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THE EVENING NEWS 8ATUBDAT. : : : FEBBUABY It. 1881 BIMMl TUinr. Oiftala £*4* sipreaaaa kia decided opinion that hla propoaad akip railroad tanm Tshuantepec is tha only true notation of tha Iathmaa tranait problam. Of Da Laaaapa' nndaitaking he aaid to n Na* York TribuM raportar n (aw daya ago: Tha Panama tida-water canal can never ha earn plated. Da Laaaapa, however, nn\x=req-\ lees tha United Stetea should abeolutely Interdict it, will poak work upon kia eanal aa love u a aant of money ia to bo had. I do Ml mean to aay a eanal eonld not be eonetrweted aeroea tha latkaaa of Fananu, but it would narar pay for tha amount of aapltal lnveeted. And ha coolly fired out the Nicaragua eanal ecksasa after tha ansa atyle. 8aid ha: ' Tha plan will nam ha soaked. The objeot of theee who propoaa It 1a to prevent aay mini whatever of conveying ships aeroea tha Iathaina from being effected. They aak for a aharter from Ca^greaa and they aeek no government aaalatanea. Tkia meana that peraona who have not iavnti\x=req-\ nted tke aabjeet think a route through Lake Nicaragua tha laeet eapenaiva and aaoet practicable. The faet la. however, if they wiehed to carry ont their plan, tha aompany would aeed aid from Oongraaa. Tha Infer*nee la plain that tha nropeaal ia merely to withdraw support from other enterprises. Fbelpe and a few others are ia earneet, bnt they alone will never carry it tkroogk. Not a cent of eepital will be levee ted ia Nloaragaa. Many of thoea who aapport tke project are laiereeted in the Mexican Southern Ballroad, which would be injured by tha aooaaaa of a canal or ship-railroad. Stnutg* M U ippitt to JbMM, au; eminent practical engineers i»\x=req-\ olu* kia project ol a gigantio railroad i^oi fkkh the largeet ahipa, with their heavy eargoea, are propoaed to be carried aaiely acroaa the Iathmua, from ooeaa to ooean, a gigantic humbug; an Impracticable, obimerioal propoaitioo. They aay that although it to poeaihia lor kia to take a ahip oat ol the water upon hia railroad, aa propoasd, the topograph\x=req-\ Seal oharaotar ol the ooaotry orer and through whioh kia road moat paaa will not allow ol tha corvee and planea of th» magnitude imperatively demanded by aaoh a road. Moreover, one etngle aaeideat, a breakdown with a mighty ablp and aargo, woald demoralise the toad at omo, and rain its boaineoa forthwith and forever It would be immensely cheaper for tbc ahip to be a little longer making the trip by way ol Capo Horn than to be rained or de\x=req-\ atroyed in tha very kasardona attempt to roll h*r over tka Iathmua on a railroad. Meanwhile, D» Lraaepa kaa oommenoed to dig hia tide-weter ditch acroaa Pan A remarkable experiment waa made by the Mew York An reoeatly. A prise ol two hnndrod dollars waa offered to tka member of its alaf who ahoald writs tbo heat atory. Upon an examination af tha manuscripts it waa found thst ^one ol tha atoriea came np to tha standard. This iUuatrataa tha week of tha reporter. Hia labor ia altogether one ol atom reality—the diligent im. mulation ol I acta. Tha imaginative reporter, aays tha LeadviUa Htrald, la ael dom a good ona. Tha reporter who ■panda hia lima in diligently aaeking for aows kaa no time to indulge in the treaka of imagination. There are Ikon\x=req-\ aanda of men wko aan write an excellent article on tha character of Napoleon Bonaparte; hat of these thoassnda tka a amber that an able to All tha requiro\x=req-\ meata of a daily nswspapsr can be saamsratsd oa the fingers. Niv York Graphic: The story conn from Sao Francisco that Mr. Moody, tbs revivaliat, is on* o( his exhortations in tkli «i|y, speaking of pmou who, tkoigh otherwise good, won sol regenerated by difine gnoo, referred feelingly to hia grandmother, who hod died "aa\x=req-\ oonTerted," ud said: "Although oh* wan good ud kind mad dearly loved by . me, 1 (ear aha has mat with tho reward of all who die not owning Chriat. I know aha ia in hall." Not to comment upon tho nnepeakably pig-haaded and rldioolona character of that atripe of tho\x=req-\ ology, wo hat* (imply to aay that any man who can talk so ahont his grandmother deeerrts to ha sent where she can take satisfsotion ont of him with a bit of ahlngle in the good old way. The nffioials of Esmeralda oooaty are threatening te resign in a body. Last month the Sheriff's expensss exoeedsd his salary by 9310, aad the experience of eome of the other offl ials was somewbst similar. Tbs District Attorney is said to have rssignsd already, and the other officials wtil probably imitate his example nnleea the aalary law is smsnded to tbeir Mtisfastion.