Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXY. GOLD HILL. 8TOBEY Ctt. NEVADA:; WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 2. 1881. NO. 6323. THE EVENING NElfttf hiNbM eeae? day (Baadaya aseapleilj. iV *« HBWI PBBUMUI« co. CCT* Entered at tba Oold Bill poaloOoe aa **ooad-cUaa matter. TUMI. «,«.« year, tor *»" <* Iipreea .«• 00 4li »UU »— —%-Ir:f n. Mii) ,W 0*11 farad la Ootd HllT V&*i2a. BltvarOtty Oaraoa, Daytom, Mr, atL. at TWEMTY-FIVI CENTS PCI VEIL Payable to tke Camera. ■Ml MVrmilM UMTS. 0. W. OBANB. Noe. 318 Pin* and 10 Laldaadirtf .tree* : : Baa Fraaeiaoo OAOWIM * A.LLXN. : s s Oaraoa OUy W. X. LAN'*. : j . laniraOit) ft. M. JAMISON, : : : : Baoo O. OBKNOWKTB, s j s VIummm NIW YORK. 3. B. Bim. : : 41 Park Bow ft. K. rimMnx A Co.,: : tl Park Bo» Oao. P. Bowbia, A Oo.. 10 Bprnoe Street Tna Pun may be found on ftle in New Tork at tba newipaper aceoelaa of J. B. Bate*. 41 Park Bow; ft. X. Petten(iU A Co., ST Park'Bow, and Oao. P. Bowall A Co.. 10 Spraee a treat CCLTDIID CORVUUTlOaa I mm up in a ear the other day, With two jouth* who talked in J ait thia way— "Hion weather we're having. Haw'e trade?" they began. "Looking op down our way," and ao the talk ran. "Joat heard at the club that you're on the ■take: Engagid to an heireee. True, ia it? Let'a ihikn. The old gentleman left her no end efea»h; Soft thing you're having; ita awfully ■aah. "There'* only one drawback, aha'a got too much tin." "Oh. cone, none a( that, now; it'a really tow thin." "Oo to ehurch Sunday morning?" "Yee; got there quite late. But met all the gula aa they eame out the gate." "Did you take In the hall?" "No; too much eipenae. Looked in at the Oratorio—found It la\x=req-\ "Do you leave at tbia Corner? Ah, have a cigar?" "Tea, thanka, I will." Then they both ■aid "Ta-ta." — Biftun Traiuerljil. The Goblin Baaker. Tbit trick should always Da tna concluding on* ol a performance, aa will be Men. Plaoe od a table. in (all tiaw ol Ik* ap>o«aioM. lbs boat* ctgi ol can\x=req-\ ariti, a cb>fing diab and a aaltcr oovtrrd by a plsin whits bandk-rcbitf and a lightrd caudle ol hino wax. Paaa lb* salver around, Baking each ol tka guests to plaoe on tk* handkerchief a ooiu, gold if poeeible, after marking tka name so as to ba readily rroognitrd il ka ahoald ater act it again. While tying np tba handksrsbisf, aaj "Coma in" in • loud voics. Everybody will look at tba door, whm yon can slip tka bag into your pocket, (obeliluting another handkerchief filled with broken china. Light aome epirita in tba chaflug diab, dropping tba supposed coin into the Haute, into whicb yon also throw alx embroiderrd handkerobiefs and thrrs ivory (ana, collected from tba audience. Next, cat off the canaries' beada and ram them into a horse-pistol, which fired at tba cbaflag diab, over wbich you bars previously placed an inlaid buz with a double tales lid and dummy hingea. Then, requesting tba audience to watch tbs box abarply, ao tbat tbers may b« no deception, yon paaa into tba nsit room, wbers yoor contederate awaita yon with your bat and ulater. Rapidly aaauming these, yon dsecmd togeibsr through tbs kitcben, and, leaving by tka alley gale, prooeed at once to lbs depot, and take tba flrat train to aorna remote village, wbers yon difide. This is tbs best gobbling trick known. Tbs habit of American girls marrying Italian conuta has aWk-ned a little of lata. A Ills of following around a hand organ and paaaing Ibe tambourine for penniaa ia not as sttractiva aa formerly. A Boaton newspaper aomawhat aar\x=req-\ csstlcnlly ram arks: "Tbs polica of New York are bring vaccioatrd. lint wbat'a the uae of it ? They nafsr catch anything." " What ia your wile'a particular little gamr ?" aak-tl a friend ol a henpecked buaband. " Whan shs becomes thoroughly mad," haanawersd, "it is draw poksr." ■IHt'KLUXKUIIS. THE ARGONAUT, AN AXKBICAN JOURNAL o» Polllka, Literature, society aid Bat Ire. PCBLISBSD AT SAX FBAXCUCO, CAL nriaa aroonaut is a amxsirrATivi * Joarnal or xnxrtcaa td*a» ud literature 11 to tburoacbl; lu.t*p.Lj«ot la It* •nt.wia. trraUotm ut id* topic* o( b* day It aim* K «!*• th* beat rank ro.M lnrraturaob<tlu«blr aa wall •• ihr current fu>d thia«a ol iba pn»a II ia paMUbad «ntl. m M pot T—r- •* « Itr tlx mooia.; |IM w tbrav m,nlb». pay abto la adaaac*. acut postpaid «.n tacrM o prta.'. ap*cliu«a civy f t fraa. Atonn TUC AH* 2IAUT," tit California Mttcl, ttoi Fraaclaoo. Cal. JaM CI BARS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY O. H. GALLUP, 41PPOMTS TIB BANS OF GOLD BILL coaataailj oo hand all tba tarvjlti IMRORTKD CIGARS, AM fctoda afOnrtM Tabaera. Pip—. Cal lary, Taj a, Faacy i.aada Mehaal •U DaaarlMtea MANHOOD RESTORED. A TNila of «art7 Imprad- aoa, caarlof I ooa dabUlty. ptaaalara dacar. alo.baTlBi Utoi la »ala a*ar» kaowa mad;, baa dtowarad i ■Uapk a»m at aaif cur* «Ucl ha will aaM baa to bla fallow aalbrafa. Addiaw 1. H ivaa. di — rn_ ». r acU A BILL FMVieriCOBSOUDATEO SYSTEM •r BOVERNMOT —rom TIE\x=req-\ COUNTY OP 8TOK£Y. THE CITY OP VIRGINIA AND THE TOWN OP GOLD HILL. A>4 to Provide for tke PijinI of Iko Exlsllag IllOkltdNU of Sold cur »»d Tow*. Tk* Hrvfilt of lit Slatt of Xtmdn, rty- I rtttahd Staalt and A—rmbty, du tnael at fulluxt : Sectiok 1. From and after the day of May, A. D. 1881, there shall b« no arp\x=req-\ ante government, or offloera or mlm of revenue. for lb« City of Virginia or the Town of Gold Hill; bat for aald purposes Mm above mentioned corporatione shall be sociated and consolidated with the county of Storey in accordance with tbe pro vision* of tbia Act. and all lawa or parta of la»a relating to tba government of either of aaid corporations. or creating offleera therefor, or having relation to raising revenue therefor. or disbursing tbe aame, or to paying any indebledntae thereof, so far | aa the aame aball oonfiict with tba provia\x=req-\ iona of thia Act, are berebv repealed. 