Newspaper Page Text
F THE EVENING NEWS VIIKIINIA AND THUMB RAILROAD TIMI TAILK, Taklag IfMt B«pteak«r M, ISM. VBAINI frta K«m I* 4J*M Hill u4 Tlrdik. SUllooa. El pit—. Local Local KEHO MO LB. All a. ni 1J0 p.m. AM » • 40 - A10 - UO ~ 4 00 • 8TBAMBOAT. washoe .... fbuietowb LAKBTIEW.. CARSON.. A» tll M lit •• 1.47 « 1.M - Alt " •DO " AM " AM - 1010 •• ion •* OAltaON.. d« UMPIRE.. ... K'ND HOUSE GOLD HILL.. VlMQINla.... UO M. am " too - 11.10 ~ ILK " 11.14 LI. *• lUtp.B. 1AM ~ I.M " too p.*. AM " am - AM *• a n ♦* trains Frw Tlrtbta u4 Hill ■M R*m. aOwtia Slatloaa. 1 Expraaa. Loaal _ Local ttWllNU.... «K)LO 11 ILL. M'ND HOUSE hmpihb CAlMl... At • •p.*. am - U> - AM '• • M » ISU. A10 - am " •M M AM - 1.00 p. A IM - • M - am m AM - OAHMN .. Da UllVUff.. FAAlf EtOWN washob STEAMBOAT. lino. 1.10 PJK. T.M « TM •* T il - tot - II) « 10-00 LB, MM •• 10 AO - 11.10 - U M " 1AA) pJL «.lt p.m. 4.M ~ AM - am " • n •• 4.4# " THUB8DAT, : : FEBBUABY 24. 1881 Liar itxxih*. SO Eureka Cos.. HH, II M Northern Bella. 11% MS Orand Priaa, IM. 1H low ArgMU.Ua 10M Navajo, 1*. 1 S3 MO Toaearora. Ma 300 Day, 38e. Mo BM Alb la a. 1 M. 1 •10 Walaa. Mo. 93o 1M ML DUUa.IH.4M TM Bachtal, Me. 33c 3M Media tan, lOo HO Tlan. 83o MO Seat Mt Diablo. lBo MBalvar.S SMOoodahaw, Mo 300 Conoordla. i<t 3M Blaekhawk. 19a 1M BalTidara, Mo 1M ML Potaai, Mo TSMeno. 1H M Coo. Pacific. Me 330 J a pi tar, 1 OA 1M0 Addenda, SOo 1T0 Noonday, 1 It 370 North Noooday, 1M. 1 M SOU Daobla Standard. Mc. 33o 3M«o, 43o 308 Paris, Me 1M Tiptop. 3H 170 Silver Kin*. Mtt.M* MO Head Canter. 3% IS Bodia. »H Till KtUIM. 109 Ophir, 4 90 49 Mexiaaa. 9*4 390 Gould A Carry, 3 99. 3 90 a Beat A Balcber, 7H ■00 California, 95o 233 Savage. 1 99. 1 90 190 Con. Virginia, 1 <0 39 CboUar, 1 70 100 Potoel. 1 99 399 Hal* A Koroma. 9 79* 9% 130 Tallow Jaokat, 3 99.. 3H 199 Imperial, 15o 19 Alpha, 2\ 90 Belaber, 99o 90 Coafldaaoa, 3H 999 81am Narad*. OH,9S. «4 a90 100 Cub. 7S 190 Bail ion. 9So. 1 330 Kicbeqaer. 1 99 190 Oranaaa. Ho 990 Union Cm.. 7*. 7H a99 790 Alta, 3%. 3 99, 3 99 490 Julia. 39o, 90o 190 Caledonia. 99o 100 SUvar Hill. 90 390 Challeage, 65c • 99 Nov York. 9a 100 Ooeidantal, 1 100 Lady Waahingtan. 15c 390 Andea, 1 90.1 99 30 Sooraion, 1 09 300 Coo oo rd la. 3 30 190 Beaton. 65c AWaraaaa awaaa BaaaM. Sax Famctaco, February 39—9 r. M.— Northern Bella, 13 H; Albion; 1 19; Balchar 99c; Ooadahaw, (9c; Bodla, 9; Mom. 1H; Baraga, 1 99; Cooeordia, 3H; Hale A Nor\x=req-\ croaa, 9 99; California, 90c; Noonday. 3 19, 3 10; Grand Priaa, 1 49, 1 99; Jupiter. 1; Union, 7V. Benton. 90a; ML Diablo, 4 90; Potaai. 190; Alia. 3 30; Juatiee, 55c; Opbir, 4%; Chollar, 1 69. Utah. 7S; Exchequer, 1; Gould A Curry, 3 90; Oecl\x=req-\ dental. 1 09; Eureka, 39; Tallow Jacket, 3 99; BollioB, 119; Mexican, 9H. ArrtvaUa TkM leralaa. T Gaaaa, P Una, J M Huatoa, B Rich\x=req-\ arda, Mra W B King. C H Pieree and wife. Mlaa A Owena. Mra J P Whaaler, M Charlton, Mra Iriah, Mra Kimball, Mra J LRobartaaa, MiaaHaith. ••fUMtM UM BfMlai. T M Hart, F Uran. J Old*. F L Nat\x=req-\ ting. 0 D Wb**l*r, Mr* Bacon. Ocorg* KaauU *nd family, Mr* B 0 Dickiaaon, J Kally. 3 Cronin, Mr* Floid, Mia* Ston*. Mr* J Omm, J A Matlkm. Th* Old Ston* Hon**, SIItw City, oanght Ira it 3 a. it. today. Tb* bfits of 8il»*r bad two *tr*am* of vat*r on In 1*m than ton minoto*. A hoi* waa burned in th* roof and hat littl* aote. The bailding waa nnoocapiad. A patient r*c*ntly diachargtd from th* Conaty HoapiUl complain* b*caoa* not fad oa tondarloin *t«*ka and Iba fat ol th* land. Probably Dr. B«rg*uin will b* abl* to aarriv* aneh auffwtag and rt.—onUnt Th* Pott aaya Norcroaa, Savag* and Cony (tock ia gradaaily paaaiag into atroogor hand* and th*** mine* promia* to b*«om* th* n*zt fl*ld ol *aehaatmaat ia th* Comaiock mark*t. Boat* vary amnilng charaotora will b* pr***at*d. also aoa* ?