—Lyu» Commtj Timm, »4. 19. If the officers of Esmeralda or any oomnty base any oom plaint to make in tkia matter or any amendment to pro\x=req-\ poee in Ike salary law, now ia the very time to do il, before the Legialatnre ad\x=req-\ joarna. All have bad the opportunity to try the workings of tke law, and if il operalea unjustly and as a kardahip to any oas, let il be ao repreoonted at once that the law may he amended. Il ia asid that a more ungainly, atrange aad awkward figure than that of Tbomaa Carlyle ia the laat daya of hia Ufa can hardly be imsginsd. Tbs stooped and thick-eat frame waa attired in roagh, ill\x=req-\ fitting aad almost shabby clothes. Hia face waa ragged aad eembrs, set in a boah of gray white hair aad beard. Beneath the beoTy brows, within deep hollows lined aad won, ahoae dall the bluish-gray eyes. Hie aoae was a baad\x=req-\ aome Sooteh aoae, straight, fine and bold. Tki Iriah ud lb* Chiaaao ma to gat M imletbl; •■oath la Hoag Kong. Tho Caiholica o« that city raistd $40,000 (or Dm of tha poor la Mud laat yaar, tad of thia ana Iha Chlnaaa than\x=req-\ aalvaa aabaeribad $84,000, that is, nor* thaa half. Not bad for John. Sara Barahardt wrliaa to a friaad aa faOova: "If Chicago badalittla battar aaaaaara aad a llula laaa Talgarity, all—* aaj paraoa eoald ba ooataat to Bra thart wka hada't Brad la Paris." Til C1PTOM M UMA. . 71m oM saying of "tk* Dutch kara takan Holland" flnda a parallal raaliza\x=req-\ tion Id Para, lor it tarns out, sosording to tka talagraph, that tka Paraviana, and ■ok tka Chilanoa, took Lima. At tha tannillation of Um battla of Mirafloraa, ftva or aiz alias distant from Lima, tka Faravian traopa kad tka - bast of tka aitnation. About tkia tiina Q«n\x=req-\ aral Fiarola, tkair oammandar in ohiaf, OTarooma by fatigna and axkanation, (all aalaap, and kia traopa, da mo rail sad by hangar and thiiat, and andar bad ln\x=req-\ atrootiona fraa tkair offlaara, ratirad atraggling back to Lian. That aaaia night tkay oooalndad to antioipata tka adtanaing Chilanoa, and dalibarataly oomarnoad pillaging tha city. Booaaa and atoraa vara krokan opan and robbad, knodrada of Chinaaa vara kill ad and tka riotara kad tka oity to tham\x=req-\ aalraa. Tka naxt day abont noan, how\x=req-\ a Tar, tha foraiga naidanta and aubatan\x=req-\ tial dtizana oombiaad, and afttr aoma sharp fighting aoooaadad in qaalllng tha riotara, killing abont lira bnodrad of than. All tha Tiotoriaaa Chilanoa had to do was to advanaa and taka akarga of tka oity. Callao paaairt tkrangh a aiml\x=req-\ lar axparianoa, tka Paravian riotara atm aatting flra to tka skipping in tka karbor. It gives oaa a vivid Idea of the inoal\x=req-\ cnlable loea to the ooantry ia material wealth from the waatoa or aeoideatal dMtraetioa of oar forests that tha damage from foreat Area ia bat three Statee, New York, Miohigaa and Wiecontia, and ia bat a aiagle year, 1871, ia estimated at tha enormone asm of 9315, 000,000. As a eoneeqnenoe at aimilar deetraotiea aettlera ia Miaaeaota have keen oomptiled this wiater to bum their larnitare, lata implements, onlhonaes and even tha floors of thair dwellings to keep from freezing. Others have paid (rem $17 to $30 a oord for firewood. They have beaa eo long getting a jury ia the Kalloch mardrr caae in San Fran\x=req-\ oiaoo, that those already eecorrd are anf • faring from their oonftarmeat and ra\x=req-\ atraint. That jury is liable to be merely a lot of exhanated imbeeilea before the trial eommenoM. * Lyaa Cesatv Items. Timf, February 19. C. F. Blackmer of Silver tad W. W. Byrom of Dajloo hm applied to tbe Third Dieiriot Coart to be relieved of their liabilities. L. B. Haatioga waa in town laat Tnea\x=req-\ day making arrangementa to abip Borne oopper ore from tbe Naileigh diatriot mint* to tbe Ljoa Mill and Mining Company. ▲ Good Templera' lodge baa been organized amoag the nadergroaad employee of tbe Sntro Tnnnel Company aad their wivee, for aboet ait montba paet. The lodge haa