8ic. 3. The publio building* lands and I property, all righta of property and righu of action, and all moneys revenues and income belonging or appertaining to the corporations of tbe Town of Ould Hill or the City of Virginia are hereby declared to be veeted in and to appertain and belong to the county of Storey, except a* otherwise provided in tbia Act; and all moneys in tbe treasuries of aaid corporations, and all tbe revenure and income, from whatever eoaree arising, includiog delinquent tan a upon persons and property appertaining to either of aaid corporations. shall be bauded over, paid and received into the treasury ot the county of | Storey, except aa otherwise herein provided; and all records, books and papers I in the custody of either of said corporations shall be, on or before tbe — tb dsy of May, 1881, banded over to and received by tbe officers of tbe county of Storey, who. by the lerma of thia Act, ahall beoome tbe | proper custodians of the same. Sic. 3. All ot tbe eiiating provisions of | law defining the powera and duties of county officers, except County Commissioners, so far aa the aame are not repealed or al- ! tered by tbe provlsiona of thia Act, shall be considered aa applicable to the officers of the county of Storey. See. 4. The Board of County Commis-1 sionera ef the county of Storey, in addi\x=req-\ lion to the powers already conferred by I other lawa. ahall have power and jnriadic- [ tion in tbe county— 1. To institute and maintain any init or I auita in any court or oourta neceeaary, in tbe judgment of said Board, to enforce and maintain any rigbtorrigbtaof tbe Town of OoldUill or the City of \ irginit whieb may have accrued prior to the -Ih day of May, 18X1. All each suits shall be instituted and proeccuted in tbe uame of the Board [ of County Commissioners of Storey county. for the use and benefit of tbe inbabi tanta of aaid town or city, aa tbe caee may I be, and aball be eutitled accordingly in all pleediugs and proceedings. 3. To regulate the atorage of gunpowder and other explosive or combustible mate-1 rlala within aaid connty. 3. To prevent and remove nnisancea, and to determine what are uulaaucee. 4 To fix and collect a license tax on and I regulate all theater ana tneairiesi per\x=req-\ formance*. circuaaes, shows, billiard table*, bowling ali*y*, and all exhibition* and aauaamenta; to fix and collect a lioeo** tax on and regulate all taverna, hotel* and reatanranu, aaloona, bar-room*, banker*, broker*, gold-dust buyer*, manu\x=req-\ facturer*, livery tulles and * table keep\x=req-\ er*. exprea* companies and peraon* engagnl in the business of tranemitling tetter* or package*, and atag* companies or owner* whose place of biuinen i* in *aid county, or who ahall have an agency therein; to fix and collect a licen** tax on and regulate, Srobibit and a oppress all tlppllng-bouie*. ram-ahop*, raffle*, hawker*, peddler* and Cwobrokera, refreshment or coffee ctand*. uth* and abed*; to tlx and collect •' licente ux on and regulate all gaming, games of chance, bankiug gamea and gambling houses; alao, to dx and collect a liceuse ux upon all professions, tradee or business not heretofore specified. having regard to the amount of busineaa done by each peraon or drm thu* liceuied; to prohibit, *ui>pree* or regulate disorderly huuae* and houae* of ill fame, and to confine the aame within certain prescribed limit*. The Tax Collector ahall demand from each peraou and firm, and from the President, Secretary, Cashier. Treasurer, Muperinteadentor Managing Agent of each corporation, association or company liable to procure a license nndA this subdivision, during the drat fen day* of the last mouth of each quarter thereafter, a sworn statement iu writing of the amount of buaine** doue during tne prior two months; and. for the purpose of ascertaining the rate of license, the monthly average for the prior two months, and thereafter for the preceding ur<i two month* of each quarter, ahall conautute the monthly average for the whole quarter. If any peraon or Arm, or the President, Secretary, Cashier, Treasurer, superintendent or Managing Agent of any corporation, association or cempany witbiu the limite of the connty of tttorey ahall neglect or refuse, on demand of the Tax Collector, to give under oath or affirmation the statement required by this seo Uon. within five dsys after such demand, or shall give a false name, or shall refute to gtve hi* or her name, or ahall refuse to verify such statement, he or ah* shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and ahall be ar\x=req-\ reeted upon the rum plat a I of the Tax Collector, aud upon conviction thereof, he or she shall be punished by a fine in any sum not leaa than iW nor more than $3U0. or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding ISO day*, or by both inch fine and impruonmeut, at the diacre\x=req-\ lion uf the Court. i. To establish a Board of Health to I ire vent the introduction and spread of (IHf Uf 6. To miti or adopt oyiaw* ana ordinances not r*nugn*nt to the Constitution and Uwi of tn* United State* or ol the 8 tat* ol Nevada. All ordinance* *ball b« 1 published in oo* or mora newipaper* pub\x=req-\ IiaheU la said county, within on* weak alter their pasaage, for the period of ten dare. 7. To fix and pr**orib* the punishment for the violation of any ordinanoe, bat no fin* aball be lmpueed for on* ollena* in any a am greater than $300, and no term of impriaooment aball be prwerlbed for mor* than aix month*. 8. To lay oat or extend, open, alter or repair all »treats, tnd provide for opening, I grading, widening, draining, cleaning and 1 lighting, or otberwiae improving the earn*; ' also, to provid* for th* construction, repair, preeerration and cleaning of aide walk*, croe* walks, bridge*, **w*r* and drain*; to pre rent o be mictions being 1 *Mted or pi*—d in any ot the itreeta, i alky* or aidawalka, or the us* ol any **w era or drain* or eesapool*. and (or t|M r*> moral ot the **me; to oompal the owner* of lota and property to bear the ezpeaae of erecting sidewalk* or improving the road or street In front of the aame by apecial tax or othetwtoe; to employ polloe\x=req-\ men and praeerlbe their datiea and oom\x=req-\ penaatloa and provide for the government and regulation of the aame. 9. To provide for the prevention and extinguiabmant of Area; alao, to organise, regulate, establish, loaate or dlahand lire and hoee companies. 