Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS WZDNB8DAT. : : FEBItl'ABY 9. 1881 BUIlltUUIT 81LI8. SriXItl Locauoo of prtoe P»» f*-* 01 jss^stssi am «*• mm •gg tlmao-x «poo lbs f* » .*SSiyS botdtr*. m» follow*: Name*. S«.Otrtlf. 8h». Ami. AuE£* CO T •••»••"«; " Ambrose J " KlockiutfBlMrd. T™eUW12iI ^'"i£ " Crajfr Tr" rrSuft ::!5:. J M do •••••• •• SSSfS £ : au- R- n" CSHS & —::&:::«• missus 2 ::....i«2 -J •• u® ■null J )C do mi J* do " •Bna.ll J M do }2S'i£"2" BnnUJlt do Brms.1 J M do —to -• Brma.ll J M do it!Ja""2""lO " Braaail J M do i^2""2" "In " BiwIU* do JJJ» MmUJ M do »*"•—•* J" nu>iiJ8 do iiiSS—22—m "• Braaail J M do JHS*£""?o" BmallJM do JgM—.. BnaaUJ M do MS"'X' im HtamIIJM da MS—'tt I BruilliM do >**4 ...» »•• J M do JJfS""!? ?Ju MftMllJ M (Jo 144*4....M ...TOO BnsrUJM do HSS"*«2""!J " BnaaU t M do Braaail J M do »!!*•— DiwlUH do 1KH....U....MW IhmUJM do ......I'*"-.";'} } •• Bna.ll J M do 1OM....10 BnwiuM do l2K-—:!••• •!?, Bru.ll J II d> 1BI70....18 J* llru.ll J M do M8I8 * } • Bru.ll J M do l«> } J" mnUJX do 1T1I».. Bna.ll J M do |7J3»....«0....» . Brmatll J M. Tnu.btl iMIS.ItMH 8 8 M Biaa.ll J M dj bal MJ3d.I>a»l 1 1 .. J M. Troatoa 1W J | •• Braa.ll J M, Traa, bml 8318. U»3 *•••••} •• Braa.ll J M. Treau. 11884 8 ....1 .. BnaaUJ 11 do bsl Utae.lTM* » }» Bni.llt M do balMll..HWt «.....! .. Braaail J M do bal »137. 113M Bras.ll J M do bal U07T.17«u0.....8.....1 .. Bna.ll J M, Traatss ITM.. 100... W.. Bna.lli M do 1W10...M...1W .. Brma.ll J M do 1I»11...BI0...H» .. BraaailJ M do n8M...MW..••» •• Bataa D C. Tnutaa MD8....18.....1 » BUM U 0 do IH1I....»....» .. BrirtOO do T0» ...» 8.. Btylqr O B. Traatas 1«*. ..1W....I0 .. lUjrWjr U B do 18181....» 8.. BajJ.y U B do 17»»8.. ammtt* Walksr. TrmaUeaaU8l7....». .J> .. Bsrth PfcU, Tra.tss «148...**>...WO .. Barth rtul do 17M3...1W . W .. Bartb fhil do 174M....80....10 .. Co«n Tra.tM M»...luo Oufla Jm do Wtll...MO....IO „ Oop« k OaTla. Tmlsss.... 18*84 ■ ■■»§....M» Ouiw ft Uvla do * CSblll * Co *. TrnMeas •»«....» ...» .. OsaillBOoB do 17m....» 8.. Crowlsj k Uoodman, Trma\x=req-\ tow 18J8I...1W....W.. Cluta * Ui.vlas l.TraiUaa 17iW»....M ...8i .. Crmodall W U, Tnslas 18430...1U8....W .. Ormadall W O do ....18-41.........« .. Crmodall W U do ....188J0...808...108 .. Cup.. Ual r k Oo. Tro.taas 44J3—10 8 .. Clana.ot Mary A. Trm.las. 1UW». ..U8 ...» .. Daacaa W L. Tnatas I*71« 8 8(0 Umaomn W L do ......UW3....I0.....8 .. Duncan WL do U4J0....10 .. Dancao V L do !•* ...W ...J.. lxutch I. Traatrs. 110*.... 10....88 .. Dlaaasr. H, Trmalss U7W....I0.....8 .. Duma. B. TtmtUf IUS1....I0....88 .. BmwHdBOo. Tru.laaa .lJlUl ..lu0....40 .. Bppslsia k Oo do ....lftt8 ...*> ...» . kppa .ln k Oo do ....111*1...lid-..■» • Irptum 8 Oo do ....11&J8.........18 .. Kdboff H.ory.Traalss....14181...1U0....» .. VUU C J. Trustor »»»....8.. riSltCJ do MMV....U 8.. Fnnka k (Jn». Tie«aaa...llt.'d....»■••..8 .. Fn .k< 4 Or7 do . .18488....» 8.. FnakadUrmr do ....11XH—10....10 .. BrmnkaftUrw do I...171U....I)...J8.. Vitrbun t 0j,Tnri«M...U81....N.. M .. BitahornBOo do ...1«H0... »»....» .. Prcbm k Co do ...17M8....80....88 .. rni k l B. Tm-Us M0I....S8....10 .. Krsak a Tra*iaa M0I....88... » .. Pot a to AW. rra*tss... 1T»J..»>....1». ujiwICoI. Tnitan.....*l....B—.ll'«' b»tbU»U * Oo. TrwlM •• Orwncba iiu.livlblig * Co TtU»i«M 1WC....10..--W •• 0E"D*b"u- U*1MB* 4 id 10 TlUliiw „ .. Owfbwun. Uclbim • Q°; . Truauwa •• nsaur-..rr«.;jw...» ••• Or^nr^um. H.lbl** k Co. Tru " Unoliitffr H. Tru»t«# » J** Uilkou J, ,lSl!—2—i? " tti £ °tsr \*..A ,°:.T.T—...» ... •iS* *** t» OrvMibuin A Co kTrttH».IMj4 .. Uwiiy m urn.TimIm au....»■•• Ur*vc« W W. Trust* U4M.........10 .. OoUiQMi M, Truit«t. ..••..IMif • a^urk..^.^im llucbstiUier li Co K. Tru»\x=req-\ .,...USIT....#0....1J.. TTW.JS. . ■!"> .1J7J5.. .10".. • W .. ■. 30., . • iJ.. 1J.WI .so... .13 .. ..10... .5.. .1JM7.. ..10... .10 .. 13*'7.. ..10... ..3 .. ..50... .25 .. .10 .. .157*'.. ..10... .5 .. ItM.. .10 . .xaw.. ..10... ..S.. 1357*.. ..10... .10 .. 13377.. ..10... .1. 17050.. ..50... u.. MM.. 10.. .I3M1 . ..10 .. 15.. Hoc baud t*r * Co K. Tim I*** 14731....75.... T7 JO llo.iu.rk Oo I> M. Tni.t*..!«4itt...luu...,t>0 .. HoMmkOiDH do ,1U<*....J0....13 . Ucxiiwr k Oo It M do .IM'i.. .luu....Hi . li<»iurr fcoo D M do .17054....lo, ...» , BmcbUxou Joo, Tra*taa..,tWlB... lu ...... Buh.-blu.oo Juo do ..1*510... Jo., lo . H.wk« H D. Trnata* 11743...50 . InbHO do 14719....3ft....II) , HmIiUD do 157J4......... 15 . IntaHD do 1401*.,,.33..,,13 10 HivkiHI) do 1737s....10 ». HawkaHD do 17*7*....*>....10 . Iliirui k Oo. Truat***.... 1UM....10 4. HmnitOn do .... 1M14....I0 3. Haw kin* J J B,Trual**....l:rii3...i»>....»o , Itiklu JJt do . .80... .1* . HwklwJJ I do ..17277....50....15 . Huff A. Treat** 4W* * llu Horn R O. Truate* , Iglauar I*. Treat**........, *«oo*y ft Drrr. Truauva. King k I'd H H. Trn*t*«*.. Kauimai kOoH. TmHen XmIohi k On I do Lock* Wiu L, Truat**...., Lock* Wm L do ImU WiiiL do .... Lock* Wui L do .... Latham Jt Kin*. Troatar*. Mar;* k Boo UN T, Tr**\x=req-\ t*#* .««••««.««*........1 Bar?* k Boa Uw T. Trua\x=req-\ I***...J Kin* * »ob U*o T, Tito\x=req-\ ItMxtl...! •••••«•••••••• Blfphcraon k Bbina. Tru* lev* Macpb«r*oa k BbUiu, Tru*\x=req-\ I*""*. ... Bill-rk Vu Wjck. Truu.inw 13....12(0 Mwk* A tulnbaxdt. Tru»\x=req-\ I*** ..................... 11*440... U.... 10 . MF***r, Bacon k Oo. Trat\x=req-\ 1***......................<IN9>... 10.... .* i Burpby I P. Treat** 1**1......... 10 . Merrill » J. TtiiMm UJ01.... 10 t. Hllr.k Kim. T.n»tc*a....17*41 .100...1<0 . Murray w v. Trail** 7*03 B ISO Mirluty t, TnMr* 10*11... IB... IS. llilMk Oo K M. Troilcw .ivwa....*)....:o . Moald*r A J. Tra*4** I4IM... .10.... » Borwood W *. Treat** 11747....15 T90 * * do ....14224... *l ...10. i Tre«*. 2"', * " *> «*»*. S*| *£ Lc%- » do 1771/7. .WO.. .100 .. 7107.,.100....10 .. P,l»bur7C J. TioMm 1*414....10 • .. *£. TtllM** ItUl.... B J JO Ku-bardaoa K k. Treat**.. ,ioi*5 ...*».... 10 .. Mlchardaoo K k do 17*17... 33 MM K >uuirva Jfc Lang land, Traa t*** .....................14003 BO 13 Bouutraak Laa<laad. Traa- * t**a 10430...,S0. ...13 fi-^t-ipj., ifccMamk * Op. Tni*t**o............ ....3011,., 100.,..50 Blckatdaua, Bill k Oo, Tr» t*o» 17933. ,,100. ...80 . BrUmlttO t.Trarta* <*U..,.3Q... 13.. Bb>lw«liJ X.TmlM 4774... .3 3 30 Bkotwall J il do .... 1*1*5...h«...30 . Bbotwrll I M do 17550...150....73 Boot! k Oo H II. TltitM*. Molt k Co 8 II do 141 bm W K. Tra-I** BlaaWK do Btallh Oha# H. Tract**.... Malik('baa B 4o ... MaltkCbaaB da Hmitb I'ma H to Malik Ob*. B do ..t co b*b. tr^^,7i4j"w#-*-,a ■ «S*ttk &'• * »••••«• •• .................... 1M73. ■ ■. 90....IB.. Wkk*i»ld k Co S B, Tru\x=req-\ Vilooa k Butcklaaoo. Trea\x=req-\ 3*00 « ..1JH4....S0....IS .. Wood* A Fraafeonij Ttko. ^W..j..«jjjj^»ollll0,...80....IB .. ....I.. (OSS....10. ....I .. 13004 5 ....130 .11133 .. .1. .. . .3 5U .14304. ,,.10. 13*11. .100. ...30.. icsm;...n. ...M.. 13713.. mo. ...IB.. 17X71... 71. ...3710 17940...110. ... W .. BXUItPKIT 81118. MM*—CMUiMC Hum*. No.Oerttt Sha. Ami. WeillOhL. Traataa int.. .. Weill Chaa L (0 10 Weill Cbu L do was...100 ...«0 .. w»tu uhM l do m»..iooo...ioo .. Weill Cbaa L do 1TMJ...*»... 