a memberabip of thirty-two. | A California lion waa eeen in Spring Valley about a weak ago. He followed a fourteen mole wood team for over 100 yerde, bat krpt about 930 feel of open epaoe between himaelf aad the tetmater'a revolver. Tbie ia the eeooad lion aeen la theee parte eiaoe th* reoeat atorma. k petition ia beiag circulated praying (be Legialature to modify the law taxing the n«t prooeeda of the mlaea so aa to admit of tha workiag of the aocumula\x=req-\ tione of tailinge in Storey, Onnaby and Lyoo counties, whioh are of too low a grade to pay ea the law atanda. The petition meets with general favor. Hrabaldt item. Silur St*It, /Mreary 16. Eleven can of raila and two ears of Ilea, for the Oalena and Lewla narrow gange railroad paaaed through laat night. A. D. Wilcox of Stone Honae arrived la town thia afternoon. He eaya Humboldt river ia falling aad ia nearly three feel lower than It waa laat week. Several large ben da of eat tie are on the way hero from tbe north, principally from Paradiaa Valley and Little Humboldt Seventy-three oara have been ordered to take them to California. ▲ woman known aa the " Snake Charmer," who reaided here a year ago, waa found dead in an opinm den at Ogdea a few daya ago. It ia aaid that her real name waa Lissio Wanders, and abe hailed from Beading, Pennaylvania, where her family aiiU reaide, and are among the moat rvepectable people of the place. Frtaoat's Cuni. C'araoa Appeal, Ftkruary II. It would Dot k« • bad idea to paas i bill eatabliabing a maMum (or the cannon latt oa tbla coast by General Fremont. Tbeae valuable hiatoric relica are now scattered all otst Nevada and in aosis parts •( California. Fremoat was like Napoleon-be bad a decided weakness for artillery—and, in kls famous expedition over tha plains, mast have brought along n oouple of thousand cannon, about two to sash man. A soldier who oonld carry a 3000-pound cannon across the plain*, somes of good, sturdy stock, sack ss was eminently St to discover and develop this glorious country. If these field-pieces were all gathered in ons plaoe, they would form a valuable snd interesting collection. Csptaln Pray of Qlenbrook, has two, there srs two in Virginia City, held by the Pioneers, and sevsral srs in possession of both ths Sacramento sad San Francisco Pioneors. Nearly every town in Nevsds hss a oeuple. Fremont bsd only three guns whsn hs startsd, but probably manufao\x=req-\ Urnd mors along ths routs. Loudon hss been famous for its fogs, and hss now become famous tor a twelve inch fall of snow. This light snowfsll bss actually paralysed buainssa in ths Metropolis, while in ths Bocky Mountains sn aversga (snowfall.of three feat haa occurred, and trains are running, the mails arrive with their uaual regularity, and buaisaesa is as brisk as ever. There are aome things that the English people caa learn from their American ooasins. Daniel Wells, of Miiwsnkss, gave kis daughter, as a bridal preeeet on her marriage with Mr. Char lee H. Norria, a check tor 9100.000,1250.000 in United States bonds and $160,000 in etocks in bonanas paying iron oompeniee and mines in the peninsnls of Michigan, ■•king a grand total ot 1600,000. Ths production ol petroleum bow ex\x=req-\ •cede 65,000 berrela per day; the stocks in the united pipe tiaee exoeed 9,000,000 barrels, and notwithstanding 1.600,000 bnrrala ot tsnkage in ander eontraet and is ptosssg of sosstractiea by the lines, tkere it danger tksl they will not bo able to Inks enm of all tks oil offered. THB LMIIUTDU. mil UBKIOX—VOBTT-UVXXTB DAY. Illltt. ^ OiiaoM, February 18,1881. The Senate net at 10 .30 o'oloek. Birost* or ramsixo oomcrmit. The Committee en Euollment Reported Senate Joint Beaolatlon No. 6 u oorreotly enrolled. The Storey county delegation recommended the paaaage of AaaemMy Bill No. 53, an Act providing (or the government of the tovna and eitiee of the State. MOTXOm AMD BUOLCTIOira. MoConnell moved to reoonaider the vote whereby Aaaembly Bill No. 63 waa loat. Carried. Bramaey moved that Senate BQ1 No. 19 be takes from the table and eeat to the anthor. Carried. King moved that 8«nate Bill No. 68 be reeonaidered. Carried. The Senate then went into Committee •f the Whole, with Bramaey in tha ohair. OOIUORU or TU WnOLI. The commit tee, dnring the aitting of as hoar, wrangled