10. To uae the labor of tbe prisoners im\x=req-\ priaonad in the County Jail in aaoh a manner aa said Board may deem proper; provided, that nothing in this sub-division ahall be ao oonalrned as to authorise aald' Board to eetabllah a chain-gang. Bio. S. The Justloee of the Peaoe within the coonty of Storey ahall have jariadio\x=req-\ tion of all violations of ordinancea oom\x=req-\ milted within the limits of their respective townships. Bsc. 6. All flnee, penalties and forfeitures coming to the hand* of any Justice of the Peaoe in aald oounty, In cases arising under any ordlnanoe, ahall be by him paid into the County Treaaurv, under oath, on the drat Monday of each month; provided, that the ooets and feee allowed by law to aucb Juatioee and other o(Boers ■ay be deducted from said fines, forfeitures aud penalties before making auoh payment. Bsc. 7. The Sheriff of the county of Storey aball be ex-ofllclo Chief of Police, and it ahall bs bia doty and the duty of any policeman appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to execute and return all pruoeaaes issued by any Juatioe of the Peaoe within tbe Umita of Storey oounty, in cases of violation of any ordinance or directed to him or them by any legal authority, and it shall be bis and their duty to attend upon tbe Justloea' Courts of aaid oounty whenever there ia any business before said courts, in wbieh the Couuty Commissioners of Btorey county are a parly thereto. He, or aoy policeman, ahall arreat all persona guilty of a breach of the peace or other offense committed in bis or tbeir presence, and all persous guilty of a breach of any ordl\x=req-\ nanoe. and take Ibem before tbe Justice of tbe Peace in tbe township in which the offense may have been oommitted. for trial or examination. Tbe Chief of Polioe and all policemen shall perform such other duties as the County Commissioners of Slurry county may utreci. Sic. 8. The present Fire Departments of the City of Vistula ma the Town of Oold Hill shell remain *ep*rate and distinct, and each shall retain it* prevent organization and officer*, aud the law* and ordinances now In force reepecting the officer* of aaid departments. their election and the internal arrangement of their affairs, ao far aa not in conflict with the prorisione of thia Aot, remain in force, and when, hjr said lawa or ordinances, duties are imposed or powrra conferred in relation to said departments on the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Virginia or the Trustees of the Town of Oold Hill, the same ahall be exercised and performed by the Board of County Commissioners of Storey county. Both of aaid departmenta ahall be under the control of the Board of Coanty Commissioners, who •hall alone have the power to authorize ezpenditurea of money in respect to the same, and to audit and allow all bills therefor, aud to flx and regulate the salaries aud compensation of all officer* and employes connected therewith, and all offioera and employes ahall be removable at the pleasure of tho Board. 8*e. 9. From and after the —th day of May, 1881, no money ahall be paid out of the Treasury of the City of Virginia or out of the Treasury of the Town of Oold Hill, and all moneys In eithtrof said Treasuriea shall, on aaid named day, be paid orer by the Treasurers of aaid corporations to the Treaaurerof the county of Storey, and all taxee heretofore levied by tbe City of Virginia or Its officer*, or tbe Town of Oold Hill or its officers, upon property of any character within tho limit* or Jurisdiction of said corporation* and remaining unpaid en the -thdayof Mar, 1881, shall be paid Into the Treasury of the county of Storey, and shall be due and parable at such tlmee aa by the law* under which such taxee were leried. they were or would hare been due, to *aid corporations respectirely. The ra\x=req-\ lidity of the lery of aaid taxes shall be In no win impaired by any of the prorlsious of thi* Act, and the laws and ordioaucee in power governing the collection of the same *ball be in full force in all respects for the purpose of compelling payment ef tbe same to tbe said county of Storey in the same manner as. but for this Aot, payment might hare been oompelled to aaid municipal corporations. The Treasurer, Tax Collector, Assessor, Auditor, County Clerk and District Attorney of Storey county shall take the place of the officers performing like duties under aaid municipal corporation*, aa to the collection of aaid tale*, and" the latter ihall forthwith deli ver to tbe said officers of Storey county all book* and papere relating to the same, or belonging to their said offices. 8tc. lu. All moneys due or to become due for licenses issued or granted prior to v * 77 d,y of 1881 • bT ,h# City of V irgiuia or by tbe Town of Oold Hill, and remaining unpaid on said day. aball be paid into tbe Treasury of the county of Storey at tbe same tlmee and under the aame regulations, except so far aa altered by tbu prorision* of this Act. as tbe same at aaid date may be due and payable to aaid municipal Corporation*, and all mon\x=req-\ eya due on tbe day of May. 1881, or thereafter to become due, to either of aaid corporations on account of back taxes or claim* against individuals or corporations or any other aoconnt, shall In like manner be paid into tbe Treasury of the county of Storey. Sko. 11. All ordinance* of tbe City of Virginia or the Town of Oold Hill, In force on the day of May, 1881, ahall, ao far aa tbe aame are not in oonfllot with the provisions of this Act, be and remain in full force and effect; but nothing in this section contained ahall be conatruod aa restricting tbe power of tbe Board of County Commissioners in paaslng, adopting or repealing ordlnancee. Printed copies of ordlnancee purporting to have been made and published by tbe authority of tbe Board of Aldermen of tbe City of Virginia or the Board of Trustees of tbe Town of Oold Hill shall be competent evidence of tbe exiatenoe and contents of such ordinances. BSC. 12. Th« Bo*r<l 01 touuiy womiuif •loner* of Storey county, for the pnrpoM of paying the principal mil interest due or to become due on the bond* l**ued Id conformity with the prorlnloM of an Act of the Lrgiilatura of thli State entitled "An Aot to legalix* certain contract* mad* by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Virginia. Storey connty, State of Nevada, and the Virginia and Oold Hill Water Company, of the tame plice, and for the lssuanoe and tale of bond* for the payment of *ald indebtedness thereby incurred." approved January 23,1877, ahall levy and can** to be collected an ad valorem tax not to exceed St upon each4100 of all the taxable property, real, personal and mixed, *ubject to taxation for other purposes, within the limit* of the City of Virginia, a* defined in an Act of the Legislature approved March 1, 1877, and entitled "An Act to reincorporate the City of Virginia and to provldf for the government thereof, and to rapeal all other lawa la relation thereto." Said tax ahall be levied, a*ae**ed and oolleoted at the *am* time, and la the *ame manner, and by the ■am* offloer*,' a* prescribed and provided la the raveaoe law* of tb* State for the ooUsetloa of Stat* and oounty tax**. All tb* proviaiona of tb* legislative Aot bere\x=req-\ lnbefore aotUUd gad approved January 93, 1877. and at lb* Aots amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, shall remain in tall lore* and effect, sxoeptas ohanged by