Newspaper Page Text
9 THE EVENING NEWS BATUBDAI. : : : 7EBBUABY 12. Ml th Jmwa. Tk« aatWawiah craaa whlah ku baaa ahowiog itMlf •» proaiiaaatly u4 dia\x=req-\ eraditably of late ia cartain parta oI Ea\x=req-\ ropa, la a decidad injnatica tiwudarm whioh for aatarai vitality, aaargy, thrift •ad in tall actual (one, axpariaaoa hu ahowa to ba moo ad to aoaa. It cam oaly ba traaad to bigotad raliglooa tra\x=req-\ ditioo, boaiaiaa jaalooay aad blind pia\x=req-\ jndica. Tba StkMiflo Awmriean baa ra\x=req-\ oaatly givaa aatarai wall writtaa aad abla adltorial attkUa with regard to tha dlatribotlon, aombara, anatomical, phy\x=req-\ lilt] and fttl ohinoUriitici, tto., of tha Java aa oomparad with othar pao\x=req-\ plaaaod aatlooalitiaa, aad aot at all to tha dlaparagamaot of tha Java aa good aad daairabla oitlaaoa ia tba gaaaral maka-op ol aaj aatioa or ooawaaity. From aa American point of viaw, it aaya, tha oppoaitioa to tha Java whioh haa lately baaa miiad ia Qarmaaj aaaaa to ba daa partly to a (arrival of tha aaahriatiaa apirit of medieval Chria\x=req-\ tiaaltj, hat mora Immediately to tha Jaalooa hatrad which thrift iaapiraa ia tha oathrifty. Tha military ardor whioh haa oooTartad Germany iato a great oamp baa draftad tha flower of Oaraua yonlh iato Qanaaa barracks, aad haa divartad tha baat aaargyof the people from legitimate iadaatrial aad prodactiTa 1 paraaila. At tha aama time, it haa lmpoveciahad tha maaaaa by heavy tazaa to rapport lb* military wliMlrtwal, and a till haaviar indirect Uz«a la rattiag off tba aapply of predictive labor. Tkongh aaay Jawiah youth in Oarmaay km prorsd the MtiTi ooarage of tba no* oa raoant batUsflalds, tko mora psaoafal instincts of (ho raoa base lad tb«m to aaak ia commerce and la Iba profsssioas tba diatiaetiaa vbiob tba Ohriatiaa youths nf Germany have lookad lor ia miltUiy and official pool\x=req-\ tloaa. Aad aow tba cry u tbat tba Java moaopolixa tba aoaroaa ol waaltb. aad tbat they crowd tba profaaaioaa aad otbar poraoita of peaoe aad profit. Tba obarga ia doabtlaaa largaly true; bat tbat fact ia aa maob to tba bonor of tba Java aa It ia to tba dishonor of tboaa wboaa lowsr civilisation baa allovsd tbam to bo diataacad ia tba oompatltioaa of paaoafal industry, intalliganca, peraiat\x=req-\ aaoa aad thrift. If tba pbyaically aad aamarioally waakar raoa aaa diataaoa tbair atroagar aad mora aamarooa oom\x=req-\ patitora ia tba arts of paaoa, tba fact moat bo takaa aa evideaoe tbat ml ad ooaata for mora tbaa physical atatnra, aad thrift aad labor for mora tbaa military ardor, ia tba fraa conflieta of modern civilisation. THE «UUUL The Egyptian obeliak, aa It now stands complete ia Caatral Park, N»* York, ia eighty-threo aad a hall feet ia height from the ground to th« highest point or apex; or. la other words, to make it Mora wMp*«beaaive to oar Gold Hill n«lirt, it la joat ahoat the height of the Crown Poiat bridge at ita higheet point above the bod of the ravine. The main abaft la sixty-lins feet two lachea high. ' aboot eight feet square at the hose. and la all oae eolid pieoe ol rvddish granite or syenite, weighing 196X tone. It stands oa a pedestal ol the sams material, aiae feet sqnare, seven feet high, aad weighing forty-three tons. The three atepa composing ths foundation form the height ol 7% leet aad weigh eighty-eeven to as. Tbo whole weighs 320} { to as. Anemblymaa HavenoV baa iatroduced a bill to provide lor tbeerseUoaol aa aay\x=req-\ lam lot tba insans, whiob seems mora • leaaihle tbaa any other. Tba bill provides that Ormsby cenaty shall donsts not Isaa tbaa twenty scree ol groaad as a aite lor tba buildings. Tba baildings will bs erected by eoavict labor, from stone takea from the btate'a Prisoa quarry. It oaly saka an appropriation of *30.000 and provides that work shall begia within tea dsya aftsr asoeptiag