Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS VIRMRIA ARD TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIMK TABLK. Taklsg Kfect Sepltiker M, 1881. T K.41NM rtea leie M Celd lilll and Tlratala. Station*. ■xpreM. | Local Pateeoger L.>c»l Paaeaagor lot* o STEAMBOAT. WASHOE .... FRUIKTOWN LAERTIEW .. CARSON ...At 6.W a.m. • 18 " " 7.4T " 7.40 " R.11 " 8.15 a.m. 9 00 " • SO •• S.U " IQJ3 " low " 1 JO p.m. Ill - ISO - S.10 " S.30 - 4 00 " C\RHOM.. De KM 1'IKS M'ND HOCSE GOLD HILL.. V1KUINIA.... tu») »=■ Mi " 9 W " »4J " S.M " 11.15 a.m. 1151 " p.m. 13.80 " 1.00 - 10U p.m. All - 1.10 •• SJ0 " • 10 " trains From Vlratata aad Hold Hill la Careoa and Mom. Station*. jsxpeeea. Local Local V1MUM1A.... MOLD HILL. M'ND uoual kMPISS .... CAKSUM... if t as p.m. s.ta " 4.S0 - " IH " S.oo a.m S.10 •• RIO " ID - Ml M X.UO V-M. SM - glB - ».» " RIO " OAMON ..»« UKIY1IW.. prankiohn WASMOB HT ram BOAT. MENU T.10 p.m. ».» " 7.38 - 7.47 ~ sua - •jo •• 10.00 a.®. 10.14 •• It'.30 M 11.10 •• 11 U " iiaopja. 4.11 p.m. 4.4S M 5 M - 5.1ft " • IS •* 1.41 •* THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 188! STOCK BBrOBT. LAST 1TUDN. 150 Jackaoa, lie 38 Grand Prise, 1H 10UO Argute, 3UC 780 Navaje. 3 30 MO iter, 33o BOO Tnsoarora, Wc 1300 Albion. 1. 100 Walee. 78c 800 Ml. Diablo. 3 80. 3 90, 3 95 1180 Mt. Potoei. 40o 30 Bodie. 380 Beohtel. 70c 365 Tioga. 60c 180 Summit. 38c 180 Syndicate, 78c 300 Good thaw, 800 350 Coaeordia, 3 55, 3<4 780 Champioa, 40o 100 Blacknawk. 30c <70 Booker Con.. 30c. 18c 335 Mono. 1*. 1 63 40 Coo. Pacific, 1 10 350 Jupiter, 40o 730 South Bnlwor, 35c, 48o 300 Addenda, 30e 150 Noonday. 3*4.3 30, 3 10 80 North Noonday. I CO 100 Mammoth, 30o 800 South Standard, So 330 Oro. 45c. 80o 440 Silver King, 18*4.16S 30 Hiud Center. 3 90 Tin xtuna. 300 Ophlr, 4 80. 4 M 350 Melioan, 4 90. 8. 4 95 305 Gould A Curry. 3 45. 3 <4 318 Beat A Belcher, 6%, #H, 6 340 California. 1 10. 1 08. 1 770 Savage, 80o. 75o 650 Cob. Virginia, 1 40 100 Chollar, 1 65, 1 55 350 Potoei. l\ 330 Halo A Norcroea. 3 63. 3 60 490 Crown Point, 1 05 870 Yellow Jacket. 1 85, 1 80, 1 <t 70 Kentuck. 1*4 10 Alpha, 3 65 78 Beioher. 90c. 93o 30 Confidence. 3 40 830 Sierra Nevada. 4 90. 8, 4 93, 4 83 300 Utah. 8, 8H 810 Bullion. 1 88. It 100 Exchequer, 1 10 490 Overman. He. 90c 050 Jnetioe. 40c. 45o 348 Union Con.. 8. 9 a30. 8% 743 Alta, 80c, 73o 100 Jalia, 35o 180 Caledonia. 30o 310 Silver Hill. 8c. 18c 50 Challenge. 85o 50 Occidental. 1 475 Andee. 1 10 100 Ward. 1*4 300 Scorpion. 78c. 80c 150 Beaton. 35c. 40o 180 Coucordia. 1 40, 1 43 Sax Fbavoisco, February 3—3 r. llale A Nororoaa, 3 83. 3 90; Crown Point, 1 10; Belcher. 85e; Concordia, 1 35; Albion 90e; Mexican, i\. 5H; Overman, 55c, 10c; Navajo. 3 40; Aadao. 1 10; Northern Bello. 11H; Union Con., 8*4, 8 *, Bodie, 5H; Ooodahaw, 60c; Day, 35c; Sierra Nevada. 8V. 5H; Boot A Beleher, «*%. 6H; Grand Priso, It. 1H b5. 1 55; Tioga, 65c. 70c; Alia. 83c. 80c; Con. Virginia. 1 48. 1 40; Jupiter. 43c; Potoei. 1 90. 1 93. 3; Silver King. 16H. 16',. 17; Utah. 6>*; Benton. 38c. 40c; Mono. 1 33. 1 40; California. 1 10: Bodie, 8 ; Mt Diablo. 3 90. 3M; Yellow Jacket. IV 1 79; Ouuld A Carry. 3 58; Ophir. 6li. 3; Noonday. 1\4; Kentuck. 1 <4; Savage, 90o; Oro, 43c; Chollar, 1 85; Conoordia. 3 <4. Leal Hla Ug. Laat evening at 5:30, Cbria. Cam\x=req-\ ming*, who hu b««a watchman at (ha Prospect mine. jumped from the Gold Hill depot to a flat-car loaded with lumber. Aa he did so hi* bat flaw off, aod in trying to jump off tha train to get it ha fail in aneh • way that tha wbeela paaaed over hia right loot from the heel np throagIt tha ankle joint, crushing the bonea to powder. He waa picked np and taken to the County Hospital, where hia leg waa amputated by Dr. Kir by at a point aome three or (onr inchea above the ankle joint, the fleeh being mangled to nearly that height. 8toeka are abont low enough now, and aaay who "buy 'am in when they're low and aell 'am when they're high" have been loading up by degrcea. Under "New Today" will be found the adver\x=req-\ tieement ol T. R. McGurn, atoek broker, 106 South C atreet, who adaita a will\x=req-\ iugoeea te help hia auatomera to make aalea or inveetmenta. Superintendent Bawden reports that ainee January 1 tk^e water in tha Julia incline haa aettled away tiz feet and ia ■ow C2 feet below the point to which it originally raieed. The decrease baa taken away not only the water etruck in Julia bat what waa struck in the Bullion Combination shaft above the 1800 level, the flow of which waa quite atreng. The big wheel waa safely landed at the old depot is Virginia laat evening, but foand another sewer going down Teylor atreet. Il can now be traneported to the Jacket abaft at leieure, aa it will not be needed just yet. It waa helped ota its way by about 600 spectators after