110 .. Wood W E. Tree tee 11U0....M....1I.. Wolf P, Treatae 1MM....10 1.. And la accordance with lav. and an order of the Hoard of Dlractora. mad* on Iki fourteenth (Ulb) day at L'eceaber, 1M0. to many aaaraa of aaeb parcel of inch flock aa mar ba aeeaeeary will ba aoid at pobllc auction by Maurice Dora * Co.. 110 Haa atiaat. Han Praoclaco. Oallfor\x=req-\ aia. oa MuNDaY. the aaYKNTH (1th) day of KBBKL'AKT. IW, at tbe boar of two o'clock r » of aald day, to pay tald delinquent aaaeaa\x=req-\ ment thereon, together wltb coal* of ad rema\x=req-\ in* and axpaaaaa of tba aala. J. M BKAZSLL, Secretary. OOca—Room No «. Data Otpoalt No. a> Moaiiomery atiaat. Baa fnaclMO. California. 10 nALIMIU ULTU ■!■■■« | » OUMPAM YLocalloo at principal I irf buIlM, Baa FmmImo, Oalltotala Location <4 worka. atony coonty H* Notio»—Tbare in AallaqMM apoa tk* lol\x=req-\ k>wla«-d*ocrlb*d Muck, oa Hcgui of mm» ml (No. M) IreWd oa tk* twcaty-nlatk Jay of HoTwatMr, lift). U» aarvral auiuosi* mi *t>po*lW lb.- HUM of tk* MpMUn tkarHold\x=req-\ *r*. a* follow* i Hum. Ho.C*»Uf. 9k*. Am'u Itklua, Ifoo ft Oo, Tro*\x=req-\ iw»$11 ao Atkla*oo. Ljoa k Oo. Tlw\x=req-\ Um U0M....10 ISO Alklaeoa, Dood * Oo, Treb\x=req-\ le** .......... . Uttl. ...10. ...U Kl Atklueoa Tko* T k Oo. Tr*a\x=req-\ !***«..« .... HOU.. ..(I. ....1IS Atkluaoa Tko* T ft Oo, Trm»\x=req-\ lw<tm..................HM3,.. 100....M ,, Atkioeoa rko» T ft Co, Tn» tM* Atkioeoa Tko* T ft Oo, Tra*. lew 1 WTO....10....1110 | UaiatroofJ L.Tru»i**....lM;«...lU)....M Arm>lroa« J L do ...HIM....80....1110 I Aruietrou* J L do ... IU10.... 10 IU Bayley (ill, .irM...lU0....M Bailey OB do ....... 1TI4T... HO....8140 Ut))*i(lB do .......I7144....**....11S0 hklUB d> 11111 ..100....SO.. tttilvf U V do ..••••.1HM...100....80 . BayteyOB do intU....t0....11B0 HuliiuU do 1TCM...10U....M .. Uajley O B do 1TN1...UI0 ...IS ,. BayUyOB do U011...IU0....1B .. Utyl*v O B do 1M21....8O....I180 Bayley O B do IM....1I.....I.. DdltrUB dJ 1MMI...UW....U .. hayl*y U B do 1MB1...10U....* .. Bayley o B do lie**....10 1W Uuliv O H do ..1WID....-W I • BayleyUB do MW1....80....1180 Bayley O B do JjU IkjkrUB do 1»S0* ...a0.....1B0 B.w* 0 C, Trade* 11»*« ...80....M30 0at**D0 do> bate. DO ao I.! 1MW....IU....11W B -eckiurldg* k To*t, Tra*\x=req-\ U*...,!^ MM... 10....1110 Bmkiarid** ft loei, Tni* te**...77. MW4....80....HS0 Brvckiartdf* ft Yo*l. Tra*\x=req-\ tJTT 1M1....80... .1180 Bourn*J B. Tru*le* 1WM....W. ...«M Boarb* J U do 1»««T...1U0....» .. BerwalJ O 1M0« ...10 ISO ttarratt ft Walker. Tr*»te**.lT»04....» 1«0 Block ft Uernkard. Treat*** HW4... .10 * K> Block ft B*n>kard do U0ul....80....11 SO Bank Phil, Treat** l»OI. .1U0....M.. B ow A W ft Oo. Tniit*e*..l"Blu.. 1.. Brook* n U.Treat** 1*174....30.. .lift) Brook*BH do M1*1....40....10 .. Brook* 8 H do i*rn...loo....»s .. Brt>ok* 3 U d.i H410...100....1S .. Cra'KU.I < >*o B. Trad**.... ITloS.... 10 1B0 uraudallW t»,Tnuu* ltwM.,..» ....*.. CraaJall W U do ....H#4«.. .*»....60.. CraadalWU do ....1MI... ft) ...1190 CrwUllWU do ....1**34....10 ISO L'raudallWO do ....1WM ...10 ISO OruMM Kiiblu*oa,Tra*t**..lM*...HO—al 10 Oiuau* Kobtneoa do 11011....M S . Crupo* KoMdmb do 1IMS0....80....M80 Ch*w HoMdhi . do 1MU....M....11 U) ~ B|>WllUM>J.Tnwlr*...lM»....SO ISO Cakill ft ft Co Tro*t***....Ilea*....lo ISO Cakill K ft Co do ...11*41....10 1ft) CablllBft 0* do ,...14*U ...*) ».. Cablll K ft Co OO ... 17187...8U0...US.. Cakill tk Oo dJ ....ill* .. CaBlll K ft C> do ....111*0...100....IS .. O.billK^Oo do ....111«1....S0....UW Cablll K ft Oo do ....111U....10 » ». OaLlli K ft Cj co ,...11.*l,.,.li' 1 ftl Coffia Jaa, 1 nia*** Ml... IS 6 It CoSaJa* do ISM»., UomaJu do 1J47J...S0....11 fo Co IB'. Ja* do l*iSI....BO . US0 CoIBoJm do ...HSU S I'W CoAii Ja* do 1MiA....1J ISO Crocker ft OimU.Tnil< ..S«t * ....113 I CnK-krr ft Bajdua. Tnw«*.l«lil....»0 S .. Crocker ft »a)dua do .14110. 10 1 ftl Cro> *»r ft MujUam do .1IW....W....11 SO Crockir Jobo, Tru»t«* IWa*. HO .. A.. Cnck-r oi. u do IMS4....S0....11SO Crocker Joiia do 1I»J35 ...SS *18 Otucker Jwm do ...11 (IS O.ark* W U k Co. Tni*tMe.lWli....ftl S . Oiark* W 11 k 0» do .14U*.... 10 1H> Clark* W H ft Co d> 1UIS....*) S .. CoSn. lau larw ft Oaok. Iruatae* 1WW...100....M .. Cop^ I'bler k Oo, Tnaka**. .Ik81—ftl.... • .. COpe, L'kler ft Co do .H05»... .ft)..,.1* M Cj|>*. UblerftCo do .1I1M S Ill C >p . l'kler ft Oo do .m«....W I.. C.'peftbavU. Tr**la** ...i*»i.... 10... .ISO &pe ft Uaele do ....lift* ...10....11 So tint ft Uael* do ....11W6..,.4u....10.. U'lie ft Uaria do ....lWMi....W ...,t.. Ooiwftbaet* do ....IM*l....S0....11fti Cop* ft Uaele do ....ltQi...lU) .. 0«e>l«d Child D K. 1**W ...l» S T4 C*rle-o0 ...» . Cbard:u> ». Truetre HM1....80... H 40 ratb<art A B. Tru.I.e in*»....M»....lJSo W L. Truew- *301 ...10 140 tiuucaa W L do 14117....IS ....SIS : rncta W L do ......1>*'4.... 10 ISO Duocaa W L do 1S1I*. ..ft) ISO Usacaa W L do i*)l» • 1 IS DuuCa.i * L dJ 14114 ...10 1 So DoacaaWL do 11140... .1 1 S3 Baacaa W L do 11113... 10 ISO iMiragVL d> 11DM... .40. ...10 .. DoacaaWL ..ft) S .. Uaacaa «L do I*>4» * 114 Dabcaa W L bo 1*IM S I IS DoacaaWL do 1x0*) ...IS .. .SIS Uubraa W i, do 1M31....W S .. DoacaaWL d» 4*S DoucaoWL do 1'J-VW... *) S . Dlaaaior* K.Truele* 1U» ...10 B .. Dla»BM.r* K do 1M0S ..ft).....*.. Dti rw K do IN)4....1U ISO buau* K. Tni'tr* 1SkM...10o.v.7S .. Dewrr B K. Tru>tee 1*11.... 10 1 ft) Dixou T II. Traala* 1*011... .So... .11 SO DUoaTU ft) S .. U* Ureajrrr H. Trade* UaT7...1U)....t1.. lulearilt W.* It'll....ft) S ., kdward* W do IKM3....10 S .. KdwartU W do IDS'*....M....HBO Kdwardu W do 1*310....60.... 11 Bo Bppalela k Co. TraMeefl. ..1C177....ft) 1*0 K. p*t>IL ft Co do ..,,'MMIS.. .'00....1* .. KptMtelo ft Oo do ,...lft«l* . .HO....53 .. Kppetelu ft Ot do ...1WW.. .100.... 14 .. Kr>eboru ft ,'o, TraeU**... 1*411 ...SO... HBO Kay H S, Trunee 1141 S 113 Fay P* do HW1....S0 1ft) Kay P 8 do 1S«» S 113 Key Pa do 1H1U3....S0 1 ftl KarPt d> Hl«l .. S0....1180 Kr>. Xeal ft Co. Traatae*....U10...1i0....14 PraakeK.Truat>» 11147 ...10 ISO Kraak Samuel. Tro.lee 11 *M....So.... 11 Mi Kraake ft <<r*y. Tro-tee*...lVU0....10 1 to Kraake a Ur*y do ,. HJ48 ...10 *.. Frank* ft (Irty do ,..1>TM... ft) 5.. Fraaka ft liny do ...11068 .. so....lift' Frabka ftOray ro „.1«M S 114 Pranks ft <in* do ...lft'OO ...S0....11S0 Pos O W, Treat** PM S 1 IS PoxCW do 10*14. ...SO. ...11B0 Praokrl LB TraelM 1X31....ft) • .. Praakel L B do 1VW....10 ItO Kiird-rich (l.Tru-le*......lM1u....30 S . FrWlerlckU .lo MM4....1S... .« vs Ure*o*baum. Ilelb a* ft Oo, ..1CU... UrMMbum. Bclbtnc k Co. Tnuio* ltOM. . .to... .11 (u Un-rovtoam. Helblng k Co. Tnuto*' • ••••• turn. .11M UrMufbaam. Bribing k Co. Tnitw •••oo* •••• • • M471 • UrvvoebMnn. llrlbU.g k Co. .UM Tniloi •••••• Mil. ...10... QrMQfbtMi, Bribing a Co, .1110 ...10.• Uir«u»b«Dm, H«lblu( k Co, TratUM »•••••• .... 17I4T. ...10... Um»tum. Belbin* k Co. __ .1110 .TrllvtCH • •••• • ••••• ITIM. ... to.. Ur«ro*b«uaL UeiblDii k Co, .it n nrniototo • • • • 1TW» UfwMbMiK. UclblU * Co. ...11... llmohiaiil L k Oo. Tra*t« WW\x=req-\ ...40... .10.. Uiwnibaunt L* Oo do mn. ...10... .linn lllt'M W W, • ni»Wt 1WM. . .ft... .1100 Ololrr 1A Co. Trurtc««... ISM. ..10... ..160 "Utter I k Co do ....imo. UtaUrr 1 k Oo dO ... ...». . ..