the terms of thU Act. A»>d wherever In aaid' sp titled Aot, approved January 23,1877, dr In the Aot* amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, or by other laws, a duty to lmpoaed upon or a power granted to the Mayor or Board of Aldermen of the Cityof Virginia, or upon the City Treasure or Otty Tax Colieotor, or OUy Clerk, each doty or power shall be and hereby Is Imposed and oonfsrrod upon the Board of County Commissioners of Htorej ooonty, or apoftbe County Treasurer, County Asses** or Ooonty Clerk, respectively, as Uw-osse may be, and wherever to said Ms the words City Treasury oocor, ths%ords Ooonty Trees\x=req-\ ury shall bs inserted In lieo thereof. Sac. 18. The Board of Ooonty Oommis\x=req-\ eioners of Storey ooonty, for the purpose of psyiug the principal and interest duo, or to become du% on the outstanding bonds heretofore Issued by the Town of Qold Hill, shall Isvy a*d cause to bo ool\x=req-\ leoled an ad valorem tu not to sxoeed $1 upon each $180 of all Ike taxable property', real, personal and Miasd, subject to taxa* tion for other ^Orposta, within the limits of the Town of Quid ail, as defined in an Aot of the Legtotalure^ntitled **Ao Aot to incorporate the Town of Qold Hill," approved March 8, 1871. Bald tax ahall be levied annually and colleoted at tits earns time and in the eame manner and by the time officers as prescribed and provided in the revenue laws of this State for tba collection of State aud county taxee; and the reveuue laws of this Stats shall, in svsry respect, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Aot, be deemed spplicable and eo held to the levying, asseeslng and collecting of said tax. All moneys collected or reoeived under and by virtue of the provisions of thia section shall be paid to the County Treasurer, and shall by hiiu be eel apart as a special fund, to be known as the Qold Hill Jtedsmptlon fund, and all moneys coming into said fund are hereby appropriated for the payment of principal and interest of the bonds issued by the Town of Qold Hill and outstanding at the time of the passage of this Act. Bco. 11. From and after the first Monday in January, 1888, the Board of County Commissioners of Storey county shalloon\x=req-\ sist of three members, ooe of whom shall be an actual resident of Township No. 8 and one of whom ahall bo an actual reel\x=req-\ deni of Township No. 8 of eaid oounty, as said townships now exist, and the salaries of said Commissioners shall not exoeed the sum of ttiOU per year each. ORDINANCE NO. IIS. AN ORDINANCE la ir.TUt far Ua Urr el Tas«* *a K- M Ml Peraeaal |jr<>arlr wlibla tka T.wa al UaM JPMWd April», 1MU.] miiK board or tuuhtxu or ools A UUI du ordain: MtcnoM I. Ao annual ad Taloram tu or on* and uue quarter per centum upon ID* v.lue ol Liibte , rupcrtr wltbln ibe Town ot Gold UUl u luTud and dirtctod lo ba coilwud lor town vurpuMa upon the niwi Tain* of all ■ ucti laubie t ru, eriy mad* linhla vjr ika law. iif tula lata lor aula and ct.uniy purpo***, la cludiug Ul* Ml proved, of Ua mluaa. uo. Tbe taxea KTlvd bjr eccuun 1 of tble ordiuauqa, and 10 ba am.i »tl and ooll*ci*d iu aceordaiioa wl.n lb* truvlalona of as ordlnanca •ullU*d, *' An urdiu >oc* to ptorlda lor lha Utj »n j cjllactlou ol lue* on real aud poreonal proiwrtj wtliiiu tba Town of Gold Hill." pautd April IV, IMI; and alao. an ordinance eutitied, An ordinance i<» imieid* lor lh» UaM aad iuuinar ul aacartalnlng tba ralaaot tba net pru u«d« of mtii*» I t tba parpoaa oi taxation, and to proTide fur tba oolUsUon of ancb iaxt«. L. T. ¥ or, Prwldmt of tba Board of TrniUM of tba Town ofUoldUlll. Atleat: W. 0. uide, Olerk of tba Board. At a uaatiiitf of lb* board ol Trnatoaa if tba Town of uuld U l.. bald aprli 1», IMl, cull\x=req-\ nance No. Ill waa paaaad bjr >ba foliowlnn Total Vnaa-lriuiaee Mtrcw, Otucuj and fml. danl Fox. Aoeeni—Truat*** WoUaj and I-emery. _m W. U. MYDK, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO.»®. AN OUDINANCK la aalhartaa lha la. aaaara af a Mead for the rerreee ef Hariawlaa 'inner la Hade*ai Iba fieatiaa uabl al tba Taeta at Uald Ulll. (Pua*d J on* 7th. 1M0.1 rpill BOARS or TltUBTKKS OF GOLD A Hill do u data: Deo 1. Tbe F.aaldent tod Clerk of the Board, of Tru.teeeof ibit Town of Sola Hill are bere\x=req-\ by autbn.lied aud required to lime one Bond of the Town o> Cold Hill lb Um ram of Fire Thousand Jollare Uulied HUM* (old ootn. bio. a. Tbe eaid Bond rbaJl be to such lonn m lb* Prwldeni and Ulerk of Mid Board mar prescribe, tod shall be to Ue effect UM the Town of uold Hill 1< bono J ud boldeu »i.d will pay to til* bolder ,-f Mid Bond lb* Mm of money turned therein on tbe flitaentb day of Urtober nail, with Interest ibercon at lb* raia o one par cant, par uoutb. United aUtae Ko.a coin, lmaiaet payable quarterly. Mao.«. Tbe u»ooty received from ibe eale of •aid ItuDd all all be need lor tba puruoee ol paying off tba fluauon debt of tba Town ol 0»ld Hill. HBo. 4 Tbla Ordinance to Uka effect and be in lorce fiua aud af'er ita paeaafe and ona week's publ .cation In tba Oolu UOJ. Dailt Nl*». L. T. rox. President of tba Board of Trnataea of tbe Town of Oold Hill. Atteet: W. O. Htdb. Cierk of tba Board, on iuollon.Ontluai.ce Mo. US, aa read, wu paa«d by tlia following Tote: Ay«e — Trueteve Mtrcur, Daachr. Letnery, HcOardj aud Preeldenl Fox. W. o. htm. Clark of tba Hoard. ORDINANCE NO. 117. AN ORDINANCE (• Authorise Ik* Iaaa\x=req-\ fiea.i Heed. la i.laa if a ad far ika N'H • af eaaealilas UeBda Naa. Itu aad 104. [Paaard September#, 1M0.) fTIHK BOARD OF TB08T1S8 0» THX A Town ol Oold Hill du ordain. MICTION 1. Tba President and Clerk of tba Boar4.vf Trnataea of tbe Bald Town of Oold Hill are ban-by autbortiad and nqnlrad to laeoa Bouda of tba l own of Oold HlIi In tba iota of Tan Toooaand Dollars United Mat I void cola. mo. 3. Tb- ««ld Bonds abail be In aneb f-rm m tbe President a .d Clerk of Mid Board mat prescribe accordin* to law and Ordinance, and anail be to tbe effect tbat tba Town of Oold Hill 1* boabd and boidao ud will paj to tna boldara of aald bond, tba enm ot u.oney named therein in United steles (old coin, o ■ tna 14th day of Attduat. IMt. wltb laiarrat thereon at tba rata ol ona par cant per month, in Uka fold ooln. lot- net payable quarterly. Hbo *. bald Bouda eball be I.toad and aaad for tbe parp-iaa or redeeming and eaooelllni H mda Hoe. lul and 104 of tba Towm of Oold Ulll. 8ao. 4. Tbla Ordlnanca akall Uka affect and be In roroe from and after Ita paeeafe.SDd lipub\x=req-\ lication lor ona waak la tba 0ou> Htu Daili 9bw*. Approved: L. T. FOX, Prealdent of tba Board of Trnataea