the plana, It also stipulstea tbat tba eon\x=req-\ tractor shall forfeit $250 a dsy for svsry dsy it reqnlrso to complete the building after the time sgreed apoa by the Oom\x=req-\ miaaioaers. The Nxwi baa reaslvsd a copy of C. A. Cook A Co.'a United States Newspaper Directory revised. It is published by the well-known newspaper advertising Arm of C. A. Cook A Co.. Chicago, Illinois. This directory is a very aeatly priated and bound book, aad eoataina a list of all aewapapers, perlodlsals, etc., published ia the United States aad Canada, carefully corrected to date, giving names of papers, character, issue aad spproximats circulation, with cities aad towaa alphabetically imaged for the uao af advertisera and publiahen. At a m*ating of th* Third Hottaa, at Canon th* atber evening, a bill ni pMMd locating the Slate Lanatie Aaylaa at Ernka. Tha reaeona given wara that threa-fourtha of the lunatica coma from Eureka, and there would only ba milaaga to pay oa tha othat fourth, which aatoa from Bano; a heary sating to tha State. Mr. Lowary oI Storey oppoaad tha bill and morad that it ha rafarrad to tha Committaa oa Public Morala. Colon*) J. Hanaonk Dennis, wha oceupltd tha ahalr, immediately aaid: " Ton ara oat of ordar sir; thara'a no pihUo morala ia thia Btata." Tha Now York Tbnm aayi it waa expected by tba Amarioan Commiaaioa for tha taviaioa ot tha Nav Taatamaat that tha hook would ha pahUahad aad randy for delivery ia thia oonntry by tba prea\x=req-\ aat moath, bat it ia bow annonncad oa tha aathority of a aabla diapafeh, ra\x=req-\ oairad by Dr. Phillipa Sohoff. Praaidant of tha American Commiaaioa, that pub\x=req-\ ttaatiaa villMt ba mada for aoaaa tim* BTATB FAIR lATTUt. Petition* an baiag circulated through Wiibo* oounty Mkiag the Legialatare to authorise that oounty to iaaae boadi for the purchaaa of the pro party oi tha Nevada State Agricultural, Miaing and Mechanical Society, located at Beao. Tka Baao OtuttU baa tha followiag editorial rasarka explanatory : Thia ia what ia propoaed aa tha only praatioahla aeaaa of aoeurlag a oontinu\x=req-\ aaoe of tha annual faira and raoaa which are aoah a aoorea af pleaaore and praflt to oar people. Tha oounty ia to boy op all the Itabllitiaa af the Society, amounting to aboat 928,000, paying therefor not am lit, 00$ In boada beer lag a fair rata of lateral. Ia ooaiidaratioa of thia aaaamp tioa of the Society'* llabilltlea by tha aooaty. tha Society taraa over all Ita aaaeta to tha eoonty. Tbeae aaaet* are worth $11,000, aad fire, therefore, abundant valu- tor tha boada. Tha Society will •till remain la exiateaoe, and will real tha fairgrounde, pavilion, ate., to Jbe aoaaty. paying a fair rental, at leaat equivalent to the latereat ok the boada. Thaa tha Beci\x=req-\ aty would be'eaabled to ooatiaue ite annual fair*, taking a freah a tart free af all eneambranoea, aad tha eounty would have aeoured thia moat deeirable reealt withou t tha expenditure of a dollar, aad without pledging ite credit for a dollar for which it bad net received aotual value la real aetata. Paaa Mauchao, Louisiana, aeema to bo a place whan tha wind blowa hard aoaaelimee. A day or two ainoa, ao\x=req-\ cording to tha telegraph, a atorm of wiad aad rain atrack tha towa aad awept away every building la tha town, incladiag tha railroad depot aad telegraph offloe. Houaehald effect*, proviaiona, every thing went. Fortunately no Uvea were loot, and whaa tha atorm aabaided, tha population had to hoot aaether town to live ia aatil they oeald rebuild. The B«*o QatttU aaya : Grading on the flrat thr*« mil** of the Nevada and Oragon Railroad it projreeaing wall. H. L. W. Knox, the oontractor for that eeetion, baa fifty man at wark. Colonel Moor* and Oovernor Wooda ara expect\x=req-\ ad to arrive from Naw York is tha oonree of a *Hk or too day a. It ia