it reaebMl Virginia. In another oolumn will be found a apecial notioe by which Thoa. E. Finch reqneata those indebted to him to Make payment, aa he ia abont to close hfs bOliOMIe Yesterday all the miaea fross Utah to Calsdonia, both inelosive, van selling at 94,005,580. The Yellow Jacket payroll far January waa 911,171 25. P. Harvey haa filed a dsalsraHnn of DISASTER AT FRANKTOWN. A ■miwlr la the iMiulM ■artu- (ha FIm4 *r WatMr lfN|i TkfM|k WMkH TilltJ C*nrl«| lntkM, *■« Gurilac wllk it • WM« Taws. Yeaterday afternoon about 3 JO o'olock the lug* irrigating reservoir situated •boat six milea above Franktown, Washoe Valley, at Little Valley, on Hubert oreek, suddenly gave vay. The reservoir waa about three-quarters of • mile wide, a mile long and from thirty to fifty feet deep. When the reeervolr broke a perfect wall of water eame down the eanyon to the valley. Franktown, standi og near the month of the eanyon in the eeorae of the torrent, waa awept away aa though the housea had been ao many mateh bozee. Only two build\x=req-\ inge are left atanding in the plaee, the depot and the hotel. Th. reaarvolr waa built laat summer by the ranchmen of Waahoe Valley for the parpoae of etoring up water to be need in the irrigation of their landa. It had been fearad for two or three daya that the dam would break, aa it began to leek vary badly. The Virginia and Truckee Railroad waa aura to be badly damaged in oaae of the dam giving way, and the railroad folka conferring with the ranchman, it waa thought adviaable to let the water oat, aa the weather bo\x=req-\ ing very threatening and the dam liable to go at any moment. The aluioe-wey of the reatrvoir waa opened and the watar waa being drawn off whan the whola atruclure gave way, probably from the current cutting round the aJuioe-way once the water waa in motion. A number of man who were below the dam when it broke were oaught by the rnah of watar and carried varioua dia\x=req-\ taucra down the canyon, bat Inckily all ware able to catch hold of variou* objects and drag themeelvee aahOra. There were from 160 to 200 people living in and about Franktown. All bad for two or tbrea days been alive to the dangers of their position, and had removed all the lighter and more valuable part of their household goode. The fauiiliea had alao been eent away, many persona Hading abetter at the Bowere Mansion. The trlegrapn operator waa um* ">• only man left in frsuktown yMterd»y afternoon. He remained at hit poet, bat waa on the alert. Finally he beard a tremendous roaring and ora*bing in the mouatains, and looking ont saw a perfect wall of water coming down the canyon. He aaya thia wall appeared to hint to be aboat 1000 feat high. He grabbed hia inatrnment, tore it loose and ran. He had the good fortune to reaoh a place of aafety before the flood atruck the town. The damage to the railroad la oonsid\x=req-\ erable. When the main torrent rashed down on ita way toward Waahoe Lake it made a clean aweap of the roadway for a distance of about 100 yarda. The track for thia diatance waa broken and carried bodily for aoine distance, where it waa left lying in the sagebrush. For a dia\x=req-\ tance of half a mile the track ia covered with land, aagebruah and debria of all kinds.- Tba telegraph polta were awept away for a diatance of about halt a mile. The ranchmen of Waahoe Valley are great auflarera by the flood. If >■ Mid that aeveral rancbea are rained. In aoute placea the ground ia torn np and in othera ia covered with aand. bowldera and all manner of debria. The build\x=req-\ luge are all awept away, and it ia aaid lunuy domeatia aaimala were drowned. Tba*dam age to Franktown and vioin\x=req-\ ity ia put down at aboat $50,000, and tba d*maga to the railroad at about $5,000. A wrecking train carrying aboat seventy-five men waa at onoe aent up to the break from Caraon, and the work of clearing tbe track waa pushed aa rapidly aa poaaibla. No through train waa aent out from Virginia last evening, and the Virginia and Truckee railroad m*ag»ment think that it will be impoeaible to run any through traina over the road before tomorrow. Tba dam waa aituated at a height of between three and four handred feet above Franktown. acroaa a narrow gorge at tbe fool of Little Valley, aod wa» built of atone and earth, waa about flfly-eix feel high, and coat about $4000. In placea below it the canyon ia quite pre\x=req-\ cipitoua and tba tumbling down of tbe waUr waa fearful. Darna of tree trunks, brush tod tuniUliog rocki would be formed in an inatant, tbe water piling up to an immense height (woe aay 100. feet), and an inatant after all would give way, tbera would be a ruah, another dam would form and give way. In tbia way, by a eueeesnion of great leapa and with a tremendous roar and commotion the tlood tumbled