over tha snmerona olaima againat the State, and after riaing made the following report: Mr. Preaident: Tonr Committee of the Whole have bad under consideration Senate Bili No. 68 (Tax Penalty Beleaae bill), and rtoommend ita engroeament. Senate BUI No. 66, claim of £. H. Oriawold tor ti&O, raa amended to read tlSO. Sonata mil Mo. to, la whim uonerai Marlette elaiaed $1400, *u amended louto allow th« claimant $800. Senate 1)111 No. 46, la whioh W. M. Little claimed $4000 lor water right, wu ordorod engroaaed and mod* tbo apoolol ord»r (or 1 o'clock f. u on Monday. Beooaa taken until 1:30 r. x. una Bzcxaa. On motion ol Hobart, aubatitate (or Auemby Bill No. 88 waa taken up. Tbo bill takea Ibo power o( appointing a State Librarian cat o( tbo biuida of lb* Supreme Court; make* Ibo Governor, Attorney Qeneral and Superintendent ol Publio fnatraetion tb* Board ot Direct\x=req-\ or*, and leavea tb* Lagialitare to eleot • Librarian la joint convention. Doolin made Ibo polat tbat tb* Con\x=req-\ atitatlon dlatinctly aald that the Supreme Judge* ahould only bold Judicial office*. A long debat* followed on tb* m*rit* of lb* bill, whiob wan loat by a rote ol 8 to 14. 8-nate Bill No. 66, tb* alaim of E. H. Oriawold, waapaaeed. Senate Bill No. 66, General Marietta'* elaim, waa made a apeoial order lor Monday, at 130 r. K. Senate Bill No. 46, (or tbo relief o( W. M. Little, waa made tba apeoial order (or Monday, at 1 o'clock. Senate Bill No. 68, an Aot to diaoon\x=req-\ tinue litigation oonoornlng inequitable olaima (or tazea and peaallie*, waa ordered eneroeaed. The Clerk ol th* Aaaembly anuounoed the paaeage ol tbo lollowlng billa: Aaaembly Bill No. 98, an Aot author\x=req-\ ising tb* School Truitee* o( Waaho* oounly to iaan* bonda lor aohool par\x=req-\ poaea. Aaaembly BUI No. 66, an Aot to dialn\x=req-\ oorperate the towa of Qold Hill. Seoat* Bill No. 43, aa Aot nppie\x=req-\ mentary ol an Ao( oonoerning orimeo and pualabmaata. A«aembly Bill No. 99, an Aot to aa\x=req-\ •oorag* th* linking ol artaeian wella. Aaaembly Bill No. 119, aa Aot to or*\x=req-\ ate a lire departmeat. Aaaembly Bill No. 1)0, aa Aot to pro\x=req-\ t»h. rut th* mainMoano* ol pnblio aoboola. Senate Bill No. 44, an Aet relative to publia bighwayi. Stnat* bill No. 44, an Aot relative to pubtio highway*. Sonata Bill No. 82, an Aet for the eommutation for good behavior of the time ot prieonera; also, that the Aaaem\x=req-\ bly had refaaed to ooncar In the amend\x=req-\ ment* to Aaaembly Bill No. 69. On notion ol Hobart, a Committee of Conferenoe wai appointed, oonaUting of Hobart and Weaterfleld, to aeet a oom\x=req-\ mittre of three from the Aaaembly to oonaider Aaaembly BUI No. 09. . Aaaembly Bill No. 99, relative to the aiaking of arteeian wella, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Aaaembly Bill No. 99, to regulate tha aettlemeot of eatatee of deoeaaed per\x=req-\ aona, waa referred to the Committee on Judiciary. A***mbly Bill No. 119. to amend the Aot to oreate a Are department fund in Eureka, waa referred to the Eureka delegation. Senate Bill No. 120, relative to publio acbooli, waa r*ferr*d to tha Conmittee on Education. 8enate Bill No. 107, to dlainoorporate the oily of Caraon, waa r*f*rr*d to the Oriaiby delegation. MoConnell introdooed a reaolutlon that a aommittee of five, two from the Senate and three from the Aaaembly,«be appointed to ioviatigate the alleged frauda in the State Printing ottoe during the adminiatraUon of the printer who did the Stat* work prior to the ad\x=req-\ miniatraUon of the preaent incumbent. The reaolutlon waa adopted. The Chair appointed MoConnell and Pawning auch committee. Aaaembly BUI No. 68, to provide for the government of towna and dtiaa, waa plactd on file. Aaaembly Bill No. 83, to provide for the care et destitute children, waa plaoed at bottom of file. Adjourned nntil Monday. a«MNr. The Ammbly met at 10 o'clock. Corbett, of lb* Goaaittee as PnUlo Kerala, reported Id favor of AMenbly Bill No. 78, to regelate the sale of opioa. MoBuraey, of the 8tato Ioetitnte Committee, reported in favor of Aeeem\x=req-\ bly Bill No. 79, to appropriate fanda for the aevaral orphan aaylnaa. Toeka, of the Committee on Bailroada and Corporationa, reported an favorably to Aaaeably Bill No. 114, to prevent the granting of