probable that work will ba oommeaaed all along tha liaa to tha juetion aooa altar thair arrival. W. H. H. Waaaon, aotiog Indian agant at Pyramid, iaforma tha Bano UntttU that than haa baaa a oaaa of amallpox at tha reservation. Tha patient entirely rt\x=req-\ eovered, and baa gona to Honaj Laka. Tha Indiana at tha reeerration bava all btan vaccina tad, ant no other caaa of amallpox baa appeared, nor ia any anticipated. King Kalakaaa of tba Sandwieh Ialanda left San Franciaeo for Japan and China laat Tneaday. He pro\x=req-\ poaaa vieiting Aala and Afrioa, ramming homo by way of the Snea eaaal and Europe, thoa going aroand the world is a reverae way to tha trip takan by Oenaral Grant. Nothing makes the iTUi|i Gold Hiiler to comfortable aad oontented with bis mountain gulch horn* u read\x=req-\ iag the aooounts ot the terrible sub\x=req-\ msrging, devastating flood* over in California. Talmage saya tbe chnrob shouts over to the theatre. "Ion ara all scoundrel*," aad tba theatre ahonta back, "Ton ara all hypocrite*." Aad they both lie, Senator Fownlng baa let down very seriously in the matter of presenting new bill* before the Legislature. He baa evidently got disooursged or run short ot material. Eight jarora have been aeeared In the Kslloch murder oast, Saa Francisco. Jeffrey Washington, a colored maa, who had been tor thirty-thrse yearas sx\x=req-\ ton of the Motbdist Chnrob at Jackson, Miss., waa recently buried at that place. Hia pall-bearers were among the moet prominent and reapecUd oitisens, and the funeral eervioea were oonducted by the Iter. Mr. McLaarin, ot the Methodist Church, sad the Rev. Dr. Huotsr, of the- Preebylorian Church. Ho waa universally reepected lor hie Intrgnty and fidelity. A Southern paper speaking pertinently asks: "What colored maa dying at the North waa ever similarly honored?" The oolored people of the South will at onoe perceive the propriety of becoming ohureh aextoaa and tiring to three-eeore and ten. Profeeeor Stanton aaaerta that: "The oarbenate deposits are always In connection with flaaure veins, and it mattera not whether a bed or ate posit ef carbonate mineral ia worked aut or not, the true flaaure will be fonud far below it, to be found by exploration and worked as long aa thia generation exiata and probably looger. The fact of a carbonate depoeit being worked oat ie but the beginning ot the work. The sulpharete below extend regularly In true srevice sty Is; bow far, God or nature anly knew*." Thia should encourage the owner of the carbonate blanket deposits. Tbs Rev. Sir Csvendish Foster, Bsr\x=req-\ onet. rector of a pariah in England, can boaet of aa experience aa extraordinary aa it mnat be gratifying, ia hia capacity at Irish landlord. When hia tenants wars offered a reduction of ten per aent. they refaaed it, aaying that their landlord had been kind and oonalderate, aad that they were quite able aad willing to pay ap in fall. lira. Bbeppard ol Whitevale, Oil., had » quick, bad temper. Hot eoa, aged In, enraged ber by dieobedirnee, end in her luluaut »he caaght ap • revolver •od shot bin. Seeing tbet ke «u dead, lb* vu ovmrluliiid with remoree, and reaolved upon euicide. Firet, however, abe hilled bar baby. Than ska oat her ova throat, bat lived loag enough to tell the atory. ""The oldeat orchard in California la aaid to he at 8aa Joan, ia San Benito ooanty. It waa planted aooii after tba founding ot the old Miaaioa of 8«n Juaa Baatiata, about the year 1775. The paw treaa ia it have grown to aa intaeaae aixe, and although over 100 year* old. etill bear an abuadanca of trait of the flneet quality. Oan. Oarfleld aaya it ia true that, at the vary Una of hka nomination by the Cbiaago Convention, a large eagle which had been aoaring over Waahiagton alighted apon hia houae ia that eity. A young lady who lately gave a mil. liner