*ry An* coatnmu will b* m*b at th* maaqaarad* tonight, aad th* eoatoatioa (or th* prisa* will b* (*a*ral. Th*y ar* worth contending Th* haaaball aharpa of th* Coaatock *zp*ot to orgaais* a b*tt*r aia* thia ***■ •on thaa *r*r b*for*. With Too ay B*ala as a m*ob*r. *k* Mtat. th* cannon ball pitahar, th*y oaa do it aad cap. tor* laanla too. Thia ia from th* PoM of yaatarday: "J*ha W. Mack*y, of thabooaaaa flra, ia oa hia way back fioa Earap*. aad it ia aaid thai h* aarri** th* oontrol of th* Satra tuaa*l ia hia po«k*t." Sap*riaMad*at Smith at th* B*Ich*r laft thia aoiaiag by teem for B*ao, wbwe* h* will j*UM7 to Pyraaid Laka. rataraiag tomorrow night. ■print T*f*Ubl** ara b***niag ptoaty bow. Bhabarb ia ia th* aarkal aad a daater a«ya h* will har* atrawbaniaa ia a day or twa. Atta ia th* aaaaatioa atoek orar at th* / "*• ThaatiMtaia Gold Hill aradaaty. BELCHER 10W MADE ORES. lag*Tkwi !•■■■-»• ■wrtai It la Likely M Hit* m Iki u>»r QinUm. The B«lcher yeaterday aommenead work on iU appn levela, with tha intention of opto log atopea and mining and milling low grada otaa. That tbara ara large qnantitiea of thaaa oiaa in th« mine la an aatabliahed faot, and than la a proapect that while mining than something battar may ba found. At any rata, if tbe orta that ara knovn to aziat tbara can ba minad and millad witboat loaa to tba company, eonaidarabla wealth can ba addad to lha ooaatry and amploymant ba given to man in naad of labor. In a briaf interview with Superintendant Smith thia morniag, ha aaid ha thought, attar arrangamanta vara folly mada, ha would ba abla to haap two milla running on tha ona of tha upper levela by eooaamiiing ia all mattara of expeoditurea. Tha workinga in tha up\x=req-\ par portioaa of tba miaa would ia no way interfere with oparationa balow whan oaoa tba Jaaket oonoaoUon with tha Sotro tunnel waa mada, and opara\x=req-\ tiona in daptb ooold bo raaamad. Thia endeavor an tha part of tha Bakhar mtna to aitraot ora from tha op par lavala will doabtlaaa have aoma hawing on tha quaation of am ploying man on tbaea lavala at ltaa than tha aam par day atipolatad batwaan tha mlnea and tba Minera* Unioaa. To tbia and aa doubt a propoailion will ba mada to tha Uoiooa to allow man to ba put to work in tbaaa upper lavala on oertaln terma to ba agreed upon hereafter by tha partita in iatereat. PiHrt a»«e M»—■ Miitioa jNltnlij of tha coming of Melville and troop* to Piper'i Oper» Houae for * aeaeon of Opm fioafi created Mm* excitement among the tout ment loving people of the Comuqpk and ga*a much aatiafaotion too. Today tha •abacription lilt vaa op*ned and tb* aals •f aaaaon ticket* waa moat eatiefaatory. Tha probabilitiaa ara that thoaa who do not aabaoribe will ba compelled to taka back crala. Tha radaction in prio* for r«**rv*d aaata for tha aaaaon ia quita an itam. Bat bafora Melville come* another traat will ba offered tha publie, and ona that no ona will willingly mi**. Next Wedneeday and Thursday and matinee tha following Saturday and in tha evening of that day Dan Morrie iullivan'a Mirror and Comedy Company will appear at tha Opera Honaa with "Tour Through tha Emerald Iala." Tha exhibition will conaiat of ona hundred beautiful paintinga, each thirteen by tan feat, completing tha tour of Ireland. Theaa pictarea cannot be deacribed in tbia item, but in them, among other thing*. will ba ahown grand moonlight effect* an the Lake of KU\x=req-\ larney, aa well aa much natural aoenery from tha "Gem af tb* Ooean," concluding with tha beautifol Fairy Qrotio, and three allegorical plotnraa repreaent\x=req-\ ing " Ireland aa aba waa in her glory," " Ireland aa aha ia, a captive bound in •bain*," and "Inland aa wa hope to ae* her." Juat at thia time nothing could be more opportune. Tha muaio accompanying the display will be Moor*'* Irish m*lodit* and Frank Htevena, whoae reputation haa preoeded