• .. (llktirr 1 k Co do ....Mtt. ...10... Ulultr III Co do ...1MM. ....... .11M titular 1 A Oo do ...IU«o. (1 MW 1 A Co do ...11810. ...M... UtaKOT 111 Oo do ...ItM. ...10... ..ID OlMtar 1 * Co CO ...nan. ...10 too fllu «r i * Oo do ...ISM. niasitr UOo do ...1IM*. .11M ULulM- I * Co do ...14SM. ...u... ..01* <iiut«r i a oo do ...una. ..5 .. Olutor 1 k Oi do ...i mi. ...M... .11 to (11 *ItI* Oo do . .um. ., OlM'«r I A Oo do ...IBM. ...10... ..ibo QUiler I ft Oo do .. imi. ...10... ..IN QluUrlkOo do ...n«u. ...10... OUtlor 1 * Co do ..- 80... 11M QlaalorlfcOo do ...into. ....... ..•IS uluirrl k Oo di ....... ..■M OUcfer I k Oo do ...IIM1. ...10*•• GUiior 1 M Q» do ,. .MM....IS... .IN Oluler t k Co d> ...1M44. ...10... ..1M fllulor 1 k Oo do ...104M. ...40... .10 .. Ounxtt A <1 A OO.TH MM* HIM. ...10 IM hW,.u«ia» do 1BT» •«Ur * Vki. TtMMM. IMlt. . ..00. •« .11M ■ .0.. BILI9QVKHT 8ALIB. Ul*dul*-C«aUi Hinw No. Oerttt Bha. Ami. Ooiijr k Obi do aw UollyhUbl do 18648....80 I.. Ovlljr A Dbl do 14896....IS 8 78 uolljr k Uhl do 18047....SO T SO Ollloo John,TruitM. 16811...100....18 .. UllloB John do 17160...100....* .. Ollloo John do 17131..., 10 lao OiUoo Joan do 1TB64....80....H80 OUloa John do 1(149....«0 0 .. union John do 18144....10 ■ .. Olilon John do 18879...100....18 .. OUIon John do Um....M 8 88 QillonJohn do 18148....10 .. .ISO union John do 11146... IS ITS Ulllon John do 19441...100....IS .. OtUon John do 19448....00. ..IIso Goldman M. TnutM 16388....10 110 OoldmuM do 17818.... 10 1.. Uoldman X do .19148....60....11 80 OoldaumM do 193S7.... 10 110 Ooldamn M do lt»... 10....1110 OoldBUl M do 1U41....40....1I90 OtNMlOo, TruaUM 1788U....80....II60 Urwn* k Oo do 19384... 80 ISO UMthwr B. Ttwim 18147....iO • .. QlWInacr H. Tnut«« 18M6 ...10 ISO uriMlUKvrB do 18041....10 IN GrMltigrrB d> m»........ OrtwlngirB do 17SM....I0 IM Uuthlw k Bchmllt, Troa\x=req-\ Um 8344.. ..10 110 Oaulhler B * Co, TruataM. 1S660.... 10 110 UtnUilar KkOo do .1MM....I0....1110 uardinar bcidwla.1lQalM.lllU....10 1*0 Uartfincr Baldwin do 19117....80 IM Uaral|Mr BalJwin d> 1914.... 10 • .. Bo1umA«Co TrnaUM.. 18488.... 10 ISO Hochatadur B 4k Co, Trua\x=req-\ UM 14411....M....11 SO HuchaUdur B k Oo, Trua\x=req-\ teM 1C164....10 tBO Hocbaudur B ll Oo, TN» Uao..................... ,11410... .18.. •. .198 Hochatadiar B k Oo. Troo\x=req-\ w.» iim...iuo....K.. Uuohiudtcr K k Co, Traa\x=req-\ U«. 18U1...100....M .. Hoch Udiar K k Co, Trnt\x=req-\ 16888.... 10. .,, a I .. Huchtudur £ A Oo. Trui tar* 11304....10....11 80 Hochatadur B k Oo, Traa\x=req-\ t<M loan Ilochaudtar J£ BOo.Troa\x=req-\ taM 14311.... 10 1 .. liocu«u<lter B * Oo, Trua\x=req-\ 16880. ..1(0.... IS .. Hochatadur K k Oo, Troa Uaa. ........18340... .IS.. • • .818 llochaudur H k Oo, Troa\x=req-\ '"w ........... 187U1.... 30.... .8 ,. HovhaUdUr B k Uo, Trua\x=req-\ l« 1883T....40... 10.. HovhaUdUr B * Co, Trua\x=req-\ lava ... ............. 17088... 10.....I 80 Uornaudur K * Oo, Trua\x=req-\ UM 11«T....10....11 SO Huchriadtar B k Oo, Troa\x=req-\ Um. ... IT lot... .10.,.. .180 Uw batadtar B k Oo. tow IT! 18...100 ...18.. Hochatadur K k Oo. Trua\x=req-\ Iwi 17841...100....M .. HochaudUr £ 4 Oo, Trua\x=req-\ Um 17181...100....18 . HochaUdUr £ k Oo, Trua t«a 11481... 100....M .. HochaUdUr B k Co, Traa\x=req-\ Um 11481....30 7 80 Hocbaudter B k Co, Tnu\x=req-\ Uo4..........a.,..,,.,,., 17404. .• Hochatadur B * Co, Trua\x=req-\ Um 1TS1S....40....10 .. HorhrUdUT k k Oo. Trua\x=req-\ Uttaaaa «• .... ». ... a... . .17411 . . . . 80 . . . • II 80 Hoch.ladUr B k Oo, Traa\x=req-\ U«a....*. ITBSS.a 80 HooLatadur B k Co Trua\x=req-\ Um 1T888...1U0....I8 .. HocbaUdtar B 48 Oo.Trua\x=req-\ UM , a 11818. . .100., . .18 a a Doch.UdUr B k Co, Trua\x=req-\ UM a.,*..................17818...100,•«.80 .. Ho bata-lUr a Jt Oo, Trua\x=req-\ Um 1T8T1... 80....11 80 Hochatadur B k Oo Trua\x=req-\ te-a 17T7T. ...80....1180 Hocbatadb-r B k Oo, Trua\x=req-\ tM* 17943....40....10 .. Hochatadur B k Oo. Traa. MM 17940.... 10 8.. Hocb-udur B * Co, Trua\x=req-\ taM 18181... 100... 18 .. HochaUdUr K k Oo, Trua i»>« iiim .. Buctoudur K ft Oo, Tru» im 1MM....I0....13S0 H»lc k Pachxco, Tra(ttM..lMM.... ■ 1 St Uom.u P li, Truite* 1IITS. ..1W....M .. H<»iu<-r * Htiiuu».iru«»««».llM»...1U0....M llu-iuer L> M « Co, Tru«W.U378 18 ftO Uuwuer 11 M k Go do .14577....10 1W Houncr D M k Oo do .lt2M....» 5.. Hotairr D X ft Oo do .1MI*.........1380 llurnier DMtCo do .ltt«0....i0....10.. Uoeiucr UMkOo do .UU3. ...50....12 80 Hcmer I) M * Oo d> .1IMH3....SS ft SS Hiwm-rD M 4 Co do 10 d'M.trUMkOi do .1S3M...100....S9 .. Untcblueou Johu. Ttiuim .117td....30.... I.. UuicMa>oo )oba do .MlM....SO....IS 10 UulrblOMia John do .19317....Ml....IS 80 h«r«l> rn I. Vru-ti* 1J3U0...100... Sft . H ckuz u«> 0 ft Oo, Tru»\x=req-\ : 18901....10.,..II10 H*»k. 11 U.TruMw UMK....M... 1'IH ll»pkellD do 1NINW....W ...1110 lia«k«UD do 1IKXU...100....S3 .. lioukar H 0. Trunte* 1*7:5.... 10 . .3 50 Hireiifaldt 0<k iJu.Tnulew UNI....M....11 *1 liiwif n» k OuakllBtf, Tru»\x=req-\ ISJ7d....80...i18S0 lit.I k Ch»rl-». TrutitM.. .M303....30 • .. llii.ech W. Truften 181#.. 1U0....J» .. •<qut A OoktWa Tru»t*««...l(#9i. ..10 IN B>'U in* It U. 1 raitM 1<K|*3....30 I.. Hiber K Truttae IW37 ...B0....12 W Uu-Ki-y (1.-0 V 10103....20. . .ft ,. Ulnar », Tru«»*r l«i2S...100....3ft .. UaxerH do lc02»....*O....lStO Ultucr M do ir*M....M)....lS«0 Iglturr H do 1»;«....*> > .. Jackwti U A. TroMM lBOua....».....» .. Jickaon K, Trnttey .14)*!....10.... 1 (0 K«gi*rk I'yer. rru» e«ii...lS0J3....IB ... .3 75 Ki-uney k I>, er do ..1WW....S0 • Kenuiykllier do ..1R940....S0 8.. Kronr; ft Dj«r do ..17331....80....13 to Kinney k Djer do ..17MI....40... 10 .. Kenney k I'yer do ..17M0...100....34.. Ktn'nyk Dyer ao .. 17770...*»....40 .. Keaoey k Dyer do ..UJ1H....S0....12 (0 K.umy L))»r do ..1»3*S....30 ft.. Kaoaey * l>y»r do ..l«Wi... .10....13 #0 K' iiii«y k >>ycr do ..1M11....4O....I0 .. Kellty W»lt.T S. Trn»»l» ...30 A .. K-Hcr U*<i w, Tmetaa 11*14....30 ft .. Kelley Geo W do ....I4MS....S0....1S 80 KIok Jim L k Oo. Tru* ..10... .180 ISSM... .10 SS0 ISMS... .10 ....SSO 1S0M... .SO....IS SO Kin* jo* L ft Co, Tina. Kind Jo* L ft Co, True\x=req-\ !•*« 1 Kli g iloioer h k Co, Trua\x=req-\ King llomcr 8 ft Oo. Tru*. .ISJ61..1000. MO , Kin* Uimer H k Oo, Trua\x=req-\ •,•»»•••• > *> • • lWTi,,,W,,,,,7M Kaufman « * Oo. Troete*e.l90UT....S0... 11 to LehttartlM. >ruatee 1W07....80....U60 Lrbatanl M do iwr70....16 «tt Letiatard M do lull... S0....1S SO LurknWmL T ultra 11DM.. .luO....KI .. Latham ft King, TraXrra..1*411...10U....M .. Latham k K n ( do ..Urt3...1liO....M .. Latham k Kin* do ..ltaiv .100....1B .. Latham* King do ..1S3M...SUO....SO .. Latham ftKlng do .. 1MW...SOU....Si) .. Latham k King do ..IfcMO... IM....M7S Lvtiam A King do ..ltMl . 1 1U Latham k King do ..1WO....W 7 SO 1 atbam ft King d. ..IUSS...1U0....S1 . Latham ft King do .lTOtS...SOO....SO.. Ix-»lo»on W A,Trn*t*e... .1MM ...50... 1300 I Macph.rann John Trnatee..tgl»... 100....26 .. Marphereon John do .mSS....I0 ...11S0 Mar. hrraon John do .11)41.. 