Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS. * • % ' * VOL. XXXV. GOLD HTT.T, STOREY Cft. NEVADA: MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 14. 1881. NO. 6309. THE EVENING NEWS PvMlahad twfj daj (Hoaday* *xe*ptc<l), BY til IIWI POILUUIIIH (II. C7~ Xa tared at tba Oold Hill poatotte* matter. TUMI. •sua w«r, »J Mall or Bxpr*** $t ou (lixoiiki. ritM lUlte..; a ao DaUvara* la OuM HlU^lnrlBia. aUr*r«HtJ Oaraoa, Dajtoa, Ban*. e»c.. at Twnmr-FivE con pei week. rayabtato tte Oamara. Ml MVTtTWM MCTTS. 0. W. CK1NI. No*. Ul Pisa and 10 Laidaadorff itiwti : : Baa Praooiaoo GAOWIJi * ALLEN, : : : : Caraon Oily W. M. LAMO. : : : : . Cmplre Citj a. X. JAJM80N, : Bmo 0. OHKMOWCTH. : : Wlaaamooe* NEW YORK. _ _ J. H. Sana., s it Park Row 1 K. hmiMiu. A Co.,: : 37 Park Bo* Oao. P. Bovau, * Co.. 10 Spra** Street Tua Paraa may bafoand oa SU in New York at tb* a*w*paper agenciea of J. H. Bataa. 41 Park Bow; 8. M. Pattongill A Co., 37 Park Bow, and Oao. P. Bowall A Co.. 10 Sprue* itr**i. ■T. VAUlTliri BAY. I aat by tba caaemeat oa Tal*atia«'a day And gaied oa lb* aaowbaaka all a«lUag away; I wonder it baarta malt aa quiekly u ibey, Wbtn Iot* amilra upon Ltaam oa Valea\x=req-\ tina'a Day I I aat by tba caaement. my (ram* in a tin*le Witb cold, wblla I liatened tba marry bell* I woaJerll Copld keep* aobar alway Wblla oat auaqaerading oa Talantlaa'a Day? 1 aat by tba caaemrnt yet, thinking haw maay Mad lorera war* apanding tbalr wry laat Tor fllfitfrw* paper—attemp ting to aay. "Vie* la bagatelle, Cupid 1 'Ua Val«atia*'a Dayr I got by lb* caaameat a «w«j> <Tmm pu/oon! 1«tar led ; before ma atood Capid U Ttmsrt jtDM tirauyrr! I olaim yoo my prey; Lore emptiea bia quiver oa Valantina'a Day J TN Milkman Who Stopped a Dog Fi|kt Yntwdij forenoon two dogs got into ■ dispute on Fourtk ittNl, near Michigan »Tenue, and Irom growl* iheT earn* to bite*. They were pretty evenly matched. ud the contest continued until * crowd of fllty people bad formed a circle. Pretty toon a ministerial looking peraon baited, watcbed the fight for ball • mmale, aad then hurried out OB lb« avenue aad aaid to a milk dealer : " lly good man. a dag light ia a brutal apectacle, and it lie* ia your power to aad tbia one." •• How?" " Drive right through tbe crowd aad over tbe animals. I warrant they'll atop tbeir Moody work be fere they will b» troddea under foot." ••I gueea I'll try It," muaed tbe milkman, aad be gathered op tbe rein*, yelled at the crowd and drove for the doge. It waa a bad drire on him. The two fighters kept right on at it, rolled under the bona, aad the next minute sixteen gallons of milk were being absorbed by tbe aaow, the driver waa ia a drift and the horee was ahooting up Fourth etreet with the aad remains of the old sleiiih. "Where—where in—where in Texas ia that chap who put ma up to this?" gasped the milkman, as they pulled him out of tbe anew; but tbe sole answer waa made kj a boy who poiated at the figure of a man under a plug hat traveling toward the City Hall at the rate of tweaty miiea an honr. The PoBghkeepaie Prtss declares on konor tkat ia a late railroad accident, resulting from tke breaking of one of the driving rods of ths sngine, tbe fireman was thrown ao high in the air as to allow the train to pass under him. Which fact knocks tbs old theory Ihst a l<ody thrown from a moving vehicls preserves the impetus ol said vehicle higher tbau —well, higher than lbs fireman. Professional curiosity: A young lady alipped on tbe ioe and lay there rrekleee\x=req-\ ly waiting to be rescued. A clerk in s hosiery store, who waa standing near tbs scene of the dieaater, viewed the apectacle with professional curiosity a moment or two and tben exclaimed: "Frstty, very pretty, but they only coet thirty-six smts a pair." An Ohio 'man has taken the amallpex from a pet pig. When once tbia ilmt-aae geta into the family it ia pretty aura to go tbroagh it. A tobacconist juined ths Crispins' strike in Lynn on ths ground tkat hs wss a chaw-maker. ■ ISCKLLASKOl'S. HOISTING CABLES JOHN L OOtOUNO'S 00M CO. .■•w Jonoy. CruSI* C>ao*ncMl llalatla* CukUa or all DMOriKloM. Wlra »tr>ada I* UtodrlM Mum Cm* ■laBill m lui 8. T. MOORRT. a««at k *°"m~ mo? ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Scorpion Silver Mining Co, AaaitCMiMT NO. 0. LmM .ftkroon 1 -March IS. 1HMI March 31, IMS! URO. R. irikMIT, fcnurj. Boon U. No. 810 Ptea Wni, Mi .California. MM NOTICE To Ctnick'8 Bondsmen. rpaosi rntoro wao ar« or car 1 rlck*a boada apoa whooa paprn hava b«ai lha oatt of tha Mala afaiaot than to laara tha papan with thai a C. 8TRTIR80R. t«<c A BILL PROW! A CONSOLIDATED SYSTEM I OF OOVERNMENT —FOB THE— COUNTY OF 8T0KEY. THE CITY j OF VIRGINIA AND THE TOWN OF GOLD HILL. Art to Provide for tke Fajaeat of J tie KxtetlBg Iidoktediwi of 8aM citjr u4 Tovi. n. Proplt nf ft* Si nit nf AWn, r#p\x=req-\ mwlirf M AmIi umj Altmt/y, tlu rm-ct ,14 /'«tlUm : Sectios 1. From and after (he day of May, A. D. 1881, thrru shall be uo Sep\x=req-\ •rate government, or offloera or ayatem of revenue. for tb« City of Virginia or th« Town of Qold Hill; but for aaid purposes the above manlionrd cnrporaliona