him to thia eoaat, will do the lecturing. Tonight the muqawuli bell of Mr*. Cohen at Piper'e Opera Hooee will afford people an opportunity to link tbiir identity and enjoy nub amnaaagent u aoma ona alaa. II often occnra to ona that if ha were ao and ao ha wonld da I tbna and ao. 01 canraa tba expectation nnder auob an aliaa would b* an inorcaaa of enjoyment. Tha ball thia evening will afford aa exoellent opportanily for all who deeira to try tba experiment. All who wiab oaa tonight have " great\x=req-\ naaa throat upon them," and can atrat tha atage aa foreign princee, potantatea or aovereigna at thalr plaaaora. Tia aaay for aoma to play tba fool and for othara to aaanma tba garb of wiadom. Hara ia a chanoa. Every ona to hia taata or inclination, tha objact being amnic mant to bimeelf or othara. Prof. Langar will fnrniah tha aaaia, and tha entertainment will be flrat-alaaa in every re epect. The price of admUaion of tboaa appearing in maaka will be but $'2 50. Carriagea will be forniabed fre*. Mra. Cohen deaervea a good benefit, and from appearanoea will receive it. Biatrial Daera-Blalaf, iaeca. The following business ww trsn*\x=req-\ •clad in lliia Court today : David Crosby ra. bia creditors— Data of bearing petition cbangad to March 38. R. J. Bretd and bia creditors—Data of bearing changed to March 30. Eatata of John P. Zoya— Petition for letter* to be beard March 7. Stat* vs. Carrick'a bondamm—Aliaa aummooe ordered to iaane. On motion of Colonel Tayler, Chairman of Bar Committee on Rnlea, ordered that the rale requiring payment of $S to tba Sheriff aa aasignee in bankruptcy caeca be reecindtd; in oaaea where tbia fee baa been paid there will bo recovery Baked, and il not paid where ex Sheriff ie aaaignee the fee will net be required. • Hall ve. Metealf— On trial. Court will adjourn after the above trial ie over till Yhuredey, Mareb 3. Re rappet. Tbui far the Qotd Hill Nrwa baa been ailent upon the mioera' wage* question. —8. F, Doily Report. The Xiwe put itaelf on reoord laat anmmer when all the other paper* were •ilent. The New* i* *n independent , onrnal, owned by no corporation, and doe* not join ia the diaouuion of any qoeetion at the pulling of a etring by aome one behind the aoenee. Hal* k Norcroaa baa diecbarged all it* ■urfaoe workmen who were engaged in reconstructing iU work*, eioept one or two who are patting on the finishing touches. Even the machinery in the a ho pa ha* bees replaced. The delay in atarting up the pumpe was occasioned by the caving of aeea* of th* bob pit*. Elko *eb*eto* ia sow uaed almost ex\x=req-\ el naively oa the Comatoek for ooveri*g *Uam drama and pipe*. It ia moob au\x=req-\ perior to the California aabeeto*. The fiber ie aelt and fine, aad a person not well aeqnalat*d with th* mineral would at oaee pronoanoe it to bath* taw oottoo. Butter colored with yellow ochr* ia ia th* aarkat. It ia said to coma from N*vada ranch**. Tbia ia apoiling a good artiole la preaerve appearanee*. Between "boll hotter" aad yellow oakn oar people are fcavta« a aariaaa time of it. EASTERN DISPATCHES lowa'i Serere Winter. Chicago, February 24.—Winter began in Iowa on tha 7th of November, tad aino« that time 1mm ground baa hardly been eeen in the State. The weather in\x=req-\ dieationa have been watohad with the greataet anxiety* bat every ezpeetation or Indioation of a break-up baa been dia\x=req-\ appointed, and eadnring oold wind and anow have taken the plaoe of the uiual January and February thaw. The rail\x=req-\ roada have made a manful bat uneven battle againat the atorme. No aooner have they cleared the tracka and gat fairly to running than ioe or drifted anow blorka the ralla again, and it haa been one eteady, expenaive 'fight with the ele\x=req-\ mente to keep in running order, and even then many of thtra have been obliged to abandon