100....13 .. Marphereon J'ha do .U1U • IM Macptu i-k a & tthlns, Trna\x=req-\ «ere 1*BOB...100....SS . Mecpbcreon ft Hhlon. True\x=req-\ ta«a......... ..IW40., • .00.... IS ., Murphy K P Truataa 1MM....»l • .. Mil«e ft King. Tra«teae.....lftM0.. .100....1S .. Mumi W H, Tinataa 1M10.. .. Murray W B do 148*4. ..30 S .. Murra> W B do MTU. ...10 ». M lka * Krlnhardt.Troate.lSIJS... SO 7 to Mark* ft Bernhardt do .1M1S t 1 U Maik< ft Halnhardt do . 1M...»00....M .. Mark, ft Rnnhardt do .ISMS...100....IS .. Moora £ Montgomery True\x=req-\ teee 1B».. .100....1S .. Mou< a ft Montgomery .Tin* tree IS9SS...100....SS .. Moor* A Montgomery.Trna\x=req-\ 1M83...100....M .. I Moora ft Montgomery, Tree\x=req-\ teee 1M39....S0....1I10 | Mo. reft MoDtgomiry.Tnw\x=req-\ lO1 S.•*••• aaaeeiaata •••••• 1WJ8» • a 100e a • eU * • J Mooreft Montgomery. Tr;a\x=req-\ t^ee........ . .......... 1MM....H....11 BO Mu'-ra A 1T1SB....S0....1SS0 Marye Oao T ft Hon, Tnia\x=req-\ traa .. .......S170....10.....1 00 Marye (Jeo T k Boo. Trna\x=req-\ teee ....... 7S70....10.. ..1H Mar) e Oao T * Bon. True lee* 1 ISM....10 IS0| Marye Oao T A Son. True\x=req-\ tace 1STSS... 10.....S «. Marye Oao T * Boa, True tree...... lftflJO. ....S.....13 Marye Oao T ft Bor, Trae\x=req-\ ta^e. ....................1SSB3....10.....S .. Marye Uto T k Bid. Trua\x=req-\ teee 1SHS0....S0 B . Marye Geo T A Bon, True\x=req-\ tree ISBBS....W S , Men* Oeo T k Boa. True\x=req-\ teee.... 170M....M 7 SO Men* Oeo T k Boo.Traa\x=req-\ teee 17490....SO....11 SO Mary* Oeo T ft Boo. Traa\x=req-\ 1TU1...J0....US0 Merre Oeo T k Boa. Tue\x=req-\ ItWeeeaaex ,1.aeaaa • IT 461. e e e We * • *11 CO Mary* Oao T M Boa, Tru\x=req-\ teee.... ....1TIH....V'.... a.. Mary. Oeo T k Boa. Tree-^ te*e...«.................. 1<M0....K.... 13 fiO I Merrill B 1 Trwtae 1BSB0....B0....11B0 Norwood W K, Traatee....lSlT7...1tt>... M. Norwood W > do ...1M0....M B. Norwoodw ■ 4a ...urn • IM KortvoedWI da ...1TM...10O....IB.. DIUIWIIT BALIS. C*l«tf*ali *u* He. Oertlf. Shi. Ami. Horwood W B do ...184*8....80....1980 KlchoU W k P.TnuteM....187V>...100..,.98 . Nichols W fc P do ....1380...100....38 .. Nobli H H A Co, Traitee*.. .8*46... .10 >10 NobleHQAOo do ..18131....18 898 KsatUtUr I.TnuUc 13381....16 STB OtU * Co. TrnitOM 16088 ...10 910 Otto fc Co do 1# OtllfcCO do 18900....10 t(0 O'Connork Oook, Tmt*M.l«MS....10....U M O'Connor * Cook do .18860....80....I960 O'Brtia K A. TraitM 1W48....80....13 80 Pitenon Jubm,TraetM...18389...100... 98 .. Pitenon Just* do ...16880...100....9* .. Pttirion JimM do ...18889...WO ...» Pitenon JimM do ...18878,..100....98 .. Pitonon JimM do ...18074...100....U.. Pitirton Junti do ...17818 ..980....10 .. P»t«r*on June* do ...1(138....10....1110 PaUnon June* do ...18681....*0....10.. Pitenon Juin do ...una ...» 8.. FiUwiJum do ...1WH(... 10 *(0 Plnnuner UVtOo. Trill..11878....10 * 00 Pitts John ■•■». TraitM.18400. .900....10 .. Ptcttam WD, TraitM... 188*0...JO....19 80 Rudolph, Miekletoeh A Oo. iraitM* 188*8....10 Rudolph, Micklutoeh k to, Traatw* 1*938....80....MM Randolph, Ktcklhtoah k lo.Tnu'eo*. 18103....90... .1 .. Budolph, MMklntoih * Co. TnutM*.. WJ8T....80....19 80 Randolph, Miekln'oth * _Oo. TraitM* 16797....80....1980 Randolph, Mxckliitofh 4 Oo. Trwtf«* 16788....80....19 80 Rudolph, Hacklni<«h * Co. TTUiUm 16878....90 8 .. Rich D.TraitM...... 1*898....*0....10 .. Men D do 1888*....10 ICO Rich D do 19088....10.•* .9 80 Rich D do 1B9H ...80....19 80 Rich D do 80....19 80 hlch D do 19*41....80....18 . ■oot Geo B, TnitM 18878....80.... 19 80 Root uio H — Root Qoo B Root Uio B Root 0«o B RootOeoB Root GeoB RootQto is Root (Ho B Root Um B Root Um B Root Geo B Boot (Jeo B Root Uio B Hoot Ow B RootQeoB Root Goo B Hoot OwB Root Geo B Root O-o B Foot Oeo B Rlchudioa K A, Rlrhardion K A Rlchirdion K A Kic bird ton K A > Icherdaon K A Rlchirdion B A Rlchirdion K A do ... ,.100....98 .. ... 6 198 ...80 7 80 ..100....96 .. ..80....18 60 ...10 980 .,60... .1380 .800....78 .. ..100....33 .. ...80....13 80 ...80....19 80 ...80....13 80 do ....IB-Mi. .. 10 3 80 ..100,...38 .. ...38 6 35 ...38 6 38 ...80....1380 ..ISO....48 .. ..1'0...,36 .. do ..13886.. .100... .88.. do ..1*889.. ..vo... ..8 .. do ..1*708.. .100... .98 .. do ..1*818.. .100... .96 .. do ..18630.. .800... .7*.. do ..18889.. .100... 98 .. ...(0. ...11 80 Bockwtll J W. Troite*.... .Wit. ...75 .. UKnlmll J Iff TmibIm IflHT. M1U7 ..llfl. in ...IS .. 9 Ifl Bbotwtll J M do • ••lUa ...00. •••.9 W . .1* .. Hbotwrll J M do ...10. ....*10 Bholw.ll 1H da . Bhotwtll J M do ...BO. ...1*10 Bbotwtll J M do ...«. ....... J M do ..100 .. 35 .. .. 10. ... 3 50 Hteln Nat do ...M. ....TM ..HO. .1*5 .. ...*o. ....* .. Bcbtulcdrll. H >cbiUdtcr k TravlM* tttm •••••■ ....•36 Schmieden. Hoeb'Udter k Co, Tniatce* .IMS). . 100. ...*•.. Schmltdell, HochfUdtvr * Oo. InMlM ...10. ...3 50 Schmieden. Hocbtudter k CO. TTUfteee. 14048...100....35 .. Hmllb CluiU.TroMM I8S*6. .100....36 .. BmllbCbne H do 1WI....IU • MnltbObwH do 1676*...100... 34 .. I Hmllb Ubee U do M34....80....13 I0 | BmlihObMlI do l*tf... 30 I.. Mm'lb Obu H do 18631.. .500....M .. t-mllb CbM H do to .. It A UDltbCbMlI do ...1VU6. ..»> 1 SO Hmllb CbM U do lt<M....t0....1tlu Sc.U H H A Oo, Trntteee 16868....10 I.. Hcott H H * Co do ..1«SM... 10 180 Boott 11 U A Oo do .,11141. ...40....10 .. scutum ft Oo do ..i62* Hcott II H ft Oo do ..1*6*3...100....15 .. ScoM HHftOo do ..16160... 10 110 I SrhiLltt 0 A, Trneloe 104*8...100. ..It .. Hcbmltt 0 ft do 15CT1....40....11 10 Hcbmlit 0 * do Ittl... » .. .1 .. Pcdirwlek John. Trurtee...l45hH....80....13 50 Hfdgvtek Jobn do ...16644...80....1160 Speyer Broe. TrnMeee l.VMM .. In ....8 B0 Mtbet,h»ner L 14466....80 1 BO Todd A B ft Oi. Trorteee..l8146....80....11B0 Todd A II ft Co I»i10....l0 ... .3 VI To. In •( O, T netee isult ...» 6 .. Tobln RC do 15"'4t ... Tobln R 0 do I4W....I0 3iwi Tobln RO do 164:4....10 ...3N> Tobln lie do 1646*....60....13 M Tobln R C do 162*4...30 1.. Trltle r A ft Oo. Trueteee...H448... 6 .. TilUeFAAOo do ..Itflt ...50....MG0 'Irt le K A ft Oo do ..IWH4...50 ...13 5(1 Trltle K A A Co do ..13*61...1011....25 .. VanNeee T O. Treatee 6*11...luo....8* .. We,rener B. Trustee H1U7....10 3 Mi Wrfrner K do UMJ....15 115 Wegener R do 1M4I....10 310 V«ntlH do 10414....30. . .5 . Wigrner R do litis....60....13 M Wrgener R do 1IVV3... .60.... 13 < 0 Wegener R do 1U43 1 1*5 Wcitatr R do l« Wegener 14 do l*U4i....60....13 *0 ~ rK do 1*643....61....13 to do IM5ki...B0....1Itn Wegener H do 11113.. IPO....36 .. WrputrK do I71IJ ..I00....3J ,. Wegener K do 111.16....60....I3 6> Wetfonerll do 11*41....3U.... 6 .. *Wn«rK do 175*0 ..,40....13 in Warmer R do 11rt*0....t0....1310 WegeuerR do 1KKII, ..100....36 ,. Wegener R do INISI.. .510... 1J5 . Weg. ntrR do 180ai...ton...l33 .. Wegener R do .. Wegener R do 1H0S1.. *00....10 .. Wegener R do 18068...100....10 .. Wrguner 1( do Wegener R Co Wegener H do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener H do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener K do Wegener R do We«ener R do Wegener R do Wegener H do Wegener R do W*»ener R do Wegeoer R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener H do Wecener R do gener R do Wigener K do Wegener H do Wegen< r R do Wegener K do Wegener R do Wegener R do. Wegener R do Wegener H do | Wegener H do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do | Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do Wegener R do WegenerR do 1*104...100....