down into the valley. WaalMl-*e Kaperl KsperM There waa much profanity in tbe office of the County Jtecorder thia morning, which, on the entry of outsiders, sub\x=req-\ aided into mutteringa like diatant thunder. There waa nothing tha matter, nothing at all; yet there waa much mutter. At length a Niwa reporter aaught sight of an uncanceled vouchcr lo the handa of the Auditor, drawn ia favor of J. L. Dor ant for $13. He found, on examination, that when tha county expert waa writing tba ez-Auditor'a book*, tbia voucher had been entered aa having been paid by tbe Coutfty Treaaurer out of theOineral Fund. It waa further foaud that a State voucher tor $76 for rent of tbe Sarafleld Guard had been rbnrgii up aa paid when it had not been returned. In fact, in writing up tba ex\x=req-\ Auditor'a booka. several warrants drawn December 30 and 31 bad been charged np aa paid, whan, February 1, three of tboaa warranta, amounting to $56 60, wera atill in the Auditor'a handa. To make tbe whole caae atill plaiuer: Treasurer Otey, in hia report, aaya be paid during January $10,855 W, aod pro\x=req-\ ducea vouchers for the same. Now, all the warranta dtawn by Auditor Brennan daring tha mouth amounted to only about $3850. Tha balance wera war\x=req-\ ranta drawn by tha ex-Auditor. Of coarae on return of tba vouchera paid by' tba Traaanrer to the Auditor, that officer credited them up to the Treasurer and abarged them to the aavaral funds on which they bad bean drawn Whan thia waa dona it transpired that the ax\x=req-\ pert in writing up the hooka for tba ex\x=req-\ Auditor had already cbargad them all np and credited tha Traaaurer with them. The Coanty Commiaeionet* ahould at once appoint an expert on that expert. There are entriea ia hia handwriting in tba Auditor'a journal aneh aa no bookkeeper or other person exoept an expert would aver make. Tha «an deaa not know the flret principlaa of journalixing, however valuable ha may oa a« an ax\x=req-\ part. Soma ona who knowa where aome one or more of tha million etreak of ore in Sierra Nevada are to be found, wants to wager $1000 or $2000 that ha can point out a bonaaxa ia that mine. Tha fact ia ohe can aoaraly go amlsa In tha mina, bat tha troable la tha ore foaad la not a bonaasa,asd that la juat how tha wagerer would loaa hia aoin. A PtllUMl ■ tonom Gold Hill Sm: to of th. l«et th.t mb« dhtUrfMM-y , yadts Ihe ruki of the Dtmocrwj to h»T« been Srt5:,r:r-\x=req-\ whether it to poolbto forth'» ^ party to win two ^ Dbmocbit. thO®WHui. Ftbnury 2,1881. Ai the editor ol the News to Bepub\x=req-\ i^esss-. b" """oi\x=req-\ nothing tend.>■»«•{Jllj gtor,y oonnty th. D*»ocr.Uo party o« n#xK poUOoat Uek to • »in°riiy In th. D|g| ^SSSsss s^ft-sr fesi fighting #»^;~k;o^0Vl°nrlwrU^ y.t iheee '"la tell ibow « #< With • when victory to contended victory won. J-»- « lf, w,r. ,U lor prmoiplee, when P ,b- :t," rSSJ-lTiTuS ■>»"•• ? puibtd tack by tb. frw-ws y*"W* JVmm'*•*" lgJ» ment •( a P°Ul "'^?h th ir enemto. «.*»< £s*i£ £.,'£■»«• ■» Ihoughtlol element of the penj^ «*-»•», th. qn..tlon ib«t portion ol tbt^^nclpl.:M„ assBjssfc-sri: born upon Ame,'®*° b8 rightedT I« not, wrong, here ijet foirib Bq ^ m,tlir it Ibe icti of ibe p J .... miD|. cannot be Z gm c"n°tb*® th<1 w0|tt elk., ol UeM,\!u„«,™ lro«n obtaining M th. ^iU. then it m.y be eel.down »» » enre sskeksssm-"" 3*«£5KS 1,? ?roDrPrlnoip£and ^ ^ i„ for th^uco-eoMbe p.rty,^ ^ ^0^.^^ eod «««£ whether S ei«™ ."iJfJSSlJ Snoot K£.W -'iUep,,,ur#AiVbe management ol it. »ffi»ir.« Musical Kplaode. The regular weekly meeting of lb* QolJ Hill Choral aud Literary Society, at Maaonio Hall I ait evening, waa very fully attended by Iba members and waa an occasion of nnaanal iutereit. A number of chorus**, glees,.quarteta and aoloa vara anng in ezoellent atyla with organ accompaniment, and aoma vary amusing recitations wara given. A pleaaing faatnra waa tba premutation to Obarlea W. Keltb, tba laadar, of • beautiful aet of aleeve battani, waloh aea) •ad ring, made of rieb gold and ailver quartz from tba 1000 level of tba Beloher mine, aet in pure gold. Tba preaenta\x=req-\ tion waa made in tba nama of tba Society by Win. Protbaroa, the Secretary, in a few appropriate retnarka, informing blm tbat tbia waa aimply a token of tba eateem entertained for bim by tba Society and in bonor of tbia bia birthday anni\x=req-\ ternary. Cbarley waa completely taken by ear\x=req-\ prise, bnt managed to make a befitting reply and looked bappy. Ha waa atill farther aurpriied when tba announce\x=req-\ mant followed that a collation awaitad in the reading room to which all were invited. A lengthy races* followed and the cake, lemonade, fruit, eta., waa properly enjoyed and appreciated, after which mure ainging and literary esercieea till 11 o'clock whan "Good Might" waa sang and all went