train* and make every kind of abift to carry their paaaen\x=req-\ gere. On the Paciflo extenaion of the Burlington, Cedar Bapidajmd Northern there were no traina troa February 2nd to February 19th, although they were untiring in their efforta at opening the road. The main line waa kept comparatively elear. The trunk ltnae heve generally been able to aend their traina out regularly, though few have reached their deatination on time, and aome of them have in oertain inatanoea bean entirely ebandoned. The eeverily of the winter haa told terribly on the poor, who have been deprived of work and have been oompellad to pay exorbitant prioee for foe! or auffer for want of it. In Nebraaka the eeaaon haa been aimilarly eevere. Another family Barbecued. Pitthbubo, Pa., February 24.—Early yesterday morning, at East Liverpool, flamee wan aeen tutting from a font\x=req-\ atory frame building, owned by Frank Stewart and oocupicd aa a drag (tore, feed etore, grocery and dwelling. Tbe proprietor of tbe drag etore, William Sloan, witb bia family, ware in tbe letter portion. Aa aoon aa tbe flamea were discovertd by Mr. Bloan he awoka all, and telling them to follow, be picked up a tbree-year-old daughter and started for the staira. The flamea had out off their retreat by thia time, however, and turn\x=req-\ lag to a window he leeped oat, at the eame time telling bia wife and children to do tba aame. It ia anppoaed that before tbey bad time to follow bia advice they were overoome by the atifliog fumea from the drag etore, aa no otbera escaped. The boilding burned like tinder, and, having numerous elevators U tbe npper doors, wbloh opened a pathway for tbe flamee, waa aoon in mine. Search for the bodies waa began at an early hoar thia moraing, aad soon all wera re\x=req-\ oovered. They wera charrrd beyond reeogoitioa, and it waa only by tbe sise of the remains that the grown peraena wera diatinaaiabed from the children. The aeane about tbe burned building today ia aorrowlul in tbe extreme. All that ia left of a family of ten are the father and one daughter, whom ha carried with him when he made the leap. Domestic Wickedness and Mnrder. Locuyillk. February S3.—A letter from Tompklnsville give* the partiou\x=req-\ I are of a flendiah mnrder there on Tote\x=req-\ day, after dark. A (tone waa thrown against the door of a bouse occupied by James Feller, aged 37 years. Ae Feller opened the door a flash waa aeen and a report waa heard. He staggered, throwing np hia aroaa and fell over dead, abot through tba heart. Thirty-seven slnga were found in bis body. William Smith ia now in jail, oharged with murder in the flrat degree, and the wife and stsp\x=req-\ daughter of Feller have been arreeted aa aoceeaoriee to the orime. The wife is a pretty woman, 21 yeara of age, and tbe step daughter ia 19. Siuith ran off with Feller'e wife a year ago, and hard feelings have eziated between them ever since. Ths wife is eduoated and good\x=req-\ looking, but bears a bad character. Pennsylvania Senator Elected. ELtiaiascBO, February 23. — The thirty-fifth ballot for (Jnited States Senator reeulted in tbe formal election of John J. Mitobell. The vote waa: Mitchell, 150; Wallace. 92; Maoveigh, 1; Brewater, fl Mitchell has always been hostils to ths Cameron machine. Hs is a <ireat student, haa made no taonry in politico, haa • slear record, is s stslwart Sazon in appearanoe and will be the handaomest man in ths nsw Senste. Senator Carpenter Dying. Milwachck, February 23.—A private dispatoh, direct and official from Senator Carpenter's bedaide to relatives hsre, is: "Tbe situation is very criticsl. He muat die eooa." Tble snnounoement createe great excitement in political cir\x=req-\ clee. Tbe queelion—" Who ahall auo\x=req-\ ceed Carpenter?" is slrssdy sgitated. Leading Krpublicana favor Angua Cameron, C. C. Waahbnroe, Horace Budlee, £. W. Keyee and Jude 0. E. Dyer, ao\x=req-\ cording to their respective factions. Garlleld'i Cabinet. Chicaoo, Februiry 94.