*6 . Wegener R do 1*106...100... *5 .. Wegener B do 1*101...ion....*6 .. Wecener R do 1*100.. .100 ...15 .. Wegener R do 1*116... 100....*0 .. Wegener R do 1*111... 10n....*0 .. Wegener R do 1*130.. .100....** .. Wegener R do 1*134. ..100 . 16 .. Wegener R do .. Wegener R do 16116...100....36 .. ~ rR do 1*141...100... «6.. •K do 16144... 100... *».. _ R do 1*14*...100....35 . Wegener R do 1*1*0...lou....*6 .. Wegener R do 16164...100....66 Wenener R do 16166...100....*6 .. Wecener R do HI83...1U0....J*.. W'geoer R do 1*1*6... 100....*» .. Weeeoer R do 1*113...100....3* .. WegenerB do i»m...l00....*6 .. Wegener R do 1*116.. .100....*5 .. Wegener R do 1*1*0. .100....66 .. Weirener B do 1*181...W0.... 16 .. Wegener B do »l6f ..100....66 .. W.geserR do 16160...100....36 „ Wegener B do 16166....*0.... 1610 rR do 16!6I....60....13 *0 — 'R do 1*304....60....1*60 Wegener R do 18JOi....80....13 8U Wegener R do •••••• 1*616....60....1*60 Wegener* do 16316.. .*»... 10.. Wenener R do 16*36....40.... 10 . Wegener R do 166*6....M....16 66 Wegener R do 1M66...!*>....83 60 Wecener H do 16404... 40.... 10 .. Wegener B do 16406....40.... 10 .. WegeoerB do 164*6... W....I*60 Wegener B do 1*441. 80 .. rR do 16480 ..100....66 .. rR «o 16466...100....**.. fl do 16686 :.180....66 .. rR do 16440...100....*6 .. Werner R do 16464...M0 ..**.. Wegener R do 16466. .100....65 .. rR do 16461...100....66.. rR do 16410...100....66.. do 16411...100... 18 .. eeeo elHlJii4)Weee4® et do 16416...100.. ..16.. .300. ..80 .. .*110. .150 .. ..40. ..10 .. ..50. ..1*50 ..*0. ....7 to 1N378.. ..10. ....**0 ..10 ...250 ..BO. ...12 5(1 1*445.. SOU. ...It .. 18513.. .10. ....3 to ..en. ...12 £0 ..30. ....I . I65W.. ..30. ....8 .. . 30. ....t.. .20. ....1.. ..10. ... .3 50 . .80. ....150 .180. ...8150 ..20. ....5 .. 181111. .300. ...50 .. ..TO. ...1150 ..111. ...2 50 ..50. ...14 50 . 50....13 50 .100. ...35 .. . 2o ...,t . ..8». ....150 . 85 ... .8 71 ..25. ... 6 35 ..60. ...12 5(1 ..50. ...13 5.1 18642. .140 ...85 .. ...13 50 .100. ...35 .. .100. ...35 •. .100. ...35 .. .100 ...25 .. ...35 .. lUO. ...38 ., ..100 .. 35 .. .100 ...25 .. .100 ...38 .. .100 ...36 .. ttMVee** DIUJrQUKKT SilKB. la-Ooatla Kama*. Mo. Oerttf. Ska. Amu W«f«MrH do 19478...100....88.. Webb AH. True tee 19888.... 18 8T8 Wakefield a B k Oo, Tnu\x=req-\ te* inu Wakefield 8 B k Oo, Trot\x=req-\ teee 11(91.. ..40. ...10 .. Wakefield 8 B k Oo, Tn» iM» Wakefield tBI Oo,Tnu\x=req-\ UN 11004....40....10.. Wakefield 8 B * Oo, True\x=req-\ tee* .18MT 8 188 Wakefield 8 B A Oo, Trus\x=req-\ tee* 18441. ...40. ...10 .. Wakefield 8 B k Oo, Ii» tee* 18448....10 3 80 Wakefield S B k Oo. Tree\x=req-\ tee* I88ja....50....1j JO Wakefield .8 B k Oo, Tnu\x=req-\ teee 18889 ...80....1JM WaktfUld U B k Oo. Tro* 19141....M 8.. ild 8 B k Co, True\x=req-\ 19401... 100...185 .. Wakefield H B k Oo, Tnu tee*......................19409,.•.90.•••.8 ,• Wakefield 8 B * Oo, True TOffltk «•"•••••••••• 1MIS....W....1* .. Weill OhM L, T.uatea. 1880S...10U....M .. Wall) OhM L do 1S3T8...100....2S .. Weill ObuL do 1H7V....S0....1S 10 Weill Ota* L do 18180 .. SO....II SO Weill OhM L do 18848....80 T10 Walll OhM L do 1B041....S8....1JS0 WeillC'hM L do . ...18080...800...1*8.. Wood WE* Oo, Trutecs. .18*4... .*> T BO Wood W B, Trance 18887....30 • .. Wood* k tree born. Trae\x=req-\ t *•*.... 8WT...100....M.. Wood* k Freeborn, Treated .TSBI....I0. ..1IS0 Wood* k Freeborn, Trot. M UT08...100... IS.. Wood* k Free torn. Trua\x=req-\ tew 15611....10 *50 Wood* k Freeborn, True\x=req-\ tee* 1M63 ...BO....12 BO Wilton A Butchlnaon, Trua\x=req-\ IM 18420...100....38 .. Wilton k BatchliMOD, True •••••••••••••••••• 18884...100....18 .. Will oo k But cbl neon, True\x=req-\ Wee 18184 ...10 ISO Wlleoo k Uutchluaou.Trua\x=req-\ tee* 188S4. .100....38 .. Woir f. IraeUe IMW....M ( .. WolfF do 174SS....S0 I.. WolIF do 1S7#8....80...1JS0 Wolf IT do 1HMT....10 8 SO Wblte A W. Trgete* 7884 S I 15 Wbarton Jm,Truetee 1084* ...M ass Webtxr A A.Truetra. 17.1M....1S STS Ztdlg k Weill, Tnotea*... .1SITS....10..,..T B0 Zedi« k Kallmann, Trus\x=req-\ tee* ISiSJ....B0....1310 Z*dl| k Kallmann, True\x=req-\ leee 1BSM....10 3 60 Zidlg k Kallmann, True\x=req-\ lee*. UBS)... .60*.. .IS B0 Zad'K k lullmann. True\x=req-\ lee* 190M....SO....IS SO ZfliHiTlch LuccmW MM1....B0....1I SO And In aocordane* with law, ana an order ol th* Board of Director*, mad* on the fourth dar of Jannarr, 1881, eo many aharee of each parcel of each etock m mar b« neceeeary will b* aold at public auction, u the offlce of tha Company, No. 414 OilHoinla aireet. Han Fraacinco. California, on WKUNKMDaY, th* of February, 1881, at th* hour ol oo* o'clock P. M. of eald day, to pay eald delinquent aMeaement themin, together with coetaor adrertuicc and exixne«*or th* aale. K. WBQINKH, 8eci*tary. Oflto*—414 Oallforala atreet, San Franetaoo California. >1 milK UOI.D LKAU HOLD AMD JL HILYaH MiNINtt OiMPANY.- Location nl prluclpil place of btulMM, Dm Frucitou, OwMMIi Ucailou of work*. Cedar Bill, Virginia City, Hlorer cunntjr. N< »«d». Notion.—There are delinquent upon the fol\x=req-\ towlnjt-deecrllml nock, on account of inm rnunt (No. 1) levied on ttaa twenty-eighth day ol Dtoainber, 1880. the aereral amount* Mt oppoella Iba nam®# of tba respective ahare bolder* aa lollowa\x=req-\ Namea. No. Cartlf. Hha. Amt P Bonaclna, Tru.tee 18...10u....$4.. John Millar 81....13 TJ John Millar M... 10 90 John M.ller t»...140 4 30 t Bonaclna, Traaee M...IU0 S .. t Bonaelna do 101. ..100 1 WWilllima.. in..1000....80 .. Andrew Ohar'ea. IJ0...VH0....27 .. indiew Charles 181..44tl... 134 II John Millar 140...loo a .. John Millar 111. .100 ».. JratlaIt Couklln 148...100 • .. Wm Barney, Trustee 118...110 IK T K Mom lay, Truaice.. 1H.1... *>0 • .. W WlllUma 1M nxmo.. .6011.. Andrew Charlea .IST.SUmO.. .000 .. * WlllUma 100..8000....90 . Tit Moaelay, Trnata* .in ...18 Tt J Keduiond Ml....10 80 J U Ayr**, Iruatfe 1M...100 8 .. N Worm-II **...100 8 .. John Xomaly KM....10 Ou T H Mi aeley, Tru»te* 138...Sou... IS.. Ana In aecordane* wltb law, and aa order oi tba Hoard of Director*, made on tba twenty\x=req-\ eighth (8>tb) day of December, 1880, ao many •bar** of oacb parcel or inch a lock a* may be ueccKnarr. will be fold at nubile auction, at the office of tha California street (up atalral, "an Francisco, California, on WBDNBSDA*. tba 1WKNTT-1UIKO (Md) day of riBHl'AHV, 1881, at tha hour ol two o'clock p. a. of aald day, to pay'tald delta\x=req-\ quant a»a**ameot tbrraoo, tofatfeer with aoata of adTartlatuf and axpenae* of tba aai*. H. O. COOPER. Mrcrotary. Office-No. 818 CaUfornla aireet, Man mo ll Krankladtf* W Wil.Uins.. .VJ0....8U 80 JiT...8tW....llin claco. California feTtd riLOBK COIHDLIDATED MIRING « COMPANY.—Location < f principal place of buslo«»s. Bui Francisco, California Location of works, Ooid Hill, Btcrey oounty llrvsda. Notloe.