free paaaee, or paaeee at a diaoonnt by railroad or other transportation compeniee; and reported in favor of Aaaeably Bill No. 107, to regmlate the ohtrgne for carrying, handling, atorlag, etc., of properly, and for earning of paaetngera by inter-Stale railroad* with* in the State. Blair, of the Ooaaittee en State Prleon, reooaaended that Aaaeably Bill No. 103, to aaend the Am to provide for the (overnaant of the State PrieoD, be indefinitely poatponed, aa ita proviaione are covered in Bill No. 89, which paaaed yeaterday. Copelead, of the Ooaaittee on Beap\x=req-\ portionaent, anbaitted and reooaaend\x=req-\ ed the oaaaage of nbetitnte for Aaaea\x=req-\ bly Bill No. 16, for the reapportlonaent of the LtfliilitOfie Newell, of the Special CoaaitUe on Inaane, reported in favor of aubatitate for Aaaeably Bill No. 90, to provide for taking ear* of the Inaane. Croat, of the Special Ooaaittee for rvdiautodng the State for Jadktal pur\x=req-\ pom, iihmittii a Mil (of thi Biintti. Waldorf introdioed • concurrent reis\x=req-\ olation in relation to State Priaon labor Wag used to oonatruot a reaervoir near Oaraon, and a dlteb from tba reaervoir to tha oemetery vhara Union and Mexican war Tatarana ara boriad. Beferred to tba OammitUa oa Military and Indian Affalra. Englia rnovad to raooaaldar tba vote by wkiob Powning'a Aaylum bill waa loat. Tba Obalr dedded that tba motion waa ont of ordar. Hpaaobaa and raadiog of nilaa wara indulged in by Uaaara. Soule, Coffla, Ernat, Englia, Tuaka and Lavara. Tnaka call ad Ball to ordar, aa ba waa not talking on tba anbjeet matter. Ball aaid that ba owed tba Speaker and tba Aaaembly an apology for getting off tba aabjaat matter, aa ba waa Dialed ao often by tba Demoetbenea of tba Honaa—lfeeara. Tnaka and Coffin—that It waa difficult to know what waa a rule, or even a eabjeot matter. MoKensle moved to call tba roll, aa ba oboervad that on all important billa va\x=req-\ riona member* war* in tba habit of leaving tba Honaa, and tbna eaoap* having their votea reoorded. Motion carried. A motion by Smyth, to reoonalder the vote by which 8enate Bill Mo. 100, fixing the oompenaation of ooonty officera, deputise ana jailera, paaaad, wu loat. Meeaagaa were reoeived from tba San\x=req-\ ate tranamitting variooe billa. Tnaka gave notioe that he wonld Intro\x=req-\ doee a bill to amend the Act to provide Slftt# PtTIOQI. MoKende deal red to retnrn Bill No. US, to aid tha benevolent aaaooiationa in providing for tha.aare of tb« inaane, to ita original poaition on the file, aa he had withdrawn tba bill indar a mlaap\x=req-\ prehenaioo. , . That bill authorises the benevolent aa\x=req-\ aoeUtiooe to give five public entertain\x=req-\ menta or gift ooneerta. Sabatltnta for Aiaembly Bill No. 104, to prevent minora from gambling, waa adopted. Aaaembly Bill No. 123, to provide for tha care of the inaaae, waa ordered printed and referred to the Committee of the Whole. Aaaembly Bill No. 189, to rediatriot the State, waa ordered printed. Aaaembly Bill No. 194, anpplemantary to the Aot to provide for the enpport of the State Government, waa ordartd prited and referred to the Committee 90 Waya and Meana. Senate Bill No. 83, to aathoriaa the Board of Examlnera to employ attornaya at Waahlngton to proaecnte the claima of Nevada againat the General Government, waa referred to the Committee on Military and Indian Affalra. a At 19 M. a reoeaa ol one hoar waa taken. ann a coxae. The Aaaembly oonvened et 1 p. m. Bicharda, of tha Committee en Enrollment, reported Aeeembly Billa Noa. 69 and 75 oorreotly enrolled. ~ The enbetltnte for Senate Bnl No. 40, fixing the ealariee of the Commleeionere of Enreka ooonty, waa referred to the Eureka delegation. Senate Bill No. 90, aupplementary to the Aot to provide fur the aeleotion and tale oI public laoda, waa referred to tba Committer on Public Landa. Senate Joiat Reeolation Mo. 7, relative to mail eervioe between Colombia and Gold Mountain, waa referred to tba Committee on Federal Relation*. Eoglia introduced a bill (No. 135) (or tba batter proteotion of mloera, wbiob waa ordered priotad and referred to tbe Committee on lfinea and Mining. Smyth, of tba Committee on Oounty Roondariee, reported in favor *( tbe adoption of oertaio amendnenta to Aa\x=req-\ •ambly Bill No. 106, to amend tbe Aot