an order for a bonaet, aaid: "Ton maat make il plain, bat atill attractive and mart, aa I ait ia a aanapicooua plaoa in churah." TBI LMUUTtM. mil imoi-loazxm iUt. Canon, February 11,1881. The Senate met at 11 o'oiock, Senator 8hepkerd la the chair. Parlay and Dayton van brought to tha bar of tba Senate, and a loag dlaeua\x=req-\ aion followed aa to what aboold bo dona with than. Whila thia waa going on, Povniog attempted to ollaib over tba rail, bat waa pravantad by tba activity of tba Sergeant-at-Arma. On motion, tba Senatora vara aararaly reprimanded by tba Chair and raqnirad to apologize. Mr. Parlay azplalnad that ba attandad a obiroh (air tba night before and ran all night (or tha banaflt of Ohriaiknlty. Mr. Dayton azplalnad that ba bad baan daUioed by a diacuaaion o( tba Oarriek relief bill. For tba nazt bait boor tha turmoil vaa livelier than ever aaan In tha Third Hooaa aad twioa aa ludioroua. Mr. Powning vaa admlttad vitboat a reprimand, it Doing bald that hia youth floated him (rom any reeponaiUlity (or hia acta. Proceeding under tha call being dia\x=req-\ peneed with,Senator King took lha ohair. UPoaiB or btakdikq oomumjca. Tha Gommittao on Elections recommended tha paaaaga o( Aaaambly Bill No. 69. Tha Committaa on Enrollment reported that Senate Memorial and Joint Baaolation No. 3 (Williama*) had baan oorreetly enrolled. The Judioiary Committee reoommead\x=req-\ ed the paaaaga o( the Aot to regulate pro\x=req-\ ceedinga in criminal oaaaa (Aeaembly Bill No. 68), and a bill providing f or tha appointment o( abort-hand repertera in criminal caaea (Aiaembly Bill No. 61). Tbe Committee aleo reoommand ed the paaaaga ot a eubetitute for Aeeembly Bill No. 41, aa Aot to amend an Aot oon\x=req-\ earning orimee end paniabmenta. The oommlttea reported advaraely to the paaeaga o( Senate Bill No. 43, an Act to perfect the title o( the State to the water right ot W. M. Little. MOTIONS AHD BBSOLCTTONI. On motion of Powniag, Assembly Bill No. 98. mi Act (or the relief of lk« Franktown snfferera. iu taken ip, and after a long debate tka appropriation waa ont down to $760, and tba bill puud. Tke olaim af W. J. MoDade for $8 waa allowed; also that of L. L. Crockett for $34. Rooms taken nntil 1 JO. ami anna. The Senate met at 1 JO p. m.. Preai\x=req-\ dent Adame in tha obair. MMAoaa vuom ram amimslt. Tba Clerk of tha Assambly announced (ha paaaage of tha Aot Axing tba salariee of tba Judgea af tba Supreme Court; alao Senate memorial aid Joiot Reaolu\x=req-\ tioo No.* 6, relative to tba areoiion of United Stataa Circuit and District Caurt buildings in Canon< On motion of Weeterfleld, Brumaey waa appointed on the Reapportionment Committee in place of Tolley. In aooordanae with Aaaembly aubati\x=req-\ tnte for Senata Conourrent Resolution No. 18. tba Cbair appointed Meaara. Hainea and Henderaon on tba Viaidng Committee. Aaaembly Bill No. IS. an Aet for tba relief af aaretire on offioial bonda, waa referred to tba Judiciary Committee. . Hobart introduced Senate Bill No. 94. an Aot fixing tba ratea of official adver\x=req-\ tiaing. Referred to tba Committaa on State Affairs. By Schooling—Ai Act to amend an Aot fixing tba ealahfa of varioua county officers. Read tbe Brat tiae. Substitute for Aaeembly Bill No. 81, an Act to provide for a new oompilatiou of tba lawa of Nevada, waa referred to tba Judiciary Committee. Asaembly Bill No. 95, an Aot to diain\x=req-\ oorporate tbe city of Aaatin, referred to lb* Lander oonnty delegation. By Gallagher— Senata Bill No. 90, an Aet authorising tba payment of oertain money to O. 11. Hatoh, lata Aaaeeaor of Eameralda oouoty, referred to tba Judiciary Committee. Senate Bill No. 80, an Aot to pay for a deficiency in the appropriation for State printing and official advertiaing, ordered engroaaed. Senata Bill No. OS, an Aot for tba