home. There are aome aa fine voicea in the Sooiaty aa aver were beard in thia section. Ueard rroiu. Miea Fanny Weet and Miaa Maggie Gillespie, tha two young ladiee who graduated from our Oold Hill bigb achool and recently went ovar to Ban Jose, California, to attend tba State Normal School at that plaoe, have bean beard from by tbeir parents and frienda. The) eipreaa tbemaelvea delighted with the school and their new aurroundinge, and find tbemaelvea perfectly at borne. They paaaed a rigid and crtlioal azaml\x=req-\ tion triumphantly, and inetead of being plaoed in tha junior claaa, aa they expected, they wera advanced at onoe into the middle claaa, with oaly tba aanior olasa above them, and are enjoying tbe fullest privileges of tha inatilition. Mia* Weet ia one of tba moat eelimable and talented scholars that ever graduated from tbe Gold Hill achoola, and wa all know that nothing leaa can b« aaid of Miaa Gilleapie, and their parenta, who are old raaidenta, are justly proud af them. They errtainlr are a credit to Oold Hill and will make their mark. ■Math el Uleeet L W. Weed. A telegram from San Franciaoo announces tha death of Colonel L. W. Wood. He died at tha paatboase sear tbat city yeeterday from amallpoz. Col. Wood waa fifty-two year* of age and aa old raaldent of California and Nevada. He waa well known hare aa tha looator and formerly principal owner of the Woodville mine, Lower Gold Hill, nam\x=req-\ log it after himself. Since aelliog ont his intereat In that mine ha haa rtaided in San Francisco, operating mora or leaa in mlnea and mining atocka, and oaly a few week* ago ha waa here attending to soma mining operation whleh ha and otbera pcopoaed going into. A mere genial-hearted gentleman la aeldom aet, and maay warm fries da, both hero and alaewhare, will teal a*d to learn of hia death. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. hb>t iutin or thi boabd worn rmuiy. Til* DHil Mtpmrta >b4 Amy AmmiI •f Bills -Marias III AllMMl Offleera Ull RepMtt, III, An lito-tH pmimi la ik« r«et. boat*. The Board of County Commissioners mat at 11 a. m. today. In tba abeeace of Chairman Caaavan, Consmlsaioner Gallagher waa callad to tba chair. All tha other msmbera of tha Board wara presout. Tba minutea of tba laat meeting were read and approved. worn. Diatrioi Attorney Hilea reported tha applloatian of John Salteaberger to have hia aon transferred from tha California ta tba Nevada Inatitnta for tha Deaf, Dnmb and Blind, to be in regular form; and if the Board waa eatiafled of ita trutbfalneea tba State Snperintandent of Poblio Inetrnotiom ahoald be reqaeatad to iesae bis oertifloate authorising the tranafer. Report referred ta tha Courthouse Committee. Tba report ol lleroer Otay, Treasurer, for January, waa praaented, read and referred to tba Caurtheuae Committee and Distriot Attorney.' [Tbia report hu already appeared in tbeaa oolamne.— Rip.] Tba Joatioe Committee ukad and waa granted farther tine in which to report on procuring offloes for tha Virginia Joa\x=req-\ tioee. Dr. Kirby praaented bia report of the boepital for Janaary: Id hoapital January 1, 65; received during the month, 38; total, 83; dlacharged, 43; died, 3; ao\x=req-\ counted for, 46; in hoapital, February 1, 46; taalea, 44; femalea, 4: daily average, 60; in peat-bouee, 1 (Miss Harrieoo). Report reoeived and filed. > BILLS. Billa wara allowed aa foliowa: Regular Billa—D. H. Fraaer, Commie\x=req-\ aioner, aalary, $110; William Webber, aame, $110; Tbomaa Gallagher, aama, $110; W. J. Sheridan, aame, $110; M. Canavan, aame, $110; O. D. Baboook, watchman, $16; Montgomery Onard, rent, $76; Waebington Ouard, aame, $76; Sarafleld Ouard, aame, $76; National Ouard, aame, $76; Tiger Guard, •saie, $76; Emmet Ouard, aama, $76; Nevada Artillery, eeme, $100; N. King, janitor, eto., $77 60. Hospital Billa—Chae. Connor, nuree, peatbouse, $100; Jdhn D. Gibbon, aame, $100; V. A. Fryer, nurse, hoapital, $60; E. A. Oamble, steward, $100; Richard Brewer, oonk, $00; Tboa. Fisher, dishwasher, $36; Dr. Kirby, ealary, $300; Wm. Leonard, outaideman, $36; Sarah Wood, nurae, $26; Raohel Jonea, wait\x=req-\ reea, $30; P. Martin, taking over patient, $3; H. B. Fay, aame, $4; Mike Foley, aame, $4; H. O. Daucby, meats, $178 76; Baaa k Macksy, aame, $36 13; Pioneer Laundry, $60; Tboa. Taylor St Co., liquora, $378 13; John Maledon, taking over patients, $4; A. M. Cole, drUKe, $30 13; Joe Dexnling, grooeries, $31 38; Tbos. Taylor & Co., liquora, $3 60; E. H. Lapidaire, taking over pa\x=req-\ tienta, $6; Water Company, $30; Louia Reich, beer, $30; G. E. Scammon, repairing, $8 60; Block k Co., dry goods, $20 98; P. Ford, supplies, $413 36; G. E. Scammon. work, $8 60. Iodigrnt BilU— McMillan a uo., gro* oerie*, $40 25; W. 0. Steel. 1. 913; J. C. Hampton, Rrootrie*. 