shall be aaeociated and coneolidated with (be county of Storey in accordance with the pro vUioua of thia Act. and all lawa or paru of lawa relating to the government of either of aaid corporations, or creating offloera therefor, or having relation to raising revenue therefor, or disbursing the same, or to paying any indebtrdneaa thereof, ao far aa the aame ahall conflict with the provia\x=req-\ iooa of tbia Act, are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. The public buildings, landa and property, all rights of property and rights of action, and all moneya revunnee and income belonging or appertaining to the corporations of the Town of Oold Hill or tbe City of Virginia are hereby declared to be vested in aud to appertain and belong to the county of Storey, except aa otherwise provided in tbia Act; and all moneya in the treaauriea of said corpora\x=req-\ tiooa, and all the revenues and Income, from whatever source arising. Including delinquent taxee upon persona and properly appertaining to either of aaid corporations. shall be handed over, paid and received into the treasury ot the county of Storey, except as otherwise herein provided; and all records, hooka and papers in tbe custody of either of said corporations ahall be. on or before the — th day of May, 1881, handed over to and received by tbe officers of tbe county of Storey, who, by tbe terms of thia Act. ahall beooms the proper custodians of the aame. Sec. 3. All of the existing provisions of law deflningtbe powers and duties of ooun\x=req-\ ty officers, except Covnty Commissioners, so far aa the aame are not repealed or altered by the proviaiona of tbia Act, shall be considered aa applicable to the offloera of tbe countv of Storey. Sec. 4. Tbe Board of County Commissioners ef tbe county of Storey, in addition to the powers already conferred by other lawa, shall have power and Jnriadic\x=req-\ tlon In the county— 1. To institute and maintain any anit or snita in any court or courta neceseary, in the Judgment of aaid Board, to enforce and maintain any right or rigbta of tbe Town of Oold Hill or the City of \ irginia which may bare accrued prior to the -th day of May, 1881. All such sp'U shall be institub-d and proeecated in the name of the Board of County Commissioners of Storey county, for the oae and benefit ot the inhabitants of said town or city, aa the caae may be, and shall be eutltled accordingly in all pleadings and proceedings. 2. To regulate tbe storage ot gunpowder and other explosive or combuatible material within aaid county. 3. To prevent and remore duiubto, and to determine what are nuisances. 4. To fix uJ collect a lio* net- tax on and regulate all theater and tbeatrioal per\x=req-\ formancca. circueses, shows. billiard tables, bowling alley*, and all •shlbllluna and amusements; to fix and collect a license tax on and regulate all taverns, liotcla and reatanraut*. saloon*. bar-room*, bankers. broken, gold-dust buyer*, manu\x=req-\ facture™, livery stables and atabla keep\x=req-\ era, expreaa companies and persons engaged In the bualneea of transmitting latlara or packagea. and *tage companiea or owner* whose plaoa of business ia in aaid county, or who a ball have an agency therein; to tlx and collect a liocnse tax on and regulate, prohibit and suppress all tippling-bounea, dram-shops, rallies. hawker*, peddler* and pawnbroker*, refreshment or coffec stands, booth* and abed*; to fix and collect a licsnss tax on and regulate all gaming, ganiea of chance, banking game* and gambling hooaea; alao, to fix and collect a license tax upon all profession*. trade* or business not heretofore specified, having regard to the amount of buainea* done by each pernon or firm thu* licenced; to prohibit, suppress or regulate disorderly douse* and bouses of ill fame, and to routine the aamo within certain prescribed limit*. The Tax Collector ahall demand from each peraou and firm, and from the President. Secretary, Cashier, Treasurer. Superintendent or Managing Agent of each corporation, association or company liablo to procure a licenae under this *ubdivi*ion, duriug the fir*t ten daya of the last month of each quarter thereafter, a awora «t*to\x=req-\ rn en t io writing of the amount of btuineaa done during tb* prior two months; and, for the purpose of a*ourt*ining tL«i rate of hren**, tho monthly average for lbs prior two months, and thereafter for lbs preceding tir*t two month* of each quarter, •ball constitute ths monthly average for the whole quarter. If any person or firm, or the President, Secretary. Cashier, Treasurer, Superintendent or Managing Agent of an; corporation, association or company within tba liuiite of the county of Storey shall neglect or refuse, on dkmand of the Tax Collector, to giva under oath or affirmation the statement required by this aeo tiou. within five day* after auch demand, or shall give a fals« name, or (ball refute to give his or her name, or shall rsfuas to verify inch statement, bs or sbs shall bs guilty of a misdemeanor, and ahall be ar\x=req-\ reetrd upon the complaint of the Tax Collector. and apoa conviction thereof, he or she shall bo puniahed by a fins in any sum not leas than ttu nor mors than *300, or by imprisonment in ths county Jail for a term not exoreding 100 daya. or by both sash fine snd imprisonmsnt, at ths discretion of the Court. 