to provide for State revenue. Uuule tntroduovd a reaolutlua in relation to tba Pyramid Lake Reaarratiea, wbiob wae referred to tbe Committee on Federal Relation*. Aaaembly Bill No. 113, to aid the benevolent aaeooiatlona in providing maana for tbe eara of tbe inaana and otber obaritabla pnrpeeea, came op. Oreen oppoeed tbe bill, aa tba Gonetl\x=req-\ tation prohibited ell lotteriee by tbe State or aader ite aneploea. Ernat waa oppoeed to gambling in any form. Tbia bill did net proteot tbe State nor the bolder* of tioketa. Tbe bill paaaed. Ernat gave notiee tbat be would move for a reoonaideration of tbe vote by wbiob tbia bill paaaed, aa be wanted to eee tbe 8tate and holder* of tioketa protected in tbe provialona of tba bill. Snbetltnte for Aaaembly Bill No. 67, to repeal the Aot filing tbe aalariea of ooanty offioers, waa plaeed at tbe bottom of tbe file. Snbetltnte for Aeaembly bill No. 104, to prevent minora from gambling, paaaed by nnanimona vote. Aaaembly Bill No. 69, to amend the Act to provide State revenne, waa amended by tbe Senate, bnt tbe Honae refused to oononr in tbe amendmenta. Waldorf 'a Rill No. 47, in relation to railroada wbeee termini are within tbe State, oame up aooordlng to apeoial order. Waldorf moved that the bill be made the apeoial order for Wedneeday at 9 p. m., aa the re porta on that bill had been ordered printed and ha!l not yat bee* returned. Tbe motion waa oarried. Aaaembly Bill No. 88 (by Organ), alao relating to railroada, waa made the ape\x=req-\ oial order for Wedneeday. Aaaembly Concurrent Reielution No. 14, in relation to patents on mining claima, Ota* up. A eubetitute vm offered and adopted. A notion to indefinitely poitpooe eon\x=req-\ aideration of tba anbatitnta waa I oat. The anbatitnta waa ordered printed and referred te the Committee on Minee and Mining. Aaeembly Bill No. 78, to amend tbe Act to re«nlate the aaM of opl&m and to prohibit the keeping of plaoea for amok\x=req-\ fag tbe drag, vaa amended, and further oonalderaUon of the bill vaa poetponed until Monday. Aaaembly Bill No. 87, to appropriate funda for tbe aeveral orphan aayluma, waa oonaidered in the Committee ef tbe Whole, Organ in the obair. [The bill epproprlatea $75 per annum for eaoh orphan in all aayluma anpported by oharitable donatlona, except tbe State Orphana' Aeylum, and appointa the State Treaaurer, burreyof General and Superintendent of Pnblio Inatruotion aa a Board of Oommisaionera.l The Committee aroee and reported in favor of tbe paaaage of tbe bill. The bill paaaed by a vol# of 37 to 2. - Aaeembly Bill No. 114, to prevent tbe granting of free paaeee or paaaee at a diaeount, eame up and on motion to en\x=req-\ groea waa toet. Aaaembly Bill No. 103, to provide for the government of the 8tate Priaon, w.a withdrawn, aa a bill of a aimllar nature hid ilrikd? Dtiied Aaaembly Bill No. 107, to regulate ebargea for atoring, carrying, ate., of property and for oarrying paaeengera by Inter-State railroada, waa made the ape* cial order for Wedneeday, with the ether railroad bills. Substitute for Aaaembly BUI No. 16, for the reapportionment of tha Legie\x=req-\ latwe, waa referred to a oommlttee of one from eaoh oeunty. Subetitute for Aaeembly Bill No. 90, relative to the insane, was adopted, ordered printed and referred to tbe Com\x=req-\ mmiUee of the Whole, to be lakes up at the pleasure of the Eeuae.. Aaeembly BUI Ns. 108, to amend the Aot to provida 8UU revenue, wu re\x=req-\ oommlttod to the Cemmittee on Gouty and County Boanderiee. Bubetitute for Aaaembly BUI No. 67 wu again plaoad at the bottom of tba ilia, aa tha printed ooplaa had not jat been hmItm, ▲ meeaage waa received from tha San\x=req-\ ata announcing that Banatora Hobart and Wutarfiela had baan appointed a oommittaa to oenfar with tha Aaaembly oommittaa in relation to Aaumbly Bill No. 60, relative to apaeial dapoalta. At 4 p. k. tha Honaa adjourned natll Saturday at 11 a. k. A New Eleotrlo Light Barair. Oixoikxati, February 6,—For ever twanty jaara Mr. Holland, tha gold pan utnaftotorer of tbla oity, haa baan as* perimenting with iridlnm, aaahlng aoma matbod by wbloh it might bo foaad. Soma tima ago ha diaoovered a flu whloh ha mixed with tha iridium duet, and anaoaaafnlly foaad it in a oommon crucible in an ordinary draft firnaoa. Ha oaat tba