of tba Town of Uold Hill. Attaat: W. O. Htdb. Olerk. On motion Ordlnanca Ho. UT, u read, wia paa«ed by tba lollowln* rota: Ayea—Truftaea Mercer, Da achy and Freal\x=req-\ dent Fox. Absent—TnutaM Lerncry ind HcOurdj. • W. O. HTDB. Clerk of tba Board. To Comstock Mine Owners. A QIHOY AND 8CPIJUKTTNDEWQT SO\x=req-\ A udiod. nada Blalaa * (pwtaltT tor lb* PMt tVMtr J—It; UlO, harta* bM Crloiulr BMOClaUd with oorponto laauttrlw Mai JW. 1 •» thoroagtalj quilled to ftltbrollr p«tara trerj rvqaUwuet m Agnt or BaptruundMi »nd o8*r mw MtrtoM U tb* ■ wotkla* r' I allow ice prteat: Aetlro working $100 to $100 per month; Don working alsM. tza^t annul holding work, to |w pw moatb. LLTfOBO. ■UM7 nuUi *' 9-4 *% fiBERirr'S 81 LIS. SHERIFF'S SALE Vtr DeHaaaaat Tun far tba Plaral Year fcadlua Itactabrr Slat) A. D. I MM. UNDIB AMI) BT VlhTCBOr rODR Sir lerent-execution* lamed out of the Jo*\x=req-\ tioe'a Ooort of To *nabp No. S, of the Town or On d Bill. county of etore*. H Ma of Narad a. to tna duly directed and dellvered.dat d FiIwit Utfc, A. U. J Ml. upon .our diffeirnt Jodjtmeat* recovered In pa d Court i.n taa • b da; t f Vai.raarjr.A.•*. ImsI. and on rtoord in mi4 O.urt, la favor ol tba Mate of Nevada, plaint If and agaiuat tba lulluwlidr uamed defenuauia IM reel eeiate, aod p eeee-ory clatiaa and ia pro V votes la tnrieou, Utgeilin Wllii coal* aud aipaoaaa of aal«; aod la purau.uee of law 1 (lull axpoaa lor aala at public auction, la front of tba Ouuri-boure d. ore, la tba of Vlr\x=req-\ (IBU, S.or»7 coaaiy. tfiau > f Nevada. between tba boura 01 • o'clock a. d B o'clock r. ai, via: at 11 o'cl ck noon,on TUaSDAV. tbaMd »ay Of MA* 11, A D. 1(01, an unco of «acb pared of laad hereinafter daacrlbad, togetber •lib tba Improtemrnie therein. aa »h*U bo Baoaaaary to eailaly iba aald execution* aa i all ooat«, la gold oom of tba Unled Hiataa; all of >aid property being alioata la Htuirjr county, Bum oi fterada. And la aeiieniely dti-cri b«*i aa folloaa, to wit i I Saropa Mining Company aad land and laproraiaawia a.,utu oi tba Ward Mining Cooipany. Uold lilll. Amount $81 Of Tb-e. Carroll aod part of lo. s. bmck 1, range O; aod pait of l"t M, block 1, range B. Oo d Bill. Am uut MOO1 Original Ould Bill Min,ng Company and lot U. b.ock l, lauice u, Uold Hill. Amount M 01 Jamea Trvmalii aod nan of lot 0, block 11,range O, Uold Bui. Amount..... 40 10 . W J. BANK!). fall Sheriff of storey county, Nevada. SHERIFF'S SALE far Orllaeueot Taiaa Far th* Flaaal Year December illal. A. 11, I^O. UNDFB AND BY VIKTOB OP FOUR DIP\x=req-\ farsiit • l*au*d nut of tba Ju«\x=req-\ lloc'i Court ol luwmblf No S, ot tb« Town of UoM Hui,c«ant* of tf or*/. statu ol »a*ada, 10 ma duly dlmU d ud d- Irtrtd. daicd Feb nur» 1Kb. A. I). iMl upon four diffj cut)»dg. iu< nta r corand lo m d O.'U.t ou ititi »■ B ila, ot February, a. 1) mil ami no nc id n **hl i ourt, In fkror of Ui« tiiau- i.f Nevada, • lalnttfl. tad u»lu-i tta« r i>u»liin naoed d.feuaann tod real aetata, and pofnn-^rj claliue and lui\x=req-\ provamaula win c..»t- aud eipasrea of >aie; on i lu purmauea of lav 1 auall tzpoaa for Ml* at public auction. In tr ol of lb'' Couit-bou-a doora, lu the cltjf of V.r glola, 8loia; c»ualy. Stale ol NrTada. between lb» boor* of I o clock A M and t o'cioek r. M , via; at It o'clock iuou.oh WftUNfcfeDAY. tba 33d da) o( MAHclI. A. li. ro uiueti'of each parc«> of laud her<li aittr described. together wltb Iba tmpiOTau.aut« tberrvo, a< tbail be nrcea.arj lo raU«f) ilia nM ex.cuilune aud all coat-, la fold colli oi lbs Ud 1x0 la e»; all of aald pro,arty belux rituaia In Hlorejr cnuui J State of Naradi, an J la a«p.r*>eljr dvacrlbau aa folio**, to t»U: William Warn* and lot 41, block 1, range (J UolJ HI I 130 M Bobrn Lowrrj aud I 14, blink I, range J, UoM Hill. amount U 03 A. La Ira and lot* 30 and 37. block 1, ranga 0. Uulu Hill Auiuum 74 4) Gold lllll Tunorl rompaujr auu t««t HI frat of loi 1, bloc. 3. rauga u; and Ktof lot 18. bi<-ck 6, r.i'ga Ci and d and Improvement aaai of Imperial Mill alia, UolJ Hi.l amount. 39 90 W. i. HtNKd. hit Sheriff < I Htorcjr couut.., Nevada. SHERIFF'S SALE Far OcllMaeat Tuara far ilia Flacal Krar l)a<a«b(r Sllati A. I). ItUMI. ■. UKDIR AND BY TlKTCK Of FtVjt DIP\x=req-\ frrrni ex*-U'lou* iwmd oul ol lb# Ju* Uce'* Court ol <p«n«li'|i No. X, of lb* Town of Uold Mill, county ol Stny. Hut* or Nev«d«. to ffl« uuly directed uiii d UTeird iiaUni K. i)\x=req-\ ruary I4tb, A. D. Ml. opou fl»c diff« cut Jud*\x=req-\ muurtouf>n>l lu aaidl) an on iiiotibdayol February, A. 1). ml. *nd od record m Mid Court, (11 ferorol tb* Side ol Nevada, plaintiff, and »K>i' «t the lollowin* u*m«l dmtudinu And Ml e*t*te. ai.d po*<««*> ry ciauin lud lu.. proveioenu Unit ton, lO.eti tr wilb coot* aud UMMW of Mir; aod lu puranauce ot law I •bail tipoft lor rata at public auction, lo front 01 tba uonrt-LOuae doore lo tbe city 01 Virginia. Storey couu.r, Ha • of No tad a, b> taten tb« bonra ol Bo'clo>k A. x nod 4 o'clock r. x . »u: It o'c ock noon ou Monday. lb- 2l*t day of MAKCll, A. 1>. IMI1. ao much ufraou pare*I of laud ber ina'ttr (ie*crtbe.i, tog.tbrr wl b tbe Improvement* tbenon, a* abail ba uaceaaary to aalltfy lb* paid violation* and a.I coata, Id (old com of tba bul<ad tttalae; all 01 aald properly b- id.' tltiiatt lo S.oret county. State of Nevada, and 1* uparateiy dcacrlbed aa lollowa, 10 wit: R. Marcoux and land aod Improves mvuiaon Auiarlcan Flat. Amount.. Hi) ao K. J. Hamilton and lota llx aod 13, * block «, range 0, uold Illil. Amount. JJ 42 A. B. Uallay aud Dart of lot 44, bloc* I, ran it* X, Uold Mill. Amount 80 M A. Cai r* and 1 na t an I 4. block 6, rang* U, Uold UIII. Amount 4* It P. Oillaban and lota 14 24. *#. -.4 and W, block «, rang* 0. Uold BUI. Amouat 49 06 W. i. BANKB. fait Sheriff of 8tor«y county, Na>ada. THE SUN FOR 1881. ■Terybody read* Tan Hew. la the edltlom of IhU newepaptr throughout the year to come everybody will find: I. All (taa world'e cewa, io preaeotrd ihtt tbe iMdM will get tli* greateet tmuttoi of Information with the leaat unprofliable expenditure ol time and .ye»Uhl Thb bob long ago diacov. ered the Kolden mean b-iwaau mduudaiit lull\x=req-\ neee and umallaiacorj bn vlty. II. Macb ol • hat eurt ol im we which dependa lata opoo Ita r#c..*iiiaid tun ortaoca tha > upon In lntarrai 10 mai.k.nd. From mora lav to laotuli'i Tub bum prima a tout ea<d .to y of tba Urea ai real airu and wouru, and ol tb' Ir daada, plans lorra, bttaa too troubled. 