#o T, Trn»\x=req-\ 17040....60....J3 . Macpbereon ft Bblna, Tru» MM....*)....10.. Macpbereon ft Bblan, True\x=req-\ Millar ft Vaa Wyck. Trnete.lT7U....IB... 1310 Mark* 6 Helnhardt, Tru*. •••••••"...10440... m....10.. Mreeer, Bacon ft Oo. Tree\x=req-\ M49....10 1 .. Murphy K P. Tree tee 14M1......... 10 .. J!"711'8'- TriiUaa »*».... 10 1.. Mile* ft Klac, T.a.teee....17141.. .aoo. ..110 .. HU™I * aj, Tri*"*• • 0 10 Mcrlarty J. Tnuut 10*)1... io... » .. Mllee ft Oo B M, Truateee.. 14438....»!!!.10 .. Mooldar A J, l^aatM 14**)....10.... I.. Norwood W B.Trustee I174T....1I TB0 Neel ft OoObaa B, Tnntee-.lTMa....B0....M „ N»a] ft Oo CJhaa B do 1T8W....80 11 Naal *0 ■ Obaa B do 17WI iuo'"ioo '' HilUp M P. Treat* "10J: 55 2'* PHabury C J, Trustee I«414..i.l0..'.!.l "iSf *£• 18H1 1 110 lilchardBon S A do 17207.. 9& It id BountW. * Unclud. T^i.» lw« 50 Boantre*ftL«,land.Ti^: " Rlchardlon,' Hlii ft bo," Tro».'#W1 • • •uo- • • •,0 • • 'ni'mil'! IWM...IOO....IO .. KSHiiaftf HU....K...1I.. Ih^nll J iTu— •• *» Hhn l! i Jf 2° 1MM...100./..IO.. ^Y(toHH.Tre.t^::,SS ' ,l,S ",T| •• gf2L,WK,T "l-d° 22l3i' "L*1* •• »«» ****** _ do UIM....10 1.. 2BH;d0 ...iw».........a.. do 100....IO.. ^ Pf** 5 ">0 ...1WM...WO....IO .. ^M-ftHc.^Trei:mM-100-M\x=req-\ wS«d V oi»- -jj; -™1 ••••»••• •*. w^^.i.._„.|i;._.i« i&kuiui^Tz2nu'"M"-M 1 Woodi^"ft- rXZi;'-Hz.11"*-u-» • Wood* ft''Wwbori;' Trii:,4,S0'" ',0 1 M: iw.'.'.'.'io| wSimSr a0 1B1II....10 1. ' w"m ?2?. t WW... 100 ...10 . 5i« «5-i' f nm.. 1000...loo. Sf.4S?*? k *> 11M1...M0...1N. i°Sv* 1M0....W....W.. Wolf p, TnutM":: And la acoordanc* with law. and mi order of ■■**<>" «h« fonrteaoth 22? J5LW"T ^ll*0' *° **** or mm Mreel of each etooh aa may ho aeeeeeen ZaL aw&£??bUeneaan *HwI*Dom Zu ~■" P™>el»oo. Oailfbr\x=req-\ Mfa?naww°.tl' »*▼«»*■ CTth) do* of r - 1*1. M the hoar of two o'clock r u-.°[ Mid day, to pay aald dehaqoeat aeeeee\x=req-\ unary met, Km tn&clMo, N AMVSIHlfm. 1759. 1881. burns' birthday i jl ANNUAL BALL a -o» m\x=req-\ VIRCINIA Caledonian Club -■wax. aa trra at— NATIONAL flUABD HALL, VIRQINIA. Tuesday Eve'g, January 25, Ceaaktee mf ArrtiiMiNH. Arthur L. Wilton, Thomaa Oeddee, Allen Mclwe;n, William Veltcb, C. O. McDuffle, WUlUo Suiherland, RMI|d« OtMlUM. Al*i. WIImo. D. H. Truer, A. a. McKeuele, Hector Dow, Dr. r. Muwon, Dr. J. Urent, D. Thorbarn, W. H. Oliver. Charle* Wllllamion. William Herrower, Wllllun McLachlan, Wllllun Bomerrllle, if ^les. Dlckeon, WUlUm Drjredale. Vher MuMtn. Oeorfe U. Mf wart, June* McDade, J. K. McDonald, William McDonald, William Anfua, Kohert Koater, J. 0. Da&lop, W. D. sheerer. floor Director THOMAS QKDDB8 ■Ml* kj Pretaer Uipfi rail Qnadrlll* laad. TICIWI M 50 (Admitting Oeotleman and Ladlea.) To be obtained from the Committee of Arrange\x=req-\ ment* or at tbe door. Jaltd BANNER BROS. J oat received, the Latoet and Beet Stjlee