matal in any aha pa daairad, and in ban or ingata weighing aa mooh aa tan onnoaa. Tha matal thna foaad ud out deflee tha flla ud raaiata all aoida. Tha anly maobaniaal way of enttiag it ia by friotion, with a ooppar wbaal okargad with diamond dut or flnaoorandam. Profaaaor Nalaon Parry, of tha Oiooinnatl Univeraity, ragarda this u ooa of tha moat wonderful die\x=req-\ ooveriee in metallurgy ha ever knaw. Aa aoon u bia ditoovery wu mada, l(r. Holland aaw tbat irridinm would ba valuable u a burner for eleotrio lighta. Irridium burncra, two inobu laag, and from one-eighth to one-eixtb of an inoh tbiek, ware taated, but tba machinery uaed wu fonnd to ba too powerfal for an inoandeeoent light, whiab ia all that waa aimed at with tba irridium burner. Tha ligbt produced, however wu vary pleaaant, and no glau globu were neoea\x=req-\ aary, u the atmoapbere produced no affeot on the metal. Esperimenta are now in progreea with the Maxim machine, the eleotrio current of which oan ba more auily regulated. A ut of baroera can be furnlahed for about 94, and tbaee burnera will radiate a ten\x=req-\ oaadla light, upon pruent oaleolatiana, for an indefinite time. Mr. Holland bu petented bla diMovery In thia oountry and alao in Europe. JL brilliant oorre*pond*nt of (ha (Coin.) Patriot, who *vid*ntiy ouh little for agricultural matters, suggests the following tbemqp for dieooeaion: "Why do lot oo ws ait down to reet tba una u doge? Why doaa a dog tarn aroand a few tlmea before be lie* down? Why doaa a oow net ap from tba groand bind and flret? Wby doaa a aqoirral oome down a traa bead flrat, and a aat tail flrat? Wby doaa a mala kiok with bia hind foot, and a aheap with ita fora foot? At almost every fire there ia aome Slotted peraon who doaa foollah tblnga with the idea of eaving property or being otherwise useful. The craziest triok ia reported at tba Oil City fire, whan a nan waa aren working for dear life, raabing to end fro with bnokste of oil and throwing tbem on tha biasing dar\x=req-\ riok to pnt tha fire oat. Homcepathlst, perbapa. It ia Impoaeible to daaeriba If lie. Bernhardt. Matthew Arnold, the poet, oalla her "a fugitive vision of delioate features nndar a shower of hair and a oloud of laoe." Damae, on viewing bar portrait done by tha oslebratsa Clsrio, where aha la rolining on a ooooh with a large dog beside ber, eaid "It reminded him of a dag watobiog a bona." BY DNirnaAL accord, Ana's OATUano Ptua in the beat of si! purgatives for family us*. They sra the prod act of long, laborious. sad encceeelul chemical In. veetlfstlon, sad tbrlr sztauslv* us* by Phyal\x=req-\ claaa la tbslr prattle*. and by all etvllUad aalloas, proves th*m the beet aad most edVct\x=req-\ lv* puryttlv* Pill thst medical *cl*aoa can devise. Belu purely vegetable do barm can arise from their uee. In Intrinsic vale* aad curative po«*r* no other Pills caa be compared with th*m. and every peraon, knowing their vtrta**, will employ tbem when a**d*d. Tbey k**p the syetam ia p«rf*ct order, and maintain la healthy action tb* who)* machinery of life. Hlld, searcblac and effpctqal, they are spselally adapted to the Dead* of the dlseetlve apparatus. daraafemsD ts of which tb*y pr*v*at aad ears. If tlm*ly taken. They are the be*t aad *af **t physic to amploy for shlldrea aad weakened conitltntloa*. where a mild, but (Actual cathartic Is required. « BORN. In Elko, February 14, to the wife of Wm. Simpeon, a ion. In B«no, February 10, to the wife of 8. Peterson, a daughter. MARRIED. In Elko, February IS, David Carmlchael to Mli* Ada Bopelyoa. MISCELLANEOUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from drape Cream Tartar.—No other preperaUeo makee each ltcht. flaky hot breads, or Inxorlone paetrj. Canbe eaten by D/epep\x=req-\ tlee wllboat fear of lite reealttDf from beery todlfeetible food. Bold oslr In cane, by |all Urocera. Botal Baioi* PowDaa Co., oeM New York. WOOD AND GOAL DEPOT I tutt ran, WAiaoi limb, split raw 11 u>d other ruWUee of Wood, and a fall •apply of I0CKY MOUNTAIN COAL On hod tad Cot HUM (he LOWMT CASS phi on. tGHT A! OCAKANT Wood eawed at niTlfll Hew Salhoad aji «in Mi T. R. McGURN'S CASE PRICES FOK FEBRUARY: Baker1! Extra and Extra Family Floor.... Baiters 8 ajar-Cared Hama (oorarad) Finest Japaa Tea Old Government Java Coffee ((Nab