relief of H. H. Marietta. Sutatitute adopted and referred to tbe Committee of tbe Whole. Giboon'a Bill No. 82, an Aot providing for the commutation of tha aentence of priaonera wbo earn credit by good behavior, paaard by a vote of 15 to 6. Substitute for Aaaembly Bill No. 38, introduced by the Waya and Meana Committaa, an Aot to provide for tba enpport of tba State government, Ubled. Asaembly Bill No. 4, an Act to aaoQre tbe liena of mecbanioa. After *long debate the bill paaaed. Senate Bill No. 29, an Aot to amend an Act for tbe maintenance of pablio school*, carried and engroaaed. Senata adjonrned until 11 o'clock Monday morning. AaaaaaMjr. Tbe Aaaembly mat at 11 o'aloak. Bellinger, Corbett MoKenxie, Pen\x=req-\ oyer, Ernat and Smith were granted leave of abeoaoe. Duffy, of tbe Committee on Pnblio Printing, reported that Aaaembly Con. current Resolution No. 14, relative to mining patenta, had bean printed and delivered to the Sergeant-at-Arma on Monday, February 7. Soule, of tbe Committaa on Eagroea\x=req-\ meat, reported correctly engroaaed Aa\x=req-\ aembly Bill No. 69, to amend tha Aet to provide State revenue. Drexler, of the oommittee oompoaed of tha Storey oountv delegation, reported in favor of tba bill to provide for tbe government of tawna as amended. Englla, MoBurney and Havenor, to whom waa referred Senate Bill No. 69, in relation to the insane, reported in favor of ita paaaage. Plank moved for tba reoonaideration of tb» vote by wbioh Senate Bill No. 43, oonoernlng Crimea and pnniahmenta, waa lost. The motion waa carried. Mseeagea were received from the Senate transmitting aavaral billa. Aaaembly Bill No. 103, to provide for tbe government of tbe State Prison, waa **•4 * aeoond time, ordered printed and referred to tbe Committaa on State Priaon. Aaaembly Bill No. 104. to prevent minora (ram gambling, waa referred to the Committee on Pnblia Morale. Aaaembly Bill No. 106. making appro* priatiooa for tba aapport of the government for tba aeventeenth and eighteenth fiacal years, waa ordered printed and referred to tba Committee of tbe Whole. Organ introdueed. without previous notice, Bill No. 107, relative to tbe ohargea for tha carrying, reoeiving, handling and atoring property, and for carrying paaaengera by inter-State railroads, waa erdatad printed and referred to tba Committee on RaUwada and Cor\x=req-\ poratioaa. Aaaembly Bill No. 64, to restore last words, waa amended aad road a niand time. Aaaambly Bill No. Bl, to detach • per\x=req-\ tlon of Whit* Pin* county wad attach tha naa to E«nki oonnty, vaa referred to the Eureka and White Piaa delega\x=req-\ tion*. Baaato BUI Mo. 81, to amend tha Act relating to offioara, their qualification*, ato., waa referred to tha Judiciary Com\x=req-\ mitto*. Aaaemhfy Bill No. 99, to amend tha Aot ralating to prooeedinga in oiril oaaaa, waa read a aaaond time. Conaideratlon of Aaaambly Concurrent Baaolation No. 14, relativa to patonU in mining alaiaa, waa deferred nntil neit Tnaaday. Aaaambly Bill No. 83, to provide mora fully (or tha oara of daatitnta and abandoned children, paaaad by a ananlmoua vote. Aaaambly Bill No. 63, to provide for the government of tovna, eame np. SaTaral amendment* vara adopted, tba bill oonaiderad angroaaad, aad further action deferred antil Monday. Aaaambly Bill No. 69, to amend tba lot to provide Bute ravaaue, paaaad by a uoanimoue vote. The aonaideration of tba special order for-2 o'elook today waa poatponad nntil Monday. k meaaage waa received from tha Senate transmitting Aeeembly Bill No. 98, for tha relief of the Franktown eufftrera. The bill waa amended by tba Senate reduoiog the amount of the appropriation to f760, and tba Amandmanta ware adopted by tha Aaaambly. A meaaage vaa reoelved from tha Governor anuouuoing rejection of Bill No. 66, to protect tha State Treaaury; and