0. To establish a Board of Health to prevent ths introduction and spread of I To make or adopt by-laws and ordinances not repugnant to lbs Constitatioa and laws of ths United States or of tbs State ot Nevada. All ordinances shall bs published ia una or more newspaper* published ia said county, within ooe week after their passage, for the psriod of tea days. 7. To fix aad prescribe tbs punishment for tba violation of any ordiaanos. bat no flas shall bs imposed for aas offense in any sum greater than $50#, aad no term of imprisonment shall bs prssoribed for mors than six months. S. To lay out ur extend, opsn, alter or repair all streets, and provids for opsaing, grading, widsalng, draining, clsaning and lighting, or otbsrwiss Improving tbs sams; , also, to provids for tbs construction, ro\x=req-\ i pair, preservation and cleaning of tids\x=req-\ i walks, crosswalks, bridges, sswsrs and ' drains; to prsvsat obstructions bsing suited or plaosd in any of ths strsste, aUsys or sidswalks, or tbs ass of aay ssw era or draioa or ceupooli, and for the removal of the ume; to compel the owneri of lota and pro party to bear tba eipente of ereoting tidewalka or improving the road or atreot ia front of the tame by apecial tax or otheiwiee; to employ polio*\x=req-\ men and prescribe their dntiea and oom\x=req-\ pentalioa and provide for the government and regulation of tbe aame. 9. To provide for tbe prevention and attingulahment of Urea; alio, to organise, regulate, eetabliah, locate or die band Are and boee companiea. 10. To uae tbe labor of tbe priaonera imprisoned In tbe County Jail In auob a manner aa aald Board may deem proper; provided, that nothing jn tbia eub-divUion aball be to eonetrued aa to tutborlae aald Board to eatablieh a ebain-gang. btc. 6. Tbe Jnatloea of tbe Peaoa within the couaty of Storey ahall have Joriedio\x=req-\ tion of all violationa of ordiaanoea committed within the limilaof their reepeotiva township*. 8u. fl. All flnea. penaltlaa and forfait\x=req-\ uret coming to the handa of any Juitioe of tbe Peaoe in aald ooonty, In eaaee aria\x=req-\ I ing under any ordinaooe, aball be by him paid Into tbe County Treaaury, under oath, on the tint Monday of each month; provided, that the ooata and free allowed by law to aacb Juatieee and other offloere may be deducted from aali flnea, forfeit\x=req-\ ure* and penal tiee before making each payment Bsc. 7. The Sheriff or the county or Btorey (ball be cx-ofllolo Chief of Polioe, tad it shall be hie duty tod the duty of toy policeman appointed by the Board of County CommluioDera to execute and return all proceaeca iaaued by any Juatloe of the Peace within the limit* of Storey oounty. in caeca of violation of anv ordinance or directed to biui or them by any legal authority, and it ah.ilI be hla and their duty to attend upon the Juaticca' Courta of aaid county whenever there ia any buaineee before aaid eourta, in wbieh the County Cuamiaaionera of Storey county are a party thereto. He, or any policeman, ahall arrnet all peraona guilty of t broach of the peace or othor offenae committed in hia or their preaenoe, and til peraona guilty of a breach of any ordinance, and take them before the Juatioe of the Pcace in the townablp in which the offenae mty htve been committed, for trial or examination. The Chief of Police and til policemen ahtll perform auch other dutiea aa the County CoBiuilaaionera of Storey county may direct. Sxe. H. The preernt Fire Departmrnta of the City of Virginia tnd the Town of Oold Hill ahall remain eeparate and die\x=req-\ tinct, tod etch shall retain it* preeeot organization and offioera, and the lawa tnd ordinance* now in force reapectiug the a Si cera of aaid departmenta, their election and the internal arrangement of their affaire, ao far ta not in conflict with tho provialona of thia Act, remain in force, tod when, by aaid lawa or ordintooee, dutiea are impoeed or powera cpnferrod in relation to aaid deptrtmenta on the Mayor tnd Board of Aldermen of the City of Vir\x=req-\ ginit or tho Truateee of tba Town of Oold Hill, the aame ahtll be exorciaed and performed by tho Board of County Commie aioncre of Storey county. Both of aaid departmenta ahall be under the oontrol of the Board of County Commlaaionera, who ahall alone have the power to authorlxo expenditurea of money in rcapect to the aame. and to audit and allow tll'billa therefor, and to flx and regulate the •*!»