fraud) Oommoa Ground Coffee Coal Oil Freeh California Eggs Extra Cboloa Petalnma Batter MOO Boxee of Obotee Mountain Apples at... Fine Old Boorboa Whlaky ft 1IH per 100 Ike 13H Cento per lb ....t7*i oantapar lb., ortlbe. forfl 00 fibs, (or ft M t Ibe. (or tl M Par Caae, $4 35; per f-gallon Can, S3 35 . .36o par Doaen, or 4 Doaea (or ft 00 Far t>lb. Bella, 75 Cento tl 50 par Box Bedooed from tt to ft M per Gallon Everything else in my Immense stock of FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Fine Old Brandies, Wines and Lienors, WILL IE SOLO AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Fresh Baltimore Oysters and Chapman's Fare Apple Cider always on hand. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. T. R. McGURN, VIRGINIA. CITT, • BUT BO, ill - MLS SILL. te31m iMiiBiains. 1863. 1881. TBI XIQETUaTH Annual Military and Civic A ball 4 NATIONAL GUARD, N. M„ WlU bo (Itm at Hall TUESDAY IVE'B, FEBRUARY ft, 1811. OwbIon .r Ami 0»pt. D. A. Fraaar, lira*. W. Oono, Berg*. II. I. Oow., Hargt W. L. Oorrlar, Bargt. ■. haffalflogtr, Prt. A. L. Utirdl, m. P. Moon. C1BB1AOII Ota b. obtaload by UotUc ordan at tha KMd\x=req-\ log loom ol lb. Oompanj batwaao tb. boon of 7 and f F. x.i or with ai; uabtr of tb. OomalttM of i PRNN OP CHAItGK I TICKETS GRAND Masquerade Ball, UNDI& TEI AUSP10K8 Of MRS. L. H. COHEN, PIPER'S OPERA HOUSE, VIR0MIA, Ikindij ItcdIok, februrj Mil. OMiaktM at ImumNU. t. b. Wood*. Obariaa Oabrial, Jot MuuUl, Maarlea Lan, Jo* Oflfpahrim. IxibIiIm CmbIiim. H. X Oohaa, L. Kaplan. Floor Dlnctor K. BOWABD Jot Xaadal, & Bchwuts, B. W. EoWUon. THRU PRIZES art lab* for tta moat original and oaa for tha baat-aaitalnad lady ebtracur, and ooa for tha baa»4««al—d iroUaman obaraotar. OABR1AOH nil. Order* to ba laft at Darby k Oarhart'a (tabta. TICK KTtt W 5® admitting Oaotlaman and Lady.) K^BaMrrad BaaU aaa ba aaavad at Baagla'a Bookatora. Mild GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AMD MA CHINK WOKU. bUMNM,Uw<tMM Kill, !•» IKON AND 1UKI CAKTINCNC Of otaaj tmmt m1« lo aadar. h*""*'b10kqk KKKBTT.Propalatoa. RENO FOUNDRY, KKNO. NKTADA. rPHi proprietor or rat moimA JL foundry. harto* pnrchtMd um Rko foudiy, tod eoaaoUdatad II wttk ib« foimr, wlU karaaftof at yla tha work* tha In* faasdrj sat mmiim Works; Tkla aatablUknrat la doar proparad to do a no^F«ao4»y baalaaaa, ladadlnf ataay do> CaaUaca la Iroa aal (nut, Forttac. a»4 auoklm Work. Atlowar prtaaa than aaa ka ntdalaai tlitwkaoa. Drawtnga and aatlmataa larolahad vbao la qotrad. Br atrlet attaattaa la bnalnaaa. asd wltk a thoromh knowMaaof tko work rtqalrad. tka utoprtMoa bopca to aaarU tka eoaadaoc* of tko Kda. and laapactmiiy aoltclu tko potwaga of —«i «ad —'"'t Mas. dan ANPKKW fSAMS, Fropr. SILVER HOUSK, ■aim arm kit, •IkVtR OITY. • - NEVADA BMri ui UdflaK m per Intk. n - iuu Btmam ■UI1M All ■KOKIU. THE NEVADA BANK SAX VBAXOUOO OUJTORMU P*M :■» Q»tol Q>M (P. ».»»■*«)—|JN,»II fl«M uTmumwMi... {w. r j» Kf lock I 0 ' (aWkiiMMt) » OBaIh tad mUi bckaoM ui Tttafiuhl* TmmTm. Iimi Ooonurcul tad TwW Owiiu. Tbla task kM «pwUi freUiUM fo* dollar U bullion. tif T. R. IctiMU, STOCK AN! MONEY BROKEK. IN Milfe 0 St* Tlrglala* TTTUX BUT ANDULL STOCKS ON OOII* Vy KlMioa oa tte port faronMa mm I will tlto OW17 Stacks m MmiU mA OOLB AND SILT** MOflHT ANI »■ BOLD. L. B. FRANKCL, •TOOK AMD MONKY BltOKKIt. omoi-ltli MM. «*M Bill, jMt •im Ua BMk (fCUIftnlt. nocu BOCOflTi BOLD AND CO* MIBD 0^ MAKSIM. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE j BOOK 8TOREy MAIN RMR. GOLD B1U. -"""* a— ■UNB DOOMS. STATION BAT. JBWBLMT. SCHOOL DOOMS. CDTLBMT. _____ TOTS, Bw. Afwl for tha Baa Fraadaao Dally omkoniolk. bulletin. ■xaminkr. —AMtt— alta. KASTKRN PICTORIALS, magazinbs, And Literary Papers. ■ j*» FASHION SALOON. S. B. TURKEY, PROM. KbIb Street, • - • - 0*14 III], Opposite U» BiwaoMca. rpaiB OLD-BBTABLIBBBD AND TOTTTUX + MMTt to MB IB* terortte. Ooafert ami. apoft eoabtsad. Tk» patroaa ot Um boaaa wUt alwaf* tad Ua feaai braaia af d .tANDT, WHISKY* ALB. PODTBK, LAflBB. TOW OV ALL KINDS, TOBACCO, CI OAKS, BTIV TWO FIRE BiyjARD TABLES. GIBBON'S SALOON, autafcw«. a«u urn. raufr clam in n»T Kwnr, Reading and Olub Booms. **• fatMM of tbo lotto wl«jto w*0 ncrtvo* Md MVftd wllk Ik* ftmtm of WINKS. UQIIOIS AN! CISAtt By " pa? M ABBOTT. > w.B.ftanm.fMwimi^ DR. L CNAPMAN.