hia approval of Aaaemhly Bill No. 40, to provide for tba formation of oorpora\x=req-\ tlona. / . On motion of Ball, action on tba Gov\x=req-\ ernor^ meaaage waa deferred nntil Tuee\x=req-\ day. A reaolutlon by Smyth, that Beldlng'a name be dropped from the roll, vaa loat. At 1 o'elook tba Hooaa adjourned until Monday at 11 o'olock. If a Cleveland Ltader reporter who recantly traveled in Dakota ii to be be\x=req-\ li*V*d, lb* drew of a looomotiv* engineer in that cold region «u u follow*: "On* red woolen wrapper, heavy quality; on* whit* woolen wrapper, heavy quality; on* akin abirt, eloee and warm; •n* red woolen wrapper, heavy quality; on* r*d woolen nnderabirt, heavy quality; on* bin* Maokinaw blonae, very heavy; fiv* pairs of heavy flannel draw* ere, on* pair Mackinaw broeobaa, two pair* of b*avy woolen atockinga, on* ptir of Oeraan aocka, on* pair of aro\x=req-\ lioe, on* heavy tor oap, two pair* of warm lined glov««, on* pair of mittana for Outdoor *mergenciea." Bam* of th* oldeat almond tree* in California an to b* fonnd in San Benito oounty. On the old Paoheoo aeven milea northeast of Holli*t<-r, eoma war* planted fifty year* ago. They still bear an abundanoe of anta *very season. Rrakin* uniformly answered all bogging letters ss follow*: "8ir, I feel muob honored by your applioation to m*, and I beg to aubacribe (her* the readar bad to torn ov*r the pag*) uiyaalf your oba\x=req-\ dient aervsnt. President Hayee baa in bia farm at Biamarck, 1000 acrea of amootb, beautiful farm land, every acre of whieh is **• pabl* of producing, and will when pr*\x=req-\ Sared, yield ita twenty-two or thirty ushela per acr*. VAKIOIM CAUMKrt\x=req-\ Advaaclng years, care, sickness, dlssppolntsd, and hereditary predisposition—all operate to tarn the hair grsy. sad either of (hen loollnea It to shed prematurely. ATia's Han Yioob will restore faded or grey, llacht or rWd hslr to • rich brown or deep black, ss may b-i deelred. It eofieLe and eleanesa the eealp, giving U a healthy action. It removes and cnree dsndtiff and humor*. By It* iu« foiling hair la checked, and a new growth will be produced In all casee where the folllelee are not destroyed or the glands decayed, Its effect* are oeantifallv shown on brsshr, weak, or sickly hair, on which a few apulieatloi e will produce the gloss and freeboeu of yoath. Harmless aud ear* In Its operation. It le laoomparable aa a dressing, and la oapeclallj ralwd for the eolt lustre and rlchneaa of too* It imparts. II oontslus neither oil nor dye. and mill art soil or color white cambrlo; yet It lasta long oo tha hair, and keeps It fresh and vigorous. 8 8QRM In Bnby Hill, February 9, to tb* wife of Thomas Dal*, a eon. MARRIED. In Winnsmuoca. February 7, J. W. Trevathan to Mrs. E. Tiffany. DICD. In Virginia City, February It, John P. Zoya, a native of Cantoa Orlsan, bwltaer\x=req-\ land, aged M year*. NEW TODAY. HA8BROUCK * HALL, (8acc*saors to I. B. Stewart 4 Oo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, aoa Maia Umi, COLD BILL, .... NEVADA —OBALSM IX\x=req-\ rVKI DRtlflNt CHKMICAI.M, MKDICINBH. TOILET Aid FANCY ARHC1.SA. Prescriptions tilled at alt boars, dsy or night, by a thoroughly competent person. - U POWDER Absolutely Pure* Had* from Gimp* Cms Tiriw.-No otbw pnptntiM UtM nek light, fakr bo* bmd*. or Iwsnrtoo* Mstty. Cwbe *«« by Dyepep\x=req-\ Una wlthoot fMr of lU* tMjUu from mmt IH»rtTbU food, sold 00It to OHM. b*j»Li Bora, lint* rowan Co.. RtfTuk. T. R. McGUEN'S CASH PRICES FOS FEBRUARY: . ,. V ' • Everything else in my immense stock of FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Fine Old Brandlrs, Wines and Liquors, WILL II SOLO AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Fresh Baltimore Oysters and Chapman's Fare Apple Cider always on hand. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. T. R. M cGUBN, TIB6IIU CITT, • 8CTR0, lid - GOLD SILL. (•9 1m Baker's Extra tad Extra Family Flour.... Em tern Sugar-Cared Huu (oorered) FtQMt Jtp&n Tea Old Go Tern men t Jin CoffM (fresh ground) Common Oround Coffee C04I Oil Fmh California Eggs Extra Choioe Petaluma Butter SMI Boxesof Oboiee Xouatela Apples at... Flat Old Bouboa Whisky Par Caaa, $4 30; per 8-gallon Can, $3 >0 . Vo per Dozen, or 4H Down for 81 00 Per 8-lb. Bolls, 76 Orate $1 SO per Box .... Beduoad from 18 te It M per Gallon 98 UK per 100 lbs im Orate per lb 97 It oente per lb., or 3 Ibe. for tl 00 ,. 5 lbs. for $1 00 8 lbs. for SI 00 NEW TODAY 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, main ITBBIT. GOLD HILL. —mini XX— ■lank rookm, station BAY. JKWKI.KY, MCBOOL books. CVTLBBT. TOYH, lit, Afrat for Um »*n Frmncltoa Dally OHRONIOLC. BULLETIN, EXAMINtff. -um- ALTA. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. ]4lt 1863. 1881. TBI ZIQHTBKKTH Annnal Military and Civic 4 ball Sl —OF TBI\x=req-\ NATIONAL GUARD, N. IN., Will be ftaa at IM Ball TUESDAY EVE'fl, FEBRUARY tt, 1881, OmkiH .r AmuiMitii Oapt. D. A. Fnatr, Uent. W Oorae. Serf!, a. J. Ujw, Hefft. r. L. Carrier, Bergt. 8. lioffelAninr, Prt. A. L. Xdwards, Prl. V. Moor*. CARKIAQIR Can be obUlMd by leering ordera at tbe Beading Boom of tbe Company beiwm tbe boor* of 7 Md • r. or with any member of tb. Committee of Arraoceaenie FNII OP OMAROE I TICKETS. U < J»Mtd GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WOUSi ■aia ■««■»>«. Uwtf o«m ■ill. Inn IRON AND BBAM CASTINGI? Of erer; variety made to < IS BAVI TUBT ADDED TO XT OLD eetabllAed Machine Wart* the LAROK81 _ LATHS, PLA«n and MTKAH HAMHIS, all of the lAteet and moet 1b»totw1 conatractiou. and am now prepared to H-Li and Repair all klnda and all alaea of MILL A MININO MAOMINKIIY aoUeaaad Ml tbe I GIOB0I HtKITT. Propriety. GIBSON'S SALOON, Mala lan'i Gmld 11HI. flBMT C1JUIS IN ITIIT BBSrBCf. Beading and Olnb Booms. Ttaa palron* of tba Boom win mllMiInd M& aarrad wtUi tta FlMt of WINES. LIQUORS AND ClflARS Bf-FAF-ABBOTT. « W.P.C.WBWIW.P>—Ih tor. CIGARS, TOBACCO, STATIOVJERY. O. H. GALLUP, aPPOSITB TBB BANK OP SOLD BILL. ^ ty coaaUaOy on luad all tfca C itotIh IMPORTKD CIGARS, • Allkliii*fCt*wtiiT*kMet,Km .Cat\x=req-\ *a»a, futy LtWi. Itla d B«k». mm* MCatteaary «r all DiiiHuIm.. U SODA WATER,"XT" X Bparkllnr WlaM and all Oktboaatad Bmb H"\x=req-\ AmnlU hrJhUH, BMliM • ad Oomplata Oolflu, lUtarlali ud SomIIk *»■ l^ii^ oiy. ^ nh»«tf»<d M»<rw»* "SSS hwaw, 3w«s»es».*I 8K00IBIB8, FB0 VISIONS, lie. GROCERY STORE I RICHARD MERCER, MAIN STRUT. GOLD HILL. FAMILY&FANCY GROCERIES -VOW ON HAND AND FOB BALK OHKAP JJ| FOBOAUH. A Lam Awort—1 ot QROCXRIRS AND PBOrilUONH dlr*ct trom Um OtUiomUMtr\x=req-\ keU, comprUlaf la put | TEAS, 800AB8, COFFEE, SPICES CAM FHUIT, DELED FBU1T, HYBUP8, OYSTEBS, BICE FLOUB, BIOS. CANDLES, BUTTEB. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEST OF wilt AND LIOUORS AT WBOLKBALB AND KKTA1L. VEGETABLESAND FRUITS. troooit D«UTn«d Vim of Ohttga. 1 n» KIOHABD MKECBB. F. W. F0L80M, ■HilliMl MM Mill. (beecewr to homaaoa * polaoau wholwle eed iuu11 dmtorla protisiohbt Etc. hols aoiht in gold hill fob MBS. mar ohamfaoni BAKING POWDKR, ipak but in tbi mahkjtt — onl1 requlrw half u>« qaiatllf of taj ottm kind. riaxm uokbtxd to thi lati ana o( b0bin80n * folsom an rtquwtodto CALL AND SETTLE ■phkin aooount8 without dklat ind nn ooaU. 4 GOLD HILL NEWS OEPOT -amd\x=req-\ VARIKTY STORK, MAIN ItTKKKT, gold HIIX, OppoaMa IWa KMHukil. D. T H OR BURN, Proprietor. Aanrr fob th« GOLD MILL DAILY NKWB And tan taadaoo "OHi," Mkx*al*er" aid "Pott." Eastern Periodicals AM UTHT IIADIIli MATTKI GISAB8 AND TOBACCOS, •HUT MUSIC. •HOW-OASB GOOD*. •TATIONLRY. SCHOOL BOOKS* TOYS, 1TO. iw «■ HOLD HILL BAKU! RI8TAURANT MAIN STKKJCT gold BILL, Opposite UmBcIIpm Limy