--Tbe THtntm glvee grest prominenoe to the following alste of Garfleld'e Cabinet, wbiob it as\x=req-\ •nree ua is positively correct : Blaine, Secretary of Stato; Folder, Tr»ssury; Postmeater, Charlea Foeter ; Attorney\x=req-\ General, Howe of Wleoonaln; Alliaon or Wllaon for the Interior and Horaee Davie of California for Secretary of War. Mra. Davie and lira Oarfleld are grtat friends. There will be a meeting of the Virginia School Boerd Saturday evening at 6 o'clock. Probably illaa Habiobt will be promoted to assistsnt at the High School and Miss Hodgee of the Lower Flowery School will take Miss Habicht'a place and the two Flowery sokoola will be consolidated. John Shaagbntssy, who «u so badly injured several weeks ago by an iron washer falling on bis bsad while bs wss at work in lbs Union abaft, is at laat able to ba oat agaia. • Ha wss able to ride over to tbe abaft yeaterday. Jadge Biaing will leava this svsning for Wiaasmaooa, where be will preside over tbe trial •( an important mining case which will oome on Fridsy. The Italian Benevolent Society baa attached lot 0, block 4, range A, Virginia, for $300 loaned Maria Maldanado and B. Nooe. John Kelly la agreeably enrprieed at tbe mines and prospects of Tombstone. All hope, it appears, baa oot yst been abandoned ol establishing railways in China. The acting consul at Bhanghi says: "Whether any oae living now in China will aee railways bnilt is uncertain, bat it ia reasonable to bops that ws may da so. Tba money coald easily bs raiaed when oaoe tba Imperial decree Is seen red. Mr. Morrison, the engineer of tba Wooanag Railway, baa mada three journeys Into the latorlar with the object of survsying and finding tba beat llaao of country adapted (or railway enterprise. Hs bsa travsllsd over Marly MOO miles of roads, from Oaatoa to Pekin, and tbe aoadttto— arrived at an favorable." FOREIGN DISPATCHES, lUeellMMu. London, February M.—The Hobm of Oomaon* lut araning look op tba Pro* teotlon bill M ibmiM ia eommittee. After tha nwiI claaaaa moved bj the Home Balm bad bora rejected, a clause bj Sullivan, providing that no paraoa ba diaabargad at a greater diatanoa than fire milea from hla plaoe of arrest, waa agraad to. Foratar'a amendment, limiting ita retroactive action to tba 30th o( September, 1880, waa agraad to. In tba oonraa of dabata Parnall da\x=req-\ clarad tbat tba Fanlan organization in Inland waa never laaa active. Paria waa Slepbena' realdeace, and ha bad merely ratnrnad thither from tba Ualtad Stataa, whara ha bad baaa oppoaing tha Land Laagna. Tba Home Secretary aaid tba Govern\x=req-\ mant had groanda for believing that Fenianiam atill axiitad and a till had dt\x=req-\ aigna to oarry out ita objaata by tba ntoet abominable and dataatabla meaaa. Ha referred to O'Donovan Boaaa'a ntter\x=req-\ aaeea and to tba violent apeech by John DeToy, formerly a politioal oonviet, In Amerioa. Tba Dally Nnu aaya If tba improve* mant of tha atata of Iraland oontinaea it ia prababla tba Government will not prooaad with tha Arma bill. Mr. Parneli aaya ba haa made arrange\x=req-\ maota for holding a Land Laagaa maat\x=req-\ ing in every ooanty in Ireland next San\x=req-\ day to oelebrata tha paaaaga of tha Coercion bill and to make a fitting reepenee to it on tba part ol tba people. Thirty Iriah membera of the Hoaaa of Com\x=req-\ nana have agraad to apeak at thaao maetinga. A private powaer niguino at uor* (u forcibly entered and tha powder itolen. Many Bligo farmera, who refaaad to pay ranihigher than Griffith 'a valuation, are haateuing to pay tha laadlonla' tarma. It ia rumored that tha government will interfere with the Parnell demoaatration at Cork oa Sunday. ▲ am all farmer wae abot dead near Buttevant,. ooaoty Cork, yeeterday, in oonaequenoe of a land diapate. It ie underatood that aegoiiationa have been began between Qeatral Colly aad the Boera. It la expected that a truoe will eooa be arranged. Komb, February 33.