—There are delinquent upon the following deerrlbed (lock, on account or l«*» moot (No. 11) levied on the ninth (Mb) day of December, 1880, the eereral amounts eet oppo •It* the name* of the respective shareholdsrs. ae follow*: Name*. No. Oertlf. Bbe. Am't. B Itlch, Tru'tee 1TB....M....It.. BKIch do ITS....10 ...IB.. OU Well* BIB....CO....IB . M Mill! Mi .11 . M Mill* Ml....15 1B0 C A Nolteraeler f1B...TW...tST K Buenn.n WB...117....SB 10 W r Bogart, Traetee HWB...100. .110. WF Bogart do W7I...1M>....»0.. W F Began do «»*... 100....SO .. WKBogirt do 308S...U0....80 .. WF Bogart do 3WT...100....BO.. O II Bogait, Trtutee 3iS0....S0....18 .. O H Bogart do t3M...100... 30 .. PeteroTvens 3410....80....IB .. Peter (liven* 9411. ...10. ...IB .. W AFraxer, Trustee M18.88TT8.38033 40 And In accordance with law, and an older of the Board of DlrecUr*. made on the ninth (9th) day of December, 1MI, ao many share* of each parcel of each etock a* may be neceeeary will be eold at poblle auction, at the oftce of the Company, Room 1, No. lrfl UIdtsdorff street. But Fr*url*co, on SATURDAY, the fifth (Bthl dty of FKBBUABY. 1881, at the hour of 3 o'clock r. h. of eald day, to pay said delinquent ssssssment tbereon, together with eoets of advertising and eipenses of sale. O. H. BOUART. Secretary. , Offlce-Room t. No. 10S Leldeedorff street. Ban Francisco. California >1 /^KNTKNIMAI. ORAVCL SOLD ti MINING COMPANY.—Location of principal place of buelnees, Oold BUI, Btorey county, Nevada. Location of work*. Washington Township, Nevsda Oounty. California. Notice.—Thore are delinquent upon the following deecrlbed slock, on aocount of assess, ment (No. S) levied on tha nth day of November, IStO, the eeverel amouuU eet oppoelte the Lames of the respective *bar*hoid>r*, as follows: Name*. No. Oerttf. She. Am't Baksr H D. Trustee 48 .3000..418 .. BikerU D do 4T...138 83 Baker Hit do 10..1000....IB . Baker 8 D do 8l«.»IJB»,.... 83 DaucbyHO, Trustee B4..1B00 TB0 DauchyHO do 61....8314.... SI Healey M J, Trustee,,,,,...,.,W,• • .8114 >.,, 11 Duchy HO,Trustee H...10U 10 DaochyHO do M...100 B0 Dsochy H O do M. .100...... 80 Dauehy ■ O do M...100 80 DauchyUO do #6...100 • •••• 60 DaochyHO do M...100 80 Danchy HO do ST. ..100 80 Xing Gso A (unlasaed) 1SSS1H. M 41 And in accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors, made on tha 33d day of December, 1810, so many shares of sach parcel of such stock u mar be neceeeary will be sold at public auction, at the cfBce of the Company. Bank of Qol i Bill, Mala street, Oold Bill, Nevada, on WEDNESDAY, the tweaty-thlrd asy of FEBRUARY, 1M1. at the boor or S o'clock p. m. of said day. to pay said delinquent a*ee*sment tbereon, together with costs of advertising and si Den res of tha sal*. _ _ FRANK A. WISE, Secretary. Offlce-Bank of Oold Bill, Main street. Oold BUI, Nevada. jaXtd SMALLPOX NOTICE. tPBI BOARD OF TBC8TKSS 07 TBI A Town of Oold BIU have ordered that tbe ordinance which requlree physicians U sating patlscts with smsllpox, and alLpsreoos who nsve rases of mallpai In IheiTftow**, to In form the Town Marshal of earn*, shall be strictly enforced. I therefore give notlee to aU whom It aayconesra that 1 shall fioastM* dais tske msiuare* to eafetee the said. osdl. Maw. M. BRNNBDt.'Townl OoM Bill, Dwwabsr «. 1380. TOWN OlDimOBS. ORDINANCE WO 109. •AS OlOllilCI M ru IK MlMI • Umm> Tax DfM CMtala TradM aad Wltbla Um OwymM UalU af Ik* Tawa af OaM Hill. OIBI BOARD OF TB08TIB Of GOLD A HID do ordain: Hicnoe 1. Mo p»r*on or PMMMM. Ana, M\x=req-\ •oclauon, or corporation ih*jl wlUJn tn* corporate llmlta of the Town of Gold HU1 cany oa or parage any trade or bnalneea hereinafter mentioned, until b«, the, the/, or 11 bara paid for and takan ont • llcenn, aa la beraUafter pro vlded; aod for any violation of tbla ordinance Um party offending eball. on conviction, be 1ned In an> com not exceeding two hundred dollari, be*Idea tne eoeln of Um mUoq; and In default of payment tbereof ahall be impriaoned In Ue Town Jail at Um rate of one day for every twc dotlare of touh Hue and coela. 8>c a. All liceneee, except aa hereinafter provided, a ball be paid quarterly la advance, um quartera to commeao* on Um flret daye of Vebraary, May, Auguet and November In each year; aad la caee »ny peraon or pereeaa, firm, aaeoclailou, or oorporaUoa r<quired to late oat Ucenee tball fall lo take out eucb licence lor tbe oorrent quarter, prior to the fifteenth daya of Febraary, May, Auguat attd J>oveuiber of each year, be, abe, tbej, or It aball be eubject to pay an addllon tf tan per coot, over and above Um amount herein preecrlbed for attcb lloenee. and in addition to Um peoalty de\x=req-\ earl bed In eeftlon oue of thle ordinance a civil action aball be commenced la tbe name of "Tbe Town of Hold Hill" for the recovery of the amount rt ,ach lloenee and perceatage, togetbec-wltl coata, Including the fee of the Town Attorney, to be lazed at dfteea doliare In * f Cfa QINe aao. 8. Tbe Marehal eball keep hla offlce opoci, aad be praeent thereat, between Ue hour* of two o'clock r. a. and I oar o'clock r. K, of each day (buud*)* aod holidaya.except\x=req-\ ed), daring the Bret Alteon daye of each quarter, to laaue Uoeoaea, and II aball be tbe duty of every peraou from whom a licence tax U due and owing to pay Um aarne at aatd offlce during the time be la eo required to keep hla office open, and no pereooal demand or noUoe by tbe Marehal to eucb pareon ah ell b? neceeeary to reu'ier each peraon liable to the penaltiee pre\x=req-\ acribtd In taction* oue and two of thleordi* nanoe. aao.«. All pereone having takan oat a lloenee under thle ordinance are hereby required to exhibit the earn* lu eutue ooneptcooua part ol their place of buelneee, ana to produce the eeme when applying to the Marehal for a new lice DM. aao. S. It thai! be the duty of the Manhal to report to the Town Attorney on the fifteenth daye of February, May. Auguec and November of each year, the narnee of all peiaont who have not paid for and taken out liceneee, aa tequired by tola ordlnauoe, lor tbe current quarter, together with tne amonnta for which each per aoue are eeverally liable; and It eball be the duty of the Town Atiorner forthwith lo Inatl\x=req-\ tute actlona for the recovery of tuch amounta. Bao.