907 13; J. B. Gagnon, uat, 47 02; Mrs. Gemtndar, rent, 97; J. Peqnlgney, fuel, 18; Jo. Damliug, groceriee, 98 25; B. Howard, same, *C3 37; William Krauae, aame, 920 25; Boot Bros., clothing, 915; I. Goodfrieud, enndriee, 913; T. It. Mo\x=req-\ Oaro. grooeriea, 99; 8. Bo«b, aboee, 91H 25; P. H. Ford, groceriee. $U*1 10; aame, aame, 9 *2 39; Hayee k Nevia, aaine, 98 75; F. W. Foleom, aama, 9155 01; A. Lernhart, draga, 922 75; J. k J. B. Mallon, groceries, 945 08; Jo. Dealing, aame, 9109; C. C. Baker, aame, 932 50; Crseby k Co., Inal, 942; Hayee k Nevin, groceriee, 99 45; aama, aama, 90 75; Biohard Mercer, aama, 94 50;F. Dickman, aama, 9108 87; Cbaa. Cabili, rant, 95; Brown k Taaaal, aboaa, 924; Banner Broa., olotbing, 95; Wm. Webber, caab, 922 50; C. M. Brows, bariala, 942; Dr. Bergetein, attandanoa, 915; Hayea k Nevin, grooeriea, 910 13; llichard Mercer, aame, 9147 47; A. M. Cola, drnga, 92 50; Booa Broa., eloth\x=req-\ iug, 931; E. Nye, maata, 911 20; Ja. Drmling, groceries, 921 28; A. M. Cole, drnga, 930 13; Hayee k Kevin, grooer\x=req-\ iea, 916 75; J. 8. Werrin, grooeriea, 98. Miaoellaneone Bill*—Jo*. Fraderioka, anutlrlea, 945 13; Virginia Chroniclt, advertising, 98; J. k 1. B. Mellon, oil, ato., 91 76; Virginia Chroniclt. advertie\x=req-\ log, 922 60; Meroer OUy, P. O. bos, 94; William Sutherland, blank*, eto., 972 50; Croiby k Co., lael (or Court\x=req-\ bona, 9219 60; aame, boapital, 9254 60; Cbaa. Palmer, anndriee, 928; Wbaeler, Hall k Co., hardware, 91 50; F. Boegle, alatioucry, 989 50; Chroniclt, advertii\x=req-\ ing, 913; D. Jamee, guarding priionara, 912; Gold Hill Nswa, advertiaing. 96; Chronicle, aame, 99 50; B. I. Tarman, wood, 917 25; F. Bitter, key*, 93; Gold Hill Nawa, blanka, eto., 918; A. Peaaly, jobbing, 95 25; uma, 917 25; Geo. I. Lammon, atatioaery, 9238 75; Fred Anthony, binding, 912; I. X. Mullin, gaa fliting, 92 60; William Hill, in. anrance, 9113 20; water, Coort bonae, 975; J. H. Richard*, iniurance, 9118 60; JoeDemling, jail, 91; A. Peaaly, jobbing, 918 60; B. Winter*, work on peat-honae, 920; George Maledon, hauling, 93; Chroniclt, adverliaing, 98; aame, 94; aame, 913 60; blanks, 9117: JShter\x=req-\ prist, aama, 94; FooUlyhl, aaaae, 94; H. N. Conger, rent, 930; H. Sobaeneman, repair*, 91 50; Camp Sing, interpreter, 96; F. Bitter, keya, 93; G. L. Jaekeon, aundrica, 911 60; Sheriff ol Elko oounty, earring papera, 922 10; Walter Vogel, eoavenger, 95; Chronklt, blanka, 950; J. A. Winterbauer, rent (Jnetioe'roffloe, Gold Hill), 925; W. J. Hanka, boarding prisonera, 9105; George Bath, work, 93 50. All bille (or deputlea were referred to the Courtbouae and Juatica Committaea respectively. No salaries wers allowed, lor the reason thai no report* a( (eea war* praaentad and no reoelpta o( the Treaaorer abowing that the money collected bad been paid over. MISCELLAXIOUS. Mr. Biobarda said a bulkhead on a oounty road baok o( his bousa had given way, and the road waa likely to care and be ruined. B*(erred to the Road Committee. The aubjeet of Mrs. Perry's delinquent taxes waa again brongbt up, and again the Board refased to take any ao\x=req-\ lion in the matter. The Board adjourned to meat Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. * A New York 8-ysar old boy jealously killed his little baby brether last (all, and bid the remaina at the bottom of the aah Wo, when they have bean joat dag oat. The parents Delisted tbs young da\x=req-\ mon'a atory, that his brother had gone oat In the a treat, sad thoaght him stolen. Tbs young murderer wssdeteeted by his talking ia bis sleep, bagging sons one aot to look la the ashss (or his baother. EASTERN DISPATCHES The Bill for Counting tbe Ilectoral YoU-No Bxtra Beulon. WiiHDfOTOif. February. 2.—I# Senate yeetsrdey, Morgan, from Committee on Bute oi the Lew in Begard to the Electoral Count, reported Ingalla' resolution on that subjeot, with a sob\x=req-\ etitate ea an amsndment. The substitute is a oononrrent reeolntion, m lollowi: Be it molted by the Senate, tbeHouee ol B.preaentatWea. concurring. That the two Houses of shell assemble in the hall of the Houee of tites on Wedneedey. the 9th of F*bni*ry. 1831 at 12 and the Preeldent ef the. Senate ehJl be the presiding cMmi that one person be eppolnted tellfr en the pert of the SeneU end two on the part of theHoneeof make a liit of TOtee ea tbs* shall be de\x=req-\ elared; that the reenlt ehall he dellftred to the Preeideat of the B.naU, who shsll announce the etet. of the toU and the peraone elected to the two Hoa.