\x=req-\ rice and eompeneation of til officer* tod employee connected therewith, tnd all officers and employee ahall be removable ■t the oleaaure of the Board. Hkc. 9. From and after tbe — th day of May, 1M1. no mont^ aliall bo paid oal of tin- Tir*' tiry of the City of Virginia or out of ttie Tr«a»ury of tliu Town of Oold Hill, and all moneye in either of aaid Trvaauriea ahali. on aaid named day. bo paid over by tba Treaaurera of aaid corporation* to tbo Treaaurerof the county of Htorey, and all taxee heretofore levied by the City of Vir\x=req-\ Kioia or ita officer*. or the Town of Oold 1 Hill or ita officer*. upon property of any character within the limit* or Juriadiction of *aid corporation* and remaining unpaid an the — thdayof May, 1881, aball be paid into the Treaaury of the;county of Storey, and ihall be due and payable at aacb time* aa by tbo law* under which aacb taxes were levied. they were or would have been due, to aaid corporation* reepeotlvely. The validity of tliu levy of aaid taxoa aball be iu no wi*e Impaired by auy of the proviaioni of tbi* Act, and Um lawa and ordinancea in power gowning the oollection of the aame aball be in full foroe in all reaped* for the purpoae of compelling payment ef the aame to the aaid county of Htorey in the aame manner aa, but for thl* Act, pav\x=req-\ ment might have bean compelled to aaid luuuiripal corporation. The Treaaurer, Tax Collector, Aaaeaaor, Auditor, County Clerk and Didrict Attorney of Htorey county aball take the place of the offlcera performing liko duties under aaid municipal corporationa, aa to the collection of •aid tale*, and the latter ihall forthwith deliver to tbo aaid officer* of Htorey county all book* and papera relating to the aame, or belonging to their aaid offloea. Hkc. 10. All moneya dua or to become due for lioenae* iaaued or granted prior to the day of May. 1891, by the City of Virginia or by tbe Town of Gold Hill, and remaining uupald on aaid day, aball be paid into tbe Treaaury of tbe oounty of Htorey at tbe aame tlmea and under tbe aarno regulationa, except ao far aa altered by tbe proviaiona of tbla Aot. aa tbe aame at aaid date may be due and payable to aaid muuicipal corporation*, and all men\x=req-\ eve duo on the — day of May, 1881, or thereafter to beoome due, to either of aaid corporationa on accouut of back taxea or claim* againat individual or corporationa or any other aooount, aball in like manner be paid iuto tbe Traaaury of iho county of Htarty. See. 11. All ordinancca 01 toe vtiy 01 Virginia or the Town of Gold Hill, In (ore* on tbe day of May, 1881, aliall, ■oliru (lie tamo are not iu conflict with the provisions of thla Aot, be and remain in fall force and effect; bat nothing in till* Motion contained shall be construed aa restricting the power of the Hoard of Coaoty Commissioners in paaalng. adopting or repealing ordiuancea. Printed copies of ordinance purporting to hare been made and published by the authority of the Board of Aldermeu of tbe City of Virginia or the Board of Traateee of the Town of Oold Hill ahall be oompetent evi\x=req-\ denoo of the existence and contenta of aaob ordinances. Sic. 13. The Board of County Commissioners of Storey county, for tbe purpose of paying the principal and internet doe or to become due on the boodi issued in conformity with the proviaiona of an Aot of the Leglalature of thia State entitled "An Act to legalize oertain contractu made by tbe Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Virginia, Storey county, State of Nevada, and the Virginia and Oold Hill Water Company, of theaame place, and for tbe iaauanoe and aale of bonds for tbo payment of aaid iudebtedueee thereby incurred." approved January 29. 1877, ahall levy and cauae to be collected an ad valorem Us not to exceed 91 upon each $100 of all the taxable property, real, peraonal and mixed, aubject to taxation for other pnrpoaea, within the limita of the City of Virginia, a* defined in an Aot of the Legislature approved March a, 1877, and entitled "An Act to reincorporate the City of Virginia and to provide for tbe government thereof, and to repeal all other lawa In relation thereto." Bald tax ahall be levied, named and ooUected at the aame time, and In the same manner, and by the aame offloera, aa preecrlbed and provided In tbe revenue laws of tbe State tor the collection of State and county taxee. All the proviaiona of the Legislative Act hereinbefore entitled and approved January as, 1877, and of the Acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, ahall remain In foil foroo and tfivct, ezoept a* changed by the term* of this Act. And wherever in aaid entitled Aot, approved January 33,1877, or in the Aeta amendatory thereof or enpplemantal thereto, or by oilier law*, a duty ia impoaed upon or a Swer granted to the Mayor or Board of iermen of the Oityof Virginia, or upon the City Treaaaw or City Tax Collector, or City Clark, euoh doty or power ahall be and hereby ia Impoaed and oooferred upon the Board of Ooonty Commissioners of Storey ooonty, or upon the County Treasurer, County Aaaeeaor or County Clark, ree pec lively, aa the caee may be, and wherever in aaid Aota the worda City Treaeury occur, Ibe worda Caunty Treasury ahall be inaertad ia Uea thereof. Hxc. IS. The Board of County Commie\x=req-\ aiooara of Storey oonnty, for the purpoee of paying the principal and interval due, or to beooma doe, on the outa tan ding bond* heretofore iaaued by the Town of Ooid Hill, ahall levy and cauae to be collected an ad valorem tax not la exoead $1 upon each $100 of all the taxable property, real, pereonal and mixed, eubjeoi to taxation for other