of WINTER CLOTHING, fiend' raraUhlif floods, BOYS' CLOTHING, RUBBIR GOODS. keu, Trnaka, Tal QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I All Oood« Marked Down U Per Cent. Lower Uiu any Other Houee In tb* HUU at BANNER BROTHERS, Caraer V iMI Tartar Mtreete, VIRGINIA, . NEVADA JU Great Reduction in Prices -OF\x=req-\ BOOT8 AND 8HOK8 -AMD\x=req-\ Gents' Furnishing Goods L. BLOCK'S. Having rkokivbd a large ahd wall uaortad ttock of all kind* of BOOTH AND SHOES from PblUdelpbl*. N*w York nod K*n Krmelreo, 1 Inform tbe publlo at large that OD acoount of raj large purchaes* for caab In tba Kaatarn and Calif oral* market*, I am •nablad to boy cheap, mil u n oonaequence I call eell cheap. nod «IU do to. A loll aaeort\x=req-\ ment of Gaata* KarnUblas fteeda, Pin* Under* wear m Srerlnltr, lilt*, Care, Traake, Valleee, Kakker Caata and BaMa Al\x=req-\ wareaa llnnd. WHtTB BHIETS MADE TO OBOSR And perfect fit warranted. Call* Examine and Compare Prices. L. BLOCK. Next door to FoetolBee, Main etreet. Gold Hill. Ml NOTICE. HAULING —FBOM— CARSON TO BODIE PROPOSALS FOR THE HAULING OF eighty (10) too*, more or leee, of machln\x=req-\ err from Oimon, Neradi, to Bodle, Oallfernia. will be recelred by the underelgned -up to and Including January SI, 1811. Tbe bearleet piece will welgb not exoeedlng 9000 poQodf. Meebloerr to b* delivered at (be Standard Ooneolldated mine In Bodle. nnder'dlractlnne of tbe onderslsned, and will be*ready for eblp\x=req-\ ment at Oareoa on or abuat February 1, ItSl. Contractor* for aoore will atate tbe price per poand at whleb eald machlntry will be hauled. Information will be fnrtilabed by either tbe nnderaloned or tbe Secretary of the Standard Ooneolldated Mining Company, Room Ho. V. NertdA Block. Baa Frudaco, California. Tbe right to reject anr and all bide I* referred. WILLIAM IHWIN, Superintendent Standard Ooneolldated M'c Co. Bodle, 0*1., January ft, 1M1, JaStd HA8BROUCK A HALL, (ttncMMort to a. b. Stewart 4 Ob.) Druggists & Apothecaries, sos llNrtt GOLD bill., .... nevada —DIALttl I*— PUB* DRDfllS OBIMICAU, MKDICINBM, to I lit Aa4 FANCT AtTICLO. PnaeriptUiM aiM at all boon, day or Bltbt, by a tba». »»bly nompft pmoa. » CIQARS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY. O. H. GALLUP, Opposite the bank op gold bill. ^^fcaapa coaatanUy oo band all tfe« favorite IMPORTID ClOAItt. AD kMi •fOb«w|ast*baer», PIMM Cat\x=req-\ larr> Ttri, Tamer Om<i, SabMl ■aaki, ud ncaiteMrr rf all Diiiriilliai. >' SALMIS* FA8HI0N SALOON. ■ala Street, > > • • Sold ill], Oppoalte um km ooee. rflHD old-k8t1bu8hxd AND popular x raaort u Mill ui farorlta. Oom/ort and tporuoombuxxl. Tba patrona of u« bona* will alwaja Sad the bait brand* of b4andy, WHI8BY,.' ALB, POKTBK, uobk, win at or all binds, ' t tobacco, cioabf, BTU. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. BANK EXCHANGE, in Barnard'. Block, MAIN STRUT - - GOLD HILL. A PIMT-CLABB ' 8ALOOI IK ivbht raapact, m wall m fwml mod for barf THE BIB U itockad with tha boat braoda of WIHU, uquoua amu Olttallt. * B. r. MeKENNKY. Pro »rtowr. GIBSON'S SALOON, .tlala UrNt, UaM OIU. FIRST OU« IN KTKRY RBflPKCT. Beading and Club Booms. Tha patrona of tha Boom will ba w»II racalrad lad MTTtd wild Um Ploaat of WINES. LIOUORS AND CIBARS By "PAP"ABBOTT. • W. D. C. gibhon. Proorlatar. GOLD HILL POUND AND MACHINE WORU, IRON AND BRAM CASTINGS; Of nwy Tartatjr udi to orM. Lbavi just addbd to mt old MUbllfbed Hacbiaa Worki tha LAHOBfl EO LATHI, PLABBB tad BTPA* HAMM1R, ail of the UUat and moat Improved cooauncuoo. and am bow prraarad to Una and Bopalr all Idada aad all alaaa of Mil At tha ahoataat DoUce and on tha moat waaoo abla tarma. 10» QBOBOB BMMBTT. Proprlatot. RENO FOUNDRY, RBNOt NEVADA. % HI PROPRIETOR 07 THE TIBQINIA POUNDKY, bavins purchased the Ktoo 'onndry, uid consolidated It with ths former, will hcrc*n« r itj le ILe works tbe Reno foundry and Machine Works. Tbla establishment la now prepared to do • fsoeral rounder boalnese, Including svsry description of Castiaae la Iri« Hraee, Kerala*. •■4 Macklae Work, At lower prloee tbui cm be obtained elsewhere. Drawings and eetlmetee lorulabM when r» quired. By Uriel attoatloa to bailncM, and with a tborongb knowledge of tba work riqulrad, tb« proprietor hopea to niarlt tba confidence of tba trade, and reapectiul 17 solicits the patronage of mill and mining man. dan ANDREW PRAHKR, Prapr. GOLD HILL BAKER! RESTAURANT MAIN ITEIIT GOLD HILL* OppoalU tbe Ecllpee Livery BtaMsa, J. r. B1C11B Proprietor; TpUSH BBBAD. PIES, 0AEE8, AND HOI * Kolli arary day, delivered at the real\x=req-\ daaoee at oaitomere. IIOKi. BT ?laa and Oakee at tadaeed prioea. Fanoy or aaaorted Oakee made to arte M ihort notio*. The Reetaarant Department la tba finest la the State. All kind* oi Game, Pool far aad Fresh Pish and alao uyatora reoelved aad 'bp dally. 30a TH8 cm BAMERY, RESTAURANT. Ooaftctloierjr aid Caidj Depot, No. m North O llraali TlralaU, AFPIR8 Alt ELEQANT AMORTMtHTOI HOLIDAY QOODB. Tors. Oaadlee, Oraa\x=req-\ menu for Table, Ornamental, Proa ted aad Plain Oekae of ail kinda, daecrlptlons aad da sins, aad at prieae to salt everybody. Aa we Import all oat gooda direst from the East, we can offer then at. prices tba tame ss charged la New Tork, aad at leas than Wm Pranclaoo rates. VT Omamanta tor Oskea a speolalty. %WU» Cream and Strawberries and Cream. Also Htrawberrlea by the box, at wboleeale or retail. FITZMEIIR * ABMBRU8T, Propria 10rs Clqr Bakery, No, IT North 0 street, Virginia. Nevada. Ilia GOLD HILL NEWS OEPOT -AND\x=req-\ VARIETY STORK, MAIN ITEIIT, UOLD HILL, Opposite Pox's Ksat KarkaL D. THORBURN, Proprietor. AO EXT FOR TBI GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS Aod Baa rmadtoo "Call," "kxmjMr" ud «F*L" Eastern Periodicals AIB LATHT biadimi iattie CI61B8 AhFtOBACOOB, •HUT MUIIO. ■HOW-OASf GOODS* •TATIONftRY. SOHOOL BOOKS* TOYS. ITO. IM « SPECIAL NOTICE. ^LLPIRSOHS WHO AKI IlfDUTXD TO OOMSTOOK KXOHANQK A" to Mlt pAjBMt with la dstr (Ur» Im dato, m I ia join, to rJot. baataMa. OoMMUl. Jaaa«j». hm * NUg&Sr98:* GROCIBIKB, PROVISIONS, Ite. 6B0CBEY STORE! RICHARD MKRCKRj MAIN STIIKKT. COLD HILL. FAULT & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON HAND AND FOB BALK CHEAP ro« OAHH. A Urn AMortmenl o( QKOCKR1B8 AND PHOVUUONB dlr*ct from the OtliloruU Mar\x=req-\ ket*, comprising la pan | TEAS, SUQAB8. COFFEE. BPICI8 CAN VJiUIT. DBIED FBUIT, BYBUPB, OY8TBHH, BIO* tLOOB, BIOS, CAN\x=req-\ DUES, UUTTEB. Provisions of All Elnds. THE BUT OF WMEt AM* UOUOM A* WOliWil 1 AND KJCTAJL VKOlTAlLll AMD FRUITS. DtUrand I*m of Obuf*. 1 m BIOHABD MXBCEK. P. W. F0L80M, ■•la Mrcrt MM muj, (Bnacwor to BoMaaoa k TtimmJ WkoiMto Md botall DMtarla FAMILY CROCKRIKSf PROVISION, Ktc* holi ianrr in oou> hill fok wu. MILLS' ohampauni BAKING POWDKR, ijihk but in THI MAHK1T - only nquliw half lb* fuatttr of tajr otkar kind. ^LL M>m u9bbtio to TU latk ftm of ROBINHON A F0L80M «r* raqutatad to CALL AND SETTLE ipHKIR aoco0nts WITHOUT dilay »nd »«t« cmti. « liiHED 1I» 1B0IIM. THE NEVADA' BANK OP SAN PRANOISOO. bam nuaouoo .....oaupobmia PmM :■» n«»it»i •3,*0«,00»-0«ld B—rr»(U. «.»»■<■)—a,a—!— UoM Umf at Vlr*1nl», Imli... {£ \ SaSr" Of Baft isid Mill Iscbuur* Md Tekfraphlo Traoafar*. Imdm OochjmtcUI tod Tnrakn* Oradlu. Ttali bul bu «p*cUl bclllUn (or d«allt to ballloB. IU_ L. B. FRANKEL, Amoi-lhll MNMi CM< Bill, Jaat UM* lk« Raak if Calibrate. MWM BODOUT, (OLD AND CAR* BIRD 0N^ MAROINIL T. K. MetlOIUI, STOCK AND MONEY BROKER. IN toilfe 0 Bin TirgliU* TITILL BUT AND BILL 8TOCIB ON 00N\x=req-\ VV BlMloo on Um mod fftvormbU linu j will tlao tmrrj MMka oo Manila and II 8m< Hark GOLD AND SILVER BOUflHT AND i m WiD. 8. W. CHUBBUCKa POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN HTREET, (MILD HILL. —MUD a— BLANK NOOKS, . STATION MR Y. JRWRLRT, SCHOOL BOOK*. Ct'TLKRT. TOYM.BU. Ami for tba Baa Tranclaoo Dally OMRONIOLK. BULLETIN. ■XAMINIft. -*■»- ALT A. bastkrn pictorials, maqazima, And Literary Papers. lilt CHANC1 OF FIRM. I hath THia DAT SOLD TO t. f. HALL •11 ■> tnimmi la um pioqmt uaodrj. O. W. HALL, vlrflnu, Xtactmbor 1. um. ' special NOTICE. All bui* dao um ftohbih laundbt op to Um FIBST or-dkokxbbk, 1m0. mo* bo mttlod won tho TKNTH OF dkokkbkb, or lb*7 will bo plootl la tho bud* of % eolmor. la fatan so bUla will bo olloirod to raa boio than thirty day*. J.F.HALL. Timala.lHctabwl.lM8. 1_ A. O. U. W. Gold hill lodoh. ho. «. a. o. v. w. mou la tboi mmooIc Bill. Ooid hijl, mn monday itnma it MO o'clock. w^fmttwuylt ^wyiahd to ko fif-" D. tbobbubh, bimlw.