* awem^ bled aa eloreeeld, which ehall oe deemed a declaration of the persons elected Preeldent and Vico the United Statu, and. together with a llat of TOtee, be entered In the journal of the two Houeea. Section two provides thet if it ehall eppear thet a.y ToWe ol El.otore for Preeldent and Vioe Pr«i\x=req-\ dent of the United Staue hate been git en on any ether day than that fixed for the oaeting of euch rotea by act of Con\x=req-\ greae in purauanoe of the Constitution of the United Sutee, and efeountlngor omitting to eount euch votee ehall not MMntielly change the reeult of election, they ehall he reported by the Preeldent of the SeneU in the following manner: •• Were the votes of the eleotore oaat on the (blank) day of (blank), iBSQ to be counted, the result wonld be. for A. B., for Preeident of the United Statee (blank) vous. and for C. D., for Preel\x=req-\ dent of the United Statee (blank) TOtefc If not counted the reeuU would bef or A. B. for Preeldent of the United Statee (blank) to tee; for 0. D. for I'rMld of the United Stetee (bleak TOtee. But in either event (blank ie elated Preel\x=req-\ dent of the United Stetee, end in the use mennor. for Vioe Preeldent. WiaamoTuK.'Febtaery 3.—-It ie universally ooneeded that the electoral eount reeolntion which paeeed th- Senate yes\x=req-\ ttrdsy afternoon will promptly be sa\x=req-\ qnleeoed in by the Houee of B.preaenta\x=req-\ lives. Henoe there ie no longer any proepect for en extra session of Con\x=req-\ areae. which lately eeemetfimminent by reaeon of the tbreetea.d indefloluaon\x=req-\ enmptlon ef time In wrangling, end flll\x=req-\ buetering OTer tbie qu.etion, and all par\x=req-\ tiea rejoice that the ordinary work of the eeeeion may now proceed without undue Interruption or obetruotion. i Scandalous fllforce Cm®. Cdicaoo, February 2.—A Timrt Or.nd Bapide (Mich.) epeclal eaya: Lest Spring William Addle, a lumber mer\x=req-\ ohent of eame prominence and considerable wealth, procured a diToree from hie wife, Hope Addie, without publicity, until the decree bad been granted, when the fact beoame pnblio that Mre. Addis bad admitted In Court that ahe bed com\x=req-\ nltted adultery with Herman Blodgett and othere. Ae she waa the mother of four daughtera and one son. somo of them grown op. and bed always borne an excellent character, and wee not In sood heelth. and theae m.n were below b.r eocl.l poaltlon. the pree, and public booted the dWoroe proceeding, and1 demanded an inveetigatlon. Irom which it appeared that Addi. bad latlmld.ted orinaomcway induoed her to feleely testify to her own ebame. making a wl\x=req-\ tlemant of property on b-r. end that ehe wee made to believe that he bad mrn who would eweer edultery on her. eo> thet be could get a dleoroe if eh. rented and leave her pennllee*. She then bo^'l and publicly denied her sulU and the Court aunulled the decree. Today the began euit for divorce egainst him. alleging extreme cruelty In this and ether mature. Their 'oar daughter, were present in oourt, one. Mre. wmu •f Sen Frencleco. end another, Mre. Stevenson of Leadville. B°lh eym\x=req-\ path!re with their mother. M do be yoanger children. Beverel ladiea of the best aooi.ty appear with her aa friends, and num.roue and able couneel ara engaged on both sides. Smallpox Hi Dakota. Sioux City, February 3.—For eeveral week* the (mtllpox bta bean raging vilh great fatality in Jt-fferaoa Union, Dakota, a ••ttlement diitant (rom tbia city about twelve railee. A atriet quarantine baa been enforced agalnet the community, and tba diaeaae baa not apread beyond tba aettlement, though it baa played aad havoc there. The aettlrmeot conaiata moatly o( French Canadiana, and when tba diaeaae flmt broke out they, in thair ignorance, were unmindful of ita oon\x=req-\ tagioua character, and funeral* were bald publicly and attended by the whole population, aa lha aettlera ara all really of kin. Id tbia way tba diaeaae apread rapidly, and tbo neighboring towna quarantined the people, who have been ieolated for nearly a month, with no maila, traica being poiitively inatruoted not to atop. Tba aettlera are getting rratleaa, and threaten to break the quarantine. There have been over ninety oaaea, thirty-two fatal, and only aix have recovered. The scourge ia growing Iraa virulent. Whole familiea have been awept away by the diaeaae, and in naay luatanoea tba dead have been left un\x=req-\ burird through fear or inability to obtain help to inter them. At praaent lha diaeaaa ia oonflned within ita original bounda. No oaaea have developed in thia city, though iaolated oaaea are re\x=req-\ parted in aaveral towna in Southern Dakota. Tba diaeaae ia aaid to be the black amallpox, and ia thought to have been communicated by • party of Buaaiaa Uenuonite Immigranta who paaeed bare aavaral warka ago, going to \ankton. Connecticut Ice Crop. Naw Yoax, February 3.