purpoaea, within the llmila of the Town of Cold Hill, aa defined in an Aot of tbo Leglalature entitled "Aa Aot to incorporate the Town of Qold Hill," ap\x=req-\ C-oved March t, 1S71. Said tax ahall be vied annually and oolleoted at the aame time and in the aame manner aad by the aame oflioera aa preeoribed and provided ia the revenue lawa of thia State for the collection of State and ooonty taxea; and the reveuoe lawa of thia a tale ahall, la every respect, not inoonaietent with the pro\x=req-\ vietona of thia Aot, be deemed applicable end eo held to the levyiug, aeaeaaing and collecting of aaid tax. All moneya oolleoted or received nnder and by virtue of the provialona of thia aection ahall be paid to the County Treasurer, and ahall by him be eel apart aa a special fund, to be known aa the Gold Hill Jttedemption Fund, and all moneya ootaiag into aaid fund are hereby appropriated for the payment of principal and interest of the bond* iaened by the Town of Uold Hill and out\x=req-\ ■landing at the time of the paaaage of thia Act. Sxo. 14. From aud after the llrit Monday in January, 1SW, the Board of County Commiaaionera of Storey oouuty ahall constat of three mombors, one of whom shall be an aotuai reeident of Township No. 3 and ouo of whom shall be an aotuai reel\x=req-\ dent of Township Mo. 3 of said ooonty, aa said townabipe now axial, and the salariee of said Commissioners shall not exoeed the sum of KiOU per year each. ORDINANCE NO. US. AN OIIDINANCK w pravMa ftr Ilia Urr at' Tuh Heal aad F«r»«««l |7tMrir wllkla the T.wa af Uaid ,[Pa*aed April 19.1M0.] mill BOAKD or TUU8TKU Of OOLD X UUlduurdtm: mctioh 1. An annual id Talarem tu of one »ii I on* quarter per centum upou tli« value ot uum« property wllbln ib* Tuva of Uold Hill la hereby le*u J aud directed to be collected kjr luwu purpoeoe upon lbs aaaeeaad value of all »ucb taxable property mad* tamable t>y ibu law* of Ui la > lata lur oute and county purpoeee, In eluding lbe u*l pruawda of lb* uluaa. sac. 1 Tbr taxes levied by auction 1 of this ordinance. and to b* umiki and collected to aceordanoe wild iba pruvlalooe uf aa ordinance FiiUU*d, " An unliuwce to provide lor Lbe l.vy aud cjllecUou ol tax** on rati and p*r»onal property within the Tovn of Uold Uill^'pawad April IV, Imu. and also. an ordinance entitled. An urdlnaaca to provide lor the llm* and manner of aecertalnlug lb* vela* ol tb« a*t pro\x=req-\ c**da of mlu*< fur Ui* parpuaa ol tazalioa. and io provtd" for iba collection ol aueb laiee. L. T. pox, 1'roeldent of lbe Hoard of Tru>le«t ol lb* Town of Uold mu. Attest: W. 0. Hid*, Clerk of lb* Board. Ai a meetiu* of lb* Imard ol Tru»u-«» of Iba Town of uold II.11. b*ld aprii IV, itau, urdi\x=req-\ uauc* No. Ill «ai passed b^ehe following votei Yeas—Triu lose Mercur, Dattchy and Preet\x=req-\ dent Fm. A becnt—Trualaea Wolley and 1 emery. W W. U. MTPJj. Clerk, ORDINANCE NO. iw. Ad OIIUINAH'K la aaikarlM lb* f»\x=req-\ ■MMura af a Heed lar lbe l'ar»a*a al Hariowlaa tlaacy I* Kmmb lb* Fiautiaa mbl ar Iba Tana al tiala [Paaaed June Ttb, IMU.l Till BUAKO UP TUU8TBKS OP GOLD H1U do o'dala: Hau 1. Tba PiMldaat and Clark of tbe Board of Tru.teeeof ib* Town of Oold Kill an bar*\x=req-\ by authorised and required to lame ona Bond of tba Town ol Oold Hill IB tb* aom of PIT* Thouaand Dollar* Uulieil Blalaa Ho.d coin. bio. 2. Tb* aald Bond .ball ba in anob form aa lb* Praaldeat aud Clerk of aald Board may prescribe, and aball b* U> tb* effect tbat tbc Town of uold Hill U bound and bolden ai.d will pay to til* bolder of aald Bond lb* anm of waoey aamid tbar*ln on tb* tileeatb day of October next, wttu Internet tb*reoa at tb* rata Ol on* per cent, par month. United nlalee |Oid cola. Inter**! payable quarteily. Mao. I. Tb* money raoalved irom tb* aala of Mid Bond aball be need lor tbe purpoe* of paying off tba floailaa dabt Of tba Iowa ol Uold Hill. Sao. 4 Tbla Ordinance to taka effect and be In lore* from and afinr tta* and ona uretk'a publ.cation la UM Oold fill* DaiM Nawa. _ L. T. POX. Prealdeat of tb* Board of Truetau* of tb* Town of UoUl Hill. Attaet: W. U. Htdb. Clerk of tbe Board. On motion Ordinance Mo. 11*, (a read, *U paaerd by the following Tot*: Ay** — Trnet*** Mercer, Oaochy, Lamary, McOurdy aud President Pol. W. U. UTM. Clerk of tb* Board. ORDINANCE NO. 117. AN ORDINANCK la Aalkarlsa ika Iaaa. •atf af Itead* la I.lea af aal far ika Per** aaf caaealtlaa Uaada Naa. IIU •adIM. [Paaaad September «, 1M0.J rpaK BOARD OP TB0BTU8 OF T1 A Town ol Gold BUI do ordain. HsurtoM 1. The freeldont and Clark ot lb* Board uf Truetenof the aald foea of Uold Bill are lierebj enlborlaed and required to lame Bond* o( lb* I own of Uold Ulli In the eum of Tan Tnonaand Dollar* United MaWa vokl coin. xco. ». Th« aald Bondt aball tie In euch form aa tbe Prealdmt ki<d Clerk of aald Board ua; prescribe. according to law aud UrJIuauce. and aball be 10 tbe effoct that the Town of (told BIH t» bound and boldan and will paj to the bolaara ol aald Bouda tbe ma or ibonejr named therein in United tttalee (old coin, on tna Mth dar Aiuuat, IMl, wild Internet thereon at tbe lata ol one per cast p«r monlb. in like (old