«. It aball be the duty of the Marehal lo keep la hie office a book etyled and marked " Marebal'e Lloenae Book," wherein he ahall enter the namee of all pereona, firm*. aaaoela\x=req-\ tlona, and corporatlona lo whom llcuneee have been laauod, tbe cberectar of their buelneee, the time for which the lloeueea were granted, the date and time of expiration thereof, and tbe amount of money reoelved in each caae, and to furnlfh the Board of Trueteee at their Bret regular meeting In tbe mouth* beginning each quarter an abe tract of the aaine for the quarter juat ended. bae. T. The Town Clerk aball keep an accu\x=req-\ ral* aooount. In a book enUUtd " Clerk'* Lt\x=req-\ cenae Hook," of all 1 lean we delivered lo the Marahal, the quarur for wblch Ueacd, and tbe amount thereof. The Marahal ahall on the Orel klonday* of February, May. Augur I end November of eacb year, return to tne Town Clerk all lloenaee laeued for tbe preceding quarter ro\x=req-\ mamlng unaold, aod Ibe Town Oierk aball than balaooe aud cloee the lloenee account with tbe Manual for the preceding quarter, and aubmlt a detailed report ot the k*u.e lo the board of Trutlete at their Sret regular nioetlng m the montba beginning eacb quarter. Bio. a. all Uoeuw-a teeued under and by virtue of tbla ordinance eball be printed lu blank lona, expreeelng tbe claee and the amount to be paid tberelor; eball be *lgued by the Preel\x=req-\ dent of tbe ooard of Trueteee and the Town Clerk, aud counteralgned by Um Marahal, and aball eet forth the u»me of Ibe party lo whom the licouee la granted, the nature of the trade or bualuaei to be puriued, tbe time for which granted, and tbe date of leene. Bac. 9. All liceneee *ball be paid for la gold cola of Um United Btatee, Bio. 10. Irery penon, firm, ***oclatlon, or corporation engaged in carrying on baalneea u carpenter, builder, blackumitb. wwon maker or wheelwright, gunemilb. w»tcb or Jewelry maker or npiinr, gaa fitter or plumber, tinner, paintor, aaddie or herneee m«ktr, ahall pay quarterly for a Ucenae to carry on the •una, according » hla or their average monthly mIm or rtcaipu, M la tfca following schedule: Vlrvt Ola**-Monthly, lalee or reeelpta, eight hundred dollar* or utii, quart**!; Iloenet, fifteen dollara. Second Cl Monthly aalM. or reeelpta under eight buudred dullare, quarterly Uoatiaa, Ian dollar*. a mm*. Boo. 11. Kv*ry pvreun or Arm *ng*g*d In lb* bualueaa of a daguerrean ur photographic gallery, or In pain lug poruaila or m.nleturva, rUtll p»y, quarterly, (or a Ucenae to carry on Iba earne, according to bia, her, or their average moutb.y aalee ot raoelpta, a* In the following echedale: Flral Ola**-Moutbly aalea or racelpta eight bundled dollara or orer, quarterly llcana«t ten dollar*. Bvcond Claae-Montbly iale* rr receipt* unler eight hundred dollara, quarterly licauae, five dollar*. uurau boo. M. Krery per>on, firm, aaaoclation, or • orporatlon engaged In carrying on tha bual\x=req-\ neu of aaeayiog una ur prvcloua mettle ahall pay, quarterly, for a llcaiiaa to carry on the «ame, aooordlng to bla or their average monthly bnalnee* or racaipu, aa la the following tobedalic Klret Olaaa—Monthly bnalneaa or raoelpta five bond rod dollar* or over, quarterly Ucenae, thirty dollar*. ttocoad Olaaa—Monthly bailneaa or r*c*lota two bonded and fllty dollara or orer and under five hundred dollar*, qaartarly Uoanaa, twentr dollai*. Third Ula-a-Monthly bnalnaaa or raoelpta under two hundred and fifty dollar*, quarterly Uoenae, Us dollar*. ADCTtOXKIO*. Bio. II. Iv*rr pervon. firm or awociatlon engagud In the bualneea of eelllog real aetata or personal propeity by auotlon or public outcry, ahall pay lor a lloeuee to carry on tha eame, according to hi* or their average rale* or re\x=req-\ oelpta, ae In the following acheduM: rlr*t Olae*—Monthly aalae or receipt* two thuueand dollaia or over, quarterly lloecae, twenty-five dollar*. Second Olae*—Monthly aalae or receipt* under two tbouaaad dollara. quarterly Ucenae, fifteen dollin. Third 01a»*—Daily aalae or noelpU Are hundred dollar* or over, llcen** tor on* day, tea dollar*. Fourth Ola**— Dally eel** or reeelnta under fire hundred dollar*, lloen** for on* day, It* dollar*. lilii*. Bac. M. Every pereoo. firm or aaeoclatlon engaged la carrying on bualaaee aa a baker of bread, pie* and cake, or either of thee* articlee, ahtllpay, quarterly, or a llcen** to carry on tha aarne, a* la lb* following ecbedale: first Cla»e—Monthly aalu or receipt* *ev*n hundred and fifty dollar* or over, qaartarly llcen»e, twenty dollar*. Becood Ola**—Monthly aalee or rerelnta fir* hundred dollar* or over and under seven baa\x=req-\ dred and fifty dollar*, quartet ly Uoenae, fifteen dollara. Third Olaaa—Monthly aalee or rrcolpta under fir* hundred dollar*, quarterly llceaa*, ten dol\x=req-\ lar*. Bio. IS. Ktctt peraon. Urn, ateociatloa or corporation hating a place of butlnea* id tb« Town or Uold BUI. and therein engaged Id the hutintt* of banking. I qui log muaey. buying tod telling eicbtnge, or receiving on dapo»lt bal Hod or ooln, or any or >11 ancb tranaactioae, >b*U ray. qoartarly, for a lleenae to carry on Hid batlneee, according to hit, their or IU inr\x=req-\ age monthly parchMM ud tain of excbenf*, amount of loaae, or depoelt of bullion or oou, or to* or all of tncb tranaectloni. u tbe cm* may be, m Id tbe following acbednle: Flrtt G1 aaa—Monthly tranaacuona on* boa drad and fifty thousand dcl'v* or orer, qnar tarly lloenee. one bnndrad dcilar*. Second Claw— Monthly traaaaetloo* uader od* hundred and fifty thoutand dollar*, fifty dollar*. B*o. U. Krery paraoa or Una m|*p<l Id the butlneee of carrying od a barter fbopthall pay. quarterly, for a lleente to carry oo the •am*, aooordlog to hi* ortb*lr *T*reg* monthly boitn*** or reoalpt*, a* la tb* following eebedule: Flrtt date-Monthly bo«ln«**orr*o*lpt*fir* hundred dollar* or or*r, quarterly Ucenaa, taa dollars. tteeood Cla»»—Mnothly huMnae* or receipt* three hundred and fifty dollar* or owr and under In hundred dollar*, qaarterly Uoena*, ■iz dollar*. Third Claea—Mornthly bwalDee* or receipt* on* hundred and fifty dollar* or ov*r and under three hundred and fifty dollar*, quarterly llcenae, Amu dollar*. Fourth Oiaaa—Monthly berioeee or raonpta under one hundred and Arty dollar*, quarterly lloeate, three dollar*. ■tUlABO TAILS*. Sao. IT. leery pereoa or firm -nfigiil In the _ billiard IT. *T«ry perton or firm ani n»™~a*oC keeping a Millard table or Buuaia lablee fer pabUe uae or hlr* ehall pay. quarterly. for a Uoenae therefor, aocordlng to bit or their aeereje monthly reoelpta. ae la tbe fol\x=req-\ lowta* eebedule: Flrtt Olaaa—Monthly receipt* two hundred dollar* or over, qnarteriy Ueeaaa, twalya do^ dollar* or over and TOWS OBDimCIS. Third Class—Monthly receipt* onder om haadred dollars, qurtol; license, St* dollar*. Sao. 18. Mfttj paras, arm, aaeodaUea. er corporation eng <ged la toe making or repairing of mub boilera shall pey, quarterly, (or a license to carry oa the same, according to his, their, or lu inrin monthly hoi low or receipts, ss Is ths following (chadHi*: First Gisas-Monthly buslae** or receipt* In thotteaad dollar* or orsr, quarterly lloense, twenty-fire dollar*. Broood Class—Month I j boalM** or reeelata Ihrss thoasud doilaia or orsr and uadar Ira thousand dollar*, quarterly lleenee. twenty dol* Ian. Third Class—Mow thly basinets or receipt* two thofieaod dollars or orsr and under three thoQiand dollars, qaarterly llcenae, fifteen dollars. Fourth Class-Monthly bartaoee or receipts under two thonaaad dollars, qaarUrly license, tan dollars. boot aid iiouuxua an ooaauas. Sao 1*. Xrery pereoo or Brm eagaged la the bneineee of boot or shomahing. repalrlag, or aobbtlag, so all pay quarterly tor a licaaae to carry on the nae, according la his or their ararage moaihly sales or raeelpta, aa U the loving echtdale: First Olsee—Monthly ealaa or reoelpta three haadred dollars or over, q saner ly liciaii. lea llDtMt Becead Glue—Moo thly sale* or receipt* as\x=req-\ der thro* haadred dollars, qaarterly Uaaaaa, fire dollar*. BOWUM itun, 8*0.». Itw7 fanon or Axm engiged tm IU bnalneae of keeping • bowling tiler or bowling allaya for pabUe aaa or km shall pay, quarter ijr, for a license there/or, according to his « their innfi