—Thaaeverity of tbo weather In tbia vicinity ia revealed by paragrapba like the following: "A eeoond crop of ice, eighteen inahra in tblckneea and free from enow, ia being out from tha Cenneaticut river, oppoaita Hartford. The third crop of ioa ia nine inchea thick, and lha great maaa of ioa covering tba rivar baa an average thick\x=req-\ neaa of thirty inchea, aix inobeaof which haa formed within the paat three daya." "The rivera ara aeriouily orowded with ice. Laat night tba waatber vaa bitter oold. Snow baa improved tba alreeta, but tba traina are all delayed." Lively Domestic IpUode. Chicaoo, February it.—Aa lnttr Ootan Decatur (111.) apodal aaya: John A. Hornatain, a German oltiaen of tbia plaoe, attempted to kill hia young wifo thia naming, making deeperate ataba at bar with a knife and than pounding bar over tba head with a kettle. Two gentlemen interferod, and ha than pulled a revolver aad ahot bimaelf twioa ia tha head, and that failing to kill him, aeizad a common waod-aaw aad backed away with it at hia throat until ha aevered tha Jogutar Tats, whaa ha bUd to death. i Tobacco Bwlndlor.r Naw You, Febrnary 3.—The Tribunt aaya: Tbe tobaoco trade ia exaitfd over loeaea auetained through aalta of ta«r\x=req-\ ebandiae to Joeeph Ltwla, wbolaaala dealer in tobaoao, of San Francieoo. He auoceeded tbe well-known firm of Lewia Brotbera about aiz moatha ago, the latter firm being eaUmated to bo worth $900,000. Joaepb Lewi* tame to thi* city about three aonthe ago, a ad on tba reputation of tbe firm of whlob bo waa auoceaaor, purebaadd tobaooo to tba extant of about $05,000 on credit, giving a three montba' note. It ia aJeo aaid that be depoaited $20,000 with a prominent banking firm, but drew out tbe whole amount when be alerted lor San Fran\x=req-\ eieco. The merobandiae he had pur\x=req-\ obaaed waa abipped to San Franoiaoo, where be eold it at auction for laaa than eoat. Tbe notea wbioh he gate for $65,000 fell due a few daya ago, went to proteet and have not been paid. Among tba firma aa ereditora are A. 8. Roaen\x=req-\ baum k Co., $18,000; W. H. Levin, $0000; Havemeyer k Nigellua, $8000; Bunae k Dornitser, $8000; O. H. Spltx\x=req-\ ener k Hon, $8000, end Henry Friedman, $6000. Kick. Mineral Country. Niw Yob*, February 9.—Judge E. 8. Anderaon, of Idaho, delivered a lecture laat evening before the Bullion Club on the mining intereaia of that Territory. He eteted that the mineral reeouroea of Idaho were comparatively unknown, and that eome of the ricbeet veina had been dieoovered ainoe laat June. The mining belt waa over 200 milea in width, and extended from Southern Idaho northward through Montana into tba Briiiab Poaaraaiona. In tbe wee tern part, be aaid, gold waa abundant; but tbe riobeat ailver minee were eituated in the eaatern part of the Territory. Tbe dlfflcultlee of traneportation, owing to tbe laok of railroada and laok of oapital, were the only obetaclea to tba apeedy development ef tbe mineral wealth of the Territory. Charlie Boss Again. Chicago, February 3.—A Tribunt London (Ontario) apecial eaya: It ia probable that tba genuine and only original Charley Boaa baa bean diaoov\x=req-\ ered on tbe (arm of Joaepb Bonn, ■ German. He waa takes from home one day by two man in a baggy, and remembered nothing more nntil be arriTed among the Indiana, exoept eroaaing a fiver, prebably tbe Niagara. He waa plaoed in an Indian family and ernelly treated and beaten. He flrd, and after many adrenturee last October came to Mr. Bonn, who refnaes to give him up exoept to hie father. ■UcellaaeoM. Niw Yobs, February 3.—Smallpox increaaea alarmingly, and the Board of Health are looking toward ohecking it and treating tbe infectiona caaee. The preaent faeilltiea are unauitible. ■ Collxox Point, L. I., February 2.— Cbarlee Barngert, two daughtera and three young women were coaating down bill and were nnable to atop tbe eled, which ran off tbe wberf and broke through tbe ice in Floahing Bay. All were reecued, but It ia thought two of tbe women will die fiom the ehock and oeld. Shortly after another aled of ooaatera ran off tbe eame piece. All were reacued, bat almoat perlebed. Cincinnati, February 3.—Arobbiabep Puroell ia reported paralyaed. the entire left aide of hie bedy bring dead to feeling. Menially be aeeme only to have been atimulated by the elroke. Hia phy\x=req-\ aiclana anticipate no immediate danger. Concord, N. H., February 3.- A reao\x=req-\ lution haa been introduced here in\x=req-\ atructing tbe Uejor to cloee all liquor aaluooe in the cily. It will not be acted on nntil tbe laat of tbe month,-when It will probably paaa, and it looka aa if a liquor cruaade will b» inaugurated. Hickort Uudob, Ky., February 3.— William McKinney waa murdered here on Monday by Columbua Caei, who knocked bim down with an ax, beat hia head to jelly and fled. Both were prominent Metbodiete. An old feud waa the oauee. Albuqucrquc, N. M-, February 9.— California Joe, Mizla Barrira and Eeca\x=req-\ liatloa Kevera, tbe murderera of Colonel Potter, were taken from jail and banged by eitizene. Tbe bodiee are anapendtd frem a portal of tbe adobe jail. VI8CBLUNK0VB. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mad* from Grape Cram Tartar.—No other pr»p»ratlou make* «urb llnht, flaky hot breada, or laiarloa* l>e»ti7 Can b« eaten by Djrtpep\x=req-\ tics without fear of Ilia reeoltln* from lndlfeetlble food. Hold oalr In eeae. by |all HotaL Bun" Powpim Co.. tiro. art. ocQJ New York. CIQARS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY. | O. H. GALLUP, Opposite tbi bank or gold bill. I keep* conatantly oo band all the favorite | brand* of IMPOKTID CIGARS, All klada af CkawlaaTakaeea, PI pea. Cat* I l*rr> T«»e. Faaer <>aada Mrkaal ' Beeka, aa4 mailaaery af all Paaartatlaaa u SPECIAL NOTICE. OKRSONfl RESIDING IN virginia WHO f wUb to eabaerlba for tbe Oold Bill I Miwa -an leare order* lor It at tbe Poetoffloe Book More. No. It Sooth 0 etreet. N. B. BABSONS. OR. A. CHAPMAN. 8U R Q IO NcD I N T I DROK IIIVADA OITT. OAU»g Sill PkmumbUt logrtjiat VI jtala 01 ty. Offloe. IIP sooth 0 BBs§@=5S MI8CILUY10U8. 45 Years be fore the Public* THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that fleali ia heir to." but in affection* of the Lirer, tffld in all Dilioua Complaint*, Dvs|>ep*ia, and 8lck Headache, or discaM** of that character, they •land without a rival. ' ACUE AND FEVER. Ko better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking qulnln*. Aa a simple purgative they are unequal«L BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Tfie genuine are never sugar-coatad. Each box lias a red-wax seal on tba lid, with tba Impression, McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears tha signature of C. McLaxi and Flimixo Btoa. ^V*lnsl»t upon having the genulsa Da. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS, pro\x=req-\ pared by FLEMING BR09„ Plttabnifh, Pa^ the market lieing full of imitations < f the name NcLanr, s|*lled differently but mime pronunciation. Is the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation, nilloasness. Headache, Torpid Liver, Hem\x=req-\ orrhoid*, i nd 1mpom 11 ion, and alt Disorders arising from an obstructed state or Use system. lAdlt* and children, and tbnw who dl.llka taking plliH unii n.iivoiia niHllrinMi,uawp*\x=req-\ dally plraard with II* .(iveablp qualities. TltOPIC-prcit LAXATIVE mar b* n«ed In all raae. that n«>d th» aid of a purgative. ratbartlc,orap#rlent mrdlrtn., and pro\x=req-\ duce* Uieaamemiiilt a«th» agent, I* enUrrty trm from the u*ual oMiM-i|rin«roiun»oa to tbetn. raiM U Wm»4 Ua Wi* .air Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. Sold by all first-class Druggists. CEHMUH kl*»yt OoMi and D«T*r dliap* point*. The world'* great Paln\x=req-\ lUlUTcr for kUn and Bmt Cktap, quick and r«lUU*t PITCHER'S CASTORIA Is not Narcotic. Children grow flit upon, Mothers like, and Physicians rccotutncnd C ASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Feverlshuess, and destroys Worms. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Na Tin* Wbxald be Lm If th« atomacb, llr»r and l>ow»la are alfrrted, to adopt the »ure remedy, Ho»teller> Htouucb Btltrn. Dleaeaee of tbe orcana named befat othera far mora reilooi, and a delay la therefore bixardoae. Djaprmla. Ilrer complaint, rhllla and fever, early rheumatic twlngre. kid. dot weaknaee brln* aerlooa bodily treabla If tilfUd with. Loae no lima In nam* tbla effwt\x=req-\ iTe, aefe and lone known medlclna Kor aala by a l DragcteU and Daalart pa. arally. 1 I Mr «« «r Vrmtahto •«! Vimwrr Herd for l^i* p* In «*rra»l»ga from Dbetoaraph" of tha »rt»ln«l«. will b* mm tKKI 10 all who applr. Mjr ol.l cuitomara nnd not wrlla for II. I »n*r on* of lb* limit collae* tlont of rnrrtaWa ar»<l trar irai out brMTMcd Houm In Inirrlc*. • Urn portion of which warn grown on mr •'* f«rm«. Fall Jlrttiltmt /or rullinlion on Huh part ft. All arml mrrialM la bt betk/rtk tmH Irmt It mtmt; «o far. that ibou'd It prof* uthotwlMT, 1 wU1 rrjul Iht trdtr araMa. Tha ortclnal Intrtxlucrr o( the HulibaN Muaaak, Plilnnar* Melon, Marblabaad Cabbaao, Mnlcau Corn, ami acomof otbar ragatabka, Ilnrlta tha patron wo of aII via ar« atuiau It kmtt Ihttr tttl dirtcllu/rtm Ikt grwttrjrttk, Irmt, tmdtflkt airjr kttl ilmia. NEW TEOnjkBLIt A MPBCIALTY J A Mis J. IL UBUIOKT, Martkhaad, Mam. CHANCE OF FIRM. IBATB TBI# DAT BOLD TO J. P. BALL all mr UUNat la lb* Plooanr lydrj. ^ Virginia, December 1, WO. •PKCIAL~NOTICB. All Bill* do* lb* PIONMB LAONDBT tp totber m°T OF DKOHJBkK. WO. »n.t be fettled before tba TKNTII UP UCOLMBKH. O* tbar "Hi b* placd 111 ,b# °! • oolhator. li future do bill* will be allowed to ran mora than thirty daja. J. P. BALL. Virginia. December 1. WO. 1_ SILVER HOUSE, MAIN STRBBT, •ILVKR OITY, - - NKVADA lotrd iid LodftBf m per MobIM. M* WW Bipliy* — w—— u iuia aiwum