ooln. lnt»reat payable quarterl*. I. Said Houda aball ba laaoad and Mad for tbe purpoae of redeeming and cancelling B-inda Boa. lul and 104 of Ua Town of Uold Bill. bio. 4. Tbla Ordinance aball take effect and be In farce from and after lie peaaage, and Ita pab\x=req-\ lloatlon lor one week la tbe Gold Him. Daily Niwa. Approved: L. T. FOX. Prveldent of tbe Board of Trnataee of lha Tows of (told Bill. AtteeU W. O. UTDB, Olerk. On motion Ordlnanoe No. 11T, aa read, waa paawd by tbe following Tote: ajrea-Tnuteea Mercer, Daocbj aad Freal\x=req-\ dent Fog. AbeeO*—Traetere Umciy and MeOardy. ( w. U. BTPB. Olerk of tbe Board. To Comstock Mine Owners k 0SHOT AND 8CPBR1HTI5DIH0T SO\x=req-\ V. netted. Baring mada mining a apaetaltr r the part twenty yeare; aleo, baring been prerloaalj aaaoctated with corporate Induatrlaa for aui yeere. I em thoroughly qualified to faithfully parlorm every requirement aa Agent or Bapartntendent aad oflbr bit eerrlcaa at tbe following pricee: Actlre working mlaee, $100 to 1*00 par month! nonworklng mlaee. except annual holding work, |» to |M par moatb. Store/ ABSK88MKHTS LITIKli. glMOUOATIO UPMUL Mil* IN a COMPANY.—LocUluu of prtnetpel of buaiooi, Ban Kraaclaco, California, lion of works, Gold Hill, Moray county, Hmdt. Notice U hereby git en, that M a meeting of the Board of Dlractore, held on tbe thirteenth day of January. Ml, au aaacaimeoi (Mo. 14) of Tan (lu) Caule par abara vaa lerled apoa tba capital atock of tba corporation, pay. able Immediately,In United 8latee gold coin, to tba Secretary, at tbe offlca of tba Company, Boom W, Narad* Block. No. M» Montgomery street, nan Franclaco, uailfotnla. Anv stock ddol wdicta this UMtiniDt ibftll remain unpaid on tba eighteenth (1Kb) day of February, 1H1, will be delinquent, and advert Used lor eale at public auction, and uUeea payment la made beiore. will be eold on rtUUAT, the KLKVCNTB (lltb) day of MaBuH 1181, to pay the delinquent aaeeee\x=req-\ ment, together with costs of adrertlflng and eipeaaea oi talc. By order of tbe Board ot Direoton. W. B. DUN, Secretary. OOoe-RoomT»,Ne.ada Block. No MMont\x=req-\ |Q«fiy atwet. Ban Frmclaoo, Oallforala IT SILfH HILL, MINIMS COBPA. BT.—U«aUoa of principal plaoa of boat\x=req-\ oeaa. Ban Fmneleeo, Galltornla. Location of work*. Gold Hill, Storey eounty, Nevada. Notice la hereby given tbat at n meeting of tbe Board of Director*, bald on the seventeenth day ol Janaarv, mi, an aeeeeemeat (No. It) of Twentj-Avo Oenta (Me) per ehare was levied a pan tbe capital stock of the corporation, parable immediately, In United Steiee rM com, to tbe Secretary, at the office of the Company, Boom T*. Bevada Block, No MO Moot Komery street. Ban Frandaco. California Any stock upon which this aaeeaamant shall remain unpaid on the twenty list day of Peb< rnary, IHl, will tie (lallnauent. and adveitlsrd for salt at public aueUon; and anlsee payment Is made before, will be aold oo MuNDAY, the fourteenth (ltlb)day of MahCII, 18*1, to pay tbe delinquent aweeement, together with ooeta of a^rertlr'ng and expeneee of aale. W. K. DEAR. Secretary. Offica— Room No. T», Nevada Block. No. lOt Montgomery street. Ban P/ancleoo. OalUornla. 1W4 New TOBKXiaiae company. Location of principal place of boats eea, Hto Praucteco. Oaltloijiia. Location of work*, Uold Hill, Storey ooaaty, lmdi< Nolle* la hereby in Ten. that at a meeting of the Board of Director*, bald on th« flret (ift) clay ol r»bru*ry, 1881, an aaaraement (No. ttj of Tan OeoM (luc) per tharu wh levlad upon toe capital *tock of the corporation, payable Immediately, la United H la tee gold cola, to the Decretal?, at ihe office of tbe Company, 'Koom 8, Mo. 311 Plneatreel (Sao PrancUco Mock and Kxehasg* Balldlnn), Mao Krancieco, Oalirortla. Aay (lock upon watch thla aaeeeemem (ball remain unpaid on HATUHDaY, Um Aih day of March, Ufl, will be delinquent, and advr«> tlaed lor aala at public auction, and unlee* payment la made before, will be told on SATURDAY. tbe twenty flxtb (Mtbl day of March, 1881. to pay the delinquent roent, toother with coat of advertlalai and OiptQNI of fit by order of the Board of Director*. D. L. T1IUM AS, Secretar), Office—Koom 8, H. F. Stock and ixcbange Building, No. tXI Plae atteet Sao Fraacleoo, Oallfomla. Md i \ or LD * CIIBBY ULTCB \7 INU COMPANY. - Loealloo of principal place of builueea, Han Fianclaco. California. Location of work*, Virginia, Storey county, Nevada. Notice la hereby (Ires, that at a meeting of tbe Board ol Directum, bald on the third »I) day ot February. 