'I bla it rr 1* moie va led and mo<* inureetlug thau any rowan, e that wap «r«r daeuai. Ol uood writing in i»iry coiuuju. tod freeb\x=req-\ nee*. originality, aciurac,, and dacoraia to tbe treatment ol erery aubject IV. Hoaeat comment. I hi »c*'a habit la to apeak oat tneu aud thiaga. V. iqual eaador In da >11 g wl'h each polltl. cal i hrty, and equal read na a to commend what lapraia.wor.Ljr or t.< rebuke what la burnable In Democrat or Kepubllcan. VI. Abaolato Independence ol partlaan organ lxatloa, bat nnweverlng 10 true lieino\x=req-\ ci alio onnclpiue 1i> dvb belleti a that tba gote ameat wblch tba Ouuailtauou givaa na la a g. od oaa to keep itai.otin ot duty la .o riaiat to Ita utmoat powir iba effort* ui u»n in tha Hepub lean parly to eet up another lorui »f government ia pia a of ibai which exMa. Tbe year lWI and toe <aara tmmedtet«l» following will probably decide tbla eupreuirly lm,ort»m conteet Tib bOK bu l re* ibat the victory will be with the people aa iba Hihge fpr monopoly, the Hioga for plunder, and tha Hinge for lmneral power Our terma are aa fo'lowa: For tbe Dally bub.a four-pane abeetoftwei t»\x=req-\ eight columna, tbe p'lca • > uiall. poai-pald. la M crnta a monib, or M <M> a year; or. Inclnd\x=req-\ log the Monday paper, aa eight page abeet oi flu j. a x columna, tbe price la Mceate a month, or 97 19 a rear, poetage paid. Tba Sunday edition of Tai Sim la alao for\x=req-\ n la bad Mpvataly al |l Hoi jeer, poatage paid Tba prioe of tb Wxbbli eon. et»bi pagea, flfty-alx columna, la 91 a year, poetage paid. For clobe of ten aehdlng llll we will eend an TJZ2T' I. W. ENGLAND, > ubliaher of Till bun. New T«rk City. MO PATENT, AO PA*. PATENTS OBTAINED FOB MHCB4NI0AL DKVI0B8. V/ medical or other comouuiida, ornamental •IfBOMDl •UBMtta trad* nuU and labaia. Camli Aa\x=req-\ iW, lnterfereoere. UinatfcBMLta and __ aattata relating to t'ataiiU prt-mptlj attended to Wa make preilmlnaty examloatlooa and fornlah optnlooa a* to patentability, Ova of efcarge.aad all whoara Interested Id new Iuyen\x=req-\ Don a aad Patent • are invited to tend lor a cow of oar "Oolda for Obtaining Faltnta," which la tact (ha to U7 addrraa. and contain* com\x=req-\ Plata ln«tmctlon* how t<> obtain Patacta, aad other valuable matter. Darin# the Met Are reara wa.hara obtained nearl* three thooaand pataeta for American and foreign lnTactura.and can (Ira eatlafactorr relanecee la ilmoat every oooDty la theUnloo. 11 111 Ml Loots BAOOtB k 00, MUton of Patenta aad Attorney* at taw, U«Ntt MMtoc. WMhia«tn. X>. o. 0n TOWN UKD1HAICI8. ORDINANCE Mfl 109. Al OBDUAkCK I* m Mil OtllMI a LMmm Tu llfM urtola TrmlM auit MihIikm Wlltla Ik* * UriwraU Unlu •( Ikt Tmmm ml Uald 11111. qiUB BOAKD UK TUUBTU8 0» GOLD * Ulil do ordain i b»cno* i. »o y- rtoa or panoa*. Ini. aa\x=req-\ rociaiwii, or corporation (ball witnln iba oor\x=req-\ puraU liiuiia o( UieTownof UoM Hill carry on or puraua any trad* or bnaui*>* bamna/iar m«ntiou<d. unui lu, aba, tbay, or It bar* paUi for and taken out a ilcenae m la hereinafter pre Tided; aud fur aujr violation of tbla ordlaauca Ui« Htrtjr offending aiutll. oa couTtoUoa, i* load in ta, tuui not excoealng two ktuJrrd dollars, be. idea tua oo»bi or ttt* action; and In dttaull of pay want ibaraofaball be inipriaoMd la ua Towu iau at iba rata of ua* day tor avary twc doilara of »ucb ana and coal*. UK a. All liceaaaa, except aa baiaiaaftat pruride.1. aba. I be paid quarterly In adtaiua, Uiequarteie to > oinuieuoe ou tba bratdayaol fgUruaTy. May, August And NOTeatwr tuaack yaar; ait l in ca«e uiy paraon or ptr»*oa. Ira. aaao la ton, or ourporation r. quired to taka oat license auall ful lo taka out aucb 110*ue* tut tba carient quartur, prior to lb* OiteaUk 4<ya ol Kaordary, May, Aiuruat and ^oraiubar ol aacn yaar. ba. ana. tbay, or It tball ba attbjaat to pay au ad.t iou f tea per cn»i. orar aad abova tba amount bervlu prescribed for aocb UurUM. aud iu addition to tbe penally da scribed lb rect.ou one of tbia i rdluauca a clTtl action abail bo commenced In tba nam* ol •'Tbe Town of uold Mul" lor Ua raoovtry ol tba amount rf aucb licaaaa aud p< rcantage, lo^rtai-r «tU c rtr, Uicludoig tua fa* of tba lown Attorney, to b* tsxad at dlueu dollar* In aacn iaaa. aw. S. Tba Marabal (ball krrp bla office opou, and ba present Uieraat, between tba Lo ir# ol loo o'cu-ck r. M. and lour o'clock r. U. of eacbday |*unda»e and bolidaya aicapl edj, during tna utat ill it an daya of eacbqua*> tar, to laaua licensee. and it anail ba tba duiy of eTerj peraou trow woOui a licaaaa tal U due and Owing to pay Iba aania at S*-U oOlcv daring tba Hum ua ta >o required b kaap bi. office open, aud no p« aonai demand or notic* by tbu Marabal tj aucu pe.eon abali b? UcCeaaaiy to rvu, at rucb p«ra..u lutbl* to Iba pre\x=req-\ acri'b. d lu tavilou. one aud two of Uilaoidi\x=req-\ lllft'T mo. I All person* baring taken out a lloauaa under tbia ar* ueraby required to aauibll ibu aauiu 11 aotua c.bapiLUoua part 01 ibel. place ot buaJoa», ana to prouae* tbe j aauj* wliau applying to tba Marabal for a new licenso. oiu> a. «» ■urn m ui« mmuj w» m>« ■ *• reti-.ll w tb* Town Atlornsj uo tb* ttltMulb dajsof r«uuuj,llij,Au|iiit auu November ui eacb year, ui« ututt ol ul p*.*ou» who jut* out p*iu f..r «ud iak*u oul iic*u*us, u ivqutrad oy Ul* oruiuauc*. lor lbs currvut qusrur, to *ulu*r Villi l~* euiouuU for wblcb .Uib par\x=req-\ sou* si* KVer.ll> liable ; .ad U »i all In ibe duty ut tbe Tuwu at uruav IMIkMk lo metl\x=req-\ 1UU1 kiimu ur Ui lecvery of tudi imouiu. Hmo. a tt sha.l tie uie duly ol tba Marshal to keep IU lilt ulll.e a book it)led aud maikau " Maobal'* UorUM Hook," wbsJciu be aball a lei ib<* unities <1 all firm*. asaocls tloua, aud corp»ratioua to wbum iIomim* ba.e betu iHUid, iu« cb .racier ut tbair bu»l..e*s, tbi tioie lor wulcb (be llo«..» • wi re granted. -lb* •la.e tbd nine ol *xpiratiuu thereof, and Ue amount ul money reo. ivwd lu a*cb taaa, and 10 mrulsu ibe oo*ru 01 Tr-isUo* at lb*lr Brat rarj lar uhmuiu m lb. uuntu* beifuniug eacb qusi ur an abtlraci ul ibe tain* fur tbe quarter juet MdMi Bsc. 7. Tbo Town Olerk aball keep an accn rata account. In a book ei.liti d " Ciark'a Li\x=req-\ reuav liook." of ail ilceuse* d< livvraa lo Ibe Marshal tue quariai lor wulcb Issued, and Uie auiouui thereof. Tim Marshal anall uu lb* lr»l Jiondays ol rvbruaTj, May. augurtand Nuvwn o*r ol aacu year, rtluru to l. e Towu Clark al, iiovuaee la* .ml i..t ibe pr*cudlug qu*rwr re\x=req-\ nia.uiuu unsold, aud ibe luwn O.ari (tall tben ualauc* aud ciore lue ilceuae account witb Ibe aiarsu 1 lor Uiu wacvuliwr quarter, and submit a detalUd report oi lb* *a . • to (fca Hoard ol 1'ruiUx.k at ibelr Dm ovular uic*uug Ul tne uiouiu* begiuulug «<<cb quarter. sac. a. ail lioeu*.