IuMm, J. P. IIOKIB. ...rroprtotaft PWI UIAO. PIES, OAKW, amd hoi f Bella mrj atj, dtUrarad at Lb* mt of niiwMn. ■■BAD AT RBDUOBO PHIOBS. Tim aad Ohkaa at radaaad prior*. naej or aaaortad Oakaa mede to «<■ ■ •hart notio*. Tka IwUiiMt PmiibmI I* ibi Ml l» th* BUto. All kUdj of Sim. Tvmltn ud rmk run and alao Ojtion nmwf.ud MWd mp dallr. thi ran uiui, RESTAURANT. OMfctUuwM* OaHrkpat, Ito.ilTNNikOttrMtTtNMM fxrrm ah buoamt amobwi>hto* VBOUIU i. ouaaof ail klad^dMHp«OMm«» All and at prion to nit A* wa twrtjfl 0«i ■Mt,w» mm o*r tbaa atprfcaa tba aaai efcatvad to Now fork, tad at loai than bytha box, at wliuliiili i UfllN 1VB BBIKKB8. THE NEVADA BANK OP MM FRANCISCO. am nusouoo ^...oii.Troswu hM :■» Capital tMNMHIM i (U.I MTInUto.lmte... {£ \ Hatailnlort. I OBQL. (M Wkll (tnKJ I ** VBon tad «aUa t^bua* tad Tthgnokie Tnaifm. I inn Ouaiawtlil u4 ftmB Oradlu. nit buk feat avaeW (kdUUM lot todlM »■ baUtoa. «f T. R. MetiOftlV, STOCK AMI MONEY BIOIU. 1M Mstk C TlrflsU, TTTILL BUT AND ISLL BTOOSS ON OOM\x=req-\ YY mlMloa a* Uu mom itnmNi wm i «til alio «ny StMka oa Hacgls aa* i Mailt GOLD AND IILTIt BOUGH* AN0 !■ WOI.D. L. B. FRANKEL, •TOOK AND MOMY BBOKI* omoi-Hiti mm. CM« biu, jaa« it* auk •rouifenh. •MOKS BOUGHT, BOLD AN* CAB\x=req-\ BIBD ON WABOINB la FASHION 8AL00N. 1.1. TURRET, PRO PR. Mali Street, ... * «ol« Ml. Oppoaita tba Xrva otto*. man old-btablwhcd aid pofcui X raaort U atlll tba (irortu. Comfort i*d •portcobbmed. Tlu patrona of tba bow* wlfl alwaja and tba baal breada af B (ANDY, WHISKY, ALB, rOBTBB, UOBK, WINK* OV AIX BINDS, TOBACCO, CIOABB. BTU. TWO FIRE BiyJARO TABLES. SPECIAL NOTICE. A LL PERSONS WHO ABI INDEBTED TO lb* COMtTOCK BXOHANOK Am raqoaatad to maka paynaot within titty d*7*from data,MlU(OlnglorJoaabnalpaaa. THO*. JC. rwoti. Qold HUI. Jaaaary ». HM. » RENO FOUNDRY, BBNO. NRTADA. ZBK PROPRIETOR OP THE VIRGINIA Foundry, harm* parthaaad tba Bwo ndrj, u4 conaoUdaiad It wllb tba fotaar, will barwflar atyla tba wotlu tba Beie foondry aid Machine Werka. Tbla aatabllahmaat la dow prepared to do • ftaarml Foondry baalaaaa, inciudlou ararr da\x=req-\ acrlpUon at QwUin la Iron aid Praia, Parataa, a ad Maeblaa W«k. At lowar prloaa tbao can ba oMaiaad alaawbare. Dtawlop and aatlmataa lurnlabad wbac re qalred. Br atrtct at trot las to baalaaaa. asd witb a tboroaab baowMa. of tba work nqaM, tba proprietor bopra to Bartt iba cooBdasoa ot tba tiada.and raapactlally aotlclutba pauoMaa of oUll Attd moo. <UI ANDKBW FRAftKR, Propr. . G. V. CRANE, PURCHASING AGENT; Established la 1871. PERSONS RESIDING >WaT FROM HAM Praaeloco, la waatof say artlolo of MIROMAMDIIC, Oml or null, eta bar* tb«4r order* IIM promptly, sod st th* rtrjr lowwt ouD prlcoo, by sdtosslns tbo uadonfeotd. 0. W. CRANK, til Plao sti*ot, Room M ud 10 Lotdoodorf Kr et, BaafoDdoco. Col. JjU U WOOD AND GOAL DEPOT! TUT7T FINE. WASHOE LIN R. SPLIT FWB JW tad otter mUUm of Wood, sad a full apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL Ob baad aad too solo at tbo LOWEST CASH Hue FULL WEIGHT AND MUIDII tiUABANTRKD. Wood sawed st short aottoo aad at towfratoo OFFICE—Moor Railroad Dopot. Oold BUL Has TBOKAH OAI'LAOHER. "vTroinia" •••• AND.... MILL OMNIBUS, GOLD nONNBOTTNa WITH THR OARS AT ttOLD O Hill to »nd trotn Oaroon. Will aako rofnlar trips botwoon tbo stead* at oitbor ond. of tbo route, a* lol\x=req-\ lowa: LSATXOOLO BIX, IM A. M. 10:10 ISM x. 3:00 r.M. lxati TnonnA. 10.-00 A. M. 11:90 <• 11:48 r. X. 1:46 •• 4:15 •• 6:15 JAKES DON8TAN, Proprietor. CHAWCK OF FIRM. IRATE THIS DAT SOLD TO J. t. HALL all ma latonat la tbo Ploaoor Ltaedir. O. W. BALL. I. M0. •PKOIAL~MOTICK. All BUIs dwo tbo PIONEER LACNDRT np to tbo FIBoT OP OEOMBEH. USD. nut bo ssttlod bo/oro tbo TENTH OP DR01XBBR, or tboy wtl^bijploqd tbo hoods of a ooUsetor. MDo will bo aUowod to m tbaattlrtydoya. _ J. ». HALL. TbHtete. Dssissbsr I IMS. 1