18SI, an aeaeeeniaBt (No. ) oi Pirty Cent* (SOc) pt-r abare waa levied noon th* capital atock of tbe corporation, t ay\x=req-\ able immediately, In United Htatee gold cola, to tb* secretary, at the office of the Compear, Boom No 89, Nevada Block, No. 809.flout goniery atrart, Baa Kranolaoo, California.. Ant flock udoo which thii inmninTit >htll remain unpaid on tbe eight (8tb) day of March, 1881, will be delinquent and advertlaed for •ale at pabllc a action; and galeae paymesi la made before, will be aold OS TUESDAY, tb* twenty-ninth (28th) day of March, 1881. to pay tbe dMlsquxnl aaaeeement, t0H>lher with ooda ol ad»ertl»lng aad expeuaee of aala. By order or tbe Board or Directm. ALFRED K. DURBHOW, Secretary. Offloe-Koom No. 89. Nevada Block. No. «8 Montgomery etrett, Ha'> Krauolaco, Oallfomla. Mid QKMRt UATKO BfcLCHEH M1N1NU 9 COMPANY. Location of prlsctpal place of buMneea, Ban Fraaelaco, California. Location of worka, Gold Bill, Storey county, Nevada. Notice la hereby glveo, tbat at a met-ilog of tbe Board of Director*, held on tbe fifth (Itb) day ol Febroary, 1881. an areeeemeni (No. IS) of One Dollar (#1) per ehare waa levied upon the oapilal tlock of tbe corporation, paiable Immediately, In United State* gold coin, to tbe Secretary, at the office of tbe Company, Ho. 414 California utreet, Ban Prandaco, Call'ornla. Any etock upon which thla aaaeeement eaaJI remain nupald on tbe eleventh (11 ih) day of March, 1881, will b« delinquent, aad adrertlaed for aala at public auction, and unlee* payment la made before, will be eold on TIIURnuAY, the tblrty*flrat tllat) da* of March, 1881, to p«y th* dHlnqueut aaaeeement, together with coeta ol advertising and expenree or aala. Br order of tbe Itoanl of Director*. GEO. D KDWAKDS, Secretary. Office No. 414 California etreet, Has Fran\x=req-\ clafo. California ; fetid ra TUB UINTHK T COURT OY THIS I Mril Judicial Dla rtct of Uie Mate nf Na\x=req-\ Ttd*. In and for the county of Worry.—RICH\x=req-\ AKU MMU/'KH. plaintiff, n HUMAN Ul,<i\x=req-\ 1NU COMCAST, deli-i data Koilcj U hereby 5 Iran, tbat tbe ahyr^uatDed plaintiff haa tbla *7 commenced atfartlon In aald Court agalnat tbe aboyanamed defendant lo loracloaa and daianmna • certain lueclumlra" lien bald by pi.Inner agalnat Mid defendant and that ew« tain mlaa. mining claim and quart* lrdK*. to\x=req-\ Wibar wltli the iiul-ilna work* and tmpn-Ta\x=req-\ n>ent« tbereou aituate, known aa tba irujan Mining Compati)'* mine. altuaia In tba Q.'ld Bill Mlalnc metric'. rtorej county, NuTada. a boat en- tb»urand feat from tba B<<icber Mm ln< Com|»ny'a bol-tinn worka ou tba >outk All (waoni boldlnir or cialmlntf llani agalnat •aid property arc baratiy notified to ba and appear bafora aald Court on haTU' DAY, tba TWhNTYHiXTH | Ml it I day of KKBKUAHY, 1881, at tbe Ooo't bouae. In tb'Clty of Vinrlnia In aald ci unty at in o'clock a. M., and to axblblt then and tbera tba proof of tbrlr lima. K. B. MITCH E I.L, Attorney lor Plaintiff. Jan nary 11.1M1. jalTtd ANNUAL MEETINQ OF STOCKHOLDERS. OTIOB It HEREBY OIVM THAT A meeting of Blot (holder* tf (ha UTAH KNHION Uold and Hllvtr Mining Company will b» bald In accordance wltu tha by law* of Mid company, at lb* oflca of aald company. 110 Hotter atrari, Hoom an. In tba city and oounty of Han Fruclaro. California. on MUX\x=req-\ DAY, tha tweutyBnt day of February, IMI, at two o'clock P. k. of Mid day. for tha annual •lacuna 01 Director*, and the tranaacticn <4 •acb other bualntaa a* may properly eome before the moating Tranaier book* will be cloeed on Friday, the eighteenth day of Febru. "7,1M1, at three o'clock p. K. VICTOR KKSOATRI, Secretary, Ofltea—Boom SO. 1*0 Hotter atreet. baa rnncltoo,, February 1,1881. feltd SMALLPOX NOTICK. THK board or THt'tlTIM OF TBI Town of Uold UIU have ordered that tue ordlnaiioe which rrqnlree phyalclana tiaatlng KHen la witb amallpoi, and all peteoaa who re caaca ol amallpox In tbetr hog**, to Id form tbe lown Marshal of same, aball be atrlrtly enforced. I Uwrrfora (Ire notice to all whom It may concern ibat 1 aball fiomtble data take nwaetirr* to enforce the fait ordl\x=req-\ nance. M. KBNNBDt Town Marabal. Uold Hill. December ». 1*0. d. 8 MARSHAL'S NOTICE. XT0110* W BIRKBY GIVES THAT TBI I Town ordinance prohibiting tbe running at Inife of brf* within tbe llmtta of tbe town of uold BUI will iron thla date bo etrtctly enforced. A peo baa been oonatrncted tor the detention of bog* that may be found run. nlB| at Urn. end tbe legal penalty for inch detention will be collected In every care. M. KM«h EOT, Town Marabal. SPECIAL NOTICE. niBsom RxaiDiKO m yiboibu who x wl»b to rabecrlbe tor tbe Oold Bill fawn eon leer* order* lor It at the Poetofieo Book Btaro, Bo. It Soath 0 (UMt. B. B. VAB80BB. M8CILLAHB0PB. STEVENSON'S PMMI ImM iNrf AMAL8AMATINB PAN. PATENT KB, APRIL 19, 1Mb INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. FbUaddphU, im. AWARDKD FIKMT PREMIUM —rom umoin\x=req-\ OrlidlnK ui AaalfUMilaf Pm. XBIS PAN IB FAB BUPBaUOB TO ALL ottM la M*«nJ Important particular*. OrlodlDK Multefa in iMf tb« center. re\x=req-\ qalrliif I— vow*, l be pl*w<*b*p*d froor** niM im qulduilrn with tb* palp rtgaUrlr, With l*M power, wlthuot TlOleOO*. and »ltb better fcfleet. b*tld*e itoMfl— » Uner charge. Tb* lncllmdMM boaalng* of tb* ■■ItaMlM* np—lDM ettctomUj tor** lb* palp dined} under tb* multer*. KMahetHMl H the Gulden tut* tod Mlnen' Iron Work*, 1ST to Ml nut *tr**t ten rno\x=req-\ elieo. tad at lb* Oat** k Scovlll* lion Work*, H boats Oanal ttreet, Cbloafo, wbare It on be examined and lortbw particular* be learned; or peiwici but apply to tb* lureDior and Pat\x=req-\ eotee. O a bTEvltMJOS. at tb* Dong la* Mill, Mold Bill, Mcrada, »b*r* U>« I'ana bar* long been In operation. C. W. CRANE, PURCHASING ACKNT, KitablUhed la 1811. PBB80Mfl RtSlDINU AWAT PROM BAH Kranetieo, In want of any article of MKROHANDItK. Qreat or null, can kin Uel? octet tiled prumptly, and ai tl by addraaelnn tbe i promptly, and at tha^T.ry lowxt caab pricee. 