* itaued uudcr and b/ rlr Ml* ol Ibi* orillnauc* (ball be RtaMlaMM •orui. eXpiowiUK lb* cia»e and lb* auiouui lo >xt I'mUl mere lor ; >11.11 be tlguad by tb* Preal\x=req-\ deul of tlie ..oard ul lru>iae*ai.d lb* Town Ci*rk. aud coumciaigued by tb* Mai thai, end ■nail rei ionb tn« ii.ui* of lb« paily lu wboni lb* IiCvuhi l> Kraulsd, ib* Uaiuie of iba trad* or uuelu**! iu b< pur*u*d, tbo um* for wuicb srauled, anj lb* data ul la*u*. bcc. v. All lkau««a shell bo paid for In gold colu ul iba United B.a a*. onaua. B«o. 10. Every ptnon, Arm, aaaoclatloo, or corporation ibgamd m carrying on bustnasa as carpruicr, bonder, black.uiitu. aauonuiakar or wboelwiUbi. gunsmiio, wslcb ur Jeweiry uiakar or repa.rer, a» biter or pluiubar, tlu\x=req-\ n*r, paintor, radd.o ur baruea* tn.k. r, aball pay quart*! ly lor a llcaua* to carry on iba aauia, nc. ,u lue or tbetr average nionth\x=req-\ ly salts or nceipls, a* In iba following •0il64QlCi Klrsi olaaa-klonlbly sale* or racalpts, elgbt buuilrad dollar* ur over, quartarly lloanac, (Hive n dollar*. Suoond 01 Monthly aalea or ncaipla uodt r eUbt tiuuilred dollar*, quarterly llotcaa, tan dollar*. a mm. Hao. II. Inry p< r*ou or firm angagad lo tb* bnalntas ol a dagueriaan or pooto\x=req-\ graphic gallery, or 'u pain lug poruaiia or ui.bUtur**, rbtll pty, quarterly, lor a tlc«ua< iO oairy un tb* saute, according lo bi*. b*r, or tba>r avarag*> aalaa or raoalpia, a* In tb* foliowiug scbidule: Fir*i Olasa-M.ibibly aalea ur racatpU tight hnndiud dollars or over, quarterly llcanaa, ten dollar*. second CUaa-Uuntbljr talc* cr receipt* un.ier eigbt buniuad dollsra, quarterly Ucanae, nv* dollars. UUI1M. baa. 11. Krrryprr.ou, firm. aaeocUtton, or orp>.raiiou * *r<i In iarryln« ou Ik* i.u.i urn* or mm)iiik onw or prvclou* mattl* (ball 11*}. quarterly, fur • HC«UM to Carry on the •aw*, *coorulug to Ma or their average monthly bu*iuo** or rvce.pU, at 11 Ul following NlMlk »ir»t Clam—Monthly butUee* or receipt* flrv iiuuumJ dollar* <-r over, quarterly licenao, thirty ttocoDti C.a»*-- Mootbly bqiloeaa or receipt* two bubdud and Oity dollan or over aod under flv. hundred aolUn, qaartarly lloaoac, twautr dulla.a. ltflrd CI* •-Monthly bar I net* or r*c*lpU uad-r two nun red and fifty dollar*. quarterly llcenae, b-n dollar*. aoononuM. Sio. IS. Every p*r>on, firm or a woe tat too engaged Id tbu Wiueea of telling ml aetata orp*r*ou*l propeity by aaodoa ur publ.e out. cry, (ball pay tor a nc. Ma to oai ry on tb* tain*, according lu bli or their inriit ,ala* or re\x=req-\ ceipt*. a. In tbe following acbrdule: l>lr« 01***—Mi ntnly **.**'ur receipt! two ih»uaaad dulia a or over, quarterly llotnae, twenty.flv<- dollar*. Itewod 01***—Monthly **1m or receipt* under two thotaaad doilar*, quarterly Ucesae, fif u*n dOllSiB, Tblid Ola-*—D*'ly *ale* or receipt* fir* hundred dollar* or ot*t, llceuie for uae day, ten dollar*. Kourtb Ola**—Dally rale* or recelot* under flru buudrad <lol.are, iloanae for oce day, lee dollar*. UUM. 8io. U. Krcry petaon, firm or a**oclatloo 'Ogagad In earrylug on bu*lo*a* a* a baker of bread, pw- and cak*, or either <>f tbcee*. ab II pay, quart* rit, or a HMM to carry on tbe aanie, a* Ui tbe following schedule: >ir*t Ola**— Monthly *ale* ot nedpt* mtn hundred and Buy dollar* or over, quarterly llcan,*, twenty dollar*. Second OU**— Mootbly ■*>*• or rerelDt* St* hundred dollar* or over and utder *er*o boa died and fifty dullar*, quartet ly tlcaaea, fifteen dolUut Third CIm*—Monthly **]*« or receipt* under At* hundred dollar*, quarterly Ucaae*, Us dol\x=req-\ lar*. BaaUM. B«o. U. trrry p.r*on, Brta, a**oclatlcm ot corporation bavin* a place of boalne** la the Town of Gold BUI, and therein *nga*d In tfe* htxtn*** of banking, loaning m nay. buying and eeliintf eiehann*. or receiving on bul lion or coin, or ui> or *11 *acb traiiMstloa*, vball t aj, quarterly, for a llecne* to carry oa *aid bu*lne**, ao voiding to bl*. tbelr or IU arer age montbl' partbaae* and aal»> ol exchang*. amount oi loan*, or d*po*lt of baUiott or euu, or any or all of aucb transaction*, a* the caa* mai b», a* la tb* following ecbedule: Pint Ola** -Mootbly tranaactios* on* baa dred aad Bfty thousand del'v* or over, qaar tarly llcenee. une hundred dwilar*. Secood Clax—Monthly tranaactlon* under on* hundred aod fifty thousand dollar*, fifty dollar*. unm. Sac. U. Every parsoa or fim rog*g*d la tb* bualoee* ot carryli g oa a barb, r abopahall pay. qaartarly, for a licna* to carry on the ■am*, accord lag to bl* or I heir average awtkly bu*lieaa or receipts, a* la tb* followtag schidol*: Pim Olwa-MonthlT bostnse* or racelpU •*» hondred doliara or over, quarterly tteaaaa, U> doliara. inoonfl citn-Mnptblr bofloMi ot imipti Ms dollar*. TOWN OMIHAHCI8. Third CUm—Monthly bualnoea or ractfpta om bandied ud fifty dollar* or oTtr tod umtr Ibm bandied tad AJt> dollar*. qnarwny llcaoM, loor dollar*. JToonh Otaw—Moathlv beelaeM or neatpte under om baadnd and filly dollar*, quarterly Mown, Utr— dollar*. I1UUID T UIH. Hac. IT. Bwry person or firm npiid In tha bailnM* of korpUg a billiard labia or billiard labia* tor public at or kit -aball pay. qiur\x=req-\ tarly, for a llown* iherafor. according to Lie oc (bafr average monlbly r*c*lpta, a* la tha lot\x=req-\ lowing icbcaul*: rim Ola**—Monthly ncoipto two boadrad dollar* or onr, qaarwrly Uceota, I«w dal. Moood Olaa*- Monthly racalpta oh bmrdred dollar* ur or*r and audar iwo Itaadred dollar*, quarterly lloaaaa, tau doJar*. Third Cla**—Koothly r*c*lpt* anoer om haadrvd doliar*, qurtotly Ocouo,»« dnIUi*. ■ao. IS. Kv*n hni, aim. aarocUtlon. or carparalluo en* ged lu lb* nuhlng or lepalring o( dm hotter* aball pay, qaaitary. i.r a IImom to oarry oo me mm. according to hi*, thalr, or U* aum* monthly bu> wee* or if oelpta, m la tha following *ch«dut«: Vint QiM*-M>«lh y budjim or rvulpta fir* thuOMOd doiiar* ut over, quarterly licau**, tw*nty-fiv* dollar*. atouod Oiaae Monthly boolnaM or r*c*tp(a thr** tnonaand do.Ian ur o*ar audar 0ve i him Man dollar*, qoailarly ilcanea. iweUj o*i> lar*. Third CI*m Mwtthly ba*ln*M or racalpta two thooMod dollar* or ov«r aua audar UirM thooaaad dollar*, quarterly licvna*, fil.**n a<4< Ur*. fourth Ola**—Monthly baalnaM or rrcelpta a sow two uiMuaud dwllara, quarterly luwuea, UA do Us Fb. •OoT A»D a<K)KMiUU AMD COMUH. 810 it. Brary powo or Dm ungag«l la tha btuioea* of boot or ahociuahing. r. palni.