—The Popa, in an addraea to the Cardiaala, ezpreaaed regret at the renewed attaeka and inaulta heaped npon the Chnroh in nearly all parte of the world, and therefore an extraordinary jubilee woold be inaugurated this year throughout Christendom for the purpoee of imploring the Almighty to beetow better timea npon the Chnroh. Pabis, Ftbrnary 93.—The Agrioultaral Sooiety adopted a reeolution demanding that the Miniatry oommtnee negotlatione with the Uoited Statea for the revoeetion of an alleged deoiaioo of the United Statea forbidding the landing of Freooh wine* at American porta, on the pretext that thev are injariona to health. The Society believee the dtciaion ia almply a reprieal for the interdietion by France of the importation of Ameriean baeon. WESTERN DISPATCHES The Kalloch Mirder Trial. Ban FaaNcisoo, February 94. —Tha only point of interest in tba Kalloch trial yesterday >u tbt iatroduotion of a witnaaa whoas nana bu not before bsea mentioned in oonseotlsn with tba tragedy, P. A. Hambart of Virginia City, Superintendent of tba Bullion mina. Ha waa leaaing against tba window of tba Chronidt building daring tba shooting, and saw tba affair. His testimony corroborates that of othar witnaassa regarding tbs actions of tha partiea. Hia testimony also oisarrd up lbs mysterioas bark whioh waa stsnding naar tbs Chron\x=req-\ ich offlos, wbioh, it appeara, had bs«n engsgsd by wltnssa. It had baaa previously supposed by many that tbs back had Dean sngagsd by young Kalloch. 114I.J.'* TKQKTABLB SICILIAN Hair Ranewar Is a KleniUc combination of aomaor tha ooet powerful roetoiative agents In tba vegetable kingdom It reatorea gray hair to Its original color. It makes tba ecalp while and eleaa. It cores dandruff and hamors, and falling oat of tbs hair. It foralshaa the natrltlva principle br which tba hair ia oonr\x=req-\ lihad and eopported. It makee tba hair motet, eoft and gloeey. and la nnsnrpaaaed aa a hair dreaalng. It Is tba moat economical preparation ever offered to tba pobUc, aa Its effect! remain a long time, making only an occasional application nereeeary. It le recommended and need by eminent medical man. and officially lndomd by tba Btata A eaayer of Maeeacbaeatts. Tba popularity of Hall's Ranewar has Increased with tbe teet of many yean, both In thla conn\x=req-\ try and In foreign lands, and It la now known and need In all tbe eiTlllsed countries of tbs world. S WISOKLLAlTIOUfl. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mad* from Ortp* Omm TwUr.-Ho oth«r prtponiloa makM MCh light, fltkjr hoi braadi, or taiDhooa rutrr Cute Mt«oby Drip«p\x=req-\ tle* without tor of til* rMohlBf from bar? IndlfMllbU food, fold onlr In mm, br |iu Uroc«r*. Royal Bun<t Puwbm do.. Now York. HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEIURB't SON'S CO\x=req-\ TrMlM, .!•> ft ■W CwilM« C»H tool Holortf OiMoo or all DoMrfHlOM. Wlro Mtrai " For Kopalrloa l tuiilr « •.t.noom. VMnr. Mir l»W * Hotn_ YbwtataOUy, Rotodo. « T. R. McGrURN S CASH r,BIDES FOB FIBBUiBT: Baker's Extra and Extra Family Flcur .... Eastern Bagir-Cared Hun* (ooTered) Finest Japan Tea ord OoTernment Java Coffee (fresh ground) Common Qronnd Coffee Coal Oil Fraah California Eggs Extra Cboios Pstalama Bnttar 3600 Boxes of Choice Mountain Applss at... Fins Old Bonrbon Whisky f mi .»•••••••••• sees mm vwsm 1"— •» ... S7H cents per lb., or 8 lbs. for $1 00 SS 1IH par 100 lbs ..I1H Cents per lb ,.5 lbs. for II 00 8 lbs. for $1 00 Par CaaSi $4 25; per 8-gaJlon Can, S3 28 ,... Mo per Doasn, or 4 Doasn for ft 00 Psr Mb. Bolls, 78 Osnta 91 00 par Box Bsdoosd from 88 to U 80 psr Qalloa Everything else in my immense stock of FAMILY GROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS Fine Old Brandies, Wines and Liquors, Fresh Baltimore Oysters and Chapman's Pure Apple Cider always on hand. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. T. R. M cGURN, VIRGINIA CITT, 8UTB0, Md • • MLB SILL. fe2 lm WILL IE SOLO AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. MISGKLLANEOUB. fff Yearn before the Public, THE GENUINE DR. C. MoLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended us a remedy " for •II the ilia that llesh ia heir to." but in affection* of the Liver, and in all Biiioua Complaint*, i)vs|>ep»la, and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, thejr atand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be uaed preparatory to, or after taking quinine. Aa a aimple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box bus a red-wax neal on the lid, With the impression. McLANE'S LIVEK PILL. Kacii wrapper boors the signature! of C and Flbmino Rtux. MTinsist upon having the genuine Db. P. ShLANKH LIVER PILLS, prepared hv FLK.fliNU ItltOS., Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitation* < t the name MrlMne, spelled differently but mime pninunriutiou. Is the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation, Blllonineai, Headache, Torpid Liver, Hemorrhoid!. mdiapoaltlon.and all Dlnordera arlalnsr from an ot»\x=req-\ •tracted state of the ayatem. i*dl«a and children, and tbna* who dlallk* taking pllm and nauamma tni-dlclnra, an apt\x=req-\ dally plraacd >vllU It* (freeabl* quallllM. THOPIC-Fltl'IT laxative may be UMd In all caaM thai nf»l the aid of a puraatlT*. cathartic, or aptrltnl mrdlclne, andwmltltpro\x=req-\ ducaa Uwnamerrcult a«tba I* •nllrvljr fr«* from tlir imml nl>l«*tlon« common to thero. ruMd ta kroai«4 tla wsm mijt. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 60c. Sold by all first-class Druggists. Children CRY roR Pitcher's Castoria. Motbara like and 'Fkyiloiaaa x'oooExmond it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINIMENTS; the World's great Pain-Re\x=req-\ Kevin? remedies. They heal, soothe and cure Burns, Wounds, Weak Rack and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness upon Reasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Na.Tta* Mm aid b* LmC If tba atomacb, llT»r tod bonk u* aActad, to adopt tlM raw iMMdr. Hoatattar'a ttonteb Bltun. DUhm of tba orcua namad bapt oU«rt far Bon tarloaa, tad a dalay la (kara\x=req-\ te* buardooa. Dupnalt, ll»ar complaint, abiila aad fcrar. aarly rbaanatla twlntta. kld\x=req-\ aay waalrawa brln« aartoaa bodUr troabl* If trllad with. Loaa do tlma la aataa tbla aflbet\x=req-\ In, aala aad loo* kaova madlclaa. • For aa1$ byaH Draalau aad Daalara gae\x=req-\ arally. 1 BitfKIM HI IMUM. THE NEVADA BANK UH nUHOUOO CAUTOMOA r*M rap Capital tl»H • <0. a. BM4U)— OaM tfVUHnU. Affatat Kim *>rk 1 - / , ' <63 Wall anal) J O**1 fWBap «Dd Mill laebuw* tftd Tatapanhio Truafars. Imdm OonuiwcUl and Trmiilwi' Oradlu. Thl« bask haa ifaoUl teelllUn for <1—ling In bullion. ill T. ft. MctiURH, STOCK AND MONEY IROKU. IN Milk 0 BU TlrftaU* **riLt BUT AID ULL »*OOU ON OOM\x=req-\ Jul alaoT OOLO AND IILVU BOUGHT AMD >■ HOLD. L. B. FRANKBL, omoi-Hila MrMl, G«M Hill, iut ilMt Ik* Baafc •rrallknk, ■TOOK* BOUGHT, tOLD AND OA*. BHD ONi MABGINS. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE] BOOK STORE, MAIN NTKBBT. GOLD HILL. -DBAU1 a— ll.ANH BOOKS. NTATIONKKY. JIWIUVi SCHOOL BOOKS, CUTLBKT. TOTS, Bu. Agwii for tb* B«a PrtaclMo Daily OMRONIOLI. BULLCTIN. KXAMINIR, -un>- ALT A. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAOAZINia, And Literary Papers. isii GIBSON'S SALOON, . Mala Htm*. GaU Hill. nwr cum in itmi inner. Beading and Olub Booms. Tba patron of tba Hoaaa will ba wall raeatrad and aarrad with tba Tloaat of WINES. LIQUORS AND CIOARS By "?AP" ABBOTT. « W. D. C. OIBWOW. Praprlaiar. WOOD AND GOAL DEPOT I wct rats, wibhoi una. split ran J" tad otbar rariaOa* of Waod, and a tall •apply of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On band aad fot <ala at tba L0WK8T OAU PHI OU. FVLI. WIIOHT AND HIAIIIM uvakantiko. Woadaawad at abort arttaa aadatlua»atn OPTIOB-ltaar Balkoad Depot. Gold XtL nm THOMAS &ALLAQS O. SPECIAL NOTICL nnuon km rowo in timiwia wbo IT wlab to Ntaattt Mr tba tou Bu, fm m Jaata ofiM kt it at tba Poatofiw Book Mara, Ho. II »aatb 0 auaat. w. a. nasoim. KBOlLLiBMUS. GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT MAIN «TKMT, GOLD HUX, OppattaVariKMllbrtoL D. THORBURN, Proprietor. kOKXT FOR TH* GOLD MILL DAILY NKW« And Btn rnwetMO "Calif" "kualaer" u< "ftt." Eastern Periodicals ABB LATHT BUDIIIi ■ATTU. cioiKs AVBTfiiooM, •HUT MUSIO. •HOW'OASK OOODS* •TATIONftKY. SOHOOL tOOICS. TOYS. ■ TO* COLD HILL aiko machine wobu won and bbam cantinoc Of cvwr mwr wii to t*tm. j ha vi mar addxd to mt mo 1 mtbiwbid kaehim w<*ta th» urqmt Sized » laxu, pljuikb tad atum kuuuk. all Of tlM mm tod mot* Inpror** Muuacuoa. mi m m ttipmt to koto tad Btptlr til ktoda ml tu iIm of MILL a MINING MACHINERY atom*srtMt Mcmt on tot not* ratto* (Mt ttrmt. Ida oioui bkiait.ProptMor. RENO FOUNDRY, srnoi nitadi. mu PHOPRtiTOB or tsi monru I FOUNORT. pwebaaad lb* Ini ftmodrr. aod cooaoUdaiad it with lb* format, will baraaftw at;la tba worka tba Beao f oudrj aid Mschlne Works. TfcU aatabllahmrat la now prnarad lad* • (wxnl roandfy btulaaaa, looiadioc mcj d» •crlptlon of Onam la Iraa mI Rkmi rwdHi >■4 NmIIm Wotki itlowirprlON than can ba obulsad alaawban. Dtmwtac* ul aailaaiaa lamlabad wbao ra •Bind. Br itrtet attention la baalgaaa, and with t tboroasb koowladjta of tba work rrqolrad. tba pmriator bopta to mart! tba conOdaooa of lb* tomda, and raapaatinlij aoUcltalba palmnafa of i«iii tad alulae man. dan ANDREW WUMI, Pur. GOLD HILL BilKIl RESTAURANT warm ITRUT— SOLD HILL, Opposite tba BellpM Limy dubu*. J. F. HOME. Proprietor. ■mm niu. ran. oua, akd ho* *JtoUi irtrj d*j, Mtmi M Ik* Mb ■MAD AT RiDUOID MIOU. tar FIM Md OUm at ndaood prtoM. hacj ot mmM OUm aait to «itr * thort notlM. Tto Bmunit DopaitmMt U tho iMt la Ik* Mate. All klndj ot Oiai, Poaltn Mi rrwh ruh ud aim or«ton waitm Mi »OTT«d OP dtllr. »■ THE cm BAUftY, RE8TAURANT, OoilNtlONrj Mi Caiij Depot, Nt. AT Natib O SIMM, TlrfUN nm» AX KLXOAMT AMOBTHIRTOI \J HOUDAT OOODH. Toyi, CkndiM, OW moii for Tibto, OnuatntAl, Fraotoi Mi PUIS OtkMOf ul kinds, dMoriptioii and dft\x=req-\ dni, Md At prtoM to nit rrerybody. ii v* layort All on rood* dtreot froM tfeo htl, n eu obr Umb AUprteM ita* mm M obaigad is Ntw lork, Md Al iMi IkM BM PiaocImo ntM.' V*~ OfBMMBta for OltN A tpMlAtty. UTIm Oiwa ud MMwtarrtM ud Cnab. AIm •IrAwbMTlM by tba bos. At wbulMtk ot mOfllKB ft ABXBHCBT. Proprlttow City Bakary. lo, IT lorth 0 (trMt, Virginia. Hmk U IB FA8HI0N SALOON. 1.1. TURNCY, PROP'R. Mali Street, • • • • 8ol4 IU1. Oopoott* Um ViwioOm. n OLD-EST A BUSH ID AID POPULA* art U Mil tho tofMtta. Oomlort Mi ■port oombtaod. Tb. p*troa« of lAa bo«M wUl •IwVy* tad tb« bMt bnadt <K B.tANDY, WBllKTi ALB. NKTIKi LAO IB. WINKS OV ALL KINDS, TOBACCO, ClOABB. BTO. TWO FINK BiyJAID TABLES* SILVER HOUSE, MAIN NTKUTi SILVER OITY, - - NEVADA Board and iodglag Ml per Moatk. ■ LIZA BINItlTTf. CIQAKS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY. O. H. GALLUP, /VFFOMTB THI BANE OF GOLD BILL. comuntlj on kao4 til Um teroriw IMPORTED oioam. All kM ifCt«wlwtrtMiii niM. Cat\x=req-\ larvt T•»«, futr b«MU MnI ■aalMi *W wtatlaaarr mf all P—rljttaaa. ASSCtSMERT NOTICE. Scorpion Silver Mining Co. abbesement no. o. .U LnM — Fatraarr I, 1MBI 10. ItMI of OaW»....— Marafc Sit 1MB UBO. B. fePIkBET. IMMV Offlw-B^om^U^R0. 110 Flat HIM, J. U. HALL M. Bm PHYSICIAN AM suroion.