monthly leceipte, M in the tot* lowing tchtdnlt: Klrst Ulaaa—Monthly racalpta om haadred ud 11 fly dollar* or ortr, quarterly Umbm. «U dollars. Second C'liae Monthly reoatpts under om bandied ud UlJ doilare, quarterly 8—H Uuw doIlM*. >aomi, faotoh urn ouruuL iwm. Dm. <1. *r#fy person. Arm, modiuw, <* corporation engag«l In the b«alns»» el buying tod s»Uli K real mill or personal pro party of any dmcriptioo whatever (except mining or ulnar etocka) or oollectiag rente, aa the aaent, boor, or broker of another, ehaU pay, quarterly, for a Ucaoaa to cainr on tba same according to bia, their, or Ita avMsga monthly aalaa or re\x=req-\ oalpta, aa in tte following schedule: Klrat Olaae- Monthly aalaa or rucelpta taa thousand dollar* or orer, quarterly hcaaae, thlity dollar*. Hecood Olaae—Monthly aalaa or receipts Are thousand dullara or OTar and under tou thou\x=req-\ eand dollar*, quarterly Ucaoaa. twenty-Are dul\x=req-\ lara. Third Olsse—MonUtlj aalaa or recaipta twenty-Ara baodred dollar* or over and andtr Are tnousand i >liars, quarterly lioeoee, twenty dollar*. Kourth Claaa—Monthly aalee or reoelpU flf. toen hundred dollar* or orer and under t wanly\x=req-\ Are hundred dollar*, quarterly Ucaoaa, AIUmi dollar*. Fifth Olaae—Monthly aalaa or recelpta ondar AfUnnJinodred dollar*, quarterly lteenee, Ian dollara. C1BCUS. O ABA YAH* OB IDUHB1I. Bsc. t*. The proprietor or manager of each circus, caravan,« menagerie shall pay a liceo* lor eocb day'* partoruano*, M In the folio* tu« tcbodul*; • A drew, accompanied by a caravan or mo\x=req-\ nager!**, ahull couetliule the Irtt elm, and fbmli pay a dally 11c*um of twf uty-Bye dollar*. A circa*, unaocoaipanled wltb a caravan or mnuagrile, aball be of lbs eecond olaaa, and kball pajr a daily ltcen*e of twenty dollar*. A car a rati or ro*n«g*rlo. nnaccomp*ol«l with a clrcun, aball ba ot tbu third clam, *nd aball par a daliy licence of tan dollar*. COMMISSION MKHCIIAMTS. Hoc. n. Every person or Arm enraged In tha celling of gittd*. war**, and m*rcbnndi*c upon commlMloii, aball pay, quarterly, lor a lloanaa to carry on tha seme, according to hla or tbelr average monthly aalaa ar receipt*, aa In tha fo4\x=req-\ lowlun ftcbedul*: first Close — Monthly tale* or receipt* two Uiooaand dollara or orar, quarterly Ucanaa, twenty-At* dollar*. aacund CI***— Monthly *al*a or receipt* und*r two thouaaud dollar*, quartarly lloanaa, fltuan dollar*. ookctibts abd orukb iwimoH. 810. u Tha manager or l****e ol each company of oonctrt alngvr* or **renad*i«, or any other exhibition, except tbaatar* and m*lo\x=req-\ d*on*. aball pair a liceuae for **cb performance, accorilluK to hi* dally raoelpta, a* In the tallow\x=req-\ ing *chedul* i rlr*i OI*a* Dxelpte for one performance two hundred and fifty dollara or over, fifi*cn uvllar* or *acb performance Second Cla**— KrcelpU for ona performance under two hunJredand HAy dollar*, teu dollar*. DAM OB BOl'II*. KALOOMS OB C1UAB*. Bao. J5. The proprietor, laeara t r nuuwger of any bouae, taloon. room or cellar where winoo, malt or iplrttBoo* liquor* ar* cold by tb* boUio, (la** or drink, whan dancing la carried on (provided that tbl* taction *hall not apply to *uy theater or Beiodeon), ahtll pay, quarterly, for a llocnae to carry on tb* *ama, according to hi* monthly *•.** or rtcelpU, *a In the lotlow\x=req-\ lDjr tfbtdil If: Plrmt Ulua—Monthly tale* or receipt* flea hundred dollar* or over, quartarly lloen**, ona hundred dollar*. ttooond Cltaa— Monthly *ale* or reoelpt* under flee hundred dollar*, quarterly llc*uae, **v«nty\x=req-\ fiv* dollar*. Bxraxa* aMB VBBMMt C0MTAMIB*. ■bo. M. Irery pereon, firm, aaauclatioa or corporation engaged In the baslueaa of trana\x=req-\ mltung letter* or other paokagea. forwarding and carrying gold du*t, baUiou, coin or fn-lgbl lor hire, I rum the Town of Oold iiill to any other place, or from any other p ace to tbeTowa of Oold UUl, and who ba* a place of bualtieae or Mtency In *ald town, aball pay. quarttriy, for • llcenae to carry on tha *em«. accurdlng to hi*, tbalr or lta mouthly recelpu, aa In tha *v**age oliowidm rrhmllli : • first Otaoe—Monthly receipt* flea tnoaiand dollarr or over. quarterly llcen**, thirty dollara. M*oond Ota**—Monthly receipt* under fire thousand dollar*, quarterly lloena*, twenty dol\x=req-\ lar*. rotmran*. 8bo. ar. Ivory penon. firm, association or corporation engaged in the foundry bu*ln**a aball pay. quarterly, for a llceu** to carry am the Mm*, according to bl*. tb*ir or It* average monthly aaiae or receipts, as In the I allowing scbedalt: irtret Clasa—Monthly salee or receipt* twenty thounod dollar* or over, quartarly llem**, forty dollara Second CI***—Monthly lata* or n celpt* flflrea thoutand dollars or ov*» and nnder twenty thousand dollar*, qa*rt*rly lloenae, thirty dollars. Third CIsse—Monthly tale* or receipt* t*a thoaMSd dollar* or over and under flfteon thou\x=req-\ eand dollar*, quarterly lloena*, twenty-Are dol\x=req-\ lara. j Fourth Clot a—Monthly aale* or raoaipta on\x=req-\ d*r ten tbou*and dollars, quarterly licence, twenty dollars. SAMtaa. Bio. 28. Ivory perron nnfid la lb« bed omi of dealing, play d(. or carrying ob any game of fkro, moat*, roulrtu, lanequrnet, rouge-et-nolr, rondo, knu, fantan, dlana, or ebnck-vluck, or any bu.klng gau>e, played with carta, dice, or any oiber device, whether (ba uo« bo played (or naoney, ch««k*, credit, or anv other valuable thing or repreeentative of value, (ball pay, quarterly, for a ilceuae to earry on tha earn*. according to bla avenge monthly receipt!, aa In tbc follow lug ecbrdule: Klrat Ola*—Monthly receipt! three ibouund dollan or over, quarterly llcenec, aeveiily five dollars. ttecond Claae—Kontbly recrlpte twotboueand dollari or orar and under three tboueaad dot\x=req-\ lan. quarterly lioaoat, fifty oollara. Mac.». Bach licence iaeui d >ball contain a particular drecrlption of tlie room in wblcb tba llcecaea deeigsa io can) oa tbc game designated, and tbe name of tba game to lie opened and playad; aod no llceoae .hall ba Uiued permit\x=req-\ Ung any aucb game to I a carried oa in any room In wblcb aucb gamta are by any valid Act of tba Ligiilaiare of tba (Kate of Nevada lor* bidden to be optaad. plajed. or earned oa. D1TCHTC ootained for moenniral da. rA I CR I O Tioee.aiedloal or other tamponade, ornamental deeigsa trada marta and label!. Caveata. aaalgnmenta, Interfereooee, Appeal!. ■alto f<w InfrtuHmMU and all eaaae ailitag under tbe FATUIT LAW! Dromptlj attended to. promptly i INTENTIONS THAT IIAVB BKKN REJECTED KJTLiXSE narcbee, and eeenre Peleota mote promptly, and with broader clalmi. tban Ibowwbo aiw remote from Wiabington. INVENTORS of your deTloel <n make IfiUllBAUm FABS C0 *ftopatentability. Prloea CHABOfe CNLiaa PATENT IS SIGURD. *• nte to official! te (ba PdMtOfl«.to oar dleata la evarv Btato of tbe Dntaa, ud to roar Seaaton aad Kepriiactatlve ta 0 Special referaaooe gtvea when deelred. a A. SNOW k CO.. Oppadto raual Odea. Waahtnatoa. ft. C. NOTICK. All PBR80H8 bavino m tbbb fob\x=req-\ aeeaton booki belocglag to Walla Drory are reqnueted'to leave tba tame d tba often of tba Hold Boa Nawi ai mm m convenient. WILLS DBCBT. Odd Bin, ■optember It. l«T». Sli sffiwr&e? POT v