#, or cobbling, auali pay quartaily iot a i>c«um to c»rry on lb■ aaiue, eccu.dlug to blaorlhair ar»rag* moo hly *au* or receipt*. u lu Uia tol> laH fldli duiil J Klret OlaM—Mootbly *al*a or receipt* three baaared dollar* or over, quarterly itoauM, KB dollar*. Bvcood 0I*m—Monthly Mir* or rrcelpt* aa\x=req-\ dar tbr«. bandied dollar*, quartaily lic«n**, fir* dollar*. aowLiva ALLir*. no. 30. trer/ pcraou or arm *ogag*d la tba bu.iuea. of kM^lug a ooeluig aury »r bowline allay* lor publio um or hire tuall (.ay.quar\x=req-\ ■aru, loi a itoense therefor, according 10 la* or their average monthly leceipta, aa hi tha following HlMKlult! . Kirat Olaa* Monthly receipt! on* hundred and nfty dollar* or over, quarterly liceuee, all dollar*. becoud Ct**a—Monthly receipt* under oo* hundred and fifty doilara, qoartar>y hum, three dulur*. buokkmm. facto** **» «dwl Mao. a. Irary par*ou. Br*, *«a»cUU0u, or Corporation «Djf*tf*d 10 <ba bulla* * o Uiylaa aiia > 111 It riml mWu or p r*onai prop*ri> ot any do criptiua wbat*v«r (*1M| 1 lulmuK or utter •lock** or cuimh.i.o* ri-uu, u u» a»«ut, Ouriur, o. broker of auoibi r,-ball pay . qua> i«r\x=req-\ I Jr. fur a llCMie* tu carry oa lb* him accordiug I ■ li.i, their, or It* am **a an-omij aalea *r rv> caloi*, a* In tiui tu lowing rcuo.ui*: tint Oia**~Momb.y »*i«* or no*<pt* us uiouuod do.iar* or orer, quarterly ficoiie*, itUi tj doUin. ttucouu OUae—Moothly tela* or r>c*lpl» a to thousand dollar* or oT«r and uudar U» ihod* mum! dollar*, quarurly UCvOM, twenty-tr* dot\x=req-\ lart. third Olaee-Moohly **l*t or rtcelpM tweuty-flve baodred uoliar* or o»*r and ai.der BTatuouMudJ >U*r», quarterly Uowh, iw.iity dollar* . fourth CUm—Month!} sal** or receipt* it. l**u bunured dollar* or oT*r and unuer t •>uty\x=req-\ uv* hundred Mm, quarterly Ui*jw, ftlUKa dollar*. Klltb Olaa*— Mouth)/ tale* or r*c*lp4( ondar OnatD hundred dollar*, quarterly lio*ii*a,*M dollar*. cukci. OABavaa. oa Maaaaau, •so. U Tha proprietor or iuan*a«i of eacfc clrcua, caravan, or meue<|«rtuebal. pay • iitxD»a lor aach da/'a penomauo*, aa In ma fotlo* ui( acbeuule: • A clrcua, accompanied by a car*T*D or me\x=req-\ oa^vrlr*. aba 11 conatlluta tha art I da**, and •ban )>a> a dally ltc«oea of iw-wj -nv* d liar*. A clrcua, nuaooinpenled witn a caiavan or m«uajp.le, (ball o* of ib* Mcoiid ciaea. and •hall pay a dai.y tlccnee ol twtbtj d liar*. A caiaran o< menaaerte, uutccomp.uicd with ■ clrcu*, tbatl be uf lb* third Cdua, auu ahaU pay a daliy llcauaa of laa dollar*. oomuaatoa luaaukT*. 8to. n. Krary peraon or Arm m.'Med la tha eelUaf ol ffuoda, war**, and mareuandiee upoa coaimiMlou, (bail pay, quarterly. >or a itccua* to carry on lb* ».m-, according u> hi* or ibalr •veraa* monthly talaa or raewpia, a* Ui th* tsd> lowliiii lObedDM! *lr.t Ulaaa — Monthly aale* or recalpla two thousand dollar* or wv*r, quarwrly llc*na*, twenty At* dollar*. MCuod C laa*—Monthly (al*a or recilpta under two thMiaaud dollars, quarterly Uimim, Uma dollar*. OONCUTS in OTBU IXBISITtOM. Bio. 31 TIm manager o- Umm o. a.cb com* pan/ of eooc.rt elngi-rs or seionadars, or aoy uiber exhibition, except tb*aur» «M maio. deooa, ftuUl pay a lirauta for each prnoroai-oe, according to his daijy raoelpta, muUM loilow\x=req-\ Ilia echudule i Kirs. Ol««» Iteolpu for oaa performance two hundred and fifty dollar* or ow, fifteen dollars or each performance * bet o4 Olsse -aecalpta for on* performance under two hundred and fitly dollars, in dollars. DAKOa BOCSKS. UlMtl oa OUiu. Bsc. it. 11m proprietor, leea.e ir mauegsr of any boaga, aaloon ruooi or ccllar wbee w.iee, malt or aplmaou* llquore ere eotu by tin botila, glaea or drink, wlMM darning la carried on iprorldod that tbla •action ebaii oot» pl> to a.y I heater or sa<odsonj. shall pay. quarterly, for a llceoea to cairy ou tba same, to hia monthly or r<eelpta. aa in tba iouow\x=req-\ lag acbedule: Vim Ulaae— Monthly uld or rtcalpu Bra hundred dollars or over, quarter!) UotUea, cna hundred dollars. ttacond Claae—Monthly salra or rtcslpta under fire bandied dollars, quarterly lloene*, aeveaty\x=req-\ fire dollar*. ixracaa aim inun oonrtma 8*0. M. a»ar> prison, firiu, association Of coiporatlon engaged la tba* oi ir aa\x=req-\ mltun* letter* or other tacll^s loraardlnf and carrying gold dual. bullion, cola or If. ighl lor klit, iron UaToeiofOilil Mill to aay other viae*, or from any other p ace to lb.Town of Uold Ulll, aad who naa a plac- of buaueaa or agency la eald toara, aball pay. qua>ier ). lor a llcenae to carry ou tba same, according to bla, tbelr or ita ninthly ncelpta, aa In the aTeiaga OlluWlDlC BCbttdOiO * • First Uleea—Monthly rtctlpta fi«a thoueand dollarc or oT*r. quarterly I to nee, thirty do Mara. second Olaaa—Monthly laceiptr under flea thonaaad oollars, quarterly license, twenty dollars. roWDaaa. BIO. 71. ■▼err panon ana, uncniiai or corporation anfafad in th« fouudr; baalbaaa •ball pay, qaar*rly, (or a llcanaa I" caity oa Um mum, tccurdlui to bit, thair or IU a*«ri«i monthly aalaaor r*oat|>u, «a in Um luUwwlng fcchtduif: tint Cum—Mon'hly aalta or rccalpta twenty ibtwuand dullaia or orer.quauany Uotiua. lorty uoliara * Hacaod 01»— Monthly aalaa or r> clpu flfttaa tbooaand dollara or mm and under twmiy tbooaand dollar*. qaactarl* iieeu«a, thirty dol\x=req-\ lara. Third CI aaa—Monthly aalaa or racripla taa thousand dolUr* or ortr and under 01 nu thoa\x=req-\ ••nd dollars, qoarteri) llcanaa, iwtaty-ave doU lata. Fourth Olaaa— Monthly aalaa or racolpta on\x=req-\ d*r taa tbooaand dollar*, quarterly liceaea, Iwsntj. dollars. •UM. ■so. M. Ertry peisou eogafad la tba beat naaa ot dealing. play af, or earning on any faaaa of fcro, mm, roulette, lan>qarnot, rouge-et-nolr, rondo, kaau. fantan, oiana, oc chock a-lock, or any bu king yarn*, piejed wuh cardt. dica, or any otbtr oerlce. whether tba >ame ba piaytd tor uonty, ehrcha. cr»dlt, or aur oUmt Tamable tblng or r*pi«aw.iatira of ralna, ahall pay, quar erly. tor a ilca> aa to carry oo tba aaa>, aceoraing to bla average monthly racaipta, aa li tba fwiowibg »cbrduie: Hi at Oiaaa—Monthly receipts thraa thoBaand dollar* or ortr, qcarfvly ilccnaa, tattHy Bra BaCood CUm-Monthly rterlpu iwotboaaMJI dollara or orer and nnder Wree tbooaaad dot* lara aaartarly licaoar, ttfty ooi>ar*. Tn>Kw t-O'd 'ball contain • nanlcolar d-ecrlpUon of tba room la vhkb tba UcmM* daalfna to cart) va 'ba game drtlgna\x=req-\ tad. and the name of the ganw to Ge opened and Blared; and ao licaoaa »b*ll ba i-aoed penult\x=req-\ fa— ' : aaau In a A mwUiI ntl In an« Use aa; aocb game to io carried oa In any room ta which aucb aaiaaa at by an) »alu AM ot tba bMWua of tba aula of brrada lor\x=req-\ bldd>n to be op< nrd. plajad. or carrlad uo SPECIAL NOTICE* Erasom BniDiwfl nr moiwu who vlab to tabaerlba lor tba Oold lu r» aaa laara ordan lor It at tba roatoCaa , Ra. U Baatk 0 rtiwat\x=req-\ i, i. »«»<»».