0. W. CRANK, lit Ptae itr*et, Room W. and 10 UldeedortT •u »t, Benrraocleco. Oal. Jytt tf WOOD AND GOAL DEPOT! MOT PINB, WA8HOI LI Ml, SPLIT PINR XI and otbar rarteUee of Weod. and a full •apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On band and fof eale a» tbe LOWKST GASH PIUCKS. fPLL WKIOHT AND MBAJ>t?HI m'AKANTKKD. Wood lawad at abort notice and at low|i«loa OPFICK—Hear Railroad Depot, Oold HUL Ma THOMAS OALLAOHKR. THE ARGONAUT, AN AMftBICAN JOURNAL or Folllln, Literature, Society and Satire. published a t sax fraxcisco, cal. fPHK AROONAOT IS A RKPBE8BRTATIV1 * Journal of amerlcan ldra» and literature. It la tburoogbly ludeprndent In tta adltortal treatment or tba toploe ol ibe day It alma to «tva tba beat raclbc Itlaratar* obtainable, aa well a. tbe current gocd thlngt of the preee. It ta publUbed wecklr at §4 per year; M U for all moMbr; 01 SO 'or tbrer montbe, pay able In adranc*. sent poatpald on raealpt of price. hpvclmen ooi'T eart free. Addivee * |(ih«NAU1 — — • Til* AUlM.NAUT,"#MCalifornia Franclwo. Oal. JaM VliiQINlA .AND.. GOLD HILL OMNIBUS, a >• ilffc AsfHnra CONNK0TINO WITH TRB OA KB AY UOLb Hill lo *nd m>ni Ouvon. Will m»ke regular trlpa between Um itaudi at either end of the route, a fol\x=req-\ low* : leave oold nu, uurs moniM. 0:00 a. u. 10:30 " 19:00 M. 9:00 r. *. 4:15 •• JAMES 10:00 a. K. 11:80 •• 12:48 P. v. 8:46 •• 0:15 «• DUNBTAN, Proprietor. AO PATENT, \ 0 PAY. PATENTS /"IBTAINKD FUH MkOBANlOAL DEVICES, V/ medical or other ouawxiauda, onuSMCUl daalgn* trade mark. at>d Ubala. CaTMU A»\x=req-\ aifanaota. lnlorftrvocr*. lmnnftaMata and ill nuttam relating to PiUato promptly altaad\x=req-\ ed to W. make prailmluaty aiamlnauooa tad fnrnUh opinion* a* to paiatitablUB, KM of cuargo, tod ill wboarelntafaalad Is Mi !■ no\x=req-\ tion« uid Pttaota ua lnrtud to Mttd ft* ktopi of oar"Oald» (or Obtaining FiM la," which It Mot (hw to toy »ddjiM. tad oontaloa • plate infraction* bow to obtain Fatrata, otter nhitl* nntw. Daring Ux past flr* jraara wo bare obtained n«arlr three tboasaad paleota (or Am.rlaan and foreign lar«cUjrt,ind can glre aatlafactory raferaooaa Is tlaaoal mq ooaaty In tbeL'oloa. tiif-rn. L0D18 BAOQIK ft 00\x=req-\ Solldtor. oI Patauta and Attorney* at Law, La Droit Building. Waahlnfton, D. 0. ItW , CHANCE OF FIRM. I BATS TBI! DAT BOLD TO J. F. BALL all mj laten»t la tba Pioneer Laandrr. _ 0. W. BALL. Virginia, December 1.1*0. •PICIAL NOTICC. All Bill, daa tba PIONR'R LACBDAT «i 10 tba F1B«T or MCOIMBBH, 1M0. maal ba aattlad baiora tba TEMTB OF D*C» MB IB, or tba; will ba piaoxl la tba hand* of a collector. la fntai* no bills will ba allowed to ran mora than thirty daya. J. F. HALL. Virginia, December I. MO. I J. U. HALL. M. Dm nmoi A WD BBHDBBOB - OFPOOTB VA tba Bawa eOoa. Mala Mraet, Gold BUL MANHOOD RESTORED. A neilm of aarir loprad'nea, catulng atrf\x=req-\ oat debility, premataia decay, ata., baaing triad la rain ererj known remedy. baa Oaeorarad a alapla maaaa of aalf eua. whlcbba wllleend Una to bit fellow-eaffwen. Addraee i. JL BBBVB, a Chatham at.. B.T. <*u gyjjgi^ragJit-aa^ fKIHTIJfi. GOLD XXZXiX. a* "DAILY NEWS" NEWIPAPEB MIlAD.MI JOB PRINTING ■ST A BLISH M BUT* Halfl Street, Gold Hill NEVADA Book*' PuipUcte, Receipt Book*, BUI Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, ■lllll STOCK CERTIFICATES! ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgers, Fljers, Programme*. Oiroulars, Ball Tioketi, Wedding Oardi, Business Cards, Labels, Tags, £to. Printing, in Colors; Printing, Plato or Fancy) Printing in All Styles. PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB WITS NEATNESS ANO OISPATCN MOST REASONABLE TERMS (■mtWit TO.... LOWEST CASH RATKS. THE Cold mil Dally ffewi, (BSTABLUBIO II* 18(1), f («paMUkad mry malic «ie«pt Suday. tad IU elreaUtlon twin* rtrj gtnt r*l IM •zUcitTv aaonjr olntaf ud kwUMM pmpVoubUIm, •te„ Bkiksi K * TBI BIST amd HOST BmClBIVT MEDIUM MINING, BUSINESS, ANO AIL OTHER ADVERTISING. SIISISBtS MBN. raorisiiosAL Mm. PRAOTICAL MKNi An nmcWtr li<tM to ■ canfM tn.p«cUo» «sd crlticiHB of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. ■luk. hr iiTMtMa hr.WH rm THE GOLD HILL NEWS, Fll U thoroofklr ldaolUad with tba baat i>. Mreou tfr UiaeoaDtrj.uia kllcliMMef tht MoMiJhM) lb* MINSK, or tb* MConAhio, to tb* merchant or tbc BANKKR. Itrlraa tb* LATK8T NKWB, t»lrjrr*pble and otbcrwlM from >11 MTU of tb* World. EVERYBODY READS IT. 0~U~R Weekly Mining Snnnirj fabltaM «l*tj Wadaaadaylc tb* «Mhllj praparad ttxm tb* aa*v ti raportara. It la nlrtmlb «eoff1nd«*oflktol.—d tb* —? of tb* condition of tb* i— .. tb* Oonrocx or "Ifiart" ractka. Wa aJaoflratha lataat .lain, lafcnnatto. oktualbMi ottar parUM tba oouuy THE Gold Hill Dally *ewi U Mtand by earrtara tbfoaghoat Sold Kill, Tlrstala City, Ovaaa, SUrar City, Daytoa, tad oootlooaaloca&Uaa, ud U aat by Mail to an part* of tba eoaatiy aad tb* world. RaoMUfally poatad, or up to tba am wbo t kDiftT]